mni'|,r. ir. dahiya, director, mni'| andchairman, senate welcomed the senators. he...

{ MALAVIYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IAIPUR Minutes of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Senate held on SePtember 2009 ' Th" seventeenth meeting of the Senate was held on Friday, I l'h Seiltember 2009 at 3:00 P'M. in the Senate Room of the Insiitute. The meeting was attended by the members, whose list is available on page no. 4. Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally Funded Technical Institutions for faculty is under process ai our lnstitute. He also requested all Heads of the Departments to submit the required information for including the Departmental activities in the forthcoming Convocation brochure. He 'also appraised the house about the proposal under consideration with MHRD for 6iganizing AIEEE examination, written as well as on-line, for entrance to NITs and ot'her Institutes for the session 2010-2011. .. Tl:e :rstrrda itenrs rvcre then ltrken uD lilr discussion and the follorving decisions yere made. Itgm No. 17.1.0 To conJirnt the ntirtutes of the ldh meefing o1fthe Senate held on June 24, 2009 The minutes were confirmed. ftem No. 17.2.0 To note the action taken on the decisions made in the ldh meeting of the Senate oif the Institure held on 24h June 2009- Actions taken u,r're noted. Item No.17.3.0 ltemsfor Considerotion Item No.t7-3.1 To consider the resulrs of (tG and PGfinat semester/year students etigiblefor the aword of degree (a) The names of eligible students for award of B.Tech.lB.Arch.ilvl.Tech./]v1.Sc./ Ph.D.degrees in the yeat2009 were confirmed. (b) As viva voce examinations are pending in various departments, the Senate authorized the Chairman, Senate to approve the lists of successful candidates to bc inclutled for award of degree i! postgraduate programmes M-Tech.and Ph.D. completed in session 2008-09- All M.Tech. viva voce examinations should be held before 22nd September 2009. (c) It rvas decided that all the students of B.Tech./B.Arch./M.Sc./MBA/M.Tech/- Ph.D. are now required to submit the electronic copy of their thesis or dissertation along with the hard copy. (d) It was observed by the Senate members that there are drop out students, who 'register bur do not complete the degree in stipulated time OR drop the course altogcther. It was tlccided that a commiftee consisling of all the Heads of the dcprartmcnts and OC(UG),Dr G. S. Dangaych (Convcner) rvould look into the issrrcs arrcl llnd out reasons forthe sanle, and report 1o thc Serlate. Item No t7-3.2 To c'onsider tfte numes oJ'the sttdetttsfor anstrd of Gold Medols in the respective prollro tntttt'.t. 'l'hc urrrnes ol'llr'st pt,sitirtn holcicr stuclents ol'Vlll Scnlcsrcr Il. -l'cult.. X Scnlesi.'t' AreliitcctLrle. l\.1 Sc.. Ir4llA urrd sonre ol' thc Ir4. 'l'ech. Prograt)llllcs as plirccd :tt .,\rtncrurc-l) rrcrc rrp;rrrlvctl. l-lrc Slcr-ratc authorizcri thc C-hairll'rarr, Settatc ttr al)pr()\'c lhrt lists of succt-.ssiul carrdidatcs for Goltl tt-tcc-lirl for scssiorl 2{Xl8-09

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Page 1: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally



Minutes of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Senate held on SePtember 2009

' Th" seventeenth meeting of the Senate was held on Friday, I l'h Seiltember 2009 at 3:00 P'M. in the

Senate Room of the Insiitute. The meeting was attended by the members, whose list is available on

page no. 4.

Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the

members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally Funded

Technical Institutions for faculty is under process ai our lnstitute. He also requested all Heads of the

Departments to submit the required information for including the Departmental activities in the

forthcoming Convocation brochure. He 'also appraised the house about the proposal under

consideration with MHRD for 6iganizing AIEEE examination, written as well as on-line, for entrance

to NITs and ot'her Institutes for the session 2010-2011...

Tl:e :rstrrda itenrs rvcre then ltrken uD lilr discussion and the follorving decisions yere made.

Itgm No. 17.1.0 To conJirnt the ntirtutes of the ldh meefing o1fthe Senate held on June 24, 2009

The minutes were confirmed.

ftem No. 17.2.0 To note the action taken on the decisions made in the ldh meeting of the Senate oifthe Institure held on 24h June 2009-

Actions taken u,r're noted.

Item No.17.3.0 ltemsfor Considerotion

Item No.t7-3.1 To consider the resulrs of (tG and PGfinat semester/year students etigiblefor theaword of degree

(a) The names of eligible students for award of B.Tech.lB.Arch.ilvl.Tech./]v1.Sc./Ph.D.degrees in the yeat2009 were confirmed.

(b) As viva voce examinations are pending in various departments, the Senate

authorized the Chairman, Senate to approve the lists of successful candidates

to bc inclutled for award of degree i! postgraduate programmes M-Tech.and

Ph.D. completed in session 2008-09- All M.Tech. viva voce examinations

should be held before 22nd September 2009.(c) It rvas decided that all the students of B.Tech./B.Arch./M.Sc./MBA/M.Tech/-

Ph.D. are now required to submit the electronic copy of their thesis ordissertation along with the hard copy.

(d) It was observed by the Senate members that there are drop out students, who'register bur do not complete the degree in stipulated time OR drop the course

altogcther. It was tlccided that a commiftee consisling of all the Heads of the

dcprartmcnts and OC(UG),Dr G. S. Dangaych (Convcner) rvould look into the

issrrcs arrcl llnd out reasons forthe sanle, and report 1o thc Serlate.

Item No t7-3.2 To c'onsider tfte numes oJ'the sttdetttsfor anstrd of Gold Medols in the respective

prollro tntttt'.t.

'l'hc urrrnes ol'llr'st pt,sitirtn holcicr stuclents ol'Vlll Scnlcsrcr Il. -l'cult.. X Scnlesi.'t'

AreliitcctLrle. l\.1 Sc.. Ir4llA urrd sonre ol' thc Ir4. 'l'ech. Prograt)llllcs as plirccd :tt

.,\rtncrurc-l) rrcrc rrp;rrrlvctl. l-lrc Slcr-ratc authorizcri thc C-hairll'rarr, Settatc ttr

al)pr()\'c lhrt lists of succt-.ssiul carrdidatcs for Goltl tt-tcc-lirl for scssiorl 2{Xl8-09

Page 2: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally

Item No.I73;3


Item No. I7-3:4.

Item No.I7-3.5

Item No.l7-3.6

in other M. Tech. prograrrunes where viva voce examination of some stuare yet to be held. . Following committee was also constituted to propose aHinitiate more awt':rds and medals'such as stuclent's overall performancmedal etc.

(i) Dean, Academic Affairs, Convener(ii) Dean, Student Affairs

(iii) Prof. S. C. Pathak,

(") Mr. Ashok Kumar Agarwal

To consider lhe nomes.of alumnifor the Distitrguishetl A'lumni awards.

The Departments were requested to send the nonrinations atong withthe nominated persons

To consider lhe recontm"odrrio, of Prof, G. ,lganoal commifiee onscheme of B. ..lrch.

The recommendations of Prof. G. Agarwal committee r,rere accepted.

To consider the name of students nomineesfor the Senate

Following students are nominated to Senate for the year 200g-2009.(i) Ms Divya Kohli, B. Tech. (Metallurgical Engg.)(ii) Mr Yog Bahadur, M. Tech. (Transportarion Engg.)

-.To consider the scheme, syllabus and acadentic calendar for MBAManagement)


the resurne of


The scheme, syllabus and academic calendar weresemester classes are held on Saturdays also in order todelayed start of the first batch of students


17.4.0 -Reporting ftems

Item No.I7-4.1 To note the semester colendor ofAcademicyear 2009-10.

approved- For the currenlmake up the timd due to

The academic calendar was reported. Now onwards, every year, the last date forpanel approval for M. Tech. Dissertation, will be 30tl'June, whereas the viva vocemust be held before 3lttAugust for the award of degree in the subsequent

the dates in2010. If panel of examiners is not proposed bef,ore stipulated aite, ttecandidate must register for the next semester for fuiure continuation.

I7-.5.0 An-1t 6111", items with tha permission of the Chair.

Item No'17-5.1 OrgnnizitrgAIEEE e-rornittotion, wrilten os well os ott-line,1fttt, entrattce to NITsand other In.stituteslfrtr the ses-sion 2010_t t.Irtlr 0rgatlizing AII:l:l: cxalrittalion ,wrilten as rvcll as on-lirrc .lbr cntrancc to NI'l-.santl olhcr lnstitutcs lirr thc .session 2010-II by N4NII' .laiptrr. tlrc li>llo.,l,inqct)tltltlillcc is ctxlslilrtlctl lrr sltrciv thc Ii:asibilitl,atrtl 1tr.c1'rrrr-c il pr()p()srrl l,r;

1i) l'}rol. M. S. (iitur', 1ii) l'rol. liakcsh Jain arrd (iii) Dr Vinccr Sahulir

tA - Paqe2ofj

Page 3: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally



l'. "'l





The Senate on 3d April2008 had agreed for centralized admission for the post

graduate, u, was decid"d it NIT Directors' meeting, but in the

s.rbsequent mEeting of the NIT Directors,.a letter received frgm the IC was put up'

rhe NtC had exprlssed provide the facility for-'centralized admission

due to paucity of time. ff,e bi.u.iors, therefore, decided to follow the ear'lier

procedr,rre for PG admissions. Accordingly, the Senate has resolved to continue with

the procedure followed presently for the PG admission.

To consider the OBC resentation in phases

The senate decided to implernent the increase in seats due to

OBC reservation in three phases. Two committees were

formed. one committee will look after the seat-matrix

allocation - (i) Dean Academic Affairs, Convener (ii) Centre

coordinator,'AlEEE (iii) OC (PG) (iv) OC(UG) - The other'

committee will logk-after the work of. infiastructuredevelopment - (i) Dean, Srudent Affairs, Convener (ii) Prof'

Y. P. Mathur (iii; Prof. A. K- Bhargava (iii) Prof' +".,ryi S'

Rathore (iv) Prof. S. K. Sharsra (v) Ms- Rina Surana'(fiiiOneIady warden. The committ"6 ;iit t old regular meetinSi.,'3nd

wili execute their decisior,s'to'Pjgpu.e for.addition^1ffi '

There is shortage of Civil Engineering graduates in the

country. The Department of Civil Engineering at MNIT has

capacity to have increased nurtrber of B'Tech' students' The

Senate, therefore, resolved to enhance student intake inB.Tech. civil Engineering from 90. Reservation for sC,

ST and OgC wiil be aJ applicable in other branches of


To consider the admissiotr for OBCs and the exclusion of

::::,,':::"','"),','l^o,^andorHon,b,e,,p,u*"ccu*of India will be fsllowed. According to the decisiot't=, the

stuclents from creamy layer of OBC, will not be considered for

aclmissions against the seats reserved for OBC category'

Item No.73A-7.1

Item No.L3A-1.2





AI {-

Page 4: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally

Itenr No.13A-7.3 To consider the requiremertts of faculty, non-teaching staf,time table, class roo,,, capacity, labs, number o^f

experiments, Computers in Cettral Computer Lab atdHostel accommodation due to enhancenrent of . studetdintake in 2008-09 to implentcnt the OBC rescruation

Decision had been taken under item No'13A-1-1 and the

committees will make prcparations for tlre' implementation

of OBC reservation.'

The senate approved the concept of dual degree Progranune.

Stevens lnstituti: of Technology USA, has proposed a fourplus one y,ears progrrunme, in which a student of MNITlaipur .un prtzue one year PG programrne at Steveru

Institute of Technology USA immediately after completingB.Tech./B. Arch.. course at MNIT Jaipur. The Senate has

approved the proposal. i

Chairmary Senate apprised the house that Ms' M. Noble of

University of Greenwich, UK will be vislting MNIT Jaipuron 27th Muy 2008, and a MoU rela'ting to researcli

collaboratiori and student and faculty exchange will be on

the anvil.

To consider the Self Finance PG progrannmes

Senate in 'principle agreed to the proposal. Departmentalfaculty board ihould work out the details for. the

p.ogrrr*e(s) to be floated. . :

Schedule and guidelines for curriculunt design uorkshop! tobe conducted by the respectiaeDeparttnents

The guidelines for curriculum design workshops were

approved. The departments were requested to'conductdetailed curriculum wor:kshops on these'guidelines duringsummer break in 2008.


ltem No.13A-1..5

Item No. L3A-1.6

IIA/ h-\


L -r

Page 5: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally




feflr^f*,f",lr^'rlr" 'I

















Item No.73A-7.7

Item No.73A-1.8

ItemNo. T3A-7.8


Item l,{b. lSe-Z.t

Item No.73A-2.2

Item No.13A-2.3

To consider the change in nomenclature of part fime PGprogramfie to sloto pace PG programffie.

Not approved.

To conduit the Workshop for Student Counselors

The workshop will be conducted by Academic Affairssection. Regarding medical counselors for students, it was

proposed that one specialist Psychiatrist may be invited once

a week for two hours in the evening-

To consider the Academic Calendar of I (odd) Semester 2008'2009

The academic calendar for I (Odd) Semester 2008-09 has

already been sent to departrnents for inviting comments. TheSenate authorized Chairman to approve the same afterconsidering suggestions received from the departments.

Other items urifh the permission of the Chair

Time table in'chargefor Institute

Prof. Rohit Goyal, Head Civil Engineering will be

coordinatoi for institute central-time-table, Shri DineshGoplani, Lecturer in Compui'er Science & Iirrgineering willbe co-coordinator.

Mi d- s em es ter an d en d- s em e ster S tidents' fe e d b ack fo rms

The department will constitute a comrnittee consisting of theHead of Departitrent, faculty member teaching'the courseand one more faculty member for each of the course/subject.The respective cornmittee will then consider the feedbackforms.

Surnmer tent courses to be floated by the departments

The departments agreecl to send the lists of courses to be

floated in summer semester by 30*' April 2008.

D e pnr trttent Adui s o ry C ommi ttee

It lvas agreeci that each'clepartnrent will fot'tn zr Departmel-rtAclvisory Comrnittee (DAC) inviting pers()tls frorn industryand acatlenria.

[tem No.13A-2.4

Page 6: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally

Item No. 73A-2.5 Adjunct faculty requirement

The Director informed the senate that BoG has decided tohave adjunct faculty in departments. It was discussed and'decided that each departrnent would identify persons fromindustry and academia to have them as adjunct faculty in thedepartment.

Item No.73A-2.6 of

' According to NIT Act ctf Parliament coming into effect since15e August 2A07, the Senate is required to noririnate twomembers to Board of Governors of the Institute, one frornProfessor cadre and other from Reader. or Lecturer.c'adre.The Senate has recbmmended prof. A. B. GupF frornProfessor cadre, and a committee consisting of - prof. A- B.


, Gupta, Convener, Prof. p. R. Sont prof. R..K yadava andProf. Rak€sh Jain, was fo.rmed to identify a faculty member .

. from Reader or Lecturer cadre to be recomme4dqq to BoG.

The meeting ended at7.40 PM with a vote of thanks to the Chair./


/ /'Yt^-/ to o rlrr^rl^r {


Nomination of tuo metnbersGooernorc MNIT laipur


facalty to Eoard of

Dated: 29/05/2008No. F.6 (1s) MisclMNIT/20}l/ 42o

Copy to:1. All rnembers of the Senate2. Deary Academics Affairs3. P.S. to Director4. P.A. to t(egistrar

Page 7: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally


L^il F-j


-r't ,'r':f '.

. ,:fl ,P

: .C/r :,'s,g'

,,iitn No. I 7- -5. 2.

---, (=




Item No.7.5.3

Item .\o.7.5.-i

.\ up c rv i.r o r's l'h. D. S Iol.tIjor all thc Ph.l). candiciatc.s aclnrittecl in a Departrttcnt.are llnancially stipporlcd

Iigrn a spon.sorccl project, lhe slots corrcsponcling to srrch l)h.l). sludents will not be

c6unted torvards tiesignatccl Iintit of 4 slots per sttpcrvisor. I]or all such studcnts,

pr6vision ol'assistlptship should be availablc in thc approval of the lunding agency.

Case of ttuo stulgtts of I't semesler M. Sc. (Mathenrutic.s), admitted in session

200s-t 0Itor these cemdidates lollorving rvas decidccl.

l. New advgrtisernent of all.the M.Sc. courses rvill'be placed immediately, and

walk-ip intel,iews rvitl be lreld on Septernber 18.2009 fbr admissions in the

respective Dcpartments.-2. ltsiil the M. Sc. Mathemarics course cloes not Bet requisite humber of students,

the aforesaid students rvill be granted the choice of ioining any one of the other

tu'o M. Sc. (ph--r'si cs/c h ern i stry ) program m es.

Instittttiott t4f Assistatr5hilt.sfor B.Tech./tf .T'eck-i;\!-S<'-it'ttj-'l - ,--

Assistantshi|5 basea on nierit for aforesaid students u,ill be instituted. The monthly

payment may not be more than Rs. 2000 for UG and 3000 for PG. For vacation this

may be higher based en the rveakly hours engaged.

N{eeting ended rvith a Vote of thanks to the Chair-

Dated: 26i06/2009No. F.6 (15) Misc/MNIT/2009/

Copl'to:1. All rnembers of ihe Senate.2. Dean, Academics Affairs.3. P.S, to Director4. P.A. to Registrar.

Il4^/----f/ 11,. s. DITAKA)Registrar & Member SecretarY

Page 8: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally

I irt firr,r'iirs ,lcrlr'cr.i aricn(retr rhe r r,r,rrtcrirs {)r'tlri-' :i!.i!ic r:'-.iir 'rrr i ir' :\(:r)rr''r''1-'r 'l{}()g itt {)li)i) l']M



6.1. {).,,1.38.39.

l.2.J- l.12.I -1.




I'rol-. i{. l'. l)ahiYa, [)irector

il,].' Crrpra' aaO;tionol Principal' SM.S Mcdici:l Collcge'

Sh. Aslrok Agarwal, nf "nj

iitpi"ttn'otlte'.M'Nl I Alumni Associatiort

ProL (iopal Agrawal' p""""Ailli"istration-& Prot-essor Mcchanical l-j'rteg'

Prol'. l). R- Soni, o"u' i*tjt"ti" nioi^& Profcssor Metalltr'gical & lvlat' I:ngg

Prol. 11. P. Yadav, '""'';;;;;t

nrftit* IJcarl' L'lectronics & Cornni ['ingu

Prol. ltavindra Nagar, pt"' nAO and Pro[essor Structural llngg'

Prof-. A. B. GuPta, Civil Engg'

Prof. Alok Ranjan, p'of'T'iining & Placement and Prolessor n rcltitecltrre

;;;i:'not.i, coval,' ciYil Enginee-ring

irrri 3. c. p"th'at<, Mechanic4l Engineering

iitf. v.p. Mathur, Civit Engine"tinq - - -i""i etrt r. Sharma, Metallurgical & Mat' Eneg'

;; ii;j;;, ah rin gi' H ead, A rch itecture Depart nrent

irrr. e.L. Srvami, Civil Engineering-

;;;i [. o: crp,r' Head, chemistry Departme ttt

;;;; R. x. Yuaura Head, Metallulslc-al& Mat' l:ngg'

;;.r;. a. l'. Sharma-lvletallurgical & N'Iat' F-ng9

i,;,,;. A. K. B1,urgu"u,lvletallurg,ical & i\'1ar' i:rt5*'

i""i. s. i. Soni, -Head'

Mechanical L'ngincering

irr.i- e. i.e".ivanshi, Mechanical Enginqering-prci.

e. P. S. i'athore, Mechanical Engg'

;;;; D. k. Juin, Mechanical Engineering

;;. M. S. Guur, H"ua, computer Engineering

Prof. K. C. Jain, Mathematics Department

;;;; iM;i R;irmi Jain, Head' Mathematics Department

p.of. kun*tt Gupta, Mathematics Dept'

proi f . C. Srvami- Head' Physics Deparlrrent

Prt'rl-. S. G. Modani. Professoi Electronics & i'onrrn- Engq.

prof. f. R. Niazi, Electrical Engineering

Prof. A' K. VYas. Civil Engg'

it.f. S. P. Chaurasia, Head, Chemical En-gtneerurg

;;:n;;;; Tundon, Head, Humanities & social Sc' Dept'

Oi. e.*a"tn Bhardwaj, Head, DIvIS

Mr. V. K. Jain, Head, Electrical Engg'

i;rrr.'etr."g rtaitr,tu" Head, Structural Engineering

Ot. C. S. Oungayach, Officer Incharge (JG)

Shd P. S. Dhaka, Registrar

in" iorWing membirs couldn't attend the meeting: -

Dr. o. P. chhangani,;t;;;;;:u; of Engg'' RTU' Kota

Ii. p*r"u-Nrt"i*, birector, cAZRI'Jodhpur

ii. i'. cr,"tr,, Eiecutive Director' BISR' Jaipur

Ms. Kunj Bala Goyal, O"*, fu"uf'y of Humanities' Vanasthali Vidyapath

;;. ilil[" lain, Ex-Piincipal' Maharani college' Jaipur

Oi. Clruna"t Shekhar, Director' CEERI' Pilant,

Dr. B. Bandopadhvav, ;;;;;;; & Head Solar Energv centre' Gurgaon

Prof. R. A. Gupta, D"";:;;;;it Affairs and Professor Electrical Engg'

Prof. P. K. Saxena" Mechanical Engg'prof. Crn*rnt Sharma, Head, Civil Engineering

ptof. Afof. 6upta, Chemical Engineering

Prof. S. K. Sharma, Physics Departmentprof. Moot Singh' Electrical Engineering

Prof. Sudhir Kumar' Civil Engg'prof C M. Arora' Electrical Engineeringprnf. not.ttl Jain' Mechanical Engineerinl

Chairrri;rllSpecial lrtvitcclVlcnrbcrMenrhcrMeirrberMcnrbc,rMemberMenrbcrMemberMetnber.MemberMcmberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberl\4cntberi\.ltrntr*rivlenbcrMember

MemberMemberMemberMember i

MemberMemberN'{emberir"lemberMemberMemberMember ''


MemberSpecial InviteeSpecial InviteeMember Secretary

MemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMemberMember .


(P. S. DIIAKA)llegistrar & N'le rubcr Secretary

Page 9: MNI'|...Prof.,R. Ir. Dahiya, Director, MNI'| andChairman, Senate welcomed the Senators. He appraised the members'that implementation ol' pay-structure as per Sixth Pay Commission for'Centrally

-('t t ' -..fl' *rs 't


^t1,,, hto. I 7- 5- )


=H _: il,

EileI ":'8...:t ''

.\ up e rv i.s o r's l)h. I ). Slol.s'

Ijor all the Ph.l). canciiclarcs aclrnirtecl in a Departtttcrtt.are Iltratlcially sripporlcd

liom a sponsorcci project, llre slots corresponcling to strch l)h-l). students will not be

c6unteiJ torvarcls designatetl linrit of 4 slots per sttpcn,isor- For all such students,

provisir-1n of assistlptship slroulcl be availablc in thc approval of the lunding agency.

Case of tyto studettts of I't semester M. Sc. (Mathcnrutic.s), adnitletl in session

200s-|bFor these candidates follorving rvas decided.

l. New advertiserrient of all .the M.Sc. courses rvill-be tl"lqd immediately, and

walk-in inten,iews u,itl bc held on Septernber 18.2009 ficr admissions in the

respective DuPalrtments.-2. If still the M. Sc. Matftenratics course cloes not ger rcquisite humber of studerrts,

the aforesaicl students rvill be granted the choice of ioining any one of the other

tu,o M. Sc. (ph-r'sics/clr ern i strl' ) program m es.

Assistantship5 basea on nierit for aforesaid students rvill be instituted. The monthly

payment may not be more than Rs. 2000 for UG and 3000 for PG. For vacation this

may be higher based on the rveakly hours engaged-





Item No.7.5.3

]tem ,\u.7.5.-i

Iv4eeting ended rvith a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Dated: 26106/2009No. F.6 (i5) Misc/MNIT/2009/

Cop.v to:l. All members of ihe Senate.2. Dean, Academics Affairs.3. P.S. to Director4-. P.A. to Registrar.

IYw-----r| $,. s. DIIAKA)

Registrar & Member SecretarY