mobile marketing- sms marketing advantages

Mobile Marketing SMS Marketing Advantages Braj Mohan Chaturvedi | [email protected] | +91 9502421919 Twitter: @chaturvedibraj | facebook: @chaturvedibraj | Skype: @chaturvedibraj

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Post on 28-Jan-2015




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Compared to other forms of advertising, SMS marketing provides the lowest cost and highest return rate that is definitely a boon to today’s shrinking marketing budgets. This presentation details the advantages of SMS marketing.


Page 1: Mobile Marketing- SMS Marketing Advantages

Mobile Marketing SMS Marketing Advantages

Braj Mohan Chaturvedi | [email protected] | +91 9502421919Twitter: @chaturvedibraj | facebook: @chaturvedibraj | Skype: @chaturvedibraj

Page 2: Mobile Marketing- SMS Marketing Advantages

Mobile phone is personal device and customer always has their mobile phone with them. It offers marketer to reach customer 24*7.


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The SMS campaign infrastructure is such that new campaigns messages can be set up in minutes.


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The SMS campaign infrastructure offers opportunity to execute campaign from idea to delivery in minutes.


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The average time for all mobile carriers and SMS services are less than 7 seconds from send to receive.


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Response rates of the SMS campaigns are immediate because they are real-time and calls to action can be acted upon faster than traditional advertising.


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SMS marketing platform is scalable in nature. The system scale-up or scale-down itself with the changing needs of business.


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The SMS marketing offers advertisers full control over message designing, development and dissemination.


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SMS opt-in and opt-out has only one step, and besides entering a mobile number, there is rarely any personal information required up front.


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Mobile phone users represent all demographics which makes SMS marketing tool of limitless opportunities.


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SMS is more of a direct connection to your customer base than any other marketing strategy, and there aren’t any barriers.


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The 160-character length of SMS is a boon for advertisers as it forces them to be clear and concise.


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SMS campaigns get to the point immediately without anything that is unnecessary.


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Mobile marketing is more cost effective than traditional forms of advertising.


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SMS marketing strategies are effortless to implement yet have a higher return on investment than other forms of marketing.


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SMS marketing allows campaigns to be targeted to specific customers. 15

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SMS has a staggeringly high open rate. Essentially, every SMS sent is opened and read.


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Average SMS marketing redemption rates are higher than other marketing such as email, direct mail and newspaper


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SMS marketing offers an incredibly high rate of subscriber action. 18

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SMS campaigns offers brand a head start in winning the battle for the next generation of shoppers.


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SMS marketing strategies are naturally green. 20

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Thanks!Braj Mohan Chaturvedi

[email protected]+91 9502421919

Disclaimer: The views represented in the presentation have nothing to do with the companies I have personal, professional, or academic interest. It is absolutely my view which is based on the years of experience in the business.