modern period (painting)

The EMERGENCE OF MODERN ART (Art’s metamorphosis) “It’s beginning consists mostly of inspiration with very little or crude technique. Then it gathers better technique as it grows without, however, any lessening of inspiration and perfect technique; its decadence is characterized by the lessening inspiration until it becomes pure technique, craftsmanship, initiation.”

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Page 1: MODERN PERIOD (Painting)


ART(Art’s metamorphosis) “It’s beginning

consists mostly of inspiration with very little or crude technique. Then it

gathers better technique as it grows without, however, any lessening of

inspiration and perfect technique; its decadence is characterized by the

lessening inspiration until it becomes pure technique, craftsmanship,


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A. NEO-CLASSICISM – consequence of strong reaction to Mannerist and Rococo styles of painting

Neo-Classical school – represented by Jacques Louis David.

-advocated a return to classical antiquity, a revival of the principles of ancient statuary and painting.

PAINTERS (Neo-Classicists)-believed that in the representation of man and his world in

the canvas, all elements of the picture must be submitted to a hierarchy dictated by the intellect.

-disliked shadows because they destroy the flat surface of the painting.

-scorned color for interfering with the severe and imposing lines of their nobly inspired world.

-produced stillness of form (motion seems to be drained out of the canvas) as the figure calmly asserts itself in an almost pulseless world.

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portraitists of the French School. (because of objectiveness and noble conception of the human form)

- his paintings are characterized by the superiority of line and volume over color and of thought over sensation.

- uses cold tones without any modulation of color scale to stress the statuesque effect of his human forms.

Important works: The Oath of Horatii, The Sabines, Portrait of Madame Recamier, Napoleon Crossing the Alps

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The Oath of Horatii

Napoleon Crossing the Alps

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Portrait of Madame Recamier

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JEAN AUSGUSTE DOMINIQUE INGRESS – achieves harmony of composition by

making a laborious selection of features provided by his model.

- stressed stillness of forms drained of all motions in the flat surface of his canvas.

Outstanding works:

Mademoiselle Riviere Turkish BathRecumbent Odalisque

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B. ROMANTICISM – contemporary of Neo-Classicism.

- emotion and color are the new objectives.

PAINTERS- stressed the heroic element often

based on the Romantic poets. - showed preference to dramatic

action than to absolute beauty.main elements: mysterious, fantastic, morbid, pathos and tragedychief devices: brush works and effects of light and shade (led to painting out-of-doors)

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FRENCH REPRESENTATIVESa) Eugene Delacroix – excelled equally in historical pieces, still life, landscapes and animal painting.

- sought the principle of expression through use of all resources of color, based on vibration of shadows.

Main works: Liberty Leading the People, The Lion Hunt,

Women of Algiers

b) Theodore Gericault – works are filled with suffering and death.

The Raft of the Medusa – expressed his rebellion against Classicism and set off the Romantic revolution.


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The Lion Hunt

Liberty Leading the PeopleWomen of Algiers

The Raft of the Medusa

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c) Honore Daumier – caricaturist who satirized social classes rather than individuals.

- his paintings showed an impressionistic, linear, and dramatic style and ability to convey character through facial expression and gesture.

The Legislative Belly. Perspective View of the Ministers' Seats of 1834.

Mr. Joliv (Adolphe Joliv). 1833.Remembrances of St. Pelagie. (Souvenir de ste Pélagie) 1834.

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SPANISH REPRESENTATIVE Francisco Goya – expressed all the

horrors of the Napoleonic invasion of Spain. - used a varying

scheme of colors (slate blue, white, and red) for dramatic effect.

The Execution of May 21, 1808

La Maja Desnuda

La Maja Vestida

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ENGLISH REPRESENTATIVES a) John Constable – founder of modern

landscape painting in England. - concentrated on the native

English landscape. - his art showed a fusion of

ground foliage and sky into a unit through the use of large brush marks.

The Haywain – 1821

Weymouth Bay

Wivenhoe Park

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b) Joseph Turner – subject matter: light, space, and atmosphere

- master of form and diffused light

Rain, Steam and Speed – solidity of form is lost in a colored mist that obscure the sun

The Slave Ship

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C. REALISM or NATURALISM – true to unglamorized life.

- founded on the conviction that the idealized scenes of classical and neo-classical painters are not true to life.

OUTSTANDING REALISTSa) Gustave Courbet – spearheaded this movement

- represented simple people in an unidealized attitude through his arts.

b) Camille Corot – represented landscape art of the nineteenth century (Mother Nature)

c) Edouard Manet – freed painting from all irrelevant rational and literary elements

- concentrated on scenes of the everyday life of his own time.

- created impressionism

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In an artist’s studio, Courbet

The Beautiful Irish Woman, Courbet

The Alarm, Courbet

Girl Combing her Hair, Corot

A Girl at the Folies Bergere

Luncheon on the Grass


Edouard Manet

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D. IMPRESSIONISM – revolutionary aesthetic movement; painters began painting out-of-door instead of solely in the artificial atmosphere of the studio. - important break away from the classical painting which still dominated the academic then.

OUTSTANDING PAINTERSa) Claude Monet – Father of Impressionismoutstanding works: Poppies, Water lilies, Impression, Sunriseb) Edgar Degas – (art) faithful portrayal of reality and by an exteriorization of his own virile personality and individual will.outstanding works: Rehearsals of the Ballet on the Stage, The Dancing Class, Absinthe, The Ballet Girl Fixing Her Slippers.

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Waterlilies, Monet

The Rehearsal of the Ballet Onstage, probably 1874Edgar Degas (French, 1834–1917)

The Dancing Class, ca. 1870Edgar Degas (French, 1834–1917)


Ballet Girl Fixing her Slippers

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c) Augusto Renoir – essentially a figure painter.

- (paintings) show nude reflecting a warm glow mingled with pearly iridescence in the pinks ivories, and bluish tint of flesh to heighten the richness of texture and to give figures of joy of life.

OUTSTANDING WORKS The Girl with a Watering Can, Nursemaid and Child

d) Paul Cezanne – Father of Modern Art

- showed well-balanced compositions where he showed all details perfectly related to one another.

- said to have foreshadowed Cubistic style of painting & belonged to the post-impressionist period.


Landscape at Viaduct, The Card Players, Still life

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The Girl with a Watering Can, Renoir 1876

Nursemaid and Child, Renoir, 1895

Landscape at Viaduct, Cezanne,

The Card Players, Cezanne,1890-92 Still life, Cezanne,1883-87 

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e) Paul Gaugin – belonged to the post-impressionist period.

- (art) flattening of figures on canvas, use of colors (vividness) and expression of some inner vision of life.


I Raro Ti Oviri (Under the Pandamus Tree), 1891 La Orana Maria Yellow Christ

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E. EXPRESSIONISM – painters rejected the idealized and the beautiful as subject of art.

- sought to represent the agony, suffering, and excitement of the human conditions. (highly emotional & tend to rouse strong feelings [pity & horror] )

- colors and compositions are used in order to give expression to an emotional state.

PAINTERSa) Vincent Van Gogh – spiritual father of expressionism

- evoked feelings of terror, anguish, and turmoil.

OUTSTANDING WORKSLandscape at Arles, Sunflowers, Starry Night, Cypress


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Landscape at Arles Sunflowers

Starry Night

Cypress Trees

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b) Henri Matisse – leader of Fauvists (group of expressionists painters who made use of wild color and uncouth design in their pictorial color.

- emphasized on color, design, and pattern.

OUTSTANDING WORKSLady in Blue – bold, curvilinear rhythms

Odalisque - compactness and spatial relations

Hindo Pose of a Woman

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F. Cubism (1906-1914) – made use of arrangements of geometrical forms to represent what is seen.

- concerned with dercribing the structure of objects.

- intellectual movement basic principle: revolt against the traditional

idea that representation ought to conform to what the eye sees at one particular moment.

PAINTERS:a) Fernand Leger – showed clear arrangement of solid geometric basic forms

b) George Braque – first to experiment in Cubistic art

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Contrast of Forms, LegerSerigraph

Fernan LegerGeorge Braque

Woman Reading

Violin and Pipe: "Le Quotidien"Paris, after December 20, 1913The Portuguese, 1911 (Basel) 

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c) Pablo Picasso – most outstanding exponent of Cubistic art

- characterized distortion of human forms by wild use of color intended to heighten emotions


Night Fishing at Antibes, Spanish, 1881-1973

Les Demoiselleds D’ Avigon (Spanish, 1881-


Guernica (masterpiece), The Musicians, 1921

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- reaction against naturalistic art - DE STIJL- chief initiator

- object doesn’t recall or evoke reality- developed into Surrealism, Futurism,

Non-Objectivism, Symbolism, etc.PAINTERS a) Wassily Kandisky – main exponent of

Non-objectivism. - works show complete

elimination of all semblance of natural objects b) Paul Klee – Non-objectivism painter

- painted in form of drawing/water color (that of a child’s) work: Abstractions

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The Red Spot, Kandinsky, 1921 Deluge, Kandinsky, 1912

All Saints’ Day, Kandinsky, 1911

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c) Piet Mondrian – showed preference for the simplest form of rectangle coordinated with the purest color to build up large architectural patterns related to the functions of the wall.

works: Composition in Red, Yellow, Blue, Composition 2, 1922.

d) Jackson Pollock – originator of Abstract Expressionism (aka action paintings)

- created decorative schemes where he used not only his hands, but his whole body also as he sprawled his canvas on the floor and applied the paint as he moved over the canvas

works: Ocean Greyness, Number 12, 1952

e) Amadeo Modiglaiani – representative of Futurism

- reveals large flat figures of taut and simplified arabesque forms.

works: The Apprentice, MME. Hebuterne

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f) Marc Chagall – painter of the literary and fantastic pictorial art.

works: The Village and I, Three Candles

g) Juan Gris – showed Cubistic influence

- created measured surface patterns and broad simplified designs in an architectonic manner.

works: Fruit Bowl on a Checkered Cloth, Still Life with Pears

h) Max Ernst – exponent of Surrealism

work: The Elephant of the Celebes

i) Antoine Pevsner – representative of Constructivism (work: Gray Scale)

j) Frank Kupska – made Discs