modeling the full monty: baring the nature of surfaces across time

Modeling the full monty: baring the nature of surfaces across time and space Frank Starrost, Emily A. Carter * Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Box 951569, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569, USA Received 10 July 2000; accepted for publication 5 May 2001 Abstract Computational materials research has made great strides in recent years in the description of the science of surfaces and interfaces. So far, however, the approaches generally have been limited to fixed resolutions of time and space. In effect, each group of scientists has chosen its specific scale for the ‘‘road maps’’ used by them to investigate surfaces and interfaces, some focusing only on highly resolved ‘‘city maps’’, others considering the big picture of the ‘‘countrywide’’ view. So, just as in the planning for improvements of, e.g., a nation’s infrastructure, future progress in the field requires limitations of the models to single length and time scales to be overcome. Recently, the first steps have been taken to set up multi-scale modeling techniques, often involving collaborations of chemists, physicists, and engineers. Here, it is our aim to present a representative survey of these techniques. In particular, we discuss informed continuum approaches, the quasicontinuum method, the kinetic Monte Carlo technique and accelerated molecular dynamics simulation. We show where they have been used to date and outline where their future application holds promise. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Solid–gas interfaces; Catalysis; Growth; Etching; Ab initio quantum chemical methods and calculations; Density functional calculations; Molecular dynamics; Monte Carlo simulations 1. Introduction Picture a microscope where, with a twist of a knob, one sees first a smooth solid surface, then, zooming in, one notices cracks in the solid, or perhaps dust particles, or, in a liquid droplet, some cells. Zooming in further, suppose our microscope sees what is on the surface or in the crack or in the cells, in the form of islands or steps or molecules, comprised of atoms, which are, in turn, composed of electrons and nuclei. We have just described a multi-scale picture of an object of interest, where the ‘‘scale’’ here is size or ‘‘length’’. Over the course of the last century, improve- ments in instrumentation have made it possible to observe all these scales. The smaller length scales, right down to the atom on a surface, have become accessible only recently, for example, through the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope [1,2]. For the interpretation of most of the obser- vations, companion calculations are necessary. It Surface Science 500 (2002) 323–346 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-310-206-5118; fax: +1-310- 267-0319. E-mail address: [email protected] (E.A. Carter). 0039-6028/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0039-6028(01)01546-1

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Page 1: Modeling the full monty: baring the nature of surfaces across time

Modeling the full monty: baring the nature of surfacesacross time and space

Frank Starrost, Emily A. Carter *

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Box 951569, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569,


Received 10 July 2000; accepted for publication 5 May 2001


Computational materials research has made great strides in recent years in the description of the science of surfaces

and interfaces. So far, however, the approaches generally have been limited to fixed resolutions of time and space. In

effect, each group of scientists has chosen its specific scale for the ‘‘road maps’’ used by them to investigate surfaces and

interfaces, some focusing only on highly resolved ‘‘city maps’’, others considering the big picture of the ‘‘countrywide’’

view. So, just as in the planning for improvements of, e.g., a nation’s infrastructure, future progress in the field requires

limitations of the models to single length and time scales to be overcome. Recently, the first steps have been taken to set

up multi-scale modeling techniques, often involving collaborations of chemists, physicists, and engineers. Here, it is our

aim to present a representative survey of these techniques. In particular, we discuss informed continuum approaches,

the quasicontinuum method, the kinetic Monte Carlo technique and accelerated molecular dynamics simulation. We

show where they have been used to date and outline where their future application holds promise. � 2001 Elsevier

Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solid–gas interfaces; Catalysis; Growth; Etching; Ab initio quantum chemical methods and calculations; Density functional

calculations; Molecular dynamics; Monte Carlo simulations

1. Introduction

Picture a microscope where, with a twist of aknob, one sees first a smooth solid surface, then,zooming in, one notices cracks in the solid, orperhaps dust particles, or, in a liquid droplet, somecells. Zooming in further, suppose our microscopesees what is on the surface or in the crack or in the

cells, in the form of islands or steps or molecules,comprised of atoms, which are, in turn, composedof electrons and nuclei. We have just described amulti-scale picture of an object of interest, wherethe ‘‘scale’’ here is size or ‘‘length’’.

Over the course of the last century, improve-ments in instrumentation have made it possible toobserve all these scales. The smaller length scales,right down to the atom on a surface, have becomeaccessible only recently, for example, through theinvention of the scanning tunneling microscope[1,2]. For the interpretation of most of the obser-vations, companion calculations are necessary. It

Surface Science 500 (2002) 323–346

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-310-206-5118; fax: +1-310-


E-mail address: [email protected] (E.A. Carter).

0039-6028/01/$ - see front matter � 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S0039-6028 (01 )01546-1

Page 2: Modeling the full monty: baring the nature of surfaces across time

has been common practice to deduce theoriesseparately for each of the length scales observed.On the smallest scales, where electrons and nucleiare visible, the effects of quantum mechanics havebeen taken into account; on larger scales classicaland statistical mechanics (with the quantum effectshidden in empirical parameters) was generallysufficient to explain the experiment. Progress incomputational materials science in the last twodecades made possible ever more precise predic-tions of properties on these separate length scales.With the beginning of the new millenium, theborders between theories (and theorists) describingdifferent scales are beginning to dissolve, and amore unified look at materials science is beginningto emerge. Chemists, physicists and engineers work-ing in the field of theoretical materials science findit advantageous (or even necessary) to collaborate,and find that connections can and should be madeacross scales, from big to small, so we can knowhow small affects big, and vice versa. This new‘‘multi-scale’’ approach sharpens the theoreticalunderstanding of the interconnectedness of pro-cesses observed by our ‘‘microscope’’ on the dif-ferent length scales and is referred to as multi-scalemodeling. Wherever necessary, observables suchas energies are calculated by treating individualatoms with quantum mechanics. Wherever possi-ble, large numbers of atoms are treated withcoarser techniques, e.g., by taking average valuesto determine their behavior as a subunit of thewhole system. In between these descriptions, therecan be 10 orders of magnitude from the atomiclength scale (10�10 m) to the chunk of steel lengthscale (1 m). To describe certain properties of somematerials, it may be necessary to consider at thesame time the tiny realms of quantum physics andquantum chemistry and the macroscopic partitionsof materials considered in, for example, finite ele-ment methods of mechanical engineering [3].

In the same way, in the time domain, singleultra-short events, such as vibrational motion orthe breaking of a bond at a surface, should betreated at least partially by quantum mechanics.For example, the evolution of a moderately sizedsystem (typically tens of atoms) can be describedusing the ‘‘ab initio’’ molecular dynamics ap-proach (integrating Newton’s classical equations

of motion using the forces calculated includingquantum mechanical effects) for extremely shorttime periods, currently extending to picoseconds atmost [4]. So while this approach can describe howultra-short events unfold, it is insufficient to de-scribe processes happening on time scales of sec-onds or more, such as the growth of a material bythe adsorption (sticking to the surface) of atomsand molecules from the gas phase. To satisfy theseaims, it is necessary to use coarser methods that, intheir more advanced realizations, make use of thequantum mechanical results for the description ofsingle events, that comprise the overall phenome-non.

Many chemical processes happen at surfacesand interfaces, where different materials in differ-ent phases (solid, liquid, gaseous) come together.When the different length scales are taken intoaccount, more realistic and complete descriptionscan be achieved for a wide range of behavior.These include surface phase transitions and re-constructions (structural reorganizations), surfaceand interface strain, dislocation (a long-range de-fect, such as a missing row of atoms) formation,materials growth and etching, and chemically in-duced materials failure, e.g., embrittlement orcorrosion, in which a material is attacked at asurface and weakened so that it may crack understress. In the time domain, rates can vary by tenpowers of ten or more, e.g., in materials growthand surface melting, in adsorption and desorption(release from the surface), in biological processes,and in catalytic reactions or cooperative phe-nomena such as oscillating reactions.

It is our intention to give a description of thegeneral concepts of current multi-scale modelingtechniques and then to focus on their applicationto the investigation of surfaces and interfaces. Wegive examples and describe results that have beenand can only be obtained by multi-scale modeling.We do not attempt to provide details on everymethod. The techniques discussed are intended toillustrate the basic ideas behind multi-scale mod-eling: informed continuum methods, where mac-roscopic material constants are determined fromlower length scales (including from quantum me-chanics); the quasicontinuum method, which linksatomistic and continuum approaches on-the-fly;

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the kinetic Monte Carlo technique, which allowsone to reach arbitrarily long time scales (at theexpense of full determinism); and accelerated mo-lecular dynamics techniques, which simulate theevolution of many-particle systems by making rareevents happen at a faster pace. We close with somesuggestions for future research.

2. Theory of the multi-scale modeling of surfaces

Obviously, all real-life objects have surfaces.However, for the determination of many materialproperties, it is often assumed that the material isinfinite in all directions. (Additionally it is oftenassumed that it is comprised of perfectly periodicunits (see the unit cell of a body-centered cubic(bcc) crystal shown in Fig. 1), which neglects allthe real-life defects in solids such as missing atoms,impurities, incorrectly placed atoms, cracks, dis-locations, grain boundaries, etc.) In many objects,the assumption of infinite expanse makes sensewhen observed on the atomic level: In a macro-scopic chunk of material, almost all the atoms arefar away from the surface. The distance from thesurface is so large that it no longer influencesthe local region around the inner atoms: For allpractical purposes they ‘‘see’’ an infinite solid.

Indeed, a cube of 1 cm edge length contains about1023 atoms, while there are only �1016 atoms on itssurface. Although the latter certainly is a largenumber, a factor of 10 million separates the twonumbers––and thevolume-to-surface ratiobecomeslarger as the size of the body increases. Thus, inmany applications the surface can be neglected.

Things are different, however, in other instances.On modern computer chips, so much functionalityhas been crowded onto so tiny a space that wiresare only a few hundred or thousand atoms in di-ameter––and miniaturization is expected to con-tinue. In fact, in nanometer-size (1 nm ¼ 10�9 m;e.g., the diameter of a hydrogen atom is 0.1 nm)structures, e.g., nanoporous materials such as zeo-lites, which often are used as ‘‘molecular sieves’’,the number of surface atoms can be comparable toor even exceed the number of bulk atoms. Surfaceeffects dominate the behavior of these materials, sotheir correct description becomes crucial. Surfaceeffects also are important when it comes to inter-actions of materials with the outside world. Theseinteractions usually take place at or near surfacesand can occur through electromagnetic radiation(light) or single atoms, molecules, liquids or othersolids. The area of materials growth and etching,important, for example, in the design of nanoscalewires andmicroscalemotors, requires consideration

Fig. 1. Left: The unit cell of a body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice (blue) and seven other unit cells (grey). The atoms are denoted by red

spheres. Right: A larger representation of a bcc crystal. Elements that crystallize in this structure include chromium (Cr), iron (Fe) and

sodium (Na).

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of the surface by definition. In catalytic reactions,the catalyst is a material that accelerates the rate ofa chemical reaction without being consumed oressentially altered. In the case of heterogeneouscatalysis, the reaction takes place at the surfaceand the bulk is irrelevant.

Computational science has developed a numberof methods to determine theoretically the proper-ties of solids and their surfaces. We next give ageneral introduction to these methods, describe theapproaches used to model surfaces, and presentthe theory behind relevant multi-scale modelingtechniques.

2.1. Computational materials science

Computational materials science aims to predictthe properties of materials via computer simula-tion. Computers are used to solve the equationsthat govern the way the building blocks of matterinteract. At the highest resolution considered, thesebuilding blocks are atoms composed of nuclei andelectrons. The nuclei are generally well approxi-mated as positive point charges, while the electronsare described by a negative charge distributionspread out in space. The extremely small mass ofthe electrons makes it necessary to describe themusing quantum mechanics. In the quantum world,

speed and position of low mass particles cannot beknown exactly at the same time, as expressed inHeisenberg’s uncertainty principle. One can deter-mine, however, the probability for the electrons tobe at a specific point in space. This quantity iscalled the charge density, and it can be measuredexperimentally by X-ray diffraction. Fig. 2 showsthe charge density for a cross-section of a metal–ceramic interface and a crystal surface. The darkareas indicate a high electron density (the chargedensity of the electrons), which can be found nearthe nuclei and in certain strong bonds betweenatoms. Materials are typically electrically un-charged, hence the sums of the positive nuclearand the negative electronic charges cancel. In atypical solid, there are �1023 atoms/cm3 and eachatom contributes a number of electrons to thismany-particle system. The large number of parti-cles generally means that approaches to solving themany-particle problem at the fundamental level donot yield correct quantitative results. Yet, the vastcalculation power of modern computers can beused to determine approximate numerical solu-tions. It should be noted, though, that even withthe most powerful computers and the most ad-vanced techniques, an explicit, exact descriptionof the many-particle electron system is not possi-ble. Clever approximations have been invented

Fig. 2. The electron charge density at a surface and an interface: a monolayer film of Al2O3 on Ni. The darker the color, the higher is

the probability of finding an electron at that position. The white area on the top indicates vacuum; the top layer is alumina (Al2O3)

with the O atoms (big blue regions) close to the cross-section, the Al atoms further away (smaller, lighter blue regions). The lower three

layers are composed of nickel (Ni) atoms, the middle layer being out of the paper plane. (Figure courtesy of E.A. Jarvis, from a density

functional theory calculation [91].)

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to deal with this problem. We next outline an im-portant subset of the methods developed to de-scribe properties of solids, surfaces and interfaces,and their interaction with the environment: elec-tronic density functional theory and quantumchemistry for describing electrons and nuclei, mo-lecular dynamics and Monte Carlo ‘‘atomistic’’methods, and continuum theory of macroscopicsolids.

Within computational materials science, threedisciplines intersect: those of computational solidstate physics, theoretical chemistry, and mechani-cal engineering. Each field is wide by itself and theboundaries are sometimes fuzzy. The followingdefinitions give an idea of the primary contribu-tions of each of the disciplines to materials science.Theoretical solid state physics is concerned withrendering as accurately as possible the geometricand the electronic structure of a given solid. Thegeometric structure is given by the positions of theatoms, the electronic structure by the energieselectrons have in the solid and their wave func-tion. (The wave function completely describesthe electrons’ behavior. Among other properties,it provides the charge density.) In theoretical sur-face chemistry, the main aim is to model atomicand molecular adsorption, desorption, diffusion(movement along and in the surface) and reactionsoccurring at solid surfaces. Important aspects areidentifying the ways a certain reaction can happen(its mechanism) and the relative likelihood foreach of these pathways to be traversed (reactionrates). In treating atoms or molecules interactingwith crystals, it becomes necessary to treat non-periodic entities within or near periodic ones, eachof which are described differently. While physicistsoften tend to use methods that are developed totreat periodic solids, chemists tend to employtechniques that are optimized to describe mole-cules. Mechanical engineers, on the other hand,usually deal with questions of stability and dura-bility of materials. Traditionally, they have ig-nored the atomic structure of solids. Rather, theyconsider average mechanical properties to de-termine how large structures of material, frombridges to airplane wings, may behave understress. Recently, however, the calculations havebegun to include atomic scale modeling. One ex-

ample of this is the quasicontinuum method, dis-cussed later.

Theoretical predictions are most convincingwhen they are calculated with as few empiricallydetermined parameters as possible. In materialstheory, the only parameter that must be supplied isthe makeup of the solid to be studied, i.e., whichelements comprise the material and, preferably, inwhich approximate geometry they are arranged. Amethod that takes only these external data as inputand computes the geometric and electronic struc-ture based on the laws of quantum mechanics iscalled an ab initio, or first-principles, method.These methods are usually costly computationallyand currently are restricted to the treatment ofcrystals made up of unit cells of at most a fewthousand (and more typically, �10–100) atoms,corresponding to a cube of �10�20 cm3 volume.Unit cells are groups of atoms that are treated asthe building blocks of the crystal; the unit cells arerepeated identically through space to create theatomic structure of the crystalline solid (see Fig.1). Significantly less burdensome computationallyare so-called empirical or semi-empirical methods.Empirical methods employ parameters based onexperimental values; semi-empirical techniquesare based on results from both experiment andab initio approaches.

One successful ab initio method for the deter-mination of the electronic and the geometricstructure of materials is density functional theory[5]. Within density functional theory, the problemof finding a description for all the electrons in thesolid is reduced to the problem of determining thecorrect electron density. Hohenberg and Kohnshowed that all the ground state properties of asystem of electrons can be determined from itscharge density alone (where ‘‘ground state’’ refersto the lowest energy state the system can be in).This is an enormous simplification, since the elec-tron density is a function of merely three positionvariables, such as x, y and z, whereas the wavefunction describing the electrons themselves de-pends on the coordinates of all the electrons. Thetotal energy of all the electrons is the sum ofthe kinetic energy (the energy of motion) of all theelectrons, the Coulomb energy due to their at-traction to the positive nuclei, the Coulomb energy

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due to the repulsion of the negative electronsamongst themselves, and the non-classical, ex-change-correlation energy (a term that lowers theenergy due to the electrons’ tendency to avoid eachother). The local density approximation for thelast contribution yields a convenient set of single-electron equations to determine the electron den-sity [6]. In a number of cases, an approximation tothe exchange-correlation energy that not only de-pends on the electron density (as in the localdensity approximation) but also on its gradient hasbeen found to improve results (generalized gradi-ent approximation [7]). In the single-electron ap-proximation, the wave function is determined for asingle electron moving subject to a potential due tothe nuclei and the other electrons. Density func-tional theory has certain limitations, particularlywhen it comes to calculating not the ground statebut states with higher energies, or excited states.However, the list of successful applications ofdensity functional theory within the local densityapproximation (and generalized gradient approx-imation) to condensed matter phenomena is longand impressive. Unfortunately, conventional den-sity functional theory algorithms become veryslow and cumbersome when the unit cells becomelarge. The computational time required for thecalculation of the electron energies scales with thenumber of electrons, n, to the third power. Whileone might expect that a system twice as largeshould only cost twice as much to calculate, adensity functional theory calculation would beeight times as costly (23). Physically, one mightexpect the cost of models to scale linearly with sizeof the system. Algorithms which achieve a lineardependence on n are dubbed ‘‘linear scaling,’’ orO(n) (pronounced ‘‘order n’’), methods [8,9].

In quantum chemistry, the system of electronswithin each atom or molecule is described by amany-electron wave function. There are severalstages of approximation and different approachesfor the way these wave functions are constructedfrom single-electron solutions (‘‘orbitals’’). Thetypical starting point is Hartree–Fock theory [10],where the wave function, a product of orbitals, isconstructed to obey certain fundamental laws ofquantum mechanics, namely the Pauli exclusionprinciple, which prohibits electrons (of the same

spin) from occupying the same region of space. Inany system, such as an atom with a nucleus andelectrons, nature demands a minimum total en-ergy, which involves a compromise between kineticenergy and potential energy. (The potential energydescribes the energy stored in a system, usuallydepending on the relative position of, e.g., elec-trons or atoms. The term ‘‘potential’’ is used forthe potential energy given as a function of spatialcoordinates.) The electron–electron Coulomb re-pulsion energy is always positive, and thereforenature acts to minimize it, so long as the kineticenergy does not rise too steeply as a result. Naturereduces electron–electron repulsion by correlatingthe motion of the electrons so as to keep them asfar apart from each other as possible at all times.Thus, the many-particle wave function shouldcontain electron correlation. This is done in the so-called configuration interaction approach. Othertechniques that model the correlation of electronicmotion and the reduction of the Coulomb repul-sion include many-body perturbation theory andthe coupled cluster method (see, e.g. Ref. [10]).Modern quantum chemistry methods can yieldaccurate results, but the scaling of the computationwith the number of electrons prohibits their use formore than tens of atoms. Recent advances havereduced the scaling of some of these methods tonear linear, but their overall cost is still high [11,12].

The molecular dynamics technique allows one tofollow the evolution of a collection of atomsthrough time. Based on the velocities of the atomsand the forces between them, the trajectories (time-evolving positions) of all the atoms are calculated.Systems of interest for surface chemistry are atomsand molecules near surfaces in such processesas scattering, catalytic reactions, growth, and etch-ing. Fig. 3 shows the elementary processes whichhappen when molecules interact with surfaces: ad-sorption, dissociation, diffusion, reaction, and de-sorption. In surface simulations, the atoms insidethe solid, far away from the surface, are close totheir equilibrium positions (i.e., the positions theatoms adopt after they have moved according tothe forces acting on them and the forces havebalanced out). However, dramatic reconfigura-tions of the surface atoms may happen. In mole-cular dynamics, the electrons are usually not

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explicitly considered for the interaction amongatoms. Molecular dynamics techniques still takethe individual atoms into account, but typically viaan empirical analytic interaction potential, whichallows forces to be evaluated cheaply. In this wayup to millions of atoms can be followed, especiallywhen parallel processing is used to split up thesolid into subsystems [13]. By contrast, the moreaccurate ab initio molecular dynamics accounts forthe relaxation of the electrons as the atoms move,and thus is significantly slower [4,14,15].

An example of the predictive power of the mo-lecular dynamics technique for surface chemistry isgiven by ab initio-derived molecular dynamicscalculations (a modest multi-scale model, whereparameters describing the atomic interactions(�10�9 m) were obtained not from experimentbut from quantum mechanical (�10�10 m) calcula-tions) of the chemisorption of fluorine atoms andmolecules on a silicon surface. A number of pre-dictions made about the chemisorption processes[16–18], some of them in direct contravention of

Fig. 3. The fundamental steps of the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) on a platinum surface. The two upper panels show

oxygen being molecularly adsorbed and dissociating easily on the surface. Middle panels: CO is molecularly adsorbed. In the lower

three panels, CO diffuses on the surface and meets an oxygen atom (left), CO reacts slowly with the oxygen atoms (middle), but the

resulting carbon dioxide desorbs quickly from the surface (right). This reaction generates complex patterns of the oxygen and CO

concentrations on the platinum surface. In the spatial pattern displayed in the background (whose width corresponds to about 0.2 mm)

the dark areas are covered by oxygen, the light areas by CO (courtesy of G. Ertl [93]).

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contemporary chemical thinking, were confirmedin later experiments [19–23]. In particular, thesesimulations characterized quantitatively two reac-tion pathways (atom abstraction by the surfaceand dissociative adsorption) as a function of howfast the molecules hit the surface and of how themolecules are oriented as they impinge on thesurface [17]. Defying conventional wisdom, the lessexothermic (heat-releasing) pathway of atom ab-straction dominates for slow molecules, whiledissociative adsorption is preferred only by fastmolecules (experimental confirmation reported inRefs. [20,22]). The molecular dynamics simula-tions [17] predicted that abstraction and dissocia-tion go through a common intermediate, wherebydissociation occurs stepwise through abstractionfollowed by release of a halogen atom that eithergoes into the gas phase or quickly finds a nearby Siatom on which to bind (confirmed experimentallyin Ref. [21]). Conventional dissociative adsorptionis thought to happen with both atoms of a di-atomic molecule simultaneously attaching to asurface, but in this case the ‘‘dangling bonds’’(localized single electrons) of Si alter the reactionmechanism. These molecular dynamics simula-tions [18] further showed that when halogen atomsare released into the gas phase, they come off at anangle with respect to the surface normal and ratherslowly, losing considerable energy to the solid(measured in Ref. [23]). Finally, molecular dy-namics simulations of high-pressure etching [16]showed that local heating of the surface, due tostrong chemical bond formation, disorders the Sicrystal, which was subsequently confirmed by ex-periment [19]. On a practical note, the theoryculminated [18] in a suggestion for a two-cycleetching process; a related process is now usedcommercially [24].

Monte Carlo methods are frequently used tosimulate physical events based on their probabili-ties (related to either thermal equilibrium or ki-netic rates). The name is derived from the famouscasino in the Mediterranean seaport of Monacoand points to the use of random numbers, as in theoutcome of spinning a roulette wheel. One use ofMonte Carlo methods is the study of equilibriumproperties of matter (a system in equilibrium re-mains in that state unless acted upon by some

external influence), e.g., the equilibrium structuresof surfaces and interfaces [25–27]. At a giventemperature, atoms within a condensed phasemove in an unorganized manner. If the solid orliquid is not in an equilibrium structure, it evolvestowards one. The rearrangements of the atoms,and thus the evolution of the system, can be sim-ulated by Monte Carlo. For the move towardequilibrium, the system evolves not only simply tolower energy states (which, of course, occurs) butchanges states according to so-called Boltzmannprobabilities [28] that allow access to higher energystates. These probabilities depend strongly (expo-nentially) on the ratio of the energy difference be-tween states to the thermal energy, the latter ofwhich is proportional to the temperature. Boltz-mann probabilities have the characteristic that theprobability of changing state increases with tem-perature and, that the more energy required, theless likely it is that the system can provide this en-ergy for the process to happen. If the system is in alower energy state after a process occurs, it is lesslikely to leave it than the former state, because moreenergy would be required to escape. However, theBoltzmann probabilities allow the system to even-tually rearrange itself into another state, that maybe even more favorable energetically. After a suf-ficiently long simulation time, the system reachesequilibrium, where a stable structure is achieved.

An example for the description of non-equilib-rium systems by Monte Carlo is the growth offilms on surfaces [29]. Because actual film growthoccurs much more slowly (one layer per second)than one can simulate with, e.g., molecular dy-namics (typical time scales of nanoseconds insteadof seconds), one means to model film growth is by‘‘equilibrating’’ the system between each adsorp-tion of an atom, using Monte Carlo. In particular,atoms can be deposited randomly on the surface,changing the state of the system. The evolution isagain modeled by Monte Carlo using Boltzmannprobabilities for the rearrangement of atoms on ornear the surface. If the equilibration ‘‘time’’ be-tween depositions of atoms is sufficiently large, thecurrent system, real or simulated, may reach anequilibrium state which is destroyed by the nextdeposition. The process is repeated until the de-sired film thickness is reached.

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In engineering, a common approximation is toignore the discrete nature of solids and to assume acontinuity of structure. Every volume of the con-tinuum solid, at all length scales, is assumed toexhibit the properties observed in the macroscopicmaterial. For example, if a certain coefficient ofelasticity is measured for a rod of steel of 1 mlength, this coefficient is assumed be valid for allportions of the rod, be they 1 cm long or 1lm ¼ 10�6 m. (Linear elasticity means in the caseof a spring that the counteracting force is pro-portional to the extension away from equilibrium.)At the atomic and molecular length scale, how-ever, this assumption no longer holds. For manyapplications, though, the equations of continuummechanics can be used safely to describe defor-mations of solids. In continuum mechanics, fewmaterial parameters (e.g., elastic constants) areneeded to describe how the solid reacts to appliedstress or pressure.

In mechanical engineering and other fields,material behavior is frequently simulated by finiteelement methods, which are numerical techniquesfor obtaining the response of physical systems toexternal influences. In these methods, a solid isdivided into little space-filling polyhedra of finitevolume whose corners are called nodes. In the two-dimensional example shown in Fig. 4(b), thesepolyhedra are triangles which cover the squarepiece of material. A cut is used to simulate a crackwhose evolution is studied by simulating forces onthe material. The finite elements are thought of ascontinuum particles [30], representing a largenumber of atoms (e.g., �106). During the finiteelement simulation, the value of an unknownfunction (such as the displacement of each of thenodes covering the piece of material when con-sidering the response of, e.g., a steel beam to for-ces, or a temperature distribution in a simulationof, e.g., an engine part in a gas turbine) is deter-mined at each node by minimizing the energy overthe whole body, taking into account material pa-rameters and the sharing of the boundaries of thefinite elements. At the same time, the number ofnodes can be adjusted to account for spatiallyvarying forces that may act on the body, possiblyleading to its deformation. Sophisticated algo-rithms have been invented to refine adaptively the

Fig. 4. Panel (a): A schematic of the forming of a crack. Ap-

plied is a traction s (applied force per unit area) and the sepa-

ration d is the distance between the surfaces. Bulk aluminum

(Al, white) oxidizes to alumina (Al2O3, green) at the surface.

Panel (b): A finite element/cohesive zone model in which results

derived from density functional theory are used to describe

crack formation (courtesy of M. Ortiz). Panel (c): The calcu-

lated traction is shown as a function of the separation, as de-

rived from a universal binding energy relation (UBER) [94]

fitted to density functional theory-generalized gradient ap-

proximation results for unrelaxed surfaces (inset) [71] (courtesy

of R.L. Hayes).

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element mesh in regions where the solution is ex-pected to vary strongly, while a coarser mesh iskept in regions where the solution is varying slowly[31].

2.2. Surface modeling

At the atomic scale, objects with surfaces aremore difficult to describe than objects with fullthree-dimensional periodicity. A number of ap-proaches have been developed to treat surfaces onthe atomic level (see Fig. 5). In the descriptionclosest to the actual surface geometry, the systemis treated as a semi-infinite crystal where the peri-odicity holds inside the solid (shown schematicallyin Fig. 5(b)). Several methods have been developed

to calculate the electronic properties of the semi-infinite crystal (e.g., Refs. [32–34]).

In other approaches, the surface is treated as aso-called slab. In the ‘‘stand-alone’’ geometry (Fig.5(c)) this is a single film of several layers of atomswith vacuum on both sides (see, e.g., Ref. [35]).The slab geometry necessarily leads to the exis-tence of two surfaces, both of which can be takeninto account, or the ‘‘bottom’’ layer of the slab canbe fixed to the bulk structure.

A large number of electronic structure methodshave been designed with three-dimensional peri-odicity in mind. This allows the use of so-calledfast Fourier transform routines [36] to evaluatecertain properties (such as the classical electron–electron Coulomb repulsion). Three-dimensional

Fig. 5. Several geometries used to simulate surfaces of crystals, shown here for the zincblende crystal, suppressing the dimension

perpendicular to the page: Panel (a): bulk, panel (b): half-space, panel (c): single slab, panel (d): super-cell slab, and panel (e): cluster

geometries. (The geometries shown are only schematic; generally, in panels (c) and (d) the slabs have to be thicker, as do the vacuum

regions in panel (d); also the cluster in panel (e) consists generally of a smaller number of atoms.)

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periodicity also makes possible the use of plane-waves ðexp½ik � r�Þ rather than more complicatedfunctions, to construct the wave function. Due tothe periodicity of the crystal, the wave functionsfulfill a mathematical condition, called Bloch’stheorem, which plane waves account for by de-fault. To mimic a surface while retaining period-icity in the third dimension, the ‘‘super-cell’’ slabapproach can be used: Here, an infinite number ofparallel slabs separated by vacuum layers is sim-ulated (Fig. 5(d)). The computational cost is re-duced by using thin slabs and thin vacuum layers.The slab has to be thick enough to simulate thebulk crystal beneath the surface, and both the slaband the vacuum layer have to be sufficiently thickto prevent the surfaces from interacting with eachother across either layer––they must not ‘‘know’’of the existence of the other surfaces. In practice,the unit cells employed are chosen to be as small aspossible in the directions parallel to the surface aswell. The size of the cell in this lateral dimension isdictated by, e.g., the coverage of adsorbates on thesurface.

An alternative approach in common use withquantum chemistry techniques, is to use a clusterto model the surface (Fig. 5(e)). In the clustermodel, only a small number of surface and sub-surface atoms are treated, while the rest of thesolid is neglected. For this smaller number ofatoms, accurate results may be obtained using, e.g.,configuration interaction techniques of quantumchemistry (see, e.g., Ref. [37]). The challenge is tominimize the influence of the artificial surfacescreated by the finite size of the cluster [38].

A compromise between super-cell slab and finitecluster models is to use an embedding model. Inembedding methods, a cluster of atoms is treatedseparately from a larger number of backgroundatoms in which they are ‘‘embedded’’ [38]. Moreaccurate but computationally more costly schemeshave been developed where the background atomsare treated by super-cell slab density functionaltheory and the embedded atoms are described byhigh-accuracy quantum chemistry calculations [39,40]. Embedding techniques make accurate treat-ments of ground and excited states of defectsin crystals or adsorbed molecules on surfacespossible.

2.3. Multi-scale modeling techniques

Multi-scale modeling involves at least twotechniques, operating at different resolutions (de-grees of detail) in space and/or in time. Results ofthe higher resolution simulation are fed into thelower resolution method. In some but not alltechniques, there is a feedback from the coarser-grained, or low resolution, method to the finer-grained, or high resolution, one. The feedbackchanges the environment at the small-scale leveland leads to adapted results at this level. Thecalculations at the different length scales are inti-mately related. When there is no feedback fromthe coarser level, the calculations are essentiallydecoupled (e.g., in the kineticMonte Carlomethod)and the calculation can be done by two separateprograms. In the following, several techniques areillustrated to which the bridging of length and/ortime scales is central.

The first two classes of methods are based on afinite element representation of the solid. The firstclass to be discussed does not use feedback fromthe coarser level. Methods in this class are calledinformed, or physics-based, finite element meth-ods. The parameters governing the response of thematerial to certain interactions have been obtainedby a higher resolution theory, e.g., molecular dy-namics techniques based on an empirical descrip-tion of the atomic interactions or from measuredbulk properties. An example is the use of elasticconstants to describe how a piece of material de-forms due to a small force. For each finite element,the appropriate material properties are taken orinterpolated from a database constructed fromhigher resolution theory or experiment. Then thefinite element algorithm determines the result forthe whole solid, based on the values obtained foreach of the elements.

The quasicontinuum method is a finite elementtechnique with feedback [31]. It was initially de-veloped to analyze the structure of crystal defects[41]. To do this, a finite element mesh is set up forthe solid, with the nodes corresponding to ‘‘rep-resentative atoms’’. These atoms represent a largenumber of atoms far away from the defect, wherethe variation from the ideal crystal structure issmall, whereas they describe single atoms close to

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the defect. The positions of other atoms are ar-rived at by interpolation. The total energy of thecrystal is then derived from the energy contributedby each representative atom weighted by thenumber of atoms it represents. More accurate re-sults are obtained if this is done in an ab initiofashion, for example, by applying density func-tional theory. When many atoms are involved,however, the exact quantum mechanical treatmentof density functional theory has been too de-manding computationally so that generally moreefficient, yet less accurate, methods have been usedto date, e.g., empirical interatomic potentials [41],or a semi-empirical quantum mechanical methodsuch as a tight-binding technique [42]. The physi-cal properties for elements in the higher resolutionregion are obtained by (approximately) treatingthe actual atomic structure. For consistency, thevalues in the coarse-grained region are generallycomputed with the same interatomic description asin the fine-grained region. One difficulty is theconstruction of a correct description of the bound-ary between the two regions. In particular, thequestions of how to transport heat or massthrough the boundaries have not been solved.

The concurrent coupling of length scales scheme[43,44] is an alternative to the quasicontinuummethod (see Fig. 6), where tight binding is used totreat the region of the solid where highest resolu-tion is necessary (e.g., if chemical bonds are madeor broken in this region, a quantum mechanicaltreatment is desirable). Fig. 6 shows this region inthe lowest panel. The tight binding region is cou-pled to a larger region described by moleculardynamics with empirical potentials (the middlepanel in Fig. 6), which in turn is connected to thelargest region, the rest of the solid (the upper panelin Fig. 6). It is treated by a finite element method,assuming a continuum approximation of the solidin that region. By contrast, the quasicontinuumapproach treats the whole solid by a finite elementmethod, where the properties in the elements arederived from one single method for both the rep-resentative atoms and the explicit atoms on thefinest scale. Also, unlike the quasicontinuummethod, the concurrent coupling of length scalestechnique does not offer the possibility to adaptthe finite element grid after it has been set up. The

Fig. 6. The figure shows the resolution at different length scales

as used in the concurrent coupling of length scales method. The

largest length scale is treated by a finite element grid using the

continuum approximation of the solid. Increasing the resolu-

tion, the individual atoms are considered by molecular dy-

namics with empirical potentials. Quantum mechanical effects

are taken into account at the highest resolution using a tight-

binding method. In the concurrent coupling of length scales

method, the mesh refinement is defined once at the beginning.

In the quasicontinuum method, the whole solid is covered by

the finite element mesh, which can be adaptively refined during

the simulation to atomic resolution in the region near the crack

tip (courtesy of W.A. Curtin).

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concurrent coupling of length scales method en-sures that the total energy is conserved, however,while this is not guaranteed in the quasicontinuumapproach. In the concurrent coupling of lengthscales method, three different algorithms are atwork. They are connected at the region boundariesby appropriate ‘‘handshaking’’, making sure forcesare correctly coupled across region boundaries. Itis the boundary where atomic resolution and thecontinuum approximation meet that poses thegreatest problems. To improve the situation, areplacement for the finite element part has beensuggested: coarse-grained molecular dynamics [44],a scale-dependent generalization of finite elementswhich passes smoothly into molecular dynamics asthe mesh is reduced to atomic spacing. Finally, useof tight binding in the concurrent coupling oflength scales strategy makes the modeling ofmetals difficult in many cases; the authors of thishybrid scheme suggest that the quantum mechani-cal heart might be replaced by another rather in-expensive quantum mechanical method such askinetic energy density functional techniques [45].

A different method of bridging length, but moreimportantly time, scales is the kinetic Monte Carlotechnique. This method provides the possibility tostudy the evolution of a system for longer timesand with more participating species than is possi-ble by traditional molecular dynamics. KineticMonte Carlo is a variant of ordinary Monte Carlo,where processes have a probability of executiongoverned not by the Boltzmann probabilities butby ratios of rate constants that quantify how oftenprocesses happen. In some cases, elementary pro-cesses can be isolated in experiments and their rateconstants measured. Alternatively, the rate con-stants are obtained from ab initio or from moreapproximate, empirical potential calculations, orleft as phenomenological input variables. Once therelevant processes have been found and their rateconstants obtained––not a trivial undertaking––theMonte Carlo part can begin. Some implementa-tions (e.g. Refs. [46,47]) start with the randomselection of a species and choose at random aprocess that is allowed for that species. Then arandom number between 0 and 1 is selected by thecomputer and is compared to the rate constant ofthe process divided by the largest rate constant, the

reference rate constant. If this rate constant ratio isgreater than the random number, the species re-acts, otherwise it is left unchanged. This meansthat ‘‘faster’’ processes (which have larger rateconstants) happen more often. After N attemptedmoves, where N is the number of species, the clockis advanced. In some implementations, the timestep is the inverse of the reference rate constant,corresponding to the time needed to execute thefastest process [46]. In others the time step isdrawn from a specially adapted pool of time steps[48]. Another implementation of kinetic MonteCarlo [49] is based on the so-called n-fold wayalgorithm [50], where the probability and selectionof a process to occur is given by its rate constantdivided by the sum of rate constants, the ‘‘total’’rate constant. Here, an event happens at everytime step while, in the implementations mentionedearlier, the execution is conditional on the com-parison of the rate constant ratio to a randomnumber.

Kinetic Monte Carlo can simulate arbitrarilylong times, depending on the rate constants in-volved. It works most efficiently, however, whenthe processes simulated happen on similar timescales. In particular, processes that are very fast(where the energy barrier, which has to be sur-mounted by the system to move from one state toanother, is almost zero) in comparison to theothers can be problematic, since then the individ-ual time step is very short. This means that thesimulation of longer time intervals is costly. Toavoid this problem, one can have all species un-dergo the very fast processes according to theirequilibrium probabilities before attempting a tra-ditional kinetic Monte Carlo move. The very fastprocesses are assumed to be executed instan-taneously, i.e., without incrementing the clock,and can be treated in a computationally cheapermanner [47]. In all implementations of kineticMonte Carlo, the explicit simulation of unpro-ductive events (i.e., events, that ultimately leavethe system unchanged) is omitted, increasing itsefficiency compared to molecular dynamics. Also,it is easy to change the concentration of speciesand to study the effect of such changes. KineticMonte Carlo also can predict the kinetic order,i.e., how the rate at which a reaction happens

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depends on the concentration of the reactants (foran example, see Ref. [47]).

Kinetic Monte Carlo can only give an accuraterendering if all the relevant processes are known inadvance, since they are inputs to the simulation. Ifimportant processes are left out, the simulationcan produce qualitatively incorrect results. Forexample, J�oonsson and co-workers found that theshape of platinum islands in simulated growth on aplatinum surface can depend dramatically on theinclusion or exclusion of a single process [51]. Anexample of a counter-intuitive process that mighthave been left out of a kinetic Monte Carlo sim-ulation is how metal atoms can diffuse on metalsurfaces. It was discovered only recently that onsome surfaces diffusion occurs not primarily viarepeated hops on top of the surface as illustrated inFig. 7(a), but rather by a concerted displacementin which the adatom replaces an atom in the sur-face layer, which in turn moves to the surface,reminiscent of the butterfly swimming style [52–54](as displayed in Fig. 7(b)).

Another factor limiting kinetic Monte Carlo isits assumption of a complete decoupling of pro-

cesses. Like any Monte Carlo scheme, the kineticMonte Carlo method is stochastic (random orprobabilistic) by definition. Also, the way a state isreached is not taken into account and thus cannotinfluence the evolution of a system. The moleculardynamics method, on the other hand, is deter-ministic: any configuration of the system at anytime step is connected by Newton’s laws to theconfiguration at prior and subsequent times. Mo-lecular dynamics methods also give access toproperties of the system that can only be deter-mined from a trajectory. Among these are so-called time-correlation functions, from which, e.g.,vibrational spectra can be derived that reveal themotion of an atom or molecule on a surface. Asanother example, energy and angular distributionsof colliding molecules can be predicted from gas-surface scattering events [17,18]. However, sincethe evolution time step is limited by the fastestmotion in the system, typically an atomic vibration(�10�12 s), it only can simulate events happeningon very short time scales. Rare events (those with ahigh energy barrier) generally do not occur duringthese short time intervals. If the objective is tostudy a rare event, though in principle it is notnecessary to know the processes a priori, it is re-quired in practice because the simulation usuallycannot be run long enough for the rare event tohappen unprompted. In particular, transition sta-tes––those unstable states which, if perturbedslightly, will evolve into either the initial or thefinal state––can be located a priori. An example ofa transition state is denoted in Fig. 8(a) by a cross.One can follow the rare event of crossing a tran-sition state by starting there, and following themolecular dynamics trajectory forwards andbackwards in time to construct the entire trajec-tory [55,56]. A further drawback is that generallythe quality of the calculation is not sufficient tostudy chemical reactions, with a few exceptions [4].However, if the quality is improved by using abinitio calculations for the forces, the method isconsiderably slowed down, and only a few trajec-tories may be sampled, leading to poor statistics.

Several methods for treating longer times usingvariants of molecular dynamics have been devel-oped. One can retain the advantages of tradi-tional molecular dynamics as long as one makes

Fig. 7. Schematic illustration of two mechanisms of diffusion

on a metal surface. To model diffusion in a kinetic Monte Carlo

simulation, all processes likely to happen must be included in

the model. The hop process shown in panel (a) is easily imag-

ined. Some metals prefer, however, a cooperative exchange

mechanism (shown in panel (b)) over the hop process [52].

(Figure after A.F. Voter, private communication.)

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the additional assumption that the system obeystransition state theory (TST) [57]. TST assumesthat barrier crossings are uncorrelated and that norecrossings of barriers occur. One can then con-sider the evolution of a system as a sequence ofinfrequent transitions from one potential basin toanother. (A potential basin is a region in spacewhere the potential energy is lower than in thesurrounding region, as shown in Fig. 8(a)). Asystem in one of these basins spends a lot of timemeandering around, or vibrating, in one state,going up the potential hills in different directions,then down again, until it at some point climbs overa hill to cross through a transition state into an-other basin. One idea to speed up the method is toshorten the time spent in the basins. To getmeaningful results, this quickening of the pace has

to be done keeping the relative probabilities ofdifferent escape routes unchanged with respect tothe original system. Several approaches achievethis by artificially shallowing the potential basins[58,59], most recently the hyper-molecular dy-namics method [60–62]. As depicted in Fig. 8(b), abias potential is added to the deep potential wells,keeping the transition state potential energy un-changed. This modification preserves the ratio ofthe TST escape rates from basin A to any twoadjacent states, since the energy barrier is loweredby the same amount for both transitions. Thismeans that the escape to a given adjacent state(say, B) happens with the correct relative proba-bility. The boosted time can be calculated from thetime elapsed during the trajectory occurring on thebiased potential surface. In cases where empiricalpotentials determine the forces (ab initio moleculardynamics is currently out of reach), this has led toa speed-up of up to four orders of magnitude.However, in more complicated systems, the de-termination of the bias potential can be cumber-some [63]. An approach which avoids the difficultyof determining the bias potential is the tempera-ture-accelerated dynamics method [63].

3. Multi-scale modeling in surface science

A multi-scale approach to the modeling of ma-terials is necessary whenever elementary processestaking place in a small region or a short time affectbehavior on larger scales in a manner not describ-able by interpolation. A class of examples that doesnot require multi-scale modeling is the simulationof a material before and after a complete change ofphase, e.g., from solid to liquid due to an increasein temperature or from one crystal structure toanother due to a change in pressure. The propertiesof the uniform phases can be determined from theinvestigation of small unit cells, usually neglectingthe imperfections of a real material. However,when the aim is to understand the phase transitionitself, a look at different length scales simulta-neously is a must. Atoms rearrange themselves intheir immediate neighborhood, zones of differentphases form within the material, complex breakingand forming of bonds––chemistry––happens at the

Fig. 8. Schematic representation of potential basins separated

by energy barriers (the ‘‘watersheds’’ are denoted by green

lines). Panel (a) shows a ‘‘map’’ view with contour lines indi-

cating lines with the same potential height V. The transition

state is the point through which the transition from one basin to

the next requires the least energy. It is indicated by a red cross.

In accelerated molecular dynamics [58,59], a bias potential DVis added to the potential V (see panel (b)) to make the potential

basins shallower, leading to an extension of the time that can be

simulated. (After A.F. Voter, private communication.)

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zone boundaries. The zones expand, needing adescription at a higher length scale, while the ele-mentary processes continue to happen at theatomic length scale. We next give examples ofcurrent and future applications in surface sciencethat demand the use of multi-scale methods.

3.1. Surface modeling across length and time scales

Conventional single-length scale modeling canbe performed at the atomic or a higher lengthscale. Extrapolating material properties fromatomic results obtained with assumption of perfectperiodicity neglects the defects and irregularitiespresent in a real crystal. This atomic-scale-onlyapproach is as limiting as a coarser model thatincludes empirical input or, worse, fitting para-meters. While the latter includes large-scale effectsthat cannot be described on the atomic scale, anunderstanding of the basic reasons for the phe-nomenon investigated is lacking.

3.1.1. Bridging length scalesWe now examine the contribution to the un-

derstanding of surface phenomena that can beachieved by combining the low-resolution contin-uum model with higher resolution input. Our firstexample is the reconstruction of crystal surfacesthat occurs when a crystal is cleanly cut into pie-ces. ‘‘Reconstruction’’ refers to the rearrangementof atoms at the surface to lower their energy(bonds are broken when the surface is created,raising the energy of the surface atoms). Manytheoretical approaches have been and are beingused to describe surface reconstruction [64]. Amulti-scale description is particularly important incases where the reconstructed pattern (the surfaceunit cell) is large compared to the interatomicdistance. Cammarata used an informed continuummodel to describe the reconstruction of metalsurfaces of two orientations [65]. Four propertiesof the newly created (i.e., unreconstructed) surface,among them surface tension and surface stress,were obtained from empirical embedded atommethod [66] or density functional theory calcula-tions (depending on the metal). A continuum ana-lysis yielded an estimate for the energy difference

between the freshly cleaved and a fully relaxedsurface. Simple continuum formulae model howthe four quantities affect the way the surface layercontracts and how defects are formed, breaking upthe original surface. A negative energy differencebetween the unreconstructed and the reconstructedsurface indicates that energy can be released if thesurface reconstructs. The authors derived a simplecriterion to determine the sign of the energy dif-ference, involving only the four quantities ob-tained at a higher resolution and one additionalparameter. They evaluated this criterion for tenmetals and can correctly predict (in most cases)which surfaces reconstruct.

The description of crystal growth requires aknowledge not only of the way atoms or moleculesreact on the surface (on a short time scale, withatomic resolution) but also of the way islands de-velop (long time scale, rougher resolution) [67].Arrays of small islands, called quantum dots, thatconfine electronic motion in all three spatial di-rections, are being considered for a variety of ap-plications in the electronics industry. The shapeand the stability of quantum dots have been in-vestigated in a multi-scale approach. For a quan-tum dot to form (rather than a film), the gain fromelastic relaxation energy has to be larger than thecost of increased surface energy (the three-dimen-sional island has a greater surface than an equiv-alent two-dimensional film). The relaxation andsurface energies also are the main terms in the totalenergy of a quantum dot. In the calculations ofPehlke et al., surface reconstructions and surfaceenergies for different semiconductor surfaces havebeen calculated by density functional theory [68–70]. The surfaces are shown in the upper panel ofFig. 9. The elastic energy and the strain field (thelocal distortion of the lattice) can be accuratelydescribed by elasticity theory (if the island hasmore than one thousand atoms, as the authorsfind). The equilibrium shape of the island is thencalculated within a finite element framework bydetermining the minimum of the total energy ofthe island with respect to its shape. Each finiteelement represents a part of the island and thesubstrate in which the atoms are similarly ar-ranged. Taking the strain into account by modelingall the atoms would be expensive computationally,

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and moreover unnecessary, since long-range strainis well described by elasticity theory. The lower

panel of Fig. 9 shows the color-coded strain of theisland calculated with the finite element method.

Fig. 9. Island shape determined by a multi-scale method combining ab initio calculations of surface energies and stresses with an

elasticity theory description of long-range strain fields and strain relaxations. The top panel shows the surface models that were used in

the quantum mechanical calculations. The lower panel shows the strain (a measure of the distortion of the crystal) for two islands of

different shape and the underlying substrates. (Figure from Ref. [69], courtesy of N. Moll.)

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As another example of where continuum modelsalone or atomic representations alone are insuffi-cient, we consider the case of so-called stress cor-rosion cracking of a metal. In this case, atomiclevel surface chemistry must be described (theusual tendency is to either ignore or guess the effectof surface chemistry in continuum mechanicsmodels). However, considering only atomic levelchemistry ignores the large length scale deforma-tions and defects in a crystal leading to cracking.In an ongoing study on the oxidatively inducedfracture of aluminum (Al), density functionaltheory calculations are being used to provide theforces necessary to tear the metal (and its oxidizedsurface) apart [71]. Aluminum oxidizes immedi-ately when it is exposed to air, as indicated sche-matically in Fig. 4(a). When the metal is pulled(under tension), a crack develops, forming sur-faces. The pulling is an applied force, which iscalled traction when it is normalized by the area onwhich it is felt. The distance between the twosurfaces of the crack is called the separation d. Fig.4(b) shows a finite element mesh covering a rect-angular body which has a crack, indicated by thered line drawn into the body. The part most dif-ficult to describe is the actual point at which bondsare broken and surfaces created i.e., the crack tip.The zoom image shows that the mesh is particu-larly fine there. Near, and directly in front of, thecrack tip, it is necessary to know how the appliedtraction induces strain and finally opens the crack.Density functional theory is used to calculate thetraction–separation relationship for two Al (orAl2O3) surfaces. One such curve, displayed in Fig.4(c), may be used as input to a finite elementmethod-based simulation of crack development.The interior of the material is treated by elasticitytheory, but the forces acting near the crack tip aretaken from the atomic-scale calculations. In thisway, the chemistry of bond breaking (and oxida-tion) is described by quantum-mechanical calcu-lations, while the crack formation in the solid istreated by a continuum model, called the cohesivezone model [72,73]. This approach also can beused to study grain boundary embrittlement byimpurities (vide infra).

To get a feeling for the dimensions and numbersinvolved, let us take a look at the study of crack

propagation in silicon modeled using the concur-rent coupling of length scales method [43]. Here, avoid was opened in a thick silicon slab and a strainwas imposed on the outermost boundary. Thetight binding region contained several hundredatoms (the electron density is (implicitly) consid-ered at a length scale of 10�10 m), the empiricalpotential molecular dynamics region about a mil-lion atoms (treating atomistic physics at the nmscale, 10�9 m), and about 250,000 nodes were usedin the finite element portion of the solid (contin-uum mechanics at the lm scale, 10�6 m) [43,44].The entire system represented about 11 millionatoms. It was found that the propagating crackreached a limiting speed of 2770 m/s, equal to 85%of the Rayleigh speed, the speed that sound travelson the solid silicon surface. The importance ofincluding atoms explicitly in the description ofbehavior at interfaces was highlighted further in arecent molecular dynamics study [74], which foundthat cracks propagating along an interface be-tween two crystals can, under certain conditions,travel faster than the Rayleigh speed, in con-tradiction to results derived purely from contin-uum mechanics.

The quasicontinuum method has been used toinvestigate how large a region has to be treatedatomistically in the study of crack propagation.For a body of �500 nm edge length, Miller et al.found that continuum theory and linear elasticitytheory is valid for most of the solid, except for asmall region near the crack tip of only about 1 nmin radius [75]. The interaction between atoms wasmodeled using empirical embedded atom methodpotentials. This result shows that a brute forcesimulation, where all the atoms in the body aretreated individually, is unnecessary except within�1 nm of the region where the transformations(chemistry, defect formation, etc.) are occurring.

The quasicontinuum method has been appliedto a number of problems researching the me-chanical stability of crystals. One study investi-gated what happens when cracks encounter grainboundaries in solids [75]. Grain boundaries arefound where small fragments of crystal of the samematerial come together but the crystal latticesdo not match exactly. Depending on the situation,the grain boundary can stop (blunt) the crack or

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the crack can reach the boundary and then branch,running along the boundary leading to a separa-tion of the grains. Surface chemistry can be im-portant here, when impurities segregate to thegrain boundary. These may make the materialmore brittle. Again, density functional theorycombined with continuum theory is needed toaddress both length scales; such work is in pro-gress [76].

As shown above, we have taken the first stepstoward accurate modeling of surface and interfacephenomena varying in length scale by powers often. We next consider current methods to bridgethe time scale gap between atomic motions (10�12

s) and materials growth (seconds or minutes).

3.1.2. Across time scalesIn this arena, the main surface science problem

that has attracted attention is crystal growth. Ofparticular interest is how to choose the pro-cess conditions to achieve specific structures. Theatoms comprising newly grown layers often comefrom the gas phase and tend to be involved incomplex interactions with the surface atoms. Ki-netic Monte Carlo is a natural method to choose,since it can include atomic scale processes whileovercoming the long time scales for growth. Onerecent application of kinetic Monte Carlo, whichillustrates its versatility, used rate constants de-rived from embedded atom method potentials toexamine nickel (Ni) growth in the presence of hy-drogen (H) [77]. Here, the elementary processesexhibit time constants (the inverse of their rateconstants) ranging from �10�9 s for an isolated Hhop to �107 s for the breaking of a Ni–Ni bond,spanning 16 orders of magnitude from the ex-tremely fast to the very slow. There is no othermethod available that can span such an impressivespread in the characteristic times for various pro-cesses. The presence of small amounts of H waspredicted to increase the average Ni island size,helping the Ni atoms to gather together more ef-fectively than they would on their own. Addi-tionally, kinetic Monte Carlo has been used inconnection with rate constants from densityfunctional theory to investigate the growth ofAl on Al [49], specific chemical reactions in dia-mond growth (in connection with a tight binding

method) [78], and the nucleation of silver (Ag)islands on platinum [79].

In desorption of hydrogen molecules fromsilicon surfaces, the high accuracy of ab initioquantum chemistry calculations was exploited tocalculate the rate constants for kinetic MonteCarlo [4,37,47]. This model included many surfaceprocesses, e.g., H atom diffusion, defect migration,monohydride to dihydride interconversion, etc.While the kinetics were found to be first order––inagreement with experiment––for all coverages,temperatures, and independent of the presence ofsteps or defects, the overall desorption rate con-stant was quite sensitive to the concentration ofsurface vacancies (missing atoms). This helpedrationalize the factor of 16 range in measured de-sorption rate constants, as perhaps due to surfacepreparation differences which result in variableconcentrations of vacancies. To derive these resultsfrom a molecular dynamics investigation wouldhave been prohibitively expensive due to the rangeof time scales involved (from very fast adatomsurface diffusion to slow molecule desorption).

As an alternative to kinetic Monte Carlo, ac-celerated molecular dynamics can be used withempirical potentials to explore long time scales.For example, Voter has used his hyperdynamicsmethod with embedded atom method potentials tostudy the diffusion of a 10-atom Ag cluster on a Agsurface at room temperature [60]. In a simulatedtime of 220 ls, he observed three distinct mecha-nisms affecting cluster motion on the surface. Thetemperature-accelerated dynamics approach withembedded atom method potentials has been usedto study film ripening (the evolution of an ini-tially random surface until it settles into a stableconfiguration) on a copper (Cu) surface [63]. Asimulation of 14 adatoms on a Cu slab with thethree top layers free to move (182 moving atoms)was run for a simulated time of several hours. Anordinary molecular dynamics calculation withthe same computational work would have onlyreached a time on the ls scale. The simulationshowed that a compact island shape was reachedafter 17 min, which remained stable for hours. 48different states were visited and about 3000 tran-sitions occurred. Such details would not have beenobserved on the shorter, ls, time scale, illustrating

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the power and need for accelerated molecular dy-namics.

3.2. Twenty-first century modeling

Surface science has matured as a field to thepoint that it is now found in many arenas beyondchemistry and physics, including geology, den-tistry, prosthetic medicine, and sensor technology.Likewise, the field of computational sciences hasgrown to the point where methods are no longerroutinely used in isolation. The complex problemsof the 21st century demand a battery of ap-proaches. The maturing of both surface scienceand computational methods allows us to dream ofunderstanding––and then using our knowledge tosolve––important problems, where surfaces andinterfaces abound. They include: inorganic–inor-ganic interfaces and inorganic–biological inter-faces found below the Earth’s surface [80], in thehuman body [81], and in the products of corrosion[82], as well as fluid–solid interfaces important forboth gas and liquid sensors [83]. The action atthese surfaces involves multiple players on multi-ple length and time scales. For example, bone re-growth involves transport of calcium ions (atomicscale) and adhesion of cells (100 lm) via anchorproteins (<1 lm) [81]. Gas sensors involve ad-sorption of molecules and transport of, e.g., oxy-gen, while the sensor measurements may involvemechanical deformations or electrical conductivityon the microscale [83].

In the 21st century, we expect to see multi-scalemodeling become a powerful partner with experi-ment to discern atomic scale effects on macro-scopic properties. The future is expected to bringthe ability to carry out, e.g., accelerated moleculardynamics and quasicontinuum calculations withforces derived not from empirical potentials butfrom accurate quantum calculations. Indeed thedensity functional theory-quasicontinuum cou-pling, via orbital-free density functional theory[45], is already under development [84]. More ac-curate means to couple different scales should ap-pear (and other methods already exist that wehave omitted in the interest of brevity!). In the end,this should allow us to simulate surface chemistryin real time and to determine its influence on the

macroworld. In what follows, we give a few ex-amples of where we can expect multi-scale mod-eling to impact surface science in the near future.

A classic surface chemical reaction is the oxi-dation of carbon monoxide (CO) by oxygen (O2)as catalyzed by platinum surfaces. This reactiontakes place daily as part of exhaust cleanup by thecatalytic converter in automobiles. While the ki-netics and thermodynamics has been understoodfor at least two decades [85], more recently fasci-nating kinetic oscillations have been uncovered,which are a beautiful example of atomic scaleevents affecting much larger length scale phenom-ena. In particular, complex concentration patternsemerge on the surfaces in space and time. In someregions of the surface, the dominant species isadsorbed oxygen atoms, while in others CO pre-vails. A variety of striking patterns have beenobserved, for which several mechanisms have beenpostulated depending on the temperature, theamount of CO and O2 available, and the platinumsurface used [85,86]. The basic origin of thesepatterns is the catalytic oxidation of the adsorbedCO to carbon dioxide (CO2) (see Fig. 3). Thepatterns of the surface concentrations of CO andO, that can be observed in time, are fundamentallydue to: (i) CO ‘‘poisoning’’, where high coveragesof CO inhibit the dissociative adsorption of oxy-gen and (ii) the slow conversion rate of CO and Oto CO2. These two effects favor a high CO cover-age. The adsorption of CO changes the structureof the platinum surface, however, altering at timesthe adsorption rate for oxygen. This allows anoxygen layer to be established, restoring the orig-inal surface structure [87]. By contrast, an oxygenlayer, once formed, does not stop CO from beingadsorbed on the surface. CO thus slowly returnsand expels the oxygen layer. Spatial patterns onthe micron scale develop when the reactions occurat different times in different areas on the surface.So far, kinetic models of these oscillating reactionsembodied rate constants obtained from experi-ment [86]. The local time dependence of the con-centrations is obtained through (differential)equations but long-range effects are neglected, inparticular, the long-range surface reconstructions.A multi-scale description might start with ab initiocalculation of the rate constants needed for a

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kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. Furthermore, itwould go beyond the purely local description ofthe concentrations, taking into account size andshape of the areas (on the micron scale) where oneor the other species is dominant. A two-dimen-sional finite element method could be combinedwith the kinetic Monte Carlo method to keep trackof these areas. The same method could keep trackof the subsurface oxygen, which is formed fromthe surface species, and thought to alter the surfacestructure [86]. This approach could yield a unifieddescription of this complex system that may revealmore about the interplay of chemistry and struc-ture across length scales.

An example with important industrial implica-tions is the development of thermal barrier coat-ings to protect metal engine parts (e.g., in turbineengines) from the high operating temperatures (upto 1700 K) and oxidizing environment of thecombustion gas mixture [88]. Such coatings couldbe used more generally to protect any materialfrom harsh environments. While initial densityfunctional theory studies characterized the strengthof interfaces in thermal barrier coatings [89–91],accelerated molecular dynamics and kinetic MonteCarlo studies could help determine the interactionof gases with the thermal barrier coating, the im-portance of ion interdiffusion at interfaces, and theeffect of heat on the mechanical stability of thecoating–engine interface. Linking the densityfunctional theory results to continuum descrip-tions of fracture is important for a comprehensiveunderstanding of how and why the thermal barriercoatings fail and ultimately to the design of coat-ings with long lifetimes.

A promising area of high-tech research is thedevelopment of microelectromechanical systems.These are small devices of an overall size of a fewmillimeters, with feature sizes of a few lm. Thedevices have electrical and mechanical componentsthat are combined into one unit and are designedto act as, e.g., miniature sensors, actuators, valves,or gears. In these miniaturized devices, surfaceeffects are extremely important in every normal orunintentional contact during their operation [92].Surface roughness needs to be minimized in orderto reduce wear in moving parts. In a micromotor,roughness can lead to localized electric field con-

centrations and therefore premature breakdown.Additionally, at small length scales, the effect offriction on operation is much more dramatic thanin larger elements. Exposure of microelectrome-chanical systems to humidity increases the friction.Several materials have been examined as structuralmaterials or as thin film coatings to reduce frictionand wear and to improve reliability and lifetime.Because of the optimization of silicon fabricationtechnology, these devices are typically made fromsilicon, followed by deposition of other materialsas needed. Modeling both the production andcoating procedures by density functional theorycombined with accelerated molecular dynamicsand kinetic Monte Carlo could help select theoptimal processing strategy. Theoretical tests ofproposed designs––commonly used for this pur-pose at larger length scales––could be used tomodel the element in its entirety (on the 10�3 mlength scale), incorporating atomic-level friction(on the 10�10 m length scale of the electron density)as needed. Such multi-scale simulations offer acheap possibility to customize the microelectro-mechanical systems for very different fields of op-erations. Simulations of microelectromechanicalsensors for gas detection could reveal the atomiclevel reasons for measured changes in conductivity[83], which at this point are elusive. This is criticalto development of sensors that not only are sen-sitive to species at the parts per billion (ppb) leveland stable over a long time, but also exhibit thedesired selectivity. Valuable information could begleaned by linking the atomic scale adsorptionprocesses to large length scale ion mobility mea-surements, so that sensors could be built that candiscriminate between a garden-variety pesticideand a chemical warfare agent.

4. Conclusions

Multi-scale modeling methods are the key todeciphering some of the most intricate problems ofsurface science. The problems of materials degra-dation and synthesis, heterogeneous catalysis, gassensing, liquid–solid interfaces in the body (e.g.,cell adhesion) are far too complex on several dif-ferent length and time scales to be treated by one

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method alone. For example, using atomic resolu-tion, even coupled with an explicit treatment ofquantum mechanics, is not an option to describethe structures that are present in modern day steelsat the length scale of microns. Even if all atomscould be treated individually, such a simulationwould be extraordinarily wasteful. It makes muchmore sense to try to describe regions where atomsbehave similarly on a coarser scale, and to reserveatomic resolution for those areas where large de-viations from the original structure are present.Multi-scale modeling promises to contribute to awide variety of industrial applications includingcoating technology and gas microsensors. Multi-scale simulations also can help solve fundamentalquestions of chemistry, such as the complex pro-cesses involved in the seemingly simple oxidationof carbon monoxide, that give rise to the spatio-temporal patterns displayed in Fig. 3. Manyproblems are treated now at a single length scalesimply for lack of a better description. They willsoon be within the reach of current and futuremulti-scale techniques. The methods discussedhere, as well as ones anticipated that link accu-rate quantum energies and forces with higherlength scale dynamics, are expected to become full-fledged partners with experiment in revealing thenaked truth about surface and interface phenom-ena in the years to come.


This work has been funded by the DoD-MURIprogram, administered by the Air Force Office ofScientific Research. We wish to thank R.L. Hayes,E.A. Jarvis, Dr. N. Moll, Dr. E. Pehlke, Prof.W.A. Curtin, Prof. G. Ertl, and Prof. M. Ortiz forseveral illustrations.


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