modeling oscillations and waves of camp in dictyostelium discoideum cells · 2004-08-20 ·...

Modeling oscillations and waves of cAMP in Dictyostelium discoideum cells Jose ´ Halloy*, Jacques Lauzeral, Albert Goldbeter Faculte ´ des Sciences, Universite ´ Libre de Bruxelles, Campus Plaine, C.P. 231, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Revision received 22 January 1998; accepted 13 February 1998 Abstract We examine the theoretical aspects of temporal and spatiotemporal organization in the cAMP signaling system of Dictyos- telium discoideum amoebae which aggregate in a wavelike manner after starvation, in response to pulses of cAMP emitted with a periodicity of several minutes by cells behaving as aggregation centers. We first extend the model based on receptor desensitization, previously proposed by Martiel and Goldbeter, by incorporating the role of G proteins in signal transduction. The extended model accounts for observations on the response of the signaling system to successive step increases in extracellular cAMP. In the presence of the positive feedback loop in cAMP synthesis, this model generates sustained oscillations in cAMP and in the fraction of active cAMP receptor, similar to those obtained in the simpler model where the role of the G proteins is not taken into account explicitly. We use the latter model to address the formation of concentric and spiral waves of cAMP in the course of D. discoideum aggregation. Previous analyses of the model showed that a progressive increase in the activity of adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase can account for the transitions no relay- relay-oscillations-relay observed in the experiments. We show that the degree of cellular synchronization on such a devel- opmental path in parameter space markedly affects the nature of the spatial patterns generated by the model. These patterns range from concentric waves to a small number of large spirals, and finally to a large number of smaller spirals, as the degree of developmental desynchronization between cells increases. 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland B.V. All rights reserved Keywords: Modeling; Oscillations; Waves; cAMP; Dictyostelium discoideum 1. Introduction Few cellular types have contributed as much as Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae to the experimen- tal and theoretical study of spatiotemporal organiza- tion at the supracellular level. After starvation, these cells stop growing and dividing, and embark on a developmental program that includes their aggrega- tion by chemotaxis toward signals of cAMP emitted by cells behaving as aggregation centers, and the sub- sequent transformation of this multicellular aggregate, which can contain up to 10 5 cells, into a fruiting body surmounted by a mass of spores. The life cycle resumes after the spores have been dispersed in the environment [1–3]. The aggregation of D. discoideum cells possesses a Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19 0304-3835/98/$19.00 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved PII S0301-4622(98)00119-7 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 2 6505770; fax: +32 2 6505767; e-mail: jhalloy@

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Modeling oscillations and waves of cAMP inDictyosteliumdiscoideumcells

JoseHalloy*, Jacques Lauzeral, Albert Goldbeter

Facultedes Sciences, Universite´ Libre de Bruxelles, Campus Plaine, C.P. 231, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

Revision received 22 January 1998; accepted 13 February 1998


We examine the theoretical aspects of temporal and spatiotemporal organization in the cAMP signaling system ofDictyos-telium discoideumamoebae which aggregate in a wavelike manner after starvation, in response to pulses of cAMP emittedwith a periodicity of several minutes by cells behaving as aggregation centers. We first extend the model based on receptordesensitization, previously proposed by Martiel and Goldbeter, by incorporating the role of G proteins in signal transduction.The extended model accounts for observations on the response of the signaling system to successive step increases inextracellular cAMP. In the presence of the positive feedback loop in cAMP synthesis, this model generates sustainedoscillations in cAMP and in the fraction of active cAMP receptor, similar to those obtained in the simpler model wherethe role of the G proteins is not taken into account explicitly. We use the latter model to address the formation of concentricand spiral waves of cAMP in the course ofD. discoideumaggregation. Previous analyses of the model showed that aprogressive increase in the activity of adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase can account for the transitions no relay-relay-oscillations-relay observed in the experiments. We show that the degree of cellular synchronization on such adevel-opmental pathin parameter space markedly affects the nature of the spatial patterns generated by the model. These patternsrange from concentric waves to a small number of large spirals, and finally to a large number of smaller spirals, as the degreeof developmental desynchronization between cells increases. 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland B.V. All rights reserved

Keywords:Modeling; Oscillations; Waves; cAMP;Dictyostelium discoideum

1. Introduction

Few cellular types have contributed as much asDictyostelium discoideumamoebae to the experimen-tal and theoretical study of spatiotemporal organiza-tion at the supracellular level. After starvation, these

cells stop growing and dividing, and embark on adevelopmental program that includes their aggrega-tion by chemotaxis toward signals of cAMP emittedby cells behaving as aggregation centers, and the sub-sequent transformation of this multicellular aggregate,which can contain up to 105 cells, into a fruiting bodysurmounted by a mass of spores. The life cycleresumes after the spores have been dispersed in theenvironment [1–3].

The aggregation ofD. discoideumcells possesses a

Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

0304-3835/98/$19.00 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reservedPII S0301-4622(98)00119-7

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 2 6505770; fax: +32 26505767; e-mail: jhalloy@

periodic nature: on a solid support, the amoebae col-lect around centers in waves, as a result of the pulsa-tile release of cAMP signals by the centers with aperiodicity of 5–10 min [4–7]. Experiments in cellsuspensions have confirmed the capability of aggrega-tion centers to release cAMP signals in a periodicmanner [8]. These experiments further showed thatin addition to such pacemaker behavior, the amoebaeare also capable of excitability, i.e. of relaying supra-threshold cAMP pulses [9,10].

The mechanism for the periodic generation ofcAMP signals involves a positive feedback loop inthe synthesis of cAMP: indeed, extracellular cAMPbinds to a cell surface receptor and thereby activatesadenylate cyclase which synthesizes cAMP from ATP[11]. Intracellular cAMP is then secreted into theextracellular medium where it binds to its receptorand further promotes its own synthesis. At least twoprocesses limit the effect of such autocatalysis. First,cAMP is degraded by phosphodiesterase; second,binding of cAMP induces desensitization of thecAMP receptor. The latter phenomenon is accompa-nied by reversible phosphorylation of the receptor[12,13]. A model based on receptor desensitizationhas been proposed for cAMP relay and oscillationsin suspensions ofD. discoideumcells [11,14]. Thisthree-variable model has also been used in the theore-tical study of cAMP waves in the course of aggrega-tion [15–17].

The model based on receptor desensitization doesnot include the role of G proteins which act as signaltransducers between cAMP binding to the receptorand the subsequent activation or inactivation of ade-nylate cyclase [18,19]. Thus, experiments indicate inD. discoideum[20,21] that a Gs protein mediates theactivation of the cyclase, whereas a Gi protein mightperform an opposite function, by inhibiting theenzyme. The positive control of adenylate cyclasevia G proteins remains at the moment clearer thanthe inhibitory part of the regulatory network, whichremains largely hypothetical [22–24].

The purpose of this work is two-fold. First, we wishto incorporate the role of G proteins into the model forcAMP signaling based on receptor desensitization.Our approach [11,25] is closely related to that pro-posed by Tang and Othmer [26]. We show that theextended model accounts better than the former ver-sion for the experiments of Devreotes and Steck who

investigated the response of the signaling system tosuccessive increments in extracellular cAMP, in con-ditions where the positive feedback loop is suppressed[27]. Although the conditions are somewhat un-physiological, these experiments carried out in theabsence of positive feedback are of great interestsince they show how the system operates under adifferent set of constraints. The study of the extendedmodel further indicates that it is capable of sustainedoscillatory behavior [11,25]. These results, however,do not provide significantly new insights with res-pect to the predictions of the simpler model as torelay and oscillations which represent the major phy-siological responses. Therefore, the original, three-variable model still encompasses the key aspects ofcAMP relay and oscillations based on positive feed-back and receptor desensitization.

The second goal of this study is to investigate, bymeans of the three-variable model based on receptordesensitization, the origin of concentric and spiralwaves of cAMP in the course ofD. discoideumaggre-gation [3–7]. Concentric waves arise when a pace-maker releases periodic cAMP signals in a field ofexcitable cells. If obtaining concentric waves in the-oretical models in such a way is rather straightfor-ward, spiral waves, in contrast, are often generatedin a largely artificial manner [15,17,28]. Thus, takinginitial conditions which correspond to the breaking ofa planar or circular wave readily produces spirals. It ismuch more difficult to trigger the spontaneous forma-tion of spiral waves. In several studies, random pulsesof cAMP have been used to generate such waves, inaddition to inhomogeneities associated with or ampli-fied by cell movement [29,30] or the inhomogeneousdistribution of the extracellular inhibitor acting onphosphodiesterase [31].

We have recently proposed an alternative, develop-mentally-based scenario for the onset of spiral wavesof cAMP [17]. The analysis of the model shows thatthe continuous increase in the activity of adenylatecyclase and phosphodiesterase after starvation [32]brings the cells from a domain of no relay to a domainof relay, i.e. excitability, and then to the domain ofsustained, autonomous oscillations, before the cellsreturn to the excitable state. These changes in theactivity of the two enzymes define a developmentalpath that cells follow in parameter space after starva-tion [33,34]. We showed that the desynchronization of

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cells on the developmental path can trigger theappearance of defects which lead to the formation ofcAMP spirals [17]. Here we extend these results bystudying how the magnitude of cellular desynchroni-zation affects the type of wave that spontaneouslyforms. To obtain better insight into the origin of spir-als, we present a detailed sequence of spatiotemporalpatterns observed on the way from concentric to spiralwaves of cAMP.

2. Model for cAMP signaling based on receptordesensitization

The original version of the model for cAMP signal-ing based on receptor desensitization proposed byMartiel and Goldbeter is shown in Fig. 1 [14]. Themodel incorporates binding of extracellular cAMP tothe active (R) and desensitized (D) forms of the recep-tor; in the absence of the ligand the amount of receptorin the active state is much larger than in the desensi-tized state, while the reverse situation obtains after asufficiently long incubation of the receptor withcAMP. Also included in the model is the activationof adenylate cyclase by collision with the complexformed by cAMP with the active form of the receptor,and the hydrolysis of cAMP by the intracellular andextracellular forms of phosphodiesterase. The inter-convertible R and D states can be viewed as differentconformations or as the dephosphorylated and phos-phorylated forms of the receptor [12–14].

The time evolution of the model schematized inFig. 1 is governed by a set of non-linear kinetic equa-tions which can be reduced to three or even two vari-ables. These equations are listed in Ref. [14] and alsoin Section 4 below. The numerical analysis of theseequations shows that the model can account in a qua-

litative and quantitative manner for most experimentson relay and oscillations of cAMP in cell suspensions.Applying the model to the study of spatiotemporalpatterns requires the inclusion of a diffusion termfor extracellular cAMP, as considered elsewhere[15–17] and in Section 4 below.

The model, however, does not account well for theresponse of the signaling system to successive incre-ments of cAMP, in conditions where the positive feed-back loop is suppressed [11,25,26]. Although theseconditions are somewhat unnatural, they yield inter-esting insights into the dynamics of the signaling sys-tem and provide constraints on theoretical modelsproposed for cAMP synthesis inD. discoideum. Tobetter account for this type of experiment, it is neces-sary to go into further detail regarding the mechanismof signal transduction. This requires incorporating therole of G proteins in the control of adenylate cyclase,following binding of extracellular cAMP to its mem-brane receptor.

3. Incorporation of G proteins into the model forcAMP signaling

Experiments suggest that G proteins exert a dualcontrol on adenylate cyclase. While in the modelschematized in Fig. 1 the enzyme is activated directlyupon collision with the complex formed by cAMPwith the active (dephosphorylated) form of the recep-tor, experiments have shown [20,21] that this activa-tion is mediated by a protein, member of the Gs

family. On the other hand, desensitization of thecAMP receptor, accompanied by phosphorylation inthe model of Fig. 1, is the major process responsiblefor termination of the cAMP response: the desensi-tized receptor was assumed to be unable to activateadenylate cyclase. The experiments suggest however,that the desensitized receptor might activate a Gi pro-tein which would, in turn, inhibit adenylate cyclase[20,21]. The model incorporating such roles for the Gs

and Gi proteins is shown in Fig. 2. Upon collision withthe cAMP-R complex, the Gs protein releases anactive moiety which then activates, by collision cou-pling, a molecule of adenylate cyclase. Conversely,upon collision with the cAMP-D complex, the Gi pro-tein releases an active moiety which binds to, andthereby inhibits, adenylate cyclase.

Fig. 1. Basic model for cAMP signaling inDictyosteliumcells,involving self-amplification in cAMP synthesis as well as receptordesensitization (see Refs. [11,14]).

11J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

With respect to the previous version of the modelbased on receptor desensitization, the extended ver-sion of Fig. 2 contains two additional variables,namely the fractions gs and gi of active subunits ofthe Gs and Gi proteins. The time evolution of thecAMP signaling system is now governed by the sys-tem of five non-linear kinetic Eq. (1):


dt= −rTf1(g) + (1−rT)f2(g)


dt=J1x(rT,g)(1−gs) −k′



dt=J2y(rT,g)(1−gi) −k′



dt=jqF(gs,gi) − (ki +kt)b




hb −keg (1)


f1(g) =k1 +k2g

1+g, f2(g) =

k−1 +k−2cg1+cg

x(rT, g) =rTg

1+g, y(rT, g) =



F(gs, gi) =a



� �

1+vl + (1+a)g2






In these expressions,rT denotes the total fraction ofactive cAMP receptor, whilegs andgi are the fractionsof active Gs and Gi proteins;b andg denote the nor-malized concentrations of intracellular and extracel-lular cAMP; es andei are dissociation constants for thecoupling of Gs and Gi to adenylate cyclase, divided bythe total amounts of Gs and Gi, respectively;J1 andJ2

are bimolecular rate constants, multiplied by the totalamount of receptor, for the activation of Gs and Gi bycollision with the cAMP-receptor complex in the R orD state (see Ref. [14] for further details on the defini-tion of other parameters).

In the model, we assume that the active (R) anddesensitized (D) states correspond to unphosphory-

lated and phosphorylated states of the receptor,respectively. The precise role of phosphorylation inreceptor desensitization remains, however, unclear.Phosphorylation appears to stabilize the desensitizedstate, but experimental observations point to the exis-tence of a back-up mechanism for adaptation, thatcould bypass receptor phosphorylation [24].

The expressions in Eq. (2) have been obtained byassuming that the activation and inhibition of adeny-late cyclase result from the collision of the enzymewith two molecules of the active forms of Gs and Gi,respectively [25]. Such non-linearities (which couldbe replaced by cooperative binding of cAMP to itsreceptor) are necessary to generate sustained oscilla-tions. Also considered in the model is the inactivationof the Gs and Gi active moieties due to the intrinsicGTPase activity of these proteins [18,19]; the linearinactivation of Gs and Gi in Eq. (1) is characterized bythe rate constantsk′3 andk′4, respectively.

Fig. 2. Model for cAMP signaling incorporating the effect of Gproteins. As in the basic model shown in Fig. 1, the receptor isconsidered to exist in two interconvertible states, active (R) anddesensitized (D), which could represent the dephosphorylated andphosphorylated forms, respectively. Upon binding of cAMP, the Rforms activates adenylate cyclase (C) via the action of a Gs protein,while the desensitized form inhibits adenylate cyclase via theaction of a protein Gi. The rest of the model is similar to that ofFig. 1 with respect to the synthesis and transport of intracellularcAMP into the extracellular medium, and with respect to hydro-lysis of intracellular and extracellular cAMP by phosphodiesterase.

12 J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

3.1. Response to successive increments ofextracellular cAMP

The basic version of the model (Fig. 1) fails toaccount in a satisfactory manner [11,25,26] for a par-ticular set of experiments carried out in conditionswhere the level of extracellular cAMP is controlledand raised in successive increments lasting 225 s [27].The model incorporating the two G proteins faresbetter in this respect, as indicated by the data of Fig.3 showing the cAMP synthesis triggered by four suc-cessive step increases in extracellular cAMP, firstfrom zero to 10−9 M, and then from 10−9 M to 10−6

M in three successive, ten-fold increments. Alsoshown in Fig. 3 are the associated changes in thefractions of active Gs and Gi proteins. Whereas theformer version of the model failed to respond to thefirst increment and produced glued responses to thethree following increases in cAMP, the version incor-porating the G proteins yields four separatedresponses.

The fact that the second peak in intracellular cAMPcan be smaller than the first and the third and fourthones, as in the case illustrated in Fig. 3, fits with the

experimental observations (see Fig. 8 in Ref. [27]).This phenomenon, which is not obtained for all para-meter values, results from a delicate balance betweenthe inactivation kinetics of Gs and Gi. The modelindicates that to obtain better agreement with theexperimental observations and, in particular, a goodseparation between the four successive responses, theinactivation of Gs must be faster, by at least a factor of5, than that of Gi. This requirement appears to holdwith experimental observations [21].

3.2. Oscillations and relay of cAMP signals

The experiments addressed in Section 3.1 arerelated to conditions in which the positive feedbackin cAMP synthesis is suppressed. When this regula-tory loop is restored as in normal, physiological con-ditions, sustained oscillations are observed in themodel (Fig. 4). For the same set of parameter valuesas in Fig. 3, the model then generates limit cycleoscillations with a period of about 12 min whichmatch those observed in the experiments.

As in the original version of the model based onreceptor desensitization, cAMP oscillations areaccompanied by the periodic alternance of the recep-tor between the active and desensitized states [13].Moreover, the rise in intracellular cAMP in Fig. 4 isconcomitant with an increase in the fractions of active

Fig. 3. Response to successive increments in extracellular cAMP,predicted by the model incorporating the control of adenylatecyclase by the Gs and Gi proteins. The concentration of extracel-lular cAMP is successively raised from 0 to 10−9 M, 10−8 M, 10−7 Mand 10−6 M in 4 steps of 225 s duration each. Shown are thechanges in the amount of intracellular cAMP (b) secreted and inthe fractions of active Gs and Gi proteins elicited by these sequen-tial stimuli. The data is obtained by numerical integration of Eq. (1)where g becomes a controlled parameter rather than a variable.Parameters values areJ1 = 25 min−1, J2 = 5 min−1, es = 10−3,ei = 10−4, k′3 = 5 min−1, k′4 = 0.1 min−1; other parameter valuesare given in Table II of Ref. [14].

Fig. 4. Sustained oscillations predicted by the model incorporatingthe control of adenylate cyclase by the Gs and Gi proteins. Shown isthe variation in the normalized concentration of extracellularcAMP (g) and in the fractions of active receptor (rT) and of activeGs and Gi proteins. The curves are generated by numerical integra-tion of Eq. (1), whereg is a variable, for the parameter values ofFig. 3, with k′4 = 1 (instead of 0.1) min−1.

13J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

Gs and Gi; the decline in the fractiongs occurs at thesame time as the decrease in cAMP, whereas the dropin gi appears to be delayed in the case considered, andcontributes to enlarging the interspike interval. How-ever, the oscillations in cAMP and in the fraction ofactive receptor appear to be similar to those generatedby the simpler, three-variable model [11,14] in whichthe detailed role of the G proteins is not taken intoaccount explicitly. Much as in the latter model, forparameter values corresponding to a stable, excitablesteady state, the extended model can relay suprathres-hold pulses of extracellular cAMP (data not shown).Oscillations and relay can still occur in the extendedmodel in the absence of Gi, when only the role of Gs istaken into account.

4. Origin of concentric and spiral waves of cAMP

The excitable and oscillatory dynamics of thecAMP signaling system lies at the heart of the propa-gation of concentric or spiral waves of cAMP in thecourse ofD. discoideumaggregation. To investigatethe origin of these spatiotemporal patterns, we returnto the three-variable model for cAMP relay and oscil-lations and include the diffusion of extracellularcAMP to address the formation of concentric andspiral waves of cAMP. The spatiotemporal evolutionof the three-variable system is now governed by thesystem of Eq. (3):


dt= − f1(g)rT + f2(g)(1−rT)


dt=qjf(rT, g a) − (ki +kt)b


∂t= (ktb=h) −keg +DgL

2g (3)


f1(g) =k1 +k2g

1+g, f2(g) =

k1L1 +k2L2cg1+cg

f(rT, g, a) =a lv + eY2ÿ �

1+av + eY2(1+a), Y =



In contrast to other studies [16,29,31], these equa-tions do not include the slower chemotactic move-ment of the cells, since at this stage we wish tofocus on the reaction-diffusion mechanism respon-sible for generating the different types of cAMPwaves.

Fig. 5. Developmental path (arrow) followed byDictyosteliumcellsafter starvation. The arrow passes successively through thedomains of stable steady states (S), excitability (E), autonomous,sustained oscillations (O), to end, again, in a region of excitability.The latter is determined numerically as the capability of the systemto propagate a cAMP wave in space without attenuation. Thedevelopmental path is represented here as a function of the changesin two of the main control parameters after starvation: adenylatecyclase (j) and phosphodiesterase (ke). The diagram is establishedfor the Martiel–Goldbeter model [14] governed by Eq. (3), for theparameters values listed in Fig. 1 of Ref. [17].

Fig. 6. Effect of cellular desynchronization on the type of cAMP wave generated by the model for cAMP signaling based on receptordesensitization. The data are obtained by numerical integration of Eq. (3), taking into account the temporal variation of the activities ofadenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase. The equations governing the changes in parametersj andke associated with the developmental pathdepicted in Fig. 5 are given in Fig. 4 of Ref. [17]. We assume that the cells begin their journey on the developmental path at starting timestsrandomly distributed in space, according to the probability distributionP(ts) given by Eq. (5), in which the degree of desynchronizationD

measures the dispersion ofP(ts). Panels a, b, and c are established forD = 15, 25 or 100 min, respectively. The upper rows show the spatialdistribution of extracellular cAMP (g) at the times 0, 150, 240, 270 and 360 min after the beginning of the increase inj andke. The bottomrows show the distribution of cells along the developmental path of Fig. 5 (each circle represents 5% of the total number of cells) at thecorresponding times. The figures are generated by numerical integration of Eq. (4) on a spatial grid of 100× 100 points representing an area of1 cm2 (see [17] for further details). Parameter values are the same as in Fig. 5.

14 J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

4.1. The developmental path

Earlier theoretical studies showed that a progres-sive increase in the activity of adenylate cyclase andphosphodiesterase [32] can account for the transitionsno relay-relay-oscillations-relay observed in the

experiments in cell suspensions [11,33,34]. Thus,cells experiencing such variations in the levels ofthe two enzymes in the course of time follow adevel-opmental pathin the adenylate cyclase-phosphodies-terase parameter space [33], as illustrated in Fig. 5 forthe model based on receptor desensitization. This

15J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

path, symbolized by the arrow in Fig. 5, brings thecells successively from a domain of stable, non-exci-table steady states (S) into the domain of relay, i.e.excitability (E), and then into the domain of autono-mous, sustained oscillations (O) before the systemreturns to an excitable state.

The time evolution of parametersj and ke obeysequations which ensure that both enzyme activitiesincrease in time in a sigmoidal manner, with phospho-diesterase lagging behind adenylate cyclase, as ob-served in the experiments. The analysis of Eq. (3)brings to light the possible role of the desynchroniza-tion of cells in the onset of spiral waves [17].

4.2. Influence of cellular desynchronization on cAMPwaves

We have recently shown [17] that the degree ofcellular desynchronization on such a developmentalpath in parameter space markedly affects the nature ofthe spatial patterns generated by the model. Cells donot start their developmental journey at the sameposition on the path. This amounts to considering aprobability distribution for the starting timets, corres-ponding to a particular pair of values of parametersj

andke, given by Eq. (5):

P(ts) = (1=D)exp( − ts=D) (5)

The spatial distribution of starting times is taken ran-domly according to the probability distribution (Eq.(5)). ParameterD measures the degree of desynchro-nization of cells on the developmental path.

When the degree of desynchronization is relativelyweak, e.g.D = 15 min, the cAMP patterns which pro-gressively form tend to be concentric (Fig. 6a). Athigher desynchronization, e.g. forD = 25 min (as inthe case considered also in Fig. 6 of Ref. [17]), a fewlarge spirals are eventually observed (Fig. 6b). In con-trast, at much higher degrees of desynchronization,e.g. for D = 100 min, this pattern transforms into amuch larger number of smaller spirals (Fig. 6c).

To characterize in further detail the origin of spiralwaves, it is useful to focus on the sequence of eventsleading to the formation of a typical spiral pattern.The data of Fig. 7 show the spatial distribution ofextracellular cAMP at 10-min intervals, starting 150min after movement on the developmental path hasbegun (before that time, the spatial inhomogeneities

remain reduced). The corresponding evolution of theparameters can be inferred from the lower panel inFig. 6b, established for the same value ofD, whereeach circle represents the position of 5% of the totalamount of cells proceeding on the path. The sequenceof frames shows that several concentric waves initi-ally form (at about 160 min) as the cells begin to enterthe oscillatory domain, while other cells remain exci-table. These waves are progressively broken by thedefects which accumulate due to the spatial heteroge-neity in the evolving parameter values. The breaksoccur as cells progressively move out of the oscilla-tory domain, back into the excitable range (from 180min to about 260 min). Spirals eventually developfrom the fragments of such broken waves.

5. Discussion

In the present paper we have addressed by means oftheoretical models both the temporal and the spatio-temporal aspects of cAMP signaling inDictyosteliumcells. In the first part we focused on the temporaldynamics and incorporated explicitly into the modelfor cAMP signaling based on receptor desensitizationthe role of a Gs and a Gi protein which, respectively,activates and inhibits adenylate cyclase. The extendedmodel, which contains five instead of three variables,accounts for the response of the signaling system tosuccessive increments of extracellular cAMP whenthe latter stimulus is controlled in such a mannerthat the positive feedback loop in cAMP synthesis issuppressed. When this feedback is restored, theextended model accounts for sustained oscillationsof cAMP, but the predictions of the model do notdiffer significantly from those of the basic, three-vari-able model in these physiological conditions.

The results generated by the model incorporatingthe effect of the Gs and Gi proteins are similar to thoseobtained by Tang and Othmer [26] in a closely relatedstudy which also includes the control of adenylatecyclase by Gs and Gi, although the assumptions under-lying the latter model differ from those consideredhere in at least two respects: there, rather than inhibit-ing directly adenylate cyclase, Gi is assumed to actindirectly by preventing the activation of Gs whichfollows its collision with the complex formed bycAMP bound to the active receptor form. Moreover,

16 J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

the authors consider two forms of the cAMP receptor,one which activates Gs and the other which activatesGi but, in contrast to the present approach and to

experimental observations, they do not consider anyinterconversion through reversible phosphorylationbetween these two receptor states.

Fig. 7. Detailed sequence of events leading to the formation of spiral waves of cAMP. The situation considered in panel b of Fig. 6 is examinedhere in further detail. Shown is the spatial distribution of extracellular cAMP at 10 min intervals, from 150 min to 380 min after the beginningof the increase inj andke on the developmental path.

17J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

The actual control network for adenylate cyclase inD. discoideumis in fact more complex than the pic-ture given in Fig. 2, and is far from being totallyelucidated at the present time [24]. It appears thatadditional proteins play a role in signal transduction,both in the activation and inhibition pathways con-trolling cAMP signal generation inDictyosteliumcells [23]. For example, the protein cytosolic regula-tor of adenylate cyclase (CRAC) appears to modulatethe activity of the Gs protein [35] and is essential forthe activation of adenylate cyclase. The results of thefirst part of the present study suggest, however, thatthe basic, three-variable form of the model incorpor-ating reversible receptor desensitization and the posi-tive feedback loop suffices to capture the essentialaspects of cAMP relay and oscillations, regardlessof the precise molecular details of adenylate cyclaseactivation and inhibition by the G proteins. Incor-poration of the latter into the model is only neededto account for the results of perfusion experiments inwhich the cells are subjected to controlled incrementsin extracellular cAMP. Given that these experimentsdo not correspond to the physiological conditions inwhich oscillations occur, it is reasonable to resort tothe simpler, three-variable model in studies pertain-ing to the excitable and oscillatory properties of thecAMP signaling system.

The second part of our study deals with the model-ing of cAMP waves which mediateD. discoideumaggregation after starvation. Not included in ourdescription at this stage is the chemotactic movementof the cells. The goal of our analysis was to clarify themechanism responsible for the formation of spiralwaves of cAMP. In a previous paper [17] we focusedon the possible role of cell desynchronization, andshowed that the spatial heterogeneity in the evolutionon the developmental path of biochemical parameterscontrolling the dynamic properties of the signalingsystem is an important factor in introducing defectswhich lead to the breaking of concentric waves and totheir subsequent transformation into spirals. Here weextended these results by showing that the type ofwave formed is markedly influenced by the degreeof cellular desynchronization on the developmentalpath. As shown in Fig. 6, limited desynchronizationleads to concentric waves, while stronger desynchro-nization yields a profusion of small spirals. Largerspirals are obtained for intermediate values of the

degree of desynchronizationD, (see Eq. (5)). Thus,with respect to the formation of large, stable spirals,the results point to the existence of an optimal rangeof cellular desynchronization. The origin of such adesynchronization lies in the fact that the amoebaeare caught at different phases of the cell cycle at thebeginning of starvation [36]. The slowest cells lag byabout 1 h with respect to the fastest cells in acquiringthe capability of relaying cAMP signals [37] or ofoscillating autonomously [38,39]; such a time differ-ence holds with the values ofD, of the order of 25 min,producing large spiral waves of cAMP [17].

We have also presented a sequence of spatiotem-poral frames which provides a detailed history of theformation of cAMP spirals. The data in Fig. 7 indicatethat concentric waves form at first, as some cells enterthe oscillatory domain in parameter space while othercells become excitable, as a result of their progressionon the developmental path. Then defects arise, whicheventually break the concentric patterns, as cellsbegin to leave the oscillatory domain. Spirals developas the fragmented waves curl up at their extremities.The duration of the phase of breaking the concentricwaves depends both on the degree of desynchroniza-tion and on the rate at which cells progress on thedevelopmental path.

The results on the effect of parameterD suggest thatbetter synchronization of the cells after starvationshould favor the formation of concentric over spiralwaves [17]. However, the present results have beenobtained by assuming that all cells evolve at the samerate on the same developmental path and differ onlyby their initial position on this path. Besides thissource of desynchronization, captured by parameterD and by the distribution of initial times given byEq. (5), additional factors contributing to cellular het-erogeneity might be considered. Thus, the initial andfinal values of the enzyme concentrations (measuredhere by parametersj and ke) as well as the rate ofevolution on the developmental path might also differfrom cell to cell. Distributions of these parametersaround mean values could be considered in an exten-sion of the present work, to determine the possibleinfluence of these sources of heterogeneity on the for-mation of spiral waves, even in conditions where cellsare apparently synchronized and the value of para-meterD is reduced.

The developmentally based scenario for the onset

18 J. Halloy et al. / Biophysical Chemistry 72 (1998) 9–19

of spiral waves does not rule out the possible contri-bution of other important factors. Any process thathelps to build up defects associated with spatial het-erogeneities is likely to favor the formation of spirals.As shown by theoretical and experimental studies, onesuch factor could be the phosphodiesterase inhibitorreleased by the amoebae into the extracellular med-ium [31,40], since this factor indirectly controls thelevel of cAMP. The effect of this inhibitor is impli-citly included in the developmental path shown in Fig.5, since it enters the net activity of phosphodiesterase.Of particular significance is the chemotaxis of thecells, which has been considered in other theoreticalstudies of wavelike aggregation [16,30]. Chemotacticcell movement can lead to heterogeneities in cell den-sity that may contribute to the formation of defects inpropagating waves of cAMP. It will be instructiveto include both the chemotactic movement of theamoebae and their temporal evolution on the devel-opmental path, in a unified description of wavelikeaggregation ofDictyosteliumcells in response to pul-satile signals of cAMP.


This work was supported by the programme‘Actions de Recherche Concerte´e’ (ARC 94–99/180) launched by the Division of Scientific Research,Ministry of Science and Education, French Commu-nity of Belgium.


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