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Write your letter on the answer sheet:

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Write the Nr. you have chosen and your answer on the answer sheet: Paper 2 Writing Part 2.

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PAPER 5 Speaking Parts 1 and 2

Part 1 [3 minutes (5 minutes for groups of three)]

INTERLOCUTOR'S script. □ Good evening. My name is …............ and this is my colleague ...............…s/he is just going to listen to us)

□ Can I have your mark sheets, please?

Thank you.

□ First of all, we’d like to know something about you.

What are your names?

And your surnames are? How do you spell it (to both candidates) Where do you live (Candidate A)?

And you (Candidate B)?

What do you like about living (here / name of candidate’s home town)? And what about you (Candidate A/B)? Select one or more questions from any of the following categories, as appropriate. (St A - St B) Likes and dislikes Do you prefer studying with other people or on your own? (Why?) In what ways do you think English will be useful to you? Apart from English, which other language would you most like to learn? Why? Do you prefer to spend time on your own or with other people? …… (Why?) (for candidate C): • Do you like cooking? …… (What sort of things do you cook?) • What’s your favourite food? …… (Why do you like it?) Education and Work Do you find it easy to study where you live? …… (Why? / Why not?) Is there something new you’d really like to learn about? …… (Why?) (Candidate C: What kind of work would you really like to do in the future? …… (Why?) Free Time Who do you spend your free time with? …… (What sort of things do you do together?) How much time do you spend at home? …… (What do you enjoy doing?) (Candidate C: What sort of music do you listen to? …… (Why do you enjoy it?) Holidays and Travel Which area of your country would you like to get to know better? …… (Why?) What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near here? …… (Tell us about it.) (Candidate C: Have you ever used your English on holiday? … (Where were you?) … (What did you use it for?) Media How much TV do you watch in a week? ….. (Would you prefer to watch more TV than that or less?) ….. (Why?) Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently. (Candidate C: Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine? ..... (Why do you like it?)

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Part 2 [4 minutes (6 minutes for groups of three)] □ In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you two photographs. I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a short question about your partner's photographs. (Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs (Task 1)They show people at home in their free time. → Please, let Candidate/s B [and C ] see them. (Candidate B / C) You just listen. I'll give you your photographs in a minutes. (Candidate A), I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say which you think is a better way to relax. (Remember ... (name of student), you have only about a minute for this, so don't worry if I interrupt you. AII right? (after a minute) Thank you. (Candidate B), do you enjoy reading? Thank you. Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs (Task 2). They show people going to work. → Please, let Candidate/s A [and C ] see them. I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say what is uncomfortable about travelling in these conditions. I also remind you that you have only about a minute for this, so don't worry if I interrupt you. AII right? (after a minute) Thank you. (Candidate A if there isn't C), do you ever ride a bicycle? Thank you.

* Now, (Candidate C), here are your photographs (Task 3). They show people on different types of holiday. → Please, let Candidate/s A and B see them. * I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say which the best holiday destination. And, again, Remember ... (name of student), you have only a minute to do this, so don't worry if I interrupt you. All right? (to Candidate/s A [and B]) Would you choose any of these destination for your holidays?

Part 3 [3 minutes (4 minutes for groups of three)] Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about three minutes. I'd like you to imagine that a website is organising a competition called 'Unusual Holiday Photographs'. Here are some photographs that people have sent in for the competition. INTERLOCUTOR gives the candidates the picture. First, talk to each other about why, in your opinion, the people might have taken these photographs on their holidays. Then decide which photograph should win the competition. Part 4 [4 minutes (5 minutes for groups of three)] Select any of the following questions, as appropriate: • Why do you think some tourists take so many photos? • What should you do if you want to take a good photo of friends or family? • What's the most interesting photo you've ever seen? Select any of the following questions, as appropriate: • What do you think? • Do you agree? • And you?

□ Thank you. That is the end of the test.

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Write your letter on the answer sheet:

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Paper 2 Writing Part 1
























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Paper 2 Writing Part 2

























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Paper 3 Use of English

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Paper 4 Listening

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Audio visual Aids for Paper 5 Speaking

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