modern maintenance practices-aftrtpm2

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  • 8/10/2019 Modern Maintenance Practices-AftrTPM2


  • 8/10/2019 Modern Maintenance Practices-AftrTPM2















    time Defect




    2. Set up andadjustment

    5. Idling and minorstoppage

    6.Reduced speed

    7. Defectivesand rework
















    = 100












    ity xAvailabilequipmentOverall

    esseffectiven =

    42.6%1000.980.500.87(e.g.) =

    Equipment Seven major losses Calculation of overall equipment effectiveness

    Relationship between Seven Major Losses on Equipment andOverall Equipment Effectiveness

    3. Cutt ing Toolreplacement

    4. Startup Loss

    Autonomous Maintenance

    Autonomous mean Self Governed

    So, Autonomous maintenance is selfgoverned maintenance system

    Japanese call it Jishu Hozen

  • 8/10/2019 Modern Maintenance Practices-AftrTPM2



    Maintenance Two Expects

    1. Sustainment Activities

    Preventing and correcting

    2. Improvement Activites

    Prolonging the working life of the

    equipment, reducing the time spent on

    maintenance, and eliminating the need formaintenance

    Measures for Sustaining

    Correct operation

    Routine maintenance

    Periodic maintenance

    Predictive maintenance

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    Measures for Improvement

    Corrective maintenance

    Improve reliability and maintainability

    Maintenance prevention

    Designing out the need for maintenance

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    Individual preserving ones own equipment

    Significant change from early theory of

    I Manufacture - You Repair or I Make - You Fix

    Theme is

    If equipment changes - people will changeIf people change - shop will change.

    Operation and Maintenance are like wheels on both sides of a car

    I can decide, I can do, I am empowered to do.

    Autonomous Maintenance


    Change the Bitter Complaintswhich come from........

    Production Maintenance

    Maintenance does not knowits job

    They take too long to fix theequipment

    This equipment is soantiquated, n wonder it

    breaks down

    We are too busy to do vitaldaily checks

    They (Production) dontknow how to operate

    We get lot of repairs so wedont have ample to do areal corrective action andare forced to only do

    disposition We repair the standards, but

    they dont do the checks

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    Daily care of our Body (Brushing, Bathing, Cleaning.....), We do

    Ourselves. We only go to the Doctor (Specialist) for treatmentwhen we are ill.

    Do we have similar approach for our machine (Cleaning, Oil ing -

    food, tightening) Do we allow a Forced Deterioration of our body

    or sustain Basic Condition? Why we have different approach for

    our Machine, calling the doctor (maintenance - specialist) for

    every problem & banking on him to take care of machine.

    Detect and Sense Abnormalities



    Natural Deterioration(Inherent lifetime)

    Accelerated Deterioration(Artificially induced)

    Corrective Maintenance

    Prevent errors by improvingoperability

    Improve maintainability andrepair quality

    Improve safety and reliability

    Establishment for BasicConditions

    Cleaning : eliminate all dustand dirt

    Lubricating : Keep lubricantsclean and replenished

    Tightening : Keep nuts andbolts secure

    Extend Lifetimes Eliminate Causes

    Establishing Basic Equipment Conditions Eliminates Causes ofAccelerated Deterioration

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    Relationship Between Forced Deterioration and Losses

    Example of Forced DeteriorationDue to Inadequate Cleaning

    Dirt increases frictional resistance and sliding resistance

    resulting in speed losses such as decreased performance andidling.

    4. Cause of speed


    Waste and dirt makes it difficult to inspect for looseness,cracks, play and out-of-oil conditions, resulting in forceddeterioration.

    3. Cause of reducedlife

    Direct contamination by foreign matter in products andmisoperation of equipment results in quality defects.

    2. Cause of quality

    Contamination by dirt or fallen matter in rotating parts, slidingparts, air and oil pressure systems, electrical control systems,sensors, etc. causes a drop in accuracy, misoperation or afailure due to wear, jamming, resistance, poor electricalconductivity, etc.

    1. Cause of failure


    JH Step-1 (Initial Clean up)

    Uncover to Discover Discover by Cleaning

    Cleaning for Inspection Cleaning with Meaning

    Inspection for Identification of Abnormalities/Malfunction Repair.

    Cleaning - Remove dust, dirt, stains, Defective /Unnecessary Parts etc. Lubrication - Restore basic conditions for lubrication by tagging. Inspection - Identify & Tag Source of contamination/potential defects,

    malfunctions, problems, unsafe conditions/acts etc.

    Improvements for ease of

    Cleaning, Lubrication & Inspection and

    How the work area should be.

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    'Abnormality' is condition of the machine which is not in the best and perfect

    condition and leads to a potential breakdown of machine, generation ofdefects.

    i Leakage of air, water, oil etc.

    i Loose hanging wires, Improper electrical panel insulation.

    i Loose fitment of control panel covers, switches, hydraulic tanks etc.

    i Radiation/ heat loss due to improper insulation

    i Accessories not working hence bypassed

    i Spreading of swarf, sand, paint, oil, dust & Splashing of coolant etc.

    i Abnormal noise, vibration, harshness corroded elements, parts etc.

    i Grouted bolts, Nails on floor, sharp edges of racks/panels etc.


    Sample Manual on Exposing SevenTypes of Abnormality

    Abnormality Examples

    1. Minor Flaws

    Contamination Dust, dirt, powder, oil, grease, rust, paint

    Damage Cracking, crushing, deformation,chipping, bending

    Play Shaking, falling out, tilting, eccentricity,wear, distortion, corrosion

    Slackness Belts, chains

    Abnormal phenomena Unusual noise, overheating, vibration,strange smell, discoloration, incorrectpressure or current

    Adhesion Blocking, hardening, accumulation ofdebris, peeling, malfunction

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    Abnormality Examples

    2. Unfulfilled Basic Conditions

    Lubrication Insufficient, dirty, unidentified,unsuitable, or leaking lubricant

    Lubricant supply Dirty, damaged, or deformed lubricantinlets, faulty lubricant pipes

    Oil level gauges Dirty, damaged, leaking ; no indicationof correct level

    Tightening Nuts and bolts slackness, missing,cross-threaded, too long, crushed,corroded, washer unsuitable, wing nuts

    on backward

    Sample Manual on Exposing Seven Types of

    Abnormality (Cont.)


    Abnormality Examples

    3. Inaccessible Places

    Cleaning Machine construction, covers, layout, footholds,space

    Checking Covers, construction, layout, instrument positionand orientation, operating - range display

    Lubricating Position of lubricant inlet, construction, height,footholds, lubricant outlet, space

    Tightening Covers, construction, layout, size, footholds, space

    Operation Machine layout: position of valves, switches, andlevers: footholds

    Adjustment Position of pressure gauges, thermometers,flowmeters, moisture gauges, vacuum gauges, etc.

    Sample Manual on Exposing Seven Types ofAbnormality (Cont.)

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    Abnormality Examples4. Contamination Sources

    Product Leaks, spills, spurts, scatter, overflow

    Raw materials Leaks, spills, spurts, scatter, overflow

    Lubricants Leaking, spills, and seeping lubricating oils,hydraulic fluids, fuel oil, etc.

    Gases Leaking compressed air, gases, steam, vapors,exhaust fumes, etc.

    Liquids Leaking, spill and spurting cold water, hot water,half - finished products, cooling water, wastewater, etc.

    Scrap Flashes, cuttings, packaging materials, andnonconforming product

    Other Contaminants brought in by people, fork-lifttrucks, etc. and infil trating through cracks inbuildings

    Sample Manual on Exposing Seven Types of

    Abnormality (Cont.)


    Abnormality Examples

    5. Quality Defect Sources

    Foreign matter Inclusion, infiltration, and entrainment of rust,chips, wire scraps, insects, etc.

    Shock Dropping, jolting, collision, vibration

    Moisture Too much, too little, infiltration, defectiveelimination

    Gain size Abnormalities in screens, centrifugalseparators, compressed - air separators, etc.

    Concentration Inadequate warming, heating, compounding,mixing, evaporation, stirring, etc.

    Viscosity Inadequate warming, heating, compounding,mixing, evaporation, stirring, etc.

    Sample Manual on Exposing Seven Types ofAbnormality (Cont.)

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    Abnormality Examples

    6. Unnecessary and Non-urgent items

    Machinery Pumps, fans, compressors, columns, tanks,etc.

    Piping equipment Pipes, hoses, ducts, valves, dampers, etc.

    Measuring instruments Temperature and pressure gauges, vacuumgauges, ammeters, etc.

    Electrical equipment Wiring, piping, power leads, switches, plugs,etc.

    Jigs and tools General tools, cutting tools, jigs, molds,dies, frames, etc.

    Spare parts Standby equipment, spaces permanent

    stocks, auxiliary materials, etc.

    Makeshift repairs Tape, string, wire, metal plates, etc.

    Sample Manual on Exposing Seven Types of

    Abnormality (Cont.)


    Abnormality Examples

    7. Unsafe Places

    Floors Unevenness, ramps, projections, cracking,peeling, wear (steel deckplates)

    Steps Too steep, irregular, peeling anti-slip covering,corrosion, missing handrails

    Lights Dim, out of position, dirty or broken covers, nosafety or emergency stop devices

    Rotating machinery Displaced, fal len off or broken covers, no

    safety of emergency stop devices

    Lifting gear Wires, hooks, brakes, and other parts ofcranes and hoists.

    Other Special substances, solvents, toxic gases,insulating materials, danger sign, protectiveclothing etc.

    Sample Manual on Exposing Seven Types ofAbnormality (Cont.)

  • 8/10/2019 Modern Maintenance Practices-AftrTPM2




    Checkpoints for Nuts and Bolts

    Slight Defects

    Are any nuts or bolts loose? Are any nuts or bolts missing?

    Bolt Lengths Do all bolts protrude from nuts by 2-3 threadlengths?

    Washers Are flat washers used on long holes?

    Are tapered washers used on angle bars andchannels?

    Are spring washers used where parts are subjectto vibration?

    Are identical washers used on identical parts?

    Attachment of Nuts and Bolts Are bolts inserted from below, and are nutsvisible from the outside?

    Are devices such as limit switches secured by at

    least two bolts? Are wing nuts on the right way around?


    Lubrication Checkpoints

    Lubricant Storage Are lubricant stores always kept clean, tidy andwell-organized by through application of the 5Sprinciples?

    Are lubricant containers always capped?

    Are lubricant types clearly indicated and isproper stock control practiced?

    Lubricant Inlets Are grease nipples, speed-reducer lubricantports, and other lubricant inlets always keptclean?

    Are lubricant inlets dustproofed?

    Are lubricant inlets labeled with he correct typeand quantity of lubricant?

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    Oil-level Gauges Are oil-level gauges and lubricators always keptclean, and are oil levels easy to see?

    Is the correct oil level clearly marked?

    Is equipment free of oil leaks, and are oil pipesand breathers unobstructed?

    Automatic Lubricating Devices Are automatic lubricating devices operatingcorrectly and supplying the right amount oflubricant?

    Are any oil or grease pipes blocked, crushed orsplit?

    Lubrication Condition Are rotating parts, sliding parts, andtransmissions (e.g. chains) always clean andwell-oiled?

    Are the surroundings free of contamination byexcess lubricant?

    Lubrication Checkpoints (Cont.)


    Transmission System CheckpointsV-belts and Pulleys Are any belts cracked< swollen< worn< or

    contaminated by oil or grease?

    Are any belts twisted or missing?

    Are any belts stretched or slack?

    Are multiple belts under uniform tension and all ofthe same type?

    Are top surfaces of belts protruding above thepulley rims?Are the bottoms of any pulley grooves shiny(indicating a worn belt or pulley)?

    Are pulleys correctly aligned?

    Roller Chains Are any chins stretched (indicating worn pins orbushings)?

    Are any sprocket teeth worn, missing, or damaged?

    Is lubrication between pins and bushing sufficient?

    Are sprockets correctly aligned?

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    Transmission System Checkpoints (Cont.)

    Shafts, Bearings, and Couplings Is there any overheating, vibration, orabnormal noise due to excessive play or poorlubrication?

    Are any keys or set bolts loose or missing?

    Are any couplings misaligned or wobbly?

    Are any coupling seals worm? Are any boltsslack?

    Gears Are gears properly lubricated with the rightamount of lubricant? Are the surroundingsclean?

    Are any teeth worn, missing, damaged, or


    Is there any unusual noise or vibration?


    Hydraulic Checkpoints

    Hydraulic Units Is the correct quantity of fluid in hydraulicreservoirs, and is the correct level indicated?

    Is fluid at the correct temperature? Are themaximum and minimum permissibletemperatures indicated?

    Is fluid cloudy (indicating air entrapment)?

    Are all fluid inlets and strainers clean?

    Are any suction fi lters blocked?

    Are any f luid reservoir breather filters blocked?

    Are all fluid pumps operating normally withoutany unusual noise or vibration?

    Are hydraulic pressures correct, and areoperating ranges clearly displayed?

    Heat Exchangers Is any fluid or water leaking from fluid coolers orpipes?

    Are temperature differences between fluid andwater inlets and outlets correct? Are any tubesblocked?

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    Hydraulic Checkpoints (Cont.)

    Hydraulic Equipment Are there any fluid leaks?

    Are hydraulic devices properly secured without anymakeshift fastenings?

    Are hydraulic devices operating correctly without speed

    losses or breathing?

    Are hydraulic pressures correct, and are all pressure

    gauges working correctly (zero points, deflection)?

    Piping and Wiring Are all pipes and hoses securely attached?

    Are there any fluid leaks? Are any hoses cracked or


    Are all valves operating correctly? It is easy to see

    whether valves are open or shut?

    Are any pipes, wires, or valves unnecessary?


    Pneumatic Checkpoints

    FRLs Are FRLs always kept clean? Is it easy to seeinside them? Are they fitted the right way around?

    Is there sufficient oil, and are the drains clear?

    Is the oil drip rate correct(approximately 1 drop for every 10 strokes)?

    Are FRLs installed no more than 3 m from thepneumatic equipment?

    Are pressures adjusted to the correct value andare operating ranges clearly indicated?

    Pneumatic Equipment

    Is any compressed air leaking from pneumaticcylinders or solenoid valves?

    Are all pneumatic cylinders and solenoid valvesfirmly attached?

    Are any makeshift fixings in use(wire, adhesive tape, etc.)?

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    Pneumatic Checkpoints (Cont.)

    Are any pistons dirty, worn, or damaged?

    Are speed controllers installed the right wayaround?

    Is there any abnormal noise or overheating ofsolenoid valves, and are any lead wires chafed ortrailing?

    Piping and Wiring Are there any places in pneumatic pipes or hoseswhere fluid is liable to collect?

    Are all pipes and hoses clipped firmly into place?

    Are there any compressed-air leaks? are anyhoses cracked or damaged?

    Are all valves operating correctly? Is it easy to seewhether valves are open or closed?

    Are any pipes, wires, or valves unnecessary?


    Electrical Checkpoints

    Control Panels Are the interiors of distribution boards,switchboards, and control panels kept clean, tidy,and well-organized by the application f the 5Sprinciples? Have any extraneous objects orflammable materials been left inside?

    Is the wiring inside control panels in goodcondition? Are any wires coiled or trailing?

    Are all ammeters and voltmeters operatingcorrectly and clearly marked?

    Are any instruments or display lamps broken? Areany bulbs faulty?

    Are any switches broken? Do all switches workcorrectly?

    Are control panel doors in good condition? Do theyopen and close easily?

    Are there any unused holes? Are control panelswaterproof and dustproof?

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    Electrical Checkpoints (Cont.)

    Electrical Equipment Are all motors free of overheating, vibration, andunusual noise and smells?

    Are all motor cooling fans and fins clean?

    Are any attachment bolts loose? Are pedestalsfree of cracks and other damage?

    Sensors Are all limit switches clean and free of excessiveplay?

    Are the interiors of all limit switches clean? Are anywires trailing? Are all covers in good condition?

    Are any limit switches incorrectly installed?

    Are any limit switch dogs worn, deformed, or thewrong shape?

    Are all photoelectric switches and proximityswitches clean and free of excessive play?

    Are any sensors out of position? Are correct

    positions clearly indicated?

    Are all lead wires unchated, and is insulation intactat entry points?


    Electrical Checkpoints (Cont.)

    Switches Are all manual switches clean, undamaged, andfree of excessive play?

    Are all switches installed in the correct position?

    Are emergency stop switches installed inappropriate locations, and are they workingcorrectly?

    Piping and Wiring Are any pipes, wires, or power leads looser orunsecured?

    Are any ground wires damaged or disconnected? Are any pipes corroded o r damaged? Are there

    any bare wires or wires with damaged insulation?

    Are any wires coiled on the f loor or danglingoverhead?

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    Checkpoints for General-Purpose Equipment

    Pumps Are pumps and their stands free of unusual noise, vibration, and


    Are pedestal bolts tight, corrosion-free, and undamaged?

    Are stands and pedestals free of corrosion, cracking, and otherdamage?

    Is any liquid leaking or spraying from gland packings?

    Is any liquid leaking or spraying from pipes or valves?

    Are any pipes or valves blocked?

    Are all pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, flowmeters, thermometers,and other measuring instruments working property and marked withthe correct operating ranges?

    Are starting current and operating current valves correct?Are these clearly indicated?

    Are all valves operating correctly? Is it easy to see whether whethervalves are open or closed?


    Checkpoints for General-PurposeEquipment (Cont.)

    Fans Are fans and their stands free of unusual noise, vibration, and play?

    Are all pedestal bolts light, corrosion-free, and undamaged?

    Are all stands and pedestals free of corrosion, cracking, and otherdamaged?

    Are any gland packings leaking air or gas?

    Are any ducts or dampers leaking air or gas?

    Are any ducts blocked or clogged?

    Are all pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, flowmeters, thermometers,

    and other measuring instruments working properly and marked withthe correct operating ranges?

    Are starting current and operating current values correct?Are these clearly indicated?

    Are all dampers operating correctly? Is it easy to see whetherdampers are opened or closed?

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    White Tags Removed by Line Operators



    Red Tags Removed by Skilled Person


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    Autonomous Maintenance

    Step - 0 Implement 1S, 2S

    Step - 1 Initial Cleaning

    Step - 2 Generation of Countermeasures

    Step - 3 Preparation of Tentative Standards

    Step - 4 General Inspection

    Step - 5 Autonomous Inspection

    Step - 6 Standardization

    Step - 7 Autonomous Management

    Seven Steps of Jishu-Hozen (AM)



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