moral assignment 1

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/27/2019 Moral Assignment 1


    There are few essential steps for ethical problem-solving that shares common interest

    with engineering design steps.

    In ethical problem solving (EPS) the first method is to determine whether there is an ethical

    issue or dilemma. Then we should clarify whether there is a conflict of rights, or professional

    responsibilities. Similarly when it comes to engineering design(ED), first we would identify the

    need or the problem.

    Secondly for EPS we would distinguish the key values and principles involved. Then we should

    also clarify what are the meanings and limitations that are typically attached to these competing

    values? Similarly for ED we would research the need or problem, this process also involves

    examining the current state of the issue and current solutions for it.

    Next in EPS we would prioritize the values or ethical principles which would be closely related to

    the relevant issue or dilemma. Followed by the question on what reasons we have prioritized

    one competing value or ethical principle over another. Meanwhile in ED we would develop few

    possible solutions through brainstorm by using the mathematics or scientific knowledge.

    Besides that articulation of the possible solutions in two or three dimension would certainly


    The fourth step would be to develop an action plan that is consistent with the ethical priorities

    that have been determined as central to the dilemma in EPS. The important question that we

    would ask is that have we conferred about the potential risks and consequences of alternative

    courses of action? This should be accompanied by a strong values/principles on which the plan

    is based. In ED the next step is to determine which solution meets the original requirements,

    this is accompanied by modelling of the selected solution, testing and evaluating the solution.

    This is done to make sure that the solution meet the original design/problem constraints.

    Next step in EPS is to implement the plan, utilizing the most appropriate practice skills and

    competencies. In this step, social skills such as sensitive communication, skillful negotiation,

    and cultural competence are used to execute appropriate action. Similarly in ED the solutions

  • 7/27/2019 Moral Assignment 1


    need to be communicated via presentations. This engineering presentation includes the

    discussion of how the best solutions meets the needs of the initial problem. Besides that

    societal impact and tradeoffs of the solutions are also discussed.

    The final step in EPS would be to reflect on the outcome of this ethical decision making process.

    In ED we would finally implement the best solution based on the information gathered during the

    test and the presentation.

    So to sum up the similar attributes between EPS and ED, we can say in ED the conflicts

    between specifications are resolved through integration of specifications and similarly in EPS

    we resolve conflicts through integration of values either moral values against another moralvalues or moral values against non-moral values. Besides that in ED, prototype are

    implemented over the background of constraints but in EPS solutions are implemented over

    resource, interest and technical constraints. ED mainly focuses on construction of prototype that

    realizes the designated specifications, meanwhile in EPS the solution will focuses specifically on

    the ethical values.

  • 7/27/2019 Moral Assignment 1



    This happened during my first year in the university, where Ive been appointed as one of the

    committee member for the hostel. My hostel mate, a close friend of mine since secondary

    school asked his course mate to stay overnight in his room illegally. Unfortunately on that day,

    the committee of the college has assigned me to inspect rooms on that floor where he was

    staying. After listening to the announcement that the room inspection might be conducted

    anytime by my friend, he called and asked me not to inspect his room. He said by not inspecting

    his room during the spot check I would be able to help him to avoid paying up the penalty as

    letting a non-hostel resident stay illegally in the room is against the rules, but I declined to help



    The moral issue that I faced during that time was either to perform my role as a responsible

    committee member, since the committee had trusted me to perform a task or help my friend to

    avoid him paying the penalty.This is a moral issue since my decision will have an impact on myfriend as well as challenge my personal values such as responsibility and honesty if I opt to

    accept his wrongdoing.

    From my personal point of view I can help my close friend who has helped me a lot in education

    as well in my personal life since secondary school, to avoid paying up the penalty, but offering

    help to my friend would certainly violate the hostel rules and regulation and it also encourages

    improper discipline and behavior among the students. There are hostel regulations that allow

    non-residence of the hostel to stay in any unoccupied rooms, with the condition that they have

    to get the permission from the management. Being a part of the committee I do hold some duty

    to make sure students follow the regulations.

    By asking me not to inspect his room, my friend has deviated me from moral righteous andviolates the hostel rules and regulation. At the same time, he has also put me into a situation

    where individual interest (friendship) versus communal responsibility and also justice versus


    At that time I had to make a tough decision, should I persuade him to accept his wrongness and

    make him to pay the fine or blindly not to inspect his room? Because if his wrongness has been

  • 7/27/2019 Moral Assignment 1


    found out, his merit marks would certainly will be effected. Should I just tell the truth to the

    committee in an honest and truthful manner and let them take the action, just to maintain my

    loyalty or should I be faithful to my friendship since it would affect his merit marks.

    So after a while I planned to handle the situation tactfully while maintaining good personal

    relationship values and uphold the integrity. I advised to my friend about hostel rules and it

    should be followed since, rules are meant for our own benefits and asked him to put himself in

    my position and see how he would make decision.

    I managed to turn down my friends request as it not only violates the hostel regulations but also

    is not compatible with personal values such as my responsibility, honesty and integrity towards

    the committee as well as for my personal development. Ive also asked him to discuss this issue

    immediately with head of the committee to reduce the penalty fee and avoid demerit him.

    Finally upon understanding the situation of the illegal resident in my friends room, the

    committee has to allowed his friend to stay overnight after registration and paying the fees and

    sent a warning letter to my friend.