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Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft E. A. Brener Institut für Festkörperforschung, Pattern formation during diffusion limited transformations in solids

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E. A. Brener

Institut für Festkörperforschung,

Pattern formation during diffusion limited transformations in solids


‣ Solid-solid transformations

‣ Numerical methods

‣ Model studies

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

Diffusional phase transitions

‣ Thermal diffusion

‣ Heat conservation

‣ (Local) phase equilibrium

dimensionless temperature:diffusion constant:

capillary length:latent heat:

The chemical potential depends on the elastic state


E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

‣ Displacements coherent at interface

‣ Free energy of reference- and new phase (sum convention!)

‣ Eigenstrain: dilatational or shear

Solid-solid phase transitions

Figure 1: Coherent interface with dilatational eigenstrain

Figure 2: Hexagonal to orthorhombic transition

Displacement field: Strain tensor:

Elastic constants:

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

Treating the moving boundary problem

‣ Free growth: Boundary integral method

‣ closed formulation requires symmetrical model

‣ mapping the interface-strain-jump to force density

‣ Channel growth: Phase field technic

‣ phase field with bulk values

‣ smooth interface with width

‣ solve equations of motion in the hole computational area

Figure 4: Phase field of a growing finger

Figure 3: Steady state free growth of a bicrystal

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

Boundary integral method

Figure 3: Steady state free growth of a bicrystal

‣ Eigenstrain mapped to force density

‣ Integral representation

‣ Elastic hysteresis

‣ Steady state interface equation

‣ : Control prameter ; Driving force ; EigenvaluePeclet number ; modified Bessel function

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

Phase field modeling

‣ Free energy functional

‣ Free energy density ( )

‣ Phase field kinetics

‣ Elastodynamics ( mass density)‣ Thermal diffusion

Figure 5: Double well potential:

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

Channel growth

‣ Elastic hystereses shift

‣ Heat conservation

‣ Critical phase fraction

Figure 6: Single crystal and bicrystal setup

Strength of elastic effects:

Type of eigenstrain:

Thermal insulation - fixed Thermal insulation - fixed displ.displ.

Thermal insulation - fixed Thermal insulation - fixed displ.displ.

Thermal insulation - stress Thermal insulation - stress freefree

Thermal insulation - stress Thermal insulation - stress freefree

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

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Dilatational eigenstrain

‣ No steady state solution in free space

‣ Found two different steady state patterns in finite channel

‣ Symmetrical finger

‣ Parity broken finger

‣ Velocity selection by the channel

Figure 8: first order phase transition: symmetrical- to parity broken finger

Figure 7: Single crystal growth

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

Single crystal: Free growth

‣ Mixed mode eigenstrains

‣ Found steady state solution in free space

‣ Velocity selection by elasticity is much more effective then by e.g. anisotropy

‣ Elasticity

‣ Anisotropy

Figure 9: Single crystal free growth results

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

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Single crystal: Channel growth

‣ Eigenstrain orthogonal to the growth direction:

‣ Velocity selection by elasticity much more effective then by the channel

‣ Good quantitative agreement between the two methods

➡Phase field confirms dynamic stability of the BI-solution

‣ Figure 11: first order phase transition: symmetrical- to parity broken finger

Figure 10: Single crystal growth

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

Bicrystal: Free growth

Figure 12: Growth of a bicrystal

‣ Hexagonal to orthorhombic transformation

‣ Found dendrite-like bicrystal solution in free space

‣ found also solution with a „week triple junction“

➡ Selection by elasticity

‣ Recover bicrystal with phase field method

Reminder: Hexagonal to orthorhombic transition

E.Brener, Institut für Festkörperforschung

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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Bicrystal growth

Figure 13: Growth of a bicrystal

Figure 14: first order phase transition: single- to twinned bicrystal finger

‣ Found dendrite-like bicrystal solution in free space (by boundary integral technic)

‣ Recover bicrystal with phase field method

➡Indication of a dynamically stable solution

‣ For shear eigenstrain with 10% dilatation, found transition to twinned finger

‣ Comparison of growth velocities shows very nice agreement


‣ Solid-solid transformations

‣ Elastic effects

‣ Diffusional phase transitions

‣ Two complementary methods

‣ Free growth: boundary integral

‣ Channel growth: Phase field

‣ Model study

‣ Single crystal

‣ Bicrystal