morgan and cameron

Morgan’s and Cameron’s poem

Upload: robertdrummond

Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Morgan and cameron

Morgan’s and Cameron’s poem

Page 2: Morgan and cameron

The tardis is undestructible.

And it can explode.

Rory cant fly the tardis.

Dr who can fly the tardis.

Incredible tardis.

Sonic screwdriver can come out of tardis.

Page 3: Morgan and cameron

Doctor who agenised enemies.

Opein the Tardis for a scary adventure.

Concentrate on the Dr!

The tardis is a small police box

Oh no weeping angels

Run from daleks

Page 4: Morgan and cameron

Dr is a time lord.

Really more weird than people.

Weeping angals are Dr who enemies

Has the Dr who had two Tardises?

Open the door to tardis, what control would you use ?