monotheism part 10-4- consequences of forgetting allah

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  • 7/27/2019 Monotheism Part 10-4- Consequences of Forgetting Allah


  • 7/27/2019 Monotheism Part 10-4- Consequences of Forgetting Allah


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    Monotheism: Part 10-4: Forgetting Allah & its Consequences

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    The Consequences of being negligent of Allah's

    remembrance and forgetting Him.

    Whoso turns away from the remembrance of his Lord,

    He will cause him to suffer a grievous chastisement.

    A Straitened Life and being Raised up Blind on the

    Day of Resurrection.

    }{ Whoso turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will

    cause him to suffer a grievous chastisement.

    }2}1 But whosoever turns away from this Admonition from Me shallhave a straitened life; And We will raise him blind on the Day of

    Resurrection," where-upon he will say: "Lord! Why have You

    raised me blind when I had sight in the world?" Allah will say:

    "Even so it is. Our Signs came to you and you ignored them. So

    shall you be ignored this Day."

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    He who is negligent to remember the Merciful One,

    to him We assign a satan as his boon companion.

    Those who forget Allah, He causes them to forget

    their ownselves.

    }4}3 He who is negligent to remember the Merciful One, to him We

    assign a satan as his boon companion,and these satans hinder

    them from the Right Path, while he still reckons himself to be

    rightly-guided. But when he comes to Us, he will say (to his

    satan): "Would that there had been between me and you the

    distance as between the East and the West. How evil a

    companion you were!" (He will then be told): "Today it will not

    benefit you the least that after your wrong-doing you and yoursatans are now sharers in the chastisement."


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    Those who forget Allah, Allah also forgets them.

    Believers, fear Allah and let every person look to what he sends

    forward for the tomorrow. Fear Allah; Allah is well aware of all

    that you do.And do not be like those who forgot Allah and He

    caused them to forget their ownselves. They are the rebellious

    transgressors. Not equal are the dwellers of the Fire and the

    dwellers of the Paradise. It is the dwellers of Paradise that will

    be successful.


    The hypocrites, both men and women, are all of a kind: they

    enjoin what is evil and forbid what is good and withhold their

    hands from doing good. They forgot Allah: then Allah also forgot

    them; indeed the hypocrites are the evil-doers. Allah has

    promised the hypocrites, both men and women, as well as thedisbelievers the fire of Hell, wherein they will abide for ever:

    that is the proper place for them; for the curse of Allah is upon

    them and theirs is the lasting torment.

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    Monotheism: Part 10-4: Forgetting Allah & its Consequences

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    The Consequences of Forgetting Allah in the Afterlife

    Some Scenes in the Afterlife

    4}2777{ And then no sooner the Trumpet is blown than there will remain nokinship among them that Day, nor will they ask one another.It will

    be an Hour when those whose scales are heavy, they alone will

    attain success and those whose scales are light, those will be the

    ones who will have courted loss. They will abide in Hell. The Fire

    shall scorch their faces, exposing their jaws."Are you not those to

    whom My revelations were recited, and you dubbed them as lies?"

    They will say: "Our Lord! Our misfortune prevailed over us. We wereindeed an erring people.Our Lord! Take us out of this. Then if we

    revert (to evil-doing) we shall indeed be wrongdoers."Allah will say:

    "Away from Me; stay where you are and do not address Me.You are

    those that when a party of My servants said: 'Our Lord, we believe,

    so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of those

    that are merciful, 'you made a laughingstock of them and your

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    These people will be forgotten after being thrown

    in the Hell.

    hostility to them caused you to forget Me, and you simply kept

    laughing.Lo! I have rewarded them this Day for their steadfastness,

    so that they, and they alone, are triumphant." }1{

    Would that you could see the guilty standing before their Lord with

    their heads downcast, (saying to Him): "Our Lord, we have now seen

    and heard, so send us back (to the world) that we might act

    righteously. For now we have come to have firm faith."(They will be

    told): "If We had so willed, We could have bestowed guidance on every

    person. But the Word from Me that I will fill Hell with men and jinn, all

    together, has been fulfilled. So taste the chastisement on account of

    your forgetting the meeting of this Day. We, too, have forgotten you.

    Taste the eternal chastisement as a requital for your misdeeds."


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    But those who denied the Truth, they shall be told: "Were My Signs not

    rehearsed to you? But you waxed proud and became a guilty people."

    And when it was said to them: "Surely Allah's promise is true, and there

    is no doubt regarding the Hour of Resurrection," you said: "We do not

    know what the Hour (of Resurrection) is. We do not think it but as a

    conjecture, and we are not at all certain."(On that Day) the evil of their

    deeds will become apparent to them and what they had mocked at will

    encompass them,and it will be said: "We will forget you today as you

    forgot the meeting of this Day of yours. The Fire shall now be your

    abode, and you shall have none to come to your aid.You reached thisend because you made Allah's Signs an object of jest and the life of the

    world deluded you." So they shall not be taken out of the Fire nor shall

    they be asked to make amends (and thus please their Lord). So all praise

    be to Allah, the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of

    the whole Universe.His is the glory in the heavens and the earth. He is

    the Most Mighty, the Most Wise. }27{

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    Monotheism: Part 10-4: Forgetting Allah & its Consequences

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    Satan wants to turn you away from the

    remembrance of Allah and from Prayer.

    Who turn us away from the remembrance of Allah?

    And the people of the Fire will cry out to the people of Paradise:

    'Pour out some water on us or throw at us something of what

    Allah has bestowed upon you.' They will reply: 'Allah hasforbidden them to the deniers of the truth,who have made their

    religion a sport and play and whom the life of the world has

    beguiled. So on that Day We will forget them in the manner they

    forget their meeting of this Day with Us and persist in denying

    Our revelations.'

    }}2 Believers! Intoxicants, games of chance, idolatrous sacrifices ataltars, and divining arrows are all abominations, the handiwork

    of Satan. So turn wholly away from it that you may attain to true

    success.By intoxicants and games of chance Satan only desires

    to create enmity and hatred between you, and to turn you away

    from the remembrance of Allah and from Prayer. Will you, then,

    desist?Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and beware. But if

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    Believers, let your possessions and your offspring not

    make you negligent of Allah's remembrance.

    you turn away, then know well that Our Messenger had merely

    to deliver the message clearly.

    }37{ Satan has gained mastery over them (hypocrites) and has made

    them neglect remembering Allah. They are the party of Satan.

    Behold, the party of Satan will be the losers. Verily those who

    oppose Allah and His Messenger will be among the most

    humiliated beings.Allah has written: "Surely I will prevail; I and

    My Messengers." Verily Allah is Most Strong, Most Mighty.

    4}{ Believers, let your possessions and your offspring not make you

    negligent of Allah's remembrance. For whoso does that, they will

    be the losers.

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    Don't follow the one whose heart is heedless of

    Allah's remembrance.

    }{ Do not follow him whose heart We have caused to be heedless

    of Our remembrance, and who follows his desires, and whose

    case has gone beyond all bounds.