montserrat bojorges mandujano

ITESM-CEM Montserrat Bojorges Mandujano A01370611 My Biography My name is Montserrat Bojorges Mandujano I have 16 a like black color, hanging out with my friends and so many things. I don´t remember so much about my childhood but well, I have a twin and 2 more sisters (mariana, fabiola and paola.) Well I only have photos when I just graduate from my junior high school. When we finished the elementary school i have few friends but the best i can got, the se sí a photo in me graduation My sister and i go tu de high school and then we made a lot of friends.

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Montserrat Bojorges Mandujano A01370611


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Montserrat Bojorges Mandujano A01370611

My Biography

My name is Montserrat Bojorges Mandujano I have 16 a like black color, hanging out with my

friends and so many things. I don´t remember so much about my childhood but well, I have a twin

and 2 more sisters (mariana, fabiola and paola.)

Well I only have photos when I just graduate from my junior high school.

When we finished the elementary school i

have few friends but the best i can got, the

se sí a photo in me graduation

My sister and i go tu de high school and then we made a lot of friends.

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These is when Mariana and I was 14 muy

parents organized us a surprise party

We like bowling and so many times go

wiyh our friends or our family

When I was on 2nd grade of high school my

went to Italy because she was going to

teaching there, we are in the airport, that

day we cry a lot but I was so happy for her.

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In octubre 2010 a few friend go to a

party the y are Uriel, Erendira, Karen,

Juan, Mariana and I

In the summer my mom sign on for a curse, in which my sisters and I go to a camp, there was a

pool, we do a lot of friends. There are a few photos

We always left wet, all the activities

include water.

here my sister and I was fighting

because the winner would have what

she wanted.

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here Mariana and I went to the park “el

chico” and we get lost with all our grup

it was so funny and so exhausting

And we left wet again!!!!

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finally just high school and entered high school but we

decided to separate for life issues, never thought that would

separate me from my sister, this was my first day of school!

Here I met my friends :D

And the time pass and I met a boy who I liked so much and I always talk to him and then we

became boyfriends :3

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here when we got our 15 party!!!!!

I have a photo with him!!!!!!! :3

And the semester ends

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here the Halloween day >.< noooo

We go to Ixtapa and we pass a

good time there, I wish I could be there


These Christmas and I

playing tocho with my family

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My cousins I love them all!!!!!

These is my life enjoy it