mobile app marketing campaign playbook

Mobile App Marketing Campaign Playbook The popularity of mobile apps shows no sign of slowing down, but the market is saturated and standing out from the crowd can be tough to do. This playbook highlights the best ways to get your app noticed. 2016 Playbook

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App Marketing Networks 2014

Mobile App Marketing Campaign PlaybookThe popularity of mobile apps shows no sign of slowing down, but the market is saturated and standing out from the crowd can be tough to do. This playbook highlights the best ways to get your app noticed.

2016 Playbook





IntroductionDot Com Infoway (DCI) is a leading provider of mobile app marketing services. We use proven app marketing strategies to design and execute a perfect launch for apps of all kinds. Our understanding of every other app store environment and ranking algorithm helps us provide mobile app developers with the best solutions to make their apps stand out from other mobile applications in the market. With our experience, expertise and customized mobile app marketing solutions, we have achieved millions of downloads for our clients, with many apps also making it to the top of the charts.

Here’s what we do:

• Pre-launch campaign to create buzz about the app

• Strategically-timed launch to grab the attention of maximum users

• Post-launch viral campaigns via mobile, Web, videos, podcasts etc.

• In-app advertising via other popular apps in the app store

• Exciting updates to make existing users revisit the app

• Promotions on recent functionality upgrades to hook new users

• Paid promotion and review generation to drive downloads

• Suggestions for new upgrades based on user feedback

• Maintaining communication with users to ensure app popularity

• Establishing touch points with users to build value for the brand

This playbook provides their advice on mobile app marketing campaigns based on experience working with clients around the world.

Next page: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Get Started with ASO (App Store Optimization)

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Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Get Started with ASO (App Store Optimization)


Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Get Started with ASO (App Store Optimization)

App Stores • An online marketplace where users of smartphones and other mobile devices can

browse, purchase, and download applications, or “apps”, that augment the capabilities of their devices. While Apple, Inc. created the original “App Store” for iPhone apps, and claims copyright to the term, online stores selling mobile apps for other platforms are also referred to as “app stores”.

• List of top mobile app distribution platforms (App Stores)

– iOS App Store

– Google Play Store

– BlackBerry World

– Windows Phone Store

– Amazon Appstore

Apps published on various platforms • On an average, 2371 New Apps are published every day.

– Android – 47%

– iOS – 41%

– Windows Mobile – 12%

• 90 New developers publish an App on iOS each day, versus 75 on Google Play.

“It is easy for your App to get lost in the competition”

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What is App Store Optimization? • App Store optimization, (ASO) is altering the app store title and it’s keywords to gain a

higher ranking in search results on the App Store.

• App store optimization (ASO) is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app (such as an iPhone, iPad, Android, or Windows Phone app) in an app store (such as iTunes or Google Play for Android). App store optimization is closely related to search engine optimization. Specifically, app store optimization includes the process of ranking highly in an app store’s search results and top charts rankings. — Wikipedia

Why App Store Search Matters? • With over 2 million mobile apps in the major app stores, getting your app discovered is

one of the biggest issues facing mobile app publishers today.

• More apps are discovered through search than any other method

• “For an average app, search actually makes up the vast majority of installs”

• 12 percent of daily active users (DAU) search for apps daily, 50 percent of DAU search for apps weekly and Google sees six million unique phrases searched monthly in Google Play Store - Ankit Jain, Head of Search and Discovery – Google Play

• The higher your app ranks in an app store’s search results, the more visible it is to poten-tial customers. That increased visibility tends to translate into more traffic to your app’s page in the app store.

• The goal of ASO is to drive more traffic to your app’s page in the app store, so searchers can take a specific action: downloading your app.

Meta Data • App Title

• App Description

• App Icon

• App Screenshot

• Category

• Keywords

• Google Play only

– App Type

– App YouTube Demo

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Other Factors • App Reviews

• App Ratings

• App Downloads

App Title • Branding is the Key

• Include keyword in your title. Based on the top 25 ranking positions, it was calculated that an app which includes keyword in its title is ranked 10.3% higher than the ones that do no have keywords. (Source: MobileDevHQ)

• Almost 50% of apps now contain some sort of keyword in their title.

• Bigger brands too optimize the title

– Gmail – email from Google

– Skype - free IM & video calls

• App name in Apple App store can be up to 255 characters long but the user can see only upto 35 characters in their iPhone.

• For Android, the maximum character for app title is 30

App Title – Business Card Reader App

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App Description • The intro lines are what’s shown to users before they click “More” to expand the descrip-

tion at the fold.

• Show your best writing skills in the initial paragraph with marketing appeal.

– USP Statement

– Your app is “ideal for” declaration

– A short snippet from the app review from popular sites : “A must have for

– travellers!” – TechCrunch

– Reasons to download: “Free upgrades for life!”

– Numbers of downloads or users (if it’s large)

– Other apps you’ve created: “From the creators of _______”

There is a 4,000 character limit on descriptions for both Apple App store and Google Play store. It’s important to localize your description for important territories.

App Description – Example 1

App Description – Example 2

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App Icon • Your product icon can make or break your success

• Make sure your icon or logo clearly and creatively expresses your app.

– Don’t include words

– Don’t standard gloss

– Simple is good. Simple is clear.

– Stand out from the crowd

– Icon/App consistency

• For business apps, keep the icon consistent with the rest of your business logos, colors and style.

• For games, make sure your icon reflects a key element of your game. It’s also helpful if the icon conveys the gameplay to let users know if they will be interested in it.

App Icon Example

App Icon for Pizza Shop App icon for Travel Plans

App Screenshot ◊ Display some eye-catching screenshots of your app in action.

◊ Give clear and detailed screenshots of your app and highlight all the best parts of your app with multiple screen shots.

◊ The App Store allows you to upload five screenshots of your app. Be sure to use every single one!

◊ You can add some simple text or additional graphics to your screenshots to

◊ drive home the benefits of your app.

Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Get Started with ASO (App Store Optimization)

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App Screenshot – Pizza Hut

App Screenshot – Card Reader App

App Screenshot – Car Racing App

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App Keywords • The Keyword Field in iOS is a 100 character field which you can use to tell iTunes search

for which keywords you should show up

• Focus on relevancy, search volume, and difficulty.

• Don’t use multiple word phrases; break out to individual words

• Don’t repeat keywords that are already in your title

• Separate your keywords by commas but do not use spaces – you should use “keyword1, keyword2″ instead of “keyword1, keyword2″.

• Use ASO Tools

• In Google Play, the app description has to be optimized.

Keyword Tools • Brain Storming

• Google Keyword Planer

• SearchMan

• MobileDevHQ

• Sensor Tower

Google Keyword Planner – Step 1

with your account

Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Get Started with ASO (App Store Optimization)

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Google Keyword Planner – Step 2

Search for new keywords

Google Keyword Planner – Step 3

Search Man – Step 1

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Search Man – Step 2

Search similar/competitor apps

Search Man – Step 3

Analyze competitor keywords

Sensor Tower – Step 1

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Sensor Tower – Step 2

Enter your App’s name

Sensor Tower – Step 3

Then Click “Keyword Suggestions” in left sidebar menu

Google Play only • App Type - Google categorizes apps into two main “types.” They are “applications” and

“games.” Mark your app appropriately.

• App YouTube Demo – Upload a YouTube video that highlights all the best parts of your app.

• Leverage Google Plus - All apps have a Google Plus plugin. The more pluses your app gets, the more visible it will be in the Play Store.

Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Get Started with ASO (App Store Optimization)

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App Reviews, RatingsThe more favorable reviews your app receives, the higher the conversion rate.

Use app reviews as a feedback to continuously improve your app.

◊ Make sure your app has a sufficient amount of detailed and genuine reviews.

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• Ratings are also a direct reflection of your app’s performance

• People will almost always download an app that has a high percentage of positive ratings.

ConclusionTo reap the rewards of ASO, you need to invest time and effort. If you do, you’ll have a consistent channel driving traffic to your app.

ASO is a useful set of techniques used to increase discoverability through

keywords, complementary screenshots and –most importantly– understanding how users are looking for apps.

ASO is just one of many approaches to attract attention in a crowded app store, the main one being: having a great app that’s worth discovering in the first place.








Next page: 7 Tips to Write a Selling App Store Description

Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Get Started with ASO (App Store Optimization)

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7 Tips to Write a Selling App Store Description


7 Tips to Write a Selling App Store Description An app’s description is basically its selling pitch. This means you can write it to resemble an ad copy or even your everyday website text. To drive more downloads you must make sure that the description is clear and very appealing to the targeted audience. What helps your app stand out is the icon and the name, but the description does all the hard sales legwork by provoking curiosity and ultimately getting users to buy or download the app.

Let’s take a look at seven tips you should follow when writing your app description to help it sell more.

Don’t dip your work in huge content. Quality matters not the quantity!

Even though in Google Play, the app description content will affect the ASO (app store opti-mization) optimizing it for all the relevant keywords should be important but not the only priority. The quality of the content should be first and foremost. Besides, in iOS, the descrip-tion wouldn’t have an effect on ASO. You should therefore concentrate on selling your in-tended clients rather than search engines.

Show your best writing skills in the initial paragraph with marketing appeal

We all know online users have a fickle concentration span. If your opening paragraph is not catchy and to the point, chances are they will veer off your page denying your app the much needed downloads.

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Convey what the app does and how it works in initial lines

This goes to support the previous point. You need to let the audience know exactly what the app does in the initial lines of your description. You can go into detail later on, but first make sure you have their attention.

Mention the Reviews from popular websites within! Oh, yes that means a lot

Recent studies have shown that people pay attention to reviews more now. Even more than they pay attention to friends and family referrals. Mentioning positive reviews from most trusted websites will give your app the much needed edge over the less revered competition.

Appealing concluding lines should drive interest

Your concluding lines should be your home run. This should just be as appealing as your opening line, only here you are leaving them with no choice but to download the app. It should summarize all the pleasurable benefits they will get from downloading and using the app.

Go social! Include links to your profiles

Social Media is one of the easiest ways to make your app viral. Including the links to your pro-files and app download page will help drive this traffic to where it profits you the most.

What’s new section is vital

Last but not least, the ‘what’s new’ section. What is it that your app offers above and beyond for the already existing users. Show them that you read their reviews and have taken their suggestions seriously and ironed out all the kinks. This section would induce the users to download the app, which can improve your app’s ranking the app stores.

A great description that is easy to understand will most definitely drive your clients to the ‘download app’ button.

Next page: How to Gain Millions of Users for Your Gaming App

7 Tips to Write a Selling App Store Description

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How to Gain Millions of Users for Your Gaming AppMobile apps have exploded in popularity in recent years, and they’re still growing. Whether you’re talking about iOS or Android, or even the fledgling Windows app environment, you’ll find millions of app users out there. Creating your own gaming app is a great way to get out and tap into that market, but there’s a problem here.

Actually, there are several problems. First, the market is saturated. There are millions of apps, and standing out from the crowd can be tough to do. Second, there are millions of users, and reaching your target audience can be difficult to do. This report will highlight the best ways to get around those issues and gain millions of users for your gaming app.

App Conceptualization

Gaining millions of users might sound like part of your endgame strategy, but you need to build your app from the very beginning with this in mind. If you don’t, you won’t stand out from the competition, and there will be no reason for users to give your app a second look. In fact, not building for success from the get-go is really nothing more than sabotaging your own success.

App Concept: • The first consideration here is the concept of your app. Is it interesting? Does it appeal to

your target demographic? Or are you just riffing on the success of other apps that have come before? Build an interesting app concept from the beginning and you’ll stand a far better chance of gaining visibility and traction in the app market.

� There are a couple of ways to do this – go completely original, or piggyback on the suc-cess of traditional games. Words with Friends, QuizUp and DrawSomething are all ex-amples of enormously popular game apps that have leveraged the popularity of offline games in the mobile world (Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, respectively). Build an app based on an interesting concept.

A Catchy Name: • When it comes to names, you’ll find that Shakespeare was wrong. “A rose by any other

name would smell as sweet,” might be true in the offline, analog world, but when it comes to apps, names matter, and they matter a lot. Think DrawSomething would have been a huge hit if it were named Doodling with Your Friends Online? Not likely. Think Angry Birds would have hit mega-success status if it were named Smashing Things with Unhappy Birds? No, definitely not. The name you choose for your app must be catchy, and it also needs to resonate with your audience, while simultaneously summing up your app.

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App Icon: • “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” might be great advice for uncovering hidden gems at

your local bookstore, but don’t think your potential app users will heed those words of wisdom when it comes to download your app. If your app icon is unattractive, doesn’t speak to the core of your game or doesn’t conform to the app ecosystem (the app store and the operating system in question), you’ll find your efforts at gaining success crippled.

Attractive Screens: • A huge consideration when building a game app is its appearance, functionality and flow.

Does it feature attractive graphics with a polished overall appearance? Make sure your app is as good looking as is possible. You should also make sure you show off that polished appearance through the screenshots you use in your app description.

App Usability

While conceptualization is an incredibly important consideration for would-be app develop-ers, you can’t neglect usability. Your app could be drop-dead gorgeous, with an amazing icon and the best possible name, but if it lacks usability, your users have no reason to stick with it. There are several components here as well, including the following:

Gameplay: • Your gameplay needs to be interesting to your players. This will vary depending on the

type of game in question, as well as your target audience. Gameplay for an elementary school audience will differ greatly from that in an app designed for adults or older teens.

High-Quality Graphics Optimized for Screen Type: • Mobile apps are usable on a variety of different devices, each of which have different

screens. An Android phone might have a 5-inch screen, while an Android tablet has a 10.1-inch screen. There’s also screen resolution to take into account. Your app must have high-quality graphics, and you need to optimize them for each screen size/resolutions.

Clear Goals, Appropriately Timed: • No game can be successful without goals. Your players need something to strive for,

even if it’s just the end of the level. Angry Birds is an excellent example of a game app with clearly visible goals. Your app needs clearly designated goals, and they need to be achieved at appropriate times.

Challenging: • App games should be challenging – without a challenge, your users will quickly grow

bored and play something else. Your app should be challenging for users of different skill

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How to Gain Millions of Users for Your Gaming App


levels as well. The simplest way to achieve this is to utilize varying difficulty levels (novice, normal, hard, expert and extreme for example). Give your players the ability to ramp up the challenge to fit their skills.

Leaderboards: • Gamers are competitive by nature, and they love to pit their skills against others. By tying

into leaderboards, you’re able to give them that sense of accomplishment. Think of the high score rankings on old-school arcade games, and the pride that came with earning the top slot. Leader boards do the same thing for your app users.

Social Sharing: • Social media has become an incredibly powerful force in our world, and if your app

doesn’t tap into that, you’re missing one of the most important weapons in your market-ing arsenal. Let your users do the marketing for you by including the ability to share via the most popular social networks. You’ll be surprised at just how many eyeballs those shares draw, and how many downloads your app gets, based on nothing more than some-one seeing their friend’s posts.

Beta Test: • Test, and test and test again. All apps have bugs. It’s unavoidable. However, if you release

your app into the wild untried and untested beyond the alpha testing phase, you’re going to fail. Users want a finished product, not something half-complete. Beta test your app and eliminate those bugs.

Revenue Model

Now let’s touch on the part that probably means the most to you – revenue. Chances are good that you’re not building an app because it just has to be built and you’re the one to do it. You’re looking to earn money from it. You might not have any desire to “get rich” from your efforts, but paying the bills would be nice, right? It makes sense that in order to achieve that goal, you need to make yours a paid app.

Don’t do it.Don’t make your app paid, or you immediately cut out more than half your pool of potential users. Increasingly, app users demand free apps, and they’ll avoid paid apps at all costs. Is this just a sign of the “I deserve it for free” generation? Not really.

A 2014 study conducted by HIS and WildTangent found that 86% of users surveyed preferred to use a free app powered by ads rather than paying for an app without any ads. That should be an eye-opener for you. Put a price tag on that app and you face the very real prospect of dismal download numbers. Make it free, and you’ll have access to far more potential users.

Of course, that still leaves you with the question of how to monetize your app. There’s one

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How to Gain Millions of Users for Your Gaming App


excellent option – the freemium model. If you’re not entirely clear on what “freemium” really means, you’re not alone.

According to Mashable, freemium “is a business model by which a product or service (typ-ically a digital offering such as software, media, games or web services) is provided free of charge, but a premium is charged for advanced features, functionality or virtual goods. The word freemium is a portmanteau combining the two aspects of the business model: ‘free’ and ‘premium’”.

How do you translate freemium into money paid to support your app? Actually, there are nu-merous possibilities, but as you’re developing a game app as opposed to a business app, you have some very specific options, although your exact path will depend on the type of game you’re developing. However, they will all hinge on one thing – in-app purchases.

What can you sell via in-app purchases? Actually, you can sell your users almost anything this way. Other game developers have built very lucrative apps by selling:

> Additional character abilities

> Additional weapons/in-app purchase specific weapons unavailable in any other way

> Additional levels

> Additional bosses

> Additional armor/in-app purchase specific armor unavailable in any other way

> Specific powers or spells

> Access to more characters at one time for use in gameplay

> Level upgrades

> Additional/specific tools available only through in-app purchases

Really, the sky’s the limit when it comes to powering your game with in-app purchases. How-ever, there’s one important rule you must remember – never release an app that’s crippled if a user chooses NOT to purchase anything within the app.

Your game should be playable from beginning to end even if the player opts not to hand over his or her cash in game. Apps that offer only limited functionality without further purchase are not “freemium”. They’re free trials. There’s a very big difference, and it’s not one that your users will thank you for introducing.

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Prelaunch Promotions

You might think that the right time to begin building buzz for your app is at launch or after launch. That’s wrong. You need that buzz well before your app goes live. If you wait until the app has been released into the wild, you’ll suffer from dismal download numbers. In order to begin building success, you need a large pool of interested gamers BEFORE the app goes live. Think about how Hollywood does it – do they release a movie and then hype it? No. They produce trailers and teasers months in advance, sometimes years in advance. This builds an-ticipation, excitement and lets audience members share content both online and by word of mouth. It’s all about building that sense of anticipation and excitement. If you don’t have that surrounding your app, your launch will be a failure. So, the question really is how do you build excitement, buzz and anticipation before an app is even available to the public? There are plenty of ways you can do that, including the following:

Social Media Accounts: • As mentioned before, social media is hugely powerful today, and your app needs a pres-

ence on the most popular social networks (Facebook and Twitter at the very least, and possibly Tumblr and G+ as well if your audience uses those platforms).

� Create a social media account for your app and use it to share content about the app, including screenshots, demo videos (which we’ll touch on momentarily) and other up-dates. Make sure you ENGAGE with your audience, though. Social media is not a one-way street.

Social Media Advertising: • While you’ll get some interest and excitement from your social media accounts, don’t

neglect social media advertising. Facebook ads alone can be enormously successful, par-ticularly for game apps. Make sure your text is enticing and incites curiosity, and use great pictures to drive traffic where you want it.

YouTube and Your Demo Video: • As a game app developer, you’re uniquely positioned to utilize one of the most powerful

and popular types of online media – video. Create a game demo video and post it to You-Tube (where you have an app account, right?).

� You can also share that video through Facebook, to your Twitter followers, on your blog and in other places. Great video content is shared more often than almost any other type of content, so use this powerful tool to its fullest advantage.

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Bloggers: • You don’t have to do all the work yourself. There are those out there who have developed

a reputation and following in the gaming app industry and you can connect with them to tap into their audience. We’re talking about game bloggers. There are thousands of them out there, and you can get them on your side (and their audience too) by asking them to blog about your app before it’s released.

Reviewers: • You’re not limited to using bloggers only in your efforts. There are also game app review-

ers out there. These range from super-high profile sites like Mashable and TechCrunch to smaller reviewers. However, they can all offer value. In fact, most experts say that app developers shouldn’t focus solely on having their games reviewed by high profile sites, and that a combination of smaller review sites can work just as well, or even better. Get your game reviewed and you’ll build buzz.

Banner Ads: • Banner ads might seem like something from the early days of the Internet, but they’re

still used and they’re still viable marketing tools. Banner ads can take on several forms, and they’re not necessarily located at the top of a destination page. They can be located almost anywhere on a page, and they can be static or dynamic. In all cases, clicking the ad takes the user to your destination site or landing page. You’ll even find ad exchange net-works out there that offer low rates for advertisers with a decent ROI on your marketing money.

Your Blog: • You have your own blog, right? No? Get one. Do it now. You can choose whatever plat-

form you prefer, including Blogger, WordPress and even Tumblr. Blogging regularly about your app can have a profound impact on your success and builds an immense amount of buzz before launch.

� The interactive storytelling game Storium (not an app) is a perfect example of how using a blog can build success. In this case, the company used Tumblr to build awareness and ex-citement, and even leverage that into a huge surge during their Kickstarter campaign. You can do the same thing with a blog, so long as you remember to post regularly and to share valuable content. Make sure your blog is set up so your readers can share your content on their own as well.

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App Landing Page: • You need a destination for your banner ad links and for other outlets to drive traffic

online. Usually, that’s an app landing page. This might be tied to your official website, or it could be a standalone page as well. However, in any case, your page needs to be treated with the same care as you would your page in the app store.

� You’ll even want to include many of the same features on your landing page as you do your app store page, including screenshots, a compelling description and more. However, because you control this environment completely, you can do much more. Make sure you highlight your app correctly, and build your landing page well before launch.

Launching Big

While utilizing the steps above to build buzz and help your app go viral before launch is vital, you should also make sure you launch big. You need to build excitement about your game’s launch – make a big deal of it. You can do that in any number of ways. Your launch should be as big as the grand opening of a brick and mortar store. Send notices to local, regional and even national media outlets as well as online outlets.

Pump up the launch through your social media outlets. Celebrate the launch in every way possible. You might even go so far as to hold a launch party via Google Hangouts or some-thing similar. Offer an incentive on launch day – give a free game upgrade to the first 1,000 people who download the game, or use a similar incentive to drive traffic where you want it (in this case, that would be your app store page). Email your subscribers and let them know the app is launching and include any offered incentives in the email message. Launch big.

Reach Out to Top Media

While getting your app noticed through major media outlets should never be the sole focus of your efforts, you should at least make the effort. Reach out to top media outlets like Mash-able, TechCrunch, Engadget and the like, but don’t neglect major real-world media outlets. These can include newspapers and magazines in your local area, your region or even those with a national circulation. Create a press kit to send to each outlet so they have all the infor-mation needed to highlight your app’s launch.

As a note, you’re more likely to gain traction with local and regional media than with national or international media. That applies to both the physical and online worlds. If your app’s story isn’t picked up by a major website like TechCrunch or a national newspaper, don’t lose heart. Cast a wide net and you’ll have major launch success.

Word of Mouth

There’s a plethora of marketing tools available to game app developers today, but nothing really compares to the power of word of mouth marketing. This is your single most power-ful tool. Harnessing positive word of mouth is essential. To get a hint of how much potential there is here, look at the incredible reliance on user reviews. Users are far more likely to

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download an app based on positive user reviews and recommendations. Now, imagine how much more powerful that recommendation is when it comes from a trusted friend or family member.

You can encourage word of mouth in a number of ways, including through social networks like Facebook, Twitter and even Pinterest. Building social sharing into your app can also help generate word of mouth marketing by allowing your users to share the excitement during the heat of the moment. Yet another option is to give your users a reason to refer their friends by incentivizing referrals (free upgrades, special equipment or items offered for referrals and many other possibilities exist here).

Follow-Up – Your Job’s Not Done Yet

Think your work is done once your app has enjoyed a successful launch and been download-ed by thousands or tens of thousands of users? Think again. Gaining app users is as much about maintaining and growing your audience over time as it is about success before and at launch. You need to do several things to ensure that you keep the users you have and appeal to new users.

Feedback: • One of the most important things to do as an app developer is to listen to your users. You

need a feedback mechanism that allows your users to send their thoughts and ideas to you. This is vital information, as it comes directly from those who matter most to your success – your users.

� You’ll receive your fair share of inane comments and indecipherable rants, certainly, but you’ll also receive thoughtful comments and suggestions about how to make your app better and more appealing to users. That’s information that you MUST have.

Ongoing Updates: • The most successful apps are not once-and-done things. They’re updated constantly. If

you want to achieve the same success with your own app, you need to ensure that you update it on an ongoing basis. What’s more, you need to base your updates on user feed-back (drawn from the comments, suggestions and complaints sent via your feedback mechanism mentioned previously).

� By updating the app based on user feedback, you do two things. First, you prove that you really are listening to your users and that their opinions matter. Second, it shows that you’re committed to providing your users with an enjoyable experience. Those are qualities that you must have if you’re going to succeed in the competitive game app environment.

Sequels and Series: • Gaming apps are uniquely positioned to build on their own success through sequels. Look

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at some of the most popular gaming apps out there. How many games does the franchise contain? How many Angry Birds games are there? Look at the app environment and you’ll find that many of the most popular and most financially successful games achieved that success by building on their early popularity and expanding.

� Yes, that means creating a sequel (or multiple sequels to your game). However, don’t stop there. While having a Part II to your game certainly doubles your chances of turning a profit, you can take things further by grouping your sequels into a series. Each series can contain multiple games, all tied together with a theme. Then, you can create another series, and so on.

Creating a successful app family can have dramatic repercussions for your success, particu-larly if you’re able to capture user interest, build on user feedback and create apps that offer excellent gameplay on a variety of devices.


Next page: 9 Steps to Build an Engaging Facebook Page for Your Mobile App

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9 Steps to Build an Engaging Facebook Page for Your Mobile AppWhen most people think of building an engaging Facebook page for their mobile app, they do not consider what the actual work entails. There are many arbitrary ‘social media mar-keters’ out there, peddling their apparent marketing skills without actually having any real skills. Building an engaging Facebook page for a mobile app takes a considerable amount of research and planning. Part of this research involves actually understanding the platform itself and how it works, the regulations and what typifies a trendy subject or page. Here are 9 steps to get you started:

1. Claim your Brand & Vanity URL

There is nothing as messy and as unflattering like trying to promote your mobile app Face-book page using a long and cluttered URL. It’s just unsightly and simply off putting. Facebook has made it possible for promoters to shorten their page URLs and customize them. There is a step by step guide provided by Facebook on how to do this. The end result will be some-thing neat and appealing like say, ‘’. This greatly enhances your brand awareness and is neat and tidy enough to please the potential user’s eyes.

2. Cover Picture and Profile Image is Your Introduction. Use it Well.

Your cover image is your ‘big highway billboard’, so to speak. This is prime real estate as far as Facebook is concerned. This is the first thing your page visitors will notice. Make it count.

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9 Steps to Build an Engaging Facebook Page for Your Mobile App


Make it striking and highly engaging. Human beings are highly visual creatures. Having a profile image that positively promotes your mobile app is your best shot at keeping them interested.- Cover image should be 851x315px and keep the texts to a minimum. No more than 20%- Upload a clear profile image and in the ‘about section’ be sure to include your web address/app store link!

3. Facebook Social Plugins to Enhance Your Brand Awareness

Social media has now gone across the board to other platforms. Adding Facebook social plugins to your website and more importantly in your app goes a very long way to increase your brand awareness. Plugins such as the like button, send button, comment button, and login button all work to your advantage. The login button for example shows the user just how many of their friends are already your ‘fans’ on Facebook. The ‘like button’ on the other hand allows your users to share your content with everyone of their friends with just one click

4. Facebook Ads to Build and Improve Your Initial Fan Base

To get people to ‘Like’ your page and ultimately mobile app, you need to first entice them with great Facebook ads. This raises the awareness and increase your fan base. Another thing about humans is that crowd mentality always sways us. The more fans you have, the more other people will want to be your fans. If only not to get left out! One of the best Face-book Ads to use here are the ‘engagement Ads’. These are Ads that allow the user to partic-ipate without navigating to respective page. The fact that the fan can like the page without having to move to a respective one makes it much easier for more people to participate and should they actually click the Ad itself, then you can direct them to a page that features your mobile App.

5. Share Viral Video & Images Related to the App

We go back to the fact that we are visual creatures. Sharing a viral video or several pro-moting your mobile app is one of the best ways to keep your Facebook page for mobile app engaging. People like watching short videos as long as you keep them, short, interesting and educative.

6. Promote Your Page Using Give-aways/Gifts/Promo-codes

This is one of the surest way to get people talking and excited about your page. As long as there is more in it for them than just the information your trying to put across, your page will be flooded by people trying to get the free give-aways. The promo-codes go a long way in exposing your mobile app.

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9 Steps to Build an Engaging Facebook Page for Your Mobile App


7. Keep Your Users Engaged with Regular Updates and Answer Them

Content is King. Always update your Facebook page with fresh informative material related to your mobile app. It might be a news on app update, features and so on. This keeps your users engaged and by answering and responding to their comments, it gives them the feel of belonging. This interaction helps strengthen your brand image.

8. Network with the Other Page Admins and Get Your Viral Content Shared

To improve your exposure, find other page admins that have related material and thus tar-geted traffic. Share with them your videos and images and vice versa. This cross-promotion doubles your traffic and increases your brand awareness.

9. Use Facebook Insights to Monitor and Track to Plan Ahead

In order to tweak your page accordingly, you need to first know what works and what doesn’t. By using Facebook insights, like ‘page and post exports’, you will greatly understand how your visitors are using your page and thus adjust accordingly.

Finally, always be sure to adhere to Facebook’s ‘Terms and Conditions’. Failure to do so will result in your page being shut down thus rendering all this moot.

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9 Steps to Build an Engaging Facebook Page for Your Mobile App