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® Share Advisor “Behind the Scenes” with Motley Fool Share Advisor April 2013

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®Share Advisor

“Behind the Scenes” with Motley Fool Share Advisor

April 2013

2 Motley Fool Share Advisor

Motley Fool Share Advisor...

“Here to help individual investors learn how to find market-beating companies.”

Nate Weisshaar, Share Advisor Analyst.

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It’s Ugly Out There...• Your hard-earned savings aren’t growing in the bank.

• Rates on bonds and gilts are at record lows.

• Economic growth is stagnant, meaning picking the right shares to invest in is more important than ever.

• We favour the stock market for its long-term wealth-building potential — and the sooner you take advantage, the sooner you could prosper.

And we’re here to help you every step of the way...

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We Believe We Can Help...• The Motley Fool is ready to lend you a helping hand with our

market-beating investment newsletter – Motley Fool Share Advisor.1

• Our 4-person team of expert analysts are standing by, ready to help you harness the potentially superior returns offered by the stock market.

• This ‘Zero Guesswork Approach’ makes it easy for you to take control of your own finances and do MORE with the money you’ve got… in as little as minutes a month.

1. Full details of Motley Fool Share Advisor’s current performance can be found on page 15 of this guidebook.

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What You Will See At Motley Fool Share Advisor• FOUR smart analysts, working tirelessly to identify the best investment

opportunities for you, using a relentless, proven strategy.

• Clear, easy-to-follow BUY recommendations, written in plain English.

• Ongoing coverage for every share that we’ve recommended, giving you complete peace of mind.

• Full transparency – the performance of every share recommendation is tracked on our scorecard.

• Great educational content designed to help you become a better investor.

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And What You Won’t See• Penny shares, get-rich-quick schemes and speculative punts.

We’re looking to buy quality businesses, with decent fundamentals that will stand the test of time.

• Spread-betting, day trading and timing the market. No, we don’t have a crystal ball, and no, we don’t go in for rapid-fire trading and racking up trading costs. We’re looking for businesses that we can buy and hold for years.

• The world and his wife. Share Advisor is a premium, members only advisory service, so you can be confident that you’re joining an exclusive community of like-minded investors.

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Share Picks That Work For YOU

• Every month at Motley Fool Share Advisor, our analysts scour the market to find the TWO best shares to BUY.

• Whether you’re after income or growth we’ve got shares that fit your style…

...or as we like to call them at Share Advisor


ICE If You’re An Income Investor...• …then you’ll be instinctively drawn to the Ice side of the Share Advisor

scorecard with its steady flow of income through generally slower-moving but more stable investments.

• Share Advisor’s Ice picks are companies that have shown consistent financial performance and growing dividends, and we seek to beat the market with a mix of regular dividend income and steadily rising share prices.

• And while these qualities are most commonly found in established firms, our analysts frequently go beyond the ‘usual FTSE 100 suspects’ to bring you the best investment opportunities for your money.

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FIRE If You’re After More Growth...

• …then the Fire side of the Share Advisor scorecard will grab your attention – with its potential for higher returns.

• In return for shouldering greater risk and share price volatility, we expect our Fire picks to steadily increase in value for us over time.

• Fire investing is not gambling or a get-rich-quick scheme, though… our investing time horizon for these shares is measured in years and decades, not weeks and months.

• We’re aiming to be long-term owners of these businesses and to reap the rewards from their success.

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Putting It All Together• We recommend combining our Ice and Fire strategies to get the most

from your Share Advisor experience. How much of each is up to you.

• A quick glance at our scorecard’s easy-to-follow ‘Buy’, ‘Hold’ and ‘Sell’ labels shows you our up-to-the-minute guidance on each share we’ve recommended.

• Plus, two further labels – ‘Core’ Shares and Best Buys ‘Now’ – highlight for you the very best opportunities on the scorecard.

Buy Hold Sell

Core Now

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‘CORE’ Shares• Put simply, ‘Core’ Shares are the companies that we believe in the most at

Motley Fool Share Advisor.

• We think these companies have growth opportunities that extend five years or more, excellent management teams, strong financial positions, and businesses that are easy to understand.

• They’re also the companies we consider to be the best fit for long-term investors to own – perfect for forming the foundation of your portfolio.


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Best Buys ‘NOW’• Every month, we review the scorecard and highlight the share picks that

we think are especially good investment opportunities for your money right now.

• You’ll see these shares labelled as Best Buys ‘Now’.

• Aside from the two latest picks we’ve made that month, Best Buys ‘Now’ shares are the companies we recommend you purchase first, ahead of any others shares rated as a ‘Buy’ on our scorecard.


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Meet Your Share Advisor Team pt.1

Nate Weisshaar is a senior analyst on the Fool’s global equities research team. Specialising in UK and European companies, his investing interests include banks and other financial companies. He is also a qualified Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Nathan Parmelee is the most senior member of the Motley Fool’s global equities research team. His areas of expertise includes companies with global growth potential, consumer focused businesses and special situations.

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Meet Your Share Advisor Team pt.2

Charly Travers is a specialist in buying cheap shares that have temporarily fallen out of favour.He has been Associate Advisor with the US Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio service since 2008.

James Early is a former hedge fund analyst, writer and valuation expert. He’s especially fond of high-yielding companies and has been at the helm of the US dividend-focused Motley Fool Income Investor newsletter since 2006.

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Our PerformanceMotley Fool Share Advisor Our Return FTSE All-Share

Overall 20.8% 14.0%

Ice Recommendations (Income Shares)

16.5% 14.2%

Fire Recommendations (Growth Shares)

25.0% 13.8%

• 14 of our 27 active recommendations are currently beating the market

• 21 of our 27 active recommendations are currently showing a positive return

Motley Fool Share Advisor’s returns are calculated using a time-weighted rate of return (TTWR) methodology that includes dividends reinvested and excludes trading costs. The FTSE All-Share returns include dividends reinvested. Returns are measured from the date of each recommendation to the close of trading on 31st March 2013. 2 recommendations per month have been made since 27th February 2012.

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How We Invest At Share Advisor

• At Share Advisor we approach investing as fractional business owners — we don’t trade pieces of paper — and we focus on fundamentals like profits and cash flow to make our decisions — not charts, tea leaves, or magic eight-balls!

• To identify a great share, we dig into its financial history, its business culture, management integrity, the competitive landscape it operates in, and so on.

• Finally, we determine whether or not the share’s current market price is a good price to pay.

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Case Study: One Of Our Best Winners

• Hargreaves Lansdown (LSE:HL) is a Bristol-based investment management firm that was founded in 1981 by two chartered accountants. The company operates one of the biggest fund supermarket platforms in the UK.

•Hargreaves Lansdown’s dominant market position and asset-light business model appear to provide a strong competitive advantage and impressive cash flows.

• But market concerns about impending regulations and apparent slowing growth sent the shares tumbling in August 2011.

•After reviewing the situation and assessing the risks, Hargreaves Lansdown was chosen as Share Advisor’s first Fire recommendation in February 2012.

•Almost a year on, shares of Hargreaves Lansdown were up by over 60%.1

•However, Share Advisor became concerned about the impact new regulation would have on the company’s profitability.

•Given our belief in the increased risks to the business model, and the lofty valuation the market was giving Hargreaves Lansdown, we decided to sell our shares in February 2013.

Decision To Buy Decision To Sell

1. Motley Fool Share Advisor’s returns are calculated using a time-weighted rate of return (TTWR) methodology that includes dividends reinvested and excludes trading costs. Returns for the Hargreaves Lansdown recommendation are measured from the 27/02/2012 to the close of trading on 04/02/2013 — a 60.5% gain.Note: This example is intended as an illustration of our process, and is not necessarily a fair representation of the outcome achieved.

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The Benefits Of Membership pt.1

• Our TWO Very Latest Share Recommendations, Every Month: That’s one income and one growth pick we consider to have superior money-making potential.

• Ongoing Coverage: We won’t leave you guessing on any company we’ve recommended. Instead, you’ll receive easy-to-follow ‘buy-hold-and-sell’ guidance for all of the active share picks in the service.

• Weekly Updates: You’ll get all the important information you need to know about right away — from buying and selling shares, to our analysis of specific developments.

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The Benefits Of Membership pt.2

• Live Interactive Scorecard: We keep track of how all of the Share Advisor recommendations are performing relative to the FTSE All-Share Index.

• Discussion Boards: Talk with other members and learn more about each company you’re invested in. Our analyst team is also on hand to answer any questions you may have about their active share recommendations.

• My Scorecard: Simply add any shares that you own or are interested in. We’ll track your performance for each position and deliver you relevant Foolish updates, articles, discussion board posts and more.

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3 Great Reasons You Can Join Us Today

• We’re a fully regulated investing service, we genuinely believe you can trust the recommendations that we make and the advice that we give – giving you complete peace of mind.

• 30-Day Subscription Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not bowled over by the service we provide, simply cancel at any time within your first 30 days and we will refund your subscription fee in full – no questions asked.

• Special introductory offer – join Share Advisor today for just £99 and save 50% off the regular £199 list price for your first year – START NOW

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Risk Warning• The prices of all shares, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise.

• You run an extra risk of losing money when you buy shares in certain smaller companies including “penny shares”.

• There is a big difference between the buying price and the selling price of these shares. If you have to sell them immediately, you may get back much less than you paid for them. The price may change quickly, it may go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested. It may be difficult to sell or realise the investment.

• You should not speculate using money you cannot afford to lose, or rely on dividend income for non-discretionary living expenses.

• Some securities may be traded in currencies other than sterling, and may also pay dividends in other currencies. Changes in rates of exchange may have an adverse effect on the value of these investments in sterling terms. You should also consult your stockbroker about any additional dealing or administrative charges.

• We have taken all reasonable care to ensure that all statements of fact and opinion contained in this publication are fair and accurate in all material aspects.

• Investors should seek appropriate professional advice from their stockbroker or other adviser if any points are unclear.

• This newsletter gives general advice only, and the investments mentioned may not necessarily be suitable for any individual.

®Share Advisor

Share Advisor Is A Motley Fool ProductFor all queries please email [email protected] Alternatively you can call us on 0207 462 4300 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).Details of what subscribers may and may not do with the content of the Share Advisor service are stated in the Terms and Conditions. by The McHattie Group, St Brandon’s House, 29 Great George Street, Bristol, BS1 5QT. Tel: 01179 200 070 | Fax: 01179 200 071 | Email: [email protected] McHattie Group is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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