mittmedia - amazon s3 · 2019. 1. 28. · past future present providing the editorial staff with an...


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Page 1: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from


Page 2: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from


Page 3: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Mittmedia’s data platform is named Soldr.

The main objective is to solder different products and datasets together to drive

large scale innovation.

Page 4: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

From the perspective of the end user, Soldr is the driving factor behind the majority of content being exposed, regardless of what product and device the user is currently interacting through.

Autonomous publishing decisions are derived from data collected throughout the ecosystem.

Page 5: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Soldr uses three main data types:

Interactions, content and users

Page 6: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from


From a system perspective the platform enables digital product and business development within the Mittmedia ecosystem. Soldr extracts, transform and load data between different databases and subsystems.

Blackcap is the native mobile app platform and Sparrow is the foundation for Mittmedia’s news sites. In total well over 50 digital products. Tweakit is the distribution platform. Aracua is the content production suite for all editorial personnel. Reacher

is the ad platform used for all ad campaigns driven by target groups defined from user data.

Page 7: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from


Production unitProduction unit

External publicist

Production unit

Other tool

Soldr API

Content robot

Robot content provider

Soldr API

1. Content production

2. Company structure

3. Content intake

4. Content storage Soldr API

5. Platform

The data pipeline is based on a lean approach, optimized for scalability that makes it possible to integrate vendors not directly connected to the production process running within the organization.

This is the driving factor behind Mittmedia´s robot content distribution.

Page 8: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from


Soldr API

Manual Automated Personalized

Apps Sites

Non Mittmedia productsMittmedia products

External platforms


User data

3. Products

2. Product platform

1b. Distribution layer

1a. Content selection

4. Customer/user

5. Data feedback

Distribution of content and tracking of user interactions is a streamlined process, making the development of innovative news products to a large extent system independent. Every product team can chose its own tools, and rely on a standardized way of receiving content and

user data from the platform.

Page 9: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Using the platform to make a data driven organization innovate.

Page 10: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Super local mobile push notifications overview, driving new publishing strategies.

Page 11: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Used by the paid content executives board for quantifying market penetration on a municipality level, exposing potential innovation areas.

Page 12: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Showing consumption statistics, user acquisition and content scoring on an personal dashboard for more than 400 journalists in the editorial department of Mittmedia.

Page 13: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Providing the organization with dashboards showing regional user activity, which helps the content strategy team to plan for short term content creation.

Page 14: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Adeprimo 24


QlikviewIO Technologies Data Science

Reacher KPI Reports

NLP / Auto Categorization

Content Network

Activity Map

User Notifications

Mobile apps Sites


Content API Paywall Header Bidding Native Ads

Data Lake

Data Warehouse

Data models

System InterfacesPersonalization

Bootstrapping internal and external system development processes.

Page 15: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Innovating (and open sourcing) the content metadata structure Soldr, enabling auto tagging and auto classification of content, helping the journalists to free up time by speeding up the publishing process.

Page 16: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

A unified data structure have lead to several university research projects being done on Mittmedia content.

Page 17: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Building Markov Chains for paid content business development.

Page 18: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Time of day Day of week Current location Stress level Time since last session

Direct Social media Search engine Email Link referrer

Mobile app Website

Media type Metadata Age





Content Length Paywall

Logged in and paying

Age Home location

User type

Profile Product loyalty Origin Language

Logged in and not paying Paying and not logged in



Target group Persona

Production cost

Making user data accessible as a complete structure through different types of analytics and data science tools

Page 19: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Providing data scientists with high quality data, leading to award winning creative research.

Page 20: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Iterating curated datasets for building machine learning models used for churn prediction.

Page 21: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Providing dashboards linking user activity to published content.

Page 22: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Machine learning - content suggestion


interaction data

Editorial short term


Past Future


Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from the past and suggests future content production.

Page 23: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Finding correlation between acquisition and content efficiency.

Page 24: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Analysing user behaviour trends and forecasts using time series.

Page 25: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Soldr (and Mittmedia developers) always try to find new innovative contexts where the platform can deliver value.

Page 26: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Innovating the user experience

Page 27: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

By extracting and storing data in the platform the UX-department have a way model their research and to quantify their results. This leads to a overall more consistent user experience for the customers, spanning all digital products.

Page 28: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Behavioural data is used to create hypothesis about how a product is consumed, which is verified through surveys and user interviews.

Page 29: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Increased loyalty of the paying customer group because of a higher sense of relevance. Conversion, retention and thus monetisation.

Churn probability within the paying user group.

Project goals

4. Content demand1. Production 2. Storage of content supply 3. Distribution

The editorial staff produces content based on current events and user insights data.

Content is stored with a metadata structure.

The distribution of content is based on learnings about the user’s interests and behavior.

The users are divided in cluster groups based on behavioral data and the metadata connected to the content being consumed.


Use data insights to help journalists create more relevant content for the users..

Shorten the time between publishing and the peak of content consumption.

Making sure that individual users are exposed to the right content at the right time.

Measured by Average content performance. Storage time analysis (Lean six sigma).The amount of exposed content compared to the amount of consumed content, per user.

Content production chain

Soldr is the core foundation for all content personalization throughout the Mittmedia ecosystem. Any new product based on the platform can be personalized out-of-the-box.

Page 30: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

By mapping users to clusters defined both by interests and geography Mittmedia is able to experiment with niche content, such as house sales information.

Page 31: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

By fine tuning the super local push notifications, using data evaluation, the editorial staff is able to iterate the publishing strategy for mobile devices.

Page 32: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Personalization have lead to a more relevant start page, resulting in a higher click through rate.

Page 33: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Making target group data from Soldr accessible to the advertisement platform have completely re-invented the sales process, giving the salesforce a great tool but also exposing the end user much more relevant ads.

Page 34: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Newsletters are sent using the internal content recommendation engine, which have lead to several experimental approaches to content marketing and retention strategies.

Page 35: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Innovating and iterating product funnels by enabling complex swarm behavior models, through large and easily accessible datasets.

Page 36: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Making sure that content recommendations are optimized by A/B-testing spanning large groups of users and geographical regions.

Page 37: Mittmedia - Amazon S3 · 2019. 1. 28. · Past Future Present Providing the editorial staff with an easy-to-use interface to assist in planning what to publish. Soldr learns from

Clustering users for super local content personalization, using neural networks.