miti telah membuat keputusan dasar - · pdf fileexemption of duties for products destroyed by...

USUL-USUL BARU YANG D1TERIMA PADA MESYUARAT PANEL PERUNDINGAN KASTAM -SWASTA BIL 1/2009 NO. 1. Tajuk Usul Isu Cadangan FMM PERKARA · Exemption of Mandatory Standards on Imports of Iron and Steel for FZ and LMW · FMM · The Government had with effect from November 15, 2008, removed the import licenses for 57 tariffs codes and exempted the import duty for 54 tariffs codes of iron and steel products. However, the importation of 57 tariff codes of iron and steel products would now require a Certificate of Approval (GoA) issued by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for construction sector and Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) for non-construction sector. As part of its efforts to ensure that exports are not affected by the new ruling, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry had on December 30, 2008 agreed to provide exemption of the mandatory standards on iron and steel products imported by Free Zones (FZ) and Licensed Manufacturing Warehouses (LMW) which are 100 per cent for the export market. : Although the announcement was made in December 2008, to date LMW and FZ companies who export 100 per cent are still subject to TINDAKAN JKDM MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar bahawa dagangan yang di import oleh syarikat LMW dan syarikat yang beroperasi di FZ akan dikecualikan dari mengemukan Certificate of Approval (CoA) dari SIRIM & CIOB bagi dagangan besi keluli seperti Butiran 1 kepada Jadual 4, Bahagian III Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) 2008 yang akan dipinda. Perlaksanaan akan dibuat selepas MITI,SIRIM-&-CIOB bersetuju dengan senarai dagangan besi keluli yang baru dan pindaan dibuat keatas Butiran 1 kepada Jadual 4, Bahagian III Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) 2008

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Page 1: MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar - · PDF fileExemption of duties for products destroyed by fire : FMM : Currently in the event of a fire, companies are required to pay duties on



1. Tajuk



Cadangan FMM


· Exemption of Mandatory Standards on Imports of Iron and Steel for FZ and LMW


· The Government had with effect from November 15, 2008, removed the import licenses for 57 tariffs codes and exempted the import duty for 54 tariffs codes of iron and steel products. However, the importation of 57 tariff codes of iron and steel products would now require a Certificate of Approval (GoA) issued by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for construction sector and Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) for non-construction sector.

As part of its efforts to ensure that exports are not affected by the new ruling, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry had on December 30, 2008 agreed to provide exemption of the mandatory standards on iron and steel products imported by Free Zones (FZ) and Licensed Manufacturing Warehouses (LMW) which are 100 per cent for the export market.

: Although the announcement was made in December 2008, to date LMW and FZ companies who export 100 per cent are still subject to


MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar bahawa dagangan yang di import oleh syarikat LMW dan syarikat yang beroperasi di FZ akan dikecualikan dari mengemukan Certificate of Approval (CoA) dari SIRIM & CIOB bagi dagangan besi keluli seperti Butiran 1 kepada Jadual 4, Bahagian III Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) 2008 yang akan dipinda. Perlaksanaan akan dibuat selepas MITI,SIRIM-&-CIOB bersetuju dengan senarai dagangan besi keluli yang baru dan pindaan dibuat keatas Butiran 1 kepada Jadual 4, Bahagian III Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) 2008

Page 2: MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar - · PDF fileExemption of duties for products destroyed by fire : FMM : Currently in the event of a fire, companies are required to pay duties on


mandatory standards on their imports of iron and steel.

Customs to develop clear guidelines to enable companies with LMW and FZ status to enjoy this exemption .


Page 3: MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar - · PDF fileExemption of duties for products destroyed by fire : FMM : Currently in the event of a fire, companies are required to pay duties on


2. Tajuk



Cadangan FMM


: Exemption of duties for products destroyed by fire


: Currently in the event of a fire, companies are required to pay duties on raw materials imported under Section 14/2 which have been destroyed by fire. Companies are allowed to claim refund of the duty from Treasury at a later stage.

: To assist the company to recover from the loss of the raw materials .due to the fire, it is suggested that Customs / Treasury consider allowing the company to apply for duty remission from Treasury without requiring for duties to be paid in advance.


Bagi dagangan bahan mentah yang telah mendapat pengecualian di bawah Seksyen 14(2) Akta Kastam 1967 dan Sekyen 10 Akta Cukai Jualan 1972 duti import dan cukai jualan tidak perlu dituntut jikalau dimusnahkan oleh kebakaran dalam premis syarikat melainkan terdapat syarat yang dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam pemberian pengecualian tersebut bahawa duti I cukai perlu di pungut.

Page 4: MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar - · PDF fileExemption of duties for products destroyed by fire : FMM : Currently in the event of a fire, companies are required to pay duties on


3. Tajuk



Cadangan FMM


: Shortage of Tax Stamps for Local Liquor Sales


: Due to the shortage of tax stamps, local liquor manufacturers are not able to sell their products to the local market. This has also caused a negative impact on business operations of local liquor bottle manufacturers and ethanol producers.

: Customs is requested to increase the issuance of the tax stamps to cater to the volume of local sales.


Masalah kekurangan "tax stamps" adalah kerana kontrak lama dengan pembekal telah tamat. Walaubagaimanapun kontrak baru bagi membekalkan "tax stamps" telah diluluskan oleh Perbendaharaan. Sebahagian bekalan "tax stamps" akan sampai minggu kedua bulan oktober 2009 dan sebahagian lagi minggu ke empat bulan oktober 2009.

Page 5: MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar - · PDF fileExemption of duties for products destroyed by fire : FMM : Currently in the event of a fire, companies are required to pay duties on


4. Tajuk




Cadangan FMM


: Customs Correspondence With Companies


: It is a normal practice for Customs to send letters to companies seeking clarifications on queries or requesting for additional supporting documents. Companies are given a deadline of between 5 ­14 days to respond to letters from Customs.

As the letters are sent by normal post, some letters may not reach the company in time for the recipient to respond within the deadline stipulated. Failure· to reply to Customs within the stipulated period would attract penalties.

: It is suggested that Customs fax and e-mail the letters to the companies in order for the company to have more time to revert to Customs.


Surat arahan kepada semua Pengarah-Pengarah Ibu Pejabat dan Pengarah Kastam Negeri termasuk Ketua Kastam Daerah telah dikeluarkan pada 13 oktober 2009 supaya surat menyurat JKDM kepada pelanggan atau syarikat yang memerlukan maklumbals atau dokumen sokongan hendaklah disusuli dengan fax dan email.

Disertakan surat bertarikh 13.10.2009

No.Ruj : KE.HG(85)769 I 04KIt.9 (21)

Page 6: MITI telah membuat keputusan dasar - · PDF fileExemption of duties for products destroyed by fire : FMM : Currently in the event of a fire, companies are required to pay duties on


5.� Tajuk�



Cadangan MIA


·� Letters/Applicatiuns Submitted To Customs

·� MIA

·� Currently, Customs do not issue any letter to acknowledge the receipt of letters/applications submitted (except for the applications for customs rulings and refund) although such action has been promised many a time.

It is proposed that Customs issue the letter of acknowledgement for all letters/applications submitted and indicate in such letter the name of the officer assigned to process the same (plus the names of 2 immediate seniors). This would facilitate the follow up subsequently.


Surat arahan kepada semua Pengarah­Pengarah Ibu Pejabat dan Pengarah Kastam Negeri termasuk Ketua Kastam Daerah telah dikeluarkan pada 13 oktober 2009 supaya semua surat-surat makluman dan permohonan yang diterima daripada pelanggan atau syarikat hendaklah dijawab dengan surat akaun terima dan disertakan juga nama pegawai dan penolong yang bertanggungjawab dengan hal yang berkaitan.

Disertakan surat bertarikh 13.10.2009

No.Ruj : KE.HG(85)769 / 04KIt.9 (22)