monitor selection

Monitor Selection For academic year 2013/14 Monitor Selection for 2013/14 1

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Monitor Selection for 2013/14 1

Monitor Selection

For academic year 2013/14

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Monitor Selection for 2013/14 2

What are Monitors?

OR s


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What do I expect?You have to want to do itYou understand that it is about “service” not

“privilege”You work for each other and for the SchoolYou are smartYou are punctualYou are polite and courteousYou are willing to helpYou NEVER undermine the teamYou look out for other pupils

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What do I not expect?You put yourself firstYou shirk your dutiesYou disagree in publicYou have favouritesYou are sarcasticYou “pull rank”You find excuses not to carry out your roleOnce you have sent your UCAS application

you “switch off”

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Or to put it another way…..

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As JFK might have said…..

Ask not what your school can do for you, but what you can do for your school

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Monitor Selection for 2013/14 8

The Selection Process-applicationYou submit a written application by Friday 19th

April addressed to meIn it you must include1. What you believe to be the role of a monitor2. Why you believe you will fill that role

successfully3. One innovative idea for school improvement4. Someone you admire and why (can be real,

living, dead, fictional)If you do not wish to be considered you must

write to explain why

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Monitor Selection for 2013/14 9

The Selection Process-interviewEach student submitting an application will

be interviewed by 2 members of staff (in one interview) during the week after half term

You will be asked about your letter of application and given scenarios to discuss

You will have the chance to ask questions and make suggestions

All students, successful or not, will get feedback from interviewers

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Monitor Selection for 2013/14 10

The Selection Process-profileEach student will have a profile sheet

completed by your tutor which will record1. Academic effort and attitude over the year2. Behavioural record over the year3. Co-curricular contribution to the school4. House report5. Tutor referenceThese profiles will add to the bank of

evidence about a candidate’s suitability

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Monitor Selection for 2013/14 11

The Selection Process-staff/peer reviewThe current monitor group will be asked to

give opinions and verdicts on the Lower 6th These will be named opinions and verdicts,

not anonymousThese will NOT be a vote on popularity, but

will focus on skills and characteristics relevant to monitorship

Staff will be asked for their views

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The Selection Process-observationYou are always being watched of course,

but…We will give you the chance to carry out

duties after half termWe observe how you interact with other

pupilsWe observe how you conduct yourself Remember that “empty vessels often make

the most noise”And…to quote Gene Hackman, playing the

Captain of the USS Alabama, in Crimson Tide……

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Who said…..

I can’t abide kiss asses and I won’t tolerate save asses

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Whatever you do, do the Right Thing

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AppointmentAppointments will be announced on the penultimate

Friday of next termI will notify the Head and Deputy Heads of School in

advance and then announce the entire selection to you as a group

Housemasters/mistresses will announce the Heads of Houses

Some of you will be disappointed, you may feel it is unfair and that the wrong people have been chosen

It will be a measure of your character as to how you deal with that

Additional leadership positions will be announced

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SummaryGive it your best shotBe confident that we know your strengths

pretty well alreadyBe confident that we are looking for depth

and “hidden strengths” not simply “empty noise”

You are an excellent year group and I can already predict that there are going to be some tough decisions

Good luck