mohammad al oun climate change jordan

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  • 1. National Center for Research and Development-Jordan Mohammad Al-Oun [email protected] Centre for Agroecology and Food Security Coventry University-February 26th , 2014 IRSES PROJECT ECODRY START UP WORKSOP

2. Social, Ecological and Agricultural Resilience in the Face of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Region (SEARCH) 3. The overall aim of the project Develop a community- based climate change adaptation plan To achieve the overall aim of the project, the following supporting objectives were identified: Examine to what extent the target community members are familiar with the concept of climate change Identify the public perception of climate change indicators Investigate the public perception of climate change impacts Identify what are the most vulnerable community sectors to climate change Identify effects of change in climate indicators Document adaptation measures to climate change in each community Propose an initial climate change adaptation plan for each community 4. Project Overview Palestine Jordan Egypt Lebanon Morocco 5. Methodology A community- based participatory approach, bringing together stakeholders from each community into roundtable discussions. The community members themselves played a significant role in this assessment, where they helped to: develop the assessment questionnaire, collect and analyse the data, and propose initial adaptation plans. The assessment was based on the following tools: 6. Participatory approach 7. Testing the concept of climate change Analysis of personal backgrounds Defining the problem Determine the initial vision Assessment of climate change Analysis of the results Develop a plan to adapt project proposals Participatory Approach 8. Air pollution Beauty of area is lost Less cultivated areas Less farmers, 6- 60 Health problems Climate change Low rainfall Overuse of water springs by factories Lack of financial resources Traditional irrigation system Lack of Water Lack of surveillance Weak regulation enforcement Psychological impact Disappearance of parks Less trees Less production Production cost increases Farmers indebtedness Less revenues Increased used of chemicals New pests Less biodiversity Groundwater overpumping Water pollution Waste disposable Sewage pipeline 9. Public Perception of Climate Change Indicator Change Rain decrease Number of Rainy Days decrease Summer Temperatures increase Winter Temperatures fluctuations Dust Storms fluctuations Winter Winds fluctuations Frequency of Drought Years increase Frost increase Floods only in the winter 10. Indicator Decrease Increase Length of growing season Area of production (dunums( Output quality Insects and diseases Weeds Soil fertility Pesticides and fertilizers Amount of cultivated land Farmer Perception of Climate Changes Effects on Agricultural Production 11. Public Perception of Climate Change Indicator Perceived Change Effects Results Rain Decrease Shrinking water resources Less water for humans and animals, less forest area and decline in agricultural production Number of rainy days Decrease Drought during rainy season and soil erosion Less water for humans and animals, less forest area and decline in agricultural production Summer temperature Increase Declining water resources, desertification, health problems, disappearance of certain species Food security, economic burden of adjustment 12. Public Perception, continued Indicator Perceived Change Effects Results Summer winds Fluctuations Less economic activity, the disappearance of some species, low agricultural production, health problems Decline in agricultural production, economic burden of adjustment Winter winds Fluctuations Agricultural and structural damage, drought during rainy season and soil erosion Economic burden of adjustment Dust storms Fluctuations Damage to agriculture and health problems Economic burden of adjustment 13. Public Perception, continued Indicator Perceived Change Effects Results Frequency of drought years Increase Declining water resources, increased desertification Decline in agricultural production and food security, economic burden of adjustment Frost Increase Agricultural and structural damage Economic burden of adjustment (plastic coverings, irrigation, smoke protection, manure) Floods Only in winter Damage to agriculture and health problems Economic burden of adjustment, contamination of the region, land erosion and loss of agricultural land 14. River surrounding the area 15. There is still agricultural activity in this area, despite climate change and other difficulties. 16. Incorrect resource use will result in pollution and environmental damage. 17. To reduce pollution and soil erosion in order to maintain agricultural area 18. To improve irrigation methods 19. Seed production: sustainable agriculture 20. Adaptation Measures for Climate Change, which were used by Kharbet Al-Hadeed farmers Common Rare Planting more adaptive, local plants Crop rotation Planting seeds directly in soil Fallow land Varying growing times Seed production at the farm level 21. If you are not a part of the problem, you have to be a part of the solution. 22. Adaptation Measures for Climate Change, which were used by Kharbet Al-Hadeed households Common Rare House design modifications Reuse of grey water Fan usage Home gardening Energy-saving lights Solar panels Heating systems Waste recycling Economic budget Home food storage 23. Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan Categories of Adaptation Measures Health Water and Agriculture Socioeconomics Environment 24. Category Adaptation Measures Agriculture Cultivation of crops suited to changing environmental conditions (spinach, arugula, radishes, parsley, coriander, berries, beans, garlic, onion, mint, cabbage, cauliflower( Production and storage of seeds at the farm level (radishes, spinach, coriander, beans, arugula); growing Rashad, typically grown as a shady plant, became difficult because of changing weather Improving the chemical and physical properties of the soil (chicken manure, then sheep manure( Use of treated, organic fertilizers Crop rotation Water-saving irrigation systems (drip/spray( Agricultural extension and development of the agricultural calendar (planting dates, marketing, and activities( Introduction of livestock production (goats, fish, sheep, bees( Planting windbreaks Greenhouses Introduction of food processing at the appropriate marketing Adaptation Measures for Climate Change 25. Category Adaptation Measures Water (pollution, rare use( Cultivation of crops suited to changing environmental conditions Reducing pollution in water and on farms due to transport line (community proposal( Linking homes with the sanitation network to prevent contamination of groundwater Coordination with the Water Authority to reduce over- pumping(community proposal( Raising awareness and providing guidance in the use and rationing of water consumption Enforcing laws to reduce littering in the canal Enrollment of community representatives as members of the environmental police (rangers( Improve the chemical and physical properties of the soil using treated, organic fertilizers Using water-saving irrigation systems (drip( Well maintenance System for monitoring factory well use Reusing kitchen water Training citizens on how to monitor drinking water at home level 26. Category Adaptation Measures Environment Reduction of pollution due to transport line (community proposal( Linking homes to the sanitation network to prevent contamination in the area Paving streets and solar-powered street lighting Cultivation of forest trees along streets and the canal Rehabilitation of people from the community to contribute in the fight against harmful insects (mosquitoes) and rodents, in coordination with the health and environment ministries Management of household waste (creation of a site to collect and sort waste( Use of solar panels for water heating Enforcing laws to reduce littering in the canal Enrollment of community representatives as members of the environmental police (rangers( Organizing raising of livestock Distributing spraying equipment to the community Enforcing laws Awareness campaigns 27. Categories Adaptation Measures Health Reduction of pollution due to the transport line and the dust and smoke from factories (community proposal( Paving agricultural streets Cultivation of forest trees along streets and the canal Rehabilitation of people from the community to contribute in the fight against harmful insects (mosquitoes) and rodents, in coordination with the health and environment ministries Management of household waste (creation of a site to collect and sort waste( Enforcing laws to reduce littering in the canal Enforcing laws Awareness campaigns 28. Category Adaptation Measures Socioeconomics Finding an association to represent the community Providing job opportunities Raising awareness in the realm of family life More loans to support education Finding small projects Encouraging women to work 29. Energy Saving and Irrigation Project -Insurance of new techniques in energy production -Better irrigation methods This project was funded by the HSBC Bank with aims to help the community achieve one of the options to adapt to climate change through: 30. Project Components Installation of irrigation systems for 9 farmers covering an area of 80 dunums Installation of 1 unit of solar panels for water heating Planting vegetation along roads Raising awareness and building community capacity in the field of climate change 31. Thank you for listening.