mixing business processes & social software

Mixing Business processes & Social software By Gaurab Banerji Collaboration Strategist Tibco Software Singapore

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Businesses are implementing social software, but not all companies do it right. Find out the right approach for a successful roll out by downloading this PDF. For more information, please visit http://www.tibbr.com/


Page 1: Mixing  Business Processes & Social Software

Mixing Business processes

& Social software

By Gaurab Banerji Collaboration Strategist Tibco Software Singapore

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Where to start

a social platform rollout in your organization

and how?

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unlike other business software, where users usually see immediate results,

social software requires users

to contribute time, effort & meaningful content

to produce value

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social software is

unstructured and therefore needs clearly defined business use cases

to succeed

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Use Cases : layers of abstraction

General business

Department specific

Client / Project / Product specific

Cross Department

Most Abstract

Least Abstract Focused Communication

Knowledge sharing

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a common mistake: Starting with very abstract use cases at a broad, general level

• Users do not have a clear direction on how to contribute or use the platform

• These contributions go beyond their daily duties and responsibilities which users generally don’t have time for

• Senior managers are likely not to participate

• Users Lack incentive to contribute as value is often uncertain

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value comes in

v e r y s l o w l y , causing user fatigue, and

drags out the adoption

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so how do you create immediate value

in such a platform?

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a better approach: start at the core

• Start adoption at the core where abstraction is at its lowest level

• Identify simple, frequently used business processes that can be ported into the platform

• Engage senior managers and business champions to drive the processes in the platform with users

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define intra-group and

inter-group business processes

to focus on

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Product Development

Sales / Front Lines


Ideation, project

planning, issue resolution,

development updates

Campaign planning, creative, media,


Targets, sales strategy,

opportunities customer feedback,

Intra-group business processes

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Product Development

Sales / Front Lines


Product updates,

release plans, feedback

Customer feedback,

campaigns, policies, plans

Inter-group business processes

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start with deep use cases

at the core of

each group

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example: product development Core – processes / communication

1. weekly project planning / update from PMs 2. daily progress updates from team leads 3. issue resolution 4. product documentation review

Peripheral - knowledge

1. product strategy 2. competitor analysis 3. product know how / expertise

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example: prod. dev. & marketing Core – processes

1. sharing market requirements / reports 2. defining product positioning / strategy 3. specifying product features

Peripheral – knowledge

1. competitor information 2. market trends

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the result: • Users know how and what to contribute during early days • Sustainable content is created without the need to go

beyond everyday activities and busy schedules • Users see immediate value through effective

communication • Engagement occurs at all levels • Adoption starts spreading immediately as more teams start

to port business processes to tibbr • Inter-group uses cases start to develop • Longer term value emerges as content builds up and

peripheral use cases develop

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Product Dev

Sales / Front Lines Marketing

Finance Human Resources

viral adoption:

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customer example: wholesale banking customer relationships are key to the business how tibbr helped RM’s with social client management:

1. Initial focus was purely on client collaboration 2. dedicated client subjects made it easy for all team

members to collaborate on client accounts 3. RMs gain insight from work done with other clients as

well as leverage the entire network of RMs 4. faster deal flow and better service

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where appropriate,

integrate key events from

external systems that support core business processes

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customer example: shipping (OOCL) shipping delays are very costly. how tibbr helped the exception handling process:

1. shipping system triggers delay event into tibbr with details 2. all parties involved receive alert and start resolving the

issue through discussions in tibbr 3. exception handling is speeded up saving all parties

thousands of dollars

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Where to start

a social platform rollout in your organization

and how?

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1. Identify groups which require better collaboration 2. Define core business processes and communications

in the form of use cases at the intra group level 3. Gain senior management buy-in to drive use cases in

the platform 4. Expand use cases to cover inter-group processes 5. Integrate external system data to drive deeper

business processes and use cases to apply structure 6. Expand usage to more peripheral knowledge sharing

use cases

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Thank You

Q & A

By Gaurab Banerji Collaboration Strategist Tibco Software Singapore