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Post on 25-May-2015




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lifeI imagined my artist to have grown up in south London, but then deciding to move to LA to achieve her dream.Living in south London, her talent wasn’t getting noticed! Adrielle then decided to try out the x factor which is held at the fountain studio in Wembley, she only got as far as 6th place and still no one wanted to sign her, or make her a big star. Moving to LA was her only chance BUT she still had to make a long journey New York to get her voice heard. Because Adrielle is an RNB singer who sings, raps and dances she decide to go on 106 and park freestyle Friday to get her rapping talent heard. This was the moment in which Adrielle’s talent was finally recognised

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Inspirations:artist that relate to my artist:

As a singer, rapper and dancer Adrielle has a lot of inspirations. Adrielle has a tomboy personality therefore Ciara inspires her in terms of looks and personality. Another female artist she looks up to is lil mama has lil mama is calm artist and has a nice personality inside and out and does how exactly how my artist is. Everyone has being inspired my TLC, has we all know TLC came out of nothing to get to where they are now and that’s exactly how my artist started out. Her inspiration in terms of her dance skills are two main people; Chris brown and Ciara. My artist already dances, she has being dancing since she was about 2 years old and she had looked up to them since.

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ClothingThis are the type of clothing teenagers girls like to dress up in. Most teens are loving the new leather fashion trend, and this is what I imagine my artist dressing up as.

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connotationsMy artist has a very unique style, therefore I imagine her to have an individual style.

I imagined by artist to have a tomboy styles, and the colour blue represents that.

My artist has different unique styling. She loves to play around with her fashion, as she is a very strong feminist role model. I imagined my artist to have such a tomboy style but at the same times dress girly just like R&B artist Rihanna and Ciara.