movie magazine construction


Upload: alice-kelly

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Movie Magazine Construction


Page 2: Movie Magazine Construction

I started with a blank A4 canvas which I could easily add photos to and change at any time.

Page 3: Movie Magazine Construction

I then added the main image. This is of Eimear, who I portrayed as a new rising star.

Page 4: Movie Magazine Construction

I then added the title. I was originally planning on creating the masthead using an online font website but I decided to just use one which I liked off Photoshop. There is a wide range and variety of fonts throughout Photoshop so I narrowed it down to a number of fonts that I could possibly use.

Page 5: Movie Magazine Construction

I then added the banner. This was very easy to do as I just got an image off Photoshop, changed the colour and placed the text over it.

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I then added the title of the film. I had to make sure that this text was easily seen and was not hidden away on the page. Originally I was going to place the text in the middle but since I was following the layout of another magazine I

chose to place it to the left hand side. I wanted to make sure that my magazine displayed continuity so I used the same font on the text that is in my film which is called Garamond Rough. This font was not on Photoshop, therefore I had to research online font generators until I found it. After I got the hang of it, It was very easy to use and maintain.

Page 7: Movie Magazine Construction

I wanted to ensure that my magazine name reflected the genre of film, therefore I added the image of a film reel around the centre of the O in my masthead.

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I added some text and two bullet shapes below the cover line which link to the feature on the film. This gives a brief idea on what is inside before turning into the contents page.

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Page 10: Movie Magazine Construction

Because I was following the outline of a real film magazine, it had a competition in the top corner which I also wanted to include so I added it using lines and text which was very simple and didn’t

take a lot of time to do.

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Again, as I followed the layout of a real magazine It included an image of a feature inside. I copied the format of this and I ensured that it didn’t take away from the main image.

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I then added various cover lines all over the front cover to give a heads up as to what is inside the issue. I used real movies that are out in cinemas today because it makes the cover a lot more


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After this, I added the line at the bottom which had a pull quote on it, the web address, the price, barcode and issue date. I chose the colour yellow because it stands out but doesn’t clash with the

other colours on the front cover.

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I noticed that I had some space left so I added a plus sign and some extra text for another cover line. It makes the cover a lot more professional looking and realistic.