movie review collective

Movie Review Collective The following movie reviews were written by students who participated in the Writer s Guild Winter Course 2014 at English First SH13. Some students have written both positive and negative reviews of the same movie, in order to give fresh perspectives of both sides. The movie genres include Japanese anime, animated, action, sci-, and more. Special thanks to Daniel Ji, Daniel Liu, Dick Xia, Ekki Lu, LeeAnn Chen, Pinkie Gao, Sarah Hu, Sue Su, Tracy Zhu.

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Movie Review

CollectiveThe following movie reviews were written by students who participated in

the Writer!s Guild Winter Course 2014 at English First SH13. Some

students have written both positive and negative reviews of the same

movie, in order to give fresh perspectives of both sides. The movie genres

include Japanese anime, animated, action, sci-fi, and more.

Special thanks to Daniel Ji, Daniel Liu, Dick Xia, Ekki Lu, LeeAnn Chen, Pinkie Gao, Sarah Hu, Sue Su, Tracy Zh

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How to win the battle


My favourite movie is ‘Men In Black’. It’s a

science-fiction movie. It’s mainly about aliens comethe earth for living. And W (played by Will Smith) a

K(played by Tommy Lee Jones)are both in charge ofkeeping them in peace. But one day he found an evil

alien was trying to steal the energy of the space. So W

and K deiced to kill him. There are lots of funny thingoing on that trip.

  Personal favourite scene is at the end the alieturned into a gigantic bug and he wanted to go back

his planet with the stolen space energy. W and K mu

stop him and fight scene between the bug and W.  The ending is fun to watch. First W was eate

the bug. But his partner W saved him. There was madisgusting things on his suit and that was hilarious. I

think it’s a great movie for all age, very entertaining

Ander’s Game. Time to end.

  It’s a science-fiction about bug attack the earth

and the army on the earth train the children into soldiers.Ander is the best of the army. Soon he has become the

leader of the whole space fleet. He is asked to destroy the

 bug’s planet ,but he refuses to do so. Once he thinks he isusing the simulation to attack the planet, without notice

that it wasn’t a simulation. After this he has a lot of regretsand guilt, and Ander feel helpless for a long while.

  It’s not an original movie. There has already been

a lot of movie about bugs such as ‘Men In Black’. therhythm of the movie isn’t like the others. They’ve spent a

lot of time on how to train children into soldiers and onlythe last 30 minutes he go on the leader road. And the bug

never comes out the end of the movie, which was very

disappointed. In the ending, Ander just gets in a spacecraftand flew away, but we could never find out where he will

go. I feel like 95 minutes of my life has just gone fornoting but a virtual game.

Written by Daniel J

Monster University Monster University is the continuation

of Monsters Inc, an extremely successfulmovie of Pixar. Monster University talksabout stories of the title characters ofMonsters Inc., Mike and Sullivan. How theymet and become friends in a university thatteaching scare techniques.

  First, Monster University can’t fittogether with the Monsters Inc. In MonsterUniversity, the main character Mike is verysmart and clever but back to the MonsterInc. He became silly and rash.

However “no surprise” is the mostcommon negative comments received by thenew movie. Peoples find no new creativestuff but piles of Pixar’s best in thepast.  There are plush toys of Mike,Sullivan and other monsters releasedtogether with the new movie. Although the

story is fun, the producers seems more keenon making money.  The new movie is different from theprevious one that the story happened in auniversity. However, the college life parthere is also not well  done. There are somany fights among students and teachers areunkind to students. I don’t believe thereality in university is like that. Howeverin order to tell the story, they on purposemake us believe something is true.

 Another one for Monster Un

Last summer’s movie-MonsterUniversity is a rare movie thatcan be enjoyed by the entirefamily. It has two titlecharacters Mike and Sullivan whhad distinguished lives incollege. Mike studied hard everday while Sully fooled aroundthe whole time. Finally theybecame good friends and squeezethemselves in the Monster Inc,and little by little, theybecame Scarers.

The movie tells us a story ofhow bad students in the eye ofteachers can be successful. Mikand Sully both were kicked outof the Scary Program for thereason they started a fight

during the exam. However, after many struggles they became goodfriends by sharing many horribladventures.  By watching the movie people can learn that ifthey chase their dreams andnever give up, the dreams willcome true. The movie tells usthis secret of success in asimple andfunny way. 

Written by Daniel Li

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Evangelion 2.0:You can(not) advise

Eva2 is a famous Japanese cartoons in the world. Most of the anime fans know that. l have watched thmovie three times, but I never felt bored. Eva2 was released in 2009. It is 108 minutes. It is veryphilosophical.What is eva? Eva are human like things with armored. It is about the eva1' driver Shinji met the

eva2'driver Asuka and she was sweeping to beat the seventh angle. Asuka is really different from Rei Sis pride and Rei is quiet and slightly. Rei is the eva0'driver. All of Shinji, Asuka and Rei worked togetherresisted the attack from the eighth angle. After that Asuka moved to Shinji's home with Misato, theirboss. One day, Kaji, Misato' boyfriend invented Shinji, Rei and Asuka to a company is make the red watreduction. From Kaji's talk, Shiniji know that why Misato came to the NERV. When Asuka returned to heeva3,the ninth angle invade it.The eva2 was out of control. Shinji was ordered to stop it.When he know

 Asuka is on the eva3,he refused to kill eva3. So Ikari Gendou change with puppet control system. Theeva1 kill the eva3 bloodily. Shinji felt very remorseful, because he thought he was a killer,he killed hisfriend. Shinji didn't want to drive the Eva. He left his home. When he left,the tenth angle came. Mariinstead of Shinji battled,but she failed.Than Rei drove eva0 and hold N2 bomb want to perish togetherwith the tenth angle,but the tenth angle ate the eva0,both of Rei. Shinji saw it all.He was very angry.H

returned eva1 and beat the tenth angle.Finally,eva1 wake up and went into the deepest of the tenthangle to found Rei. When Shinji hold Rei and them come together,the third impact was happening...I felt very shocked and teary.What strengths made Shinji wake up?Love?Anger?Instinct?Despair? Bycontrast, by the first movie has more actions and was well made.Some people don't know what is itabout and may find it boring .I think the reason is it has many Christianity backgrounds and elements ithe movie.It is a film full of philosophy.If you didn't want to change your view of the world, you'd better not watcthis film because it would be too complex and some may not even make senses. But for Eva fans , it isalso a big milestone of Japanese animations.

Despicable me 2

  The villain Gru decided to be a good daddy for his three daughters.for this reason,he begin to make day,when Gru is playing with his pet,a lady spy named Lucy who came from anti-villain leaguekidnapped Gru and took him to her basement. Gru met the chairman Mr.Pigu. Mr.Pigu wanted Gru to catch theantagonist with Lucy ,but Gru refuse it.However, he changed his mind and decided to find the antagonist. Gruand Lucy beat the antagonist.In the process,Gru and Lucy fell in love and get married.  Gru cut the rope quickly and asked Lucy :'Would you like to go on a date with me ?'lucy answered:'SureOf course I Would!'Then Gru held her and fell into the sea.  Despicable Me 2 is a brilliant film.The end of the story is very warm and sweet. Gru and Lucy got marriedmade me very happy.The movie is a little messy.By contrast,I prefer the first one.

Written by Dick Xia

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The successful person always tries their best

while others wanna give up 

It's a series of movie about a virtual magic world.

There're eight movies in total. In fact, of them all, ‘Harry

Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II’ , the final one, ismy personal favorite..

In this movie, goblin Griphook helped Harry Potter 

(Played by Daniel Radicliffe) and his friends breaking

into Bella(Played by Helena Bonham Carter)'s vault at

Gringotts bank and got the Horcux, the object that you

 put piece of your soul in it. Through the connection with

Vorldmort(Played by Ralph Fiennes), Harry realized

another Horcux that connected to Rowena Ravenclaw,

one of the founders of Hogwarts, was at Hogwarts. In the

Room of Requirement where was the Horcux were, Harry

ran into Draco Malfoy(Played by Tom Felton), who was

used to be Harry's enemy but Harry saved Draco's life

from fire and destroyed the Horcux.

Harry saw Vorldmort was going to kill Professor

Snape(Played by Alan Rickman). The trio quickly went

the boathouse, where Vorldmort and Snape were, Harry

got Snape's memories and knew he was the last Horcux.

The scene is one of the tensest moments in this movie.

  This is a truly inspiring movie, it teaches and

encourages us how to deal with the hardships that

appeared in our lifetime. Just like Harry, he was born and

grew up with the nickname 'the boy who lived'. Everyone

in that world thinks Harry has super power to against

Vorldmort, they expect him to save the world and their

lives.They think Harry has to fight and defeat Vorldmort.

They don't even realize Harry is just a normal kid, he

doesn't have the great power to do that, it was his mother,

she performed a spell on Harry. He had no choice, but to

take the responsibility that no one would like to take, he

had to be the chosen one who saved every witch and

warlock.Compared with Harry, the difficulties we've met was

only a piece of cake. Then why can't we face them

 bravely, just like Harry did? Why we sometimes give up

easily before we try hardly? You will finally get the land

of success after you work hard and try your best. You will

finally defeat yourself.

Time to change the ending

If you are looking for a sci-fi movie and yo

are tempted because of the title 'Gravity', I woul

advise you to change one because it's just a borinmovie that you can watch it online on th

computer. It really doesn't deserve your money.

The whole movie is about an accident at th

American space station, all the spacemen die

except Ryan Stone(Played by Sandra Bullock) wa

the only survivor. She tried to find a way to g

 back to the Earth and rest of the movie is abou

how she flutters on the way home.

Part of the reason that I wanted to see thi

movie is because George Clooney (Played Ma

Kowalski) in it. But he only appeared a few

minutes then died because of he ran out of hi

gasoline. That's ridiculous! I totally don

understand why the director of this movie wrot

the script like that? There probably are some way

to solve the gasoline problem. Why don't he us

the reserve gasoline? Maybe that will work!

Some people said it is amazing because th

science technology were very miraculous. I agre

it but I wonder it’s purpose? Why do they mak

this movie? Were they not trying to tell you how

great the science and technology is? Or t

 persuade everyone to work harder, and create th

 better sci-fi movie by the developing Science?

Also, the ending of the movie is just an epi

failure cliché. Like the other movies, the leadin

character went through a lot of bumps but still wa

able to go back. Why can't it be even a little mor

creative? You can predict the ending once yo

watch the beginning. Could it be said that movi

directors don’t have other new ideas besidemission accomplished? It’s time to change th

trend, or you will bore the audience to death!

Written by Ekki Lu

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A new country, A Fantastic game

The Hunger Games is very hot recently. Many

people like it after watching. But there is still some

of the spectators don’t like it at all, and I’m going to

tell you why.

In penance for their uprising, each district

shall o! er up one male and one female between the

ages of 12 and 18 at a public ‘reaping’. These

Tributes shall be delivered to the custody of the

Capital. And then transferred to a public arena

where they will fight each other to the death, until a

lone victor remains. In this game, the 24 teens

become cruel. They kill of others with no mercies. I

don’t think it is a nice theme for little kids; some

scene in the movie is cruel and gory.Katniss , the main character of this film. She is

an independent girl. katniss goes hunting everyday.

She sells the loots for money. She isn’t a friendly

girl at all, not adorable or beautiful. That is a big

di! erence from other movies, no beautiful


This movie is about a serious topic. So children

may be bored when they are watching. It is very

di! erent from other movies. If you can’t accept this

kind of survival film, you might feel confused by,why is this movie so weird? Will I let my child watch

it? Worrying and troubling is the main atmosphere

of the Hunger Games. It isn’t an interesting movie

for people who want to watch a movie to relax.

The ending is totally the same as other heroic

movies, a cliché ending, nothing’s new.

Hunger Games-the crueland boring games

 “From the Treaty of the Treason:

In penance for their uprising, each

district shall o! er up a male and female

between the ages of 12 and 18 at a

public ‘reaping’. These Tributes shall be

delivered to the custody of the Capital.

And then transferred to a public arena

where they will fight to the Death, until

lone victor remains. Henceforth and

forevermore this pageant shall known a

The Hunger Games.”

The Hunger Games, the attractive

words neared as the movie begins.

This movie was adapted by the

books written by Suzanne Collins. It is a

survival story, I felt fresh when I first

read it. The writer created a new

country, a new history, a new world.

That is why the Hunger games are so

exciting. I like the movie version better

than the books. The exciting scenes in

the movie are more vivid than the ones

that I image the book. If you would like

to try something new, why don’t watch

the Hunger Games?It is talking about: Peeta (played

by josh Huntcherson) and Katniss

( Jennifer lawrence) worked together

acted as a couple to get attention, help,

and prize. But there is also many

di"culties couldn’t be changed by

acting as couple. Such as other textually

capable tributes, the horrible

environment, the poisonous plants and

berries. Everybody was in danger all thetime, they felt scared…

Of course they won the game, the

stayed alive. That is a predictable

ending, but a wonderful story won’t sto

here, the new Hunger Games movie

Catching Fire released in Fall 2013.

Written by Pinkie Ga

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Not wonderful like before—Endymion No Kiseki

  Endymion No Kiseki is a new story from a Japan popular novel. This novel is one of the mofamous novels in Japan. But it has more than 30 volumes and publishes nearly 10 years. Forsome people, the novel is too long-winded, you would expect the movie to be informative, andit may surprise you.

The leading roles in this movie are Touma (played by Abe Atsushi) and Index (played by

Iguchi Yuka). Touma is a high-school student. He is common but he has a special ability——hecan remove any power with his right hand; on the other hand, Index is a nun. She has readmany books about magic. She is called ‘The moving church’. Arisa (played by Misawa Sachika) a new character only in the movie. She is good at singing. Her goal is to sing on a big stage.  This movie is about two leading roles—— Touma and Index, they met Arisa. They had thesame hobbies. Soon they became good friends. But Touma and Index found that Arisa willcause war between magic world and science world. They tried to stop it.This kind of story is too stale. It is just similar to many Japanese animations. Those are alreadyexisted. Also at the end of the movie, it said that the only way to save the world is to singsongs. That is too childish and naive. But it was bused on the original works, yet they made thmovie even less entertains.

On the other hand, the characters in the movie hadn’t been drawn very well. Sometimespeople’s faces looked strange and unreal. The movie maker didn’t pay attention on thegraphics.

Maybe it will attract the Sixth graders. But it is not preferable for highschoolers or adults.The writers have to be more creative in thinking about the story. Otherwise, it will be out ofdate in less than two weeks.

Ninja’s life is a destiny - ROAD TO NINJA NARUTO

NARUTO is one of the most famous animations in the world. Many teenagers even adults love it very

much. I am also a fan of this comic. So I have watched the film, too. Every NARUTO fan will love it.

The leading role in this film is NARUTO. There is a huge monster in his body. He is brave and helps hisvillage solve many problems. The female leading role is SAKURA. She is a doctor and look after theinjured ninjas. The supporting role is SASUKE. He escaped from the village and he will destroy thevillage soon.

The story begins with a war. An organization called ‘ Akatsuki’ attacked the ninja. Akatsuki always killspeople to get goods. He used ninjutsu to bring NARUTO and SAKURA into a different space-time. Everyone there was quite different. NARUTO’s parents were died when he was a baby. But they appearedhere. NARUTO was so excited to see them, he spent a lot of time with them. SAKURA was also veryhappy. She likes SASUKE and now SASUKE presented flowers to her every day. This two people fell inlove but they didn’t forget their plight. This was just a dream. It was not true. So they were going to find

some way to get out of here.NARUTO was so sad that if he comes back, he will not enjoy the time with parents any longer. But hecouldn’t complain with anyone. He could just think of his parents in his heart.

I admire NARUTO. Because he loves his parents. He helps others when they are in danger. Hecan save his village even lose his life. Now he is chasing his best friend--SASUKE. He promises that hwill take SASUKE back because they are best friends. His graveness moved me. I believe in him. I amlooking forward to seeing that.

Written by Sue S

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Over-killed Bloody Zombies Fight--Resident Evil4

  For horror film fanatics, you may be expecting to be scared in thenew Resident Evil movies---Resident Evil4. Let me give you somewarnings for the younger or viewers.  This story happens in a place in Mid Western industrial city inNorth America the Harvard Will airport.

  Claire (played by Ali Larter) continues her RE experience, she isnow a member of non-governmental organizations for the relief ofvictim who has being abused by the biological and chemicalweapons .Yet the weapons are still over-flown around the world,which has set a step for another zombie war to come…  Some scenes are very unnerving, especially in one scene whenlots of zombie come and bite people who are strives for survival. was way too going beyond disgusting. Some viewers claimed thathey are constantly having bad dreams over weeks after watchingRE4. They dream t about getting bitten and eaten by zombies. Thscenes in the movie are overly bloody and cruel. The plot is verysimple and mono: People always got bitten and then got shot, fles

and blood are everywhere. Overkilled!

Coolest Zombie Fight----Resident Evil1

  Although Resident Evil is a horror movie, I really liked it! I thinkthis movie can really scare you because you don’t know when azombie will come and bite you.  It happened in a biochemical laboratory, a selfish man let a viruscalled T-virus spread out. Unluckily,it hurt everybody except Alice and only a few others.

 Alice and the people try to escape from the danger. By the way,some zombies will come out and hurt them. Luckily, there’s anantivirus. It saved the people who were bitten, and avoid them tobecome zombies. To my surprise, Alice maybe the only person inthe world.  Sometimes when I was watching the movie, I was very scared ashaking all over my body. I felt really nervous and afraid, becauseyou don’t know when the zombies will attack.  However, among these five movies, I like the last one best. In thmovie, zombies can carry guns, ride bicycles, control ed by the ReQueen to shoot people, and the most interesting point is that theUmbrella Company copy a lot of people to look similar 

to Alice. And when Alice hid in a house, she found she has a“daughter”---Betty. So she tried to protect her, rescued her. In thimovie, the Chinese famous movie star----Li Bingbing, as Alice’sfriend, help her finish the war.  Some people like this movie, because it’s very scary and excitingsome people dislike this movie because it scared them, but I like ibecause it makes me feel very happy while I’m watching it.

Written by Sarah Hu

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A droll panda became kung-fu ace-Film Review: “Kung Fu Panda 1

Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American computer-animated action comedy film.Po, loves Chinese kung fu, has been identified as the“dragon warrior" by coincidence, and was ordered todeal with the devil big leopard which has just

escaped from prison. The dragon warrior faces thebiggest challenge in life ─ ─ how to become a

River's Lake kung fu master in no time?Another heroic movie, another story to tell theaudience how to become a hero from zero. The plotis boring and the audience way too simple. Thetheme is not original either. Maybe this is justsetting. Kung Fu Panda 2 ,the sequel of this movie isbetter than this. Secondly,it is an action film about

kungfu. So the visual e! ect of this movie looks notvery shocked. It didn’t reach the electrifying e! ect.Maybe dream works could use 3D technology toconsummate this film. That will be more superb.Finally, I think the end of the movie some do notconform to the plot.But, I think the voice e! ect sounds nice andinteresting. It’s great. This film also gave us somepositive power and great fun. Look back and getexperience. Look forward and see hope.

Trying your utmost persistently todo everything- Film Review : “Kung Fu Panda 2”--Tracy“Kung Fu Panda 2” is a 2011 3DAmerican computer-animated actioncomedy-drama martial arts film,directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson,

produced by DreamWorksAnimation.Po (played by Jack Black ) hasbecome the dragon warrior,following the kungfu master (playedby Dustin Ho! man)and peerless fiveman : Katherine Jiao tiger (played byAngelina Jolie), the monkey (playedby Jackie Chan), fast mantis (playedby Seth Rugen ), Qiao xiao Liu(played by Lucy Liu), crane (played

by David Cross )to protect PingGu.However, evil villain Shen is going touse a secret weapon to conquerChina and destroy kungfu, thetreasure faces a new challenge. Hemust find the key power to defeatthe enemy.See the film, I wasimpressed .Kungfu Panda2 is a goodmovie, it is very interesting andexciting. The 3D e! ect is the bestthis year! The rhythm is compact.The plot is humorous. Film cameraAngle is very flexible. I am veryenjoyable. The use of Chineseelements is nice. Americans alwaysuse: “who am I”, “be yourself”,“freedom”, “inner peace” as the coreidea. Shadows and Freudpsychoanalysis, youth distortedpersonality and so on. But, still looksgood. I also learn something from it,such as courage. So when you

encounter di"culties, don't give up.I really admire Po ,a great panda!The panda Po is lovely and funny. Ilike him. He is warm-hearted. Thismovie tells us: every di"culty can beovercome as long as you tried yourutmost persistently. I recommendthe film to you.

Life of Pi

Pi is an Indian boy. This is not just a film, it reflects

our real life. It is telling a very beautiful journey of

Pi,but it is not accepted by the others .The views

are beautiful. From the opening to the end, the

water and the sky are very beautiful. Every scene is

a beautiful picture. The colors are bright,The little

boat just floating in the ocean, the sea seems to

have no end. The soundtrack is very touching, and

the music is great too. In all, the film is worth


After I watched this film I thought a lot. Can I be cal

m like Pi if  I Sail a boat with a tiger?

And do you think  god is looking at you all the

time? The film also tells me that we must

have the courage to face di"culties and get on well

with each other. This is a very significant film.

Written by Tracy Zhu