mr. tanen’s tie trouble · spelling words dictation: ... l17: luke goes to bat summary: luke...


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Mr. Tanen’s Tie Trouble


Mr. Tanen was the principal of Lynnhurst School. He also loved ties. Mr. Tanen had almost

one thousand ties!One day, Mr. Tanen received bad news. Many things at the school had to be

fixed. There was not enough money in the school budget for a new playground. He would sell

his ties for the playground fund! Mr. Tanen put up signs. The whole town came together for the

auction. Mr. Tanen sold all of his ties except for one. But he was proud because now there was

enough money for the playground. On Opening Day for the new playground, the playground

was wrapped in a ribbon made from all his ties! Mrs. Sweet Apple repeated Mr. Tanen’s

words: “The more you give, the more you get.

Vocabulary words:

staring Looking hard at something

disappointed Filled with a sad feeling

repeated Did something again

received Got, was giving

fund An amount of money saved for a

special purpose

account Something people keep their money

in at bank

chuckled Laughed gently

budget A list of ways you plan to spend




Answer the following question(s). Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the word received mean in the sentence below?

Jim received a letter from his uncle today.

A. found

B. got

C. lost

2. What does the word staring mean in the sentence below?

The cat is staring at the goldfish in the bowl.

A. looking

B. smelling

C. talking

3. What does the word repeated mean in the sentence below?

Dad did not hear Sara at first, so Sara repeated her


A. forgot

B. studied

C. said again

4. What does the word disappointed mean in the sentence below?

Sam was disappointed when his soccer team lost the game.

A. angry

B. happy

C. sad


*Use these words in sentence:




Answer the following question(s). Base your answers on the story “Mr. Tanen’s Tie


1. How does Mr. Tanen feel at the BEGINNING of the story?

A. angry

B. happy

C. sad

2. Which BEST describes Mr. Tanen’s problem?

A. No one wants to buy his ties.

B. His playground is too crowded.

c. There isn’t enough money for a new playground.

3. How does Mr. Tanen feel when Kaylee and Alex give him the jar

of money?

A. scared when he hears it clink-clank

B. angry that Kaylee and Alex brought him the money

c. sad that there is not enough money in the jar to build the playground

4. What happens AFTER Mr. Tanen puts up signs?

A. Mr. Apple calls Mr. Tanen.

B. Mr. Tanen sits in his office.

C. The whole town comes to Mr. Tanen’s auction.


5. Why does Mr. Tanen keep his Blue Ribbon Tie?

A. Nobody wants to buy it.

B. He wants to wear it at the new playground.

C. It was a present to him for being a good principal.

6. How does Mr. Tanen feel AFTER the auction?

A. sad that his closet is empty

B. angry that everyone bought his ties

C. happy that Kaylee and Alex gave him the money

7. At the END of the story, why does everyone give the ties they

bought back to Mr. Tanen?

A. They do not like the ties.

B. They want to thank Mr. Tanen.

C. They think the ties cost too much money.

Answer the following questions:

1. What problem does Mr.Tanen have?



2. What is Mr. Tanen’s plan for the playground fund?



3. How does Mr.Tanen feel at the end of the story? How do you know?




D) Read the following text and answer the questions below.

The Missing Pencil

Matt was ready to do his homework.

"I am going to ace my math test," he said.

Matt opened up his math book and grabbed his notebook. "Uh oh," Matt

said as he looked in his pencil case. His pencil was not there. "Where is

my pencil?" Matt asked. "I need my pencil to do my homework."

Matt looked in his book bag. His pencil was not there. Matt looked

around his desk. He did not see his pencil. Matt looked at the

floor. His pencil was nowhere to be found!

"Mom, I cannot find my pencil," Matt yelled. Mom

walked into his room and pointed to the mirror. She

said, "Look over there."

"What? My pencil is not over there," Matt said. When Matt

looked in the mirror, he blushed. His pencil was behind his


1) Fill in the empty circles.

Where did Matt look

for his pencil?


2) Who helped Matt find the pencil?

3) Matt said, ―I will ace my math test.‖ What does this mean?

a. He will not do well.

b. He will hurry.

c. He will get a good grade


A. Circle the verb that tells about the past.

1. I have __________ my food. ( finish , finished )

2. Sea turtle ____________ near the fish. ( splashed , splash)

3. The dolphin __________out of the water. (jump, jumped)

4. They ___________ outside the room. ( waited , wait )


Read each sentence. Use the verb that tells about the past:

1. Yesterday, the children (walk, walked) on the beach.

2. Yesterday, they (picked, pick) up seashells.

3. The children (look, looked) at the clouds.

4. They (packed, pack) up their bags last night.

5. They (watch, watched) the rain

B) Naming with pronoun: ( He , she , it they )

Josh is a nice boy. ______ is wearing a plain shirt. I saw a cat.______ has black stripes.

Tina is happy._____ is going to school. Ana and Ken going to school.______ are ready

C) Circle the pronouns in the sentences below. Some sentences

have more than one pronoun.

1. She went to the store with Angela.

2. Six of us had to squeeze in the tiny car.

3. At the store, the cashier gave her some change.

4. When the sun comes up, he leaves for work.

5. Have you hung the painting on the wall yet?

6. If I eat all of these vegetables, mother will let me watch television.

7. We played with the puppy, then fed her a biscuit.



*Fill in the blank with the correct words:

(selling-wrapped- running – grabbed- rubbed- pinned- cutting – batted-clapped-hopping)

1. He was ………………… fast.

2. We ………………. our hands.

3. He was …………………. on one foot.

4. My brother ………………… the ball to me.

5. Our class is ……………………………. Cookies to raise mony.

6. I …………………………. a flower on my dress.

7. She is ……………………….. the pie.

8. He.......................... the gift.

9. I.......................... the sled and took off.

10. I............................. soap on it.





Write a paragraph. Tell a story about a character who helps his or her parents.



Write a paragraph. Tell a story about a character who helps his or her parents. _________________________________________________________________________
















Vocabulary words

• _________________ _________________

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• ____________ _________________

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Reading Evaluation / 5 Marks



Summary: Luke really loves to play baseball, but he is not very good at it. The other kids

won’t let him play with them, so he just sits and watches them. In the evening, Luke goes up to

the top of his apartment building to listen to the Dodgers game from nearby Ebbets Field One

day, Luke gets the chance to play ball with the other kids, but he strikes out. He goes home,

where his grandma surprises him with tickets to a Dodgers game At the Dodgers game, Luke

watches as his favorite player, Jackie Robinson, nearly strikes out but then hits a home run out

of the park. Grandma tells Luke that even a player as good as Jackie Robinson has to keep

trying Luke goes home and runs up to the top of his building. He sees the lights at Ebbets

Field. He finds a ball and thinks it is the home run ball hit by Jackie Robinson! Then something

special happens to Luke, and he promises he will never give up.

Vocabulary words:

hurried Did something quickly

cheered Shouted to show happiness

extra More of something

final last

practice To do an activity often to become better at it

curb The edge of road

position the place where something or someone is

supposed to be

roared shouted in a powerful voice




Answer the following question(s). Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the word hurried mean in the sentence below? We were late for school, so we hurried. A. turned around

B. moved quickly

C. stopped moving

2. What does the word extra mean in the sentences below? After supper, Mom put the extra sandwich in a bag. She will eat it for lunch tomorrow. A. too old to eat

B. very fresh and tasty

C. more than is needed

3. What does the word curb mean in the sentence below? Everyone sat on the curb and watched the parade go down the street. A. stairs B. Soft pillow

C. edge of the street 4. What does the word cheered mean in the sentence below? The crowd cheered when the singer walked onto the stage to sing. A. looked away

B. became quiet

C. clapped and yelled




1. Which word means the OPPOSITE of the word over in the sentence below? Here is a good way to cook over a campfire. A. beside

B. near

C. under 2. Which word means the OPPOSITE of the word down in the sentences below? Wrap foil around the food. Wait until the flames die down. A. low

B. under C. up 3. Which word means the OPPOSITE of the word ask in the sentence below? Ask a grownup to set the packets in the coals and take them out when they are done. A. answer

B. beg

C. find

4. Which word means the OPPOSITE of the word slowly in the sentence below? The packets will be hot, so open them slowly. A. cold

B. firmly C. quickly



Answer the following question(s). Base your answers on the story “Luke Goes

to Bat.”

1. Read these sentences from the story.

“He practiced his swing over and over again.

He ran as fast as he could up and down the block.”

What do the sentences tell you about Luke?

A. how small he is

B. why he likes baseball

C. how hard he practices

2. What happens BEFORE Luke plays in the game?

A. Luke strikes out.

B. Nicky hits a home run.

C. Franky has to go to his aunt’s.

3. How does Luke probably feel when he strikes out in the game?

A. angry

B. happy

C. sad

4. What does Luke do AFTER Franky comes back?

A. He plays left field.

B. He sits on the curb.

C. He hits a home run.

5. What happens BEFORE Grandma shows Luke the tickets?

A. Luke talks to Jackie Robinson.

B. Luke finds a baseball on the roof.

C. Luke tells Grandma that he finally had a chance to play ball.


6. What happens AFTER Jackie Robinson hits a home run?

A. The score is tied.

B. The crowd goes wild.

C. The pitcher throws a fastball.

7. What does Luke learn at the END of the selection?

A. Grandma is very kind.

B. Practicing is hard work.

C. He should never give up.


1. What does Luke do when the older children tell him he is too young to play stickball

with them?



2. Why does Luke like to go up on the roof of his building?.



3. How does Luke’s brother show that he cares about Luke?





Q1: Fiill in the blank with the correct word:

(night – sigh – fry – behind- July -spy–light –lightning –high-kind)

1. I go to sleep at …………………..

2. We like that ………………….. of cereal.

3. The hero in the story was a ………………………...

4. I always sit ………………….. the driver

5. The building is ten stories ………………………..

6. A wolf is a …………………….. animal.

7. We take a vacation in ………………………..

8. I heard my father ……………………. as he wiped up the milk

9. We are going to …………………. Fish.

10. During the storm,………………………….lit the sky.



Q2:Write ( I – igh or y) to complete the words with the missing letters:

1. I cannot f...... nd my math book.

2. We turned on the l .............ts so we can see.

3. A young person is a ch........ld.

4. Wh..... is the dog barking?

5. I put my jacket b....... my book.

Q3: Name each picture:

............................. .......................... ..................................

.............................. .............................. .............................................


Grammar Q1: Write the correct verb that goes with the subject.

1. The kids (play, plays) soccer.

2. The goalie (kick, kicks)the ball hard.

3. A player (run, runs) after the ball.

4. The coach (find, finds) the ball.

5. The parents (cheer, cheers) for the team.

Q2: Draw a line under each correct sentence.

1. The coach watches the swimmers.

The coach watch the swimmers.

2. One swimmer passes another in a race.

One swimmer pass another in a race.

3. The lifeguard reach the other side.

The lifeguard reaches the other side.

4. Our friends mix the lemonade.

Our friends mixes the lemonade.

5. A bumblebee buzz around them.

A bumblebee buzzes around them.

6. The boy splashes in the water

The boy splash in the water


Verbs in Future Tense

Some verbs name actions that are going to happen. Add will before a verb to show that the

action is going to happen in the future.

Q3:Write each sentence. Make the underline1d verb show action in the future tense.

1. The people point at the dolphins.


2. The people cheer from their boat.


3. The dolphins splash around the boat.


4. The people look for the dolphins.


5. The dolphins swim together.


Q4:Identify the form of tense. (Present / Past / Future )

1. He kicked the ball. ............................................

2. He will see his brother soon. ............................................

3. They played in the park together. .............................................

4. Upside down jellyfish makes its own food. ...................................

5. Dina will finish her food quickly. ...........................................

6. She lived in a town all her life. ..........................................


Q5: Correct the mistake:

1. We makes the principal a birthday card every year. ..….…………………..

2. They buzzes around the flowers. .. . ….…………………

3. He fix broken bicycles. …..……………………

4. She pitch the ball very fast ………..………………

5. She write the letter yesterday. ..……………………….

6. Yesterday, Sandy call her grandmother. … ……………………..

7. Haneen visited her new school tomorrow. ….………………………

8. Next summer, Nadeen climbs a tall mountain. ..…..……………………

9. Tomás teases Max about his cap last week. …………………………

Q6:Read and complete:

Lyle: Hello! I’m Lyle. Who are you?

Keya: ………..,…………………………….I’m a new student here.

Lyle: ……………………………………………………?

Keya: I come from Morocco. And you?

Lyle: ……………………………………………. .My family lives near the school. Where

does your family live?


Lyle :………………………………….?

Keya : ok, we’ll be a friend.



Write short paragraph about your favourite sport:


































Vocabulary words

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Reading Evaluation / 5 Marks


Unit.4 Lesson 18

My name is Gabriela


This selection ―My name is Gabriela‖ is about a girl who lives in

Chile and grew up to win the noble prize.

Genre : (Biography) tell the true stories about the lives of real people.

Vocabulary words.

Wonder To think about something you are not sure

Taught To have helped someone learn something

Accepted To have agreed with something

Fluttering Waving and moving rapidly

Express To show or describe something

Prize An award

Pretend Not real

Grand Big or impressive

A) Use the following in your sentence.

1. Wonder


2. Taught


3. Pretend




Target vocabulary Suffixes y and ful

1. Which word BEST completes the sentences below? Puppies are very ______. They love to chase things and chew on toys. A. playable

B. playful

C. playing 2. Which word BEST completes the sentence below? Sometimes we play games inside when it is ______. A. rained

B. rainful

C. rainy 3. Which word BEST completes the sentence below? Jack could hear the ______ sound of bells ringing and people singing. A. joy

B. joyful C. joyly 4. Which word BEST completes the sentence below? The boy rubbed the dirty old lamp until it was ______. A. shine B. shineful

C. shiny


B) Choose the best answer.

1. Why Gabriela Mistral chose her name?

a. Because she likes the sound of it

b. Because she didn’t like her name

c. Because she like stories

2. Where did Gabriela live in her childhood?

a. She lived in America

b. She lived in Australia

c. She lived in Chill

3. Which word describes how a butterfly moves?

a. fluttering

b. dancing

c. Express

4. What did she pretend to be while playing with her friends? a. doctor

a. doctor

b. engineer

c. teacher

5. Why she thinks alphabets are important?

d. alphabets help to create songs

e. alphabets help to listen

f. alphabets help to create words

6. What she became when she grew up?

g. a singer

h. a writer

i. a teacher and a writer

7. What did she find out through her traveling?

j. beautiful countries

k. people wanted their children to learn

l. modern people


C) Answer the following questions:

Q1. What kind of stories does Gabriela tells?



Q2. Which places did she travel?



Q3. Why do you think the author wrote this biography?



Read the following text and answer the questions Sounds

―My mom’s making us a snack, ‖ James said.


Bella said. ―What is it?‖

―I don’t know. She said it was a surprise.‖

―Let’s be really quiet,‖ Bella whispered. ―Sounds from the kitchen might give us a clue.‖

The two sat very still. Suddenly, James waved his arms. ―I hear a door opening.‖

Bella nodded. ―Now I hear it closing.‖ ―Maybe the door to the pantry,‖ James said.

―That’s where the cookies are.‖ ―Maybe,‖ Bella agreed. ―Now I hear something else,‖ James


―A rattling sound,‖ Bella said.

―I wonder what it is.‖ Bella and James kept listening. Suddenly, they heard another sound.

Pop! Pop, pop! Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! James jumped up. So did Bella.

―Popcorn!‖ they cried.


1. Who is making a snack?

a. James

b. Bella

c. Mom

2. What is the first sound James and Bella hear?

a. footsteps in the kitchen

b. ―pop, pop, pop‖ from the popcorn

c. a door opening and closing

3. Why are James and Bella being quiet? James and Bella are being quiet because


4. Read the following passage from the story.

―I don't know. She said it was a surprise.‖

Which is the best definition for the underlined word?

a. something unexpected

b. something boring

c. something healthy

d. something unhealthy



Q1: choose the correct words for each sentence:

(baby – tiny – many – pretty – happy – penny – funny- carry)

1. My aunt told a ................................................ joke.

2. Our is cute.

3. A ........................... is only one cent.

4. That blue dress is ......................................

5. I smile when I am ..............................................

6. The bag was too heavy to ....................................

7. There are ..................................... gifts.

8. My sock has a .................................. hall

Q2: Name each picture:

.................................... ................................. ...................................

.......................... .................................... ..............................





Q1: Underline the correct sentence.

1. The mountains is tall. 2. I is hiking.

The mountains are tall. I Are hiking

The mountains am tall. I am hiking

3. The path is narrow. 4. The cottage is near.

The path are narrow. The cottage are narrow.

The path am narrow. The cottage am narrow.

Q2: Write each sentence correctly.

1. The room (was, were) full of people.

2. The music (was, were) loud.

3. The children (was, were) happy.

4. They (was, were) laughing

1. What change should be made in the sentence below?

My clock said that it were 7:30.

A. change were to are

B. change were to was

2. What change should be made in the sentence below?

“I is going to be late!” I cried.

A. change is to am

B. change is to are


3. What change should be made in the sentence below?

“Am you awake?” called Mom.

A. change Am to Is

B. change Am to Are

4. What change should be made in the sentence below?

“Are my book on the kitchen table?” I asked Mom.

A. change Are to Is

B. change Are to Be

Q3: Correct the mistake:

1. My shoes are gone, but they was by the bed last night.

……………………………….. 2. “Your book and shoes is right here,” said Mom.

……………………………. 3. I are so hungry,” I said to Dad.

…………………………………….. 4. An egg sandwich were waiting for you,” said Dad.

………………………………………………….. Q4: Write the correct tense:

1. My sister is a good swimmer. …………………….

2. They were in the house last night. ……………………..

3. The dog was under the table. ………………………..

4. We are in the park. ………………………….

5. I am hungry. ………………………………



Write a paragraph that describes a place, an animal, or a thing. It can be real or


































Vocabulary words

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• ____________ _________________

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Reading Evaluation / 5 Marks


Gloria who might be my friend


Julian meets a girl named Gloria. Julian doesn't want to be best friends with any girl

until he meets Gloria. It was lucky because Julian was very bored and had no one to

play with, and then he met Gloria and they got along right away. They make a kite and

tie wishes to it and thought they will become true.

Genre: Realistic Fiction (is a story that could happen in real has characters that

seems like real people and events that could really happen.)

Vocabulary words.

Heavily with a lot of power

Guessed make a prediction about the answer of a question

Planning thinking about or deciding about something

Copy to do what someone else is doing

Seriously in a way that is not joking

Answered said something to someone as a reply

Knot the place where two pieces of string have been tied together.

Lonely feeling sad or alone





1. What does the idiom keep your chin up mean in the sentences below?

“Keep your chin up,” said Dad after my bad day. “Tomorrow will be better.” A. Stop misbehaving.

B. Lie down and rest.

C. Be brave and hopeful.

2. What does the idiom was all ears mean in the sentence below? When his parents talked about vacation plans, Sam was all ears.

A. listened closely

B. pulled funny faces

C. had a short haircut 3. What does the idiom down in the dumps mean in the sentence below? Mia was down in the dumps after her team lost the big game. A. angry B. excited

C. sad

4. What does the idiom held his tongue mean in the sentence below? Javier wanted to argue, but he held his tongue to keep from getting in trouble. A. told the truth

B. did not speak

C. laughed out loud


A) Use the following words in your sentences.

1. Copy





3. Knot


4. Seriously



2. When did Julian meet Gloria?

a. summer

b. winter

c. spring

3. What problems does Julian have in this story?

a. he has a lot of friends

b. he was alone

c. he wants to travel

4. What do you learn about Gloria when Julian did the cartwheel?

a. she likes making fun of people

b. she is nice

c. she is cruel

5. What did Gloria do before going to Julian’s house?

a. she asked her father

b. she asked her mother

c. she changed her dress

6. How do you know Julian wants to be friends with Gloria?

a. because he shows her his things

b. because he play with her

c. because there is no one else to be friends with

7. What’s the first part of making wishes come true?

a. to write a wish is a letter

b. to write a wish on the kite

c. make a kite

8. What Julian guessed about Gloria’s wishes?

a. he guessed that she wishes to have a bird pet

b. he guessed that she wishes to be friends with him

c. he guessed that she wishes to be a doctor


D) Answer the following question:

Q1. How does Gloria make Julian change his mind about being friends with girl?




Q2. Do you think that Julian has solved his problem?




Q3. Why Julian does not ask Gloria what her wishes are?





E) Read the text and answer the following questions

Snow Fun

By Guy Belleranti

Zoe looked out the window. ―It’s snowing!‖ ―Let’s

go out and play,‖ Devin said.

―Yes,‖ Grace said. ―We can make a snowman.‖

They put on boots, coats, hats, and gloves. Then they

ran outside.

―I think we should make a big snowman,‖ Devin said.

―I think we should make a small one,‖ Grace said.

―I have an idea we all might like,‖ Zoe said.

She told Devin and Grace her idea. ―Great idea,‖ they

said. They did not make a big snowman or a small

snowman. They made three snow kids.

―They look like us,‖ Devin said.

―You’re right,‖ Grace said.

―I wonder what else we can make.‖ Zoe smiled.

―I have an idea.‖ Seconds later, the friends were

making…and throwing…snowballs!

1. What time of year does the story most likely

take place?

a. summer

b. fall

c. winter

d. spring

2. In the story, what do Grace and Devin

disagree about?

a. they wanted to make fountain

b. they wanted to make snow flakes


c. they wanted to make different snowmen big and small

3. At the end of the story, what else do the kids make?

a. a snow fort

b. a snow man

c. a sledding hill

d. snowballs

4. What does Zoe suggest as an activity all three of them will like?




A) Choose the word from the box and fill in the blanks.

mane – meet – meat – tail – tale – bee – week – be – weak – main

1. I will ___________ you at the bus stop.

2. Did you eat _________ for dinner?

3. A ___________ has seven days.

4. The baby chick is _________ after hatching.

5. A lion has a furry ____________.

6. The __________ idea tells what the story is about.

7. Cow has a long _________.

8. The storyteller told a _____________ about a pirate.

9. I like to ________ a doctor.

10. One __________ shows the others how to find a flower.


Q2: Write (true ) or ( false) and correct the mistake:

1. One be shows the others how to find flowers. ( )


2. The ship sailed out to see. ( )


3. A rabbit ran threw the fence.( )


4. Eric through the ball.( )


5. Did you see the turtle.( )


6. I would like to bee a doctor.( )


Q3: Name each picture:

.............................. ............................ ..................................

......................... .......................... ........................



Q1:Answer the following question(s). Choose the best answer for each

question. 1. This wire is ______ than a person’s hair.

( thiner – thinner – thinnest)

2. This is the ______ rope you can buy.

(strong – stronger – strongest)

3. That building is the ______ in our city.

(tall - taller – tallest)

4. This is the ______ spring in ten years.

( wetest - wetter - wettest)


5. Mica had ______ cold last week.

(a – an –it)

6. The story is about ______ elephants who can paint.

. ( a - as - the)

Q2: Draw a line under the adjective that tells how many. Write the noun it tells


1. Haneen turned four cartwheels.


2. Hager and Renad each made one kite.


3. There were three eggs in the nest.


4. Sandy saw ten boxes in the moving van.


5. Nadeen could not do one cartwheel.


6. Mrs. Manar pointed to the tall piles of trash.


7. We wore yellow vests.


8. Behind the door was a small classroom.



Q3: Correct the mistake:

1. This string is longest than that string.


2. This is the longer string of all.


3. Lem has the fasttest kite in the sky.


4. Jeff thinks his kite is strongest than her kite.


5. My kite is the stronger.


*Read and answer:

Sally and Mona are talking about their favorite school subject.

Sally: Hello, how are you Mona?

Mona: …………………………………………….?

Sally: I am fine

Mona: let’s go to the computer room.

Sally: you always go to the computer room, ……………………….?

Mona: because it is my ………………………….. . what ……………….. you?

Sally: I like …………………………

Mona: why do you like English?

Sally: ………………………………………………..…

Mona: …………………………………………?

Sally : yes, I can speak it well.



Write a short paragraph about your best friend:





















Vocabulary words

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Reading Evaluation / 5 Marks


Unit.5 Lesson.24

Half Chicken

Genre: Folk Tale (are stories told by people of a certain country and passes down

through one generation to another. It often has a lesson)

Vocabulary word:

Peacefully calmly, not fighting

Blazed burned or shined brightly

Empty not full

Stream flowing water, like a small river

Flung threw hard

Swift fast

Tumbling falling and rolling suddenly

Tangled twisted and mixed up


Use the following words in your sentence.

1. Peacefully



2. Blazed



3. Empty



B) Write the suitable word under each picture.

………………………….. ……………….

…………………………. ………………………..

C) Choose the correct answer

1. Why does the mother hen can’t chase the chicks?

a. because she is fat and can’t run

b. because she must sit on the unhatched egg

c. because she do not care about the chicks

t rumbling – tangled – empty – flung


2. What’s the Genre of this story? “Half chicken”

a. realistic fiction

b. folk tale

c. informational text

3. What is surprising about the thirteenth chick as it hatches from the egg?

a. he’s color is green

b. he isn’t a chick

c. he is different from other chicks

4. Why does the Half chicken become so vain?

a. because he didn’t like him self

b. because he is the center of all the attention

c. because he has just one leg

5. Who did the half chicken meet on the way to Maxico?

a. fire , rain , ice

b. ice , water , rain

c. stream , fire , wind

6. What is the setting of the story in the beginning?

a. Mexico city

b. stream

c. Mexican ranch

7. What did everyone call this chicken with one leg, one wing, one eye, and

half feathers?

a. half chicken

b. weird chicken

c. wonderful chicken


8. What did Stream ask Half-Chicken to do?

a. to remove the branches

b. to blow some wind

c. to swim in its water

9. How did wind help Half-Chicken?

a. Put water on it

b. Lifted It hight up on the palace

c. Throw it out the window

10. What does vain mean?

a. Strong

b. Foolish

c. Overly proud

D) Answer the following questions.

Q1. What does the author pretend to teach in this folktale?


Q2. What important lesson did you learn?



Q3. What is a folktale?





Read the following text and answer the questions below.

First Airplane Trip

by Sara Matson

Jake is going on a trip. He and Mom take a taxi to the


―It’s my first plane trip,‖ he tells the taxi driver.

―That’s great!‖ the taxi driver says. Jake rolls his suitcase

onto the plane. ―It’s my first plane trip,‖ he tells the pilot.

―Welcome aboard,‖ the pilot says.

Jake finds his seat and buckles his seatbelt. The plane’s

engines rumble and roar. Jake opens his backpack and pulls

out Panda.

―It’s my first plane trip,‖ he whispers. He holds

Panda’s paw. The plane moves faster and faster. Then—

Whoosh! On the ground, cars and houses look like toys.

Jake smiles. ―Guess what, Panda?‖ he says. ―Flying is fun!‖

Answer the following questions.

1. How do Jake and his mom travel to the airport?

a. in a plane

b. in their car

c. in a taxi d. in a bus

3. What dis the pilot say to Jake?



4. Who is Panda?

a. Jake's brother

b. a large animal

c. Jake's pet

d. a stuffed animal


5. What did Jake whisper to Panda?


6. Read this sentence from the story:

On the ground, the cars and houses look like toys.

What does this mean?

a. The cars and houses looked very big.

b. The cars and houses looked very small.

c. The cars and houses did not move.

d. Jake could not see the cars and houses










1. Dictation Vocabulary words

2. _________________ 5._______________________

3. _________________ 6._______________________

4. _________________ 7._______________________

5. _________________ 8._______________________

Spelling word

1. _________________ 9.__________________

2. _________________ 10.__________________

3. _________________ 11.__________________

4. _________________ 12.___________________

5. __________________ 13.___________________

6. __________________ 14.__________________

7. __________________ 15.___________________

8. __________________ 16.____________________

Reading Evaluation / 5 Marks




Write a paragraph if you were given three wishes what they would be.



















The Mysterious tadpole

Summary: it’s Louis’s birthday and Uncle McAllister has brought him a very special gift.A

tadpole all the way from Scotland! Louis can hardly wait for Alphonse to grow into a frog.

But it soon becomes clear that Alphonse is not turning into any ordinary frog. First Alphonse

outgrows his jar, then the sink, and then the bathtub. Louis mom wants Louis to give

Alphonse to the zoo but Louis couldn’t do that He thought of an idea to build a pool for

Alphonse but he doesn’t have money. Louis and Alphonse find a pirate treasure and then they

build a swimming pool for Alphonse to live.

Genre: Fantasy is a story that could not happen in real life the characters and events can’t be


Vocabulary words.

1. confused Unable to understand what is happening

2. sensible Showing good judgment

3. upset Unhappy or worried

4. control The power to make things happen the way you want

them to be

5. suspiciously in a way that shows you do not trust someone or


6. training The process of being taught something

7. cage enclosure made with wire, wire Pen

8. ordinary Not special


A) Use these words in a sentence








B) write the words under each picture:.


Choose the best answer:

1. Why does Louis thinks Alphonse is different?

a. because he eats cheese burgers

b. because he play football

c. because he is very big

2. Why does Louis tell Alphonse to pretend he is a dog?

a. Louis thinks he actually acts like a dog

b. Louis thinks people will be scared of Alphonse

c. Louis thinks the trainer won't allow a tadpole in obedience class

3. Where did Louis move Alphonse when he grew out of his jar?

a. in bath tub

b. in a pool

c. in a kitchen sink

4. What problem does the obedience school solve?

a. Alphonse learn to listen

b. Alphonse learn to run

c. Alphonse learn to eat

5. What is the meaning of the word “Recess”?

a. a break

b. a lunch

c. a game

6. When he needs help moving Alphonse, Louis calls Ms. Seevers instead of his parents

because he thinks ….

a. his parents won’t help him

b. his parents will move Alphonse to the swimming pool

c. his parents will make him send Alphonse to the zoo.


7. Why does Louis sell newspapers?

a. To pay for his school

b. To buy new toys

c. To pay for Alphonse food

8. Who is Mrs.Seevers?

a. a librarian

b. his aunt

c. his neighbor

9. Why are Louis parents shocked when they return home?

a. they find Alphonse grew out of bathtub

b. they saw a big pool in front of their house

c. they saw construction crew in the parking lot

10. What did uncle McAllister arrive with for Louise on his next birthday? a. an egg from


b. a bird from Scotland

c. a curious stone from Scotland

D) Answer the following Questions.

Q1. How does Louise finally solve his problem?





Q2. How does Ms. Seevers help Louis and Alphonse?





Sleepy Bear

by Lydia Lukidis

while. He won’t even go to the bathroom. But don’t worry! Bear will survive. He was smart and he ate a lot of food before falli ng asleep. Bear will wake up in the spring. He will be well rested.

He will also be very hungry! Luckily, there will be a lot of food to eat. Bear will snack on

plants, berries, and insects. Sometimes he will eat fish too. Bear is not the only animal that

hibernates. Squirrels, skunks and raccoons are other examples.

E) Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Shhh…don’t wake up Bear! He is sleeping.

In fact, he will sleep for many months.

This is called ―hibernation.‖ Bear has dug

his own den. A den is a bear’s home. It

looks like a dark hole or cave. Bear

hibernates because there is not much food

in winter. It is also very cold. While he

sleeps, he will relax. He will conserve

energy. That means he will save energy.

His body temperature will go down. He

will not eat. He will not wake up for a

1. Why does a bear hibernate?

a. He is bored.

b. He doesn't like snow on his paws.

c. He can't find food in the winter.

d. He is afraid of being buried in the snow.

2. What happens to the bear's body temperature when he hibernates?


3. Name three other animals that hibernate according to the article.



4. When the bear wakes up in the spring, what will he eat?

(Circle four answers in the box.)

plants – deer - fish - insects

squirrels - berries -

birds worms


A) SpellingUse the contraction form of the following words to complete the sentence.

1. I run with one leg.

2. going with you.

3. Please worry about my exams.

4. be the first people to arrive.

5. Carla is hungry she eat anything at the dinner.

6. I will talk to you every day, my only friend.

7. I sure about the directions.

8. There enough space in the closet.

B)Write the contractions of the following words.

I am Do not

Did not I have

I will We will

I have I had

You have Was not

That is Can not

Cannot – was not – you are – I am – do not - we will – did not – is not



A) Choose the word from the box and fill in the blanks.

root – few – room – crew – bloom – spoon – grew – you – stew – scoop

1. We eat the __________ of a carrot.

2. A sailing ship needs a ___________.

3. Do you need a ____________ to eat rice.

4. Very ___________ people have gone to the moon.

5. Flowers _____________ in spring and summer.

6. My plants _____________ very fast.

7. I want to have a big _______________.

8. What do ___________ like to eat?

9. We can cook the vegtables in a ___________.

10. I used a ____________ to fill in my ice-cream cup.





Write a letter to your friend to tell him about your school trip.















Vocabulary words

1. _________________ 5. _________________

2. _________________ 6. _________________

3. _________________ 7. _________________

4. _________________ 8. _________________

Spelling words

1.__________________ 2.____________________

3.__________________ 4.____________________

5.__________________ 6.____________________

7.__________________ 8.____________________

9.__________________ 10.___________________

11._________________ 12.___________________

13._________________ 14.___________________

15__________________ 16.___________________

Reading Evaluation / 5 Marks Remarks




By Gina Sabella

Summary : Yeh – Shen lived with her stepmother and sister in a cave.Yeh Shen didn’t have

any friends and she was busy doing house chores all the time, So she made a fish her only

friend . Yeh Shens mother became furious and cooked her only friend. An old man met sad

Yeh-Shen and told her to buried the fish bones because they were magical.Yeh-Shen made a

wish to go to the festival and her life changed for forever.

Genre: Fairy Tale is a story that has been told over and over again for many years. Usually

something magical happens and has a happy endings.

Vocabulary words.

1. task a small job to do

2. worn having the look of being used over and over again

3. content satisfied

4. glimmering shinning and sparkling

5. served carried in and placed before people

6. concealed hidden, out of sight

7. overjoyed very happy

8. valuable worth a lot of money


A) Use the following words in your sentences.






B)Choose the best answer.

1. From which culture did "Yeh Shen" originate?

a. American

b. Korean

c. Chinese

2. Where does Yeh-Shen lived with her stepmother and sister?

a. in a palace

b. in a cave

c. in a house

3. How is the character of Yeh- Shen sister Jun-li ?

a. kind

b. nice

c. spoiled and lazy

4. How does Yeh- Shen respond to not being able to make friends?

a. she become angry

b. she becomes friend with a fish

c. she becomes friend with a cat

5. What did Jin do with the fish ?

a. she caught and cook it

b. she give it to a cat

c. she kept it in a bottle

6. What did Yeh- shen do after talking to an old man?

a. she fell asleep

b. she buried the fish bones on the corners of her bed

c. she buried the fish in sand


7. What does Yeh-Shen do when she return from the festival?

a. she clean the house

b. she hides her finest clothes

c. she make another wish

8. What did Yeh-Shen leave at the festival?

a. her coat

b. her scarf

c. her slipper

9. Why did the King build the hut?

a. to find the other slipper

b. to find the owner of the slipper

c. to find the girl to marry

10. What happened when Yeh-Shen showed the other silk slipper to the king? a. king

decided to marry

b. king decided to put her in the prison

c. king decided to buy the silk slippers D) Answer the

following questions.

Q1. What do you think Yeh Shen learns at the end of the story?



Q2. Why is this story a Fairy Tale?




Q3.Why was Yeh Shen's stepmother mean to her?



Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

Pictures in the Sky

by Anita Amin

―Look at that cloud,‖ Emma told her brother

Alex. They were sitting outside in their backyard. The sky

was blue and full of fluff clouds. Alex looked up at

the white cloud. ―It looks like a duck,‖ he said.

―To me it looks like a big dog,‖ Emma said. She pointed

to another white cloud. ―What about that one?‖

―It looks like an octopus,‖ Alex said.

―To me it looks like a bunch of balloons.‖ Emma pointed to another white

cloud. ―What about that one?‖

―It looks like a man with a long beard,‖ Alex said.

―To me it looks like a tree.‖ Emma pointed to a dark cloud. ―What about

that one?‖

―It looks like a car with people in it,‖ Alex said.

―To me it looks like rain!‖ Emma cried.

They raced back inside and watched the rain pour down.

A) Answer the following Questions.

1. Where does this story take place?

a. at the park

b. in Emma and Alex's house

c. on a grassy hill

d. in Emma and Alex's backyard

2. Which cloud was probably dark gray?

a. The cloud that looked like a duck.

b. The cloud that looked like a man with a beard.

d. The cloud that looked like a horse.

e. The cloud that looked like a car.


3. Alex saw a cloud that looked like an octopus. What did Emma think it looked like?



4. How many clouds do Emma and Alex see in this story?


5. When does this story take place?

a. right after it rains

b. right before it rains

d. on a Thursday night

e. on a clear day


Answer the following question(s). Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the BEST way to change the sentence below? Our schools principal is Ms. Reyna. A. change schools to schools’ B. change schools to school’s C. change schools to schools’s

2. What is the BEST way to change the sentence below? A kittens’s teeth can be sharp. A. change kittens’s to kitten’s

B. change kittens’s to kittens

C. change kittens’s to kittens’


3. What is the BEST way to change the sentence below? The two boy’s ages are the same. A. change boy’s to boys’s

B. change boy’s to boys’ C. change boy’s to boys

4. What is the BEST way to change the sentence below? This rivers’ water is very clear. A. change rivers’ to rivers’s

B. change rivers’ to rivers

C. change rivers’ to river’s





A) Choos the word from the box and fill in the blanks.

house – cow – loud – shout – town – found – ground – flower

1. The spotted __________ stood eating grass.

2. My house is at the corner of the street.

3. Should we go to the ___________ in a bigger market. 4. We had to

____________ to be heard over the crowd.

5. A prince ___________ the lost slipper.

6. The ____________ is slippery due to raining.

7. Can I pick a _____________.

8. I used a hammer to ____________ a nail.







write a short paragraph about the internet .

















Vocabulary words

1. _________________ 7._________________

2. _________________ 8.________________

3. _________________

4. _________________

5. _________________

6. _________________

Spelling words

_____________ _________________

_____________ _________________

_____________ _________________

_____________ _________________

_____________ __________________

______________ __________________

______________ __________________

______________ ____________________

Reading Evaluation / 5 Marks

Remarks :_________________________________________________________________