mis sum2mt1.test

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  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    sno Question

    1 Which of the following is the default attribute value of unordered list bullet styles?

    2Which of the following options are used to add as notes to yourself or anotherdeveloper about past, present, or future plans for a section of the HTML code?

    3Which of the following tags contains the content that describes various aspects ofthe page and is not actual text or graphics that are displayed on the Web page?

    4Which of the following options is also known as internal style sheet?

    5Which of the following tags is being used to enter the text and graphics that aredisplayed when the Web page is viewed in a browser?


    Which of the following image formats is good for line art, graphics with large areasof solid color, and pictures with few colors?

    7 Which of the following options enables HTML authors to logically group elements?

    8Which of the following options refer to the element that is connected with aparticular style?


    Which of the following options refers to the remote computer that stores andprocesses Web pages?


    You are creating a Home page for consumer goods website. You want that thename of the company and the logo should be grouped together and left aligned.You also want that the price and the name of the goods should be right aligned.Identify the correct code snippet to perform the preceding task.

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test



    Mathew is working as a service manager in NewAge Automobiles. He has tocreate a new service for checking the pollution level of their new range of cars andadd resources to it in the CRM system. Suggest the sequence of steps Mathewshould follow to create the service and add resources to it.


    Consider the following steps to change the status of a contract:

    Step 1.Click the Contracts link in the Service section in the Navigation pane.Step 2.Locate and double-click the desired record. Step 3.Click the Contacts link in the Workplace area in the Navigation pane. Step 4.Select the Active Contacts option from the View drop-down list in theContacts section. Step 5.Select the Invoiced option from the Filter on drop-down list.

    Identify the correct sequence of steps to change the status of a contract.

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    ack a service manager, has to submit the Service Activity Volume report to thetop management of NewAge Bikes. To do so, Jack has to generate the report inthe CRM system. Identify the steps Jack needs to perform to create the report.


    Robert is a service manager in Techbuzz Inc. He is responsible for schedulingservices for the customer services representatives (CSR ). He scheduled aservice to configure computer for a customer, Celina. After a few days Celinacalled and asked Robert to cancel the service. Identify the steps Robert needs toperform to cancel the service activity.

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    The management at the NewAge Technologies has decided to observe Easter asa holiday. Peter, the scheduling manager, needs to include this holiday in the CRMsystem so that the system should not show the availability of resources for thatday. Identify the steps Peter needs to perform to set a business closure.

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    Marc is a scheduling manager in NewTech Solutions. Marc needs to schedule theworking hours for John, who is a new customer services representative. Identifythe steps Marc needs to perform in the CRM system to schedule the workinghours.

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    George, a service manager, needs to create a group of customer servicerepresentatives, who have similar skills. Identify the steps George need to performto create a resource group and add multiple resources to that group.


    Organizations are classified based on Nature of work, Profit, System type, and ______________.Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.


    Jim Walters of Webdirectors Inc., an IT service provider, along with five otheremployees, is currently designing a Payroll Management System for a customer. As Manager of Product Design he has to ensure that the design that is developedby the team meets the exact specifications provided by the customer. Immediatelyafter this assignment, Jim will be working on a new assignment of creating aprototype on Business Intelligence System. For thos assignment, Jim will beinerfacing with the customer onsite. He will be representing his organization asDesign Consultant.

    Which organizational structure is WebDirectors Inc. following?

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    StilletoShoes Inc., a footwear manufacturing company, needs to prepare adetailed plan to calculate requirements for materials in the production-planningphase of their latest product. The following is a list of items that the ProductionManager needs information about to plan accurately.1. Unprocessed leather2. Sequins3. Suede4. Cloth5. BOM

    Identify the type of information form the options provided.


    Fred Thomson, the Sales Manager at Wholesalers Inc., recently received arequest from a local retailer to send 200 shirt pieces. Fred planned themanufacturing schedule so as to ensure timely delivery to the retailer. When theshirts were ready to be shipped, he prepared the purchase order specifying thedue amount. Finally, he readied the dispatch along with the purchase order for thesame.

    Identify the correct option that describes the mistake made in the scenario.


    Sara Richards is an Internet Security trainer at Webdirectors Inc., an IT service.Sara performs the following tasks before embarking on a training program:1.The training needs and methodology are identified2.The training duration and venue are planned3.The training effectiveness is identified4.The training program is implemented and feedback is elicited

    Identify the correct sequence of steps for conducting the training program.


    Websolutions Inc., an IT service provider, is a small organization. The projects aremanaged by their two competent Project Managers who are grooming the newteam under them capably. However, with expanding business the organizationneeds to recruit three new Project Managers.

    Which of the following is NOT a good recruitement option for them?

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    VeneerGold, a gems and jewelry retail outlet wants to streamline and structure thepayroll process for their employees. For this purpose they outline a series of tasksand objectives that they would like the automated system to perform.

    Which of the objectives is NOT feasible to be performed by the Payroll System?


    A ________________ system is one that is not able to change easily in responseto external stimuli. This could lead to a loss of hold in the market.

    Fill in the blank with the correct option.


    FreshFood Inc., a leading food processing company, receives orders from variousdistributors for their products. Once an order is placed, the Sales Manager checksthe available quantity based on the size of the order, calculates the discount due tothe customer, and processes shipping detail requests from the customer. If thequantity requested by the customer is below the quantity available in thewarehouse, it accepts a backorder, informs the customer about a probableshipping date, and sends the request to the manufacturing facility for supply of therequested item. FreshFood Inc. wants to automate this process.

    Recommend an appropriate Information System from the given options.

    30Which of the following is incorrect in reference to the benefit of MaterialsRequirement Planning?


    ClothesInVogue Inc., a leading garment manufacturing and retailing organization,is creating new plans to ensure smooth process executions. They want anautomated system that will enable them to:- Maintain material supply as per the demand for the products- Reduce warehouse costs and overheads- Provide better and faster customer service- Deliver orders on time- Ensure requiste raw material is available as needed

    Which of the following do they need to implement?

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    Consider a production scenario. The Production Manager at DressesnDesigns Inc.receives an order for 200 pairs of jeans and 300 pairs of T-shirts. The managerchecks the bill of materials for each product to gather their inventory requirements.Next, the manager checks the Master Production Schedule for the availableinventory materials, allocates the required materials to the different divisions, andallows the manufacturing process to begin. Finally, the products are delivered tothe customer on the decided date.

    There is an error in the described production scenario. Which of the given optionscorrects the given scenario?


    ________________ aims to obtain orders from existing customers whose habitsand patterns of thought are already conducive to the products. Fill in the blank with the correct option.


    To provide good service to the customers, it is important that their ___________and ___________ must be defined and maintained.

    Fill in the blanks with the correct option


    Jack Wilson is one of the short listed candidates for the post of Project Manager atMoonshine Inc., an IT services providing company.The bases for his final selection was the following information gathered by theHR:- His previous work experience for three years deemed him more suitable for the job.- His previous salary records indicated quick increases, which in turn signified hiscapabilities.- The attendance records at his previous company indicated that he waspunctual.

    Which of the following processes provide this type of information?


    Nick Daniel has joined Moonshine Inc., an IT service providing company a weekago. He is slated to begin work on a new project based on .Net technology. Although Nick has managed technical projects successfully in his previous jobs, hehas negligible knowledge of the .Net technology.

    Which is the most suitable method to ensure he can make valuable contribution tothe project?

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    The Human Resource department at VeneerGold Inc. received many complaintsover the past quarter about pay slip related to mismatch in the expected and actualtake-home salary. The current pay slip includes the following components:- Employee code- Name- Address- Department- Designation- Net earnings- Incentives

    Which of the following components can be added to the pay slip to improvematters?


    Dressmagic Inc., an Apparel retail store chain, utilizes Information Systems for alltheir processes from manufacturing, to distribution to retailing. Presently, a need isfelt to integrate all these Systems, so that when new strategies are devised for thebusiness, the plans and decisions are based on an integrated approach. Thisintegrated System should also provide them with solutions that take all thedepartments and processes into consideration.

    Suggest an Information System that would serve the purpose for Dressmagic Inc.


    Waterqueen Inc. provides shipping services across the Pacific to manufacturersand distributors, who need to transport their products across continents. They usea Logistics Information System that integrates all the shipping processes, andprovides support to activities by acting as a central data warehouse. The systemalso provides online help to merchants and notifies them about theirschedules.Identify the significant benefits that the Logistics Information Systemprovides to Waterqueen.


    Globemines Inc. is in the process of building a chemical plant in Texas. Thecompany imports a large quantity of its raw materials from Europe. Therefore, tomaximize their returns and cut costs, it wants to launch the product in Europe aswell. For this it needs to set up an optimum network for storage and distribution ofthe product throughout Europe. This project utilizes all modes of transport - road,rail, barge, and bulk shipping, as well as bulk terminal storage for carryingmaterials between regions.Select the appropriate option that would help provideGlobemines an optimum solution for their problem.

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    Soundsystems Inc., a small scale manufacturing company dealing in electronicgadgets received an order for supplying 300 stereo sets within a month, from alocal retailer. After the materials requisition slip is received, a goods inward note issent to their suppliers specifying the quantities of raw materials to be acquired. After getting the required materials, the manufacturing begins. By the end of the month, Soundsystems Inc. delivers the products successfullyand receives a Goods Received Note from the retailer.

    Identify which of the below given statement is correct for the given scenario.


    Main target of companies while providing a set of services to the customers is to __________________ and __________________Fill in the blanks with the correctoption.


    ThreadsAndLaces Inc., a clothing accessories company specializes in producingdifferent types of belts, scarves, and headgear. They are focusing on expandingtheir operation in the Northern region, where their competition has a better market.Sam Wood, the northern region sales manager, approached Style Creations, anelite apparel store with outlets in elite areas to sell their products. Currently, StyleCreations acquire these accessories from various sellers across the country basedon the theme of the collection for the season. Sam explains the good quality oftheir product and the success they have received while fulfilling orders from chainof retail stores across the region. However, he is not able to close the deal. What type of selling was Sam doing and why do you think he failed?


    In the _______________ phase of Supply Chain decision-making, the plans forthe next several years such as deciding the facility location and capacity ofproduction, modes of transportation etc. are determined.

    Fill in the blank with the correct option.45 Loan taken by a company to build a state-of-the-art office is:


    John, a scheduling manager at Motor Bike Works, has scheduled the workinghours for users and resources in a CRM system during the CRM Installation. Now,Rex, the service manager, needs to schedule a bike repair service for one of thecustomer of Motor Bike Works. Identify the correct sequence of tasks Rex needsto follow.

    47Which of the following refers to those customers who have neither used norexpressed any desire to use the goods or services of an organization?

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    Which of the following represents those customers who have not yet purchasedany goods or availed any services from the organization but have shown interest inthe goods?


    Which of the following represents those customers who used to buy services orgoods from the organization earlier, but have not purchased anything in thepredetermined time period?

    50Which of the following represent those customers who regularly purchase goods orservices from an organization within a predetermined time?

    51Which of the following refers to the first phase of the CRM system implementationlife cycle?


    Consider the following scenario:

    FabExpo Inc., deals in fabric production. They want to produce summer collectionfor the coming year. They have differentiated the customers and theirrequirements. After differentiating the customer and their requirements, theorganization has to produce and customize the product according to therequirements and expectations of the customers.

    Analyze the scenario and identify the phase of the CRM life cycle the organizationis working in.


    Consider the following scenario:

    BlueMoto Inc. deals in automobile manufacturing. BlueMoto wants to implement aCRM system in the organization. For this, vendors and CRM products areevaluated and compared depending upon the requirement of the organization.

    Analyze the preceding scenario and identify the phase of CRM systemimplementation life cycle referred in the preceding scenario.


    Consider the following scenario:

    After implementing the CRM system, the project team represents the analysisreport to the executive management of the organization. This report shows howefficiently the implemented system affects the organization.

    Analyze the preceding scenario and identify the phase of CRM systemimplementation life cycle referred in the preceding scenario.

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    Consider the following scenario:

    Sam is a sales person in the BlueMoto Inc. He needs to explore the user interfaceof the CRM system. He needs detailed information about Marie Johns, aprospective customer. This information will enable Sam in converting theprospective customer into a current customer. In addition, Sam is interested infinding out the detailed information about Jerry Warne, another customer, in orderto send him the brochure of a new product.

    Analyze the preceding scenario and identify tab in the navigation pane of Webclient interface of the CRM system that Sam should use to perform the precedingtask


    Consider the following scenario:

    Sam is a sales person in the BlueMoto Inc. He needs to explore the user interfaceof the CRM system. He needs detailed information about Marie Johns, aprospective customer. This information will enable Sam in converting theprospective customer into a current customer.

    Analyze the scenario and identify the link in the Sales tab, that Sam should use toperform the preceding task.

    57 Which of the following is incorrect in reference to account?

    58Which of the following stage is performed before converting a Lead into anOpportunity in the Sales Management Process of CRM system?

    59Which of the following action should be taken when a lead has been contactedand the customer is interested in purchasing products from your company?

    60Which of the following actions should be performed when a lead is not interestedin purchasing products from your company?

    61Which of the following must be specified before products can be added to anopportunity?

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    70 Which of the following options is correct in reference to response code?

    71 Which of the following refers to the last stage involved in the marketing process?


    John is using a CRM system in Motor Bike Works. He has to initiate a campaign topromote the sales of CBeeZ-1005. This product is a improved version of theexisting product CBeeZ-1000, which was promoted by the campaign, ProductLaunch. Now, John needs to create a new campaign based on the existingcampaign. Identify the correct steps John needs to perform to create the newcampaign.

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    Motor Bike Works has manufactured a new bike, Fire-1000. Now, it is theresponsibility of the marketing manager to promote this new product in the market.To promote Fire-1000, the marketing manager plans to create a marketingcampaign. Identify the correct sequence of stages of the marketing process to befollowed to create the campaign for Fire-1000.


    Grand Motors is an existing customer of Motor Bike Works. Grand Motors wants toplace an order of twenty bikes in response to the campaign Fire-1000 conductedby Motor Bike Works. Suggest the sequence of steps to be performed by MotorBike Works to record the response of Grand Motors by using the CRM system.

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    Grand Motors launched a marketing campaign to promote a new model of a car.Sharne a sales person at Grand Motors receives an e-mail from one of thecustomers, who attended the marketing campaign launched by Grand Motors.The customer sounds interested in the purchasing the new model. Therefore,Sharne needs to convert the response to a lead. For this, he needs to perform thefollowing tasks:1.Create a campaign response.2.Convert the campaign response to a lead.Identify the steps Sharne needs to perform to convert the campaign response to alead.


    Consider the following steps to add members to the marketing list depending uponthe eligibility criteria:Step 1. Click the Marketing List Members link in the Details section. Step 2.Click the Manage Members button. * * *Step 4. Give the criteria to select the customers and then click the save button.Step 5. Type the value for Name field in the Query properties box and then clickOK button.Step 6. Click the Find button. Step 7.Select the Add all the members returned by the search to the marketing listoption.Step 8.Click the Add to Marketing List button. Step 9.Click the Save and Close button in the Form toolbar.Identify the option to be selected while performing the Step 3.

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    90Which of the following areas allows you to view a list of resources displayed in theService Calendar section?

    91Which of the following areas allows you to list your schedule for a particular timeframe, such as a day, a week, or a month?


    John is a mobile phone technician. He has a schedule for service activities createdby the service manager. John wants to cancel one of the service activities.Suggest the way by which John can cancel the service activity.

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    Consider the following steps:

    Step 1: Click the Services tab in the Navigation pane, and click the Leads link inthe Sales area is selected.Step 2: Click the New button in the Actions toolbar. Step 3: Ensure that the General tab is selected and then enter all the details in therespective fields. Step 4: Click the Details tab and then enter all the details in the respective fields. Step 5: Click the Save and Close button.

    Sam is a new user of a CRM system. He has been provided the preceding steps tocreate a lead in the CRM system. But he was unable to create a lead. Identify thecorrect steps that Sam should perform to create a lead.


    Sharne is a working as a sales manager at Motor Bike Works. He has to create aquote for a customer. To perform this task, Sharne performed the followingsequence of steps:

    1. Click the Sales tab in the Navigation pane and then click Quotes. 2. Click the New Activity button in the Actions toolbar. 3. Ensure that the General tab is selected and enter the details.4. Click the OK button. Click the Save button in the Form toolbar in the Quotewindow5. Click the Actions button and then select the Active quote option.

    By performing the preceding steps, Sharne was not able to get the desired result.Identify and correct the step where Sharne has made a mistake.

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    Mike has to create a quote for a customer. To perform this task, Mike performedthe following sequence of steps:1. Click the Sales tab in the Navigation pane and then click Quotes. 2. Click the New button in the Actions toolbar. 3. Ensure that the General tab is selected and enter the details.4. Click the OK button. Click the Save button in the Form toolbar in the Quotewindow5. Click the Actions button and then select the Assign option.

    By performing the preceding steps, Mike was not able to get the desired result.Identify and correct the step where Mike has made a mistake.


    A sales representative at Motor Bike Works has converted a lead to an opportunityfor Globe Motors (New Series-Road King) . When following up with the customer,the Sales Representative finds out that the customer is interested in three CBeeZ-1000 series of bikes. Now, the sales representative has to add these products tothe opportunity. The Sales Representative performs the following steps to accomplish the task:1. In the Navigation Pane, click Sales, and then click Opportunities.2. In the list of opportunities, open the opportunity for Globe Motors (New Series-Road King).3. On the Actions menu, click New Opportunity Product...By performing the preceding steps, the Sales Representative was not able to getthe desired result. Identify and correct the step where the sales representative hasmade a mistake.

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    A sales representative at Motor W orks has converted a lead into an opportunity forGlobe Motors (New Series-Road King) . When following up with the customer, thesales representative finds out that the customer is interested in three CBeeZ-4000series of bikes. Now, the Sales Representative has to add these products to theopportunity. The sales representative performs the following steps to accomplish the task:1. In the Navigation Pane, click Sales, and then click Opportunities.2. In the list of opportunities, open the opportunity for Globe Motors (New Series-Road King).3. On the Actions menu, click New Opportunity Product...By performing the preceding steps, the sales representative was not able to getthe desired result. Identify and correct the step where sales representative hasmade a mistake.

    98Which of the following option is not considered while planning a marketingcampaign?

    99Which of the information indicates the type of campaign activity in campaignresponse form?

    100Which of the following is the most critical planning step for defining an effectivecampaign?

    101Which of the following indicates a link to the campaign activity that is used tocreate the response.

    102Which of the following indicates a link to the record of the user who created theoriginal campaign activity or the person creating the record.

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    Mike, of Globe Motors is using a CRM system to create a record for a new salesrepresentative to the resource group of salespersons. To do so, Mike hasperformed the following steps:1.Under Settings, click the Business Management link. 2.Click the Resource Groups link in Business Management section. 3.Click the New button in the Actions toolbar in the Resource Groups section.4.Enter the details.5.Click the Save button. * * *Identify the correct sequence steps that Mike should perform in continuation to thepreceding steps to complete the desired task.


    John is a marketing manager at Neap Inc. The organization has launched amarketing campaign to promote a new model of washing machine. After thecampaign, John wants to view the details of the financial returns from eachcampaign. He performed the following steps to generate the report for the same inthe CRM system:Step 1 .Select Workplace tab in the navigation pane.Step 2.Click the reports link in the workplace area.Step 3.Locate and click the Comparison report... After the report was generated, John found that the report is not providing therequired information. Identify the correct step required to perform the desired task.

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    The Marketing Manager of Metro Bike Works views an e-mail from a newcustomer, Globe Motors. Through this e-mail, Globe Motors conveys their intereston the product, CBeeZ-1000 that was used at the event called Charity Campaign.Now, the Marketing Manager wants to convert this response to a lead for follow-upby a Sales Representative. The Marketing Manager performed the following steps to convert the campaignresponse to a lead:1. Double-click the record in the Campaign response section.2. Click the Action Button and then select the Assign option .3. Ensure that the Create New Lead option and the Open newly created recordsoptions are selected. 4. Click Ok and Close the Response form.

    By performing the preceding steps, the Marketing Manager was not able to get thedesired result. Identify and correct the incorrect step.


    John is a marketing manager at Neap Inc. The organization has launched amarketing campaign to promote a new model of washing machine. After thecampaign, John wants to view the summary of planned and actual timeparameters of the campaign. He performed the following steps to generate thereport for the same in the CRM system:1.Select Workplace tab in the navigation pane.2.Click the reports link in the workplace area.3.Locate and click the Comparison report... After the report was generated, John found that the report is not providing therequired information. Identify and correct the step required to perform the desiredtask


    John is a marketing manager at Neap Inc. The organization has launched amarketing campaign to promote the new model of washing machine. After thecampaign, John wants to identify the most and least successful campaigns. Heperformed the following steps to generate the report for the same in the CRMsystem:1. Select Workplace tab in the navigation pane.2. Click the reports link in the workplace area.3. Locate and click the performance report... After the report was generated, John found that the report is not providing therequired information. Identify and correct the step required to perform the desiredtask.

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    John is a marketing manager at Neap Inc. The organization has launched amarketing campaign to promote a new model of washing machine. After thecampaign, John wants to identify the most and least successful campaigns. Heperformed the following steps to generate the report for the same in the CRMsystem:1. Select Marketing tab in the navigation pane.2. Click the reports link in the workplace area.3. Locate and click the comparison report... After the report was generated, John found that the report is not providing therequired information. Identify and correct the step required to perform the desiredtask.


    Owen, a customer service representative at NewAge Solutions, receives a callfrom Ben who is an existing customer. Ben wants a two years contract formaintenance of his computer system. Owen performs the following steps in theCRM system to create a contract for Ben:1. In the Navigation pane, click Service.2. In the Service area, click Contracts.3. In the Contracts section, click New.4. In the Contract Template dialog box, select the contract template and clickOK.5. In the Contract window, enter the necessary information and click Save andClose.Ben does not receive an invoice and he calls NewAge Solutions to report thematter. Identify the error committed by Owen while creating the contract.


    Owen, a customer service representative at NewAge Solutions, receives a callfrom Ben who is an existing customer. Ben wants a two years contract formaintenance of his computer system. Owen performs the following steps in theCRM system to create a contract for Ben:1.In the Navigation pane, click Service.2.In the Service area, click Contracts.3.In the Contracts section, click New.4.In the Contract Template dialog box, select the contract template and click OK.5.In the Contract window, enter the necessary information and click Save.6.In the Contract window, click Actions and then click Invoice Contract.Ben receives the invoice after two months that mentions charges for somedifferent service. He calls NewAge Solutions to report the matter. Identify the errorcommitted by Owen while creating the contract.

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    Jack is a service manager at NewAge Solutions. He was asked by themanagement to provide the report of the cases that were not resolved. Heperformed the following steps to generate the report in the CRM system:1. In the Navigation pane, open the Workplace area.2. In the Workplace area, click Reports.3. In the Reports section, open the Case Summary Table report.4. In the Report Viewer window, click Run Report. After the report was generated, Jack observed that the report was not showing thedesired information. Identify the mistake committed by Jack while creating thereport.


    Jack is a service manager at NewAge Solutions. He was asked by themanagement to provide the report of the cases that were resolved. He performedthe following steps to generate the report in the CRM system:1. In the Navigation pane, open the Workplace area.2. In the Workplace area, click Reports.3. In the Reports section, open the Case Summary Table report.4. In the Report Viewer window, click Run Report. After the report was generated, Jack observed that the report was not showing thedesired information. Identify the mistake committed by Jack while creating thereport.


    Owen, a customer services representative at JetAge Solutions, received a callfrom a customer, who reported an issue related to his computer system. Owenregistered the case in the CRM system and associated a Knowledge Base articlewith that case. The case was assigned to another customer servicesrepresentative, Jack. While resolving the case, Jack found that the KnowledgeBase article was not visible in the Notes and Articles tab in the Case window.Identify the possible reason for this situation.


    You are part of the accounts department of Trip Connect, a travel and tourscompany. You receive a journal entry of the recent financial transactions that hassome mistakes. How will you modify the journal entry to correct the mistakes?

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    Camphor Creations Inc., a chain of stores dealing in interior decorations recentlyautomated one of its critical business processes. The automation process hasbeen a great success. Following are some of the benefits of the automationprocess:a. Providing access to detailed reports and audit trials, which help inanalyzing revenue schedulesb. Managing the billing system by allowing multi-faceted billing facilitiesc. Booking and recognizing revenue in the appropriate fiscalaccounting period, according to accounting practices and regulations Whichbusiness process has Camphor Creations Inc. automated and which part of thatprocess is being referred here?


    Blue Software Ltd., is a custom software development organization. Someprocesses that help in the functioning of the organization include:- Developing and maintaining healthy relations with potential customers- Producing the product in the form of a finished product or service to meet thecustomers needs- Planning, managing, and reviewing performance- Generating reports including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, andgeneral ledger statements.What are the functions that these processes may be grouped into?

    117Which of the following is NOT an inventory checking technique?


    Supersonics Inc., an electronic goods company has 4 manufacturing units and 43distribution units spread across the country. The company discovers that theiroperations right from that of receiving orders for products, purchasing andprocuring them etc. to the final shipment of products are running in a disparatemanner. The company sees the need for these operations to be more integratedand inter-connected in order to improve the final efficiency and effectiveness oftheir operations.Recommend an appropriate solution for Supersonics Inc. by selecting one of thegiven options.

    119The five stages in a Supply Chain are that of Suppliers, Manufacturers, ____________, ____________, and Customers.


    Soundmagic Inc., an electronic goods and hardware manufacturing company, hasgrown popular over the years across five countries in Europe. Now, Soundmagicwants to extend its supply chain to customers in other countries. However, theywant to minimize their facility and transport costs.Recommend an appropriatesolution for Soundmagic Inc. by selecting one of the given options.

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    Consider the following situations: A. Jack sells a tape recorder to Nick who is more interested in buying a CD player.However, after showing him the positive features of the tape recorder, Jack

    succeeds in selling him the product though at a discount of 5%.B. Ted is a direct marketing salesperson. Recently, he delivered 2 sets ofdishwashing equipment, after making an impressive presentation before thecustomer highlighting the positive features of the product.C. Fred is the manager of Clothmagic Inc., an apparel retail store chain. Recently,he was awarded with a certificate for excellence at work for persuading one of theirchief customers in buying a bulk of 500 pairs of jeans after facing a lot ofdifficulties.D. Every summer, Jill sets up a table in a shack next to the Mall, and sellspasserbys glasses of lemonade. Once winter arrives, she switches over to hotcups of tea and coffee. During both seasons, her net earning per week rangesfrom $40-$50.Select the option that best describes situations highlighting the developmentalselling approach.


    A strong supply chain framework strengthens the roots of a business system bysynchronizing the __________ and __________ with the __________ at everystage.

    Fill in the blanks with the given options.

    123 How can you differentiate between Debtors and Creditors?


    Given below are the recent transactions of Brick Bat Inc, a sports shop. Accordingto the journal entry principles, which accounts should be credited or debited?- Sale of soccer and cricket items worth $40,000 by cash on 8th Nov- Purchased goods worth $30,000 by cash from vendors on 12th Dec

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    Green Ville, a company into the manufacturing of recyclable items, begins with aninvestment of $ 40,0000. Part of this investment is a loan of $ 30,000, which thecompany has to pay back within 10 year. Besides, the company has a bankbalance of $ 10, 000,00. The company has its own building, which serves as thecorporate and administrative office. Recently, the company bought office furniturefor the new recruits. In the scenario given above, identify the possible financialterms applicable and relate them to the appropriate situations in the scenario.

    126 A _____________ is a legal entity conducting business. It has numerous owners.


    Dresslines Inc., an apparel retail store chain, uses an Information System thatstores all the information regarding product sales in the markets in respectiveregions. When an order is placed, this system checks the available quantity onhand based on the size of the order and calculates the discounts to be offered.Identify the type of Information System used by Dresslines Inc. from the givenoptions.

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    Soapworld Inc., manufacturers and distributors of soaps and detergents, requirean Information System (IS) that schedules, purchases, ships, receives, and helpsin other operations on the shop floor. By means of this IS, the schedules aboutproducts to be produced can be determined based on market demands Thissystem would also help them to determine the quantities of raw materials requiredfor manufacturing, the time when these raw materials are available, and the cost ofthese raw materials.Recommend an appropriate Information System for Soapworld Inc. from the givenoptions.


    SkatesForKids Inc. has to deliver a consignment of 500 skates to a city store in 2months. It prepares a bill of materials while designing the product. This includeslisting the gross requirement for skates components, and the lead-time beforecomponents are actually required. The list of requirements includes base skates,PVC wheels, safety buckle, and plastic chassis, and is sent to its suppliers (basedon the total number of skates that are required). The problem occurs whenSkatesForKids runs short of base skates and PVC wheels for the skates, whereasthe safety buckles and plastic chassis are in excess. In addition, SkatesForKidshave been batch processing the skates, which has led to steep production costs.

    Select the option that best solves the problem for SkatesForKids.


    Gregory Mantel is a Sales Executive at Homeshop Inc., a lifestyle and furnishingstore. Gregory makes routine sales and services calls to people identified aspotential customers. Additionally, he makes it a point to be in regular touch with hisexisting customers as well to give them updates regarding new products andobtain feedback form them. He uses a particular report format to fill in thesedetails

    Select the option that best describes this report.

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    Dressinginstyle Inc., an apparel store chain, makes decisions to regulate its long-term supply chain strategies by calling a meeting of senior executives from allacross the country. The key decisions taken by the committee include: A. If the business at their south city outlet continues to run in losses for more thana year, it would be turned into a distribution unit.B. If the manufacturing of one shirt requires cloth of about 4 meters, they need topurchase at least 4000 meters of cloth to fulfill an order of 1000 shirts.C. Since their business does well in the northern parts of the city, they wouldextend outlets located there by adding a special woolen apparel section by the endof next year.

    Which of the stated decisions is not part of the strategic phase in Supply Chaindecision-making.


    Income of a period = Revenue Expenses

    What do you infer from the above?


    Websolutions Inc., an IT services providing company, wants to recruit a ProjectManager. The Human Resource Manager has received a large number ofapplicants after the advertisement for the job was placed. The Human ResourceManager wants to check the references of the applicant. Thus, the managerprepares a checklist of details that should be confirmed about the applicant by thecandidates previous employer. These include:- The time the applicant had spent with the previous employer.- The salary or wage paid to the applicant by previous employer.- The job profile of the applicant with the previous employer.

    Suggest another item for the reference checklist by selecting one of the givenoptions. .


    ___________________ comprises managerial decisions and actions that ensurethat an organization formulates and maintains beneficial strategies in keeping withthe environment in which it operates.Fill in the blank with the correct option.


    ____________are used to automate business functions, and offer an integrateddata solution across an organizations infrastructure.Fill in the blank with the correct option.

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    StilletoShoes Inc., a footwear manufacturing company, needs to prepare adetailed plan to calculate requirements for materials in the production-planningphase of their latest product. The following is a list of items that the ProductionManager needs information about to plan accurately.1. Unprocessed leather2. Sequins3. Suede4. Cloth5. BOM Select the option that best identifies the type of information described here.

    137 Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Materials Requirement Planning?


    Globemines Inc. is in the process of building a chemical plant in Texas. Thecompany will be distributings its products in the European and South-AmericanContinents. It needs to coordinate the movement of goods from its factory in Texasto the nearest ports (by road or rail), from the port of origin to the destination port(by bulk shipping), from the port to the warehouse (road , rail or barge) and finally to the distribution points (by road/rail).

    To do this effectively, Globemines Inc. wants to design and test the optimumlogistics network to distribute the product.

    This project utilizes all modes of transport - road, rail, barge, and bulk shipping, aswell as bulk terminal storage for carrying materials between regions. Select theappropriate option that would help provide Globemines a Logistics a solution fortheir problem.


    ReadAll Inc. is a publishing house where large-scale manufacturing of books isdone. As there is a large set up of machinery required to print, ReadAll Inc.monitors customer demand and process large orders together. Which type of production process is followed at ReadAll?


    Organizations derive the fitness required for an effective and efficient performanceby regulating the _______________.Fill in the blank with the correct option.


    _______________ is a customer-business organization transaction involving theexchange of goods or services with money.Fill in the blank with the correct option.

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    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: The process of demand forecasting forms the basis for all strategic,tactical, and operational decisions in a supply chain. Statement B: The process of demand forecasting influences all decisions in theproduction, marketing, finance, and personnel processes.

    Select the correct option.

    143Which of the following factors affect the successful management of a supplychain?


    Consider the following steps:

    1. Establishing customer requirement.2. Creating an efficient system for managing customer requirements .3. Designing, manufacturing, and verifying the product against specifiedrequirements .Select the option that best identifies the process these steps are a part of.

    145 Which of the following is the money that the owner invests to start the business?

    146which of the following is money owed to the company that has been written-off asnot recoverable?

    147which of the following are the amount spent in order to produce and sell the goodsand services?

    148 which of the following is the correct accounting equation?


    Which if the following tool is inventory strives to eliminate the sources ofmanufacturing waste by producing the right part, in the right place, and at the righttime.?


    Which of the following information system provides the product designspecifications to the Production department for review and feasibility check, in theprocess of creating a Business Plan?

    151which of the following inventory costs are incurred when there is a demand for theproduct but the material is not available for shipping or selling?

    152Which of the following is the forecast technique, where historical information isused as a reference to predict future demands?

    153Which of the following tasks is not performed by Warehouse Management System(WMS)?

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    154Which of the following options indicates a step that is not a part of the recruitmentprocess?


    VeneerGold, a gems and jewelry retail outlet wants to streamline and structure thepayroll process for their employees. For this purpose they outline a series of tasksand objectives that they would like the automated system to perform. TheVeneerGold Payroll System should be able to:- Prepare a detailed salary record of all the employees in an organization- Calculate the monthly salary and generate pay slips - Ensure maximum productivity of manpower - Generate various reports that provides information to the management

    Which of the objectives is not feasible to be performed by the Payroll System?


    Fred Thomson, the Sales Manager at Wholesalers Inc., recently received arequest from a local retailer to send 200 shirt pieces. Fred planned themanufacturing schedule so as to ensure timely delivery to the retailer. When theshirts were ready to be shipped, he prepared the purchase order specifying thedue amount. Finally, he readied the dispatch along with the purchase order for thesame.Identify the correct option that describes the mistake made in the scenario.


    Fundrive Inc. manufactures toys for children of different age groups. They havereceived very large orders for toys because of the upcoming festive season. Tomeet these orders on time, the production manager decided to procure rawmaterials from some new suppliers too. The entire production was planned suchthat all the raw material will reach from the new and old suppliers in time for theproduction. However, there were delays in the delivery of raw materials, especiallyby the new suppliers. Therefore, the production resources could not be utilizedproperly to meet the order on time.

    Which of the key decisions were not considered by production manager to delivera quality product on time?


    In the ________________, assuming that the materials purchased are issued instrict chronological order, the materials are issued at the actual cost.

    Fill in the blank with the correct option.

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    Consider the statements:

    Statement A:Material Requirements Planning includes information about parts and componentsthat the product requires, and describes the manner in which different parts andcomponents are related to one another.

    Statement B:Material Requirements Planning is an inventory control process used to calculatethe amount of raw materials necessary to manufacture a specific product.

    Select the correct option.


    Foodparadise is a small restaurant with five employees. The restaurant has fixedmeal hours and serves a small-sized clientele. Identify the organizational setup based on type of system at Foodparadise.


    Consider the following statements:Statement A: Examples of profit-based organizations include social groups,universities, human rights commissions, and worker unions.Statement B: Example of adaptive system can be fashion and cosmetic industryas it is highly dependent on external stimuli.

    Select the correct option.


    Fashionworld Inc., a leading apparel retail store chain, introduces new collectionsof clothes for men, women, and children based on customer tastes and trends.These collections are introduced every season. Fashionworld believes this willhelp maintain their business standards and maintain their popularity amongcustomers.Select the option that best identifies the type of system Fashionworld operates in.


    Two years ago, John Denson started Links., an electronics good store, in hishometown. Since then, John has expanded operations to two outlets across thecity. He plans to use the profits from the store to institute a scholarship in hischildrens school. Identify the type of organization Links Inc. is.


    You are creating a Web page for a fashion magazine web site. You want to displaya photograph of a model in a Web page. The size of the file is small. Which of thefollowing image format will you use to accomplish preceding task?

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    Dick created a Web page of the website of his company. He now wants to add thedate information of the Web page was created, but he does not want to displaythis information on the actual Web page. Which of the following options he will useto obtain the desired output?


    Suzy created a website for a manufacturing company. The company managerasked that the logo of the company should be divided from the text under it .Which of the following options will she use to accomplish the preceding task?


    You have created a Web page and want to add a style sheet into the HTML codesuch that it can be easily accessible and can be viewed in the source code of aselected page. Which of the following style sheet will you use to obtain thepreceding result?


    Harry created a Web page explaining the HTML code to design a Web page. Hewants that the code should not be processed by the browser as the actual HTMLcode and the reserved characters should also be displayed on the page. Which ofthe following options he should use to accomplish the preceding task?


    You are creating a Web page that contains the mark sheet of every student of auniversity. You are asked to insert a table to display the marks of each student.Identify the correct code snippet to create a table structure of 2 rows and 3columns that displays the name, the roll number, and the marks of the student.

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    Angel created a website for a restaurant. The manager of the company asked herthat background color of every page of the website should be blue and also animage of the restaurant stored at C:\Windows\Desktop\WebProject\images\bgimage.gif, should be displayed at the background. He asked herto use the relative path of the image file. Which of the following correct codesnippet will she use to accomplish the preceding task?


    Consider the following steps:

    Step 1. Save the file and test your work in a browser.Step 2. At the location that you determine, enter the .Step 3. Determine the location where you want to create page breaks

    You are creating a home page for a recipe website. You want that the page shouldlink to other five pages of the website.and each link should be separated by theline break. You also want to put appropriate content on its own line. Arrange thepreceding steps to accomplish the desired task?


    Julie is hired as a Web developer by a Book store to create a website for the bookthe store. The book shop owner has the following requirement:1. The name of the book (Live books Store) shop and the address (156, street no.2, California) should come at the top of the Web page. 2. The text font of the name of the shop should be bigger than the text font of theaddress. 3. The text should be left aligned. Identify the correct code snippet that Julie should use to obtain the desired result.


    Liza created a Web page for a company called InfoIT Ltd. The manager of thecompany wants her to display a link on one of the Web pages. He wants thatwhen user clicks on the link, a new browser window should be open. Which of thefollowing code snippet she will use to accomplish the preceding task?

    174 Which of the following fonts is a font with letters that have decorations?

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    ANSWERS 2 3

    1, Disc 2, Square 3, Circle

    Comment/ notadecode 2, Lists 3, Headings

    2, 3, 2, Embedded stylesheet 3, Linked style sheet

    1, 2, 3,

    2, GIF3, PNG

    1, 2,


    1, CSS selector 2, Comments 3, Non-breaking


    1, Web server2, Web browser 3, URL





    Jackup Electronics





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    Copyright ITWorld.Inc


    Copyright $copy;ITWorld. Inc


    Copyright #copy ITWorld.Inc

    3, Step 1--> Step 4 --> Step 3 --> Step 2

    2, Step 2--> Step 1--> Step 4 --> Step 3

    1, ActivityCode StartDate

    End DateA001077


    2, Activity Code

    Start DateEnd DateA001077


    3, ActivityCode StartDateEndDate

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    1,1.In the Navigationpane, click theSettings tab.

    2.In Settings area,click the BusinessManagement link.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, click theServices link.4.In the Servicessection, click theNew button.5.In New window,type the necessaryinformation in theGeneral tab.6.In the RequiredResources tab,select the resourcesneeded for theservice.7. Save and closethe New window.

    2,1.In the Navigation pane,click the Service tab.2.In Settings area, click theBusiness Management link.3.In the BusinessManagement section, clickthe Services link.4.In the Services section,click the New button.5.In New window, type thenecessary information in theGeneral tab and the RequiredResources tab.6.Save and close the Newwindow.

    3,1.In theNavigation pane,click the Sales tab.2.In Settings area,click the BusinessManagement link.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, click theServices link.4.In the Servicessection, click theNew button.5.In New window,select the resourcesin the General taband the RequiredResources tab.6.Save and closethe New window.

    2,Step 3 --> Step 4 --> Step 1 --> Step 2 --> Step 5

    3,Step 3 --> Step 2 --> Step 1 --> Step 4 --> Step 5

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    4,1.In the Workplacearea, click the

    Reports link.2.In Reports section,click Service ActivityVolume.3.In Report Viewerwindow, select thevalues in filter.4.In Report Viewerwindow, click RunReport.5.In Report Viewerwindow, click Show All link.

    2,1.In the Workplace area,click the Reports link.2.In Reports section, clickService Activity Volume.3.In Report Viewer window,click Show All link.4.In Report Viewer window,select the values in filter.5.In Report Viewer window,click Run Report.

    3,1.In the

    Workplace area,click the Reportslink.2.In Reportssection, clickService ActivityVolume.3.In Report Viewerwindow, select thevalues in filter.4.In Report Viewerwindow, click Show All link.

    1,1.Login in theCRM systemthrough the Webclient.2.In the Activitiessection, open the

    service activity toconfigurecomputer.3.In the Service Activity window, clickthe Actions button.4.Select the CloseService Activityoption.5.In the CloseService Activitydialog box, selectCanceled and clickOK.6.Close the Service Activity window.

    2,1.Login in the CRM systemthrough the Web client.2.In the Activities section,open the service activity toconfigure computer.3.In the Service Activitywindow, click Follow Up.4.Click Close Service Activity.5.In the Close Service Activitydialog box, select Canceledand click OK.6.Close the Service Activitywindow.

    3,1.Login in theCRM systemthrough the Webclient.2.In the Activities

    section, open theservice activity toconfigurecomputer.3.In the Service Activity window,click Schedule.4.Click CloseService Activity.5.In the CloseService Activitydialog box, selectCanceled and clickOK.6.Close the Service Activity window.

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    2,1.In the Navigation

    pane, clickSettings.2.In the Settingsarea, click BusinessManagement.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, clickBusiness Closures.4.In the BusinessClosures section,click New.5.In the BusinessClosure window,enter the necessaryinformation and clickOK.

    3,1.In theNavigation pane,

    click Service.2.In the Servicearea, click BusinessManagement.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, clickBusinessClosures.4.In the BusinessClosures section,click New.5.In the BusinessClosure window,enter the necessaryinformation and clickOK.

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    2,1.In the Navigationpane, clickSettings.2.In the Settingsarea, click Business

    Management.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, clickResource Groups.4.In the ResourcesGroups section, clickNew.5.In the ResourceGroup window,provide the requireddetails and clickSave.6.Click Resources inthe Details section.7.In Resourcessection, Click AddResources.8. Select theresources in theLook Up Recordsdialog box and click

    3,1.In theNavigation pane,click Settings.2.In the Settingsarea, click Business

    Management.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, clickResource Groups.4.In the ResourcesGroups section,click New.5.In the ResourceGroup window,provide the requireddetails and clickSave.6.Click Actions.7.In Resourcessection, Click AddResources.8. Select theresources in theLook Up Recordsdialog box and clickOK.

    2,Ownership 3,Membership


    2,Team organizationalstructure

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    1,Structuralinformation 2,Unstructured information


    2,Replacepurchaseorder with invoice

    3,Replace purchaseorder with salesorder

    3,1,2,4,3 2,2,1,3,4

    1,Calling efficientcandidates alreadyworking in theorganization forinterviews.

    2,Asking existing employeesto recommend suitablecandidates.


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    3,Ensure maximumproductivity ofmanpower

    2,Calculate the monthlysalary and generate Pay Slips

    3,Non-Adaptive 2,Dynamic

    1,TransactionProcessing System

    2,Management InformationSystem

    3,Decision SupportSystem

    4,Material supply isdelinked withdemand 2,Customer service is better

    3, Delivery isconsistent and quick

    2,MaterialsRequirementsplanning 3,Logistics planning

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    3, Replace masterproduction schedulewith inventoryrecords

    2, Replace masterproduction schedule with billof materials

    2,Service Selling3,DevelopmentalSelling

    3,Quality andStandards 2,Process and Procedure

    1,Referencechecking 2,Recruitment organizing


    xx2,Ensure he learns thetechnology on the job

    3,Provide himtraining on thetechnology beforestarting the projectto improve hisexperience

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    1,Gross earnings,Bonus, Deductiondetails

    2,Total remuneration,Benefits, Achievements ofemployee

    3,Loan details,Death in servicebenefits, Payment oftelephone bills

    2,EnterpriseResource PlanningSystem


    3,Managing exportand importschedules andtracking cargomovements andproduct delivery till itreaches thecustomer.

    2,Maintaining Inventorycontrol, Safety stock - review,replenishment and lossprevention.

    3,Customizing aLogistics InformationSystem.

    2,Customizing a DistributionManagement System.

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    3,Replace GoodsInward Note withPurchase Order

    2,Replace Goods ReceivedNote with MaterialsRequisition Slip

    4,Increase marketshare and ensurecustomersatisfaction

    2,Increase customer baseand ensure employeesatisfaction

    3, Increase pricesand provide value

    3,Developmentalselling. He failedbecause he did notidentify thedifference in thecustomer need forthe product.

    2,Service selling. He failedbecause he could notconvince the customer aboutthe quality.

    3,Strategic phase 2,Operational phase2,A liability 3,An asset

    1,1. Enter generalinformation aboutthe service.2. Identify theresources needed toprovide theservice.3.Create a selectionrule.

    2,1. Enter general informationabout the service.2. Create a selection rule.3. Identify the resourcesneeded to provide theservice.

    3,1. Identify theresources needed toprovide theservice.2. Enter generalinformation aboutthe service.3. Create aselection rule.

    1,Marketplacecustomers 2, Prospective customers

    3, Formercustomers

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    2, Prospectivecustomers

    3, Formercustomers

    1, Former customers 2, Marketplace customers3, Prospectivecustomers

    3, Current customers 2, Former customers

    3, Adoption Phase 2, Implementation Phase

    1, Productdevelopment andcustomization

    2, Customer comprehensionand differentiation

    3, Customerinteraction andproduct delivery

    2, Acquisition Phase3, ImplementationPhase

    2, Use andMaintenance phase 3,Adoption phase

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    1, Sales tab 2, Service tab 3, Settings tab

    4, Leads 2, Accounts 3, Opportunities4, It refers to anyindividual, who is acustomer of theorganization or thestaff member of theorganization

    2, It represents therelationship with theorganization such as acustomer, a channel partner,a distributor, or a supplier.

    3, An account canhave one or moresub-accounts.

    1, Qualify the Lead 2, Create a Quote 3, Create an Invoice

    2, Convert 3, Delete

    1, Disqualify 2, Delete 3, Convert

    4, Price list 2, Actual Revenue 3, Description

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    1, It refers to theprospectivecustomers who havenot yet purchasedany goods or availedof any services fromthe organization.

    2, It refers to themarketplace customers.

    3, An opportunitycannot negotiateupon the pricementioned in thequotation.

    3, Quote 2, Order

    2, Order 3, Quote

    2, This report is usedto compare howeffective the leadsources are atgenerating qualityopportunities.

    3, The reportdisplays a list ofcompetitors, withdata on open,closed, won, andlost opportunities foreach.

    1,It helps in keepingtrack of only thesales activities.

    2, It can be created by thesystem administrator orbusiness owner.

    3, It helps anenterprise to work inan organizedmanner andmaintain a workhierarchy.

    3, Planning andBudgeting

    2, Planning and CreatingMarketing Campaigns

    4, Identification ofLeads 2, Resources required 3, Target audience

    3, It can be modifiedor published for useby any number ofCRM system users.

    2,It is used to track theprogress and status of themarketing campaigns.

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    2, It indicates theinterest level of therespondent, whowould like to receivemarketing materials.

    3, It indicates a linkto the record of theuser who createdthe originalcampaign activity orthe person creatingthe record.

    1, TrackingMarketingInformation

    2, Launching MarketingCampaigns

    3, Creating andManaging MarketingLists

    1, 1. In theNavigation Pane,Click Marketing andthen clickCampaigns.2. Open the ProductLaunch campaign forCBeeZ-1000.3. Click Actionsbutton and thenselect Copy asCampaign.4. On the Generaltab, in the Namebox, type CBeez-1005.5. Click Save.

    2, 1. In the Navigation Pane,Click Marketing and then clickCampaigns.2. Click New Template in theaction toolbar.3. Provide the name of thetemplate as CBeeZ-10054. Click Save.

    3, 1. In theNavigation Pane,Click Marketing,then clickCampaigns.2. Open thecampaign CBeeZ-1000 to create atemplate.3. Click Actionsbutton and thenselect Copy astemplate.4. On the Generaltab, in the Namebox, type CBeez-1005.5. Click Save.

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    2, 1. Planning andBudgeting2. Creating andManaging MarketingLists3. Planning andCreating MarketingCampaigns4. LaunchingMarketingCampaigns5. TrackingMarketingInformation

    3, 1. Planning andBudgeting2. Creating andManaging MarketingLists3. LaunchingMarketingCampaigns4. Planning andCreating MarketingCampaigns5. TrackingMarketingInformation

    4, 1.Click theMarketing tab in theNavigation pane. 2.Click theCampaigns link inthe Marketing area.

    3.Select LaunchedCampaigns from theView drop-down

    list.4.Double-click thecampaign for Fire-1000 record.5.Click theCampaignResponses link inthe Details area inthe Navigationpane.6.Click the Newbutton in the Actionstoolbar. Ensure thatCampaign Responsetab is selected.7.Enter the detailsand then click the

    2, 1. Click the Marketing tabin the Navigation pane.2. Click the Campaigns link in

    the Marketing area.3.Double-click the campaignfor Fire-1000 record.4.Click the CampaignResponses link in the Detailsarea in the Navigation pane.

    5.Select LaunchedCampaigns from the Viewdrop-down list.6.Click the New button in the Actions toolbar. Ensure thatCampaign Response tab isselected.7.Enter the details and thenclick the Save and Closebutton in the Form toolbar.


    1.Click theCampaigns link inthe Marketingarea.2.Click theMarketing tab in theNavigation pane. 3.Double-click the

    campaign for Fire-1000 record.4.Click theCampaignResponses link inthe Details area inthe Navigationpane. 5.Select LaunchedCampaigns from theView drop-downlist.6.Click the Newbutton in the Actionstoolbar. Ensure thatCampaignResponse tab is

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    3, 1.Double-click therecord in theCampaignResponses section.

    2.Click the ConvertCampaign Responsebutton in the Formtoolbar. 3.Ensure that theCreate New Leadoption and the Opennewly createdrecords options areselected.4.Click the OKbutton.5.Click the Save andClose button. 6.Close theCampaign Responsewindow.

    2, 1.Click the ConvertCampaign Response buttonin the Form toolbar. 2. Double-click the Interestedin commercial vehicle loanrecord in the CampaignResponses section. 3.Ensure that the Create NewLead option and the Opennewly created records optionsare selected.4.Click the OK button.5.Click the Save and Closebutton. 6.Close the CampaignResponse window.

    4, Step 3. Select theUse Advanced Findto add membersoption in the ManageMembers dialog boxand then click theOK button.

    2, Step 3. Select the UseLookup to add membersoption in the ManageMembers dialog box and thenclick the OK button.

    3, Step 3. Select theUse Find to addmembers option inthe ManageMembers dialog boxand then click theOK button.

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    2, The CRM ServiceModule

    3, The CRMService SchedulingModule

    1, Top KnowledgeBase Article Report

    2, Case Summary TableReport

    3, Neglected CasesReport

    4, Contract 2, Case 3, Invoice

    3, My Contracts 2, On Hold Contracts1, Cases 2, Leads 3, Opportunities

    4, Active 2, Invoiced 3, Existing

    2, Resolved Cases 3, All Cases4, Draft 2, Invoiced 3, On Hold

    3, These articlescontain the features,design,specifications,functionaldescription,strengths, andlimitations of theproducts offered bythe organization.

    2, These articles contain thesolution to the technicalproblems faced by thecustomers while using theproducts.

    4, These articlescontain the circuitdiagrams of theelectronic gadgetsand the blueprints ofmachinery.

    2, These articles contain thefeatures, design,specifications, functionaldescription, strengths, andlimitations of the productsoffered by the organization.

    3, These articlescontain the solutionto the technicalproblems faced bythe customers whileusing the products.

    1, Service 2, Service activity 3, Service rule

    3, Planning 2, Delivery

    1, Settings area 2, Workplace area 3, Service area

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    1, Service area 2, Workplace area 3, Sales area

    2,Workplace area3, Resource centrearea

    2, 1.Ensure that theWorkplace tab isselected.2.Select the Activiteslink in theWorkspace area.3.Double-click therecord in the Activities section.

    The Service Activitywindow appears.4.Click the Actionsbutton and thenselect the CloseService Activityoption.The CloseService Activity --Webpage Dialogdialog box appears5.Select theCanceled optionfrom the Status drop-down list.6.Click the OKbutton.

    3, 1.Ensure that theResource Centretab is selected.2.Select the Activites link in theWorkspace area.3.Double-click therecord in the Activities section.The Service Activity

    window appears.4.Click the Actionsbutton and thenselect the CloseService Activityoption.The CloseService Activity --Webpage Dialogdialog boxappears5.Select theCanceled optionfrom the Status drop-down list.6.Click the OKbutton.

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    3,1.Click the Salestab in the Navigation

    pane, and ensurethat the Leads link inthe Sales area isselected.2.Click the Newbutton in the Actionstoolbar. 3.Ensure that theGeneral tab isselected and thenenter all the detailsin the respectivefields. 5.Click the Detailstab and then enterall the details in therespective fields. 6.Click the Save andClose button.

    2, 1.Click the Sales tab in theNavigation pane, and ensurethat the Leads link in theSales area is selected.2.Click the New button in the Actions toolbar. 3.Ensure that the Administration tab is selectedand then enter all the detailsin the respective fields. 5.Click the General tab andthen enter all the details inthe respective fields. 6.Click the Save and Closebutton.

    3, Sharne has madea mistake in Step 2.The correct step is :Click the New buttonin the Actionstoolbar.

    2, Sharne has made amistake in Step 2. Thecorrect step is : Click theTools button in the Actionstoolbar.

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    4, Mike has made amistake in Step 5.The correct step is :Click the Actionsbutton and thenselect the Activequote option.

    2, Mike has made a mistakein Step 1. The correct step is: In the Navigation Pane, clickMarketing, and then clickQuotes.

    3, Mike has made amistake in Step 1.The correct step is :In the NavigationPane, click Service,and then clickQuotes.

    4, SalesRepresentative hasmade a mistake inStep 3. The correctstep is: ClickProducts in theDetails section andthen click NewOpportunity Product.

    2, Sales Representative hasmade a mistake in Step 1.The correct step is : In theNavigation Pane, clickWorkplace.

    3, SalesRepresentative hasmade a mistake inStep 3. The correctstep is: On the Actions menu, click Accept.

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    4, SalesRepresentative hasmade a mistake inStep 3. The correctstep is: Click theProducts link underthe Details section.

    2, Sales Representative hasmade a mistake in Step 1.The correct step is : In theNavigation Pane, clickWorkplace.

    3, SalesRepresentative hasmade a mistake inStep 3. The correctstep is: On the Actions menu, click Accept.

    3, Cost of Product2, Message to communicateabout products

    1, Channel 2, Promotion Code 3, Response Code

    2, Target audience3, Name of thecampaign

    3, Originating activity 2, Resource code

    1, Owner 2, Priority 3, Resource code

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    2, 1. Click theResources link in theDetails section. 2.Click the AddResources button inthe Actions toolbar inthe Resourcessection. 3.Click the Searchfor records button. 4..Select the desiredrecord in the Available recordssection.5.Click the Add theselected recordsbutton.6.Click the OKbutton and thenClick the Save andClose button in theForm toolbar.

    3, 1.Click the Add

    Resources button inthe Actions toolbarin the Resourcessection. 2. Click theResources link inthe Detailssection.3.Click the Add theselected recordsbutton.4.Click the Searchfor records button. 5..Select the desiredrecord in the Available recordssection.6.Click the OKbutton and thenClick the Save andClose button in theForm toolbar.

    1, The step 3 isincorrect. Thecorrect step is:Locate and click theperformance report.

    2, The step 2 is incorrect.Click the reports link in theMarketing area.

    3, The step 3 isincorrect. Thecorrect step is:Locate and click theactivity status report.

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    3, The step 2 isincorrect. Thecorrect step is: Clickthe ConvertCampaign Responsebutton in the Formtoolbar.

    2, The step 3 is incorrect. Thecorrect step is: Ensure thatonly Create New Lead optionis selected.

    1, The step 3 isincorrect. Thecorrect step is:Locate and click theactivity statusreport.

    2, The step 2 is incorrect.Click the reports link in theMarketing area.

    3, The step 3 isincorrect. Thecorrect step is:Locate and click theperformance statusreport.

    1, The step 3 isincorrect. Thecorrect step is:Locate and click thecomparison report.

    2, The step 2 is incorrect.Click the reports link in theMarketing area.

    3, The step 3 isincorrect. Thecorrect step is:Locate and click theactivity statusreport.

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    3, The step 2 isincorrect. Click thereports link in theWorkplace area.

    2, The step 3 is incorrect.The correct step is: Locateand click the activity statusreport.

    4,After step 5, openthe contract, click Action and selectInvoice Contract.

    2,Contract line was notadded.

    3,Contract wassaved in Activestate.

    4,Wrong contracttemplate wasselected in step 4and wrong billingfrequency wasselected in step 5.

    2,Contract line was notadded.

    3,Wrong contracttemplate wasselected in step 4.

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    3,All other filters,except Status filter,were not deletedbefore step 4.

    2,Value was not provided forProduct filter before step 4.

    4,All other filters,except Status filter,were not deleted andoption for Statusfilter was notchanged before step4.

    2,Value was not provided forProduct filter before step 4.

    3,All other filters,except Status filter,were not deletedbefore step 4.

    3,The assignedarticle wasunpublished beforethe case wasopened by Jack.

    2,The assigned article was inUnapproved state.

    1,The second entryin the Credit columnshould state 2000instead.

    2,All the entries in the debitand credit columns should betotalled.The first entry in the creditcolumn should state 1,000instead of 2,000.

    3,The first entry inthe credit columnshould state 1,000instead of 2,000.The first entry in theparticulars shouldstate Cr instead ofDr.

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    2,Accounts SystemRevenueManagement

    3,Accounts System Financial ProcessManagement

    3,Sales andMarketingProduction andlogisticsPersonnelFinance and Accounting

    2,ProductionLogisticsSales and MarketingFinance

    4,PersistentInventory Method 2,Perpetual Inventory Method

    3,Daily StockChecking

    2,Integrating theirprocesses using aLogistics InformationSystem.

    3,Integrating theirprocesses using aTransactionProcessing System.

    1,Distributors,Retailers 2,Retailers, Buyers

    3,Distributors, end-wholesalers

    2,They should investin E-Business

    3,They shouldinvest in a LogisticsManagementSystem

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    1,Statements A andB 2,Statements A and C

    3,Statements A andD

    2,Product; ServiceSupply; Demand

    3,Demand; Supply;Customers

    1,Debtors are partieswho owe money to acompany; Creditorsare parties to whoma company owesmoney

    2,Debtors are parties towhom a company owesmoney; Creditors are partieswho owe money to acompany

    3,Debtors areparties who handleclient complaintsonsite; Creditors areparties who handleclient complaints atthe company

    3,Sales accountshould be creditedPurchase accountshould be debited

    2,Soccer and cricket accountshould be debitedPurchase account should becredited

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    1,- Capital: Thecompany begins withan investment of $40,0000.- Fixedliability: Thecompany takes aloan of $ 30,000,which it has to payback within 10 years.Current assets: Thecompany has a bankbalance of $ 10,000,00.- Fixedassets: Thecompany has its ownbuilding, thecompany boughtoffice furniture.

    2,- Capital: The company

    takes a loan of $ 30,000,which it has to pay backwithin 10 years.- Fixedliability: The company beginswith an investment of$40,0000.- Current assets:The company has its ownbuilding, the company boughtoffice furniture.- Fixed assets:The company has a bankbalance of $ 10, 000,00.- Current liabilities: Themonthly expenditure at themanufacturing units isestimated to be $5,000.- Expenses: The companybought raw materials forvarious vendors on credit. - Revenue: Recycled paperworth $7,000 was sold toStationary Mart.

    3,- Capital: Thecompany takes aloan of $ 30,000,

    which it has to payback within 10years.- Currentassets: Thecompany has itsown building, thecompany boughtoffice furniture.-Fixed assets: Thecompany beginswith an investmentof $ 40,0000.-Current liabilities:The company has abank balance of $10, 000,00.- Revenue: Themonthly expenditureat the manufacturingunits is estimated tobe $5,000.

    1,Corporation 2,Proprietorship 3,Franchisee

    3,Sales andMarketing System

    2,Shipping ManagementSystem

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    2,Manufacturing andProduction System

    3,Human ResourcesSystem

    1,SkatesForKidsshould:- Prepare a list of netrequirements ofskate componentsafter preparing thegross requirements- Use massproduction processto manufacture theskates.

    2,SkatesForKids should:- Prepare a list of netrequirements of skatecomponents after preparingthe gross requirements- Use continuous flowprocess to manufacture theskates.

    3,SkatesForKidsshould:- Prepare a list ofrequirements ofskate componentsafter preparing thegrossrequirements- Use projectprocess tomanufacture theskates.

    1,Sales Call Report 2,Daily Sales Report3,Monthly SalesReport

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    4,Only B 2,A and C 3,Only A3,Income is the profitearned during aperiod

    2,Income is the revenueearned during a period

    3,The satisfactionlevel of the employerwith regard to theperformance of theapplicant

    2,The medical record of theapplicant

    1,Strategicmanagement 2,Workflow Management


    3,ERP Systems2,Inventory and FinanceSystems

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    1,Structuralinformation 2,Unstructured information


    3,Material supply isnot linked to demand 2,Customer service is better

    3,Customizing aLogistics InformationSystem.

    2,Customizing a DistributionManagement System.

    3,Batch processing 2,Job shop

    2,Supply chain flow3,Surcharge costflow

    2,Sale 3,Purchase

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    2,Both Statement Aand Statement B areTrue

    3,Statement A isTrue and StatementB is False.

    1,Facility location,inventory,transportation, andinformation.

    2,Facility location, inventory,products, and transportation.

    3,Inventory,transportation,finances, andinformation.

    2,ProductDevelopment LifeCycle

    3,Human ResourcesLife Cycle

    2, Capital 3, Revenue

    1, Bad Debt 2, Expense 3, Liability

    3, Expenses 2, Liability

    4, Assets = Liabilities+ Equity

    2, Assets = Expenses +Equity

    3, Assets =Liabilities +Revenue

    1, Just-in-Time (JIT)Inventory

    2, Build-to-Order (BTO)Production

    3, End-to-endSupply Chain

    2, Sales andMarketingInformation System

    3, Finance and AccountsInformation System

    3, Out-of-stock costs 2, Inventory carrying costs

    2, Projectiveforecasting

    3, Simulativeforecasting

    4, Conductingmarket analysis

    2, Facility locationmanagement 3, Quality control

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4,Identifying thetraining to beprovided to thecandidate 2,Identifying job requirements

    3,Notifying the resultto the candidates

    3,Ensure maximumproductivity ofmanpower

    2,Calculate the monthlysalary and generate Pay Slips

    4,Replace Purchaseorder with Invoice

    2,Replace Sales Managerwith Production Manager

    3,Replace purchaseorder with salesorder

    3,Reliability of thenew suppliers

    2,Availability of new and oldsuppliers

    2,FIFO method3,Periodic ReviewSystem

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4,Statement A isfalse, and StatementB is true.

    2,Both Statement A andStatement B are True.

    3,Statement A istrue, and StatementB is false.

    3,Simple system 2,Temporary System

    3,Statement A isfalse and StatementB is true.

    2,Statement A and StatementB both are false.

    3,Adaptive System 2,Temporary System

    2,Sole Proprietorship 3,Partnership

    1, JPEG 2, GIF 3, PNG

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    3, Step 3 --> Step 2 -->Step 1

    2, Step 2 --> Step 3 --> Step1

    3, Live BooksStore156, street no. 2,California

    2, 156, streetno. 2, California Live BooksStore

    1, America Online

    2, AmericaOnline

    3, America Online

    4, Times NewRoman 2, Arial 3, Verdana

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4 Answer

    4, Diamond 1

    4, Paragraphs 1

    4, 24, Imported stylesheet 2

    4, 1

    4, Ping 2

    4, 1

    4, Logical divisions 1

    4, HTTP 1




  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test



    Copyright$copy ITWorld.Inc


    4, Step 3 --> Step 2--> Step 1--> Step4 3

    4, ActivityCode StartDateEndDate


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    4,1.In theNavigation pane,click the Marketingtab.2.In Settings area,click the BusinessManagement link.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, click theServices link.4.In the Servicessection, click theNew button.5.In New window,enter information inthe General tab.6.Save and closethe New window. 1

    4,Step 1 --> Step 4 -> Step 2 --> Step 3 -> Step 5 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4,1.In theNavigation pane,

    click Settings.2.In the Settingsarea, clickCustomization.3.In theCustomizationsection, clickBusinessClosures.4.In the BusinessClosures section,click New.5.In the BusinessClosure window,enter the necessaryinformation andclick OK. 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4,1.In theNavigation pane,click Settings.2.In the Settingsarea, click Business

    Management.3.In the BusinessManagementsection, clickResource Groups.4.In the ResourcesGroups section,click New.5.In the ResourceGroup window,provide the requireddetails and clickSave and Close.6.Click Resourcesin the Detailssection.7.In Resourcessection, Click AddResources.8. Select theresources in theLook Up Records 2

    4,Locality 2

    4,Virtualorganizationalstructure 3

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4,Unstrategicinformation 1

    4,Replace SalesManager withProductionManager 2

    4,3,2,1,4 3

    4,Advertising innewspapers andmagazines 1

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4,Classifyemployees with ahigher incomerange andautomaticallydispatch a mass-mailer to eachemployee informingthem of the same 3

    4,Closed 3

    4,ExecutiveInformation System 1


    4,Sales andMarketing planning 2

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    4, Replace bill ofmaterials withinventory records 3

    4,Market Selling 2

    4,Packaging andPromotion 3

    4,Recruitmentchecking 1


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    4,Allowances,deductions details,performance andpopularity rating ofemployee 1

    4, IntegrationManufacturingSystem 2

    4,Managing exportand importschedules andtrackingmanufacturingprogress till productcompletion. 3

    4,Customizing anintegratedDistributionInformation System 3

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4,Replace GoodsReceived Note withPurchase Order 3


    4,Service selling. Hefailed because StyleCreations were nottheir regularcustomer. 3

    4,Planning phase 34,A credit 2

    4,1. Create aselection rule.2. Identify theresources neededto provide theservice.3. Enter generalinformation aboutthe service. 14, Currentcustomers 1

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  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4, Marketing tab 1



    4, Create an Order 1

    4, Disqualify 2

    4, Enter a new lead 1


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    4, As soon theopportunity placesthe order, he/shebecomes a lead. 1

    4, Invoice 3

    4, Invoice 2

    4, This report isused to comparethe performance ofthe sales team withthat of thecompetitors. 2

    4, It is a series ofsteps followed toperform a businessprocess. 14, LaunchingMarketingCampaigns 3


    4, It displays asummary of themarketingcampaigns. 3

  • 8/11/2019 Mis SUM2mt1.Test


    4, It indicates a linkto the campaignactivity that wasused to create theresponse. 2

    4, Planning andCreating MarketingCampaigns 1

    4, 1. In the

    Navigation Pane,Click Marketing,then clickCampaigns.2. Open thetemplate of ProductLaunch campaignfor CBeeZ-1000 tocreate the newcampaign.3. Click Actionsb