mixed-use & hospitality gonzalez goodale architects 2016


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Gonzalez Goodale architects


M i x e d - U s e & H o s p i t a l i t y

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Gonzalez Goodale Architects was established in 1980 on the

principle of improving the public environment through design

excellence and sensitive client service.

On its 35th anniversary, the studio is led in partnership by Armando

Gonzalez, FAIA, its Founding Partner; David Goodale, AIA, LEED AP,

Design Principal; and Principals Ali Barar, AIA, and Harry Drake AIA,


Since its founding, we have served diverse public, private, non-profit,

and institutional clients with an interactive, creative design process.

As a result, the firm has garnered multiple repeat commissions by

clients and institutions, has maintained an extended string of design

awards, and accumulated a portfolio of built quality projects that

have become regional architectural benchmarks.

Located in Old Pasadena, Gonzalez Goodale Architects occupies a

building of its own design. Through its integration into Pasadena’s

pedestrian alleyways, its usable urban landscaping, public art, and

day-lit studios, the building reflects the firm’s philosophy of design

for the functional and poetic enrichment of the public life.

Founded on our client’s guiding principles, our design solutions

are grounded in continual communication with client groups,

detailed cost estimates at every phase, analysis of life-cycle costs

and wholistic sustainable design measures, continual coordination

with sub-consultants, and progress scheduling to keep the project

on track. We have found that our transparent and interactive project

management methodologies lead to a sense of partnership, trust and

positive team spirit, key elements to the most successful projects.

The unique nature of each of these projects is a direct outcome of the

nature or our client, their site, and their community.

3F i r m I n t r o d u c t i o n

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U r b a n I n f i l l M i x e d - U s e D e v e l o p m e n t

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5H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

CLIENT: M&D Properties (developer)

SCOPE: 58,000 square feet Full A/E services including space planning and tenant improvement design


Sited in the heart of old Pasadena at a prime corner site - Fair Oaks and Green Street - and diagonal from the renowned Green Hotel Apartments, the new building falls within a compound of historic buildings under a common ownership.

The existing buildings on the site held “façade easements,” and were smaller in scale than the proposed project.

The project addresses scale by following the precedent of the Green Hotel and the tall buildings further north at Fair Oaks and Colorado, essentially ‘bookending’ a block of smaller buildings. It further addresses scale and historic issues by stepping back from its historic neighbors, thereby creating an extension of Old Pasadena’s alley system in to midblock. The new restaurant and Class A office space will energize Green street and lightly hold the corner with a glassy, contemporary form that maintains the rhythms, textures, and guidelines of Old Pasadena.

O n e G r e e n S t r e e t M i x e d - U s e T O DM & D P r o p e r t i e s


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M o d e r n i s t T r a d i t i o n i n O l d P a s a d e n a

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7H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

F l e m i n g ’ s R e s t a u r a n tA r r o y o G r o u p , L L C

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E s t a b l i s h i n g a n U r b a n D a t u m

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9H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

Replacing the existing, abandoned Macy’s at the east end of this ever-changing mall, this project drives the east-west Paseo through to the city sidewalk system, flanked on one side by 6-story hotel and on the other by a 7-story mixed-use retail/residential building.

The project re-connects with Pasadena’s early 20th Century Bennett Plan, which envisioned Pasadena not as a quaint string of one and two-story buildings, but, rather, as a robust, growing cultural and economic center that would extend in all directions with the kind of 6 and 7 story datum line that marked the heart of pedestrian cities like Paris and Rome.

The design fuses a contemporary retail / restaurant program - broad expanses of 2-story glass - with the classically-focused spirit of the proximate Pasadena Civic Center. A series of emphatically vertical pavilions, stitched together with revealed balconies, are capped by weather-covered penthouse terraces.

P a s e o C o l o r a d o M i x e d - U s e D e v e l o p m e n tD D R C o r p o r a t i o n

CLIENT: DDR Corporation

SCOPE: 81 condominium units over 2 levels of retail, Colorado Boulevard / Los Robles Ave.


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R e d e f i n i n g H o s p i t a l i t y i n O l d P a s a d e n a

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11H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

H y a t t P l a c e H o t e lD D R C o r p o r a t i o n

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P r o v i d i n g P o w e r f u l I d e n t i t y

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13H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e


SCOPE: 180 keys, Fairoaks Avenue / Walnut Street


Located on a large transitional site that bridges historic Old Pasadena with the 210 freeway to the north, this 5-story hotel is of an overall mass and scale to provide powerful identity to the freeway, while maintaining articulation and detail appro-priate to pedestrian life.

Engaging the long narrow site with a series of linear pavilions, the project gestures to both the Mediterranean Revival and the classical roots of Old Pasadena, while retaining its own crisp and minimal character.

M a r r i o t t R e s i d e n c e I n n P a s a d e n aR D O l s o n

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P a s a d e n a Y M C A A d a p t i v e R e - U s e

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15M i x e d - U s e & H o s p i t a l i t y

Envisioning the rehabilitation of the City’s Julia Morgan’s YWCA Building property as an urban resort hotel, Gonzalez Goodale Architects partnered with Lowe Enterprises to plan and design the development of a 157 room hotel.

The design proposed satisfied the City’s needs and goals to:

• Develop a high quality commercial building and/or a use that was commensurate with its historic integrity

• Establish a long-term, market rate ground lease and/or sale of the YWCA Building/Site and the Water and Power site.

• Construct adequate parking facilities to meet the demand of both the YWCA and Water and Power sites.

• Serve as an added catalyst for continued economic growth and provide direct economic benefit to the City. ($2M Anually)

• Provide flexible ownership options for the City of Pasadena

• Comply with applicable plans and guidelines, including but not limited to: The Bennett Plan, Central District Specific Plan and applicable Design Guidelines.

C i t y o f P a s a d e n a

T h e H o t e l J u l i a

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F u s i n g T r a d i t i o n w i t h C o n t e m p o r a r y N e e d s

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17M i x e d - U s e & H o s p i t a l i t y

D a y s t r e e t A p a r t m e n t sL A F a m i l y H o u s i n g

This project is pocketed on a cul-de-sac with two- and three-story residential neighbors and abuts the back lots of commercial development along Tujunga’s Foothill Boulevard corridor. Craftsman-style architecture, a seminal response to building in Southern California foothills, is the primary architectural vocabulary of the neighborhood.

In addition to the special planning challenges of affordable supportive housing, (maximized economies, sociability, security, and support), local neighborhood groups advocated for sensitivity to the Craftsman style architecture. The charge to be mindful of this tradition—a style applied to single-family residences with a high level of articulation and craft—formed the principal challenge. Working with the natural topography, the design steps up from the street via a terraced courtyard, creating a high-volume space for the sidewalk-facing community functions. This massing serves as a counterpoint to the disciplined rhythms of the modular living units.

The individual expression of these units creates intimacy and warmth that fuses tradition with contemporary needs. Specifically responsive elements include the rhythmic detail of lap siding, balconies with bracketed eyebrows and wood slat rails, wood slat lattice screens around the courtyard, and casual rhythms of small and large windows. At a larger scale, the two main masses of the housing are broken in response to neighborhood massing and to create a major social node.

CLIENT: LA Family Housing

SCOPE: 30,500 square feet 47 efficiency units & 1 manager unit


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S u s t a i n a b i l i t y F o u n d A l o n g V a l l e y C o m m e r c i a l C o r r i d o r

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19M i x e d - U s e & H o s p i t a l i t y

S u s t a i n a b i l i t y F o u n d A l o n g V a l l e y C o m m e r c i a l C o r r i d o r

The project site is located in an area that is heavily car oriented, with a history of Mediterranean Revival architecture along its commercial corridors.

Palo Verde provides a permanent, secure housing environment for the chronically homeless with mental disabilities. It provides an identifiable home and a virtual ‘world’ of open space and community support within its site. The project conforms to community expectations of Mediterranean Revival architecture, while responding to both limited construction budgets and a commitment by developer and client for a fresh, contemporary architectural expression.

The residences center around an acoustically and visually controlled courtyard richly landscaped with Palo Verde trees. The spirit of tradition is achieved abstractly and affordably by this landscape richness, by projected Santa Barbara windows, and by a variegation of building wall planes.

Recipient of the 2012 Chairman’s AwardLos Angeles Business Council

Recipient of the 2012 Corporation for Supportive Housing Design Excellence Award

P a l o V e r d e A p a r t m e n t sL A F a m i l y H o u s i n g

CLIENT: LA Family Housing

SCOPE: 30,200 square feet 60 affordable units


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M E T R O T r a n s i t O r i e n t e d D e v e l o p m e n t

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21H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

CLIENT: Bridge Housing, East LA Community Corporation (ELACC)

SCOPE: 49 Units, 12,500sf retail - 5 stories over podium


Los Lirios – in concert with the adjacent Los Tulipanes and Cielito Lindo developments – will provide a comprehensively-design environment that avoids repetition and celebrates both social and formal diversity. It will benefit the First & Soto METRO station with quality habitation, vital pedestrian life, and iconic backdrop to the Plaza, and a dramatic gateway to all radial points.

It will be a project that both serves and expands METRO ridership by expanding the urban fabric in a way that is both vigorous and sensitive to the quality of city we are collaboratively creating.

L o s L i r i o s M i x e d - U s e D e v e l o p m e n t B r i d g e H o u s i n g / E a s t L A C o m m u n i t y C o r p o r a t i o n

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M E T R O T r a n s i t O r i e n t e d D e v e l o p m e n t

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23M i x e d - U s e & H o s p i t a l i t y

C i e l i t o L i n d o M i x e d - U s e D e v e l o p m e n t P h a s e 1 & 2

This project provides 50 units of permanent supportive housing for families that are homeless or at-risk of homelessness and that include children aged prenatal to 5 years. Along with one- and two-bedroom units, the project provides community spaces and resident services, including: large community room with kitchen and storage, laundry, open-air courtyard, resident service offices, on-site property manager and office, public lobby and on-site parking.

The proposed Cielito Lindo Phase II project is a new construction of an approximately 32,000 square foot mixed-use and transit oriented development adding to the already planned and designed Cielito Lindo development at the north east corner of 1st and Soto in East Los Angeles. The Phase II addendum will provide an additional 800 square feet of commercial space, 30 more affordable and supportive housing units, and joint-use community room and gardens

E a s t L A C o m m u n i t y C o r p o r a t i o n

CLIENT: East LA Community Corporation (ELACC)

SCOPE: 22,000sf, 50 units / 32,000sf, 30 Units

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G o l d l i n e T r a n s i t O r i e n t e d D e v e l o p m e n t

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25H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

This transit-oriented development is located on the east L.A. extension of the Metro Goldline, and situated between two Boyle Heights landmarks—El Mercado and the Evergreen Cemetery.

To offer community amenities desired by the neighborhood in a design that complements this highly visible intersection.

On the ground level, this project extends the line of commercial uses west along First Street. A transparent retail façade and entrances along First Street make this location inviting and identifiable during the day or night while a pronounced pedestrian entrance at the corner defines an urban edge. The first floor includes a lobby with a manager office, a variety of community rooms, residential services, and vertical circulation leading to the apartments above.

Here, the residential component wraps around a landscaped courtyard that provides a central outdoor, shared space open to the west towards the quiet, park-like space of Evergreen Cemetery.

1 s t a n d L o r e n a M i x e d - U s e D e v e l o p m e n tA C o m m u n i t y o f F r i e n d s

CLIENT: A Community of Friends

SCOPE: sixty-three affordable housing units; 5,000 sf retail space; semi-subterranean parking

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J o i n t - U s e A t h l e t i c F a c i l i t i e s

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27H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e


SCOPE: 70,000 square foot, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Activity & Workout Spaces, Teen

Center, Administration, and Community Meeting rooms


W e s t s i d e F a m i l y Y M C AY M C A

This groundbreaking joint-use project, a collaboration between the YMCA and LAUSD is sited at the southwest corner of University High School. Its ‘sister’ facility will be a gym and locker rooms to the east, allowing students, during weekdays, to share access to the gym and teen center, along with Y members. The project goals include maximizing synergy with the school gym; to celebrate the YMCA and its pool to the community without sacrificing a sense of security; and to build with a maximum of economy.

Taking advantage of the corner’s visual exposure to Santa Monica Boulevard, a vaulted roof shelters both entry and pool. The principal street side-wall of the pool is a green ‘living wall’ that creates a fresh garden setting for the building.

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R ichly Diverse Communit y Embodied in Bui ld ing Form

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29M i x e d - U s e & H o s p i t a l i t y

R ichly Diverse Communit y Embodied in Bui ld ing Form

This 15,000 square foot Community Center with a major performance/banquet hall, major active multi-purpose room, and multiple smaller, flexible activity rooms is set in Rowland Heights, a richly diverse community with Chinese, Latino, and Caucasian populations.

Through a series of widely attended community meetings, the Communities’ guiding principle emerged: Engender social cultural and generational engagement between diverse user groups in its public/circulation spaces, and should make all of its activity spaces inviting to all ages and cultures. In their unprecedented community process, the citizens were emphatic in wanting to both experience and express a new level of social discovery and unity in the character of their Community Center.

The dual, schismatic statement of the facility, and its knitting together around an elliptical court, (the ‘no-build’ territory under the power line), is a direct reflection of both the diversity of the community and its aspirations for increased synthesis. This is also embodied in the building form, which rises in volume and in cantilevered roof form to encompass the elliptical court.

Rowland Heights Communit y CenterCommunit y Development Commiss ion of Los Angeles Count y

CLIENT: Los Angeles County Community Development Commission

SCOPE: 18,000sf community center on 1.4 acre park


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T h e H e a r t o f t h e C o m m u n i t y

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31H o u s i n g M i x e d - U s e S o c i a l I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

P u b l i c L i b r a r y a n d P a r k C i t y o f M o n r o v i a

Nestled in 100 year old ‘Library Park,’ (with 100 year old surrounding trees), in the heart of Monrovia’s classical brick Old Town, this library is the 3rd in a succession that began with a Carnegie Library. The architecture and interiors were both charged with holding the regard for these traditions, while also achieving a number of wholly contemporary goals: employment of highly sustainable materials, comprehensive interior day-lighting, and presentation of the library as an enlivening public place.

The synthesis of traditions and contemporary goals was achieved through the building’s low-slung and a-stylistic intimacy with the park, its central clerestory lighting, its generosity of spatial character, and its use of renewable materials (wood, cork) in composing a simple but rich tonal palette.

CLIENT: City of MonroviaSCOPE: 28,000 square feet - LEED SILVER Certified Full A/E services including interior design (FF&E); 2007-2010CONSTRUCTION BUDGET: $10M

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C i v i c I d e n t i t y i n a T e r r a c e d L a n d s c a p e

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33M i x e d - U s e & H o s p i t a l i t y

C i t y o f We s t l a k e V i l l a g e

W e s t l a k e V i l l a g e C i v i c C e n t e r

The site for Westlake Village’s civic center is located atop a terrace with challenging topography and panoramic mountain views. In addition to providing for the civic/cultural functions of Westlake Village, the design team was charged with bringing civic identity to a city noted for its civility and for its merger of both urban and rural values.

The principal challenge of the site was the achievement of urban and pedestrian civic generosity on a compact suburban site with a rich menu of program requirements: City Hall and Council Chamber, County Library, Community Meeting Rooms, Civic Square, Civic Garden, and surface parking.(wood, cork) in composing a simple but rich tonal palette.

In pursuit of a meaningful civic place, surface parking is located to a pair of stepped terraces behind the main civic center, with visitors and staff entering the civic center—rain and shine— through a common Civic Square and its arcade. The components of the civic center are arrayed in an “H”-shape, an extroverted hacienda form, with a glassy community living room/meeting room occupying the crossbar of the “H”, commanding breathtaking views over the landscape. The major finish materials—smooth finish ce-ment plaster, copper, natural wood, and stone—provide both informal warmth and civic durability.The roofed pavilion form of the architecture both emulates and provides views to the surrounding mountain terraces.

CLIENT: City of Westlake VillageSCOPE: 26,000 sf (library area 10,750 sf/city hall area 12,082 sf );Full A/E services including interior design (FF&E)

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C i v i c I d e n t i t y i n D o w n t o w n R e d e v e l o p m e n t

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C i t y H a l l & C i v i c P l a z aC i t y o f C u l v e r C i t y

The building replaced a small 1920’s city hall, which stood on one corner of the project site. The surrounding context was a rapidly re-developing downtown with an eclectic combination of brick Renaissance Revival and Mediterranean Revival buildings.

The design for a new City Hall in Culver City was the outcome of an invited design competition. The brief called for Mission Revival architecture and a guest surface park-ing lot for convenience. Implicit in any civic center design is the issue of civic identity.

We demonstrated that, by ‘sinking’ the visitor parking lot with garden openings to the subterranean level, the ground plane could be far better utilized for a Civic Square, which has come to powerfully represent the City’s identity. The project forms a “U” around this square, composed of both building mass and landscape. A tree-lined ‘Heritage Park’ forms one leg of the “U,” with the old city hall’s original façade forming a triumphal entry arch to one end of the park, and the Council Chamber anchoring the other end. A block-long, 3-story open air Public Gallery/Public Atrium monumentally addresses the Civic Square and Culver Boulevard.

CLIENT: City of Culver CitySCOPE: 83,000 square feet OF OFFICE SPACE, 1,900 square fOOt COUNCIL CHAMBERS

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Gonzalez Goodale architects135 WEST GREEN STREE T, SUITE 200PASADENA, CA 91105626.568.1428
