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11/2017 VOL. 12, NO. 10 “Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” Jude 3. —Continued on page 3 Patriotism itself is love of country—the country of one’s birth, or of one’s adoption by naturalization. Christian patriotism then, being Christian love of country, can be nothing else than the love of the coun- try of his Christian birth. But the Christian birth is the new birth—being “born again,” which is being “born from above.” And this “above,” the place from which the Christian is born, is heaven. Heaven then is the Christian’s country! And even so with the Scripture: “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Gal. 3:29. And to Abraham it was said, “Get thee out of thy country, . . . into the land that I will show thee..” He obeyed, and thenceforth he and all his “confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. ...They desire a better country; that is an heavenly.” Hebrews 11:18-16. Christian patriotism is nothing else than love of the heavenly coun- try. True patriotism is the love of one's country above all other coun- tries: so much so that the true patriot willingly lays down his life for his country. Christian patriotism, then, is the love of the heavenly country above all other countries: so much so that the true Christian will will- ingly lay down his life for this his country. True patriotism is “the spirit that originating in love of country, prompts to obedience to its laws; to the support and defense of its existence, rights, and institutions; and to the promotion of its welfare.” ...Christian patriotism is nothing else than the spirit that prompts to obedience to its laws; to the support and defense of its existence, rights, and institu- tions; and to the promotion of its welfare. The spirit that, as to the Chris- tian, originates in the love of the Christian’s country, is none other than the Holy Spirit. For without being born again, there can be no Christian; and there being no Christian, there can be no love of the Christian’s country—no Christian patriotism. And being born again is to be born of the Spirit. Therefore without the Holy Spirit’s creating the new creature and the new life, there can be no Christian patriotism. Are you a George Zabelka, a Catholic chaplain with the U.S. Air Force, served as a priest for the airmen who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, and gave them God’s blessing. Days later he counseled an airman who had flown a low-level reconnais- sance flight over the city of Nagasaki shortly after the detonation of “Fat Man.” The man described how thousands of scorched, twisted bodies writhed on the ground in the final throes of death, while those still on their feet wandered aimlessly in shock—flesh seared, melted, and falling off. The crewman’s description raised a stifled cry from the depths of Zabelka’s soul: “My God, what have we done?” Over the next 20 years, he gradually came to believe that he had been terribly wrong, that he had denied the very foundations of his faith by lending moral and religious support to the bombing of Hiroshima and Na- gasaki. Zabelka died in 1992,. We must never forget testimony. It is an expression of repentance that we’ll witness more often in the future. If a soldier came to me and asked if he could put a bullet through a child’s head, I would have said, absolutely not. That would be mortally Continued on page 4 The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded by New England paci- fists with intellectual and spiritual roots in the Anabaptist Reforma- tion . In the first 60 years of the movement’s history—from its or- ganization in 1863 until the death of its prophetess, Ellen White, in 1915—Adventism was committed to nonviolence. This commitment was both formally stated and rigorously practiced by early Adventists. On May 23, 1865, the Review & Herald published a General Conference resolution “as a truthful representation of the views held by us from the beginning of our existence as a people, relative to bearing arms.” The document— composed in the aftermath of a war that had caused many abolitionists to abandon their earlier pacifism—affirmed a legitimate role for the civil government, but declared that Adventists, as a people, are “compelled to decline all participation in acts of war and bloodshed as being inconsistent with the duties enjoined upon us by our divine Master toward our enemies and toward all mankind.” During the Spanish-American War of 1898-1899, Adventists thus emerged as outspoken critics of America’s imperial foreign policy. In opposition to other prominent churches that embraced the war as a Christianizing and civilizing campaign, they pointed to the glaring in- consistency of linking the cross with militarism of any sort. Poland's leading Catholic bishop has spoken out in favour of an almost com- plete ban on shops opening on Sunday, amid growing public controversy over the proposal. “Free Sundays are what all Catholics, non-Catholics and non-believers need,” Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki told Polish Radio ahead of a meeting of the Bishops Conference on Friday, which is ex- pected to support the ban. The idea was put forward last year by the powerful Solidarity trade union, backed by a million-strong petition, and has been batted back and forth in a parliamentary subcommittee ever since. The clerics are careful to base their argument on quality of life rather than religious grounds. But there is strong opposition to the proposal in many circles. The latest poll for the TVN 24 news channel in March showed a clear 59% in fa- vour of keeping shops open and only 35% for the ban, which would inci- dentally allow Sunday trading seven days a year. Piotr Mazurkiewicz, who writes on the economy for the heavy-eight Rzeczpospolita daily, says “no one should be under any illusion” that lucrative shopping tour- ism from Germany and Scandinavia would be hard hit, as most foreign shoppers head to Poland at the weekend. Jan. 1, 2018 was mentioned as the target date of implementation. From: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-41025700 ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS? From: A Brief History of SDA Involvement in War By Ronald Osborn BLESSING THE BOMBS By George Zabelka Edited from: www.plough.com/en/topics/justice/nonviolence/blessing-the-bombs A Catholic priest blessing grenade launch- ers in Poland— 1936. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN PATRIOTISM? From: R&H, August 22, 1899 by A.T. Jones Polish Bishops for Total Ban on Sunday Shopping Is a Christian Patriot just like a Muslim Patriot? Read the truth: Is this a picture of a true Christian Patriot? Continued on page 3—

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11/2017 VOL. 12, NO. 10 “Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” Jude 3.

—Continued on page 3

Patriotism itself is love of country—the country of one’s birth, or of one’s adoption by naturalization. Christian patriotism then, being Christian love of country, can be nothing else than the love of the coun-try of his Christian birth. But the Christian birth is the new birth—being “born again,” which is being “born from above.” And this “above,” the place from which the Christian is born, is heaven. Heaven then is the Christian’s country! And even so with the Scripture: “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Gal. 3:29. And to Abraham it was said, “Get thee out of thy country, . . . into the land that I will show thee..” He obeyed, and thenceforth he and all his “confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. ...They desire a better country; that is an heavenly.” Hebrews 11:18-16. Christian patriotism is nothing else than love of the heavenly coun-try. True patriotism is the love of one's country above all other coun-tries: so much so that the true patriot willingly lays down his life for his country. Christian patriotism, then, is the love of the heavenly country above all other countries: so much so that the true Christian will will-ingly lay down his life for this his country. True patriotism is “the spirit that originating in love of country, prompts to obedience to its laws; to the support and defense of its existence, rights, and institutions; and to the promotion of its welfare.” ...Christian patriotism is nothing else than the spirit that prompts to obedience to its laws; to the support and defense of its existence, rights, and institu-tions; and to the promotion of its welfare. The spirit that, as to the Chris-tian, originates in the love of the Christian’s country, is none other than the Holy Spirit. For without being born again, there can be no Christian; and there being no Christian, there can be no love of the Christian’s country—no Christian patriotism. And being born again is to be born of the Spirit. Therefore without the Holy Spirit’s creating the new creature and the new life, there can be no Christian patriotism. Are you a

George Zabelka, a Catholic chaplain with the U.S. Air Force, served as a priest for the airmen who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, and gave them God’s blessing. Days later he counseled an airman who had flown a low-level reconnais-sance flight over the city of Nagasaki shortly after the detonation of “Fat Man.” The man described how thousands of scorched, twisted bodies writhed on the ground in the final throes of death, while those still on their feet wandered aimlessly in shock—flesh seared, melted, and falling off. The crewman’s description raised a stifled cry from the depths of Zabelka’s soul: “My God, what have we done?” Over the next 20 years, he gradually came to believe that he had been terribly wrong, that he had denied the very foundations of his faith by lending moral and religious support to the bombing of Hiroshima and Na-gasaki. Zabelka died in 1992,. We must never forget testimony. It is an expression of repentance that we’ll witness more often in the future. If a soldier came to me and asked if he could put a bullet through a child’s head, I would have said, absolutely not. That would be mortally

—Continued on page 4

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded by New England paci-fists with intellectual and spiritual roots in the Anabaptist Reforma-tion . In the first 60 years of the movement’s history—from its or-ganization in 1863 until the death of its prophetess, Ellen White, in 1915—Adventism was committed to nonviolence. This commitment was both formally stated and rigorously practiced by early Adventists. On May 23, 1865, the Review & Herald published a General Conference resolution “as a truthful representation of the views held by us from the beginning of our

existence as a people, relative to bearing arms.” The document—composed in the aftermath of a war that had caused many abolitionists to abandon their earlier pacifism—affirmed a legitimate role for the civil government, but declared that Adventists, as a people, are “compelled to decline all participation in acts of war and bloodshed as being inconsistent with the duties enjoined upon us by our divine Master toward our enemies and toward all mankind.”

During the Spanish-American War of 1898-1899, Adventists thus emerged as outspoken critics of America’s imperial foreign policy. In opposition to other prominent churches that embraced the war as a Christianizing and civilizing campaign, they pointed to the glaring in-consistency of linking the cross with militarism of any sort.

Poland's leading Catholic bishop has spoken out in favour of an almost com-plete ban on shops opening on Sunday, amid growing public controversy over the proposal. “Free Sundays are what all Catholics, non-Catholics and

non-believers need,” Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki told Polish Radio ahead of a meeting of the Bishops Conference on Friday, which is ex-pected to support the ban. The idea was put forward last year by the powerful Solidarity trade union, backed by a million-strong petition, and has been batted back and forth in a parliamentary subcommittee ever since. The clerics are careful to base their argument on quality of life rather than religious grounds. But there is strong opposition to the proposal in many circles. The latest poll for the TVN 24 news channel in March showed a clear 59% in fa-vour of keeping shops open and only 35% for the ban, which would inci-dentally allow Sunday trading seven days a year. Piotr Mazurkiewicz, who writes on the economy for the heavy-eight Rzeczpospolita daily, says “no one should be under any illusion” that lucrative shopping tour-ism from Germany and Scandinavia would be hard hit, as most foreign shoppers head to Poland at the weekend. Jan. 1, 2018 was mentioned as the target date of implementation. From: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-41025700

ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS? From: A Brief History of SDA Involvement in War

By Ronald Osborn


Edited from: www.plough.com/en/topics/justice/nonviolence/blessing-the-bombs

A Catholic priest blessing grenade launch-ers in Poland—1936.

WHAT IS CHRISTIAN PATRIOTISM? From: R&H, August 22, 1899 by A.T. Jones

Polish Bishops for Total Ban on Sunday Shopping

Is a Christian Patriot just like a Muslim Patriot? Read the truth:

Is this a picture of a true Christian Patriot?

Continued on page 3—

“Just seen your TV show for the first time Love It! Can I please get a subscription to your paper to address below. God bless you and your ministry!” E.T., State Unknown.

“Here is tithe money to go to the living minister! May the Lord work on the plan of multiplication! Thank you for all that you do to keep the gospel flame alive! Sincerely,” S.C., Arizona. “Thank you for working so diligently, trying to get the Gospel out into this evil world. I pray for added strength for you and your advocates, who are working so hard right beside of you. People, our Saviour is watching everything you do, every day of your life.” P.B.. USA. “Thanks for proclaiming the 3Angels’ Messages. I am praying for the ministry, and please pray for my family as well. I am sending two M.O. for tithe/donation. Thanks again.” C.H., Georgia.

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If you wish to receive a free subscription of this publication, please con-tact our office at: PO Box 15138, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Or call 1-800-769-2150. Our email: [email protected]

The Eternal Gospel Herald is published from West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, by the Eternal Gospel Church, a ministry that was founded in 1992 by Seventh-day Adventist believers to bring true, genuine, world-wide revival and refor-mation by proclaiming the Third Angel’s Message. The Eternal Gospel Herald is sent to you free of charge, with much love, work, and sacrifice. Every effort is made to insure the accuracy of the infor-mation contained herein. This publica-tion is printed to communicate the issues and subjects pertaining solely to the de-velopment and fulfillment of the third angel’s message and the advancement of

Christ’s character in the lives of God’s faithful people. We hope and pray that you will not only enjoy it but that it will be informative and spiritually enlightening to all of you.

Ministry Needs—Our ministry is always in great need of your prayers and your financial support. The radio programs that we are conducting at large in English, Spanish, and French, the work of the billboards in different parts of the country, the full-page newspaper ads, the literature work, the prison ministry, the Oklahoma Projects, the foreign missions, the Eternal Gospel Herald, the TV Programs and all other missionary activi-ties—all these require a lot of funds. It is by the grace of God and the help of all of you that we are still moving forward with the proclamation of Three Angels’ Messages. May God help us all to remain faithful until the end. God bless you.

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page 2 the eternal gospel herald — volume 12, no. 10

ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear Brethren: We know that Satan hates the work that by God’s grace He has called us to do with the TV, radio, newspapers and billboards. Satan always tries to hurt and even destroy this solemn work for this

end-times. So thank you for all your faithful, encouraging support. We are also thankful for a faithful and loyal couple who have devised a plan

to help our ministry regain our financial footing. They are willing to MATCH ANY AND ALL OFFERINGS UP TO $100,000.00!

This means that your gifts whatever the size will be matched by another donation of the same size until that total is made up!

Your donation, automatically doubled, will be a wonderful help and sup-port the Voice of the Eternal Gospel through the TV and radio pro-

grams, billboards, newspaper ads, and literature work. Just the TV program alone costs way over $100,000.00 every year.

Thank you for your support and may God bless you.

We praise the Lord for His blessings on the Camp Meetings this Fall. The speakers at the English camp meeting were (from left to right as pictured) Aaron Mauk, Jose Rivera, Raymond Sapian, myself, and Pas-tor Maurice Berry, the main speaker. The theme of his meetings was the Matthew 25 parable—the Wise and the Foolish—and how this par-able relates to the final Loud Cry. It was nice to see quite a few new people come. More new people are adding the camp meeting to their schedules. We had over 150 at the English camp meeting and over 200 at the Spanish one. The weather was perfect and just the right tempera-ture. All things were in order thanks to the Br. & Sister Santos and their family. Excellent vegan meals were served for free! Even the rooms to sleep in were provided without charge. We thank all who could give a donation to offset the expenses to hold these twice-a-year meetings. After the English camp meet-ing this Spring there will be a 3-Day Health Cleanse & Medical Missionary Training Session. Call the office to hold you a spot if U R interested.

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the eternal gospel herald — volume 12, no. 10 page 3

II—FROM CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS TO NON-COMBATANTS: From Ellen White’s death in 1915 on, however, the conscientious objector stand of the early church rapidly eroded. Follow-ing World War I the Adventist commitment to not taking life remained largely intact, yet church leaders increasingly described Adventists not as conscientious objectors but as “conscientious cooperators.” The con-sensus of the new generation was that it was no longer the church’s role to question the rightness of US military adventures or foreign policy so long as Adventist soldiers were allowed to continue in their peculiar commitment to Sabbath observance.

It was in this spirit of patriotic cooperation with the government that the Adventist Medical Cadet Corp was created in 1934. The Corp sought to prove that good SDA’s were also “good Americans,” eager and willing to serve in the military, albeit in noncombatant roles. [In 1950—Pathfinders were founded—akin to the Boy Scouts—youth prepared for military service.] The Corp [and the Pathfinders] thus helped to instill in a generation of young Adventists a love for the military jack-boot and bivouac, and the belief that it is honorable to serve power for the sake of order. During World War II Adventists proudly answered the call to duty in the United States, but also, and more disconcertingly, in Nazi Germany. While Protestant leaders of other denominations [especially the Re-formed SDAs and JW’s] resisted fascism at considerable cost—the firing squad—there was no Adventist “Confessing Church,” and up to the out-break of the war Adventists even in America spoke of Hitler in positive terms as a fellow vegetarian concerned with matters of bodily hygiene. Whereas Adventist complicity in the Nazi onslaught, as well as the hor-rors of the Allied bombing campaign, might have sparked a recommit-ment to the nonviolent principles of the church’s pioneers, Adventists from the 1950s on generally saw World War II as a vindication of vio-lence for a just cause. The idea that loyalty to God and loyalty to the military were fully compatible became powerfully entrenched in the minds of many Adventists, particularly in North America. Pockets of believers in Germany and other European countries retained the older ethics of nonviolence; and Russia’s True and Free Adventists heroically resisted Soviet totalitarianism in defense of freedom and hu-man rights. But these pacifists—whose convictions placed them firmly in the tradition of the church’s founders—were disavowed and cast out by presiding church officials. With a burgeoning network of health and educational institutions, and ambitious evangelistic campaigns around the world, maintaining good relations with government authorities now took precedence over the words of Jesus and any political dissent. With more and more Adventist chaplains rising in military rank, the church was already too deeply invested in the military as an institution to seriously question the logic of violence, or the rightness of American foreign policies abroad. The title of the Adventist chaplaincy’s newslet-ter, For God and Country, revealed just how far pietism and patriotism had come to be wedded in the thinking of church leaders. III—NON-COMBATANTS & ARMED COMBATANTS: By the time of the Vietnam War the Adventist position had thus fragmented into incoherency. Some Adventists evaded the draft, others entered as non-combatant medics, and others avoided direct military action by volun-teering as human guinea pigs in Project White Coat—a research program with links to the US biological weapons laboratories at Fort Detrick, MD. During the Vietnam war significant numbers of Adventists, encour-aged by church officials to perform their patriotic duty according to “the dictates of their conscience”, also picked up guns and, for the first time, began to kill according to the dictates of government planners. In view of the vociferous Adventist response to the Spanish-American war, the silence of the church during the war in Indochina—and particu-larly the silence of those chaplains closest to the unfolding catastro-phe—marked a stunning reversal in Adventism’s

sinful. But in 1945 I was at the largest airfield in the world. Three planes a minute could take off around the clock. Many of these planes went to Japan with the express purpose of slaughtering hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of children and civilians—and I said nothing.

I was brainwashed! It never entered my mind to protest publicly the consequences of these massive air raids. I was told it was necessary—told openly by the military and told implicitly by my church’s leadership. (To the best of my knowledge no U.S. cardinal or bishop opposed these mass air raids. Si-lence in such matters is a stamp of approval.) I struggled. I argued. But there it was in the Sermon on the Mount, very clear: “Love your enemies. Re-

turn good for evil.” I went through a crisis of faith. Either accept what Christ said, as unpassable and silly as it may seem, or deny Him com-pletely. For the last 1700 years the church has not only been making war re-spectable: it has been inducing people to believe it is an honorable pro-fession, an honorable Christian profession. This is not true. We have been brainwashed. This is a lie. I was there. I saw real war. Those who have seen real war will bear me out. I assure you, it is not of Christ. It is not Christ’s way. There is no way to conduct real war in conformity with the teachings of Jesus. There is no way to train people for real war in conformity with the teachings of Jesus. The morality of the balance of terrorism is a morality that Christ never taught. The ethics of mass butchery cannot be found in the teachings of Jesus. In Just War ethics, Jesus Christ, who is supposed to be all in the Christian life, is irrelevant. He might as well never have existed. In Just War ethics, no appeal is made to him or his teaching, be-cause no appeal can be made to him or his teaching, for neither he nor his teaching gives standards for Christians to follow in order to deter-mine what level of slaughter is acceptable. So the world is watching today. Ethical hairsplitting over the morality of various types of instruments of mass slaughter is not what the world needs from the church. What the world needs is a grouping of Chris-tians that will stand up and pay up with Jesus Christ. What the world needs is Christians who, in language that the simplest soul could understand, will proclaim: The follower of Christ cannot participate in mass slaughter. He or she must love as Christ loved, live as Christ lived and, if necessary, die as Christ died, loving ones enemies. For the 300 years immediately following Jesus’ resurrection, the church universally saw Christ and his teaching as nonviolent. Remember there were at least three serious attempts by pagan Rome to liquidate her. It was subject to horrendous and ongoing torture and death. If ever there was an occasion for justified retaliation and defensive slaughter, this was it. The Roman state and their military had turned the citizens against Christians and were embarked on a murderous public policy of exterminating the Christian community. Yet the church insisted with-out reservation that when Christ disarmed Peter he disarmed all Christians. Christians understood that if they would only follow Christ and his teaching, they couldn’t fail. Today the world is on the brink of ruin because the church refuses to be the church, because we Christians have been deceiving ourselves and the non-Christian world about the truth of Christ. There is no way to follow Christ, to love as Christ loved, and simultaneously to kill other people. It is a lie to say that the spirit that moves the trigger of a flamethrower is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. It is a lie to say that learning to kill is learning to be Christ-like. It is a lie to say that learn-ing to drive a bayonet into the heart of another is motivated from hav-ing put on the mind of Christ. Militarized Christianity is a lie. Now, brothers and sisters, on the anniversary of this terrible atrocity carried out by Christians, I must be the first to say that I made a terrible mistake. I was had by the father of lies. I participated in the big ecu-menical lie of the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches. [The RC Church was the first to sponsor many military crusades] I wore the uniform. I was part of the system. When I said Mass over there I put on those beautiful vestments over my uniform. (When Father Dave Becker left the Trident submarine base in 1982 and resigned as Catholic chaplain there, he said, “Every time I went to Mass in my uniform and put the vestments on over my uniform, I couldn’t help but think of the words of Christ applying to me: Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.”) As an Air Force chaplain I painted a machine gun in the loving hands of the nonviolent Jesus, —Continued on page 4.

—Continued From Page 1—“Onward Christian Soldiers?”

George Zabelka, Catholic Chaplain

—Continued from page 1—”Blessing the Bombs.”

—Continued on page 4.

page 4 the eternal gospel herald — volume 12, no. 10

—Continued from page 1—”What is a Christian Patriot?”

historic identity. Through the carpet-bombing with napalm of hundreds of thousands of defenseless villagers; through the countless acts of bru-tality and depredation against unarmed civilians; through the dumping of millions of gallons of arsenic-based herbicides on Vietnamese crops and people—through all of this Adventists spoke not a word.

In the post-Vietnam era, thousands of Adventists voluntarily joined the US armed forces as full combatants. Adventist chaplains were recruited to minister to these fighters “without passing judgment,” which in turn encouraged more Adventists to enlist. During the 1990s and at start of the 21st century, the collapse of the his-toric Adventist ethic of nonviolence became apparent in other embar-rassing ways. In 1994 significant numbers of Adventist Hutus in Rwanda participated in the genocide of their Tutsi countrymen, includ-ing an estimated ten thousand Seventh-day Adventists. Through the 1990s hundreds of Karen Adventists engaged in a campaign of guerrilla warfare against the Burmese army with the goal of creating an autono-mous Karen nation. And in 2002 rival militias comprised largely of Ad-ventists fought for control of the government of the Solomon Islands.

The September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States saw the final denouement of Adventism as a prophetic movement that could not be co-opted by nationalistic crusades. SDA Churches from coast to coast reflexively wrapped themselves in the flag, no different from the rest of evangelical America. Sligo Church in Washington, DC featured a Vet-eran’s Day service in which a military honor guard marched down the center aisle with bolt-action rifles gripped to their chests. At a camp-meeting in Northern California, a patriotic song service was followed by a 21 gun salute with live ammunition. And near the end of the Ameri-can bombing campaign in Afghanistan, the General Conference organ-ized a special weekend to honor the US bomber crews stationed at Diego Garcia Air Force Base in the Pacific Ocean. Little thought was given to the estimated 3,400 Afghani civilians killed by US bombs—four hun-dred more innocent people than perished on September 11.

As President G.W. Bush promised to take his war against America’s enemies to far-flung corners of the globe, one thing was cer-tain: More than 8,000 Ad-ventists would soon be ship-ping out to ex-otic lands, not as missionaries, but as warri-ors, assault ri-fles in hand—members now of the SDA M i l i t a r y Church.

and then handed this perverse picture to the world as truth. As Catholic chaplain for the 509th Composite Group, I was the final channel that communicated this fraudulent image of Christ to the crews of the Enola Gay and the Boxcar. Excuses and self-justifying explanations are without merit. All I can say is: I was wrong! But, if this is all I can say, this I must do, feeble as it is. For to do otherwise would be to bypass the first and absolutely es-sential step in the process of repentance and reconciliation: admission of error, admission of guilt. I was there, and I was wrong. The justifica-tion of war may be compatible with some religions and philosophies, but it is not compatible with the nonviolent teaching of Jesus. I was wrong. And to those of whatever nationality or religion who have been hurt because I fell under the influence of the father of lies, I say with my whole heart and soul I am sorry. I beg forgiveness. I asked forgiveness from the Hibakushas (the Japanese survivors of the atomic bombings) last year, at Hiroshima. I fell on my face there at the peace shrine after offering flowers, and I prayed for forgiveness.

“ ‘Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth.’ ‘If he that hateth thee be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink.’ Prov. 24:17; Prov. 25:21, 22, R.V., margin. The whole earthly life of Jesus was a manifestation of this principle. It was to bring the bread of life to His enemies that our Saviour left His home in heaven.” Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, 71.

Christian patriot? Do you love the Christian’s country above all other countries? Have you the spirit that prompts obedience to the laws of that country, above all other laws? that supports and defends its exis-tence, rights, and institutions above and against those of all other coun-tries? But may not Christian patriotism involve fighting?—It certainly does. Listen: “Fight the good fight of faith.” “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal,” yet they are “mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4,5. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Eph. 6:13-18. This is true Christian patriotism. Are you a true Christian patriot?

—Continued from page 3—“Onward Christian Soldiers.” —Continued from page 3—“Blessing the Bombs.”

Flooding and landslides have affected 41 million people in Bangladesh, Nepal, and India this summer. Over 1200 people have died, 600 of those were in India, where over 2,000 relief camps set up.

Heavy rainfall sparked a huge landslide in Au-gust in Serra Leone, killing over 600 peo-ple and affect-ing more than 6000.

On May 29, 2006, mud started erupting from several sites on the In-donesian island of Java and hasn’t stopped since. The eruption known as Lusi is the

most destructive ongoing mud eruption in history. Indonesians frantically built levees to contain the mud and save the surrounding set-tlements and rice fields from being covered. The relentless sea of mud has buried some villages 130 feet deep and forced nearly 60,000 people from their homes. The volcano still periodically spurts jets of rocks and gas into the air like a geyser. It is now oozing around 3 million cubic feet of mud each day--enough to fill 32 Olympic-sized pools. Now, more than 11 years after it first erupted, re-searchers may have figured out why the mud-flows haven't stopped: deep underground, Lusi is connected to a nearby volcanic system.

His influence has led many young SDA men and women into the armed forces. Military chaplains are not paid by the tithe of church members. They are paid employ-ees of the armed ser-vices. Can the mili-tary chaplain teach the soldiers not to violate the sixth com-

mandment. Can he teach them to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath holy? Military chaplains must minister to soldiers of all religions. Chap-lain Black is supposed to minister to a dying Hindu by teaching him to pray to his god—Vishnu. If the dying person is a Catholic, Chap-lain Black will teach that person to repeat the Hail Mary. Go to www.calltorepent.com/2003-booklet and see this Emergency Ministry Resource for clergy. Chaplains in the armed forces are the avant-garde of ecumenical movement to Rome.