model with actors and implement with akka

Model with actors and implement with Akka ITLC Hanoi, Oct 5 2015 Ngoc Dao

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Model with actors and implement with Akka

ITLC Hanoi, Oct 5 2015Ngoc Dao

Favorite languages: Ruby, Erlang, Scala

My Scala style: Use Scala as ifScala = Java (performance, libs eco) + Ruby (human oriented syntax) + Erlang (functional, reactive)

Interests:● Realtime and distributed systems● Multiplayer games● Web frameworks (wrote several for Erlang, Scala, Java)

"Soon we had three kinds of Scala written at Twitter: Scala written by people who wished it was Ruby, Scala written by people who wished it was Java, and Scala written by people who wished it was Haskell."


● [What] Explain about actor model:~¼ of time

● [How] Explain about how to create actors with Akka library, via multiplayer chess demo:~ ¾ of time

Level: Scala beginnerPlease ask questions/discuss whenever you want

● Your workplace, your school etc.● Your background, your favorite languages● Do you know Scala?● Why do you want to learn Scala?● How do you know about this meetup?● What do you expect from this meetup?● etc. etc.

Please introduce yourselves

Part 1/2:[What] Actor model

Benefit of actors in one sentenceC/C++ vs Java:You can use memory without having to release memory manually.

Thread vs actor:You can use concurrency without having to create threads and sync vars manually.

Don't communicate by sharing memory;share memory by communicating.

● Actor = states + mailbox + behaviors (msg handlers)

● From outside, can’t manipulate actors directly.

● To interact with an actor, must send msgs to it.

● Each actor has a mailbox, msgs are put to mailbox, and processed one by one. ← An actor is like a single threaded process; it doesn’t do more than one thing at a time.


Actor vs OOP“The Actor model adopts the philosophy that everything is an actor. This is similar to the everything is an object philosophy used by some object-oriented programming languages, but differs in that object-oriented software is typically executed sequentially, while the Actor model is inherently concurrent.”

● An actor is somewhat similar to an object=> Easy to learn/model:actor ~ objectmethod call ~ msg sending

● Scala supports both actors and OOP objects(Erlang only supports actors)

Actor vs Thread● Thread: n dimensions, hard to reason about.● Actor: 1D, one thing at a time.



Actor vs ThreadThread:● Heavy weight: Can only create not too many threads;

usually: 2000~5000● Shared state ← Source of bugs● Passive: Have to call object.method() to make the object alive.

Actor:● Light weight: Can create millions of actors;

usually: ~2.5 million actors/GB● Self contained, shared nothing● Active: Actors are alive by themselves. ← Easy to model programs that

have millions of on-going things (very high level of concurrency), like MMOG games.

Just like JVM automatically manages memory for you, so that you don’t have to care about releasing memory manually:● Actor is a high level logical way to think, to model

programs. You don’t have to care about managing threads and syncing vars manually.

● At lower level, actors still run above a managed thread pool.

Actor vs Thread

Actor vs FutureActor:

● Reactive: messaging, scheduling● FSM (Finite State Machine)● Monitoring● Supervision● Location transparency

(actors on one server can send messages to actors on another server)=> Easier to scale out to multiple servers/clustering


● Syntax is easier to write● Composable: Run future A first, then B, then C etc. ● More typesafe (Akka 2.4.0 introduced “Akka Typed” feature)

Some actor pitfallsSend mutable msgs between actors.↑ May lead to bug, if actor A sends msg M to actor B, state of B incorporates M, then M is later changed by A.=> Shared memory

Fix: Use immutable messages.

From inside actor: Callback {

def onCallback() {

// Modify actor state directly



↑ May lead to bug, because the actor’s thread and the callback’s thread may be

2 different threads. Remember: An actor is like a single threaded process, can’t

do more than one thing at a time. An actor should be self contained, shared


Fix: self ! msgFromCallback

Useful links● Concurrent Programming for Scalable Web


● Functions + Messages + Concurrency = Erlang

Part 2/2:[How] Create actors with Akka[Demo]Multiplayerwebchess game

Chess gameSimple spec, focus on chess logic:● Web, multiplayer● Standard chess, no variations (chess 960 etc.)● No reconnection on network disconnection● No time● No game watching● No chat● No etc.

Useful linksAkka doc:


● UCI (Universal Chess Interface) protocol:

● Stockfish (world’s top open source UCI engine):

● JStockfish (JNI wrapper):

● Chessground (web UI):

● Chess.js (JavaScript logic):

Chinese chess:

● UCCI (Universal Chinese Chess Interface) protocol:

● UCCI engines: