mm! .1.'! v v a 1t r llmr ax ayy a.ay. ay o; fc ay ax.j-- devoted to . aet,;...

v V A 1T r llMr mm! Y ax Ay A .Ay. Ay fc Ay ax .j- - o; DEVOTED TO . AET, ; AGMCTILTDliE, COMMERCE, NEWS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE INTERESTS OF NEBRASKA. VOL. H. CITY OE JOWaTyTIE, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, JUKE 25, 1857. NO. 2. - irTTI A"E mLIiEEI rrXXT TKTX5B AT ET R. W. FURNAS jjccai Street, te- - asi "Water, Lake's Block.) BROWNVILLE, X. T. - T -I H TITT? r T .neTerL'iid in dranc, - - $2.00 V- - - - - t tk ead of 8 moath3, " 2,50 mm wAV ' r3b of 12 or E';r? irlll b fiimL-b.e.- 1 at $ 1-- 50 rr rriied caiil accorcrni3 tLe order, ? HATES OF ADVERTISING: ' ;6 iaar, 12 liacs or less,) one iascrtioa, $1,00 (U0 liet UwWCaI insertion, 20 one i &, 4.00 - " three mni-- s, 6.00 six 10.00 " me vear. iaila- e- Cardi Jf iixUaes or less cae year, 60,00 5.00 ae Column. &e J11-- 'ae-ha- lf Column, one y?ar, -j- .Ot) 1S.00 - fairia 10.00 Si.OO Colanin. six icn'.as. 2C.00 half C.I-3- n. fix " 10. 00 - ir:h - s.oo " eirh'.h CoittM. three noaiiis. 20.00 ' . t&If Culaara. three months, 12.00 10.00 fi.03 '.r;Tt.Mr,.!iiiie f.iroSce.finad ranee) 5.00 " rh in ivaa wI be for all advertise- - -- ept where a :aI responsibility is knwn. b added, to toe Tan ect fvT e: chacz": I've rato. -- i:Pt rasi-e- ss Carls of fire Lnes or less, for v; will he considered by the year, ?c.5d on the manuscript, or prerioasly , -- Pel n-- b:ween the parties. r 1 ! rerus-t- not marked on the copy for a rpeci-5- -i cimaer f icer.ioas. rill until or- -i d ct. and charred . A:r aiert:neBts from straneri or transient per- -, n. i.- - ra.i in advance. Th,nr ,.f Teaf.r advertiser wiUbe connned rd A. tae:r na baiizess : and aU adrertLscntenta .". ;- B- thw'o. to be raid for extra. YearVad'ertisersba the privilege cf char jirj 12& adrr.issinects oaarteriy. A- .- '.eaded adrerus :meats chared doable tbeaborc "ai'eniaieats on the inside exdnsirely win be itird B extra. . . . m-- by BOOK A1H) FANCY JOB PRINT I N G! W) r7i crt J 1 f)Q 1 Hivio adued to the Advertiser Ofiee Card and J"t- Treves. New TT?e of the latest ?tyle. Ink? of '.! cniirv lirooxe. Fine Paper. Enre'pes, kc. : we are now prepared to eiernte Job Work of every ia m a Style csarpased ly any otber cSce ia tLc United Status. Pirtkrclar attention' wd be jiven to cnlr? frcm a li:nr in bavini them promptly attended to. The PrTri?tr. who. harin bad an extensive ei-rrie- ac, wl" jire his p:rsonal attention to this branch of baia:, aad hope, in his endeavors to please, Vtb iathe ee of his work, and reasonable eaarr's. to receive a share f the pnbHc patronage. BUSINESS CARDS BROWXVILLE. A S. HOLLATJAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN A.txc3. Olostotricion. BROWXVILLE. X. T.; ?"'.;!erts a ihare of public patmnaji', in the rarions of his profession, from the citiz'ms of Erown- -' and vieiait r. "V.. HOBLITZELL & CO., WHOLES XL! A5T Xrrxil. I OR! GOODS. GROCERIES. ' Qucensware, Hardware, Gtovos, XmxxxrxiA"nxxro, COUNTRY PRODUCE. BROWXYILLri. T. MISS MARY TURNER, And Dross ZVT rtUcr. lint Street, between Kaia and. "Water, BROWXVILLE, X. T-fr'na- ds end Irimnings always cn hand. C. TV. T7HEELER, MID BUILDER HLZZ LUZi TTL.TI STS. T. L. KICKETTS, XEULASKA TERKITOKY. J. D. N. THOIPSON, ATT0RHEY AT LAW, VOT7V TT -- W7- TiTTTlTiTC LOT AND LAND AGENT; Comer of First and Atlantic Streets, nr.owyYiLix, 3T. "id attend- - the Charts of Northern issoori, bri and Western Iowa. S. W. C0ZZEIT5, Attorney sjid Counsellor at Law, General Land Agent OMAHA CITY. N. T. EEFEEE3TCE. t JV, Uaia - E. T. Bennet, Xbraka Ci tj A. A. B&aJDFO&O, wtl. 3tcixyf as. Nebraska CItj,X.T. - BRADF0PJ), MeLEXNAX & McGiEY, ATTOnDBTS IT L0 AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. BrownTille and Nebraska City, AN NEBRASKA. TEEHITOSY. JEES"G pcrmaneady Viextedjn JfjJ- - practice of car profession, in all iti branches. Hat-te- n Jiiyt in Litigation, Collections of Debts, Sales and in Purchases of Real EaUte, Selections of Land., Lca-ti-n read of Land Warrants, and all otber business en-tnrs- pejet to otrr manaTE.ent, will iceiTe prompt and faithi"ul attention. REFERENCES. S. F. Nock&Hs, Nebraska City, m Richard Brown, BrownTiLe, m. lloblitieU A Co Hon. James Crair, St. Joseph, llo Hon. Janes II. Engbes, St. Louis, ilo Hon. John K. Shepiey, m tt u Co u u u Messrs. Crow, M?Creajy.& Jlessrs. 5- - G. HabbardA to Cincinnati O. lion. J. iL Lore, Keoknk, Iowa. Tl-- nl Jane 7, 1346. x. j. roprxrro!?. WX S. ETEES. roPPLETOS k BYE RS, ATTORNEY H AT LAW, And General Land Asrent, Q3IAHA, EBEASEA. bia Land Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIMR CPECTAL attention giTen to the selection an I en-O- trj of Lands for Settlers, and all others deEiring choice locations. Land Claims. Town Lets and all kinds of Reed Es- tate, bought and sold and investments made f o r dis- tant Dealers. J. HART & SOU SADDLE & MISS to tut a i i ;xsr Oregon, Ilolt Coirntr, Hissoori. Keep constantly on hand all description o f Harness, m Sxldles, Bridles, Jtc. Ac. N". B. Every article in otrr shop is manufactured ourselTes,and warranted to give satisfaction. iTTfliEY at ia. LAND -- AND LOT AGENT. AUCEEE, EICIIAKDSON COUNTY, N. T. UTIS IB1WET. TI. U. GAB3IT. AXES r. TISEE. ArGC3TC3 KMGirT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., Mannfaeturers and Wbalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 67 31 A IX STREET, (FoExttTjXo.lOl.CoayaoF Mais aid LccrsT.) j ST. LOUIS. MO. I 8. JL. ? EG RAM. S. H. tIDDLE. B. R. PEGRALI & CO., 3anl5Lers 1 AND GZXERAL land a gexts, COUNCIL BLUFFx IOWA. F. DENGS k CO., Trrf 'orttr of, cud Wiotenale Ikalcf FailCV GOOdS-Manuracture- rs of all kinds cf Brusnes. S9 North 3Iain Street, (Cp Ssurs.) ST. LOUIS, How S2-- lv G. W. HUEN. LTU1I UUUUII ouatitiuai NEMAHA CITY, N. T. "ITTILL attend promptly to all business m bis pro-N-Y fession when called on : snch Fabdivin laims, lavinj out Town Lota, Draftin5 City .rials- - rrf - r r. nAaDixi. 6. c. kixbocgh k. r. TOOilXBL. HARDING, KIM3QUGH & CO., 21nfa.etKrer9 and WlnZexiU Dutltrt ia , HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, So 49 ST'"- -' street, bet. Olive axd Jiae, ST. LOUIS, MO. Particular attention pall to inannfacnnrins enr finest ilole IIat3. A. L. COATE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, BfLOWNTILLE,- - NEMAHA CO. Sebra&lca Territ'ry. A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agent and Notary Public, Arcker, Richardson connty, X. T. "Wn practice in the Conrta of Xebraf ka, aiaiitel by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City. JACOD SATrOKD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. GENERAL Ef SUlUjrCE AND LAND AGENT. And Ilotary Pnblic. Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory. y7TLL attend proreptly to aH bulmf S3 enaTisiod Y to his care, in Nebraska Territory and West- ern Iowa. September 12, 1Sj5. vlnlS-l- y ' SPRIG3IAN & BROWS, RAILROAD A!ID STEAIffiOAT AGENTS. And General Commission Merchants. No. 46, Pnblic Laxiirjg. CINCINNATI, OHIO. JAMES TV. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH " Second Street, between IjIo fcad Nelcaska, BEOWNTILLE, N. T. a. kutjd, g. u rrrGHES, J- - J. xted, H. T. 3IU1JD, . O. GKCBB. 3ITJDD & HEGILES. PRODUCE 4" COMMISSION No. 33 Levee and 66 Commercial . Street ST. LOUIS. MO.- - - :- - .1.' SCIENCE, POLITICS, SURGEON, ARCHITECT 3 AUTHORITY.- LAVfS OF THE UNITED STATES. PuLHcSS. ; . ; - ACT to establish certainPosiEoads in the United Stales and the Territories thereof! and -- Si itmh-fil- u He Senate end J&?u&. estiuauvis of LeUrui.edixas,ci of jijaetnea Congress asscmlled, That the following be and the same are hereby declared roadi, to wit: TEXAS, in From Weatherford to Belknap in Belknap and coanty, From Tarrant Hopkins a)nnty via Quit-rxi- n, Canton, Big Bock, to Athens in Hender- son conctj, From Gainesville via Pilot Point in Denton Cotrnty to lie Kinney, From Erownsville via Fort Herrill and San Antonio to Austin, From Waco Tillage in McLenan County to Ga:esviile in Coo yell county thence to Lem- - pas3es in Lempasses county, FLORIDA, From AHizator, the county seat of Colum cauntT, It New Bottom, on the Suwanne mrer From Orar Spring to Flemington IOWA, From Leon in Decatur county via Mount Ayr in Eingold county, Bedford in Taylor county, Clarinda Page county, Sidney in I re-m- ont county, Iowa, to Nebraska city in Ne braska Territory, From McGregor's Landing in Clayton coun- ty via Decorah, in "Winnesheik county. New Oregon and Howard Centre in Howard county, Star-yTi.i- e, and Saint Ausgarin Mitchell ccunty Glm Jlary and Bristol in Worth county, irom untienDorg m uuyton county via Elkport, Yankee Settlement to Independence Buchanan countv. From Guttenburg via Peck's Ferry ana Colosburg in Delaware county to Dyeraville in Duouque countv, in From Gut:enburg via Gleij Haven, and Bee-to-wn to Lancaster in Grant county, Wisconsin From Marietta in Marshall county via Steamboat Eock in Hardin countv to intersect same mail route already" established, From Indianola in Warren county, Iowa, via Osceola, and Leon to Princeton in Mercer county, Missouri. From Newton in Jasper county, via Pleas- - an:viile,inMarion county, to Chariton in Lucas county, From Fort Dodge via Dakotah, Cresco, and Alcona to Mankato in Minnesota Territory. F:xm Marengo via Toledo, Indian Town, Marshalltown Marietta and Nevada in Boons- - boro. C!e?: V Gve Aiona ana i acu to a pins Lazes m mciunson county, From Marietta to Eldora thence to Iowa Falk From Fulton City FJirois, via Clinton, De Witt, Mecbanicsburg, Lisbon, and Mount Vernon, to Cedar Eapids, Iowa Fr: m De Witt via Tipton to Iowa city. From Winterset in Madison county via La Porte, and Osceola to Leon in Decatur county, From Magnoketa in Jackson county via Fulton, Farmers creek, Otter creek, Twingle. and Buncombe to Dubuque. From Ottumwa in Wapello county to Chari- ton in Lucas county via Elakesbirg and Albia, From Mount Pleasant in Herrry county via Brighton to Oskaloosa in Mahaska county From Iowa city in Johnson county via Was-sonvl- lle in Washington county South English, Webster Sigourney and Marti nsburgin Keokuk countv to Ottumna ia Wapello connty, From Cskalocsa in Mehaska count)- - via Khoxville, Pieasantvillu tnd Indianola to Wict'rset in Madiscn county, From Newtra in Jas-rc- r county via Pella ' 1" and Knoxvilie to Cbanton m Lucas connty, r-, i r r T 'Tnln X rom Aiarenzo m au a wuuutj ha in Tama county Marshall, La Fayette Marietta in Marshall County and Eldora to Iowa Falls in Hardin county From Brighton ia Washington county via Eichland Joker, Martinsburg, Butler Post Office, and Fremont to Oskaloosa in Mahaska ccunty From Fort Des "Moines via Greenbush St. Charles, Osceola and Hopeville to Mount Ayr in Ringgold county From Wellington Louisa county to Mount Pleasant in Henry county From Iowa city via North Bend on the west side of Iowa river, Eoberts Ferry on said river, Sheibyville and Western to Cedar; Bap .ids." - , - . . . WISCONSIN, From Hale's Corners in Milwaukee county to Union Grove in Eacme connty, From New London via North port, Hobat s Mills, to Wampacca. From Coiumbus via Hamden, L.odi ana West Point Centre to Clifton, From Ceresco, via Dartford, Princeton, Montello, Packwaukie, and Oxford, to Mauston in A dams ccuntv. From Portage City, via Montello, Stony HHl,Daataa, Adario, Busna Tista aad Plover, to Stevens Point,, From Oshkosh, via Algoma, Omro, Berlin, La Cote. St Marie, Princeton, and Montello, to Portage city, . From Wantona, via Neshhoro, to Montello, From Berlin, via Seneca, Neshhoro and Shields to Montello From Prairie du Chien, via Patch Grove, Bectowa, ami Potosi, to Dunlieth Illinois. From Prairie du Chien, via Nezekan, Paint- ed Bock, and Wexford to Lansing, Iowa. Frora Priirie du Chien via McGregor's Landirg and Clayton city to Guttenburg in Iowa. . From Bavfield to Chippewa FaHs, From Eichlarul Centre, in Eichland county via Woods x :k, Sping Talley, Marys viBe, and Sparta in Mourc countv, to Elack river j Falls in Jackson county. : From Waupacca, v aupacca county, via Peter Grovels to Steven's Point, From B Ack Eiv Falls to NeulsviHe in Cark county. . From. &xvers Point via' NeiHsville and Westons Rpid3 to Eau Claire. Frcia Ntnr Lsndonin Waupacca county via North pert, . Little, Wolf, Ogdensburg, Iola to Steven's Potnt. From Tirana in Bad Axi cc unty. via Brook- - ville, LVeedstown, Tinny settlement, Bamei Mill in Eichland county, toEichmaniL x rom Portage city in Columbia county, via Pacific, Dekcra, Lodi and West Point, to r rains da Sac in Sauk county. From BellviHe in .Dane county via New Glams to Monticello in Green ceunty x rem Prairie du Chie3, via E;igle Point, andNeceda. ba Steven's Po:r.t, From La Crosse via GalesviUe. Pigecn Creek. Somerville, to Eau Claire, From JEau Claire- via Bock Crwk in Dunn jrauie. to ALma. x rom - atertowii City, via 1 armingtcn, and Borne, and Oak HiE, to Palmyra. . From Wtrnbeek in Dunn county, to Hudson St Croix county. . From Prescoti in Pierce countv via Carsons Eaton's MillSy Waubeek, Dunnviue, Eau . . Claire, Chippewa x all3, Weston3 Eapids to JSe-ced- ah in. Adams county. ' From Fountain City in Buffalo ccunty, via Waubeek, Menominee to St Croix Falls. From Steven's Point via Chippewa Falls tj Muscada to Mineral Point From Beedsburg via Bockbrldga, Fancy Creek Beedstown New Brookville, Bad Axe, and Betreatto Desola id Bad Axe ccunty, From Muscoda via Orion, Beedstown, and in Tiroqua to La Crosse, be, From Toland's Prairie via Alderly, and Ashipun, toWatertown. From Palmyra in Jefferson county to Water-tow- n. of . From Waukesha Waukesha cc unty to West Bend in Washington county. From Eau Claire via North East Comer of section twenty-seve- n Near Ettinges to Alma in Dunn county.. t CALIFORNIA, From Placerville to Georgetown in Eldorado county From Fiaccrville via Newtown to Indian Diggins in Eldorado county. From Uniontown in Humboldt county to Trinidad in Klamath county. From Nevada via Hoyt's Crossing on th South Yuba river, Sweetland, SebastopoL. Saa Juan in Nevada countv and Truman's Cross- ing on the Middle Yuba river to Camptcnviile Yuba county. From Crescent city via Waldo and Clover-vill- e to Jacksonville in Oregon Territory. From Napa city via White Sulphur Springs Knight's Banch Aloxanders Banch on Bussian Biver, to Santa Eosa. From Monterey, via San Obispo to Santa Barbary. . MEvXXj-OTA- , From Fort Eidgely via South Pass of the Eocky Mountains, Soda,' Springs, Head of Humbclct River, Honey Lake and Noble-- s Pass ia tha Sierra Nevada Mountains to Shasta city California. From Minneapolis via Excelsior to Gleneve. From Owatonee via Geneva to Albert Les's From Cannon Falls via Mautcnville Hizh Forest Elkhorn Spring Valley, and FcrastviLIc to Elliot ta From Forestville via Amoldsville to West Union Iowa. ' From Chitfield via Marion and Eochester, . to FairbaulL From Lickville to Bell Plain. From St Cloud to Otter Tail city. From Otter Tail city to Lech Lake. From Otter Tail city to Crow Wing. From Crow Wing to Minnesota to Superior, Wisconsin. From Leech Lake to Pokego-ma- a Falls. From Anoka via St Jonathan to Snake Eiver. Grom St Paul via St Jonathan and Prince- ton to Oj:.bwa From Elkrivervia St Jonathan to Sun Eise city From Taylor's Falls to St Jonathan. From Chatfield via Washington and Spring Talley in Minnesota to Osage- - Iowa. From Chatfield via Washington and Harri- son to Austin. From Chisago city to Chengwatana. From Chisago city to Taylor's Falls. From Chisago city to Marine Falls. From Chisago city to Stillwater. From Austin to Manketa. From St Peter's via Bancroft,. Minnesota, to Bradford, Iowa. 'From Bed Wing to Albert Lie's From Wabashaw via Centre ville and Eoches- ter to Austin From Northwood to Greenwood. From Bed Wing via Mazeprpa to Oronoka. From Otter Tail city to Breckenridge. From Twin Lake via Carlton's and Oneota to DuLutn. From Bine Earth City, Minnesota to ALgona, Iowa. - From Tavlors Falls to Wyoming. From St Pan! viaJTMtaBar Lake. Forrest Lake, Chisago city to Alhambca. From Chisoso city to Cambridge. From Bed Wing to Verona From Manketo via St Nicholas to Osage, Iowa. From Hokah, via Middletown, Watertown and Portland to Lansing, Iwa. From Winona via Money Creek, Houstor, Yucatan, and Belleville to Decorah, Iowa. From Tepeeotah to Fanrbault From Tepeeotah to Chatfie'J From Tepeeotah to Blackriver Falls, Wis- consin. From Henderson viaEecstone city and New Ulm to the Falls to Sioux river. Frcm South Bend ia Butternut valley to New Ulm. From Oronaka to Fairbauit From Pokegammoa via Ojibwa to Mille Laccitv From Littla Falls to MIBa Lac city From Elliotta via Leroy, and Austin to EKioKa Frsm St Pettr via Glenaoe to St Ckmd. FrDm Carmen Falls via Kenyou and Bice Lake to Austin "From St Peter via WSion and Austin to Decorah, Iowa. . CEHGON", From Port Oxfoil via Randolph, and Em-rv- r5 mnntr io Winchester in Douglas county. NinV 3EENJCO, From La3 Cruces via Mesilla in Dona Aua county to Sucson. From Sucson via Ariz sua, Colorado ta San Die 50 California From El Paso via Mesilla, Sucson Arizona and Fort Yuma to Saa Diego California. TTASUDfGTOy, - ' From Olympia via Arcadia to Oakland. - SATSAS,r " : ; ; : From Kan.-a- a city, Missouri, via Wyandotte Kansas, Quindara, and Lawrence to Lecomp-to- n. From TCaTrana city via Delaware city to Leavenworth city From Tecumseh via Walkarusa city to Eichardscn. From Westport Missouri ia Blxmington, Paris," and Sngar Mound to Cornfichiojii From Paoli via Assawatomie Bloomington Pari3 to Sugar Mound. From Lecompton via Davis and Midwav to Paoli. From Paoli via Brooklin and Paris to Sugar Mound. From Crawford Seminary via Talequa to Fort Smith. Approved March 3, 1S57. AN AU I to supply denciencies m the appro- - J pruiuons ior ine service oi tne cscai year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hun- dred and fty-seve- n. Be it enacted hj the Senate and House of Representatives of the Vnited States of America Congress assembled, That the following sums and the same are hereby, appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the fiscal year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seve- n, out of any money in the treasury not other- wise appropriated, namely: For the compensation of the cfScers, clerks, messengers, and others receiving an annnl in salary in the service of the Senate viv: For an additioml messenger from first Feb-rua- rv to the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seve- n, at twelve hundred dollars per annum four hundred and cents. For increase of compensation of the super- intendent in charge of the Senate furnaces, from fourteenth Angus, eighteen hundred and fiity-si- x, to thirtieth June eighteen hundred and fifty-seve- n, at one hundred and twenty dollars per annuni in addition to former saTary one hundred and four dollars and seventy-eig- ht cents. For contingent expenses cf the Senate, viz: For the Congressional Globe and binding the same three thousand two hundred and eihtv-si- x dollars andsixtv-tw- o cents. " - COSTTSGTST EXPENSES Or THE SESATE. For clerks to committees, pages, police, horses acd carrvalls fourteen thousand seven hundred and one dollars. For stationery four thousand dollars. Fox reporting proceedings, sixteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-seve- n dollars and forty-fo- ur cents. For miscellaneous items two thousand and six hundred dollars. For clothicg for the army, camp and garri- son equipage three hundred and thirty-tw- o thousand and fifty-si- x dollars and eighteen cents. For the regular supplies of the quarter- masters department, consisting of fuel for the officers, enlisted" men, guard, hospital store houses and offices, foragein kind for the horses, mules, and oxen of the quartermasters depart ment at the several posts and stations, and with the armies in the field; for the horses.vcf the two regiments of dragoona; the two regiments of cavalry, the regiment cf mounted riflemen, the companies of light artillery and such com- panies of in fin try as may be mounted, anl for the authorized number of effiners horses when serving in the . field and at the outposts, of straw for soldLira bedding, and cf stationery, including company and other blank books for the army, certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the pay and quartermasters de- partments, and for the printing of division and department orders, army regulations, and re- ports, two hundred thousand dollars. For the increased compensation of clerks in the essay office in New York, authorized by the act of third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-fiv- e, two thousand dollars. For the incidental expenses of the branch mint of San Francisco, California, forty thou-sm- d dollars. For the salary of the surveyor general of Utah Territory, for the fiscal year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-fiv- e, fifty dollars. For amount due for the construction of the marine hospital at Ticksburg, Mississippi, seven hundred and sixty-tw- o dollars and fifty-e:g- ht cents. Fcr amount necessary to complete the cus tom-hous- e at Louisville, Kentucky, forty thousand dollars. For amount necessary to complete the custo- m-house at Bath, Maine, five thousand five hundred dollars. Fox compensation, of two clerks in, the De- partment cf State-- , authorized by the act of Congress approved eighteenth August, eigh- teen hundred and fiftj-si- x, three thousand one hundred and thirty dollars and forty-thre- e cents; being from the eighteenth August, eigh- teen hundred and fifty -- six, to the thirtieth cf June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seve- n. Origin of the Nasis Geog. In Pulley's Etymological Companion will be found the following in reference to the origin of this word: "Admiral Ver non (the ssme after whom Mor.nt Ver non was named) was ihe first to require his men to drink their spirits mixed with water. In had weather, he wns in the hahit of walking the deck in a rough jrbjram cloak, and thenca had ohtained rJie name of Old Grog, in the service. :This is the origin of the name applied to ram and water. Doy'x GrxiiBLE. He is a fool that grumbles at every mischance. Tut the best foot forward, is an old maiim. Don't run about and tell acquaintances that vou have been rinfortunate. People do not like to have unfortunate people for acquaintances. Add to a vigorous determination a cheerful spirit; if re- verses come, bear them like a philoso- pher, and get rid of them as soon as vou can. Poverty is like a panther 1-- 1 0 ok it earnestly in the face and it will turn from vou. Jisctllaittms, TEZ LTJTC3 "WTTJOrrS. "Mine frow tos no better 3 she- - crt to be till shust before she diet; then she va3 so got Z3 before' remarked Mr. Vanderhoard to his neighbor. "Yourwife was an amiable woman, and you do great injustice to her mem- ory," . ssaia uxr. nujrjrru?. ; "Vel, rat you know so much about mine frow? with her, but I am sure that all her acquaintances loved her' kVot right had dey to love her? Maybe 71 'Mavbe what?' "Majbe you love mine frow, too." ;Yrhy do you speak so strangelyr' "Vy, von day a pig man shust like yon came into our house and kissed mine frow right before her face." "Were you present at the timer' 4To be sure I vos." "Well, what did you do?" ;I kicked him right pehind hi3 pack." "Did he resent it?" "Yaw, he broke me an te looking-glas- s, and all de rest of de crockery te house, 'cept the fedder ped, into smash?" "What did tou do then?" "Den I cried mrrrterl nrurter! mnr- - ter! and I called for the shndrre, and de shury, and to de pohcee oce and the constable to come; and he rund avay.' "Do vou intend to charge me with taking such unwarrantable liberties with the companion-o- f your bosom?" "Me no sharge nothing for it new, pecause she be tead and perricd." I "I will not allow you to make such insinuations. You are an old tyrant, and everybody said you wa3 glad your wife died." - "Everybody pe one tarn Her." "I saw no svmptoms of sorrow." "I felt more worsht tan if my best cow had tied." "Your cow! What a comparison!" "She vos a great loss a heavy lo3 fbr she was pig as dat (spreading out his arm), and she weighed more tan two hundred pounds." "Look out, old mam, or you will see trouble I doubt if your wife was ever kissed by any man after her marriage. At all events you must apologize for what you have said of me." "Vot is pologize?" "You must beg my pardon and say vou are sorry; if you do not I will enter a complaint against you, and have vou arrested." ""I pe sorriy, den." . "Sorrv for what?" "Sory you kissed mine frow." "You incorrigible idiot! That is not what you must say, for I never did such a thing in my life." "Must I say I pe sorry that you never do such a thing?" "No you must take back what you Lave said." While the Dutchman wa3 in this dilemma, his friend Han3 Hamburger came along, and finally suceeded in reconciling the parties, when the trio adjourned to a neighboring coffee house. The following, bv a ladv is candidlr recommended io the perusal cf all bachelors, that they may mend their ways, ere it is too late : "Is there an individual belonging to thi3 institution, that can lay hi3 hand on his heart, and say he is answering the end for which he wa3 got up? Is there one that supposes he was created for the purpose of using up woolen manufactures, tobacco, cigars, tailors and livery stable keepers? If he does, he is soulless, and when he dies, will simply be annihilated, rot m dust, and sar-gre- at greatness, a of his time devoted to the culture o Hfe, to the babies, audio th-- " study of medicine, a3 far as diseases cf young children arc concerned. So, ve bachelors vc that have not into sapless, sinewless, hopeless brush up the charms mind and person, that are wasting and fading, make one attempt for davs, comfortable nights, posterity, and an nonest mture. A man turned his son of doors lately because wouldn't pay his house rent. A striking instance affection. Costume for Dog-d- a vs Muslin. THISCS I SHCTTLD 1.1X7. TO 22. A fashionable bootmaker wlio watf not "from Paris." A gentleman was not a s elf-eo- ns ti ruted -- inspector of ladies bonnet lin- ings. A business man, how great soever his hurry, who would not stop to walca feminine ankles climb in and cr.t of sl omnibus A taan vL o4lii 112 on timrrrclli properly over a lady's bonnet; or put on her cloak, or shall, without crushing her bonnet; or be good hatured when he was sick, or had cut his who shaving, or had to wait ten minutes for his dinner cr breakfast, cr who w:is ' ever "refused" by a ladv. - mm A bachelor whose carpet not wear cut first in front of the looking glass. An author who did not feel nenroas at the idea of e inclining trunk lininr and parcel wrappers. A hands erne child who did rot row up to be homely. A woman who was not at "heart in- imical to her own sex. A married man who could give the right hand of fellowship to a wife's old lover; or take a hint from the toe of her slipper, under the table, before company. A milliner who could be bribed to make a bonnet to cover the he ad. A husband's relatives who coald speak well of his wife. A doctor who had more patients than he could attend to. A school teacher whose interest ia his pupils was graduated by th standing of their parents erthelergth of their purse. A washerwoman who- - ever lost an article of clothing. An old maid who was not so iron choice. ZSZ OF SALT IS TCOD. Dr. Chambers, of in lis recently published work on Digestion audits Derangements, savs of cortmDii salt in food: "The employment of salt in " the average healthy state is decidedly Ikjiic-fic- ial to the human species, and the use of it as an accessory ailment is wise in those who are well supplied-wit- other food. . . The physiological action of salt in- deed leads us to expect that it must be hurtful in some cases. Where waste is already excessive, cr under circitm- - stance3 where the diet is insufficient, the advantage of salt is a ma;ter of serious doubt. Where food i3 deficient in quantity or quality, it is evicienily improper that any excess of salt shcultl be used bevond that which if ust. sumcient to act as a complementary " ailment; all beyond this increases the ' waste. Encouragement should be given to employ instead, other rpicy ilavir-inz- 3 which have not this tonden:v, or which have even a contrary tendency. It i3 to be remarked that th ques- tion of the use of salt as an accesHirv food is by no means the fame as that of the employment of silted provi- sions; The manufacturing process 0 dries up and hardens the mosctlar fibre that without dUrren'; cocker?"?: is insoluble in the gastric juice, and In point of fact i3 an insufficient natri-men- t, a state of things where- - it has been said salt is improper. When salted provisions must be used, the desiratum is a mode of cookery which would, render the albumen arid brine azain soluble." Rotal SALCorni r.zs. A I ei e r f r o m Stockholm of the S:h ul:, euv?:- - 'The red prophyry sarcophz gu.? of El&'lt-hl- , in the province of Delacarlia, which Kinz Oscar ordered for the mortu m mains of his august father, (Xhz-Dcr- - nadotte,) and which has been eight years making, ha3 just arnvet 1 at recess in the Nobles Church atS;ock- - holm, i3 undoubtedly the most remark- able of any thtind that have been in Sweden." Vnlm. Seven Dzaplt Sra. ' . 1. Refusing to take a newspaper. 2. Taking a newspape r and n pay- ing for it. 3. Not advertising. . teiu marneu tcnaiii the printers any of the wcdJlng cake. o. Making the printing a loaf? in place. 6- - Heading the mai.njcript 5 a 'the compositors case. .;" , 7. Never paying your sulrr-ptio- until the publisher gees- - to the (.rcnc and trcuble a skin r for ft.. turn up in time a3 a part cf the terra j Stockholm, and i3 now being exhibited firw.a of a cabbage orchard? Man3 j to the public It weiglis sixteen tons, destiny is to govern to rule to com- -j and required eighteen months ta be mand-t- o add to the numerical strength brought from the querries of ElfsdehL cf Ids district a3 much as circumstances The body of this marnic ?nt . and and good health will allow him and colossal tomb is an exact copy cf that it is an indisputable fact, that every j of Agrippain the Vatican. The man has, in the midst of h3 j ccphazus, which is to be placel in a part l tending of the withered selfishness, of and grand blissful 1 out he of pay-rent-- al the chin did not not London, of executed vnu;cui efhec of

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Page 1: mm! .1.'! v V A 1T r llMr ax AyY A.Ay. Ay o; fc Ay ax.j-- DEVOTED TO . AET,; AGMCTILTDliE, COMMERCE, NEWS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND …

v V A 1T r llMrmm! Yax Ay A .Ay. Ay fc Ay ax .j--o;




R. W. FURNASjjccai Street, te-- asi "Water,

Lake's Block.)


T -I H TITT? rT .neTerL'iid in dranc, - - $2.00V- - - - - t tk ead of 8 moath3,


mm wAV'

r3b of 12 or E';r? irlll b fiimL-b.e.- 1 at $ 1--50 rr

rriied caiil accorcrni3 tLe order,


;6 iaar, 12 liacs or less,) one iascrtioa, $1,00(U0liet UwWCaI insertion, 20onei &, 4.00- " three mni-- s,6.00six 10.00" me vear.

iaila- e- Cardi Jf iixUaes or less cae year,60,00


ae Column. &e J11--'ae-ha- lf Column, one y?ar, -j- .Ot)

1S.00- fairia 10.00Si.OO

Colanin. six icn'.as. 2C.00half C.I-3- n. fix

" 10. 00- ir:h -s.oo"eirh'.h

CoittM. three noaiiis. 20.00

' . t&If Culaara. three months, 12.0010.00

fi.03'.r;Tt.Mr,.!iiiie f.iroSce.finad ranee) 5.00

" rh in ivaa wI be for all advertise----ept where a :aI responsibility is knwn.

b added, to toeTan ect fvT e: chacz":

I've rato.-- i:Pt rasi-e- ss Carls of fire Lnes or less, for

v; will he considered by the year,

?c.5d on the manuscript, or prerioasly, --Pel n-- b:ween the parties.

r1 ! rerus-t- not marked on the copy for a rpeci-5- -i

cimaer f icer.ioas. rill until or- -i

d ct. and charred .

A:r aiert:neBts from straneri or transient per- -,

n. i.- - ra.i in advance.Th,nr ,.f Teaf.r advertiser wiUbe connned

rd A. tae:r na baiizess : and aU adrertLscntenta.". ;- B- thw'o. to be raid for extra.

YearVad'ertisersba the privilege cf char jirj12& adrr.issinects oaarteriy.

A- .- '.eaded adrerus :meats chared doable tbeaborc

"ai'eniaieats on the inside exdnsirely win be


. . . m--by



W) r7i crtJ

1 f)Q 1

Hivio adued to the Advertiser Ofiee Card andJ"t- Treves. New TT?e of the latest ?tyle. Ink? of

'.! cniirv lirooxe. Fine Paper. Enre'pes, kc. : weare now prepared to eiernte Job Work of every ia

m a Style csarpased ly any otber cSceia tLc United Status.

Pirtkrclar attention' wd be jiven to cnlr? frcm ali:nr in bavini them promptly attended to.

The PrTri?tr. who. harin bad an extensive ei-rrie- ac,

wl" jire his p:rsonal attention to this branchof baia:, aad hope, in his endeavors to please,Vtb iathe ee of his work, and reasonableeaarr's. to receive a share f the pnbHc patronage.



PHYSICIANA.txc3. Olostotricion.

BROWXVILLE. X. T.;?"'.;!erts a ihare of public patmnaji', in the rarions

of his profession, from the citiz'ms of Erown- -'

and vieiait r.


OR! GOODS. GROCERIES.' Qucensware, Hardware,

Gtovos, XmxxxrxiA"nxxro,


And Dross ZVTrtUcr.lint Street, between Kaia and. "Water,

BROWXVILLE, X. T-fr'na-ds

end Irimnings always cn hand.







Comer of First and Atlantic Streets,nr.owyYiLix, 3T.

"id attend- - the Charts of Northern issoori,bri and Western Iowa.

S. W. C0ZZEIT5,Attorney sjid Counsellor at Law,

General Land AgentOMAHA CITY. N. T.

EEFEEE3TCE.tJV, Uaia - E. T. Bennet, Xbraka Ci tj

A. A. B&aJDFO&O,

wtl. 3tcixyfas.Nebraska CItj,X.T. -



SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY.BrownTille and Nebraska City, AN

NEBRASKA. TEEHITOSY.JEES"G pcrmaneady Viextedjn JfjJ- -

practice of car profession, in all iti branches. Hat-te-n Jiiytin Litigation, Collections of Debts, Sales and in

Purchases of Real EaUte, Selections of Land., Lca-ti-n readof Land Warrants, and all otber business en-tnrs- pejet

to otrr manaTE.ent, will iceiTe prompt andfaithi"ul attention.

REFERENCES.S. F. Nock&Hs, Nebraska City,


Richard Brown, BrownTiLe,m. lloblitieU A Co

Hon. James Crair, St. Joseph, lloHon. Janes II. Engbes, St. Louis, iloHon. John K. Shepiey, m tt u

Co u u uMessrs. Crow, M?Creajy.&Jlessrs. 5- - G. HabbardA to Cincinnati O.lion. J. iL Lore, Keoknk, Iowa.

Tl-- nl Jane 7, 1346.

x. j. roprxrro!?. WX S. ETEES.


And General Land Asrent,Q3IAHA, EBEASEA. bia

Land Warrants Bought and Sold.LAND ENTERED ON TIMR

CPECTAL attention giTen to the selection an I en-O- trj

of Lands for Settlers, and all others deEiringchoice locations.

Land Claims. Town Lets and all kinds of Reed Es-

tate, bought and sold and investments made fo r dis-

tant Dealers.



tut a i i ;xsrOregon, Ilolt Coirntr, Hissoori.

Keep constantly on hand all description o f Harness, mSxldles, Bridles, Jtc. Ac.

N". B. Every article in otrr shop is manufacturedourselTes,and warranted to give satisfaction.




OLIVER BENNETT & CO.,Mannfaeturers and Wbalesale Dealers in


(FoExttTjXo.lOl.CoayaoF Mais aid LccrsT.) j


8. JL. ?EG RAM. S. H. tIDDLE.


3anl5Lers1 AND



Trrf 'orttr of, cud Wiotenale Ikalcf

FailCV GOOdS-Manuracture-rs

of all kinds cf Brusnes.S9 North 3Iain Street, (Cp Ssurs.)

ST. LOUIS, How S2-- lv



"ITTILL attend promptly to all business m bis pro-N-Y

fession when called on : snch Fabdivinlaims, lavinj out Town Lota, Draftin5 City .rials- -


r r. nAaDixi. 6. c. kixbocgh k. r. TOOilXBL.

HARDING, KIM3QUGH & CO.,21nfa.etKrer9 and WlnZexiU Dutltrt ia ,

HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS,So 49 ST'"- -' street, bet. Olive axd Jiae,

ST. LOUIS, MO.Particular attention pall to inannfacnnrins enr

finest ilole IIat3.


BfLOWNTILLE,- - NEMAHA CO.Sebra&lca Territ'ry.


Land Agent and Notary Public,Arcker, Richardson connty, X. T.

"Wn practice in the Conrta of Xebraf ka, aiaiitelby Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City.

JACOD SATrOKD,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.


Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory.y7TLL attend proreptly to aH bulmf S3 enaTisiod

Y to his care, in Nebraska Territory and West-ern Iowa.

September 12, 1Sj5. vlnlS-l- y '


AGENTS.And General Commission Merchants.


BLACKSMITH" Second Street, between IjIo fcad Nelcaska,


a. kutjd, g. u rrrGHES, J-- J. xted,H. T. 3IU1JD, . O. GKCBB.


No. 33 Levee and 66 Commercial . StreetST. LOUIS. MO.- - - :--







PuLHcSS. ; . ; -

ACT to establish certainPosiEoads in theUnited Stales and the Territories thereof! and--Si itmh-fil- u He Senate end J&?u&.

estiuauvis of LeUrui.edixas,ci of jijaetneaCongress asscmlled, That the followingbe and the same are hereby declared

roadi, to wit:

TEXAS, inFrom Weatherford to Belknap in Belknap

andcoanty,From Tarrant Hopkins a)nnty via Quit-rxi- n,

Canton, Big Bock, to Athens in Hender-son conctj,

From Gainesville via Pilot Point in DentonCotrnty to lieKinney,

From Erownsville via Fort Herrill and SanAntonio to Austin,

From Waco Tillage in McLenan County toGa:esviile in Coo yell county thence to Lem- -

pas3es in Lempasses county,FLORIDA,

From AHizator, the county seat of ColumcauntT, It New Bottom, on the Suwanne

mrerFrom Orar Spring to Flemington

IOWA,From Leon in Decatur county via Mount

Ayr in Eingold county, Bedford in Taylorcounty, Clarinda Page county, Sidney in I re-m- ont

county, Iowa, to Nebraska city in Nebraska Territory,

From McGregor's Landing in Clayton coun-ty via Decorah, in "Winnesheik county. NewOregon and Howard Centre in Howard county,Star-yTi.i- e, and Saint Ausgarin Mitchell ccunty

Glm Jlary and Bristol in Worth county,irom untienDorg m uuyton county via

Elkport, Yankee Settlement to IndependenceBuchanan countv.From Guttenburg via Peck's Ferry ana

Colosburg in Delaware county to Dyeraville inDuouque countv, in

From Gut:enburg via Gleij Haven, and Bee-to-wn

to Lancaster in Grant county, WisconsinFrom Marietta in Marshall county via

Steamboat Eock in Hardin countv to intersectsame mail route already" established,

From Indianola in Warren county, Iowa,via Osceola, and Leon to Princeton in Mercercounty, Missouri.

From Newton in Jasper county, via Pleas- -an:viile,inMarion county, to Chariton in Lucascounty,

From Fort Dodge via Dakotah, Cresco, andAlcona to Mankato in Minnesota Territory.

F:xm Marengo via Toledo, Indian Town,Marshalltown Marietta and Nevada in Boons--boro.

C!e?: V GveAiona ana i acu to a pins Lazes m mciunsoncounty,

From Marietta to Eldora thence to IowaFalk

From Fulton City FJirois, via Clinton, DeWitt, Mecbanicsburg, Lisbon, and MountVernon, to Cedar Eapids, Iowa

Fr: m De Witt via Tipton to Iowa city.From Winterset in Madison county via La

Porte, and Osceola to Leon in Decatur county,From Magnoketa in Jackson county via

Fulton, Farmers creek, Otter creek, Twingle.and Buncombe to Dubuque.

From Ottumwa in Wapello county to Chari-

ton in Lucas county via Elakesbirg and Albia,From Mount Pleasant in Herrry county via

Brighton to Oskaloosa in Mahaska countyFrom Iowa city in Johnson county via Was-sonvl- lle

in Washington county South English,Webster Sigourney and Marti nsburgin Keokukcountv to Ottumna ia Wapello connty,

From Cskalocsa in Mehaska count)- - viaKhoxville, Pieasantvillu tnd Indianola to

Wict'rset in Madiscn county,From Newtra in Jas-rc- r county via Pella

' 1"and Knoxvilie to Cbanton m Lucas connty,r-, i r r T 'TnlnX rom Aiarenzo m au a wuuutj ha

in Tama county Marshall, La Fayette Mariettain Marshall County and Eldora to Iowa Fallsin Hardin county

From Brighton ia Washington county viaEichland Joker, Martinsburg, Butler PostOffice, and Fremont to Oskaloosa in Mahaskaccunty

From Fort Des "Moines via Greenbush St.Charles, Osceola and Hopeville to Mount Ayrin Ringgold county

From Wellington Louisa county to MountPleasant in Henry county

From Iowa city via North Bend on thewest side of Iowa river, Eoberts Ferry on saidriver, Sheibyville and Western to Cedar;Bap .ids." - , - . . .


From Hale's Corners in Milwaukee countyto Union Grove in Eacme connty,

From New London via North port, Hobat s

Mills, to Wampacca.From Coiumbus via Hamden, L.odi ana

West Point Centre to Clifton,From Ceresco, via Dartford, Princeton,

Montello, Packwaukie, and Oxford, to Maustonin A dams ccuntv.

From Portage City, via Montello, StonyHHl,Daataa, Adario, Busna Tista aad Plover,to Stevens Point,,

From Oshkosh, via Algoma, Omro, Berlin,La Cote. St Marie, Princeton, and Montello,to Portage city,

. From Wantona, via Neshhoro, to Montello,From Berlin, via Seneca, Neshhoro and

Shields to MontelloFrom Prairie du Chien, via Patch Grove,

Bectowa, ami Potosi, to Dunlieth Illinois.From Prairie du Chien, via Nezekan, Paint-

ed Bock, and Wexford to Lansing, Iowa.Frora Priirie du Chien via McGregor's

Landirg and Clayton city to Guttenburg inIowa.

. From Bavfield to Chippewa FaHs,From Eichlarul Centre, in Eichland county

via Woods x :k, Sping Talley, MarysviBe,and Sparta in Mourc countv, to Elack river

j Falls in Jackson county.: From Waupacca, v aupacca county, via

Peter Grovels to Steven's Point,From B Ack Eiv Falls to NeulsviHe in

Cark county. .

From. &xvers Point via' NeiHsville andWestons Rpid3 to Eau Claire.

Frcia Ntnr Lsndonin Waupacca county viaNorth pert, . Little, Wolf, Ogdensburg, Iola toSteven's Potnt.

From Tirana in Bad Axi cc unty. via Brook- -ville, LVeedstown, Tinny settlement, BameiMill in Eichland county, toEichmaniL

x rom Portage city in Columbia county, viaPacific, Dekcra, Lodi and West Point, torrains da Sac in Sauk county.

From BellviHe in .Dane county via NewGlams to Monticello in Green ceunty

x rem Prairie du Chie3, via E;igle Point,andNeceda. ba Steven's Po:r.t,

From La Crosse via GalesviUe. Pigecn Creek.Somerville, to Eau Claire,

From JEau Claire- via Bock Crwk in Dunn

jrauie. to ALma.x rom - atertowii City, via 1 armingtcn, and

Borne, and Oak HiE, to Palmyra. .From Wtrnbeek in Dunn county, to HudsonSt Croix county. .

From Prescoti in Pierce countv via CarsonsEaton's MillSy Waubeek, Dunnviue, Eau . .

Claire, Chippewa x all3, Weston3 Eapids to JSe-ced- ah

in. Adams county. '

From Fountain City in Buffalo ccunty, viaWaubeek, Menominee to St Croix Falls.

From Steven's Point via Chippewa Falls tj

Muscada to Mineral PointFrom Beedsburg via Bockbrldga, Fancy

Creek Beedstown New Brookville, Bad Axe,and Betreatto Desola id Bad Axe ccunty,

From Muscoda via Orion, Beedstown, and inTiroqua to La Crosse,be,From Toland's Prairie via Alderly, and

Ashipun, toWatertown.From Palmyra in Jefferson county to Water-tow- n.


From Waukesha Waukesha cc unty to WestBend in Washington county.

From Eau Claire via North East Comer ofsection twenty-seve- n Near Ettinges to Alma inDunn county.. t


From Placerville to Georgetown in Eldoradocounty

From Fiaccrville via Newtown to IndianDiggins in Eldorado county.

From Uniontown in Humboldt county toTrinidad in Klamath county.

From Nevada via Hoyt's Crossing on thSouth Yuba river, Sweetland, SebastopoL. SaaJuan in Nevada countv and Truman's Cross-

ing on the Middle Yuba river to CamptcnviileYuba county.From Crescent city via Waldo and Clover-vill- e

to Jacksonville in Oregon Territory.From Napa city via White Sulphur Springs

Knight's Banch Aloxanders Banch on BussianBiver, to Santa Eosa.

From Monterey, via San Obispo to SantaBarbary.

. MEvXXj-OTA- ,

From Fort Eidgely via South Pass of theEocky Mountains, Soda,' Springs, Head ofHumbclct River, Honey Lake and Noble-- s

Pass ia tha Sierra Nevada Mountains to Shastacity California.

From Minneapolis via Excelsior to Gleneve.From Owatonee via Geneva to Albert Les'sFrom Cannon Falls via Mautcnville Hizh

Forest Elkhorn Spring Valley, and FcrastviLIcto Elliot ta

From Forestville via Amoldsville to WestUnion Iowa. '

From Chitfield via Marion and Eochester, .

to FairbaulLFrom Lickville to Bell Plain.From St Cloud to Otter Tail city.From Otter Tail city to Lech Lake.From Otter Tail city to Crow Wing.From Crow Wing to Minnesota to Superior,

Wisconsin.From Leech Lake to Pokego-ma- a Falls.From Anoka via St Jonathan to Snake

Eiver.Grom St Paul via St Jonathan and Prince-

ton to Oj:.bwaFrom Elkrivervia St Jonathan to Sun Eise

cityFrom Taylor's Falls to St Jonathan.From Chatfield via Washington and Spring

Talley in Minnesota to Osage- - Iowa.From Chatfield via Washington and Harri-

son to Austin.From Chisago city to Chengwatana.From Chisago city to Taylor's Falls.From Chisago city to Marine Falls.From Chisago city to Stillwater.From Austin to Manketa.From St Peter's via Bancroft,. Minnesota, to

Bradford, Iowa.'From Bed Wing to Albert Lie'sFrom Wabashaw via Centre ville and Eoches-

ter to AustinFrom Northwood to Greenwood.From Bed Wing via Mazeprpa to Oronoka.From Otter Tail city to Breckenridge.From Twin Lake via Carlton's and Oneota

to DuLutn.From Bine Earth City, Minnesota to ALgona,

Iowa. -

From Tavlors Falls to Wyoming.From St Pan! viaJTMtaBar Lake. Forrest

Lake, Chisago city to Alhambca.From Chisoso city to Cambridge.From Bed Wing to VeronaFrom Manketo via St Nicholas to Osage,

Iowa.From Hokah, via Middletown, Watertown

and Portland to Lansing, Iwa.From Winona via Money Creek, Houstor,

Yucatan, and Belleville to Decorah, Iowa.From Tepeeotah to FanrbaultFrom Tepeeotah to Chatfie'JFrom Tepeeotah to Blackriver Falls, Wis-

consin.From Henderson viaEecstone city and New

Ulm to the Falls to Sioux river.

Frcm South Bend ia Butternut valley toNew Ulm.

From Oronaka to FairbauitFrom Pokegammoa via Ojibwa to Mille

LaccitvFrom Littla Falls to MIBa Lac cityFrom Elliotta via Leroy, and Austin to

EKioKaFrsm St Pettr via Glenaoe to St Ckmd.FrDm Carmen Falls via Kenyou and Bice

Lake to Austin"From St Peter via WSion and Austin to

Decorah, Iowa.


From Port Oxfoil via Randolph, and Em-rv- r5

mnntr io Winchester in

Douglas county.NinV 3EENJCO,

From La3 Cruces via Mesilla in Dona Auacounty to Sucson.

From Sucson via Ariz sua, Colorado ta SanDie 50 California

From El Paso via Mesilla, Sucson Arizonaand Fort Yuma to Saa Diego California.


From Olympia via Arcadia to Oakland. -

SATSAS,r " : ; ; :

From Kan.-a- a city, Missouri, via WyandotteKansas, Quindara, and Lawrence to Lecomp-to- n.

From TCaTrana city via Delaware city toLeavenworth city

From Tecumseh via Walkarusa city toEichardscn.

From Westport Missouri ia Blxmington,Paris," and Sngar Mound to Cornfichiojii

From Paoli via Assawatomie BloomingtonPari3 to Sugar Mound.

From Lecompton via Davis and Midwav toPaoli.

From Paoli via Brooklin and Paris to SugarMound.

From Crawford Seminary via Talequa toFort Smith.

Approved March 3, 1S57.

AN AU I to supply denciencies m the appro-- J

pruiuons ior ine service oi tne cscai yearending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hun-dred and fty-seve- n.

Be it enacted hj the Senate and House ofRepresentatives of the Vnited States of America

Congress assembled, That the following sumsand the same are hereby, appropriated, to

supply deficiencies in the appropriations for theservice of the fiscal year ending the thirtieth

June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seve- n,

out of any money in the treasury not other-wise appropriated, namely:

For the compensation of the cfScers, clerks,messengers, and others receiving an annnl insalary in the service of the Senate viv:

For an additioml messenger from first Feb-rua- rv

to the thirtieth June, eighteen hundredand fifty-seve- n, at twelve hundred dollars perannum four hundred and cents.

For increase of compensation of the super-intendent in charge of the Senate furnaces,from fourteenth Angus, eighteen hundred andfiity-si- x, to thirtieth June eighteen hundredand fifty-seve- n, at one hundred and twentydollars per annuni in addition to former saTaryone hundred and four dollars and seventy-eig- ht

cents.For contingent expenses cf the Senate, viz:For the Congressional Globe and binding

the same three thousand two hundred andeihtv-si-x dollars andsixtv-tw- o cents." - COSTTSGTST EXPENSES Or THE SESATE.

For clerks to committees, pages, police,horses acd carrvalls fourteen thousand sevenhundred and one dollars.

For stationery four thousand dollars.Fox reporting proceedings, sixteen thousand

seven hundred and ninety-seve- n dollars andforty-fo- ur cents.

For miscellaneous items two thousand andsix hundred dollars.

For clothicg for the army, camp and garri-son equipage three hundred and thirty-tw- o

thousand and fifty-si- x dollars and eighteencents.

For the regular supplies of the quarter-masters department, consisting of fuel for theofficers, enlisted" men, guard, hospital storehouses and offices, foragein kind for the horses,mules, and oxen of the quartermasters department at the several posts and stations, and withthe armies in the field; for the horses.vcf thetwo regiments of dragoona; the two regimentsof cavalry, the regiment cf mounted riflemen,the companies of light artillery and such com-

panies of in fin try as may be mounted, anl forthe authorized number of effiners horses whenserving in the . field and at the outposts, ofstraw for soldLira bedding, and cf stationery,including company and other blank books forthe army, certificates for discharged soldiers,blank forms for the pay and quartermasters de-

partments, and for the printing of division anddepartment orders, army regulations, and re-

ports, two hundred thousand dollars.For the increased compensation of clerks in

the essay office in New York, authorized bythe act of third March, eighteen hundred andfifty-fiv- e, two thousand dollars.

For the incidental expenses of the branchmint of San Francisco, California, forty thou-sm-d

dollars.For the salary of the surveyor general of

Utah Territory, for the fiscal year endingthirtieth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-fiv- e,

fifty dollars.For amount due for the construction of the

marine hospital at Ticksburg, Mississippi, sevenhundred and sixty-tw- o dollars and fifty-e:g- ht

cents.Fcr amount necessary to complete the cus

tom-hous- e at Louisville, Kentucky, fortythousand dollars.

For amount necessary to complete the custo-

m-house at Bath, Maine, five thousand fivehundred dollars.

Fox compensation, of two clerks in, the De-

partment cf State-- , authorized by the act ofCongress approved eighteenth August, eigh-

teen hundred and fiftj-si- x, three thousand onehundred and thirty dollars and forty-thre- e

cents; being from the eighteenth August, eigh-

teen hundred and fifty -- six, to the thirtieth cfJune, eighteen hundred and fifty-seve- n.

Origin of the Nasis Geog. InPulley's Etymological Companion willbe found the following in reference tothe origin of this word: "Admiral Vernon (the ssme after whom Mor.nt Vernon was named) was ihe first to requirehis men to drink their spirits mixedwith water. In had weather, he wns

in the hahit of walking the deck in arough jrbjram cloak, and thenca hadohtained rJie name of Old Grog, in theservice. :This is the origin of thename applied to ram and water.

Doy'x GrxiiBLE. He is a fool thatgrumbles at every mischance. Tut thebest foot forward, is an old maiim.Don't run about and tell acquaintancesthat vou have been rinfortunate. Peopledo not like to have unfortunate peoplefor acquaintances. Add to a vigorousdetermination a cheerful spirit; if re-

verses come, bear them like a philoso-

pher, and get rid of them as soon asvou can. Poverty is like a panther1--1 0 ok it earnestly in the face and itwill turn from vou.



"Mine frow tos no better 3 she- - crtto be till shust before she diet; thenshe va3 so got Z3 before' remarkedMr. Vanderhoard to his neighbor.

"Yourwife was an amiable woman,and you do great injustice to her mem-ory," .ssaia uxr. nujrjrru?. ;

"Vel, rat you know so much aboutmine frow?

with her, but I am sure that all heracquaintances loved her'

kVot right had dey to love her?Maybe 71

'Mavbe what?'"Majbe you love mine frow, too.";Yrhy do you speak so strangelyr'

"Vy, von day a pig man shust likeyon came into our house and kissedmine frow right before her face."

"Were you present at the timer'4To be sure I vos.""Well, what did you do?";I kicked him right pehind hi3

pack.""Did he resent it?""Yaw, he broke me an te looking-glas- s,

and all de rest of de crockeryte house, 'cept the fedder ped, into

smash?""What did tou do then?""Den I cried mrrrterl nrurter! mnr--

ter! and I called for the shndrre, andde shury, and to de pohcee oce andthe constable to come; and he rundavay.'

"Do vou intend to charge me withtaking such unwarrantable liberties withthe companion-o- f your bosom?"

"Me no sharge nothing for it new,pecause she be tead and perricd." I

"I will not allow you to make suchinsinuations. You are an old tyrant,and everybody said you wa3 glad yourwife died." -

"Everybody pe one tarn Her.""I saw no svmptoms of sorrow.""I felt more worsht tan if my best

cow had tied.""Your cow! What a comparison!""She vos a great loss a heavy lo3fbr she was pig as dat (spreading

out his arm), and she weighed moretan two hundred pounds."

"Look out, old mam, or you will seetrouble I doubt if your wife was everkissed by any man after her marriage.At all events you must apologize forwhat you have said of me."

"Vot is pologize?""You must beg my pardon and say

vou are sorry; if you do not I willenter a complaint against you, and havevou arrested."""I pe sorriy, den.". "Sorrv for what?"

"Sory you kissed mine frow.""You incorrigible idiot! That is not

what you must say, for I never didsuch a thing in my life."

"Must I say I pe sorry that younever do such a thing?"

"No you must take back what youLave said."

While the Dutchman wa3 in thisdilemma, his friend Han3 Hamburgercame along, and finally suceeded inreconciling the parties, when thetrio adjourned to a neighboring coffeehouse.

The following, bv a ladv is candidlrrecommended io the perusal cf allbachelors, that they may mend theirways, ere it is too late :

"Is there an individual belonging tothi3 institution, that can lay hi3 handon his heart, and say he is answeringthe end for which he wa3 got up? Isthere one that supposes he was createdfor the purpose of using up woolenmanufactures, tobacco, cigars, tailorsand livery stable keepers? If he does,he is soulless, and when he dies, willsimply be annihilated, rot m dust, and

sar-gre- at

greatness, a of his time devotedto the culture o Hfe, to the

babies, audio th-- " study of medicine,a3 far as diseases cf young childrenarc concerned. So, ve bachelors vcthat have not into sapless,sinewless, hopeless brushup the charms mind and person,that are wasting and fading, makeone attempt for davs,comfortable nights, posterity, and annonest mture.

A man turned his son of doorslately because wouldn't pay hishouse rent. A striking instance


Costume for Dog-d- a vs Muslin.


A fashionable bootmaker wlio watfnot "from Paris."

A gentleman was not a s elf-eo-ns tiruted --inspector of ladies bonnet lin-

ings.A business man, how great soever

his hurry, who would not stop to walcafeminine ankles climb in and cr.t of sl

omnibusA taan vL o4lii 112 on timrrrclli

properly over a lady's bonnet; or puton her cloak, or shall, without crushingher bonnet; or be good hatured whenhe was sick, or had cut his whoshaving, or had to wait ten minutes forhis dinner cr breakfast, cr who w:is '

ever "refused" by a ladv. -mmA bachelor whose carpet notwear cut first in front of the lookingglass.

An author who did not feel nenroasat the idea of e inclining trunk lininrand parcel wrappers.

A hands erne child who did rot rowup to be homely.

A woman who was not at "heart in-

imical to her own sex.A married man who could give the

right hand of fellowship to a wife's oldlover; or take a hint from the toe ofher slipper, under the table, beforecompany.

A milliner who could be bribed tomake a bonnet to cover the he ad.

A husband's relatives who coaldspeak well of his wife.

A doctor who had more patientsthan he could attend to.

A school teacher whose interest iahis pupils was graduated by thstanding of their parents erthelergthof their purse.

A washerwoman who-- ever lost anarticle of clothing.

An old maid who was not so ironchoice.


Dr. Chambers, of in lisrecently published work on Digestionaudits Derangements, savs of cortmDiisalt in food:

"The employment of salt in " theaverage healthy state is decidedly Ikjiic-fic- ial

to the human species, and theuse of it as an accessory ailment iswise in those who are well supplied-wit-

other food. . .

The physiological action of salt in-

deed leads us to expect that it must behurtful in some cases. Where wasteis already excessive, cr under circitm- -

stance3 where the diet is insufficient,the advantage of salt is a ma;ter ofserious doubt. Where food i3 deficientin quantity or quality, it is evicienilyimproper that any excess of salt shcultlbe used bevond that which if ust.sumcient to act as a complementary "

ailment; all beyond this increases the '

waste. Encouragement should be givento employ instead, other rpicy ilavir-inz- 3

which have not this tonden:v, orwhich have even a contrary tendency.

It i3 to be remarked that th ques-tion of the use of salt as an accesHirvfood is by no means the fame as thatof the employment of silted provi-sions; The manufacturing process 0dries up and hardens the mosctlarfibre that without dUrren'; cocker?"?:is insoluble in the gastric juice, and Inpoint of fact i3 an insufficient natri-men- t,

a state of things where- - it hasbeen said salt is improper. Whensalted provisions must be used, thedesiratum is a mode of cookery whichwould, render the albumen arid brineazain soluble."

Rotal SALCornir.zs. A Ie i er fr o mStockholm of the S:h ul:, euv?:- - 'Thered prophyry sarcophz gu.? of El&'lt-hl- ,

in the province of Delacarlia, whichKinz Oscar ordered for the mortu mmains of his august father, (Xhz-Dcr- -

nadotte,) and which has been eightyears making, ha3 just arnvet 1 at

recess in the Nobles Church atS;ock- -

holm, i3 undoubtedly the most remark-able of any thtind that have been

in Sweden." Vnlm.

Seven Dzaplt Sra. '.

1. Refusing to take a newspaper.2. Taking a newspape r and n pay-

ing for it.3. Not advertising.

. teiu marneu tcnaiiithe printers any of the wcdJlng cake.

o. Making the printing a loaf?in place.

6-- Heading the mai.njcript 5 a 'thecompositors case. .;" ,

7. Never paying your sulrr-ptio-

until the publisher gees- - to the (.rcncand trcuble a skin r for ft..

turn up in time a3 a part cf the terra j Stockholm, and i3 now being exhibitedfirw.a of a cabbage orchard? Man3 j to the public It weiglis sixteen tons,destiny is to govern to rule to com- -j and required eighteen months ta bemand-t- o add to the numerical strength brought from the querries of ElfsdehLcf Ids district a3 much as circumstances The body of this marnic ?nt . andand good health will allow him and colossal tomb is an exact copy cf thatit is an indisputable fact, that every j of Agrippain the Vatican. The

man has, in the midst of h3 j ccphazus, which is to be placel in apart l





grand blissful1


ofpay-rent-- al









