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  • 5/14/2018 MPhil PhD Microbiology


    l b '

    M. Phil.z Ph.D. - MicrobiologyPaper - I: Research Methodology and Pedagogy

    (Effective from the academic yeal' 2008-2009 and onwards)Unit - ISpectroscopy and Chromatography-~Spectroscopy: Principles and instrumentation and applications of UV-Visible light spectroscopy,spectrofluorimeter, atomic spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and MALDI-TOF.Chromatographic techniques: Principles of column chromatography. Instrumentation of Lowpressure liquid chromatography (LPLC), High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) FastProtein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC), Perfusion chromatography, Ion-exchange chromatography,Molecular exclusion chromatography, Affinity chromatography, Gas-liquid chromatography (GC -MS).Unit - HElectrophoresis techniques and Centrifugation techniques -}'Electrophoretic techniques' Principles and instrum entation and applications of Agarose gejelectrophoresis, Sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyu ..rylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) (Native gels,grad.ent gels dnd isoelcct.ic fo~u5ing gel). 2 - 8 '~A(i[, Pulse-field gel electrophoresis a nd 9 a pi lla J "}electrophoresis. Blotting techniques ~ Northern and Southern. PCR . RT-PCR Techniques,C entrifugation techniques: Principles and practical applications of preparative centrifugation andd if fe ren ti a ! cent ri fuga ti on , density gradient centrifugationUnit- HIResearch designResearch: Scope and significance - Types of Research - Research Process - Characteristics of goodresearch - Problems in Research - Identifying research problems. Research Designs - Features ofgood designs.Unit - IVSample design and analysisSampling design: Meaning - Concepts -- Steps in sampling - Criteria for good sample design.Scaling measurements - Techniques - Types of scale. Correlation - Meaning and definition -Scatter diagram -Karl pearson's correlation coefficient. Rank correlation. Regression: Regression intwo variables - Regression coefficient problems - uses of regression. Hypothesis testing - Errors inHypothesis testing - large sample test (Z -- test) single and two tailed test, Small sample test (t --test)-Single mean-Two mean-Paired t-test, F - test, Chi-square test -Single variance-Goodness offit, Anova - one way and two way. - CRD, RBD Designs.

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  • 5/14/2018 MPhil PhD Microbiology


    1 6 2 . . .

    Unit- VPedagogical Methods in Higher EducationObjectives and ro ll of higher education - Im portan t characteristics of an effective L ectu re - Qualityteach ing and learn ing -" L ectu re p repara tion - C harac teristics of instructiona l design - M ethods ofteach ing and learn ing: L arge group -- Techn ique - L ectu re , Sem inar, Sym posium , Team Teach ing ,P ro jec t, Sm all g roup Techn ique - Sim ula tion , ro le p laying Dem onstra tion , B ra in sto ring , cased iscussion, and assignm en t, M ethods of eva luation - Self eva luation, student eva luation, D iagnostictesting and rem ed ial teach ing - Question banking - E lec tron ic m edia in education : - 'e ' learn ingresearches - w eb based learn ing

    References:1. Boyer, R . (2000) "M odern Experim en ta l B iochem istry". 3 rd E ditio n. A dd isio n W esley L ong man .N ew D elh i.

    2. Keith W ilson and John W alker. (2006) "P rinc ip les and techn iques o f biochem istry and m olecu larbio lo gy ", 6 th L ow P rice E dition , C am bridge U niversity P ress, Ind ia

    3. Dav id Fried felder. (2001) "Physica l B iochem istry". 5 th E ditio n O xfo rd P ublishers . N ew Y ork.4. C .R .Kothari, (2005). R esearch M ethodology-M ethods and Techniques, W iley In terna tiona l L td ,


    "5 . S. Palanicharny and M . Manoharan. (2001). "Statis tical m ethods fo r biolog ists", Palan iP aram ou nt P ublic atio ns , P ala ni.

    6 . Vedanayagam , E .G (1989) Teaching Techno logy for co llege teachers. New Delh i:S terling P ublishers ( P ) L td .,

    7 . R ajasekar.S (2005) C om puter E ducation and educationa l com puting . H yderabad : N eelkam alPub l i c a ti ons.

    8 . Kum ar K .L . (1997) E ducatio na l T ech no lo gies, N ew D elh i: N ew ag e In tern atio na l.******

  • 5/14/2018 MPhil PhD Microbiology


    Karpagam University - Coimbatore - 641021M. Phil. /Ph.D.- Microbiology

    Paper - II:Subject Paper: Recent trends in Microbiology(Effective from the academic year 2008-2009 and onwards)

    Unit- IGeneral MicrobiologyHistory of Microbiology, Microbial groups and their taxonomic position, in relation to other livingorganisms. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Classification and nomenclature of bacteria, structure,morphology and reproduction of bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae, protozoa, mycoplasma, rickettsiae.Viruses - structure and life cycle of bacteriophage. Microbial growth-physical conditions requiredfor bacterial growth. Ecosystems - concepts, structure and function of major ecosystems. Types -Terrestrial, aquatic, marine. Nutrient cycles.Unit - IIApplied MicrobiologyStructure and function of cell organelles. Enzymes and factors affecting enzymatic reactions.Fundamentals of cell organelles. Enzymes and factors affecting enzymatic reactions. Fundamentalsof bioenergetics, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation , Anaerobic respiration,fermentation. Structure and functions of DNA and RNA. Genetic code, protein synthesis, mutations.Genetic recombination methods in bacteria-transformation transduction and conjucation. MendelianGenetics, Basics of Molecular Genetics, Genetics Enigineering and recombinant DNA technology.Unit - II IMedical MicrobiologyCollection - transportation - handling and examination of pathological specimens - methods ofisolation, identi fication and interpretation of pathogen ic organ isms - Anti biotic susceptibi Iity testing.Bacterial infections - Staphylococcus sp., E.coli.; Protozoan infections - Entamoeba histolytica,Ascaris lumbricoides, Wuchereria bancrofti.; Viral infection - HIV, Hepatitis; Fungal infection -Aspergillosis.Unit- IVEnvironmental MicrobiologyAquatic environment - microbiology of water - water pollution and water borne pathogens.Bacteriological examination of water, indicator organism. Microbiology of sewage - Chemical andbiochemical characteristic of sewage. Methods of sewage treatment - physical screening, chemical,Biological (sludge digestion; activated sludge, aerating filters, oxidation pond)Unit - VPatenting and IPRPatenting - fundamental requirements - multicellular organisms - fundamental research. Patentingthe genes, Regulating - recombinant technology, Food and food ingredients. Discrepancies inbiotechnology / chemical patenting. JPR - historical perspective - recent developments - JPR inIndia, IPR and the rights of farmers in developing countries,

    M . P hi!. / P h.D , in M ic ro bio lo gy (2 00 8 - 2 00 9), K arp ag am U niv ers ity , C oim ba to re - 6 4 1 0 21 , IN D IA 3

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    References:1. Prescott, M., JP Harley and D.A. Klein. 1993. Microbiology. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc. New

    York2. Micheal T. Madigan, John M. Martinko and Jack Parker. 2003 Brock Biology ofMicroorganisms. to" Edition. Prentice Hall. New Jersey

    3. Shuler, M.L. and F. Kargi. 2005 "Bioprocess engineering basic concepts". Pearson Education,New Deihi.

    4. Hugo, W.E and Russell, A.D. 2007 "Pharmaceutical Microbiology", i Edition, PublisherBlackwell Science Ltd.

    5. Ananthanarayanan Rand Jayaram Panicker, C.K. 2005. "Text Book of Microbiology". 7thEdition. Orient Longman. New Delhi.

    6. Jawetz, E.; lL., Melnic and E.A. Adelberg. 2001. "Review of Medical Microbiology". 22ndEdition Lange Medical Publishers, New York,

    7. Glick,B.K and Pasternak,J.J. 2003. "Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and applications ofrecombinant DNA" 3rd Edition. ASM Press, Washington

    8. Jagadish Chander. 1996. A Text book of medical Mycology. Interprint, New Delhi9. Parija, S, C. (1996). Text Book of Medical Parasitology, Orient Longmans, Chennai, India.

    M . P hil. / P h .D . i n M ic ro bio lo gy (2 00 8 2 00 9) , K arp ag am U nive rs ity , C oim b ato re - 6 4 1 0 2 1, IN D IA

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    Karpagam Univers ity - Co im batore - 641 021M. Ph il.lP h .D - M ic ro b io lo g y

    P ap er - III: S pe cia l P ap er 1 - In du stria l a nd P ha rma ce utic al M ic ro bio lo gy( Effe ctiv e from th e a ca demic y ea r 2 00 8-2 00 9 a nd o nw a rd s)

    Unit - IHistory and chronological development of industrial microbiology. Industrially important strains -Isolation and preservation. Inoculum development for various fermentation process. Straindevelopment - mutation, recombinant DNA technology and protoplast fusionUnit - IIFermentation - submerged and solid state fermentation. Types of fermentors (Tower,cylindroconical and airlift) - batch fermentation - continuous fermentation. Downstream process -intrarcellular and extracellular product separation. Liquid extraction, precipitation and floatationUnit- IIIFermentor design - body construction - mass transfer - oxygen transfer - effect of viscosity - scale-up process. Production of beverages: beer and wine, Vitamin: B12 and riboflavin, Antibiotics:. penicillin and streptomycin, Production of enzymes: amylase and proteases. Free cell immobilizationand enzyme immobilization techniques. Production of Single cell protein - bakers yeast, spirulina,red algae.Unit-IVClinical uses of antimicrobial drugs, Microbial spoilage and preservation of pharmaceuticalproducts, Sterilization of pharmaceutical products, Applications of microorganism in thepharmaceutical sciencesUnit- VRole of precursors and steering agents in production of antibiotics, vitamins and enzymes.Antiseptics-disinfectants - preparation, standardization. Quality control of Pharmaceutical products-Injectables, IV fluids and pyrogen testing.References:I. Patel, A.H. (2003). "Industrial microbiology", Macmillan India Ltd. New Delhi2. Prescott and Dunn's. (1983) "Industrial microbiology", CBS Publishers, New Delhi3. Stanbury, P.T. and Whitaker, A. (2005) "Principles of Fermentation Technology", Pergamon

    Press, NY4 . Atlas R.N and R. Bartha. (2007). Microbial Ecology-Fundamental and Applications. 4 th Edition.

    Redwood City CA. Benjamin/Cumming Science Publishing Co., New Delhi

    M . P h il. / P h .D . i n M ic ro bio lo gy (2 00 8 - 2 00 9), K arp ag am U niv ers l1 y, C oim b ato re - 641 021 , IN D IA 5

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    5. Michael J Waites. (2007) "Industrial microbiology", Blackwell publishing.UK6. Mansi, E.M.T. and C.F.A. Bryce. (2002). "Fermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology",Taylor and Francis, New York..7. Shuler, M.L. and F. Kargi. (2005) "Bioprocess engineering basic concepts". Pearson Education,New Delhi.8. Hugo, W.B. and A.D. Russell. (2007) "Pharmaceutical Microbiology", i Edition, Blackwell

    Science Ltd, Oxford

    '1 On' ' Iph D . A,1' b ' I"", (2 n08 '>ono\ f/a'p~~~- II~:"~"~,",, r " ~ ' m " " ~ ' o - ~ 0"' "'" ' J ' , l u " ' J ' A~. i H J . I II I n ; v d c ro IOjv~_y v - L UV/J {\ 1 O!:JOIII UlilVtil~/Ly, vUIIHJdi It; - 't I UL I, I V -

  • 5/14/2018 MPhil PhD Microbiology



    Karpagam University - Coimbatore - 641 021M.PhiL/Ph.D - Microbiology

    Paper - III: Special Paper II -Bioremediation(Effective from the academic year 2008-2009 and onwards)

    Unit-lBioremediation - definition - Efficacy testing. Approaches to bioremediation. Environmentalmodification. Microbial seeding. Bioengineering approaches to the bioremediation of pollutants.Unit- IIBioremediation of contaminated soils - Diversity and magnitude of soil contaminants - biologicalmechanism of transformation - strategies for bioremediation - case studies of bioremediationstrategies.Unit - IIIBioremediation of various ecosystem - contaminated aquifers - Bioremediation of oil pollutants -Biodegrading enhancement - stimulation of oil spills degradation. Bioremediation of air pollutants.Unit-IVXenobiotics - co-metabolism and detoxification reactions. Biochemistry of xenobiotic metabolism.Bioleaching - recovery of metal from ores - oxidation of minerals - testing for biodegradability -. biomagnification. Bioaccumulation - removal of heavy metals from effluents,Unit- VCompo sting of organic waste- substrates suitable for composting - properties of compostable waste- microbial characteristic of the composting process- progression - compost systems- Batch,continuous. Vermicomposting & its application. Use of waste water in farming.References:1. Atlas R.N and R. Bartha. (2007). Microbial Ecology-Fundamental and Applications. 4th Edition.

    Redwood City CA. Benjamin/Cumming Science Publishing Co., New Delhi2. Glick, B.R. and J.J. Pasternak. (2003). Molecular biotechnology. 3rd Edition. ASM Press

    Washington D.C.3. Jogdand.S.N. (1995). Environmental biotechnology. Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.4. SoliJ. Arceivala. (1998). Waste water treatment for pollution control.2nd edition. Tata McGraw

    Hill Publishing company. Ltd. New York.

    M P h il. ! P h .D . in M i cr ob io lo g y ( 20 08 - 2 00 9) , K a ~ oa g am U n iv e rs ity , C o im b a to re - 64 1 021, IN D IA 7

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    Karpagam University --'Coimhatore - 641021M.PhiI/Ph.D - Microbiology

    Paper - III: Special Paper III: Food Technology(Effective f rom th e a ca dem ic y ea r 2 00 8-2 00 9 a nd o nwa rd s)

    Unit - IFood and microorganisms ~ Important microorganisms in food. Factors influence the growth ofmicroorganisms in food. Food as a substrate for microorganisms. Sources of contamination of food.Single cell proteins (Baker's yeast, Spirulina, red algae).Unit - IIFood spoilage and Food poisoning- Spoilage of canned foods, cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat fishand dairy products. Food poisoning - Endotoxin, staphylococcal poisoning, botulism andsalmonellosis, Mycotoxins produced by fungi-Aflatoxin in stored food and grains.Unit - IIIFood preservation - Principles, Methods - high temperature, cannmg, freezing, dehydration,radiation. chemical preservatives, Biological preservatives.Unit- IVMicrobial examination of food- DI\1C, viable colony count, examination of fecal streptococci.Microbiological analysis of milk and water.Unit - VFood control agencies-Micro biological criteria for food, HACCP. Food quality control and qualityassurance. Personnel hygiene of Food Handlers - Food sanitation and control. GMPs in foodindustry.References:L Frazier, W.C. and Westhoff, D.C. (1988). Food Microbiology, 4th Edition, McGrawHill, NY.2. Adams, M.R., and Moss M.O. (2003). Food Microbiology. New Age International (P) LimitedPublishers. New Delhi

    3. Banwart, GJ., (1989). Basic Food Microbiology. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.4. Hobbs, B.C. and Roberts, D. (1993). Food poisoning and Food Hygiene Edward Arnold (ADivision of Hodder and Stoughton), London.

    5. Robinson R.K. (1990). Dairy Microbiology, Elsevier Applied Science, London.6. Stanbury, P.F., Whiteker, A. and Hall, S.J. (1995). Principles of Fermentation Technology. 2ndEdition. Pergamon Press, New York.

    7.Thomas, 1., Mont Ville., Karl, R., Mathewes. ( 2008) Food Microbiology-An Introduction, 4ndEdition, The State University of New Jersey, USA.

    -----------------~----------~- -------------------------------------M . P hil.! P h.D . in M ic ro bio lo gy (20 08 - 2 00 9), K arpa gam U nive rs ity ) C oim ba to re - 641 0 2 1, IN D iA 8

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    Karpagam U nivers ity - C oim batore - 641 021M.Ph iI.lPh .D - M i cr ob io logy

    Pa pe r - III: S p ec ia l P a pe r IV : A gric ultu ra l M ic ro bio lo gy(E ffe ctive from th e a cademic year 2 00 8-2 00 9 and onwa rd s)

    Unit- ISoil microbiology: properties of soil - structure, texture, formation. Types and significance of soilmicroorganism - Factors affecting microbial population. Soil Enzymes. Biotic diversity in soilmicrobial population- Bacteria, archea, fungi, eukaryotic algae, cyanobacteria, protozoa, viruses andnematodes.Unit - IIBiogeochemical cycle - Carbon, Phosphorous, Iron, Sulphur - Biological Nitrogen fixation -Rootnodule formation- Hydrogenase, Nitrogenase. Biochemistry of Nitrogen fixation. Influence ofenvironmental parameters. Recent developments innitrogen fixation.Unit - IIIMicrobial interaction between microbes - Interaction of microbes with plants, insects and rumen.Mycorrhizal symbiosis- management of mycorrhizae, inoculum production and use. Applied aspectsof ecto and endo mycorrhizae. Rhizosphere and spermosphere ..Unit-IVPlant pathology - Symptoms, Disease cycle and control measures of bacterial, fungal and viraldiseases (wilt, must, blight, chancre, mosaic, rust and yellow). Biofertilizer: types - Massmultiplication, field application and crop response. Biopesticide: Bacterial, Fungal and Viral.Unit- VStrategies in bioconversion- utilization of farm waste and residues in agriculture. Microorganism asa source of protein for animal nutrition- bioconversion of lignoceiluloses in to protein rich food andfeed. Production of biogas, ethanol from biomass. Mushroom cultivation.References:l.Alexander, M. (1977). "Introduction to soil Microbiology". John Wiley & Sons. New York.2.Atlas.R.M. and R. Bartha. (1992). "Microbial ecology: Fundamentals and applications". 3rdEdition. Red Wood City. Benjamin I Cumming Science Publishing Co., New Delhi.3.Bagyaraj and Rangasamy, (2002) "Agricultural Microbiology". 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. NewDelhi.

    4.Paul. E.A. and Clark F.E., (1986). "Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry". Academic Press, NewYork.

    S.Mark.S. Coney (1999). Soil Microbiology. An Exploratory approach. Delma Publishers,Singapore.

    M. Ph i l .!h .D . in M ic ro bio lo gy (2 00 8 - 2 00 9) , K arp ag am U niv ers ity , C oim b ato re - 641 0 2 1, IN D IA 9

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    6.Subba Rao, N.S. (1995). "Biofertilizers in Agriculture and Forestry". 3rd Edition. Oxford and IBHPub. Co., Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

    7.Subba Rao, N.S. (1982). Advances in Agricultural Microbiology. Oxford and LBH Publishing Co.New Delhi.

    , \rI . P hil. / P h .D . in M ic rob io log y (2 008 -20 09 ), K arpa gam U nive rs ity ; C oim ba to re - 641 0 21 , IN D IA 10

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    K arpagam U nive rs ity - C oim ba to re - 641 021M . P hiIJ Ph ,D - M ic ro bio lo gy

    P ape r - iii: Spec ia l P ap er V : Imm u n ote ch no lo gy a nd B io te ch no lo gy( Effe ctive from th e a cademic year 2 00 8-2 00 9 and onwa rd s)

    Unit - ICells and Organs of imm une system , T / B cell - m aturation, activation - receptor, Cytokines -structure and fuctions, Antigen - Structure and chem ical m ake-up , Immunoglobulin - structure -Organization and expression of Immunoglobulin genes, Purification of antigens andim m unoglobulins., M HC - structure and functions, H LA tissue typing ,Unit - IIA ntigens - Antibody reactions, Invitro methods - Agglu tination - Passive and reverse passiveagglu tination , P recip ita tion - reactions in gels - Imm uno diffusion - Counter immunoelectrophoresis, C om plem ent fixation test, Im munofluorescence, ELISA, R IA , Im muno electronm ic ro sc op y, F oren sic se ro lo gy .Unit- IIIIn troduction to genetic engineering , R estriction enzym es - types and nom enclature - classification -and uses, C loning V ectors - types of vectors, P rokaryotic hosts: E . coli, E ukary otic h osts: Y east cell.Gene cloning - construction of cDNA and genom ic libraries - selection and screening m ethod ofrecom binants - Screening of recom binants for Site d irected M utagenesis by SSCP, heteroduplexanalysis.Unit - IVIso la tion of DNA and RNA - H andling and quantification of nucleic acids, rad io labelling and nonradio labelling of nucleic acids, Gel electrophoresis - B lotting techniques, Hybrid ization andheteroduplex analysis, M olecular d iagnostics of genetic d isease using PC R / aLA, D NA diagnosticsy ste m in fo re nsic scie nc es.Unit - VGenetic engineering of p lants and anim als: Gene transfer techniques in to plan t and anim al cell.P lan ts as tool for recombinant pro tein production; Developm ent and use of transgenic anim als;transgenic m ice - m ethodology and applications. E th ical issues of gene cloning .References:l.R ichard A . Goldsby , Thom as lK indt. Barbara A . Osborne, (2000). K uby Im munology . s" Edit ion.W .H . Freem an and Com pany, New York.

    2.Frank C . H ay and Olwyn M .R . W estwood. (2002). P ractical Im munology . 4th Ed itio n, B la ckwe llS cie nce L td . O xfo rd .

    3 .R o itt, I.M . B ro sta ff, J.J. and Male, O .K . (2002). Imm unology . 6 th E ditio n. C .V . M o sby P ub lish ers.Qt r A111CU.. L.IVUu

    M P h il, / P h .D , in M ic ro b io lo g y ( 2008 - 2 00 9). K arp ag am U n ive rs ity C oim b ato re - 641 021 , I ND IA 1 1

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    .. ,,'


    4.Winnacker, E.L. (2003). From gelltS to clones. Introduction to Gene Technology.I st Edition YC}l.Weinhein .

    . 5.Brown, T.A. (2006). Gene Cloning and DNA analysis; An Introduction, s" Edition, BlackwellPublishing, UK

    6.Glick, B.K and Pasternak, J.J.( 2003).Molecular Biotechnology. Principles and applications ofrecombinant DNA. 3rd Edition. ASM Press, Washington7 , O ld, R .M and Prim rose, S.B . (2003 ).Principles of G ene manipulation. 6 th Ed itio n. B la ckwell S cie ntif icPub li ca tion . London .

    8 .Wa ts on , J D., rv LG iim an , J .W i ko ws ki. (2 00 1). R ecomb in an t DNA. 2nd Ed itio n. S cie ntific Amer ic an Bo ok s. W .H .Freeman & Co. N Y .

    M . P h il. / P h .D . in M ic ro bio lo gy ( 2008 - 2 00 9), K arp ag am U niv ers ity , C oim b ato re - 641 021 , IN D IA 1 2

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    Karpagam U nivers ity - C olm batore - 641 021M. Ph il.lP h .D - M ic ro b io lo gy

    P ap er - III: S pe cia l P ap er V I: M ole cu la r G e ne tics( Effe ctiv e from th e a cadem ic y ea r 2 00 8-2 00 9 and onwa rd s)

    Unit - IGenetics - Historical introduction - Mendelian principles -Nucleic acid as Genetic informationcarriers: Experimental evidence- The duplex DNA - chemical & physical structure of DNA -circular and superhelical DNA -Different forms of DNA. DNA replication - Enzymology of DNAreplication - Different Modes, Models & Types of DNA replication-Eukaryotic DNA replicationUnit - IIInhibitors of DNA repiication - Mutagen - Mutation - Mutagenesis - Luria Delbruck experimentsand its significance -Molecular basis of mutation - spontaneous and induced mutations - Differenttypes of mutation - Mutant detection - Mutant selection - Carcinogenecity testing. DNA damage -Types of damage (deamination, oxidative damage, alkylation, Pyrimidine dimmers); DNA Repairmechanism (Base excision, Nucleotide excision, Recombination repair, SOS repair)Unit - IIIGenetic code, DNA transcnptton in Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes-Inhibitors of RNA synthesis,Trancriptional control & modification system - RNA translation in Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes -Polypeptide synthesis (Maturation & Processing of RNA) -Translational modification - Regulation. of Gene expression - Operon model (Lac, Trp, Ara)- Regulation of Gene expression in Eukaryotes.Unit -IVGenetic recombination in bacteria - Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction, cotransduction,Abortive transduction, Sexduction; Linkage and genetic mapping. Phage genetics (Replication cycle)- Phage T4 mutants (Detection & Isolation) - Genetic recombination - Genetic map of T4 phage,Gene mapping-Deletion mapping & Complementation.Unit - VYeast genetics - Life cycle - Metabolism - Genomes - Extrachromosomal element - Geneticnomenclature. - tetrad analysis - Petite mutants (Mutant isolation & Complementation)-Geneconversion & Gene mapping in Yeast. Genetic mapping in Neurospora and Drosophila.References:1. Gardner.E.1.,Simmons .M.1. and D.P.Snustad.' (2001) Principles of Genetics. 8th Edition. John

    Wiley and Sons, NY2. Benjamin Lewin. (2002) Genes VIII. Oxford University Press. Inc. New York.3. Klug, W.S. and Cummings, M.R. (2005) Essentials of Genetics 5th Ed. (Upper Saddle River NJ:

    Pearson Prentice-Hall. US.4. Weaver, R.F. (2005) Molecular Biology. International Edition. WCB McGraw-HilI. USA

    M . PM / !J h D , in M i cr ob io lo g y (2008 - 2009) , K arp ag am U niv ers ity , C oim b ato re - 641 02 1 , IN D IA 13

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    5. Christine Guthrie & Gerald Fink. (2002) Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular Cell Biology.Elsevier Publication.UK

    6. Freifelder, D. (2002) Molecular Biology. Narose Publishing House. New Delhi.7. Tamarin, R. H. (2002).Principles of Genetics, iEd. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.

    M . Ph i l . I P h.D . in M ic ro bio lo gy (2 00 8 - 2 00 9), K arp ag am U n ive rs ity . C oim b ato re - 6 4 1 0 2 1 , IN D IA 1 4

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    Karpagam University, Coimbatore - 641 021.M.PhillPh.D - Microbiology

    Paper III Special Paper VII :VIROLOGY

    (Effect from the academic year 2010 -2011 and onwards)UNIT-IHistory of Virology, Brief outline of virology: discovery of virus, General properties ofviruses, Classification of viruses, Preservation of viruses, & Cultivation of viruses.UNIT-IIVirus - Host interaction, immunity to virus diseases and sero diagnosis of viralinfections.UNIT -IIIViruses & Human diseases: DNA viruses: Pox virus, Herpes virus, adenovirus. Papovavirus, Hepadna virus', Pathogenesis & Laboratory diagnosis.UNIT-IVViruses & Human diseases: RNA viruses: Orthomyxo vrruses, Paramyxo viruses,Togaviridae and other arthropod born viruses, Retroviridae.UNIT-VEpidemiology, antiviral agents, Viral vaccines. Laboratory diagnosis of viruses: Electronmicroscopy, molecular diagnosis of viral diseases: RFLP; PCR; Sequencing &genotyping.References:

    1. Review of Medical Microbiology: Jawetz &Melnick -21 s tEdn. (2000) LangeMedical Publications.2. Medical Virology - Morag C, and Timby M.e. X Edition (1994) ChurchillLivingstone, London.3. Introduction to Modern Virology - Dimmock N.J. Primrose SB. IV Edition(1994). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.4. Virology - Contrat H.F. Kimball PC and Levy JA. IIIrd Edition. (1994). PrenticeHall, Englewood cliff, New Jersy.5. Bacteriophages - Calender R. VoU, II and III. (1988). Plenum Press.6. Principles of Bacteriology, Virology and Immunology - Topley &Wilson's(1995). Edward Arnold, London.7. Diagnostic Procedures for viral and Ricketsial diseases - Lennetter EH. (1984).American Public Health Association. N.Y.8. The genetics of Bacteria and their Viruses - William Hayes. (1985). BlackwellScientific Publishers, Oxford.9. Virology _3rdEdition 1996, Fiels DN (Edn.) Lippincott - Raven.10. Principles of Virology _2nd Edition 2004, SJ Flint Edn. ASM Press.11. Clinical Virology _2nd Edition 2002, Doughlas D Richman (Edn.) ASM Press.

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    12. Essentials of Diagnostic Virology - 2000, Gregory A Storch, ChurchillLivingstone.13. Principles of Molecular Virology, 1997. 2nd ed. A.Cann. Academic Press.

    14 . David Greenwood, Richard C.B, Slack, John Forest Peuthere (1992). "MedicalMicrobiology". 14th Edn. ELBS with Churchill Livingstone.15. Ananthanarayanan Rand Jayaram Panicker C.K (1994). "Text book ofMicrobiology". Orient Longman.

    16. Jawetz E, Melnick J.L, Adelberg E.A. (1998). Review of Medical Microbiology,19th edition. Lange Medical Publication. ELBS, London.Web References:http:// l.html l.html

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