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Master of Management & Professional Accounting MMPA

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Master of Management& Professional AccountingMMPA

Page 2: MMPA & Professional Accounting€¦ · In addition applicants must have met all of the CPA Professional Entry Program (PEP) entry requirements for their program which are posted on

The Best Choice For

• A Professional Career in Accounting, Finance, Management, Consulting

or Entrepreneurship

• Undergrads with no business or accounting background, or a little, or

a lot — consider the 27-, 24-, or 12- month MMPA Programs

• Paid Co-op Work Terms with 100% placement record

• An accredited, efficient pathway to the final module of the Chartered

Professional Accountant CPA Education Program

• A career building program featuring learning for short and long term in

accounting, finance, management subjects, soft skills, and realistic,

integrative case contests

• An extensive alumni network

View our student and alumni endorsements and testimonials on our website!

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3 A Message from the Program Director

5 The MMPA Program — 24 & 27 Month Streams

7 The MMPA Program — 12 Month Stream

9 An Integrated Approach

11 Class Profile

13 Value Propositions

15 Admission Requirements

17 Advanced Standing — 24 Month Stream

19 Employment Opportunities

21 Professional Designations

23 Alumni

25 Campus Services

27 Financing Your MMPA

29 Contact Information


For details about our program, visit our website at

The MMPA Program is a professional Masters program within The Institute for Management & Innovation

at the University of Toronto Mississauga

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A Message from the Program Director

Our MMPA Program is designed in three formats of 27, 24,

and 12 months in duration to prepare graduates from any

undergraduate discipline to face the challenges of being a

leader in professional accounting and related fields. Ours is a

comprehensive management and accounting program, focusing

on career development, utilizing paid co-op work terms, and

featuring soft skill development and integrative learning

experiences. Specifically, we prepare graduates to be:

• Managers with excellent decision-making skills,

• Assurance providers who offer audit and other assurance

services as part of modern accountability processes,

• Consultants to management focusing on strategic positioning

and performance,

• Advisors to individuals, and

• Entrepreneurs.

Professional accountants require a broad set of knowledge

and skills to function effectively in highly competitive, globalized

business environments. They must understand value-added

strategies for organizations and individuals, and be prepared

create, facilitate, measure, and report on the performance of

those strategies, in a world of growing accountability to a broad

range of stakeholders. To succeed, professional accountants

must understand the challenges facing business and the solutions

available, and they must be able to identify, stimulate and par-

ticipate in the creation of workable solutions. Success depends

upon strategically directed activities, effective teamwork,

far-sighted judgement, expertise, and upon the support that can

be developed for personal and organizational goals.

The MMPA Program develops an understanding of how

organizations operate, how to create and sustain value, and

how information can be used for decision-making by investors,

managers and others. Our students learn how a professional

accountant can facilitate, account for, and provide assurance

on these decisions and on organizational activities, and how

to engender the support of associates, employees, clients or

customers, providers of funds, and other key stakeholders. They

also learn how to develop a global mindset and appreciate

cultural diversity, and work productively with and lead

multi-cultural groups.

The MMPA Program begins by developing an understanding

of the business and professional environment, and follows with

the finer aspects of business and professional expertise. Throughout,

the objective is to provide an understanding of sound frameworks

for creative, strategic and risk management decisions, a firm

grasp of the ethical, human and technical foundations of

business and the accounting profession, and highly developed

communication and interpersonal skills.

We expose bright, talented students to leading-edge lectures,

cases, interdisciplinary integrative experiences, speakers and

co-operative work terms. Our students learn from professors at

Canada’s pre-eminent University, in the business and professional

center of the country, in the company of colleagues who will

assume leadership positions around the world. The majority of our

graduates choose to complete the certification process for Canadian

and American professional accounting bodies. All develop the

vision and capacity necessary for accelerated promotion.

The MMPA Program is proudly one of the professional Masters

programs within the University of Toronto’s Institute for Management

& Innovation. Integrating a graduate education in management

with required professional knowledge and skills in accounting

offers a strong and unique platform for future success.

Leonard J Brooks, Director MMPA Program

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Proven ExpertiseMMPA

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The MMPA offers an integrated program, combining the best

of a graduate education in management and professional

accounting over five academic terms with two co-operative

work terms in a professional accounting environment.

This ensures that students develop a comprehensive set of

analytical and professional skills.

Management courses provide an excellent grounding

in the fundamental knowledge and skills required to be an

effective manager and leader. In addition, key management

competencies are emphasized, including presentation and

communication skills, team building and group dynamics,

leadership, and motivation.

Accounting courses are designed to complement the

management courses, taking the student well beyond the levels

required for the professional examinations and preparing them

for the leadership positions that will follow. Courses are taught

with a balance of academic and practical perspectives.

Students are expected to communicate clearly in both

written and oral presentations, and execute quantitative

analysis. Group presentations and discussions are an

important part of the learning environment. Many classes

require students to work in study teams, developing their

critical oral and written communication skills within a

group context.

The Program actively engages students in the development

of their minds and mindsets. A multiple intelligences framework

is developed, as is an understanding of a global mindset that

enhances the ability to interact with people of different cultures.

Leadership skills are vital so students are introduced to

the MMPA Leadership Vision and Framework, which are

crystallized and reinforced in Leadership Development

Sessions throughout the Program.

Note: The MMPA degree is governed by the rules and regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. More information may be obtained at

The MMPA Program — 27 & 24 Month Streams

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SUMMER 27-Month Program beginsMicroeconomics 1210Macroeconomics 1211Financial Accounting Introductory 1221Managerial Accounting 1222Marketing 1250Statistics 1382

FALL 24-Month Program beginsMSD Communications 1160Intro to Integration & Prof. Decision Making 1181Business Ethics & Governance 1202Management Information Systems 1272Auditing & Reporting 1323Business Finance 1330Taxation I 2206Financial Reporting I 2250

WINTER Co-op work termWork Term 1090


SUMMER Operations Management 1241Strategic Management 1301Administrative Theory 1362Business Law 2014Financial Reporting II 2251Advanced Management Accounting 2261Mergers, Acquisitions & Valuations 2281Integration & Professional Decision Making Initiatives I 2282A

FALLAdvanced Financial Accounting 2205Taxation II 2207Computer Auditing 2224Advanced Auditing 2225Management Control 2260Accounting Theory & Research 2280Integration & Professional Decision Making Initiatives I 2282B

WINTER Co-op Work term Work Term II 2090


SUMMER Advanced Strategic Management 2004Government & Not-For-Profit Accounting 2200Integration & Professional Decision Making Initiatives II 2283Capstone—Integrative Board Report 2284Financial Management 2301Tax III—Integrated Capstone 2208







In an increasingly demanding world for professional accountants, our MMPA graduates will be best positioned to contribute to value-added decisions as managers, assurance providers, consultants, advisors, and entrepreneurs.

Uniquely IntegratedMMPA

Page 5: MMPA & Professional Accounting€¦ · In addition applicants must have met all of the CPA Professional Entry Program (PEP) entry requirements for their program which are posted on

The MMPA Program — 12 Month Stream

The MMPA 12-month MMPA stream is designed for students

who already have an exceptionally strong undergraduate

background in technical accounting subjects and in business.

It provides graduates with the same level of knowledge

and skills as graduates from the 27-month and 24-month

MMPA programs.

The focus of the 12-month MMPA stream is to provide

students with the ability to develop their interpersonal, com-

munications and other soft skills, and to integrate their subject

specific technical knowledge into comprehensive solutions for

complex, real-world technical problems. This is done during

a co-op work term and two academic terms. The ability to

integrate, and to respond effectively to real world problems

with appropriate organizational, interpersonal, communication,

and other fundamental skills has been, and will continue to be

the essence of the MMPA learning experience. These enhanced

skills have proven essential in getting ahead in today’s complex

and dynamic business climate.

The MMPA 12-month, 24-month and 27-month stream have

been accredited by the Chartered Professional Accountants of

Ontario to allow graduates to enter the last module for the CPA

PEP Program, Capstone 2 (preparation for the new professional

qualifying exam, the CFE), after which they write the CFE, all

within two months of finishing the MMPA Program.

The MMPA 12-month stream is available to graduates from

the following University of Toronto undergraduate programs:

• University of Toronto Mississauga, Bachelor of Commerce

(Accounting Specialist)

• Rotman School of Management, Bachelor of Commerce

(Accounting Specialist)

• University of Toronto Scarborough, Bachelor of Business

Administration (Specialist in Management and Accounting)

MMPA graduates from these programs will be considered

to be from a CPA accredited program. Graduates from these

three U of T programs need not submit course outlines for

review, but must have achieved at least a B- (70%) in the

required courses listed in the Advanced Standing Section —

12-month Program on the MMPA stream’s website.

Students from other qualified universities and programs are

also eligible for the 12-month advanced standing stream if they

can demonstrate that they have completed an equivalent set of

courses with a minimum B- (70%) standing. Assessment of the

equivalency of the courses submitted for advanced standing

review is based on the current content of MMPA courses and

on the course outlines for the courses taken by the applicant.

In addition applicants must have met all of the CPA Professional

Entry Program (PEP) entry requirements for their program which

are posted on the CPA Ontario website.

The MMPA 12-month stream includes management and

accounting courses, case competitions, workshops (leadership,

global mindset, etc.), and key learning experiences that make

MMPA learning experience distinctive, including a co-op term.

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Professional FocusMMPA

FALL Ethics & Governance 1202Communications 1160Strategic Management 1301Marketing 1250Managing People in Organizations 1362Mergers, Acquisitions & Valuations 2281Introduction to Integration & Professional Decision-Making 1181Integration & Professional Decision-Making Initiatives I 2282A

WINTER Co-op work term 2090MMPA Challenge Exam SUMMER Operations Management 1241Government and Not for Profit Organizations 2200Advanced Strategic Management 2004Taxation 3 2208Accounting Theory and Research 2280Integration & Professional Decision-Making Initiatives I 2282BIntegration & Professional Decision-Making Initiatives II 2283Capstone Integrative Board Report 2284

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An Integrated Approach


The MMPA Program is a member of the Institute for Management

& Innovation (IMI) at the University of Toronto Mississauga.

The strength of the Institute is found in the cross-disciplinary

approach to learning, teaching, and researching management

in a global and collaborative setting. The Institute provides

students with access to professional masters’ programs in

accounting, biotechnology, innovation, and sustainability.

The MMPA Program is proud to be part of the Institute of

Management & Innovation, attracting bright minds and

helping to train tomorrow’s professional accountants and

visionary leaders.

The MMPA Program produces graduates with a unique

combination of technical expertise in the professional

accounting area, core business knowledge, and highly

developed management skills. The philosophy of the

Program is rooted in integrated learning and development

of competencies such as critical thinking, interpersonal skills,

teamwork and leadership. As such, the Program provides

many learning opportunities beyond the classroom lecture.

Courses are often case-based, with students working in

groups to analyze and present complex business scenarios

from numerous perspectives.

Students have the chance to test their new skills in

integrated case competitions and contests including:


This competition allows students to consider a case from both

the Finance and Financial Reporting perspectives. Students are

given a limited time frame to analyze a business transaction

and prepare a presentation. The presentations are judged by

faculty and external professionals.


Students plan an assurance engagement in groups. The

top-ranked groups move to a final round of presentations

before a panel of industry experts, including senior managers

and partners from public accounting firms.


Complex tax issues are researched by student groups and a written

analysis is submitted for review by faculty and industry experts.



This competition integrates core material from business and

accounting courses. Students are required to prepare an

industry analysis and value a company focusing on the quality

of earnings of the company as an input to the valuation.

The competition is sponsored by the CPA Rotman Centre for

Innovation in Accounting Education.

There are numerous other integrated learning

opportunities throughout the Program. The case competitions

are judged not only for quality of analysis and critical

thinking, but also on written and oral communication.

Groups are assessed for team dynamics and conflict resolution

during the days leading up to the presentations. As such,

core competencies assessment and feedback is a constant

throughout the duration of the Program.

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Class Profile

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Quality & DiversityMMPA


According to alumni, the quality and diversity of classmates is

one of the Program’s major strengths. The statistics on this page

are based on figures from 2013–2014.


as a percentage of class

Canadian Universities 35%

PR China 56%

US & UK 7%

Other Foreign Universities 2%


as a percentage of graduates

Canadian Universities 43%

US & UK 21%

PR China 29%

Other 7%


Class size 85

Average age 24 yrs

Age range 21 – 36 yrs

Average GMAT Score 690

GMAT Range 570 – 770

Percentage of class who also hold graduate degrees 5%


as a percentage of class

Arts 30%

Science 15%

Business 52%

Other 3%


as a percentage of graduates

Business 36%

Arts 29%

Science 29%

Other 7%

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Value Propositions


The MMPA is the only program of its kind.


Our class profile reflects diversity in age, culture, education

and experience. This provides a truly challenging and rich

environment to learn about different cultures and to develop

a global mindset. Given the co-op nature of the program,

prior work experience, though beneficial, is not required.

Students are exposed to the business world during two

four-month work terms.



In a short 27 months, the MMPA Program provides the

opportunity for an individual with no prior business education

to earn a Master’s degree in management while satisfying

the academic requirements of a professional accounting

designation. MMPA students study core management subjects

plus those necessary for leadership in the professional

accounting, and obtain work experience in a professional



For business undergraduate students, the MMPA degree

adds value by topping up business knowledge with core

management and integrative courses, providing a learning

environment for the development of skills such as critical thinking,

communication, leadership and others which are so important

to success within the accounting field today. The unique co-op

program further provides an opportunity to “get a foot in the

door” at major accounting firms. Applicants with a business

undergraduate degree may be eligible for advanced standing.

This could potentially reduce the program length to 24 or

12 months, depending upon the number of previous courses

taken and the level of academic standing.


For applicants who are interested in a second career, the

MMPA provides an efficient means of meeting the academic

requirements for a number of prestigious professional

accounting designations.

Courses are offered on a full-time basis. The Program is

designed so that course availability is never an issue. MMPA

students are assigned to one of four MMPA classrooms so it is

not necessary to move from classroom to classroom or campus

to campus, ensuring students make the most of their time.


In order to facilitate our record of virtually 100% placement

rates for the co-op work term, the Program arranges a wide

variety of networking events. These events provide students

and recruiters, including Program alumni, the opportunity to

meet and become familiar with each other in a variety of

venues, including our Golf Day, Professional Day, Orientation

Capstone Event, Fall Formal, Career Day and the Distinguished

Speaker Series, as well as number of firm-sponsored

recruiting events.

Career GatewayMMPA

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The Admissions Committee accepts candidates from a

broad range of academic backgrounds. While the program

is designed primarily for students from non-business

undergraduate and graduate degrees, students with

undergraduate or graduate business degrees may apply to

the program for advanced standing.

Most applicants are admitted to start in late May of each year, or

in late August if they have been accorded advanced standing.

Admission decisions are based on an analysis of her or his

academic strengths, leadership ability, experience, and ability

to communicate verbally and in writing.


Applicants for MMPA 2018 will be considered as follows:

• Domestic student applications will be considered within

three weeks of becoming complete.

• International student applications will be considered by

December 15, 2015 if they have become complete by

October 31, 2015, or by March 15, 2016 if they have

become complete by January 31, 2016. International

applicants are encouraged to complete their application

as early as possible so that they have enough time to process

their student visas. This can take as long as five months.

• Applications should be received as early as possible, but

not later than January 31, 2016.


Applications to the MMPA Program are to be submitted

online. Please refer to the MMPA Program website at for more detailed information

regarding admissions requirements and procedures.

For the most current information and application instructions, visit


To be considered, prospective applicants to the MMPA Program must meet the following minimum requirements: • A four-year degree from an accredited university • A mid-B standing in the final year of study • A GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) written within the last five years. Applicants must meet the following minimum scores: • Total score – 570 • AWA – 4.0 • Verbal percentile – 46% • Quantitative percentile – 46% For GMAT information, visit (institution code: BTD-88-76) • An English language proficiency test score, written within the last two years, if the applicant’s language of instruction in their degree was not English. Applicants must meet the following minimum scores: • TOEFL & TWE (paper) – 600 and 5.0 • TOEFL (Internet Based) - Total: 100, Writing: 22, Speaking: 22 For TOEFL information, visit (institution code: 4306) • MELAB – 85 • IELTS – 7.0 • COPE - Total: 86, Reading: 22, Listening: 22, Writing: 32 • Evidence of leadership ability



Program representatives make an effort to visit the campuses

of most major Canadian universities each year to conduct

information sessions. These sessions give prospective

applicants an opportunity to learn more detailed information

about the Program and to ask questions of a Program

representative. Program representatives also attend

Professional School Fairs held at many university

campuses and MBA Fairs held in major Canadian urban

centres. Please consult our website for locations, dates and

times of planned events.

Admission Requirements

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Advanced Standing — 24 Month Stream


Eligible applicants can apply to enter the Program directly into

the second term (the 24-month stream). Advanced standing is

available to applicants who have completed essentially all of

the required courses in the first academic term, as part of a

four-year undergraduate or graduate degree. Course exemptions

are given only on a term-by-term basis, not on an individual

course basis. Generally, exemption courses must have been

completed no more than five years prior to the date of the

application. However, related work experience may justify

the acceptance of exemption courses older than five years.


See our website for more detailed advanced standing

application requirements and procedures.

For the most current information and application instructions, visit


In addition to the standard requirements listed in the

Admissions section, advanced standing applicants must

also meet the following requirements:

• A grade of B- or better in each course put forward

for exemption;

• Provide a course outline for each exemption course

that details: course title and code, text and course

materials used, subject areas studied, class timetable

of subject areas, number of class hours, instructor’s name

and title, and the course grading scheme; and

• Applicants who cannot provide course outlines must

provide a self-assessment that includes: all of the

information required in a course outline, an explanation

of why course outlines are not available, and the

advanced standing cover form with your signature.


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Employment Opportunities

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As part of the degree requirement, MMPA students must

complete two co-op work terms, which run from January to

April in the first and second years of the Program. The work

terms enrich the learning experience by allowing students to

apply material that they have learned during the preceding

academic terms. Students generally choose to work in the

public accounting area or in industry in an accounting or

finance related area. The table, at the top right, shows the

average placement distribution for the past 3 co-op work terms.

For students going on to pursue a Chartered Professional

Accountancy designation, the co-op work terms also fulfull part

of the CPA “articling” requirements as long as the experience

is acceptable to CPA Ontario (either through an Approved

Training Path or through the Experience Verification Path).

Students may work in different areas including assurance, tax,

finance, consulting and other. International students who are

in Canada as visa students must apply to the Government of

Canada for permission to work in Canada.

Students seeking co-op placement are assisted by the

Program and there are numerous networking events leading up

to the interview period. These include Golf Day, Career Day,

and the Distinguished Speaker Series, as well as a number of

firm sponsored recruiting events. These events allow students to

meet with potential employers in a less formal setting prior to

the interview. The placement rates for the co-op work terms are

very high — virtually 100% in the past 20 years.


Here again, the MMPA Program has an outstanding placement

track record. Many graduates are retained by their co-op work

term employers. A curriculum that goes beyond pure academics to

create the well-rounded professional has certainly paid dividends.

On average over the past three years, the full-time placement rate

for our students was 90% within 6 months of graduation.

For the most current information and application instructions, visit


Based on the past 3 years. First work Second work term term

“Big Four” Accounting Firms 25% 29%

Other Public Accounting Firms 59% 56%

Financial Services 9% 11%

Other 7% 4%


The following are just a few of the companies that recruit

from the MMPA Program.

Public Accounting firms

Deloitte EY LLP KPMG LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

BDO Canada LLP Crowe Soberman LLP

Fruitman Kates LLP Green Chencinski Starkman Eles LLP MacGillivray & Co. McClurkin Ahier & Company LLP MNP LLP Nawaz, Taub & Wasserman LLP

Financial institutions

Bank of Montreal

CI Investments

SGGG Fund Services Inc RBC Scotiabank TD Waterhouse

Relevant ExperienceMMPA

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Professional Designations

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Beginning in 2012, the Canadian accounting profession

underwent a significant unification process with many

provincial and national organizations including the Chartered

Accountants, Certified Management Accountants and Certified

General Accountants merging under a new designation—the

Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation.

In 2014, the MMPA Program was successful in becoming

a CPA Accredited Program. This means that our students

will proceed directly to the Capstone 2 module of the CPA

Professional Education Program and then directly on to the

CPA Common Final Exam in the year of graduation.

The courses offered in the Program are also recognized

for advanced standing by the American Institute of Certified

Public Accountants.



Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada and Ontario CPA

Certified Public Accountants

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


Chartered Financial Analysts

Association for Investment Management Research

Qualified & AccreditedMMPA

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Alumni of the MMPA program hold a wide variety of

professional designations including:

• Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA; CPA, CMA;

or CPA, CGA)

• Certified Insolvency & Restructuring Professional (CIRP)

• Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

• Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI)

• Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers (FICB)

• Certified Financial Analyst (CFA)

• Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

• Certified Management Consultant (CMC)

• Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

• Canadian Investment Manager (CIM)


Since the inception of the MMPA Program over 1300 graduates

have joined our MMPA Alumni Network. The MMPA Program

now has a worldwide network of alumni in a wide variety of

industries, at all levels of management. The MMPA Program

is part of the Institute for Management & Innovation, which is

committed to life-long learning. Educational opportunities are

provided to alumni.


M M PA | 2 3

In an increasingly demanding world for professional accountants, our MMPA graduates will be best positioned to contribute to value-added decisions as managers, assurance providers, consultants, advisors, and entrepreneurs.


Public AccountingAbacus Chartered AccountantsBDO CanadaBench and Donath Chartered AccountantsBrudner, Herblum & McDougall LLPCAN Partners LLPChasson & Greenglass LLPCollins BarrowCrowe SobermanCW Partners LLPDeloitte EY LLPFruitman Kates LLPFuller LandauGA Clarkson CPA,CAGrant Thornton LLPGreen Chencinski Starkman Eles LLPHennick Herman LLPKenny Wan Chartered Accountant Professional CorporationKPMG LLPLoop, Schauer, Chapman & Associates LLPMatson, Driscoll & Damico Ltd.McGovern Hurley Cunningham LLPMNPPennylegion Chung LLPPwC LLPRaymond Chabot Grant ThortonShimmerman Penn LLPSoberman LLP

Financial ServicesAarya CapitalActisAllianceBernsteinAmex Bank of CanadaBank of MontrealBarclays Global InvestorsBirch Hill Equity PartnersBMO Financial GroupBMO Nesbitt BurnsCanaccord Genuity Inc.Canada Life Assurance CompanyCIBCCIBC MellonCredit SuisseCredit Suisse Securities (Canada) Inc.Deutsche BankFirst National Financial LPFortis Fund ServicesGenworth CanadaGibraltar VenturesGoldman SachsLaurentian Bank of CanadaManulife Financial CanadaManulife‐SinochemMerrill LynchMorgan StanleyNational Bank FinancialNew Haven Mortgage CorporationOnex CorporationOPSEU Pension TrustPingan BankPivotRBCRBC Capital MarketsRBC Dominion SecuritiesRBC Financial GroupRBC Wealth ManagementRoyal Bank of Canada (Caribbean)Scotia Capital Inc.Scotia McLeodScotiabankSun Life FinancialTD Canada Trust TD CapitalTD Commercial BankingThe Foray GroupUBS Ltd.Visa CanadaWilmington Capital Management IncYorkton Securities Inc.Canadian Tire Financial Services

Regulatory/InstitutionalCanada Customs & Revenue AgencyOffice of the Auditor General of Canada

Ontario Ministry of FinanceOntario Securities CommissionThe Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

Not For ProfitMutual Fund Dealers of CanadaPCAOBUNFPA

Other6 Degrees Integrated CommunicationsAbebooksAccentureAGF Management LimitedAlliance Atlantis Communications Inc.Altus DynamicsAlvarez & MarsalAmerisourceBergenApex International TravelBASF Canada Inc.Bay Street CommunicationsBell CanadaBristol-Myers SquibbCampbell Soup CompanyCapgeminiCanada PostCastrol North America Inc.Cisco Systems, Inc.City of MississaugaCity of TorontoColliers InternationalDundee Realty Management Corp.Easton SportsGeneral Mills Canada Corp.General Motors of CanadaGenzymeGeorge Weston Ltd.Goldcorp Inc.Golder AssociatesGrouponHamilton Health SciencesHydro One Networks IncIBMImperial Oil LimitedINCO LimitedKIK Custom ProductsKrollLavalifeLCBOLoblaw Companies LimitedMagna International Inc.Maple Leaf FoodsMattamy HomesMerge HealthcareMetrolinxMill Street BreweryMondelez InternationalMotorolaNord Anglia EducationNuvo Research Inc.Omnitex Inc.Ontario Power GenerationOntario Realty CorporationOpen Text CorporationOPSEU Pension PlanOxford Properties GroupParadigm Quest Inc.Procor LimiteQ4 Web SystemsRecruiting in MotionResearch in MotionRobert Half InternationalRogers TelecomSC Providge ConsultingSears IsraelTCG Care GroTelusThe 1820 Trading CompanyThe Toronto HospitalTorquest Partners Inc.United Jewish Appeal Warren Industries Ltd.Wave AccountingWillson International Ltd.Worldlynx WirelessYork International Ltd.

Strong NetworkMMPA

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Campus Services

Students entering the MMPA Program enjoy all the benefits

of the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) campus. The

campus is located on 224 acres amid the forests and fields of

the lower Credit River. It affords over 10,000 students the

pleasure of concentrating on their studies in a scenic enclave,

but with ready access to shopping centres, theatres, and art

galleries in the heart of a modern city of over 700,000


The MMPA Program is housed in the newly built Innovation

Complex designed to LEED silver standards. Features such as

a green roof and finishes to harvest natural light have been

incorporated to increase building efficiency and sustainability.

The building also features an underground pedestrian tunnel

that connects to the William Davis Building with its health and

athletic centres, bookstore, dining and other facilities.


Graduate campus housing consists of one and two-bedroom

townhouses or bachelor units in a friendly community atmosphere.

They are located in a beautifully landscaped, rural setting,

alongside the picturesque Credit River valley.

Students are encouraged to apply early so that they are able

to secure a residence unit for their first academic term. Listings

for off-campus housing are available from the

Student Housing & Residence Life Centre.


There is a licensed facility on the UTM campus.


The University Health Service offers a comprehensive medical

service for students on campus. Psychiatric consultation and

couselling are also available to assist students with emotional

and social difficulties.


Students have access to all of the libraries on U of T’s three

campuses. The UTM library offers an extensive collection of

management and accounting materials in a variety of media

formats. Students also have access to an excellent collection

of management and accounting materials through the

University’s online catalog and electronic information system.

A securities trading lab is available for student use.


Students have access to computer labs with PC computers

connected to the University network. Through the network,

access is provided to the most recent versions of various

software packages. Students also have access to a campus-

wide wireless system.


The comprehensive Recreation, Athletics and Wellness

Complex (RAWC) features a double gymnasium (with

retractable seating), a sports medicine/hydrotherapy clinic,

an aquatic centre (with 23-metre, 8 lane swimming pool &

12 person whirlpool), an Olympic weight lifting room, squash

courts, and an elevated running/jogging track featuring a

panoramic view of the campus.

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Great EnvironmentMMPA

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Financing your MMPA

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YOUR FINANCING OPTIONSThere are several sources of financial assistance available:

Work Term EmploymentStudents will earn an income during their work terms. Based on a survey of the students, the average income in the first work term was $13,000. The average income in the second work term was $14,500.

Scotiabank Professional Student LoanStudents registered in the MMPA Program are eligible to borrow up to $80,000 from Scotiabank. The interest rate is prime plus half a percent and students must pay only the interest while registered in the MMPA Program.

UTAPSUniversity of Toronto Advance Planning for Students (UTAPS) is financial aid program for full time students who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons (recognized convention refugees) and are eligible for need-based government student assistance or funding from a First Nations band.

Canada Student Loan ProgramDomestic students are eligible for both the Canada Student Loan Program and the affiliated provincial government loan program in their home province.

MMPA Admission ScholarshipsAdmission Scholarships in the amount of $10,000 or $5000 each have been made avail-able to Canadian citizens and permanent residents applying to enter the MMPA 27-month, 24-month. or 12-month Programs in 2016. They will be awarded based on academic merit, and may be held in conjunction with the existing MMPA Entrance scholarships, providing all criteria are met, thus raising the potential monies to be awarded to $15,000 per qualified applicant. The scholarship funds will be dispersed once a student has registered and has cleared their admission conditions. Applicants who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who meet the following criteria, will receive an Admission Scholarship. Funds are limited, and awards will be allocated, in part, based on application date.

Tier 1 – $10,000 ‘A ‘ average or higher in final year of degreeTier 2 – $5,000 ‘A - ‘ average or higher in final year of degree

MMPA Entrance ScholarshipsA limited number of entrance scholarships will be awarded to select and superior applicants whom the MMPA program deem to have the strongest overall combination of academic standing and GMAT scores upon admission and entrance to the program. These scholarships vary in amount and the number allocated each year will depend upon the availability of scholarship funds. Applicants will be notified of their eligibility for the scholarship upon their admission to the program. Scholarship funds will be dispersed once a student has registered and has cleared their admission conditions.

Tier 1 – $5,000 ‘A - ‘ average or higher in final year of degree and GMAT equal to or greater than 720Tier 2 – $5,000 Graduate degree and GMAT equal to or greater than 670

Scholarship AwardsThere are several Program awards given to students annually.Students are automatically considered for these awards each year. MMPA students are also eligible for relevant University awards.

Ontario Graduate ScholarshipThe OGS award program is designed to encourage excellence in graduate studies at the master’s and doctoral levels. It is awarded for one academic year and has a value of $15,000. The Program has two OGS scholarship allocations available each year. Students may be awarded the OGS in their first and/or second year of the Program. Applicants that wish to apply for the OGS for their first year of studies must apply by February 1st 2016. The OGS is primarily for domestic graduate students but there are a limited number of scholarships available to students holding a student visa.

Teaching AssistantsEach term, teaching assistant positions are available at the University.

FEE SCHEDULESThe Master of Management & Professional Accounting Program is seven or six terms in length depending upon a student’s level of advanced standing, and tuition fees vary accordingly. The chart below lists the tuition fees for students that began the Program in 2015. It is an-ticipated that fees will rise for students starting in 2016. Please refer to the following website for the most current information on fees and refund schedules:


Domestic International Students Students

Annual Tuition Fee $ 32,020 $ 45,960

Annual Incidental & Ancillary Fees 1,384 1,384

Domestic students include Canadian citizens and permanent residents.The annual fees will increase in the second and third year of the Program. The third year fees are a one term fee which is one-third of the annual fee.

Fees include tuition and supplementary course materials such as reprints of all case studies, book excerpts and journal articles. Textbooks are not included. A student will spend approximately $1,800 a year on books and supplies. Incidental and ancillary fees shown above for University of Toronto services such as athletic, library and student union services are in addition to the tuition fees and are set by the University each spring. These fees are expected to increase in 2016/2017. Applicants should see our website to review the expected tuition fee payment schedule.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSInternational students studying in the Program must purchase basic health insurance coverage through the University of Toronto under the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). See the Centre for International Experience’s website for additional information regarding the mandatory health insurance coverage under UHIP (

For the most current information and application instructions, visit

Support & ValueMMPA

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Produced byMMPA Program

Principal photographyMatthew Plexman Photography

Printed in Canada byDC Graphic Services

September 2015


Master of Management & Professional

Accounting Program

Institute for Management & Innovation

University of Toronto Mississauga

3359 Mississauga Road

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6

Telephone: (905) 828-3985

Fax: (905) 569-4306

E-mail: [email protected]




Leonard Brooks

Associate Directors

Enola D Stoyle

Irene Wiecek

Assistant Directors

Maria Andrade

Hans Harding

Marketing & Alumni Officer

Bianca Gaspini

Recruitment, Placement & Employers Relations Officer –

12M Program

Wesley Mack

Co-op Placement Officer

Zel Spillman

Placement & Employer Relations Officer

Wadie Alizerig

Program Officer

Martina Simmonds

Program Coordinator – Registrarial Services

Maria da Mota

Program Administrator

Rima Abu-Shakra

Program Assistant

Veron Fernandes

Page 17: MMPA & Professional Accounting€¦ · In addition applicants must have met all of the CPA Professional Entry Program (PEP) entry requirements for their program which are posted on

For more information, please contact:

Telephone: (905) 828-3985

Fax: (905) 569-4306

E-mail: [email protected]


The MMPA Program is a professional Masters program within The Institute for Management & Innovation at the University of Toronto Mississauga