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Post on 19-Mar-2016




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The Magazine for Morphopsychology


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p 3 Edito

p.4 to 8

Corman’s method How to observe a face

p.10 & 11

Help your children

Max’s profile

p.12 & 13

Morpho Modeling Anne Sophie Boutry’s workshop 2/2

Published in France by may2011 Contact


I would like to explain what Morphopsychology is and how one can use it. Some of you readers have already subscribed to my list connecting to download the free file I offered you: “10 tricks to read a face”. It is still available.

I plan to deliver more publications and, by subscribing to the list, you are sure to receive MorphoMag as soon as it is launched. I got questioned about the possibility to receive issues directly, which led me to hire an auto responder to help me in this matter. However I am here to help you if you have any problem with your subscription ( ).

Don’t forget you have to confirm it as I choose the double opt in.

Rest assure that your email address is private and secure, and will not be divulgated to anyone.

I appreciated the encouragements I received and hope you will let me know the kind of articles you want to read and the ones you want to write and send me to get published.

I hope you will find this issue interesting and have pleasure to read it.


Corman was the first to use the word Morphopsychology and is therefore the founder of the method. He created the French society for Morphopsychology (SFM™). Obviously it is not possible today to talk about Morphopsychology without quoting some of what he wrote on the subject. He created a new method to understand people and to really read faces.

There are many points to study on a face and, while trying to write an algorithm, we rapidly found more than nine thousands possible assessments! That is to say that first, there are many elements to observe on a face and, second they are many possibilities as to the way these elements combine together.

Human brains and eyes are able to appreciate tiny

differences and their signification.

So it is important to watch carefully and notice the slightest point on a face.

One can say that everything is important and that is true but there is an order in the


As I wrote about the portrait in the number five and insist that it is convenient to follow the order instituted by Corman himself.

First the observation is global. One looks at the whole face at a glance. It gives a first impression and highlights the shape, the proportions, the balance of the levels, the modeling, the main characters (types jalons)…

Then the observer looks at each of the three levels to describe every detail as precisely as possible:


-Width and height of the level, -Does this level goes forward or backward? -What about the receiver (eyes, nose and mouth)? -The specific modeling of this very level -The general Harmony of the level which Corman explains as an “artistic watching”. There is no measure to take because it is no anthropometry. Here are a few examples of the details that are important to notice:

Top level includes the forehead, the eyes and of course the hair, and the morphopsychologist has to observe the placement of the hair on the forehead, the shape of the forehead, wide, high, round shaped, rectangular…

On the side view the forehead is more explicit as it is possible to observe many different shapes

After the forehead the eyes are to be closely studied. Here again front view and side view give different information and many details such as the shape, the size, the commissures have to be noticed.


That was only a quick explanation and the same is to be done with the other two levels.

On the median level the cheeks are studied carefully as they give much information about the affect of the person and how this field is important or not in this person’s life.

Some cheeks are round shaped; some are flat or “differentiated”

One has to look at the nose and each part of the nose,

the root next to the forehead, the edge, the nostrils. All these parts give important information. It can be useful to train and observe the differences between several noses.

All these differences are important as they bring data to put together and understand who THIS person is.

Beware, as I said last month, it is necessary to combine all these features together in order to assess the personality.

In this issue I just want to explain how the observation is important. Improving the way we observe helps us to see


We have developed a new concept and use Morphopsychology to help choosing a mate. As Morphopsychology gives information about your deep personality and who you really are it is possible to determine who will bring harmony and congruence into your life. So doing the study facilitates the search for that elusive partner and provides you with an accurate assessment of your potential partner’s personality now and in the future. You can listen to the interview following the link

For more detail and to ask your questions


things quite “invisible” forthose who are not accustomed to observe as carefully as a morphopsychologist.

Of course it is necessary to talk about the third level: The chin, the mandible and the mouth altogether.

It is one thing to SEE the differences and another to describe features and forms. It is a good exercise to try and describe the differences which are seen between two faces, two noses. It makes them more real and it helps to give the correspondences between physiological description and psychological characters.

Here are some chins and mouths; Try and describe them, and explain where the differences are.

That is the first exercise to do, and the challenge is to find out what the psychological meaning of all this is, and not to get frustrated. The explanations will follow. You just have to keep in touch and wait for next issues.

If you don’t want to wait for MorphoMag to give you the signification of all this, you can send me an e- mail and I will reply (



Today I decided to show you how you can help your children with Morphopsychology. I will copy some lines from a portrait I did, while helping a right handed, 14 years old teenager to choose his

studies orientation. Let us call him Max.

I don’t want to write too much description but focus on psychological and behavior description.

INTRODUCTION A smily, open face. Upper and median levels compete for supremacy.

A wide shape that shows energy resources. Round modeling which will help Max in interpersonal relationship.

This face has lateral and frontal retraction. Max is an entrepreneur but he is restrained by his thoughts that leads him to be hesitant before acting.


The forehead is wide and differentiated. The hair structure reveals Max’s natural curiosity and the hierarchy of his thoughts. He observes a lot, and demonstrates a lot of maturity.

He has a fruitful imagination and can control and keep in touch with reality.



This level shows and portrays a very important part of Max’s life. He is very affectively spontaneous and direct, which opposes the control we mentioned before.

Though he is friendly, he doesn’t always seek other people’s company; he usually observes before talking, and his opinion is often reliable. For him, what others think about him is important but what he thinks is more important.


He doesn’t like to “fight” and prefers diplomacy to controversy. Sedentary occupations are not his preference.

However he likes what is beautiful.


Max has the capabilities to reach his goals. He just has to focus on them and not try to handle too many things at the same time.

He sometimes tries to play the character that he can be expected to play. That’s because he wants to please people he loves.

He is young and he will have to improve and keep on doing even the things he did not choose to do.

There is still a lot more to say and next month I will develop this teenager’s personality

traits, and you will see how to use these informations


Many thanks to Anne Sophie Boutry morphopsychologist for this article (first part last month)

Morpho Modeling

Workshop : Model one’s face to meet onesel

1. The people involved Anybody who wants to know and understand oneself “without” intellect, but with creativeness, with feelings is concerned. These group workshops help to “understand, not to judge”” as Dr Corman said. People trying to find a direction and life schedule will benefit from these group meetings. The workshop “engrave one’s face to meet oneself and others” help to build teams who have to work together.

2. The positive points - Experiment volumes and thickness with hands in the clay. Change a form, a mouth, a nose to learn and appreciate the face one possesses. - To add the mirror image and the message other participants say as to put them next to what you think

of your face. The molded face is the compromise between what I know and what people think. - To think about the real face, the work done and the information Morphopsychology can deliver. - Enhance the morphological understanding of the face. Other participants give their thoughts and build a new image as a multi mirror.

3. The benefit Morphopsychologists can work in such a workshop and so add modeling to Morphopsychology as our face “results from a stream of vital strengths, coming from the bottom of the mould that the external world shows us” (Dr. Louis Corman).

4. Conclusion Louis Corman himself suggested this workshop with


his writings. “To model one’s face to meet one’s soul” is a new way to learn and live with one’s image and others’ way of watching. No hierarchy, all are equal and the communication is free. I want to thank here Dr. Corman and those who helped me to know my deep nature, using my strength and learning my weak points to start a new “life”. Carl Jung’s thought saying “there is no balance without opposite items, without regulating of the oppositions” leads me in this workshop. Everybody has to explore these oppositions.

Karlfried Graf Durckheim thought “Experiments have to be the keystone of the true knowledge” is added to Jung’s. “MORPH-MODELING” workshop’s goal is to put together learned skills with human sciences and creativeness. … “I kneaded mud and I made gold” Beaudelaire. Anne Sophie Boutry

8 avenue du Parc 92170 VANVES Workshops Vanves, Paris

and elsewhere on demand


[email protected]

A new piece titled “ Learning to read ” has just been posted on Inspired Parenting. [email protected]