moslem power point nadia


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Page 1: Moslem Power Point Nadia
Page 2: Moslem Power Point Nadia

Islamic art is largely believed to have begun during the Umayyad Dynasty in the 7th century. Byzantine, Roman, Asian, early Christian, and Sassanian art (a pre Islamic artform of Persia) influenced the art form.

The Islamic world was a hub for trade it was a place for exchange of knowledge, goods, and art forms and techniques. This is why Islamic art reflects a wide range of influence from China, across Europe, and in northern Africa. The Islamic influence is evident for it is transposed to the home country of the merchants.

There is evidence of influence throughout northern Africa, Europe, and Asia. They used various forms of art such as: architecture, calligraphy, pottery, mosaics, wood carving, and metal working.

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The main focus is on calligraphy, pattern, and architecture rather than on human forms due to the belief that human forms are seen as idolatry (worship of idols), and against the Islamic faith.

Islamic art is a combination of religion and culture.

A common thread throughout is a repetitious element using floral and vegetal designs appropriately termed arabesque.

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Calligraphy is used throughout the Islamic art

The artists use tactics to adorn the phrases and words to form them into shapes or scale walls and border pieces.

Word art in the fundamental level is a common expression of art throughout the Muslim communities.

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Artists used glazed ceramics to make elaborate intricate pottery from 8th through the 18th century. Many pioneers in the pottery craft invented new technologies.

They developed: Tin opacified glazing Stonepaste ceramicsEarthenware

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Metal working was also a prominent form of art. Gold, silver, bronze, and brass were widely used to create flasks for water and perfume, and also used to forge daggers and swords.

They intricately designed these objects with ivory, gems, and many of them are entirely made out of pure gold.

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Architecture is the most prominent expression of Islamic art.

Domes are a very prominent architectural technique widely used throughout their architecture for centuries.

The interior is adorned with various designs and calligraphy. The ceiling of the dome is especially splendidly adorned.

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The Dome of the Rock(691-692)Jerusalem

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“The Taj Mahal, an image of true love surviving beyond death, is reflected in the central water channels, enhancing the mystical metaphor of reflection and the veils of reality. Koranic verses inlaid in black marble frame the four high portals recalling Paradise and the afterlife.” (Hattstein 480)

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The Kaaba: The Great Mosque of Mecca

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The Blue Mosque Istanbul, Turkey


Mosque in Pakistan

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Some design patterns that are centuries old, used branches of mathematics that were recently discovered over the past few decades.

They were a sign of their time and now their grandeur can still emit rays of spirituality, optimism, and tranquility.

True beauty and essence can never be measured due to the infinite amount of reactions that it can cause.

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Ettinghausen, R., Graber, O., & Jenkins-Madina, M. (2001). Islamic Art and Architecture, 650-1250. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Hattstein, M. (2008). Islam: Art & Architecture. China: Ullman.

Hillenbrand, R. (1999). Islamic Art and Architecture (The World of Art). New York: Thames & Hudson.