mixer bio digester

Schematic of a Complete Mix Digester Environmental Benefits C Manure management using enclosed digesters reduces odors. C Digestion converts organic nitrogen into ammonium compounds, significantly reducing the potential for ground and surface water contamination. C Digestion reduces B OD levels, reducing the potential for surface water contamination C Heated digestion significantly reduces harmful pathogens. United States Air and Radiation EPA 430-F-97-004 Environmental Protection (6202J) February 1997  Agency AgSTAR Technical Series:  Complete Mix Digesters Complete Mix Digesters - A Methane Recovery Option For All Climates M os t co nfined or pa rtially confined m a y pr ov e e s s e ntial to re main com pe titive Comp lete mix dig e s ters are a lso he ate d to li ve s toc k pro duc tion facilitie s ha ndle in toda y’s indus try. Gre a te r use of op timizem e thane pro duc tion. This a llows manure as liquids a nd s lurrie s that are com plete mix dig e ste rs as a wa s te c om ple te mix dig e s te rs to be econo mica lly stored in lag oo ns , conc re te ba s ins, ta nks , m a na g e me nt op tion contributes to s ized and us e d in a ny clima te . po nd s , and oth e r typ e s of c on ta inme nt e nv ironme nta lly s ou nd a g ri-b us ine s s M e thane pro du c ed by the c om ple te s truc ture s. The se s truc ture s are typ ica lly g rowth a nd su s ta inab le rura l e co nom ic mix dig e s te r can offs et on-fa rm e ne rg y d e s ig ne d to com p l y w it h l oca l an d state d e v e l o p ment. p urc h ases. An e n g ine- g enerator f ue l e d b y e nv ironme nta l re g ula tions a nd g e ne ra lly Comp le te mix dig e s te rs a na erobica lly the m e tha ne ca n p roduce m os t, if no t all, add co s ts to pro duc tion. By a dd ing a deco mp ose manure to p rod uc e me tha ne of the e le ctr icity ne e ded to run a live s toc k co mp lete mix dig e s te r m e thane re co ve ry g as a nd biolog ically s tab ilize d e ffluent. farm . Thus , a co mp lete mix dig e s te r ca n sys te m, d airi e s a nd s wine farm s c an e arn Comple te mix dig e s te rs are ve rs a tile, a ble be a pra ctical wa y to hand le ma nure and financial a nd e nvironme ntal be ne fits that to ha ndle manure of 3 to 8% solids. incre ase produ ctivity a nd profitab ility. How do Complete Mix Digesters Work? Comple te mix dige ste rs are hea ted , dige ste r ve ss e l ma intains ana e robic co ns tant volum e , mecha nically-mix e d, conditions a nd trap s the me thane that is tanks that de comp os e me dium s olids produce d. T he g a s is co lle cte d throug h a s wine or da iry ma nure (3-8% tota l s olids ) pipe s uppo rte d a bov e the manure. The to produc e biog a s and a biolog ica lly a m ou nt of m e tha ne prod uce d is about 5-8 sta bilized e fflue nt. The b a s ic com ple te ft /lb vo latile s olids (vo latile s olids are the mix dig e s te r de s ign is a ve rtical, poure d orga nic portion of the manure a nd co ncre te or s te el circula r conta iner, with a repre s e nt a bou t 8 to 11% of the tota l ga s -tig ht co llec tion co ver. The circ ula r ma nure .) s ha pe is the str on g e s t a nd m os t The pro du c e d me tha ne is rem ov e d ec onomi cal des ig n for the dige ster ves se l . from the dig es ter, proce sse d, and I n the co mp lete mix dig e s ter s ys te m, transporte d to the e nd use site. The ma nure is colle cte d da ily in a m ixing p it re m a ini ng e fflue nt m a nure flows from the whe re the pe rcent tota l so lids can be dige ste r a nd is s tore d in a s tora g e tank or ad jus ted a nd the ma nure can be pre - lag oon until it can be land a pp lied . For heate d. The ma nure then enters the da iry ma nure , so li ds ma y be se pa rate d out dig es te r ve s se l th roug h e ither a g rav ity-flow of the dig e ste d efflue nt and sold as soil or pu m p s ys te m . M a nure is inte rm itte ntly am e ndm e nts. mixed within the di g es ter vess el to preve nt the formation of a surface crust and to keep solids in s uspe nsion. The dig es ter vessel is heated with waste heat from the eng ine cooli ng s ystem.  Th e v o lu me o f th e d ig ester e q ua ls th e volum eof the influent (manure a nd waste water) time s the ave rage manure retention time, typically between 15 and 20 da ys. (Shorter rete nti on time s are important for keeping the volume of the tank as small as possible.) A gas-tight cover placed over the 3

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8/13/2019 Mixer Bio Digester

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Schematic of a Complete Mix Digester

Environmental BenefitsCC Manure management using

enclosed digesters reducesodors.

CC Digestion converts organicnitrogen into ammonium

compounds, significantlyreducing the potential for ground and surface water contamination.

CC Digestion reduces BOD levels,reducing the potential for surface water contamination

CC Heated digestion significantlyreduces harmful pathogens.

United States Air and Radiation EPA 430-F-97-004Environmental Protection (6202J) February 1997


AgSTAR Technical Series: Complete Mix Digesters

Complete Mix Digesters - A Methane Recovery Option For AllClimates

Most confined or partially confined may prove essential to remain competitive Complete mix digesters are also heated tolivestock production facilities handle in today’s industry. Greater use of optimize methane production. This allowsmanure as liquids and slurries that are complete mix digesters as a waste complete mix digesters to be economicallystored in lagoons, concrete basins, tanks, management option contributes to sized and used in any climate.ponds, and other types of containment environmentally sound agri-business M ethane produced by the completestructures. These structures are typically growth and sustainable rural economic mix digester can offset on-farm energydesigned to comply with local and state development. purchases. An engine-generator fueled byenvironmental regulations and generally Complete mix digesters anaerobically the methane can produce most, if not all,add costs to production. By adding a decompose manure to produce methane of the electricity needed to run a livestockcomplete mix digester methane recovery gas and biologically stabilized effluent. farm. Thus, a complete mix digester can

system, dairies and swine farms can earn Complete mix digesters are versatile, able be a practical way to handle manure andfinancial and environmental benefits that to handle manure of 3 to 8% solids. increase productivity and profitability.

How do Complete Mix Digesters Work?Complete mix digesters are heated, digester vessel maintains anaerobic

constant volume, mechanically-mixed, conditions and traps the methane that istanks that decompose medium solids produced. The gas is collected through aswine or dairy manure (3-8% total solids) pipe supported above the manure. Theto produce biogas and a biologically amount of methane produced is about 5-8stabilized effluent. The basic complete ft /lb volatile solids (volatile solids are themix digester design is a vertical, poured organic portion of the manure and

concrete or steel circular container, with a represent about 8 to 11% of the totalgas-tight collection cover. The circular manure.)shape is the strongest and most The produced methane is removedeconomical design for the digester vessel. from the digester, processed, and

In the complete mix digester system, transported to the end use site. Themanure is collected daily in a mixing pit remaining effluent manure flows from thewhere the percent total solids can be digester and is stored in a storage tank oradjusted and the manure can be pre- lagoon until it can be land applied. Forheated. The manure then enters the dairy manure, solids may be separated outdigester vessel through either a gravity-flow of the digested effluent and sold as soilor pump system. Manure is intermittently amendments.mixed within the digester vessel to prevent

the formation of a surface crust and tokeep solids in suspension. The digestervessel is heated with waste heat from theengine cooling system.

The volume of the digester equals thevolume of the influent (manure and wastewater) times the average manureretention time, typically between 15 and20 days. (Shorter retention times areimportant for keeping the volume of thetank as small as possible.)

A gas-tight cover placed over the


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Mix Tank atCooperstown Farm

Complete Mix Digester at Valley Pork

Complete Mix Digester at Mutzu, Japan

Valley PorkComplete Mix Digester


Total Capital Costs $250,000

Annual Benefits $65,000Annual Operating Cost appx. $5,000

NPV $89,000Simple Payback 4-5 years

For more information aboutcomplete mix digesters andthe AgSTAR Program, write:

AgSTAR ProgramU.S. EPA, 6202-J401 M Street, SWWashington, DC 20460

or call:1-800-95AgSTAR


M utzu Farm, Japan : This 2,400 sow farrowto finish swine farm installed a completemix digester for odor control and BODreduction. The biogas powered engine-generator runs an aerobic treatmentsystem for the digester effluent,completing the treatment cycle. Thissystem has proven to be cost effective andefficient.

V alley Pork, Seven V all eys, PA : Valley Pork,a 1,500 sow farrow to finish facility,installed a mix digester in 1986 for odorcontrol and on-farm energy production.

The recovered biogas is used for electricityand to heat the farrowing rooms and

nurseries. The estimated annual electricity

Cooperstown H olstein Corporation Farm, home’s boilers to operate on biogas. TheCooperstown, N Y. In 1985, this 270 milkcow dairy installed a mixed tank digesteras a part of a manure management systemupgrade to allow growth in herd size. Athird of the recovered biogas is used toheat the digester while the remainder ispiped to a nearby retirement home to fueltheir boilers. The upgrade also includedthree manure pits, a pump and

underground manure lines from the barnsto the digester, an underground gaspipeline to the Meadows Retirement

benefits are $50,000 while the thermalbenefits are $15,000. The effluent is landapplied onto croplands producing corn,wheat, and soybeans. The capital cost of

this system, $250,000, was paid for in 4 to5 years.

Home, and retrofitting of the retirement

capital cost of the complete upgrade was$500,000, and the annual operating cost is$4,125. The farm sells 17,000 to 18,000gallons of fuel oil equivalent to theRetirement Home each year. In addition,

The energy savings are estimated as$10,600 per year. The digester effluent isstored in a slurry tank for land-applicationon corn. The effluent fertilizer value isestimated to be $25,000 per year.