monuments of gore park walking tour

Monuments of Gore Park

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Monuments of Gore Park


Monuments of Gore Park Walking Tour

with Margaret HoughtonArchivist, Local History & ArchivesHamilton Public Library


Sir John A. Macdonald (1815-1891), Canadas 1st Prime Minister

Sir John A. Macdonald3

Macdonald Memorial Committee

Macdonald Memorial Committee4

William Eli Sanford (1834-1899), Chairman

William Eli Sanford5

Invitation to the Unveiling

Invitation to the unveiling6

Before the Unveiling, November 1, 1893

Statue before unveiling7

The Macdonald Statue in the middle of the intersection at John and King Streets

Statue after unveiling8

After the Unveiling, November 1, 1893

Statue after unveiling9

Macdonald Statue with Naval Cannons in the intersection

Sir John A. Macdonald in the middle of the intersection10

Fire Chief Alexander Aitchison (1855-1905)

Chief Aitchison driving11

Fireman Matthew Britain (1864-1939)

Matthew Britain12

The Macdonald statue moved into Gore Park in 1907 and turned around to face east

Sir John A. Macdonald after moving into the park13

The Macdonald statue in the 1960s

Sir John A. Macdonald in the park14

Laying wreaths for Macdonalds 150th birthday in January 1965

Laying wreaths to celebrate Macdonalds 150th birthday15

The Macdonald statue in the 1970s

Sir John A. will move later16

Oil Derrick flagpole stood from 1900 to 1921

Oil derrick flagpole17

Aerial view of the Oil Derrick flagpole

Oil derrick flagpole18

Oil Derrick flagpole

Oil derrick flagpole19

William Russell Souter (1894-1971), architect of the Cenotaph

William Russell Souter20

Crowds waiting for the unveiling of the Cenotaph May 22, 1923

Crowds at the unveiling of the Cenotaph21

The Cenotaph in London, England

Cenotaph in London, England22

Preparing to unveil the Cenotaph, May 22, 1923

Cenotaph before the unveiling23

After the unveiling of the Cenotaph, May 22, 1923

Cenotaph after the unveiling24

The Cenotaph, May 22, 1923


The dates of World War II were added in 1947

Remembrance Day26

Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph

Remembrance Day27

Memorial Day at the Cenotaph, 1955


Dieppe Memorial Service at the Cenotaph, 1956

Remembrance Day29

Veterans Place was dedicated in 2006

Veterans Place30

The Cenotaph has had the dates from Korea and Afghanistan added


The Ladies and Mens entrances to the Gore Park Washrooms

Washroom entrances32

The Ladies and Mens entrances to the Gore Park Washrooms


The interior of the most beautiful public washroom in Canada

Washroom interior34

Filling in the washrooms for good, 2014

Washrooms going35

The Gore Park fountain

Gore Park fountain36

Edward, Prince of Wales, visited Hamilton in September of 1860

Edward, Prince of Wales37

Opening of the Gore Park Fountain, May 24, 1860

Opening the Gore Park fountain in 186038

The Kerr Drinking Fountain was built in 1860

Kerr drinking fountain39

The Kerr Drinking Fountain, 1967

Kerr Drinking fountain40

Postcard of the Gore Park Fountain


Putting the crown on the Gore Park Fountain, 1953

Adding a crown for the coronation 195342

The Gore Park Fountain lit up for Queen Elizabeths coronation, June 2, 1953

Fountain lit up for the coronation 195343

Gore Park Fountain deteriorates in the 1950s

Fountain 1950s44

Starting to remove the Gore Park Fountain in 1959

Taking down the fountain 195945

Saving the top bowl of the Gore Park Fountain in 1959

Removing the upper bowl, 195946

The Kinsmen Fountains were built in 1959

Kinsmen fountain being installed 195947

The Kinsmen Fountains and plaques, 1959

Kinsmen fountains and plaque48

Ellen Fairclough and Mayor Lloyd Jackson dedicate the Kinsmen Fountains February 19, 1960

Ellen Fairclough and Mayor Jackson dedicating the Kinsmen fountains49

The Kinsmen Fountains

Kinsmen fountains50

The Kinsmen Fountains were removed in the late 1960s

Kinsmen fountain and plaque51

The Kerr Drinking Fountain before removal to storage

Kerr drinking fountain52

A new Gore Park fountain was built in 1970

New fountain bowl being constructed, 197053

The new Gore Park fountain was turned on October 23, 1970

New fountain 197054

Psychedelic Glory, October 23, 1970

New fountain with lights on 197055

Suds in the fountain October 30, 1970

Fountain with suds56

A small granite block fountain was installed in 1983

Park after 1983 renovations57

Starting the installation of the replica fountain, 1996

Installing the bowl for the replica fountain 199658

Archie McCoy and the original top bowl of the fountain

Archie McCoy and original top bowl59

Installing the fountain, 1996

Starting to install the replica fountain60

The ceremonial turning on of the replica fountain, October 19, 1996

Turning on the new replica fountain61

The new Gore Park Fountain, October 19, 1996

The new replica fountain 199662

Throwing a penny in the fountain for luck

First coins tossed in the fountain63

The rusty fountain, 2009

Rusty fountain64

The fountain after restoration, 2010

Fountain rededicated65

The fountain is turned back on May 8, 2010 for the 150 anniversary of the establishment of municipal drinking water

Waterworks anniversary66

The present Gore Park fountain

The fountain67

Queen Victoria (1819-1901)

Queen Victoria68

Gore Park was the preferred location for a statue of Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria statue69

Louis-Philippe Hbert, sculptor of the Queen Victoria Statue

Louis Philip Hebert70

The planning for the Queen Victoria Statue began in 1901

Queen Victoria statue71

Crowds in King Street await the unveiling of the Queen Victoria Statue on May 23, 1908

Crowds in the intersection for the dedication72

Governor General Lord Earl Grey arrives, May 23, 1908

Gov. Gen arrives73

School children sing Oh Canada at the unveiling

School children singing74

The statue is unveiled, May 23, 1908


Governor General Earl Grey presents the statue to Hamilton


Adam Brown accepts the statue and eulogizes the Queen

Dedication Adam Brown77

Cleaning the Queen Victoria Statue, 1958


Leo the Lion lost his tail in 1967

Leo the Lion79

Cleaning the Queen Victoria Statue, 1988

Cleaning 198880

Governor General Jean Sauv rededicates the Queen Victoria Statue June 20, 1988

Gov. Gen. Sauve81

Welding the tail back on Leo the Lion, October 1988

Welding Leos tale back on82

The Queen Victoria Statue

Queen Victoria83

Questions?For more information visit Local History & Archives at the Hamilton Public Library