misn mcadoo mori cap next week laisr4 · 2017-12-15 · e-rsienth-asmori misn mcadoo the president...

E-rsientH-as Mori Misn McAdoo The President Ineed out to the Weshagten Country Club yesterday aerming for an boor er so af golf. The Preident and Mrs, Wilson will be enteranedn at dinner this evening by the Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. w.on; The Secretary of the Treasury ,and Mrs. McAdoo announce the engagement of the Secretary's daughter. Miss Nona Hisiehurst McAdoo. to Mr. Ferdinand de Merenschildt, second secretary of the Russian Embassy. Miss MeAdoo is the secong daughter of the Secretary and one ot The belles of the present administration. She is noted for her beauty and charm and is very accomplished. She returned to Washing- ton more than a year ago from Europe where she devoted herself to nursing in the war hospitals near Pars. Mr. de AMorenschildt is a member ot m of the oldest and most distinguished families of Russia and is popular in the diplomatic set at the Capital. He has beea stationed in Washington for more than a vear. No date has been announced for the wedding. Dr. Don Belisario Porras. Minister of Panama and Madame Porras, have re- turned from Cuba to the United States and are spending a few days at Pains Beach. Florida. From there they wil. go to Saint Augustine and will shortly return to Washington. Mame. da Gama entertained informally at luncheon yesterday at the Shoreham. I Prof. and Mrs. Stimson Brown enter- tained at dinner last evening In cOmpli- ment to their house guests. Mr. Ulysses i. Grant, Jr., son of the late President Grant. and Mrs. Grant. who have redafli ly returned from a trip to South Amerios. Mrs. Joseph J. Russell was hostess at luncheon yesterday, entertaining in honor of Mrs. John B. Henderson and the mem- t'ers of the executive committee of the Congressional Club. The other guests i were Mrs. Atlee Pomerene. Mrs. JosephI W. Byrns. Mrs. Albert B. Cummins. Mrs. George W. Fairchild, Mrs. Edward T. Taylor, Mrs. Henry G. Danforth, Mrs. James F. Byrnes. Mrs. Ernest W. Rob- erts. Mrs. Duncan t. Fletcher, Mrs. Thomas J. Walsh, Mrs. James A. Reed. Mrs. Howard S. Reeside, Mrs. Thomas L. Rubey. Mrs. Edward Keating and Mrs. Brandt. The table was decorated with red roses and white lilacs, and the favors and ices were suggestive of Washington's Birthday. Mrs. Willard Saulsbury will not be at home this afternoon. Mrs. Cone Johnson. wife of the retiring volicitor of the State Department, gave a large farewell reception yesterday aft- erroon. Assisting Mrs. Johnson were Mrs. Robert Lansing. Mrs. Thomas Watt Gregory, Mrs. Albert S. Burleson. Mrs. .Iosephus Daniels, Mrs. Frank Polk. Mrs. liampson Gary, Mrs. Charles R. Crane, Mrs. R. L. Henry. Mrs,,.Willard Ragsdale. Mrs. Joe Henry Eaglele Mrs. Hubert Dent, Mr.. Wibur J. Carr, Mrs. Ezra p. Koons. Mrs. Walter Penfleld, Mrs. Howard S. teeside. Mrs. James D. Gatewood. Mrs. Francois Berger Moran, Mrs. Charles D. Ifeimbold. Mrs. Champe (. McCullough. Mrs. William C. Hariles. Mss M. K. Brooks. Miss Ymogene Young, Miss Amy Bennett. Miss Dorothy Dennett, Miss Mline Stewart. Mir Lucy Morris, Miss Frances Cain and Miss Marjorie Helm- a bold. Mrs. Gregory and Mrs. Daniels presided at the tea table, which was adorned with t pink roses and Mrs. Polk served the frappe. Mr. Johnson's resignation as sollcitor 7il take effect March 1. when, with Mrs. Johnson. he will return to their home at NO ONE SHOULD HAVE GRAY HAIR, Don't Use Dyes Restore Natural Color With Health- ful Remedy-Money Back Guarantee. Nobody likes to use dangerour, dirty <e.' -Ic. but no one wants to hale ray luir nowada'.. No one needs to. 'or- hair gra- all over. or jus1 gettirg gra, or streaked with gray--or Sit. fadd (ut ad lifetess- shnp:y. t a bittle of . Pan .Hair 'olor ie- err.. This is a h mies . liq i(I 'd to or... It is guaranteed to the 1nit bN rhe mike'.' ito give satisfaction er yo ir money haki In it very simple, healthful way it b'inca back th. natural color t-, gra, or fadeel hair. even:y and gradually (so no1 oine can teill. Simply apply Q-Ban Hair' C,[or RestAnrer like a shampoo and have beau'iffl. so t. lustrous hair in abun- J dan.e and with never again a streak of*i gray. You will he simply delighted with ji )o~ur look of youth and vigor. Remem-la ber. Q-Han is not a patent medicine. not a d3.,. Its work is certain, safe arh permanenit. Only 50c at People's Drug Store. James O'Donnell, and all good drug stores, or a rite Uiessig-Ellis Drug1i C'o.. Memphis. Tern mnentioning drug- 9 gist's name. l1 -strated. intercating book on "Hair C tillre," sent free. Try Q-Ban Hair Toni.. Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo. u Q-Ban Toilet 8Sp, also Q.-Ban Decpilatory (odorless) for remot ing superfluous hair.- A Pure Delicious Butter -ELK GROVE BUTTER is put up in germnproof cartons and comes to you fresh and nice. It tempts the appetite and adds zest to meals. AT ALL. GROCRS' Golden & Co. . 922-928 La. Ave. Vbolesaers Only. 1y4r, Te., wher1 Ma law pretice ae- niaed his entire thms. The annual Washington Birthday dano Lt Tome Belia will take place iday ivsang. and will be followal on Vaturday rvening by the par'emfaticn of two piaym, 'The Man of Deatil." by Geore Ber- sard Shaw, and "Allain at Tome," a nusical comedy. These on the dance' :ommittee are Winfneld Scott Townsend, of Denver, Colo., chairsan; John Brook Buckley,-of Columbus. Ohio; James H. r. rramel, of Chicago, Ill.; David Jester, Jr., >f Camden. N. J.; Robert.Purnell Brad- !ord, of Wilmington, Del.; John Theodore [eonard, of Passaic. N. J.; Lee Hardesty. if Washington, D. C.; Matt Ashley Briggs. of Valdosta, Ga.; Baldwin Spil- nan. Jr., of Winchester, Va., and Mar- ihall E. Pridmore. of Chicago, Ill. The floor committee of young women !or the spring ball to be given at Rausch- rs April 16 for the Young Women's :hristian Home includes Miss Adelaide Reath. chairman. Miss Manuela De Pena. Miss Evelina Gleaves. Mrs. J. B. :ochran. Mrs. Gardiner Bell. Mrs. How- krd Hume. Edith Minna Blair, Margaret; kdelaide Tuttle, Carolyn Nash. Margaret tIeChord. Ruth Hitchcock, Ruth Wilson, knna Day, Laura Louise Delano. Mar- Iaret Howard, Nellie Johnson, Margaret dlichic, Anna Montgomery. Alexandrina Fitch. Natalie Magruder. Sophie John- 'ton, Sally Beecher. Lydia Chapin, Cora 3arry. Marion Leutze, Dorothy Aleshire, Blanchard Scott, Betty' and Katherine seriven. Ethel MacMurray, and Lena Katherine Hitchcock. Miss Gadys Sullivan arrived In Wash- naton yesterday to visit her uncle and Lunt. Senator Phelan and Miss Phelan. Mias Sylvestra, the Filipino pianiate, will play at the reception at the Con- Iregatlonal Club this afternoon. The re- wntly elected offcers of the club will re- eive with the executive board. The fol- owing have been invited to assist in the lining room: Mrs. Sydney Anderson, lire. Daniel R. Anthony, Mrs. A. J. 3archfleid. Mrs. A. W. Barkley, Mrs. Perry Belmont, Mrs. Philip Campbell, dirs. Ezekiel S. Candler. Mrs. Charles C. 'arlin. Mrs. Z. T. Carpenter. Mrs. W. B. 'harles. Mrs. C. R. Davis, Mrs. Thomas Dawson. Mrs. S. W. Dempsey, Mrs. Pred Dennett. Mrs. Charles H. Dillon, drs. F. F. Ellsworth. Mrs. J. A. Elston, drs. Scott Ferris. Mrs. Henry D. Flood, Lad Mrs. James A. Frear. Mrs. Warren G. Harding will not re- eive this afternoon. The George Washington section of the 'ollege Women's Club will give a co- onial tea at its clubrooms this afternoon rom 4 until 6, in honor of Admiral and drs. Stockton. A short play will be pre- 'ented and Miss Christine Church will Ive a group of '1ongs. Mr. Arthur G. 'ole will give bird Imitations during a Voodland sketch which the Drama .,eague Players are presenting before the lub Monday afternoon, February 26. Dr. Tom A. William. is spending a few lays in South Carolina. Mrs. T. V. Boynton and Miss Emily B. ,an Amringe are spending a few days in 'ew York City and are stopping at the Volcott Hotel. The Society of Washington Artists Pened its twenty-sixth annual exhibition t the Corcoran Gallery of Art, with a rivat. view and reception. A large num.- er of society folk attended. The pa- ronesses are Mrs. Josephus Daniels. Mrs. iewton D. Baker, Mrs. Thomas Watt ;regory. Mrn. A. S. Burleson. Mrs. Will- an G. McAdoo. Mrs. Franklin D. Roose. 'elt, Mrs. E. Marvin Underwood, Mrs. 'rederic A. Delano. Mrs. Hampton Gary. Ira. Carl Vrooman, Mrs. William W. farts. Mrs. William Kent, Mrs. Charles lenry Butler. Mrs. William Hitz. Mrs. VillI!m Bailey Lamar. Mrs. Andrew tontague, Mrs. John B. Henderson. Mrs. iclto Kauffmann. Mrs. Thomas F VRish. Mrs. A. B. Butler. Mrs. Neil lonroe Hopkins, Mrs. if. T. Newcomb. trs. Joseph Thropp, Mrs. John Jav1 Vhite, Mrs. Russell Harding. Mrs. An- hony F. Lucas. Mrs. Thedore W. Noyes nd Mrs. Louts Lombard. The committee in charge of the Kreis- 'r onicert t) Ie held at Poli's Theater omorrow afternoon at 4:3) o'clock, for he benefit of the Neighborhood House. ludes Miss Sophie Siebert, Mrs. Joht. ay White. Mrs. John C. Fremont. Mrs. ;eorge T. Odell. Mrs. Logan Waller 'age. Mrs. Cuno IT. Rudolph. Mrs. oseph Kernan and Mrs. .1. P. S. Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Fraderick H. Prince, of toston, are at tb Willard for several lays. (en. Nelson A. Miles. retired, who is aying a six-week visit to his son and aught(r-in-law, C'apt. Sherman Miles and Ir-. Miles at Fort McIntosh. Tex., will hortly rellarn to Washington. Amon recent arrivals at Pinehurst, N. I .. fri Vashin;ton, are: lady Spring ice. Mrs. (Oscar Underwood. Miss L. M ioore. Miss Antta Swingle. Mrs. J. F. Iitchell. Mrs. W. T. Roardman, Mr. harles Williams. Mr. 8. C. Williams, Mr. E. Ganey,. Mrs. M. L. Bishop. Mr. Jul- n T. Bishop, Miss Iryati. 'Miss Eleanor ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Len Carpe, and Mr. nd Mrs. Gilbert I. Grosvenor. Mrs. Mason Blunt will not be at home Mis Friday. Mrs. Harrison G. Foster. of St. Paul, 7ill come to Washington today to he the uest of her sister. Mrs. F. J. H. von :ngleken. Mrs. von Engleken will remain in Wash- igton until the early spring. Mr. von rgleken left Washington Tuesday for heir r ew honme in Columbia. S. C., where e has been made president of the Farm ,oan Bank. Mrs. William Gerry Slade, of New 7erk. arrived at WVashington yesterday nd is spendIng several days at the Wil- trd. Mrs. Thomas R. Dunn will give a lunch- on today at the Willard to meet Mrs. amen R. Mann. Mrs. Mitchell Carroll will receIve this iternoon from 4 to 7, at her renidence, il5 Ashmead place. She will have with1 -er Mina Williams, of Baltimore. Other. slating will be Mrs. Andrew Jackson lontague, Mrs. Louis Lombard. Mrs. WiI- ur Carr,'Mrs. Charles Helmbold, Mrs. lobert arnuer.Mrs.Copley Collier, Miss HOW TO GET REU.EF lii FROM CATARRH. ij If you have catarrh, catarrhal deafness, or head noises go to C you druggist and get 1 on. of Par- mint (double strength), tqke this . home add to It %~ pint of hot *ater and 4 on. of granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoon ful 4 times a day. This will often bring quick re- lief from the distressing head noisea. Clogged nostriis should.l open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It, is easy to make, tastes pleaa- . ant and coats little. Every one s' bo has catarrh should give this '. treatmnent a trial. =You- will prob-~ ably find it Is Just what you need.- -Adv , Promised Cap *.emes- eea Mssw.i. John Drew, fros fre.mla emngaeanekt of many weeks' duration at the Criterion rheater in New York and m equally sue- esstubene at the lacksme Theater Ia hcago, asn to the Natsinal Theater a ,or one week, beginnang neat Monday wehing. P He will be sean in the enmedy "Major Pendenfns.'' made by Laganlo Mitoel Irem the Thackera) novel. Mr. Mitchell a credited with having laade a delight- Iully true portrait of Ufa and mannars of the Thackeray period. Mr. Mitchell I 2o stranger in the field of Thackeray. He t nae Mrs. Fiske's notable samcm.C 'Becky Sharp" from "Vanity Fair," sev- .ral seasons ago. During the four acts of Mr. Mitchell's .ouedy one meets with all the person- Lgees of the Thackeray tale. The swag. gering, slightly alcoholic Costigan, his leclamatory, actress-daughter, Emily; he amasingly frank Ldy Clavering, te whose daughter, the simpering Blance, 61 'swears at her in female;" the indiscreet tr Panny Bolton. the demure Laura Bell, the mpulsive Arthur Pendennis, the rascally ca iorgan, and friendly George Warrington. "I A company Including several favorites, %I iuports Mr. Drew. In prominent roles ti here appears Helen MacKellar. Alison ai 3kipworth, Jane Houston, Helen Menken, 81 biary Worth, Edith Shayne, Walter L Cingsford, Edward Phelan, Charles Ken- iedy, John S. O'Brien, and several others. at ti Belasce-i'Alone at Last." cc The Megars. Shubert will present one Is if the most tuneful of all musical plays, 'Alone at Lst." at the Belasco for the week of February 2. "Alone at Last" has met with great R iuccess as "Endlich Allein" in Vienna. V Berlin, Rome. and Budapest. and has f, een generally hailed by critics as the of nost pretentious work Lehar has yet w written. The comedy is In three acts, the scenes at being laid in Interlaken, Switserland. rhe second act is divided Into three G icenes. showing the base, the slopes and m he summit of the Jungfrau. The prin- !ipals have been selected with the utmost n :are and every number In the operetta is w if a character that makes a real appeal. a, The cast includes Harry Conor, Forrest r, -luff. Fritizi Von Busing, Mabel Weeks. L fane McArthur, Elizabeth Goodall. Rob- e nson Newbold, John E. Wheeler, Harry t r. Ianlin, and others. There in a large :horus and a special orchestra. d1 B. F. Keithl's-Vaudeville. al The week before Inauguration, begin- n, iing next Monday at B. F. Keith's The- Lter, Is the occasion for an extraordinary 8 ,111 Introducing to the advance guard of ti 'isitors Evelyn Nesbit and Jack Clif- 'ord in their latest singing and dancing reation. There will be three shows a lay on Saturday. March 3 and Sunday, pi darch 4, when the bill closes. As now t ustomary the three show hours will be R , 5, and 8:15 p. m. 01 Emmet Devoy and company In "The 'all of Childhood." Willie Weston, rated h is America's foremost character singer; krthur Stone and Marion Hayes In o 'Green Goods," a country carnival ab- urdity: Florrie Millership in a single 0 'eature, aptly termed "Little Miss Dan- y;" David Sapirstein, the eminent con- tn :ert pianist, and Lohse and Sterling In heir physical culture feats, are others on he bill. The pipe organ recitals, and dr. Vernon Castle in the seventh epi- ode of "Patria," the photoplay serial, vill continue. Keith's announces only two shows for at londay, March 5. one at 5 and the other c it 8:15 p.i m., but there will be three, at p , 5 and 8:15 on Tuesday, March 4, while dr he balance of the week the usual two-a- a lay, at 2:15 and 8:15, will be restored. er rhese performances are expected to cover g ill the amusement needs of Washington mnd its visiting hosts so far as B. F. Keith vaudeville is concerned. re no Pell's-"Romaance.," e The popular Poll Players will next veck depart from the commonplaces of ti roduction with the presentation of "Ro- bl nance," that great play of Edward Shel- t [on in which Doris Keane achieved a 01 -elebrated success, beginning next Mon- C lay night with daily except Monday mat- s nees. n The curtain will rise on a prologue, a 0 >lshop endeavoring to dissuade his iephew from marriage with an actress, ho rennie Mason Gibbs. Misses Suzanne and at Elizabeth Chase and Miss Margaret AmI. no Mrs. Mason M. Patrick left yesterday tt or Norfolk for a visit of several days, ni at Mrs. lMilander P. Claxton and Miss m telen Claxton will be at home tomorrow m nd will be assisted in receiving by the n rives and daughters of the members of *ongress from Tennessee and North Caro- ina. The Children of the American Revolu- Ion of the District will celebrate Wash- ngton's Birthday with an entertainment si nd dance at the Cairo from 2 to 6 o'clock his afternoon. A short program from ci to 3 o'clock will be given by the chil- t iren representing each society of the Dis- ar riet, after which general dancing will ollow until 6 o'clock. The program and lance are in charge of the State direc- or and the society presidents. Mrs. Angus McLean and Miss Ruth Mo- Lean, of Detroit, are spending some time It the Willard. Others staying there are dr. and Mrs. George J. Jackson, Mrs. Willard Parker Butler, and Miss Eleanor Butler, all of New York. Mrs. Frank L. Polk will entertain at a do ea this afternoon. al J1 Mr. and Mrs. Page LAughlin have come p from their home at Leesbu'rg, Va., c' .nd are at the Shoreham for a few days. al 'hey are accompanied by Mr. Oden How- s rd. al Mrs. George N. Laughlin. fr'., and Missa n catherine Laughlin. of 'Pittsburgh, are ti 'siting in Washington and are stopping si t the Shoreham. Mrs. H. Eliott and Miss A. Elliott, os C 'hompson, Conn., while In Washington,. rc staying at the Shoreham. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilber, of War-t enton. Va., are making a short trip to Vashington and are staying at the Shore-h am. .E Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Wolcott, of Pitta- pl urgh, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sumner, f Detroit, arrived at the Shoreham yes- U erday. Mrs. George Vanderbilt was hostess at a< dinner at the Shorthamn last evening, Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall chaperoneda party of young ladies at luncheon at *c he Shoreham yesterday.. Mr. John A. Rogers, U. S. N.,* anda Rogers arrived in Washington yes- erday and are stopping at the Shore-n A party fromn the West, induding' Mr. ind Mrs. J. F. Pinman and Mr. and Mrs. 1' N, Haw, of El Paso, are In Washing-U on for a visit end are staying' 'at the Ihoreham. Mr. and. Mrs. W. B. Campbell, of Buf- El alo, and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. North, fr., Pl if Columbus, Pa., arrived In Wahington esterday and ares at the Uhoreham, U Mr. and Mrs *. C. Cooper, of Jack- el ometlie, le., sma bii aha t- a thd Next Week Ilbg' his own heart-rining ezperiie a. as a youthful clergyan he tell. In ye with the uigning gongstress f his ie, Following three acts the play alte again into en opti0ge. Flarnce f4ittenhase,theleadg wom- kof the popular Pol Players, will ap- ar a the great opera ageri Mmie. La avWiln. and wnaft P. Carleton. raness Williams, ZAu8 FarMWn, HOW- 4d Lang, I. ii moudn Deity and others the cast of favorites will have specially teresting roles. The Pol9 production of "iRoniance" will 80 mean a wonderful sartorial treat for 0 Poll patrons, and Director Edwin E. Izrtis and Scenic Artist Charles Squire. Lve completed an abolute reproduction ' the famous Doris Keane production of is celebrated play. Gayety-arsesue. Solly Ward, a comedian well known the burlesque stage, heads the cast 'The Roseland Girls," the coming at- atlon at the Gayety Theater. This company presents a two-act musi- comedy in several scenes, entitled ove, Law, and Politics," a topical re- ew of current events. Aiding and abet- i2g 21 Ward in his fun-making efforts 'e Tom Nolan. Murry Leonard, Frank anhope, Shirley Lawrence, Augusta ang, Lynn Cantor and Stella Wood. The entire second act is laid in a re- on purporting to be the border line be- reen the United States and the mythical untry of Pavonia, where the only bul- is exchanged are shafts of repartee. Cosmes--Vaudevlie. "Happy" Lambert. "Rusty" Benson. L. Hamilton, N. C. Bolton. and Clem sLerio, all noted In the realm of black- ce minstrelsy. will furnish the chief fering of the Cosmos Theater bill next eek, under the name of "The Musicai instrels,". the entertainment Including ngs, dances, repartee, and Jokes. Other acts will include Ed Lewis and race Norton, in refined and up-to-the- Inute light comedy; Lallah Selbini and ispany in "Venus Awheel" a sightly )velty; Meehan and Knapp. singers as ell as clever comedians; Nick Santora id company in "A Lucky Punch," a pid three-round boxing bout; Charleb adegan, in a comical slack-wire offer- ', and Jones and Gray, a comedy sm. F'or a certainty, next week's big photo- 'oduction will be the Universal picturii 'ama. "The Eagle's Wings," whicn rikes the note of American prepared- iss along new line. Sunday's performances, starting at p. m., will present for the last lime ie features of this week's bill. Loew'. Columbia-Mae Murray. boew's Columbia offers as the fetre iotoplay for the last half of this week. ginning Thursday, Mae Murray in "On xcord." In this picture romance drops it of the sky when Rand Calder's bi- ane lands in a field near Helen Wayne's puse. Then she went to the city to be- me his mother's secretary. A pretty ve story follows. Beginning Sunday and for the first half next week Marguerite Clark will he en in "The Fortune" of Fifi." It is said he one of Miss Clark's most notable reen achievements. Meere's Garde--Clara Kimball Yomag. 7l'ara Kimball Young will be featured Moore's Garden Theater next week. mmencing Sunday afternoon. In "The 'Ice She Paid." The story is intensely amatic. It concerns the life history of young girl, beautiful but poverty strick- , forced to battle against the tide of, e armed with only one weapon, her sex. te marries a wealthy suitor whom she ,s known but a short while. She soon alizes that riches do not bring happi- ss. Just when the future seems black- t there comes into her life an honorihl an. Pate steps in just as she is about make a misstep that would forever acken her future, and In the end the kreshold of peace and countentment beck- is for her. This is the third of Miss ara Kimball Young's own productions id It provides her with better opportu- ties than either "The Common Law' "The Foolish Virgin." ere's Strand--"The Premise." Rarold Iiyckwood and May Allison will ad the program at Moore's Strand The- er Sunday, Monday. and Tuesday of 'xt week in an original comedy drama titled "The Promise." It is a pte'e; at is filled with action of the rapid-* ' variety, and telling a fascinating ory of a promise of a wayward young an to his sweetheart. His efforts to ake good his vows to her give rise to any dramatic scenes. 3n Wednesday and Thursday Alic- yce, Harry Morey and Peggy Hyland 11 hold the screen In a drama entitled 'he Courage of Silence." The central aracter is a woman who to protect ose nearest and dearest to her keeps ent about a crime of which she is ac- sed but of which she is innocent. In e end the guilty ones are punished, and e heroism of the woman leads to the me of the man she loves. Friday and Saturday Frank Keenar id little Thelma Salter will be featured a novel photoplay, "The Crab." ['he stars incline, but do not compel." HOROSCOPE. Thursday, February 22, 1917. Astrologers read this as an unimportant y in planetary direction. While Venus id Uranus rule faintly for good, Saturn, apiter and Neptune are slightly adverse. Again the seers warn persons of every ass to he moat circumspect in thought ad action, as the occult influences of the ar afect even the least sensitive men id women. It is believed that the U'nitsd States 'ceesarily focuses many malefic vibra- :ns of thought and that, owing to the arvival of material interests at a tlime hen the Eutropean world is purified by preme suffering, it may reap serious nisequences. This should he a fairly beneficial rule r women. Their affections should win etr heart's desires under this con- luration. Business in which women are interested is a premising sign, but warning is yen that all should he wise in every litical move' it should be an auspicIous date for eddings or engagements. Uranus gives promise of success in in- mntons, especially those that improve trisal navigation. Music and musical instruments come sder a sway making for popularity nong all ciassee of persons. A great prano will gain fame. it is foretold. In the South several cities may he fected by exposures of mismanagement ad corruption in the municipal govern- ent. Csiaad has the forecast of a lingering ring which may work serious delays to is movement of supplies. Puane in many places outside the ipopean war son.. ja prognoeticated, esiOO Come. uinder a sway that is moet treateing. Persoas whose birthdate It Is may have ay busineeh annoyance. but success is 'obable, if speculation is avoided. Children, born on this day mhay meet' Ith mny serious obstaclee, which they' e likely to overcome. These subjects Piles, are sually exceedingly perse- assusbsiest I The Flag, 39c Four-foot flag, with Inc 0 six-foot pole, rope and metal holder. Complete up for 39- If Fv Flags. arsi Each on staff,with t gilt spear head, in 5- S prong metal holder. Y 0 Complete for 39c. for 3x$ ft. flags, 45 fast colors. Regl c g for 30 x 48-Inob t 13 flags, fast co0lor, Sseessia Floor. four h1 $1.50 and $2 Men's $1.05, or 3 for For four hours only, from 9 0 Men's Fine Quality Miadras Silk S and Percale Shirts, with both soft a plain and pleated fronts. All sizes Mn SUSie, Fier and 350 pairs of Fiber Silk and Lisl o'clock, 2 pairs for 25c. Some Ony" purple clocks. Sizes up to 11, but it SFoster Ideal Bed, Special, bsat Continuous-post Baked-enamel M Foster Ideal make; all sizes. -Mattressess--N UMade with rolled edge and cov Soft-top traw Mattresses. all Fizes.. 0liusk and Straw Mattresses, all sizes. E .xcelalor andi Felt Mattresses, all sizes 0Rattan and Felit Mattresses, allI sizes.. Basement For F DRJ For toda ri. to 11 taken from f516 Good Hense Drew 46 complete, -yesterdy al marked the F.urs only . We cann4 strongly the crowded in POf pretty a made dresse colors, the the trimminj collars and these to values. Cotnuu-ps No Phoae e 0 * a dewih olede and coy Baeen "WE WANT A BULLDOG"g IS SUFFRAGIST WAIL C Will somebody please send a full grown. ferocious looking. ugly,. ringtailed snorter of a bulldog to the headquarters of the Congressional union for Woman buffirage In the Cameron Hlouse? The suffs have specified that they dol p not want an effeminate, little talcum-pow- dered mite of a dog. but a real live ue enough bulo.Here's why. Not long J a1go. a former mascot, the same bIn a gray kitten, evidently of the mae ae, as it was named Mr. Henry, died a hor- 'A il!e death, because Congress enfran- 1 chised the Porto Ricans and forgot all Is about America women. waythesufragstsaregoig fter thea AU nmnt etn ilb stonly ath, aftenoo, uder uspcesof rtty aus GoenetLau f mayad Bes min . Hlliad, f Coora owlors, the Thr cilb msclpolrsb an It s nt ncesar oeshapo o hair s frequntly iitaisentrey.n prpell somesy lseaed aahtm h full sorof a llog thmoo e ea sirest ofthe congreomnad tno four reaer irone Ith Carings oustentua beuty f thae seirand tat tbe oed at very antl epente, lbyl taissow a deaspooniue of anox, ch real l e e otae form anysrugit, aeIn ap of ht wataedr. Thisrmakes a ulr-u of daho beiqud, engresois easy toisittal the h lar andsotallo jhut Aeritop omenh. Thswe Impurtes tldo is venrootn and wil coeed theinetaton masotl asd benri- teeepficiatng both ep and ir.Afte insingn will the atherng eled, of h will fn.the scalpgist areshin afen thend fre fomit dandrinf wille thel hair lre Hll. fldle at evelocpi asuarauemoaa LAIS R4 CLOE TOMY AT 1 P. M. 4or Four Ho ns OaHraMG MD fUIMINDIGI kur hours in the eperience of thiese p. a. en's and Young and Over :luding values $ Inch to $19.50... up t4 you are guided by prices promised fc sted. At $5M are sizes. maotily 33 to ,uth's Long Pants Suits ilar $ro to $18 Suits of chev- Lssimere and tweeds; sizes 14 j rears only. Today, for .1 ours .................... $ Sfr< Shirts, Men's 1 $3 79c to I o'clock, A fine assort tripe Cheviot Neckwear, for 4 nd stiff cus- for $2. The pri 14to Today from 9 t< 1eet F1er. Sik Hose, 25c Qaiies e Hose for*Men, selling regularly at 2 Hose in the lot. Most all colors. A lot in every color. $4.95. Bed Spi National Lini Steel Bed; be quality met $3",. loss and Felt-, red with good quality art or striped ti ........... .gA All Colored Cottnn Iyer Felt MattreA ...........3.31!1 em Iyer Felt Ma ...........S. iAyer Felt Mattre ............2 Silk Floss Mattress kore b ur Hours nu si., ESSES i3c I 6 Up. At s af day-9 a.- I (.e. hea k- m..--we have Mills, with 1- d Ow regular stock W. glass canis- iTe. Q W Percale ter: regularly eg, in giges 3s to 79c, at 59e. that were priced en :9c eac and ,1 a at 43c frfour ly )t emphasize too values we have ' roll o this assortment d practical, well- Ira s. The range of attractive styles, a t h br e Cs. s, the handsome stools w hI tel cuffs will prove enameled, with be remarkable rubber tips un- pla der legs: regn- :r. ary At ly. rders, or C. 0. D. 49r. a0 a a as E a a ae a a tring quartet of local talent. just or- anized, consisting of Messrs. Bushby. filler, G. Montgonry. aid Howell. Mrst L. Montgomery will sing a slo and Mr Abert Feller will render a cornet solo TEIU ABOUT CDIT ]EN. "The credit man presents different as- ects. according to whether the view- oint be that of the salesman, the public. he swindler or the proprietor." said Mr. ohn F. Moore. of Gen. F. Moore & Co.. t Business High school yesterday. in an ddress on "The Fssentials of a Credit [an." The lecture %as the third of the eries to be given by the Washington As- oelation of Credit Men. LASIES CAN WEA SUOES SMe a~iller after using Alte.'s Foot-Eas-, the ntiseptie p~owder for the feet. Shake. into the ,ees and sinkled in the foot-tath,. Alien'. F o Ws akes tight or shoce feet eacy. gi. -e is- ant relief t, crno and tbnion. pinemse Blistern to. sad e pots Its th neset at here. 2c. For 5'REE trial tuchage, adder.. Allen .Oheeted, Ie IRoy. N. Y.-Ad,. Yj E~soWGHT at 8:15. ~~~~1TINEE ODAY ImMENSE 151? OF. THE POLl PLAYERS la Ceham & Marria' Great Sueeeeg. 'It Pays to Advertise" Sasme Peli Piees: UMe, U0e. Tie. gOE~sl~a :--hl he earier thausuel. (ext Week: Ei|,A.";2 "Remmace" 4E's Theater FEJTZ Seats mew em ame at Ma.. GreemeVs taket effties, 5 Deeg4. 13th andG. rhe kesgi Wasb~.ligisgenity Flasun ywill Present the Coinedy A NIGHT OPP T..mts fiss the Gma by Aohd Daly. o the NEW CEN~TRAL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. DANCING.I lckets, Eec, 75c, $1. at ofUies of T. Ar-f thur Smith end at Deer. IW a5IU a i 414 4 SUM. urs Only : at WNWu iss4Saa daants. Today-&me 9 a. Men's Suits . 6oats ading values $: >$25.OO ... 1U 0 Sthe futur the vamle we ob- 37. At $10 ar sizM mody 34 Men's Blue Serge * Trousers UI-wool Serge Trousers, in sizes to 4O. For today only- Wm 9 a. In. to I p. sm. only$30 U l Silk Neckties, , or 3 for $2 ment of Large, Open-end Silk 8 hours only today, at ygc, or 3 :e of these neckties is $s each. I o'clock only. 7g .ach, or 3 U Pala"s nownI-ot. rue. U ,at 2 Pairs for 25c' 5c pair. Today. from 9 until I few black. with white, red and .,... .ey.-t..., ...... U gs, Special at $3.29. U Bed Spring. made of the very U i frame; all siaes. Sale price, U U pecial, $6.45 : king; closely tufted; all sizes. Mattresses. all sizes:.. .. ....... sN "s,. 4 -lb.. ,l, iz.e....... ge.7f ttrej;;a1 60-lb.. all sizes...12.5 sea, ;. - b.. all Sizes...........SI&.75 ep, al sizes .............. .. i .7 Ut Seta. o d nicke ted "nutI ker and I el - plated picks. At Iream Bead o n stand. vell made of obberDoorhigh - grade be...- esd1 wood: cornplete Ih weal i .n bracket- $1.26 fie.l value At 55g. 9 size. At edieNe Cab- 01 whtI neled, with r r o r and f: regular- G , th i 00. At81 0 p a . burner and larg o'.11 Reiru- slet Pope"i Iarly $9.75. SrecIal at qualit' ;_i 5 for 23c. mily seal.. ;h :4 lb. ranteed At Wk ais M heavy Srot ta. Sad avanized ironheav ptg. 411c. At.25eb a: nickel- Reg. 69c. At. e ed: ' Irons. Re I'.!t.I AtI.. d and held- Reg ., c. At .Use 0 8e regular- Reg. 099c At ..Se At line. Re tilc. At... Abe Palat. Royai-Beesment Steos. CATIONAL - -II"Vtae MATINEE TODAY, S lic,7.na~ . il MIT ZI AJ OS fITH lOM MeNAUGHTON AND a .Ttr:- IPOM-POM_ _D10I EXT WEEK. SEATS SELIANG JOHN DREW In r d Mitbell's Coedy MAJOR PENDEN90S Mr. rr's Genatest Soece. SLMENDORF rim Th-.alay Afternodt s a Mar 8, Ma s t.1i M.41 BE LASCO :.5.2 '' Maise Today am s tuedy S.86. GUY BATES POST In a Play by Joh. Huneter E..oth Founded onKtinr .1 bsen IRoyaL NEXT WEEK-SEATS WOW. Th MrtecfAl1 Musal Pays 'ALONE AT LAST" y Pla lmbr. Oam- ef "The Mae7 Wide." Spe'S (ast-bermase OVt&SSal-Santi Chaew. B.F. KEIT1I'S Ai Mata.. UMe; Eves., Me t. 61. TifRmE SUOWS-3 S. ai35-rum. US BRICE & KING --eesea A.' o a. Smec.uv=.. cai .a-.ta. AIARY HAS1UME' NC SHOW EET WEEK...i.AZ GERLS Im A M. Se11P. M. NIe.UUM5om HAE MIAY la -Ol RECORB." e-U Ps e,. -nan on~

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Post on 05-Apr-2020




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Page 1: Misn McAdoo Mori Cap Next Week LAISR4 · 2017-12-15 · E-rsientH-asMori Misn McAdoo The President Ineed out to the Weshagten Country Club yesterday aerming for an boor er so af golf

E-rsientH-as MoriMisn McAdoo

The President Ineed out to theWeshagten Country Club yesterdayaerming for an boor er so af golf.The Preident and Mrs, Wilson will

be enteranedn at dinner this eveningby the Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs.w.on;

The Secretary of the Treasury ,andMrs. McAdoo announce the engagementof the Secretary's daughter. Miss NonaHisiehurst McAdoo. to Mr. Ferdinand deMerenschildt, second secretary of theRussian Embassy.Miss MeAdoo is the secong daughter of

the Secretary and one ot The belles ofthe present administration. She is notedfor her beauty and charm and is veryaccomplished. She returned to Washing-ton more than a year ago from Europewhere she devoted herself to nursing inthe war hospitals near Pars.Mr. de AMorenschildt is a member otm of the oldest and most distinguishedfamilies of Russia and is popular in thediplomatic set at the Capital. He hasbeea stationed in Washington for more

than a vear.

No date has been announced for thewedding.

Dr. Don Belisario Porras. Minister ofPanama and Madame Porras, have re-

turned from Cuba to the United Statesand are spending a few days at PainsBeach. Florida. From there they wil.go to Saint Augustine and will shortlyreturn to Washington.

Mame. da Gama entertained informallyat luncheon yesterday at the Shoreham. I

Prof. and Mrs. Stimson Brown enter-

tained at dinner last evening In cOmpli-ment to their house guests. Mr. Ulyssesi.Grant, Jr., son of the late PresidentGrant. and Mrs. Grant. who have redaflily returned from a trip to South Amerios.Mrs. Joseph J. Russell was hostess at

luncheon yesterday, entertaining in honorof Mrs. John B. Henderson and the mem-

t'ers of the executive committee of theCongressional Club. The other guests iwere Mrs. Atlee Pomerene. Mrs. JosephIW. Byrns. Mrs. Albert B. Cummins. Mrs.George W. Fairchild, Mrs. Edward T.Taylor, Mrs. Henry G. Danforth, Mrs.James F. Byrnes. Mrs. Ernest W. Rob-erts. Mrs. Duncan t. Fletcher, Mrs.Thomas J. Walsh, Mrs. James A. Reed.Mrs. Howard S. Reeside, Mrs. Thomas L.Rubey. Mrs. Edward Keating and Mrs.Brandt. The table was decorated with redroses and white lilacs, and the favorsand ices were suggestive of Washington'sBirthday.Mrs. Willard Saulsbury will not be at

home this afternoon.

Mrs. Cone Johnson. wife of the retiringvolicitor of the State Department, gavea large farewell reception yesterday aft-erroon. Assisting Mrs. Johnson wereMrs. Robert Lansing. Mrs. Thomas WattGregory, Mrs. Albert S. Burleson. Mrs..Iosephus Daniels, Mrs. Frank Polk. Mrs.liampson Gary, Mrs. Charles R. Crane,Mrs. R. L. Henry. Mrs,,.Willard Ragsdale.Mrs. Joe Henry Eaglele Mrs. Hubert Dent,Mr.. Wibur J. Carr, Mrs. Ezra p. Koons.Mrs. Walter Penfleld, Mrs. Howard S.teeside. Mrs. James D. Gatewood. Mrs.Francois Berger Moran, Mrs. Charles D.Ifeimbold. Mrs. Champe (. McCullough.Mrs. William C. Hariles. Mss M. K.Brooks. Miss Ymogene Young, Miss AmyBennett. Miss Dorothy Dennett, MissMline Stewart. Mir Lucy Morris, MissFrances Cain and Miss Marjorie Helm- a

bold.Mrs. Gregory and Mrs. Daniels presided

at the tea table, which was adorned with tpink roses and Mrs. Polk served thefrappe.Mr. Johnson's resignation as sollcitor7il take effect March 1. when, with Mrs.

Johnson. he will return to their home at


Don't Use Dyes RestoreNatural Color With Health-ful Remedy-Money BackGuarantee.

Nobody likes to use dangerour, dirty<e.'-Ic. but no one wants to haleray luir nowada'.. No one needs to.'or- hair gra- all over. or jus1gettirg gra, or streaked with gray--or

Sit. fadd (ut ad lifetess- shnp:y.t a bittle of . Pan .Hair 'olor ie-

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In it very simple, healthful way itb'inca back th. natural color t-, gra, orfadeel hair. even:y and gradually (so no1oine can teill. Simply apply Q-Ban Hair'C,[or RestAnrer like a shampoo and havebeau'iffl. so t. lustrous hair in abun- Jdan.e and with never again a streak of*igray. You will he simply delighted with ji)o~ur look of youth and vigor. Remem-laber. Q-Han is not a patent medicine. nota d3.,. Its work is certain, safe arhpermanenit. Only 50c at People's DrugStore. James O'Donnell, and all gooddrug stores, or a rite Uiessig-Ellis Drug1iC'o.. Memphis. Tern mnentioning drug- 9gist's name. l1 -strated. intercating bookon "Hair C tillre," sent free. Try Q-BanHair Toni.. Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo. u

Q-Ban Toilet 8Sp, also Q.-Ban Decpilatory(odorless) for remot ing superfluous hair.-

A PureDelicious Butter-ELK GROVE BUTTERis put up in germnproofcartons and comes to youfresh and nice. It temptsthe appetite and adds zestto meals.

AT ALL. GROCRS'Golden & Co.

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Vbolesaers Only.

1y4r, Te., wher1Ma law pretice ae-niaed his entire thms.

The annual Washington Birthday danoLt Tome Belia will take place idayivsang. and will be followal on Vaturdayrvening by the par'emfaticn of two piaym,'The Man of Deatil." by Geore Ber-sard Shaw, and "Allain at Tome," anusical comedy. These on the dance':ommittee are Winfneld Scott Townsend,of Denver, Colo., chairsan; John BrookBuckley,-of Columbus. Ohio; James H. r.rramel, of Chicago, Ill.; David Jester, Jr.,>f Camden. N. J.; Robert.Purnell Brad-!ord, of Wilmington, Del.; John Theodore[eonard, of Passaic. N. J.; Lee Hardesty.if Washington, D. C.; Matt AshleyBriggs. of Valdosta, Ga.; Baldwin Spil-nan. Jr., of Winchester, Va., and Mar-ihall E. Pridmore. of Chicago, Ill.

The floor committee of young women!or the spring ball to be given at Rausch-rs April 16 for the Young Women's:hristian Home includes Miss AdelaideReath. chairman. Miss Manuela DePena. Miss Evelina Gleaves. Mrs. J. B.:ochran. Mrs. Gardiner Bell. Mrs. How-krd Hume. Edith Minna Blair, Margaret;kdelaide Tuttle, Carolyn Nash. MargarettIeChord. Ruth Hitchcock, Ruth Wilson,knna Day, Laura Louise Delano. Mar-Iaret Howard, Nellie Johnson, Margaretdlichic, Anna Montgomery. AlexandrinaFitch. Natalie Magruder. Sophie John-'ton, Sally Beecher. Lydia Chapin, Cora3arry. Marion Leutze, Dorothy Aleshire,Blanchard Scott, Betty' and Katherineseriven. Ethel MacMurray, and LenaKatherine Hitchcock.

Miss Gadys Sullivan arrived In Wash-naton yesterday to visit her uncle andLunt. Senator Phelan and Miss Phelan.

Mias Sylvestra, the Filipino pianiate,will play at the reception at the Con-Iregatlonal Club this afternoon. The re-wntly elected offcers of the club will re-eive with the executive board. The fol-owing have been invited to assist in thelining room: Mrs. Sydney Anderson,lire. Daniel R. Anthony, Mrs. A. J.3archfleid. Mrs. A. W. Barkley, Mrs.Perry Belmont, Mrs. Philip Campbell,dirs. Ezekiel S. Candler. Mrs. Charles C.'arlin. Mrs. Z. T. Carpenter. Mrs. W. B.'harles. Mrs. C. R. Davis, Mrs. Thomas

Dawson. Mrs. S. W. Dempsey, Mrs.Pred Dennett. Mrs. Charles H. Dillon,drs. F. F. Ellsworth. Mrs. J. A. Elston,drs. Scott Ferris. Mrs. Henry D. Flood,Lad Mrs. James A. Frear.

Mrs. Warren G. Harding will not re-eive this afternoon.

The George Washington section of the'ollege Women's Club will give a co-onial tea at its clubrooms this afternoonrom 4 until 6, in honor of Admiral anddrs. Stockton. A short play will be pre-'ented and Miss Christine Church willIve a group of '1ongs. Mr. Arthur G.'ole will give bird Imitations during aVoodland sketch which the Drama.,eague Players are presenting before thelub Monday afternoon, February 26.

Dr. Tom A. William. is spending a fewlays in South Carolina.

Mrs. T. V. Boynton and Miss Emily B.,an Amringe are spending a few days in'ew York City and are stopping at theVolcott Hotel.

The Society of Washington ArtistsPened its twenty-sixth annual exhibitiont the Corcoran Gallery of Art, with arivat. view and reception. A large num.-er of society folk attended. The pa-ronesses are Mrs. Josephus Daniels. Mrs.iewton D. Baker, Mrs. Thomas Watt;regory. Mrn. A. S. Burleson. Mrs. Will-an G. McAdoo. Mrs. Franklin D. Roose.'elt, Mrs. E. Marvin Underwood, Mrs.'rederic A. Delano. Mrs. Hampton Gary.Ira. Carl Vrooman, Mrs. William W.farts. Mrs. William Kent, Mrs. Charleslenry Butler. Mrs. William Hitz. Mrs.VillI!m Bailey Lamar. Mrs. Andrewtontague, Mrs. John B. Henderson. Mrs.iclto Kauffmann. Mrs. Thomas FVRish. Mrs. A. B. Butler. Mrs. Neillonroe Hopkins, Mrs. if. T. Newcomb.trs. Joseph Thropp, Mrs. John Jav1Vhite, Mrs. Russell Harding. Mrs. An-hony F. Lucas. Mrs. Thedore W. Noyesnd Mrs. Louts Lombard.

The committee in charge of the Kreis-'r onicert t) Ie held at Poli's Theateromorrow afternoon at 4:3) o'clock, forhe benefit of the Neighborhood House.

ludes Miss Sophie Siebert, Mrs. Joht.ay White. Mrs. John C. Fremont. Mrs.;eorge T. Odell. Mrs. Logan Waller'age. Mrs. Cuno IT. Rudolph. Mrs.

oseph Kernan and Mrs. .1. P. S. Neligh.Mr. and Mrs. Fraderick H. Prince, oftoston, are at tb Willard for severallays.(en. Nelson A. Miles. retired, who isaying a six-week visit to his son andaught(r-in-law, C'apt. Sherman Miles andIr-. Miles at Fort McIntosh. Tex., willhortly rellarn to Washington.Amon recent arrivals at Pinehurst, N. I.. fri Vashin;ton, are: lady Springice. Mrs. (Oscar Underwood. Miss L. Mioore. Miss Antta Swingle. Mrs. J. F.Iitchell. Mrs. W. T. Roardman, Mr.harles Williams. Mr. 8. C. Williams, Mr.E. Ganey,. Mrs. M. L. Bishop. Mr. Jul-n T. Bishop, Miss Iryati. 'Miss Eleanorryan, Mr. and Mrs. Len Carpe, and Mr.nd Mrs. Gilbert I. Grosvenor.Mrs. Mason Blunt will not be at homeMis Friday.

Mrs. Harrison G. Foster. of St. Paul,7ill come to Washington today to he theuest of her sister. Mrs. F. J. H. von:ngleken.Mrs. von Engleken will remain in Wash-igton until the early spring. Mr. vonrgleken left Washington Tuesday forheir r ew honme in Columbia. S. C., wheree has been made president of the Farm,oan Bank.

Mrs. William Gerry Slade, of New7erk. arrived at WVashington yesterday

nd is spendIng several days at the Wil-trd.

Mrs. Thomas R. Dunn will give a lunch-on today at the Willard to meet Mrs.amen R. Mann.

Mrs. Mitchell Carroll will receIve thisiternoon from 4 to 7, at her renidence,il5 Ashmead place. She will have with1

-er Mina Williams, of Baltimore. Other.slating will be Mrs. Andrew Jacksonlontague, Mrs. Louis Lombard. Mrs. WiI-ur Carr,'Mrs. Charles Helmbold, Mrs.lobert arnuer.Mrs.CopleyCollier,Miss


If you have catarrh, catarrhaldeafness, or head noises go to Cyou druggist and get 1 on. of Par-mint (double strength), tqke this .home add to It %~pint of hot *aterand 4 on. of granulated sugar. Take1 tablespoon ful 4 times a day.This will often bring quick re-

lief from the distressing headnoisea. Clogged nostriis should.lopen, breathing become easy andthe mucus stop dropping into thethroat.

It, is easy to make, tastes pleaa- .

ant and coats little. Every ones' bo has catarrh should give this '.treatmnent a trial. =You- will prob-~ably find it Is Just what you need.--Adv ,

Promised Cap*.emes- eea Mssw.i.

John Drew, fros fre.mlaemngaeanektof many weeks' duration at the Criterionrheater in New York and m equally sue-

esstubene atthelacksme Theater Iahcago, asn to the Natsinal Theater a

,or one week, beginnang neat Mondaywehing. PHe will be sean in the enmedy "MajorPendenfns.'' made by Laganlo Mitoel

Irem the Thackera) novel. Mr. Mitchella credited with having laade a delight-Iully true portrait of Ufa and mannarsof the Thackeray period. Mr. Mitchell I2o stranger in the field of Thackeray. He tnae Mrs. Fiske's notable samcm.C'Becky Sharp" from "Vanity Fair," sev-.ral seasons ago.During the four acts of Mr. Mitchell's.ouedy one meets with all the person-Lgees of the Thackeray tale. The swag.gering, slightly alcoholic Costigan, hisleclamatory, actress-daughter, Emily;he amasingly frank Ldy Clavering, tewhose daughter, the simpering Blance, 61'swears at her in female;" the indiscreet trPanny Bolton. the demure Laura Bell, thempulsive Arthur Pendennis, the rascally caiorgan, and friendly George Warrington. "IA company Including several favorites, %Iiuports Mr. Drew. In prominent roles tihere appears Helen MacKellar. Alison ai

3kipworth, Jane Houston, Helen Menken, 81biary Worth, Edith Shayne, Walter LCingsford, Edward Phelan, Charles Ken-iedy, John S. O'Brien, and several others. at

tiBelasce-i'Alone at Last." cc

The Megars. Shubert will present one Isif the most tuneful of all musical plays,'Alone at Lst." at the Belasco for theweek of February 2."Alone at Last" has met with great R

iuccess as "Endlich Allein" in Vienna. VBerlin, Rome. and Budapest. and has f,een generally hailed by critics as the ofnost pretentious work Lehar has yet wwritten.The comedy is In three acts, the scenes at

being laid in Interlaken, Switserland.rhe second act is divided Into three Gicenes. showing the base, the slopes and mhe summit of the Jungfrau. The prin-!ipals have been selected with the utmost n:are and every number In the operetta is wif a character that makes a real appeal. a,The cast includes Harry Conor, Forrest r,

-luff. Fritizi Von Busing, Mabel Weeks. Lfane McArthur, Elizabeth Goodall. Rob- enson Newbold, John E. Wheeler, Harry tr. Ianlin, and others. There in a large:horus and a special orchestra.

d1B. F. Keithl's-Vaudeville. al

The week before Inauguration, begin- n,

iing next Monday at B. F. Keith's The-Lter, Is the occasion for an extraordinary 8,111 Introducing to the advance guard of ti'isitors Evelyn Nesbit and Jack Clif-'ord in their latest singing and dancingreation. There will be three shows a

lay on Saturday. March 3 and Sunday, pidarch 4, when the bill closes. As now tustomary the three show hours will be R, 5, and 8:15 p. m. 01Emmet Devoy and company In "The

'all of Childhood." Willie Weston, rated his America's foremost character singer;krthur Stone and Marion Hayes In

o'Green Goods," a country carnival ab-urdity: Florrie Millership in a single 0'eature, aptly termed "Little Miss Dan-y;" David Sapirstein, the eminent con- tn:ert pianist, and Lohse and Sterling Inheir physical culture feats, are others on

he bill. The pipe organ recitals, anddr. Vernon Castle in the seventh epi-ode of "Patria," the photoplay serial,vill continue.Keith's announces only two shows for atlonday, March 5. one at 5 and the other c

it 8:15 p.im., but there will be three, at p, 5 and 8:15 on Tuesday, March 4, while drhe balance of the week the usual two-a- alay, at 2:15 and 8:15, will be restored. errhese performances are expected to cover gill the amusement needs of Washingtonmnd its visiting hosts so far as B. F.Keith vaudeville is concerned. re

noPell's-"Romaance.," e

The popular Poll Players will nextveck depart from the commonplaces of tiroduction with the presentation of "Ro- blnance," that great play of Edward Shel- t

[on in which Doris Keane achieved a 01

-elebrated success, beginning next Mon- Clay night with daily except Monday mat- s

nees. n

The curtain will rise on a prologue, a 0

>lshop endeavoring to dissuade hisiephew from marriage with an actress,

horennie Mason Gibbs. Misses Suzanne and at

ElizabethChase and Miss Margaret AmI. no

Mrs. Mason M. Patrick left yesterday ttor Norfolk for a visit of several days, ni

atMrs. lMilander P. Claxton and Miss mtelen Claxton will be at home tomorrow mnd will be assisted in receiving by the nrives and daughters of the members of*ongress from Tennessee and North Caro-ina.The Children of the American Revolu-Ion of the District will celebrate Wash-ngton's Birthday with an entertainment sind dance at the Cairo from 2 to 6 o'clockhis afternoon. A short program from cito 3 o'clock will be given by the chil- tiren representing each society of the Dis- ar

riet, after which general dancing willollow until 6 o'clock. The program andlance are in charge of the State direc-or and the society presidents.Mrs. Angus McLean and Miss Ruth Mo-

Lean, of Detroit, are spending some timeIt the Willard. Others staying there aredr. and Mrs. George J. Jackson, Mrs.Willard Parker Butler, and Miss EleanorButler, all of New York.

Mrs. Frank L. Polk will entertain at a doea this afternoon. al

J1Mr. and Mrs. Page LAughlin have comep from their home at Leesbu'rg, Va., c'.nd are at the Shoreham for a few days. al'hey are accompanied by Mr. Oden How- srd. al

Mrs. George N. Laughlin. fr'., and Missa ncatherine Laughlin. of 'Pittsburgh, are ti'siting in Washington and are stopping sit the Shoreham.

Mrs. H. Eliott and Miss A. Elliott, os C

'hompson, Conn., while In Washington,.rc staying at the Shoreham.Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilber, of War-tenton. Va., are making a short trip toVashington and are staying at the Shore-ham. .EMr. and Mrs. D. S. Wolcott, of Pitta- plurgh, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sumner,f Detroit, arrived at the Shoreham yes- U

erday.Mrs. George Vanderbilt was hostess at a<dinner at the Shorthamn last evening,Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall chaperonedaparty of young ladies at luncheon at *c

he Shoreham yesterday..

Mr. John A. Rogers, U. S. N.,* andaRogers arrived in Washington yes-

erday and are stopping at the Shore-n

A party fromn the West, induding' Mr.ind Mrs. J. F. Pinman and Mr. and Mrs.

1' N, Haw, of El Paso, are In Washing-U

on for a visit end are staying' 'at the


Mr. and. Mrs. W. B. Campbell, of Buf- Elalo, and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. North, fr., Plif Columbus, Pa., arrived In Wahingtonesterday and ares at the Uhoreham, U

Mr. and Mrs *. C. Cooper, of Jack- elometlie, le., sma biiaha t- a

thd Next WeekIlbg' his own heart-rining ezperiie

a.as a youthful clergyan he tell. Inye with the uigning gongstress f hisie, Following three acts the playalte again into en opti0ge.

Flarnce f4ittenhase, the leadgwom-kof the popular Pol Players, will ap-

ar athe great opera ageri Mmie. LaavWiln.and wnaft P. Carleton.raness Williams, ZAu8 FarMWn, HOW-

4d Lang, I.ii moudn Deity and othersthe cast of favorites will have speciallyteresting roles.The Pol9 production of "iRoniance" will80 mean a wonderful sartorial treat for0 Poll patrons, and Director Edwin E.Izrtis and Scenic Artist Charles Squire.Lve completed an abolute reproduction'the famous Doris Keane production ofis celebrated play.

Gayety-arsesue.Solly Ward, a comedian well knownthe burlesque stage, heads the cast'The Roseland Girls," the coming at-atlonat the Gayety Theater.This company presents a two-act musi-

comedy in several scenes, entitledove, Law, and Politics," a topical re-ew of current events. Aiding and abet-i2g 21 Ward in his fun-making efforts'e Tom Nolan. Murry Leonard, Frankanhope, Shirley Lawrence, Augustaang, Lynn Cantor and Stella Wood.The entire second act is laid in a re-on purporting to be the border line be-reen the United States and the mythicaluntry of Pavonia, where the only bul-is exchanged are shafts of repartee.

Cosmes--Vaudevlie."Happy" Lambert. "Rusty" Benson.L. Hamilton, N. C. Bolton. and ClemsLerio, all noted In the realm of black-ce minstrelsy. will furnish the chieffering of the Cosmos Theater bill nexteek, under the name of "The Musicaiinstrels,". the entertainment Includingngs, dances, repartee, and Jokes.Other acts will include Ed Lewis andrace Norton, in refined and up-to-the-Inute light comedy; Lallah Selbini andispany in "Venus Awheel" a sightly)velty; Meehan and Knapp. singers asell as clever comedians; Nick Santoraid company in "A Lucky Punch," apid three-round boxing bout; Charlebadegan, in a comical slack-wire offer-

', and Jones and Gray, a comedysm.F'or a certainty, next week's big photo-'oduction will be the Universal picturii'ama. "The Eagle's Wings," whicnrikes the note of American prepared-iss along new line.Sunday's performances, starting atp. m., will present for the last limeie features of this week's bill.

Loew'. Columbia-Mae Murray.boew's Columbia offers as the fetreiotoplay for the last half of this week.ginning Thursday, Mae Murray in "Onxcord." In this picture romance dropsit of the sky when Rand Calder's bi-ane lands in a field near Helen Wayne'spuse. Then she went to the city to be-me his mother's secretary. A prettyve story follows.Beginning Sunday and for the first halfnext week Marguerite Clark will he

en in "The Fortune" of Fifi." It is saidhe one of Miss Clark's most notable

reen achievements.

Meere's Garde--Clara KimballYomag.

7l'ara Kimball Young will be featuredMoore's Garden Theater next week.mmencing Sunday afternoon. In "The'Ice She Paid." The story is intenselyamatic. It concerns the life history ofyoung girl, beautiful but poverty strick-, forced to battle against the tide of,e armed with only one weapon, her sex.te marries a wealthy suitor whom she,s known but a short while. She soonalizes that riches do not bring happi-ss. Just when the future seems black-t there comes into her life an honorihlan. Pate steps in just as she is aboutmake a misstep that would forever

acken her future, and In the end thekreshold of peace and countentment beck-is for her. This is the third of Missara Kimball Young's own productionsid It provides her with better opportu-ties than either "The Common Law'"The Foolish Virgin."

ere's Strand--"The Premise."Rarold Iiyckwood and May Allison willad the program at Moore's Strand The-er Sunday, Monday. and Tuesday of'xt week in an original comedy dramatitled "The Promise." It is a pte'e;at is filled with action of the rapid-*' variety, and telling a fascinatingory of a promise of a wayward youngan to his sweetheart. His efforts toake good his vows to her give rise toany dramatic scenes.3n Wednesday and Thursday Alic-yce, Harry Morey and Peggy Hyland11 hold the screen In a drama entitled'he Courage of Silence." The centralaracter is a woman who to protectose nearest and dearest to her keepsent about a crime of which she is ac-sed but of which she is innocent. Ine end the guilty ones are punished, ande heroism of the woman leads to theme of the man she loves.Friday and Saturday Frank Keenarid little Thelma Salter will be featureda novel photoplay, "The Crab."

['he stars incline, but do not compel."

HOROSCOPE.Thursday, February 22, 1917.

Astrologers read this as an unimportanty in planetary direction. While Venusid Uranus rule faintly for good, Saturn,apiter and Neptune are slightly adverse.Again the seers warn persons of everyass to he moat circumspect in thoughtad action, as the occult influences of thear afect even the least sensitive menid women.It is believed that the U'nitsd States'ceesarily focuses many malefic vibra-:ns of thought and that, owing to thearvival of material interests at a tlimehen the Eutropean world is purified bypreme suffering, it may reap seriousnisequences.This should he a fairly beneficial ruler women. Their affections should winetr heart's desires under this con-luration.Business in which women are interestedis a premising sign, but warning is

yen that all should he wise in everylitical move'it should be an auspicIous date foreddings or engagements.Uranus gives promise of success in in-mntons, especially those that improvetrisal navigation.Music and musical instruments comesder a sway making for popularitynong all ciassee of persons. A greatprano will gain fame. it is foretold.In the South several cities may hefected by exposures of mismanagement

ad corruption in the municipal govern-ent.Csiaad has the forecast of a lingeringring which may work serious delays tois movement of supplies.

Puane in many places outside the

ipopean war son.. ja prognoeticated,esiOO Come. uinder a sway that is moettreateing.Persoas whose birthdate It Is may haveay busineeh annoyance. but success is

'obable, if speculation is avoided.

Children, born on this day mhay meet'

Ith mny serious obstaclee, which they'

e likely to overcome. These subjectsPiles, are sually exceedingly perse-

assusbsiest I

The Flag, 39cFour-foot flag, with Inc

0 six-foot pole, rope andmetal holder. Complete up

for 39- IfFv Flags. arsi

Each on staff,with t

gilt spear head, in 5-S prong metal holder. Y0 Complete for 39c.

for 3x$ ft. flags,45 fast colors. Reglcg for 30 x 48-Inob t

13flags, fast co0lor,Sseessia Floor. four h1

$1.50 and $2 Men's$1.05, or 3 for

For four hours only, from 90 Men's Fine Quality Miadras Silk S

and Percale Shirts, with both soft a

plain and pleated fronts. All sizes

Mn SUSie, Fier and350 pairs of Fiber Silk and Lisl

o'clock, 2 pairs for 25c. Some Ony"purple clocks. Sizes up to 11, but it

SFoster Ideal Bed, Special,


Continuous-post Baked-enamel


Foster Ideal make; all sizes.

-Mattressess--NUMade with rolled edge and cov

Soft-top traw Mattresses. all Fizes..0liusk and Straw Mattresses, all sizes.E.xcelalor andi Felt Mattresses, all sizes

0Rattan and Felit Mattresses, allI sizes..

BasementFor FDRJ

For todari. to 11taken fromf516 GoodHense Drew46 complete,

-yesterdy almarked theF.ursonly .

We cann4

strongly thecrowded in

POf pretty a

made dressecolors, thethe trimminjcollars andthese tovalues.

Cotnuu-ps NoPhoae e 0

* a dewih olede and coy



Will somebody please send a fullgrown. ferocious looking. ugly,. ringtailedsnorter of a bulldog to the headquartersof the Congressional union for Womanbuffirage In the Cameron Hlouse?The suffs have specified that they dol p

not want an effeminate, little talcum-pow-dered mite of a dog. but a real live ueenough bulo.Here's why. Not long Ja1go. a former mascot, the same bIn a

gray kitten, evidently of the mae ae,as it was named Mr. Henry, died a hor- 'Ail!e death, because Congress enfran- 1chised the Porto Ricans and forgot all Isabout America women.

waythesufragstsaregoig fter thea

AU nmnt etn ilbstonly ath,

aftenoo,uder uspcesof rttyaus

GoenetLau f mayadBes

min .Hlliad, f Coora owlors, the

Thr cilb msclpolrsb an

It snt ncesar oeshapo ohair sfrequntly iitaisentrey.n

prpell somesylseaedaahtmh full

sorof a llogthmoo e ea sirestofthe congreomnadtno four reaerirone Ith Carings oustentuabeuty f thae seirand tattbe oed

at very antl epente, lbyl taissowa

deaspooniue of anox, chreall e e

otae form anysrugit,aeIn apof ht wataedr.Thisrmakes a ulr-uof daho beiqud, engresois easytoisittalthe hlarandsotallojhut Aeritop omenh. Thswe

Impurtes tldo is venrootn andwilcoeed theinetatonmasotlasdbenri-teeepficiatngboth epand ir.Afteinsingn will the atherng eled,of hwill fn.the scalpgist areshin afen thend

fre fomitdandrinf wille thel hairlre Hll. fldle at evelocpi



4or Four Hons OaHraMG MD fUIMINDIGIkur hours in the eperience of thiesep. a.

en's and Youngand Over

:luding values $ Inchto $19.50... up t4you are guided by prices promised fcsted. At $5M are sizes. maotily 33 to

,uth's Long PantsSuits

ilar $ro to $18 Suits of chev-Lssimere and tweeds; sizes 14 j

rearsonly. Today, for .1ours .................... $Sfr<

Shirts, Men's 1$3 79cto I o'clock, A fine assorttripe Cheviot Neckwear, for 4nd stiff cus- for $2. The pri

14to Today from 9 t<

1eet F1er.

Sik Hose, 25c Qaiiese Hose for*Men, selling regularly at 2Hose in the lot. Most all colors. A

lot in every color.

$4.95. Bed SpiNational LiniSteel Bed; be quality met


loss and Felt-,red with good quality art or striped ti............gA All Colored Cottnn

Iyer Felt MattreA...........3.31!1 em Iyer Felt Ma...........S. iAyer Felt Mattre............2 Silk Floss Mattress

kore b

ur Hours nusi.,

ESSESi3cI 6Up.


s af day-9 a.- I (.e. heak- m..--we have Mills, with 1- d

Ow regular stock W. glass canis- iTe.Q W Percale ter: regularlyeg, in giges 3s to 79c, at 59e.

that were priced en

:9c eac and ,1a at 43c frfour ly

)t emphasize toovalues we have ' roll

o this assortmentd practical, well- Ira

s. The range ofattractive styles, a t

hbr e Cs.

s, the handsome stools w hI telcuffs will prove enameled, withbe remarkable rubber tips un- pla

der legs: regn- :r.ary At ly.rders, or C. 0. D. 49r.

a 0 a a as Ea a aea a

tring quartet of local talent. just or-anized, consisting of Messrs. Bushby.filler, G. Montgonry. aid Howell. MrstL. Montgomery will sing a slo and MrAbert Feller will render a cornet solo

TEIU ABOUT CDIT ]EN."The credit man presents different as-ects. according to whether the view-oint be that of the salesman, the public.he swindler or the proprietor." said Mr.ohn F. Moore. of Gen. F. Moore & Co..t Business High school yesterday. in anddress on "The Fssentials of a Credit[an." The lecture %as the third of theeries to be given by the Washington As-oelation of Credit Men.

LASIES CAN WEA SUOESSMea~iller after using Alte.'s Foot-Eas-, the

ntiseptie p~owder for the feet. Shake. into the,ees and sinkled in the foot-tath,. Alien'. F o

Ws akes tight or shoce feet eacy. gi. -e is-ant relief t, crno and tbnion. pinemse Blistern

to.sadepots Its th neset at

here. 2c. For 5'REE trial tuchage, adder.. Allen.Oheeted, Ie IRoy. N. Y.-Ad,.

YjE~soWGHT at 8:15.~~~~1TINEEODAY


POLl PLAYERSla Ceham & Marria' Great Sueeeeg.

'It Pays to Advertise"Sasme Peli Piees: UMe, U0e. Tie.

gOE~sl~a:--hl he earier thausuel.(ext Week: Ei|,A.";2 "Remmace"

4E's Theater FEJTZ

Seats mew em ame at Ma.. GreemeVstaket effties,5 Deeg4.13th andG.

rhe kesgi Wasb~.ligisgenity Flasunywill Present the CoinedyA NIGHT OPP

T..mts fiss the Gma by Aohd Daly.



DANCING.Ilckets, Eec, 75c, $1. at ofUies of T. Ar-f

thur Smith end at Deer.

IWa5IU a i 414

4 SUM.

urs Only :at WNWu iss4Saa

daants. Today-&me 9 a.

Men's Suits .

6oatsading values $:>$25.OO ... 1U 0

Sthe futur the vamle we ob-37. At $10 ar sizM mody 34

Men's Blue Serge *Trousers

UI-wool Serge Trousers, in sizesto 4O. For today only-Wm 9 a. In. to I p. sm. only$30


l Silk Neckties,, or 3 for $2ment of Large, Open-end Silk 8hours only today, at ygc, or 3:e of these neckties is $s each.I o'clock only. 7g .ach, or 3 U

Pala"s nownI-ot. rue.U

,at 2 Pairs for 25c'5c pair. Today. from 9 until Ifew black. with white, red and

.,... .ey.-t..., ......U

gs, Special at $3.29. UBed Spring. made of the very U

i frame; all siaes. Sale price, U


pecial, $6.45 :king; closely tufted; all sizes.Mattresses. all sizes:.. .. ....... sN"s,. 4 -lb.. ,l, iz.e....... ge.7fttrej;;a1 60-lb.. all sizes...12.5sea, ;. - b.. all Sizes...........SI&.75

ep, al sizes .............. .. i .7

Ut Seta.o d nicketed "nutIker and I

el - platedpicks. At

Iream Bead o nstand. vell made of

obberDoorhigh - grade be...-esd1 wood: cornplete Ihweal i .n bracket- $1.26fie.l value At55g.

9 size. At

edieNe Cab-01 whtI

neled, withr r o r andf: regular- G , th i

00. At81 0 p a . burner and

larg o'.11 Reiru-slet Pope"i Iarly $9.75. SrecIal at

qualit' ;_i5 for 23c.

mily seal..;h :4 lb.

ranteed AtWk ais M heavy

Srot ta. Sad avanized ironheavptg. 411c. At.25eb

a: nickel- Reg. 69c. At. eed: ' Irons. ReI'.!t.I AtI..d and held- Reg ., c. At.Use 08e regular- Reg. 099c At ..SeAt line. Re tilc. At... AbePalat. Royai-Beesment Steos.

CATIONAL - -II"VtaeMATINEE TODAY, Slic,7.na~ . il


JOHN DREWIn r d Mitbell's CoedyMAJOR PENDEN90S

Mr. rr's Genatest Soece.

SLMENDORFrim Th-.alay Afternodt s aMar 8, Ma s t.1i M.41

BE LASCO :.5.2 ''Maise Today am s tuedy S.86.

GUY BATES POSTIn a Play by Joh. Huneter E..oth

Founded onKtinr .1 bsen IRoyaLNEXT WEEK-SEATS WOW.

Th MrtecfAl1 Musal Pays


y Pla lmbr. Oam- ef "The Mae7 Wide."Spe'S (ast-bermase OVt&SSal-Santi Chaew.

B.F. KEIT1I'S AiMata.. UMe; Eves., Me t. 61.

TifRmE SUOWS-3 S. ai35-rum. US

BRICE & KING--eesea A.' oa.

Smec.uv=.. cai .a-.ta.


Im A M. Se11P. M. NIe.UUM5om


e-U Ps e,. -nan on~