mpeg-4 coding of audio-visual objects presentation by: ihab ilyas

MPEG-4 Coding of audio-visual objects Presentation By: Ihab Ilyas

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Page 1: MPEG-4 Coding of audio-visual objects Presentation By: Ihab Ilyas


Coding of audio-visual objects

Presentation By: Ihab Ilyas

Page 2: MPEG-4 Coding of audio-visual objects Presentation By: Ihab Ilyas

MPEG-4 Overview

• Background

• Scope of MPEG-4 Standard

• Objectives

• Requirements

• Object Model

• Tools

• Version 2

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• MPEG : Moving Picture Experts Group“Compactly representing digital video and audio signal for consumer distribution”

• MPEG-1: Standard for storage and retrieval of audio and video on storage media

• MPEG-2: Standard for digital TV

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Scope of MPEG-4 Standard

• Author: greater production flexibility and reusability

• Network Service Provider: Offering transport information which can be interpreted on various network platforms

• End user: Higher levels of interaction with content within the limits set by the author.

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• Interactivity : Interacting with the different audio-visual objects

• Scalability : Adopting contents to match bandwidth

• Reusability : For both tools and data

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Objectives - Interactivity

• Client Side Interaction– Manipulating scene description and properties of audio-

visual objects

• Audio-Visual Objects Behavior– Triggered by user actions and other events

• Client Server Interaction– In case a return channel is available

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Objectives - Scalability

• Scalability refers to the ability to only decode a part of a bitstream and reconstruct images or image sequences with:– Reduced decoder complexity (reduced quality)– Reduced spatial resolution– Reduced temporal resolution

• A scalable object is the one that has basic-quality information for presentation. When enough bitrate or resources can be assigned, enhancement layers can be added for improving quality.

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Objectives – Scalability (Cont.)

• Scalability is a key factor in many applications: making moving video possible at very low bitrates notably for mobile devices

• MPEG-4 has been found usable for streaming wireless video transmission at 10Kbps in GSM.

• Low bitrates are accommodated by the use of scalable objects.

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Objectives - Reusability

• Authors can easily organize and manipulate individual components and reuse existing decoded objects.

• Each type of content can be coded using the most effective algorithms.

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• Traditional Requirements (MPEG-1 & 2)– Streaming : for live broadcast

– Synchronization : to process data received at the right instants of time

– Stream Management : to allow the application to consume the content (content type, dependencies…etc.)

• Specific MPEG-4 Requirements– Audio-Visual objects

– Scene description

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Audio-Visual Objects

• The representation of a natural or synthetic object that has an audio and/or visual manifestation

• Examples:– Video Sequence (with Shape information).– Audio Track– Animated 3D face– Speech synthesized from text.

• Advantages: Interaction – Scalability – Reusability

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Scene Description

The coding of information that describes the spatio-temporal relationships between the various audio-visual objects.

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Scene Graph

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Scene Description (Cont.)

• Place media objects anywhere in a given coordinate system.

• Apply transforms to change the geometrical or acoustical appearance of a media object.

• Group primitive media objects to form compound media objects.

• Apply streamed data to media objects to modify their attributes (sound, moving texture…)

• Change, interactively, the user’s viewing and listening point anywhere in the scene.

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Logical Structure of a Scene

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Scene Description (Cont.)

• Starting from VRML, MPEG has developed a binary language called BInary Format for Scenes (BIFS).

• The standard differentiates parameters used to improve the coding efficiency of an object (motion vectors in video coding), and the ones used as modifiers of an object (its position in the scene)

• Modification in the latter set does not imply re-decoding the primitive media objects.

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MPEG-4 Mission

Develop a coded, streamable representation for audio-visual objects and their associated time-variant data along with a description of how they are combined.

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MPEG-4 Mission (Cont.)

• Coded Vs. Textual

• Streamable Vs. Downloaded

• Audio-Visual objects Vs. Individual Audio or Visual Streams

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Object Model

• Visual objects in the scene are described mathematically and given a position in two or three dimensional space. Similarly, audio objects are placed in sound space.

• “Create once, access everywhere” ..objects are defined once and the calculations to update the screen and sound are done locally.

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Objectifying the Visual

• Classical video (from the camera) is one of the visual objects defined in the standard.

• Objects with arbitrary shapes can be encoded apart from their background and can be described in two ways.– Binary Shape: for low bitrate environments– Gray Scale (Alpha Shape): for higher quality


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Objectifying the Visual (Cont.)

• MPEG does not specify how shapes are to be extracted. Current methods still have limitations (e.g. Weatherman).

• MPEG-4 specifies only the decoding process. Encoding is left to the market place.

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2D Animated Meshes

• A 2D mesh is a partition of a 2D planar region into polygonal patches.

• A 2D dynamic mesh refers to a 2D mesh geometry and motion information.

2D mesh

Face mesh

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2D Animated Meshes (Cont.)

• The most entertaining feature in MPEG-4 is the ability to map images onto computer generated shapes (meshes currently 2D and 3D in the next version).

• A few parameters to deform the mesh can create the impression of moving video from a still video (e.g. a waving flag).

• Predefined faces are particularly interesting meshes. Any feature (lips or eyes) may be animated by special commands that make them move in synchronization with speech.

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System Architecture

• Streaming data for media objects.

• Different architecture layers– Delivery layer– Sync layer– Compression layer– Composition layer

• Syntax Description

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Streaming data for media objects

• Needed data for media objects can be conveyed in one or more Elementary Streams (ESs).

• An Object Descriptor (OD) identifies all streams associated with one media object.

• OD contains a set of descriptors that characterized the ESs (required decoder resources, encoder timing,..)

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Architecture Layers

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Architecture Layers


TransMux Layer


TransMux Streams

FlexMux Channel

TransMux Channel FlexMux Streams DMIF Network Interface

DMIF Application Interface

Elementary Stream Interface

SL-Packetized Streams

Elementary Streams


Sync Layer

DMIF Layer













File Broad-cast

Inter-active (not specified in MPEG-4)



y La


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Delivery Layer

• Contains two-layer multiplexer– FlexMux: a tool defined according to the DMIF

(Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework). It allows grouping of ESs with a low overhead.

– TranMux: the second layer that offers transport service interfaces with different transport protocols (UDP/IP- MPEG-2,….)

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Delivery layer (Cont.)

• The functionality of the DMIF is expressed by an interface called DMIF Application Interface (DAI)

• DAI is the reference point at which the elementary streams can be accessed as Sync layer – packetized streams.

• Sync layer talks to the delivery layer through DAI.

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Sync Layer

• SL A flexible and configurable packetization facility that allows: Timing, Fragmentation, and continuity information on associated data packets. (Packetized Elementary Streams)

• It does not provide frame information (no packet length in header). Delivery layer will do it.

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Sync Layer Functionality

• Identifying time stamped Access Units (data units that comprise complete representation unit).

• Each packet is an access unit or a fragment of an access unit.

• These access units forms the only semantic structure of ESs in this layer.

• Stamping access units includes timing information for decoding and composition.

• SL retrieves ESs from packetized ESs.

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Compression Layer

• The streams are sent to their respective decoders that process the data and produce composition units.

• In order to relate ESs to media objects Object Descriptors (OD) are used to convey information about the number and properties of a set of ESs that belongs to a media object.

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Compression Layer (Cont.)

• Scene Description: Defines– The spatial and temporal position of the various

objects– The objects dynamic behavior– Interactivity features

• The scene description contains unique identifiers that point to object descriptors.

• Tree structured and based on VRML

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Decoding Buffer Architecture

DecodingBuffer DB1

Media ObjectDecoder


DMIF Appli-cation Interface

DecodingBuffer DBn

DecodingBuffer DB2 Media Object


Memory CB2


Elementary Stream Interface

DecodingBuffer DB3

Memory CB1



Memory CBn

CompositionMedia ObjectDecoder




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Composition Layer

• Using scene description and decoded audio-visual object data to render the final scene presented to user.

• MPEG-4 does not specify how information is rendered

• Composition is performed at the receiver

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Syntax Description

• MPEG-4 defines a syntactic description language (MSDL) to describe the exact binary syntax for bitstreams carrying media objects and for bitstreams with scene description information

• This language is an extension of C++, and is used to describe the syntactic representation of objects

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• Stream Management: The Object Description Framework (ODF)

• Presentation Engine: (BIFS)

• Timing and synchronization: The System Decoder Model (SDM)

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Tools – ODF

• Provides the glue between the scene description and the elementary streams.

• Unique identifiers are used in the scene description to point to the OD.

• The OD is a structure that encapsulates the setup and association information for a set of ES’s.

• OD’s are transported in dedicated ES’s called Object Descriptor Streams (ODS).

• This makes it possible to associate timing information to a set of OD’s.

• Provides mechanisms to describe a hierarchical relations between streams reflecting scalable encoding of the content.

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Tools – ODF (Cont.)

• The initial OD, a derivative of the object descriptor is a key element necessary for accessing MPEG-4 content.

• Contains at least two elementary stream descriptors:– One point to the scene description stream.– Others may point to object descriptor stream.

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Tools - BIFS

• Used to describe scene decomposition information.– Spatial and Temporal locations of objects.– Object attributes and behavior.– Relationships between elements in the scene


• Relies heavily on VRML.

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A file format for describing 3D interactive worlds(scenes) and objects. It may be used in conjunction with the WWW. It may be used to create 3D representation of complex scenes as in virtual reality representation.

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VRML Example – Shape node

shape{ geometry IndexedFaceSet{

coordindex [0, 1, 3, -1, 0, 2, 5, -1, …]coord Coordinate {point[0.0 5.0 ..]}color Color {rgb [0.2 0.7…]}

normal Normal {vector[0.0 1.0 0.0 ..]}textCoord Texture Coordinate {point [0 1.0 ,..]}}

appearance Appearance {material Material {transperancy 0.5}}


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• VRML lacks important features:– The support of natural audio and video.– Timing model is loosely specified.– VRML worlds (scenes) are often very large.

• BIFS is a superset of VRML.– A binary format not a textual format (shorter)– Real-time streaming– Definition of 2D objects– Facial Animation– Enhanced Audio

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Tools - SDM

• An adaptation for the MPEG-2 System Target Decoder (that describes temporal and buffer constraints for packetizing ES’s).

• MPEG-4 chose not to define multiplexing constraints in the SDM.

• SDM assumes the concurrent delivery of already demultiplexed ES’s to the decoder buffer.

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Version 2

• Intellectual Property Management & Protection (IPMP)

• Advanced BIFS

• MPEG-4 File Format


• Coding of 3D Meshes

• Body Animation

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Advanced BIFS

• Multi-user functionality to access the same scene.• Advanced audio BIFS for more natural sounds,

and sound environment modeling (air absorption, natural distance attenuation).

• Face and body animation.• Proto and Externproto and Script VRML

constructs.• Other VRML nodes not included in version 1.

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MPEG-4 File Format (MP4)

• Designed to contain the media information of an MPEG-4 presentation in a flexible extensible format that facilitates interchange, management, editing and presentation.

• The design is based on QuickTime® format.• Composed of object-oriented structures

called atoms.

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• Specification of Java API’s in MPEG-4 System (Scene Graph, Resource Manager, …etc)

• Contents creator may embed complex control and data processing mechanisms to intelligently manage the operation of the audio-visual session.

• Java application is delivered as a separate ES to the terminal then directed to the MPEG-J run time environment.

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Coding of 3D Meshes

• Coding of generic 3D meshes to efficiently code synthetic 3D objects.

• LOD (Level of Detail) scalability to reduce rendering time for objects that are distant from the viewer.

• 3D progressive geometric meshes (temporal enhancement of 3D mesh).

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Body Animation

• A body is an object capable of producing virtual body models and animations in form of a set of 3D polygon meshes ready for rendering.

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• A set of nodes to represent the primitive scene objects, the scene graph constructs, the behavior and activity.

• BIFS scene tells where and when to render the media

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• Additionally to VRML, BIFS defines:– 2D capabilities.

– Integration of D and 3D.

– Advanced audio features.

– A timing model.

– BIFS-Update protocol to update scene in time

– BIFS-Anim protocol to animate the scene in time.

– A binary encoding of the scene.