more joy companion study guide


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Follow along with this 4 week study guide, as you dive deeper into what it truly means to have, MORE JOY.


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INTRODUCTIONRegardless of the time of year, we all need more joy. This study of Paul’s letter to the Philippian church can help us navigate the relationships and circumstances of our lives with More Joy than ever before!

Paul’s letter to the Philippians shows us that true joy is to be found only in a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. The life that Jesus offers is not only to be read about in the pages of our Bibles, but to be experienced fully by those who receive Him. This life becomes contagious and uncontainable! This study is intended to help us realize that the life Jesus offers is packed with joy. Not the joy that comes from a life of excess. Not a joy that is determined by the world around us. Instead, a joy that is determined by the One who already paid it all and is waiting for us to walk in that victory.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength,” the prophet Nehemiah tells us (Nehemiah 8:10). The word “rejoice” or “joy” occurs in the book of Philippians 16 times. Paul almost seems to laugh out loud for sheer joy in this book, which is actually a letter sent to the Philippian church. We are commanded to rejoice! It helps in the midst of trials. Paul even urged the Philippians to rejoice because they were allowed to suffer for Christ (Philippians 1:29). Interestingly, Paul is writing from prison with chains holding him. Yet, his words seem to come from a light heart. There is an atmosphere of joy even from prison.

The city of Philippi was named after Philip of Macedonia, the father of Alexander the Great. It was a major city of Macedonia on the road from Rome to Asia known as the Egnatian Way. In 30 B.C., Octavian made the town a Roman colony where retired soldiers could live and enjoy the full privileges of Roman citizenship (to which Paul may have referred in Philippians 3:20).

The Church in Philippi was started with the conversions of Lydia (Acts 16:13-15) and the Philippian jailer (Acts 16:25-34). During Paul’s second missionary journey (49-52A.D.), he sailed with Timothy and Silas to Philippi (Acts 16:6-12) and connected deeply with the church.

Philippians is one of Paul’s four “prison letters” (Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon). The general belief among scholars is that each of these letters were written during Paul’s imprisonment in Rome. If such is truly the case, then Paul wrote Philippians around 61-63 A.D.

Paul mentions Jesus’ name 40 times in this short letter. Some of the most wonderful things concerning Christ and the Christ follower’s life can be found in this letter. Throughout this study, let’s challenge ourselves to dig deeper into the Bible, so that we might grow in our joy and gain strength in our service for God’s Kingdom. As we study this letter to the Philippian church, our prayer will be that the truths and inspiration that God sent through Paul nearly 2,000 years ago to the early church will speak to and inpire those of us who are part of His church today.

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Day 1 - Read Philippians 1Give ThanksIt has often been said, “Give thanks in your circumstances, not because of them.” This is a truth that can change our perspective just enough that we might be able to see God’s grace in every situation. Paul understood what it means to have a thankful heart in any situation. He also genuinely loved and thanked God for these good people from Philippi.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.

Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say?

Why do you suppose Paul introduced himself the way he did in verse 1?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you think the people of Philippi felt as they read Paul’s words in verse 3? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What in this passage is meant for you?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who do you give thanks for in your life? _______________________________________________________________________________________

When was the last time you told them how thankful you were for them? Should you do it now?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What do you need to turn over to him? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 1:3 “I thank my God every time I think of you”

WEEK 1 | Philippians 1


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Day 2 - Read Philippians 1Practice PrayerSometimes long, eloquent, wordy prayers might scare us. We might feel that we could never match that. Do you think that is the only way God wants to hear prayers? Probably not. God wants us to approach him humbly and simply. He is aware of all that is going on; He just wants to hear from us that we believe He is bigger than our problems.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? How many times does Paul mention Prayer in Chapter 1? _____ What value do you suppose Paul places on prayer? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read verses 9-11 again. In your words, what is that saying? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What in this passage is meant for you?__________________________________________________________________________________________

What does your prayer life consist of? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you practice prayer? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What do you need to turn over to Him?How can you improve your prayer life today? Have you considered a prayer journal? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 1:9 “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound…”

WEEK 1 | Philippians 1

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Day 3 - Read Philippians 1Be PatientIn a world that is in a big hurry, how do we find patience when we need it most? Often, when we feel attacked or victimized, we lose our patience very quickly. But, God is bigger than our biggest problem. He often blesses patience by impacting the lives of those who frustrate us for His glory.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: In one word or short phrase, what is this passage about?__________________________________________________________________________________________

What is Paul’s tone and message as he writes from prison? Look at verses 12-14. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What is going on in your life right now that has you feeling down or pressured? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When was the last time you were patient through the tough times? What happened? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What “chains” are keeping you down? __________________________________________________________________________________________

How could you pray for God to influence those around you while you are patient in this storm? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 1:19 “I will continue to rejoice…what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.”

WEEK 1 | Philippians 1

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Day 4 - Read Philippians 1Love PeopleJesus was asked about the greatest commandment in all the Holy Scriptures. His response is a challenge to us all. He told us to “Love God AND Love People” (paraphrased from Matthew 22.) Although it sounds easy, we have a world around us that makes this extremely difficult, doesn’t it? And yet, if we can get this one thing right, we can make all the difference in the world!

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say?What does verse 21 mean to you? “To live is Christ to die is gain.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What does it look like in your life to live in a manner that is worthy of the Gospel? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? Who is in your circle of influence who could be impacted by showing Christ’s love to all? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

How do we “suffer for Christ”? How do others around you suffer and how can you help them? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? List those around you that need your love. Pray that you have the right “stuff” to show them Christ’s love. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 1:27 “No matter what happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”

WEEK 1 | Philippians 1

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Day 5 - Read Philippians 1More Joy in My RelationshipsGod is amazing and all-knowing. Isn’t it amazing that we can read His words and the Holy Spirit will counsel us when we listen? That He will speak very specifically to each of us, in our own individual and unique circumstances? What is the Creator of the Universe saying specifically to you today?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? After 4 days of reading this chapter, what is the theme that the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What in this passage is meant for me? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What do you need to turn over to Him? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”

WEEK 1 | Philippians 1

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Session 1 - Philippians 1The Ones We Love


1. What is one of your favorite “things”? (Whether it is something you still own or used to own.)2. Who is your closest family member? Closest non-family member?

Groups Questions

• What is the overall theme in Philippians Chapter 1?• Who are some of the good people in your life you are grateful for? Why?• What does 1 Thessalonians 5:18 say about thankfulness? • How should we pray? Where should we pray? How often should we pray? Does your prayer

life reflect your answers? Why? What does the Bible have to say about our praying?• What do you think that God will finally complete in us? See 1:6• Do you believe that thankfulness, patience and love should come from us naturally? Or should

we work at it? Why?• How can we develop patience with those around us? Is there ever a time to just “lose it”?• How can we learn to see ourselves as servants to others?• What does it mean to Love people from the Heart?• How can you practically integrate thankfulness in your daily life? Prayer? Patience? Love?


Heavenly Father, Please forgive us for all the times that we have not lived in a manner worthy of the Gospel. We know that we cannot earn your love and grace, but teach us to daily find thankful hearts, powerful prayers, perfect patience and abounding love. Amen.

WEEK 1 | Philippians 1

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Day 1 - Read Philippians 2One MindThe world is full of many different people with many differing thoughts. What could “being like-minded” look like? Does it scare you to have too many people thinking alike? Or do you find comfort in being like-minded with a few?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: In one word or short phrase, what is this passage about?__________________________________________________________________________________________

Why does it say that to make His joy complete we must be like-minded? Is that possible? Is that healthy? Why?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What areas of your life do you think would differ from others when it comes to like-mindedness? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you show tenderness and compassion to others by listening and sharing your thoughts? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? Are you open to sharing and accepting thoughts from other brothers and sisters in Christ? _________

What relationships need to experience healing and humility? Reach out today.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 2:2a “Make my joy complete by being like-minded…”

WEEK 2 | Philippians 2

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Day 2 - Read Philippians 2One LoveYou may have heard it said that God is love. And yet the world also says that all we need is love. In fact, the number one topic of songs is love. Is it the same love? Understanding the source of true love will not only help identify us as followers of Christ, but also separate us from the world.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What stands out as we read verses 6-11?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read verse 4 again. What is Paul telling the Philippians in this verse? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What is ‘love’ to you? How can you use verses 1-11 to help identify ways to show love? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ask someone to describe you. What attributes are the same as we read about in verses 1-11? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? __________________________________________________________________________________________

If you feel called to imitate Christ, pray that God offers healing and gentle counsel to live each day more like Him. What is your prayer? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 2:5 “I will continue to rejoice…what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.”

WEEK 2 | Philippians 2

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Day 3 - Read Philippians 2One SpiritWe all have a body, a soul (mind) and a spirit. Our spirit has already received God’s full acceptance by faith alone. But our bodies and our souls (our minds) are continually working out our salvation. We cannot simply just fix things to earn God’s grace. But we are given instructions (the Law) to help us develop disciplines, that show honor and gratitude for all that God has done for us.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: Let’s look at verses 12-18. What is the overall theme in these verses?__________________________________________________________________________________________

What does it mean to work out your salvation with fear and trembling? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? Does it come naturally to complain or argue? How can we “get through” that? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can we find joy in suffering? Even to the point of torture and death? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? Journal a prayer that asks God to work in you. Ask for help from the Holy Spirit to lead as you work out your salvation. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 2:13 “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”

WEEK 2 | Philippians 2

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Day 4 - Read Philippians 2One PurposeThere is something powerful about discovering our purposes. When our passions, our spiritual gifts (we all have them!) and our personalities intersect, the outcome is often our God-given purpose. What is God whispering to you as you search for your purpose?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: In Paul’s view, why was Timothy awesome?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How did Paul demonstrate his selflessness? __________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you suppose the purpose was in writing about Timothy and Epaphroditus?__________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What purpose do you have in the lives of those around you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who do you know who could use your spiritual encouragement and support this week? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? If you dare, pray that God shows you where you can take risks to fulfill your purpose of sharing God’s Kingdom with those around you.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 2:29 “Welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor men like him.”

WEEK 2 | Philippians 2

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WEEK 2 | Philippians 2

Day 5 - Read Philippians 2More Joy / Fewer ConflictsGod is amazing and all-knowing. Isn’t it amazing that we can read His words and the Holy Spirit will counsel us when we listen. What is He saying to you?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? After 4 days of reading this chapter, what is the theme that the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What in this passage is meant for you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What do you need to turn over to Him? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”

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Session 2 - Philippians 2Can’t We All Just Get Along?


1. If you could hand over your business or life’s belongings to someone outside of your family, who would you choose? Why?

2. What are your honest thoughts about reading Chapter 2 for five days?

Groups Questions

• What was the one thing that was shared in the sermon that stood out?• What four qualities mark unity with Christ?• Is it healthy to never have a conflict? Why?• How do we handle conflicts in the church? How should we handle conflicts in our daily lives?• How does Christ’s example of humility challenge our natural self-centeredness?• What would be the best way to sum up the humility of Christ found in verses 6-11?• How does your life show that you count on Christ?• Who was the last person that you treated better than yourself? What did you do that made it

stick out in your mind?• How can we challenge each other to reach one person with Joy this week? Can we reach them

by imitating Christ’s humility?

• Want to dig deeper? o Why did God command circumcision? o This was the second time Paul was in prison. What happened to him the first time that may add to the tone we read in Philippians 2?


Lord, please direct our paths this week as we experience the Joy that comes from you. Show us those that need this joy this week. Help us reduce the conflict in this world by watching our pride, being thoughtful, getting rid of criticism and properly responding to tension. Help us to be more like your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

WEEK 2 | Philippians 2

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WEEK 3 | Philippians 3

Day 1 - Read Philippians 3Consider Your PropertyEach day we have to wake up and be reminded that “things” are all rubbish compared to that which Christ offers. The world and it’s marketing machine make it very difficult.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? Who were the dogs and who were they mutilating? (Verse 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What was the reason Paul shared about himself in verses 4-6?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? Is faith in Christ enough to have a right relationship with God or is there something about works? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where do you place your value? Status? Things? Money? Respect? Looks? Heritage? Where should our value be found? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What things in your life might be getting in the way of experiencing life the way Christ wants you to experience life? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 3:3b “...we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Jesus Christ, and who put no confidence in the flesh.”

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WEEK 3 | Philippians 3

Day 2 - Read Philippians 3Consider Your PlaceIt is easy to get caught up in status. Many of us get caught boasting about something and maybe even asked- “would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on?” One day all the awards, medals, and titles will mean nothing. However, we have a name that only Jesus calls us. Did you know that He has one for you too?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? What does it mean to gain Christ and not have a righteousness of our own? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What does verse 10 mean to you in your own words? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply for you today? What does it mean in your life to suffer with Christ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you found that there is a cost to following Jesus? What old habits and patterns have died so that you can become more like Christ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: Pray that verses 1-11 can help you know that you are found in Christ. What action does God want me to take in pursuing the fruit of righteousness? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 3:10a “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.”

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WEEK 3 | Philippians 3

Day 3 - Read Philippians 3Consider Your PastWe love the idea of leaving our past-behind us. It is easier said than done. We tend to focus on the negative instead of learning from it and moving on. Christ promises us freedom. Freedom comes from exposing the good, bad and ugly to Him and allowing Him to make us clean. We can shed our past and our burden because of what Christ did for each one of us.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? What is Paul talking about “taking ahold of”?__________________________________________________________________________________________

What was Paul forgetting at this point in his life? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? What goals or accomplishments have you seen recently? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What things in your life need to be forgotten to allow you to focus forward on Christ? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? How can you pray that God will reveal how you should live fully in grace and acceptance by faith while pressing on toward the goal to win the prize? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 3:13a-14 “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

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WEEK 3 | Philippians 3

Day 4 - Read Philippians 3Consider Your PrizeMost races have a prize at the end just for finishing. There is something about receiving something that says “I finished what I started”. We may not have “placed” in any race we have run, but we are always determined to finish strong. The same should be with our relationship (race) with Christ. No matter how we start, don’t lose sight of the goal. Christ has already claimed the victory; we need to claim the prize for finishing strong.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? What does Paul mean when he says our citizenship is in heaven? __________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you suppose our lowly bodies will be transformed into glorious bodies? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? What is going on in your life that makes you want to give up? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What things or people help you remember to keep “pressing on”? How can you encourage others to keep “pressing on”? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: Pray specifically for God to reveal what you need to forget and where you need to finish strong. What are those things? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 1:19 “I will continue to rejoice…what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.”

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WEEK 3 | Philippians 3

Day 5 - Read Philippians 3More Joy As I GrowGod is amazing and all-knowing. It astounds me that we can read His words and the Holy Spirit will counsel us when we listen. What is He saying to you?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? After 4 days of reading this chapter, what is the theme that the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? What in this passage is meant for you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What do you need to turn over to Him? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”

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WEEK 3 | Philippians 3

Session 3 - Philippians 3It’s All Rubbish


1. What is one of your proudest moments? If you’re brave, share your most embarrassing moment.

2. Have you ever received an award for completing something?

Groups Questions

• How does God work “in” us?• How can we forget the past and let go of the hurt?• What did Paul mean by “becoming like Him in death? Verse 3:10• In what ways did Paul’s spiritual life resemble the discipline of a runner? • What things tend to draw you away from Christ?• When we face struggles this week, how can we remember to rejoice rather than complain?• How can we as Christians renew our commitment to press on toward the goal of being like

Christ?• What does it mean to live up to what we have already attained as a Christian?• How can Philippians 3:20-21 help you get through every day no matter what happens? How

can these words and you be an encouragement to others?

• Want to go deeper? o What things are you doing to live for Christ? o Is it more important to be “doing” things for Christ or resting in His grace? How do you work through this?


Father, please give us the strength to continuing to search for you. Help us find comfort in all that you have already done for us. Teach us how to follow you and work out our salvation that has been freely given to us through your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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WEEK 4 | Philippians 4

Day 1 - Read Philippians 4Guard Your HeartKing David, of the Old Testament writings, was a man after God’s own heart. He was not perfect in his actions, but he was quick to repent and search for God’s truth. The flesh is not what God sees when he looks at us. If we focused more on how our heart looks and less on how we look to others, we might just find a peace that makes us want to rejoice. He sees right to our heart. He is not asking us to Do better; He just wants us to Be in His presence. How is your heartbeat for God?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? Paul wanted two women to agree with each other in the Lord. Who were they? ____________________ & _____________________

What do we read about them?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? What does it mean, in your own words, to rejoice in the Lord always? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you show gentleness to those around you?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want me to take? How can we show the love of Christ to those with whom we work (yokefellows)? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:5 “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”

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WEEK 4 | Philippians 4

Day 2 - Read Philippians 4Guard Your MindDid you know that there is a battle for you. The enemy will try to capture your body, heart, and mind. Being a Christ-follower means not doing battle the way the world does battle. Take your thoughts captive. Good and pure thoughts. Evil and destructive thoughts. Take them all before Christ and seek His wisdom. This will be how we claim the victory that has already been won.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? In your own words, what is Paul asking us to think about? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? What is the value in keeping our mind protected? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How does this work in a world that is full of distractions and deviations from the Word of God? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? How can you guard your heart this week? How can you help create a healthy pattern of thought for generations to come? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:9 “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

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WEEK 4 | Philippians 4

Day 3 - Read Philippians 4Guard Your BodyMany conversations have taken place over Christ followers “fighting the flesh”. Our bodies are a temporary home for what God values most. However, we are called to treat our bodies well as it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If we learn to guard our bodies from the attacks of the enemy, we have a vessel that can more easily carry out the mission of Christ.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? What lesson had Paul learned about contentment? What do we read about them?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why could Paul handle any kind of circumstance?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? Do you consider yourself to be in need? Whatever the answer, how can we find true contentment and what is our source? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? How can we reduce our level of anxiety today? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In what areas of your life can you pray for contentment?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:11 “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”

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WEEK 4 | Philippians 4

Day 4 - Read Philippians 4Give GenerouslyThe more we understand that God has provided for all of our needs, the more will find peace, contentment and joy. When we learn to concern ourselves with the Kingdom of God and less about building our own kingdom, we learn that we are truly blessed. A cheerful heart that gives generously is always blessed with unspeakable joy.

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? Why does Paul feel it is important to include what we read in verses 14-19? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? What lessons on caring and generosity can we learn from the Philippian church? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is meant by a “fragrant offering” in verse 18? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? Count your blessings this week. Take a quick inventory. Praise God for all that you have. How can you be generous this week with your “stuff”, money or time? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus...”

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WEEK 4 | Philippians 4

Day 5 - Read Philippians 3More Joy As I GrowGod is amazing and all-knowing. It is astounding that we can read His words and the Holy Spirit will counsel us when we listen. What is He saying to you?

P – Pray/Prepare: Pray for understanding and gather some tools together.Find a quiet, specific spot where you won’t be interrupted.Pray for clarity and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

R – Read/Record: What does the passage say? After 4 days of reading this chapter, what is the theme that the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A - Apply: How does this apply to you today? What in this passage is meant for you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Y – Yield: What action does God want you to take? What do I need to turn over to Him? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”

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WEEK 4 | Philippians 4

Session 4 - Philippians 4It’s Off To Work I Go!


1. What was/is your favorite job?2. If you made the same amount of money at any job, what would you want to do?

Groups Questions

• Does the Bible say that we should work? Where? Why?• What was Jesus’ job during His life on this earth?• What does it mean to you AND how do you apply it, when you hear these statements:

“The first shall be last” “The least shall be the greatest” “Whatever you do, work heartily as though you work for the Lord.”

• What outside force is likely to cause more anxiety or cause less contentment? Since God does not often change the outside forces, what can He change in you?

• What is one thing you have learned in this More Joy study that you want to change or implement?

• Challenge: Go around the room and share one thing that you appreciate or are thankful for about each person.

• Want to go deeper? o What things should we be setting our minds on to stay healthy? See Colossians 3 to get you started. How can you practice this daily? o How does the Bible instruct us to handle work? Provide reference. o How should we treat those that are not able to work?


Father, teach us to be thankful every day. Show us the way to contentment at home and in the workplace. Teach us what it means to serve others in your name. As we live our lives, let us place our trust and confidence in the Joy that you offer. Amen.

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MORE JOYPhilippians Companion Study

This letter to the Philippian Church is one of the most upbeat, joy-filled letters. To hear about Paul’s joy even while in prison, flows from his awareness of the presence of Jesus and confidence of the Gospel. Philippians is one of the most practical letters written to Christ-followers. We find great truth and practical lessons on how we should live each day.

Throughout this study you have been challenged to read each chapter at least 5 times. The words in the Bible have no power to change if we do not ask the Holy Spirit to infuse them into our body, mind and soul. I trust that God has revealed a little more about himself in this study of Philippians.

Here is your final challenge:

Each week we prayed for some sort of change or action that modeled what Jesus would do. Your challenge now is to take one thing from each week and make it your mission to look more like Christ through prayer and practice of these four things. You will end up with four statements that will bring you closer to the One that offers pure joy. Want more Joy? Lean in on Jesus Christ, He will show you how to find it.

1. I will __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. I will __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

3. I will __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4. I will __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

By the grace of God and through His strength, may He finish the good work that He has already begun in you. Amen

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This guide book is best used as a companion to the sermon series, “More Joy”. You will be led through the book of Philippians as you read each chapter for 5 days each week. We trust the Holy Spirit’s prompting to reveal something new each day. Included in this book are 4 sessions that encourage your group to dig a little deeper into God’s word and provide additional insight into each week’s message. This study is designed to lead the way to More Joy in a crazy world.