modeling the gnss rural radio channel: wave...

Modeling the GNSS Rural Radio Channel: Wave Propagation Effects caused by Trees and Alleys F. M. Schubert 1,2,3 (ION member), A. Lehner 1 , A. Steingass 1 , P. Robertson 1 , B. H. Fleury 3,4 , R. Prieto-Cerdeira 2 1 German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Communications and Navigation 2 European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC 3 Aalborg University, Department of Electronic Systems 4 Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW) BIOGRAPHIES F. M. Schubert studied Electrical Engineering and Infor- mation Technology at the University of Karlsruhe, Ger- many. Since 2007 he is member of the scientific staff at the Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR). During his studies, he was in- volved in a research project concerning inertial measure- ment unit (IMU) calibration at the Delft University of Tech- nology, Delft, The Netherlands, and he developed a simu- lation software for a robust powerline communication sys- tem at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cam- bridge, USA. Since 2007, F. M. Schubert is participating in the European Space Agency’s Networking/Partnering Ini- tiative (NPI) together with DLR and the University of Aal- borg working towards his Ph.D. He is working on topics such as radio channel modeling for satellite navigation and the influences of harsh multipath environments on satellite navigation receiver performance. A. Lehner studied Mechatronics at the Johannes Ke- pler University in Linz. Since 2001, he is a research scien- tist at the German Aerospace Center. In 2007 he received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. His research and project work focuses on the analysis of multipath and interference effects in satellite navigation systems and the design of inter-vehicle communication systems. A. Steingass received his Electrical Engineering di- ploma in 1997 from the University of Ulm, Germany. Since then he has been a research scientist at the German Aero- space Center. He has been involved in several projects in the area of satellite navigation and location-dependent mo- bile services. In 2002 he received his doctoral degree from the University of Essen. P. Robertson received a Ph.D. from the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich, in 1995. He is cur- rently with DLR, where his research interests are naviga- tion, sensor based context aware systems, signal process- ing, and novel systems and services in various mobile and ubiquitous computing contexts. B. H. Fleury received the diploma in Electrical En- gineering and Mathematics in 1978 and 1990 respectively, and the doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering in 1990 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland. Since 1997 B. H. Fleury has been with the Depart- ment of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark, as a Professor in Communication Theory. He is the Head of the Section Navigation and Communications, one of the eight labs of this department. Since April 2006 he has also been affiliated as a Key Researcher with Forschungs- zentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW), Austria. B. H. Fleury’s current areas of research include stochastic mod- elling and estimation of the radio channel, especially for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) applications and in fast time-varying environments, and iterative information processing with focus on efficient, feasible advanced re- ceiver architectures. R. Prieto-Cerdeira received his Telecommunications Engineering degree in 2002 from the University of Vigo, Spain, and followed postgraduate studies on Space Science and Radioastronomy in Chalmers University of Technol- ogy, Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 2004, he has been with the European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC) in the Wave Interaction and Propagation Section where he is respon- sible of the activities related to radiowave propagation in the ionosphere and local environment for Global Naviga- tion Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as Galileo and EGNOS projects, satellite mobile communications, and remote sens- ing and planetary radio science projects.

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Page 1: Modeling the GNSS Rural Radio Channel: Wave … · Modeling the GNSS Rural Radio Channel: Wave Propagation Effects

Modeling the GNSS Rural Radio Channel:Wave Propagation Effects caused by Trees and


F. M. Schubert1,2,3 (ION member), A. Lehner1, A. Steingass1, P. Robertson1, B. H. Fleury3,4, R. Prieto-Cerdeira2

1German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Communications and Navigation2European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC

3Aalborg University, Department of Electronic Systems4Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW)

BIOGRAPHIESF. M. Schubert studied Electrical Engineering and Infor-mation Technology at the University of Karlsruhe, Ger-many. Since 2007 he is member of the scientific staff atthe Institute of Communications and Navigation, GermanAerospace Center (DLR). During his studies, he was in-volved in a research project concerning inertial measure-ment unit (IMU) calibration at the Delft University of Tech-nology, Delft, The Netherlands, and he developed a simu-lation software for a robust powerline communication sys-tem at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cam-bridge, USA. Since 2007, F. M. Schubert is participating inthe European Space Agency’s Networking/Partnering Ini-tiative (NPI) together with DLR and the University of Aal-borg working towards his Ph.D. He is working on topicssuch as radio channel modeling for satellite navigation andthe influences of harsh multipath environments on satellitenavigation receiver performance.

A. Lehner studied Mechatronics at the Johannes Ke-pler University in Linz. Since 2001, he is a research scien-tist at the German Aerospace Center. In 2007 he receiveda Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University ofErlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. His research and projectwork focuses on the analysis of multipath and interferenceeffects in satellite navigation systems and the design ofinter-vehicle communication systems.

A. Steingass received his Electrical Engineering di-ploma in 1997 from the University of Ulm, Germany. Sincethen he has been a research scientist at the German Aero-space Center. He has been involved in several projects inthe area of satellite navigation and location-dependent mo-bile services. In 2002 he received his doctoral degree fromthe University of Essen.

P. Robertson received a Ph.D. from the University ofthe Federal Armed Forces, Munich, in 1995. He is cur-rently with DLR, where his research interests are naviga-

tion, sensor based context aware systems, signal process-ing, and novel systems and services in various mobile andubiquitous computing contexts.

B. H. Fleury received the diploma in Electrical En-gineering and Mathematics in 1978 and 1990 respectively,and the doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering in 1990from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich(ETHZ), Switzerland.

Since 1997 B. H. Fleury has been with the Depart-ment of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark,as a Professor in Communication Theory. He is the Headof the Section Navigation and Communications, one of theeight labs of this department. Since April 2006 he hasalso been affiliated as a Key Researcher with Forschungs-zentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW), Austria. B. H.Fleury’s current areas of research include stochastic mod-elling and estimation of the radio channel, especially formultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) applications and infast time-varying environments, and iterative informationprocessing with focus on efficient, feasible advanced re-ceiver architectures.

R. Prieto-Cerdeira received his TelecommunicationsEngineering degree in 2002 from the University of Vigo,Spain, and followed postgraduate studies on Space Scienceand Radioastronomy in Chalmers University of Technol-ogy, Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 2004, he has been withthe European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC) in the WaveInteraction and Propagation Section where he is respon-sible of the activities related to radiowave propagation inthe ionosphere and local environment for Global Naviga-tion Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as Galileo and EGNOSprojects, satellite mobile communications, and remote sens-ing and planetary radio science projects.

Page 2: Modeling the GNSS Rural Radio Channel: Wave … · Modeling the GNSS Rural Radio Channel: Wave Propagation Effects

ABSTRACTAmong the various physical influencing factors with thepotential to degrade the overall performance of a globalnavigation satellite system (GNSS), the propagation mech-anisms in the channel between a satellite and the mobilereceiver play a central role. Especially multipath propa-gation and signal shadowing may cause high ranging, andhence positioning, errors in current receivers.

Although new signals and ranging codes with higherbandwidths become available, the principal issue of multi-path propagation inherent to the time-varying GNSS radiochannel cannot fully be eliminated. Detailed analysis andknowledge of the radio channel characteristics under real-istic conditions are essential to identify and eventually beable to mitigate these disturbances.

The goal of the presented work is to understand thepropagation conditions in rural settings for vehicular land-mobile users. As a contribution to the design of a com-prehensive GNSS rural channel model, the effects causedby single trees are investigated. Even though individualtrees spaced afar from each other along a road do not causemuch harm to the smoothing tracking algorithm of a delay-lock-loop (DLL) of GNSS receiver, an alley of tree can pro-foundly impact the tracking performance of the DLL.

1 INTRODUCTIONCompared to radio channel modeling for digital commu-nications, channel modeling for satellite positioning, andespecially for GNSS positioning applications is still in itsbeginnings. Only since recent years realistic channel mod-els have been proposed, for example for urban [2] [4], sub-urban [5] and pedestrian [3] scenarios. The wave propa-gation effects caused by roadside trees and alleys are verypertinent to channel modelling aspects for GNSS applica-tions.

Trees close to the road cause periodic deep fades inthe order of -10 to -30 dB of the signal when the line-of-sight (LOS) signal is shadowed by a tree’s canopy. In ad-dition, the trees’ canopies show strong reflective and scat-tering properties. As a result, the power of the scatteredsignal can even exceed the power of the LOS signal whenthe receiver is approaching a tree.

Deep fades combined with strong scattered reflectionsby trees placed along the driven road occur frequently andrepetitively in rural settings. Both effects pose technicalchallenges for GNSS receivers operating in surroundingsdominated by tree vegetation.

Consequently, the modeling of the GNSS rural radiochannel presented in this paper focuses on shadowing andscattering of single trees along a road. Recorded channelmeasurements of a ride by an alley is used in a time-domainsimulation to demonstrate the effect of an alley on a GPSreceiver’s performance.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 3 describesthe definition of the scenario, including the user vehicle tra-

jectory, the tree positions, and the geometric parameters de-scribing the tree trunk and the canopy. Section 4 introducesthe signal model and describes the proposed approximationof incoherent scattering caused by trees. Section 5 includesa comparison of the channel responses generated with thedesigned model to the responses collected in the measure-ment campaign. The imposed stress on a GPS tracking loopcaused by the propagation conditions resulting from a ridethrough an alley is examined in Section 6. The conclud-ing Section 7 summarizes the main features observed fromthe experimental data and addresses how these features areincluded into the proposed model.

2 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONSChannel measurements at a center frequency of 1.51 GHzand a bandwidth of 100MHz, made in a rural environmentare available to determine the model parameters. The trans-mitter was located at an elevation angle of 44◦. An exam-ple of raw channel impulse responses (CIR) are shown inFig. 3. The component in the channel response contributedby the tree becomes apparent at t = 594.xxs and drifts to-wards the LOS components as time elapses. Both compo-nents merge when the receiver vehicle drives below the tree(t = 596.8s), which then blocks the LOS signal.

Physically, a treetop consists of a number of attenuat-ing and scattering elements. Leaves cause mainly attenua-tion due to their water content, whereas structures at wave-length scale such as branches and forks induce scatteringat L-band. To analyze these phenomenas in their full com-plexity one has to conduct a finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) simulation. The high amount of processing powerand memory needed to carry out such simulations has lim-ited their applications to small tree-like structures consist-ing of few branches and leaves [1]. Design of a model suit-able for GNSS simulation requires a drastic simplificationof the complex physical features of a tree. Tree trunks aremodeled by cylinders with given radii and heights and thecanopy is approximated by a spherical volume.


The proposed model approximates the tree canopies by spher-ical volumes which contain a plethora of point scatterers.The scatterers’ positions are uniformely distributed withinthe volume. The point scatterers mimic the characteristicreflective behaviour due to the trees’ heterogeneous com-position that can be seen in Fig. 3. As can be seen in Fig. 2the component contributed by the tree is dispersive in de-lay. Delay dispersion is due to the geometrical extent ofthe tree. We assume that the spherical volume represent-ing the canopy of the tree has radius 5.5m. The minimumand maximum delays of the components contributed by thescatterers in the canopy are determined by respectively theminimum and maximum path lengths to the receiver via thecanopy in the scenario depicted in Fig. 3. The minimumand maximum delays computed from this scenario are re-

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Figure 1. Picture of a tree along the road driven by the receivervehicle.

Figure 2. Minimum and maximum path lengths to the receivervehicle via the canopy.

ported in green and red respectively in Fig. 2 versus time.It can be seen that the component contributed by the treeis mainly confined between these two curves. However,when the vehicle drives close to the tree at time t = 596suntil t = 597.5s the delay spread becomes much larger. Weconjecture that this effect is due to multiple scattering in-side the tree’s canopy. The proposed model accounts forthis effect by including multiple-bounce scattering up toorder three. Moreover, the positions of the scatterers in thecanopy are redrawn whenever α (see Fig. 3) changes morethan 1◦ to mimic the increasing dynamic fluctuations as thereceiver drives closer to the tree.

The proposed model generates a virtual scenario con-sisting of the vehicle trajectory, the location of the station-ary transmitter, and a certain number of trees. Each tree ischaracterized by its position, the height th and radius tr ofits trunk and the radius cr of its canopy (see Fig. 4). Thetrunk reaches half way through the canopy. The trunk andthe scatterers in the canopy have the same constant scatter-

Figure 3. Example of a channel impulse response measured whena receiver passes by a single tree.

Figure 4. Geometric model of a tree with its parameters.

ing coefficient. The ground is assumed to be flat.Once the positions of the transmitter, receiver, and

the trees are defined, the following parameters can be de-termined according to Fig. 5:

• the antenna height,

• the distance transmitter – tree dtx-tree(t),

• the distance tree – receiver dtree-rx(t),

• the total path length from the transmitter to the re-ceiver via a scatterer in the canopy

dref(t) = dtx-tree(t)+dtree-rx(t), (1)

• the excess path length via a scatterer

dexc(t) = dref(t)−dLOS(t), (2)

• the excess delay due to a scatterer

τexc(t) =dexc(t)

c0, (3)

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d (t)LOS

d (t)tx-tree

d (t)tree-rx


Figure 5. Top view of the geometry of the propagation paths fromthe transmitter to the receiver.

• and the angle α between the transmitter, the canopyscatterer, and the receiver. For multiple-bounce scat-tering, α is determined from the last scatterer.


This section describes the derivation of the time-varyingchannel impulse response for the setting shown in Fig. 5. Inthe model the time-varying impulse response of the radiochannel between the transmitter and the receiver consistsof the contribution of the LOS propagation path and thecontribution resulting from scattering by the tree canopy.

The specular LOS component is given by

hLOS(t,τ) = aLOS(t)δ(τ− τLOS(t)) (4)

where αLOS(t) and τLOS(t) denote the complex weight andthe delay of the component, and δ(τ) is the Dirac impulse.

The component originating from scattering by the treeis modeled as the sums of specular contributions by a time-varying number D(t) of point scatterers located in the treecanopy:

htree(t,τ) =D(t)


ai(t)δ(τ− τi(t)) (5)

Each contribution is characterized by its specific weightai(t) and delay τi(t).

The time-varying channel impulse response is the sumof (4) and (5):

h(t,τ) = aLOS(t)δ(τ−τLOS(t))+D(t)


ai(t)δ(τ−τi(t)). (6)

The attenuation of the LOS component due to shad-owing by the treetop and the trunk is modeled using a con-stant specific attenuation dependent on the length of thepath that is propagating through the canopy and the trunk,respectively.

Figure 6. Example of one realization of the time-variant CIR 6.

The weights of point scatterers in the tree canopy arenormalized with respect to the absolute weight of the LOSpath. An unattenuated receiption of the LOS componentis hereby represented by |aLOS(t)| = 1. The time-varyingpower of path i is denoted by Pi(t). The phases of theweights in (6) are determined by their corresponding prop-agation path length. Under these definitions and assump-tions the complex weights of the LOS path and the ith paththrough the tree canopy reads

aLOS(t) =√

PLOS · ej·2π

fcc0·dLOS(t), (7)

andai(t) =

√Pi(t) · e

j·2πfcc0·di(t), (8)

respectively.The power scattered by the tree is

Ptree(t) =D(t)


Pi(t). (9)

We observe from the measurement data that the power scat-tered by the tree is larger then α is smaller.

When the vehicle is entering the canopy shadow, inwhich case the α thus is close to 180◦, the power re-scatteredby the tree is minimum. We model this behavior with afunctional dependency according to cos(α/2).

5 PARAMETER SETTINGThe rate with which the (temporal) samples of the channelimpulse response are generated will depend on the maxi-mum absolute Doppler frequency, which in turn is a func-tion of the receiver velocity.

Considering relativistic effects the Doppler frequencydepends on the carrier frequency fc and the vehicle speed vaccording to

fD = fc ·√

c0 + vc0− v

. (10)

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Figure 7. Visualization of the rural channel model’s virtualscenery.

with c0 = 3 · 108 m/s denoting the speed of light. For amaximum vehicle speed v= 30m/s and a carrier frequencyfc = 1.51GHz the maximum Doppler frequency offset is

fD,∆ = fD− fc = fc ·√

c0 + vc0− v

− fc = 151Hz (11)

Invoking Nyquist’s Sampling Theorem, the channel impulseresponse has to be sampled in time at least with rate

fCIR,min = 2 fD,∆ = 302Hz (12)

for this case. We select a parameter setting for the model(receiver speed, tree parameters, transmitter elevation, etc.)which approximates the scenario prevailing when the mea-surement data used to obtain the time-variant CIR depictedin Fig. 3. The density of point scatterers in the canopy ischosen equal to 0.11 scatterers/m3. Fig. 7 depicts the re-sulting CIR filtered (interpolated) using a low-pass filterwith bandwidth equal to that used to collect the measure-ment data.


We can expect that a DLL easily copes with the temporaryshadowing of the path to the satellite combined with thescattering from a single tree, especially at usual speeds ofup to 100km/h in rural areas. Yet, such effects pose highstress on the GNSS receiver algorithm when it occurs fre-quently. This happens when the receiver drives below a rowof trees or an alley. Fig. 8 shows the estimated time-variantCIR computed from measurements collected during a 30sride on a road lined by trees. The performance of the DLLof a GPS C/A code with discriminator chip-spacing set to1 chip was simulated using this CIR and noise level set to

Figure 8. Example of a time-variant channel impulse responsegenerated with the proposed model. The black lineshows the delay estimated by a DLL tracking the GPSC/A code. The magenta curve represents the referencerange.

45dB-Hz. The delay estimated by the DLL is also reportedin Fig. 8. The resulting range rms error is 32.4m.

7 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKThis paper proposes a wide-band model characterizing thetime-variant channel impulse response in a scenario wherea mobile receiver (vehicle) is driving through an alley con-sisting of isolated trees. The mechanisms critical to posi-tioning in such a scenario are the obstruction of the directpath to the satellite, the multipath propagation induced bytree scattering, and the high dynamic of these effects.

This model is designed for the purpose of signal-levelsimulation of the performance of satellite navigation sys-tems and synchronization applications in such a scenario,which is frequent in land-mobile environments.

The model includes the component contributed by thepropagation path between the satellite and the receiver andthe components scattered by the trees. The former com-ponent may be obstructed by trees depending on the geo-metrical configuration. The component scattered by a treeis made of the sum of contributions from point scatterersevenly distributed in the tree canopy. The attenuation is de-termined by specific attenuations for treetop and trunk. Theabsolute transmitter position can be defined and thus differ-ent transmitter azimuths and elevations can be used in themodel.

The power and the pace of the fluctuations of thecomponent scattered by a tree depends on the prevailinggeometric configuration mobile receiver – tree – transmit-ter. Relevant parameters in this respect are the distance be-tween the mobile receiver and the tree as well as the angledetermined by the positions of the receiver, the center ofgravity of the canopy and the transmitter.

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Despite its simplicity the proposed model generatestime-variant channel impulse responses very similar to thoseextracted from channel measurement data of isolated trees.The model is used to investigate how the propagation con-ditions prevailing in such an environment affects the per-formance of a GNSS receiver.

In a next step towards a realistic and comprehensivechannel model for satellite positioning in rural environments,further propagation features typical for such environments,like scattering by electricity poles, buildings, and forests,will be included.

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[2] A. Lehner and A. Steingass. A channel model forland mobile satellite navigation. In Proceedings of the18th International Technical Meeting of the Institute ofNavigation Satellite Division, Long Beach, California,USA, 2005.

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[5] A. Steingass and A. Lehner. Navigation in multipathenvironments for suburban applications. In Proceed-ings of the 20th International Technical Meeting of theInstitute of Navigation Satellite Division, Fort Worth,Texas, USA, 2007.