minutes: zoning board – 1975

1" BOARD, OF APPEALS , I January ,28,' 1975· '" t : t. i . " .::- I ;A Of fhe:Zon'lng"Board o f l Ap p ea Lscwes held' in;the.Chili· Adml ni sfratlonOffices,: ;3135. -Chl I I: Ave nue , Rochester,: ,New IYork '14624 .. on Jarwal1y 28:,' .19;1,5. ... The meeTing' Was 'cild (e'd to o r-de rl by' the' Chairperson Mps. Chci'pman ... ' . I,·, j., " f' ',' II: Present: M. Chapman, ChaIrperson Robe:rt, .Hun te r ' Ca rI eo" Mul l a'ney ..' Gertrude. Tanger Raymond, .Stee-Ie'. J oh ri t.Pa I a·tmo Gara I d' DeGraff " . Patr-Ick Pletropaol I', Town Attorney,' Alfred' He! lman,.Deputy· Town'Attorrre,y f R., Thbmas Bulldl0g Insgector Al so Present; i Mr. stated fhere are on That The. notices -o f The', Ie'gal· 'notice that,wa's'prope-rly advertised' and, duly' posted con ce r n l nq This: mee·tl!1g. . ,I . 'i I., '. made a p ubl Ic.vhea r t nq s and then1presented Mr'. Hunter with, his nameplate., as Ch a I rm an. '0f the' Boa rd. ' -, I 1 J. i- . I Appl lca t Io n-cf Chi I I Heights. Apt.,' .l nc , , .3611 Ch ll i' Avenue; Rochester, N. Y. for approval 'of variance to, erect 4 .s l qn s , '4' x 8 1 . each;'fn'tw6 10'catlons','adverHsingiChfli Heights. Apartments, on property at, 3611' Ch Ll I'<Av e nu e ; : MRZone. I No one a p p ee r-e d , Ca l led aga i n at end of :\'Igenda and no ore a p p e ar-e d, DECiSION: De nl ed, e I :I 1 .. : 2.'. App I ic a f Lon of Dciva Van· KI e"eck,' 69 :.Sti::>newood Avenue, ',Rochester, N. Y. for approval variance to erect home with, attached garag'e on'Lo't 12'" 14'88 Da v l s. Road; ,garage :To"be,'loG:ated ,2Ei· 'feet from·reserVed .; . . Mr. Van Kleeck. Stated Devl d.va nd Llnda tvan Kl e'ec k unds r- con"t'raef·wlth At att tor pu r-c ha sevo f nou se 'at -Da v l s. Road. 'Have be.f o r-evvou tape -Lo'ca't l on maps 'of', f ou n da t l on of the house as it stand,s. ',This Is. fl'r,st house' and 'has,engineering background. '·Got involved, wIth Mr. Al at l whor l s.: Alai'l constructloir and:"diCl some things,to"plans, had forstal'ldardh0use. Unfortuncitely In some places ·than standard model 'house'. "'After ho u s evl al d b'ut and"'found'atTdlns-,put in discovered that rai'her thari·be.lng' 30,'·,tt. 'side, Llnes on ·the'side· f ac l nq proposed- right-ot-wo'y l end' f uf u r-e Toad;, .i s 27. ·ft,. an d' .. ·ra.ther than 30.ft .. on o t he r have Asund,erstand new ord inancethere are' 60 .ft. lOT r s Ld e s vr-e q ulr-e d, j'Understar!Jd1fequfremenT of -this s u bd.l v I sLo n 'when passed waa 30,ft. ask for halp.' Have r6ugh petition '0n hands •• House with roof 'and can . ml n l mum u-equ l r-emenf-s. by' three feetion one side and 1'..3 'ft;, on ·other. Need 'Asking fot so,'that can house as· it l s., ·Might·say 10+ is'l 1'6' wl de by 2,3,3 .de e p , '!.at'itself, as > than subdIvision. Al so understand l o'f to the' east of·this, 10+ may be. somewhat [a'r.ger than minimum l of size, to ,the extent of-maybe': l'i'D',ft. Al so un de r s t an ds to, the west have 60 ft. and lot next adjacent lOT something more than minimum slze 101'. :Again .t o extent .01'11'5' f t; Call' TO' attention 'fromstand-point of .esthetics'of sub d.t vlslon and appearance and setti09 of the. house. Doesh't think talking

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Page 1: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975



January ,28,' 1975·'" t : t . i . " .::-


;A Meet!~g Of fhe:Zon'lng"Board o f lAp pea Lscwes held' in;the.Chili·Adml n i sfratlonOffices,: ;3135. -Ch l I I: Avenue , Rochester,: ,New IYork '14624..on Jarwal1y 28:,' .19;1,5. ... The meeTing' Was 'cild (e'd to o r-de rl by' the' ChairpersonMps. Chci'pman 'at·'8:';O;O'.~.P;M;' ... ' . I,·, j., " f' ','

II:Present: Ja~lce M. Chapman, ChaIrperson

Robe:rt, .Hun te r 'Ca rI eo" Mul l a'ney ..'Gertrude. TangerRaymond, .Stee-Ie'.J oh ri t.Pa I a·tmoGara I d' DeGraff


. Patr-Ick Pletropaol I', Town Attorney,'Alfred' He! lman,.Deputy· Town'Attorrre,y fR., Thbmas W~~~, ~silstant Bulldl0g Insgector

Al so Present;

iMr. Heilm~n stated fhere are on I+ile'afflda~it~,indl~~ting That The.notices -o f The', Ie'gal· 'notice that,wa's'prope-rly advertised' and, duly'posted con ce r n l nq This: mee·tl!1g. . ,I . 'i I., '.

M~s. Chapm~h, made a ~tatement rega~dlng ~he 'procedu~e for'th~

p ub l Ic.vhea r t nq s and then1presented Mr'. Hunter with, his nameplate.,as Cha I rm an. '0f the' Board. ' - , I 1

J.i- . I

Appl lca t Io n-cf Chi I I Heights. Apt.,' .l nc , , .3611 Ch ll i' Avenue;Rochester, N. Y. for approval 'of variance to, erect 4 .s l qn s ,'4' x 8 1. each;'fn'tw6 10'catlons','adverHsingiChfli Heights.Apartments, on property at, 3611' Ch Ll I'<Av e nu e ; : MRZone.I No one a ppee r-ed , Ca l led aga i n at end of :\'Igenda and no ore appear-e d,

DECiSION: Denl e d ,


: I 1 .. : ~

2.'. App I icaf Lon of Dciva Van· KI e"eck,' 69 :.Sti::>newood Avenue, ',Rochester,N. Y. for approval ~f variance to erect home with, attachedgarag'e on'Lo't 12'" 14'88 Da v l s. Road; ,garage :To"be,'loG:ated ,2Ei·'feet from·reserVed right-of~0~y,'~~I~~~.· .; . .

Mr. Bo~ Hanksr,~ttorney, ~ppeared ~epreaenfrngM~.'Van Kleeck.Stated Devl d.va nd Llnda tvan Kl e'ec k u nds r- con"t'raef·wlth f'lJr~ At att torpu r-c ha sevo f nou se 'at I~S@ -Da v l s. Road. 'Have be.f o r-evvou tape -Lo'ca't l onmaps 'of', f ou nda t l on of the house a s it stand,s. ',This Is. fl'r,st house'and 'has,engineering background. '·Got involved, wIth Mr. Al at l whor l s.:Alai'l constructloir and:"diCl some things,to"plans, had forstal'ldardh0use.Unfortuncitely 50me'm~de"hou~d"blsge~In some places ·than standardmodel 'house'. "'After ho usevl al d b'ut and"'found'atTdlns-,put in discoveredthat rai'her thari·be.lng' 30,'·,tt. 'side, Llnes on ·the'side· f ac l nq proposed-right-ot-wo'y l e n d ' f uf u r-e Toad;, .i s 27. ·ft,. an d'..·ra.ther than 30.ft .. ono t he r have ·2B.:.·7~: Asund,erstand new ord inancethere are' 60 .ft. lOT rs Lde s vr-e qulr-ed, j'Understar!Jd1fequfremenT of -this s ubd.l v I sLon 'when passedwaa 30,ft. 'Here't~ ask for halp.' Have r6ugh petition '0n o~r hands ••House with found~tlon'~nd roof comple~ely~p 'and can see;mLs~ed .ml n l mum u-equ l r-emenf-s. by' three feetion one side and 1'..3 'ft;, on ·other.Need h.I~. 'Asking fot v~ri~nce so,'that can le~ve house stand.~g

as· it l s., ·Might·say 10+ is'l 1'6' wl de by 2,3,3 .deep , '!.at'itself, a s >

under~tahd, ~omewh~t'larger than minim~~ requirementB:~or subdIvision.Al so understand l o'f to the' east of·this, 10+ may be. somewhat [a'r.gerthan minimum l of size, to ,the extent of-maybe': l'i'D',ft. Al so un de r s t andsto, the west have 60 ft. ~Ight-of-waY and lot next adjacent als~ lOTsomething more than minimum s l z e 101'. :Again • .to extent .01'11'5' f t;Call' TO' attention 'fromstand-point of .esthetics'of s ubd.t v l s l o n andappearance and setti09 of the. house. Doesh't think wha~ talking

Page 2: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

!",.. ~ '"







\\ ~ ;-

DATE Jo....l ..7.r._U.?~_.


GATES-CHILI NEWS1..ll. th. ,Nl 0-40 :l ~, .. ! :17.f _., _ _ ..

Notary:J.L.B[RT ~. D~t;t:,;f

00 •

NOTA.RY PUBLlC, sta~e or {~, VI Mt!fl'F8~ ~.trt, a(!ml1l~osion f.r.f}Irf'l ]1':JrF:f:j .y,]: 1~::.~,

of} Iz: \) ~'!,.6i A.:~... .Jr: ....--M. ·,.u .. y•••••••Patricia M. Smith /1-]1

Publisher J t Jf~'f1',:'

Page 3: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

___~~t-_-i£G: ~onc£ I\to.~"::'ij

_.:zDt\ing Boar-d of Appeals...;:.....:.:;:-A Meeting of the Zoning

Board of Appeals will be heldIn the Chili Administration Of-fices, 3235 Chili Avenue, Roch-

- ester, N.Y. 14624 at 8;00 P.M.on January 28, 1975 to considerthe following applications:1. Application of Cllll1 HelgntsApts., lnc., 3611 Chili Avenue,Rochester; N.Y. for approval ofvariance to erect 4 signs, 4' x8' each, in two locations, ad-vertising Chili Heights Apts.,on property at 3611Chili Avenue.MRZone.2. ·Application of Dave VanKleeck, 69 Stonewood Avenue.Rochester, N.Y. for approval of

.-. vai-fanee to erect home withattached garage on Lot 12, 1488Davis Road, garage to be- lo-cated 28 ft. from reserved

i R.O..,. R-I-15.3. Application of Joseph Fazto,

1 29 Cross Bow, Rochester, N.Y.for approval of variance to al-low house to eXist 54..... feetfrom front lot line at 29 CrossBow. R-l-I5.4. Application of Harold Houk,907 N. GreeceRoad, Rochester,N.Y. for approval of varianceto erect home on property 10-

•. cated South of 122 Old -Scotts-ville-Cbili Road, lot being 90' .x 400' inan area requiring100ft.width. R-I-ZO ..

-.:? 5., .Application of John McKay,._: .: 3155 Union Street, N. Chili,

N.Y. for approval of variance-. - to build addition to front and

side of house to come approx.5 ft .._closer to front propertyline than allowed by ZoningOr-

"' 'diriance (55 ft. instead' of 60ft.) R-l-12. .

.; ,6. Application of Chili HeightsApts., Inc., 3611 Chili Avenue"Rochester, N.Y. 14624 for ap-proval of variance to allow useof dumpsters in apartment pro-• ject loca~e_d at 3611 Chill. MRZone.

All imerested parties arehereby requested to attend. Byorder of the Chairperson of theZoning Board of Appeals.JANICE M. CHAPMANClW-rperson

Page 4: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

· ... .. ... ....


fiateA-NEWS aMChili




Y ... J'

DATE l .......,. J..» 1"'"1"):>... J ..,.., ,.. ,~., ,..THIS IS TO CERT1FY THAT THE ATTACHED LEGAL NOTICE(S) WERE PUBLISHED


hsue Dated : -:r:'r~'..,.. i.,~:?,~ ,!i?~ ~_ .- J


lVotal'Y:A L. .i3 E R I f v- C EEL EV

Tm'fJ\R\{ PUBUC, Stat:! o~ N. Y. ~~;:,;mJ~ GO"&·t" "nm r ~"'i1 ':""":r'" '\3J ~ ...., lei""~I', 1-010.1 L r r L...... C'-'t"'. lW ... ; IJ ~""I :J....i...tu.j

.or. hf;-~ h. .., ~ • - •• _ , I I I " " III .

Patricia M. SmithPublisher I rdl tfJ.-:,

Page 5: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975



---- .'" .. -,,,.-~- .-(

lEGAL N01\C£'

zoning Board at APpealSA MeeU,tlg of the Zoning

Board of i\ppea.lS of the Townof Chili will be held in tbeChili Adnlinistrl.ltion offioes.3235 Chili i\....enue, Rochester,N."i. 14624 on January 28, 1975at 8:00 P .M: to consider thefollowing application:. APplication of EdWard In-zana, S7Morrison i\venue, Ro-chester I N ,-Y. for approval ofvarianoe to move eltisUngho


onto lot 100 x 120 located l.lt~ __ tile corner of MorriSonAven\1e,'Tax Account #490, house to be

\ app-roximatelY 15' from east lotline, 40' frot'll north lot une.F-Z.All interested parties arehereby re<\uested to be pre-sent. BYorder of the Chairmanof the ZOnJ.ng Board of AppealS.Janice M,. ChapmanChatrperso~ '~-::'-',-

-----_.---~- -""" . .::-------~-~.-..


Page 6: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Board .of Appeals" J a nua rv -28." .19:75

1 .,., _.abo.ut from estheti'c: stand·point··will 'be terribLy' conse.quential.· Wi.lI·notice that garage faces onto that right-of-waY so that drivewaYwi I.lf I na II'Yrbe:jerected -a nd w i;[ I' rUM: e.a s f -a nd west of that at sideor cqrner l o'r •.Gome to.:.you for hellri" Have p rob lem , boesn-H thinkwe-:crea'te'd', buf I lke. hcu se ''i'~r'y: much. an d. ask' that ho us e be:;:d lowed tocon r-i nue aslt is by: giving' variance from s[de·li,'r)e -,restrictlon. '[fquestions', .wi II' try ·to answer.

, I·' . '. . I .,Mr. He.l l man ..·stated as understand·, only- varianee needeq. f.or the one,to. the. west·,;.3 ·ft. . One to. the east j 5: 10' '.ft.·,'.i; i cJEl lOT! and borders one nc r her-' IO·'.ft•. Mr. Hanks stated tho~ght needed.' 30.'.ft;. ,Mr. Hellmanstated wII [ 'be: corner: lot wh.en comes'. in: e n d appe r e rrt l y 60 ·.ft. road •Mr. Hanks stated whateve~ I heed to ha~e house' bur~t 1 I~a this.

IMrs;. Tanger asked any ·1 dea how 'soon 'street wI I Igo I n? Mr. Pi etropeo I I:state.d no idea bec a u.sev.Pf a'nn l nq Boa nd toek,·J be.t.h~Y.er, a yeal" to Iapprove. 4 ·Ioi-s."in. ·fro.nt<as ..s ubd i v.l s l cn an dr r-ear- p r-o bab lv won'tbe. d evel op.e d ullti~.·seWe·Ij~:.get p ut i l n. Mrs.: Tanger sta.ted. may be.some time. Mr.·Hanksstate:d on l vvth.l nq can ·saY with ce r t a l nt y is.'understa·nds entl.rte:buJ Idl nq ,ben I nd itime. and con t l nues.vte be'. be h i ndtime~ Sched'u l ed '!jor Febl'iitary.occupancy•.n.oWta.lft'ing iMay~· "WhatelIer:.a n ybo.dv tel'!'s' you , may be. longer. i : I' i· .....


Mr. He.l l man asked is. driveway going· to be. s.uch -that the road, ••• Mr.·Hanks. stated yes. Mr. Hei l man a ske d gravell·e·d. for the. tLme-:b.e'ing?Mr. Hanks'. stated wI.l I' 'be' some pr-ov l sl on s to get. l nr.e nd o.ut •.Mr'.·Pietropeol I' state:d wi II 'have to. mai ntain right-of-wa.y.· Mr. Hanks.stated till·dedlcated.· f . ,.

! IMrs. Chapm~n aq~e~ if ~ny questions 1r~m the .. eudfence?~ Anyone.wishingto speak in favor o~ opposi1Ian?~00n~ap~eare~.

DECISION: Granted,unanimously.·

3. AppJ lcaf Ion of Jose p h Fin l.o , .2'1..Cross Bow, Ro cb es r er , New [Yo r-kfor ap p rove l :of variance toal low house to exist 54.+ 'feet .from front lot !.lm~.aT··29, ·.Cross. Bow" . R-kI5·.·,·

f .Mr. Fe z I.o. a ppea r-e d , . stated 8 'years' <;1go, "When I·had .ho us e b u.I It•.the.house' Is on circle' and pu t Ion-e tilt· an d-vbuil f on e beu f S··ft. shortof the front of the lo·t 1 lne, Thinks: 60 .f t , setback. They assured:me that'would' be.taken·careo.f.···8·years go.ne· by··so· figure·wouldtake c a r e o f r. l f myself.····Mr. Pietropao·ii' a s ke d who butl f- ho u se? Mr.Fazi'o stated Ar-che rv Home sjvSf meo ne an d Commen a l e, ·Mr. He.l l m'e n rs f af-e dtake It problemiwhen·want.tocsel lIt. ·Mr. Pletropaq~i' state.d hOUsethere and in."p I a'ce some fime. ·Mr. Fa"io.stated ebou t 8 ·ye·ars •. fvlrs.·Chapman ·sta.tedwou[d· be' p r-oblem if wanted to sel,I"bouse.·.Mr •. Fa z Lo .stated only rea~on. Doesn't plan to se[[but in.1uture would haveproblem .. Bill' Ke.llY·\9as my Tewver and they. lI'Ere.supposed to. have takencare of thls .• Call:ev.ery· ye·ar .. · IMr. .Hun t e r- a s ked ·just whe n was thisdiscovered? Mr ; FazLo'1stated didn't know a ao.uf it'Llntl[ 'c l o s l n q •. Hadset-to·..andmade agreemen't that·.wou I d' be'. takan. care of .·Qontractor.\'Io:uld' take' c a r e to f vartance~. That· [s.all r know .' Did cl o'se dealknowing it was.off.· Mr.Pietropaali' asked contractor .assured youafter'clo'sing would takecar$,oflit? IvJr .. FazLo.s.tated Yes, a s ke dLouie TWo' mClr.l-t,hs Clgo-and·jsaid. trying to get ho l d of SilfKelly,everything taken careaL 'Doesn't' know' if·..ltls.. garl~g,? sl de .» rhouse th1:ttis:ioff. Mrs. Chapman state~ 'combin~ti9n.· Mrs , Chapmanstated· measurement to: the. IvaI I' ·between· garage .an d front en t r-anc ewav ,Gather on that front area. IMri Fazio' ~taT~d house Qn circ.[~ andhad to. til t' and Que-s's' they m1s""me'iilsured on that.' ".,

i I . --,Mrs.' Ch~~man aske~ If anyone In:the audienc~:had ques+iens? Anyonewish to spe~k;in favor o~ opposition to. thi$. app~icatlon? 'No oneappeare.d·: .



Page 7: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zonin~ Board.of Appealg 1, Janu·ary·-28.·,' [.g·V.5 '





DEC'I·s.ION:, ~rantecll!Jnenimo,uslY·. Il j. ..: 1; ., i., ', j ,. .' .'j I. '.'

4; Appl i·ciiltJonjof.!:1aro,!d' Hou k, ,90,7 :i'j.' Greece Road. -Roche s t er-, "',~ew Y'I.rk" .for epp r-cve.l :9f Y8-riance tc;>lereG,t'home'Qn .p r-cp e r-tv,1C?'cai:ed scu tn. of: 12Z ~O! d' Scotts.vi' !~'~Ch i r i Roa d , ,[at: bei'ng90.'. x ~O:9.T in "a~ar"j)ll r-equ l r j nq (qO,'H.• \'Iipth, ~"'1;-2a,.'

, I ,I· " ,".Mr.' Houk ap pear'e d •. Mrs.' Chapman -state.d ha<,J,trc;>ubl'''?' s$e'ing Wher.el o'ca t l on of this: lot would be. Mr. Houk stated .p l or B. 'Approximatelya bove . t~ ls e·whtfre, wou I d: "be'. b u.l , d'i n9 hO'!J~e'.,. Mrs ..' Chaprnanstili ted .',former' dwe:I'I'I'ngin: p0917 cond.ltion,,;'WqJnder:ed ,whelfe"roacis Came to,getherand:~herei it ".~ in t'l'la'tion:to: thqt. Mr; I:IQuk: statedl~ev·. Jon~'s' 1

house next to. it~ "WofJ'i' .be,.bl{~I.d·i!'lg~or ho YElarsbu:t ..'Hlbtp:itte.dpu r cb es.e offer on 'appr9¥cd. 'of this .•',! IWil 1,- 'by.y the I~t.i Mrs."Ghapmanstate.dwould·n't want to.bu,y the·lcrl'Jd-:if.~on'tbe:abl.e'.to put hou sej.

I ; on ii t~· Mr'l HiOo!l:'~'"stated. it ..[ s. R-I -'20'. ."'1 rea,·t be.II 'eve; I '" . ,.: i .. "I iii . : i'·. ;' "

Mr. Hunter sta:ted unsure of f he.l l oc a t l on in regards, to, Iq'rgE1 far,m:·house~ Can you tel ,. from there Whre. It, isl ,~r. Houk ~ta~ed rightac r-os s , t~ e st ree f., ,Tu'r n: I e'f t. .o.ft Bea velr »:' ~ a'rge wh i teo ra ach t·o·. th e·.I.e·ft, and it. [5: n~x.t to.there. 1,·90.!. x 40;0.'.[ .. ,Mr.; PietroAaoli.at!ls~q,

. goes to'jthEf Icree~'?, ~r .•. Hou k stated y.es·it rio s s ," Mr" Hl]nter iaske,dThis: is,subdjvisi'on 'laid. o utc some time qtgo;?' Mr. Steete' stated all' .the l ot s: gO.,ft, Mr.· Pletropacl I: as ked i~.liI· you be, able' to meet sidelG~'requirements of,10~ft•• no verilnce $or that? ~r.~Hou~ statedno p r-cb iem, IMr. Ij'jetroPC'Jolj' stated on ly 'I.equire va rt ance regarding'width, of the 10~.Mr, Hou k stated r.!ght. ' I"

I "...; ...Mrs., Chapman as ke d if any-quest'iol')s·fr-om the audience?."AnyonE!!,·wishingto, speak in',f"vor of,the. e pp Ltca t l on ? Mr.·!Houk.,4Z:':Names ..RQadj .'stat,?.d'1beTng.;r.esiderrr, of .Crrl II: and S9n rE!ared .in:IChlf.i', .wc.ul<,J· rathersee h,tm:·iQ·Ch:jli.' t~an in Greece .•. -Be.. an asset to ..communit.y;;, ..t(1e househe wou l d: build", T" ".

I I.' . "; .".";, ," . i 'Mrs. .Chapman 'asked If. a nvo ne- wished, to, s pea k I n.r op po s l t-Lon .e nd noone a ppee r-ed , 'j' II,:'

DECISfON: .Gra nted unan i rnous I y.• "':1 ; : ,~. .; \,:

5.· Ap p I lca'r l on vof John: McKay,' .315'5 Union Street. North. Chi Ii, N. Y.for approval 'of va r I ance to bu.I Id: a dd l t Lon '1:0' frol]T a nd s j deof ho~se to. come approx. 5 ft~ ~Io~er to. front property line,than "a'II'o'We~ by' ZOQiljlg,.Prdinance C5,?f:J;,. f.ns.tead of ~Of'.ft;)

R-I,-·[Z·.: f i . \'.... h.'. c. 1,';-i ,.. ,". " r : 1 ! '. I . I

Mr. McKay appeare~. 'stated,actually for mother~in~la'W. Doctcp saysno more Jiving by: her-se,'lf', Need.rpq>re ~pac~;: Mrq~'.Chapmana~k'fd'

adding what rooms tor her? Bedroom? Mr. McKay stated bedroom and'b<!Jth:.and sItting rOOl)1 an d washroom type,of thi'ng ... ·f!l1rs.· Chapman jasked .have,·Y~.~adde~.to th. house' bejor,~ M~. McKaY,st~ted_~ s~ed ,In back,~ Mr:. SteeIWla,ked.W~~t Js..set~ac~ no~l§e~ind ypur.neJghborsor e v en ? Mr. ·M<;:Kay '~+gted next· d(jlOfltq, the me<;flca[ .'l:iy,i 'd'[J1~, whichsits back 40. ·.ft, from I,rst In thell·ne.•.Next house is eveI']. \'Iith.,meland then from there out they:;;tart movlng,clp$er,to. the. road., .Ones,across 'the street,are· cJo'ser to the'roa~•. ' Aq::tually rpeasured to th.Ef'ce[1ter:of :the ·road 'l!Cf:Qorcji.ng .to my ·tape-gS. ft •. What'l right-.of-c'1g)'j·is,doesn'.t kno\ll ...· Mr, Ward st~te~ be.! i.'e,ves 60·ft". Mrs,. Gh'lpma.n ~tat~.d.makes al:>o,l,It 57·:f-t. ··NJr. McKay :p:tated eet.ulllly:' 3 ·,ft... .

! , ' j.Mr. Hunter 'a,ske:d th,eseQreja9plt,ionaJ r<;)Om.s? Unders:rand not add·lr·gapartment in,ef'fec't. Mr.',McKaYi·st'llte.d r.ight, ..,wiJI 'h<;lv~ meals·.with 4Sso actuallyno-t an apartment. Mr,. Hunter.stated.thinking more in.terms of I~ years f~om now when mJ~ht sell~ ,Is, this. something thatcoul& b~ construed as separate. apartment? Mr. McKay stated doubts it.

Page 8: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zo nI !Ii:!' Boa r d. of Appea Is' .. J an ua ry' 28; ,19:7.5':'

Mr. Hel l man va s ked wlLlvyo u have any 'doorb"rfhl:j+'would"open -to.the:1street or wil [, 'it be •• ;'Mr.' McKa¥ statedpJanned, on exI~ -to the,,garage';and one TO' the fronT .fo r el)1e,rge!1,cy -p~r'poses: it hec'e~sa'ry.,Mr.' Hunter-,stated a s- 'rec'a'l I',' ,home''!'wb: story"Ihclu'ding where garageis.' Is:'-I-hl.'$ ±two sTory:,addi+lon?, ',Mr;: M.tKaySsl-ated:was 'going to'corrf-l nue existlng'twosto:ry 'fot- w,aIk':'in, ,attIC for mo/s-e'ff'. 'Mr. Hunterstated but wou l d'n t f be, Jiving quarters. Mr. McKay stated justroughed in,Wa'Ik'-'Ir!l: attic."', ,',

i, -; -.

Mr. He.l I man e s ke d had a chance to+a./k':to'ne.ighb'o:rs:,'in,th<.?,~rea,'any comments r~g~rding pro~osal from th~ml ,~M~~: McK~y ~+at~dnbne"disagreea., :A'll"know 'ab'o:uT It:; Mr~,'He,ilm'an e s ke d to:'immediate, rightis medical 'cente'r?"Mr., McKay ,stated 'tIght. Mr.,'Mull'~ney asked howmuch room ex i stl ~g Tethe, j 6-tl he there? I fvIr'.:' McKa,y sta+~ d 26,12",~'Mrs."Chapman STated doesn It see'm [l'I~e that much be:t'ws,en the twostructures .aI I' Tog,!t'he:t·. ' ',Mr.' McKa'ys+ated lvlr.PerrY: ,to I d"me or! gina r [ythat is wh~t It, ~as. He !~sI.~htly over,on my 'property with the:parkin.g lo'i'.' " , I': 1 " ....',

, ',1,

Mr. Hunter asked' what \'I(iuid' be: p rob Iem If: ,~ot 'a'II'o'wed?' 'ObvTously "smal I'er- bH 'froinft.l'ncti'ona[,point of vlew'/',\~ha:t'wo'lild be difficulty I,of staylng'within' 60 ,ft? Mr."McKay'sta:red p r-ob Iem I st b u.l Lde r s ,Onlt' ,three of a dozen';"actually came ba.c k with'eh'imhes!-,' LooRi'ng i , 'for 'suggestlon~ from themJcb~ how to c~ange:' 'ct;1jnnot get any.' ~l~nt' tob ul l d as .['ha've":It. Most'econoniId:i:ilto'do Ii'ke,ltha't. ··Canf!·<!Jt'affcirdtq l oose garage'€litheri \~antjng to f l e. tHo' eSnS+ing,plumbl.~g,·andheating and ele'ctricity. Mr'. Hilihter' a s ke d Is: tliat necess'ary?" IV/r',!McKay' stated wa~ goln~ to, put back in and have to have closestpo.ss l.b le;' '·Mrs:. Chapman asked hOT·ln::the, front?" 1Mi-. 'Hu~rte,: stateddidn't un de r's ra n d wh'y' ,weuld'''1have to,'comefronf of The: Llne l :Mr.McKay'sTated \I'&:uid' l o'os e garage'; 'Ba,dkiJf 'fhegarqge,here.' Mrs.' ,Chapman' staf4d'takr~g u~: spa6e nf ba~kpa~t o~ ga~ag~lfor b~~hfoom'and have to come fU~Ther forwaPd to accomodate: car~ Mrl,iHunt~~a s ked abo.uf 24. :ft.inside? Mr. McKay stated correct. Mr. Mull'a'neystated' ac:tu<:rl'It' 'Io'o~rin~ 2,1ft. of the, garage. 'Md' McKay stated' withthe: gaT~ge wlLl 'gain 2 ~ft. What has now' k l n d of cramped any,\'i'ay.'




: I,,'I ",'

Mrs. Chapman asked if anvone had any' ques f l on s? Anyone' \ilish.ln4!, +0speak In favor or opposition? No one appeared.. '."', , ' " , ' i, , , I : ", " '",DECIS,IaN:, Reserved pendl ng MCPO'comment,s."j

I' .... l .. , 'I' " '" 'I' , " , , ,"'1,7. App!i~a+ron cif Ed~atd Inz~na,'3j,~drrl~on'Av6nu~,A~chest8r,

New York~ tor approval of variance to, move, eXls*ing,h6~~e ontoIo'T 10"0. ,xI2'O,,!ocated at the corner of Morrison Avenue, .TaxAccount #49~,,. ~oi.lse to be' apP~-oxlmateI'y, ,15' 'ft. ''from east' ('ot ''line, ,40 'ft. from north loT--li'ns. F-1. r '" ,'> I "

.'l :--,OJ.,;:....: " i

Mr. l nzah a appeared •. Mrs. Chapman 'asked where, Is:'ho.use n6wT' Mr. lnzanastated East Henr-t e t ta and Brighton Town' .Lj'ne Road: ,'YelI'eM house'That

~was Aext to the."church. Alr-sady'on;,whe-els' wattln@.'To··come down' -rheir-oa d l ~Mr.ipl.!t'ro~aoti' as ked w1l!'iT be: pe r-sona I r~s!den¢e? Mr.',Lrrz an e t s t a t sd yes~. '~rs.;Tang€;Jr ,s+a!ed,gla'd' t<b see~so~ethI'ng happ ea ...to those houses, Mr,'-]nza.na stated"taking three. One goIng to Mendon."Mrs. Tanger' e s ke.d \~~cit 1~, 90'[n£( to happen,there?' Mr. :lnzana st<;JtGdbe Lle ve s ,e~tensl6n:"'of 47,; Mr~. Ta'~ger. as,ked'i,W!lI' vouvh eve driv-eway If~om bbth streets1 Mr.Inz~na staled 1f,.allowed i ~therwlse won't.Mrs. Oh apman asked any, 'reb'so'n 'wh'Y ,wo'u'ld'n"T be,all'owecj'?', Mr. ''1nza,nastated house 28 oX 59., 'Mrs. Chap man stated T ks. It thatihls pIeceove~ he.r-evT s. garaae. Cotl"ect? IAnd.it~is is' ouse-an d gara"ge?'Attabhed? Mr:'In~.a',n~ staTe~ ies It: is' Mrs 'Cha'pm,,,r,'stated dl dn tfknow;ioIhe:re housel was so couldn't go"'5e l t, !'Ilr. Pietropao!l' a skedone s rorv -house'?, ,i ii, " ' 'I '

Page 9: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zoni,.n!1' Boa r-d, af Ap pea Is' . . , ". :January' 28,. ,197,5: '.




Mrs.' Ta'!,!ger a ske'd' c,oine·l.!p' ,toward,/Name!" Roa d ,qr iback tOl'(prd. Haro I d'?Mr.rnz'~:na. ~tated:. Harold' ,up herre.'.' Mr •.~tee Ie,·.stat~d sho.q 1d' be: 60 ',ft.from'both. sides.' '~r!?'~' 'Ta!1g~r,as~~;oItc:war~ Sco.tts>li IhfRoad is Sta.tepro~e.lj:ty ·js~.'t.It-? Mr;"Stee'l~ a!fk~.d wh<lT slze'.,I!?·the;~<:,use~· f'1r.·,Lnz ane ,sta.teo' 2S ,x,59~, I·-f I'; ':, ..,

. J ' • . . i : 1 ..:' , iMrs. Chapman asked how far are; o tb e r hquses Is.et bq:cp Mr., iiJze'.n:a,':tated majority abo~t, 40..ft •. Mr. Pletrqp~o! i',asked vou wI! 1'1 iveI no Th i s. hou s'1? Mr ~ lnzan a, state d. yeE!, ',,50.1d' qth ~r: hou se',c 19'5e, .tomorrow. ·Mr. Pietropaoli' eske.ddid )(.ou bl.!Y ·bo.th:·!oi's?" Mr,' In-zanesTated one, parcel mow, 'Was ·Sllbd.iv.iqed but ne ve r- rEjcQrd?d. stT! I'one pl ece • Ga Jv»no: ne-ve r rGlCO rded. . Mr." .Hurrt-e r Ias ke.d [01: I n: quest.lcnthis' even·i!1g?Ot~er J,oT.wrere?·. !VIr.s,.· 9t\C;lpman 'stated :~IJ' 'ofJEI' piece,talkingClbO:ut tw'o lOTS,. 'Mr. Inza'.na.state.d·JO'O·x 24.Q.i 'Piece that isleftJi0a...;xI~·O) . Mrs:.·.Chapmat;l :st;ated .a.ll,··one"piece..·as q{no~. ~[iO,esn"'thelp' on corner. Othe~ houses.~lon~from here approximately samedepth from MorrIson ,that p r-opo se putt.lng this: one-, Th ls. 'Is, corner101' jand should have ,60·.ft. f:J~re: an d Ihe."r;e •. i ..Mrs·.·.. ,Tan:ge.r as.ke·dwhat ared l.mensl on s- of Iqth·.er hou!je? iMr.· ·Inz·a:na,s"tated.'I·36,:·x' 6.0•. Mrs.' Tgngerasked l ncl ud l nq garag~f.. Mr,' .l nzana !jtat.ed ye,s.' 'HavE! copies '!n::,the,cal" Hyq'lI wou l-d l Ike t9·jS€1e., It,· Mrs. Chapman 'a.sked any- p.o,s~i,qi,:JiTy

to: put other h.ouse: -on ·th rs:"I·oi'?, Mr.'l;tlze;ng· stat~d YEjs. it:l Ls;:I . 'I j ,.., 1 ., _.

Mr •.Ward asked are vcu C1watie rf:t~e'bouse' is.:move~d into the.. Town;-.would have tq meet bu.l ldl ng cqde,!r.equireme,ntsZ·, StEjte Build'ing.Construction. Code. "Assume h04SE1 a few'fye·arsold·•. ~r.·)nza·.na, s f-a t e dabout. '14.ye'ars '\;lId'.' Mr. Ward s t afed lel'gally h as rto.meet requi,r;emerjts.·<;jf today.'·s code. if moveqoj ,Mrs,.·:Chapman 's.tated.. If. p.utt.lng· up :housenow wou Id have t rfo fit: co des ,. Mr. Ward as ke di a r-e.ivcu aware..of type.of basement Gonstruction -r~qulred Y.n.therfIo·qd .p l al n? Th.l nkvI talkedtq, yq'lJ be.f.o r-q , 'Ooesn't .kllqw.how. lij'ft.l.\p an d v puf on .b.a:samen:l[•.. Mr.l nz ana si:q~e.d p,iek up and.build·b]'o·c~ w.a:II's'.,up.unger: it. >If:jcan'move ste~ll?r:r~ge or;towe'r.qanput t~is:'!nto the a l r-, .

, . I· j" i 1 '"!. i, iMr. Hurrte.r-v as ke'd de s qr-l be home? Mr.,' ·Iqze'.na. st,at~d qt'je, stcr.I'fY. GE!~'3geI~ ft. 01de. 'Mrs.' OhaRman asked ~~:ft. i~:b04Y ofith~,b~u~e1 Mr.Hunter askediln.c:ludir;Jg ggr,a,ge'? ~rs.· Cha pman .stafed ino, ,.i'0-taF'74 :ft.•Mr. l nzana -.stated, two.be,drqo.ms, an d baTh h~re,ha I, Iw·a.y.. ! Ivi ng" room, .kiltchen and thi!:i: wa..!i.·garage. "!nd,,cha~ged into anQt~er .bedroCf~'; J ivl~grqom and another l-}ii',cherJ.:' Wi II' '~nd .u.p .as denn Mr •. Hul')tet,'-.askedsayl!19won't us.e"as gE\l:-age? i Mr. 'l'nz'si,na ~tated thIs: Is: garage •. Used,to·be.,garage ·<\nd...made 'l.nto mother-ilf,...Ii;lW. apartment br.(r wi'! I','be' del'). i ,Mr.~"Hunter asked. garage incorporated. rough:It···15' x.25~l.? Mr. Inza,na .. sTated15 x. 2( :or 2~~ Mr. Hunter stated Ii~tIe wider Than single car.Appreciate 1f.j'in:·fuTure·,thollght ill: terms \;If two.car .gatrage.would "have. 'ilroLlp-J.:e·. in i'Terms :of space.: ·i~Ii.1 f' 'it qe' afu! I'qe [\'a'r? Mr; ,In4a.na; stated: ye,s,.it·wiII·. House,J am Ilvi~g' irl'now:\~as. l1)oVe9 tryere.

. r f . -~ : ~ I· ..., 11 .f f

Mr.. ,He'i Im'an STaTed say ·another loT. 'Tfo:ta.l,s'ize.qf t~e lOT .24.0 'x' 100..Probl,em·( envi.siqll yo,u wi.! I.:conje ill.:ar'ld a.sk to'ihave subd.iy,ided an.din ·fa.ct,.,could ·,actu.ally turn hqyse.,ar:oufJd aod put on whol'e'. ~oT and.'not·havs·ot. ··Mr.· Irjza,na· ·state.d· yes.,bu.t the oppos~te_way,'·.\~on't havefronij, or ba,ckiyard'.· If..lo·ok atihouse.or).'cqrner qf Haro.lg a.nd Theron ...Mr. Heifm·an"state,q.saYi.ng \~i.Il·,·~~v:e p.robJ.em w~en co.me bef.ot'jE; PlanlJi.ngBoard to: S4bdivLde I.ot. Under code :a'l [·o·we.iL:to .~ave or.le house"o,:! 'Thataccoul')t nUmber, If y.ow Iwant ijo. subd,lv.ide. wil r.,;JivE( reasons·;be.fq.re ..PI"rnnIil9·E!oard. 'They ffiqY not. go fO.If. it., : M'fi Hunter stated. becomessubsTa1'l6ard "I o·t when .su?d,[v i ded. Mr •. Hei Im'an ;,stat,edpart !'?t ..q. Mr.Pale'r(TIO stated.e.Qne· nice big: Ioi', .t4r'7 houser ,and, !eave.i;hat jway. I"Mr. Hel [m'an .stated: p rGb lem,I S€le. you \d 1\.,'et1count'fr. 'Mr. 1nzana statedwould' put heck of.!a .crimp. f·Especi:q.l:ly.w~en.9c:t two, h,ou~e'~' Onc~

you get ft'pm the;State.jhave to. do somethl.ng wlt~them•. Hav€ltl.J1'April '1ST to. get out but ·:if· ,dqn't move wIll 'have to pay cost of .demoli~hi~g +hem. Can,I90 other places, bu~ this. 'is best pla,e ,couldsee to putjthem. 1 Iii . I

Page 10: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Mr: 'H unte,r asks'd, any' I ae:'!' of :rh~:v.a I u~ 0 f ; :rh·I'1.'p rO'pe ~ty whe·n. 'get,home move d.l ln.t Mr. Inza~a·sta:ted.at le·ast· $25.,O.a.a.: ·Jtlst sold' Imine at:%25,',;oa.a.!·!·'Mayoe:·\yherr·sell mlght'be."highe·j:1·•. todaY:$2S:,.'O.a.o.-·Mr.' p.ie~j-'ropao·I I·.state·d: map shows th'ls.IJ. SQ"'ft) .and,iJog· at lang,is" .that 'comes back. Othe'r corner would' be: Harold'; . Your' map 'doesn't· Ishow jog. Hi.s:·map shows NE corne-r 15:sguare,corn,er. ',PlaT cookd~esnlt4h,?iv...:Show~ a[1'9Ie' wh!ch,wouIc' Dri~g'roC!d closer:.'to ·the..fl':JI nf of :the. h ouse •. 'MJ;';IF-lei I'man I'staf~d map ShO\«5: 22'5, a f 'the' fr;ont a'nd24~QatfhE!·ba·ck. . Mr~' 'p i et~6pao I ',',9 s ke d: do ,y.ou OWI( "toe 10+ ye,t1'Mr. f !!za':na sta:red Ino,'; ';·Mr ....Hei I ma ri a ske d dd Iyo'u"h'a,ve' an-attorn'e'y .on ih/s1 \'1onder',..l'f' ab le to'deTe'rmlrle'from the.-tlf'Ie!·. 'Could' 'be 'pr-o'b l ern tHe're} '·Mr. Tnz-ana stai-ed'Mr. Ros&noe.tg· isatforney'.,·'~r•Pietropaoll'·.stdted ha'sn't bo·~.ight·lot. yet;app~rsntly cOl1tiriget'.'t.,contract. 'Mr. l nzana ,stdted p.~l\S·ers dr~wn;'suppcisE1d. to. De signe: d . I .t omc'r'r-ow,' ',M~. qe~~aH askedf00:.co~drtio,n.we.rapprove i!1 4 M'r. Ilnz.'~n~stated.· yes .,' I,. , ". ,. . '. , ,.. I

, " ,i . i i l ' ionMrs~ "C'ha pma n 's"PaTed very':dif,ficu'lt"fof'/ius becaus'e 11'0' way of kno:wj~g 'howthe :P[a'nnHig Board 'would' aci"on ofhe,lsuBd'iVidlng' part of it, 'Oanno,treE!'IJ,y',~give .ve r l ance on the:ioni!1g~'itttout knowin§ actual 's--Iz.ei..the .lOT wi I I: b's., Whethe·,'. one"loT or"two.· IMr.'!nz'a,na Ista-jle.d tried 'for" .two other;1 0+5 :"IIi,fh~'t"W'~'j'ghb'o~hoad bUT dwni::icr by the'" county 'and cannotget an swe r t fo r a jncrrth • qappon taklne,care o f that. 'See,ms:"!i'!<e'10'stcal.t~e":'M'rsJ' Chapman Istai-e;d time b::"gj'n~·ing,..'fo. fun short." Mrs.Tanger s·tated wo u l dn t fv- be any"lbetter 'Off b'edaJge' .would· have to goto' the..PI'a'n·nf[1g-Board Ito st'1e'i~ ,~ubdivided.; 'Mrs'. Ghapman ~tai:'eda l sot lrl t-fhe f loo d rpl al n. arid alrport ..zo.ns"so has to. do to.'the'·coun·tyfor "r-e v l ew arid don It 'make dete'rm-i'na:tion''''uni'11 'an swe r- from them" .Has be'e~ sent in 'but Frave, 30, ·.days' to:'a'nswer~ : Mr.) F-Iunte'r' asJ:<eFd howmudh t~me d~fore.,~e~t PI~~~lng 'BQ~~d ~ds~l~g? ~Mrs: Ldedke:~tat~d •a qe nda vc l c'sesinexf Monday., Mr. Pjietro'p'~oII' stated'c~up[e' s f-e ps ;: firstskeTch layout phase'where d~me. in dnd p r'es'e rrt s ke.t ch Ih~yo,ut: I f: Iyou wanted to scrdp tha+icomel'ln:wlt-h.:pIarr, jolfi.hearing;slinto orre~~a~'!1g with eng~nse:,'s, drawln.9' showing. howpIa'~ !o do that ~ndIndicate fin e pp llcat ion that Is. what do l nq , JOIning the sk=e:rchlayo·ut and pr-e l I ml na r-v> Mrl Hunter asked would' It' helve to. tie:' ,Iarran ged 1, Mr. Pi at ropao I I:" state d ' Ra'th y "couI'd' 'ta ke app fi i 'cat' I on .'Qu~s+l'on Js :40 whetHer could get properpla'Ji' drawl1up. Mr. Hellman'stated f'ile"with'proposedp'fi:l11'and by',flp-a,1 me et I nq' if'~hange, ,coill;d'ido'so·.Mr.' Pf e tr-opao Ll: stated buf ·if. joinirrg :two'iinto'on-e'; have to,indiccite on nofic~. 'Cdnnd~ ask for two s+a~es If· ap~rl9d for one.Canve l Irn.l nar e. omU· Mr. [nzo,ria'sTated as 'far'as g'etfin'g' drawing" .no p rob I €I'm1 ',-:' . ) I I· ' ': . . .i ..' . :

, -- I· i : 1 fl'" t -;' ,..Mr." Pletropaoli" stated 'bave n t ff he a r-d from the county, e l f fie r , .countvPlannihg Coffimr~sio~I~~s auto~~ttd.f~ight to review·this,lpa~tlcula·r' .appl i~~tlon be~aus6 lri tH~'~tood iti~e and Irl Ifhe, area certaln radludf r om the art-port: an d under airport; regula'tions, con f er-r-e d by ,the Countytolthe. County Pf ann lnq , '.have :rIght to, review any con s-tr-uc't l.ori 'withlnso lilanyfJef 'of the' airport. Fall's' within 'fhat r-a d l us , 'MrJ l nzan easked til Ps.' is, recent? Mr. PI'etropao I I' stated 'tle'en-' ,aroun d· f'o r qui te,a few. ye'aTs •. Mr ...·rriz'ana· stated ha'd,to:be: after [rtnove~d t~IO' houses 'In.M~~'H~Dt~f st~f~d fl~~d pla'in ~ew>,.Inqe .M~~c~!M~~,p'etrop8011stat'ed airport around- 10'nger; Exercise Ithat right .. · Moved t'he 'radius out 1urther ~hen ~un0a~ Isxpanded ~nd ne~e~ ~[~n~6 an~ range'and '{ think thaf Is.'ho\J 'cameaod·U't. Mr. 'Hel'lm'an sfat-ed' gives t-hem'protection from Things like.. pu+ti.iig. h}gli tCiwer yp~ Proba:blyI6cal,determina¥ion:, part' of prdc~~ure has toigd down. there 1h~t'structure.will'not int~:fer'e.JI,!~.:floqq.pla·lnC>~ ~atfe,;,ns_rof pircraft. ,~LocKe'?in that- way;· And'lt!s serldus,qu,,!sTlon!wJtt\,r~gardto.th.e SIZe. ofthe,\o·t. ··ls:the,otner.housE?"as ~t:t,as',this? IlVlr. Inza.na stated rlo.-Mr. f'lJilm'an stated'ultlmat~.arl1l!o.buy·lo't".divideIn two and,put onehouse' on ·each. 'Other house l '5 0 '.ft .. 'Th·is. Is: 70' •.. Could yo·u put 50 ',ft.on·this" lo't and oth.e'r on the 'othe'r' one. 'Mr~ '!nzana state.d RO probl.emas far as I am concerne·d. Mr. Hildlm-an stated posslblff so[u·tion.




Page 11: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




Mr. ~ie~~~paofl' statedi~ealry~knn6t get':to:thcit·~h~II,"I~gaI1i~d.·'Proba,b,l:y':uhder'time';] im'iFt9buy'noi1ses';"Have fo: have .oirt' by, Ap'r-i tlst,'Mr.,'Jnz~',na",state:a start Gonst'ructlonAprl1 'Idrf'. -Has to be ' 'out be,forethat.::Mr. PIt;J1"ropa61i" stated have su f f l c.l e n t- ~u'mh'r;ofmee'fin~s to'meet de ad l lne, -Th'i s. boa r d-w lH: 'not rhake'lde~'lsion',tonIght.Quest:lon ',sImp] y' rf you' wI s h ' to,'expend ,furth'er moneys with that doubt:eXistl~g as 'fa: what cou nrv wl I I saY"ll): ordet to,"rnilke'ajJpI lca r l on ,i'o:keep '\'If:1~'~1 s'1 ri'~ot I ~n: for !~ is' pr'oje~t ~'?~u ny-y ;m,i gft f tl i s ap p r?ir~' wf1cde'thing, ana tflls'board may acce[1t r-e comfne nde f l on 'and, say sorry ,told' to,

,gO to'Pla'nni!1g ~oarcL Mr., In'Z'~'M s!ate~ WOU'ld" j&~+ as S?O~'..go to 'the:'P,la'nnlng Board and go through' With, It. Mr',' PI~+ropaol 1" statedcould' caI I: 'tomorrow or' stop 'In: tomorrow and go over wl rh. Kathy p r-o>vjslons, of theordlna,nce .thgT vou have TO, f o l low ctc .s ub d I v l de and'get underOway~' ' '," I '" " .. ""; 'I ' , ,,' I" I',' ,Mr: HeI Im'anstatJd ith'inKs PlannIng Bbard" hss , The j:i6,wer with, ,regards't6~ gt"2int[p~,v9rlances on$'Gbdh;rslonsasfa.r.assid~lots are' ,ccnce r-ned'; 1Alid'-thi"s~'wo:uld' be.vs ub d.l v l sLon , So when discuss'with"Kathy, tomo'rr9w rp~y ,save tiThe ..thel7e'~ 'f-cfuany wo'ula be academic: forf b l s. bo,ara then'; '(v1rs;"Ch<ilpman stated' if theyapprov8 Iot'sul:idJylslonmight grant varIance for'the, sides, at ~he same'time~ Mr; Heilman'stat~~ su~ges+l~et ih:t6uch-wlth Kathy;~b~or~o~. : .' '," ,,' ,,' r" ',' l " .,' ,' .. "",';

Mrs.' Ohapman ah4a i f" any<i~e 'wishe~ 'to, speak' l'n: favor; or 'o~P9s l t l onto, this app I l'caf l orioa nd no'onb,'appearea. -: "," -,' ", ", ': '

, " ' 1 i.. ," ,I'," ,',' , i,DE'e,1 S',ION,:, Reserved p:e,~a i ng r-ece i pt of'~ commen t s. 'from' MCPD. 'f", ";,',

., , 'I,' l' '" I , . , "' I6. Ap'plh1.:aTi0nof Chili HeigRtsAph'.', .Ini!:1,',361I'Chill':A'venue,;,

Roche'star', ,N ;'Y.' 14'6.24 )<b,r ap p r-ov e I of variance t6 -eI )'0'1'/ use: ?,fRdzumes:-ersi n':a p~ r:rmen'-t ',P roJ~, ~t lOr 'ca:e d f at: ~5~' l~' '~h 1,1 i,"'A,!,enu: •

. i , flIl lone.. I . " '. ., I

MrS.' Chapman read the forl'o'~iil1g 'lei-ter; , "\lIe, ,the, cbwne'rs of, Chi lI:Height's Ap a r-rme nts , a ut ho r i ze -AI'I' Re f us e - In The name of Rob e'rtFruspl ~ to represent us in appe~ring before the Chil1 To~n Board.\'ie re'f(uesT The,! use: of dumpsters a s i. ve h i cl t!rs' of r-er uset dl s po s a I ~': "/s(Ribhar~ E; 'Bauer.' dose ph r Fa z Lo , Frank R;' Ri:z::tci" l.eon ar-d Zatcagli'no"Mi-'.' Frushliappeered~ ,sHrled wHt t'f.lrough this ~?mtb monf-h s back with 'Me'adowbr'ook.ResuI't',of ThaT pa r-t I cu l ar- th,lng was'too,B'xpensive for'them. He r s fo~ s ame , ,no,t"'same 1rtuaTion~sJoesntt kricw . ' Inatal'l'atloncosts of something 'li'ke,this:wi'll'+un somewhere l n.wI c l n l t v vo f$7-:8,,0,00, 'on o ur- pa rT'"for-' thes~ pa rtl cu i §'rtyp-e dump s f-er-s;" Whethero r r no'f they,vtiII":go throu'gh wlth.-it even 'aft-e'r' t'h'is'hearlng, .doesnt f

", know. This: has 1'0' bei'f(r'st s'tep be.ca'a se' "If canno-t 'get ver l e noe wl l l:go no further. Situation ,as it"exist's, now is, r-ub b.l s h stored 'In ce l lars.''Same'r6uti'ne o'r waitlhg for first: rodenT' compUrlnt w'fulch'is going to,happen. Very nature of the layo,ut wITh the, f i ~I d's, ,construction,'opening, and c.l o's l nq of doors, .l s. going to attract in spl f-e. of thedI s posa l s, Si:ill'"will"be some ga'rba:ge'that goes'to the cell"i:l'r'.' Forthat r-sas'o rr 'd umpste r's a ri;, 'gr'ea t, an swe r' to apa rTm'eRt p roj ect' bu'1' typ esp'eakin'g o~ :totally encIo:sed like' yo'u'se~- at Le'e G"ard'ens,-,:for' ihst'ance.Enclo's'lJ're missrn'g 'on ,th'at inSTal I'a't!ohl 'bu:t that is"soms-thing be:yondau r bon'!'ro I.' that ,d''Umpster does" pre'c) u'de" r<!ldenrs', andlb low'i ng paper'sand other ffie'Ss"that norm~lIy;goes'with:older style crUmp'st'ers." Othe'ra l.ternative 'I ns,i de compa~tbr's for rubb ish'. Aga'i n, ,d'ill cos:t-! stUdy o,fthis 'project and cost of l ins'ta;II'i'ng compacTors i'neach'bulld'illg wOl:lld'run s0mewher~ in, vitln.iTy' of' $22',;,0,00. 'Fb-r the whole' compl'exl.' Com'paredto ~S,O:ob. '"for, ou:rs'TCle dumpsters.' With ',Inside compacto'rs,-from"mypoin-t'of i(iew', probl'e'm of get'tlng fromins,ilfe out and' quite 'frankly"will 'say p,ref'e,r to',not ~fo' info, people"'sceII'aTs.'-iTremendous compensatIonrate Inv,olv'ed. 'Have; h'ighest 'c'ompensaltion rate no\~ o'f alm'ost anyindustry ,in the country., Clo'se to: 7% and doesn'T'add a thi!lg to, it,.Especl:ally with, new 'claims.

Page 12: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


,XQ',nin!iJ Board of Appeals" I ., J a.nua rv. e8,: .I91,5,

Mr. Hun j-er- alpkljl~' Wprkmen.'',S Compen se-tl on Hea~l~g"of?.tiIr., F.r;-usq:istijl teu yes •.. Mr. He II m'an ,a s kl;lo. hl ghe r haza.rd~ ,gq>l ng i up a ndrdow n' .steps;' , Mr • .Frusc·{: sh'tlild' l o's f on e man ·with broken -an k l e •. i Dc e s n Itpa r-r t cu Lar-I y·'·wa.J;lt; to. ~o .t~at.,.~Mr.Ii'i!lle·rmq'a9keQ,thi$:makes-risk' .. ;

; gr~ated;Mr .. Frusci stat~qf" yes-.; ..up 9I1ld'. down ·steps•.wou I dvdo U: ha dto an dvp r-l ce ·is: right.. -IMrs" .. Tangerasked .i~,thls typelofjdlsPlfSfllthat m9st 'fll<;lrtme6t complexesh~ve'in:~n~around Rqch~$ter~ Mr! , •

I Frusc,i .staT~ddumfils,ters predom[nan:J;IY"'1I nQ' that .i9: ~~q<;l\Jge ;;:o.n.i.ng.,of,. I"most I tQWnoSi') .l:Ihen build' one of the{3e.aparttJlentpro.jects .. [.rl:lb~Tsh nottho~ght of.. Somethl!19 tflat lst'l9:t" ment lc ne d , ~icke.d up jb no ehu r-etoday. an d . \tI i f h. :<j·Il';ThliJ- featu,es.,: n o bo.dy ment i o ne d ga rbS\·.ge. i Re'1j I. is t lcthi!1g. '" 'j.. . ,Y1·. i " ., -t . " Jf. i •

.. i: .... . : I .- " .:: '., .' '.i '1 '. I.';Mrs. Tanger askerl do you have dumpsters in other areas? Mr. Frus~i

stated throughout The' county. Some of them ~I~ styl~ dumpsters withf,la't open ·n·~s. ~hj'ch are;t,rq'T,the. gr?<jltest •. Ce r t a l n.lv l e's s Fl.~pef.lsil(ethan other typ~. ,tr1,rs, Ta!lgeraske9 IPr9per.ly·fenced. in? Mrf', Fr-us c I..stated' wou I c: be: 'fenced in. Mrsj' t=(hapm.an as~ed r-e s po.nsl b.l] !tll. 'o f .:rhe.ownersito. do fenoi,g~ ~orrect? Mr. Fruscilstate~ rJght.,~ot. oJrs •.Mr s ; , ~Hapll)aT,l .a s ked vcur p r l ce j for the- dumpsters an d l ns-tel la't Lon , i:nothirtg··to. do wlthfenci.ng? .·Mr, Pi'?tropao!t·,,,!ske~..t~E!yun<:ferstand~that? Mr. Frusel state-d.ye·s.the'l.··do,. ,Mr.:P[e:rrq>pa:o!t-.stated.le-tterdoe sn t-r indicate:,that.Autho:rlze.s you to talk' e bo.uf durnp s-re r-s . Havediffi;ul~ies,~ith,pro.j,ctfr9m point 9f view of .~~Ild·ing tns~ector

and zo.ning. From our stal1dpoint,,~I~;,.ga·ll·y·,very,concernedi9boutwhat'these people' understand this: board is givIng them to: do because'apparently' ·don.1t ufjderstqnd·~~hat boa r-d au t ho r l z es. them to. do a':ld'IJ~'~tweek .alm·ost· got shut down' again'.· Next time wi Llvb e. shut down 'andnothing 'III J:IT~apPfl!l.untj I 'fOm'il ,In: a nd $~QW q:a1;Jse why s hcu l d'. be .opened up ilIga!n·•.· l nj her-e i;lgi;ll-n; and t·his: caus'llsconcern,·for !11~' as .Town.A:til¢l·r~ey .an d for Deputy Town Attorne.y ,for thjs: board. Mr.Frusci stated in my discussion with itese peop l e-, .were ve ry expl lc I tv Ithat anytbing commItted woul~ have to. be done. Not In' bu~lness' oftry tog to: g~t:varlances or change ordin~nce$.: Can onlV work to whatvie have. . . [.. '

I " '. .!. . i ,. ..'. t,Mr. Pililtropao·ll· stated ap p l I'ca t Lon is.' from these peop I e ..for variancef¢,Jr,s}gns. S}9Qs,'alr·ea.dy ·upHl'ere.' No r r he r-e ton.iBht. tq .1~'9a.lfze 'sl qn s.• Tomor-r-ow b u'l l dl ng ] Inspe.c.tor w l.Llvbe..out there, an dj s Iqn.s w l.I Icome down •.. Mr.·.Frusc! st?lted',h<;lve;,to pe.r-f c r-mc o u r se l.ve s tf1.E!. 4iame.wa.y.'Gl'lner'llI'ly 'ppeak1!'l9' when ccmml tjour-se f ve s. try.:-to. make..it, st I c k , Don'ttry to. get. c auqh t , ; Mr,. Pie:f"ropa9'! i'l ~tat5lfl h e r-e , repr~.~.e]1!i9g· con ce r-nthet obviously want to do~uslne~s,wlth~ Apfaren*JY' ~iscussed withthem.and saj·d.ecolwmic-aI,Iy wan,t to.jde<;:jde, wha.t route'ltp;90. Mr,~I~r·d e s ke d- do you {lave Meapowb:rook? Mr. Fr-us c l stated no, i.don Lt" Mr.\'lard :stated. ·p.idn.lt.. 5efj'.d~mpster·s'·i .Mr:'iFLusclist~:ted d ld n t r t?lke.them,' Mr.'Pierropao.li!as!<ed·doly-<j)·u haveStenwlt=k? Mr. Fr~sc! statedno.. , j.r·. I ,., ,

• f j , f " , . j "l ,:

'Mr. He'i 1m-an asked how many ·dumps.te..rs, 'dIo you prppo.se tp· use'? .,Mrs',' ,Chapm<;ln a'sked ,and· where IO'cate<l? Mr. Fr'\lsci .., stated, .n,umbers.can seewritti"n ,are numbers.o,f,pa·rtjcula·r. unit!> an·d pumpst\9rs: would' nt,qnber.rough I y :13',' . Canno,t; real'ly ·teU' yeT~ llnd. r~ason be,caus~' doesn.l·t krow •density.•· • People' .per- apartmel1t!- Have to .. l;>a:se everythi!19. pn,:c.ubic. "y.ardage •.. Norm~Ily ·speak·ingl if no, k.ids inl'0Iv:ed in project .ant;] un·der-stan'd wi II' 'be I."gh;l" ;/n. thatre.s,pe-9t. ' Cu.b.lc ya·rd?ge., Mrs. Chap.m.?n: Iasked how i:Jo yo·u determine- that? Mnf.FrLis~1 ,state.d 'runanywh'Pre,:from

'. 1/4 to JI2,=·:cubi·cYlrd. dependl!19 on .number ofpeopl~', Ifhi.s Is, whycannot s'ay def' n 'I te I yhowi rna hyW13. need,•.' Cann'ot rf'la I Iyo ,5 aoy ·1 n·.a If' .slhce.reity where they wilil' ·b13'. to'catedl be.cause' of same basiie probll9m.Don't knoVI ,unt!I' Trie.dahd· testep and- the)1 pick .sjte ..~ Can come prose.Won't be. tool far off. . But could' be. off. ThaT ls\,why ·harQI.to,pihpoint.i

I Ii'

Page 13: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon i,ng Board. of Ap pea Is'.'I

I, .





Mr. Pietropaol I: asked any r-ea so n or urgency for this boa r-d actingt9njght w!thqutlh~vi~g ~~ opportunIty. to,t~lk to, prlncipals~abo~tthisfpr~posal?'Mro' frusei stated J'/0'urgency. 'No;' ,Wonlt be; a~yt!li~gPllt .i~ b'Y:' us until •.•.•: 'MrnPietropa'Q\i, a:Oked'lf.,bOajcl wou l d wa,nt·tomeet Mr. Bauer,' ,seems to be.r hea d guy e round there,. have. had conTactwith him, .l f wanted to. get.him In ra-e, .no d l ff l cu l f-vvl n that.' Mr.'Frusci stated. nOT on my part,., It: t~¥re a r-e i anv .quesTi9ns,•.we·are nOTtrying TO. put town ·In' embarasslng situation or create~sltuatlon thatwou I d be emba'r-as sl ng. . Chi [I has. been, good TO us 1~ n d- hcp e we a re~ goodto:.the town.' I have no reservations,. , . '; __

. .,I 'Mr. Hunter asked I n. terms of where, they were: gol!1f] to'1be. lO'cated,wereyou gol ng to. ta I k' ab ou t that? Mr. Fruscl stated no r-nal lv to. the, front· ~

of the bu I l dl nq so wi 11"not show from the street. i' l fv.you l oo k at.2 .and "-three which faces Chi I I, there would b~ bne dumpster to take care ofthose-bu.i (d'ings and ,would Iocat"more, th,n li~el~T? the,.fron~.ofl

number two. Mrs.' Ctiapman a ske d on ,the. road'be.hin~ ~1.dld'l!1g, o n pa r k l nqarea? Mr. Fr-usc ] state~ wll l '~e. b ljnded, 'flot see n f r-om Chi J j' Avenue.Mrs. Tange r -a s ke d how many- pa rk I ng spaces' wi [ l: 'i t, take? Mr. Frusc isTated ap p r-ox l maj e Lv 2i'.~~r dump sfe r , "MIf: .' Piytr~~ao.l i :;;tated, th ink?had mor-e. th~~ gdequ'!lte.,parkipg., Mr. War:d state'd used' to, I ivei iD',comp lex a.nd.just,<pf-f curb ofroil~ had ramp wlt~ dump sf-e r ; Mr.Plehopaol,1staTed woul~ ha~~ t" h,ye f~~ci~g !n p~~k;ng,a~ea !Q ~~reen~ Mr~Frusel STated right" .an d i'ilgalll.,'no· doors for swinging. Mr. MuII'aneya s ke dc o pen on o ne.r en.d? ~r.. F.rusch.! .sTa,te~ y~s .. .back end.wo¥.l.d be Iclo'se-d".,3/4. .e'ncl o-sur-e . Mrt ,Hunter as~~d,sayi'li!g"c.oul'd·be.,13'; each ofwhich q;oyld' t?!'e: "t\"l,?par~lng,spage~1 .. CtpLJld'. .l o'se up to, 26'.'5~aees?Mr. Pletropaoll stated woul~ have to see if problem. Mr. Frusel, sta ted some, bu) I ?'i ngs ha.v'i! morlfl un Its tha n qT~er,s.. Up TO. [~.: i ~ some.Some only~have'.e., :Mr •. Heilman aske d t?ta.I;'P!. :Z60',un.!Ts? iMr." Fr-u sc istated t h t n ks. 25,6.: Understand·s town houses 'Inhere too s omeplerce .Mr.jWard; stClt~d,.dldnr:t-Thi~k so. some :tf)re)'l bed r-oom <;!parTme:nts.. 1

. : ,',' , . : . i! . i 1 . . "Mrs. Chapm,n ,sked anYlotherlqu~stionp a~~~t tbe d~mpsters?' Thin~s

have.al I',:the, info.rmat.lrp wr,.-~an, ,get. from; vou ab?ut pr-opo sed 10'cft!?nand how many -yo,u have s!Jgg?st,ed;.,; M.-\"_ Frutci, state.d· t h l nxs wi II 'comeout .to 13"but~9ain,: don,lt.know unt l I pr,?Jrctjtowa.rd: com~le.t~<;>~. Mrs.Cha pman asked If youYJfi!.r.e aI.lowe.d tp, dOlIT:woulld:,YOi.!.b~,g!n p ffing _them in imme,diete.lyt ',Or wait untIl mor-e near!Y:,·buil-t·? ~r., r,usc'i.stated as.suming ve.r i ence glv,!",n,' still: 'cost fac't6r- $ltu6tlon.h.Cl.ve to

, get to; l"p"h tram ... On t?P of. T.hfl+ anpthe.r. t:line de la'yvt o bui.1 d t~eseth I ,ngs. I Bee n r?aI 'c u rt,a i !r.rent, pa nnot gfTe? u I ?me!1~ _ .Mr-. Pa I er-mo .asked wh.en to be. 'p l ace d, wl'll' 'depend on l how f a s t ' project grows:? Putin as proj,ecT grows?' Seems~ ·+9' be_ gro'wlng prl,ttyfa,st'.'-' . '/, ' ,

• ., ! • • !..I .! . r • - j

Mr. S.tetJle a s ke.d how much" time do vou need, to~ d'ete~mlne if'r}bhtl.?'Cation? Mr;_ Frusei statep, wi:"-\", i'n monthl ?lnd,.a h'a,!r, .Mr. Stee,le ,asked prefer that tim.e rtltho.ut s:tructurf.?;' Mr •.Fru·sci, state.d .ye·s, breestructure there, ,hard TO. move •. lvlr'. He i !man stated if It comes to beone pf fhe. cOQditions grant-ep ~lol.!.,Id' be, couple' mont·hs be'.for,e:.c?,nstr,uctedenc I o':;~ure _ Mr •. Pie:troppql,i:, Ft~tedj unTe'5s 9~n.l~ r.pre crrt,a I n abo.u.T,whe r~ to, put them. ~.r,. , fr,usc I. stptep" cg.p pin po 1fit.., pr';l:tty, e l.o·se...DE'tl~ION: R.~$·e·~~,~d p:endln~ ,~PP?r,-t:~lty.i t.~. pllsc.Uss:,w,ltr, pr'inc(pil1s'"

Hel d over fr~m Oci:ob~:~i :2i~~ 11~7.~;: .'1 (, t:, i

Re.qu-est,.of ,S.un .0.,1-1 Compa,ny for va.r,l,a,nce .To erect Ifr~e-:sta~dlnfl

. sign .( arge r:, t-hfl n, ,a I J'owfd aI. .;32.[.5: ·Qh i JT Ajve,n ue • i I

DtC\SIJON: 'I D~~nleduna:~i~ousIY' p'er .MCPD commejn1ts., f(a·.,ftae~ed)' II




Page 14: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

December 23, 1974Chili Zoning Board of AppealsZoning Referral CI-137Z

Subject: Application of Sun Oil Company fora variance to erect a secondfree-standing sign at propertylocated at 3215 Chili- Avenue~

This application has been reviewed by the Monroe County Departmentof Planning pursuant to Section 239~ of the New York State GeneralMunicipal Law. We recommend that this application be disapprovedfor the following reasons:

1. This application-is in complete disagreement with the purposesand intent of the Chili Zoning Ordinance. The ordinance states -in Section 6.021,

"The purpose of this section is to promote -andprotect the public health, welfare and safetyby regulating existing and proposed outdooradvertising, outdoor advertising signs and outdoorsigns of all types. It is intended to protect .property ~alues, create a more attractive economicand business climate, enhance and protect thephysical appearance of the community and preservethe scenic and natural beauty of designatedareas. It is further intended to reduce signor advertising distraction and obstructions. that'may contribute to traffic accidents, reduce hazardsthat may be caused by signs overhanging orprojecting over public rights-of~ay and providemore open apace;"!

Allowing the proposed sign would detract from the physicalappearance of the community and would increase hazardousroadside distractions to motorists.

2. If the ToWn approves this application, a precedent would beset for other service station owners or representatives toapply for variances further undermining the intent of thezoning ordinance. -

In addition, it is noted that this department has consistentlyrecommended against oversized and unnecessary signs along majorroads in the County due to their documented adverse effects onmotorists and the unsightliness they cause.



Page 15: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


, ZON ING .BOARD OF ,APPEALS'Fe b:r,u;a,r,y 25", .I 9'15,

i . ' " " ,I : "


",. :

-:. ,

I'; ,

, i

, iI' ,


A Mee+in~ ,ot';the, Zd'ing, Board of-App€qls' was h'e!d'!n:the'ChiliAdm i n istrat l on ,Off 1. i::,6? :·,3~3.,5, :C,Q III Aven ue , 'Roches'ter , New York:.( 4'6,24, ,on' Fe~r,uarT 25"'I'9~,5.., :1~he, ~e€ltl,n~ was 'call'El'd' to:order by, ,the Cha l r-pe r-son , ,Mrs. Chapman, ,<;IT 8;,OP".P.M. •

. • I·. I .: Ii· ., I

Presant; Jatiice M. Cha~ma~: Cha't~p~f~on ~I Robe:rt 'f1urifer" I : I",' I ,",

Carle' Mul!'aney, l ! !Gertrude, TangerJohn Pa I ermoGer~1 d,:DeGtaff

Abs'ent: I Ray 'S+~eIe'''' ,


A,lso Present:'IIPai"riyk Jl Pf e-rr-opac l!, To,'kn,Attorney , If;Alfr~d J! He l l m'an jjDep irtv Town'AttorlJey ,

1 ,'k. Th9inrhward!J!",!,'1!5~t!'BU'II;di~9tnl;;pectot-

Mr. Heilm~? 's:raHd Ie'g~[inot~ce has be.en,p,Ubn~hl?~ In~' paper. ofgener~I'cIrculation -ln ,the town' advertising the, two: ap p l I'ca f lons

, be'fore 'this bo.ard foni'gf1t andi a f f Lda v l f s are on 'file of f ha'f publi-c:.ati??and, al so it h~S beeh"·P9~~~C(.<:>n'o~~,~'u:'it'~'tin ,'boar~:. '. i,"·

I.' ,AppIJ~at'on,of,Du~be,we[w~rt~J' 9 ~ene~Ict DrIve, Rochester, ,N. Y." for, ap provaI 'of I va r l arice fo'"a I J¢'w. exl s tl n9 abo.ve,-gr~un~'.pool"40.',ft. frpm'froQt lo't line; C6.0ft."requIredt.RlI-'!?' ..,'... .;. I ; ~ " I:. t . -: ", I "

Mr. waiwoJ!h was not p~es~\lt ~heniappllcation'w,a:E!' :fij.~t re~d. ' Re-'c:aI ledafter hearIng second' appII~a~lon ~nd w~s ~resen~ at' that tlm~. ,

j , ' I'" ... " -, i ' '

Mrs. Chapman as ke d M'r. Walw'or~h can you tell' 'US a bou t i poo I 'an-d situatlonlso we know wha f .i tis I ike ? Do vcu have a map or draw i ng'? Mr,.W~,Jw~rth s t at e d.. actua'IIyha,:eJoT an o v al mos f Irk.e _double- loi'r Poo'l'slttJ!19:on separate Lo'r bY,'ltself' and wou l d Llke togo 10n' rec6rdtrra'~ thl'nkKayak Poo l s: sho ul d be'brepr'imanded beca use paid $5",,000 ,forthe pool and, they put it 'in'.C ntractep them 'and"~'ss!1me'd .solneone asrep!.lta,J;>I:e' as theTiwou1p: putl,T-Il: r.iprt afth~ payl!19 tha't,kind,o'f,money.Do, have poo) 'in ~.nd~,re',a.I,lydianl't:know ab9,ut'16r~jna,nce,'Jlb.ou.~ setba,ckand,got ab otrt 49,.\ft. setpack. frb,ln centl":r. o f :r.he, road., .Mrs,', Chapmanasked no.t from r.' gh~. of :way?, Mr. ~a'lwbrth stllte..d }'las I ns f-a l Led by,pool comp an y van d. tjley d l d. gI,ggln'g and.geF1IBed, w~ereit should", go.'They did everyth,ing. 'Mr~( H,eiilma,naskeddbhe last summe r t : Mr,' ,Walw'orth STated Las t y eer , yes.' 'Mr. DeGr'oiff asked d l d. you get pe rrnl fto, build1 Mr. WaJwor~h stated didn't knew ha~ to have one~ Assumedwhen pal d. $,!5"o,O,b:':an'd Kayak s up po se d 'to be: rep'uta'ble' pool 'dealer, , '

, f I gu red they :1'10'111 d' :~ave_ 'to I d.xne. ,~_~.' He I 1man aSJ<.~d' whfc.h Kaya k , o,r!is,tbere jl,Jstlone~ on :Penfie'Ii'Roa.d,? Mr.' W6lwor}h stated,rijJht. :

Mr. Ward, ~~'h!erl as' a res'uI-f'Ofl yo~lr p,oo! ~n'd~ anotIi~:'r'ic:oU'Pl-e ,P0c;>I,s~round,.tpwn !nst,alI'e:d[JyjKayak, ,91?, rep_i.evb'.letterl f~9m my :,ffl~,e,In,formlng of the .r-u Le's and reguJa-rlonsl'and! Informed If, anvvl nvo lvemen'fin cpurtcape, "trey woulf' be: invoIv::e~d. Haver' been ,severe.lY' 'r:ep,ri,manded •and th lh k s' i1'i I I' 'get coope'rati on Ifrom'them i nfutu r-e ;: -, Mrs. Ch apmanasked have l nst'a l l ed other pools' In- s l m.lLar- situations?' Mr. Illardstated yes,'they have. ,~ ~, '" ' I

Mr.' Pletropaol i: asked had ' wrjii·ter. 'Gontract? ,loJlir., Wa I.,w'or_i"h s'ta,ted yes.Mr. Pietropaol I' ask'ed in that contract dl d 4-hey ,represehtf they wo'u[ d'get '0'(1 'ni::1cessarypermits.,or what not to c0ns:truct pool?' Mr. Wa[w'orthstated cannot say If said that bw,t pa'ld: 1$5"DO~a ..' Mr. 'Piei"ropaoII jl askedid guy who s'old' pool say that for' $5""OOQ'would take care of everything?

Page 16: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

... .,.. or - •.•r :,.~~


DATE: ~H, !"It'S. V·"·,··,················ __···~


I~ . I.of, f.f~'( .lssue Oatpr{



h ~.- '" ~R " Pl1b1i~State o:,ti~ '. '. riroe Co.M Commissiort Expires Ma '30, 19.].b

(jJ- i: \ ,"......~ .. "..A;.;!J!:. ~~ 'O ••••

Patricio M. Smith ;J. pl·

Publisher i-' r;Jl7~

Page 17: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975





rr=;;;].'M!"' . .

!"j~nrrig' Board ~f'APpeal~ .~;'?~ -,'1\ Meeting of the Zoning[,Eoard of Appeals of the Town~! ,Chili' ~11l he held in the~ni I Adni.illistrati~ Offices,:- ~235 Chili Avent.le, Rochester,- N, Y. 14624 on February 25,:;;,1975 at'S:OO P.M. to consfder~the_ followlng applications::I;._~;:bpllca'ii~n'Of.Duane, 'Wal·'.- wOrth. 9 Benedict Drive, Roeh-- .

~te~. N.Y. f9r approval of~riimce to allow existing... above-ground pool 40 rt, from;"':-:-r1'oot IotTtne (60 ft. required).~R·H2.

:~':'~ ~pplicati(;m of Anthony Vas-;(7.to'1a. 611 Plank Road, Webster,'~N.Y, for approval of variance!!!!!lo~aTIOw. house 01\ lot'86; wide~_bY. 2~O' deep in area requiring:.--.-S.o ft. Width. £\-].15. . .. ' ,~~'__~t~_r~st~d .Parties. ar~<~-~- hereby requested to attend. By:;rarder ~t the Chairperson ofE;ihe 'Zoning Board of Appeals.~AtUCEJ.II~AP.MAN.... ,~=CnairpersO:~·". -- - - .


~:. -r,;;:'" ,,~

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Page 18: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zonipg Boar~ of ~ppeals' . I ,. Februa r-v 2-5',. 19"15.


Mr. He'i Im'an statad asknow if would createor something'.!', '




Mr.' Walw'or,ttI, stated yes'.' iActLially ·would'lIi'ke to say-po'ol,'1 have onse per-a f e. Joi' an'dtried to, make.,wiThj:nei.gh'borhbod', right 'in lrne with,my house' which is: 49.,\ft •.sei'bac,k.·Mrs. Ch'apmenve s'ke'd. other hoirs'es: :sa'mesetback?Mr. 'Wa I w·or.th·, stated O'r.1 p ie:-~ha,p.ed:'[·o·T' !md i'r"i e d TO,'keep pool 'in l ln e 'a·nd·d·iff'i¢'uIT·:tol11ave on,60',ft. s er-bac k bece·u'sehave 'h~~e mapl~ Tree and pool wouI~ have sat cattycorner and sittin~

i.de!'l'lly ,fOT ne'!·gh·bo:rhobd.' ..... l : , '. i ,.... ,,' ',--" I l .. -r ' i \ ....."

Mr. He l l ma n ,stated can understand Kaya'kdid not fulfi-H.obli"gation·s,but from bu.I I d'i n9 i nspec tor-s. standpo i nt and town, ,a nd boa r-d , ,at somepoint you we're"l1ot-if,ie~,of the problem ... Firsri" by, Mr. Ward and s up p'oseuto. appear In August of: 19'1.4 .an d p rob lem arose b u'f bca r d t s ip r-ob l em andt-own's p r-ob Iem and not ,'ju'st .l n this: case'. Un,derstand vou are in this.line of work: t~ some degree:ihd kno~·~bo~t vari~nces and requi~e~ents

so' d l f r l cu I t- un l e's svqe f people' to cooperate: or no sense' in havingthese th;ing-s. That' Is: why wa'ht-ed you to, come. in'. Mr.IWaHrorth· statedhated to put Mr. W,ard out b,u:t ,!a'$it, time,.wasi'Supposed t c.r come , .o n I-veJe'Ctrician",atl:Elm'grov~I:Pla'nt, and c e-l I'e'd me in:th21t· night- and wifegoing' t-o school 'and cal led in on minute's notice. Sorry ·for inconvenience .

. Mr.,';t!e',itm'an stated if·yo·u mad Ie't.somebo:d·y know to.a·os'wer these·.,tli,j'ngs.Want to wor k with, you res l dsn t.s: an d t-axpa'jlers and -f l nd l nuv i o.la't I oo ofs ec't.l o n t a nd trying,t-o dO.9urbe.st· to, he I p y,0·u.. bec au se a· p r-ob l ers -f-he rKaY$k,got· you' f n1-o, bec,ause~,they s hou J d' ha ve- come-and, o bfa.l ned, permi t andpr-obab l v wlI lvcome down har-d on them in,tbe.future'. 'Tr:ying"f¢l.-poin·tout purpose' of th'fli r u l e's and the bo'a r-d: and .up-r t o them~" '

Mn Hunter-askr;ld. In,ter,ms of d l s rence from the· pool ·to.lthe,loi' I lne.,Mrl Walworth stated thought setb.ck frpm~center of,the .. road, 4~~ft.,,Thi'nks suppos ed +o,!P$"p(J .f f , r:rho.ughticen·t-er of the -road \~as>the

meas ur-eme ot-, Mr.'Hunt-'er· state~ thinks :aII' 'seen bu.t wanted to get'straight'. "Ac t ua-l lv setback' l s: 30.·,ft.·· less than 49.'.01": 19'·,f:t,. 'If yo:umeas~re f~'ft. 'from the, CeRter. INr. Walwo~th 'stated 49 ~t. from centertot-he' poo L;': Suppo,sed.to be "60i'ftl ·Mr. HOnter,stated.60ft.'from' lotI i'ne,no,t- c enfe r-r o f f hei r-oa d c ':·There, I re~I'I'ze:, .an d-raI I: 'seenLt, bu+s o un d-s. I j'ke ·19 '.ft. from tlile,ri.ght of .way -e nd-. doesn'.t· seem un r-e ason ab l efrom having s een- it., Whatever we dovouqh f t-o:be'· ap pr-o ve dvon ba sJ s-r o fwhat actual I',!,' -ls: 'S0 .if' vo u lwan f to sen' 'have c-lea r tit.le'., Mr'.· Walw'orthstated he s t mees u r-e d and' 49· '.ft •. from.the ce rrt e r- o,f-the-'road~' C¢>nslc8ringroad is.9:.ft. Mr. He l l nran ve ske d t how far ,from' front, of:y.o'ur, bOl,lse'7

: IMr~' Walw'orth st<liteltl, in', lIrie with the fr9nt of,my -house.· .alel'nelghborhoodand house probabfy' 40. ft. 1 .

i.. . , I I :, IMr. Pietropaoll asked right of way 60fT. bn Benedict?"Mr~ War~ .stated might be, 3 'rod road. Mr. Hunter stated In: which case' wc'u l d: be,greater distance -, 1Mr.• IWatw'0ij"t-n'stated Steckel 'used to, own 'my home v-

1 One'oof',the o-r l p l ne l iBene d l c-t home s i sc: farily' old' home ci l Mr , Hunter':stated possible then t-hat may ,be' I e's s t-haljlj-60 'ft. right- of way.· ,MnHeilm'ali1stated hasn't. seen It, .take 1f'1no p r-ob lerns w'lth, o ve r he a d ..wi res? Mr. 'WaIworth stated on sepa rate, lot .... Mr, He I l man ',state-d some-tim.es s fll Ivr-u n- wl r es t Mr. Wallforth stat'1ld ac-tua'lly,trialiJg,u!i;l:r'shqpedlo't,.'138Q,'ft. to, [-aD· and if set bad~;, wou l dj h a ve bEl's,n sit,til;19 cptty_··,corner I;leacuse.at star-t'of t he. street- an<!lwo\lold'n',t'i)ave': l oo ke d .r l qh tand wanted tollo'ok' right- with,t~e .ne l g~bol:"hoodi sq)', I rj. ,I ine '!'lith t~e,'house and:probl~m wIth the. tree.·'Mr~ ~ard st-ated Ben~~lct is,.501~t,r-oa d v Mr. Hutlterrstate<:f: 49.. le'Ss. 25. ,w~i,ch' wop!d: be', 24, .ft.•.!tJ:1en. Mrs.'Cha:pman i st$ted f rCilm' the. loi' l.I:ne. ,. 'I,. i . _ ii,

1 I', . i. ." ...far as 'le'gal 'tItle', ,temporary structure ,so ~oesolt

probtemregardi.ng trans'fer of title. Not fixture'i '. [i ! ,i '" II

Mr. Walw'orth stated' nearest house, if over 60·'.ft. from pooibesidesmylown dl~e'II'i'ngwhi'ch is. abo.ut 25 ft." ,no neighbors: within at )e~st

60·ft. in,;case"ah-yt'hlngwoul(J:,happen tOi,the pooL' Mrs.' Chapman,statedgarage of nex:t h'ouse' next- t~ the p~or.,.'Thatls.clo·sest;,struetu-re.

'Mr,' l'Ia:Jw'orth ~tated 'clo'sest structure bu.ti no-t dweJ I i'ng~ I ", 'f i I:

Page 19: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zdtring, Boar-d of Ap pe a l s Fe b'r'ua ry 25',,: 18'15 '

•: i


Mr. P-aI e'rlnof asked sal d: poo I <'lhd' hous e<l n. I i'ne?, 'M-i.: NaIw'o'rth, statedy'esl" Mri.: Wardsti:r:te:cl 'withexceptloniof deck J :b'e'-neve', th'ink protrudesin' front 'another 5 "ft. inay,be,., 'Mr., Wa[w'orth st'ated d13p~"n't1,s' on ,how runstreet, runs .s I an t e d', ,might be: right, ,may 'o-e;' 31'or: 4"l,ft.' No' eyesorea~d ~hJnk have:'ne.ighbo~rs"tha't'wo'uld,,'testiify'i!-o: that. ii, i,' ,I " "', l : I', I 'L' :: "

Mrs'. Chapman 'asked if a nvcne wl s he d to speak 'In favor: of 'the ap~li'cation?

Mr. Ed Measday, 16' Benedict and, Mrs. MarlIy'n' Neas day j 16'-Benedict Istated l nrfavor-' of pool'. 'i " ", ",,' , "

-. ~- . ~ 1; .,' .Mr~.' Chapman asked if !3nybne, wished' to', speak l n i op po s t rl on ~nd, no'one epp ea r-en , I,', / '

I !DEC/StON:, ~rante:cl' unan lrrrous.l y ,for the-, I lf e of the' pool'.' ''';

, ,," 'i I" ,I: 'I",

Ap'Pllcat i on of, Aht,hony, VasToJ a', ',6' 1'1 ,p ran k Rca d , , WEb s'te r-, N. Y.,'for approval of va r l en ce 1"c"a'1Jow ho usev.cn lOT 86 'ft. w lde by',:25.0 ,ft. 'i:lee'p in' area r-equ l r l n q 90, ,ft.I~lidth-. 'R-I:-15',!;' '

I '1 " ', .. , I 'j' f !I! 'Mi-l' Hei l man stated as und'erstand, ,It:, under ter-msiof ,law9 ofpubli'ca'tlon,does ndl,tigive s de qua te. notIce ,'to, the peop Le a's to:whei-e the propertyis"thatlthe appli'cat,jon'ls:fcbr but the attorney ,for'the'ap.pli'cant, is,'here and re,quesfed that he·be: perm,itted ,to make', preseiltation ·,ton'ightand wi I I'ing i ti">: no-t 'be: heard a·ti next meeting. "Mrs. Chaplnan asked' hasto be r-ea dve r-fl sed? 'r4r. He t Ime n 'staTed yes I t-l wll l;'

Mr.'iPeter SU:l'ly,:,36,'lvest Marn Str-eet,1,stated 'f:'epre$ent.s"Mr; Vastola'who is owne'r~of' p r-op er-tv on 'SOUTh side 'of"Paul 'Road. Th r s.tLsv a pp ltcaf l cnfor va r-Lan'cev f o t- the, cons t r-uc t l on of' s l nq l e' fam! Iy'resldence on.v-e lOTwh lch is: 'sub's':rand'ar-d, in on e i e sp e c f only->,and'!that is" less 'in \~Idth

thani s: r-equl If-etl, by z on i ng boil r-d i: As m~tter of forma I iTy ,the .hcu se.l s: camp l efe.l y" c o ns t r-uc-rejr." ' Presen'tI Y'·awal t,i ng CO wh.l ch : ~lill' 'b'e:" I

,gran'ted by Mr. Ward Uporl"the,t;ompletion of some vsmaI l ' mindlritems.iNe have i he r-e r f he p r-os pecf l ve buyers,',Mr. & 'Mrs:,'Koerner, who wou l d l IksIto: say a fe:W~/ords; 'Have attempted' a c'lo's'lng:-and' stopped"btl,the!fbaflkgranting mortga'ge to the Kos r-ne r-s; As-~matTer of f<i>rmality7 would' I lke

, to int~oduce: '~Imatte~ of rec'rd the original t~ntract 1~Jwh1ch Mr,; Vasto le attempted' to pur-cha s e the, SUbJect lOT an d- W"O:U l d: I Ike to -po i nt,out to the"board tha't"the"col1tr-act is, 'ContingsAt on' ob f.a'l n.l ng oil bu.lt dl np'permIt: from the'town of'Chil'L~' Contract dat~d July'19';, 19-'i.4,lwo:ul'ci' like,TO have marked and subm.it'ted as evidence. Mr~ Piettopa01i' stated mIghTgIve tape map ~lso. Mr. Sully stated togeTher'wlth tape map of '

, s ub jec f property.'! ", ' , ' i / .... "" 1.i

Mr.' HeILm'an stated poiftt,'otlt to thi;> boa'rd, in' 10'oking Cit TCipe map. thCltalthough epp l I'ce t l o n for wi'd,th variance th~;' f a pe map sh0lfls: appr6Ji:iinetelyn 'ft. on one side and bel ieve 15' tt~ 'on ,the,6ther so t!Joiprobl,em wIththe s I de lOT irai-ianceleilen'thoug~4'ft. fMrs'., Cha~man 'as'ke'd,alt'hollghnot re qu l s l t e 90, ,ft ..; ',.from the'~>'Ide bo'unda r l es you'wi'tfhave the' ir-equ l r-ed dlstanceI I ',Mr. SuI [1' S'tat~d tl'Erels, in every:aspect"ex-ceptfor'the wld-th ] ,area, ,51 de l i'rIles', , front, '5eTb::t~k and,rear yard.' 'Als'o ja s iina t t e r- bf 'record wou I d' Llke. '+0 'slibm:rT' exhlbit>3;: .co pv of th'e ''"appIi'c-ation f61-- b~.jId'ing perrrJit':submI'i-te:cl) by 'Mr.',vastbla' on ,September •3,:' Ul7.4',i,a'ppt-oVed by, s+amp' for 'the town'00n'Sep+embe:r !i:ith', i'n: eegar'ds 'to the bu'l Id-jng of singl'e"famT Iy residence an'd w6'ul'd' I 11<e, TO point, 'oUTthat the appj'j'catlon,i:!lso cont'ains wordin£:) that,"thi's per'mit indi-caTes Iconformity with town zonIng and bull&ing ordinances.' Are these exhibl-ts'admissable-?":r.l'rs.' Cha'~man',state.diyes.''j :' "', ,"," . I, ",:

, ' '.. 1" ..' I " ' :' ,:", :Mr. Sully sTated would als'o IY'ke to point out that appli-cation 'datedSeptember 3 'an~ appro~ed SepTember 5 an~ pursuan't to the approval ,bythe tbwnMr. VaSTola' c'losed' the, 'dEral 'on the '{aT on October' 25,~"pn.4'

at which time commenced' construc:t'ion.Als'o wbuld'i like. ToJ submit intothe record a petitioh' approving the varianc'e by.lvarlous'ne,.ighborsof Mr.' an'd Mrs. Koernef- who' a'rel'prospective 'bu'ye,rs .,,' Mrs,.' Chapman' 'askedneIghbors in: imm~ln'a'te 'vicinity 'of th~: hous\:r?IMr. He'ilm~n'asked addresseson'there? Mr. Sully staTed be,l f'eve it, 'does. Mrs. Chapman 'stai"ed i"I" does.

Page 20: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


ZQni\~g Boa,rdof Appeals"



.Mr •..S'lIl lv stated u'p,0ni",th;e'se, exh t c tts. a'nd tupo n ·th'e actual s t tuatt onin vo.I ve d In. th I s: '-'case',. we' 'feel It: Is: t,he' s·tal1.d·ard·1siTuatlilon . in: whI'chVia r I an oe s .may b a.. g ri3,nte.;d I ni ,a:s.mllch( a.st -:Tu,1 f'l I I's' :th r:ee stianda rds Inwhich a;ppl.lcant,inust· qUPU'fYiWh:lch. 'Is' unde r- ,gue hardship wh:lch Is: nio-fserf-impo'SY'd and on ;t'I1.at. ba~ls;.hla·\(~,' over:' ,$2.8..DOO. .f nve s f ed .of tihe' ,b ul l de r ts mone-y.•. Has not. op'tai,ned buI.ld'lng ;Io'an,'; .own mone.y -l nves t e dand s pent. t. j me on .con s-tr-uc f l on, \.Did. '50 after bu.l l-di Ing. I ns-pec r.o r- iss ue dbu.1 I dl ng PI~rm I :t':•. , :A,lso vfu] flI l ed r-equrI r-erne nt th af 'the re I 5' no .cha:ngein, ,the. n~.igrbo·.rrood. by'. The,:alhr>wanc;eof t-h l s- va r l anoe •. AH' 'along:Paul 'Road ;apd'. Chestnju·t R,i.?g~.,~:13I.l: 'SI,ngle' fari1:Hy r.esldence-,s,.'and th l sIs. what is 'in~oIv'ed 'tn ·t-h,ts. cas.e·.. Al so feel It: l-s .th;e on l ytf eas l b le'economical ·use',to. be. made 'o f thfs ..properrty.· .. 1ff!oti:aIlo-wed to'maint·aln'this: slrt~'le' fpmrlY' -resipence, .cannot do anYll"hl~g: 'eIs,el witp this.p I an. Upde r trese' pjtanpa r ds ...fee J, th I $: ;i-p, -p roper a pp I i cat Ion ;t-h'a1" theboard. shou I d'. grant varTciln,c.e· 13n,d' .thet iKperners be.,'a·It'·o·wed,to~move in'with .-!'ome ..~e,ace of .ml ne .an d ,would' lIke ,to have Mr. Kcer-n e r- stepf o rwar d an d- p.r-es e n-l- their, v·iewslf. pe.r-m l s-sab I e' with thIs. board. :

Mr. Ple,rrppa'o·l·i·, s,tated ,tape map indicates ho.use: on'10't,8Z,'.:841·ft·. in"width and app Iieat i on, "1 n.d;ica1"e:s:. 86 'ft.w Ldfl • ' . ,M,r. Sul ly stated ia pp J i 'ca t I on; pfl eRe nda ;i s 'i ncor.re'ct.. Mtr.- pr~:r rpp a o·J i sTate!:!. act ue.I IV'variance o f ' 7.:I6'·ft., :'-Mrs.' C,hapman·s!tJ:;l1"ed·should· rea,di82'.~84·:ft.I"Mr•.p j eT ropao-l I: sta,ted.w r I I' 'ha ve, to chan ge a pop I,ri1:: at:1 on .a nd. a-dve rtfli .se t'ha tway !'It· ne,xt· ~etrTJg. '. .. i '" i ; I "'" i 'i. i· t : ".', ,-;. I Ii' '1' , ." .;

Mr. Koerner appeared, ,sta1"ed only' -thing' requesTing' in this,as of ye·thaven't c I osed on the' house' malnIv because' of situation w l f h the. variancer-e.qul r-ed and prasefl'1"Iy', just ·In renting si1"(Jatlonawaitlng' CO.• H13d

.,ta,!k'ed to·1"he nelgnbo'.rs,and exjrlel ne d s.t f-ua t.lon to t.h~m·wh1ch were'n~'t

a\~are' of untl I 'cl o's I np- and seems 'to. be. -noj p r-ob Iam •. As can b.e wl1"ne'Ssedon the.,petltion ,p:Il"~ccept It.:,' Gu~ssthat Is:"It,. ,.

r ,"1. i, I IMr,s. -Ch apma n asked anv 'fu·ri"her ques t l ons- from, th,ebo,ard or au d l e nce ?Mr. He l Lnran stated Mr. Vast'ola', .dl d indicated have b u.H r- In"this townbe.fore, .correct? Mr. Vastola state.d ye·s. Mr. Hei lm'anasked know whatzpning requ'irements' ar\l? ,M·r. Vastola'i stated doepn"t know all ·of. them.Mr~ HeiIm'an stat.ed av.aiIa~b·Ie' to:, eve,rvbo:dy and especially bui I d'ers andreason esked Is: that Zoning Board feels' sometimes offended if you comebefore board after put up' stTucture~']n:al]' fairness to the, board thinkif continue to~build' In town, .thlnksthey wo.uld'·appreciat.e, and,would' be. easier 'In: cases wh'ere own: property ,and nee.d variance, ,thatyou check bef6re you b~ild. Mr. Vastola stated did come to yourbu i I·d·j ng department and asked i fcou I d' bl,! j I d" o,n ,th 15',1 o:t. J f· rth~y

say ye,'s, which ask'lng me why didn't come be.fore for variance? Noreason for me to come before .board If bLi,]1 I d'i n.g depa rtmen·t. say,s, yep,go ahead. Bull~ onlt~ Mr. Ward stated thl~ks. point· is' that made'overslght and ?ill' 'capal;ll.e· ofierro'rp'~ .$uggesting' that· in:'f].ltu,re, .. perh.aps a,ny -property ,you {nay be, getting:, r.ead.y -to bu,j Cd -on·, .Take a lookat It befpregetirito·this agaj~'.I"Mr·. Vastola' s,tated that, I d:o. Dolookl Into' pr0pertY,beJors' r bl:l-¥ and bu,i Id: '~nd as[ stand,ard warp i ngof contract whenever I buy -piece of' la'nd got to jnsert subJecttobu.i]d·ing permit and did' that be.fore bo.ught properTy. Mr·. Hellm'anstated' understands ~h~t happened and h~s nothing to do with this,appHcation •. Saying in ,tne-du:!,ure •. Mr.1 Pi(:!tropaoli' ;:;;j-alf:e~f ha.dd iff I ClJ Ity. wi th; oilie I" bu:i! d:ers.. and· nO,t pa rti ,cu..la·rl V:, your:?el f'. Th Jsis, spe.cl'a.I :ca'se and; under'stand ·S,ltuation •. Mista~e. In ,buIlp'ing'l deparT-ment an·d, can· 1,Inderst:an d ani:J-f no·bp,dy..chast-I'z.i.ng' YOIJ for that. but somebui Iders 'in Town' 'and board feels' hurt that Just going ahead and buyand start to bu.iId·.Understand yo'u did npt do that'.j,n,tills·:cape•. ~r.Vastola' stated the. way wording sounds I ike' chast,lzLng me. That ismy point. I' . .

Page 21: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


ZO" frri Ing' Boa r-d o'f Appe-a Is'

Mr. iHe I r trian lsi'ai"ed jus t po.l nf in g.p'uf. that d I f f l-cu I t· f,or:rh,e Ibha,rd '\n:s i:Tuat Fon Iii ke. :tihl s, 'a I th'Oug h '1 t 'wias 'oJe r·si.tei- on 'a no·thl~·r· as'pectof the.go!iernm:ent In. th·ls.casle1 :bu!t'dlf'.flcult' for Ithe: zoning' boa·rd,noto.nly

· '·1 n :y:o-ur· !case'. ibu:t: 'a ny. b ul n:le r , . j u'st ·tic sl ~ Ih'e:r'e: and' do'esn'I4-: m(n.d ":. 'granting' ve r la nce 'before thrng-s bu.l It' 'a'nd s ometl mes. wonder Wh·yl. ,

· ne.ce;ssa1ry •.., Can un de r-s'fiand ithlel -conce rn ...not ,I n vou r- -case;,bu't' 'i n Jeir I' ,ca's s s .'. Mr.'. Pa re'r'ino 'stated' b e's f iadvet-t;iisement word' of mbuth an d Ifta 1k·,.to: enoiugh bu.l ld'e r s and t'e'J )'orher's!/ :\~'e' ·hopel.. Mr)'SuUy slta4-ki I'wh,ai' y'0·ue1r e s a y l '!"l 9i; ' li a,s, ho: bea·r.!!19 'onl'th.is.case·•. Mr·.· Ple'tropa'oll istlated correct. i Mr'. stI1nV' ,stlateid rk~'[ize. .9'rao1')n9' :of var-Tanc e . ,p1u·r·e'ly :disbretlona··rY .o~ fthe' pa r-r of :rh'e' ,b'o'a'rd: bI.J:t mu~'f' b~: inietter of •d lscr-e t l o n thbft is reasonably-exercised' with the ide,a tha.t'thlS "q ue s rLb n s InV'o)vel,j' do Ipo'int o'u t that ',the' Zonihg·'Boa1r'd· In "a'il' Jgoodlcon scl ence should' grant var!lance' in case where' ·lU·e·g'<llt· pe r-m l f was rIssued. Mr. HePlln'an' stated1·wl'l.f'advertlse :mekt 'montH if you want,to be. here fi nd , bu.t ... ~·· Mrs. ch6pmen" stated have recei'v~d vou r- presen-·tat i on '8 n d e v'l-de nce 'th I ~,ev'e'n I n9' ani:lta kb-· '1 n t·o· c o n'sI deration." '.


i ' "

j ....., " ,': • IDECISION~ Reser:v.~~: j:Je~dI n/;1.1 re-abve:(i !;em'ent:

Mr;. Sui Iy' s re f-e dl -j us f one more' p b i nt, to make. Bank w:r1'hho'l d·I nb" $1.';5': ..000'In: funds· and have be.en d·ela'Ved. on e month a·lre~dy.: . AnVw·a'y- ·can:-b.;;'shbrt'-noticed? M'r. Pi'ei"rbpa'ol I state.ci';there 'I s. po ss-lbl Jl:ty: of specia.lmeeti !"l'g .o'f Zon I ng "Boar d bu't w,'I:)I 'have to.' ta,ke up- at eke'c'u:rl ve se s's I'on ,Mr'.· SU"lly '5tot'ed wcuI d: ltke to 'impress' UpOI'l yb-li we:·are'·sho·l-t. of'·fOnds.Mr. Pietropaol I stated if thai" Is: so, .we see .each oither s'ometimes'dur-Lnq the. week and secretary wi I I correspond with you If that is thece se., 1 i i . l j' I ' ".... .

i . ' I i, .•Mrs.' Chapman a'sked any' mo'r'e questions. o l- :in.formetioh'·,from·· the·bbard'?

· Are'. the' dl mensLo ns- corri3cT on"thls! olff the ho us e: since thei-e was errorIn the' Cllme'nslons' fori the lOT, .wondered If forsu're' ·that the'si'demeasurements were corl--ect? 56 'f·L? Mr. i Pietropab l( i stated' represents.lOT layout and sIde setbacks. Mrs. Chapman askerl 56 .f f , l nc l u'de s Ig·arage?· Mr. Su fly ,sTate,d' 'that map' shows 'exact I o'ca t l on of th~ houseon the ·loT:. 'li . ,I " 1 " . . I .


Mrs. Chklpman as ke d 'I f an·ya-ne' wi shed to. s'p eak jn f avo r-? Mr. M?lrshallSarkis, .58 Anbbny l.an e , stated"In: favor, horhlng I'lrong,as tal-las ramcon ce rne d , I' I'~' . .." ...

.., i I: I l" . "'t

Mrs. Chapman asked if hnyone' wlshedito spea~[h ~~~?sit!on' a~~ noo'ne.' appea'retL . . ". ': I .... ' I· ' 1

Held' over from J'anuary .zS/·19"7.5"fneeting:·.i: f " , -,".1 Ii.

'AP'P I'i:cat'i on of John McKay,: 3rS'5' 'Un 16'n ·Sft-·reet, Nb'rth Chi In N.··"Y•.for approvb·'·· 'of' 'variani:::eto: b·u.i [d' addit'ion to:'front and· sl'deofhouse' tei c'ome a·pp.rbx. 5··ft'L 'closer to front pl'-ope'rt1 II:ne 'than

:a,!'l:owe-d' by Zo n i n9 Ord I ,nb·h ce (5.5 ·ft. !i ns·t·ea d 0 f60 ·,f"t:. )." R~ I -·12·...: ,," .. '.. f r I .

DEQS'·ION~ . Granted lI)'an I mous I y..... i' ,: i i, i

App I idlt lon i bf Ed'war'd l'nz a',n a·, . :'37, 'Morri son: Avehue, Rochl3'si"er~.

New York 'for a'pproVal"of variance to moveexlstlng i hO'u'se 'ofl'toilOT Ib'b: x .!2·C110·ca1-ed at i-he cbrner of·Morrison Ave'nue,';'house"to be approx'. 15' f·t. f\-bm east !o'i:'Iine, 40.'.ft·.'from north.. " . .

'DECI'SION: withd\-awn byappll·caht.. ; r ' ;j , '

JANlCE M. CHAPMANCha I rpe rson


k r

Page 22: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


SPECIAL ZO~ING BdARD ME~TIN~Mareh 6;i .19:75'



'" .

, ,I I

.. : j,


- i '

I _... ,r-"'-, . AS~eci'a!"M~eti!lg;,Of ':the40~,i!lg Boar:d ..of IIp'peal's ~'as held' in''':,he. Ch,i II' Adirdnls:rration. Of,f.l.c'els',·.:3235. ':Ch ill' Avenue, Ro~~.Ei~T.~r, N :.;Y.,·/46.24, .on Mar-ch 6.' .1-9:75•. The. MeetIng was 'cal le'd to'. order by theChairperson, Mr.::\ J'an lce Chapm~n,at:J::oO'PI"~'· ! r .

Pre·serit:·· Jair:T,i,ce Cha p'man, ,dfYaiirp'e,rs'on . i . i : j :I Cdrf'e·MuJI'a'nev. I:: ' i '

, Ray ,Stee Je", I'Jlohri Pa I err'inoGar-a I d' iDeGrcffr ." 1 Ii· ·I!

Abserrt e I 'Robert Hu'nfer' . .')'Gertrude Tander I,.... 'i I

. "'1 ! ':'1 . . , . . .,'"

At so !P·rese:nt:· :Alt'red 'J •. IH~i.lm"an. :P~p'lut~'::own:i~;t~?rrr;9·;i.: _. 'I "

Mr~.i CIi,apma'n ,stat~d we have' .two' appe.·~Is' wh '~h\ :lia~e' -b~!3n ·a·dvt.rti:se,dl· ' nthe' .ne~sp~pers, des,ignate.4 ast,he. newi"p~p.er of re,c.dr:di.~,or i:~e:. Town' anld·21,1 so' h~ve one ho.ld·.-,over f r-om fa's:!' m6,nth~d,ue,.tollerror:..In:or.lglp:21I.·a dve r-t l sement.' ,l . ,I. . , . .

;', i . I "'. '" ' iI .: IAppl lca t i ono f .A n4-.h,~rn y';vasfo Ia', .6I.I:f t a~h.-k! Road'; .W,e,b s;t'ir;, :N1• :1' .,' I;i 'fbr a ppr-ova l of:,vaH,~ncle To~all'ow house on IbT_B'2.:84:feei; wlae·,

by 250 '(amen1d to' ,l9g,.,9CD· flr .. , d!'Jepl I n: 'Elrea',·requi.rlng 90! ft'. width.fO'clote'd' ai""IOo.7 Paul Road'. R1- l - :15 .' " ' , . . .:


Mr. I nze·ra ,appeared. Mrs'. Chapman '1lsked wh,at cpn yo·u tei I 'Up 'about,thl,s;? Ha've .oPTions, on tre' f,oi:s' 'and two 'pIeces fhat·, are c'omb'i:~ing. '.:Into' on'e Jot?' Mr. l-I.ellman stated apparently;·. .rO· ,It':r.' oh one side ~nd,. 15 fTI. o~ the other. : ~'r. 'fn~a:na'i F,ta.ted y~'~, in; ca?~, want, to..mpke .garage br.gger •. Mr. Hallm'an stated 45'.ft'.· setback. Mr. ·In.zanastated that is: what other houses are.

': l .. -I


Y.A~pli·cation··,b'fEd'wa·rci' I.~.za·.na,· sb '-J"emisoh Road'; .Ro·ch~~t~~)' N:for appr-ova I' 'of.' frpnt ;oetba'ck var-I ance to put house I n' Ii newith e><istij"l'g home's on' 'p'rope'rty, at· approx. ilaCh\9'ster Ayenlie',LOTS I6"'and'Ti,~ Blk'-b~ F:..2.·.·' I ". " . ',I,' "

; ~l

#2:. 1

Mr. YJi.ll'l·am She l d'on , ,at:torney ·for Kce r-ns r-s who ar-e prospective buve-r s ,appeared'.' . Sf"a·ted·Mr. Slullyaske:d to ap'p ea'r : as' he' has' fl u 'and wou I dI lke TO have me mcve ve v l de nce that, was 'put Into: the' record a f 'The l as r~eeti~g ,Into ,the minutes o,t. t~fs meeti!19 find afswer- any q,uestiors" ..If There' are :an~ :from' 'anyone't' ':Mrs:. Chap mah staTed just,.orie· quest'ion,-rhis is, diffSrEinT'from what had 6riginal/y. Originally -stated' 86feet ~id_T.: ·Mr., Sryeld'on ,stated or}ginal :s-rat,e,ment ,W2Is,'ip .e.tTF..r,s~o,uldbei 82.,84 :bY·;J9'9,.,98,.· . Mrs'.' ~.hapf11'1an, ·~Sked ~b ,we. bav.~ cf~fe,ct d !Jnens I on~',for the' house?' Cannot be. cO'rrec,t.1f only '82·.ft. Jot. BuLl dI nq pe r-e r rsh~ws ~ain bUlld'I~~' iZ':.p:Ju-k..·garage 2Z.I,~:' Mi: Sh'eTd'~n s-rate'd:uk;ing' 34 and22" .makes 56 ft.' Wide. Mrs'. Chapman sTaTed' lOT '82.,84 .so: 26. ..84, 11'.8·on one s l de e nd ,IS' On ·the.other. Mr.· Sheld'on ;sta~-red th.at Is rIght.Mrs. Chb'pman stated s l d e d l mensLons '21 lrewi'Thin' Ilm l t-s; Sh·ourl:!':be.IO"ft.on' e'aeh sl'db·: .-.:..' ..". . - , -

. . III ,"

Mrs!. Ch;ilpman csred, 'if'~ny ·mor~ ~qu'e,s'rions:?1 An-yo·n,~ :Ln"'f'Elvor' ()~ oPP.os'$·dtoappli'cation? No one.apPFared·.· .'..... '! .,:_;,'j'.,

Mr,. She,ldon stated put in peti,tion,of.people'wtlOrwould' I!'ke to, be' onrecord' in 'favo~i' .Mr. Koe.~her s,t~ted IS /n.javor, of l epp l lca t t on v,

D'EGls'"r,bN.: 'GI--bnted un·an:i',mbLsiy·.i ,. I'



Mr. St~eJ~' asked! lo·ts be'yond' end· o'f the;'stree~"? ~Mr.. ,:Inza.~a ftated0rri ha I f; .[ s.. Mr. Stee I e·stat.ad, 8.ar:'lge .l s . Put own, I-oad In? Mr.Inz-a:na stated not road but drlvelifarallfhe. way thro~g.h.

i. 1 I I

Page 23: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

"l!1 .........,..=.,j;~tatt of JltlU ~ork {COUNTY OF MONROE (SS.CITY OF ROCHESTER)

~"- '""¥- ..



~ ~ ZOnil\9 GOll~ ~f ~afS

.;j;~..f-:' "!il Mee_~na~t t~-,:~1~8olI~ 11!'.iMP'!l~¢' the row~()fChili ",ill be I1eld Inffie-t;;hiliAdmln~tr~~Office:s. l:lJ5.Chlll;Av-<:~~. ~oc'lW!~t~r.~ y l~~(J""~MU'¢h~•..Bm;:~U 00 P M. rocpn!lde-r ft!e faflowlllg,~"'llj:a.rI.ot\,APIlIic:alrtflof '!'l~f\O'1.)/ \1115-J '&~Li$n RllM1k JilQad, Wtobsler, til:.. " fort~~l tif vIlflanca 10alla.,,"~ c*llllf.D Jt wide b1. m ft deep PI"! .~.dmrll1l:i IlQIt ....Idth. Jocatedat llJ07Paul,~._R·IIS.· ., .~lotwe'Srtll p.a'fll!!. 1I~ I'lf!reby ft-o~1!e;;s ro attend. By order or. tIlE"'7ChIo'.~,"W:iatl:lf In~ lOlling Board Of A~·Is..I -, ._ ,- JAN'CE M. CjoU,~NlAN. II !.c, , __, ,. J (;l1llI.po!tMlll, Il!G-FlIt), t1-It-05c. ,

- l.

~':illiam A. Spel1ioy .,..•.... , L._."". . __ ._.•_•.. .. _"_ .~ .." ,.__•..being duly sworn, deposes and saysthat ~he is principal clerk in the office of the ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT &

CHRON'ICLE a daily newspaper published in the City of Rochester. County

and State atoresald, and that a notice of which the annexed is a printed

copy; was published in the said paper on the following dates:

February 27. 1975

day o:~O=~~~~;~~~:~:-_:::::-_=::::~~:::~~~-75~

F'ol'rn 126

AGNES S. BROWN, tntary Pab~

State of N. Y.• i~Qnr9g COinlyCommission Exp!r8s M:lrtii 301 t!L7:? ---~ ..!.;;~_ _..__ _.

Page 24: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

r' ..,f;>tate of .:flew !,ork (COUNTY OF MONROE (SS.


~ ). ..I

-.. LEG'AI. NOY-aCE j20INftsJ B<lenI 01 A4II'eals

..:-A5lJicia~Mee'ill(,l of the&.-ling eQi\I'~of1lQpe00llOof Itlt' r"wl\l1fChill wm beMid In ,. II'.e-Cl\ill AdministratiOtlOff'OI:!:'S.:l235 C/HIJ ',liWn\Je. ~~lef.1't.Y, 1~24(11lMoSfctJ6.,,.,.. at ~: 00P.M. to con~lder t1le foUOOtlIlnsapeliUliaIJS:I. AIlplh;atkln of Edward Itlzanil" SOJemI-son 11000. RCIC~ler. N. If lor -iI\J9flWal(II rrQIIt :\elba( ~ var ianoe- f4'put tlOtise inline willi ~151lrlill1Om6onJW~fy .;tapgrox•.dSChesterAWefllle.l.l:l% 16&17.BIll, O• .1""-1., ,

2.Appllc:i!tiao of Edward In10011. 50 .k!-.,I~ ROIQ. RocIW5ter. N.V. rill' cip. .II"MII of frOlll St!lblat \l¥ia~:e10 put IhtIl.lfoe' jn ilrll! wint exlSling~ onproperty at <l3 traro~ AlIel1I{~. ("ob 9 &~o. elk. 1=. F-2. ,A,II lnJmoe"'~ o.arl~ ~ feC!t'-1t!:d to J

llIIfend. 61"orderQ1 tfle CI1elr,*sc"i CIlI II» j'zonltlg Bll.!lr~ of~.

. . JAWICE Nt. CHAPMAN. .ctlairper3Ol'. :l"

E~~ 2J-'*-ose '!----_.~~-

..~"~~_~~.~ ...~_~...~_~~~.~~r_ ..._...__ .._.being duly sworn, depos-es and saysthat she is principal clerk in the offtee of the ROCHESTER DEMOC&A.T &

CHRONICLE a daily newspaper published in the City of Rochester, County

and State aforesaid, and that a notice of which the annexed is a printedcopy; was published in the said paper on the following dates:

February Z? 1975

Sworn before me this ~?~~.._._._." _..day of "." _Ji~~_l.?~Y~;t;'.Y_.._.. ._ _.__ .._. 19 75 \

Form 121>

AGtJES s, Eiifif}H, lhta;y PYhii&S~te of H. Y.. f.'~~lltfja Cc:ntl b &

COmmj~6jDn Expires M'~j'~;1 ~illf ..f- .-------c~d~~···········-

Page 25: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




Mrs. Chapm~n eske~ sewer an~ water In? Mr. Inzana stated 54~ ft.from Theron .ROOld •.. Mr. He.ll man asked have cp tl c n i-t:q.,,~u'flciirpm proes·ent.own. e I'"'? . Mr.: .In z ana sta T<3rL\ 'MOl rc h I on Irs :own..e 1f1-,:d-G'9Yltit-n"'i1i9ts: a,n;c:l. he. is: 'trans'ferri!1g To: me. I i ,...-riT .~\l~l .0 rlo .'

'. i.j,:,; ",a [r! (i to • ii'itl .. ' -.Mr. Hel I man stated ha's,·talk'e:d to. Mr. ·Inza.nOl. Take. it from boa r-d t ssta ndpo i nt, I f· comb lne- .tha t rs: wh~};:~i;~ i,X tp9. ntClr <till: REt;ij b,i sge rIoTs,;;Side yard setbacks'. fIne a nd- apparently' ·frontv%~:ir~al~)~ \'f1·,(.I' 'be: inke ep l nq with everyoneeIs'e"'sdown there. 'Onlyr~I;,;qjusst'ion ·withgarage. Mr. paIe'rmo asked where does road end {..1)0flL?],:;':tJ!r.: ln za.na statedapproxi mat e I y: 38, ·fesT across'.' . Mrs.' Chapman, ·Sttt'1;!1~q;)<i·lft.• of the f r r s tand 62:ft. of the total 'lOT wI Llvb e beyon d road. Mr. Steele' askedis town' I l ab l e: to: put road In because' house' t¥.;.t:;€fttH Mr. HeI l man .st~ted does~'..t be.I I'eve so. 'Take. It. we: couldt"tt0wja.r1.tetJ .. t o. bu.t do e snt fth I n k anv bo.dv- knows who owns that property., Mr. Pol 1·6·t"1116 asked howrnanv feet does .r;0Af!.,~CQme~,:L~·~r,'.nAnAI' n;9,i"it[arif)l,d ,3(,8 cf:*:.- lap proxi mat.e I ~'., ,Mr. Pal.rmo~sked services en~ where? Mr. 'Inzana stated about 2a~ft.

p,~s t the r.crt.s .. : .:f\tr. >J:lr~;i I.~ain :.s ti:lli;N1-n,R[1 IcY.i..jPe:!V\flp ~1'{,J1o knowsan sw e r is....Bi II' 'Davi.s.,,:· ,~v~.'.P.flt~~ iU'.~4'..MM,,~·rd•. ,f¥t:;;egJ<L.ffly'q'rjCI the.po\lse? Mr.In zan,aF..;si"\$ljt,ec?,Jf.Lfu1~1) I:--be::,!.'c[.i r;4¥ft,}v 7l;,.c....rpsEi,'f.;r9fl1~0J.J sra' on :>:the r S I-de];Mr. HelInran aske.d o'nlY'quest'fon '15 house' across, Is. that In -s.afll,e. ' ..fix as far as road concerned? Mr. l n z a.na stated no', his: drIveway onoPPps.i,te'.1sJ;.dJb·~i<i. Mtdmff~ Il~rJllfl~~F.l~~ d ,.pF..f-;taRl fr,Irlri.;!,f'T ,has (lp' r0131d? . ,M,r:. II n~r,?f.t\"al~.oi,r:h;fJtip:::{ ,:I1r'~r.Mm,.~rl Fr?~ EJ7i1tlfl-hf.· the cne....yo.u. ~~I,I'I livel,n?: Mr.~·lnza;n.:aI'.sI:tJ.i3.t;"'rl~v.e..s_. ~.Mr •.",.c.ste·eJ>A·ts.tat~,dl if'plow sn ow down 'and. I .. l.J't v.r "I". ,=-r l{j,,; 3~~ t11' u,=,.·" t r I" ,.1 ... -. .'.

, d .ump s' 'at t'he- end of the stre.e.;tf wjll!'h.ay;~<;.:,tol!P.low oujr , ,M,r,.:!·!1zl':f.nastated doesn't see why not •

• ., r.Vit:::>IHIZCt"'!'=1. a,:f5 criw Z'IHi,'l'·!')>! 'OT Vl)/,qf.1" : I . '" . ! Iii ";Mrs. ?h·apm~n".Ff':P~:-;0fii/r\WQ{1t?-:.l'd,fh# J£leS1Pe..,ar'llnf.~vor p.r. opposl.tion·.,to! t.~!s.l;lpplycaf.JoJ1:1flnQclfJ1PPJlc'?:fr.pS,fllfrp·<i>:jf,O>I l : ". ..",: . ; I

. " .,'" h ... r ;11 '+ 0)!9J!! e i 11.'1' '} u. .: ' ,I. 1 ' .DE9·1 S·I.ON : Gran}'e'd una n I mo-u's1 V::£ijh. «ow I ~;P;9;e . t~ a t .app I lcan.r i s aVI~ re

that. rp~d; dp.es n?t, (un eN"J~e;;:j.lepgth of.jpropt?--:tY'j' ! ;.

2.:" Ap'bli i'cay i.~-r,.O·f ,~d'ward'I~n z~f.la~ '~'Q .~ e;7son .Roa ~, .Roc'hfis:te r. i ·N.• : Y!.·.. '. fo}-; .approva) '01 'fr9ilt set~a'c-!<i va r. i..\'l.nc e to. put hou sevI p:.l lne w.i.t~

8r<istiol;j homes. p'n :pro.per't..yat 43 .~arold·: Avenue.,!,Lp~s· 9.;&.'10',. ,.: .. ISlp·ck f. f-2.. I ":. " f ,i. ....

, " . . . " I···· ,.; . . ,I . 'i ' . "Mr. He! 1rn:'lh a s ked' 'Mr:. J In jZc;i·n:6 r ,~$'o; ,owre d b:y th ej 'Cou.nty}: .~:1:\-;· .I.n ?a.nastated yes.' Mrs. C~apman asKed this Is: other one on ~arold'i AVe.nu.e.Mr. Inza'na stated rlg.ht. Mrs. Chapman asked 40. ft. wdl' 'be to thefroryT of.. the;,sa.r!'l9r?: .~~r.' 'lnza',n~: sta}.ed .n,o,thrs<.;is:.garage,thi.s is.:be·.d·room.' . Mr. DeGraff asked not corner ,JOT now? M.r. 'l·nza·,na stFt.ed no.otherwise 'drIve would' have to come out this: side. ' I.

'. 'I I -;' . .. I .. ';'.' . t .' I.:. " '.. :.~ t •. 0Or.Mrs. Chapm:a nj fIs ked.. :31~ 'f.t. b ni <> nfl' s I.de.. an.d. 1-9'. on }.h.e. otoh.~.. r?, Mr. -Pa).e:rmoasked' do yO'u own' ,lOTS? Mr.:1 nza'.na stated nO',Count'yloTS',' ,purchaseoffer with them. Mr. Pale'rmo asked this, pu:.iI:cHn.g you .;n.i,-!sel.'ll Mt:'.Inzana stated yes. Mrs'. Chapman stated house's be.ing moved. ,has ·to

. get out .by. ·fir.stof, April:' i Mr.·,'nz-a~na stFte.d·,o~e.alr·eadyorl'steel

ring wa,iti!1g to: go .down.. the:. rop..d....,..Jump.ed.t~e:.svn,wlth~ and,.n?tcharg ing, me fo,r .It: ,b.ld<;l.I:I.xioys to, .g.et e,qu Ipme.n.t out., . Mrp.,,, Ch~pmanaske.d ha~e cbmbl~ed two parcels i~tb,on~ h~~e?l ~r.i lnz~nal statedr.l ghT.

Mr. Sfrejl e kkke_d putt.i n.g: :I;>.i:lfeme·~t·s, ·u.n·~i~r~ 'the5~ 'hou~.~lr ::.~~:: :inz~~ai'" Istated, yes,' ,ge f i nf !,e·I y"'1 ? 1i-..deep • Ev.,::rythi!1 ~ie I s·~.; .goe$1 p+.9 ': I r;. iMr., Ste·ele'. a.skerl don'T ;llke water?. Mr., JnjZ8,nf' sT~.te.d no:,. that ,I.S, whfitTom said.,'. <p.en.es:-a1 ·disc.!Js,sron,of.pla't· book mpp,) ."1 ..


Mrs. Chapman aske'd to whom ''Cloes the' p'roperty a·t the end, he:Iong? Mr.Inza.na stated Mf: .Ciaccia,.,.o~ns. an;o·ther IO'?·ft. on pith.er. sipe ,of ..the 1.0'1' ! am ,buy.I,ng. Mr. Helilm'an :asked .. go.lng. to. move.,housep.on t~ese?

Mrs.' Chapman state.dtw.o, ho.uses, pn Hr.i g,ht,pn .Town. LI.ne. Road .w,h,lch w tl 1'1'be. moved onto. these' lots,. Mr. Hei Inran stated know houses must meetall' building standards.'

Page 26: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Special 'Zon lnq Boa r d .of Appeaj,s· ,• 1

I" ' Ma rch 6,\ .J9:75 '


Mrs.' Chapman 'ask'e'd If: anyone wl s hed to: speak .l n. f.avc r- or o ppo.s l f.l onto: l-rh is app l I'c ettl on 'and, nlo' 'one' app ee r'ed,

I 11' ..0 i '.DECI STON;· ..Gran-r·e.d! luna-n lmous Iy.


I• kl

,IJ~NICE Mo' CHAPM~N·Cha l-r-p E: 1"5.0 n

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Page 27: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


ZONING BOA~D:OF APPEALS'MOl rch 25,,' I~:1.5.-

, r

,~ .. i . -, iA Meeting of the, Zon'ing,.Boa"rclof Ap pea l swa s.rhelld iin ',the Chili'

Adm I n i-stratl on Off,i ce s ,; ,3235, -ChI I l: Avenue,',Rochester, ,New Yo r k 14:6.24',:on March, .25,,: .197.5 -af 8:00, 'P.M'... The ineetitngwa1s, 'cal Ied 't6l'o~'derl bly, "the Chairperson.' Mrs~' Chapm~n.' '

Present: , Janice M. Chapman, ChairpersonCe.r l e Mu,II;a'n~,y-J",

Gertrude Tang'er1'~Ray ,Steele' 'J oh n Pol I e'rmoGena I d: DeGra:ff

I•Absent: Robert 'Hunter' :

Al so Pr-es ente Patrick J.' Pletropaoli', Town AtTorney',AI f'red, J. He-i Jm'8n,' De puf y Town AttorneyR. Th6inas Ward, Assistant BuildIng Inspector

Mr. He l l nran stated le'gal no-tice has baen pub lIshed in a new spap e r-desl qn a-t ed by 'The. Town' Board, for such purposes, and a I so has been postedon -r he b u.Llet i n boe r-d and' affidavits are on -f I Le' to that effect with,the Town Cle'rk.,

I. App I ieal" ion of Ch II r He l ghts, Ap r s ;',' ,I nc-•• '361 I' ChI I J: Avenue,Rochester".N. Y. for approval 'of variance to:all'ow .4 .s lqn sat 2 ',lo'cations"o'nproperty at, 36[ I Chili' Avenue ad ve r-tl sLnqChll i' Heights, Apts~' 'MR Zone. '

Mr. Joseph Fazi:o,,98, 'Bel kriap street, Roc he s t e r-, a ppea r-ed , Stated oneof the owner's. Would' l I'ke permissIon to erect 4 .x 8 ,signs on the,corner of cnr tr- and Sto:ttle' and west side of ma l nt errt-r-a n ce 'of the Iproperty' on Chi II Averiue ;' Mrs'. Cha pman ca s ke d down at other e nd-?Wou(~ I I~e two a~ each IO~altion? Mr. Faz~o stated lending ins~itute

wo.u l d" l lke to: put up sml f e'r signs be.l cw ours saying who projectfinanced by., 'ProbablY six mohths and then german~n~ signs at entrance-ways.', They 'wl,l'I' 'say Chill' He l ghfs: Apa r-rmen te., Now rehi-ing, cne., two:'three, be~room apartments~ 'Mr~_' Chapman asked when -say fo~r signs,two vou rs a nd- two: le'ndinginstitui'I"6ns?' Mr. Fazio stated right, one'above the o t her , Two at each 'pla'ce. Mr. Hel Irnan a sked ,all 'on onepole? Mr. Fa~i~ stated two wo~Id' be on each pole.

Mr. DeGraff ·aske:d what size, would' l e'nd l ng ins,tltutlons s,l'gn be,?Mr. Fe z l.o stated p r-obab l v 4 X 4. Somei-h,lng smal l'e'r or probably ,thesamev s I z e , .4 .x 8., ~4r. Mul lane.y asked' 8 -x 16'slgn? Mr. Fa z l.o STatedtwo separate, ones.' Mrs'.' Chapman stated consl de r ab Lv '[a"rger. thana l I'ow , Mr. Mull'a'ney asked only' one entrance to the, complex? Mr.Fa z I'o stated two, o ne at west end and one vc l o'se r- to St'ottle' Road.Both come off Chill Avenue.

Mr. Pietropa,o,l I: asked any objection if the board decided to,'a'i low yo'ursigns' and not lending Ins,tli'utlons, signs. .anv o bj ecf l on to that? '

? M'r. Faz l.o: stated no'. 'Mr. Pletropa'or'!' asked l en d i nq l n s-t l f-u r l on .as ked •vou to do as 'favor? ~4r. Fa z roo stated r l ght. '


Mr. He i l rn'a n asked' any,III'U'mlnai"lon oni"hese signs? Mr., Fa z l.o: stated Ino. none. Mr. He l l man asked painted signs? Mr •. Fa z I o: stated yes,white background with brown: lettering.' Mrs. Chapman 'asked same signsup previously'? Mr. Fe z I.o.v s f a'r ed ye:S.' Mrs.' Chapman stated were sl qn sup previously without approMaf and asked to take down until ~ame ln,to talk' to.. us. 'Mr. Pletropa611' asked lending Institution didn't havesign up? 'Mr. Faz,j'.o' STated no. Mr., Piefr'opaol I' asked whai" wou l d it s av rMr. Fe z I.o. stai"ed p r-oba'b lv Fiflanced by'the Sl,bI,ey Corporation. Mrs.Chapman stated nobo~y here"from Sib,ley CorporatIon TO speak for it.Mr. Fazto stated asked toinclu~e In our application.

Page 28: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

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DATE~ Iq (t)'J}5

I .. ,.,~", ~.~ J + n.' •• "I.'_"


GATES-CH I LI NEWS[S~Uf> lJafed , .~~ /'!.J, ('?.?'~ 0 ••

~~ ...,~

i'otary~ 7BORAH CONWAY

Rotary PublicJ: State 01 NoY. Mon roe Co.My Commission Expires Marcb 30, 192t

41; 0 01f? '. » x»., , •• , 0 .~••••••••-t:: •~.. __ ..•.•••••••

P<:ltricia M. Smith ,....·11-Publisher.; £,.J;1'.1..

Page 29: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

::. ~:;:

-. . ~

...'l!.'l" ~-::.'0-, •• ,-,..

~§t(er:m:,~.:,~6iliDgBoard of 'Appeai~~., ,

~,~ ,M~etl!1~ of the.' Zoning."BOard .of ,Appe-aJ.s wfll be held~)h.~SNl'iAdf1!i.~~~~atio~Of- .;• flees, :3235Chill Avenue; Roeh-~er, N.Y. 14624 onMarch' 25.:rr9f5-at 8~Qq p,M. to 'considerime-to'liO~~~i{apPlications: .g;.~pplication of Chili Heights.~._J:lP!!I§."1 }nc.~_ :3611l:l1\H Av~nue,.~h.l;',s.ter., t:f.,~. for approval of~~I1C~_to,.,al)q~. ~;;)"Ig~ a\ ..g:~_tJ;eQS "C1rp~Qperty at ?611_'u .•Ay~ufl,.a~]I'e:rtf.§.~ilg .C~lI!'lfeJglltS ~pts.M~ Zone _.~pJ,iIlgationofDonaldF.••Kra:

"'~J;', ~F..M.orrison ': Avenue,jtRqcqejit,er, N.Y. f0t: approval of~1!W.ce.f9 erect llt.t,acnedll/2.r -q,1.\;1:,:;sa~al!~ >,o~.•. west side of

~idence to be approx, 3' ft.

fu-~ --Ii:L j!d.e, lOt lrna. on prOpertr;'11' 47 'M6t-~lSOD.1<:~~···.~'~ 'j.'~

:t\~;~~I?Rllc~if,:,nof GeorgeW. Jar- .~Eift';·· 'Il1, 1686 !.ehlglr' Station·"Ro@.,':}IeriH-etta, N.'Y> fbraI?:it?!!1-ol"yarlance,to el;'.eii~home,wop undersized lot in RA.-20 zone', .: .lot being approx, I 'aC're' in'".s!~,g "and using sen. front set-·..'back Instead of required )00. n.¥"On-:p,rtIperty at 11 Jarrett Road..~EA.·20.¥"lL-- A'Pplication of Guy Bern~i1i1ders. 201 Angelus DrIve,':,Fuc:he.ster, N.Y.jor approv~.lof.'-varianc:e to erect home onprop-~y .at NW'corner of Morri-t son 1iJ1d Theron, '40 ft. from";:;-rij!arrison. 20. [t., from Theron, .'!!>Jt,J.1;,... grom rear IJlt line. F -~.*-5.. .hjipllcation or GuY' Bern.o"'Bu1lders, :lot Angelus Drive',''''1«lcIlester N.Y, for approval ofvarJJm.ce to erect.!).o1J:le o.nprop-

~ ;;r:!!1'ty at SW corner of Harold..' ~~2t'~erciii~' 040 ft. from each

~,,;street. F'~:l..: ..-.n...;Application of GUy BernBuilders, 201 Angelus; Drive, -Ro.c~\:,.~,Y, [~prova12f

var!ance. to, erect h~meOilprop',ertY~,lj,t."N~..Spn}!!lr. 0$.H~r.-~(& Tberon, ~:4<Q,.ft...,.~roJR_eai*.,street. F-2.7. Application of Stenwick M;i~ -~~~~~~~----------nor Apartments, cia LindaCampbell, 30 Stenwlck Drive,Churchville,. N.Y..for approval"of renewal of variance to allowdumpsters on premises ofSte!1-wick Manor Apartments. MRe ,

8. Application of St.enwicIs- M.a-nor Apts., c/o Linda Campbell,

. 30 Stenwlclt Drive, Churchville,N.Y. for approval of renewal ofvariance to allow sign adver-tising rental of apartments atStenwick Manor. MR.9. Application of Leo Bean, 4stover Road, Rochester, N.Y.for approval of variance to con-struct addltfon to existingbuild-1ng at 2771 Chili Avenue to beapprox. 5 ft. from side lot lineand approx. 50 ft.. from frontlot line. R-I-I2.

All interested parties arehereby raquested to be present.By. or-der of the Chairperson ofthe Zoning Board 'of Appeals.JANICE M. CHAPMAN

Page 30: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Boa r-d of App ea I s:




Mrs .," Ta!1·ger"stat~d. spO,ke.·abcuf :perinanen't-s i ~n·s.· Whet pe r-manent : signswcu I d' yO't! put .up!"'Mr;. F'1iz Lo:ista'ted' et'ftra'l'lce~·waYs·,c. MOl [I" 'be:tweer't an d'sl gns on '0 urj5 rap erTy.· '''Mr. P,e I e'r·mo· asked wha't j 51z e:wou Id they be,?Mr;' Faz 1:0: sTated' tio-t·,sureyet';· 'j. .; :' • , ,., l : .

Mr. Mul lan ev -stated asked for +wo: signs. on .serne road. Mr. Palermoasked \~Hclt sI z s; ~galn,? "'Mr. Faz to. stated' 4:x B.' Primaril'y ·t:a.glvepub ('iodation "7C1' Ie·ase'fapar'tment·s. so peo.pLe: ~r'\o,w Iwhere<p'roject ,'1 5 "wh,Eiriapproach'it:. Mrs'. T<:i'nger aske·d'·why·tw6:? Mr.: Fai![',o statEld orte oncorn'erfadng'either en'd'of Chi l I iSO"p'eop-ie' kIi6,\~'whe~e it Irs: frombo.f-h end-s.' . Mti' •. ',Mu:II's·ne,yasked dou b le'<s ld e'd? Mr. iF~izj.o" stated no);one- o n .co r ner' If-acing' eas,t and,:dther':fadhfj vi·esT. Mr.' MU'1 lane.y a~kedwou lc: it'be: app,roptlate··fo. say o.ne doub l e ... facE!o·,sign. lsee fr.om'· "either direction?' Mr. Fazio: stated possible' but· thInks. do get moreputiITcation i-I-lThwa'yhad i't' befo r-e , 'Ccluld' be.J'sean fal'"ther.:. Other',way'have to,"be: 'orr rtop of the project bEddre'see: s igrr'; ·iMr. 'lPietrop'a'ol Iasked orlewdJId·face·curve·6nthe·r-oad for golng·:~ie.Hat'!d, other"\~her-e

the west e r lv entrance IS'for pe op l e' corning: east? Curve' present'sp roo l'em writh ref'EI,rence f.cPhavin·g one sl'go?' "-Fhat l.s ·w·H:1'"tw6? lMr.,·Fe z l.o. stated right. ,with is Tgr.l. dri co rner i cn e',:lst:side;i'.oarisee.',3/4.':mile' awe y- that' approaching: project. People get so fa,r an d cannotfi'r:ld 'p r'o jec-t , . Mr.,iPi·stropao,j I' ·~sk·ed'lproject lp r-op e r-ry 90es',to. the "co r-ne r-z . Mr .. Pi:iz:'l'.o:· s·t·aTed' ye-s .: G'et comp I a'n,nf's '.that' peop Ie' ca rlnotfl-rid i·t. \. ,', I I '.' '" -,-,t· ·i .

i '. ~ .,., " h."Mr. Ri'i]ermo es ke d asking f o r- six months?Mr~ F.azro: $t·afed yes.:'Mr. !Plef'ropaoli' asked. wi:I.I'··yo'U·be, compleTed l ns I x mOI'1THs. and ·hopefully'·fully occup'i,ed?' ·Mr.. F·azi'.o. sta'ted w·lthin i·that, :rime will' 'ha ve per-manen terrt r-an ce and·slgns,.:·':Mrs.• Chapman ,asked whzHr...helght a r e signs?' ..Mr.Fa z l.o state:d 4·:.ft.... 6ff'-ground.·-',8 ,fi'. to..·top. 'M'rs.·Chapman 'stated ifother'comr>sny'puts'sign .onwould· be(}n ths' ground' if li.fT.• sIgri.·Mr'. FazI:o: stat-ed'would' nave·,to make: hIgher -rHen •. ·Mrs'.' chapmen 'statedaome f l mes If' feel That vc-u 'treed :sorile di rectior! 'we ·wi II' 'as .that Ithey .be> irlstaIh!'d under d l r-ec f l o rt of the bu.l l dl nq Inspedt-o,!t;to,,·make.suregon't g6 up higlier'than our no r-ma I vmo de of'operatlon.: Mr,·Fazi'.o i,'

. sTafed no problem.' rMr.··,pa(ermo ..asked wi:II'j'posts',extend abo.ve sign?Mr. F'a z i o. stated no: 'Mrs. -'Cha pman ' stated-.not hied 'liave· posts, In', ' .Mr. Fazfo"statetl pr06dbl'y seeft the way'er~ct.d pre~lously.· "

, I', .Mr~,Ple:t-ropaoli'asked wouldn't o bs't r-uc t traffic, at corner of Chill'and Stot-tle? ·Mr.IFazl'.b, stated rro., set bac k ·qulte.ladlstance from'the road,' Md:.'ChclI:lman·aSked c l e'ar s ·the' rl!ilht--<iSf~way? 'Mr , '.Wa rd .'statea T)~' p'robl~ni., ... '. " .. 'j, .' . i. ! i' . " . I ... '1,:I· . J ,. '. " I "', ' .. -',' , , If·.,' . ,"1' ,.....' .,'

Mrs'. Chapman ,aske,d'it: anyJne. wished t6speak In favor of tlie. appI l'ca-tlon and~no 0n~ a~pe~red. Anyon.'1n o~pos~tion1, :

.' I 'i i . . : .., , .' , . I ....Mrs. Bernice \'lllcnx, .Stuart Road, .stat-ed would' I i'ke to go on recordas: b~ingiopposed;"Thi:nks This. would'. be. great distract'Inn to the 'surrd>~hdlng areaa~dthe. [irndmark church' acrosS the, streetlfuu,j It'in:·1~32~n3· +h~, ~tCB school ~rounds.·'Olsagr'e w1th gentlemad on entrance.Oneb IO'cked! by' b:uI I'd'ozer' at· present· time anGl" great <!leal 'of i rt.lbbTsh.JJl-bur\C(grounds, D6esn'ltrec!dIy thlnk,they'are keeping things the wayIntended out th3r'c!l[, Wonder-Ing'from the'.numbe'r·of, apartments occupied1T this.·lsn't 'Jtlaza·.rd·i for one entrance and· how many at.e' occupied?" ~lr.

\~apd asked howiinanyunlts? IFour1bul'ldings have CO's,' Mrl'Pietropaoll'stat.'ed not proper topic. of this <ftppI i'cation~· . Ta.lklng· abouts,lgns.~~rs. Wllc'ox stat-ed 'understa'nd,L 'Th'! nks though' thatl performance of thesepeopl~ Ihlthe ~a~tlmail~~ in ~uestlonl~~ t6· h6w wII,(' ~pply to thisapp II'cat i on. Mr.' Pi etropao I i' stated gu're boa rd: wi I I' ,+a ke; into con sl der-atio'I'1~' Mrs. 'til Icox si'a'te,d'Wonders·'lf, sTate gave permission to e·r-ectsigns be.cau'se IO'okli!ls''i"f ()n state, property and 'Signi posts out too fara'nct wb'rider .if state hasiglven permIssIon. Mr.; FazI.o sTated"sTafepr'operty end~ 14' ':fi'. frt.m the ·concrete.'(Df the road. I!Jlr's.' W'llc'ox 'asked

. I " ' Ii· r.,' I'

Page 31: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zonrrg~aardof Appeal~ I '. Ma.reh· 25.,\,[ 9:75 :.. =

,h,ol'1, wide I s-rthe. road? 'Mr:' Pietropaol lva s ke d.vs l qn on ~yo-ur"p'r0perty'l·

Mr:. Fazi:o: l1tqte-d' state.'s·,prope·rty:.ends,:[4':,tt•. from the center ·efl:rhe.road .... Spoke.t t;o: :Mr.·Tlinmoos •. ,Mrs';' Wi ~¢'ox .·stated 'someilImes,on-curvesIO'O,fi". wide.', Mr. Ward stated' no-r highway -sup'erintendent.· .doesnl.tknow. 'I,.' r . ."1 ' ' '. .' I I : t-,

Mr , ffi:>zro sta'i;e:q:as 'far as entrance l'/ays,tl1ere: a ite two. r 81i1 l do z er- I'is. not .o n rr·he, road. ·'In.'front- 'o:f one of- t.he'·lbuild'rng'~·,· '·Mrs·:.'Wi ~c'ox,stated was In theqri X/eway. ' [n:···the.. westernentran<;:e~. 'Mr. JFez To:':statedther.e"at ,t 1':'00·:,1 a·st. ni'ght ii1n<f:.got 'it'j<lnd 0ut'·.wHh,no·iprob,trem. -,Mrs ..1'1 j I cox stated 'was '.j n·,·the,:r.oaqway~ ,',western l"oadwCj\l ~·,at ,1,0':'.0.0.;, 'M r , . •.Fe z l.o stat</q:wo,U[rd' have .to.,·d\~agree:Viii-h, you,' Mrs~~Wi'I~'ox'1stated,

does fee lvshcu l d. ques t l on : l ocaf ion .o f :rhe signs' C!l1d,. fre:s 1.5' d i~traGtion.i ., I :If.' ."; . j. ' -.!" " ' ..

Mrs.' 'Ch.a pman .a5ke d. wo u I d'othe r ge~t I emen w~ 5 h ,to g.o on i'reco ll'd,as II n.IfavQr.? :Mr.-,Rict)arq. Baue r-, ,12·q.·.'AudinQ· La'ne,,: Apt- .: EJ and, Mr. Le'onard-Zacce Ill'n0,[ 7'7. ;E-I,v'i ra ~t-reetj .l ndl c af-e d . in: fayc. r .<?> f ',aP:t:1 J'1'd:a t Ion. '

" ". . i .' j ... ~ '.... i' . "1' ',' ·,1, .. :. .. .Mr. Wi l llam .Wi fcox; s rue r-r Roa d , .stateq,~tiU' 'qus.st;lons, w.ictth .0'1: thatroad on that .ou r-vej a nd that was .que s t Lcne d. in co ur-r . i,

! " i .' '. '. IiMrs. Chapman st'ate.d',Whlle y·o·u·!are here·,il.Kath.y.r<jm·inl'\ed me thqt thereis. appLlca f jon , .Mr. F.rusc·L'fl:alk'ed to us .e bouf dump s.te.r s: oflyour·prop·ertyand board didnorr give approval beriause wahted to ~alk to yo~·~enthe­

men who are' p r I ncl pa l s: of that apartment. not to, Mr. Frusc-i who, is onlyl nvo l ved-w l rh 'disposed pcmpa ny-,: Qld, as k-vou tC).. come .i·n "and :tqlk abou fthai" an d as lo'ng. as Ivou i'<:ire "he r-e , ..perhaps 1:lEl.tter.qCles1rTlon a .H'ttle'·more";on that.. lTReset-ve d.t de c l s.l on 'on ..t.he"request because wanted tod l s cus s r wlf-h. y o-u p·er~ona'IIY'.' "Tb.l s. was.at .Jantlary.meeti.ng. Wh.ere'doyou p rop es e to pu'tdulilpsters?' Have b r-oc.hur-e from yo·Ur Pr.0Je.Ct.· lMr.Ze c ce Lln c stated definite l o'ca t l-on not decided.' Mrs. Che pmanv-s f af-e d: rea,Ji'ze·.that beo'aus eisa Ld would dep.end· on p'attettn of o,ecupal'lC!.y.·· Mr. IZacea I ln o r s t a'te d H2' .un i ts' to' a ..bu I I :d'i ng and .wou rd'T!ty.to -use sme I J !?·stdumpsters·.av.allabr:e·.to.,iUS sotwo.u l dnf be: \,msightty an,d""ouldie,nc)q·se.with stockade fence on ·three. s l des f a nd would: puf iR.:·t.hE/.. pa-rking,ar:eas.Mrs.iChapman asked' ri.ght Tnfdriveway?' Mr!Zace'a[i'no- ~ta:ijed,no,t l n >

roadway.' .to:..the s l de In parking' areas.'· ,Mr, Flale·r.mo asked hoY{ ina.ny,,·parking s po t-s. wou ld: that··-elimina,te? Mr.'..Zac~ali·n"l.staTed hav~;to -. ,deter~ine how many wauI~ be using.

: I) '",,,. ":. l r. .. ".::.,' .. :'.. I'· i I ,'. r·."··Mr. ·P'ale·r.m0 a s ke d In ..$ach··[2·.·.unlts.,or whateverjwoulq,proba.qly needone dumpster? Mr., Zacccd,i'no state,q ,dumpster \'/Qui d pr9sab[ Y ,talse .. 'care of at least two: bu·lld·lngs. Mr. DeGraff asked,hol1 l)1C]ny parkin.g·.spots. per dumpster? Mr. Za6callno stated those I think ~ight wouldtake, 'abo'ut'two, spot,s with fe,nc'llig,·arolilnd.:a!.s·o. Ntr. Pal.e·r1ne asked ..stocka.de fen'cing wo'u[d goitothe.top,or a foot above it? Mr'"1Zaccalino stated so th~t dumpSTer no-t visib) ••

'I 1. . . Iii "', ,Mrs.' Chapmart 'stated apparentlY' ca~no't g¢t prospective 10'catlon i'!nforma-tion 'untll ·cons·ens·us reached by. yo·u Elnd Mri' Frr;sc,i. Mr. Za.<j:Cq\ j'flo ...staTed would' helve to. let him: decide for me ot;l ..wh'at yardage of pumpsterand What Ts smalle'st \'/ould putr':fn'and' how 'many thil1lks. WQul d·ta~e tqhandle. '~~r5':' Chapmari ·asked anytIme tHle" for this, .waiti.ng for.,all ebuIld'jngs to, beloccui:lie-d be'fore"put 'lh? ,Mr. Z<;lcca(lfjo sta;ted wou[d';start lmmed1ate1y., RIght now·have Fef~se ·conteiners In thelba~ements

:.Iof the !bui !:dings and H. getappr-bvaI' would gOjahead.rightaway. ~rs. IChapma~ stated ha~dlto. ~lve app~6va) when don't know ,how many or. ,where',' Normal'ly ,[i·ke·"to. sae',specif.lc: 10'catlons the sam~ a,.s:1fIJth anaddition. 'Would': !i'ke to, s'ee drawing· of what it, wi-! (:'[o'ok !.ike ij!ndwhere it wiIJ"beLl)!I'Ir.~Zaccalino.s+a-te.d;'liasulild~r TI)l·p,ressTon w.as,"only'to, 'deci de wheth.er', woul d'a'} I'ow oh no'r.· fvlrs. Chepm"n· $tat,?d-~be.fo.re'makedecls'ion would li'ke:ii'o: kn'ow whe~: and -whetheriwi,II' 'ta\<e up too manyof your requlre:d. parkin]! spaces. iMr. Zaccilll'no statedir,Jd·ications· werewi th, convers1irt'ion wi t'h: lvlr. Frusc i .., that one' 'duJrlpster 1'11'>'1,1 I <;I' takj;l, carif oftwo bui[d·ings. 'Mr., Pale'rmoasked hO~/many ·build'ings?' Mr. ZaccaIi'no

Page 32: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zonl~g poard ofAppeal~ , , I





stat~,d ,tw!:lnty-tlVo.' .Mr.' Pale'rmo a.ske dl.e l e've n dump,sters,?;, 1 '; •. > f , " .'" ','. J " .~, -:'; v-; "

Mr. He lI ma n 'asked wou l d-, i.t be, po.ss l.b l e.vf o r : you"to: get' td>ge,ther,withMr·. F'fusci pefore:thl9ne'.l<t'Zonih!l Board'~eeTing,'and' comla,;'up wit'h,' ,tl3\1t'atiil.ei,pl<:l'nsfo.r how manV' an,d''\1Ihe'r'e 'you would' li'ke,·to. inft'i:a'lly,put trem at)d what ,type o f ,fencing" or. wtJi::Jtsver yo-u: are"go! ng td>',~o :wi th: them,! and come, ba'c k with. t'hilt and: meybe.. board, can' '90-"" ahead anddecide e nd give 'yo'u le!3way 'fO,l"l,:thre~inot1th,s',dfyou l1ave-:to:,cha11lge?Mr.' Za c ca l Lno statedldoesn't see any' p r-ob Lem," Mrs',' Chapman stated.that Is whatihave' done.,Anotbej~pr.JeBtlherefQ~ reDew~l; ~ave yearto, see" if it, woul,d work out;-from, their:-:standpo-int end o urs', 'Then'rtillilew or not acco r-d l nq.vto. hpw worKs·j n:"practfce'; Rea ['i'ze:' quest toilof whe:re l o'ce t e d an¢!: may d l scc ver- nc r t Ln: dght spot and wou l d r-a t har-h.a ve some wher,e .e ] s'e'o> , Gener-a 1.1 y. try ,to: be, '"f I ex I b.le" o iii I bot h s rdes.' sothat you c,n move' if n~c~,sary~· Mr. Zaccalino stated: see,no problemin making, layout where,pIa'n, tq,'put them and wi,II'submit that.Mrs~,Chapman'stated lf, do th$,t wi} ltalk'to, you"t'1extlmontlL Re'ad Iy notenough Info,rmatlontQ,I1)<ilke. det'e'rmina,tion." Mr. Zacca l Ino ,stated Was'myund-erstanding that Mr.: Fruscita,lk'e'd, to. someorre previous to f h l s,Mrs. (Pha'pman 'stated' appeare:d at· January meefl £1g and that I s. why·'wanted to; taI~,·to vcu person!l:{.,'lmpossibl:e' ,for.,~im to say how-manyend-i wbe r-e l.o'ce t ed because-,doesn't know, ltiow.many, peo.p l e-iw l lIvtie.v l neach vbul Ldl nq , : 'Mr.: Zacca Llno stated thought·was,further"alo·ng Than'thi S.' Mr-s;: <J:ltlafllman "stated didn,l,tknowhow many- and wha t .slze unt-Ltknows how man y peop Ie i n.vea c h bu.lLdl ng .• , ,Mr.' Zaccallno s'ta-red I n<l:>'1problem with'la'yo,ut., Wi·'II'·have·for ~ext meeting.! "

t· j. 0. 1 •

D'ECIS'/ON;, Granted variance for two signs" .4'" x 8',; ladverti:s.ing,', • I

.a pe r-tmen t s for rent, for, six"month pe r l o d., Mr. MuIll;rney no'; tMr-s.;: Tanger no; !'-Ir. steele'. aye; Nr , Pel ermo aye';' Mr.',DeGraff aye;' Mrs~ Chapman aye'. '

I " i: "i I2: Appl I~atlon of Donal& F. Kramer, 47 ~orrlson Avenue, Rochester,New York ,'for approval lef va r t e nce to, erEict, attached ['''1/2 .cergarage' on t wes r s-ld e ,bf tesi,dence to, be. e pp r-ox ,:' 3,,-ft. from side

,'ito'T' I l ne on':property at ,p, 'Norrison.' F;-2,;',j. -', j", ' -:.. .: i . ~ . ., -, i . , ;.

Mr. Kramer app ea r-ed , Mrs.' Chapman as ke d *hls, 1$· hcu se as cit standsand this; is, addition -you would l Lke to, pUT' on ,for .your garage?Mr. Krame~ stateti·,co~rect., Mrs~: Chapman ~tated ne~d~v~ria~ce, becauseth i s.l is, 011"1 y.'3 ',feet. Actua I lyon I y' -8:,ft. oJ;l-,other ;; i de. 'Mr., Krame rstated r'ight. - Reas c n sittlog.. bac k so' far bs.ca use ha ve t wl ndow f or ..

. 'kitchen here.and understoo~'would'nttbe::a!l'o\\,ed to' block It .., I'lllibe. b l o'e k l nq sIde e nf-r-e rtc e and be.dr'o om window, wh l ch-i wlL}: 'be, fire, wall.'Mr. ,Mul]aneylaske4J '!~' "feet be.tween 'you and gray, house? r~r. Kram~r

st-ated, to,1 lOT I i'ne.'· Mr s , Chapman stated' 8' ft. on o ppo s i t e.: side an-d'11ft,. altogeth-er between ,your garage and j ne x t ho use. Mr., Kr-ame rstated gen-i-Ieman .who. O~In'S' next: ho us ej viltR:me;' i l . "

Mrs. Tanger asked steps coming' out? Mr. 'Kramer' stated wiI I 'have to,take' do~n and make-smaI19r~I'PlaTformcoming out,now' and figure couldn'trna ke ga'rage sho r-t er- lor ',wo',u I d'n t f-. be. wO:l['thwh'"j I e'· putt i \'19 up. ,); W,I th 50· .f t ,lOT canno-t 'do t00 much. r Mrs.' Chaplinan, ,state,d rea r i'ze p rob ..!,ems'.'" ,Mr .Pa I eTmo, asked whaT" i s: size" of, garage? Mrs:'. Chapman '$tate(l J 3' 'x ~4·,.:Mrs. Tanger asked, hdlW:'deep, is'" lo't'j' Mr~: Kramer stated 12'O.,qr (2'5, ft.Bel ieve 40, or' 45 feet from 'lot I ine to the gara,ge.1 ' -'" [

. ' J j' • '"1-' 111 I,

Mrsl Cha:prilah asked if' ~nyohe ,in, thi:l ,audience1had ,-ques"tions,·? Mr. "Nei,l 'Strassner, .Names .Road, '.stated '(i;:ouldnl,t hear. II', 'ft. total 'between?C'ould' h'e. put, garage'in: back?', Mrs.'!Cha'pman ,stated. '$ays',~ou]d' be 45 ift. froin·the'bac·k 1'Q·t·,li·ne;now~ 'M-r. Heilm'an stated thinks·.~sklng couldhe put garage,l'n ba:ck.: Mr.1 Strassner statepi further away ,from theline. 'Yea'rs ago set U'jJ sorif of precedent- -j n' th-ijltarea that wo'u I d' keepthe bUild'lng's 15' 'ft. apart atrithelminl(num. Would'i (ike to see us stick~o that be~ause' of ~Irelhazar~ invo.ved because: canno~ get equlpmentoronyt-hing aroun,d in' the na-rrowe'r spaces. ,'i I

Page 33: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon i n 9 130a rd of, Ap pea rs



Mr. Heilman asked do you knoiW '[ f . any easement's1run along' s Id e of'property?· Mr. Kramer stated not on side of mine.' If,putga'rage In:·the: ba.rckwo::uld· bLock. ,two: bedr-oon wIndows.' ·Mrsl·'Chapman··s1-atecf set'"garage'so w llI: 'not .h lo'ck ex'lst-lng kitchen window' b uf: wllli·nco'rpora'te.

. present' s l de e n t r-ance ; and oMe"be:droortl ~/indow.:- W0u'ld··be:!·fire i'wa[J·.·If 'lbul'l'd' beh l n d i h ou se wll lvb l cc'k twoibe:droom windows.' Mr~ Hel l ma nasked how much room' on 'other s lde ? . Mrs.•: Chapman' ·stated only:·a ..feet., -Mr> Kreme r staTed have:ranch'~',: Mr~~!Str'assner'asked 50":ft. lOT?' 't<lts. IChapman staTed -Ve·s,·lt l s.;: IMr-: Ward as ked howo l d Is'hou~e? Mr·.'Kramer"stated' .six· y~ars.· ·Mr.· ~tr'illssner'statedgot p rob l em<e nd up' :to you to iteep as far away ,trtnt! other'· ne,l ghb'o'r',as y6u -oan t- . Mr.' . .,He l l man as ke d. $ -f r , to: th~ bt~~j- ~I'de, .and how 'fJJ~,to the.ne:xt bUi!dl~g?Mr. Kramer stated' fr.om ne'xt bWII'dln'g to·tne lot: I tn e 8 'ft.-land to. my ,garage, 1·,ft,.; .11' ·ft.! rMr~ Heilman ~skea'lwhat ab ou t chther' side of '

, ho us e? 'lvlr. Kramer stateilJ 8 feet.' . Mr.' HeI l nran 'asked' tetal 'of 18' -f t ;on other side c r 8 ftl·too? M,r.· Kramer' s:rated'tloesn,Tt thInk· Ae has:8 ·ft.,.H inks, sl x. ,14' ·,ft.·,betwe.enl·hls:l;!il d min e·. ~4rl He l Iman stateaIn case' fire equipment had to get oa'ck In there.,,! i

i i ' I -;. i : ,1., .- i .. ' _.Mr. Pale'rm~ as ke'd. is his-:garage attache'd? ,Mr. Kr'amer'state'd his: facesothe'r wa·y.- Mr'; Pili l er-mo es ked wha't abo:ot other ne i ,ghbor-?' Mr; Kramer'STated ha$I'<ilara~e, on other:·stde.·· Mr. Palermo: aske.d ati'8cllied'? ' Mr.Kramer STated .ye·s.. ··At·the time blf,IIt'.homej.,couldr.d·t affo,rdi~ar<:lge~

Mrs'.' Chapman'sta:ted understands how wo'r ks out,",especlally on ,tOG.'small ·Iots. in th~t area. ~Mr. Heil~jn aske~ hivelYou 'talked ,to, thene I qhb o.r- on the side garage Will' te:~on?' Mt"sl"Chapman"stated he.l l sr:he·re. Mrs.' Chapman asked If anyone wished to sp ea k in favor or oppo-s I t.l o n vto .fhe app I i·cat'ionand· n6 one:,appeared.I"·Mrs·.· Chapman asked ,have Talked to. voo r- ne l qh bo.r-: and i knows' what pr0posing'?" Any obJectIons?Mr. Kramer state'd- ncb, obJections,.' j . ' .


DEel'SlaN: Granted unan l mcu s l v..j.' ,. I i I

3.:- Appl tca t ton of ,Geor1Je.W.- Jar,rett·, JIll" P5'80 'Le'h l qh StationRoa~; ~enrletta; ~~ y, fbr appr6val ~f v~~lanee' to, erect homeon undersized lot In RA--2a.:i'.:Zb'n~" lOT be.l n q ap p r-ox ;: li'sc're/ln'size. and, using 60 '.ft. front setback 'instead of required IO·O.·ft.on property ·atl i 'J<1trrett Road •. RA-ZO., · '-:, " .. ', '

'"\ '"\ .: ." f I I !'. l 1Mr. 'Jarrett'iappeare-d and· presented drawIng,s> Stated measu'rements 'fromsu r vevo r-', ThI S' is: on pri ve t e: road l ,"M1'$1· Chapman" sti:lted aTGVe' I hi onSaturday mor n l ng: and aomeon e rc ame out an d ie t ep ped , ·Mr.,Ja·rrett statedthat was,mY 'fatl!Jer." On!y·~~ther herg~bor is' my aunt so has no ob jecf l cn sbnd acrbss th~l~tree+ are myiparents~ From wh~t underjtan~' if couldwou Id I ike', to. put' house be.twee'n ,55 and' 50 'feet' 'i f'l c ou I d: beee us earea of1fllr;'extends 'ba:ck about, 50 'ft·. so have to.chcilrhge ·~Ians. tor,'beck of ho u'se and if'could', would"ll'ke-'to'moveup farther.' IHave sixtybecause thaT was pr.ellminary.:" If:·have'to. would' go back sixty b u.tabout as far as can go. .

, ! I : .: ' 1· . i~rs. Chap~~n asked someth1hg about,th't loT that makes necessary to'put that CIO'58 to'the roaa? Mr. Jarrett state'd, l an dvbac k here' we.f,no'r gooddf"a'j'nage a~d' 'house 'that I have "Is, I i'ke, r-a I s ed .r-an-ch , not .1 .'celler- so I ive·· In: 'bo:ttom anti. wou I d'n"!t want, ai lOTI of'.seepage and' waterdamage b'ecaus~ be'dr60ms, downs·ted rs'.' Be~ausetr II' 'extends, back 50:'ft.would have naTural ·dra1nage·. Mrs.' Tanger- askis'd is'this-.amount· yo·uwill have, with fill, gift? Mr. Jarrett stated fill"extnds backabout-'7U .ft·, f'rom'the'fron·t,. Would' colne' inTo: the back ot hous'e 11'3'and w/:,'uld' s'ti'cktoutat 6Cr·.fT.I·M·rs. Tanger asked what wo:uld' y'o,u want,In front?!, Mr. JarretT stated would' 1 ike' 50.ft.1 if. cannot have that·

I most could goi b'ack 'is 60 ',ll/ltho'ut, runnIng In tb 'drein'age probl,em'. Mrs.TAnger a-sked' wo'u'ld' y'ou' Il'ke to amend 'appl location? tvl:r!;.' Chapman statedas s.tated,6Qft ... Mr. JarreTt asked wo.ul"cj· have TO: c'ome back? Mrs.1Chap'm!'ln stated co~l·d·:amen'd butiwtiuld', Ii·ke. a'ppl,i'catlonl,to state whatasking for. ·Mr .. Ja-rret't stated ~f' cbuld·.wouldll:Tt ·hurt. ·Mrs.· Tangerstated wo'u]d I ike. to, amend ,to. 50 'f-to-·Mr. Palermb a,ske'd nexitdoo'r

Page 34: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon in g', i30Q rd 0 f . .fl,ppea 'j s: ,




setback?, Mr. Jarrett: ,,,,tated -rough l'y'5O: 'It.' or ,sp:..' r-ca d cu r-ves so.'would' lo'o]c 'I lkevup 'further,Pu:t,wPlJ.!.dnl't be., OnI,y:,-rhre'e,holises !J,n"the r-oa d.• ' Th.ls WO,U I d b!9, th) r-d, ,f Twp. on- thl9i r-oa d. iOI-re, ne.l.af i ve s , : ' Mrs.'Ta~nget as kpd no'thiing' llfl,xt t o. you e.ithe'r?,. Wi'll'ther,e be:?' Mr. Jarrettsta;red., sol d'. ,Ialld' )r' ,I,9:65an,d' if 1~):Ihted''lto bul l d wo:U1 d havs toi,f-i J'["an d cpns i pe r-a.b Ie amo un'f a nrJ' co.s t: high, tOl b cd Id: .c Io's s. to, me so' dou btit. Owns, .f.4?lcres, and one, sIde ri3)sed sorJ f Jrj1] It' wo.uI,d go ,where'ne t p r-e I ,praln?ge .. Mrs. Chapmen stated wl·thout hi3v1ng' e xpe.n se 'o.f,f r 1I'I:ng.j' iii -.' 'j ",.' I I

i ,',II iMr. Jarrett, a s ke-d do. I ha vev f-c ,get ve r l an ce to, stay ,ZO, ',ft-, off 51 detoo?, ] Mrs.: Tangj3r as ksd ;20. 'ft,.' to the' :101'1 ln e ? 1\1 I" 'r,j gh:tl rf'here .:Mrs. Ohapma n 'ask'ed acr ua I 'sl ze vo f t~e, prope,r-ty ,I s. what,? Mr. Ja rretrt,stated :.772: la'cres.' 'Roughly:' -3./4,;. Mrs. (::ha'p,manl>tated ;j§'4i'.S.',thls,: wayand, Z'J',O' .deep and, other' 5 ide" :23,9,.~j ",Mi. ~arret:rst'ate.d Monroe C,ou,nty ,Water Autho'ritv has pipe t,here and easeme nf of' ~():',ft., 'have' to stay'ZO, 'ft. 'from pipe- I lne i : Mrs'.' Tanger asked- 20, .f r , from the, r-oa d f M,r,Ja-rrett staTed and",ZO, 'ft. on either side. 'So wou I c be', c l ear- oft hel r- ~asement,.! f'4r.' P.aJermo e-sked wha.f is; tota,[ 'I In e next :ro, th~ house'?Mr , Jarrett stated house' is,j'37j.f,t. de ep t e nd, BO .l n bac k , fM,r.Heilmanstated 05,0 instead of 6p,',and.,slJppose'd tp~ ~a,v&.150 .f r-om The s l jie-s ,Mr. JarretT,' s,tat~:d 8& ,ft. orr o ne v s l.d e ,.' ;M)"., He.I l man ,?tat-ed, b'!Jt nail' 150'on trlis:, sjl da a nd rio-t [0'0 .I n. front. ; Mr., Jarrett: .sre te d "have- to, stayZO,',ft.' because ,of The peptic: svs-tem.., :Cou[r:J:n't-,be: l nv ba'c k b ecaus e.co fdrain?ge. Mrs'.',Chaprnan esk,e,:d',sys·tern,w'i"Il'b-s ...o n one sIde of ;rhe, house'?Mr. ~arrett stateiJ yes, ha d a pp r-ove d', I" :

I , ' , I", , '" ! -,'" ,Mr'.' He i l nran sTate:PI probab Iv 'am~nd'j,ap:pli'l;a-ti'on, for var-iance -on -s l debecause doesn"jI" have: 5.Q,:'"ft. ',Mr. pa1e'rmo, si:atep ,garage a nd- ,~j.r.ive, wi [1be, o n 'short s'ide.l 'Mr. J'arrett stat.ed r-i,g,bt, ':ne'ar~,st, house wiill' be.acr.ossthe strset.j 1Mrs. Chapm~,np/3ked, hOlv long h,ave Thl"' 9:ther housesbeen ,thjSre'? Co'ns'I,<ierabI'y' Lon qer-, .I n. e s sence dictates; s lze -of ;!'hl,s:

I piece. Mr."Jarrett state,d yes,j,glft, fr9m my parent,s, a,ndj-Ia'st' la'nd',.they have v-and soI d r-e s r ion 19:{55.' 'Mrs.',-9h,apman,'St,ate!;l long' be.f cr-e-,ordinance went Into effecT~Mr. Jarrett stated tried to start last-year bu:t got bo:ggedtJoymyil,th su.rveying, and le'gal Bttuation, ',Tiled,to start' over 'again. ' ' , ',:1 I" I

I I" ".' i ' ,j I ' " , ' ,i'Mrs.' Chapman asked any, questions' f r-om the /3ud,1 e nce ? " M,rs., Be r-n lcsWi Ic'ox, ,stul:lrt Road.-aske,d curious abouti,r.ela,i'-ionship', of. this. to',Morgah, Ceme'tery. 'Mr.' Ja-rrett :s,tated aCl"9,s,s t,hl9: road. ' i . i

;', ,',i : ' 1 ii,,- , I,lVlrs'.' Chapman aske,d, i f'..anyone, ~Jjsh'6,d ,Tp, spepk In, ,favor of"i;h/9' appl i'cation.full". George Ja'r-,rettl,",Jr.', ,10' ,Jarrett; R"}>ad, ,state~ in -,fc;lvQr:.

I I I ' ,,;" r I "',Mrs. Chapmah'"a-,skt::.d-, jf anyone wished ,to sp-eak., i'n,oppositlon and noone appeared'. ' I ~'

-I " '-, ',",DECISlON,: AppII'caTion amenided tto,5) ,',frr. fjl"ont, ,seTbjacki,j ,2!J. 'ff,. TO n,orth

side lot Il'ne. ,Granteid. un"nlmously'., ,"1'J, I, i, ,'I \ , ,; , ,

4.. App-,( ication ,of Guy-l3ern-, Bu,! l:d'ers, Z'cJ.li 'Ang:JlusJ Drive" ,Roch[ester,N. Y. for approval 'of variance -roerect',home on prqperty 'at NWjcorne'r of Morrison and Theron, 40 ',ft. from Morrison, 20: ',ft. fromTheron, ,6 'ft., from rea'r lot Ii:ne. F-2.' . I

I , " i ~'l ' ' ",', , I ' ,5. App,li'cation ,of Guy-Beirn Bulld'er-p, ,2,a,I:A~geIl!'s Drive,: ,Roche\sfer,

N. Y., for qp'~ro,vqil bf v.ariance 'to ,ereCT h-o;mrt. on prop,erty: 'at SWcorne',. of, Ha,ro:Id' end Th:eron, 40j ',ft. "from e,ach st'reet. F-Z.'

6. Appli'clattioln of Guy-Berni BUlild'ers,'ZGI 'Ange'lu's Drive, ROCJhester,N.Y. for appr,oval 'of Ivariance to' erec't home on property 'at NWcorlne'r of Haroldl anJd Theron" 40, ft. fro,m ealch stree1l. , F-Z.:

Page 35: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning lBoClrd o f ,Appe,als' . I ' , .: Ma'rch2'5',,; .1 ;g:1:s:' .


Mr. Fran k'Ia¢ova!lge I 0'; Atto'rney" .'eppe-ared rep'r-es.e'ri-r·!!19 :ro'per~ Co.nit ruc-tion, owner- of 'p·rop'el--ty. and Guy-B(;ij'"'n' Bu Il d'er-aj ' b'uy'ers"~'! IstEft'e:l on' 'paper5'treei"s .. ,.IThes-e 'rh r-ee. i,rl·II··be, only;lo'fsj~e':vel()'ped; ,Th1inks·. on1y'wa+erthere or gas.• ·,' La's r tiinei be.f c r-e.vth e BOord appl i'c'at'l'oo,'tabl:e'd pending,det'e:rin I nati'on by1 the Cbltilt·y, ··regElrdi ng' .'!-he· se'wer) d I lot:rl cil-. ,t Tf'Eire 'Is. noquestion abou r: s-l z al o f ithe'lo-ts: ahd q'ue;stion of th·e hb'r'dshl'p"a'lr-eadyde t'er-m I ne,d byl the bohr-d. blit,,',guestiohl a'lSt tIme: her-e: "and, rea'son why' ,matters tabTe:d' he't'ause' ·'hoart!" conbe·r'ne·d abou t sa\ve'r, 6ys·i-eln· 'sl nce" lOTS,were so small' That septic, tanks might not be, f ea s l b le in:this.·a·r136';:As yO'L! will' 'note on ,the maps that' vou have be.fo r e you, .have receivedap pj-oval vfr'om .the. Gates"'Chl I J-Lng'den' 'Se-wer ·agenby'·fo,r s anl-tarv ,sewe'rsand, we '11ill' 'bl-"i)1gJ,ln: e n d l:ie·ve!lop·these, ·I~)'ts.•. :A11' 'u'ti I i+I'e5 wi 1('be:' •t n,: ,gas,·lIater a rrd sewers':an"(j wil I: 'be, exttenl:fed to, the' roads in: que's f l onhere'~j'No other.deve.lo:pme·nt' 'in·~q'uesNo'n here. 'Ooesnl't"kn'o'w what'els'eto, present 'exce pl" that 'fa's"t t'ime' this: was, onl y: matter that: had! tobe. c Iar l f i ed an d- wlI I'i'ng to. accept. whatever Gates :"'C,h i I j.j 'Ogds'n' ·dist ri ctor-o po·se·sa 1'1 d- i-he'y'" :ha"le ~ a pprove d So doe sn ,r·t, i"h j nk-: 'h1:l ve anYt·h'ing more:

. I j '." i '. .... .Mrs.' Chapman a s ke dl whe'n·didiyo,u· e ppeer bef'orl,?' Mr; lacovan.gelo;·statedappel3'red,thinksontbw·'Gcoastons,,· ea·r!'irl.9:17Z 'a nd.on ce- '11'1: T~T'e<r·par·t of19'7.2 'o r. 19:1,3:, 'Doe'sn--'t r'eG:all·.·· Doe'sn,lt, r ecaI I 'e'xact 'date i butabo.utI '1/2 '0'1'" 2 -:yea"rs agol• . Tabled becau se 'of q uestl on -of san i,tary seWe'r's.·Ha rd to' r-e'member-' ba'c k'.· "No.vquest I on a trou r ffa.c'+1 thai" 'un-der-sI zEi.dl lOTs;Mrs.·.·Ch·apm,ari ,aske\:r have djlnens·ions· of actual 'lOTS:? 'Mu'st h;a-ve been·be:fore·'l Came' o n -fhe board' because' 'no' r'e-001 lec t l orrv-o f vrhat deb er e "was. Mr. l acovan qe l o' stated Lot I' 'B'lk K;: ·I-2'9.·.·.x: 50., . Side' IOT':dimens,ionfrom Morrison .Aven ue there would' be, 40:'.ft. and house would' s l f 2(1 .f t ,from'Theron Stt-ee·t··wh·'ich aga·ln1,would· I Ike !t6··re·C'aII' TO': the 'bbard is

r paper' ~tree't, .1'1'0: 'de-ve-l O'p'ment· b'ack I n, 'there a nd- the d rl vewav on .:J-hatparticu'!a'r: I o'r would' come onto. Theron ,·S·t·'reet. 'Would I :ike"to indicatethat onaII"loTS 'ondr'ivew·ays.,'.AII··driVeways will' co-me on 'The r on,Mr. i 'PI et 1"'0p'~b t.i as ke_di ~ow can' :tha~. be:i f pa p~ r 'st'reeY? , ~4r,.. ,1 acova ~ ge 10'1state\:! Morrison paper 'There" Theron is: there'. Mrs.' "C11apmal'l e sked €II 1"dri vawa ys 'wilil' 'come'i n'to. Th'e'ron:r Mr-,: ,I abov~nge 1'0' stated' ri ght." I .,... ' . j- ': ,,> .... ,."1 ' . -, . ".,' . .... " "i" .... ,. '.' •...

Mrs'.i 'Cha pmah '·a 5 k'ed b n: I yL 20. '.ft •. 'f r·dtif 'th esry- ree't 'I n' thaT proposa I?" .Mr.lacovangelo'state'd Lo't IBlk·. K 20: 'ft. from the !i·t·r:eet;: "OwnErd lOT·for some tIme in excess' of think·s, will' ·be. 5 'years,' since early'19·6,9:.Guy:"S13fn ·does-h·lt oitrn the, lOT." . Represent, Toper Con's:f'r'uctlon and Gu'Y-'Berrr 'and' appe,a'rel:r be'fb're l :·t'his board bedore.' Tope',' 'ownS': .I'o·t, Guy-,Berrrin te rested' in: p,u:rch:a 51 ng' fo ("con st:ruct ion, "p'urpo-s'es .' • Doesn ! t w·lsh'tomlsle'ad bOard because appII'cation made by, bulld·er. Toper paid, taxes'on' frh I s: lOT" . Made 'sevi-ar.a1 'app f'i'cat i 'on san d I a's"ti 0 ne', tab I.e·d "pen d,i n'gdetermlnatro·n·· of s\:in'itary sewer' ,linp'ro"Vemenf!-, arid clarl"f'ied :tha·t andwould II~e to have var)ance to. construct dwell'ing as specified on :themap. Unders1-an'ding"of'f course Tha-t th~)'re 'ar'e'·se\r~l"'al variance'S. wiThinone Ivhich have to' be. 'granted for constTuctlon. No ·aITerna-rlve.·the,,-e·.Lot that is further ~own on Theron and one across are bOTh corner lOTS,b'ut sU'bs:fa'htla:IIY ·Ia'rger bEfi"ng·l20.,x '10'0 in dimen'sioni,l ,setbac.kt Mling40 x 40 and again'drivewf:!ys, cbmlng inTo"t'he -proper.tylies· ifr!=>m Th'e'ronstreet where: road is. de'Jeloped •. AgaIn', on those' loTS will' ·ha.va sewer.Those lOTS wa-e' iJ'abI'e'd: aga'i!n',i:JnJ,goti bp'prc5vaI "and 'seekihg Vall"'I anees· 'In. tho'se"l::ases' Tob. '. ·· .. ·1 .. • I " -;. '. .'

';_., ., . - i 'Po;

Mr. Hellm'an asked where do 'you p'!c!k sefweirs' "up? ,'Further up: 'Theron?Mr. lacovangeJo' stated no, ,at Morrison and on Harold' Avenue. Approxi=, 'Imate'l y', th is 'map ,stio\vS:85 1ft-. from '1"'oe poInt 'of hookup, to' 'the po I ntof access' to "both: ,i-4>TS!;" .' Ddesn It knowi 'e'Xac't dl!-men1>,Ions': b'ut· sewersabout 85-90. ·.feet aw·ay ,before 'El'ble' to, tf'r,i'ng them Jim. ,,' -;

Mr. PaIe'rmo asked goiing ba1cI$ to Lo'tJ'l ,Blk'. K, .whY onl-yJI imilted to50fi.... the·reT. '~rs.· chapman ·asked Why"orily' 50l'ft:f'deeCfi a'nd. others!O·O.?~ Mr. '!-acovangelo' st'affed"as ·far· as' Lo·t.l'Blkl.K; ~ot'Clb~·.e· to

Page 36: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zorrln g- IB~aT.d:of: Appeal S' . : I' : March 25.,: I 9:7,5~, ,





,I !.r,ee,al I"at thlsr; f l me what, :is;,·the're b u.r attempt!3d ,tG> Il]ake:,addi,tiqn:a,!'purchase as uJd wi.:r-h. the:.bths'!" ·'two:: lOTS: and r,ec:;;r!,l:ing·br',i\efly' ,for the:boa rd: .a,t the'>1 a'st: m~et I )19' ,a,ttenfde d vun a b lie: itO ..make: .'aiW .e den t i qn:a If . ,p.ur-ch a sers. n\9,xt tio:,:'tha't Iojl:.: :'The; ,eth'el:':' ty/o:: I'ots: were lput togetherby e dd l t l o rral 'purchals6j' ·~f··"lotjs •. : Bo.ught tWjo·..a d j ace n f- lOTS, End a,b,{'e'to put -togeth.El·r to: enl.'a·rge ,the, l o.t s bu;+ on .Lo'f 'I u nab le to do so. 'IExa qt ,r,easo.n ',una'b Le: ito; recal Ir'a;+ tl< j'~; t)me. 'M,r.' Pa ler-mo ais ka.d don l,t. know 'rf, an/othe'r; 'owne;11 ;or. ,To'per?1 . ,Mr:' l-e-co va nqelo s,i"ated ~o'p.e.r doslsn,l,town it,.,. Lln'a'b l:e·. to.'aGqu'l re' for, spec rf.I c. re ason wh i ch 'canriio,t- reca,!..!'at 't.h,iSf· f l-me . Did, ..bring up I'a's,t!ttm,e bu:t un[abLer to' dp .I t, Mr., Fjalermoasked .don't, know who, owne r-, might be.? ;Mr;' lacovan qel o' s-F,ated present-Iy'·does' not know bu:t as r-ecal I -attempted and, cou I d no-f acqul reo

, ,i',· l:Mrs:. C;h.apmal'l,s-tatl-e,d other hou.ses ablout- 40, :.fil. ):}pck, ,even, ,that 'i,S,' ,mln.l maI.;'. Mr..: Ie covanqe l o. silated unde r-s-tan qs th'at and, :made, ;attempt'tOl' make e cqul sLf l o n there biu',t haventr baen .slucces,s,fu.l :and 'on -rhat onepa,rcel :the'r-e, ,sm"ril'e:st Plarcel,'To:Pie~·,o~ln:S l n, the Tpwn:'at thiis,po:ilnt[,

.-;since made .:3.ubstant,l:<:d 'pu riqh a se of ,in.terrlm: lo'ts It> 19'6,9 'on 'foreclosuresode',Slnce' that .tl'me b'ejentryI'ng to de ve Ijo'p-j l o-r.s, 'In, con f o r-mancewi;th prqi,na'nces,jand·'tried to. a c.qu l r-ej l and-whe ne possible' 'and' on thosewh:e·re:a-.bl'e':tlO a c'q u lrje. ad jacen'f I an d , Iwe're :a:[I' '50 ',fT.r'"jan.d' I'!e're albl's·.:to',m.crke,iaddli"iona'I'-p,urchialsfes.'O-fl those lOTS bu't Onj t-nhi's: l an d ad d I t l on e lpur-cha se- wasi ino,t .a,va11larQle'to U1sand' st:lllr fsl'TtInig: with tha;t ;10:"1:after: flive ye,a.rs and, ce us l nq f l nan c l.e l ·h;ajrdshlp.'j I'

,'''' ' , . , . ":.1, ,i Ii.., ,., ."1," 'Mr.- Pa I er-mo asked wha;t ty,pe hpme? M,r.'· Iat:O;Via~.1o: stg;ted t,yp'€: .wll Ir :either be •.pretty sure raised ranch. Mr. Bianch,!;: si;a;ted ispIiT, l.eve I s,Mr. Pa I er-mo, asked garages 'I ncorporated? Mr.' Bi an ch j' stated yes.Mr-, 'ste:;e I e' a 5 ked, w1hat' s iz.as? ~ Mr. is I arch i stated 26. 'x' '4,0.•' ..' Mn. , _l acc vamqel o' a.sked squa r-e floot~:lg,e?Mr.1 Bianqhi state.dapproxlmateIy·12'0.0... ',Mrs.' Chepman as ked: iP:ke 'p I an brought in iPrev! ous.llY' wiith, 9.ar~geu-nder-neath,? Mr.r·,Sfan,chi ,stal,tecj "yes,,: " it' " . ! I .

I ' . I I ~. : ,I - i :Mr.: He;ilma.n ,alsked .awar-ea:U:·inj:f1.ood·.p.Ia'ln,zon:i,ng. so \",rl)' haY,e tO'1be: up ip,retty hi:gh? jMr. l<acQ'v;angelo' .state.d yes.' Mr.· Palermo;aske.d .al,I' 'r-ai,se<j -ranl<::,hes?': Mr.Piet,ropa·oI i' stated ·gp.1 i.·t~, i Mrs:.' Tange.l:- a,skedwhat Isnwmbe.r ofi..Icr-nllex:fi to .ii:?', Lo:t,2j,i@I~'.:.K? Mr. [aeovan.gelo·,stated: reicd Iy' c·anno,t tel I' 'you .. Mrs,.' Ta,n:gellstai:~d sad d ILo;t 1',' is, ',that correct n:umbe.r?' IMr . .,Iacqvange La' state d 'Game ,oeff albs,tra.ct-. ",J'lrs.Tan,ger :as,ked' wOuleir l.t.be-reasonElb;r~' t,-o,;as:su.me 'IIlquId; be, Lo'tj' 27...Mr.[a<::oval'lgelo' Slta;ted :c:ould' nqt assum.e.il' Mnr.· Tanger aske.d .qould y-o,udeterm'i ne .i'ha·t?Mr. 'lai:;:6Vange.I,o·. sti;lted cou [d,' gei: of.f pi ail Imaps·l"Mr. Pietropaoli' s;tated'avar'latd,'.ei in TC)'wn':Gle'rk's,off:i·ce., Jvlr. Wa:rd,a,;;ke d ha p..pie n ;to ~n-Pw .how wide ho1..{.s e \'{,lIl If be:? -"M r.: ~ aC-Q\(a nge I 0' .stat,ed26',:x 40,.', Mr. Ward stated Then wo:uld:,have i:o ,hpv;~,,v,ar:-l.an(;e on ·sidebecause only' 4 ,ft.' from the lOT I j'ne on Lot I.' [f, ho'use: 26' 'X 40.'f. i,g.u-re 4 'f.eet..' Mr. Pa I e·r.trfo a,sked 26'. 'or 2tf,.-.f,T? I IMr'•. Bianch,i 'stated50H."Ioi' wi'II' :b6,.j2j2t ',ft. house' •. ,Mrs. Ta~ger askec:\ do.. yOju ;have,desi,gnfor that. hous6)'r Mr.' .1"alcQVaI19e;Io·:.stafe:d c;ouLd bring one'. Mr.Bianchi si1ated not :Ton i ghi).Mr. l,at:.ovang~Iio·.s,tatect,cou I d'. p,resentp lam Jor that .ho.use-~ tq: the biqa:rd • Mrs .: ljanger.. as~ed,a"II'three rots,the. same house? -Mr. I.acovange[o' staiJed y,e;sexce,pt,.one woulq'.be: 26.:ft.Ia'nd otlhers: 24ft •. ',Saine des'rgn., BeJ.i.evte board~as on l'fiI.e':that ,verY'p I a'n; "Ml'js. 'jClTaprnaI1.stated iy.e,s bu,t, wanted ito know jwha.t ,p,ropo$, putt i ngon these,par·ticuIa-r,lo'ts" Mr. lacovange;l.o·.s.tated,y.e..s,' we could'dqi-ha't .. Mrs:.'Chapman !?tated wO,ulcjbe .. eas;y' If: gave perml:?sfon Iw;ithoutdr:awing,~,to:p.u,t,anothe'!1ho.U,se,·or.l, .tha,t lot., ,Mr"'Iacov,a~gEJJo'stated,doesn't'Think so bu't if ,yo,u feel That coul:d' baldone 1":e cquJd' 9,ubiTIltbuild·in.g pla'nsfor.'the, lOTS. and approval 'CouId'lb~,..,9r'.lnted ~.ubJ.e'Ct tothat. I Ii' ." ill f I

], j': j";' i ,I 'Mr. l\'Iard asked whqt qre 'pIa'ns to: be,donEj j\1ith, the water,problem thatexIsts, gets ..pretty, ·deep daVin ..there at .times Clnd could',be hEjaIi;'hhazard \~ith mos.qultoes, and <2'hi fdren 9Iavi-~g' in ba'ck Yi1~d, ,plans' for

Page 37: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


dt"'a'inci'ge'7, ,Mr-: l'ac6vange~o' 'Ei'sk'erd does towni:'have a,n,y"p,l,a'ns: for jdont'r"oll'i'ng,waTer' priobl'l:i;m'? ,MrU Wardsta:tefd'ldoe's'n ' -j-, 'R'n'ow.' Mr.f'Herlm'an 'asked" 'wou lid: yd,u' 'he'a dvsr-se to,g I v j1ri'g,"Yo'w'n: To' 'Ht,.' eats'ement,s,-a1rou n:d'p rope'rty?NOT that any pl ans- but ':i1n -ease":iri'"the future!: 'someThfng cevel op aw l thdralinage or nEfed'ed'e'c.ces hi'1 Any probLem'1 iMr.lac'6v'an~-e[c)'!a,s'ked' ,.e [ong.' wh'ere'? IRoadil'a1ys.'or wha't,7"Mr) Hen m-an1 ,sltate,d paper'r $+reets: 'p ropos ed' in:'caseJ, 'devl31ioped"so c'clh 'get 'ii n" To'<§1re' :'1 t ',h,fd' to. "~~r.,"lacovan-gelo'stated no adversliT.y ,to gi!ve'~s' 'IO'ng aswin' 'd.ef'.i)1e':alo-n g' p,rope'rty 'I

' I i nle,~ "Ai;' r~ng, as [doesnlt cornel \iri;derrie1ath 'h'dus,e'.' ',,!r. lHe'i l,m'an' :staTed'Talking abc'u'f rear ('0+ l In e ;' Mr}:lal1dJangelo"s"'tated no p r-o'b Fem,Would' oe, more Thien hEJ!ppy Ito'give'any' ea"seriients that are rie'cessary.:'

. i r'," , ' , ' I:' , ,',,' ,', " ,Mr. Steele' asked any objection +0, moving' house over to get one side •lot Iiln'e dorrect? ,Mr.' Tat;ovange]0' s'tate'd no, ob,j.eci'ion' -to:movl ng' hou sesIn any -direci'ion 'ori' the"lofs> 'Mr.' Ste"els' 's-tated 'propos'Eifel corlnerf tneeds 60 ',feet. I Mr. He t-lnran e s ked arty, e x-i sting' housiesi?' I .or: Three lotsl rr' l'i'neallo'ng Theron ,Streeit?' Mr:"I'at:ovarigelc)' stalt/ed correct. ! Mr.

" He i I m1:in ,shted' sic, ,yo'ti -a~e: gio-I ng: i+o: actua,'l fy'e s! 'fla r asf r-orrt no-t doing,to, e'stabTi'sh' any! reg'ullai'llOrI l:ie'cause,iof a pp Ljca-t llon -fo r' ZOo'ft'. onJon eand another 410,.1 'Mr:lacovangella''lgitafed:dos'snit',r be.I ieve est;,;jb l.ls h l'nqre:gula-tion, ,varia'nce.' 'IMr. He ll man ,sltated' take rtf'als'o' loTslin ,t>"i:tween:anid ie i' the r' yIo{j iwi'I I' purchase 10 I" someone 'w II r 'de ve llcp a'nd: +h'l nk:i' ng. of.subd.I vii 51on ma~,.' .r l g'h:t-fiuI Ily! lor wr'ongly,' 'usula Illy! fronT, I Ine establ ls hedon a 'block. Mr. P{etriopabl'l sltaite'd canno tl 'keep same 'on Lo't,II Bf k, Knot enough room bo'th o-rh e r- two are I n I lne , Mrs. Chapman e sked correctIl rr,i,thinklng ,that geln'el"ally sletb"':a:ck over there,"'ls· 40, "ft.? M,r) Ward

. stafed ;b1e"1 i-eve(t ji s '; ' " ; l ' 'I '; , ' j , ,~ " i

Mr. Pa'I'e'rmo asked 'whs't Is, either idlmehs·lon of! 'the lots thaT '~sre, 10'O:?M~. 'j"sdovalngefo' sTa'te,d 10'0, be;' 12'0',,, '[lJlr.: Pafe'rnio' stat'ed' s'o clouI d go .. Jo'ver a II·H·'I~e'.' 1M'r:' l e co v an ge Fo as ked fading; fiou ses ' the o-tlier wa'y?,!Mr. Pietropaoli' STated movl nq down' ,the'Io'f'. I Mr.,:Pale"rmo 'st'ated cine' Ito, the rIght and other l ef'f, Mr., le covanqe l o stated could' movea I on g lot 'a·g!:1orrt as' iface,Toiler'ron," ,t'a c inig' IQlthe'f!"way wou ld 'be: fd; i H i cu [ t.Mr.': Pale'rnip Istate'd just' s pr-ead 'ou~. 'M~r."Bila'n6hl' stat1e'd nia.jCi'r'it'y o fthe, n'ouses' i n'lthis s:e!ct ion" '35, 'Td· i40"fe'e't' iand· 'l'h i s. 'wou ld' 'con fdrl1i' tic','re~;l+ of'the,lhorii'es.Mr. IMulra'ney -sf<i-jied 'al's'o bi'g:lpfece' of: 'lan,6 thaTmay 'be:fdevelo'pie1d' ~nd couT'd' seT preceden't 'of'140:",ft,. on ,Hafriold If,devel'o'pea' fur'ther."On The'r'on n'o cho'lee lre-@('Iy-., Cou'ld' go'Oa'ck overtht}re, ~ontY' 'one 're!ally off -,is ,[o'-r lJ. Other two) ,i,f! say' Harold' continuedand set,lonl y' 40,ft:' have est'abII-shed \~hole' ne1w"1 i'ne, for fuiture "'of Isayl'n'g ,al I "410: ',s'o'go"40,: I' We may be: asikirig'Y'6'!l lto''''set precedenit bUTwau Id 06,' good 'b'e:d1il1s'e 'evEJrybo:dy wd'u I d' be. '60 'ff. 'Mrs,) iCh,apn'i'an istatedfrorij 'th'e;j're: orl",down',·'" Mr. MuI!lfa:ney ,sta,te:cl fbe:cause' re',laTively' ,new ,and,someday may ble' 'd'ra I ne'd and 'deve [:oped. ' ,

, J, I ,', ,! I I ",,,, ,"'", I'"Mr. Wa'rd istateid sfill';doesnl't" Th j nk 'que,stion "got a;nswered: 'Corlc-er'ne,dabout' water problem, downthe:re a~nd what hOlJse IdI I' 'be! Is'lttirl9' on and-whaty'ards next to, ,the house lJill' b'e' I ilke,'j f have.' 3 ',ft. of' wa'te.r in 'The' backyard" ,thinks' 'it ils, 'a ',seri"dus·prob.rem: Have yo,u plansi"'foro'l,down there? I IMr.': fa'cova'ng"e'l 0' state,d Wi:! ]'i'ng· TO 'conform to any 'bu I j:d'j ng'arid, zon i rig or:-d'i nance's' app'I I'cab re' thrdughout· TrJe', ·town \~ater p rob I ems.:'Not spec'ifiica'IIY"T'hls 'are,a, ,lncdl1'di!1g',trlis'ond 'other'areas. ,'ff, b,uil:cli!1_ordl'n'ances or'zo.n'rng require's ,that we b'rin'g in' some ,fi [I 'or put c~r'tain.

drain~ge'cqnn~ctj'ons,'made,dr fha't .rdwn'lin: co-nrtect-rdn wi'th county 'al'l'dthe, bLl I Id'er': 'conform' to, cer'tai'n req:ui ~ement'saccording, to. th'e ~I~ter'

pt:0b1em' ~IiI,II'i!19to Icon'form td any ordinaricel~'effect at ,this: time. IMr. BiandhI bU,j [d'er 'in' th,i1s town 'and ha's bui fil for 'numberi of'yeersand if there Is "1p r o b len! t'he~e- and, doe'sn It kr1a,w "jusi-"'whai' Inow;': May,ba heavy water problem. Witl'ing to work with the build'ing departmentin 'correcting that probj'E!m. This: dlf.ficlJlt' for you to convince atany Q!]e time,a'b6,ut what wi'! I' 'do about any Iparticuls'r water probI'em.Difficult"for clny'to'wn or'doun'TY government to':gl1las:s', What, ,is, going TOhappen.:' Rea'l',izS: conce~n ydu Ha'vefor 1probLem bu'tihave' to~ace when

Page 38: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon i n-g ~Boa rd of.!!' ppea [5' , j, ".: Mar-ch 215"" :I9:1.5: ..





come ifo. it as if:ar as.\cQnstruo,tlon.i'. Maybe. b.e.fore- pe rm lrt i,s,suedi youcould' be', the'r;e.to· consul f \IlI'1jh Mr-. a.lanehl to determine w,ha:t.lev.E\!a.f wh I ch· co ns:i}tju c:tiirdln ",shou;l:d' b~:g Ijn' or; en q , .no-f .eng'i;ne:e·r'" I Mr:. He i l manstai:e'd th l.n ks concern' o,fI fed I' 0,1' usTs. th,at have.:subdTvl sl on I'thai: "w~sfi llil'd aQ0.ut 45. ·y,ears.a,goT,ha.t has trqubl'e!' .. , GQWnt,y: owns mos tt of)··,..the' l os f , ..pepe r streets;, ,nO,drqin,arge-'plan. Wh;at.\~e 'lee. her.e·.flrsTe l emen t s. of de ve l opmerrt- of three' Lo t s. and, pr-obab lv next couple' yearThree moneva nd. p'r:<efTty eoo n all' 'of .The r-on Y~OU I d' be' f I l led and st i 1.1 'no drai na'ge p 1,,1'1"t or an,yth i ng tor ,that ·ewee and that i·~..o.ne lelf :thep r-ob lemsa, IIlf".In. fac), .bul l d'e r-v comeis :1,ntQ·the,.to:wn 'and·,".\~anT,g"t'O fput an vxiumbe'r of: house s .w.o,ul,C\· requir-e d ra l naqe , .su bd.l v l sl o n .p l an s:.an d that 'and·got three, ro'tsand' il 0'0 ~s. ! i 'ke>p r-obab I y' oW i 11','b:e: more -bqcau seb r.l ng i ng, s,ewer.1 lnes -',I n. and ;th Inkone crf Ith,e' p rob I ~nT1S, .con ce r,ned 'II i·th •Mr.,"lacovangelp. stat-ed c,enhdnJy on.e o f :rh,e p,roplerns -nown, must beconcerned with an d reaI'i'ze.,that is,:!n:,wha',t, is: r-ez o.ned, l n-tc flood pl:a·in.''Clrea la·st,!sp.rlng. However. ,quelS\i1[on -a trth.lsvpo l rrt ,doesn,lt ;thinkcan 'ever b.e r-esc l ved u.nt,il 't,own·i..f se lf: through ilil~, eng'ineer ,aciwaUy ,l oo ks.sl rrto entire ar-ea an d v de ve l o'p s rsome sorij of' djra,ina,ge svsrem, "DoeSintt, be'Ii'eve any o bs.tac l e l njo r-d l nanceifo r- cons:Truc+ior1! ..l.n: 'This. areaother, thel'],,'fect, ..thqt arj;!,a h,as;·.been qold'ly' 'set· as l de- as .pe,lng, .f l co dp l ai n. e re a-s ' f .. '1 i' :

!''',' ,I ." ,.. 1 . 1 • . • '1 :Mrs. Chapman ~sk.d have yqu read re~uIrements,.a~d aware.of requirements,in, the,F2:zo.ne?, .Reafd,.abou t :fIo'G,d,-pr.oof! ng? Mr." il acova nqe 10' ·state.daw~re of that bu~ t~Inks Mr. Ward' g01ng to' -so~eThing .beyon~ that.Mrs. I' Chapman .,sta:red SJpeaki!19 ~lbo.uit., gene r-aI ".Clter pj-ob letns ;: .Sp ec Lf l c aI l vil1i our: o r d l nan ce there, are.'cer:t8jiln 'requirements. q f a ny- bu.Ll dl nq whichwe. ps r-m lrt In: that ar.ea.',Mr,; l a cova nqe l o s,tjat~d,·no ques t-l o n a bou f v,fact tl;1at wil,I'i:!1Q and i'jb,le',to'·b,u,iI,d' l,n.<::onfQrmity \l[1t,l;1, zq.ni!1g and,,',bui 1d'i n,g o r ql nance , (Howe'ver,' .nof abou r .fo an swer- 'further que s t l on:of wh·at we.. wi:J'[' 'G,O with the town! s -e nq lr-e ~Iater pr-o bI em , Someth jngbeyond me or Mr. Biench!. Mr. Pletr:opaoli' sTated no-f asking errrl r-eproblem,i n RIverview Gardens, .Sub d.I vl$:ion.·' In·that 'area and wan f tobu i I d: 'thr:ee homeS·,T/"l:re., .ls. wate;r prob l am, '. I f, we deT'e-rmi ne Thatpr-obI.eml!s:.to,o'grea.t then bo'arq cal'1 <!.eny 'V.a:r~ianqe and not lei: ,youbu.ild·. 'If:deteriTJine prol;il'e)11 can b.~.take;n c,are of with 'pr,oper eesements.'a'nd proper drainlege and, house~ Uj~ high, enou'gh land, ya,r,ds·'dralnagS\, '.proper'ly' [then Mr-'. Ward's concer-nj w,i'JI.;be, ,1e'ss bu:t cerirainly ,this, 'isar'ea lthet is prone to jfIq::odJAg, .town dldnt,t, just bo'ld'ly', set astGf:e asF-2,o'lfi:te' years, to de,c.ide what, zci,ne.. s·hould' be: an.d.,lo't"o'f t,he Army."Cor.ps of .Engtne,ers .w.ol1k a.nd- Monroe ,CquntYi' .PIann'i;'ng' wor,k:went, 'intI?that. ITo'wo' Boardco,uld' easily pas,s j'I:-esolu'tlol']ask'ilng- formoretoriumonan'y ,qu',iJd'irtg In:l'fIO'od' zo.ne and.new cas,e'in"iSupreme ICo.urt ,upheld'towns .iln ..that'. DOrj'i,t'1.1a;:nt'to do"th,ai]:becau,s,e: by: cooper'ailing wiijh 'privaTe. sector we can d.evelo'p iJ~a,t a,n9, have !o'ok.,.li-ke, half"":'Y~qy <Jecentare,a a.nd· if the, bui riders ,utld'erstaA,d have, to .. work with the town 'at'\dmeet some, .maybe.requir-.ements no'it spec,ifiE.jd In' the' .coq14 ~u:t',that. .10'okilng f.o('. ·Cqneerni,:ngdrain~geClnd; :pq5s'ibl'! i'ty of gi;vi!1g reasements,and thl!19 ..o.f trhat .natune, ~yb'r'i.:d Jarea but town, givilng,/a'! i'Hle a.nd'thinks b.ui,Id·ers·w.i I I.' have to,.g,lve a: .. littlel;Ja'ck lend, together qangetdone bu,t no,t just question,of,tqwn coming,up with"ll)l!'I.l'<:.jndo[;I.:a·rsand solving drain~ge probl~m. Be.n, going on since (921;

. .' 1 I .•,',' i "". ,,'Mr. Jacova~gel,o'.stated, \1111 I'I'ng liro confor:m to' ordl'1an<fe~, tn ,effe.ct atpresen,i; time and wlfl'irrg to.:give easmeot's,.i:hat ar:e.neeessal'jy,l;J.u,tla~ faras what water probLem will' 'be:[ln; spring or any oth'?.rtime, diffi<;<ul.t'to do Ibecause iVCJt:'le~ from yeqr·to y~er and as,'lndigated., This liSf 10'od fzGi.ne .o.r·:,<:;on$ i der,ed .... f 10'od ,aree iby ;zolJ i ng' ord i ':tance. Saytha,i' ,i scon$Jder.'e:d that bo'Idly' only' because·.beU'eve' <;ertai.n jarees .whIch reanbe. saved end,· reSLf'rrected from that, zor.te, and with prO,per cons;tructionend buil&iQg and conformity and you are right, wlth.worklng togetherwe can solv'e probl:em. However, ,coul d'n!,i' proba',I?,J,y' on beh'a'lf' of ,cl ientventure to, sa',! .011 make br'oad statement that know how to !fC/[ve p'roblem.Dont.

Page 39: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zan i ~g lBoa I'd, of Ap peeI s , Mar-ch 25:,: 19'1,'5:"




Mr. ·'Pietropaol'i' stated no body asking iyoU>J"O: soI ve entire problembut Mr. Ward, wa'ht,s, to be: ds's1..Jriid: yeSU wTlil' ''talk'e: p r-ecau t Lon s- sotWatany possib{:e"d'r,ai'nage p r-cb Lam' res'u'lit-Ing' '-{1rpm vour- buT'ld'ing' oli ',these'lo'ts',wrll: 'be: itcike'I1"cal"e: of arid tfhinkyou Iw[IJ' 'have to: do''jihat because'devel.~'pl~g. Mr.' I<icova,ngeld' stated ,su're: no, que st'Lon ve n'd have TO! :,'tak61 lprecautions 'In order to, Idev'e l cpe 'property' we 'can mar kecf'. i '

'I , ~ " ' 'I,,', I " IMrJ,Steele' as~~d homes ~il I' ~ave ~~se~dnt5?' Mr.'Jacovangela statedyes, f ul I: 'be s etne rrt.s , Mr. -Pal er-mo va s ke.d onlZri:d, e nd. 3'r'd,',what 'isdistance 'from Ha r-ol d? Mr."Sfeele' stai"ed i40, ',ft.'MrJ MtiIlI'a'neystate:donbd:thcdrt'ieri's:.""Mrs'; Ta'nger a:;Jked"plalnning to, extend: road,? Mr.laco ven qe l o' !sii1ate'd'.we'we:r,~.n.'ril planrl'i~t!o e>dte:nd' on, Harold' and'Morrlson ••.Mrs. Tanger asked IJu:st bU,1 l d'Ln q ,tho'sef wlthout,froed :slo''lf'hat f ace 'Therori?' Mr.' l a covs nqel o s,tate.d rightl'.," Mrs';: Tanger aske'd',for alII'"j1ntents arid, ~urpo,ses "'!wo'd't know ith~re Is, a s-r.rei3:-f s up po s'e-d to goth rou gih j n: ,betwee n lJec.a u~e" the re \'ill I' 'bE! rro: st'reet? Mr. I aco va ngel 0stated! r,tght;' .fhe r-e wi.'I!i' 'be no str~et iihere,. iMrs;'Cha'pmaniaskerl 'are these C'orner'lo'ts:'lf:th'ere'ls:'inl ,fac't no, sTreet fnere? Mr. ' IPieitropaoJ'i,'staf'ed the',Y'a're, coroner' lotis'."'Mr. Palermo e sked could'n,Itthey !move Iback 50 ':f.t.' on ,thch lsl'de?· Mrs.' Cha'pman 'sta'ted' oO,ft; ,s pec l f l e d for corner lots. Any reason why couldn't be, pur 60" ',f-t. I,from the road on OTher lo'ts? Mr.' l eco van qe Lo stated ab sc l uTelY' n o.f-e xcep r may be. 'some de ve l opmen f on 'other side 'of:thoSE!'!oi's -wh Lch may •••Mr', 'Pa'le'rme> a:;}'Ke'd'II-t:l-larold'iweh f l"rliroJgh?' Mr. Jacovangelo' eske d wa'ntto'rOove' hou se: '60',ft:'ins'tead 0'f40,?"Mrs;" Chapmen stated'move each

, , hous e- s.o ,~()' 'ftJ.: f'r:9~ each Iroad. Mr:. l acova nqe l a stat'e'd ric- probYeTii' ,,with tliaii.': "Mr'. Pale'rmo stafed' §lti III' AU ",ft, from The ron ,blu't, side to'tlines moved out. Mr. Mul l anev -stai"ed lfo r" proposed new'deiv.el'o'pmenTtyp~ th'j'rlg'; Mrs':.,- Cha"p'tiieri "a'sked anly- reason 'why :cann'o,ti 'donforin' to,60 ',N. from'eac,h'st'reet'? Mr.':Ste'e('e: sta"'te'cl would' have ',14':ft. 'balck-yard. Mrs. -Che'pma n e s ke d w6Jld:'ra'ther trY ,to get varli1a'nce on ,theco~ner? 'Mr:' Bi'arich-i' stateid yes; ',j ,,' i ", " ,'i -,:

I ' : t. i ,j" ~: ',', i ' IMrs.Chapmari ,stated do'riot giVe iPs d l mensLon s re f :the ho us e ," ,'Thelre: aremap's with' houses whl'c h :d'fidn't see ... 26:'x '40", Mr. 'Pietroperdll':;;ltatedcou I d' run' Tnto,a'no'rher p r-ob I em with va r la n'ce : I n 'ba~ck and' sdmebody"would' walot'to, put pool 'up.' Mr."Mull'a'ney 'sTated could' move to:'set I lneddwn itt1rough: 'if new' roads lever fdeJ'ielopEi.<f. 'Ca'nr'ib,t .do anything a bo'u t'Therdn beo ausei do,t 'dee'p enoudh bu'tthey' 'a re!w i de e nouqh ::10- co u I d be'moved. Mrs'. Chapman asked"i5-0:,ft. on ,the, p r-o po s ed roads? Mr.;"Iacovangelo'stated we wou I'd be,'a:gre~able' t'o, move to the side. ',MrsJ Chapman ,stated'S711l mor-e than ,!iQ,:ft.'dn'fhe,$'lde bUT'ISo',downl.l-larold'. Mr.'Iaoovangelo'staTe'd'we"wo'uld' b'e': a-'gre~abl'e' to, tha't because wou l dIon l y b~e: l o's l nq ," thosewould' be, ~ides or'the h'ousescios'er+o.-the' lo't li'nes and, woulid' be,agreeable' ',-t!o: thaf1va'ria'nc,e.' 'Mr.' Mulh;l'n'e) stated can Li'n'derstand, .Bal"l'a'ntyne f:orgo-titen 'for' many ,ye'ars and looks' I r'-~eproposeid d'eve I 6'ptnentthat could ,bqHrl' up.', M~.: laC:civan'gel'o.. ~tated' c;duldnmove Iiouses ,clo'ser,to,'the loT 'line 'b'y: zO,t,ft.' Th'inks reasdn':why -dimensions' set Th'is, way'be'cause' ba'dk In ,(9:7.2: 'w'h'en made 'ap,pl i'C),Hlo'ns, It w'a's :Thls'waycind' just'r-e~~pll:ed sinqe, ,tab Je'd 'at tliqf Itime' (jut vloui,d' be:trriore',thaln"!i'greeabl'~'to, moving' :alcing !J'f' The bo'ard req'ue,ste:d that. No ha'rdship' on our part., ,'r i" ,', : ,I., '1 i' "Mrs. Chapman asked ,any' other questions? , Mr:. Neil 'Strassner, N~mes

Road, srated this'isrTiy area'.,' Know l'l'ke1p,cllm of myhartd'. 'That mud-hol~'.qr: la'ke'" for years"tried ''1:0 stop,i a ny -tvi Idling on tha'f.'side of',h'e r,oaq. 'Reaso'n ,tha.t' mos,t of fhose ljoTs,IJridersj"~e:d.Coun'tyhadmeetrng'at one'time'That the'Y"'Iet"e golo'g to,see 'If,'could' forecIo'se onithe'm'a~d change a~6uri'd ,t6'cC!incide'with dur towni,ordl'nance. ,[f, ydubql [d' dn' thai-side of 'the' rdJd yo,u 'have td'have 'de~le:r's•. DoJilt>t 'know,say g6f p'erml ~'ss fa,! f~om sewerage'n'c'y ,to"put sewefs aaross :the'street 'bu,t itliose sewers stopped' qu ite a b r-f ue'fore hit, Th,E:l'i-'-dri. Whoi!:\. goi ng ,~o' pay ,for 'sewe'rsfrom the connection 'up lto~the' HOllses'!' Mr.,'acovange!ldl' stat'ad we' have undertakeri that' raspons'lb' j'[ ii"y.'

Page 40: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

"I 'March ~5;'J9'1,5:'





Mr., strassner- '~tate.d,a t so,': ,I f:' go" to, f'i:.l I 'tnem i', 1'1 'w in, -r~ke"tremel'1'dousamount of f LlIv a nd will"ha:ve to fill better than 6,ft. becau~e'at'one- t I me checke'd. It -Iu'STfo r pe r-s'orraI 'knQwI e'dge to: know :exact s I tuati onas ,far as ,water". 'Cal! 'take "pipe I 1'1: t~ere," ,3!4,'~, and 'even ,whE?'n' waterjust gets: 'd6wii ·Ie'.}:el'wi'th,the, groul'ld; ,proba'bJ:y"abo,ut a foot~ow and

. pr:0tJi-rhl'Y' e ome 6:":S1.fL Back. in:the-e; take, ~tick"thi-ough pipe and, PU~h'3'1/2 ~ft·. "by hand'without. fietting' s'tu~kJ:1 "So 'what' wi:,11 you"buOi l don ,and' wha't,lls: pe,rl-s'Oi1"wlib~'gets,,"that h6use~' ,knO'w 'geirtl'enian 'i,llVotv'ed'"inbuild'l~g hoIl s e !s;'l;lood, ,does',gdod job.: l'3u,t'canno't'te!I':'wh~t lntime' 15;9011'19 to,'happen tothi's s l fuaf l on where sittlng"on ,noth,ing',but mud and that water will ~~ in,there un~11 ~et ~[I:-rhe water'~way

from that area. Just Isn't fea~~bl~~ ~annot ~ee where possibls' tobul l d house'ifl,there'and:'g<ilt leturr\s, on ,them.-'" -,'" I'

Mrs.' Chapman aske.i:!'''ariy, o t he r' questions?! Mr.' Strassne'r ~tated atlo'utbu.I l dl nq across' the' street, .l f b tr l Ldl nq on Morrison Avenue, no-rbuild'ing on Theron."Su.,:lj>osed .... tb bu l Id thatroad"going down: ,to itto, t~e' errd'oflh~s:propdrfy. Tha~ is ~up~osed +6: b~'bdjlf ~c6ordingto' town'ispeci fI cat lons-, I' And 'on'"ofhe, other' street Ha~, 'otrler' ho'u ses on.Bu'ilt on those:gtr'eetS"arid be,fore they ,ca't1buTid' have to bu.l l d roadsin 'conformity ,with, town 'reg'ula'tions.

, , " I -"C , ' I ' i ' ,Mrs; -Ohe pman asked if1anyorle, I'hshed to, speak"Yn: favor or opposition?Mr.,istrassnert wished to speak ,rn,loppo'sit,ion. 'Mrs'. Bernice Wi I cox's'tated,doesn't want, TO, tle,"oppose'd',bu:t'was'curioJsit'o:know wha'f nlfghthappen to:th~ water di~p'ra'ded' with the'building o f the build'in'g't' Placefor l f to go~Mrs.'dna'pman ',stated' that f s somethIng' we: don l·,t' know, be'ca use j r,the :f I co d Ip I aInv- ' Mr. St r-assnar ~tafed~lo'uI dn I,t Iha ve mucheff~c+ dn +h~. ~ep+~ 6f·th~. ~a+~,r, ,~o~l~"ba-ck up'fr~ctlorl of-~n inchon the wli'6le' area be'cau sel se e ka own ,Ie'vel.'" ",' ' " ,

j I .r : " i "' ' , i : I, .: , i ' 1DECI'SH>N: Reserved 011 t:'an' "three dppli'caTi,ons'pElndfng,',eng,ineering, J" , report fr'orrl app,ll'cant1and rep-od'from MCPD.I'!' .':

" ' :, 'I" ,,,', ,,- " ," ',',,' 1" i ' ,

7; Ap:plI'cation of Stenl~,!ckiMano'r'Apartment,s,'clo,Ll'nd'aCampbe.l !',30, ',Stenwi'ck 'Drive,' ,Ch'u'rchvil,I'e, N. Y. 'for app rova l 'of renewal

. :of: variance to'afl'o,,, 'dJmpsters 0'1'1 lpre'mlses 'of Stenl'llc'k,'Manor-Apa r-tmen t-s , 'MR.' " .t

" ii, ' I -, , ,8.' ' A~p 1I'ce r lonaf St'eln \1'i ck Manor' Apa rtments.c la, -Lln da Oampbe'I l,

30', ',Stsnw'I'ck 'Drive, :ChurclivilI'S',i ',N. Y. 'for approval 'of r-enew e l'Iii -o f- vafl1an'ce to l:a' I low sign 'advertislr1g'iteni:a~ 'of,ap,artmen,ts'af

Stenw,fck Manor. 'MR. i " , I, '.. , " ,,",If, ii' ,i

~4r. Gary Campbe.l I: 'appe'arJd: Si"ated. would' ap pr-ec l a't-e. reneWed 'of variancsfdr d~mps~~rs,'jee'l~t6o~ ~are of'trash probl~m. 'eefore wa~Iocated'in' ,basemenTs and "p rob I'em wiTh rodents, and,'o'dors'anditwice a weekwhen ,tr+ash' taken",to"'i"h'e 'roadw,a'y 'dogs wou l d sprie ad it OUT end i now havedumpsf-er-stein d istockade·,feli'ce 'aroJiJd' Them. 'Mr.s--:·Chapnlan 'stoted thl'nksfami ITar 'withthil's.' 'Gave 'variance for one, year to',a:II'Ow use' of dLimpsters:whlch are encl o-se d." l beli'eveoJ'l ,fhrtee sides ,by"stddka:de',fence~ Comeback' for 'further extension of this.', Asking for: arly-speci fl c. tiime "period? o-Mr: dam~be'l I: 'stated no riot ,recl:U'y,. i : Guess Hrst year trial •Mrs J-' Chapnjanstilted 'td, see hdw wou I d work oot. 'MrJ- Pa [erma asked anyprobl.ems?"Mr.'Campb'e:!I'stated"'none tHat know Gf",taken care of p r-ob I'ems ,Mrs. Chapma n stated Look very,ne,et'and'rilcely maintained: 'Mr. Steelestated n6t wliel'n'" r \'Ias'ther-e. Mr. ~e:l'Im'an a'sked i\'li II'i'ng to, acceptwhatever bo'ard sets for extension In:i"ime11 ,Mrs."Tanger asked didMr.' Fru!?ci put In yo,ur dumps,ters? Mr. Campbe'I I' 'stated no. Mrs.Chapman lasKecl any qeusfions, abo'ut eITher dumpsters or sign?.. Mr.Mull'arievasRed hovi bi.g, is sign? Mi-J-'Campbe,II:"stated 4:>:: 8., ~1r.Mul ran~y as~ed have youlfbu~d-s'~n~~uffi~ed? ,Pfdn to, leave where It(s? Mr. Campb'e'II' 'stated'shortly"~ill''h~ve new one \'IhTthproba:bly will'·tlave TO have OK'd but J j'+tle' fancier. Mr.·'Mlil I 'alley esked same location?

Page 41: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zan i'~g! Boa r-d.i o f.. ,AppeaIs· ,.1 ... March,25.,1 .19:'7.5: '.

Mr. ~aropbe.[ J ·stC;lte.(f.r:ighi;. Il)If. DeGr:a.ff.i!=lsi<e·~,.sElme.S'tZ~,?: ·Mr,';.Campbel! st~t<;ld r.igpt·•., "" " .. ' Ill', Iii' . :. i t r '.

. j. . ,I.. I, ,." . ,-c". . i ....,',. ..Mr.· Stee I e: as ked how .ofhn·do you' .q:l e·a'ljl. up a r-oun d dumpsf-e r s? . Mr.Oampbe.l !' 'st:ai-ed whenever,.gei:.mi sse d-j up " Mr·. ;StereJ.e·lstated .there ..l~$t Thurs.ay" ~xce,s(Cbrist~as tree~an~ bags 9f:lo05e tr~sh landall. 'tfJe, ground'1 : iMr. Campbe.I !'.stated. some'f'l mes .ch ll dr-en carr.y··out landif can.not.·get '~oqr open,·.Iay ·it aside,.'Whe·ne'ver.,[: seeljit ,-t.ake, '.car-e. of ,it l . Mrs ... Chapman ·stated:, l ooked goad .011. "SatLJrday.c rAi1y'othGlrques t l on s. frOmiarjyo-ne.~ An yone- wI s h tq, ~pe.akin hvo.? ..·~n. op pc-s l.t l on t-No on e- appee r e q r , "11" '. i Iii """'.

. I . , . i ';'"DECI'SI'ON: Dumpst e r-s. granted unan il1)ouslY,for threE! ye~rg.•· " i ;

DECI'SION:· S}gn ·gr:ani;ed une n Imo us l v :for three y!?i'lrs,.,·.;. 'I'" 1'·1 i ... i ......, . ,!.

9;, i Ap pH'ca r l o nvo f heQ l?ean, ..4··St6Yer Road"Roc~ester.,:N. Y. ifqr:-.e pp rova ] :qf va r I an ce to.conq-'tr:1J.9t additLon-l,to ~x!sT'Ing b'LJ'i l dI nqat2,7:7:[;·Chi ll Ave nue to be. approximately' 5 ;feet·ftj0m'.side lOT',

, ,-, I ~rJe,.ancj a.p.proxiamt.ely ,50 '.fe8'1- ,from front. lOT ,J,Ine'. R-I·-l.4·':'.. '. . j' I., . 'i' i ....

Mr. Ernie. Paskey,-· l an ds ca pe architect wi'th Passero Sc'ardeti"a As soc , ,ap.p.eared. -Stated es ke d us, to. do' final ·sfi:e-pla-rJd· and, eng'ineering •.As you, kn ow ib efo rE; . bo'a rd ,I;>~'.fq re •.. ! 1'1 t,e re s te d 1n expand-Ing' ex j. Stf n9bu l Id'ing .a nd .providing,.expi'.!n.s·iori ·for"funE>.r:a! h ome•.Mrs ;: Ch-apman.'.statedIhas n0tb~e.0; b,Edo.r:e +I:d·s .'bo.ar-d , .be:fqrePlal1n'!'1l9' Boa r-d , ;Mr. Paslwy,stated, r-equ l r.e setback. va ri:al'lce. and,alm'ost avo l de dvh av lnp to -come..becaLJs.,Iand ~LI~veyo~ did some surv,ying.~ndrcIQs~lto-m~e~~ng satba~k.

The.se are a lte. pl an s .under·.wa.)(~· Working, on.,;st1bml.tta,l. 'fqr Pl.at!n'!n:g,Boa r-d because' 'colored rencjEjri~g d l spl avs ·lnt.~n:r· of site Rla:n., ..Existing bUild'ing and, addition and parking and· garage. Side linesetb.ackthat o ri 9r:na;l)1' ,t.hough ,''10.u I d ll~e'cjVqri aa ce f.<2lr does n-qt I,'require. WiII','meet or,wlll:.:exceed .JO'''.ft~ I re qu lr-emen t-, G;nly -varianceneeded is, front setback from the ri ght-of-way -l I n e , , Thi 5 tap mapr ep ne sen f-s. d l s ran ce of. ,58'.-6:ft. f rrom r}ghir-::o.f-way. l l : '.I·, . , , . " Ii' ... ,.' 'i, -- , , ..

Mr. Heilm·a·n 'stated see' l1e,w,P.la·n ,~hows ',6[ 'Pa.r~jf!1·g.spacesi,.c0rrect?Think·s some question to: those 'three that removed 'clo'se .to,c.h-,j J. I: sofirst parking space in I ine with the front of the bu·ildfng. Mr.Pa~ ~ey ,s,fa te d . fT)eet,s.-.setbac k , rio pa rk I.~ 9 'W: ~tfJ.i n:setbac~.. . qqv.l au sque s r.l on why i don l'-J: we"dog ,a.dejitIOtl lernd J>e:causc;;~.qf cet-rrr:-a I 'doo r , makesdifficult but not hmpos~ibl,er to do that.: Mr~ IPiei-r9paolji' asked will'porch canopy, .does that cameclO'ser to Chi I i than. that? :.:Mr. "paskey .stated yes. Mr. Pietropaoli stated if that comes clo'ser thinks pari-:0.f the !1truct~,re.:and undersiyand, plan ,to r:eI0'cate. t~qt· to,cente.r. Mr.:.8ean stat.ed pu,tt I ng 0.11.. rr.0.of canqpy; tvlr. PI et,rop.qo·I i' sta,ted ,qctll8;1 Iynot aski'n.g fqr. ,1.-4·.':ft'1' becaus.e haye i)o bEj.·co·nqer.ned abo'ut· the porch.,PlJr··f.oun<rati·on ,under, i,t? Mr.' Bean. state.d reseqrched. ne,\~ zoni 119 '.otdinanGe :qnd interpr:et,ed that saying porch could' b~. Inc!u'ded' in .

I " . r.ight-of-yray. r'iMr.':'.Pas·key 'stated front"yard.· trsha.H' mean jan open spaceeXtendlng.the' ful.I' ·wid·th orithe 1.01' b~.tweerr ,'a blf,i Id·J.ng al;ld .the frontlot ·tln~; ~nocGup!ed'and u"obs*rqcted frqm thegrouA~ ·upwar~ except,asispeeified- :ets·ewh'e.r:e in .. th,is.,;or:-di niilnce, ·.b.4t tl)9Y ·i·ncI-u·qe steps,; .. ::·terraces 'and le.nc,lerse'd .p\:lrche.s. lI . ITl')at Is: OUI;' interpr.ei'ation ,of tt,

. i .1 used bl-\.i·l.dl ng· foundati'o[l wa lIas. front setlnc~ • .'·Mr, "He i I.m·a.nsta.ted:re.quest fol;' (·.A,f·t;. Mrg. Ghapman stated on th~ frontsetba.cl>.anddon't need ontf)e.js·icle setbGlc~i lS' ft. from,the ea~t ·lot l,to.e.Mr,Pa$keY,5tate~ 'meet side line'set~ack;

I I· ",;'i . : " "Mrs.,Chapman sijated .thinks sho'u~d be.statedjdurlng pllbli·c.disct.lssjonof this applr-cation thClt .thi s :alr'eady ,hqs, been be.f9re ..P1annir.g Boardand granted. q Cqnditional 'U~e'permit for t.his .. use.on This: propeljty

,;.'This, .0f·course·,ls. not under q:q>ns,id~rati<;)n:here. Il'fe are cOJ:l,cerneonly with the, request~.d vi'J!Tfance t9J': the'ifrqf/t, setba:ck •. Any 'qu~st onsfrom the audience?




Page 42: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zoni!19I Boa'rd.of.!\ppeal,s' " Mareb 25.., .19:15 .






Mr. ·Fjh II.I'ip Ci uf f o, ..iJ.TS6 'Ch i lI: Avenue, ,stated proparfygoes.·down. i nthe ba ck •. 'How wl.lI: '~oLl f:if·l'tiiHa·t .Iti·:itd .parR·:c'ars'Z 'Against. it fje:causewi I /·.no,t !have.· e nouqh spa ce s.vl-o park lc ar-s whe'n 'have ,'funeral .'"i Cannotpark in $treE!t;. '·Mr,: Paske:y·staited steepes't s·!o'pe,·:6,'5%.'··Wi·II··'requirere~gradr~g.•.~' Qoirrg,:f i.na I 'ei!1'gine.€id ng'.Mr. iC i uilfo stated :demetery :,i n:back, lhoww lH: you negra.de .That',;.!:Jome 'type of wa.l 1'7' ·Mr. Pas'key· .state:d .Lnpr-cces s "of' .engineer.i ng' that. now ~1 Doe snt f 'see 'prob leni , !Mr. Ciuffo stated';o·rlly.: concerl1:,tha.T HI. penmitted a n.d no-r erlough spaceTO pa)1kjcars,";Wil.l··youi park 'in my ·froni1 yard? i'Mrs.' Chapman .st,ated,the's8'are qu s sr l on s. that. c on c.e r-n the .PIa:nnilJg Boa r d, 'Mr. i.C,f,uH.o,state'd -es ke d "them' and -as k-l nq a·gcl'in·., Mr.s. Chaprna n ,statted want qus s-r t onsabo,ut fr.ont· s.eTback 'because' th;at ils:'orH~ Thing' betor-e this':'board·toni·gh't •That is. .aI I"ireq uesT'e::q,i '.f l1!=!rrt setbaok. V<j r I a n-ee~' 1.4 :,ft. :01O'selr ito' 'the r-oad tha"n r~q.u I re,q t,o be: In t h.ls. area. r i

. j'.. i . f II i lM·H.j WiIU'am Dav Ls, i2;7.z..6.·Chill' A\(ElI1U6; ,sTa,t€jd house only ab.o.ut 'fjQ',ft.•ba.ck now,. ,Mr:. He l I man "Sitated app a r-errr l y f r-om ·la·te-s,t~urvey' 58'.6" ,so ·thaT j·s:whY,·.reqtIirement'would' be. 6.0. "Mr , Pl,etr,opaoll' asked lhow:many rods Is: roa!d.? .Mr.:Davis. stated only:'3 'rod.· Better be i "~Iithgas station,: is:ii1hafl·lbacl<l rlOD.or· 60 'ft?· May'~e: more! 'than 6Qbu·twould say maybe: 50 ·fr.• setba:ck.'·1 Ii '" i '. I

Mrs. ·,Chapman e s ke-d if ta nvorre- .w·ished, 'to sp eakvl n f.avor :of':rhe:appli'cetionend, noi o ne e pp ea r-ed•. As ked if anyone wished .to.'sp.eak .ln op po s lr l on ,

j -! ': ~ ., . •

Mrs'. Martria. Mac Don a·IIc!',. ,,2754 .Ch I I t: Avenue , su bm.i tted·] eTtar .bv. rnal.I .indicating opposition to e pp.I'I'c e t.l on . ' : I'

I' I ,0 ' "I t 1,1 ' . . I· .: 'Mrs.i' Gynthia' Cumrn l nq s ;' ,27.7a -ChI ll: Avenue, stated wIts hes to ,expres.s"opposition ·~o.. thi$· a~~li~atlon for varience fl~r'construct10n of ."addition :·to' e~'jstlng bu.iJd·lng .. , Husband' James he.s attend€1d .two,·meet.lngsto express'[obJec'tion ild: rszO'.rli.ngor l..Ise:"vari;ance for :t.h.€1 operCltiqn"offunera I nomev. Oppo-sed. til is. usage of 2,7:7-1: 'for the fol Iow i ng reasons,.Sing ra'bJ,j,'I1'(j, 'dri ve: at, top ,6f si!eep.·hill·'a I on g- Ch llJ' on l v .means- qf. .':entrance an d exit. -and, dou l d create t.raf.fric ha zar-d •.Alm·ost'd.ireq.tiwopposite ;my drive. IAt the me:eti.ng on.MarClhIJ·;··Mr.,BEicil1 s t a.te dproposed parki'ng wcu l dtaccomo de r e 64:cars ..and r-educe.d to::6!',,; 'T:l1is'would' me.an ·;ithat c:lu'ring ca!I'n'!1g .hours,·in.the,eve,r:Jt' pa-r k l ng are·a I':InadequaTe. ~ars wdul~ b~~arked 'on'Chi.li· and ~r~atetraffi.c.j~m~,

Would' l lke to present· 8 ·leTters. in. opposition ·to This. varianceapp l lca t l on from h0I11eql'lners,"in: ,the jiml)1edia,tEl a r-ea who could' nqt [be.present to voice objections. Mrs.' Chapm"ln ~skedthey haNe Sameobjectlon~ as you? Mrs~' Cummings stated baslcalJy. Mrs. Chapmanst'ated would·lj·ke. 'to. ask you not to read',IElT'te;r.s becau.se'·nQt The Iissue before this bo'ard. Not concerned wIth parking' or road cut.Hav.e,' to: come 'before :PIa'nning' Board and·.Sti:lte."(Dept.' of :Tr'arp'iP.a rtat ionand Monroe eounty Sheriff .• ··' AU' w.e can make Judgment. on' is setbackVoJ'7lanCB reqaestedfor·t-he·front o'f thls.·pr.operty.· We wi!.! Bqceptnames as b~ing In opposition ~o. our granting any YariancelO~ thesetback and 1f' you have ather names' will' ~6cept those •

. i. " . ..

Mr. Ciuffo'asked after plann[-·ng b6ard·has met wHh 'this. gentlemen /lnd" granted usage, who sliou hY Ifego to:' I:Isk .. p l:Jrpose of. :the '1;'.1 irnnlng ",Boa r:d. meetj ngs ! 1':'no one :dec ides' meeti ngs f·for. the, fu,nera I 'home·:excep,t .gentleman ,that wO'uJd' Ii'kE~ to do 'it 81')Q pE;lrson·,who'wal'lts.constructuion.''No one"has ex~re$se'd opinoin'for'it but everybo.dy ·in.oppositi.on; ..Why has It gOTten ,thls~;far1'.Mrs:.·Chapmanistat$d up to thePlann,i!19Board tomake. decisIon based.on tbe z6ning codejordinance of~the.town'

and not based~'50I'e'I'V'.on ·those who· appeC!r either i.n favor or aPRos.ltlon'to any particula'r appli'catlon.· Anyone e/s'e?

Mrs. Margaret Merriman. 2872 ~hj I i' stated I 8m oppose'd.

Mr. Phi]J [po Cluffo •. 2786 Chi/ i Avenue stated I am strictly opposed to it.

Page 43: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zan i ng .Boa r.d of -Appea l 5' I' , , March '25,,, [97,5 '

Mr.. 'Ja,me5, .cumming<S';.",i21.7<8',Chl I tAvenue, "stated, I am "op.po.sed j,foci: iT.-Feel 'consTrllction .o f thi's: b,u:I[d'lng' wilI'!'p-d,ss'j;bI:y1ddd t'C! de\<a:l!:i'ai'lo'ri'of my propent,ywh':iC'h is:dl~gon'a'lly across:·,th'e~'stree't 'and-,'aIs'o o ppds su',tie,cau;sEl' 'df fact .that, state'd' 64 :p'ar-ki'ng,'spaces, and' now ':'js:"~6I.' 'Mr.Rletropcroli' staTed :PI'arfn'Jng: Board,:'lrn: ma'king decision',' r-eques t edthaT take 'tho,se;' 3 :space's'Qut to'elimlnai'e tr'a"ff'i:~:hazahid,people:-'talk'in,g a bou r .so thai' cars: wcu I c not tie: ba:d!1;.j'ng "around thTat ld r-l vewa vj,n:to Chill Av.enue-. 'The,iPI'a'nn I rig Bo:ar d:: asked t'd, take" out be'causs ,,', I'con ce r-ne d about Tr'a'fflc' p r-ob l emst and fEiI t"wo,u l-d rcliHr'e.r sacrifIce,3 'spaces "In:,f'he,,:front, ra:fh'e,r Ithan ha vLn q ca r-svback l nq into c'arsgoing'';in-and .ou t , Mn'Cumming's sta:ted,aii those :inee'ting's parking pr-opos al swere "'State,c!. Kn!O~1 mostloffi.llJoj"ng"rln, rear, Mr.' Bean even' ,spo'ke,of' .-'po.ssl b l e' eixit 'to' cemetery' 'al"id 'now 'says wi"! t! 'fl,l[' 'fn. 'MrslJ Cha'pman "stated ,something' over which ,we, have nd con f-no I .: "Tho ss are' you r' obJec-tIons and, wl'Ir'noTe and take 'Into: con sl de r-a't l on iend hope eve r-vbo.dvr-ee l lz e.s we are: consl de r l nq strictlj's<it'Da:ck ve r l ende, ,ThLs,l-app[j"cation

,90es',to, the"pJa'nning lboar-d a,~aln,'if'Or sltep,lan 'app,roval 'and therewill 'be, aciield 'upon' and .anoth e r- opporltunrty ',fN': 1these .que s'tl'on s TO,be: 'cJsked' a ndvan swer-e d 'b':u:t ndt by, us ;' Mri ;: P'ie:nropaolt'''st'aite.d Lnc-l u'd l nql en d.scap l nqva nd retention of trees and fll] I~,' .011: w[,ll'i'comeib,efo.re 'the'Pla'n,n'i!19' Board at site plan review. !

,Mrs,., T'anger"'a'sK-e'd how ifa,r ba.ck f r-om iihe road ,Is,iyo-ur house'? Mr..Ourrirnltn qs stated';be:I ie ve s. houses a r-oun d.FrO 'ft. on 'our' s Lds , ,Mr.Davis: stated' 7'5- 'fT. Not opposed, can see 'from my w l ndow bu.r whatbo.fih'e r s 'me:ls::lihe' hcus ev.nexf- ,doo'r fio.lme was bul Iif and coulo"'never'be'sold' as house because' too bl.g" .StiiJPosiilng' bus"iness'1go.:es, 'under'?- :Wh~t

would' be, up th'ere? Fune-ra l 'pa:rlo'r doesn',t bo':ther me; I wi [I' 'die toosome'day,' What ·iit goes under?,',Hava,:to. l oo k out for thaii"jus,t l lke.house' nexii ,to:-,me.'. ,"To'nj'ght'aDou,t' 3,O,'peopl-e' havLng ceramics c I a'sse.s·l~ the ba~'m:ent~"Mr•. ~san stated revert~ tiack +0 !re~ldentlaI use'.Mr. iPletropaol i STated i't"wi 1'1' 'be~ single' 'fa-mlly' r-e slderrt l a L;' IMrs. Ch'apm~n I.~;a';'e:d ~a~~.'rJ~.ffies Io n f/ie'"'Of ipsr's'ons ;gtibmlttiirl'g,li~~~er's,iri opp:dsitj"on:1. Dr.;"F, W. Slebe,r't, 27Z'3,Ct¥il i Ave nue r: Fred' L. and,Edward. T,' Mil,!.er",2,7:;9,lChili Avenuejt":Frank and 'Flo'rerice C:::alb'out" 2,750'Ch-iili" Aven'ue;' Mr-, & 'Mrs. Joh!n Cook"27,38',,ehll j'fll.venue;:"Mr •• and Mrs.. 'Char!e's'lKa'lm'abch,S WY'ncrest; ;~~rS!; A. F-FElge,' 69'7,'iMarshaI I' 'Road; IJamesMeclk Ii '1"1 g,El r , , ,588' :Ma'rsha' I I'; Rdbe'd' Meyer;" .l4' :Ben£l d l c t ,

, :'j '. i -: ' i : " i ,I i 'DECIS'I'ON:,IGranted per .p l an s s ubni.l f fe d , Ino"'Qu,1 Id'ing .c Lose r' f.han'50,ft.

to: the front 'fo't li'ns.' , , ;, - , :,'II 'i 'j

Held' over from 'OctobE!'r, .197,4:: " "I1 'j i '. , l

"App I lcet Lo n of t.a'r-r-v- e nd Barbar,a Ki sdr ," .375', ,01 ay ,Av,enue,' Rochester,N. Y. 'for approval 'of,varl,ance to e re c'f Ihome on ir,e,g,wlarly shapedlOT I..IHh, front and rear isetoa:,ck variances,'lat 52- ',Br:ass;er Dr.-tve.R-I -'J5'.' ' :' i,,, ., ", j'; i' ,

I II., , iMr. George Brown,' attorney ,for owners, appeared. 'Submitted reportfrom 'erlgi'neers 'showfng no dagner to water fower. be'hJ.'nd lOT. f-1ouse'construc+erl ~ccortlirig' to engineering' specJfl<±atlons, w'ou[d', no,t 'endanger ...town properTy'" Repot"'T',sTate'd wl'II: 'insure 'sTilbil iTy of thE!, ban~ and ,.riotda~~$e water.Tower. ,Apparently' minimal 'r~gradi~g bu:t morelthanordinaryl.drei'inage system Would' be'required.: Would', sti II' 'requir.e Ivariarid:e beC'ause",of loT 'dimensions,. "Would"propose'variance be, grantedin acc0rCfance 'II i :th-,.pla'ns" SUbr1l,j tted'~ Mr. &:'Mrs.' H1enry Thomas,',72-::R~stic: street, 'own~rs"a~pe~j'red in 'fa'vor of appI l'C8itlon.

! ' "·1· 'I I',,' i -

iii i I I i

Page 44: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning, BO'Br'd: .of Appeal·s" March: 25'.,' 19:15·

'D'Ei'G FSlON :

I J.

Branted with the·s.tlpu,Iation <that home 'must be' built' incom-pJe-re,conto'rmity wltJiph,rns, and er1g,jnee·r.ing·reporta's·i'sublidtiied: t6-rHe'Zoni'rig Board an dtap pt-cved' bi-,To,'w.nEng,lneer. Urran l mous ;' . - i' "

I• k ( .

JANICE ~j CHAP-MANCha I r-pe r-s o n : ". ",


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Page 45: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


ZON·ING..BOARD... OF APPB:AlS,'Ap r I I 22.,~19:7S:

f AIMeet.ing·of the ZonIng BQardlof;Appeals',o-t fhe,'Town', of Qhnli'was held·,t.n".the.,Ci:Jil l Admhnistltat1.orJ 'Offfce.s.;:.3,Z3'5,-"Chi.li: Ave nue ,".Rochester;. ,New' York '14:6.24, :on Aprit 22./ .1975.; ,'1'h:e iMee:tlng' was caI ledto'. order by: ·the, Chairperson,' Mrs . Chapmanj",at:'8:,aO, ·P-;M·.···

Present:" Janice M. Chapman,- ,ChaIrpersonRobe:r't: HunterCs r-l e: ,M u I I 'a'neyRay ,Stee I S' '

John Pa l srmoGSI"8 I d' DeGraff

I•Abse nt e Gertrude Tanqe r

Also Present: Patr,i ckJ. Pi et ropao-I i',., Town AttorneyAlfred' J •. Hel l man, ,Deputy, Town: Attorney'steve Hassai I~ Conservation Soard

Mr. Hei l man ·stated le'gal 'n6,tice regarding, this: meeting has b e'en p ub ] lsh e cin, a ne~lspa'pe-r designa,te:d by' ,the' Town: Board' for such' purposes. and,a l s'o posted on-the'bLdleTInBoard"and' a f fl da v l f s: are on -f l l e: to thateffect ~lith the. Town Cle-rk.'



I.' Ap p I I'ca r l on of Wi·I I'Iam Farrow,,' ,370:4 .Ch ! I .l Avenue" ,Rochester, 'New York, .f o r- e pp r-ova I 'Of ,re-'is,su'ing. of variance to, bu.I l d homeat :368'7 ;Chi"l t Avenue, incorpo,raTing office," .01" extension ofvari ance granted in, ,Septembe'r, '\9:7.>;, ,an·d frpnt setback varianceto, al Iow ,fr.ont co rrier- of ho us e to' be, 44: :+ ;feet from front lOTI lne-, F- I .:

Dr. Farrow appeared, stated has drawings, this: is: second· appearancefor same va r-Lan-ce , 'Grant,ed .the first' time and· d l dn tr app l vvfo r-b u.l Ldl nq per-m l f within: one 'yee'rTs f'Ime and, reason didn't becausewere n6-t ready and didn't know had to. Nothln~ on our first variancethat said had to ap~ly. Neither he~ or there' because' weren't ready.'Lan d want to, bul l d house' on very ,unusual 'In nature. REquired twop r-of es s l on a l s' going, over twice to, determine, size. and' topography.·Al mos t 4 .ac r-e s . bu:t only about one, 'acre bu.l l d'ab I'e'. Have to. take, intoconsideration and lived across the sTreet from thls:'land forI6'"ye·a·rs.Have movies. of wa,ter' at highest point, so know what has to: do forbuild'lng" 'Created problems That needed professional 'he,lp' •. Usedarchit~ct and several ~ustom-bulld8rs and have plans be~ore yon.Those are. not firsT set. "Ab o'uf 5th. At one' time arrived at setthought perfect and wh~n did, cost estimate~ tOb high. 'Had to startover. Tak lnq long time bUT over' extended that one year,though hada lithe time in' the. wo'"rl c, 'Letter the tO~ln:sent, sa i d. could' extendvariance bece use town In: meantime changed rule'S.' l f \1hat changed themto is made to' stand will' 'cost me over: :$.12',:0.00 'be.cause al r-e edv have thatmuch 1n -that land in Freparation to b~il~ house. Also' if that standsva l ue of, l e'nd is': z.e.r-o, Nobo.dv 'e l se can bu.l l d' or f ll l there. Rea lIzareason for changing' of these' rules to protect flood areas and wantto. set mind at'ease in that building will'no,t go ba.ck. If .. I oo k atplctOre gave with the 'plans 'It wi!)' show house wll (look li~e that bUTback wlI I' 'be: supported on plll ar-s , Gol ng to, bu.l I d' from the bank' back.Required. a: lOT of wor-k on the. part of ?3. ,Ioi" of peop l e , Second partof the r-eque s'r is. variance to. come c l o'se r to the loi" I ina in thefront,· 44 ~feet.' \~h.ole· house won't sit, out that far. Just onecorner. House an an angle' and, corner of the house wlI I' 'exceed lotline. '

Mrs'. Chapman asked have p)oi" plan or sketch to. show hON house willsit on the, property:?, Dr. Farrow stated this: [s,IOD.'.ft. bac k andbu l Ldab Le I an d goes Llke. this. 60 'ft. wcu l d' be ap p r-ox t mat e l v there



Page 46: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

..I -'"~

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yates-NEWS.Chili1259 CHill AVENUE • ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14624

DATEus.f?,l'!2_~_._....S/(t /I:f?f., ~ .. t.·.~· I •• .. ' -'I ..I''''''''H' f)(! rt"'fl




GERI McGINNIS~WTARY PUBliC Slateoi [·l.Y. U~-r:~I.'~ ~aJol1ty

My comml~Eon ex,i!IroS ~\arch 30. 19.2'"

c/ --- ~-..£r~ .....

Potriclc M. SmithPublisher J-- ;;J ~'T..t\

Page 47: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

l~'.nil' LEGAL NonCE .

• ..=;.

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~... --

,/"' /".,.. =.



,~~",~:,,:IIlI,:~, !l!l1I!!!!!I••I!IIII---"',~l:jlj2h1!JJigjJoard"oi Appeals' '~ '~A 'Meeting 'of the Zoningr.;::- 'oard of Appeals of the 'Town

C(~hITCwm' be held in the, ,Administration Offices,-s'''Cilin Avenue; Rochester,

~,N.Y. 14624 oil Aprll "22, 1975D~:'_ai~ 8':0-0 P.M. to consider the~<;!.QJio~ihg applications: 'l:¢l.: Application of William Far-~,rpw,3704 Chili Avenue, Roch-p:':'est:ei, N.Y. for approval of re-~.JSsuing of variance to build-nome at 3687 Chill' Avenue,t-::-..lncorporating office. or exten-::'5[on of vartance grantedinSep-e~Te,mber~1973, and front setbackg1i'arrance to iUlow front corner

house to be 44", ft. from'nt lot lbie.F.t ': ~\)lication of Roy 'Taylor121 Wickens Road, Scotts-"-- N.Y. 14546 for approvalva-;'iance"to erect addition to

;;::- existing home on understzed lotii,being app. 6 acres in areaEI'equiring 20, acre lots, locatede1t:t-121 w.lc~el}s Rd. RA-2(l ~

, ~pplication of Roger frill.'il W.estside Drive, North

~~ ii,'-N:"?-:-for approval of var-""lance to' construct professional,;7building,wh,~h'Will allow park-ji(.:iilg in r~qp ired setbacks from~:auffaloRoad and Attridge Road;;;;'and, building to be located par·~anY"-~t.a distance les~' tban·;:-The required 40 ft. from west."A' e lot'line, fence for screen-.:;,!i1g,purposes fa be 7 ri. in height''1.~nd Iess parking spaces than re .._._ ,ired_~der ~\"ming'ordinance,

~qi:ated between 4411 and 4423!!EBUrfalo Road. C-2~~ '4. Application of Frank K9Z-~ws\{y, 950MorgailRoad, North~~Chili,N.Y. for approval orvar-':""tarme, to construct home on~Ujjdel'"'slzed lot being 200 x 250

in area requiring 20 acre lots,front setback in line with exist-

'.. Trig homes and less than' 50ft. from -one side lot line, prop-erty located between 415and 441Stottle Road. RA-20,

All interested parties arehereby requested to bepresent.By order of the Chairperson of

.. "the Zoning Board of Appeals.JANICE M. CHAPMANChairperson

Page 48: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

~-, A"'~ .... /7'/'./,/'

~tatt ot J1lelu !lork {COUNTY OF MONROE (SS.


~ ~

~~ JI' <l'

II,~~ "'1Dfe'1~",iNTAL~1iL-_. ~ LEGAL NOTICE............. ~.~.~ ..

.--;;" •••. 0 • '~lIlg Sl),lt1:S ~ APPear."'-' .. AMe-eti~Oflho!loni~aoaTdo'Appea'$ ,

will bE.> l'>eld In '!he Chill Admlnisrr.uionOlf[(t'.s....iXl~hlrlAvenul!', RlK~fet, N.Y..:ll'lA.J;wJi 2:2,. ~W5at!l';oa P.M.IO(onside~ tht>

"~= falli:l:io!bn~ appUtalf'on', ~,. ~~ii!1iWJrloA'" JalllllS PlumlTl!(, :n2a .~. Ui!l~ s,(~ N, C!liIi.N.Y. for <lPQrovalcf :.,,,:-,.._: "'l)rial'll!;lILW construe! oddi1lan.to ~);i5flng..........~ nom", io f[~ wm.. 'font selbdck. 2l) ft. 'rom ,.: -. ::.-.. F/..O;~.l!ll.tt.. ~equlrto:S Ul'fcler new·tonlng .-....;.-; Ord<lloloce.

oI\lIl!t,~r~t~Pilrtles oarerllQlIe!;tl!lf to.~ .- vr!1se~', ~ sxrJ,er ~j the Chairperson of IBe

'-~o.njll5l..~~Cl 01'~'1I$.. }.'~: 'c._ ;;·j~".l~r;,lfCeM. CI-l.c,PMAN.

. ':......:::::-•• - , .. --.... .. CMirper$Ofl.Rll!_~. ,):-ll.0&C

I -- -'-=--'f!6z::-~""Ji'':'~~.' ~'.' j

...,~.~?~,~~~~.~.~_~, ~_....__ .... _"_....._...,..._.being duly sworn. deposes and says

that she is principal clerk in the office of the ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT &

CHR.ONICLE a daily newspaper published in the City of Rochester, County

and State aforesaid, and that a notice of which the annexed is a printed

copy ~ was published in the said paper on the following dates:

_I\pril l7, 1975

Sworn before me this ..._..l7.~tJ. . tday of ~.P.~g _ _.._ __ 19 7;; \


~~'. ~

_.. "1:1Ik in ':~\' :,~,tt;'I,.-r...~::;,~"'.t.-e""~~~_A,. C-/• • "•••• _4 _ ...

:o'dNf~q},; C{)!1NT':"": :-i, 'i .- ..,.'. i:d."l1'I F;;nlre$ ~':... I:', ~m, 1911fOj'm 12-6

Page 49: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


· Zon in q- iBoard'.o,f Appeals"




SO' wo:u lid: havsl:-To: b,u:j I d' p ve r tha't de pr-e ssLon or :curve to: .bu.I ld I i'ke,want' to:b u.l I d, I rie-l derrtje.I Iy,' .shou I d'tell',you ;a,5 .Ioo k jatthlO\,s;e'p rajn.s'>·see'ojn 'si:d8.' \dew ,j"lO't ! i'ke hous e: 'sl,ttl:ng- on. ba'seme n'r- qnd· -I f j!Tlove .who l ehouse; ove r' :sOithiCIt 1/;5, 'of' ;ba:Sem'en~t, here,.a n<:l' r.els';/" exte)1 de d' ove ~ . th i s: 'wi:ll have be.l.anoe , ,',This: d:o,tted, I ine jOn rthe."pla;n./, .Th.l spw l.I I' 'be: o rf.Icean djr-ea son 'is: nee'd' wa,Ik,..iw,officfl. :Chff1iopraci(o:r's .o(f.ice .shoutd' nothave. sta:i'r!s:.' .: G;enf,·Jemani .who, dr-ew .th'fs",!Jp,:p·!al1s, t.o: have .rh t s. extendedout I i'k/e' th is:bu',t There 'will 'be:earth iove,r., th:.ils: wh:ole',base;ment· I''st·ructure:., , Thl s:w i: II' 'be'. J I'ke. :e I eva te'c\f:ront, .Yla r-d-..a,nd. ,s lo'p e down ·tothe 'road.' "On Iy ,go i ng:'~ ·.fe!"T "I nrl o: the' gr:ou,tid·. "D] rt vou see.. there wi I I' ,be: 'used to. b u.i 1,i:J- up' ,o;verr:'and~,grass arn,(j·larnd,scapied. 'V(ant· tp' put ,holl,se'on 'a'n 'ang'l s"to,i'1a-ke, advante,giS :of scene'r\,.'" [f: grant' ,f lr sfv ve r.l'an ceha ve to: have: s'econdQne- ;wh i"ch lsioutt i ng' of f. co r-n e-r c: 'W ll I' 'norr's It:In'l ine' wiTh the road, ,at an 'ang:le·•.. Reason, . .to. take', aqvqnt'a:ge of .the, c reek... .Nr-s.;: .Chapma n a s ked won ',t be', in: <J i reet I lne wi th·:,the, curvein: the road, [more J i'l<;e' .thl st: :[)r.i Fjarrow stated r,ig.ht,j,.COTner -onlvwo-,uld' vi'olai-e' 00 ·,ft.:setba:ck., Would' I lke' 'to, h~'ve,fuIl: 'f qu r- v:e·ars.:'IGot th is: fa r 'Once ib-e"fc r-e., Model ho useb LIi I t' and ha d to jbac k .o;ff..arid, s t.a'r-t o var-•. Who. i-s: tq: say' wo.n'I<t, happen ~ga i'l\'.'.' Need t.ime •. i .

Property, ,is: aprobl~m, ~new wh~n:~q~ghtit:hut liked·i.+ an~ wantedfor a I Ci'rJg·' time. ' J I'.

. -j. '. i . J I'.. y •

Mr:. "Hunter- askefd \'{"h\;J.t ,ar,€!: you .askl~g f.or in:iway,o~ titlJe. -pro Far:rowstat-e.d a.cco r-d.llnq ,to ,wha't towl1: ·senii· me COlfI ~'. ex t en.d. f or; four Xe-aTS'.·.

I .. ~/oLltd' I i"l~e 'f:uU"'exten5,jon.', As' far as, I· am c on ce r ned.. if: bul l de rLa nd Ican, ge.t-·a 1011,g· morrevwt ~~'on ,"these'" ,wi"ll'·be'., fl9 (!l,g'ahead wit~ :th Is.. ·, .'Mr •. Hun te r state'd I n. own. ml nd ..,guess:iqannq1" ,go. f;yrt~er .than .:y,ear ai: at Ime , 'Dr;.·Farr.ow :statedthis:is:IWhat town' '~et)t' me" .(prsSisuTed coPy'of reso:lui-ion p esae'd. by: TO:'t1l1 Boar<lL' Mr. HUl)t~1" stated "Ion <;JersIf this:i 5:,0 r t g.i:m:l.I Y',' I.re I"ai" I ve I Y" nev( co d~a·n.d· j·st i I. I' 'I '1~rni '!lg' j t. :" Un.de.rst~n dre.quest' bU'T try i·ng to: estab I'i'sh 'that maybe', questi on 'of ~Ihat code cu rrent·.Dr. Fa rrow stated "~ugg~ste:d';to,'Mr;'s. Lu'edk~ t~a.t if' you g'rant· ord i nancewith,-time Limi-r:f'sh'ou'Id' pe:on rrhere.·, ThQughtaU"set togo'and· three

· days·, be:fore: .we:rE~ .goi og' to. sl gn t'contract,; .got th i s: I ei'te,j-. Upsetti ng.Bas ie-ally 'woy I d- 'I I'ke:' va dance extend,eel and valji ance to;! go,. 44 ·.fe;ei:, :.from!the' roTtl'ne.' " ii' 'I

· j i .', . I. f,', iMrs .i,Chapmil 1'1 stai'e.cll bee-ause' ·th Is:. 'i s: qn Ch:i IT AVlf f]ll;l~, "d cpy~: have; t9'1!J e',reviewed by. Monroe C·o·uni:'y.,, Re.q\18s·t' has be~n ..·seni' to:, trem bu:t received. t:lo iwo:rd. b,kk so' far,·; "Do have Time tocons·ider s<:;llhaye,no't, receiveddetermination.' Dr·. Farrow asked $~l'Jt, f.lrst time? Mrs.' Chapman:

. ,stated, has .be:en'.sent, ~gajn•. When mOlde appli'cation ·fo.\' ,th.Is: mee:ting.'Has· t,6".,go' any·we.y ,so' oft$n' will '$end<,be:tore.:'pU~:I'lc:hearrng,.,he.re~, Mr.Hei(m'an 'st<lJterl' on two, groui;1ds.. ' ,Chi !i'. Avenue alj1d·"fI~::rod!p).a·in'_-: Mrs.,Chapman ·aske,a any q-6'usi'ions, of Informatl9nl'from the. ~oat;'d'abo'u-t ,wh1'1TDr. Farrow ha~ pliesent-ed? . Mr:. ste-~[e' asked. \~h~t s;;;;:e:, rs·loi-? !Jr'.'Farrow stated 3·..S·:acres·.· 'Mr.' Steele' asked frontege'1 Dr. FarrowsNite.d .93.0,·sol1le.fe$i' •. ,Mrs.·Chapmijln 'state.db,ig p'ieceof lall~,'bu,t only',small'porti'on 'slillta-ble'\f9r buJJd'ing,Dr., F9rr9wcstated could' quild' Inlower part bu:t, afraid: \~Quld' have tOj'8ear sC\-lp~:gear, r

i , f ",," , " I ' ( I . r'" !,,'" ,, I," -.,Mr. 'Hunter ask.e.d'·what is: optimistie-: predlcfi.ol1 '[It. this: point ,ir·,rt.ime,how,; :1 o'ng' be:fo re: yo·u be:g'i n'(;ol)~,truc't f on? .Dr.', Fa r-row l?tated bu'i I d'ersays elm; bui I d'. in' three, mOhi\'·h,s.i· Ju·st ,a;fJl.att~r of ,gett\,ng: app'rova.I,a'nd he, and, J, sit.; clP\~n' 'an d'. go room I by' r90(rl ,for co~;i':. e s-t-i ina te " : QPT')mist i c,'that· we, .ca.n·,a9ree'~ "Gaye him. figure tp,worlq\vithin and ,says:. he can. .Sho,uld'i'be_under'ccbns-<tl"u~tion, a, ~onTh· a'fteqap,proval,-: . Mr. Hunter, .sti:rterl in-which case no' profJ!eln at·j:a'Ij'.'i'·,ln:4 :9r Pi'm9nT·~s:,wo:ulp'.be,

compleTe,d. 'Dr. Farrow stated right be:cau$e ,if.,.go into: cold' \~eather

ha:ve to, pa,yl more'; :' ,.I ' I I ; - :

Mr. He'jlm'an asked. have' you b~en doing a\lY' fi.llj'ng,? Dr., Farrow stfltedno, ,brotight. 'dir,t 'In: In;'p-re-paration'for what has: to: be. dOfl-8' laTe'r ..Di'rt, is:,there:. "Doesn"·j- have intenTion of. ,push·l!lg. wa.y:-ba:ck.: Wil.I'bl.J~ifd house on piIHrrs. 'Dirt that '!s:,there"ip t01raise:el'eva,tionand comeiup oV'er' the. offfi,ceto' provide. grassy ·front, lawn' 'affect.,.,

Page 50: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Mr;·irtun'teir asked db~you' haprperi"to know 'whaf IO-Oliyear'fl'ood pl!a'in, rv-

,eI elva t l'o n :i,s 'j n' reII atl ori ,tol ipropb!s:ed e l eValtro,n' o7f ,h'ome,:: 'Dr', F:arr'ow''st.ated··d j dn'l.t lind'erstand que s r l c n ;' 'Mr'.· .Hun.terl.$".fate"d' 1ta I ki~ng, "in: termso f e·verY':IO·O. -.yea·rs wll r;be .f l ood of 'c'eri'ain heig:ht' In: th'i51 area'· and

. ;a' I' I , 'ot" o'u1r floh-d 'pla-in], regu'lafions;:ba~s:ea::'in:riegardto' t,hat as vbalsls'TO pr-o pos e: t.h!ai anyfhlng"buJf-r is:-auO'\ie thait ..:I'Ourt-ous· fo. krro wr.l f'. youknow. Dr',: F'arf'ow sfated· 1canno.t:an.swe'r'i·question :slpec,if.i<:;-al·I'i':· But homewill' 'be: h !"gher tlha'!i' 0'11I !"'ex:j 5:t i rig' horne s .. ~h:a!":I'· are',there' 'no:w~' .. l f Ithey are Iabove ·that I;(}O. ',year "f'Io'od .p·f.crin· we' alre .told. ~ Mr!J HunTer· state:dgu:e:ssno assurance the:y- r::ire'- . Mrs';" Cha'p'ma'n ·stated great' many' b u.l It· hEi,fo.rethis concer-n w.(th,·maint·ain·inlg· fl'9'odwa:y -l n CiN ll, ·sefdri3 mapped out.F I co d- Ir:eg'u I Ert t'on s .g u i de Itowa'f1d' thi3,f utu reo ·to" p rev'e tiil,b u.I I-dlr ng with 1n:whatt may' b1e!:pote:rifici·lly··da:ng·e:ro1."(s are/a' :id·.times of the f l o'o d that·Corps 'o f 'Fn.·g,i nee.rs.·assures'~us'· comes·.·'···· , ." " " ;

, ' ,I." " - .' ....l\Ilr.l·Pietropa'oI.r- qtci'ted every ,muin·i"c.lpali'ty irequirsd. by:Ia"W to haveflood' regula'tlidns', "l-'f cho se 'rbt l:fo: have them that. wou l d mea'n-tliai" -noneof our people' could' get HOl1le mortgages',.' . Whe.i"he·I1'.jn: or o.ur on the f I o'odp l aI n:;· " iAs a ,res·ul.t' have' 'f e der-a 'I 'reg'u I af i on s,,i .fci,rced.··i,nto:,t.h I·s.noo dtype.·zbning, wHich wE! have··'fIo, do to p"totecT r'esId~nt,S' of -rna.'tawn.'"CertaindeveIo'pment· may -go on ,in:·flood a r-eas bu.t as vvou wel lvknow,talk'lng. to bul ldl ng inspector,greater precautions· have to. be. takenfor con s-t.r-uct l dn :rn:aflo'dd" zon e , j' When -talk' about f' l ood. zorie- nOTsometfii ng' we..mads upovern i ght .for o r-d i nan ce .." Fe-dera f'government. ,de cr-ee d' ldnd-,he!va ta: have 6nfhe' b60 k s., ·.othe·rI~ I se -:a I I' !·dt· "our lp eop Levwou I d'not'be.,able·'to@et mortgages and no v mo'r-e: houses going· up ·in,The t.own.,Dr. Parr-o.w s+ated:'aI I' ·tor', it:,: I ive'.th:lre and,' doesrl-'t' want, f l oo ds .. liVedthere' for Ig":ye'ars'; ';Tr'ied to buv: 12' '.ye ,h's ag6." Too k t mov l es every'time any -f l oo d v of s I'qn lf l c anc e a~d· thinks has 'movies of ~1ater. aT ,rr i qhss t po i nt :an d 'WOll Idnit rbu'] j,d house I ftho ugnt 1'10'0 I d":f Ip'odaut. :

,. ~. ' . '. . ,.' i : . .. ;}:. "'. . .-. , i .. _. "," ': . .' . -,Mr!'Hunter-:askiS'd e~ta.bli'she(:j·any,el·evatlons,at,all?' OF. Far-row Ist~ted had topograp~f~al ~urvey. done jus~ to d~termin~ hdw mdch h~lght

we' have··to· ti-ave' and IwaY e bov e : water- level.' Mr:-. i Hunt-er asked. can yo·ufurnrsh' us'with that1lhformatlon? ·Dr. fariow~tat'd Has su~~eyiathome and· can protIde any ~ime you want-. - Mr. Hunter ~tated wo~l~ ~hIhk

one piece of information ,would' have to, have. Mrs, Chapman stated in''~d[' 'proba.b1I:lTy~rill'·'no+ be. abl.e· to:rnake, determination eitheritJ'yourfavor 'o'r otharwise··.thls: evening, because no' repori' ba:ck from theiOounty.Surk' board would' li'ke to:isea map, j~ cohj-une,tion-'with'making decision'ne~ttime" Dr., Farr<?\~·~tat~d wIIlsend'eaeh":of yb·U one.: WeiH-throughthIs: be.fore with ,th4' COI1~ty. Mr. He! ImaFl ',state'd might have been '1o'oked'at bec'aus,?' oM' 'STate: ~ f!;jhw'ay,: ·Mr. Pletl-6pa'o I I stated"new app (ieati on ..they. haxre't6 10'Ok1at 'It: anyway.' !Mr', Hel Im'an 'stated probl,em nowp,ur1forturia·te1Y-in:_:f'lood-'pla"i~'.·'Dr'. farrow stClted that is, wh,y wantsext~nsiorilofrv~fl~n~e bacaUse p~e-~atea change in law. -,

... , I ." , 'iMr.:HeiJm'ci~statedioth,kr p;6blem ;s.·way·'.set;tion'''is'~lrittenback."in

.1 t~e::Oa·I.~,·.guess resolution offerediby':C:olJ"Flc'ilm'bn Ci-iddle"at the timesaid If necessar"y -bu:ild'ing 'permit· has no-tlbe.en ~bt.a'ined withIn' one·:ye·arfrom a~proval or should ~eclsJon -ba appeals~d before termination of oneyear. i Ta:ik"i"ng:abo:utbu':ifding pe'rinH'~' 'Thlrdisays·the bo"ard upon.·anor.igi_n~1 aPpJI:cati?'n'·o.f~n,y..petit.io~er;.if f-equeste~ 'by:,the p~titione'r,a.

,nr~y ex'tendthe orie· yeer perlod·of.tlme·!f' 'the, facts.lofla partlcl.lJirr; ..'situation' warrant'it'; bu:t T0r"no' 10'r1$er than a period or four years.Dr'.: Farrow 'sta-ted that· i's':basIs: for' my appea'I.· Mr.' Hei"lm-an ·staTed the Iway .1', r-ead,sub!i:e'ct··t6. '1'ate:rpre'tatlon, .at,] 'd'isc'reti'on' ·upon orIginal'appl i·cation." 'Th.ls:Isn 1t brig!iha'l.- . MrS.' Chapmal1 stateH at the timewould hav~ had·tiy 'gra"ht for' f'our yeil'rs'.· 'Mr. He-tIman, stated .could 'extend four ye'ars'at that time. Something on the town '[a\~,s. Dr;Farrow stated c.ould· be. arbitrated and· really should' take into eons·ldera-tion that th~re was ho~hi~g on ~he varIance t~ give me thatl jdea,~hathad a yea·r.·· Nothing· sa'id ·to"me and' never 'Writtt-eni to" me.', FiM>t knowle'dgeI ha~ that only ·had a' year wa's When' I got this;. Mr. Hei Iman ,sta-t~d .unfortunafre bu't from Ie'gal' 'stan7dpoint' rrroist p.eO"ple, ho·t aware ofa'II' 'thelaw's and ·if violat-e one state pr'ss'Umes. sl:roi.l!·d· be'aw-are' of It. Nottrying to just-ify. Dr. Farrol'l stated works both wa'ys',' if bo.ard didn"t

Page 51: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zan I 0g IBoa rd i.qf, j\ppe:e I S' I. . -Ap I" if .'2,2:;: .19'7.5.::: ,


. I

,., .'




l n f o rmvme •.•.•;··:rMr. He l I man 'stqted·.d-oesn1·t·ha.ve. ito.-Ijntorm.• Law.I1€lr'e.On -f ll e: and: oppor.tUl1i:t¥ f-o,r,an-ybo.q.y, ·thCjT '1a'nt,s:to l oo k 'at l r.: Thati s:the. wa:y ·1 aw .In: .th i s: cou n·t ry:1 s;: Llke. blI'I: :0f .1" Ight's .. .: 'll<:t\~ presumesvou know wha t It: -is:.' . Dr.- Fa rr'ow state.d'_ point that' should' be'. 'givenco ns-lda r a.f lo n ;' .-Mtj.: Hellmarr -stated Jsur~: t.he'y ,wi'!.['. 'glye ccn s-tde r-et ton •

. i . '. I ,', '. ') ,;. .Mrs •.Chap,fTj-a n ,stat139 cajn-l')·o,t,' see wh:er",yq~ iha vEl I nd-lca f ed ,wher.e iyq'u I" .pat I errr.s., vIO:U I d be: pa r I<j I 0g"i' If :,th is-Ii s.vto., qe.. r.a is Ejd ··g1'7.C\sse·d ,:,are.a" co u I dyou' In d I catst' o,n ;yo-ur,p.\ o:t :p l,ql1 '?' ., Th.i s: :Ls: .conce rna f ',0 U r s In: .al l .'pr,o.f.eqsl0rl!al:off.lces.• ·.' Hav.e ,·foulld.< In: 'Io.ts: of~asesl;O:J'llrme'of 'tr<jff'ic:

" generat,e.d much mar-e: th·a.ll· anfoi.cipCliTe-.cL :\V,ouI.c!, I:!'k~ to..kno« :.you have Iat '1e'ast tho:.ught a;bo.ut i-r:. ',01", Fa r-r-ow 'sta,te.d .i]h I,"s: 'i S;:S;lde of hou se.as s;ejen -f r-om \~est..Go::over rto_ thee.a.st s I:d.e,ha've to' r-emembe'n 90,0, .somefee,T b.e,t~lee'n me and" ..nex f hO"4sB. Creek and ever,y-r-n.i'n>;H. .No c ha ncewill' :bo.t1he·"" a~nYb.o·.dy.; . qqm~Qu.t .of Ithi.s:'~oCjr .onthe least'.and- -rhe.par~t!1g- a rea' r.,i ght .heche •. Mr:s·.·.Cha·pma,n asked .Viet II' It- be, .obs.c;ureq .f r-ornthis. road bjy. thi's' h~'.is.~ij ov.er: t,qp of office?; Dr. Falrrow statE?,'o, 44, :f,eetf r'om he1"e _i'o.:the: roa,d;,ta,pered down.> ,-MIls.' Chapman stat~d concerhe'd:wi thj- peop I e' com ing .oult t.o;,Ch;llii aT; ~ur\!e. In. th,e r.oajd. Dr. F-a;r:rows.tated real ly; 'd;oesn'i) Sjee, w,II,)' "bie tapere'd; l I'ke.va ny ·terraced lawn·.·Doesn't see an y- p r-ob lern , 'Mr. Pietropaolj' stated will' h ave to·.ige'f:permit .f r-om -rhe s':l:'Cite, for road 'cut and· will' 'te'I l: where could be: as fara.s i s Lqh f d I s fa n ce , ·-M.T'!": Pal)e:rmo as ke d -.how many s pace s j Dr-,. Fa r-r-ow ;.:;:'tate'd :s·i x: c a r s.;: FI,I gUilla. 'I Q' ·:.fe~.i')w Ide,[ .4 :f:eet on .ea eh' s.l,d:e: so qa n 0 pe-ndoor-s. :on,each s lde e .' IIf,.1 j'ke sh0p.PJI.ng-,;p,)a-za~,·.8,01" .10 .f r , Mr., Hunterasked an)t k l n d- .o f ·spreen.I'ng?. lOr. Far:-ro;wsf.ated nc-rh l nj; con or-e t e. bufi ntelnd' to .. sereien o f f park'l!1g a r-ea , .' In,: Ifact, -one r-eason -why, 'topa: donewas to'save tr'ees that are ·the·re. W!anrred to.. ,pr·eserve ~ri,ld' state. o·f.that '1 an d.

i.. '. j :- 1 . ••Mr. Hunter asked' how lo'ng. wauld' IT be' be'fore might have plo"! plan wh:ichwo,uld' show 'Io'catlon of the: home and 'Iawn!' 01"'- Farrow 'stated has it·bu,t .cIoes·n',t have with me. Mr. Hunter' stJafe.cl ;V1~uld' be ve,ryhelp!f.uII to-rh 1's. bo~ rd.

: Ii. .'. I" . i . rI:". j IiMrsj. ChApman 's:tai:~d .wan:r·s, to. make. SUrrai f.on-,r·ght .we; have quest-I.ons·answe,fjE!d in: ·pub-,l'i'c_ and ..get queist'lons' pr ,m:att'er of .w!1artl you are, proposing.From .a.udle;nlc~as ,w e:, I Ii." Tlopo, and,plp'tj jWll I'. b!'l: very he.f:p:ful 'In maki!1gdec,Ilsioni" Ajnyo.ne,.'.in ·i:r.'S',a,udience hp,ve -finy' questions:!, .WiS!.~.,fp speakin-'tavpr,! Mrs'. ;Farrofw'jndicaterl wa:s. 'in:1fayor'r -Anyone" o-pp.~.sed? No one.

• 'J , " ; '1 _ .. 'I , ., _ . ; ' ..DE'Crs.loN: Reserved pending commentsl fr.oni ~~CPD.• '.' ~ I

2.~ .AppI'i"ca·tion~.o.f. Roy -Ta:y20rr· 11'1 J121~ 'Wickens Road,..?Cot:$'sl~I:lle·rNew" Yo,r.k .fpr .app·r..pval 'oif va.ria!1ce .:1:,9. erect additior to existin.ghom~ on._,undjElr.sized lo·t .l>ei!1g, FlPprox. 6 aCire,si In' -ar.ea requirifl9

. 2Uacre': lOTS., ,Ioc-pteld.iat·IZi( 'l'I,icke;ns' Rpad:. ',RA-20..'i'- :. i " . '1 . ,j j. Ii' ,

Mr.;-'Lfi.y,lo·r apPlear~,d,:-,stai'epi or,i-~lnaJ :ho'use, .erecteid ,abo'ut ,1,8'6-0:. ~~al'1t's .. to:, add ad!dlition; ·that will, 'b~;at ;rIghi' ,a!1gl;e' to: ~~i.S-zt.i!19..:hou,se. 'Alol'ost'samei ~·iiZe'-.as- house. in' ,terms of app,earance. (20'_x-;2p':" •. Wa.nts,.to· l\t,il,I'ze',

- 'I.atest· tec'hno'[p-gy,.,sp.p-,I.a:nn! [18'. ,to: h~ve,_ 59-I.Fr .Pe-fit..,., That qcqoun,ts forshape 9f roof •. This..,isf at p70°. wh.ich. i<!·.c.orrec.t.erl, opi:lmum !8!1gi1e:•..ThEre wi·[,1 be: famtJ,yroom and··basemen-r under. ithis: s.ec·i:iot1,. 'anid' jbe:dr.ojOmon second :flo:~r •. -, WI,f;e.. ijnsist!3i }'Ie havej)~ri.ck jUP ih",re S'o hav~ a.dJd.e9>that.:" In. ~asement: there_ a.re conc-r:ejte_ i:pnks· whli ch 1 wil-l' 'ac:tua flY' be .I::eIO:VI 'tip-or. level 'fo;,r tsitqr?,9l3 Qf 'liate.r.f.-rom.lthe ropt. ·A.ls'O.firep·la·cewh'ich is; actually Frank·li·n·stove and' wlll- -inclu'de coil -so' that someof, the,.water cLrcuJIaTirg jfr9m -rhe. ~oilar .heat can,gq thro~gh 1hiat as.auxiJ iory ·form of h.eat.· . General 'flppr, levieI abo,ut 18"~ bellow exI~tl!1g.

8 1T above, grade,. Ex,isti!1gaboiut 181'120'." labo~IlE1)jrade •. s.i"~p down: 'and, .ind'icated he'r,e',igoiflg'down _f;r0!'TI !<,i'tch.ein into i"hai" land bathroom indi-catedhere.90L!19.down.· One,. pf t,he concer-ns- that theb.u·,i I d:I!19 Ins·pectpr ,pointed Ojut; ,is; sta:t-e's- 7.;5 'ft,.· ceilirng ,r~quI..rement.' InIS'6:0whe,n .bld Ii"' be'drooms on 'S~col1':d 'fIp'or didn't h.ave- ta-II' 'People' a,n1d, with ex.i.sting'

.. i'

Page 52: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


cell, ing, may ·M: <1" II iTtl e.', 'un de I'"' '7 ·lft.'PUm 'to~: ~~e'p .. ceI! :I'ng' I ev:~ lat same.·.ne·rghf I:i~·.t step:~own;.. :"p i,ck ~'.u'p,tliat,fo·qf~ge~.,. ·'La:Yi·ng' fhat :QutIn detai I :for Mrr·Wa'rd.' i'r : 1 '. I "1 .... 'i', t j . , .

1 i .. -t ''". • -. i

M~s."Ghapm<ln e s ked.Ido you ha'vSJ :pIOT :m<1p?, '. M~:'Tayfo'r sta-te'd shadedarea exfends e as r ; ·I\gain. ,turns, out to. be. real "he nd-l v -fr-orn s tan doc l rrtof 50'1 a'r hea't expd.su'i-!e·~""·Wj['I·,'get ,gaoq e?q;o'-5lp"'e: be.cause: dl rectlY..ea sf I

,f -and west.' RIg'ht:'ln·,'mPddle'of p1rop.er'tyl·whJch;·ls.:B7BftJ·wi'de. 'Mrs.'Chapman 'a~keiF-how 10!fg"~ave )o,u'i~wne'd R~6per-fyelnd',~o.wIald·rout.whe·n'bo~ght it? Left! -yo,u pU'rchase-d? Mr. Ta"/Io't- STated b-o~u·ghtJ· in March'; "1-9:72; ~arid· 'it: .was 'par-cell '1r1: 'twa,' por+loris~"" Th.l.s, on t'heno'rth. side' of the, .'r-oa d and addi·tldnall 'l'O"ac'r:es on';s·'O·u·th"side. l'At trme we'bo:L!ght 'I~t,just 'l',l'ndand, ho'u,se' 'on ·the!· ·north.·· "Tot."i'l ')p:ropert.y., D'i--dn If" ,:,ea llzewou ld eve n'r ua l l v ;'be:zo.ned 'RA-ZO. .bu.f wou Jdn'.f be brought', I rrrc: that.scope b'eC'ausethl,nks' .toted ;16· ldr. '17' {acres all' Togethe,r.· ''''Ohty' o.plfi·ori 'I ha ve.'! fvh ave to'.~d ,Ifor ;Zg ~a C;'re s: ha ve "fo: conv l n,ee on:e'1 ,6f .my 'riel'i gllborsto: se:1 I: memore"cTand. Mrs';' !Ch'a'pman ,stateil wI1[' 'have' to, d i'scuss( withlawy'ers··because ',doesn1r(- be.I leve ·inhin.t· ,ofth·e:ordfna.i1ce'to, to:rce pe-ople'who.,8'lr·e·adY·own· 'Ian\:! to: bLi.y 'ci'ddltiorlCn 'land,•. Idea To::pTe~eirve I'a'rgel o'ts. 'lin 'c-er'fciq n'a,reas: ':dt! :th,Eii fown. '.1 f.' I.flafrll)s Wl 'I .l: "be', dot vi d'eld u'p <:ihd: ew[,IT'in T'o. J0*5.;. . ' I I I" . . .' , I I ,'.'," I . , , 'L . ' , _. ,

. -, t II' 111 "... --: i :.,Mr; Runt e r- .a,sked -do we.u nd,erstan d. that ~thlrs'; 'p'rbi-, ,o-f 'a b"b:u"f'6. 'ia c·res. 's; i ste das -P lOT p r lc'r' TO:Your b uy i'~g· It,? : 'AI-rea'dy ,lspl.iT 'rOT ',so' may' have 'existed'for numbar-' of' yea~rsi"as' s'ixe!c·re:·,p1lo-f•., Mr. !Ta:ylor statetJ. 'yes' It,'mlls1-have'.'Mr. Hunter asked' any' -ldea hO~1 l on q ·ilt 'W'o'uld' be. be'for'e you'beq ln. cotis·truetlo-ti?,· Mr.' Ta:Y·lo·rJ staTed got!!:i'ackhoe po'lsed.·Wou[d'I'lke tosfa1rit:as"'soorias poss Ib le, . "l .. ,',

Mrs. Chapman asked If an~on~e y/iShe,dl. t.o".sp.eak ijn:favor 0: ~p'p0sITion

and 'no, onelappeared. i1 ···',.1 "'1·.1 I

DEdrs'ION,; 'G'r::inted 'u!na·n'lmol.fs·(Y·.,··'" "}.

3'- App l l'ca t l on of Roger. Hill',' Z4~42.:Westside DrIve, North ChIll',.,'. N .I·Y .far·'-approv.a:r ;df variance ·to. cons-f'i-uc-r p r-of ess l ojra I 'b ul fi::l1 nfl'11fn,ch'~11 I' "a l I 'ow 'pa r!d,n§ In' reg'liI red ,s:etba:cks. ''flrom· Elu1ffa.lo· Roa d'anal A'tt'r!'-dge Roa d and: b'til Ii:l'1lpg f o. ,be', IO'Ci3,t'e1d, partrally: 'at. a. -:.'dtstance I e'ss i'hanthe. 're,(j'urre:d 40! ·:ft.•, .from· ~~e~t'si'de .loT J'i'ne,fe nee 'TO r 's creen I'ng' "p'urpdse S TO be:: '71 :ftl•. I n: 'he"1g'hf', .13 nd .{ e's5' , I

parking spaces than required under' Zoning Ordlnanc-e,- .lo·catedbeh/een 44:11' 'and: '44.2.3 'Buffalo' Road"~ C-2·.~· ..... I j

~1r:. IH,ilrl·:appea.re.:d and- stafed \dII'Yurri olv'er to archrtebt, IRlobertBargs:tom.'" Mr·. l ·S·8.rgstrom· 'sta:l-ed reique.stingl ;vari a,nce I n regards. TOproposed..on(ce b1i.d II:!-irig· on parc.el ;bo'unde'd Iby S'u:f-f'i=lIo' Road ·and. AttridgeRoad. ExistIng gas s-tatlorr-and' r'es'ldlen+la'! propierty h1e'rii,'1..··:·Propo,slngoffice buJ,ld'lng' In thl's. area with 9.4,parkln,g .spac-es. Request' for,'variance d1uetci, tli,is: 60, ·ft.• setbfa:C~k'7r'e-tjulred.·:off ~'u-jf-alo' a.nd Nttri'dge

. ,Roads.' ,'Zonl ng ~cird'i'ria'nc!9'sltatedi thaT 'Here Iisi 'no p'a'rk i'ng1a ill'ow,ed 'i-r'I.th inI I 'that area •. 5ho'1;1J'119 parking' here 'ah-d here.• " R:ea'sfon 'fo'r, that I'sin' orderto ge+' number' .bf par'k'ing ·spkce.s;··to: accoun't fOil". s·I.ze. bu,lld'l~g' p'roposing, aabo.ut 115-'-'16',00:0 sq.' f,t'•. "Saseul on'economic, f,ig:ure" t:ha1" havet,o: carrie up .,~/rt'h',bld (ding bfthaf s,1 ie. tQ \~'<1rrant the, cO,st ·b.f.1fhe 'pro,pelrty a'rid, makevi a b Ie' p roJec:t·.··Th'lsis' ··ov'e-rI ciy' ·show Ing' 'eX liST i nlfl re<j'u i r~d setba~cks:-

Due to'lsha'pe olf! iparc.e:r with ·~e.quirei:lsetDa,cKs, '.thr,·sls n,o-w 'd!ef,i-ned. by Izoni,ng 'o'rdi'nlance :aJ f'owa1:)'Je' a'real'\te:can ·pltt"bu:i Id'ing brid Ipa'rkl1ng. in.

. ". I i I I Iii' .. '.;''-, r I .-... "1' I I '.:'" J ."M,r. ,He'i I m-an 'asked ho\~ many -parl-Jrng s,pac'es: 'I n, olv:e~1 a.-v'?: 'Mr,: Bar'gs~troms'taTed 'Nou'l·d: havtecibout:14r'p~r'klnlg s'pcices. ·P.r:et,ty clos'e to halif' ofwhat, i s r~q'u'i red. Re'quJ red, I be'] i:e1ve·is. for·1eve1ry 20:0. ',sq'. ft·. a:nd one,for 'every'1 ,t.wo e:mpl.oyees 'and' ,aIs'op'roposing ·~omemedicarspac.e wh'ichl 'req'ulreson1e. ·fo'.r Jelvery Z.O.O,·.sq·. f,f., 'Cam~'up I'lith 94,,: .ap.proximatel)' 28.,e.mploye.6's olve~ an"d' a'b6:vel mecflica.l ls!e,cti'on. ,That 'is 'how' 'arrlve.d a1" thatf'i'gure. l 'Als'o' hra\ie 'sh\o~wn"3(j"·ft:'·6r"2S.·ft.l setba.ck back he're on ',theres ident-i<l J 'side which requires '40. 'ft. Showed 40: 'except for this, spot

Page 53: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


r . ;'Ap r.t I. zz ; I !?::j,S'., ' .


I and r-eaaon 'goi;.that, .st·dotlV" es.thetIc: r-ea'son , doesn I·t want to. putup typ·icaI'str-aight forward ·bCi:rt.acks: type·of"bu'I·/;(lIng,~...·,Tti:i.s:·.,is:· sma. [ ItP,'lan;HrQPos'ing;~ntryw'ay .with: gar-den 'Within: 'it;!and:'''1I'(ghtiri'9' up va bo.ve .making' nlce ent,ry.· . In: order' to: do vthat- had to. br'Ing' back"td.put offIcespace behind it.' Mr. Heilman si"ate'd,think.s.actual;·[yba·.c,k 'po.rt.ion·wou l.d be: Iiq;i,sed. :".19 bove vo.ther- ·!two, sect Ions .of, :the b u I I d'! ng·.' ~~r. 'iBargsTrom ·stat!?,dth (s:",pOl'"t I-on en d,. en d,s -cerrt-l.l evE!red •. ' One. and" one--tra I f:

I story. b u.I Id'l ng., 'Mril~ HeI lma n ,sta:te:d .ta,ke. It: putpo·se $'0' that wl.l I' 'haved i f.fe ren t, s ha p.e ito. irh e. b u.l LO'i ng'." . Mr. tSa rgs t rom s t a f e d right:, .....fl oa t i ng·upper po r t.l on v Abo'uf 4 .ft... of s'eco nd- story waul d c an b l lever out •..Mr.' r.Jei I man "as ked' ent·ryw·a.y ·wouI d'· be. somevhaf set ,.1n. ofrom othe't' po lit i on?'

•_Mr •. Ba rgstrom :st:at~d co I;'re~t, ,ha I.i··.f] i 'ght down, an.dvha I f' f.l·i·ght above.Mr:. He:i },man ,.state·da lso l ndl ca ted w.i:Ii· 'b e. bal l -rttroLlgh '.fhe·top.; Mr.Bargst'rom si;atep:f right', 'wi! I: '!:1e: haI I' ·conn·ecting,·th.is po r-f l ortra n d this.lllo,rtion ·and· exit o~t t,he ,back. '..Mr. 'Hellman ,stated 'take' I f punpo se .o rreason required ~etba~k bhahge 'i~that c~"not have thi~. kih~ oft ,b~il~ingun l es s, change',setqa:ck,' jGQuld; JNi,Id' bu'il4lrjs with ~traight li·n,e;,s.··· ..M·r, Ban9s.tr.;om stated cou I q' [l"'un"s·ijr9:.!ght ,a.u:t. no-t any\~-he're.nee.r as':i n,terestI'!19'" .. Mr. He.llman -state:g. r,equestI~g',28. ·ft., ·LI:na if treesex[sting.? Mr.' Bargs·trl;l.m sta:lie.:q wl.l I: 'pu,t [n:,· Mr.1 Hei Ima n 'asked howfar from lo·t ] i'ne' to the hou s e to The wes t: wou I d' you be:? . Mr •. Bargstromstated dJdn:'t l<i'1o,w.: . Mr .. HI.L.!· ·sta;ted· would gue-s:s'80: ;.ft. Mr. Markle', .owne-r- of a.dj·acent r-e:sl.dencG, ·,stjate.cl ar-ound. 36,~9r: 38, 'fe,eT:' Mr •. 'Hunterasked i;o .•,yo:ur horne, .be:cau·s.e ga'r;a.ge ,·c;:lo·s-e·r.?·.·Mr. Markle'sta'ted y.es,

'. gair~.g~ a bou t ] 8: ·f·t,'. f,r~:lI'l)th€r. led,: line.. , . '; 1 " .' i '; ,I i i . , .', .. j • ", '__ \'.' .': .' ill.

Mr •. He·j I man stated' .my ·und;erstandi ng of ;p Ian, 'prese:ntecl;' to the P.I ann i,ng'Board, wcu l d' be'. intention <to. mai nf-al n' 40', 'f f , distance from yo·ur l o'tline·rtq the..bu.l ldl np for ·almpst· entire; portiqnexcept :for t,hi's one,por,ti;on .w,her:e wisrr-''f:o ..come bac lc :IZ·:ft.•. to: give cha r-ac ter-, Mr,. Bargstromstate.d for ab:qu:t.2l3.'of th,8iibu·.ild'in·g 'II.ou.ld'no·t ne!'ld s.etba¢k. jMr.·.·

I fieilm'an stated' if: stay.e,d·.401·,ft. w,ct"L!ld:',have I'~O;: mov.61'·,b.u.ild'ing'iand" 10'sep;a;rki'ng ;spa·ce.•. Mr. Ba··r:-9st·p0,m, stat,ed ':cdis'o"lf: ~Tart'ipushlr:Jg :parklng,w.l'll' [not, be'. parking are;a ·that would work, .no-'!' eno'!-lghs'pace .to.. turn;Mr. Hei';lman! ·asks.d, 'hav:~ you be:enr ·to. the, c;O,unty es· flar aSi road cuts?Mr., .Bar'gstn)[J} stated no·.-we·havt€ no·t.·. Mr:s:.Chapma:n staited thia't certain.ly·\~ill' 'h~ve..·.quitel an in.f:IU'E'lnce. on ·th;e ~parking' lOT.' HowrnanYI,~squa·re.feet rrPi the .. b I.fi Id'1;ng '$,. M;r,~a r,gfS·trom.. sta:b~ld abo;ut .16','0.00" Mr,. HiS 1,1 mansrtFirred wer!S ,i n' front oft :PI ann.'l ng 8.0:aird .i nfo,rmal [Yi.' . Mr" Hunter. aske.d

It .' un.ders:rand ,parkin·g.sho·wn ',here tha.t. a'pproa'cihes Buffalo: Ro.ad· 'II" L[' ·be.righrr to the.lo.'t;' Une?" Mr. 8argst:ron ~s.tatep cor.re;ct.·. That is, no-tt9·the roa.d:. Mr.• Hunter. stated.. a~tuaJ ty ·rightr of way.., Other 'question, .wha:t is. est'imate.d cost .of this: pr-<Jject?, r· M'r.. Hi.11 ·state.d $.3,75.,0.0.0....Mrs.', Chapman ·asjked .h.owmqny offices'? Mr •. Hi·[.!' s.tat.ed prob-ably 6...(10· ...Mrs. C.h'ap.man stai:e,d could' be:. as .ma-ny· a;S··.IO··.ten-ant,s',· Hav~ 'any, ,pro:fessiona'[peop.le· in~icaTing i.nt~res:j-.ahead of time ·In;This.,bu·lld'ing? .-Mr. ,Hill'state.d. yes:, ;i .f·..hadn ',t, d;OnlSj ;that, wo\.! [d not (lj3·ve. ~one· :i nto. th is'. I .

I.' . i"· ..", .' ~..' . ; '. :' . t .-•Mrs. Chapma{l asked. is,·the o.th,er pr-ofess.j·onaI 'buI[d'in~ in' No',th Chili'[f.uI t·?· ·Mr, Hill'stFlrred no', Mjr.-· $.tee.le· askedj.pla·n :to mOjVe: your o.Hicshere.?, .M.r.· Hi'III' stated ye;:; we· do, [; .; .. '

IMr. Bargstrom stated exterior proposIng·; lower area wi II ·be.. br.ick and

. upper area natura.! wood, Mr,. He:jl m'an,' ..s;t·ated thl3t w·ou[dj ha.ve t.o, comebefo.ie P!ann·i·ng.Board J.or rfli/1a·1. ·siTe.plan approva!.· !n;·frpn-t· of i'tlisboar(i .for· varlance wTtr· regard?, t:f' ,th~ area and that is-.lliha:r Th isbopr d' can, do. " I .... ' f ," j~ : I : :

i I .. , . I -,Mr.Mu I laney STaTed :II'sT fe'Dei ng' for, :s·creen ing. ,WhFlTiWOU 1d. l.t b!,!.made· of? MlI'"s.: Cpapm;:lnaske·d ':a.nd wher.e?· Mr.,; BargptroJ11 state;d. woul d'p.ut $llong· he·ret. .shp·w/1 on:i·l andscap·4,mg·, if fepce ire'qu[retl we' cando that.Mr. Hi!:I' 'stated ,t;:llk'ing apo:ui!" fe.nc"ing· i'liounqba.ck entran;ce. Mr •.Bargst'rol)1 stated for waste., Mr'.· H(I J' 'state'd more 'or less· del Iveryenitranc·e and· exIT'. Mrs'.' Chl:Jpman pif'J;lted in. 'general,' make: arrangem~nt

! I '

Page 54: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Z6ni~g·IBoard;jdi Appe'als','



abo.tft height', I'fh,en,ye'u de c'l de wtla:t,arrang~m'efi+s,a r-erf o r waste d l s poaa l ,:. : r f re,(\ue,sT' dumps,ter.):".saY-fence: haa- to', be.ro f "'suff,icJerl1r' height'. .to :obscu re ...doli t,t ·nt}.rfua:I I Y' i-say- -7t:ft .', 'fe'o'ce \it l:thbut'hear i og rwhat"'1t: vi t ll: .be. fen~I!1g'Off.· :;;1';,,;, .:':':,:,' -::"; ~; .I'·~.' '''1 -,".' ·:.i . : .,

Mr. Pa I s'rmo ·asked. d I d: you say lnexT doc r ,ne'i ghbo'r ,was 'Mara-'[i'e'? Hdw,'r f-a r- ba ck from Bu.ffiJ.lo"Rdad is:.garage? . Mr!-;:'Mar,kfe"·s'fa:te'd'abo:ut·6Q,'.,feet~ "Th.l nk.s' that· Ls:.whaf measure,tL"" Mr;:'fiI,j'nter"istated 'a'rld, home.".c l os er- to.. .f he. r-oad , ',Mr ... ~~ar:kle"··:s·tate·d ye.s·",'··,there; 'sl nce (.9:2.4.:~·· ". l:,

, I: I ;.', '. ' ':' 'IMr. STeele- aske'd.where- 'yo·u have, 28: ·ft." setba:ck;", f ou nde f l on 'Its: 40, ',ft?Mr. B.irgsTr.orii Istat'ed: 28:ft; td,lth t's:,portlof1:' '·Fouiid'a,ti~'n'-,ba:Ckanother •2..~.3 ·,fee't. ,Are:'40.'·,ff.: 'tior thi!:Hrellg,th"0f.:b,.J:ild·~ngan'd,·thisre1lg;th.·'Mr. He.I I nra'n'lstated',':take: it: most' 11::J!.d I dIng's 'come'r-ri:-"set:'$ i'ze,s:s'o' tospeak. 'Ph'ins'designed on,certaln"measul"emeo,t,g and, h<i:ve to, 'rnovEi 'whore'

" :sectkon ba':ck .'ra,thel" ThEin ,lITtle' po r-til on ',to get· aff¢c't th!e'y ·warft, .rather:iilhal1. 'stl"'~rightbu'iId'lrrg sowiilI' mclke.'·look··differe'nt,. 'Mr;'!Ba ,rgst rom sta'~e·.cf ca n make, rE,ota~g'1J11e'r "b 11(11 di ~9, .and-: meet' req.tiPre-men''i:'s .•·Fee I s··,l1o.f :givT'ng cl len f or It-own,oilsl good'a bu:i.'I!:d·riig'." Mr. H'jlII'stat'eJdmay have same lp rob lem as 'lie·'havs·1dn UnIon ·'St·r~.et·.'·· .. " j," . I '.. "., " : I I·, 'I'

Mrs';: Cha'pman·'sfa:ted' in: 's·ame!'si·fuatio'n ,wil'th 'th,rs: appll·c<:i'tioni.as ex~I'-a'ined'to', Dr.'Farr.ow,.· Sent.. to Couni'·'1·Plan·nl.,ng for "r~viE3W':and ha ve 'nof'received"an)I'T'h'il'ng- b'ack :frolfr' t"hem'~" wr,'n' llot 'be: mak Ing: de t er-nrl na-t l on 'f h I s.ce ve n lnq , "Un ab Ie to: do so.' ":J-Iavel'tci: revTe!W·oe.forei make: c1eci!Hon.'Would' l lke.vto: make', sure, have questions' ans,wered ab c.u't this: bu.l Ldl ngDeforego-'on wT'tti l f, "Any tqu~stiofls"from the:audie'nce? I' ....

J '.' ..' , 'i.' . ; .. -i, ::. C' . i -, . [ -Mr. Markl e';' '4'423: '8 uf·fa'! O· 'Roa d , ',a'sked' 'wh'aiJ about d ria iiria'ge?' '·sI u'I cew,elygoes across "road" an'd' i -r.: has' he:e'n .bil ocked' <:it,Ati"ri dge' R6o·d.' '·W n:(· .

. you.·.pIu·git up? ·Mr.· Ba"rgsf.rom s.ta'tediWr 1,1"'have 'to' fiJI',' ,and, sure,reg!u I at rng· ;au:f.hor! ty ··w j'II' 'ce rta lln I '1' ,req'u i r-e.: lIS- TO: del iT:;' .. r~ r . '·Mi,h':k ~ estatie:d 'r'j ght' be:h j nd'· g·es,"sitat llo n g6e~r'a c refS's' "a n<!' unde r-ne-a f'hvr-o ada·,r I 'the' way to' Un i on Street'. Come-s. out 'bac'k o f ,I GA stir-e.· .Mr:. He i rm1a~:"statel:lth isi s: 6h l'y- ·for va rl an ce toil j"gh-t·. "-Bee"ri" befo r-e. PI a'l'inJing: S-oa rdi'nformally.' If, th:i·s:'bo'ar·d, grant-s' va'riance ,they ,!"equ'Elste·d"'to,'ha:Ve:~

park.i'ng' ,d;J,o'ser and, comi1ng"cilo1>er :in': thaT'p'al"t[i'bn;,' ,'IIi'll' :have' to. c6fmEi' to,P·!ia·nh"i.rrg· Board fo/.r 'site':planapprc:i~vi:rI:' At,,'>that, tr'me lboard 'wi (I"goi'nto t'¥rse.. of bu:i I eli ngl·cdhst.r'iuctlon, "1'an dscla P(ng,," :to'ii'n: eng·i neer i-d:(r'quest iO'nand 'ha:vle 'to ,subml.t.:!'opo, ma p-s to h i'r!i: as far' ~s ' grades;. Hopef.u,llythbse qtuestions. \{i"rr 'be, 're\So!v'etiat that [.foint,.· 'This: bO'ar'd 'really'

·;'o.f1ly ean "a'ct on que'stion ti'f 'w.h~Jthe-:ror no,t"can ·gran·t· :var·iance.-·'0oinmercialzo.na nDW so·cen....be: .liH,>'re.; "[ n';''order' to' j:fut 'the're -ha've' to! haVe mo"re·room foir ,ca r'S: bedlU.s'e ,fth~' way 'roa·ds· to'me toge'tne'r'.', " J f', "Tll n'o' 'p rob'l:embe'cause' eQuid' move cars. :ba.cik 'in ",front, bu:t, i~ould' haVe "eilo,ugh rO'om rn'back." Plann'iirig' B,o:ilr·d~ wi Hi -g'et' shot at asking tho'se ·que'st:(bn5·ahd. 'theywi II' 'haveforma;1 notIce'i'n: the"paper •. I'{iIr-'''have oppor·ttJn·j,tyto: comeup ~nd talk abo~t those question~ you have 'no. ~t that' time. Mr. Markl~

:sltiated fi II'in~, I nf" .abo'.utl '4' ,fT..' a'bo"ve "my' p'rop'ertyi now •. Mr';.. -BarfJstrom'51'a'ted; I~·g'r·t'lmate. que!;·tion <and, iansw'er1s: tha·t 'wi:'II' 'ab!i\:J,~ by"'regu'r!,rt'ln.gauthorit.ies.' 'Mr.: He'Tlm'an ,stated we, areno,t'go'log to' ilk,t·them pu,t a'la~e there ~nd they wouldn't want to. ..

Mr.'JOSePh'KIi'lr~·he';'-",I;';I~t~rld'g,~, Rba~,a'sik:~~'ha,;~ h:n~ of"";ou" see'n. ~h is •'property'rn:"lalst ·two· weeks?', frhen: youl ~fi)"1'l1-o,ti'ce that on this;prop'erty,part' i S' Towe r frhe n 'an'y, a dj a"ce lit, Prope rt i 'es ;-., " Tn a,s m'uch i -ci s' t'h'e'y '-h'a've Idone some fi (Ii'ng, ,there is, a portion that is. SO" low thal, no'w' co'uldbe water pr.obably·in depth of 6''':8 ,ft.> 10' order to uti (·i'ze property,wi IJ' ha;Ye' fto, fi II 'and· pu5h~Hi.te'r'·' o'nto so'me'one, .e[ls·e·; Doesn r,t l kno\'1 .what wi II'do' \d'Y"h it, ,or 'what, 'They wa'rir;fr, ';1-0: do weith 'it:.· ·In. order touse,' fo r,b ui I di 119!0 f "16'/O,oa: '.sq:. fti.ia.n,.cJ' p'ark!!19 IoT wh ic'h' wi[ I' 'P rob ab I:y-be, a,n'othe·r', 1&"':'18"0.0,0.;' ,ge'oe,riitirrg roughtly: ,34,,0,0,0. ,S.q.ff._ 6f!l!:md withno p I'a'ee ,to. run :Off .',' "Wher·e· :cIo'~hf:Jy' ',i'nt"en<l ,to 'ru'n that, ~(aTe'r?''', Must,'have' sorrf(:f: kind of ridea 'of whaT wi'l!' 'do 'wlth ,it'. Mus;r ha've some 'pIomon where water wj[l~go.

Page 55: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon i nq: BQard.otjfl~peaIs·' I .Apr i 1·.' :22'.~ .19'75, <;,





, Mr;,IBa.rgst'rom· stated. have no,t,'gotten ',1 lito; po-s l f.l oa of ·:talk·jng toe~glneel!:Qr;.r~gulaTi!1g'ai;lt.f'lO'rit:iesat :ti)!s:~o,i.nt'. :Su're: wi I:!, be: ab leto;;takl$.lcare:,·of. it';Mr.'Kir~her·asked::what Wi,II"Y0-IJ do with the",wa,Terr, Go'i~g' to: fIlI: 'Nughly 4·;feeT'.:: Lan d.. tha't,·,is;!o·wer and, ,already'started to' fi.II'i'and" 'push \1ater~t'Wfhen movs. water wi llvmove .out"of you rproperty",whieh·ult'imately'mo"res.',on ,'rhy"properTy:iand' ! l:doP.lrt want. it.',\'1i11'makesure','1 :don'oj-'getlt:. ;Does'n",t'w~hT' dra':lnage'aff",,!='ting' my·8;..70','acres::.· ':Also w,ourd' l lks. i"o:,question ·wh'y are 'yo·u·no,tPN'1·ldlng·bu.f fe r-' zone .wher-e . f ac l ngr:es I denN al' p r-op e r't l es~ , Wou l d: s eam s ho u l dhave b.u~t"".rof· 8-:IZ·,':ft:•. iWith· trElles;and'"gras$' ratherlthan, pus h l nq Iproper.ty ·for i:al I 'it"'1s: worth, to.get as' much 'parking" ou tvo f ,it: a s ..vou :can ,» Encroachi'ng"on r-esLderrr-l a l -distr:ict~ Mr. Ba:r!Jjstlt'om staTed,'we'are providing· 40'::'ft,.··11Jeh~.iand,m'inimumof.30:·.ft.· filere illrltd' .l an ds cap l nq .·th i s;: .Mr.' 'K irche,r.·<\ sked.vb u',ffe r-' 0 r .pa rk-j'ng'1 Mr. Ba It'gstrom stated '.,grass for.4Q '.ft.... ' Paved' a rea .t n. tfflis:area,.,on,corl1llll:r bere>and'.here.-.'Mr. Palermo',askedlwra-e ·is:··!ow, spot WI.+hwater'Qn -l r ? .. Mr'.IKircherstate'd wcu l d say -l f :this: is: Bu.Ff.a l o' Road and, Attridge, wou l d: say I owspot right ~/h:er:e: bu;lld'ing" t st In apla'ce:.\,lhere' 8-'10'''. c f wa.ter en d-nor-e l n t-In ,two: vle'eks~··'l'Ihe·n ·dO,get 'ra'ln:,: .proba:.bl'y ev f oot ; ·Mr. Bargstr-omsta ted IVhen' "say i go . down.rhe I f' a', ,sT<l>ry" .4':fet. '.j , Mr "j Krrc~era sl$ed . i nten d:to pl t ch .ial l: 'of' your: b l a'ek fop and·j.eteryth i.'ng away.,from that bu.I I ding'?. That means'.w i II' 'run semewhe r-e and t ha t tI s. :us,'·.he.re. Mr.; He I Iman- statedW~ere, town, -eng·ineer te-Il's' h l m., . . i .

Mrs.' Chapman 'stated' matter of .dra-Ina'ge very bas l c. concern, ,for a l lvo fus.' Pleased to be',in.forrned,.of'wh:e.rs'. low s po t i on p ro pe r-f y -l s s c r wecan keep in: mind, because' may ·inf'lu'ence .th l nk lnj; a bo.ur parking. We asZo n I ng' Board: do' nort- have i.j ur-Ls dl c t l on over the.dra'i,nagef· '1'I?lflt, you f o.re'ar'i-ze that: come svbe'fo r-e P[ann·i'iJg,.!iloar.d an d "thEly'have no-r ye,t see'ntliese'.p lans·lor';consi·deredfdra i na·ge •. ~ant' vou to, re;;d ize, that wi II 'geta chance,to, talk abo'u t ~rainage·. Pub llcc meet l no a:fter: th.is:. Hope'you wi I.I· 'be. there. to te-l I: 'the'm and" make- sure' ,the'y'.:(InderstaJjl(J·.. .Hop sarchitect· rsal12~s wDl I- need topo ~urvey at that time. 'Nothln~'will"

be done: un Le's s conform, to that.' . Tha t is, matter' for Pf annl nq- Boardand aslfa r- as bur de! j'be}ations, onIy·want·;·to: knew just ebo.u t Where,this, is situ8~ed.1 ICahnot make·~n~·recQmm~ncla~ionor deTerminartion 10the,Planni'ng' Board aoo:uT' where the d r-a l neqe t s hou Ld be. or where shoul d'be"all'<bwe~'•. Would' l lke. to. !le.·awaTe of it when ·talk ab ou f pa r k lng- area.Mr~ Klr-cher- s+ated thiS,'is,whatwanted,to'make vou awa'reof.:Th·at is:'why.aske.d I f. you had seen ,It. Mrs'.'. Ghapman ,stated' par,t o f '9ur' r-esoon s-l >bil ii'yis: to: go an,d see: .rhem, Mr.·. [<-'ircher stqted That I-s: whypr.ing,to. your atte'nt--ion. "Cou.l d' be, remed·ied·bu',t ser-t ous wate,~ sltuat', thereand havebeen'.creating-that sit.uat-!onby'.idumping,·,alo·ng·.Bu,ff:alo· ROad, onthi s p rope rtyH10w: . Have ,pe~n 'dump Ing. a n<l nobo:<1y. ,sayl ng. an yrt·h Il'1g,•. Ta.l k'about roi;,-f area' and· bl'a'cl<iI'op, _,when 'Itl ra,in·s· 'IQt of r!.lnoff. to, acc.oun,tfor. i Wanted to! bring to. yb,ur attention,. 'j • r i .1

. Ii' . -: -\' .. ,-.. I,: iMr.,; Ral p'h'l'AI-b'et-t'son,,: ,35, 'A-ttri dg~, stated owns, property on' other .s i dl?'at the bo:t1'<bItn.:. Wanted to' -as'k:·hoV/· far .t.....9m my ,10-1' ~ Ine'-I'.ol the;pa,rkjng'?Mr., Ba rgstrom staTed stmrtest d'i stanc'e. appro.x-i m.ate ly' 21J. ·ft...Mr.. .Alb'ertson eske~' propose ]1-0' pu·t. f!'l!1Ce'9r 9pen Y'llth. tr6I's?' Mr.· l3arg15·t'romstated 'propose; just·!anl:!scaplng,•. Mr .•. :f\Il?,ert.sonar;r:l9 d. n:9,'1 f.e·)lce? : Mr.Bargstrom state!:! no~ . Mr'. AI ?'~rtson 'a,s~e'd, ~?w c[,o'sel;i s:·the.! ex.!i· tj1a,tgO,es ontbAttd dge Roa:d? I ' 2C1,..!.~a...f.t.· to, -rf:le' co rl1e r lo:t I in!"',? Mrs. .

. Chapman stated thaT is·n·o·t defiinlte tf1il'lg~ . Tf:l.'ey ,w,III··r,ave1·tosubrn:llfto, StaTe· DeparTm(ilnt of..Jr:aflsporta;tiQt'l '8nd will' teJ.[' where. thflY can. -putentrance, and e~it.··M.r'.fBargstrom ·s·tated ii- is: approximate·Jy 25,·<ft..·l"1rs'.:·Ch'a:pman stated. as yo·u' envis·ion ·iT.:• .May notl b,e. wh'e,e .iv, \'I.ill' ·be..They may not pe,rmit: itr.,M-r.' He.ilrrran 'stated may npt· permit outlet onA'ttridge·.··Mr.· P!-<eft'ropaoIi' st'art-ed hav€,to,,'go,ito. ?tate on Huffa!<;rR9!:1dand, count.y 'OnA-ttridge' Road.' Mr;.,'Alb'ertson 1'lsked 'iit \'IJ:lI'jbe.:,about 2Cl.'fest beforef i rst parking space' from mry ,Jot r I'ne? Mr.', Hei ImCl(1s.tatedthiel'way ·d'iagram appsarsi.to \1hre. la·s·t' car,.aI·m·ost·.d·oubl.e· that, maybe.40·,!ft,.. ·Mr'.1:Jl\lb'eJrTson'aske'd' aiS',sume thl:lt wo:u[d' be' grassed area with nofehc·e. ·Mr.· Bargstrom' stated nolt propo.si.ng ifenc-e'.at thi's.point.:

Page 56: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


:." Apr·iJ .2Z,~ .t91,~,'





Mrs:. en apma ri la s ked. I f~;a riyo-ne'~ wI,:she·d,.'t-o: speak :i n: ,favor·of th i's, CI Pp.I I cat I on?Mr b '(fames,: It 1 PO'ile:rs".Ccimml ssl one·r···of . Coml1le'r~i al " ,H~ tl tn tj'u·str l.a I Dl:llloe I opme n t-stated. has 'nad.' va r I et'r 'of rilee't'i i1 g'Srcn ·"th I's:: projecT ,a r'td·- wout d' I lke. to:p o I nt·tout' that -numbe'r" 0 fp a·rk,i'ng" spaces', a d:Tua I ~Y' ;·nort the:i r:: p rob Ism •. If:b6ard'sa'id' hav4j'r5')'U~'ss' spaces, 'It, ·Is:omy. ·unders:hmd·lrlJg·Gould· st:.y ..flne',:.no-t thei,rdr7Jtentiotl"'in: ·the .firsT,.p-l'a·ce'. 1"lf: fine' ·e·~ci:ep·t for backe xce pt l orr, .no,objecTion., Problem-is: thattone·part' ofl:the.,code sal d.iby c a l cu l a'f l o ns- 94; .un l t s: w-i·th one"lor everyi-20,O,l'.sq·" ft,!' anGl, for everytwolempJoyees an d secon dt l s: that $Oi',ft·., setback "wlth 'no, parki·ng··.·· ".In vou r l de I l'be:ratlons'~" :qu'ite',acceptab Le: 'tci:"e Ilm:i naTe. park:in9,'·spac6s•.l n--a dop f-Lo n of ne·w· hiGls·terplan 'and' r-equt r-emanf-s: -for I pa.rkl'ng'i .average ..have' to take "in··!t>'ts' of types'l;)f Dliild·lng·s<!lnd:.endeavors.: "SInce 60%' •'1/l.l J' be. med I cal Iy -o r l ented. ana even i p r-ofe ssI onal s·,.accountent·s," ewyers;'or someth i ng·,.· wou I dn r,t','feer ·fr.-om econ oml c. s t an dpo.l rrt- that those spaces'are' necessary' at :a'II'~'" Un le's s reta:II."pr6b lems vtha r. want, more' spaces'because' could' be. conve r-re d to d611'aTs';"no't'the p r-ob Len: here.'" .',

I " t '.. . , I.' ;'-, i j ..', i '.' .1 ..,Mr-s;: Cha·pm.an 'as ke.d ahyo·fj e wi $1"1'"to: s peakl no' op pos I t:i on?' . Mr..: K i rche rsTated 0PP0se'd To: this va rl anne be:rng· granted. be.ca aserdoe srrt f tldhk· 'f h l st p l e ce ofla'nd· is' suitedv f o r- th'h;:tYPEdbu.il.ding· with.·t!lis:-much·bTa'ckt6p 'area 'a nd -pa rking' ·aitd· tHiil d'! ng' 'of :thi solsize'.. As' rhenNonedbe.fo r-e,.' .: e no rtrrous amoun r of "HI :1' 'a nd: -acces'sl b U :ii'y. ·to: ~ roper- d ra I na-ge.·Unt! [ can be: shown' 'and, proven that d r a.l n aqe w.n I'''·be.'adequate'.'and',·r·igh-r,oppose' this. va r l a'n ce , . . .

• I'.. :., ... -. . '. i «, " ..'

DEeIS·I·ON; Reser\'ed:·pend·irig cornme n'ts fr9m'MCPD', \' ; " " I'" 'j '.. i ' "j': , .

Ap.p'l'i·cation of 'Frank K'erzrows:k)I',' .~5,O:'Morgan Roa d , .North Chi l:i'J'. New York 'for epp-r-ova I. 'of' var-Iance ·to. corrs-ti-ucf home on undelH..~·"j s}zed -, o't b,!dng' 20.0. "x -25:0i·na re a re-q:u I r i og' Za.· 'aere'] o-r s ]: .f r9nt·setba.ckin··li:ne, wi'th eXisting homesan·d,;]e-s'S·.thanl05G .feet. from

.... on e. s I de rOT "I i ne, 'o.p rope rTy' .J o'ca te.d· be~tweei1' 4(;5' 'a nd: 44.1. 'St6:tt re:,I Road. ·,RA-:20.:·' .' .'.' .' \,'. : I' '.' j,.",.

i . I.Mr. Koz J'.owskyappeared •.. Mrs'.' Cha:pman 'asked:th i'$:1 Is: .:43.9. \and' 44:1.?Mr. 'Kiiz r:ows'ky'sta:ted, ri9ht... Mrs ..-.Oha·pman asked te Il'. ·abo,ut· 'ilh.at- yoo'are prop·o·si·ng·?· Got··lo·cation. : See'. :propo·sed·.three: berlroom h6us!':l'Iand.·wl-ere yO,u·.waht·to. put on ;·th·e·lo"L: Mr:. Koz[~o\~sky ·stated ·Ioi'. 'is IO'eatedalong' Stott'le' Road on''811>' :acre' est'ate an.d· on exls:ting frontClge 'are two.

. homes' I'll -that· )/"tdnityand' two 'furth'er :south may·be·" ha,lf' mne' on ,same.estate'•. My 'r~q'uest as pa rt'· owner of'. the', estate. is: TO se'gregate, atll ,:area approxlrna'te.ly· one· a'G:re in'oSiza·frolh the estate_ into:' my"name and'. bu'j 1<1' a hom~,30.', x'/40,", on·'thls: one,j-loT. j' SizS:-sort: of- chang,ed based

. on what' 'f i nd i ngs i \~ere" .of survey'.: Depth of Ioi"s: bas ~ ca·J ly·'2lZ.4'.:.~75 tfT.·so' ad6pted same' depth anl:l, made' lOT na'rrower' by: 25: '·ft •. L"o'cation 'onthe property 'Proposing is:'in' the::'le'f't'se-ci-!on 'of tin,,: lOT be:g'inn!-ng'25. ·ft. from one side' of the 10't. Furthest· reaches of any·possi:bl,e·extens·iofl· of the' 'house' would' be.' 74.'.ft. ahlJ"reasbn for··la'rgerlb·t .is:woulo: I i'ke Ja'rge r; I oi'.1 . F'rom "thai' area' of' :tow'n :and· Just. 'I i 'ke a' lOT.of spa'ce •. 'OThe'r mi:tp shb·ws.. homes..;IO,o..·.Tf.·wi:d·e 'in ·sp·acing·. "LefT 10'0.'.··ft. be:twe:en my. :JoT and! 'Ia's't bo'me '50 ,tha·t· ·if.. IO·,ye·er·s from now If '1:develope wO'uld' STili' 'be:sp'ace l beti-iEil'eh ·Jo+s.:··lf: l:!id ta'ke·!O'O:.'.ft. of:my' I o·t· Wo'u [d' 'sT'j:1 I' 'oe> 25: 'ft, f·rom ·the'·sidh of- my I'o:t 'I i·ne·.On"·bothsides TO·O.·.ft.! bes"itles' :I2'5:"for' my own' persona.l.·neoeds.•· (Yne' thing youwil I'· note is '0·1 stance from Ii·title· 'cii':cle'ne'a'rfrbni" lot Is: The well'area. D"istance froln ba·ck'of.f:\ouse:to·, the le'a'ch be:d sho:u·ld· be::'30.·.ft.·Ple'nty of sp'ace' to: move ba·ck." Pef'c' te"ST re:sl!J·lIi....s: and groun·d qu.ite~ wet,b·a.ck1se·cHbn of the lOT drops morethan"'2 :ft. so wi 1'1' 'be: dlstribu.ti'ontype 'and: pe'rc ·tes:f I too'k based' on· cbunty'requlremeht's:,;3'2.~n·d, .33.. ·.minutes' an·d; 33.·and' ~5.tirinutes: in two·pla'ces:.! 'Re<;!'ulrem'eni's o.f tha-rarea2207":ft. of Je'ecl"r 'l'i'ne for up· lo: 40. '.millu,tes of drairra·ge per minute.Amount of f[e'ach ·be:d sho;',\': 2213. ·1ins'a'r feet b'ecause of' p iTch 'of property.EXisting· hoines"a~ (feet'fr9m c-anter I:ine'~ ··Wou]d·.] ike t0bu:ild'ln.· Il'newith these homes ."1 Prfls'enft· .req·ui rem·en·t· lOO,ft, fr.om "lotl'l In-a an.dlessthan 10''0, bu:t wi'thi'n:"ex'lstln'g ho'usesaJo'ng"'same ·fronta-ge.Need of le'ss'then -50 .fT. 00 one side, .' . .

Page 57: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


.A Prd I 22,~ ,[,9:7:5,1,:,




Mrs.', Chapman e sked. Elxpla'in: w~:y -you want to, bring, within:,z5', \ft.' of one,side fcpi: I ine',l1hen ·1,;r1' 2l.~(,tee+, \'{id~? Qn!,Y' 'pl~H;~?, ;Mr:-. Kozf'.ow~ky ,qta-ed' ,the, 'w,a'y 'l"nd, '.s:,'/-a'id ,outtia'ck right h.and,-,top.'corne,r :tapers, off,rap\'dly.,",lf: ,bv{.T Id-i!19' 91'};'t~~,'r:,lghT s~~e,':,qrop';'offiYlquld'start' .at ba'ckqf.·'t"he",ho'use' and, ..wqhte'd' I ii:tle; more lever 'land, behlnd t t-,.". If: sold' , ~

house' '1,1): 'tuture; maybe. someone wo"ul9n It!" want'- an "acre. 'Have' 'to: I o'ok 'at th.ls.:, 'Mr'l'" Chapmen ,stated thinlf;'s:IYo,u will' 'find..wcu l d: rie~d 'more "pr0p~rtytqo'see'f, .. l n: th,at: z6ne':yo,u are 'In" ,would'n1rf-'be: ~'~re' t?,:eJ!','IO'!?: ,ft,., Mr,; Koz I'ows ky -state:d meansvLn: 2a.·,ye'ars., ~ If: eversubd[vld~ Ip rope rty., 'Mr:s.. ",Cha'pma,n ,stated wou I d b\3:iroom ,ther;~1 ' ' Mr. Koz r.9Ws:kY ", ,,state:d, 10Tb~,twe.en -rhls. p r-oper-tv ,and',0ther orpe-[OO'i',fa~+.,'9yme'r of"f he. house: nexf to,this;,',Gree'na'uer', ,requeste.dito"purchas~"ra'~d'b~:Sj'd.;i

him so' of/en' -space Jpe:twe:en'l ,h imand, s omeon e. ~~'si<;ie him::," Doe~nt' want,someone' bul 1.d'i!1g: ne'xl", :tg.him. As ked l)1e hO'~li:l)iuch 'wo:u!c!' like for,'i'~e;p r-ope r tvvan o le'ft 10-0, ft.' spa-ee becau se had thIs, desire. SmiTh on 'o~he. s lde i a s ked . 'Concer.ne'd a~o:ut bu:yi?9: ad'~J!,:ion~I ,proper:t"Y,?n 'hrs'

, s l de , to p r-eve n t- peo~ 1I\l' from. b U,[ [crI!19' next to:, h l m., ' Tha f Is: :r-eas<:m ',for s pa-c l nq-, lfJoesn','-t know :w~a:r, the, future. hold'S ... I .l I'ke. spaceBr9ugh.t' up on,this:"fa,iln"a~d li'~e,ope,n 'ar:-ea. ':AIs'Q' as ka d :PJann'i,~b Board,why -don't wa.nT ~o,~u:y','1aT9.er a!~l.i1jb~:T, ~dmlni;st:.~tor ofi~stcrta :,,1th'res 11 0 f i:th.e,i fatrll) v.and, 1>\10' ,17' ,a,ere:, ( ,WI f.!' Mep 'In:.,one' ~Tt~ :te',f?,~some t I me, '" I 1 ''', ... , ' , i

M~~, Mu,l ~'aM'Y ',as ~edl'a ~y. 'reaso-~:':,; ,d j d. Gr~~e.n·rUfJ ~ ~ ~op~,s~J afllhu'n -i- o r ' '?pa ~ewou I d' ! I 'ke?,' 100,,'or, 50 'fe.st?, ,Because'j th I s. 'I s:1 0:0 'a n.d'tthese' a r-e- I p-o,:,Wo!!deri~g' I!: reo:on,?' , ~r, ,Kozrowskystare~ t~at:'?eemrtl,to, be:f.iguh;,that s9-Tisfled h.l m: a? area he, would' wan't, ... DI"d,n,!·t say :so. 'or, 25'.•' Large:trees, :In: 1'he'r-e'too a nd :a,!m:9st hav,e: to: FUt. dO}'ln: ~nd~ canno-t mbvk ,tre~'~toip we.l I,'j I o'oke d atl s paci ng'. WhEre house' proposed on J:y ,spot wh~\"re: Ifmoved anvwhs.r-e back and.porth ,w,o'uld' pe:or, -top' of. large treE? ahd:.wo'pld'have TO remcve . 'Have 'It seT into"pla'ce,prett,y"well"." I _" ~

~~r,. Hunter aske'dunde.rstj=lnd:; th,a:t th\,s" 1.5 pr~pb,se'd parcel? , R:i gh.t~ow',';;J,ssume pa r-f ot'f'in :over-;aIL 'ast!"~e, a,nd'j ro,t [o't .as .such, :Mr,.: Kpzrows;kYSTaTed r,~ght~erN'je :area.one~~staite., Mrj" ~G'nter' st<;J;r~_d:,gu,?~ss,'ba::-.if: .probl.em IS, to: be, abl.e', to, Just,lfy why, 'should' be,:al ('owe,d 'to'. buoild' on ,th[s;size: pafcel,'jrr: 'ar~a; zei,re,d,f,or-,20, ',pcr.ef5-: 'Can ,und-e rS,ta.nd· I ivlep in: a,reaand, de.i3'lrf3~ b.u,t, frpm stpndpplJ:1TIO,f ,har~srlp:or,re':lsoni'for,th,ls', ',can,Y,?u comment. ont r-ra-:?, , M.r. KozjJpws.ky ,s_tatepi f'lsta:r~, w.a~ 'I,e'f.t, to, .farn i 1y' ,wlthou! a WIll',.' ,STate: '}a'(i f!PYS' motre,r, rnt;,lt:Ie:d, To; l./'r, ,of, ;teepro'pertyand ,chI Icren-rhe o,ther,1.I'3, ,I/O., (of th~ property .<3ac,h"appro~1mate I,y' '16'acres, ,thaT J w,ould'! be: 'e..p-t·i:tleid f9,.as':an 'he-ir:if,d)ssol.ved ksta,te ~'nd,s:o I d'.; Fori me to:; pu,r:chase 20., I,acres'~'muist b u'y p:roper'trv' \<J,:h!'chr in ,th'e fU,ture\w:uldll't- k~oww~a't will ·?O wi:t/1 it;,:be,I!19: ff1r1m,ed' a,nd· that, is_,,what~e''pIan on .-do.1pg (l'/[th T~,e,held' If: fil,rmer flgre,es.;to ,f.fl,itn,andi rent'.: TO'1

; tf'l.k,e.. 2.a, ,acres rfr.om :tn.er 6sTatei andl tNlnSferjfo, my -name to bju,ll d house., to:assume ol'/nersh! p: of :thaT I and area Wo'U I d' have to, partl a lly ,I e'a's.elto, :the fa'rmer ,mys'6'l f' and, 'i ns,teed of havi ng' one' tota [farm, ,wou I d' aci"ual'[y ,,purchase; .f,bulr acte.p' from the ":;,estaie because' not anti,tle'd to, .it.Li'lVIrJ;9: :in .C.IYf:t9n.; ;4-:5 mi leis.."from fh.e esjtate.' 'fv!o~th'er re.sidels at 4[5'.,By' ,-he~rs<l'1 f' ,In' , 13 ',room fa q'llh ousa,. "She: :l.s'; 6Q ',yeers '0 I d',•. ' Noi:,ice .tres-pass',lng and,'varda.ls' iIDo,re th~n et\(e~r. ,B'y herself' 'and· properiYpretty ',,'much :not watche~•• ' ':{j,[ I :be 'in: vi,ew of ,res.t'of i:the b1u,! I pi!1Qs 'r.i:ght"o,nj ,the, <:lsi'ate, a;~ admrnl,stra;t;or, ,handl.er pro.bliems ,and jov:e:.rlo'o,k. proper-f;y ,,mor,emure consc}jentj'ously- ,thjalni ha've ~~e:n :ai Idtsta,Dce, a\~,a:y.I" 'Mr'i HU;l1te..rstated c,?uld, d,otha-r.r~gar:dle'ss.of sIze oJ.,the propen.jJt:Y{'.Jl'1r,. ,tSozlowskystated SIZe. nas no·th,lng to', do w[th overseeing'. Canna use: 2G,acres 'tq Ibu'.i.l dho,me"" ' i ' ,

Mr: Hunter ':Tated ~ro~,le-m 'ha;i sr. th:~T ,~ode doe.,sn ',t:~i low on).~fi'll!1g, 'except farml!1g and, thl~,g's of thiat ne,ture,' .I~:rg'l,l [yo 'doesn',t thinK :a'II'o'wedto;do,tha"!J." That IS;' wt!''tj aski:,ng inte~msof. hardship:j 'FJ;'ank'('(' hav'e~'thear'd it yet.: . Nothi'ng that WO'uld',say ,to me har,dship., ,b'e,cause'of na,ture'of property.:- . Understand,s 's f'Tuat i.,oi'!': <iCinJ. what saying. 'The way ,zoned, ,

Page 58: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


I· Apri!. 22':~\ ,19:1s '. i .



thiS 1~::t.9vm co de • :'We,~s' a 'J:)'oardc<:jn' '<;Inl'¥ ?ff~rre,[ief, wh~.re'·showri.'a. ~. ar~sh'i'p";3 n d', ,th:i s: 'i s: eX'ci:+r l on a,1 ·s ITiia·tfG>~ ~,tha:t,l:s hou 1d be I'rel'i'e,ved •Maybe' 'oT~~:r·;:,·set? s6m'7thi'~g' ! do Ii;'!'b u:t'.1 t" an y+h i'~g' .:e [~'6' ,Y?,u' 'can of f e f'"i n 'support Of you r. case't ,wq'u Id I H.;e: 'to:; Iie'a-r,i t. ~ H,3'wl l :t o I droka+ 'it' 'f ro~ t~ 1fH(~?t I po,~.r\t' Of: Ii fev",: "w~~ted: ro.' b7'; 1ur~:,b r:o,~~h·t out, a,~e ryth i !19In: 'I t~rol]l ,·our.1P?'f.~t'. o f. YI el'l :to; 9 I ~e ,X,otl,f51I,r' sna~e, .~ MI" .,K~z L0:vfsk,Y ,stat~'d 'on IV" 'i)ar'dsh I P 'W,au d' be, ~~l'e l fl s hne-ss: on 'my pa rt'~, b a.ck when' hadabi!l!"y"to'"b,6I,[.d'h9me O~'+h~: prop'erty·~,this.was some+h.l!lg' !~a't Dad ,~j;d.I dlS;cusged,5-18",yeers:'3l90" At tJltat'Tlme dld,no'T have, desire to bul l dhome an d wasn't m,,!rrJyi;f and did: not 'have financ~!lg' for'mor:rgage·•. ';Spar,IT Thr~elyeers ,~(~,;/l1ar:-~nes'~ Viet 'N~m;~'g?!t~ 'job ''<:Jn~· ',a.b.lll'ty ·td> provide Amor~g~ge. ahCl".sUPPort~Cl!ITI) y' an,d' code' s av sjha ve to: nave': 20. '.ares, •and' ~t tl1 i s P'?,i!1t 1n. r t tile•!hat .! s. my . oDs:t,~1'9 Ie:.' .0n I,y' o't he'r .a rgulilent· :that wou l d' say h~s som~welght 'Inc,thls: matte,r.' . ,... "

, .". , I.' " '.. .,' 1 -. ~. I . ,

Mr~ Hellm~n .stClte1 as f~:r ?s:h~rdshj'ptha't'inay,or may'no'!' e~ih .in':.way :properTY I OW~B? now::[ owne-d: take:. ,1.,t,pY:i'en'ant.s: 'I n: commo n ~; ';'MenN cn ed mc tb et,?wns, 11'"1. 'an?' 4 '?~,:rh.e:I!l'1 ?wn otbe'r 2/3.;,. '.P.rop'sfty:h?rd,?,h..!p: mi gMt: btl: that.p rope:ty~,orth . J!l?r~ m?.n:,y; ar:,one':.p~ rce.ll-b.f .r a:n? :r:ather' :t"han 'fle·cess I fa:!"! ~ga pe f ..l t·1 on 'a~T I on " Ept·! tl ed: \1(1 de'r' La'Y' .to: ob fal n: c:;>ne, ,?hare: o f :rhe 'p r-o pe r-ry an d' i f: c~mel n: owne ~'ot, .[ 6"'~c res,r c'ou rd" rnake: 1~I'p pi i'cat i on :: :. "To.. the, board •. Pr-o b lam is:.The property, p r-ob ab lyvl s: worth, more: as one':unit. than .l t. is."rf,. partlt!one'd. Into. ?,epa,rate: parcels' of ~ :or 5 -peop l ew'honow. own, p ar-ce 1S' as: to. vaI u~ 'Of, whol 19",83 ·.~cres, ," If: any 'h~rdsh lpwe.u1&' e xl sTwo:ul'd:- have toJ f i hd' I n: That a rea" beca us'e':(a'n& p i-oba'b I'y' .. ,,wou I d' 6:' more:.v:a luab'Le' a,s, Wh~·le."thar .~.sI20:"or~)6· I~c.ri?·s'e:ct't.o[l~ .s 'Omedaycomm.i? rc 1,<;111 y, or wrate,verl It· .bat:om.E?s '., RA:-?Ct ',20.n a'., Mr.. Koz I.o·wsjq· .strt~:~;.doesrl",t .t~.ink :c9ULti~9iv:I:d~ in,To~ fo'ur; ~.nd ·ll3;.wo·u'I~·r"TIb~: fa)}'"tr, eve ryone;•.. OnJy wa.y· wou I d: be., :ro. ;ta,~.e. to,:ra \ .: .se-l 'I' 'an d' ,d l v I de 11.1 p ~ n:doll'aTs.' Onl·y 'WClV, ~o do_.e,qilitab.lY'. Mr," Hei'lm'?!n' 'stated wani'· to take·whole' parcel with' ohe: house'now' i:lhd say1w'ant' 'tb 'put he 'ho'tis'es' on ,thatw~o I e ,dh;i;!1 9 ' I One ~a rC,el.ls: o~~ ,a~re and, r.~st .83~some acres..... ~1,r, ,HunT~.r ·~sk·e..d what '15 fo:t~al. acr~age? Mr.' Ko;zl'.owsRy stat~d 84 :acres',Mr;. He'il m·a.n, ,sta:J-.e)!. t,hat. :I!';l a,p'p J'j'c'a,t i p'n.' . Mr. J 'Hu-nt'e r stat'a d un derstands·S.l4-uatu1i p,n/ ·.t;ry:lr9' :rp explailn'how I:. th1rk we ha;vel~tb; .10'0,\ a+,'it'i' ,

Mr. Khzlp:';sk~':s+a'teddo_esn'j-ttlirik- In:rer"'i;ls:ted'ln: sare' of i the' Ja'nd, ..aLi th,ehm.LlYj [5:. yo,u!l9'.:' nll.kJ'!l9 .of .le:e,v-Y!1 9' ..land, t'o :our chn'Clran. 'd.oesn.',i" kno'w.• Witho1,lt utiJi:t:ies and· be:'lng' farmed, \ofill"cpnt·inue' "'tlha:t~n,t I)' ..'u,n.a,~ leI to:,suPkoh, "I tse! f'. , ChYlrlreh '~eem i ntklres-t:ed a~ d f'could' .provl'de n·rc·e'ssa'r.y 'fUJlds :f0r' Taxes. ahd. estate funds' fo,rcurrent,·

. ta.xes.an?, s~~fT1s, erl'~~.gh::~uh'dS fbi- .'mayfi.~1 ol'ye~'rs; .wh'l eh' vie: h~.ve.· ae>counteutor, Sl)1a'U jJa r;,ce I 5' would' ,be s'pld' to; theile' owner:s' for,po,sslbl.e·. In:cbmeto"support' taxes".or' 4 ;ch~ilctr~nl,pCly'.(n9 Jl4 pf. the .ta>{e,s and, 'wou l·d'nlrT


l()qk to' sre"U' 'property, ·.in:,t~tal TO_,aRyon1e., ",Nbt a ne'ed ·In. ,that area 'for:es:i de.n!'ijCl I lus,ej ,:'Eld: p rOb a::p.!'y:vl~ II!;'cl re_ma in' 'fla r~ ['a.11 d. as';1 Op§l ~.ss u~ta in lng'Ilj~s~:d !. , i ","1 1" r', ~ I

Mrl• S.teeJ~· asI{e1d Sw'n on 'bqth: sid,es of the rO,ad1" Mr·."K6i.Tows:ky st.at:edj 4si: phe.,. !VIr.' St.ee l.~· as'ke'd 1 L grant·ed' 'th i st wh:aT is. TO: st~p ,b roth\!ir's:an d ,s i s.te'r':"!,frQ.m· 'wail tln',9 to: b ul·l.ld·? _ t<Jr,' ~dZ rows I<y .s-tat'e~ n?+'. 96i,ng ,to see: ,be:ca.us,ew,e'nt fo,: them .6l'}d ,exp-U;ine,d: a coup,le' Iye.ars: ago. O'ne'I ive~, in ·Los 'AI19,e'{!3's sInce I,e·t+.·se,r"vi\;e a1nd nd li'n.t.errHon -Of coming" •

,!~a.ck. ~Ol')~elri; WUf'f~Jo·,a!1,~·~i's;te'r Ir{ t:h~:rchv'YI.re·, ;·:Nl<?!,. gol~g t.o ~a.y :Impjosslbl..e'. Extrem~ly' ·u',nll.'kely·,th'ey wIII"r,-eq.uesi' thl's·.·· As admlnl.strai'or'have resp'oris,n·n J'TY end, du.ty to' them. 1 . . ..'. IMrs. Chapman asks'd if anyone wished to, sps<lkln"favor of thi'S' a'ppl'j'CClTiO .M~. Gera [d' HEll')drri ckson7~ 4..8o.Sto:r!1.~ .. ~oad 1 .st.ated' ,liVs:. acr~ssfromh 'I'~ :p'l a:'1e, . W.h Jre . he~an t·5, !o.:b UlId' 1 5: WQ?ded .'a.rea ~I h:, ch, .ca'n!'!.o't. be.farmed; I ThS'J wayy;o,.u~,re,golng,.Clbo.ut It:~· .Te'ar~ng·~ve~ybo,dy epart ~nthese.2-, acre·ploT-s.... What he Is:,aff~r 15 oj Ilt'tl,e' bLt of; 'land: whichcannot ssa:the, way,.. going at It:.. 'Als:o on .property' next ta: me i'hat·

Page 59: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


" ,




grant-e'd: variance to, bu.l l d: house' 'up there; .dI dn tf ,fo.rce h Irn. to, stay'ba:c~:in:,tine: 'with my h'ol.l~e·/J,e"t' him ~'e:.wa:y·,lq:'fronf",clo's~·to' IO·'.ft.Not ,an,/Y' ,th.a+',.Ie"tt.ing, ~i(n' bu.l l d so hlgh carr j-l ook . intq my 'up'5,t'lir:-~ ..be.oroom wl n dow , J ;Wou'ld~ li'k~:fo:'see' Mr', Ko-<;I'.owsky.have, va r l an ce withoutany ,t reub re'" t , '

DE'C'I'S.fON: (3rantoed una,nimous.!y'.·

5.' App l-l'ca t lon of JamesPlummer,:.3'12SUn'ion 'Str<feT,:.~o~th Gh',il,j',:N. Y -. fo r app r-ove I· of 'va r i an ce to', cons-br-ucr ."8dd i ti on "to' ex] sfi ng'home in /'i'ne with ,f r-on f s e-rbac k,: ,2rJ, '.ft..· f rom IR.O.W'" . ,60: '.ft. 'r-equ t red under new .zon·i,ng' Oral nari ce , . . ',I ",'

Mr. Col In Holt', .contractor; .appeared. 'Mr. Hunt~r stafe·.cJ i:;ctuallV'excavation has be:e'n:'started,. 'Mr. Holt· state.d,ye-s,:' 1atke.q to' Mr ... · .Ward eri dcse l d. c0'-lldnt,t.:go,a~e'ad .with structure: u,nt'l.l.board,decided.Mrs;. chapmen 'state.d -rold: h lmLf: wql1t-ed tCjl"ldlg:it: on ,risk'woufdn"tguarentee how boe r c. wo:uld·'act on <the', ·app,I'i'catl'on.' ·Mr. Holt' stated

, s i'~e:- ,r j"T]"1 . is VIith In: ·t'e1u' i r-eman ts af'«j: fran t [I-ry,e, j ust~t ra.,i 9ht', Id th.the front, of, the house', no-r Icl o'sel]' .to. the. ,rqad,Cjl')d'. have 'can t,<?-rmedwith sl de I l n e.s, Mr. ,HEfi I ma n ,,!ske:cl has- th~f. ,,<orne ba:q~.. :frol)1 The:., 'c.ount,y'?, Mrs:. Lue dke. stared no'. 'Mrs .. ' Chap ma n 'stated' b 1:9: p rob remi ::;:'iJ~at house Is: .that.: .di.st'lnce, frqm ·the'-,ro~qn ;Mr .:Hunter a~~ed Whatis;ftinc;tion. o f 8dc:litlo~'?Mr.' HaIr s t a t ed be:<:rr.~om$" ...,5',ch·ild·ren -an dtwo be.d r-ooms i . Mr.· Hut-ner as ke d 'single' ~to:rYl .M.r. ClaIr ~tated ,twostory. There a r-e fl,oor p!:,ans"in. 'thelfe. ' ': r I

Mr;.lieilm'a'1·a~ked ,,!1~·'be:dr,oom.s'?' Mr,;Hort',sT·ated.oQe 'js:extensi12n ".of back 'of. kitchen. ,areaqnd' ba'la'nce,wo~ld' be: adding' three be.d r-oo ms«,.MIT. Ste.ele' C!~ked e re therE! s ewers down Unl on !'~t'reet~ ,!ljr. Holt statedba.] i'''Fves. 'SQ'•. Mqin i,n: f r'o nf va-r-d be'ca us e: when, pou r l ng- c6n.c'r~te.;had

to be, careful.', Th'r"., is: exis,t1rg k l t ch en 'and' l,iyi!'g r-oom, Onfj,rst.p~ge there i 1'i. p ropo sal ;' .Go i !,9' tq, f ~n t,'~h' I nslde qlrnse.] f"., :~~~ed ~ f ..some wa:y ,to flt:p·lum!;l;J:,ng,. i'1 ,the:re. Washing faqp i,!ies ,frqm the: IIibed r-oom , 'Mr.: Hunter' as ked 'lddi,tlon"goEls.r:.ighi;' b a'ck , wI,'Ll 'knock' I

ou twat t an~' cornbLn e- Into,:ertl~,.rged kitchen? Mr. Holt',stated. right.Mr. Hunter as ked.vth ls. wh'cl e sec'r lon -l s.vn ew alld·"ups·tairs.w:!:II· 'have twomore be'd rooms t Mr,: Ho l f stat~d ye,s:- Tri~:d' for three 'bui no-r wideenough ,wl:tho'ut",goi!19f,o.r vari.ance ,on,.'si.'de and· sTc,lirwaY 'Wi:\S p r-o b Iem,[f h.ad tq:jcu.t O'1e.. down"b"ldlfoOI)l wouI dvbe too jSl'lJaI L' . j, .

Mr. Hunt'e'r 'asked what is: dl.stance here:, :rO",ft? Mr.: Holt· stat-edb:e./i·evesit: is: [0'". 'Mrs,,' Chapman ,staTed 9o~s,:1:jlo'pe, :clown.-.· Mr •. Holt·,'state.d they haVe talk'e,d to'. the. ne,jghb'o:r ·ne~t· door and, sa'id no' probrem,,Mrs •. Chapmanstatedi'hey ere 'set ~a:Ck :Consider-ab,l.y· 'fr~rr.ther'lroad s,?'110 probl"em wi.th ..their· p:u/l'ing Qutjand- getting:,ouj' qnto the:·ro?id. Mr.Stee!~asked shed roof? Mr., Holt·.~tate9 compli'"ated roof. ,Qnly',roof existing now is, this be'cayser ~ave to, maint-,ain.proper. pit~~. Ba'ckwi r I' ·be'. hi P'a nd· th i"s: \"i"I I' be', dormer Type roof onth e: top'.· Vi rt.ua·1 Iy ,nE!w roof fo~ 'Pljoper dra,ina'ge. When or.igin·al IV' '~alk'ed to him sa'id. \,!henthi"~k-in9-,of that niu?,h.of an'a.dditi.on 'co~rd' PtTSb~b'I\~' ·put up new:h<?use.DeCided l~·~e.d 10'catlon 'and decided ~o, puTp;ddlt.lon,on., "

j , .Mrs.;'Cha,pl1!<:ln'.'aske·d i.f' anyone'wiihed to"s.peak ~ry.:f~v?lf-1Qr 48:pos ,i t i c;mand no.one .appeared. " ' , '~ I I

. ., f II' 1·--DE"CISION:: ~eser.ved pendI~g',co,rv~l?nf.s,fro~ ~CPD, i

l-leld- over: Ap,pi'r-cations,1,Jt"G~'i-Bern~ui,rd-ers. to, e~Jct hbme~'onlo"tsat N\~ qqrner of :Harcdd' and, The~on" ,SW co'rl')e,r: 'Haro'ld--and Th'?rol), .and'NWcorne·r,ofMorrlscirl,'and'Ihe'ron.,·, I ,',., :'1"

I • I.,

I i IDECIS'("ONS:' Denied 5 'no, ,Mr, Hunter abs:tO!ine'd, '1 11

JANICEM. CHAPMANCha'i rpe rson ' '

k I .



Page 60: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


. I Ii'.. : ZONI NG BOARD OF APPEALS'May· 27.,' 19:1.'3,' .

I'. ..i"1.. A fMeetinfj fof:th~/zoriIng' Boar-dIof' Appeal's' .of .the. 1o:wn: .~f Qth I i' was

he 10" i n -the.Ch j r i Adin i rI.l·sfrat I dn :Off,i des';: ;3~3.5. Chi fl IAve nue , 'Rocheste r ,New iYotk:14·o.2'l!:. :on··May .27.,iln~·1,5::."1·The'. MeeTlng·1wa::! 'cel le'd to'orde'r"bythe. Ch'a'lrperson,' .Mrs:,· Chapman,· .13t·8:0.o. 'P,M', I '... '.




r :

. I

t ' .v' , •• I .

.1 "l : \.

Janice M, Chapman,· .Chairperson l,Ro be.r-r Hunter .car-i,e' MUll'~ney,:'Gertrude Tanger'Ray ·steele· ' .J oh n Pa 1ermoGerald' DeGraff.

l :


: I:,

IA I 5'0' Present: .1·Aftred J •. He j I ma~;, .qep·u,ty,To'0h' Attorney·'

,R; ;thofr)a-ikWariL·.Jr;·"'Al?~T.·,BUI [dIng Jlnspector'Stieve:·:l-'l,,!ssa·I.I·;·Conser·v13tiori 'Bq~rd' L:fa:i,son' . :

I I : ' : '. :',' .... 1,

Mr. He i I man istated the re 'd reo :oil"f I ['e' \II lth . the T6'\~n 'c ie'r'k'oj ff i d<i v j'tsindicating toat th ls: notice. 'was'd\lly' pUbl·i's~ed·ln:..a paper'aut~O:riz~,dby -r he town";-BQ~rd: an d . a I 5'0 'posted on th e: bJ·.1 l'ei" In. b ca r d.; i·1 " I , 1

I .,.. '. ., , . ' . . "., : . '. . ~ '.

f.', Ap,p [ i '9 Cl t i.on '0 ~ 'WI J.l1Clm~~D~,ugh7rty',.' .5'? 1~'Mdrfl~ n ,Roa d••·,scottsvi 11'6',:New 'York for approval of varlqMce to, r-e p l ace lexlst"lng ba.rn wit~'new po'le·"~a'.rn buf la'rger i~ d lme ns l o n j: .25: ' x40. t , J5"'feet fromfrom lo~ line in RA ~6ne~ loc~ted attlZ·~tfYkef:Road, . RA-ZG:

Mr.Daugherty-dp,p~are'd,;statJdl sntf much to ten. E'xist1ng ,8ui l dl ng-20' x 12':andj\Jst go·irlg to ~e:lin:cre'ased-In size. 25: 'feet w'lae ana' 40 '.'feet I o~g • flreseT)t' bu1 I a'frlg on' concrete's I ap.· 111'sq wen i"~e·re. , ISh l,tp r-ac t l ca Lvtc move the ba.rn, ·:Mrs., 'Chapman ·asked tearIng down e'x l s f l rrqo~e and puttl~g"'arro+hJr- st,:"uctyre i6n .same ifOund-atfon?' Mr~ Da!-J'ghertystated liTt!'?la-r's~r'., ye,s, ",Or',lginal,,'bsrn '~ot'~'ole' bitrl'),' New one ,wl.Ll be pOle·qarr\,I.IMr~ Hurrfe r- statE!d,cJ,.lrious to k~ow"use of thesTructure', ·IMr. Daugher'Ty:sTated machinery storage.' "Mr;'Steele 'askedgo i rig' to. t<;ike, s~Jds dawnatta:ch~d to.·it 'now?' ~rr,: "Oaugherty ,sta'red' no •

. Sheds on west s j de c : Thl's. is on 'east' s lde , If" ",' .', . '... . .'. l ~, .

Mrs. IChapman ·,aske'.d' if there' w~re "!ny ,:ruJstions,'frOni-the audience? ,,'Anyone wish1ng to s~Jak 1n fa~oror'dpposit1on to this application? I.No one appeared,

. ' 'i '1 '''f'

OECI SIUN: Granted una'n lmousl y',.. , ...... • . " I . "

2 ... · "A'p'plkatibii ofITh'o'mas G.' BonsTgnore;".42.·'.Lawl']sbi.i.ry Drive, 'Roc:ne'ster,NeVI 'York, '.to·r ap p rc ve I ·t>f vi$r'lance' f61Jre9T abo've-:"grol!'i'ld'swim!Tl1 ngpoo l Z·('J.fElet "ftoml9lde I of line10n Hopeton Drive,..-cor:'':Ier;; l<:!-t;:'I oca t e d at·~'42.:Lawnsbury. R'd-'I5'~ .. . r . . I' I :,"

: ' , .': '.' '. '1.' Ii,. ' i ,I i

Mr. B,?ns.i ~nor~;. app~~~ed,E, I. M~:.· Chap'm~~..as~,ed.:can you fln:cJ.rycit~..how ,f.~ rpool 'lsfrom Hcpe fon t.Dr-I've Side'? Mr ..Bons'Ignore,~·tat~.d aT 1Ieast,40.·.feet off edge of road; I, Mrs. Cha'pmaneske'd how 'felr bad k 'fror!J The'ho us e i Mr'. ~qn?lgn.ore,stated 12·'.t9. 14 feet. Mt;'s. Cbaprnan 'asked n9tnear'dny e)~~~~i6al wires? 'Mr. Bon~i~noresfated no, on ~Th«r'srd~ ~fhouse. Mr. Steele' asked how vcl os e to the creek Thai! runs ·through'there? Mr. Bons1gnore ~tated 90uldnlt tell' you in: f~~t. No cI6,er,than twenty -feef 1 Wou) d say.' Mr. Mtrll'a'riey' s ta te d abcu t '12' .feet .'f r-om the ba:ckwaoI , ... WhaT is:.,alo'ng, that wal I'? What .r-ocms t: Mr.Bonsignore 'stated-basement ~nd a bo.ve (t ;;lre, be:drooms! ·Mr. HCinter l.asked in relai"ion +o:the'distanc~ from home, .b~jie\'e code- cails' for[5' feet and be.li·eve you 5a·ld. 12·'.to ·14·?· Mr. \1ard stated fo'r'abo',ve-groundIO.feet,in,...ground 15' feet. Mrs. Chapman.'aske'd have.you discuss1i:1 withneighbors at all'?' Mr, 'Bons,igno,re stated talked to a jfe'w' 'and ncl.bo:dyse~ms TO care. .

Page 61: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

. -t'~ ",..,,-r-'

-~.•~ !/ates-NEWS-Chili


DATE:''1.i'~ z». m«t,i ",., _ <O'_••~_ ..

NEWS.~, 21, /17S.,.... .~:'f; . ..............• ,......•.........•I.",:me J)(1.1(>(£



(/ ~ /'~a~.

.s" IVotary:RlTA A. SLADE

Nmfl.~Y P\J.~L~C, ';it'at~ ot ~.' ~', M'Jnro~ ~,.~ l.:'~ffimlSs.1Qn r.1i.pl~e::> MLUCh SOt l~(g

...~Patricio M. Smith


Page 62: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

.,1' . lEGAL NUTlet· . j~'~1if~g Jf"a;~' ~; Appeal~:';':'==t;,":".~~~t1J1!!. ot, the ~ Zonjpg,. Board 01 Appeals of the Town··orChili will be held In theChili AdministratIon Oflices,

,~35_::c!'Ui, Averiu~J.-Ro~est,~·r}.:.~ New York 14624 on May 27,.._.1975. at 8:00.P.M, to consider-

the' following appllcallons:'1, Appllcatlon of WilliamDaugherty, 5,51 Morgiln Roaq,

~·ScorI$Vllle, N.Y. for approval,,'-6f variance to replace existing.' pole barn with new Oitructurel~g~ M l!l"ger, in, ~me.~fiif~~I, .2.q~':.x. '40" 15 fl, from frant lot",line in RA zone, )ocaied ,'It,-I 22 Stryker Road, I<A-20,2. Application of Thomas G.Bonsignore, '42 Luwnshury

-.:P':lve, Rochester" N.Y, f~r ap:- -proval of variance to erect

':'abOY.e,g~ound swimming pool... :zO"".fr... ,!7'qm sI<1<;o. lot, .lil)e.c9~,.,-:ol;lopet.on.Dr[ve,: corner lot, 10-":::'liated.aJ,A;l.J:,.I\!'{11S_bYt L Ii:l:..l f)_: :L..API'Il.catlon_ ...01 Wayland.:" Homes: 17 BIding Gap, Fair-port, N.Y. lor approval of

. .variaace, for front s~lb!lck ofapproximately 52 ft, In arearequIrIng 60 n., Lot ·No. 32,Sunderlands '!'rall. R-l·12.4. Application of Fr-anchfsaIn..'tar-state Realty Ccrp. 80 Wolf

, . _RQic;l~ A!p..aIjy, .!'I,~Y" f0.f.J!Ppro:;i;: Y.'"?~af varlanc'1s to alI9,l" ,fr.-e,e- , •'standing sign adverttslng Mc--Donald: s Restaurant, sign abovegutter ..line "of building, entrance

~and ,exit" ar.row"'., large,: ,thl!"- a110wecCby ordinance and in-t~~efpretatl~lD of ~e,!i.! !!>r. v..!!r:i:.. _ ;- ance . to allow parking In re-;._ quired- .(ront J/a.r.9, or In the"'. aliernative, granting of sucb a 'or-

variance, at 3303 Chlll Ave-nue, C-2..5. Appllcation of 'William Bll-lis, 636 Beahan Road, Roches-ter, 'N.Y. for approval of vari-ance to' allow housing borseon property "for appr-ox. ~ yearperiod on undersIzed lot (2 1/4acres) in RA-IO Zone, 636Beahan Road.6. Appllcatlon of Murray Yack-off, 37 Morrison Avenue, Ro-chester, N,Y. for approval ofvariance to erect above- groundpool, 24' x 4', approx, 6 It.from restdenee, 8 ft. from sideJot line, on iol 100 x 120 lo-cated at 37 Morrison Avenue.F-2.7, Application of Domlnlc Per-es, 9 Ph.yllis Lane, Rochester,N. Y. for approval of varianceto erect garage extension. to .be 5 ft. from west side jotline on property at 9 PhyllisLane. R-1-15.8. Application of Anthony /In-dolina, 16 Patty Lane, Cal-edonia, N.Y, lor. approval ofvariance to put mobile homeon lot being 100 x 20.0 in RA-20 zone with trent setback inHne with e:d.stIng restdenoes 'and side setback variances at16 Morgan Road.

. 9. Appllcation of Roy W. Har-..rmgton, 19 Tarrytown, Roches-ter, N.Y. fOI"approval of var-i-ance to erect attached one cargarage approx, 5 ft. from sidelot line on property at 19 'I'ar-rytown. R-l-12,

All Interested parties arehereby .requested to attend.By order of the .C:ha,.irperson ofthe ZonlOll Board of Appeals.JANICE M, CHAPMANChairperson

Page 63: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


t •3,'.



Mrs'.' Chapman a ske d, if: pnyo'!lIjl', wi shed t.o, s pee k..·j n. ·favor .or' opp-os ITT on <

of thLs: app-l-l-cat l on. 'and. no:,;one' ~ppe,are.d~

DECTS:ION:8 ra nte:d. lJ!!?,~'1 '~D u.si y,:. I· 1_,;i ;" . i

AP;p,I,L:;atlori'O'f"}v1il~la~d' Homes~'h ~8irJlng Gap. ,Fa'irwort';· NawYor-kfO,r. app,rov.a I "of va r l ance .fo.r cfr0l1t, setbad. .of ap prox I mate I y ,'.52.<lfe,!"~~in"area. rsqulr;jpg';6Q'.',fe~t •..Lc'r No .• '32':,.Su·ndE?rland,s: Tra·i f.'R- I :-:12·.~. ',. ,... " . i 1. .i. ' .

Mr; James Li'J~Jl"Y' a~~e'F~;d·•.. STated' bu.l I.f'( L-s~a pe4 hou :pe\;I~h . p ~o Jec't Ing·, gar~ge o,n'10T. 52. :~nd. dl acove re d that the~ gar~!;le. \~a:S st<;l'ked o uf i I'l.error.Discovered: abo.u r a monrh. ;;go and we'nt, to. Mr. Ward and· asked'. IVas told'to.stop consrn.l.ctlory.antf' 'file' a ppLlc a t l o n ,» Request.edthat he 'ill ['qw us'to put roof .cin·$~·. wou l dn IT l eak and, .dl<;i .. that. ?!nd, s-top pe-d and:a$ki'ng- .for pe-rm l ssl on ,To:.<lJI·ow to continue·buJld'ing. Setba:cks:do·reduce to.50 ~eet on cjrc1e~ fWD loTs away.· Mrs.' Cha~man esked re~uctlon offifty ·feyt on j'cir:cJe·has.befr"n :app,roved'lbY:.fi'lanr)'lng, Boa r-d r -, No r-mal lv:wDuld'requir.e:.,l:jl,x+y .•· ··Mr:, Liberty 'St-aTEj!(1, to saye, woo ded.r a re a on 'Circle'.Mrs •.Chaprnan st-ated '.th Inks: eve r-vone has' 'seen' '~Q use ... 'IUn~orTuna'te I Y; ·h?l vehad ha pp.en over ;;;ng' o,!er,.~ga·it:J, \~h.er~.'lRpJ,i·cat\o!) ;rI)ade.;afterihQuse is;'.up. I.sh·'t.ml.lch can ·do. 'Mr. Liqe'rty 'Stated dilfjC;:4It'.:ro discover . IProb lem , "Carne to. me. on rSunde v q f;t~ rnoori ,'at .the·, of f.i ee ijl n!=l' h ~ T me: ll 'kea ton 'of b r.l c ks., 'When ,dig:,f0,r housevdo ba'!iemE1nt firstland,gst:':'!ge ..a week 'fqTsr. -, aft~r ba:ck-.~iI led ·andaijter.~ou!l9lJp•. l"eni··.out;and· discoveredand, caLl To·l1].the.. ne,x·t:morni'ng· to as·kif any't·hlng. wf;·,ccould· do .abcu t ..lt.Said make appJi·catiI9n. and, stqp,btdld·ing. Old s top and, bou set bae nsit;tl!lQ.1 ike that. '. ." J I, I. '. [ ".

i : . :,. j; r, " '. - ';' l : . i . i :.; ;.: .: i .' .'. ,: .Mrs;... ,Yang'er asked .qan _'we' <lSk·,That. y,o·u make.i s ur-e- this does rrtt . happen:aga II)? . ' Mr. L,ibert'l1' -shlTe d . yes, .awa·re·lof s eve r-I t.y of the p rob I'em' and·no e xcu se , fon .the.e.r.ror. :f1r.:~teeIEr.asked fi.rst: I o'f "!~:s:r'. o f cul 'de sac?Mr. Liber.ty 'S\ija te~d. s~coll C!, '0 n.e. . ACTUS I lv ·two in. be:tween , ..3 r. 'an d: 30.; .,29..01} o q l ide sac.; :Or.iglna,l)y a s ke d vPf ann Inq ~oard toal l'o,,! .uSjTo·pull"houses forward in o r de r to get more be'ckvar-d ,b,?,cause.' there is: severedra ln aqe .ditch ill 'rear a nd. ~Ej.lt· back va-rd mor.eimporTant, Than 'The. f.rontto:the.people,·.- Doesn J f Tl'tin.k' "Ii II' 'be detr'lmental...To the home. Mrs,Chapman. asked plan TO. b~ild mor~ of thl~ type .hous~ with thegarag8.se.t forward? Mr •. Li.:be:ri;Y ,stated.,.dEjpends iori ~ale·s.; ,Mr. ·Palermo ..es kedare :houses .up on-e I th e r- sidEjof thO? l ot ? Mr. Liberty 's.tated·t~ey ,?re,.not, Don '.t st-Tc~ ,.to·o :cl o's~l y' ,to .mT- n i mum. seTbacks ..as .yo·u ·wi I 1··l:lO·fice IwhenitapE?f 10:ca.tions,·cqllJe i.n. TrY·'i:'0,hoJd·,two·lorr thre~·feeT ba:~k •. [~­

kepT to th.e seTba:ck 'wc.uld· required I' Drd2·~ins·tead, of.a., .. r~9In:bo.dy'o.f

h~use':i;hr~e .or; four-;.feet· qa'ck,' NotTce.house· across' from modelis:rsE\tback wClY. beyond: •. Jusi]' feJt sited.ni~_erin:that .p,,!rtl"9l.f1ar .pI,,·t'ce.Try ·.'to. seT, j n.bestspot qn i;he loT. . . I.. :. i ... i', .

; I .,' I. ,4. Appli'cation .of Franchise Int'?rsta.te Realty Gqrp·•• '80 ',\volf' ~oad•.

Alba.ny;- NeVI YO,rk fon appr0"1a1 :of v9ri.ance.s ij'q.;.a'I.low :fr,?e-stal1di09si gn j'a dve,rt is.l n.g, ifl:lcDpn;a·1 d" s ..Res·ta 4 rra.nt ...sIgn ab a.ve :.g utte; r- lineof. bu'U d'i n'9. .ent ra I1ce and ex! t·.a rrows' ·r a'rg e,r fha'n' :8 I "o'we d by .ordinarqce' an.d iinterPr:etation.of Ine.ed for·ivarlat')ce.to 'a'l tOi~. .parki~g. i~. requireq fr;ont' Y'1rd,.or In: the alternative •..granTlngof: such a va ri ance, .at; .33D3 'Ch j 1 i fjvenue., C.-2.~ ; i

, i :' _ . i· . '. . .any· questi;ons· 'frpm the l<;iudience?or opposItion to. this appll~atlon?

, ~ .


Mrs. Cha~m~n ~sk~d 'i;'i]he~Ej w~reAnypne .wi'shTng to speak.'.in ,favorNo one appea'red •." . . _..

DEC'I'S:ION:- Granted un:Olnimou.sly-.·.i . '. i. ,,; I:·

Page 64: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


I - , , ' , ' ,, 'May 21,," /9:7t5 ,

Mrs,' RLi,th" ~o$e'nbe:r'g', ,Att6rI1l9Y:;'Mr'~ ~aY:Nj.'e.I:s~~,.E~~'in~~r; :,~nd M~~K. C, Geerge, .Rea I Estate Depa rtmen't,' ,appea red, 'Mrs,," Rosenbe:rgstated etto'rnsy' 'with of f I ce s. at Llnco l n ,First,T9~~:r and" r~presenri,?g ,Franchise Re'alty 'In:te'rstate' Corpor-ation be'.t'ter-'kri.'owri', a s ' Mt::Dona,1 d's,' ".:Corporation 'is; ground l e'ssse on' J ,:43:Si.~acre' 'parcel ct'33,b3, 'Chi II'Av~nue near,.interset;:t,I,Ofl of,,?[~'ChiI i'-:~cott~v,i.ll'~' Ro.ad, ',ApP'[j'<;:ation 'r:eI a'tes, to, ap p l I'ca r Lohvto. bu.ll d' re~haurant at:',33.03"Chili"hevlng [2'6' (' ,se~ :s' a Ild: 75'.Io'p,a·r~t'ng" spaces'; 'Ap,p I )'cati~n 'ti;>, th r'~: 60,~ 1-<~~~kS;,',V9:.lI'~W i!lgvohrlances,'lFl"om 6,\022 'a nd 6;102.4, .c , varlant:'e'fo,r' 48: 'ft. free'7standlng'sI qn having' a total 'he,ight of 16'lfe~t.'Have three sets,of'pla'ris,,' '~econ ~I Y', v~ r.1a~ ce': rom perm I tte~ ,( 'sq , '. ft. s,IS? d I reytl.~!!J :and, gu i d i pgtr~fflS:; to permJt:'dLrectTO~c:i1 ,atrow's.!gn :'!pproxll.nate.ly:3 59l ft.,: ,Thl r-d l v: seek'sign-extend,ing above ,gutt~'t"· l trie of btdld'ing,,' .': I' .' . - . ,-, . ....' ~. . .' . -. . . .:. ..~.."....... . ".., I'.

Mr. H+iI~'an -stated they'we:re:,ln':fro~+of t~e',:'Pia'~n,r~~ Board -,tw9 \~~eks,ago, ,IRecommended that thes~'.tht!1g'sSh9lJ[d',:cS'me'I,~'frontotth~,_,Zonlng,Bo:ard', " "II,,',. "J, I,'"

, ,j : -, . '"I " , ~, I .. , i'Mrs.'~osenbe:rg statedfin,a,IIY',' .ini'erpretatIonof phfa~iJ"ln 6:01'.6(, ' i,tiiatisays, re'qu'lred,parki'ng shal r"'no+ be:'Jo'6~te:cl"in:'reqJlrei:J:froirt I ,ya;rd <!tno in ,the',:alt'erna,t"i've';:,if you dlsa'gr<ee' thclot'dolio,t nee'd"varial1c,e,theriappl'y'i'~g for var! ?n4e tel aJ l"ow'tb Rark, in: :requi red"~f'r:ont se'tbacka l on q t s lde 6f the, bu:llB'ing as'you seeo'irL'thi's l an de cape :pf,an.' 'Nd .paHing dlrectIY,'irl':'fr<:Hii'of thebu,il:ding, bu't.'lYspaces coI11~ beyo:r!d '60fT'. seTba:ck' I In e r : Th l s'<l s. pretty good yieli,' 'Mrs. I3l1apman '~ske:ct

Tota i 'P e r k i ~9 spaces: :7'5 '~f ,wh i c~ ') 3' ',wou I d' 'b~'ltn. p r-ep a,sed' requJ re d 'f r-on f seTba'ck?r:Mrs.';Ros~n'l~e'rg sf<!teq eve n v do urrf l nqjones with jJs+ , ,a corner in front "of s6i"ba:ek.' "Helf of 'thi's, and, smol'!'cofner',~ere',so',that l ncl u'de s.ca l Iva l ttiouqh only ,fraction of the space:','To:'f;'cimiliclf!,iztiyou with the:;pl,an, .rh l s. 'Is: location of restaurant itself'. This, is:Ch j [ I Ave nue to' th e' i bo':!"i;om of the pTe¢ure, 'To, the, I eft he ve ' Naurns, ,"to,:tlie eas tvhave gas station. ':Along 'east property -l lne fo He, rear'have twonne} ghbo'rs .: "On'e-:is typ'ewr'i te'r'repid r:, and' second: is: Klap pt s 'res i den ce ; !Odd s ha pe d per-ce [ b~:cause' 0 I d' Ch i Ii ":Scottsvj.[ le: ROa d 'Hopertiestu~ '~it i;in 'angle:' ';8e'l t'eveowns,'fd tHe' ifa'j lr-oa d bu:t t( inesbeqI n: to, c6nverge '~ni:l'a==:;yo'u ge't'to.',&a~ck:'te'ss spa.ae.:' 'As'far aa:ck ,as',wecan go to, make':use ,o'f th~' pa Fee [".' 'I\PP'II'qrl" I on 'comp I il'es with eve ry ,orh er aspect of the o r-dfna nce ,. 'Front.l.elev'ati'ln '.from'C~i !'i,iA,vehue, nodoo r s vl'ri f r'onf-. 'Rear, ",nothl'ilg' f o.' see from ,+rleb'ac~, 'Fre'e'ze',r 'which is:this part'o't the"bu'iloi,rJ g• 'Right 'e,levation', "side :J:QwaPd.'Naums,',hasone,double'set of doors:'for' 'customers!and",sln'gle'!door'to, the rear and le'ft,elevHion} ',6ne' 5'ei' ofdobrs' fo.rcustomers"-dnc! dneeriipr'c"jee- only'doorto lthe, rea r'. " Have "";ae'rf;a r 'P,ho.t6 'l'ihTch 'gi ves "fee I i rig· -for' 'ou'r is i "l-e,' I n'relationship; to the resr"denti:dl'·'subdivisi6n:·.ac~oss'fhe,'stree-t':' Can'barelyimake, o'u1 N~ums to the ''''{est. :"SuppC!s'e-dlv<:ac'curate',Dut rt: Is, no'T.:Als'o show l'yoti slte;';-:I'ookin~l' from 'center"df :trle'siTe, app,roxi,mately'where bu,ilding would be:, I(Ycate.d. Naumt'! builcl'lng 'and:to the:: distant'I'leighbors C?n' north, side of c:hi Ii Avenue, Directl'(,a~ross'fromcentersee, resi<leritia'i 'uses, Lo'o'ki'lignorth, Fin'al [yo 'Io'o~ing 'northeast and'directly' ea~t"and':s6ut"fj 'ea's t",i ',two pro'pe~'-ries to "which made 'refe'renceearl j'er. Gas station 'on ,the, corner. .. ,

Mrs,' Rose,nberg continued, your zo',ning ordl'nan'c-0 I$'ee'; 9.',04,O':sets, fo/thallcl rcumsti:lnces 'for granting' varIances and' know 'fami li:ar with them.Think ~Ie can establ:i'sh adequate case for grant,lng' variance. Start'With 'parRi ng. We' be:[ i'eve 'th~'t 'laT)gil?ge 'or the, qrdir\ance :that Ireadreel u ire cf park I rig 'Jhc' f I '~o.t b's', l'o'cCltedl n: r:eq U i re,d f !,:on.+ ya'rd, me~ns 'that n6f"1reql.!lred parki,rl~ ls,alh;,rwe?:, ~rrder o~d!natice;'-'~e'9~jreX!,+ohave based updn ,the, I']umber lof 'ses'ts, ',32,;spaces',' Sa,sed on' squ'a,re'foot"! ge ,: .fS'spa ce's, ,I Tak l'Og e\(en I aTge r 'n umbe~r" requ ired' qn I Y :32 ..We, 'hO~le've r', ,know not Ia deq'ua te,fq r ,to Is operation ." '00 vi ous I Y' poorplanni~g to, bul 1& restaurant 0ltWo~t ~ufficlent off~itreet pa,rki~g.




Page 65: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zan i !l9' Bo'a rtd of Ap pe al s' May £7:,1 ,1·g"l,5'





AI I'owi'rig tor'75.~."'AIJ·:we:·dan~get. on :the·.'l.ot•. Ii! l·ow·fng.adEl<juate .spacefor: I!i:l'ndsca.l:iirr.g and, sha'ps 'of .th·s ·loT•. We cctn t end th~t don-It. ha ve.ve nv

, requ ired i,s-pacss::1 n. ·r.s·q:,u.~re~ 'front ya'rd' b.~:ca,use' on l'y' nlqu i red to, have36,"'and c.hoos,e··the.. b.a.ck, 36.•·· .:If: you 'disa'gree; with Ivliat we.·think 'is:','meant" .as k: :for va r l an.ce TO' pe-rmI t:'l 3' :spaces 'j rr: requ ired fran t'sei"ba:Ck.Thl nk s. it will' 'not be.·obij'ectlona-bI:e·.!:iecause' 1J1.:fi.r:s1jplace wlLl: nOT.be. In front, of 'b.u.i l di nq, have landscaped area '1r.J: ,front,•. In:·f.aci" .spendi ngc lo's e: to·H.2·~:O.O.O.,for larrdacap i ng .. P,roperty oW IH I' 'be we:. I I'mal ri't e Lne-d , "Does, good job :Of ,in,itla.l 'Iandscaping an dtmaln-te l nl np,La.rge par-r: I n;front·lof ,the st·r'uctur.e. AnQth·e·r sect ion ,to, the 'east an-dI andsc ep I:-ng" a I o'!lga'I'I' prape.rty ,I j:nesand by' 'res ident I a -I 'neighbors,' Istockade fen;ce"tobe:-fifer'lthem from cper-e t l cn aswe.lr-.· If.yo,u wo:uld'l lke.vmo r-e 'data:Tls"wo,uld' a.sk Ray, to de s cj-I ba. in greater q'etaiI.·, Madea st-'Udy.of',~lhat WQ'uFd hap pien vl f con f l nue d parcel 'ba4k as far as ;t~IO..

·.1 lne s would'ldonv,erge.- :':If: went 'ba.ck as ifar as; '(an-d,lo'rd ownstwe. woul d.i~lo'sEi' .13·'6r 141sp,aces'in doing $0. Ul1de!"9C! e-xp ensero f .ap,Rroxlmately,-$!4'-;15·,·00.0. .a dd l f.l cnal 'for M·[!'.' WoUI'd' have i=lark-lingspaces 'd.ifflcJ.l,I-rto. get ln.an d out o fi , . WI:th .r-espee f to ipa·rking, 'a'J I' comme r c l.a I ;n.E!,jgh-;bars have iparki:ngin r'equ l r-edvf r-on f set-bct'ck.· ThEfr.efore.,. .pu-rpoaevan dpo l rrt of view of intent·lof ordinanceinso:far. as obJ,e,cti:ve,. was to "lmp.rove -estI'iEi'tlc<dly'·fr:;ont se f bac k bur il1lj:lqss:ib.I.e'to·accompl istj·,.by.: 'I

vi ITtue -of p're~exlsti'ng, no n-ic on ror-m l.nq. use s "ancl' wl.l] 'show, pictures ..'of pa r k lng lin required front se tback: . Our pejrki:ng' wi! I: 'Ionk jbe.tter.tha n.. ·th eir' sand wl I I' 'have '1 an dscapI ng an d ne i ghbcirs. don I,t. 'Speak ,s pec I fi cel Iv of Naums , ,.ah i r i Lumb s'r-', .SLlbu:rb<lb F:ropa-ne,,'non8' oil .th.;:m '.have: l a'n ds cap tnq and think .ou r property wi II'bE( grE}at Improvementover that. I'le w l.l l no-t , therefore •. iii. do have 'J3'spaces :in.'front.change character' of nelqh bo.r'h ood•. \'Iould not' -cau sevpa r-t-t cul er- affront tores:j dentlal n e-l qhbor-s Fac r o !'1 s ' The: stree-T,. Thl nk :development wi. I I' 'Lrnpr-ove.the! ~Id'y site ·fooks' now and, be'!good example' to ne-l qhb cr-hood •.

;, I . i : i ,(I', 1 '

Mrs.' Ros'e'ribe'rg 'c'ont,lnued, ',3'1,gn' variance; .one- has to do with direction-alsigns:'.AIl·o)ied ori e.. s q; ft.' f o r t e'ecri t s Lqn • Re(ative!y';-sma,tI.:' Standards:i~n not a whole !<?T b.!,sger and can -see r f r-om plctt'ire.how'·far.off the',.gr6und. Doesn,t·t thlnk.'3 'sq.' ft. sign wl l I: 'be: much"of an -ln t r-u s l on .'on The ne l qhbo'r-hoo d . 'W'i'[["be: more' us e'f u I to peop l ev qol nq i l n.oa nd o ut ,Do have ·se[.larat~. entr.-ance and eXit,enttance, closesi-· ro. Naums anQ' exit'c!o'sest·toiscottsvi·I.\'e',Ohtli Road. Tha'r will' tre l prro. dinFctitr~ffic~Spacesali'gne'd so"cannot pa r-k. .l f j n wrong Ivay;, Seco nd- $'[gn ve r l aneeha9 TO' do' wi:th"r60f shin., . L6'oked'ithro~gh or.dlnallcecaref.u!lY'an~.didn't",notice' bu:t says .. nd>· wa'l1' s,ign 'sha'rI'extend abo:ve.gutter area •.DoesD'+.have gutter lDut if assume'atlb6'.ttom of ,roof,. then W<!>cl!dn·!,tcamp'ly.' Wo'ulo,!li'ke.To put'wall'si'911 which doesn't extend abo:ve:'roof as shown.i'n ,front :etevatinn.··· frankly' '«oes no,t S<jl$ purpose' oflsaying"no we.1 [ sign abb:ve :~utTer area' S0 hard to exp.l~rin:why -don'tconfon\' to o"rdinance. ib6esn·l,t understand 'functiol\l.' 'In 'any event:cIear :thaT our sign wi:l!' 'not extend abo:ve roofl·i·ne, aod· \'ll·il· no·t.interfere wlt~ desJgn of b~lrdJ!lg Itself,. In terms of neighbOrhoodor ahyaffec't'on cha'ractel-'of neJghborh<bod.·: It:-any other reason ,forthat proVision would' be. happy TO: address' myself: .To, the qDe$t'ion blJTdoesn ',t under'stand If'. i: I .. J '

Mrs.: Roseniberg continued, ~free-stand'in'g' sign veryimporta,nt appli:catlonto'use; lJnde;r'new or-din'ance permttt,s'd free-standin,g. s.i.an 'fo.r gas,station 'and i shopping centers.' Restaurant ·such'.'as· ours whicr ·is.resta'urant th'at depehd,s"lon 'imp,ulse' itraffic". r Exce'edi!l9Iy ·importpnt :

. that people' knbl~: whel'rerestaurant is .. Onlce 'go by", .whoJ~· lOT, diff.eren'tto turn 'and come backV Accesso-ry -slgn·and p,ar1ticula~rIy' free-stand.ing,abs:o'lu:rely" crltrcal' Toi jl1st:Uication -D,f the slttle.Nee:d; Idl;lnf'lflcation.Co~rt bf Appeals' of. St~te~f New York citing New Jersey case"says'bu:si'ne-ss' s'j'gnin:actu'e1liTy p.arT· of 'The bu:s'lness lts;e'['f'. Ju'st. as rstructure housing busine-ss ·is:. Authority ·to. condiuct busines's 'in

Page 66: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zo n ln g Boa p,d 0 f APPea 'Is' i : 'May, -27.,: J,9'7.5 '

d I S't'r.1 ct al lcws. s rgn j·to: be: 'm,H ntci'i rre d , ' ' Dea-ls wi ,til "acce.sso.r-v s.I'gn ,I ,as" op po aed' ,to: b'r:i'!'b'o:ard'slyns,; Same' 'theory -that'sl'9'n, I s:'Lnteg'ra II .pa r-r 0 f ' the' b us i 'oe,s9 use;" a :, -dec'i s..i on -re'ached'ii n.-2:z:" ;j.t1 r l.sd 1ct'i on s>JRecent e xpe r l ence "in: tf"ha't, ccrrnec'f l on v 'Br.and"neW'restaurant"on ,WestHen r l etTa, ROad. ,'lthat -op doe d -abO:UT IDedemb ar . :' Brand ,new" ,restau rant-I n Fa i l""pd r-r , .Penf I~ I d,' .I rio nd'eq uo l t., I' I n:'eac-h ' I nstan cOl,beir-a r'e r'e s t.a ure n topene,d,,~roJec'i:ions'-were' made as- to, 'j ndome exp ected :from -rhose-, ,i I'resTaurants,.'} I[n: each 'instance i'acTual 'perfdrma'nce'lcame to~e:twesn

2..J5% o f projection. lri: ces evo f Wesf'iHenrietta with no free-stand'ingsign, .c l o'se to: 3,0$, o f f, Have to,assume;':andrpe6ple' serrt- tiere.. from',,A'Ibanv he vd [forie ib y' 'rEista'urant an d neil se'em it. 'llnedequate, i dentl -: I _fication of' operatilon.,'- Did:'appry 'and-get wa'J I' 'sign SITCh es- the'one' ..you see ,dver' there. 'Experience 'did: not- change ,subs:t-arlfhi"I,ly',in" termsof d ri ve-b-y:"tr-a ff l e., Stl: I " 25~';';30%', -I ow ~ i Ve'ry ,ger'i ous 'di scr-e pan c'y' 'for,s ucce ss fu [ o p e rati o n ," ,IPresen'fl Y" a pp I-y'l ,ng 'for 'Ire I 1'ef,...-,;' 'WI llIbe. pu r::sui: ng''that.' E~peFi'en'oe"'te'II's'l:ls i'n'this: area' thaT free,~,standing- sign visHi'U,.'from 'fhe:'street ,abs'o"Fu-r.ely' essenfial 'forflprop:er' ildenf.ificatlonof. I're s f.eu rd nf • Show pilc-tures"coming from 'ea'ster.ly dlrection,''',be',cause' ofex 1st 1rig non ~'con f o rrnI ng pa rk ing' 'I n:f ron t, sef'b ack and, d rreet I on ofCh II i Avenue, ',ff come'from west 'to 'east' we be.I i,'ev,e cO'u[dn't',sse theroof sigri1:of'McDonald-(s.!ufit-U -'righT upon the' p-roperfiy.,j"[f: you I cok, :at thE{se' rJictures lari d rmagine,c~rs: parked there, ,everigrea'ter problemof i dentl f i catron.' 'Ffna'i [Y,',wall' I d :[ lke to' .show some of rreI ghbo:rs: signs'.Wit-hout put-ting, down nei~hb-ors;' ,we'ithink we: h-ave rtil<iersi'gn 'and compares:f a vo r ab lv with 'free·st'and'i n9 signs' n'earby,], "A Isp,'take ve'ry ~ood care:off ree-stan d i rig- signs,." f\C!.fua l pho t-o. 'of s i 9ns, y-o-u are look l ng', at now.Would' give Ldee of' desJgn of ~,ign., ", " ,"

I ! l,' ., ." ," _ i :, -,Mrs: Gil ei'pma rr as ke'd',s ,Ignp rop os i n9",1 n same l..o'<:{at ion 1" MI7S. I}o~'en.be!ig "jstated set back-flftee.'n' 'fee't'lfrom ,propertyli"lreas, re'ql,J~re,d. 'Ci,rcle:of shrubs, on 'plan wll J' be' wh:ere sign is. ' 'Invite you to l o'ok at West IHenrietta Road restaur-ant-. 'GLve 'idea, 'of restaural1t',d~,sl'9n, andv l an d-;s'caplng mcldnt·aln'e'd'and lln -connection wHh other .ap p I lca t l on s-, ,see; '"nel ghb o'rs s lqn s- antl'''seems TO us thai' whe n c:;ome!:i'To,:tree-,?tandir:l,g: signsma'intained we'll' 'and, ha ppv vto.l ccn f o rm wl t h any -reg4irel1,1entsyou' wcul d 'impose'. Thinksnicely':'desI'gne,d and, +ake, caliEl :of proper:ty. ,To, sho'w ali'ttle' of'ho'w 'far have:come s'ince started"th,ls: i;s:-,qulck ...eating,resfaurant,the.w~y"it: Ii?'oked when'fih3t started, operatloTT.:~Qrlsh ,bui I:<nl)g~ ~9mea lo'~g( w'a'y ',from 'that. Some of the, typl cal. tv!cD<;lna,l.d"s •. For:yo,ur,.•informai'id>}],'our"ope-r'atlon 'at thi,s"'locatiQn 'l:Ii:II',be,lrp/estment of , ,$ ~O,O",OO,?::, . Not 'fas t 'i n:' and, oU . 'ope rat jon i' '.p I an ,to be',. th~.r"1 , 1'0 r, a, I o'r g'tmme. W'r 1'1' 'be p retty"s ubs,tan t'ra I ,'taxpay~-r. " i Employ,,-80-;,60 ',mos:t I y .-youngpeople'andgiveexperien'ce in employment fo,!" worthwh'J(e'lo.r9an,i~a'tion~

Wi [I' 'bank 1 o'ca' I Iy and ope'ratIon po:th from, He'iath Depar.tment standpoint,qu'ali'ty 'st"a'nd-P0int-, and'operational"stan-dpoint' in:"terl)ls ~f ..codes",supervised continual [~' by McDonald"scorporaTion hea~q9a~ters in,:Chicago. : Any ,questions.', ,couh:i, anSWer. I! ii, T '1,'. i " ii,1-, " • I

Mrs. Tar~er asked approximat.ely' how ldgh"wi,II'. :sIgl') be" \'ilt,h the ri;se-, InCh'j'J'i'Avenue? Mrs. Rosembe'rg: st'aTedfree.-st'andlngl sign is tha,t much.,abo:ve grade. Mrs., Tanger ask'e,d where in relaTiorq'to'gr<'l,d~ ,on .ttie".highway ,at that point'? Real,ize, it is, up and, yOi.l are'down,. Mr. Niels'en _staiH! If gra'de a'ceor-ding to,survey" ,cent'e'r of C,hili' now, ab,o,ut 61'.'9,;, ..base' 0 f o'w r s 19nappro'X'i rnat,e-,jy' 58 ,to,: 60;, Abo,UT 59:, .0 i ,ffe ren ce a,bo,u,t2 :feeT be:! o~r 'cre"st of the, roa d.; , M'r,s. Rose'nberg state.d -he.i ght ,o,tj the, I'sign Itself' as shb"ws ;'on: le'ft'portion pf tne drawi,ng,. Mr_: Huntfr " 'stated; abD',ufr-, 1l<1: :feet abo've: level. '0:1' the' ,road., Mr'., Niels'on ptated ye,s.Mrs.' Rose n'b-e:rg' ~;"taltedi Invi1l:ed ne'ighbo:rs TO meeting at Presby:ter.ianChuirch',: pl"r'sonh'I ry callE'd them. 'Spbke, wilth 'ne',ighbprsi a119:' hap :8:"i[ O · ,there and 'of course very ,inite'rested and, conc'erne'd 'abo:urr how neigh.borsfeet.' Th'in.l<:s' wil[1 'b13: good! neighb'or and' would; IIi'ke, to, "nswf'!,r' q'ues[f"i<;lns,'they n)ght h~~e ton!ght.' r ' .

Page 67: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning' Boa nd of Ap'p'e:'als"




Mrs. Chapman ·staTed :one.•.ques+ion 'abo:uT :i{-lull)fnarrion.' On evon ,the' , ..b u.I I rl'it'1g",and, p'o,le' sign' 1nd-l c a-t e: 'iote'r'nal,ly·,j Iluminate.d. 'Mrs. Rosen-«berg< s t<i:rEid":a I ]:f i-gh-ts. wi 1:1' :'be:'Tu rned .<l.ff·. at ':<t I ose.o f :pus' rnes s .ope,ra:r ions,as . code requl res b 1.1,1" ddl ~h,f\!e ;·,se.t::il.lr i ty . I I 'gjh t's.. '1 i1s"i'i;Je." .I, i'gt;J.ts. .a 10119' .pe rk ln q loT 1'1101 I"be,' 'Tilted' so' wTII' no-t' sh lnevt n. ne'ighbo:i;-s d l.r-e c tl on TO"the e a s t-, ''''rn''faCT ,aan··'6bmpl,ete[y·bu:ffer,·,1;Ind'.bJ:ock' aQy"reflectiofj.'fromThose-towa'rd ,li;lapp's,prope,t-ty., To the west is:,Naums '10'1'. Dgesn~'t

th ink can ,damage i,:tha't."": H'I i nrenes te d in 'how'.:far aW<;lY'frpm, nel ghb'o.:r:¥.b u.l l.d'i~g' to' bu l I.Qj'j~g·,'·: To,the':,K[app, p r-oper-tv. comp ute d frpm bac k o f r .r-es tderrce to pr6perty .l tne-, ,93,T.75' !f:r..· BeITeve"faqr;J.i:t.iq>nS!'I, '79'..'.,ft. + :to, the. ba:cklof'our 'b ul l dl np-•. From Scnwickle'r property compu,;ttlni:: ,IOO,'·ft.•if.scole'.·corre.ct and rear' of .the: bu.l l dl nq. to'.the pr-op e r tv. ·Ii'ne' 'ano·ther

'7Z:fTl ··60,·:.ft.from prope:rfy·-!l·ne'.bu:t ad<lit,ionat.':3:?'ft. T9the:yen'terline, of ChlLl: Avenue a rrd. 15.·'or,,·20','.feet is:r:i@ht <pf '(lay -5o',.,?;t: cOJ'\s'l'derabl'y,ba.ck i . Nel qb bo.r-srac t-o s s-vt he stree:tatlle'ast,,6G ',fee;f-. !Ja·ck.·.· Q.u'itfl.a.·dis ta nce. from res·'j-(lences. on nor-th lsi 'de o f q;h I I L. . " . .

i -",. ".; c:: '. , ,,' i ".:' '. '. ,1',Mrs. Chapman a s ke d..what· are hour-s. of ppe-rat,jonJ' 1y1rs,.·:R9senbe:rg st1'!.tedn ew b r-e a k fa s t- menu-j .op e r-a-t l on- ,7 'A.M. TO,:) I' 'P,M'. 'Friday end, SaTurday''until I, A.M'. ' : .',' .• > • i " 'f

I' .' ..' I C'. ;: 1-. : If;.[', ...... ' .Mr. HeI lman e s ked with 'regards to fr~el-stanp,rng!sign, ,If, board $]rant,s.up ,to time .that sec't l on rof code goes 'into' affect,: wi I I'ing' to accept,tha.t subJect to Vih:at<;lver' le·gaI·recQurse'·yol,!' may h ave at th.a,t tlm.a?Mrs. Rosenbe:rg'stated understands amo r-f't aaf l on 'program for existing'non --con fo rm i ng s illn s and,' wolJI d res·er.ve r I g.ht'.. 'I f: a,nyl.s·ga -I . 'ri gh.ts. at,that .:time·~ : Mr~ Hun-re r stated two ·si:ze.s.pfj.s ign ,s·ho·wn'he're·.: . b~t;l: oftheset\~o?i. Mrs'.' Rosenberg s·tated. 4B, sq-,: ft.' bne'.· Mr. Hun re r-j as.ked.other 0l'le,1 us ed I n: other' eppll caf ions'!?'. 14rs:.' Rosenb.erg stated, tpo~e' aretwo, sma I lest one's •. Never take. them envwhe r-e • OnevLn: -East Henrlett'a' b Iq:

. golden 'arch one' and, wou l dn tf apply' ,unle'ss' on 'h,ighw·a'y., . Mr. Hurrte r 'asked small ar: s'1gn is: the.: smaI l.es f one] .yo'u. have ·i n 'P.a.cakg.e? A I S'O .'j

menti orie d whsr-e wou I d: be: I oca ted , 'Mrs.' Rose nberq stated will: he: '10'catedl n.vce nt e r- of shrubs.• '."Zoning ordinance requlres'":15·ft. back and-does say on, ·s'!-te·p·la·n,..··!5 'faet back , !3u,i I d] ng I.s'surrounded bv' I

s:i dewa lk an d- come.s 'Clbwn' -I [J' -th Is: way., ,: W~n.t jthrpugh '1and,scaping' and,draina'ge with :the,;pla'nnihg boar,d., 'WouI:d; bp: ha·p,py.,to an.SWjer quest'ions'.'Mrs. Cha'pman 'stated rea'lIy' 'Oo·t ourbu:siness:.· Inter'ested 'wiTh signs·'and, parki:ng'.,. Wou'ld' J ike: TO' ask that' ,e;veryOllel/cpnf,ine "q;u;e,sti~ns: and:re.·ques ts, an'dab Je'ctii on s' to, tlhe, q u·es.t ions· ·of .pslrk i.!1f1 a..vd, s·I gn s.,.' . Anymo're .q.ues··i:lion.sfr:pm th:e. boar.d,?' .. , .. " '

. ,. :, I. ,'. ',' .I· .Mr. P:alermo asked on parki'ng" nearest pa,rking spot to Chili' Avenue wo.uld·be: how many. ·fe.~t?· M.rs,"Rosenb~.rg s.tated:.I.o:oksl j'kejJ9ht be:h1ind th~S.!9n. Mrs. Chapman 'stated' maybe 20j 'f:eet.-.' Mr.: S;teele' -:d~.ted. 2a '.fee.t.

" ,',. • . . . I ....,. . .. ' :',·Mr. Mu 1·l.anelY. 's~ra'red :al J' 'thr-p!-'gh :the IP I;s'n .sej8 n.o ijnclITB'ra.tlon majthOds .or.anythi.ng'. ·.'rv1rs,.·;Rosenbe:.r'g st,at~'d lC?v~r here hav~ c.omple-rely·enc!o·s;edbri.c!k 'w'a'11'and cO/T1iPiJ..eit·ely:. en'closed; conf]ainer.• · lfl· ~o,rner "way -fromres) de n,t i €I I 'Uses,,: .on the· Na:ums side., lvIr. Pa Ie'rme; as ke d j0n..c10'50 <;I ;Or]the ;si/d,es?', Mr •. ;N:i,.e.l;s:en. stated Y¥.'i..t"it, .no.t t~.p., .b,r'lck matches -rh.e.buoild·i.n.g. ··~1r. ,steel;e' 'ajsked; fl,ai:7.ro.o,f,ed .bu:i1.d'ing? Mr. Niels'en 'statedy'es it' i.s:, [jusT' pl,tc:he.d I/:{", to the. Toot•. ," .. i ..':' , .: I

I I':'" ",' . . i. i . . . • .MR. Hun'ter aS,ked ;whialt wo;uld·.yo'u estimai;e valu'Elj of. t~er fr,e·e-·stan·di~.g·.'sign ,-ro.:be, in: pla:qe? M.r. Niels'on sta'ted haven'T had too much experience\\(i th ,the .b u~t'Th inks: 'usus:ally 1·$4....'5',:OQO ·f.,or ·th·at ,s.I.gn1ins,Ta·II'e:<j., ,.Mr:~

Hunter: asl<led. if boar,dwe:re to s6·e.fit n;qij ito.,.gr?lnt'.p~,rmi.ss'lon"fOr the·fne.ei:-stan·d·1 ng sign ;Cjn per:manent bas liS. wou I d; yo·u hav:e interest I n temporary';s i·gn?· Mrs.• :-Ros.enbe:r·g state;d cou'nse I J·s questi·on 're I ai-ed speci f.! ca I Iyto that. "Obviously'lw:il I.'be happy to' have. three ye,a'Tjs or wh.atever i-s .amortiza·.tion 'Period-granted. Absolu·tely ne-ed adequate. identification.'.Hope board underst'ands 'that if any· ·s,uccess· on ,qu~stiol1i~f ,free-s-J:anding·signs,•.Ni 1:1' 'reserve right'to ap'p[y',at that time. RearI'zs. ~/Ouid' not be'.,,'j Iling to:gr.ant ,for any ,Io'nger 'than the time to Ef~q of amori;i;;:a'.tionperiod. ' . " . ,

Page 68: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


-l' May, Q7-,[':!9:1,5~,




Mrs.' Arms tron'g';',' .36.82·~Ch rf.i Av-e nue-,. .as ke'd' 'U nde rstCl n d' ..that s,i nee ;.jusrta"lking Clb8:lrt- si·gns.fha"t 1l,io,u·'HaiJe'alr'eady,egr.ee:d, to: h.a:ve',"McDona'ld·$'?'

,; Mrs'. Chapm"~111",'sfated'Zoni'ng·Bo-a-rd doesh'l,th~:ve" corrt-re I 'over'a-II'ow ins'or nb,tl . Heioie:ito, coneber'rt>out's'eI'v-es,iwl:th'str'ictly' ,the.quast'ion 'of "pa rki rig, 'a~d, 5 i 9ns,. ,j ,Be.H'eve:iMcD6n al d's iwa's; aske'dl'itocom$ibe'f'or;-e,tl1e,~Zo'ning'. Boa rd"6'r j-rldoi'tated when' 'appeared beJ'o,tl-e:tne.,':p I an nl ng- Boa r d. wou ld: have 'to, come to', us' t6 haVe'the'se-' ,qu'est'lons< 'resolv'ed--be:fbre:f,l,na'l 'app-roval.:given;" "Mr. HeXI man "state:d ceme'j n: 'for':pre.('jril:i na'ry' -s i-re. plen .be.fo r e.:

'Plann,j,ng' Bo:arG'~ Prtipe,rty' ·the'y,'~re:in:I'process'of,ap:~.I,t-t-ng·on p re se n-r l v~one'9 comme rtf a:li 'P roper'ty·.·i 'Conse-qil'enfl y' ·th Is:h!lse' wou I'd: be: per-m.l tted,on- our master' z crrl on g'. pl an 'map la nd- when"'came'inHr9nt' of'.;Plaun'l'ng' ,...Boa r-d fori~ues:rloni;. of 'dra'jna'gei11111d' as,far'as '-!and,s'caping"l1:rnd, ,type, of eb u.] (.cl"i ng'?n d'q ues:t'i on $:. 'f r9m: th e: .fT ,r-s' 'de?,a.l"trrrent, . Now' be:fo re' th is:' b ca rd

-r, fo/-' i:j'ues:tlons, That :Plann,l,ng, Blba-r-dcennoi" grant·.' Mrs .,·Armstrong, :!s fa't ed .J!on de red',: ho'w"lt: wo'rks·.·j I for, one,' am tlretei'ul we:,are.;getting,it. 'The: other n l qh f my -fr-Le n d end: I we:re:,'wo'rRing"in"the' :ga"r'de-n"'and,wanted som~p'l;crce' to, have' a quick 'cup of, ooffee where didn!;f- have todress' up' -and. 'said, wlshad. the're' wes orre a r-oun d, ' ..... '"

, fl., l -:- ',-' "Mrs.' Chapman a s ke'd if: anyone' wished to speak in: -favo r- of the·,appHcation.,Mr.' Joseph Kla-pp", IS'lOId' Chi I t-Scottsvi II'e Road, .stated r am one' of thei'rne}gnb'o'r's, GI~'~ !o:ih~'ve!!he'Fn' i~"'" ,'. , ' ; i' .. ' i'

, , I I . ' ,'. ' I ; ," ", i <"

Mr.' Ne'i'J Cr'amer>,rg;, \Hu'bb.a:rd Dri ve .. sta-te8 1nl 'f'avor. '" ~..., I ' .. '" ~ ... " i " ; " 'i ' , " .. -.., ...', ~I '

Mr-, H·ai-.rY:'\~illrey·1 frtai'e'd'i own: 'p'rop'€Ftty' ',edjb-ln'i'nfl the·.{-r:'s.' Gu"ess: one"~fc Iose'st· nefi 'ghb'o:rs'~-,"' App reclate'fab-t tha't would' --ca'l I ne'l'ghbo',rs: it"og-etherand, exp[,a'in:"wha't'·going' to: do. "Seen other bu'l Ldl nqs 'go',u'p 'in:'area' and,'never inv·ite.d:wh:ere't-ri·ed to::exp),a'in,whatl trying: to: do. "Th,ink,s wJILbe:b Lg' cd'-s-et to the' ·town.'· '" '.:, ..... ' ' ; I ,.', '. " . ~ I .' I I :

Mrs,. Chap man .as kea i if i'!'n yon·e.,w is hed: tol spea k. In: opposl T i"On': -and no on e'app'eare.o,)r, :, .. "" I ;"

, , . I' 'i. l

DECISION:, Rese-rved w:jthregards to signs'. Parking va r-fan ce granted, 's ubJectl to,'6 nm:! ne,ti On of 'f'i rST' space i r,. 'each row ofl pa r k i.n:g'

" :c ['C's'est too th e' 'rlgh:tLo,f-w a:y: . Unan i mou's! vots".· i -";I ," 1 '" I ," .. i' ". I I· '1

Ap pI 01 'c.ift ion: Oit' }'Ij'll 'j.·am Bl' J ITs, .636: 'Be'aha n RIoa'dl,. .Rocheste r, New'York', ,lf6r' app';rova1 'of 'vari an'ce t,oa'i [·ow· 'hs-usTng horse' on ;property.fo·r approximat.e Iy' ·2 ~year period on "U1l,dersize:d" lOT .(2.. ':I./'4,.acres)in, RA,-I,O; '.zQ.ne,,: J o·cate.d at 63-6, fBeaha'n 'Road •.

1 , ',','I' .. " .:" , .- IM.r.' 'B'i'j,l'j'!:;: appiea'rei:Ji,1 .state!d ha,d variance b-e:f'ore,. 'Mrs" Gha'pman 'aske.d'had horse'forsorJetimeT' Mr.' SilU·s. :STated ·took, 8we'y ·and- .trains'd .ahd'bred it, be:c,auss' hu'r-r.. le'g. Now have to bring be:C,k.' 'Mrs,' Cha'pman 'aske:dthat I s: wh,Y'wah feld' i'n: ;:res:l dent,j!a I 'ne'.i gh bo'r-hood?~ '.. Mr" 8 i'f :["i 'S: "s1t1ated 'I

If ha:d,nTf ha1d it: 'Ia'st' trme, ',wo"u'ld' no,t have' i11aos ·it. ""~lrs:. Chap-man',aske:d: ha,dyo,u nOT ha'd horse' ;rr'ght' fhe-re',?' Mr." BI'II:(i's: 'sta'redt !aomp'('i'-, ;ca,tlons set in':,~nd'if ,we"re n-6+ th,ere:, .wo:uId· have bo~th passe'(r"away'.·,Mr,s,., Tanger ,ask'e:d have ..yo:u,r ne'ighbci-rs: obJected 'ail a'II?": Mr. Si ["1'I's:stoted no} .e:$: ma'tte'r of fa:ct th'r-ee"or fo'ur; s~l'l<l: Ilf: wa:nte'd 'toco'mel 'IoJo:u I d'be 'gla'd to, come. Said,would'nT·t 'be' necessary'.' 'Kidi are,alw'ayis, feeding' •ho'rs.s. Mrs. Ghapma,n ,stated 'fOnd'ered if, des i gnated res i dent,I,aI ne·i ghbo.r-hood arid, there is: 'stab Le' (s6 dO'se 'to. you'. :IMr. Bi H-i's, staled, ri ght .acro'Ss:the''street' 'and ,Ken'ny:Wright keeps iho·rse. :Alj·lvac.a1nt -Ian·d· to: Ithe reiirdcld ,wh.lchru~s tw.o:·'Or- th,r:ee mi le's.1 'Mrs. Ta!l:SJ'~.r asked was''!tjust t.wo yeers:.ago? 'Mr. Bi,l lis,'s't"ated abo'ut, yee.r, and a half"-ago, ,.no·,over fwo·:"M'rs .... CI1,apma'n ;sta'ted dl!dnTt seem that 10'09' lago', [Mr:.: Bi:I:I"j:'sstated just keep 'he:f-' th'ere a'nd fEle'd her;'rciam-s af"ound. Put'awaye:veryni,ght.,' .Mr •. ~teeJe asked have oneho'rse'? Mr.!.IBi Ili!'s,: stated we'll one· and,tHen' ·fwd. . ~1r. stee (e' 8 tate:dth rough t th ree .0 r' so ba.ck 'th e re, t~e' othe rday:' ~r:i Bi'l1.'i's 'stated ,not my pla'ce, ,ridT three ho,r.'ses the're. Mr. Steele'stqted,couple''-f-he're the',l othe:r':cIay. "Mr, Bi ('ih'i'stated' that 16n'e: 'Is going'fottra'in:ing. 'Win' bring,the' other one· ·ba·dk.' 'Ca-rfrio,t train',therE! 'Just

Page 69: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


I.· -May ·27.,1.19:1.'3. '.




Ieave and, wh?J,1 <f"qli rr:i f,lg,haveto. take:' to. ·t!'-al n:I 6g'. t rack ~ : "ThTs: Ohs,l'w-i 1 [..be. g'ons' when 'Othe:r one' '15: bo.rnv- .. . .,

j '.. I I .j I " '. . '. .,!, .11r1rs. Ohapmen 'Clsk'e4:!' if.·the:re.we·re. aray' questi·ons(:·from·,the.audiehc,e?AR'i'9nljl: wl.sl;ri~g' N·:speak .l nv-favo rro r- op pos i f l on ·to,..the.iapp.(.j'cati<bn?'No. one' ap pe-ar-ed'..~ . .1 . ' .. j' n' , ... ' -, " f'. ,...

D'E"C'/'STO'N: ~raliJt~d unenlmousl.v; ' . ., '.... ! 1 ....I " i i '.. -; ., I r j ';'.1 I' j

6.' . ApplI cat ion' a f Mur-ray Ya ckof f •. ,37. 'Mord soi1AV~Jhue;'Ro ch es t'er-, .':I· New York .f4>,r ap p rova l 'of' va r-Lan ce l f-oce r-ec'f ab.o:te=:·grour(·d pool;' .

II - .24': x ·4~·,,·appro~imate.IY;6(feetifromit-esidenM,. B·,·feet f r-om v s Ide ll o'f I I'ne', .on' lOT IOO-'X .120. '.Io'cated at;i;D7. Mo r r l s ori Ave nue;' .. F-2·.'·(oj.mended to'4 :feetfrom s Ide lOT line).' i I··· j '.': ,.,

I ,i I..· I .1, j .Mr;. Yacko ff .2lppea red, .stated. got e I'e'ctrl ca ( .) l n e- l:'unnl'!1g·. up ba.ckva-r d'', an d'I have. tq.be:. 'j O' '.fee t from ··the·. ba'ck and, r.e:-·f i gu re d'..·and comes >Gut' c I o'serto .. 4 :feet I on ,th~;'$ Ide ~ Mrs'.' Chapman ·asll:$.d·:amend d ravri nq- or' have ..di fferent· one. 'Mr"'Yack4)ff state.d mede qul ret a few' 'to. see ."'~he:r·e could'p l ace the easiest.' ·Mrs.'.Chap·man 'stated lll'.g:·lo't bu:t .al lvl n. frront,.·Mr; Ya c ko.f f -5 tated got ·e I El'ct ri c: I ine·.rurlnl'ng' the re ail d: aeros s- th e.. " ..bac k •. Abo'uf 01) Jy.' co r-ne-r', { !got un Ie·s.s· 'i. n: 'f·rqnt,•. : HOUSE!' 'on l,th I s, side is:garc:tge and .o ne v o ve r here, .house·.ls:.se-t·even f u r fh er back b u'f he s v ba.rn

. and' house' sits be'yon d- that. : Has wlde loiu .

MI:'. ·Hunt~·rr .a ske d ... how doe s. that change dis:t:anc;E;Js.? .!:lad 6 [feEti'. Mr. o ·,Yaeko ff ;stai'ed sti I 1'1'6 ife.etf rom th,e .hou s.e·.11Ift .4 :feet f r.om th:e', side.Mr. Wa r-d as ked'. how do y ou 'p r-opo se: to dral'n 1:he.. poo I?', .Mr. IYa ckc'f f :s t a t e d . in back he:'s got.pa·tlo:.rlght Ilnt!)e. 'middle' .of the !:Jo.u·se·,.and '1.drain In. -the: pe.t l o: al'ld' doesn'·t· know"w.bere It. gqes •. Po s s l bLv: aut .. tothe. front. . No 'wa't D's'~' j lIst:fI aT 'wi th l.d ra lnv- ',Mr; Hu nte ras ke:d· how.·far' TO .the neighb'o'rlng ih:ouse','on -thaT s lde r . Mr. Yaekoff silateq··'from·,.-h ls. house' at; 'leC£it 50·',ft •. ';Has 'dol,lIHe:, JE)t;·. AuO:ui': "5D '.ft.· IO.T.·.Mrs.Chapman as ked a ndvh o use ·sits,'back 'further? M·r. Yackoff. stated .a l mos t-toba.ckJoi-. line'arld··wa'y over.• ·· I .

. I II i : . '.',' , .. :Mr.s.' Chapman 'asked .l f.re nvone. wished TO-. spea k in··f.<:i.vor or oppositionto.thisapp,li·cation and no one·.app-eared. I .."', 'j I:::·

'DEC' ['S:IQt1; Gita rrt·e,.c1 un an Imousty" ·fQ.1t G. 'ft..f rom re.sl de nee., 4 fT •. from. s I 'deI ," . ': loT I In e ~ '. .' . l'

. il . f I: ,"I7 • Ap'p I·i'cat i·on qf. Qami ni·c Peres,' .9 "P,hY.:H·i ·s·.- La'l1e" .,Rocne.~·te·r;,. N~w· Yo rk,

f.or approval ·of·varlanceto. Ejrect gar(jl.ge ~>{:t~ns'i-qn,tQ··be: 5- ·te~t,trom.we~t slde.loT Iin~· on proper-ty,·at.9 ''phy·t''·i:s:·La·ne'. R..,J-;15·.,(a.mend'ed. to' 8fe~t:.) I· ,.I' _ ' II: '. I, '"1. ':'. ',' . '!

Mr. Peres ·appear.ed,s+aIe,c! made error ·01'1 ;'5. feet. AskeE:! ifor va·r:iqnc·~..:of five feet' be'fore' real-i·ze.d dldnl·t need that m·ueh.· rvlade ske·.tch ofit. Wh.a·t Is: olldinance-.ontqi~,;·.10' .feet?· Then ~q:uJd' ne~d' 2.~feet•

.. 8 feet f.roll) the·attache·d 'garage" ··.Mrs.:.ChapllJao qske.d' 8. ~eE:ltf,ror:T) .theside lot·li·n.e? Mr~"P~res:state,d this:.house·iabout· 8 feet ·f.ro~: loT Ii·ne.Would be ?bdut the.~ame as everyb6~y eLs8Isg~~age. M~. H~nter.asked

16·feet.lle.twe.en the ·bu'il<f'ings? ·Mrs •. Cha·pman aske'.<j i;ot.algarage.9~ea;wi;]I' b.e: 2Z ~x 24.?: Mr: Ste.e·!e' asked same·,q~slgrj:;: ,house·lcoQ.t'inues ocro$s?'Mr. Peres state.cj -will·.·be: attaGh~d 'gar-gge. HaVE! .ga-rage attach.€(d. Wi IIbe. in ·llne·, same ;plan:' ~ust I j'ke' ne.i'ghbo'r~.· ." ,- .

Mrs. Chapmanasked'lf anY~i1e wished. to. speakj'i():·fayor of. th~ appll·cot.ion?,Mr. Cap'a I d'o; ,15 'PhY;!')'I'S: La'ne, istated I.n ·favor. .~

i . j' r I.Mrs. Chapm·an·asked if·anyQne·wished·i;o.speak inopp.osit·iooqlljld no oneappeared. . ! i." ',' _. ,.... i';

Page 70: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Boa r d. of Ap pe.al s'

I, 8.'

! OEC.lSTO'N ;", 13 ran ta.d,: -unen'I'ltrous-Iy' ,for' 8, fee:t' 'N-om sI 'ae- i lOT line'.,'i ,''1"

App-I i 'cat I on of Anth amy' Ando [ i-na ,: ,16' 'Pa'tTy,La'ne,,' ,CaI edon 1'8, ,New YO,rk,' .fo,r"app,rova fr.-nf. va r l an ce to,pu,.t mobl.l e. home on' 'Ioi"' be.lng-100" '.Xi ~a,O',1 n: RA-20',:,zo.ne, wi 'thf ron t s ~Tb'a'c,k :1 n:",1 I rt e', wIth i ex i stl ng'r-eslden oes and, s lde 'setba:ck va r l ance s'<af I6'\Mo,rgah Roa d-, ' '

Mr. Andol lna- appeared. 'Mrs'.' Ohapman ,stated dO$s'n'!,t'ind'icate"wh:atl,home is" I I-ke. or where w:I:J:I' 'go. 'Mr. Andol ina stated 19:1,5: 'home.'La'test,In ,the-line'. Family-of wife and, three, chi I:d'ren., 'One,or'the:1be:st madel n.vthe. market'. : Li'v.i,ng",jn:,mobTle',home park.'I"Family' -dl app-r-oves ;' .wo,uld •I j 'k$ tp" ,p cf.rch as e 'a -l o'f .ari d -Itve'- I I 'ke:famI 'IY on "r:> leee of I an d, ThaT ea 1 I' ,our own e nd be, taxpaye,r's '1 I ke. res:tof th,\. r-esl dent's, 'I n: ,the:ia rea 1To my e ur-p r l s e: w:a'lke,d into':the:lofflce cine',day an{j'secret~ry,told'meset aside- [and, parcels for mobl.l e: home areas, 'in: ethe i"own,.'" [n:the, mean-t i me, to: my .s u rp r-f se, ,hc!,I)oe Istep son .an d· very' ,d1strube:d' with' OU r pos Ii" ion 'asvfamI I y' ao. w ro-te . f ovme mb e'rr. of Congress~'and"got letter' whTch wcu l d. I lketo have ..so',write b'a.ck and 'ten' -them that. Town of C~i'1 I' has' 'Iand'zone'dtha't mob l.I e' homes. '-are ,a f j'owe,d in.' COfig,resSnl'an' doesn" t know :1 an d· ;;e1-as ids . for" moBTle'·homes;' HIi:[[' 'comp I,y' by: ,the' boa r-d and t6wn o r-d l nan ce sab o.uf :distances 'from',othe:r rieigHbo:rj",how"farlba:6k home i sh'ou l d' be: p I a'ce d,and whatisu'ITabJ.e' fou nde f l on or- pe,rrhitted lckatlbn"wduld' like: to havethere'.' Have electricity ',imd'''citywafer'and' nei:fd sep't i c: tank.' Will"make s ur'e pro pe rty' ,kep t: up' ·1 ~'kEl'. a ny oth'e', home ; '

Mrs .:'-Tanger asked what ~I s. squa r-e 'foot,age of home?' Mr.' Andol ln a stated980·;,"lnfe'n'd. to pu-t a dd l tl otrad vr-com ; 'Ha,d s pe c l al I~dom buI It in:',-thehome's 0' cou I d" have lvoungest 'l:i 0:}I. ',ha\ie r-oom: whi.eh Is: own'. Anv ·tb~rn

ordi nan ce have' to,' ab i'.de tly:,,"w'I'1 L ['fo I 1-o(i1.' '!Mrs.' Chapman -stated 'n I-ce 'TOsee sGme'bo~y,'eome befor-e. tHe board: an d ask"al'readof time., Get iup'Seit whenpe op l e: come and, s<ly,alrBady'-got l'k,liere. J-,Mr.'Andol'hra s t a t s dv bee n If r-us f r-afed "In: 'othe'r towns' and, 'TurJie,d: down .-,Th! nk,g:,member' of Congr~ss'

I s"goi ng to.lbe "very is ur-p r l's e c wne'n.lson,wr:i tes l'ei"ter'·,to,lans'we'r' to th i 5:wi.t-u,lt'ioll.' "Does'ri'l't know Town has seT as lde i l en o for mobl.l e homes 'as 'secretary '-raid me on ,the', rnap v 'Would' like, to pa.ss- 'lei-ten-ltd' you.Respons-e' s s t-e p s.on 'goT from Congressman. Su're 101;1 [.1' 'in,form him- to sendanatHe,,," lei"ter. stating abo:ut town 'gover.nmenTth,at iseT land' 'as lde formobi l e homes wiTh approval 'by: ,the: bo.ar-d , '. ' : I , ':,

Mr. HUriter'asked apprtoxllmatefy wnat (,s:'y.a'!ue of the homef>f: aI16we:d"to,go inand get septte: sys,tem and, whatnoet. What wo.uld' yd'u' est'imate valu'e

, of yo'ur ho'me w'i:[ l' be: at that poi nT? Mr. Andol ina, stated doesn't knowEi'X3ct;ly',bO:t-'could get',ln:f6rtnlaTlon., Ha\le;homeibo~ugJiT and pard for, "$ f 1',7,0:0,." . Paid"!, ri:f u I I. I nb'] ud j ng' Insura'n ee j .,' M'r. ' He i I mClrl G·S ke d havayO'l:I lb,teh tO'The HEJellth Department? As far as septlc::sys,tem? it'll".Andolina' stated have to go thr'ough that process."'I"r. Heilm'an ,statedhaven't besnt-here ye,T.· It: wH'r 'ha,ve to be, inspected by, the. Hea[ThDeparTment. Wi 1,1' y6,u have 'cut j,nto' ~~org,ari -Road?' Driveway?, .

, ,. 11 ... ; I '

Mr. \~ard aske:d '~Ih:at Is make of the, ,t.ta,i [er's Mr. Andol ina statedConcord"Champton.' Mr. Ward, CI'ske,d'be.ars, New York"State. seal 'bf Clppr-oval?'Mrl Aild-oIi-na· stated ye's, sir:.' Approached this'p.roblem wi'thoi"he'r' ..tO~lri governmenfs, ..and'Tfie:d to do ever'ythirig in' [e'gal way end got:,' ..i rilpe:rt i ne,rit, ,a ~ s~l'eF .In, reT!.! rri ." Ste pson he~ rd us d I sell ss· p rob tern an dtookup'on' himse,)f':f'o 1'1 r.'1 ts' Iei"t'er to,Cong,res's"wh'!chwas'shock Tome; I'Mr!-; Hei Imanasked' do yo,u own "th,is pr0pe'rty?, Mr. IAridor i'na' stated'have option to purchase'. " 1i1:tend 'to, pay 'for' it: in:d:ash. ,I

Mrs,iChapman statea pro~lem is: s,ize, of:the loi". 'Mr. Hei'lm'8n stated'needsvariance be,cause' inRA-2Q',:',zO:ne tlu:t subd'iv,lded loflin' essence!. Mrs.Chapman 'state'd h.ave p rob Lem in that have tried, to set asi de areaswh':ich 'wi.II'eith4r:stay ·asfarma or very ,Ia'rge' lots: wlth~ju,st one, house.This. particula-r property happens, to f,a,1 r' 'j'n one 'of those zo,ne,s 'and,

Page 71: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


, I .. May. ·"(.7·,1 :19:15 .




and r:e [ai'lvely'. oe'w .thlnkTng·, .these·! RA,.z<;ines·,·: A. -I i"trJ-le' un accu st omedto, hand.! ing', thell1' and,,' want: to. make' s ur-e 'no-T un de rrnl n:ing' intent,j on 'of'keep'i'f1g"som.~· aregjs,.of the. t9lm: w.i:tf'j·{a·rge:·.[<;ll'Jd'areas:,op$,n·;, '·In' othe'l'"words' by. :all'owing" sl rrq-l e: 'loT to be"zQ,(d·.8uT· Ka:tl;ly' ,Indicates' 01 re a dvflle'd as a :subd.·iv:ided· lOT So' that he:lp·s,·iwab:L1.lTy ,to. do something'for yo",! .', r ' i 1·. ,'- " 'i ;. j .; .•." , .

. \ ", iT' :' i···· ,~

Mr •.Pa I e'rmo as ke d. .p lan ,to' ~Cjlve· a. ga rage ,I ate r1 Mr l'An dq,H'n,a:',statedmaylpe~, I n: years TO: come.' \'lll:l·h<l!.velto pu.tr 111: ·appli·catlon·'for .thaL·.·Mr. PCIll ermc as ked goi i;l!1J .. to .pu,t r-oom von -f ] rst?:. Mr•. A1H.tO I io"'il' stated' .y~s,·.pr€tty ne,w.· 'thri;le:;be:dr90mslalJd' h eve :t,ht'$e eb.l l dr-sn' so·.Yo'ungestl ad would' have !>e:en' w.i,th .. ol de s t b ro rh er- and, f.eel.·ch:illjrenne'e~,aliTtle' wor-Ld: of thei'r: own;' .own: ·be.droom so' ha'd vsa'l e'a. r-e p resen'te t l vehave I'P~ r-sonn.el 'come :.ove r. an d··d I v.l de',"] aTgest· room' $0". boy s- wo,U I d' have'room for the~se1ves.· Mr •. Ward ~ske~ h6w ')ongq Mr•. An~.Ijna:stated"

,70···.x: 14'.: Will'plfJ'ce with full s Ide view TO Mo.rgan Road. ·If Town.p r-es cr-t bs.s' 60 '.ftl wi 1.1' be ..p l a'ce d 60 ',ft~ t ,'. ". '.. . I I" ,<

,.. I, ". i .' : .'. '-; ..' ,.-, ,.' <

Mr. Hi.;lnter,lstatecf thj'n~·s. ·jf,lst· $0. no misunderstallcj.lng}i.myown· '(nter-pretatlon'of,this~\)~Jieve·the way cqde s~t up tha~ wh~t you aretalk'ing a bo'u t l s r no't rea:IIY'erea s er aside for mob l Te homes but ra.;t"Oe·rcode writt!:)n .~'i rr such .a .. wa:y ,thCjt may, ·b~:iq I Iowe.d under- cl Itcurostances'that ,boa rd mi ght·.·fe;e I"wo'u I d: be'. a pprop r t21i:e,.:· c~ lle'd co nd it i ona·1 'use'in our code.·' . DoesnJt waht people' t o.t t ee.I .That' area' <'r 1.1 , '5191' as Ide formob II a' homes.' Mr. An do I In a stated wou I d l Ike tQ;.·1 ive I lke . ds ce ntc l rlz e.ns- I lke. rest of your gent,lemen and, l ad i e s , Gave up splli" levelinSpencerport.:-lio:. IIve.i·n:mob·j·-Ie· home.·· "j ": :' "

. ! t " . I • ~

Mr. Ward .as ke d t I s: That additLon"goilJg to!:)e ln c l u'de d? ,Mr,. Andolina Istated.:alrready p:art of the home .. :M·r.,f:ltlnteriaskedplo-t p l en ·subril.itted?Mrs'; Chapme-n stated ..f epe vma p bu.t no-rl.o.ca't l on ·indicate·d •. Woul.d·.put~,he r<;lve r ,vie. suggeste-1L.. ' Mr .·Hunte r stated.' wou I d' ·1 Ike. tol see',. 'I,o'cate:d enthe .I o'f a nd i k now speclficalJ·Y·.wh·at·we a r e. granting. Mr. 'Andd>li'nasta ted accord i ng··to the.'. way map' 5 i'tu aiTed,' .I 0-0. ift •. f r-orrte qe , .\o1ou j-dp l ece 60.ft.· to the' back vand v fu l l 's I de-ivl-ew •.60 ;ft.' bac k Ia c cc nd l nq. to.. hearesT ne l qh bo.r , Mrs.·IGhapman asked ho\'/.·Iong·:is. Trailer? Mr'.And'O[{nastated;.7(J··fT~and··14"H. wide'. 15' ,feet on teach s ids , Mr.Hunter asked centered ·on ·the. lo·t?· Mr. And{)1 rna stated ·ye,s. sir,. ·;Mr:-.-Hunter asked any -provision ·for all'owi'ng for' garage or carport attutul"e time? Mri -An'do I ina· sta,ted mi,ght t"eq'L1est' app,1 icai:\-on·:forca rport, .maybe' lawa:y,·from ii'he,·.coach.· Maybe: .wha'tev·er .. the. Llcine· requ ired.[f. not, .wi II' reEve ·automob·i.le· out in 'weather, Mr.· Hunter statedquest ion if attached, .shou I d' take into. a9C91)·nt ;wh$n lYoU ..I O'c<!te. ~9me

so' that 'Could' put garage on and sti 1[' 'comply with si'de' I i'ne varil<ilnce.Mr.·Fla-le·rmo statei:r'.wo'uld·have hard ti·me. ·,Mr;. Hunter-stated wo.ul·d·.· ....only all'ow 10·ft. wide garage.' Mr. Andoli·na.. stated maY9E1·lwquld·idq '.'that. Would' I i'kehome' on fJice ground could' ca!I' my own,. Wi II' ·be.clo'ser to my ·work, .too •. Left Job 'to attend·t~i?· lJork.<'\t Ro~l:J~sterProducts .•' Stepson ,is'. ,Iiii-' ,years old' that wrote house of representatives.Little' shocked myself'. '.1

Mrs.:iTanger 1;lsked would' you obJeq:t to pla'~in§ your·trai.ler h9me.onthe map' to.show u~. exactty·jt-JOw·.It \'io.uld· b,~1' ',Mr. AndoI ina stated60 '.ft. ba.ck 'and 15' ft. from each~'prQperty -r.i·n~'. 'j

Mrs.' Chapman asked if anyone in: audience had questions. Mr. ~raham,385-Morgari Road,";.asked waS'lt a YEilar ago,re.qu·ired 20.a9re5 In t~at

zone·? . Mrs'.' Chapman stated th i 5 I s. RA~20:· '.z6.ne. Mr. Hunter. statedapparently' -several' 'lOTS in -that area thatClre exi.stllJg Tax ~ccounts,

prior to in1-roduction of this::code. When· a-doptEld, code cpl:J!d nQ·t. go .back and change them •. They are there and availa'ble' .to be used in: someappropr,iate. way.· . This: gen·tleman 'proposing mobile' home on one· of thoseaccount·s. Mrs.' Chapman stated already subdivided and f.i[e·d with thetax. re~ords. Mr. Graham mskad I f· I were' to put one i n ~rou! d' have to

Page 72: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoni ng Bca r-d. 'of Ap pea l s , ,I ,"May' ,27.,' ':I 9:1$ ,

have 20',':,a ere s:.' 'M r ~ ,: B-1 un-t e r sta te d' 'i f . bouqh t' mne,ii-ha t ex'l J;tEllL • ~ , " Mr-', 'Graham stated; have "24>'acr-es', at pre se f t'i me.' To,1 d', wouI d ha:ve';to:tilke'2tt.:,to'pu,t tralle'r,on," 'Mr.,:IHunter' sTaten -thatis::t;rl,le:" 'Mrs. Tcj'n~erste,tel:!, un I,ess'iboilght-, on e-r o f the'J;e 'loTs.' ,I I !.-' ":-' II' :' '-."

, - I ' , i " ! I ',' l vill'Mrs. Chapman 'stated' this; Is, new provision 'and' at times even hard for'us to under'sTand' how It: can 'be: carried out b u'r trying to say" ,though Ice rtal n. ,nurillDer' 0 f, I cfs. al r"eakly be:en -pa rC€lII'e'd': up <1l n (j, HI e'd a hd"lthey' ..areothe-se·slzas."Mr-'l"Andoli'na' wO':uld-, l lkel i-o: purchase' on ev o f tille, l otsa I rea'dy' p ar-ce I led up' and',yo::utd' I i'ke' ttl pur mob.l.Ie: home on '["1":,:, ,[f' youown' property ,an'd Wd>111d llke to" make IOTotit of pert of it to'-piit, home •on, wou l d have' to,ihav~ 20' 'acres in thaT'~+icular !zane.' I, I

i '"., " " :, I., ,.. I', ' i IMrs'. Chaj!>m,an 'as ked' I f , anyone, wi, slits'd' to:i speak :1 n: -favo r 'of- oppos I ti on ·to'rh l si ap p l Lcaf Ion ,an'd: no one'appea'red. "", ," " ,'":' "

J ' , ", i : l' "! " I : I I .' IDECIS[ON: Granted wiTh the folI'6wi'ng stip.ulaTions,i': I.' Must put on',

permanent, mason ry' -fo un de f l on > 2,'" To', be', I oc af-e d I Q' ,feet from-onev s f de: l ot line .r. 3 ;', Sho u I d be, sk ['ded If, ap p.l lcab le. "4.: 60 'fee't ba'ckfrom ,r i gh t'. of \~a'y.,'i 6 'a y,es i Mr ~ 'Ste-e Ie' no.

" i 'i " i9.', App,t,i:'~atI6n of:-RoyW. Harrington, ,19:','.Tarrytown, .Rod:hester,': New

Yci>rk',:"for approval 'Of variance to erect att.!lched one' 'car:- gaTagea pp-r-ox l met e ly -S'feet· 'frchm s lde lOT l lns 01'1 prop'erty at 19":: .Tarrytown:;, "R': 1-'[ 2'; itil ' , I !,I ' " ',' ... '" i ',,' ,,'\ '__ i I ~: i

Mr. Harrlngt-on .ap pea r-ed , ,stated,made c Fu de d r-aw i nql ner-e; ",',Th,is:is:'front of house'.. Want to come out, I?' .f t , wide a nd- 25, 'ft. dee'p, Th a.rl ea ve i5 -f t . more property'from the, garage to the l o-r l lne," .Nr ; 'Steele'stat-ed s ame as, ns-Iqhbo'r s . ,'Mr. MuJ Ian ev e s ke d how 'farlis, this:'house Tram the [aT .. ) f.nef Mr.. Har.rington ,s't'ated from garage wa.l l: 15",feet., Mr. Mu'll:a'neyi,asked he'wO'uld' put garage o n ,other s'ideif wanted Ione?, Mi.-s", Chapman asked your garage w'i'Ill'ije: 'rie'>i:t "1:<'- hl s. be.dr-oom?Mr. Harrington stated right. ,",Mr.: Hunter a s ke d v no garage at presenT?'Mr: ~ar~ington stated n~, ,~e~er hdd 6rie'thefe.', ,M~s. bhapma~ itateddoesn't think any of tho'se hous es -we r-e bul l t- with garages •. 'Mrs'. Tangerstated miglit say vou have a lve ry ri l ce l oo k ln q- p r-op e r-tv ,ther-e. 'Mr.;'"Ha r r l n g-t'on 'stated 'severa~ ll n there thatldon'Tt'·have;gal"ages.'

, . ,I,' , i l : ", ,Mr. Hunter asked iWhat I s'$ize of your loT? Mr.! Harri ngton ,stated70' .x 1.93,:, ' Mrs. Chapma n ',sta tEi d they a refa l.r- I y-n arrow.', I OTS, and· not "muchvou can' do. Mr. Hunter a sked 'Was th i s 0: zone In: 0 I d code?'! 'Mr-s .: IChapman staterl th i nk s I t:was. Ii' ,II ,:, i . Ii:: r

Mrs.' Ghapman "asked if any'bne wishe,d To sp'eak lri' fayor 'or opposiTion'to this;'applicafion and no orle appea~ed. I t

I'i Ii'· ,iiiDECI'S'rON: Granted unan j,mous Iy'.

App,lidltion'of James :f1',lummer,':3TZ'a UnlonSfreet" North Chi Ii',N; Y.' for varlanc'e 'to','cons+rLlctaddiTlon t-o'ex'istiri:g home In) Ine 'wi th froni" seTJ:)adk~' 20, 'fee't' ,from r11ght'-0f-waV~ .at' ,3T2'g .Un i onSt reet.

i ",DECT'SION: iGraryted,5 'ayes,' l~r'. steele' no, IMrs. Ta~ger abs:tal ned •

. 1

He.! d' ove r: , I I,


Dr, Farrow and, Mri' M80ia" Attorne,y"appe,aredl Transcript ofldiscussiont'o' be protf'ijed by' court' reporter and allttached to minutes'. i

1 I'



I '

IJANICE M. CHAPMANCha'! rperson ' ...

Page 73: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




ZON' NG BOARD..OF APPEALSJune 24,;. ,19'-1.5,'

. A Mee.t·i ng' of t'he' Zort i ng ·Soard.:Of .Appea 1svo f the. Town' o f 'Ch iiiviaS, ha.ld: ,'in ·the .Ch i U' Adm r"n.i sf ra t'i on. 'Off.i CEl S ,.: 3255..eh-iii' -Ave.nue-, .Rocf"te.s·ter",Ne.y/ York·14'6.24, 'on .June 24,' 197.5 •. The. Meeting was. cal Ledto. ord.er by the Ghairp'e.rso~,. ,Mrs •. Ohap man , ,~'t 8;O·I)··P.~·•• ' ... :....

Ja,j-i,i ce: M: Cha'p~an".Cha"'i rpe~';cinRobef+ Hunter . .'Gertrude.'Tan~~r~

John' Pa I errno'·Ca.r I.e' Mul laney-Gera l.d DeGra.ff,Ra y.. :St.e.e; I El

Also Pr-e se nt ; .. 'Ai'fred:·J. Heilm"an, Deputy. To:wn"Aftor:ney'R.·'Thomas War'd;Buil'ding l nspec-rcr- '

Stev-~; Has s a 11:' Conservati'on' Board

Mr. Hei I man 'stated there a.r&·on fil'e····with the,' T.own'·C·lerk affl dav ltstha,t thls,,·'le'gal,.'notic.e was du ly pu b-lIs he d. in, a ,newspaperau,t.h.ori,ze',q.:by. th.e Town. Bca.r-d. J0(·.s·uch J.e'ga,1 ...p ub l.lce r.l o n s a nd .a I so' was po.s te oon :·the bu:I,.l:etin b oa r d as required. '

I .~ . ." "A'PR I (~at ion:' o"f , ~an t,] In' ,& ·CNci'n'a·r) ie. Dev e . Co i-p •',:'-,20;0. 'Eas t 4,2.n:d' ~' '

Street, 'Ne.·w 'Yo'r-k. .N., Y. for 'ap prove I .:0 f va r l an ce . for ove r:;'5i ze.ds l qn sror; f ro n-f and- s Idaio f' K':'Mar+ .Bu ll dl nq ,freEL~st·and.f'ng 5i'gn 'for shopp·.in'g·pia"Za~with. 3 'stores';'~lo'ca"hild at NW corne r- of Paul,'Road and Ch·i,l:j.' Ce'nter-Ooldwater' ROG1d~' 'C-2.~ ,



Mr. Ri eh a r d..·May b's':rry,' ,Attorney" )~t,pp.eared. ,State d .'s hea f Of .p [a'n~' "i ndka-t l n q si'gns'talk'ing abo'u t , :Have 1l10st,pos;te.d on .fhe· board. WillI no lca'te. an 'd' re fe r . fo 'the.m, in.' 1i'n~ with'. 's i fe :p I an ,<3 pprove d by.P I arln' i 'ng'Board .tn ,19:7.'1:.: "Numbe.r' on,e.>-eaT!y -fou r '5',igns,':i n: ~nc;l"out s l qn s-vf o r : 'two aece'ssdrivewa'ys'in:dicated, l nrq ree nvon ·thiS":'dralil'ing'.'. Twei'si'gns,on Chi I I: C~nter-Coldwafer Road and, two': on Paul 'Road.' " Have tde f al' I of"in" sign,",lIo ut" ·would'·be,·the.same .except for-.leiiering·. -Ove r-cs I z s.d.si gn under' yo·ur o r-d Lnan.ce , -:',Fe'e·!.th,at·,be'cause','.of .vol ume ,ottr:affi c. ..on the -r-oa ds ·th.a't a· sign o f that·type, wou ld be. nece s sarv ·to .a l er t thetraffi.c-.-at a tll)1e suf#,i~ient to::a'll·ow.to make turn ·and.~et in:·an,d·oufof the, center afte:r comp Ie-re d , "Indication on the droill'l'ing',is:that signis; '32.". x 17'''. Second' sign' p r ob ab I y' most con t-r-ove r-s I.a I 'of the group'"and recognize..there a re p r'ob lems with it. "'lno,lcated whe n. came Inbe.f o r-e for :Pla'nn'ing~Board approval,'and various ·approval's"needed. f·rGin·Town Board and pa,rking. 'from this, Soard that we would' be' p re sen t l.nq. aT. x [0.1. pylon 'sign :~J1ong, Chill··Avenue with leTTering,. "Ch ll-! Center,Mart". ',Quite:, -fr~r,lkly ·we ·areperfect.ly· w I Il"ing to, 1:::tylS: '1Y!.th thata,nd·.tho,t sign ,·its.e[f'·eortlpletely ade q ua t'e for this cen'f-e r, Felt· it wasimportan.t"to, tie. in ·.appU'cation ·:for a K-:'MarT IdenTification .sign ,at"t h l sc.pl eza., Va r-Len ce for si'gn ·number·tW9, would' be:,for' a ,stan~·arqK-Mart sign of apprOXimately: ,52 'ft. in height and· 25,;ff; wi'de, total·face: 16"f·t. hi'gh.'··Only- reason have made appli'cation 'Of tha:t sign on··thecha'nce ·that this, board decided·that·sign mo·re,acceptab.Je· than <:>n-bu:ifd'lngs'l-gn whicH K-Mart feels: is. vital to operation.' ·if: in, fact bu:ilding'.- .s:j'gl'l ·appr-oved".prefectly· happy with Chi Ii' Center' MarT'sign wh,i'ch ' •conforms :to the 'ordinance.•. Sign NLimbe:r threels:·temporaI:"Y.· .Dur.ing~construction to. indicate·K-Mart wi..rl open soon ,anp' name of developers,',!rchitecT and, ~ontracTor. 'Have la'rge ~Ign., Thinks"j;::rrge ,temporary· •sig!) is: certainly ,in order. K-Mart would··II'ke'be:cause,·thi"s is, firsto'f many ·stores' 'i ntend-s to' open and operaTe In' th is: a rea and· feels' 'their'commitrment'to the area demands thaT theY ,be:-'kn'own:'es soon 'as'po§sible. ThaT wb~Jd be on elii "i Avenue si~e ~t int~rse~~lon of Paulingenera'l \lic.in.ity of permanent',pylon ·sl'gn., 'Other' sig.ns·,a·ll· ·on-·bu:'ild'ing 5i·gns.·On The. K-Mart store •. Note" no' ap}l1i'catioD"f9r super-market' sifjn., star is: now te,nant and· wi'll' 'come in: here an.d ask' thi's.Board I ,am sure for approval 'of whatever its stand,ard sign wi (I be,•.

Page 74: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

h ... 'to~ t· ~ ~


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.i-:, ...~.. ~.... t:.~M~.t,~ Patricia M. Smith

Publisher1-' p&'1tl(

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Page 75: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

·1LEGAL NOTICEf -..Zoning Board 01 Appeals

A Meeting of the ZoningBoard of Appeals of the Townof ChlIl "!iJ,! be held in the'"ChiI1 Administration OIDoes,3235 Chili Avenue, Rochester.N.Y. 14624 on June 24, 1975at 8:00 P.M. to consider the ..rol~owing appl1c~ons:

i. Application ot Pantlfn &Chananie Oev. Corp., 200 E.42nd St., New York, N.Y., for

. apprqva1 of 'Variance for over-II 'SIzed signs on front and side

of K-Mart BUilding,rree ,stand-iog sign for shopping plaza with3 stores, located at NWcornerof Paul Road and Chili Center-. COldwat~r Road. C~2_2., Application of Anthony Gal~

veno, 148 Brookrea, Rochester,-N.Y. for approval qf varianceto erect home on under-sizedlot, front setback to be in Une

o : :~ith existing homes. setback',. from east lot lfne to be deter-

.nll";'d, located Lot BR-2 Har-old Avenue. F-l. (Corner Har-old and Morrison).R.,...,ApplicaUon of Anthony Gal-vario, -148 Brooklea, Rochester,N.Y. for approval of varianceto erect home OJ:! undersizedlot, front setback in line withexIstiDg homes, setback from%st lot line to be determined,located Lot AR-2 MorrisonAvenue. F-L (Corner Morri-son and Morrison).4, Application of C.S. Nagder,20 Weatherwood Lane, Roches-ter..., N.Y. for .appr-oval of vari ~

. ence to allow setback of 47teet from front lot line insteadof allowed 60 ft. to extendgarage . on front of existinghome, Joceted at. 20Wea:ther-wood. R-1-12.5. Application of John Witzel,34 Wilelen Road, Rochester,

..N.Yo ..for--approval of vet-lanceto erect addition, 12' x 12'at rear of house to be lessthan required distance fromrear lot line, 77 ft. _~nstead of90 tt'-;-located Oat -34--WilelenRoad. R-I-20. .6. Application or Middleton andGianrdny, 900 Midtown Tower,Rochester, N.Y. for approvalof variance to allow additionto existing building to be 22.6feet from sIde lot line, 30 ft.required. on property at 999Beahan Road. M -2.7. Application 'of Eoward H,Pappa, 17 Harold -Avenue, Ro-chester, N.Y. 14623, for appro- ~

val of 8' x 16' shed 5 It. fromrear lot Ilne on undersized lotbeing 125" x 120' in zone r'e-quiring 150 ft. Ircntaga and 1acre lot located at 17 HaroldAvenue. F-2,8. Application ot John Albee.10 Ascot Dr-Ive,Rochester, N.Y.for approval of variance toerect- Wooden shed. 10' x 12",approx, B ft, from. side lot liIleon property at 10 Ascot Drive(10 ft•. required). R-I-15.9. Applicati?n of Carl Youney,16 HJ1lary Drive, Rochester,·N.Y. ·for approval of varianceto erect shed 4 ft. from westside lot Une at 16 Hillary Drive(10 ft. required). R-I-l5.10. Application of James Stuh-ler, 29 Baylor Circle, Roch-ester, N.Y, for approval ofvariance to erect garage. 18'x 24·. 8 leet Irom north sidelot line at 29 Baylor Circle(10 ft. required). R.1-l2.11. Application of JamesMer-k-linger, 6SS Marshall Road,Rcchestar-, N.Y. for approvalto erect addition to existinghome to be approx. 8 1/2 It.from south lot line at 688Marshall Road (10 feet. reoquired}. R-l"12.

All interested. parties arehereby requested to be present.-By order OCtlle Chairpersonof the Zoning Board ofAppeals.JANICE M. CHAPMANChairper?~~ _


Page 76: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Board of AppeaLs June 24, 1975




Don't represent Star. Feel would be remiss in not telling the Boardthat star will be here at eome time. Thought, A &: P w,ould be the tenantand determined that it is 'no ,longer 'involved in the Rochester 'area andnot only withdrew application for approval and closed. existing stores.Signs that we have indicated on K-Mart'store' are those signs whi.ch havealways indicated on all applications ,that woulq,ultimate+y be seeking, Ifrom the town. We have had:'before the board a .large drawtng I coloreddrawingof what intended to do and that indicated large K7Mart signwhich is sign number six on the front of the stor~.Th~t also indicatedsign number four which would be relatively small free-standing gardenstore sign and number five which is sign indicating auto service onthe face of the building where service center is located. Garden storenecessary because have ,to indicate it is there and same true of servicecenter. K-Mart requires some iden~ification of operation' and becuaseof the great setback frOm ro,adway. does reqUire, some ,on-front identificatiohof the building. Board will note no indication at ail of the natureof the stores in this plaza ,from Chili Center-Coldwater Road. Al~o noindication of ,the nature of the stores from Chili Avenue unless boardapproved large pylon sign; ,'Only incil.ication of the stores would be fromPaul Read and that would be K-Mart sign 'number six. Without some 'identi-tication of K-M~rt, either six o~ two, K-M~t has serioqs prqblem.SQmehow peop.Le hav.,"?1:jo ~'know '~~?1.~,:doi~g;, and "J:d;';'t 'op~::r::atid.n i~ '.i~d becauseof s~tback, requested sign;larger th~ri woulq ,allow i~,forex~p'le

wit.hin 25, i;t. of the .xoadway 1:falkilW about sign; fqur ~.:i;mes <;I.s,largeas you would allow in.accordance with o~dinance. ~a~king abo~t·building

which is at least four to five times as far set back from road as ymallqw. ~hese are' signs talking' about. 'One considen valuable are ."ol;vi~ttsly in '!')-n~' 'out b~caus1't:a:!;fi~ 3]eqU~res..th~t -: 'Wi~hacce~,se'.:l • 'per~~tte9 ~~d ~olume w1 h~~e:w~+~,geneiat~, 'w~ll ha~e som~ ~es~gn~t~dnof, access. S~co!,!-d, "yarj,ous, ~,i<;Jr:s ,on '~he ~a9~ o~ the K-.M?l,rt building:~

K-Mart has; particqlar"way of '.do.i,ng bU,si~es9 and rchese are threesigI;lSfind vital to their op~ration~, Other signs subordinate are temporarysign 'to indicate'what'doirig' over themon the'site,( Second large pylon signwhichwJu~d be"only iClentif.f.cation from Chi1:i A~enue side and"Co'ldwaterside:Of what't;his plaza has 'in. it~ 'Sign whi6li. :';;ould scl.y K-Mart.' AiJ.ygU~stiqns, 'I, am !~er~, ~z:~ Mr. liePab:lf I~s. 9-e.rf?~ i ", '. I ' , i

" , . , ' i 'I. . : ,I :" , -1 .," i .' ,Mr. ',Hunter staij:ed trhinks ,.g<;t.veexcel+emt_!qv~r-:'I!.i\'iw. ,:r:tumb~r, of" s.:!-QD.;s ,and didn'.t, follow 'them all. Would ,like to,.gq'back. and see what understand.Calling number one'in'and ou~? Mr.' Mayberry stated in and out on bothroadways. Mt. Htl~~er statediunderstand referring Ito 32 x,17 inches.Roughly, 4!z' ~g. ft;.~';' and. c6de cailS' tC?r one ~q: ft. ,Mi'< Maybedy statedif haqto accepi one'sql ft'would.- Do~s '~eliJve tra~fic volume'ta~king

al(put; generating and ~oi¥me,on tJr0s7·roads. reqrtire? rb.ore than' tl1~'t:. 'Mr. HUI;lter stated numbear It~o confuaed , ,Hear9, ~2 ft. high and 2~ wide.¥r. Mayberry stated this is, larser drawing, Ns-is in'~qeaf~of dt~wingspresented.'Mr:. Hunter aaked free-standi.ng? :Mr1 Mayberry stCj.i;-ed fr\?e-standing on Chili Avenue side:' Would be 900 to', Chili traffic in thislocation. 'Realize"vis:!.bility problem but sign' right here. In exact,, I" ' , " . ' , • • , , , ,locat~on of the pylon. sigh wh~ch indicated would be there'throughoutapplications •. Hbweve:t, s~'iJn~?-~e:be~p.'talkinl;(iilio\1twafl.l~ ~t<hig1,J.,10 ft~ w~de saying Chili ¢enter Mar~. We are saying that wouldllik~to have sign ind,icating K':"Mart onit and che standard K-M,art sigp.i'isone' on NS-1.8. 52 ft.. to tJ;1.e top ... 2;:; ft. wide. face itseif, l.f ft., .high. Mtt Hellaby stated, 328 sq,!ft. Mr. Hunter asked hei~ht WOUld;be 18 ft. to the top? Mr. Mayberry'stated total height: ;i2,ft. ,Mi='Hunter, asked proposal1is th~tlit simpl.y identify K-Mart? ,Mri Mayberrystated says K'!"Mar't I that is i all. Mrs. Ch!l.pman asked rather thEm Chili

Page 77: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

zoning Board'of Appeals J\.me .24, 1975..:





.Center Mart. Mr.' Hunter asked no. provision for other. stores~ ' ,M,l::'; .,"Mayberry stated 'nothing 'at··all. star identification .$igl.) w0\,11ct 'be ".on-building sign' and' sure they will. come- before the ,boa;t:~ ~or..ptq.I;lClar9Star· sign .... Believes anot.hez» one located' in·the,Town'.p:(: lThil.i.. and '.. ':'wouldh' tbe di:Eferent ftom. that. '. -.

Mr. Hunter' stated boq,rd·has discussed many .times idea..o.f ahoppd.nq , cen,:t.erwith some kind of sign which. allows identification'of essentially.~ny

unit in the center .. This gets around.problem of \,=,very. time .an!=lther.comesin would have to be coacez-ned about where it goes, dir.ectory. 5ig.n~ ;'Have you ever considered that kind of. sign. that WQul~ ~ake ~nto accountboth tenants and: shopping'. center? . l{.[;r'. Mayberry st.ated taken'i!?-to ,". ,.consideration~ Only provision in' this shopping center .for at most.. ,four tenants.' One garden shop which really is K-Mapt. Se90nd,.super-market. star doesn % t require.. Third la. bank in. :Lo.cat:j.on near cp.iti...that will be Chase.Manha~ten and does. not require on~. Beca~ all of.them· long-term leases would not expect to have appli.cat.ion ,f,or chan9~'

in signing for the period of time of these leases and that ~s .approxi-mately 20 years. At present tenants will have to live with singleidenti~icationsignwhichwould.be K-Ma~t i~ that is ~pproved b~ t~e

bo'afd: Mr. He'ilman' asked your altern.ative to. bhe. .py.l.on.. sigr;, is. theone 'that was, originally shown .on the dJ:;'awings? ·Mr.; Mayb,erry stat-~..conforining.pylon' which says -Chili center. M.art, •.. Mr.He;i.1~an ask~q. inaddit-ion would want one on the building? MJ::. ~aybe~:cy ~.tated 'Y~~' .basically has to have' someinqiv,iduaJ. iq,entificq;tion whic~ .certai.nlyon~he building, wanted the. most. De~irous·to haye.poth but withouteither wou.ld be 'in..serious trouble and wou;I.d lose ,the ten.a~t·. .Have tphave one. .:"

Mr. Palermo asked what is sign on the building:: Mr. Mayb~rr'y s:t,at.e:d.:lettering I "K" 10 "6". by something. .}.ess than 18.'.', height of. oth,erletters 6' and total width of entire s·ign 67 '. across, the front.Includes the "K". Mr. HUnter stated 67 ft.:. long and he;ight woul.d ViU'y.Mr. Mayberry stated 10% 6" ,for the "K'~ .arJ.d 6' fro tlleremai.ni~g·f:our, .letters to the top. "T" slightly higher. Mr. ~unter. stated. roughly.500 sq. ft. Mr. Mayberry stated in the neighborhood of 400. Mr.Hunter stated thinks .code cal~s for ma&imum of 100.· Mr. Mayberrystated no question thq.t. this is 'substant:i,al~y ;\.n exce;ss ..0,£ ,the s.izeof the sign allowed by ~our c9de. Would call .again to your-att~ntion

that ialking _about, setback which is aubat.arrt.La'l.Ly in excess of the· setbackcode' requires and. also sigh ";hich was reflected in ~i-ze on ail ~ d:t;a';.lingspresented toothe boards so-far.· Standard. for the K-Mart operation.throughout the country. Mr. ~eilman asked how far.frqm the cent~r? Mr.Mayberry stated :i;irst ·.indication have fro:qL Paul Road .is 273 ~t,. deep'plus additional 5Q ft. would make 3~0 tq t,he f+ont.Qf .the bUlldins ..Want to be able to, ·see.. Tha:t is from;5,.ns;tde of the 19 ft. that left..vacant for highwaY.purposel\l which wouJ,dn't be.usep •.,,' r~.om J2rese~t ...'roadway, about 330 :l=i:'. Mr. Mur.llaney asked. from J?au,l RO;:ldZ Mr. Mayb~rry

stated yes •. M~. Heilman.asked one on t~e,building would be.illuminated?,Mr. Mayl;>erry st.ated would,be illUJ:!1:!-I!.at~d. No:t.. rieori b;"'t 'piastic .~..lith.illumination~ Ones ~ot illuminated are t~mpo~arysign and in. and outsigns along access -z oads , Mr. Hunter. asked in-outs not illuminated?Mr. Mayberry stated·not illum~nated~Mr~ .palermo asked. made of reflec-tive material? Mr.'Hellaby stated yes, .refle ctive , Parking lot l.ightingclose to them so thiru{s would be pretty well v.isible during t~me p~azain operation at night.

Page 78: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Board of Appeals ... ' June 24, :).E!75 .


Mr. Palermo asked ,what are hours? 'Mr~ Hellaby stated as fa;r, p's I .know ,10:00 P.M. Mr. Mayberry stated Star has not~gone to ,midnight openingsin the area,artd K~Mart has b~en fairly standard at 9, or 10:00 closing~.Mrs. Chapman stated 'not 'further 'in ,on Chili Avenue •. Mr. Hunter' st?t.edletter sign on front of the building 500 sq. ft. 'Anything ~ompa~ab~~

on the Paul Road side of the building? Mr. Mayberry statBil this is Paulside. ' No identification on Goldwater side or Chili Avenue sid~. ,Mr.Hunter asked only other signs on the building would be garden center,, and auto center?: Mr. Mayberry fitated number four on the drawings isgarden center sign which is 16 by approximately 2. 'Along chain linkfence. Mr. Hunter asked about· 32 sq.', ft? Mr. Mayberry stated yes.Auto service sign iS'on the face of the building, only sign facing,Chili, Center"':Coldwater Road, 40 ft.' long, individual letters; illuminatedand they are 2~ ft. 'high:~ j)I1r.'Hunter stated about,lQQ,sq,. ft. ;Eor theauto centersignbn the building~ Mr. Mayberry stated on the buildingover the·b'ays'to the center. Mr. Heilman asked garden shop not illumi-nated? Mr. Mayberry stated it is illuminated ,in the· samemanne~ asthe others.

Mrs. Tanger stated indicated garden store presently owned, by K-Mart~,

Did you indicate indirectly WOULd be owned by st\1Il1eone e'Lae eventuaJ...ly?Mr. Mayberry ·stated·a:mtemplating being; K-Mart. Always a possibi1.ityand always reierred to it as' separated., There is possibility will b~

operated by someone else but don't contemplate at this time.Mr,.Palerni.o askeaif you lease to someone, 'just the business and stillcomes under K-Mart or what?' Mr., ,Mayberry stated .wouLd as sume. stillK~Mart. No iridication at this time but if it is leased out, wouldtake down present garden sh9P sign and put up something else XO indicate Inature of operation. Close enough to the road that large sign notnecessary. Only 55 ft. from ~he side of the roadway. Mr. Palermo"asked' area for the ga:odeh shop strictly g,arden shop,' no othE\r operation?Mr. Mayberry state'd no indication anything,else. Certainly would haveto come' baCk before the board for any' other approval because notbuilding;;' chain 'link fenced area. ' To have any 'other 'operation wou1.dneed lot of approvals.

Mr. Heilman s'cat'ed 'talking about sign, if have si<;n on building , atsize shown, would not', require 'either pylon sign, just onvche ..building?Mr. 'Mayberry stated still Chili Center Mart' sign. :Mr. Hei1.man asked'18 ft. high?' Mr. Mayberry stated 18 ft. high 'and 10 'acxoss and faceconfo'rms. Mr.' Heilman asked' where would it ,be? ' Mr. Mayberry statedin location indicated 'on all plans approved to date. Mr.'Heilman

" asked' how high above grade on Paul? Mr. Mayberry stated supposedlyat'grade, not far off side line of the road. Mr. Hellahy, stated prettyclose to ·the property' line' and almost, at existing grade." Didn't touchgrade at property line." Mr. "Heilman stated apparently where trees'used to'be. Mr. Mayberry stated' in front of,trees.' Mr. Heilman asked.18 £t:; high from there? Mr. Mayberry' stated 10 ft. to the' base and

'1:3 above tha:t and 10 across 'approximately as indicated. on the'drawing; IMr.'E:urlter stated as interpret current code, sign speaking of, 8 x,lO,a:ctualiy orrLy allowed ·if itis:.sign which identifies number ofbusinesses. 'That; is purpose for allowing such, a free-standing signand only one allowed in commercial district with exception. of servicestation. Mr. Maybe:Ery stated would agree that this type sign only onethat would be allowed for shopping center as interpret code, everyshopping center entitled to one free-standing sign and'did not concludefrom the language of the code that required to identify the individual

Page 79: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zoning Soard of Appeals 'June' ,241 '].,975 '





tenants of-'the' plaza on the sign. Maximum of 80 ~q. ft. and entitledto one free-standing sign and ,would like- to have, that" o:n.ei£ 'allowec;l.Mr.' Hunter stated -Let; me read one sentence. \'~Such sign shall' not,cont.ann the names "of 'individual busines-ses ," shall, not exceed -eO sq., ,.ft. IIIs ind'icated identifiying group of four or ,more bts iriesses. comoLned intoshopping center~' 'Interpretation of what, would be on there. Thinksintent to point: out mcze than one ,bll'iness ,'and not, ,the··intent .t.e be usedas advertising for individual business~ 'Mr; Mayberry stated if ..v.a:t:iance notgranted for larger K-Mart sign would not identify single business. Woddidentify shopping center without identifying individual businesses .therein:~ .. Simply Chili Center Mart and keep -within' size' allowed byordinance. Have to reiterate that K...,Mart,is' national operation Witl1considerable amount of advertising. 'They would be spending in excessof one'million' dollars for advertising for three' or more stores locally.Must have identification.

'Mr. l?alermo"asked one standard size for the face sign? .. Different.lengths? Mr. "Hellaby' stated that is, standard size for that size store.410 ft. long and,that is sign"for that store' and that i$ smaller,store.

Mr.· Heilman asked what diffiCUlty would it r~quire to, illuminate't1).ein and out.signs at ,this ,point? Mr. Mayberry state.d .little bit of..:E=xtrabucks if desired. Could· be, done easily.' Mr. ',Heilman sta,t.edin ,wil1.:ter-time would be problem. ,Mr. Mayberry stated suz'e W01,l1C! b~ '\Y'il;Ling to;illUminate signs •.

Mr1:l. Chapman asked, any questions from the' audience:?, Anyon!p w,ish. tospeak in favor.? ' J:n opposition? "

Mr. James Nichols l 3138 Chili Avenue, stated ,thinks Town should stickto their code and no over-sized signs whatever. They have code and thinksthat should. stick to it.

DECISION: Reserved pending receipt of, comments from MCl?D. ,

2. Application O:E'Anthony Galvano l' 148 Brooklea Drivel Rochester,'IIlT.,Y. for appro{,al' of,va,riance to erect home on und.er-sized lot,'fro~t setb~ck tbfbe in li~ewithex*sting hom~sl setba~k:frbm eastlot li~e tb'be ~etermined; located tot BRI~HaroI9'Ave~ue. F-I~

" (Corner HarolCl' and Morrisml) . 'I

3. Application of Anthony Galvano, 148 Brooklea Driv~; Rochester,N~' Y.for appr<t>val of variance" to erept home on undersiz'f!d lot,'front setback in line 'with existing homes, 'setback-, ,from east, lotl'ine to b~ determined, i located Lot AR-2 'Morrison Avenue.. F',...:l.'

, .(Corner IMorrison and Mbrrison)" ':.. , I' " !

" , ' '", . I " - , 'Mr. ,Galvano apPrfr~d.. State.d OW]l t,hose, twp lots. On corner' of' Haroldand Mpr~ison. ~oug~t,.,lots approximately; ,five years' ,ago with intep:i:.i~ntobuil.q houa.e , Owner, used to own lots, ~sed to be" four lots and com-bined'into one lot for tax purposes. 'When bought, lots mage sure was,subdivided to' bui ld houa es: On. Was. taking care of I that and, got letterfrom the board of, the Town that approved in: December 1971,1;0 have, twoseparate Lot.s , 'Apparently blueprints g'ot lost ana- .M,r~ Carmichael wassurveyor and took care of it. Very concerned and was supposed'to havebeen filed., Th~t is what here £or. ~other th~ng wish,boardiwoul?consider this as piece of, land sits now abandoned and nothing ther.e and

. [

Page 80: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

zoning ~oard of Appeals June ,2,4, 1,.975

all ,nice homes cannot be seen. See hunch of weeas, and old trees. Ifbuild houses there will make difference. When, peopl~ appro~ch~ng

could see two fine homes, would 'be much better view. Many homes a:t:oundarea that will desire toh~vesomething on the corner to have cieanedand taken care, of. After gO,t heme from wozrk t.oday got letter ,~rom '..neighbor' and sent letter to me and aske~,board t9~eaq,it, what hisopinion is. Mrs. Chapman stated see to it entered into ,the record when Iask who is in favor. or opposed.

Mr. Galvano'stated would be willing ,to dO"anything to meet building codeto raise house 'to sea, .LeveL OJ:: whatever do , . M-ore than gladd ~o meet •qualifications. If raised ranch, no basement o~ wh~t~ver c~se might,be. 'More than happy to do what oodes re@ire. Mr~. Chapman asked anyidea of sort of house? Something proposed? Mr. _Galvano stated didnitbring but have in mind to put house between 960 ',sq. ft. or more.Whatever town requires. Plan to have single homes. Both would befacing -on the side, one, to Morrison and another to Harold. ,Landsc~ped

'properly and make area'look nice•. Mrs •.Tanger asked wou+~ be ba~k toback? Mr,. Galvano stated yes, sides towarcl the road.

Mr. Heilman stated planning 'board already approved the r~-subdivision

into two, lots. Originally four lots. Mrs. Chapman asked apparently,combined into one tax account? Mr. Heilman stated map all filed,withCounty Clerk. Mr~ Palermo asked'what ~ize,lots? Mr. Galvano stated100 x 120. Split in half. Mr. Hunter asked 100 ft. ,wide by ~20 ft.deep? Unfortunately have an old map that doesn't show curve in theroad. Mrs. Chapman stated'discussing as, to, how, located, map doesn't,show jo'g in street. Mr. Galvano stated really .not., jog. ,Mrs. Chapman Istated discussing whether corner lots or not. Mr. Galvano stated Mr.Ca~michael says hot corner lots.,

[vIr:- Heilman 'ask€d houses on, el t he r- s.ld e of these lOTS? Mr. GalvanoSTated. on Morrison .the r-e. is. h'oI.ls,e',oext,to, it. 'Matter of fact garagerlght'ne:xt,to it" a bo'ur 6" from the !'.o't,,[!'rle. Mr,. He l l rnan s,tated'that is on one side, ~ny ho~ses on other sides of thes. lOTS? ,'Mr.Ga l va no stated no', just on Morrison.' Mr. Heilman asked Harold' nothing?Mr. Ga[v'ano stated vacant l o-r , 'Very old house. Mr. He l l man stated'thih~ thatwl [I't~ discu~s~d 'later from theCounty~ ,11~ts qu,st10nswith regards to be.l nq in violaTion -'of F-I "and 'trying'to s s t-ab l.lsh .home s rp re s e ntt v exist -in thatlarea.' Mr.'Hunter stated my ';mpressro'n"there are ho~es'bn ~oth' Morrison and'Hffrol~ that would' be adjatentto.:your 10Ts •.',May ,be in co r r-ec t'v bu.f that,is the way it l oo ke d , , Mr.GalV'ano' stated no, .one on w,est' side. Mr. Huntrer stated on Morrisonand Harold'. 'Mr. Galvano stated Morrison sure there Is one but notsure abo'uf Harold. -

Mr. He I l nran .st a f-e d bel i eves TOI d' PI a-n n i n9 Boa r-d : that"'i n: order TO bu.l I d'have to have re llef a's far a's, setba'.cks, bu.t where hou se would' be wouldbe: in I lrie with, houses existing on Mot'rison. 'Mr. Ca l va no stated would


Page 81: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975





be. same serb ec k , ,y.e,s·. ,'J f: ~hange 'setba·.ck, ..d98'Sn'1-. know ,; Mr;, 'Hel l manstated.. re,q·u'ested'. to' bed h'.- ll ne.. 'w lfh. ex !s:rl'ng homesv.wh'l ch is:! e'sS'thi:l·n,re.q:ul're·d. ,'Mr. Hun-t-er- stated:' unders.l ze'.j l o't s i a n d difTer-en,t·se rbeck; an d .q ue.st lon 'Of setba'ck' bh 1-he: s Ide as to,'wh'e'the't· co.r-n e.r ('lo:t 0 r no·t. r !MP., Gel. I va no stOlted ha ve tw ice., th-e sp-aGe·b:f: e ve ra ge! " "; ,]o:t·d-ow,n'there·. 'Mr. Hurrter- s1-a'ted doub le', JD't':,in: eac h.vc es'e-, "Mr.' lGa I vano,:staTed -mo re thatl enough 'to: .p l ace house' whe.re dec lde to.•Mr. Stee [e:, a s ke'd ' do' y.o-u, know' '~et-pa:ck of p r-es'errt. homes on tile street?Mr •. Gil I vanoq 51-at-ed 35,,'1 ima,gihe'~! i ,.

1:, ,.' i ; ..'. i ,. ii' ; iMr.' Hun'te r stated.,AI·.:r-a lsed ..questionthat 'in', F-I·;?:one. Ar¢ vou awareof the' fa:i:rly ·':lgorOlJS' -res't'rictions' In: bur. code fo,r F:-:I' ·zone·? Mr.•. ,Ga·jv:ano' stated, onlVi·way 'On'd' out. th.1's, pe:c.atfse· pap e r-s v wer-e n t f f ll ed .Had another guy,· ,we:re gO'i ng'{ TO,: bui 1'9' hou ae: together·.' ~ Go,i ng to: bur I j:l,two house'S and came ·t6..gei-:"pe,rmlts an dv seJ d C!9n'thave:t}'lo: lo:ts.' ;,' ..Thought had wrong' .p l ace , Mr. Hun.ter $tpt$d con ce r-ne-d th,,'t j-ecoqn-l z e;~lhQt facing and' relaTively- expe-nsl ve con s-tr-ucr l on 'compared to normalres i de n'f.i·~·I, 'zor:H~~ '. Mr.'. Ga r va no s f-a te d d] d 1ppk 1nto thaT an-d it."have .ro have' extra' course' or ti l e-s .o-r whatever, ,bud ld up gr1'lge; • :.whatever is, r-eq.u l r-ed , ',",' ", ,'. . "

j" • ' •. , i"·'Mr. PaI e'r-mo asked sal d house' on side was h-ow c l csez Mr., Gi=llv'ano,,sta t.ed' with tn -a . f oot , . Mr.$. Chapma n 'ptated say s· garage., 0 f. ou r bouse',this is: le'tter from Mr-, ;FredJ.ey,·,'II·Morrison; .w,hich·'i!?:.adjacen.t,..property.;··G.a·r.age o'f·our.house'add-ed by -previous .a.wne'r e x t e n ds to,our p r-ope.r-fv -llne-, ;:Obtt'.a·ine-d variance in August·" .I97,r:.,-;.' To· ,I i·ne".nO'T one 'foot or 6 'Ln che ss ' 'To' our. I I ne • M·r.· Hunter stQted that is,on. Mbrl'":iso.n., "Do we.have, anv vl n f or-mafl pn e bouf Ha r-c l.d Ave nue r M.rs .•·.'Chapman ,stated' no 'i nd i ca·t i on .,' Mr. Ga I va no stated if an v-rh i ng the r-e, .much further ·tha'n 'gl3rage. "Ne l qhb o.r- r-ecommen.ds w,i.shes-."to have housethere,thinks"s"!'ck 'al"1'C!" tired to see no f-h-l ng blJ·t .we·ej:ls.•. ·Woulp'.be· ;1imp roveme nt. .

101rs.· Chapman e sked if anyone, wished to speak. In, favor of th.is ..appl lce r l on cNo one" appeared'. '·Statte'd' wou IU'.I Ike to re ad Jett~rs:, .one· to Mr •. Ga I vano .(two. [e'Tters read, ,attached to m] nu tesj.: .fr-om End nl .end ,Sri g.1 d:, Boe.tfeher·. )Mrs. eha'pman a"'ked ·if anyo:ne' wished .to speak In: opppsition •. N,O'.onjOl·a ppea/red •. r-,9-;ra'ted . have. I e'tteril n ,opposlT.l onf rom, Mi ohae I 'Fred ley (a,ttached)

. .., ....; 1 i ~ -f

DEGTS.I·ON: ,Un'ani-mously' granted, vari,ance of ;4'0, ',ft.•. o.n, front and will:'grant variance on easT side lOT 1ine ,subJect. to. prese·nt'i.n.g

the, bui Id'i~g ,pl'a'ns to this bO:ard. . ". ."t : '.: • . •

RESOLUTION; Be it res'oIv'ed that }peapp,1 i'cation,s, of Anthpny, -Galv:anonumbered 2 '.and:3'.wh'ich came be.fore the'Zon'l,ng Board on >Ju·ne:'24',,:.J9,'ZS>be: appro,ved for the, fol J"o\~i~g, reasons;:' Hie has; oW.f1.?d t/le:se lots, fpra perloti in excess of five years ~nd purchased the~ at the time forthe, purpose' of erec't'ing home,S The'.reon;' that he has re-subd'.iv:ided these'lOTS and 'e·n'!'il:.rge·d, th\3m to ~e: over-sizB.d 'ih compar(son ,to e,>dsting·lo·ts in the': area; tha't' it, \~'ould"seem'unj'ustifl'edand unfair" topenaJ~z. this, m~h ~o.~ay he canno~ b~il& ~ h~use In en ejea wherehou,ses are bu:i It' adjacent ·to this proper,ty;, ,and he has. state,d thathe wi Il'be: in compliance with flo'od pla'in -requirement·s, and this. is,more than~other houses in ,the .1~mediate.area,c9m~ly.wi~~to date.Ad?,Pted. unanl.'11]9U~ly:._:

4. Appllcat'lon of G'. S. Nagd·ev.; ZO>.Ws·athe.rwo.od La'ne, .Roch'ester,N. Y. fci'r approval 'of v"rrian'ce to "a'IIN/setback bf..47 :ft;·from' 'rroht lot I ine"lns,tead 'of a-[ lowed 60· ft.• to' extend:garageon front, of ex'j sT I ng h6me, I o'caTe d at 20, ',Weath erwo:O d Lan e. .R-1-'12.' .

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Page 83: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975
Page 84: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

June 19th, 1975Michael J. Fredley11 ~~rrison AvenueRochester, New York 14623

Janice M. ChapmanZoning Boarl:l of AppealsTown of Chili3235 Chili AvenueRochester, New York 14624

Dear Ms. Chapman,

I received your notice yesterday about the next meeting of the ZoningBgard of Appeals .to be held on June 24th. Ny wife and I will be out of townall that week and since we will not be able to attend the meeting we hopeyou will consider a written statement of our views.

We own the property west of the lot mentioned in item .3 of the notice,Lot AR-2 I-forrison Avenue. F-l. (Corner llirrison and Morrison). The garageof our house (added to the house by the previous owners) extends to ourproperty line. They obtained a var'Lance for the garage in August, 1971.Since our home extends to our property line, and since the lot. in question isundersized to begin with, we feel that any house erected on the lot W'ould bemuch too close to our home. My wife ·ana I hav~conside~ed buying the lot sothat a house would not be built there, but we cannot-afford to pay what Nr.Galvano is asking for the lot.

We would appreciate it very much if you would inform us of any decisionsmade concerning tp).s prop~rty.


Michael J. Fredley

Page 85: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

"4t) ':

'Junei 14',,:: :I,9:~~ ,-,




Mr,. Nagde;,,., appeared. 'Mrs';: Chap man asked. 'propcs l nq '12',11, x. 2Z"~ expan sl on 'of your ga'rj:jge: 'forward?, Mr<' Nagdev, stated I rIght". Mrs;.', Ch'a'pl1Fan as ke.dwi II' turn ,p'res€mt', garagel 'l nrto. 'famIly' 'rOOrll? Mr. Nagdev st'ated, p'o r r l onof the, eXist-inggarage wou I d be:, :fami l v room.' M.rs:."Chapm,an',,gtated wi'thf l replace and: a'd,din'g' garage., I Replac l np ga'rage.,Mr; M'lIlI'aney eske dadding JZ",ft,' to, ,th,e:'gell'age?, JMr.' Nagdei.r, stated v ee : 'Mrs. Chapmanas ke d any ,rea'sbnwhy' want to come' 'forwa:rd tha't, waV?' ,'Mr., Nagdevstate'd' coLI,1 d' go backwa r-ds .: :' ThaT wou I d" t nvo I v'e ad d i t'i on a,1 ' 'spacewhich would' be', wasted be'cause have vs.lld.l nq doors, wh:ich will' 'I nvo l veaddi ng- ano-thers I iding door to, the exp an s-lon 'and' wi l.I: have to, b u.I lds'omefh in g' ll 'ke,: 30, 'or' Q£f ,ft". 'Sp"a,ce 'wastedp I us 'co sevo-f s lld.l ng door •Figure thai' wo,lJrd' compe,ns<lte'forigoin!;ffi,.r'tlar"d' wj,:th'"tfn;):ga'rage and,al so ile'ss'sp'a'ce'w,'(s'ted • .'Tha't-isiune;."Adait'ion wII'I'wo'rk wlth,ourp lan s- -the, 'Way' 'k I tchen' en d"fam i I Y' r-oom is: 'rl ght' no'll an d d1ml ng room.Mrs., Tang~r' as ked have famny, 'room 'no'wr M'r. Nag'dev'stated use d l n.l nqroom' as"Tam i JY r-oom; .have a i n (ng' a rea • " ,':, I .,' .' 'I', ,',' ' 1 ',-; - .. ~, I ' , '..

Mr. Hu'nter stated basi'ca'll)r e s- understand, a, :r:-equ-est' _I i ke: th is', .on loy',basis, thaf:the: bo:l:l~d' ce'n-have 'f6r graht-ing, such a req'uest' 'Is, -tha,t-there is, a ha r-dsh lp: on,yo'ur piece' of pro'perty.· 'Soirfethin'9' e bou r your',property ,that is': unique compared to, properties .s ur-r-oun dl nq that wou l de f fe cf th is'; and di dn lofl hea'r- but \~anted to 'ask. 'Mr. NagdElV s·tcdted ' 'no n er-dshfp , Have', e no uqh 'space' in; beck" to p'u,t a dd I tlon -I r, wi:l't'lted to:.Mr. Huht er- stated apprecia,teiecoriomic: 'con cer-n and sur-e wouI dtel I:have those same" con cer-n s bu:t as, matter of whZl't, th 1'5: b oer-d has to:'l ook at,! th-a't is; mahor po l rrf that'have to con slde r-, . : I

" , " ,'.,,' ii' .. .. , 'iMr. Nagdev sta·tedl'j'Vst f lfs wiJ'!" 'in'to'-plans' the waY"''P'lan ,:t,o: us-e" t r..Th'ose'are two r-e asonsv why -cho.s'ei f-o g'o,the,'wi:!"y -we: did•• 'Other possibIliTyVias', 'go J ng, s ldawavs- w1'th garage ~ .. Be 1'1 eve Th a,t,wo'.u I d be., r l'gh t,Gn' ,prope rtyline. ·Right now :14"or '15ife~t'. 'That was·,n'o,t too des'irabLe"e'itheT b u.fWOuld' co~s'i~er. '

Mri• 1 Hun t e.r- asked abo'u r \.Ih:at ege Is' vour home?, M'r'• 'Nagd.ev s f-a re d- 7 'o r-, 8 ~I'e,ars-. 'M r-s ;: Chapman slt-a rei:1' th'i nk s 6 I I: 'U nder<s'ta n d whoai'" vou are., prop os i ng i. "Mr" Pa I erm'o ask"e'd is:; -th I 1;" 'ga rage -s I'de th at )'o'u are: Ibringing out,ii~o'urd' that hinder ne-:xt door n,e'lghbofrlsvi,ew down the'

'stree't'?-, Mr. Nagdev sta-ted wo:ui[-d ,doubt; i't beceus'e' set' fa'rrly'. we'l!' ,apart. Mrs,.; Tanger aske,d Is,-that their' be,droom area' ne-xi' to yo'urga r~bb 7' Mr .-:' Nilg'dev staTed pe rs'on' ,nl:ixt -to me 'h as be:d rObms' 'th1?'re'; ,~es .''Gar~ge"to the' oi'htir 'en'd'_ f - I "i .. ," ,,' ,j-, ..", , '

, , I

Mrs_ ,chapman aske,d if any'one wished to speak in ,favor or opposition,to fh'ls:';ap'p')i'catio'n 'and' no- ohe',:appe'ared~' ,I:': ",'''," I ' ,'," ' j, ",' " '. :

DEC(SlO'N,:: D,e',nr,ed' unani,mouslY, ,n'o'-Iiardshi,p: pr~ve'n'. "J • • ....,. -. •

, i ' ' ", ' ',', ,; , ,,' '" ' , .5. Appl:icat~on Of"John,Wi~~el, 3,4 ~:4;Lele~ ;Road',. Roch~';::,~~r, ~ew Yor/<

fo:p approval qf yarlfl.nc;e to erect laddltipn, 12' ?l: 12,:, at r~ar ,0£,house to be leps than req¢red, distance from ,real;' lo,ot ,line, I,77 ,feet in-stead of 9Q fe,et,' located at 34 Wilel'en Ro'ad ..- R-1-2,O.,

, i. ," ,j" " r j' (':'; ,':Mr. Wit'ze! "appeiarecl. Mrs.' Chapman ask'ed what; do, you propose? 'MrO:Witzel stated presently in back of house have 12 x ~2 ro6m"us~d asden. Want to take back wall, out and make ),2 ,;X 24 for f,amily; room.Just one "story additiol:.\. , ~rs. ,Tanger, s:tq:t~cr 91:' ,i::~rv;e; so;,cl'dser to .rear ;Lot 'line on th,a:t side,... " Mr;., Witzel stajted Yjes. Woulq lik.e faTIlJ.lyroom. ,

Mr. Ward stated would like to make staement. The lot directly northis zoned R-1-12 and only ~ires 30 ft. setback in rear, same subdivision.

Page 86: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




zoning,Board of Appeals '.:June 24,,1975

M..i:. Witzel,stated zoning' .chanqed afbpr ours was built. That is innew subdivision-..

Mrs ~ "Chapman asked -if anyone: wished .t.o apeak in, favor, or oppos i tionto the' app.l.Lcaci.on 'and no' one appeared.

, "DECISION: Granted unanimously.

6~, ..:Application a f Middleton and Gianniny, 900. Midtown Tower, .Rochester, New York, for approval of variance to allow additionto existing 'bui:lding to be 22.6, feet, from,'side-'lot ,line, 30 ft.required, on,property at ,999 Beahan Road. M-2. (amended:to_17.9 ft.)

Mr. Gianniny appeared, stated ,warehou:se ,presently leased·to Gott:r:'Ybuilt in 1965 and in 1974 applied :Ear permit to_enlarge the warehousenow built on.7.5 acre parcel•. Came before. the board to review plansfor the enlargement. Wasn1t till built and occupied and applied for,final CO that both Tom and I found that it violated zoning sidelinerestriction which requires.30 ft~ Mrs.,Chapman asked not propos~ng,

new construction?' Legalizati'on of existing addition? Mr., Gianninystated this, is addition and actually on one 'corner" 17.9. ft., from theline and other 22.6.' Actually would .like'to.conform to the. map",

Mr. Ward asked, don't you have partial ownership 0.£ parcel #3,? Mr e ..: ,

Gianniny stated has obtained consent to any variance di~position,that

the board might make from ,the owners.' Mr.' Ward asked we,re those parcels2 and. 3 at one :time one parcel? 'When came, in for permit.,thougli: twoparcel,s were one parcel .and 75. ft. to the: side lot line and, .aaked,,for"tape map when" asked' 'for CO. .Mr. Gianniny stated another map sllbmi.ttedwhen' had plansdidnrt show' line but tape map did. ,Didn' t show on , "the plans and that is where, got confused On' it. "', Submit at, this timeconsent of MilEnds Corporation which ;is adjoining lp.ndowner to thevariance disposition.

Mr. Hunter asked when was addition built?' Mr. Gianniny stat,ed 1974,start~d, in June and completed in'December7 I thihk.~

Mrs. Chapman askedtioh? Stated haverecorQ (attached).

if anyone wished to speak, in, favor of this, appLica-letter from MiIErids which will become a part 'of theAnyone wish to speak in, opposition?' NO'one appeared.


DECISION: Granted unanimously.

7. Application of Edward H. Pappa, 17 Harold Avenue, Rochester,New York for approval of 8' x 16' shed 5 'ft'. from rear lot lineon u~der~iz~d iot being 125' xl20" ~~ ~6ne r6qliiririg'iso f~. ,trpntag'e' ,and 11 a,cre J..,Ot iQcat.ed Ft .17 H~roldAyerlUe:.; r-f" ,!

, ii" f " -,' .Mr. Pappa appeared, stated interested in 'puilding a sh~d'whe~e couidput tools 'and l'awn mower in. Would like to ,keep pack as .much as Ipossible. ,Come to the ,10 ft., but aboilt that. far-from big tree andif over this way, on slope with rocks 'aridcahnot get mower through.Small ~bwe.r and if buy anytl::iing larger then will bb in 'trouble again~

I ' " ,Mrs. Chapman a,sk;ed do you have a drawing?.. ,Mr., Pap:ea stat,ed not much;Mrs.T~ger asked isn't there 9'shed now? Mr. Pappa stated right,there is dog coop. Mrs,. Tanger stated pretty big. Mr. Pappa stated

Page 87: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning,Boaxd of Appeals June, 24, '1975

that. is run and. has ..outside. area, coop' b.eh.ind .that'~ Mrs. Tanger askedthis will be in front of that? Mr. Pappa stated off to one side, '.now have stuff in there because dog passed away. Mrs. Tanger askedwhat is ,·shed? ..Mr.' Pappa .stated that .Ls for the dog but have stuff.in because when metal shed blew over put .. everything .in.;·tlet.e. Mrs.:Chapman asked do not currently have dog? Mr. Pappa stated right, but Iwill get another one.

Mrs. Tanger asked from str~et side will shed be' in front so see that,rather than one we See now? Mr. Pappa'state~will,hav~ off to the •left facing the. property•. Mr. Hunter asked .couLd you ,give approxi-mate dimension of. dog house? Mr. Pappa ~tated about.B ft. by,'onlya couple pieces of plywood for the wall. Mr. Hunter ask~d wra t aboutheight? Mr. Pappa stated just tall enough so could walk in withoutbumping my head •.. Not .all. clos~d in; chainlink fence On two partss o. that could see' out.. Only enclosed. on ione wall. Mr. Hunter askedpropose to l.eavethat? ·Mr. Pappa stated. yes for when' I. get anot-her..dog. . " ., ..:

Mr. Heilman asked this .B. x '16, .will that, be permanent? Affixed ...>.permanently- or how placed? Mr. Pappa stated wo:uld put., on 'bi.g beams-'onthe. ground. Mr.· He.ilman asked. c~eilt in? Mr.'. Pappa st·ate.d no,"want frost-free. So will' ride with the fro~t. Wi~l be floating.Mr. Heilman asked what type construction? Mr. Pappa stated p~ywood.

Mr." Heilman asked' boltea to', the beams rr· Mr.'Pappa stated nail itdown ; Mr~ He'ilman asked. will be able -co take. apart? Not permanent.and five ·feet' from rear lot. ~ine? .Mr. Pappa .stated· right. Mr.'Heilman stated. 'and ahnul.d be ..s0 ft. in this' zone. : Lot 120 ft •. and Ihouse ,s,its how far?' 30, or',4Q·ft.·? Mr. Pappa stated at: least 40.' _Mr. Heilman asked how deep is house:? . Mr. Pappa stated, thinks 28 x 24.Mr. Hei~man st'ated actrual.Ly only have about 50 ft'. £.rom back of thehouse to Lot; line.' Mr.•.·Pappa stated, approximately 40-50. Cape codand sits this way,. not long way, .across the ·lot~. '.

Mr. Heilman asked have you talked to neighbors? Mr. Pappa stated yes.M;r:-. Heilman asked what did they say?,. Mr. Pappa stated talked .t.o . .s, :

Howard and said didn't. Care.,.' Right"b.ehind me, . ··Mr. Heilman-stat.edhe will be affected the most. Mr. Pappa stated talked to him already.Mr'. 'Heilman s.tat.ed describing problem. with trees 'and racks· affeptj.ng.placement. along ,the back in.. relation"t.o, the house; Mr. Pappa, statedthat, is "from the .back fence.- line.:' ·Mr.:Heilman asked can you ):nove. ,closer to your house? Mr. Pappa stated then would have to go way overthe other way. More trees, 23 trees ... Wo~ld hate tp .butcherthem upmore than have to.

Mr. Hunter stat,ed, stJ!1 'con ce r ne d h9~e.st~1 'f a.b,o.ut .dog hou s e an dva s .s hown, on your drawing a l on qs l de proposed st·r.ucture·, .}mpr,ess·ion from •looking at it'w'a:s .the 'ex'isting. struci;u,re was' co ns-lde r-ab Iy' c l os ar-to the' 107 nne, more t h'an dr-a'wirig \wuld' 'indicate.' Can 'you g'lverough dimension of that from the west lot li'ne? Mr. Pappa stated Iwould' sa'Y p'retty n e-a r40 'ft. fr-orn-' the west .' ··'Mr. Hunte rst·ated .l o'ok ln q from the. front a'nd.tca n 'see house end t.hought. to 'right wasth-is structure, .a red .th..ing cal llnq the, .dog house.. ' . Mr. Pa ppa- sta·tedno, .Trar is on .Hower-d t s property. 'That is: on Ners'On'~ properTy.' Mr.Hunter asked roughly' how far is tha..t structur:e .from vour- lot .I ln e ?~4r. Pap.pa stated. 5-6 'feet at the: most. Mr. Hunfer stated in the areaof what asking' for. Mr •.Pappa stated woman ne'x,t door is abo'.ut 5'-15"ft.'·from the' ba.ck' and ab ou t the. s·ize.l want to bu.l l d, "Mr-, Pa i e'r-rnoasked p re-bu i It·? M·r. 'Pappa stat-ed bu.l l d mvse- f. Mr. Hunter as ked

Page 88: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975





~~~I t~¥e: 1d';~:~:~,?~~~~T;:t ,~~§ri+:~p;~~~~t~ll~~ rH0,~"~l'~", ~~:t';t ~o~~~~ t",:, ;8ft. I'c]e'arance ~ndl f pea'ke"d" w1:1 I: tie'.' anMher.' 3:':4 :ft~ 'MJ;'~. Pappa, "stated just' asl i'ght tip to, l t, 'Mr. Hunter a s ked; wood cOris,tnictior!?,Mr. Pappa stated' ye'~, ,:vood and il'lsulatE(d boa r-d wi'th ·a~lJe:stos.':.;sJ.'d,ingon 'ou'hiide. ,,' .. ' I '.' ,,' ' ., .. --,', I' " ", "

Mrs. Chapman"ske1 if'l~nyo~e ~i~bed to sprak IO',favor or 9Pposlt19~to, th is, a pp l lca t l or: 'and 'no 'one' appeared." 'I·'·"

'OECl'SIQN:' GrarJ+~guna,~'lmousl}~I;, I' 'I, " ,i' " " r '

'8.' Appl id+ion~f ,J6hn':i-\lb'e.e> IO,),.Asc6f Orhl~; i,Roc~este'r, r~ew York,forap,prova.I 'of va r lance t9' e r-ec f wo.oden:>hed, ,J0', x ,12"'" .app r-ox ,"8 'fee't from side 'lOT line on p r-ope r tv 'at 10 'Ascot Drive.',,(1.0","feet required) ,R-t:-I5--..· ,,' :." I "I 1 I ..' .,'.,', - , • I .

Mr; :,Albe.e.'appea~Jd; ,hat~d ~o:Uld'~ l I'ke to'submit tape:'mapan,d dimensions.• 'In, December,f9'1,tJ.:, ,ca,n'e'd: the, To:wri arid corit'smptatinG-' erecting metal'or Woo.dlshed', and, comparing, the.'price it: would' bs.. "Tried to: get awayas cheap as:po~s-fb'f,e',but:wanted to do' ri~ht'cind' went' over estimate.When cal Iad , ,t.Cl I ked with the receptiQrli,st a ndi qa ve 'me f a l se infor:-mation.'Took it o~ reT~i-,d'-,aT-,'b~,i!19.,that wrlk~d' i,n TOw~: Ha:II"and sh?uld'knowwhat ta[k'ln!?,abo,uf., 6i'-months" I a're r t came up wlth~ rnoney i e nd said, c?lIldstart e r-ec t l nq s hed , . Want, to s~y some of my 'fault' and, s hou l d havecome pe r-son.a Iy '<hiiddid1'] l t thiok needed ~nyfhing and if: I did something-wou I o: be, s aI d. soone'r, pt , I sfe I'" ..' 'Mr., Wa rd', ra:;" .be~nwbrk i'!lS' on tract' 'and con t-r-orrte d him with the possibI.iTy of bu',lld'ing a ishe d and, Mr.ward,si'jQ al lvdepen ds on what you are going to.bidld'. Metal "Or, woo d ,SaI d a ready, gotstai-te~'. ,to:ld' me had i f-o a pp lv for bul ldl nq 'permli'and then found wa~n,lt. IO",ft;' from the side lo't line. 'Also would'I lke. to' leT board know have next door ne)?hbO:~i~:re to m~~e staterent.

Mr. Hunter asked W9?d~r:rf' equid clarifY, qne thi!1g, If~!owo,employee

made mlstake~~not Dutl+O fta~~ a1']ybo~y,:b~t w9~ld' be, Interested in ' ,Icfa'rifieatj0n. ,s,a!d:gof,rnforrp,at,ici7 ,1Y~j'r;;hyo'u br,! leve wasinl??r~ectbut d i dn It state what twas;'" Can yo'u te'l I' 'us?" 'Mr. I.A l be.e. statedca l I ed and talk'ed with receptionist and Told' what was 'golng,ltb'do.Said thinki'ng, ab o.ot erec,ting a shed, Do I rie e d bul l dt nq permit oranv t h r ngle'1sB approved, from :the 'town.' If nor ' attach! ng"to~ t~e: bac kof house, ,didn':t ne-ed It. 'Said, okay, .f l ne , stoppe'd and: sa'id,",ba',ckof mY,lio~se.I,Whid:am.'," goihg,to attach tettle'house for'? 'Ev~ntual tvwant' faTJ lX; :room_:> To.l d', no;' "no}"go'i!1g _t9' be~u'p ~9~'i'ns't 'house'; Thensaid, donT't',nee~, bUild'!!19. pe,~mit:. 'Mrs."Ch~pmknsi'ate'd pr,?b-?bly'assu':l~dvou knew 'wbre'to, bel, 10' ,-'ft, - f rorn the 10+ lin!".' """ I I, 'r·, ' I ' I ,M,r. Palermo a$k~{f'how ,far'from 5i8e 10+ Hile? ,Th'i~J is, fl,. ,drawing 6"and you ,Sill d. !0'., Mr:.A' b"8,e stated (vir , 'Wfl r? came dbwp,mark,ed it offby,-f0ot and', dllj~',t,ha:ve ~,ea.s~re,~,o 'fT., BU'}d'!l..r.t~ok sta~e:s o,ut~an¢ I"doe s n ~ t ~n~ww herr=-. lOT. II.' ne ~ s: and' reme a s,u,r~rp I WI, th t ap e map ." FI g'ure.athedlmensl'Ons-,out'further With the tape. If,want to: 90 f?r'footmeasure w l.l I: 'Say ,8.' Mr.' Hunter as ked think 6 'ft? Mr. Alb'e',e stated'know it is,6 be'c a us e: meas ur-e d, Mr. Heilman -e s ke.d basl nq on 'tape,map?Mr.'A[b'~:e ,state'd'meF.~,uTed:fr9·m the he,use,:., i.fr. Huirr e r came and tpl:d",m,e measur-emen ts :to :Take., ,"M r-, f Hel I man ,sj"a ~ed, e,an am.? ntl but may, be <J ifbe:ca use, hot ,i n;s,tr,u'rn,ent surrey"", M,r. ,A' b:~,e stete d r,i ght> J know'. 'Mr.',Heilma,~stat~d thinksdrp,~!~ng'als:o, r~,dic~,te?r c,lo'sest bU'i I~i~'gl r~~1 "30~4Q feet. Mr. Albee s~ated 52 ~t. 3.§ inches. I:Mr. ;Steele' <;ls.ked o,n 'concrete foundatior? Mr. AI,b'~'e, stated ye'S. it isbo,lted. 'Would be hardshl'p to move it.' Mr. Steele' asked how deep isfoundation?' Mr. 'Alb'e',e stated ,slab ,is, 4-5 'inches th'ick.,' Mr. Hunterstated not a shed fanbu~ one of th~ rilcest ha~ seen.

,. "i I '

Page 89: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


: Zon lnq: B!'rr~·?f Ap pe.al s:

Mrs. Chapman ·asked if.a.ny'One wl s he'd t~.sp?oak in fay-or of the,appl,i-"C~Ti?n? !'1r. Mas:J-r9simone,,: ,12' '.~scq.t Driy-e r ,s,ti;lte.cf .c I ose- to. iny ..I?t . ':l l ne- an d r sJ:l~ges.ted he, put In TherT, 'Mr. Cal f ap o-;. .IS"\Ascpt Drive,sT~Ted·ClI,I.right·Wi:th'me !' : . ," ,', i 1"".11

Mrs~' 6~apma'~ as ked' 11 an yone wish~'d't~ spe-ak .i n opposition 'and': no'one appea red.

DECdI6N: Grarit'e~d ·~r;an·f~oUS(Y'··fo.r.6.ife~t f~~m sld~ f'j>T.. !ilfe •.

9.; App l tca t l on 'of Carl Youney,· .'I6;'Hi·!.I':r·ry -Drive, goche;;ter, N. Y.for approval 'of va r-I arice to e recf si'le:(j:4 1:fee·t fr()m wes t- sidel o'r lin~ a f J6"Hi 1:IOIT~Dr:Jv~•.. (I,9·',fe~tlrequ.ire1)' R-I-'I~.,

Mr. Yo,~ney I ~ppe<;lted~ .stated ~has' pi'~tun~s' it'+hf p~9P~s~i~hed~'Vlh'IChwas bu.• It· three years ago. Same as vl as f onEf'.iyxcepT' 8,'I~C'hes,ofconcrete under IT:. Mr. Hei [man 'asked four reeT' from west lo·tl i ne ?Mr. YOHne'y, ·staTed yes,. ,~ave: fence. 9- ) fo?t. i n~'i r;i~ .1oT ll ne.. Mr. ~e'i r l1)anas ~e.d h ave j you. 1:'a lk~.d to: vou r .ne'.i gh oars?' Mr. y~,uney s-tateq, ye·s.'

Mr. Pale'rmo as ked when was pic;:t~re taken1 Mr:'You~e'Y ·~tated' -Las f,Fr.,r~~y.·.' :Mr. IHunTer as ke d cas~'.·of 1101" un de r-stan d lnq n~e:d tc: ~~ve 'permlt?Mr. Y~ulley[·s.ta:t~.d exact lv v- ·W;;mte.d to. get s he.d be·.tter. thanthe.tin:·one's and, got one'. Mr: He:i',1m'an lst-ated'reaI 'p rob l em with...thi'ng's' l lke 'tbis:.that, a~e.pe\mane'.nt f.l,xture9,'·!f: wan:red to +r~ns'fer·.l an d , would' have to.get,ne\'( Tape map o r j sl qn e f f l da v l r up-eating·and shed would':appearaAd may be:'qu\=Jstion'on(t'it'H;l' a nd ~/bu!cj- have to.come in at that'time forryariance.,One'qf,tlie real .,!?urp04e,s.·· .

I . t • T . I l. .'

Mrst Chap~Cj~~sk~/if'21Tyoi1e'WiSh~dto speak',i"n:f~vor or;6ppo~ltipnand no v one ap pe.ar-ed , ." J '-, I

DECI'SI'ON: Granted unani~~~sl-;I'.: . I

10•. JAPPlica.tj~h;of J~mes·Stuh:i~:r,i29'"BaYl.orfC·(r~I~·; .Roc~esfer, .N.Y.for. a ppr-ova 1 of va r l an ce TO e'rect g!'irage, .18'1, x 24 1:, .~..·feet f r'omno r-th a Ide lot: line atI2g.'~3ay.lo·r Cir'c'le,I(LO:.feet r-e qu l r-ed r .' .:R-!-'12'.'",'. ,.... " ,, I·', " I :

; " ,I: : I. ., :,'" ':.Mr. S.tuh l er- appea r-ed , ,.st\'lfed to; gl ve bac~gr<:,und 0)1 .th I s , ,w?e?, bo.uqh fhouse from. Ryan Home:,. the'rewasn I,t a. gar!,ge. AS,ked them. to put"house as .close.:ro the.souTn l Ine as.' p os sLbleiao i f'h a f co u l d' b u.l l d:

,garag~ w)tQq.uTgeTt-i!l9 varianc-e.··Put ,quite,;~'bl't,of ~qn.d fi{l·"into bring'Jgrad.!j! up e nd kll l ed tree.;;.' lf theY sCi",'a tree wIth, le'ave~ata [I', Tried to 'save to say\" I o'oks..of.s.Ubdiv·,isJpl,~,. Thl s; is: ~Y ..situation. Trees 15'ft. from the property I I'ne- so the'y' moved thehouse y.rithout. a~~I!l~ perm\.sf~on'J Dipn'.t Jifld,?ut un t-l! ·ha.dproperty.·surve-ye·d and that is wh:y he:re. "Have taken some me.a s ur-emen'rs ian d with18' .fT -.' .9ar~ge w,n I .he ve nearly' ·ZO·'.ft. be:tween' houses. and tbjked't.o .ne',lghpors. and no ?bjection.'. Mrs"" Ohapmen aSkfd 3pt.Y.a1IY' ITfe!?t.on 'the other. en d-? Nr.Stuhl13r stated can act uall v -bu:t I.O·.anothe'r garageon OTher side. ,;.' 'j} ~ .

~1 r. Hu nfe r as ~e~ne'.i gh bo;'r! <9~.r!,.ge',(in ,thE~< s'a.ii!·e. s ! de, a s you rs ~'. ~ r •.Stuhle·r ..s.tate.d yes,. .the·r's ·is; over he.re. _.Mr. He·.llm'an asked dl,s'Cussegthjsw,ith he·r'.· Mr;...; StJ,lhl'e'r start.'ed .ye,s.1 h.aNe'. 'Mr: Hunter' state'd as .re·dd·['. comple't.ely·Windowle'ss on :trat. fide so',no p.robl.em· .in. terms p!people' iO'oki',ng OUT. Mr. Stphler staled nearly' 20,·tt-. .be.tween fh.sbuildings. ' ,

M'rs.· Chapman asked .i;fla.nyone wishf'd .TO speak; in .favor or opp6s·ition.. ··~ndo

no one· app.eared·~.i i

DE'CIS! ON: Granted unan i mously.~




Page 90: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zoni ng' Boa rd',of Ap pe,a I s




I !·.i . App.llca r t on of James; Ml;rKI'.i',nge.r., ,58.81-M.ars!1<,:[.!· 'Road, ,Rochester s , ,New' York .f o r 'appro,vaJ TO: ered adxJ.it.ionioto e)<is.tin,g, horne tobe. ap pr-ox , : 8 ,1/:2. ~f~e:t-: ..from scu th ·[OT. l Ine- at' IH~8Marsha'l I: 'Road( 1'.0' '.feel :re qul reeD.: R- I :"i2'/ . " . I' i : ':' ':,'.. ..' I - ... < .. :." i I r·· _'. .; .

Mr. Merkli·.nger ap pea r-ed, .stated· propose' to make a ddl f I on ,to. home wh.i'chwould' be: u'ti I,I'Ze.d· as· expans,ion of kitches. by'. en <lreaIO·t x 'II'" andthe ofh e'r- pe.r-f would' be' 'fami l y 'roomI4'" X Is". Req ue s t l noVa r-Lan cebe.cause :the~ ,gar9ge J? attflchl9d to the home 'and adjacent +0 Thek l t ch en , .does. noot run.. 'f:ul-!· 'depth 'of the house ... · In: order to move overto b ul ld' addiTion ,within' ~e·qulred. dis.tance •.wou l d have to have '2 :ft •j?g in -The k l r ch e'n' wh'lch wou l d p l a'ce everythL'1g· off center and cause'problems in.:pIirc·ing of pl umbln q fixtures and, cabrns,t's.· Addition'wou l d br,lng to 8T'9'i,from the. 'loT line •. Ne I qh bo.r t s .c Loses t- structureto. the. lo+' lIne is garage so my p r-opos ed structure wo.u l d then be:2Z T:S" from the. corner of the'i r- ga rage an d: thaT i s. attach~.d to the irehome •. WouJd' have total 'dls:tance 0'( ,35,T·7", be',tween two: structures.'Between house' proper' l 'r s'e l f a n d edd l f-f on >

Mr. Hs l l man ·aske.dtalk-ed to vou r- ne·jghbo:r? Mr. Merklinger stated yesI have'. 'Mr., He l Iman as ked no, p rob lems ?". Mr. Merkl i'nger stated noproblem, .si"ake:d 'out and Tan' -t jnes to give be:tter idea of actual 'l ook ,Mr. He.I lme n a s ked 'garflge to, 'garage?' . Mr. Mer.kI inger stated f amI l yroom to garage. Mr. Hunter' asked did talk' abcur one' story ,addition?'Mr. Mer.kl'inger: state.d yes, ,correct. 'Majority of the' homes' and lo·ts,on ·the street are'fal:rly' narrow an d on my side of the' street quite abi'.t of depth,,2I'.4"ft. be,twe'en,but with addition 'and present, homeswou l d' sti II' be: mal nre l n.lnq cont·lnuity of s f ru cu't re s and distancebe'tlile:e'n homes a I t'hough ''w6:u l d: be en fr l ng i ng wITh i n n ortna [1 imi ts, ofdis.tance and sti:ll' ·conforming'.to general' 'appe·ara'nce and, what hasbe:comeaccepted' on ·the', street'. ·Mr. Hunter stated thi'nks' menf l on e-dhome app rox l mate Lv ·29'. .ye-a r-s o l d an d general n e-l qhb o.r-hoo d wIthin ,tha.T.Mr. Merklinger' stated ye,s with exception <of a 'few' homes onno'rth end.Mr. He I l man -state,d p r-obab l v b ui Id .c I o'se to, when ,there were no codes.'

Mrs.' Chapman -esk ed if· anyone- wl she'd to speak In' -favo r or opposiTion,to, this, application ~nd no one appeared. '

DE'GIS':ION: ,Gran'te'd unan lmous Iy·.·

Held' over from pr.eVi'.o:us mee-r l nqs e

App Llca t l on of Roger: Hill','.24A2'.Westsl'de Drive, North' ChiLI,N. Y. for approval of variance to con st'r-u c t p r-or ess l on a l b ul ldl nj;which' wl l Jva l low p a r-k Lnq In required setb·a:cks. fr9m Buffalo' Road-and, Attridge Rc a d va nd bu.l ldl nq to be: located parti.a'llY'·at ad l s.tan ce Jess' tha'n ·the re,qulred,40.',ft. from we's·t s tde JOT line,fence for 'screen'lng' purposes to bs. 7 :feei' in: he,ight, .an d lessparking s pa ce s than -r-e q u l r-ed un der- Zcn ln q Ordinance, l o'ca t edbe:tween' '44['1' an d: '4423: 'Buffalo' Road. C-2.'·

DEC'IS'!'ON,: .Granted bas ed on -r-ev I se d.vpl an Ind·icating' 69,kars"noparking 'In BuffqJo'. Road setba.ck shown', .draw'l'ng' dated June 23:,-19:7,5',.," 6 (ayes, Mr-s ;: Tanger ab s.ra l ned. '

App l lca f l on 'of Fr-a'nch lse InTerstate RealtyCorp.;,80',Wolf' Road,:Alb'a:fiY',' N. Y. for approval 'of varianc-es to.a·ll·ow :free'-standlngsi'gn-'advertis':ing' IvlcOon:a'Id"s Restaurant,. .s I qn abcve :gutte,r:-Ii'neof bu.i ldi nq-, ,entrance and exit arrows l ar-qe r- than .al low e d by:·ordinance' an d 'interpreTation of need for' varIance to aJ ['owparking' in required' front, ya,rd, ,oriln ,the ,alt'ernative •.grantingof such 'a varia'nce, .at' 33.0'3, 'Ch:i'li Avenue. 'C-2.' ' .

Page 91: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zon ln q Board' offlppe',a!s"

DECIS[ ON: :'.Grant~d. uh an i1TIou'sJy'; 0!l' :t!le:·.f~n6wi·!1g· b as t sc: ·.F"r~e:LkTand'i!"g.l.' . 'sign:',to' oe.: 'maxl!n'urri :br';36:fsq~' ft.~,I·.g·r,a-nt~d· ',thr'ouah March'

'. 3ir,: .1.sh:-7-;: ~n't'rahbe:' a'~ d;' ex! t: 5 rgns: to be:' ~aXi rrium""oJ,' 2'·.sq. ft.,'in t·e·r'na,1 I Y' -l.lJum in ated; roof Lin'built·ed( s'i'.gn· 'as- 'S ubrrd tt~d;si9ns-.9(1 es lde s. of bui lrl'fng to be. max i mum .of l5'isq,' ft,.. ., .., . .' , .' ".: ,•. ' .. ",. I.', .'

• ..' . l • ", : . i j ; '~ " ••

I ~.'

k I '

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. l i :.JAN! CE M. ' cHAP'MAN

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Page 92: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




J ul Y ·1 0',. ,19:1.5 '

" ,'." ,I, ''I'

·A Spec'la,1 'Me'e~ing' p.f the;"ZOh,ing. Board,'ofIAppe;:l'I?' was i he l d' inthe, Chi l J: Admln is,tr,ati on ·OH i ce s ,.' ,3:23-? PhH I: Ave nu-e, Roches t e r ,New ,Y.ork· :14"6.24~ -00 -Lu.I Y' .J 0';. J 9:7,p'.c., The. Mei?t i ng "",as 'c.a! ·I·e'p to: 0 rodera r- :7';:3'0 'P .M .1: by, .1'he',..ACTi ng' Cha.I r_ma ri~: .M r ,. Pa,:'ermo '.

.... "-;.i j "

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Pres'ent: .Jo.hn i Pa l e'rmo , ,AcT'ing Cha.l r-man ",.Robe'rt' Hunter, I .Ger.t r-u.ds Tange-r"G~ raJ d De-!3 r:a f.fRay ,Stee I e"1 .:

-, } [Ce r l-e' MuJla'ney I,, ,". ,I ; . - .' I"

Jan fce Chapma,n,-Oh'a:i rmatl ' , ii . , . . , i ' " ,1 ,. , ,.' ' , '

A I so Pres.ent: .. Al fred' J. He.I l man "Deputy Town Atto-rnl"Y· .I' .. ', . . " .

Mr. He l l nre n stated ,th_s: le:ga.I 'notice, fori,thip,hear}ng ~a,s p ub l lshe d j,n:'a nevspape r-, des i:gnate.d bYi,the,:-:rown' Boa r-d oand' ,was :po,stefj' ,on:i'he b u.l Ler l nboar-d and a f f l de-v l-ts. arel on file' inf'tnFl- TownlC,!-,e'r,k;ls .or.f l ce ; ..

; I I ,.j" 'i' ..... .'App.li'cation of MaleolmGli:rzar, ,135,7i Monroe"AvenUFlj',',Ro)Z:heste,r,New York for approval 'of yariance to al low used car s al es onunde r--o l z ed 'lOT l nvcommer-c l e Ijzone , m-l nl mum 'depth. -requ.!:q,d,

, 250 ,ft-. ,:' .I oj" bel ng 95-,.1+ :feet-,. .et Ever-green l'i19b;I.,1e Home Pa rk,.,·13'l"7';SeottsllIJI·e:RQad.r:!'C·,..2.•: ": l : , '". '! .', ,j • I, . '. .

Mr. Ge-orge Da(;i!"acaj·apPl3ared representl.ng Mr. ,Gla'?e·r :.a 10ng, ..w.1th, Mr.• ,·M19cle·an.... -pr-opo.sed !tenant,'. Mr. Hel I man.' ·st-ated the-Sf!' gent-Iemen were,in front- o~ .tne. P'I a'nn.lnq Boa rd and ,th:eYI a p p r-ove d' t-hts. co ndl r lona-l ...use for a pe r i odro f on s year. Howe'ver,because of :th,? s~tba<e:kre.qui r-emerrre ,ltbey 'are 'J n,-I'front· of you t-ol,'l',i'ght,. -: i

Mr. DaGraca stated on &he rr,hlr:d p?!,ge oJ the pamphle·t, ,thIs.. Is: wha ritis." Not tOi.scale·. PLece of -property -I nvo lve d: at Evergreel) McblLe'Home Pa r-k onrSeottsvi,J]'e: Road. On ,southe,ast cor-n e r .. of -.pa rk , "Ap p rox J>mate-fr:ontege -on 'ScottsvLl l e: Road of .77; :feet- ..and' ep pr-ox i maf-e. depth1,05. 'feet.,,:' I.D:§j'fe-ettis:wii:th the, setbapk of.51 'feet from, the c.enter:,of Scott'SlIH:II'e' Roa dr, ':Als'Q ·15·.',fi'·. s e t ba'c k f:rom Cherokee Circle', In'the. mobl.l e horne. par-k .: Wes'ts,id!9 of the, .pa r ce l. 'is bo'r-de r-ed bY; Ev..e{1;JreenMobi.le' Home ,Acre~ and €la,s:!, side bY::fence wh l ch .l s. a Lr.p o r-t or,.stateand south by. -Scottsv'i I l e: Road and. north; bv, 'F-ver-green )'Ieres'.1 "In the,vacani' lOT The're is aeement· block that is', 12 :ft. wide and- p r-cbab lvco u l dvs.ta nd a',Trallerr'" There' was ,a, rt ra l l e'r there a vwhI l e backca ndnevejr used ag13:lo-and'.hooKUPs for \~i:l:ter,':sewe'r,'etc'.;I'.sulltabIe'for 'a mobil~'home tnd:le:r.., , Mr., Maele'all 'woul'cr be-ab.Ie' to ifyoiulwa,nt~,d hookups, )Any queSTion's) ;:lbOUT .this',-propertYllijtself: ,Ii:ke, wl drth or anv-th l.nq ,I •can sup;p IYI:fur-rh.er-. . ,.

, j , .Mr. Hun.ter stated curl.ous To know ,w.h,ere: ,77 'ftl' measured. ,'J.~st' pac~d;

off anjd ,started' ai: uTiI I ilY pole' on ·t.h,e' cor,ne'r an,d paced ,offl pO 'ft.to [the fe'n;ce.·· Take, 'ilt· ·property,i n question mU,st go somewhat we,s,T of,uti I i'ty pole'. Nor.ma.1 I.yput· on ,I ines an;d that is: why, -guesss'd' may:b,e: ,that w'Quld' be the, 1 j'n;e. Mr. Ma'cle'an ·st:ated; V~,"ft,•. to Cherokeje.II' .Mr.' Hunter is'tated st! II' :some dlstaflce b.e'tween that', and Cher.okee. Ju·stwent from pole' east and got 60, ·.ft. and other way got 95,.' Curious,','sh:owl,ng; 77, :and 15' whi,ch',js~ ,112. ',wher,e 1 was. gettlp9 f1roun"d 60 :wi[thou,t'5'. 'Mr. Ma:cle'an stated Mr. Timmons· had wa.l k'e.d t,hat, measured, ,it, andpositive he. sa'id ,770 'ft.: 'Mr .. HU,nter askedploTp'la-n that Sho'w;s this?Mr.; D3Gra~ca stated Mr., Timmons' w,en:t in ,m! dd.le of-fi!'lld and, m€l3;:w.red.off' 77ft •. Piece 'of property; ,sort of,goes 'aT 2i!1gle·•.Mr< Pal;ermoa:ske-d at' -rhe. road? Mr. DaGraca Ista;ted:r,i ght •. Com l.ng. toward Scott-s:V'i I I'e'.Most Ii-kely',vlou!d' b.e·,60 ift. here and baick piece· ...n:f:t. ·Mr. Hunterstated no'T. 'going tjo, qUerr:el 'bu,i' hard to ..see 77 :ft." Other thi!1§ v/ould'I j'ke, to comment on •. Thir'e is, tral le'r, .as you knml" ,Immed i ate I y north




Page 93: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

~ ~ ,~-~ .


ii>tate of jblll !Jork (COUNTY OF MONROE (SS.CITY OF l=lOCHE.STER)

....... ..y",7,;, . ~

16~3'''_! CrwU'&:A. b' dId d''''_''' '_h ",Y_•• _._•• , •• __'F.1.~~ .J.,....:il•• n __ ." __ •• m ..... emg u y sworn, eposes an saysthat she is principal clerk in the office of the ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT &

CHRONICLE a daily newspaper published in the City of Rochester, County

and State aforesaid" and that a notice of which the annexed is a printed

copy; was published in the said paper on the following dates:

Ju17 S, 1m


Sworn before me this 1..~_. .__. Iday of ..._..._.__~r.._... ,.. __. . 19 1S ,

ron." li1'~

AGNES s. nR{WH~, Katary PubUcStall: r;f N. Y., Mmmm Coanty

Commis:don ExpireiS MSiH;jl 30. 19 7{t;/J~.~_~/ xf~::-::':::';r{"~~"~""""""'~;;;:~~';~:~;~"'" -,., -.~ .

Page 94: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


, IZoning' Board ..of Appe<3ls'''-·Specl~.1 . I' J ul y ·1 0·... .I9:~5~ ,


of the ceme n f-vb Iock 'showi.ng. Wou I d guess' maybe: 5 'ft. beTween foc,rthedge 'of' that, conore'feb lock rand TraJiJ.er.' Wou ld Th'i n~ wb'uld be: ,very'd l fficu It" To: ·pu·tano-the·r .tl-.~ I Ie';' oil ,tha.t' blo'ck'111'i'eteI" 'those" c l rtums-ra'hces .•'Mr. DaG'raea sta'te,d wou l d' bECsmall'+ra=,rle'r~ .no,lrhih~f comparedi,towh:at .is: there now ,. . ThI nks: '1'2' .x' 60 110w.· . Mr'. Hunter~ as ke'd. wo'u l d: yo'u p ur :another trailer withIn:5:ft? Mr. DaGraca staTed wou l d have to,br,ingover. Would' not be: .12-'.ft. wid.e.'Mr; Hu.ntte·r as ke'd s av l ng- wo:u[d no t "be on edge ~f br~ck. Mr. DaGraca stated caul~~not p~t cars on -top ofb l o'ck b'e.cau ae- of rise'. Mr. Maclean stated, tra:l ler 'co'U"ld' set In: front.Mr. Hunter' s f at e.d' encroaohi'ng' on9!>. 'ft. 'Not 'se'r'ious Bon-s'ider'inganother t ra i [e'r wo:u I d be: 'pu.i- in: 'J-he,re. Mr. DaGra-c8 stated ne-ve 1".. Mr.Hunter st-ated intenTion 'That there wou l d' nO'T be··ano'the·r','trail·e·r in'front. Mr. DaGraca stated wan f-s office ·tra:i le'r on ·that cemen't brockon the. s I'de at It-:. Mr. Hunt-er' asked ·talk·ing. abo:u't.pu-rt'ing one' ·thereto. use as office?' Mr. P.ale'rmo asked on ,the.:sla'b't Mr. Hel l man askedsayi·ng' was n trr going, to be: 6a~x·:12':wi·ds?:Mr. Hunter !;tated srlLlconce r-ne-d that any· b u.l l dl nq be, put on.' 'Mr. Maele'an 'stated could' be:

, pht··j,n.,it't-on·t bu'f th"i'nks' .pl en n.l ng: board ret:ommen'ded a ..T·ra,lle·r.:. Mr.,'.J Hun4-eI" ste te d' r f use 'for a f'f.i CEl" -can "app reel a·te ·that. i . Mr.', Ma:c leanst'a-ted sugge!;t-ed old' vb't-ing:bu:ild'ing bu:t; woUldn'-t: n~''6'd fnu ch , 'Would'go by.or;flna·nc'6 bu'tlf.tha't is:too',clo'se, .can ,set next to. The b lock

. f ac-l ng'Scottsvi II·e"'Ros·d'.', . !', ,I I . '. ,Mr. Hellman ·s'tate.cttherewas question' wiTh' rega'rds to. Dept. o f Tr-e ns-rportatlon. 'Mr. ~4~mon~ ~Id gODut rega~d)ng' the!.que~t'ono~ road cutand f h l n ke ind·icated no .que s t l on they -wi'II': no,t be. a ble to: use: that andshou I d put f e'nca 'up pa rt· of the'. way.· Mr. Mac I e'an 'stated east side,a I rpo rtfl:'in'ce'.· f Mr'. Hell I man staTed. 'e'nt"ra'n ce"'em d ex It \'rT 1:1' be:bf f .Cherokee. "Mr-, Maclean stated Mr . . Tl mmon's said: wou l d: have ·toput ft,e'le'-phone p'o-l es. 'Or' some.th.i'ng' t-o.blo·ck tr:affib. so' halve' t-o: come 'I n: on ' 'Cherokee'" . Mr'. Pa'le'rmo' asked no" e\fr'trance "off ScoTt"svI-II'e"!,' Mr. Macle'ansTated yB'S,' thinksle·tter· {rom th·e:. co urrtv 'stated tha,t· a l so ,

M.r.: HeI Irnan ktated·,lthis,"Boa'rd was no-r ati P'l an n-l nq Board: when' madep'rBsentatron b'uf ·think·sj'hours of operation' wbre' no~' going to be' m'anyi.days- -a week,' .three" 0'1'" four da vs-?" Mr. Mecle'8I1" 15fr:ate'd wo'uld' be:' thereeve ry ·day,' .Mo nd'ay,' .Tue sdav. Th u 1"5 day :t I J I' '81;·00.:.'. . ''led nesdaya t Sy'r·acuse'an d t,h' in ks ..h:.aH· "El de'! y • Mr.' He'lI man ·st.a te d al S'O', ito I d'P I an n-l ng' Boa rd. Ihave be:eh' I nvb us Lne ss i'n.the ..City.' Same It-yp'el b us-l ne ss, 13eTl'I'n'g'auto~­moblTes and no mai rrrenan'ce excepf fa fix;i no- a -r l et . 'Mr. Ma'cire'an'"stci'ted right'; cn1:lhge·'ba:ttbr.ies ahd, wash ca~~s ... ' Mr. Hei':lm'an s·tateldnomechan ilci:lI' '01" body wb:rk '0 r p~llnt'ing'.· . I ' .. ,

, i . i .' . i 1Mr. 'Pa leTmo a.sh~d hoVi many', v~'hlc:/e's at any· one' ,tlmei?'··· Mr:, Mac·le·an',stat'ed proba',bT,y' ,15', :thi'riks, five' across' the. front" .not 'tight•. Qui'te.a -hiS' lo'tfo,r sma:! I ·a.9·e'ncy.· Maybe: fiIve this waYanCl five 'a1Iong, thefence 'and'flve on 'Che1r'okee' bridf ·stn [. :Ie'ave acd~ss' ·to, pul I' 'info the.'lOT by' ,the ·office. Mrs •. Tanger asked how far off S"i::btfsv'i IH~ .'Roaddo yo~ antIcipate parking f)rst cars?' Mr. Maclean stated along -rhefe'nce~ Th'.r.nks. arouno 51 "ft.' Mrs.' Tanger askedj'uiYto the'· fe'n,:ce onScottsvl'II'cl' Road?' . Mr'.' Macle'an sta-re·d' ola.;· .tha:t! (is' $·ta:te;";j-ha·t is; whatMr. Timmons' says· have to. be. i50'ft-~ {rom 'cent'e, 'nne 'a'nd ,thinks po,le"51 ·ft. Front"of cthe'c-ars would' be. evien ·wi·th 'fen'ce: Mr. H:un,ter"askedpara [I'e'l i'ng' Scotts~J"i (Ie' '!Road i nft9n~'? [1Ifr'. Macle:a1n'stated r1ig'ht,' '.50'in'stead, o'{ my pu·tting' up' fe'flce, poler o'r' ce'nien+ fc'u'rb Mr',; TLmmons,said,.\ . . '. , '. . '. r·Mr. i"a:le"rmo asked 15' :ciar-s', .e'noug'hr'oorri wi+h 'cus~tiomer·sl?· . Where pa,rki og?Mr. H:e;ilm'an 'stated :Pl'a'nninlg' Board dFdn':t tti'ink woU'ld' be'fthat much.,·/Mr. Macleans-tate.cl tioo marny cus·torri'ers,·'mig·ht get nervo'us.· ,Mr. Hu'nt-Eiraskedhow'much '-fraffi'c' per d.'ay a;nticipated? i'SaY ·have 'been !'rl' business'.',Mr., Macl'e'an 'St-ate'd, :when 'manCl:gerfor'Nagle' Ford", ,some da'vs' pretty'

I 'b'u:sy;, .othe rs t~/O: 0'1" th r·ee. 'pe:o'p Ie 'i n 12 ',hall 1"5. :Anothe r ''da y 100. ·.peap Ie'.Never kn,ow> . Wo'u I d' h'ope TO tal k''t0 fi ve pe.o'p·!e· a 'day) , Mr. IHun:t'e,rasks.d hdw irJahywo;u!d' take car :and'·+r.Y ·it?: Mr. MacTean,;st-atEJ.d one,maybe, samet: i meso 'no'ne'.' ' ' I I. ' i-



Page 95: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

"I, - I ' ",J:.lI,1 y' ,(0','.-..19'7S' ;:"




Mr. ,He:il men ,state9~ th,! IlKstrs-e, wassom\') mert,Lon,:of, PClrk'rng 01) ,phe'rokee.No, p rob I em as 'far as thai' con ce rne-d , 'Doe9n't:, want'i:to have 'for! sa'I eon 'Che'rokeebu:t, if: felt"c-l,lstomers -cou l.d per-k von c Ohe'r-o kee', ,Mrl. Macle'an'stated, th I nks ; f. i ft",eh, 'fes't} from. 'p:oI e' tp Che ro kee ~ ,-Mr. Hunt~r' st-atl'd'th,at is; wh'a'T diagram' shows., 'Mr. Maclean ,statep',:thi:n13around, f,Iftee'n'feet wh"lchj S': ':a.'ctl>,a:lly p a rt of :the:, lOT.' ' Oar-s: WOH ld: -be: pa-r-a I I el W'it,h,the: 'pole' going back., "Mr."Hunt~r st!3-ted' wou I d have t,ha't [S,"fee't'. ~Mr.

Maclean .stated' f h l nksv a s wiLde, as Cherokee is"for par-k lnq•..Mr. Hu rif-e rstated \Outd' pe.ral I'el park. Mr. Ma:clean 's'ta:tedthinks, enough room to,,go pa.st'five'c'arS:land~pu,lI"il)",' .;' t

',I, ,Mr. Palermo stated reason e s ked how many cu stcme r-s cars could' park, 'with -e ve r-vb o'dv- 'anT,jc:ipated, us ed cars' going up ,be:causeo,f sLtua.ti6n.~"

today., ' ThTs:'is:why: 'asked quesr l on c- "Es pe.cl.e.I tv now with, Younger'ki:dswa'nt·ing' ce r-s; Mr. Mac l ean -stated sure, cou I dvqef ten on 'tI-a--e'.' "Pa r kedon -60",or 'gO, .de q r-ee 'ang'le,' .'from the: p.o I e b'a:ckand' sti I I' no,t 'get nee r-Cherokee Cir.cle'.P,Iu:s: com-ing' in, ,the' lOT to: park. [f:push'cars't-?gether get' 20:;".cClrS:~' j':,

Mr. Hunt-er stated' tal ked to, gent·leman ,I n: trai l er- next to vc-ur- con or-e t e. ,pad and came out when: was vp acl nq of f ?lnd' cu r l ous as, to: what- was 'doing'and, Told' h l m. what it: ~Ias 'and, as ked. if aware and, no,t-., "Ten an t-s. nOT 'awa re of it: be.c'aus e no-f lce would' go to owne-r •. Ap pe.r-errtl v l lve d thereabout ·12~ye'1lrs.' 'Any,tliIi'ng' in: the: way of ,I j'ghting? Mr. Ma:clean 's'tatedwhatever li'ght-ing wo,uld:be:accordlng TO, your o'rdinance.' Does nl f want,to have an )r,th in g' ,f I as hy.,' There is: ut-i I ITy FO,1 e' it: pos sI b ty' cou I d' putmercury ,[i'ght- on or s ornefh l np or even .ju s r a sp'0tll'ght',' In>wi'n'te'rtime.wo.u l d: on lv: put on va couple' h ou r-sv: Gets, dark ea'rly'., Mr. He:,ilm'an ..e s kedwhat hours of opM"at,ion?' Mr. Ma'cleon ,stated pretty: s ur-e :1 I' TO B., 'Mr. Hun-ter asked, six' days'?' Mr. Macleon ,stated 'a I mos f be.ca us e Wed'ne'sdaygoes -to Sy'racuse' to .buy end sel !: ot auction.- 'Might', not even be: in:

, Wec:hes'days, at ,aI!'.' Mr. Hunter as ked maybe: an 'ho:ur or twO:? Mr. Ma'cle'ElnsToted Friday '11'-'5 'and Sa,'t-urday, -us ua l lv 'in -summer not that good in:used, cars,' might b~ half' ~ day or ti [I' iive on saturday. Mi. Hunteras ked Il'or earl i'er?' Mr. Mac l ean -stated II -and-three nights, Mond'ay,' .Tue s dav and Thursday '-HII' -S,' .

Mr . Hunter asked wou l d l lke. one: llqh f of some kind' of f uti Ilty pole?Mr. Macleon ,s'tat-ed just for nights. 'Wouldn't need In: summer. Mr.Mu I laney -as ked don r,t anti c.l pa-te van da I ism' to keep. ,I ight' at nighT?Mr. Mac l ean 'stated' hope no van da l lsm, Mr. Mull'ane,y'askEl.d no'small' 'Ii'ghtat ni,ght:?' ,'Mr. Mac l ean ,stated no' be.cau s e: ff bo.t he.rs .nel qh bo.r-s c wo.u l dn",thave' on.' Doesn "t think much vandal lsm the're any·\~'ay., Mr., HeI'Lnra n 'stated wo.u I d imagine preTty much Ii'ght-ed-from Sc'ottsvll:l'S' Road. Mr.Ma'cle'an 'stated wduld'n"t Ieave anyt,hing on at nl·ght. Only h o u r s o pe.n ,Al so going' to ask if could put string of li'ghts across'the f r on t-,I iTt'le' (i'ght' bu.l bs. ,and off when busine·ss over'.

Mrs., 'Tanger asked antic,ipate any signs?' Mr.: Macle'an ,s'tat-ed onoff,ice,'whatever all'owed. Mr. HunTer stated if: need sIgns· sho:uld' be: 'In: onanything- sepa'rately-. Mr. Macleanstate'd, would: be 'affixed' to i'rai ler.Mr. He'iIm'an stated thinks,Plann,lng' BO'ard 'fn:dicated to, him: no one"would'live 'in there bu,t does have feciHT,Jes to hook up TO. Mr. Macle'anstated -there is' sewe'r sys,-tem bu,tlf, too clo'se' to other tra! Jer wi'l I"put ahead and, dig: under to, hook ,up. If get smoI I Trailer' I J'ke eng,jneerstrai Ie'r,doesn'.t think the'y have ba,throoms in them. 'Wo.uld' lIke waterhook 'up to 'wash 'cars bu,t other than ,that WOll I dn 't need sewe'r sys,Tem.Mrs'•. -Tanger asked how 'large wi:I,!' -trai ler be:? Mr. Mace!an stated tryingto get smallest I can.' Looked at 22',~ft, and'la'rgest'35'or, 36'x'S.' 'Mr. Palermo ask-e,d small'est could' fin-d? Mr.' Mac'le'an ,sTai-ed so' far bu:thave'peo'pIe: looking'. Would Ilke,smaller, ,l4'or 16"ft,' but,noT forsale'. -

Page 96: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


. Zon ln q BCiard' of· Appeals' '- Sp.ec'I'a.l .

·Mr. Pa l ermo abi<.ed· on lv o&tle·'j- .i"n,'1-he· are'a?' Mr.IMa·c·le·an·'Steite.lr.iy:es.···Mr. HeTltrfan s·tate:d ind·icated' ·one,in. c'itV ~la:S beTng:·c"lo'Ssd d·ow~:.··; ."Mrt" Moere'an st"cite:d"ye,s,'o,ver' onl'Harwo'Ody :St'ree't"l"in: :the: 'city., 'Mr.Pa l erjnc 'asKed' wh:ereis:'1"ha,t 'ne-a'r? IMr.'Ma,"CI~'ah'·s·tate!J'j;Gli·de;and: H'y'a rea'. ,~ J ust- '8 f.l,,!()I d:b uJ ldl '09', Mr~ ,He,il'rnan -state d 'coh {J.i t ion a-I, 'U se 'grahT~d,for' one,'\jea'r;' 'Mr. Hunter." as kad yb-u wo'u', 0' be: 5'01&" op'En-'ator? M·r·.'Mac l ean 'stated" no' employees, at a:l I',' . Mrs.: Tanger' asked who.·if; Mr-.," IGl'az:e~r. 'Mr. He',j lman 'statetl own's' fark "an dr land'. ' ,j.-, ' ' '., f' ~. " .,' ." I , I I .', I ' '

Mr,' Pa l e'rmo as ked if: e nyone- wished TO, sp'6,~kI4nfavor"or op pos I-tl onTO .Thj~ app Ir·es,tion. and- ,~o: one appeared:

OEC'I-GI'ON::' : 'D~n i~d :u~i:l~ imous ly:L, " ,- ." ; , 1 e: j. II r. ·1· . i

: i .t :

- I:

I ; .v- .'i';,'

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I _". , I

'JOf-JN PALER'MO , I .rAcf'i ~g' Ch al roman

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Page 97: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

. r ; ZaN I NG BOARD OF ·APPEALiS· .Jul'y' 22/ .l9::t.5~, .. . .

. i.

Ge ra I d: DeGr-af f

.• i' .. ' . . .'.... . I " . ". . ..A Meet.!ngj0f..the, jZ?-ni'rs' Bo'a r-d of f\pp.e~a:I~·.:o.f,.:rhe.. Tow,n.cE>.f: Chili'

was h.el-d·'rnj :tr.e Ch'.L!,i, Admln.I,s'tr:Cl:tIon :O.Hi.pes.',. ,32,f5.(ChiHj Av?n'ue":,,Rochester. New Y0.,r-.k:1~~:?A::.or:l' ·Ju·' y' 22,:1,9:1,5. ' Tho. ,Meet'jng wa;s. cal ladto' orde r bY, ,the., Cha'll rpeTsol'l ,.Mrs.' .Chapman , '..a r" 8 :,01'.J 'P .-\"l'. '

, '. ",': I, , 'Present: . .Ianlce M. Ch.a·p.man,-, .Cha'i rperson

Rcb e'r-f Hun re r- " .Gertrude. Tan qe rJ 0 h.n Pal.e.rrno. .Ray' -Stee 7f €l' .Carle'MLdh,me,y

Absen t .


j I" . " i I·A I so- Pr-e se nt-: ,Pat r-t ck] ~ .'. Pi ert r-op ao I i"'1 ]own.;Atji'orney'.

Al fre d. J .·.·l;1e 1'1 man•.De.puty: -Town .Atto.rnsy. " I ' ... ,.- I'. " I

Mr. He l l man 's'tated there. are affidavits on ·file· tha't this: le'gal 'no-r l cewasfPV Iv p irb U'shed" I n, 'a fle\'/~pa.pe,r de s I gna,teo, b'y',the: Town: Boa r-d .andwas p os-fe.d. on ·the pu.l I'ei' rn! b oa r.d. ,a.s:r.eq u lre.d. by>1 aw ~" .' I '.'

. i' '. i', I : ..'. ,.'. '" ' Ii" ,t ;: . i App-I I ca t l on 'of M?uri,c~ en 9' KaTo·[\'le.n Gort;l-on,' 447,6i.'Bufta-lo· Road ,

North Chi'[ l, New Yo r k ," .f o r; ap p r-ova.l otl va r.l ance . to bu.I jd: at.ta.<:=he.d. g!'l rflge;o 24": ..x. 20, '.fee.'t. deep t ?,n north S ii dl" -9t .e~ I st.')19. r-eslden cs .to: be'.· flPPr'ox;';:'4?·,.lft.' from ~fl(llbr.e:wo.od Prive :C6JJ:I'·ft. bp:qui r-ed') Ile·cate·.cr at 447:6 'Bu f f a l o Road. R-];-·IZ·.:· I .'



Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon ~nd' Mr.' He·n'ry,··le·w:ai1d'oskl?:.,b~:il rd'er~ .appe.a r-ed , Mr.Lew.ah do s kl stat!=' P :p Ian ,tol .bui I d'. 9.a r!'l ge .on Ramb !".e\~o.od 1s.l ·de;. :. On.Iy[?'g.lc!'l:J .p Ia'ce , to..pu r a, g~nlge ... Have~i~fJraJl1s and d'ra:'l.f.ngs :sh9wln9' .how9?!Tflge ;~Ii~I) ·be.:.' !3uft,alo: Roa.d, Ramb lewood, .ard'. gar~.ge would be::",put he r-e , . .. Thi s, 'Isrf r-on t pf .the house. Mr-s.;. ,Chapman; aske.d propos} ng·TO pur on ,ba'.ck·'·of th.~·' nous.et Mr. l.ew an dos k l ' s.tated. y.e-s, .th.1s wo.uld',be. back.of hous e, , "Bu.l Id'lng, Inspe.ctor in er r-or- pu,t IT; h e re, Mrs,',',Chapman.vas.ked t:-r:i.s:, i S'. ~hat' mean by: -north side?: On ·tb~· .bac k pf. :th:e .bui Idirg·,rwt,on 'The s lde. t?wa:rd RarnbLew oo d , ~r. SteeJle: :>tated .on .d r l veway -5,ld.e.. ~rs,' ChFLpmap 'ask~d. di mens ions' men:tl.ore~, ere co:rr>~;r7

20. '.x24}', ·Mr•.. Le'w'anr:J05 k'i: stated .ye,s,' .th Is is sh i rWi=lY ·present,! y:.' " 'Kltch·en.--door hare, .jl'h.is· ,I;:;c e.dge., ,of, ,the, ,h.oupe' and rea.r ,of. :the; gar?g·e Iand cut drive in from RambJ~wood. ' ,

Mrs. Tanger asked"'how muc'i, ~ i sTan ~e do yo.L h,ave.· to tbe' lOT J ine?Mrs.. , Chapman aske,d,be.hind ,tr~;lJar'?ge? ,Mr.. Lew:"ndoski'sTajep, from h!?'reabout !5·,:t. to the. [o'[tb;line. Mr. HU[1ter s.tate:d ·~wes.tio9,~~di.srance"wou I d b.e Interested in" e'cause' home down: ,h!"re.•.Testas, wh'o have. atle'a~t, lp",ft.. .U·pm th!?lr: g.<;lrflge' to her.e·...Wh.at i.-s.·dt~+anoe,.goi~g,to. b~.bet\~.een this:,bu,i Id'ing and':-garage, that..sIts.. here ,now?:, Mr. Lew,a:ndoskl?tated s,caJ e' ,wou l~: be'~' ,30( ~6:u 19' .be~ one 'Inch.•. Mrst":ChfiP\llan -st·~te~ ,iabo,uT thr:et' i nche~. anyw'a'y.· Mri' f:lun.tr r sta,ted m.aybe, !?l! r., It th re.~..i nc,hes :rP, ·,ft: .a.np" fO.lfr,·1 2')'" '.f~ .• , :~t 1,~asT .[0' '.ft.• ov,er. her.e.• · .' ,T~.a.t ."wo'u I d' mean. ,ai' I e'ast.' l00'1'9r: 13D,,'.ft.• ..from he.r:e to h~r~.•. Take aWi;l'y ,24.Mrj' 1,.e'wa,rJposk·i sta.ted. t'ro~. here.!o ..here:.7.l..,"an;9: at. I east IpO 'ft.. her'e·.Mrs. Chapman 'staTed. figuring, thelF .10' ft •... "". ' .. ' . 'I! .

Mrs. Tang'er s·t-at~d.,ha.v,e to.u1ie:eXi pii,!lb: driiv.~·wbY.:.c"an~n.Qt ~om:e'?{r'a.ightout because' of hy'.d·rant,•. 'Mr.. ,. Lewandoski ,stated. whol.e: thing'. driil~}~ay ., , .• '1 I' , .. " ,,' . " ..now b a.ck to here.Mr.: Hunt:e r as kerl whe,re l d ,1 d yo,u s p'O,;t-. :th e',h y d,ra ntJMrs .. Tanger STated just off RambLewoc·d. 'Mr. Lewandosk'! a'ske"d co'uId'yo,u t:ell' VS w:her:e hYd-rapt, I s:? M~S·.i G,Qrdon .stpte(l across the rtreet••:Mr. Hunt-er stated on we.st si'de pT Rpmblewood. , r~rs.: Gor/dpn ,sta.te.d ye,s.Mr. Stee.l e' ap ked. Is: p re~en.t, ho:use', 4'5~ 'f.t,•. ba.ck? ,M.r. Le'war d,os k',i s ta.te dye's. Mr. Huntrr aske,d. 0,0 yo'u, know.,Setback of. Testa's .home at :#LO?,.Next home north 'of yo,u •. Mrs.' Go'rdon 'state:d 'no-t sure. 'Mr. Hunte,rstated assume 60 ,ft. 'Mr. Mulr'aney -sTate.d·, greater' than ,that,. Mr.

Page 98: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

l...su~ Hated

"4'", _..:.:~

~ate:s.NEWS ~Chili1269 CHILl AVENUE • ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14624

~ ~

Dm J~!?.J.'L?..L


GATES-CHILI NfTWr-.. T?5 ;'., nts.: .(.

..._}. ",~.-""

v -..../"'&:,~ ..('~.c-U.'¥'


~~':l~RY PUB-L1 C, State 01 N. f. ~\or. roe Co..~. / C::-mmi'S!liG;; EJo:P,r.:s M:m;" JIJ. 1~~.:1~7

/?«: /2 / ~~, ..../~~-

Potricin M. SmithPublisher

Page 99: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

;, ~I ~lN~;';~~rZoDing Board of Ap~als

A Meeting of the Zomng;,;,;,~Board of Appeals of the TOWn, of .chili will be held in the, "Chili Administration Offices,

3235 Chili Avenue, Rochester,New York 14624 on July 22.1975 at 8:00 P.M. to considerthe following applications:~'. 1, Appltcatton of Mauriceand Kathleen Gordon, 4476Buf·.Ialo Road, North Chili, N.Y.,for' approval of variance tobuild attached garage, 24' wideby ZO' deep 00 north side ofexisting residence to be appr'ox.

--4~ ft. from Ramblewood Drive;.~ (60 it required) located at 4476Buffalo Road, R-l-12.

2. Application of Grant Cit~',~"'3240 Chlli Avenue, Rochester,~'N.Y. for approval of ...varianceto erect sign on tear wall of

(~"building advertising "Gr-ant,~...."crty," approx, 360 sq. ft, insize (100 sq. ft. allowed} at. 3240 ChiliAvenue. C-2.

3, Application of LloydDon-nell,' 12 Sunrfdge Drive, Roeh- 'ester'- N,Y. for approval ofvarlance to erect 10 Jt, ex-tension on side of house to be

,:-KS ft.,. from north iO'i: -'line, ro'Tt. required. at 12 SunrldgeDrive. R -1-15. •

',"'.. '_4: Appltcatton orRoyCombs,.2S, .~':!.In}:side LaM, N. Chili,'!'f."f. for, approval of variance

ok" to erect attached 2 car garage,. .26 by 26 approx, 41 It. fromu, ..the rignt - of - way of Wesley,,-Ave'" 36 It. from back lot line,t~"at 28 Sunnyside Lane, R-1-12..'" ,~= All Interested parties are

\ JerebY requested to be present.1..... ~.Y_.p.rder of the Chairper-son~ of the Zoning BoardofAppeals,


Chairper'sol( . ~._.


, i.T1l...,.......~,,,

e .

Page 100: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zon ln q Soard .of f\ppea'ls"• » ,I 'J,u'l Y' ,22') ,119'1,50 '

, 'DEC IS I'ON: Granted unani'm'ou5,ly'.·

Huntef stated comparin~ somethJ~g greate~ t~a~ 6~~t~ ~It~, 4' ,ft.but, ait dis-,tan'ce., Mr.~ MUlil'ail~:y,: :stat~:cr rea) 1'1' ·si d~pf. h l s, hoi.Jse:, .orb'a.ck , .l n re'al i lry .,' ' Mr .'. Hunt~:r as ke,'d: h a·v.e' yo·i.i dl sbL $~se'd' T'ht's! .w i;rh,"the, Jre:s't'as?' Mrli'~ Bardon 'state'd' ye·s:,' ',!in' 'fa,eta I II 'ne,lghb'O:rs 5a'I'd_d l dn t-r obj:ec·tetcrJ L' Mr. 'Hunter s'i'cite.d. Te st'a's vl nrp a r-tl cu l a'r- whoare, i mmed I ate. neiqh bo'r- an d how ab o.ut, gen't,[ eman '<;ICros s t["le, s tree.ton Buffa 10 Road? Mrs. Gordon 'Stated' pa-ss e-d. 'awa'Y ·a"few mon bh s. ago';Mr. Hunte r as ke'.d i s:that home uno-coup i e:d'? ' Mr-sv 't'o r-don s:tate',d 've,s.' '

Mrs.' Chapman 'asked if a nvorie. wLs hed. to s pe-ak 'infavhr or oppositionto, this appI i'cation and no one' a ppe.a r-ed , . ,I,'

II h

! .'2.: . AppI lce t i on 'of Gr,ant City,' ,324,0, ',Ch:i.lj', Avenue, .Rochester, New

York, .fo r ap p r-o'vaI 'of' ,variance to: e r.e c't sl'gnl',::in rea:r' waI I' 'ofb ui Iding a dvs r-f-t s l ng- '''Gran'to C'ltyll., .6ppro~-.i 3'oO:".kq. ft. in: stze'( 1'.0-0, .sc, ft. a I lowed ) at' 324.0. '.Ch iii' ,Ave nue , C-2.~: I",' ',: i', "1'::' ':;,' , , I;

Mr.' John"'Srock a ppe'are d re'pr~senti!1g Grant qty".' S'ta'ted l s,lgn kill' 'be: 'l derrrl ce I TO one' on .II-he 'fron+-, ,bcEdow roof' l l ne-,.' .. Sign 'on ,the frontnot v l s lb I'e from beh l nd the, bui l.d·ing· nor Is, the: sho'pplng, centersign.' No'thi'ng' back there 'tha,t loen'Tifles thb~t rsBrant,jCity!., With I

K::'Ma'rt g'oli hg"on 'c9rne}'" vii:1 J bk'.,'vi's'lbI:e"'{rom 'up" e rid-: down ,the: 'road bac kthere ahd -no,th~·ng adve'i-!is:itig'·u·s.' W·I'1.l m.ake: pa:ci~'of the'. b u.l l dLnq10'0 k b'e:He 1"'. : 'bed y" ,that:' I't: 'fa ces' wi:J.I' be: :apartme lit5: :.an'd'· wII ,I' be:' 'ontimer to shut off at 10';',00,; fl. .1 " ' . I



Mrs.' Ch apman 'ask'e;d lil:fumih'a-tea s,tgn?' I Mr.• B-rbck'st'ateo' yes.': G'n'aTdusk' and' off'at· IO'~',oo) 'Mr. Hun t e F askeb' be.l'ow :robf. '1 in e ? Mr~ Brockstatel:! yes.' M~.:l-lun;t-er asked"(16 y6u'ha.ve ,\fh'at si~n I'/UI'!ot,k 'Il'l<e'? IMrs; Cbap man :s+-a:ted l ooks" I i:ke .on e on ·the:· fro'nt'.' 'Mr,' Bi-:O'ck"stated Ith,at issJ'gn"on th'e, rear-:·~·Mrs.'Cha'pmalistate':d' r'ctenT.lc'aJ To c ne: on'f roh t-, , ·M\-., Hunter asked bY~:lger Y!1o:ug'h?, t Mr •. Bn):?k 'st!'te~ no, .samesl zes : Coming 'off l another s rore , 'Mr. Hun-rer'aske'.q l s: 3'6a·'.correctbe.caus e: 'I coke d at pthe r s j 'gnan'd f i gu res :12b'/- ,I~::p e r: [ElTt'e'r' and, '48 for 'the ci relj'e',:' Alfdsup. f01 :18'. 'Mr~' Brock' '!>tat'ed th rnks: todktOTa'r'square' foo+agEr;'.nor ~~:c'!1I!:lTte'r bv. 'itse:.!'t'-; M'r. Stee'le 'statedcoun t.-i n!:l" 'em'p'f'\! ':,.P'aces',; :M,rl• Hunt-e r ,s't.af~:cr 5 PI-,', h .!'9h .Bra n}-s: si gn so ,leTters, 5 oft. h,lgh." Ho\~ wi de? Mr.' Brock ft!ot~i:l,,~.s~'t; sh:or.n 'on There.,

Mr. Hunter asked how,ave r-5i 'ze.d, is th i's: ~ I gn? Doesn ',t s aya ny·th i ngthat gi,ves 'lehgt~.· Nr.'Brock stated 'this; w'ou!'p',be:'45: 'ft. from :,''"G''' 1'0" n~l+yJI ?lna: 8 ,ft. 'a-t w'ldest _...: 'Cir'cJEr,. 'Mr', ,H'i1'flcfer srate!=! sayingthat"di slta'n·c'e·.'~5:'"ft~ ~: 45', :by: ',5' 'around:' 225.',. sT~,II: tlo:t.' '360; ·'Mr.' I3r.ock,':o:rati?.d ,~'5:'x .8'\~,O'U I,d, be: wb:'o]~' s'}gn.; Mr.' H'unt€'r~ g;Ta·teCl .(i:gure 'tpe: ~!h\3rw-a'y' ,an'd'-take, spa'ces oult-, :more, Than . hi i'ce'"'j-he s·!ze pf \'fhat' 9 r d'i nan ee Ic~ I'r's' +0 r.' As' yo'u kliow, ,orajhan C'e' say,s, 'max I mum of' I bD,s g'. I ft. Whatis, your. jf.lsti,fi C.flti?';' ·,fo.r':ls,ki~g"f?,r sb.m~thl.r:9' o'n ',!,hb: 'or~fe'~~,~f Z:":3,,timesour maxlml.im., 'Mr. Brock.. stflted s~gn only propu'ced'.In oneJs:lze,., :For 'frpnt' of. the 51yre.: , Nb~e li1~.~,e for ba:pk Of tpe: s't~re'.·'Al :'~ady' ,made so' .ca'l')" ~et i'lap'lly';' Mr Hl1nTer" aske,d cO'uld' get anb,;rher sign'somewhBre els-e:·(f 'l-u'rned 'doen?, r\IIr." hock st,a~tep d,?e'sn'+'.t:h'i'n~ wo'u(i:I' •be,'allm~ed to have one made.' This:ohe, already made and could' b'e,

,ta)<.en off, 9.ld' s,tore which ]5,: closing. Mr. Hunter ask'ed couldn't getanother, 'on'e? ,,'M'F-'. 'Brock'- s'ti3ted, cbij'[Ij' try-eto' ge't" another:' 'on'e:, Mrs'.' ICh.a pman 'a·.~ ke,dn!",gpt i<;i,t in'g'i Wr:tJ1I:Gra~:t's'?, ,Mr. '~roc}. 's+-at~'d 'y~s be·.c·auss.thiF slgn,i,n,e:<istenpe and'llo·c~ted,s)r~.for·:\-l~s%)"iI., ' , " "

Mr. Hi3:i Im'an 'stated usua'J Iy .ask) va'Iu'e'of, thk~:[gn.; [\olr ••Hunt,er bsked 'cou,l.d yo'u ,tell ya I L(e of fhe s,ign ,j n p [a'ce? Mr. Bro~k stated, do'esn,lt.'have b u:'t cou] d' get ,fo.r you. 'Mrs.' Chapman 'st'ated obVi OllS] y' ,used s.l 8n.Mr.B~b¢k state~ may be. sign tha~ came pff ~-rore th~t ~idn't 6pe~, samay be,:' new, :Or USEl'd.· '

Page 101: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon i'0g, Bo'a r dic f Appeals' J u,1 y: ,22.,: :19:1,5,:' ,





Mr., Hunter a s ked 'ca,!1' yo,u ,t~[ I' me ,eiTher the'e,X,actor app,rox!mai'e,'aiSTanCe,':rn:>m the:'rea'r"of 'you r- store :to':J~e',"l'oT 'line' on Pau I 'Road?'Mr,., Br-o ck 'stated" no'.' . Mr. Hurrrer: as ked co irl d: yo'u e-stimateilt:? 'Mr;' Brock 'stated, 20:0:-'25.0 '.ft.',,·noT s ur-e;' 'Mr., Hunter'stilfed- quite, ab r+':[e's's' 'tha'IT'oaT 'frorrf of'·the, "s1-ore, ,from, Ch llI: Ave nue ,.' '.Tr'y lng' :to,

, get ,feal 'forr-eI'aT!ve, d l sf-an ce v 'Probe,bI:y' have, i(l:-pl'ans'.:' '

Mr. HelI man 'as ked no-i:, goi ng.: to .be. ,ent'rflrl ~es; In', the, b.a'c"k' '0 f,' }h e:' STOre?'"Mr. Brock stated', not: at this: time. Mr. He I [man stated 'pl,ans' o r l p.l nal tvto someday ex.ren o bliild'j,ng, b'a.ck ..f u r fh er ," 'Only,quest'ion ,jf, yci'u ~

pur sign -back 'th ere 'an d, be.I ow 'rop ,II"n'e·, won T·t' 'y.o'lJ' -nee'd' add i tiona'!. .sign 1-0: get.' Pe'O'P l e fo, 'the: :f-rontoof the store'? ' :BI;an'k Wed I',' where:"dothey go? No' w,alks: Dr any't'hing,. 'Mr. Brock s'tated wa:rk-waybe:tweeno'rh e.r s,to:res~~ 'Mr.' Hunter' asked -bu:t. how wi-'! I :the'¥ k now?' Mr. He l l manstated j u..s:t ccm l ng in: Pau I Roa d an d-. par-k Lnq, Mr •. Br·ock,:st·a.:ted .t f,dop~t see' doors_~pme around othe~ s~~e but at ~eas~,identities.as~ ~Grants.. an.d no-t, wa:reho,use'" Mr.' He.l Iman -stated .or l g.l n.8'1 reason who 113'pa,rki'ng', JOT de slqned with the l.sJan ds 'an,db'[:a'ckfop, .r o: pe rm l'f truck .traff'ic: I:fa·ckt~:e.re buf re.el Iy' not to have great de a I 'of parking, foruse' by~+he" 'peo-ple'. " To: get <fround. ,to the 'frorit and, se-ems 'going to. go'compleTely 'agains-i-·it:." BrTng'iilg peop l evl n: Grea'., Most people' lilh:O",, I ive here krlO"iJ· Gr2l'nt's. ',You'r-p'rob'lem: when run sa,le,' on 'Saturday 'orSund,ay 'To"b rl ng' ,peap'le'Tn: 'an.do doesJ1!,tth ink Gran't' C.Itysi gn ,showsfrom Paul Road now.'·Mr. -Br-ock stated .,t'lot'wi:th 'c9mpe;ti,to'r going'.upthe r-oad s Mr. P:ale'rmo a.sked. basic: reason' -fo r- sign ·is.fact tha,tK-mart is: goi~g"up'?, . Mr:", Brock stat"\:Jd' ,no:T 'ma'IIl:,:reasorv ,started' tothink a oou f 'i+, be.f o r-e buf now added reason.~· .

Mr. PietropaoIi' stated think,s: r-e cel lsvt r-cm original app llcat l onpresentat-ion -made 81' that -time was on e 'sign wciu}·d· be: heeded, ,theone, on ChI I i whlch Zon l nq Bo'a r-d gave.,yo-u'. 'Very,:coinc-iden.tal 'to,see with 'new cen't'er going' up now Grant,s. cIty "Iant·s an o-t her- sign'and quite. a: large ,.s'.i'g'n',.; Have had reason .:to sho'wconcerlj 'abo:iJt be:in.9'.seen by, 'anyone: on ,Chi I i and- now want on evon .Pau ] Road... Are vo-u ,famili'ar wi.th the orlg,inal app·li'ca'tion·.made for the sign?·, Mr. Brockstated not wIth the ~ign> coul~ ~ee ~hat was made -the~ bu~ see needl nrs ro'r-e for i'dent:if'ic'atio'ri.' 'Mr. 'Pi·st.ropaoli' a s ke'd do' vou findcustomers cO'mpla'in-canh'oi"'fin'd I'o'cation'of··The\ store? ·Mr." Brockstated have customers comp l al n.vcan no-t find -pLaz a be-',cause"cannot be,see rr u.nN:I on ··top, of 'ft. If: on Pa'ul Roa d could' drive r'ight by: •. ,No signs" on:'b,a.ck .except ,flt',by'Aive and. Ugly' .Mug wh.l ch, are ,I'w:t ,,I,iw't;ed. ',rvjr.,flieiTropaoli· Cl"Ek,ep te:ll'i!l9'. me :p)a·za'.. has ,identification'p rob lem? Mr. Brock stated yes.' 'Gral'lt Cit.y not advertised on ,ch.i-Paulp l ez a sign., ·OnI,y·,thing' is:ba:nk,., Mr. Pie:tropaori'stated In:'all"'li'keli-,hood won't be', eli-her.' 'Mrs. Chapm,an 's·tated, regu.laTions<'say ,indiv:idualbusinessesare"no't TO be:'identifle:d on .ple'Za'· si'gns bu't thl's: is,": '. "passe'd 'since ba'nk went in: ·there·," Mr., Hunter statexl ,had "asked, abo'u-t·'cost 'and .,$,u.$lgested .co'u I d' s'ubm'j t: to, us.: .,~ , , ,

, ~". ..>M r. Mu I).'a'ney ,asked, wo:uI d Y~J-U,. can s,1 del" s hu,tti !1 g' s ,ignd-own ea'/" I ie r ,be,c:ause: ,of apa rtment-s.,a,cross:-the. str$e.t? Mr. Br.ock STated Qh ,,ye,s.Mr. Pa(e'rmo asked whaf ,time do,es t~e, store :c:I'cise? Mr. "Br.ock 's,TC!ted"9 ;', cou I'd.' sn'u to f f then.' . Mr. Mu I I'aney' 'as ked ho,\~ab6:ut wi:n·te r' "wh'e-'n' .geTs dark' by, -5:,oq.? ' S.tore"wn.J' ,st,II.!' 'shui' oft 'sign' ·at 5eV'en"'thO'~'9.h'

, front, of' slore 'ope'n'?,:, Mr. :Sr,ock stated no,t at ,5' b"u:t,fee!be',f'ore' 9:,0'0",-Mr. Mu-[ l'ane,y sTated'cons,j'der people' across' the:'s.t'reet. an~' l.f: 5 I gn ,1.s::'shini'ng in"be'droom·wln'dow. ' . ~" ....

.. .".. . . . .Mr. H~llman -asked feel problam wi:th peopl~ going west on Chll j' an&seeing' Grant,s. or Chi-P,aul?' Mr.: Brock 'staTed j'ust .90es'n,T,t think 'storeiden+ifies,at rear, .donT,t know ,wh:a't it'is:. Mr. Heilm'an stated peop)-'.~·

coming up Chr:I i·only....have 'smal I'distanc'e and if. got good pe,ripheralvisi'on' 'could' see"slgn 'anyw'cf:y -and woold'n't know \,{hen ,ex-a'CT[y' K-mart'gets th'ro~gh, 'Iands'capirfg along' Paul 'Road' :if ,the, 'sIgn would ever be', seen.'

Page 102: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Boartl of Ap~eals• ! July 22, ,1975 '





Especia:lly ~f hay,e lor'" no~ .up, high .ont:h,~l buiidi.ng.: ' ,Md' l.irihi: 'sy.stem,of such a na~ure that,~oing through green~ light ,and ~hinks b~t~e~,~f~,

aiming ,adpertisem~nt~ toward, cen~e~,and get, ~n on sign that is,exfst~ng

than with sig~. Have -done tests't, lam sure but, doeSlJ}t, .seem .muoh ]l:.i~e

for somebody to seel sighw wi:ll be low' and .may' be. bloCkel).'out.. ~.

Palermo stated especially since nO entrance. Mrs. Chapman stated tothe 'pla,za but' not' the, storie •. 'Mr:': Heilma~"st!'l:ted that was ,initi~1J..

pUrj;)ose t' truck~ anf! ,qeliyeries. :)tr.. B~oSk sta~rd; -rhought, inj,tialpurposr was w~en oth~rthings,builtlfn'~ack.I' ~~~ Chapman statedstrict~y. deliv~F.ies., ~hatis why broken up. Mr~ H~~l~~n. stated, ifback developed, was! going to develop land be~~nd ~oblawlp, and make,parkitigl and use for bringin~ in trucks. Mr. Brock as~ed thiS,'~ea

behind the store not for parkihg? Mr~. Heilmanstatedfbrover-flowbut main area" of the, l.ot! s'up~)'osed to pe -Ln front. Think 'that was .Mi:-.Hunt lis. i,dea.; ·.Mr.1 ~ietr.ciE,,\blli :sta~~~t cpri ~n~oqnapon·thi'ttth~.t . wcil;I. .wasgo~ng ~o,c~me ou~ ,anC!, Gr,ant;.CJ.ty: was gOtPg to, put.on.adcl~t~on,anclthat is wh~ allowed to,use.that type of materi~l in co~truction. ,Decorative iblock r,a-t;,herthan b;ric~ that rest -of tpe: st9r~,is qPJ;'l.st,ll:'uct,?dof. Guess sufficient, ispace for- ,propoised.'s.dp,itioI\ proposed in t:p.e 'overr-allplan of the plaza .specificallY. ,to the Grant Cit¥ operation! 'whether ornot that dotnes;'ihto being" or not. ,'That is w1J.y insisted on dedorative' 'block inste'ad ~i juSt donc,rete. Mr:.ieilman Fltated thinks. if aome ,,'day Grant city gets arounato ~ticreasing and if 'put ~n doors cah seereally substantial use for a:sign~' ,." I '

. i : l I : i . , "J' ,.! I I : IMr. Hunter asked, are ycu, assoqiateq directly wit:p. Grants? Mr:. Brock"stated on' of the fass!ista,nt managers of this store.','

i " : l' " .Mrs. 'Chapman 'asked' if' anyone' 'wished'to speak in favOr or oIppositiion 'tothis applicat~on ~nd nd one appearep~ i i,

, t,,·,' I, I' I, I i 'j, :.' ' "., j ,. i "

DECISION: pen~ed~ Mr. Hunter .no" Mrr. 'J;,angerw pO', ~i. ,P~.¥J;'mo n.Qr,,Mr. pteele aye, Mr." MulJ.raney ino,t, flli:s. Chapmap ~o.

I' i.!.'Application: of J:;J.oyd Donnell, 112 kSunr~dgenrive, Roches,'t:er tNew York for 'approval df varianc~'to'erect '10 ft. extension on~ide tof ho~~e to'be 8.5 ~eet if~om north ~ot line~ 10 ,ft. requiredw.,1: 1~2' S~nI;:rdg~ :-n:;:;~,:~..,R-\-lS.-_· ' . " ,: I""'., i. ;. " .' . i ,!' " ,,' , , . ,:., r , " ,

Mr. Calv~n W~lsont ,builder, ap'p~ared r~p're~~~ting app~icant ~ho is out oftown. Mrs. Chapman a~ked 10 feet on the ga.rag~ end and full, depth, o.f 'the house? Do you have indication of what .f'oz? IMr. Wilson stated .caz'and addition to family room. Mrs. Chapman a<sked garage on the front andextension lofliving space'~tthe rear? Mr.Wil~on stated right; Extendfamily ~oom :fr;oth~J;' 10 ,·ft., . OJ} s ome' ~f. i;:hese Aomes have -,the plans. and ','were bU~lt~w~~~ two~9ar ~arage and th1lr ls wasn'ta~d ,want t~b~ar, 'garage., .,Mrs. Chapm,an sla.ted tUlfo~t~It~te:l:l:lIo,ften. 'happens 'arid h0t1.;S,e se.t,with extra ,sp,aqe ..at one end and not ,wl).e~ y,ouw,ant to add.J;1:r. Wilsonstaued fortunately 'situated where th~re is'no~,quite enpugh roq~. 'Got into the nitty-gritty and house cocked on the ilot so, very ,close tolegal on one end but shy on the other.

1 i " "i. '1, " 'i 'I -,

Mr"i ,Hunte:r! a!?ked wrrere iri! the' ~trE]et"on 'this drawing? '~r. 'wi'ls,on , 'sta~ed street on west and existing ,home Ihere. ,Mr~ Hunter .asked present'T I , ) I . -r . I I· .garag'"1 singl~ car? Mr~ WiJ,.son st<lted right. Mr. H'1nter st9ted two ..car g~rqge an4 farnLly,room. ;Mr. ,Wi~son sta~ed tl).is is p~esently familyroom and want extended.

, I

Page 103: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zoning. Blllard of ' Appeals ..July 22~. 1~:75



Mr. Heilman :,asked how 'far is'the housie on' ,the ,cith~r' 'side, of:thatli.ne'? .. 'Mr." Wi,lsQtl- stab:;d·'substantial distance. As ,far' as th:i:s xoom is ·'long:,;. - .:about 30-33 :feet~' Mr. Heirmal'i~ asked·'frbm~'the'Lot;- line?, Mr ••Wilson ',','stated no. between houses.' Mr. Hunter stated: iooked,~like about 37·" "because this is -18}z, and abou.€"doti9le.that. Mr. 'wilson 'stated they:,hav.e:,stcikes'-and house not ~actual3i ·square -with the, 'road a.1'1tl cat .the, baCk.: ... , 'probably-8.S feet but'at the front' just about·:IO•. Where problem is,.-back, of the lot'. :I:f really wanted to get.to- nitty-gritty. 'legal Ln:front but problem in- rear-. ,'Mr.,::paIermo state,d, road- 'has -nothing -todo with it,. no curve. M.i:. Wilson stated right. z'oad ' has nothing ·'todo with ·it. -s ,

'.- ' .. , .



Mrs. ,Tanger asked how- far?' Mr.,Itunter'stated·37 so will be 27~ -!'1rs,~,'

Chapman .stated'·garage end-of---the; other houae, Mr,~ Hunter stated no,noticed tw_o windows on second story 'of the-'hbme,and none on the'lowerlevel. Mr~ 'Wilsoh stated bedrooms on the'Donnell side. Basically,wantedmore room'for-family room and'need two car garage.

Mr,. Hunter guestioned have.-Dbnne'11"s spoKen,to i'lUIlledi.ate neighbors? ,'Mr.Wilson stated yes, very much, in favor and' though he might be, here thisevening.' - Didn~ 0' want Donhe1,l's t 0 move. Mr. Hunter' questions notaware of any plans ·for tHem to- expand, -house? Mr., Wilson stated noreason"their"s-has' two car,garage. Mr. ,Hunter. questioned their's istwo story with' two car garage? Mr. Wilson s't.ated .yes if' would add~

probablY would go 'over'the garage. Mr~ Palermo questioned both housesin line'w~th each other? Mr'.:Wilson'stated'when measured yesterday,measured 8'6 3/4" in rear and 10'2" on front. In front no pzob.Lembut no sense getting in trouble for 1~ feet in rear. Mr. Hunterquestioned appro'xirnately how old are these' homes? Mr. Wilson statedplans I have dated !64.

Mrs. Chapman questioned if anyone wished to ,speaK ,in favor or oppositionto this application and no cine appeared.

DECISION: Grantedurtanimously.

4. Application ofRo)! Combs, 28 Sunny-side Lane, North Chili, N., Y.for approval of variance to erect attached 2 car'garage,26 x 26-approximately 41 feet from the right of way of Wesley Avenue,36 feet, from baCK lot linez at, 28 Sunnysiqe Lane. R-l-l~.

\,Mr. Combs appeared. Stated 36 feet from rear line of neighbor. Oncorner. Mrs. Chapman stated not only on .t.he ~orner but house across.the corner. Not much choice as to what to do here. Mr. Hunter statedSunnyside here and this is Wesley and talKing abQut here and questioAof 41 feet. Mrs. Chapman stated also 36 feet at rear. Mr. Hunterstated' actuall:¥ 30 feet -at rear'. no problem there. What .are "approxi-mate setbacKs ox homes along Wesley on.the,sqmeside o~ the,street?South side o£ Wesley. Mr. Combs stated not for sure but would guess-timate probably 50 fleet or so.· Mr~ Steele stated .appear~ ~o be in, linewith the ·frantof-the house ; Mr. Hunter stated was guessing 040 ,ft.Howald? Mr. Combs stated built in fifty-nine.

Mr. Steele questioned do you need 26 ft. in depth? Mr. Combs statedno way to get from garage to house because bedrooms and want to gointo cellar from inside the garage instead. Means I need more room.

Page 104: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning. B9ard of. Appeals

Mr. aunter questionedgoip.g to be gaiing in.he1;"e ..someplace? M+. Cqrribs •..stated yes~ ·.Mr. Hunt-eX; st;ated ao i you nave that p;l;ojecting into g~rag~.

floo.r. Mr•. Combs stated all. the .houeea, built Illuc1;l.'..clos~l;,to one sidethan the other so 'sgllbor' s h.ou§le !u;r:ther, away. and dri-Vl?w""y Qn,my' /?ifl!S. '.If builds. garage would be.towarp me•. Mr. Palermo stated if have 50, ft.would come 30 it. toward this. ~Mr: H~nter,stated'seemsliKeodd-~i~ed.

.. •• ••• • • L • _ • _ .. • •

lot., Mrs.· Combs stated believe...had to..:be" so ~!'l-nY feet petweelJ. them .... :.because had .weps. and enough pp~ce ;f.Qr .pumpez; to get, ~hr9ugh if>. fire.- -Mr. Hunter stp,t:ed a1ways:con~er/.1 for· that,but '\i:t).en.say 50 £1:. ffom :the.lot line to tp.e home, D l<;>t sizes wef~ 80 ,ft. 'tide ~n,Which cifg;e 39 tt •.house would be right on the lot line on the other side. Mr. Gpnibs ...stated ours is bigger lot but not much bigger, 160 x 200. Mr. Pietro-paoli stated properi;'.yon, th~,.coJ:'nel;'...Mr. ,Hunter stated thinK frontage160 ;,ft •. Mr. Combs: stat-ed y~s and 200.ft" fleep., . Mr. Hunter stated b~t: .'ovex- here had lots 80, £t.: wide. Mr. Combs st.ated s,aying this i§l one .gr,the· bigger. lots so.80'.£t.• doesn't sound l.ike·it wou.l.d. be·.big enouqh ,Mr. Hunter stated that,is·'why said.sounds like mu.st be'closer t.han ":.':50 feet, maybe 30. Mr. Combs stated on other side his house not morethan 10 feet. . from. tile. neighbors lot .l.!i..ne." Mr •. HU.IJ.ter st;.ai:ed .sso 10. f~e1: ..and home 36,.46. ft. on 80 it. lot gives 34·,fj:. ',so;.34·p;Lus 3.6 ~ould,

give 7-0.. ft •. b.etween buildings ao if adds .ga.r~ge,of 25 ft.~. wou.Ld, -sti,lJ.have 45. ft.'- which' is~ good. di·stance. Mr. P'al~rmo: sj:atad, but ,.if puts.garage bn would-ba: .side.lot.,les:,> then. ~ny' way, .. .MI:s.·..Chapmans.i:;ata'lonly ;I.fl feet.'· .'Mr:. Hunter. stated l;;i.mit-eq to· 10- feet ual.eas requests.less. ~Mr._ Combs stated wife did t-&lk t~ him because. closest neighborand no objection.;. ··.Mrs•.Chapman, ,stated preSllm.es i.f had object;;i,l;lns ,w9uld'be here, ", ' I • , I

Mr. Mullaney. stated though was .awful dist~nce between ~ouses.on oneside. Easement down there or something? Large aFei:i', '12_0 or, 130 _;,Ee~t

wife. Big one. Mr. Hunter stated may be right. Didn't look that·carefully. .: Mr. Heilman state.d' somebody .might have botl.9ht a d01:iq:)..elot. Mr. Hunter stated we can taKe a.look at it. We ar~ always.concerned about distances between buildings. Obviously have plentyhere. Mrs. Chapman stated the way house pituate.d on Lot; , makes aJ,mG';;;t'.imperative to do this way. Mr. Hunter ask'ed what age is your home'? ...Mr. Combs ,sb:l.ted 'about ,1.5 or 16- years. . .Mr,s. Combs stated m.o'l('ep, i.n16 .years; ag,o in November. " .':

Mrs. chapman asked if,. anyone wished to. speak in :favor, or .oppositionto this application and no one appeared,

DECISION~ Granted unanimously.:'

Held 'over' from JUne 24}. 1975:. ..'.

" Application -o f Pa'ntlin and Cha,nanie. Dev , Corp.,. :?OO .East'42nd-·.-Street, New York•. New' York, fo,r, ..app~oval of .varianc~ ~J;'

over-"-sized :.signs, on front and.. side o f .K-J)1art I!uilding" fr!=e- "standing sign for shopping 'plazawitl:l 3- sto~es,. located ,at. NWcorner of Paul Road and Chilx-Genter-CQldwater ~oad. , C-2.




Page 105: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

zoning Board of Appeals July 22, 1975



DECISION: 1. Directional signs approved for l' x 2', 3 ft. off grade,. , internally illuminated arrows,. er.ebted under. super-vision of

}Building1 Inspect·or. 2~ Pylon sign: di3approved. i 3~';': Temporaryconstruction sign disapproved,' to be replacedtwith ~O:sq.

ft. sign within ten days of date of let·ter. "4. G.ardenshop sign disapproved. 5. ,~uto s~rvi~e -sign approved, non-illuminated and not to extend above.,roof-line... 6. i-marton front of building, approval granted. for 2QO. sq. ft. sign,internally illuminated, not to extend above roof~line.



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~ : i ((

Page 106: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

ZONING BOARD OF APPEAlgAugust 26.,,1975


Abse nt:

A.Meeting of 'the,"Zorilng Boa'rd.o,f Appeals' was h.e.l d .in.. ·the GhiliAdm! nistra-t! on Offices,' .3.235.Ch.i II' Avenue.· Rochest-er" N. Y.· ,14:6.24' ~on A~gust 2,$.,' 19:7.:5:,... ' The MeEltr ':19' W'a~ G.aIJ·e·d. TO order by' th~' Gha i rperson,Mrs •.Chapman , ,at' ~:·.09. 'P .M:•.

Pres e'h+:' .Jan l ce M. Chap~an ,ch'i,li rpe.r:s.onG:e rtrlJ de.'ta n96 r

, dohn ~ale~mb .."Ger'a!'d' DeGraff, '.

Robert HunterRay ·Stee l e:Carle' Mu l Iane y

At so Present,: 'Aff'red J;: Heilm'an.' Deputy Town, AttorneyR. Thomas Wa rd, .Jr. , .Bu i l:di ng· I nspe c f or-

Mr. Hei l man 'sTat-e.d meet-ing tonight has been publ ls ne d In a newspap e rthat was approved' by ·the' Town Board and· such pub I'tca r l on was postedon thEl b u.l l e f l n boe r-dv end affidaviTs are on ,file' with the: Town 'Clerkof the publishing and posting.

I. Appl lca't l on of David. Hare, .49.~Splcewood Lane, ,Rochester, N. Y.for approval of variance t-o erect 6 'ft. stockade fenceapprox(=:mat e l v' .zO.ft-. from right-of"·way -l n <side yard on -co r-ne-r- l or at49~plcew06d Lane. '~-1~12:


Mr. Hare ap pee r-ed, stated has drawn, -ske.t ch and, house' s l rs here and oncorner. Radius 'Corner•. Coming, out from the, house' extending, 20",fT.from the right-of-way.· 'Wi II' 'not interfe.re with 'flow of traffic, orobstruct vision In, any ,di recTion. Mrs.' Chapman 'asked would vou li'ke Ito. bring c I o'ser- sov we.vce n ,see how far forward? \~ond·ersif out towardroad. 'Mr. Hare stated start aT NW corner whi'ch 'is: ba.ck of house,proceed ZO..ft. 'from right-of-way -north TO bac k property: -I lne and-eventual lv-e cr-o s s to the. rest of the p r-op e-r-rv -l Ine to The. front· onthis 'corner. Mrs.' Chapman 'asked any -r-e as on why ·yo·u wan f to comewithin, eO.,ft? Mr. Hare stated to have more use' of backyard and be:'tterp r l ve cy v- Behihg corner lOT hard to have privacy.·

Mrs. Chapman asked where yo-u are p rop os lnq fence, .l s. that whe re rowof ti l a's is'? Mr. Hare stated p r-otec t l nq pine trees wh.l ch are ·17'.:6 :fee'tfrom the corner of the, road. Only wa:y' could' protect from dogs and' kidsis to pUT something a r-oun d, Fence wl'I I' 'be i nsl de of that.. Mrs .•'Tanger as ke'd those are 17'1,6" from the edge of the, road? Not f rom theshoulder? r4r. Hare, stated from the, edge of the storm sewer. Mrs.'Tanger asked definitely' on your property and, not town p r-op e r tv t Mr.Ha~e state~ came and checked with. the, town' b~f~re plantIng. Mrs.'Chapman stated some peop I~' don It- do 'that and· have rude awake n I ng'.

Mrs. Chapman asked if anyo-ne wished to speak in favor or opposiTion ~o

this, application 'and no one appeared.

DECISION: Den Led , Mrs., Tanger no-; ,Mr. Pa l ermo no, Mr .. DeGraff, no;Mrs. Chapman '<lye,. No Ha r-ds h l pvs hown , felt' could' prove tobe Traffic, ha~~rdw

2 .. Ap p llea t l on of Charles A. Baldo, .37a,'E~gemere Drive, Rochester,N. Y. 'for approval 'of variance to, e r-ecr home on u n de r e-a ized lo't,.60 .x '171, l o'ce fe d at 27.9:aCh iii Avenue. R-I-IZ':


Page 107: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

&(- ." .... -'~ ;:;::.:-....- -'\... ':'-





Iesu« 1).0, ted , .. /1 v.. c; :-! ~ .r .~.;J l=t.?~ .

.; i ./fi...-<~0/7~._ l\otary:

GSflAL01N£ C. SNYDERNDt:.~<' flUBLlC'. $i::tte ·:)1 N. Y. MOnille C'-4"'J t,t':nmiSS,t',l1'l t.XIl\rflS M:m:n 3n, 19...7_.7

./~/i;~ ..~~Patricia M. Smith


Page 108: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

, .: [: LEGAl NOncE I:L._•. ~ -_ '";

;,~,.zOniDg Board of Appeals". 'A Meeting of the ZoningBoard: of Appeals will be held

'."in the Chili Administration or-fices, 3235 Chili Avenue, Ro-chester. N.Y. 14624 on August26, 1975 to consider the fellow-ing applications:

. ;;,l..-Application of David Hare.,49 Spicewood Lane, Rochester,N,Y., for approval of varianceto 'erect 6 It, . stockade fenceapprox. 20 ft. from R.O,W. inside yard on corner lot at 49. Spicewood Lane. R-1-12..~2. Application of Charles A.. Baldo, .370 Edgemere Drive,Rochester, N.Y. for approval

~o.r: 'variance to erect home onundersized lot, 60 x 171, Io ;cated at 2798 Chili Avenue.R-1-12. ',3. Application of Charles A.Baldo, 370 Edgemere Drive,Rochester, N.Y. for approvalof variance to erect home oncorner lot, 30 ft, from sidestreet R.O.W., 60 ft. required,lot width 75 n., 80 ft. required.Q.I;L property located at 2808Chili Avenue, R-I-12.'4. APPlication of Carl J. Min-ola, 2575 Chili Avenue, Roch-ester, N.Y. for approval of4' x 8' free-standing sign, 4lines of 7 inch interchangeablelettering, advertising Carl'sNursery, 2575 ChUi Avenue.'·RA-lO.5, Application of Garrett &

"'Lenora' Whelplon, 3890 UnionStreet, N. Chili, N,Y. for ap-proval of variance to erectaddition' on south side of exist-ing home. 24' x SO", 28 ft. fromside lot line, 50' ft. required.RA-5.

r 6. Application of Howard &i ·=-gliirley Whelptrin, . SfS7 -Chm: -Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. for!

variance to erect addition toside of building to be 34 ft.Irom front lot line at closestpoint, 60. ft. required, at 3187'Chili Avenue. C-2.7, Application of William Spen-cer, 10 Jemison Road, Roches-ter, N.Y. 14623, for approVal ofvariance to erect garage, 20 x ------24, approx. 10 ft. from sidelot line, 57 ft~ from rear lotline on undersized lot, 1 acrereqUired, side setback required30 ft. F-Z."' All interested parties arerequested to attend. By orderof the Chairperson of the Zoning-cBoard of Appeals.JANiCE M. CHAPMANChairperson

Page 109: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




3~·. Appl i·cat,1ol),?f·Ch.arj,Eil·s A •. ·SaI.d·q,· .370 .EQgeroereDi'ive, .Roch esb r.·.N~"Y·. for a.p·proval.o.t·\f,ari?l:l'Jce to Elltf'lct homerontco r-ne rc-Lo-t , .v l:

"i.·3a..f:t~. flfom s~'de s,treet·'rfght:-of·.:wCiY-: 69. .f t , requlred,"lo:t -w ld fh.7'5 ft.,·SO·:.ft. r e qu l.r-e d , atj280&- cn r u, ~ven~e"R-I-·I~·,:,. ','.. . . .' i . . ; . 1 . .' ., ..... I '.". . j t, ; : r .

Mr~ 1,/iJ1cent. Campbe.ll"; Ar.ror-nev , .appe-ar-e d , St~t.ed .app l lce rrt wi lIvbe.here, s honf I y;•. . My -ad d.rE~ss· is; ·9/'.J·.:\'( i 1.4·e rjB"llld.'l.ng, .Roch-este r , ..146.14'•.Go1.dm.al.1and .S~.'i nder •.. ' Bas l.ceI ly·twQ p rrope r-t l e.s.vl.nvo I-ve d •. ?;7.98 Chi I.iand ~a:D.~,·Qhi·l. l: Ave.nue • 27.98..ar6"'. \(.al'ii.:a.nqe. r~~que!lted 'with rElgards ~o.

the. WLdth.: i: Reg.u~st ll:tg·. qO·-1ft.•..•wT.dt,h, 'i'n"rri n.iil'\ltlm·.,~Q··:ft. requ.i·r,emen.t"i .Loi:.. a re a ·0.f.IO..,2.60•.mInl-mum -ofI,2·;:O.O·,q.·requ:i r~m·ent;.. At 28;08 ithe'j . :.

..width. is requestEjd :Z':{ ,ft..and,.mini,1(llUl) of' .aq.'. ·~ide. st:reet s etb ack is-3a~t'i' ~o,d mln.l mum r-equ l r-emerrt is: 60~' .. F::re~ent:l,I.se: qf tf.i.e property.is jusrt ;beisJcally·j'va.cant. I an d•.wee.ds an'd.·;gras.s gro\vin.g, . Proposed .use' .by.·cl ie-nt,. ,w.ho is:-con'trract \fend'6je .is!. b u.l Ld l nq of ..t.wo. homes ..·· :.Ra-ised;ran.qh .hom~.s. o:l] ii:ljJp,rox)mate:IY·l.I4'4 fsq. f.t •. House: ~Ize: 40.·Xf· 3.2.... EstlJTlatedmark~.~ vaIue of t,hese' hom,es ..~"U I; be..$.35:-.40·,[09,0,•... I'li 11 'be. b u.l It: :fior.:-s8e.cu la,.t.l pi! fo.r~r;esa:1 e'•.. Have cop les·..qf a pho fo q r-aphvo r ··th.e. hous ep'r~p~~.e:c! t9,-lb~. b4:irlj:t'a,I.opg. with. .plans , .o.ne,.showS; the. o ut slde an d one~s i"he" ilnt~rtp·r. i'..: "_', :'.. ". . . [ -,

'. i"\: '"1 .,.~ .•... .• j ...... ;·1 .1· ,; ···...i·. ,.,Mr. HeiJman..as k~~ .Idi d Y9u ,say c.l ien.t is: Iqwn.e r -or- contra.c.t. v~" de~? . 'Mr.jCampb.e.1 ,. st~.ted c.onijl;'8ctJf:pqnd-,itI9nal.qo.ntllact. ,venqee based C'l'1 p.u r-ch as econtract subrrilt.t.'1d w1th .a,ppli:catl.on -;for v.ar-Lan cs •. Copy ·he·r:e... Be.tweenACS ,Construction ·p.qrp •..of wh ich. c l.fe n.f lis:lP.r.6f~rd.enif,' ,alTd· Ridge -Hud sqn .Co rporat ion .: l r: iis, sub je ct ·:to.·ob ta In 1. 0.9, var- i arrce , -Bas.lca I Iy 'h ls.to ryof the property ·is:th'lt has:.beengVf.I').e·d .bY',·v:arl.ou·s .p eop Ie'{Lnc l ud ln q; .'.Mr~ LusK,' An,thoi1y·.-LeCes~e· an d ,i'ecerllt.ly 'RIqge.:',HudsonCor.porati.on.·: . '.,Bp.th pr-op e.r f les ; v-as' ..un de r.s t-en d; iWel'Je pur-ch as ed b.Y: :Ri.,dge Hudson at27.9:8 ·Chi l l appr.oxim~Tely·6'\ye·ars .ago and·as-is: then.: At. fs:#ands:' .no~ •. Se'conq pa;rce:1 :a·t 289-8 ·purchas.6jdl :by. Hi.dge·;Hud~o)1.'andAnthony : .'Le·Cesse·.a numbe·r· qf'·ye·ars ago.a.nd::th.at· w:a,:;a' ~,e'ft-:oViet'i ft"om the Chl-'

.lv1arr Subcfl;vi~.i9.ni, .wh;ich :iis. ;r:e1ai'J,vel.Y· ne,w·subd.ivis.ion .that:·you h,8've ..here •. Pres~n.t: wo:r;i:h,. ·,If. may. -ge.t· int-o. thri',s.b·e:ca.use· fe'IilI ·impqrta.nt,referrIng· to Court of Appea!s' case', .as 'it stand'S presen·tly bo.thpr,op,;~r+ies worth.I!ils-si': . No reqs,ol'!,a·b,t:e· Use' ijo be. made be.cau.se· ~f: s.ub-stand·ard.si·ze., af'\·.c!·a!.s:o'. w,iTh r:esPE1ctr ito th,€;! ar;ea Cind, ~e.T~a;c~ •.. As l.t ..

: ,.s:tan cj,s ...ca nnoT I:\e" Ujs,,?·d.. 'by, ·t;he 9wn.e,r -.fo r an y p;rupos.e. ran;d' res u.Hs:':,i-n....'., ...wl1aT ! .consider: sijeriJ.lz.atl,p1l o,fj ,.:J:h~;.La·n.di and; .i[f ..we ar..e unfo1'"tuna,t.e

in :npT. op.·t'.a.ilJi·ng variance, '1i~, ·:J:akr.~ng 'of .hi.~;,Pirqp.erTy.·..As: ·it .?·t-an.d,.offer. to pur·.c.hq·~e· prqperty, .va.1 ue.s ,In :contraqt <11'le'$390;O ;f,or b-o:th .. '.p a r;qe I 5: I ,f. ahi'1lj i 11 .'Va rri~a[nce .j9!1 ·b.oth.' .. 1$20.qO.. J ~:. ob ta Ln',Via r; i.an,ce ol\ ..e.i t.h e rof the. two:. - ·As· ygu .<;8;n \See wi! Ii .;be· s}gni f..icant eCQnom.Lc :i;njury ·tha.t

,·,wi,.!l re,s.uJt To pres,e,nt'.,'owne·r 'i.f; he J-s- Q0i; perf1)iti:ed. if varl.a,lJ.c~.not

.'igrqnted afld· :pe.rmlti:.ed .to mak.e, 'use' of t~i.s· .property.· '1' " ...; '1'. .' ..."' : :.... - " ',. : •.. ; ...• -, .....

, ;fvlr.. Campbe:I ]. c.o,n t i n.u~:d, b r.i "'jf l,Y',g.o, i n.g ov..8 r. s'0rtle .of; .thEi1 valrl.ous;, ',.lmpor..tqnt ele·ment·s 'of the.:I.a\v w.hich.·req/pre.. u?To. JV10;~e\h~rd;s.h·i,IJ.for;;.Vjarian.qe., ..haN~,slJmmarlze·.d what feel,:s)gnificant. far:;Tot:'s :rhat ,boardsho'u!d cons-I·der]•. Fi:rst, ...feel. .'t·h.a;t. variance,- not sUb.s.tan;i:·t.a:T., wi.t,h ·.r::es.:p·ctto ZS.08. Ch·iIi·. What ~Ie: are asking for is' variance of 5 'fi' •. inwi.dthfrom the minimum required under i-he zoni,ng 'Iaw which Is: 80 :ft. 'Ask'ing,fonJ30:,f,t •. $,1,413 Jipe, .v.~r,l.al].c:~ on 'q :m).nI.mum ,?-f,.~a.'t With .re9P.~c:tt~.;47;9.&,; .as;k i ng ·fo,r::.20. :ft. ,va r I an.G~.·-.i n ''II I rlth an d,<;lPP rox i mate I,Y '15'% .;. '.differelljce.. irl.. Joi"· ar:.e~'I .. Dgesn;.f fe'el ·e.ither.one itl)a't s;l..gn.i·ficantor SiI.lQ~-tantiq,.I.: W1t;h,r.esp'e·~t..to the , af·fect. on,'popQI,ai"i,on ·de.nsii"y.' ..which \'ii·lI: 'b~: gen.~rated ul"]d€r sa.eli. va·"il',!nc,'?,'9ra,.nted and· h.0l'i'les bui.lt',<;ll1d Clf.;f,ect ono,g.pvernrnent,od .·faci :Ui"i eS,.th in.~s '. qo'ar.d. will' 'a,g r'ee'll 1.1:1 ...be rather ins Ign [,f i.c.~nt. ".ra I kl nQ. ·Cl.bo·~ t, .two .~ I n.:;j l.,~·. fa ~J I Y ..1).0mes ,w it!!thE! .mosijbe;i, n.g ,.twQf~-m ( I i,;l;lS,w i't1l 3 ~b.e·drool1J homes·.,:: .tl9· ..,mOr~ ..th·an .4. :.p.ep.p Ie'

I I .' 0 r. $p eop [e a.d<;i.e d to tile f"lci.l.ii" i.e,s' 0 ~ I'je r" !C.~s : 0. f.,...f:~e tqw.n~, .. Yi thO·.r~sp:ect :to. change 'of n'6,1 gh.bo'.r.hq·od,iJ rst. le:t 'mE! .;stat~ ·.n.? ci).<:l.~ge; .....: ..:.·j'ngs\lera.l ·'d).a·racter ·of.' ,the..be} gh.bo:rho·~.d.~ : ~av,e h~re.... a I~ero;x:cop'Y.. ':.·.0..( t,h,e asses.sm'ent.mai=\' '/{h..i.cb maG:e. ·today 'qt r.japs; an;d $,u'niey ;De·!?-1:. of .the .(foun.ty •. s,om€ wr.iti-:ti:Lt.~atw~sr:l,i+ i'.~e,.re <it the ti,-me. Haye....maq~,

. I"

Page 110: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon i!19 I Board '.01' Appea Is' . ==



some"ef:lang€s.~"\Made'Gircle' and s cr-lb b l ed out 60ft. he:~e.,· .:the~.e aree l scvs ub s.tande r-d, .l f y·o·u wlII note. In,iexTsfenee, ,~Ith 'resp'e¢t to. lOTat'2S08!th'is: map ,sho'ws' 60 .ft'. ii~'the, width,",that is. on Ivvthl s pointhere •. Whaflia'p'pene'd was eh P-Mar Drj va was"'¢ha'nged from' 7'j.,1-0 60 .t r ,and ad d l f l orra l '15' 'ft. picked up to make, l o't 75' ft. In width., ~t 2808the. ~n~th' Is:15 ,ft.' 'Ne~comb ~foperty adj~c~nt tolthe east whld~ t~"most.d I re cf l v' 'affected .by 'this,' varia~de h~1ls;a I sc: same'sub~tatida'rd'size wiilth, ,75: 'f+.."~Pr'0'pEiftY"',d'r,r'ectly 'cldjade'tif. to"the:qth,er property'is. a lso: 75'ft: in ,width., Property -l mme-d I a't e.l y e cr-os s' fliestree'T f romth is pe-r-f i OU far pa r ce r. :a I I" ·elf 'fho:s'e' 'p-rop:edies ..; n i'hatb [ock ~ re "60 .f f , in ,'Width ,and 140.':ft.'~PP·r:-6xiril'atel:y··in_'dE"~tH.~,'MeansJtliese:':io:ts ,"nc-r 'only substandard 'In' widTh··of pr!or.erty·bui:als'o re'~'s',Th'a:n .-rhe·areasize. Any"grantl,ng .of a var I an ee j o f '5 'ft. td '28.08 wqyl'd ,<:.~r.t'.'linlynot affect gene'raf 'cha r-ac-l-er- c f that neigh~orhooc("Ln 'fhe' 'v lc'l n l fv v-:

Iln:'addition, ,.the 'propert~'whidh Is: 'dI're'CtPy' 'ci·'c=r,ossf·roll)2808.,' Head·properfy;,ls::·!- f.eel 'buJfe'red 15'lChi-Md~ D'rive afldT~a:llyn6' s ubs.tan t-l e.ldetrimer/-j! that oan: -be.vcl elme d by Head ~wl'threspect to'any ·Jr;a'nfing ,of v'arj'ancetdtha't-aHect. With' ~e's'pecf to, 27:gtL, )'f'the: t)'dr-a'd vii'! I"note this pr-cp'e r-rv -l s 'bordered by :2 :Iarder,thd'n' mir'irro~m'regu,jred'."lo'ts.However l o'ts l mme d l af.e l vvac r-os s the street from this,'p'a~Trcula'r 'propertyare' l es s than in width and a l sov I n area s·ize,,: In.addtt,ionto,that,"ar-o und the' cor'ri'e r- 'on '-Mars'hal'I' Road; ~mo:st of 'fli'oset'·lo'ts tha't ~r6nt, onMa'r.sha:II 'Road' agai'n, less I ri- wtd~h 'or ap'p-roxlmai'ely' ,the sam'e a~ -the width'of'tn's: lOT that we are; agki'ri9.' for ,v.clria~c!e o n arrd 'als:o;aboLtT the saiTTeIn' depth. :' A~tua'l Iy' -a II ITt I e' 'I e,ss. 'J.ndepth. Pr-of Iejn that p'resent'owne r is: Icon'fronted ·w'ith' is: on e- 'tha't -canno-f be: obv'i1ate1d i'n doy"ct-h:ermanner. "'Selc'a-use "6f'the ·size. of 'ea'ch of.. these "16fs," i.be:cau'se'·of 'the ,.z on l nq- dr this···ar-ea .as resi'd"enti;al',-utiIe'ss s oras ,type residence' 'use"-:eanbe. msde vo f :the p~oper't'i',: ,no'use':af:'>al l 'can- ,be made ,of fti.· ,~~elat de 1'\ ,of case' law and vf6'n'·;-- burden the', boa r-d toni'gh~ wi'th ·:tliat, ..which in'effect s rare s i-hat'''where <in -app l lcan h es shown·tha1t·fiis land'faI Is' Ishort of the minlmUrll"fron'fa'ge re'1:jui rements and, mI nl mum l of area'req u i r-enrents ali d' 'neis :esitab "Iishedslat iis.fai~torny··~racti eal id(ffi cu l r I es,that he' is: eln1rtied to 'a' va'~lance.' », Th'i.s,·'c-ase} ,aski'ng' for tfie, same •

.' , '1 . ", ,,' .,I '.... .. 'r','M'rs,~.'Tangerasked doe sv b u.l lde r- p r-e s e nt l y t-own this', property or merelyhave .'riurch·ase'·'offer7, Mr. Campb-ell 'state'd h-ais' purchase off'ercdntractsubject to:''O'btainirfg var'iancev " Mrs'.: Tanger as ke.d in 'any wa'yconne·ctedwith 'ttie Chio-Mar peoplie·?· M,r. damp'b,e.ir' 'si:a't'ed '~o!t in ,ci:l1.Y' :ffianher con'n~ectedwith the. Chi'-Mar sub'd1vision'.· '1-"r.s.'- Tangelr' askecr'w'here 'ha's he bu:i Itbefore? "Mr., Campb,eTI" sta,te.d~·he,'hasn r,t'.· Mr. 'Ba,ld'o st.aTed' ~o,mpariy, ' .which just sJtarted as of IJ:uIY' ·31sT and th'is: will' be,'first ve'nt,ur'<:l;'"M'r;Cam'pb,efl' 's:tatedsd -rhJ+ rbo.a:rd ·wi.111" 'be complete!y' aware 'of' The'sTruct'L(r'ei"tan'd pierso'rin1e') 'be'h'in,d thle:'cOlTipianY'~'cons'iste:dof Chla'rJ~s :Sal'do,Ant'hony -Bald'o his:'fafher;' and: his mother;' They are 'aq'ual sh'a'reh'Gfde'rsin the cor;pora-rion. Ant·hony BaId'~ isa m~mber of t,h.e Le·Cesse·Cof'poration.,However;"fhis: Is: to the boiwd's edlfi6a1ti'on ,an"armll$'le'n9ffi tran'sac-tion 'and fn' 'no"'wa\r \'{i,r r i'h'e,re, be,: ia~y;·1r'an:sfe.l:',of,any,'ki'n'd'. ma-deaf Jafer" r'date'. b~,ckto..,the LeCe'sse'· Cdt'po:ration •.1f'fhe, b'6a:rd'sa'w f.-It -ro'lmp'osetha'i: re's,t~idfio~on ,gra.ntlng ':df' varla,nce!, wo:uld·'b;e· more' ,than hap.p.y .t'0.a'ccep1t;·- ',I'"", !',' '.' •. " ", iii"Mr.' He j-'f m'a n "'as kEj,d c raf mi ng ha rid,sh i p,on ,th,e' ~ ro'p'e;rtY~'11 ~. Dampbel [, .'stated dorrect. 'M? Hei'lni'anasked 'person 'going to bCiy '·that is awareof -rhe ha~dsh'ip.21s"lt';exi;sfs'n'o'.,)?: Mr.'Cainpbe:'J.I"stated th"at is.'wh·yi,here., yes.' r.-l~.' He"j rman:sf.'ate-4·just· for'the record. Mr+. iCamp.:be· I 1'.'''stafe d' a9 ree: wr,th yo,u.' Ex;qC't'1y' th,e, ,c:a,se, yoa, fi fld' on n umbe'r!ld ~occas'ions· where ·that :I's no't i'n any, man'n-er, fsnap'e or'form' an·o'bs.t,acle'to ;g ra nt i ng area va r!! a'rice .' 'Mr. H'e·j I mcin,s ta'f:E;A Ii~s 'n'cit iha,d chan ce to

'i'review 'the records when Chi-Mar was iti',r.-kno,W:Some co!is,i'der'ation;tatthat iti me w ii'h regcird to iili"'1 e'a~t 2868 IJfii c,h .i s conn~'eTe.d; i'Mr. C<lmp:be.!!'·stated rep rese'nf€d"Ri dge':'HJdson,when!l!21a'e a'p·p-!, i'cati on 'on 'drai nage 'a~ dfilJal'''appro'v'al 'on'lsubdT\i.isinn. As fa'r'as 't~at lOT was 'cond·erne·d ·thatwas ne,ver i nt€Jn'ded 'fo be.' I ned ud'ed ;j'n' ',the slJbcf.i v.lson 'j . C-an 'on l-yspeakfrom' the 'date m~de a'ppli'caflon for creation 'oftlie' storm district. 'Don't know :What happene,d prior to that time be,causs' not involved.

Page 111: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon.i'.!,g~ B.oard...of. Appea l s ,Ayg·ust. 26'.: ./9:75·

S t:""u·




11 rs .. Chaf'f:an . ~ ta,tJ3 f -, a yeif.,r ~go i' ..a pp:ro va I ..:p f ve r l an ce .h~·: ere c,f. h,q.\.I se.closer t.~ Qh_\-:~.ar 0.!?,:corrrr·r0f.Ha.lj'ock1flrd Chi:-Ma.r.·:. .?G'.f;r. f,rom ..CflI-Mar .an·~ th,~t was.'~e~l~d... M!"·. Palermo as ke.d do yo:~,knpw ... r~aso\1:whype rce I waso:f,t .1 nel Vdeq J I). th~.who te: cve.r-sal 1 :?ub d l,vl, s ron ?'.' .M r. Camp-be.l lsfll t.e d '7'9rr~ .~ u:1"I~' b??~d I)'i s\1es; wO'!J.I..?' .b~. hqppy ,to" ga!' in fo nna t ion .:Mrsri.Ch~p.f!I.an 'i'3 sJ<.e.p, pr.'gln:<:Illy:.own~·d. by.,-i?ame. pers.pn~' .I~ese,. t'1'P' loi-s.andr·p·/I.-t?r rest? . Mr .• GamPP,H ~tai"e.d, ~i) I.hayEil to ba.c]; off .ge.ca.use·not sure' andrei-her than make. a stai"ement· on ·the· record wou ld preferto. ch'eck and get l nfo r-na r l on beck to the' boa r d , Mr. Pale'rmo stated.~,?uJ d·l. i:~e to knol,({ i f'j incJ.~·ded .. or.• ~hy exc!-~'dljldt Mr.·. Campbe.l ,.: s t'a te dwl.~I· h~z~rd. ~'. gu~s-1:.on ·~7.9a.· .Ag9In·t:<7~me pl.To -. the, pl.cT~re after .~[ann i ~ 9 l3?a r d, app fova l ' '-'F)d , that. I s:. why re;a II'. r0tS wljl·re.·.excJ ude d an d·I nCJ ude d. 1'10 u I d' say. 'i:hijlr W8~.p r-o~¥r.b I.:y':·w[:1e re , wer~:1 go} !1g~ tC?,P u't ..r<?a d •

. Mr.•.P~ Ir'r~'f; e s ked 127.98.? ~r, '. 9a.mpbel I sta+ed. )l~s,~.and yqu r qH~st!·on.,waS.:., .Mr.,: Pale\l1lo .state.q whether or ~o·t, pr4per:-ty -was .aII: 9wred .~y.,~he. sam~ p~r!?;on; ~Mr,~ CalJ1~be.r J ,·si:at~.d,woul.dqa}ard a.guE!s$ an9.thlnkIt ·1? ~l.It wIlL-get f~+o,!lI~tlo~ ·back te;>. yo·u~ , i ; \ -, '.' ...,'

, - ", .j ..j _, i ,'. .' '.. '.,: . I . J i ",\: J -v, 0".",'.;.:: '1, . '. :.;....Mr.•.Pale·r-mo a s ked both Gomes.VI i;1 ,·.·pe 40: 'x, F'.an:~· sarpe ·:pla·!1 ..f9r; ~o:i"b.

~ot:?·: ~Mr, CampqeJI·.·sta~~.d ye.s.-i+ .. l s 4nress>;p',am:dlm..B,6ar:d,s~q>~J.d .des~re itO. mCl~~ .c.ha~ges an!,!: V! I I·b~ .. ameni:l'b!e,to. ~n.y -r-rcotyimendat.l?ns:, .'or:s,\J~gei·tions·lth~'(lmight.~aye, .'. . ., ,;J' • ,.: i : ':" : i . -,... I'

rv]r~ •. Chapman asked any ques r l ons- 'ff i i nfc r-met l 01'1. ·from. The I ijludl ~nce?M~, :G~o rge :,$prJ!1 gz . .2a20. terh i I! Aven ue, ..asks d. from what see here hou ~eS126; I s.~2 _,I.n:d~p th an d· 40. ',w Ide 0 r oth.er way. 'a ro un cj?: Mr: ~ Ba'[ d'o .st<:i te d40·'.ft. wide. Mr:-~. Ch,,!pma,:.'state.d. this; 'is ·drawinQJ.Slf i"h3lt.an9 wOl<.Jd.behappy.to.have Y0tr look C!t It.. if you WQ.u·Jd like to s~e.wh'at proposing.Mr. Heilm'an ·staTed·this isfaei!1g 9hil.i·AYoet)~e~f'Mi<..Bald9.5tafed ye;.s·.Mr •. sp.rr~g a~~ad.h<:?use;', to j~e:.cons,tru~-ted··at 28q'8 ·C~ i I I • .whaT .di re.ct,ionwo Ii I d th ~ t f a.Ge? ..Mr. (Ba I d'o lS ta te: p: that·.I~. co rne'r lot.·..Un Ie'ss bo.a rdhas obj:ection,p'lcilln,jng· to,·fCjc:;:e.t9 s.lde.strel1t, ·toChl~M<jlr.DrIye.

Mr~ s-pr-t~g.askEfP wh.a·t ,wo'uld' be;· distal']ce.;frpm siqe ,?f thel~G?L!:;;~' to.,;Chi.II'? Mr. Campbe'll' stated 60.ft., ·Mr. ~?ld'o statEfq.within leg,:!l .rEjqu r r~mEint,s •... ~rs. Ch.,,!~ma~ 'sta~ted on.cc;>r:ne.r Iq·t ml.!st ,.~.e. 6(h-ft., Tr.I;'.bo.tb dllection&"·i·.That IS;W~y -Ae.ed var;Jance :be.cause.wqIJldIOi1I'y be. 30.,.f-torr ,'s.l.de, s"tre~t~ _,~~~~ejlm·an.~ta.ted as~ingfo,:" a-rea vHi~n.ce .. beca.~;;eonly .-75 ,ft •. or 60 __.t •. C\n,d shoulci.·be,80,and·oth~r: varlance ..ot:lI.y,'30 .. fT,fr?m .r.i·gh.t-ef-w.aY • .' N'1t \ihi L( Ayen.4~'-.fr(Jm eh i,,:Mar~ : o~' ~c';r:ner .\o·t,should be ..9g.ft. b(J.th.. ways·., .Can.not. d.o that so·.ba,ve. -to,_a~~.fCfr:.·variance

on ;slde fiil~l!1g Chi~f1a~: i.IA·I]~~g!~g·,.w'.!1 t><ii60.ft,- fro~,C.hlllbtJt ~ar:-I.ance

from ,phi 'TMa~.so: .w.o.~~q be',3g-:-rt, . ~r.s" Ghqpm.an ·~tate.d ho~~eo.n cCi>rn?-rfat wo.~I~·.b.e'!~f.ing.t~e.~i·9<j~t~~.~i; ,,!?-<i fron:r- Y.,arc!i~I<rlqQ· ~e.:,ap~rt?:<l::.matel.y:.·3.0:ft •.. dee.p.,· S.!<j'i toward Qh i.\r \'J.c:u,ld· Oe..60' 'ft •. frqm' Ch 111.-:.· ..other:;lot would' b~:. faci~Q Chi II .:AvEf,qu~: .Ie, .

.~1r~.:::c IY·cjBN~Ii~·O~b :-:,!i80~"C;h (.If r :~Sk~d'~~~i .,m~.~.hi dj'~ta9.~ .b~:hie~ n . the.::structure ,th':!t wo~~d' I I~e. to...b~lJ.d. ~n~.my ;.·ll.n~;7 .M~ •. ·9afl)p'b.~U statei:lthat w~~I~' .be, wi:.thi,q· mi~i.lI]um.requJ;ell\e~t,~.. of J.~.. ·:::t~.m9r~lthan mi,nimum.Mr.s.,- ~hapmqnst<;lt:eg,:mll'/:I.m\lmlS';.JO·'ft: from the SI.,-9,~.: Wlful.d yo~ ,te~! .us hOI'" tar yo·ur 'house' is. from y'o·ur lot line? . WEl wouId' .know. appro.xl.mat.efy'hoW' much would' be be.i"i."e.en, two st'ructures. Mrs. Newcorrih :sfated'.doesn'·tknow.- ..Mrs~ Chapma~.stat~ddges ~o~ce~n~us~.like. to ..knowA.pp~oximat&l~·hoW'.mu.c~ :(1 [sfCln.ee· th.~.re ;.".o.u! d'be·be,:t.w\'le.ry .st,;u.ctu r.e?·....1J at .I'S us t :·.Lot; ')..'0 e.. .' " 'j. ". ' " ..: . .. ...... ' .. ' ..... :. ;,. " .. - .. f . '. . . : .• ' ".'"Mrs. Barbara F:'i! l·e'Sen•.. 2S0:4CIi.i II., .askE!d what.did:.yq·u ~say Iminimum .:.w0\-ll d·ge.. to.tbe· ~at I,Lne ? Mr •. Ca,mp ~yl 1:5 tffiad .13':.ft. tc: i -t[1e,..bo.~ n dary ..I i.:ne· b,etween '0.ur lot. and. fr.-om tl:'tje"sf.ruetul,"e. pr9p:ose to .bu;i;l.d' to. 'Newc.omq~s \'I..~st I·~T ).lne·...~rs.,:·..F51!.I.e~el']stai:ed.:l3".f..t~. b.i1.ckyar.~,.• \~ouldbe. ba.ck .of T.he.holJ9~·.·facfng.,1f.ho:Use·,f2lcIn.g Chj-Mar.,Mr, Campb.e.] ["'.;>t'l+~d1haVE!'~ iYs.pe~ if i .c~TI y. ··~9.·i d an.d .·1ci~sn·,t:; t~,rn k. .·M r~>.EI~ l:?'o c,orr~etin ~?Yl-ng ~aC!.~g.Chl-Mar.-.~eca~?e -doe,sn"Ti.know w,natbo.~rd ~.l).[ ·~:'R.u!):-ebut the way ·original 'appllcatlon read, .holise· wO.uld· be. facI~g. Cti·.I,II:.i'-lnd·with sIde eni'r~nc'e as l'lllJuired by: ·the. Count'yont·o. ChI-Mar Drive.' Mrs,

Page 112: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon in~1'1 B013rd' d.f,Appea l s: 'j

Falle·sen'·statad doesh·rt'.knowl\~·ha-t;·askih'gfQr.· Which way \\lIII':it la.ce?Mr. Campbe.lI: 'state'd 'house' w1'1 t: "fai:;e on' chl I i"! Mr. '~a I ermo ask~d' mt'ght

. P,~.t'd·rrveway'oi;l9,hi-M~ar:~nd.'g·a:.:r~g\31 ~1jr¢in,g"C~r-:,Mar,?, 'Mr.: Ba"ldo>ta.ti:l:d, ~ , r,r g~t:.. Mr.. : Pa I errr.b· a~k~l:J I ~OT~' homes. ha v~, gar~.g.~ J tJcphor~t~d ?", ~ r .•

Campbe'II stat~d yes, ThaT ·IS. ohe of the twaut1i"s of The:pI1·o. Will'no t l di3ter' frqm va I ue of an vonet s h,9-use, .~hha~ce~'Va·iu:~· ti~.caa:se ~iI i:mak'euse',of va can t weed'ed]·1oT.' Mrs..: Fal les e n ,stared riot·i'rnq~rring. Iabout beaUty, - "f .•' ,. 1 ' ,.'.. r -". , " t ".-. '1 '.. 'i "...". ~.

Mr. ya..llbe.n,2$04 Chi'll ~~<J,'nue~a?'lSed wonp~rilfrll"e,c<;5u'd h~~~ dta'1ing .of pr~P?sed.lot? (~.r: f?\dd'~~,~r~w Jot 0!1b-Ia'c~b?ar,~'). ~.r.'. B~ld<: $1-if:ted _tha!.. I~ ho~ wc:Juld' ~I.!·on·:~e: lot.' 130:.ft,' f,r:9m:GhL...Mar; 59.fr. oac¥ya-rd""-60 rrom Ch I J "and 13' f:t. slde y~r-d. "MI;'. faI le'se n asked ,what 1?',Iot,.width'on' Chi II? Mr...'~~I?()'st~t~d ,75 ft •., up .~~re.· Mr r Fal jese n askedrectangu rarl.'lot? M!". '.Ba / d? :'sTaTed, re~taflg'ul,ar ~'xcJptf9t"h e r-e ,Spreads out so in lJa'cl<:ya,rdaccordf!Jg t9th\s:..,8J.;6 'ft;' J¥r:'-~P.cile'r,mo, .asked which street Is. it facing? Chi II?' 40 ·ft. ac r'o s s: +he'fr'onT if,facIl"!g Chi l l Aven.u\, •.. Mr.,Hei)m·an ..Sl9ted ,Chi 1,1 up here and .'.ft:"9nt ofthe ?~TJ-cl'in~rwillfa.ce::Gh'i-M,<;lr.~'l,r,-h'~ve t" pe, 17 ft,:and_'housE;l 4D. .rt ,and w,ll" have '69.-tt+. ,bJSkya-rd ~a~l!'lg t!l IS. stre~t •. Mrs '. Chap!Tl~n,.~tatedbu~ t~at makes 13' ft. back~a-rd.' Mr. ~~~Im~n stated ~ay\ng .thiS. 15~,ba.ck va r-d , Mrs. Chapmanstai"ed not if'facing'C~·ili'. If'fclcing Cl1i":'Mar.Mr. Fa I !}~sen, ,state? d If fe rent, var l iiln ,?el t. hcuse facl,ng, C~ i, it' Ave nue .:.Mr; Campb'~'.115tated if ,fa~'iJig CHili wt)at'~re have ja s ked fQ,r'is.whafintend t~ get. ;Mr: F~l fBseh stated'fheJ ~i 1'/ ha~eho~ig' 16nge~ in'depth t~an in':wi~th>-:Frc;-(It' qo~r"'on "side of"'t~e"hous,e" :~r;';'" Cl1a'j)in~n"stated door on Chilj'-'llLi:+'garclge'oil Chl·-Mar.' 'Mr:' Fali-e'sen'g'fa'ted 'i d i He r'en f "v« r i,ancel •. M. ' Red 'lnratr ·s+~ t~ J nee q'. 6~ .ft , h'!H:-Ei ~n'~ QO ft, ,"only 30",fTi . :Mr•. Fa-lle's·enstaTE;1d .butlf, turrl house' wou'/ do~ 11 -be: 5"':f:t.Soh~,Llseha·s. t6..!,~ft J..I~e t~'ts 0·r.' as·k,·.~6r di.ff..ere~t va rlan'ce. ,·M'r:~;'·.Cnapman s+ated':ITlfacesG~llMarwouJd'<;>nlyoe: .J:~'ft. ba.ck)la.rd.whlc~, Ido fl",t'fperinlt.! 'Gari"gq'IO"'Tt. o~'side I i'nef'bu:t~na+I:I3·rt.' backva-rd ,Mr. Camp.b'e:ll·'~+ate~' If'noft(1istaken,.'-ttle way or.ifjiria,llypr?p'd5"e<J to,put ~\~heri He' app I i,cati9n _w-a~ Taoe on.."!'~ i s',the hoJs~' was suppo~~d t?face Ghi) l: Ave nue ," Mrs.'ChapllJan stated 'with .the, liriveway o'ff .CI1! l I,Jlilt-,. Campbe l I:s'tate{l t1ow··wittJ.fhci-t, ·.+h~'t is' ~,~:at, ask'ng',.f<?r~ 'Wai1,i:''foa!l1en(j'The'ap:pl·j'(::atlon to're'ad thaf a?'king for le'?~er'than"1tO.ft.. 'sidey~rd' reg ~i r:e~en ,r;.·Wh~ ir:,the ~ <;l.p p I'~ca·t i drjO':W<;l:S' m~de" fh i'!? ~$ rtte,u (?'r "a pp'l i-c<Jt1on was not by myse'lf or ·app,llyant· ~Jt vana'nces t~<Jt 'wete '[l~ed~dQf r:equ i r!l'ld ,-\~e ';d~+erll)r rie.q 'by. -sqI'(l~oil'e, •.6tfjEff·'thSln,".fl1e·apP,t iC,9n:t; ,som'eoneother than my·seIf'. Would li:ke td amerid,appll'catiorl 'at tlii-s tiine sodqn':t,' have to CO!!fe '?,.'ack.,.fh~t ·t'~e s'id~ :'Ya.rd',req-l.q:i·em1i]t..5H'ou'fb~ lessthan, IO-:f'L 1 +alld rig' a.bout '5 ',f~., s i d~,. ya;r:-d ',re9u'i reme~t; ~r?.. Tq~g,~rasked 'and. 30·ft. on ,the other ~tde''? Mr~ Fall·e·se:r.!'si'atEjd on.,e.'ts+: '.side ya'rd? Mr. Campbs'! r stated 'right,l'cln"d re~r 'yard wd'ui'd st'fll·re'main.The ,~ame,: ,~wrtch ~~ljse.around With.40.'.~t',on C.fJ'~li·and,.32'0~ '1h.i-~arand pS ~f9 r .:."l,s. 1 'k~ow lor., ~ I ~~.l '/ nten. t l~,n 1~1 i:h.El I·t ll'(le .app [ i:fat ~ on,~a?,e,.Know dlscre.pancy'but tfjat, 1~:yhat_4s[{l!Jg fo~": Thl,n,~~ allo'('the. "Rart i es '0 f ' j nTe res t· are here fon I 9 ht' so no,bo:dy 'w I 1'1 'oe, p rej ddice d by ,

, J~e'n'9i'~g' ~PP!,ic~trorL" Mrs.; :l¢h,,!p~anl .~skJ(COJld.~.s..h.a:y'i dr-~wf~g .a,mended.-1" 'SO' kn'ow 'wllat aski ng for?' ',' " 1 .. ".... ".' '"

,I Mr s• :c'~apman ...~(rat~~ 'hoJi 'ev'~;;~o.q,>,'~~;vl~·.:th'~;·b'~:\~~u'se' '~~~'~'ic~'t;'~r1'~~~"': e. viJ re' on Gh I,! i'Avei'fLie;' the'Y·ha'Veb'e:en 'sani: to Man r2ie' Gd'UnfY P [aM·j·ng"

for review. Th'eir recommend,ation ,has come back ,tha,t if we, see.fii- TO Ideci tie::onI dca I,·j eve ito: 9rant·these! +haT \-i'edon' l -r afl6w ' d r i veway ·.'tocome lrito Qhi lionthTs: p'artitbJra'r (ot at <;:ornet,'b·h,'tf-iat'.dry'Vg~a'y",come toC~i~M'ar< 'Wo~"ld' th'Is be"po~slbJ.e for yo.u··Wltl1 the. garage on I,The f rbift,"cClrrn e'r '0 f :l'lle' hoQse'~ "~co'u I d 'yoy' put' d r·i~.J.-ewaYlii't6 , Ch', -!VIa r?Mr: 1~~mpbe\(st9tei:l h~use~sJbJ,scT'to,fIJariy'1.lff~t"1nt ~o~Ifications',', .from 'wHat:uhderstapd:andt~at.Js;sbmet~i~a'~~n'1,k~ up:!I!h.Pl~nni~g86,g'd<;, 'Dols~'lT.'th i,f)\(, ~nY,d, i,Ui <:::~ I ~Y~'+f. mi;jrt~r off qbt~l n I ~~. requ~stedIi a r:l an ce" , ' < • .. -- " '. .. ". •

..... , ,."-;-. - "j ":"," -";"' ~ .•. ' .';. :. ". ~ i. -;. .: ,. -....;···i~·:., .... I ,',~ ':"

Page 113: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zon j'I:1!:J' Board of Ap pe'eI S' "




Mr. Ba Ido stated, ?ff:-;hi;ln9; cqn.qo~~ b~::'9b,S'pjute,ly~~ur£? ~:~t knowpqs7iP ..11 iTythat garage. w,o¥ Id;..be.' hlfre, an d put, door j'a-a •. Mr,!l.· .chapr(lanstarEl'djart,dd.r l ve,..:.t9.: 9h..l-Ma.i-. ' But ~vet:'y'bp:d\, ,u~9~r$.·,tci~~s;-,fr~nt'l':'0u rd; b.e:.~b it'; an df.1 u~b€i,rt w<2 u Ill'. p~ Z80,8.,·Ch I r I~' r;1 r , rre I 1m~n 'a9~e.d ,h?v~. Yo~. r.ec~ I y~d copy.of the COf.J~tyi1· I,ettf.r:.~ Mr.; c~rnpqe1r ...sta~~d yes,,' ,'.' j' . .- ; ':, '. , .. ,

M~:·'·F~·I.les.·e~ .~t~+~~ 'th.';n,k:s··'P,f9.hf1 b~. ~~.?r:t~w~~q~ 'to.' fon~~I.de<e'J,~'vafl?~oft~~f'.lo't.. asl.t:pff~~tsl?epth.l.bf the .lot an9,.hou.se;ile,~t door. Willth:,y.:b e. lo·pk!I')~ . .'i)nto; ro~,f .i:lf t. li e· 9ou~e.r .. ~~· Bf!A9:s t a t E?f b~:dhfil' . ""·,alse·d. ranch. W.llJ· '~~ bUI !.t.,ol1.,level~pprOxlm;;ltery .whereilt .Is: now.:.:'. ~hou}d' bs: ab ou r ' teyel.~ ,~1rp,"'q9apm~n 'st~ted' II l2.··.stori es ;' ·~r. . 'Baldo ,stat~d wcu l d: be,!I~v~1. :be.cause·. ]q't graded. low e r- .than'Newcombs;.byt

,,'bei~9·tliiltlho·!JS1:l.· i$:,r.aj5~d.Ja?f~ .wil,' b~·. app,r0fimat.el.y!, ·I/?~story .50',13 !m~st all' ,I e ve.l wi ~Ii.}h~ N.ew.c·om,b ~'-~ i .". ~ '.. '. . .. I .- .. .: . •

M.r. Geb~lm:l"f~??' 'Chi l'i:~!\,vC?D,~·e;..a~k~p ~?{J·~e~4~,,~,ft:. Jil dfi!·':M.r.' ?<d ?~.is fa.fe d <fO.•' . Mr. Gebha,rd stated th .• s va r i an ce ·yo·u have ·'I·sted here, .wo'u J d', be '+wo":fO'1 ci 'va'r'i an ce , .One f?r' side'· .di star'lce-/ mi n l.rnum ,P.'tus', .f' !ge', to::Fh~.:ot~eL~'~de, I .~rr'" Ch.apm.an., 'S!Jl!f d... ~(he'ntled' ~9·.1'~~! u.d.~)~~t .

. ..Mr: ~.e i n~g I~·,..z}.gi: ':Yh I'q.; '1T5lte cf th !.s:'~ri ve' hal t6J~~~ on ;C.ri !-~~~ r'~PFtl,.c~I~r r.e~soJ;1 qn. t,ha.t.·lo!.~r,an!q~sl . W~.eY,~I~;tliey t1eC:lde that? ..Mrs... C.li<!pman .ftate~ n9;t.spef!fl~"bu!. ~,hls,.lqt tn.at ,th~'y r.e ..q~esJed tonot Jet come out, .Just' trCl,fflc. con s-Lde r-af l on , Mrr. He l l man :st'fte,d over-a II.concer-nls; Oht·o· major h.ighiYaYs.-'J f can qv.bl d~ otlfet r-oad cuts 1'1.1'11 .,t.rY TO find atH)·ther. ·:'!lh·trance"of'exit an d sirce give~,a~op~ort,uriiJy ...he r-a , r ike. other re.qu6?tS.,. .hav~Jl't read report bu,t. sure wp·ul.dh'tque.~t.ion:,tha.tln:,t~err; beca.us.e:-Iand-Io·c,ked •. O)-:I!'y' way o uf l s. C~J.lr.When have .o pf lon '1'11 II: p.roba.blyalw:ays say don !,t. want: car.? backl~g outon to eli iii. i Kpow 17';090 'ca rs f: .day ': an d~ ;a r-e :co,n,cer-ne-d•. " r . r .....jMr. Cfyde N¥w.c,omb,: ..2S.0'~.,IG.hili?state..d acco r d l ng .:to· zon.l·!19· laws, of _theTowp:"of 'Chi'U,as ·.(Jpder:staild., . .t.~ere lsn tf land'e.nopgh to. bti J.d' hou?e,.M'r'~ He i l.m·an $ tp.te d that. I.s: ,IVhV,i h.f rbn rot.- the' board. i Re.q·uesi:i !1~':va·riflDce. Mr;." N~wpp.I'[1.? ~tat~_~ .. doesp;lt KIlOW fo~tr:a.ctor; ..n~:ve'r:· me,t •. : ~oqu a r roe I.' .uD.de.r~ta.n.d:s r ' Un_d,e r c rxCutns·tan ces fin Po no' otli e r. 'a) Te rn a·t'l yethan tpmake f1otion ..that; pbP.osi't,i.oh be:'reje.cte d :': " , . ,:1 '..' . ,M"r,~' D.a IV',' ·:ng.7. ;~h il!' A.~e.nu,~> ·sir-a.teda.s ppj nt" ~f: !i nfo.r~~·ti ~n/t~:.r:~' :r'and~as parse:ll'e'd .off Wl.thu'j. .pa.st )O··,ye.ars, tpflt created th}~s€l: sUbst.a,n?~a.rd

lo!s.· ; Does, Zo'nl'!1~i)30,~~d, haVe.·a say, 'in;~'freptl:·Jn'..rn ,s.u:,h)aW's,..·~r ...Hrll~·a~=ta:~.d epa?' .u:nde r: n_:w _:od,e but' ai" 'tJiat t.1me, ~Jdn"t •.,' !hl;S' '.

~ subdl.VI S.l on l prdl nance.... came If. :rrpnt o.f. th~ Plann Ipg,BoaTd a,nd PIa'nn:I'!19Boa.riJ at that'l t.-lme.or1y· -hpd·..to. o-?a;!"wJ!/'l th'eapP'l.i,c~~.t;s·T.map a.?.,.pr~sen'ted•. !1r!:v Chapm<;ls asklildC\ldn't !pc.IUde .t.h.es_e>lco~rect? -,Ivlr. I_ He·,il.m-an stated didnT':t",,:n01"1.wouldi,re:qut.re hr~: to"sho~~ rn"1.i.nit.I,a>1 'hea'ri!19w_~ th t~e.. P:I.a·,n n Ing, !3.0.~ rd;~ .wi>'~! d" krowi e~~act!Y' :\~~at h l.s !,an,d., an~' .if. _,sltuatlon"arose' could',tell ·h.lm and' deal. }'ilth: It'.and Planh!l'ng Boa r:d-:.th ree,ye'ars ago didn't have those 'tools',: I.'· -,:,':. '.' ... , ..

. , 'i, , ..... '. .. i .. ', .. ', i . ~ i. ".- '" "Mr.,Famp~elJ' statect. .woJ!ld·.:I i.ke.to. point 'out tollthe; board th·at..the·s~.p. rpp e rt 1e.~, Vi e:-e p u r~fJ a\5,e d s~mfl!' 'tim: .~gq,: "1.1:, ~e r"Sranld~ r'ew' '~o:nli!1,g, La~.Is,.,ef.f.~c.tlve In:'l9_1'fl:,,··a.n~ prior, .zonl,~ngVla~ e.'ff,rc}lve 1~,,:I9?9~an~'prl,or .to, .that."year no",zQnlng, •. Mr. Daly' -s.tat~d S1gem.s very, poor p.!a·nn I'n'g' on·'

,par;t. o( th~ t:own., ;. M~~.. Hef'l.ma,ni ~s.tate.1 .n~+u.n·4er· neil.!' ordina'iice.~ '':If;personcomes '11:1 WITh. sll~cqvT,s:IO~1:of hO'!,fn,ly' h,lf:, par:-ce!'t'h"C!.t. want,s'l::0 dev"l.lop

',bu;t,·.I.and around, IT,and,.know.whp ow:n5'. It..:",Plannlng' BOjJrd n'ow ,can 'I,o'okat it.,and.,s..ay -wnp-Qwns,: thi's::parce,l'.an.d. it s'!JYs'; he:~·oes,. pari. ;find ~'utwhy didn't put In with ap'plicafion and do wh,o! e', thing.' .Jln. past pe'op[e,:syb~dliyide,d Cl.nd. ke:pt thr,e:'i.pr fO.lJ,t' Io:t;>."l)1d' .Ia;ter come I.Q.;W,i,th. '...haJ;Sh r p,~" .No:w.h.ave.be.tter c~n.troIs •. ~~r:~ CJ~~p'be.p" sta-,fed' i2.7,g;a, was.'as -i is :wh<;l 11" p rqp o,s.s'd_ i'f:, ': Mr:.· H1J. i) ,~a.n g,t<j'te'd wp,u I'~ app ~a r, pa-rcs, I' was.o~i 9 i'na'Hy!k~p b / .:the,pv,in~ r 'WhetP:~obab'ry '~a'n+~ d ,fJ,.a..ck a..~ 'j-I g,ht....IOf-~lay .'Sold parcel :', ,p.roD,aib.~\(,'Plal1·s'for·r.oad .. ··!V1r·. Camp'be,1 ,r,·s-t:ate9' .'mo~.t ofthe Pl7o.pertle~, 'Imm~dli1tely '8'cr-oss The 5':tre~i::!3,::e ,'55,~ Jt; I'll" ''1".dt,".•Gr'ea't r umbe.r,pf . pr:9P.~'·~tres :~ I ?,"!1'-§J there t~ ati~aY '~h a:t:jrE;l th a.t .~. i dth •Mrs •. Ta~ger staTed prlo:r to. zom·ng:. .

Page 114: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon r·ng.1Boa rd ofAp pea Is' . [, ..August "'7.0.;': .19'7.5 .

'. t : ~r~ .:. Qhapma Ii .stat.ed a.re~·'~ete '_ope,:cJ' o:v~ r~" Po·13:rl. 08 of; tJ me a~.~. now. h?!veto',! iv.e W.ith ..t~:sr5's~Jts,.:· Mr.. Da I y' ·s:ta.te~ ,.!h Is p.arc~.r .~f)ar\d 'was .'qUlte,.rTC~(l.t. , ~r.,:Calilpb~n st~te9,.2~RS·may:~·~·~.u.t 279:~ ~riste.d. f~rsome time. Mr. Hel Inran ·;;tatE?d iF~·8..'p<;lrt 91' en,tlJ:-e~arcE3I .. J'hat Chl-~arbou t h and thinks p u-r-pose of'keeping 'front'parce!'was right'-of-wayi nro ', ,b .IS· pa r-cel;: .When H I-M.§lr.deile I op e d w~!lt'fld. Ha llock a ~ d prob ab] y

I c ou ] di'l},t, get, two·.cu,tsfrpm.•stcitea~d' c~~I_.d·nt use. 60,"ft._. "I.9.f an\l. ke~t I'It ba;~k•.Thlnk·s,thaT Istustory.· ,Mr. FaI r'e'sep state~ 9t't~e. i;ill)e 'pr:~ent .vI n,....W?od deveJoPtTI~:n;t_ wa'sp.i ;S5~ss§:ld.. ?T·fo~e. :P·fj3nn·I·!19·,soa.rd, ' . .-p0 ~ nt~.d, out ,+?, Le.Ce$sr· tfJat):I' re \..Q·c~!ed . r9~ a, ,1$ qm:i n~te ', ,Sa f!de r".QrI • ,~1~ICr ha;; De.en o~ .to\"n map.,an.d.p·u+ .:qli,I:-~ar-r!h.rr~ Jt:;dl~ would b,e )"~'ft ...wl r h subs,i'\lnp'ard )OT-\-.an.9 w~· would·:be,@.x'!".reme,ly;l,lnh.ifPpywlth, t.hat· ~Ituatl.'Po.! n!e d out af tha t I me. . Mr , . Camp~'e'.1,I' '5 t~tei:f th atrias PI annl ·n9:. Bo~ r-d .re qu i rement. Imposed the re qu t rement That he put The §treet where .ii:..¥as •. Mr. He·i'm~~n.,Stated.:~la'(ln!!1gBo,ard,.d!f.?e.<,:ause· cou,n.:jYi'i.nd. s!,atesal d., that wo:uld: p'e. be.Tterplann}ng, tort,ra.ffl~: qi;l ·Chl I]'; FeIT"w~:ere

he want~d··to.~ut rO,ad'wi;ls tooic[,ose to'otlier'l?feJ;sectjon ,.ana,w~uldrath e: h pv~ I down. ''ilc::ross. 'from. Do.ugI as ,'. Tba f was tfie..r:-e, .Mon, l:'?e":9o\-lnty .Planning Department sent leTter to. the Planni~g ~oard.Mr.·Ca~pb~1 I'st.<lT:::d·.th~nk'5 Interpreted he,f' stf:rem~nt·~.~r:0!1\J:'i· Ta.l k l nq a?out;,plac.~ment

. of th~j ,Chi,-~~r::.. rOf.d. )ust that l r?1l1d ".' No!, o.the.r lot. t,~at~wfI·s. no.t,\'!?~d~s plot wh)cb is: u.p cls:)'s\'lr, to.;Mahha/Jr; lr!.an:tedChl-.M~·r'centered',lnThe. prs>peri"ythat Wps Thetr.aOI!1~ aW,ay }\"I:1"/1,:. the 1.!nde.rSlz!'ld I or andPO~3rd Je·d.l,Is. :tob:7iieVej I.t was.9?1!1 9 i"o'~T' c~nter'ed so' ~s t.b haveIntere.sti!19 entra,1Jge th(3re •. Th~r .:cajne .~nd ..p.ut·ro~.d .at bther s l de t :Mr. ~ei:lr9n. ·sT.a-ed PI'~n'n i·.il.g. Board. f.ollo,l~~·C1 d}tecnoh ',of .cou.nty, an? St.aT~Dept. of. p".a.nspor:ta.t.lon .as-':+o. wpere[oad shoul d' 9o~ .' Lot Q:f CO~.S'I deration.Maj6rione.wa~ dfdn'.t'want.thr~way~. b~.Tweeli·.Gh.f.l1 End ylk s t s i de, .p l-i 've ....and one' of the r-eason s. wanted cur-ves. . II/en.t. thrb. gh a JOT of ~ess·To.ns~tith p l annl nq and county.· ·Mr. Campbell"1+ated hot tatk'i!lglab6~ut 27.98., .

Mr. He j J mkrst~·t.ed counh-:.·an'd· stil'i-e' 00.1 ~ &an.te,·d one cui-.·j (lto fl1e. sub-. I~'ivjs,-ion .and qU~s't'io.n of'. wh.ere·t1" p.la·ce.:and1t.l)at is: wh.el-e tftl'y.\~an:red..1 t. P 'a'ce.~ .• :PIa"nnl',nlJ .Boa.rd. f.oI l:~)wed the., r:: r.e.cbmm~n.datlb,ns ba!?,ed o.t~·.

t~~! r.: g.rratf r .. e;:<pert 1sr in the.. a rea,_ i' M.~.• Campb'eTJ' staten theit JS' l')ot,mat .Planning Board .Ie:9;. us :"to' bep"~)le ... 'M-t. :p.a'Ierl1!?~tat.,?,d wan.ted twoCUTS an d county on I y' gave' one. Mi-. Cainpb.e'll· 'stated l ta I k·ing· aboutPI' acement. j ~r.s, •.. .Fance·senst~te.d ta,l k'j .ng a:bo:y\t .pl <!,cemep:t. (:, f 9r.I -M~,:.Wa.!lte:? .p laCed p.roba.b,Iy: .20,f~._ ~~as.t whllc,h d,?e?r~t. hay.emucn, to. do W,I thtra.ff I c.. p~tte rn b uti .do.eF :e Llmi n~i".e.. P<;' reeJ 'at ..2.808.". ~rs " thapman .~tated~nf~1tuna!ely pave, to .de.a.! with re.all.ty o.f .Ylh?t. ex~sts; rO?Jd .J.s: }~here:!t Ip;~.n~ substan.dard pprceL., ~Ift~.th..,er or n.ot. we wlI~':a,ll'oWiS?,TJl13'th[~gTO be.. PU.I 1t· on .thatl )5:. ui1d;er cpns~ deratlo~ ..Mr. Came~eJI ·p~ated.. would'like to mak.<L·c;lear.that f1naI.·ctecl.s.ion· on 10'ca'tlon o'f' road·.wa·s no·t.

:-th,at' ?f"cf?n~ra.ctor but Plpn'ntnfol' BO,at-d l 'and 'Qo·u:nt,y:. j4'rs~:,~:h~p~~n "ptatedNew :Ypr~ .stat:e, Dep·t •.;.()f. "Tr~~s.po.r:?lt!;:>n te.1.!s· wh:~~e .y:oV.:c.,ar.p.ut:rSaps.Mr,'_ yamp be,ill .srt'..at~~, t,hfY. ;sa..! dl til I~, I!?' ::w~errj .:It \~,I I I be, .I..ocate,d. ,.[Vir.Pa le'rmo sTated say Ing why ·dl dn·'t the1y ·T.ake more •.'. . i". 1 '" J

Mr. Sprinfl·.stat,ed In.,your 9peni~9 si;at!Smsrts dld: you men.t,ion fact .thatp r<?perty. was 0 r,i gIna 1.,1 y.. p'trr,c!1ase' d f.rom Ch'i -M~ r, 0): ·Le'Ce.ssl9· ,d,,rP.o rai:i on

",. ir-,.:-he I~::s:' p. oU.f I.e~, ¥e:qrs.:•. Mr'. ,Ca'm~be'l) .s"\t~i:ed. thE!.. Iway. 1.J.n,df:'rsta.n~s ,:It. Acha ..l.ni of: It.! tJe of.those, ..s>nE?; .a.f 28"081, .lfh~_\ w.as~pu.r.<::raskd'~y.~.~ce.sse,l. •}lndr ot.he, rs~ ~P:PI9xJ ma t~ I.y: }O" YEJa:r:s ~:g'o.:, ~'tlJf~e'q{i?~bt TS" t~1; t .t I me ,~a~r.popve. y..e;dto: the, .R) ~gf3H;Yd.sO~:i 90.rp·0'~a.t !,on.• '.' DerY:eJ,9P.·...~:r :;:>f... tM's.:~ bd'i vI s ion'l" .}-;h(9Y .·q,re .t.he,per~Qn ,'. ·,or:. r-nTI tYi;·.Wl) I ch :w~ :ar:e' Lln~der...con:t:.r:~9:t yn i-h,... ,.f{idge:·fl~q~~n .Gorp,.•..Mr-::::Sp t".if.g q~kfd.. do: yop::kn~o~.' da'l'e: Of: atqu rs\t-i.,o.n?

'1 ,Mr.... Camp,be.I I' state.O n.9i".~ouId flj:rnl.~" burrl ~oesll:'1t ha?E;,pff.hand:~, .

Mrs •., Ge.~.hia I"dti, ..:ig~9r ',c:BJ..tlr.·A~t"n u'e~(: !5.~t~T·e..~1 c.e:~~!n.~~r~ ,·~l·t· ~h,e '1-'1 me'" 'rir:.t\)! th i 5:

wa.s. g;?~,rJ:9' .ar,P1.!!) d.J!,)~ .flr~t. .t,I me~ .~ j')1 rs '. :.fhap·m.fln 'S t!3te~ be f.o·ret~l9. ".PJa.:nn ..I,.il-g. Bo,ar:d., '. Mrs,' Gebh.-9rdt state.q y.e~;·~la:sn!':t i'll: 011 dlssuss:!6n ·bu.t~!.as ,ta."i"kLh'g \~,'i)~ if~J;e·nd"'who'·~/a.s:· a·.~d II:nfo_~i,n.~d: ~~.the'r~e 'he'dt .ble~ha,.c/fa~geof .th'e p I:a·c.~men.t .oft.he.~roa.d.. Sa I d .~~E:1Y, ~h~~:w ',1.:1 i:hat,~.? !~ ....us ~ ..Are rthey.;goli1,g· to p:ui; .holJ.se:s.? " ~~ said 1n.?·'....silj;Rp.oS.~d. '1..0: ~Ieu ed' ..as.. ·...de co rat i ve en tran ce • Ston e rna rke.r > }u.~he!;. _p·.l;~nt·s. .e,t.~,.· _~n SLIp p<?se:d I y'

Page 115: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




in: ,the,' COr) t'rac-tors 'pJ an s> tha t. ha d-. to, rna' nta' n. 'a~:'en:t'ran ce i n,tGl' Ch i -.Mar.Mrs·,. Ch.aprnan statecj ·po'$s·r·ftl.rY"n()t·be~cause·prop osIng to··?'\3:f.l'.j·;.Mrs;,'·,Gebhard·t statedlif, In.,theitlt"awi.Dgs :doesn't philt comm.l f him: to something.

·,Mr. Hej (rna n I s ra ted ff on ~,the. drawl ng$·1 'f i I ed W..l th th.e· county Can n'ot; .se (I that~'lf Tho$e th j ngs s hown, '.Mrs ," Gebp~ r,dt es ke d .. some '!Jay '+.0 gethe Ld' 0. t 1cop i es"?, ..Mr •. Hen rna n..sfa tep can 9-9 .to GOll t;lty. :maps sr),$f s \J r.veys"if YO·lhkno.~1 I.j·be'r:and page; .e·af1.'Iook,at.'the:.ma,p~.H?iYE;l:nq.t- .. [ooke.d":,atminutes of meetings whl ch Took p l ece two or three years ago and will"not try to' ·ree·all exce pr- (pr gen?nd i'i;J I.tJg·s) J~i'ter- ,sent:, 1Q :t"ha't. "co rp \0ra·t ron i ,w.ot! 1-<1' W'a nt· to re v I ~r.' q~'fore' fTJa ke ''1> tEl teme nt • .,Mrs.' Gebha r dTstatedihdi ca ttcn J i have becausevh ave to-, -l oo k at. It every r ,d?\V .'1 Was ".Tol dwou I d: b,e:' ve,y 'be.aut:i fl<l~l.· Mr.:1 Campbe.] I as ked ,wher.e do vou res i ge:7:., :Mrs.',~ebhardt $taT$d~at·.2eO.9;,and nOT w9r-r.jed...S\b9:\lt 60..'.ft •. front·age •.'~r~ canpbe.l l 'aske,clr'li~u-Id' that have <tnY'Cjdverse affe<;:t. on .yo-urlprope!:'tydo' Y~''-! ·f!?e I"f f hou se built}· ..Mr$.' <:ie~.h.a r9-t sTate.d y~s. bEg:a,u-se. I JovecT~-a;t tree'•. .:Mr,. " ii:a.mp be.l I sta Te.rl ap p r-ec la te tha t be.ca Use fBe.f 'th e, way¥o,u do f.rom time" to" ,Ti me-•..' If: Yo·(J,\\\'r.e. owns r' of :-that I?rop~rt,y,end P?"iTyou monev 'TO p.urehase'i·lt: w9uld':yo,u, feeI·that!.way~· Mr-s:,' Gebh~rdt.,··:·.

,s:raTe-d \i!O':t.ddn',t. be .. owne r pe:eatls~··w,0:uld' bave 59Id·]to -chL~l:4ar wi.Th;] i.'everyThi!'lgels'e. .:,.:;. ::;.1..: ., : J:, '1·

Mr. Gebh'ar(jt:state'd 1'»'0 sti1lTe.$l that. l et. o.f,s.u·rroundi.ng loi's Were ".6.q '.by' ..!4t1, . .e r cv-. Cou Ld ·thaT,PPs'$lbly· be:·.why p.ut.~dni,ng".9r.dlna·J:l"pe·in;f-o.

effect be.cause d.ld n tf wan-t"anY-Jj1ore 69 '·x.14D...l ot s . and. lf, H?! was there as on then If.. don',T \:Iaot:roD S1Tay within T·~e 'law,' pr.ob·ablY' wo.u!d·!1',tnee d vou people' he r-o , 141"", Campb'e.Ll: 'stq.tep t-hat.ls·wh:Y·.h,avejvarlan.eesp r-ov lded be.cau·s.e·.h:j:l's tq, p.e··i ..f'l·<9:Kibi'.Iii'y,·! ·Tr:Yin.g TO,.1'a.yw,ith .a.II: due"respeli:ti'ha-t in, ter~sN o-f general.·chFlra.ct!'lf· of'. the_ne:igp.~orhoop as vu n de r->stand the law and this, Is; why s peek to this s pe'c l f-l c: item. wpere ID.·The.general area, Lot s. on whIch homes are bu'iIt'ln near vicinity of the

":, loT' w,her-e, v a ri· ance is: re'ques'te.d fl re e:qua·I. ·to, ,or less t'h-a n· ,the·.· ,w i pt,h 'of' the' .lO.T"or ·area. of·the lOT for whi¢h ·Th!il·.varlance·'Ss:relluested,that l'Ie !laVe ·'per-f·ec.T·rJght· To.ask. for it and t-l1e' b-p,ard ~\lst. ufl.¢er· theJ-aw.cons:i.der' it~ a·n·d· P$3s,~ ,ol'l It.• That is' why.here.. : .

'. '. ,'-I .• ! ' 1 .' ". .. .... ',. ,Mrs.' Chapma;n:;t·SlT,e.d "fa do not make..the: zO<!1I'F1g 'If'3.w,:i.t: l~;, the,. Toy.n.,;.'.Boaro· That dQ€Sf t'haT.· f On_c&j.made, 'we perve '{:l,$ a' i:?o{:l.rd: fls M,r•.Cal]1.p'pellsa 1'5', +0, hea r:, an d . rnake. '.:i.e'C'! s i ons·- fo r peop I.e~ who' d,9 -\l0-'t fee).' rai~ i.s,:.i ustin' Thi3:ir p·artjcuta:r;. cas~1. ·l'Ivt:l·t.·to,sa.yin my ..;case· .f.eels~ tre' sp~ci.frc

·d r.cLHll's-rancesth a·t w-a'rrant!" yO'u r req ue,sT un de 'I' .The' I aw-, . 'M rs-,.· ..G!=l.p.~.a rdt:li·sTa·-r.e.d and f..in.aI.·de.ci-;>io!1 res,ts' wltD the. bp.ard.! Mrs. C!1aprnan:.5.taTed

. yes....·jt '.(joes.'J,f' f1P' mp-re. ~l'uestJons:" WPIJJd IijkfJrevery-bp'dy ·who. '~a,sl'..oppOs·iT;ipn ·tp get·.nairre..'9n the r!'l~ord•. ,Anyone" In' f.av:or7· ; bpposed.?First 27;98:" .th'i S> I S:' I ~n d-Io'cked fa,ti'ng CJ1 i 1..1. Avenue,., . Any-?·ne in favor?Mr. Re i n a;gIs' s Ta tl9.dlb.s·.e n .di s cus s I ~g 28.0,-8 ,b.UT p!'lYe n ' T; .~.j sc:,\-' s se:d., ,279'8"Ought TO have opportunltyto ha've dis:cussion on Tha-t.. par.ce.I." Mr~.• '.Chapman asked have ~uestions on that loi'? Mr. Reinagle' stated haveThem' ex~led:n.,to us: in.,simlla:r rIl-finn·er:bTierfly.,wha+ w.6ul.d· .9P·wit~ That[oi', exactly' same 'pla'n T.alk·i~g abou-r here?

, .' . 'i I:· ..: '1 ' ...Mr. 8a1d'0 stated house' wi II' 'be, 40. '.ft. acrCJss, 60 '.ft. from Chi I i Avenue.79':"75:'ba ckya,rd .a!'l.d: 32..f,T .•· geep ... ,:. Lo+ 60 'X"! 7'1 .' ,10': '.;f:tl-: ons l,.de;s. . .H.ousewould sit In line, wiTh, your home and would be: within: legal requirementsfor se-rba·cks,•. Mr•.Reinagel ·ask!?d. hOI~.: ..i3bo:uT, d,rivl9. 'i;ln.~'. g.ar?ge? Mr.--:Bal'db sTaTed' garage I would' imagine \~6u[d' be' STraighT into' The home.Mr. 'RE,"in-ag~L'askeid :on w:es.t.side? ..Mr;.1 ,Ela'lc'o statfld. SihpuJd', be.on ,the'!'lesT. M:rs.',.Ch~·pman :S;-a-r.ed-r-eason· for v.ar.l:pn.ce .-i n ,this. p-ase.is,. That'i,ntha'T' a.F.e·a, now.'Ul1id,er:: zcipl..ng co·de.. r!'lqJuji.res '80:,'.fT;. ,i'/iide:. lo.i'..r. T.his,.. ;is.60','; AIs:o minimum arl'lals'. un.de.r,re;qui,r:em;e.n-.t,s .'f..orthis:.dls,trict ,by.abo·.uT2(1%. ·i,·Mr. i (Re i nag I.e' 'si-:a:t:e d,. on l;y~ 'P.o.l nt~ !'i.as ,dr.i v.~'!Iay w,h..i:ch w il. [..hav;e' .'

"probl.em w,i.Th, aOoft·he.Po drivel JOTIT·o..Cjli [i. b~:ing·<;.lo:se.,to:M.arsh,ai I.Roa,d.,-Mr.: Catnpb'e:ll' ·st,a¢e,di..pounty ·app,rove,d tn.aT'.'. Mrs. qhapm,an. :s.:tated C'ounty..m"a de no', Qb-jject ion :to ,1"./1 cl:t,; .5 taT:€\9' .)p·c<,!lj ur: I sd,)cti on .' N9.t.u nita'? pY, .where. has! TO icome: 'onto: ,Chill.. N}0: pther pO.S5,i b:i'I..i:i:Y.· .Mr.. Rei nag'~1 .:. as ke'd .I f :Co,IJnty' 'does'n '·t $ peja kj Town. do.es n.' i]. e i}he r·?,...Mrs _~ '9ha-p,man ¥'tai'e dup to·us .• 'Can 'Override wha',T county ·says Jf: yo.te ;~.y.: .m~)ori/y'v..ote:., .

Page 116: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Mrl' Hel·lm·~ns·ta·ted f'rom:(e'gal 'standpo,int,:'lf: thIs: b'ost-d· "fur-ned dOWh;app lh"at [on! the.{ wou l d. have 'rl ght .to··'ajJpe.H: 'from h~re,'to', the.: Sup remeCourt and ·lA·tl1&l·t 'sj"tuation on' +hat· spe-c'l f I c 50 'tt'.:: lOT'. 'rh er-e ha ve-bee n -number of~"cases t~at dd,l.o·Ily ,@o. --; : P rob I.e·mi $": wh a't,':e I se can: 'own e r'do wi·th" that-" type of. l a'nd, : Mr. Reinagel stated pUTtihg cl,i"iVe~iay'on

sma I l p a r-ce I';" .get .,j n to s ometh i n9' that· happehed' to',·eve·ryo~e.'·el$~·of~nti ~?.t~r~"~r~,~~d,.r.~.:an..d· cov~ d.ng.: mO,r~ ,:,of.:~7~·.1 oT:,.r.~~.m; dt,i ve~~Y,'j.'Mrs. Geb h',a'raf s.tat·ed·- con fuse 11. WTl I: be. a-'I'l'o·weld,.,to pu,r 'd't- i vewa't on' '.that lot but ye·t'·6oulify,,'sald', 'coul d not"p1llt·'6n'·'!oT whi<::h would.t>·e'::·': "p ract i ca I IY eame 'II I dth. " "Mr.:: He"'i t man ,staTe'dta I k i flg<'alfJ6u t' f !'Crw 'of>"traffic,. 'Mrs'.' Gebhardt state.dl s t lt l 'fIo'W·:of.tra·l"'fic. ' M'r.' ·He.! l nrans'h:l"ted That.was Their' cOnce-rh.' 'liIuniber of,cars'g'qln'gf"in:'and out.Mr-, Pa I'er-mo as ked- wh:at sl de- of' the,' lOT ls: your' dt-Ive"on f.1f-. Re ["riag~I.?

Next- I door to th is. one?: M'r. REdn,ag,eI" 'stat'e d I I am ·easT' ofl h·i S p a'rce Iand d r'i vkway on ,the' ea st . MrL·' ~hapm:a'i1" a'sk'elJf op poeltetf rom his: drive?[Ilk. Reina'g'e,I s't8Te-<l right: 'Mor. -He l lman as ke d o0w·:·,abo.ut house on the,other'''side? Mr"; 'Campb'e:II"staJre,c('oti ,theJwest'13lde'; , ·Lo·t of land, space.WIII"'de whateVs'r P1anldng' Bo a r-d l wi'ihts-us', TO 'tI0;, "Doe sh It 11ant,··to, makelo'on:. bad ;bU'T b ul t d n ice homes.' .:J "''C .... '




Mrs.' Cfiap'mari'I'askJ!:d any1more q ue's f l on's- on-·lo·t 'at 27.9:a.Y,M·r.'Reinage·] .as ke di wh'at was" p r'l ce :p'lan nI ng' to pay I 'fh'r the'f pa r ce U' .Mr-s; '..·Chap man ','

, statedb'ene'i,t~s;' ~$3.9d.o.. ·.lfor two .j f, boe r d 'appr-oved' bo.th or $2(1.00. ':eaeh' ifhave to be: 'p ur-cb'ased si:lp'ar"ate i y.•.: Mr, t-Ie11man -a s ke d Mr'.! Rei n age r 'is'n'tany 'specl f:i c ' dra i na~e' p robIems- be:lHreen "'you r-: hous e" an d. wh'ere that lOTis?lf' just go l n....any:iproblems?1 'rvli-::;'iReln'ag-ei 'staTed if bui ld: at'" .grade l n. t'n e're .yes. ··"<If' 'f lI J' wold d: bek -abeve 6 urIoTs., ) Mr. Ba'I do '.',

. stated right oh'gl--'ade. ' . ,., . .1' ' .. : .', '. i : i " ':. ., . r 'I i ' <; " ., r . j .. '-, ' L •

Mrs. Ge·bh.a'rdt st'ate8 'w'ent:, db,oj'ri: 'an'd'l lo·ak'e·d. at 'tha·it ~arce'l 'and, there. ~rebushes 'golngoff"on the' we·s·t' s'ltle ahd,' h'uge ·bu:shes. tha't i:\·a.ve be:enthereseve ra'l ye·a1"5' dFi·the>r':i ght· si 'de~.·' "Where: 'w 1':, i -h'b:US'6" b-e' ,I n- ,'re I a·t.i on'to those bushes?'. May··have to: take' down:i'bl:lsh.e:S:' ·Mr:s.·. Ch-apmal'l ·s.tated.if don't be,lor9; :tosomeon~ else, ,on ,thi~ property ·ahd have to. be'removed. Mr.'Calnpbe:lfl'state:d doesn'lt·kt'l0w where bushes are .bu·.t,'doesn't k'now if'withih or Qu"tstde bOund'ary.," If; oUTslda,'ob,v'lous'ly"~li I f; nO'T' tbuch 'them'. Woulda'cT a's ni'ce bu:iffe'r for be:Twe~en, houses •.M~·.i'Fe) n'age! 'st6te'-cJ 'bushes on i that pr,Operty I j'ne a"ndf exrre"hd, :wlI I' theyoe'.'a'I·I'Owad· torem6ve·the'of.le,s·'on ,th'e ·pa·,rceI?,·l'Mr. BaId·o. stat:e-d'·.jf: onb'oun'dary' "I i'ne; ,h'ci've 10' ~lf·t. and see i no" he,e-d to; removel b'e·cause. The'r~: willbe', 10' 'ft. and i f"p6'ss'l:b rei; .wH r ·enhant:e· p'roperty.l f: b\ishe·s' are. There.Mrs. C'hap man 'as ke:d', dol ThEi. bushes ·be'.!on g 'to jo,u'?· " Mr ~ ·'·Rei ii a ge'li' 'statedyes theY:'are'on my ,pr'-6pe'rtY.Mrk.··Gebh:a·rdlt- :asked"'wouir:d be, ranch -as .'On other prop6rty? ·'Mr. "S'a,ldo s't~teb ye's·.;:an'd-. st,I·I:l:'be.IOj'.i't. f bn ,;fh:esi-deof-t-he.no,us·e·.:' ,',·-'1' ";.' ", . '",''''' :''' .. : .

. .[ I ,,' I ... i',' '.. . "Mrs. Ch~pma'n 'asked anyone!'ln{'fav"6ror, z:zg:a?,' 'No one· appe'q'reidl• Oppo.sed?

., ,. i ,,(., , f . I: "..... .,j

Mrs. Sheila' :'Will·i·ams.:,28.o,O·Chil.i Avenue, stated opposed.j ", ,,'.,: ': :.', • ~ ,. I ' .. " " ,.....

Mr. R'ic~br,d 'Wi Ifi~~,~r 2labb..Chi Ii A·venue:, ,"stated :op'pos~ct. ,r .' I . I ,. ..J, , . " "'l' . . I ,I I I

Mrs':" Martha1··Reinage.!,:·:!2-7,9:Ei, ;Ch:ll:i Av·e·nue. lstate'd opposed,.' ",.., ".,,f '.". " . '. 1 :'.' :., t . r· I. ' " '. "",:. " I·Mr, RaY,manei'REd .n~'g'e r..? ,::27:9'6;:,C.h;r IJ ,Aven lief,,' .stated :tl:l·i nk-s·.allY ·de·ci·:de.d:' If-h1lt th!is"s'i'te \1as he·v"er "'irite'hded to .be11ome-s·its;·-. 'clc'cess'1fO the ''proper 'Ii 11" it'he rear!' S'O" il T: ·j.'S~ TOO "smB;1 I:'ibr a·.:ndU'si:3.·.. · Be'fie:ve·' pl:lrp<fsl;> 'bf, the: .b-oa r'd 'i 51'to:'p ro~tkct 'ou'r .p r<;-p:e"r'tY""rls'fe';:j cf 'of: ·hh.e:rr:f s, " iF'a'ctTh·b·t 'i-ti sl 9".26:,0' '.sq·,· f~., mr n'e' 1a''dJacen.t:· ,ah;cr T:8!, (J,Cl.a. '::'-q'~"H .I2ln·ifs li:gh+ I Y·.. '.:l'a'rgefr- ·than,'-,ne If 1:Is' 'b,jig, as In I ne l wh,'i ch' "Ii, U j' H5\~e:rval'ij'e of fm.y "p rbpe-,dy.,

"':On;" 18,,00.0":5 q.' ·fT·.: I'QT', -don ,+ '5e'e' ··hdw -:tlrey 'can -b (d I'ci , ·$-40,10100.',tio:use: ~dr$3,5~·(j'a,b.. wh·e·fi' ha've Jp·r.a~ d: irie~i :S!ub\ir1vi'sklli'w i'f>~ Yarge swie':ep.j'rrl,f [o·ts·'vi'·.i thtre·es· ''il'ricf ma~y·be·. -thifn'kfs', is ve"t-.yofl-e··wi rv ·ag·~e;e~·a I l:p'rope,r'H es'j n)/o I'VEl d .

, a:w'a,re "bf't.he' .!5~bs:tarid~ll.id [.ot'when :.su·o:dlvr ded and,',ne· har.tlsnip·."cas:e::.o!1any of Th'e"'p ro'pe rti as"'" '!'r " ..' .:. ..~.; .. " ~.

Page 117: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

, f ' August' 2p',~,1'915 :

, i.r ..t :

Mrs.' G,ha,pman',s;ta,ted 'w0ul;c! Ilke. ro make one ccmman.r , purp:ose idf theZon,ing Bo a r-d' noi:! ,to, pjrote,ct vcur vp r op e rsty . .iT.o:, hear, an d dac l de sup on.a ppeaLs. ,a,np I eC'e:s ot'prqpsrty when, -:the Ciwn:e:I"!'l fe,e I' 'c,urre:nt, f aw sunjust. Can con s-l de r vou r- property vaLU'els,but not n,ecets:sari r'~'

protect them for you.,Ii.'i , ,c, l : "!"': ,,":: ,,". h"" ',' i

Mr. Da,I I Y ,Z7,9'7:.',Chji.'l t Ave nue , stated ,wou'j d'I, I:ke t:,':"go e n re,co'rd as I

a ppo,sed.; , , . j " l I, '-, "I, , , ", " "

, j,; , ,I'; ,Mrs., Chapman '8skedanyon,e In, ''!'aiVor, of 2S:Q8.Z, 'f .Anyon e top p.ose d? ' "

, 1 -- '., , .., I ' '.. ,," I " " ' •Mrs.. Ne wcomb .2806 '~Ch I U:, sita ted, p u'r,ch'~s~d, th I s.jp rop e rttv )n, May." Toldiby, -fo rme-r- o sner- that 'We, wou.l d' be, a pp r-cached to,'s:el'J' p e r-ha'p's vor- "tradethe, ba.c,lf;o'f,'o,ur loir for some-on ,the, slide that, rrovhorne (could be, bu'Ht.~:'

P'Cl1 d .top·d;oll'C1,r vaI ue for ,that home, :for lrr s -p'rl vacy .', Husb an d hasseverej ;h.eari,ng p:robl.em an d move-d to' }J-a!ve p r-Lvacv • ,Sure non e of. yo'u,wouLd >vanrt" bi.r,itl;d:i,~ng ~_"ft. -f rorn your,'pr-o,perty! lJ:rie",:,'Wonc!e:r,v.:hether:., .,Iawy.e:r;,:can"cont'r:ol ,m.lyf,:o,Lir p:eo,pl'e' liv,ing-in. th,ere.Wi Iilla'dy be:requested to sign contract to take the pl If? Mr. Brennan ~as atlowedto b r-Lng l n 15: Io'a ds of 5011 'to terrace that 'land. Had use of abo,ut'haJ,f"of,th:a.t lot'fclI" oyer' 7.~,yea.r:s'+ -;Mrrs. Cha,Pima'n- asked who is Mr.Brennan?, ,.:M,r'iI.:.,Ne,wco.m,b'stat,ed p r-ev t-ou s owner.; .To I.d wou l d be see'ded·:and kept "wooded," FuI-I -o f - cT;a;b'grass and ragv!eed, 'Cut ,a;bo,ut he] f'to protect 'my -l awn , I Quite a jjob., '~I i

". p ·l:··,Mr. MeDorta I d ,Z80 7 'Ch H I. state d ,oppo'se dj.. ','

.' ' j' ".,' , ,,' 'IMr. ' F,e, !Je;s,en ,'28.04, Ch i:!lj • ,pTa,ted.. op po se di." t·

, I ," "Mrs. Fa l Le'sen , 28,04 Chll l , stated opposed.


II. ; -;' ' ..

Mr. Gebhardt, 28,09,',Chlli, .s f-a t e d opposed.

Mrs ; Gebha rdt.,28.09, ~,Ch j Ll , s-rafe d oppos;~dr.· ,,- ':,

Mr. Horn,' 28,03, 'Ch'i I l stated opposed,i .' ,

r>lr. Hen s l er, Z8.16'Chifi', ,stated opposed

f, 1 ..

" " ~ .

Mrs.;' ~lcDona'ld, Zs'<P. ;qh if ,i stated op po sed

, I


I, i I'I I j':i



.' 1i '.. f

Mr. ,.New,combP' r2S06 .Oh i Li, ',st;ated opposed +,I Ii: ", [, '; '.

Mr. Sp'.rj.ng,~tt. 28.2({ :Cb 1 I i, stated op pos ed-,

Mrs. Daley, 27.9:1. Chili, stated opposed, ",' iii,' " ;"Mr., Rein,~'gel',' ,27,96. Chi l L, stq:t:ed o ppose d : I'

,;, .., i ' j'",... i', ,'[Mr~ W,i.lliams, 2800, .Ch i I ii, stated op pose d "",

I ,', , " i . " . 'Mr., Gamp be.l l 'stated wo u l.d I i'~e. to .'say .have jde,ep respect ciind.,admi ra,tionfor each of you be.ln q h'ere. Prqve,s,'demo'qracy, ·a~d.·it:"i~lworking:.. , Thjn kswhether obtain var,la'nce~Cir Jl.otth"t .vc-u jh ave ,ha'd,~pp.osrllnity'I,tq, speak.a nd w€;!....liave·l>ad opflortunity,andjelcwe, up t.o these,peopJe,'f:o,m"ke .dec I sl on ,waul d'l ike, to rEjfet to' one C,"$e s,igni,fi cant, to ,th is, ,a,PP 1, i'cati on" Nata) evs .' Pa! e'nt, Nel" 'Yo,rk ;Sate- c.ourt ,0 f .-App:e,a.-I 5: '~r. ,'New Y~r.:k' 2n'd', "3.0 ~ , : iBasicallyv/here tPt:'qper,ty, owner s,Uffereq,:$lgnj'f.lcqn,t, eco.r)omk. !,n,ju~ies

by, 'ap p l.i.'Ce t ion 01'\ "8 rea' qtaj).d,a r(L 0 r,d i,I;la'o,?;e:'.ca~, :be 1j, ust 1f.i" e d b'( ,the: co'lpubl i'c s,a-fe-r.y,:, ,hea,ltl;\"~and,,:we.~f:'arp,; ,wi·I,I"be.;up.,he!,d in,:"the,,~,~ture. __ , ' ,Bu rdenon ,th e I'Q u 1'\ i.e j pcd il'ty., .Mr:$." Coa;p,rpan'i$tated , resppn s,j bq i tY. 10f trie'Zoning Board to consider healt~, safety and welfare of the~rie~ghbor5

and others.' - '


DECIS [ON:, Both 'dec lsi on $, reserved pending' receipt of ad d[ti ona,li n,fo r-mationfrom Mr. Campbe:l f'. '

Page 118: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

4. App l l c a f.l orr 'of 'CarI·J. Ml no l aj. ,25.7S'CHi I II Ave nue , 'Rochester', '.' "N:ew:rro,rk f o r' approval 'of ,A';' x ,8.1. fre.e..,sta.-ncHng :sl"g"n,·4 '[·j'nes 'of:7 'i 11 ch . i'n,t'e rchian'g'eab',(.:e'.I e'tt~':r i ng·,..·.advert-t'stl n g. 'Car I 'Si· ·N4r.se·r.y';· ..2'5,75: -Ch i I I~·:Avenu·e·. 'RA-IO'J,y "" ..t , ": .' " ,,1.· .... ...... ,::.

Mr. Rlc~ard Mlnola, ~ppeared, ' stated sign existing now If you lookedat it,. ·-For··th·0se'of youJwho:l1alien't'se'en It:'-a,pprdxI'm'ately' 30; If t ,from the 'front property I lne which is, over 50 'ft. from the, highNay;;: '.: IParallel 'WiTh Chili' Avenue. 4': x 8' as stated. Top' 6 ft. off the

. gro un d" 2 '.fT .,un'de r ·th,s -s.I9n';·," '8 ··ft. wi.de: I Store 'is i tti ng some. ·SW.O.+· '.feet from the highway end felt· needed a sign to advertise s pec i f.l c.items like, wh:at:·is. orT·.iT)season·a'ly ·type:.thi'ngs'J :'.Per:h'a·p's le't'tefing.': •ch'anqe'd ',weekl y' ',To' a:dlverti se d'i'fferent th in'g$' ThaT come '-I ntc. se'a sonor df:' pe r-r i neri t I nre resT to peop l'e' wh0 wan t· 'To' liuy, ·H.i 'Tr-i e'd itd ..f l-n dsign T.hat 'would be:'goodi'lookinfl<sign. Looked; cit'8 i1cJ;j-'an;dl rath~i- fhanhave something' hand·-paibte'd" s:e(·e-eted··<lsign that cou l d: b'e'eas'il'y"reacfl 'an d vi 5'1b Ie fo r "pefolp I e" pass i 09" on Th'e' r-ca dan d '·slf.'j (if"s u lrab 1'&, .and doe s n I-f lo'ok ba:d asf'a:r as'·p:u[tti1n.g .itl,~.frcint lo'f' slt'ore.'on 'ChTri:Avenu.e. '·1: ' .., .

I- I,

Anyone in;

. i

I .' r ,» I ; ,..' .".' .... I . I'"Mrs. Chapman a s ke d- this is;·non-:tl.j·umi,n-ated?, ·Mr·.·Minoia ~si"ai"eCl 'corre·ct.Mrs,' Chapm·qn"aiskl!i<f 'tfhi:it l s.vval ue- o'f·the. sig'n? rvJr·.Minola.·state·d·pa-l d $'5100' Tot ·H·.··'Mrs.' Cha'pni,anasked ":reill'l,i·ze. th1a't have o r-d i n an ceon the books' wh Ich wll [-go into effect· in Ma r-ch ;: [91.7 ~p!rph i b it·j n9'a I j free-standing signs? . Try to warn people' that wi II 'have to comedown then if.. law stands. Mr. M-ino.ia, stated awalre of that. '·.Signexpen s-l ve bu.t feel 'could' get money out of .lt, Mrs •. Tanger askedi sn '·t movab Ie' 5 ign?' Mr.' Mi no-Ia STate d .no-f reai] Iy.. Can be, 'U nb!d~ted "and taken down but not portabl~.

, . ~ , IMrs. Chapman esked if any questions from the audience?favor? ' ,

Mr. Howard Whe I pto n , .3 ra7 .Ch] ll Avenue, .state!d 'b as ' seen -s-.Ign·, .d ri venby end thought nice looking sign.

no oneMrs.' Chapman asked if. anyone wished to speak in. o ppo s l f i on andappeared. I I

D-E Cr S'I ON : Granted u nan Imo us I ythr-ou9f1 ·'Ma,,·dh'.· 'Sa;'. .I -9-1':z'."' ,'I .. '.

5. Ap p l lca r l on of Garrett and"-lenor'a Wh'elpton)·3890.',U'n:ion···S'treeT,·'N. Chi l l, N. Y. for approval of variance to. erect ad d l t I on onSOUTh side of ex l s t i nqvh cme , .24~1" x 30', '28. ·fi'.' from"side :Iot -l lne, .50 .r t . r-e qu l r-ed. RA-5.t

Mr.' Wh'elp'ton e p pe a r-ed , ,staTe.d has ',:Two dr-aw l ngs. This, is. adjacentnel qhbor-s property wh lch will' 'b'edi'rectly e f f e c fied and, thils·j'·s .mln s ;Two' properties go l lke t h l s, [v1y ,28 fT. variance on .Their:side is'84 ft. Mrs.' Chapman asked that is' depthvof hlis:.b,a.cky'ard?· MrJ·IWhelp:tonstate~ outermost portion of their home to hi~ property lIne. Shadedqrea"is. p r-op'o eeq a r-ea , Originally 'S2:ari'd ·,lo'wEir·to 28..' M~s.· Chapman"asked This ~~iI r ·be.11 1'1 r:li'ne' With·'existitrg front?' Mr.· Whelp-ron ,stated •.aqout l'I12':feei' fOTW('{H:l. "Ex i s'fl ng '[ine wou ld be. b Iac'k llne , Would'igd :even·,'·:..srna l! 'eri.frv.w:a'y' -l n b·a.ck,st'r+alghten out"'arid go·e,ven·with Th~t.1:2'4 ·x: 30 deep7,.' Mrs. C'~'apmar\' ;aske'd 'orie' story?, '''Mr. Whe'lptor'l ,shiiTe.d Iit wi II end· up making' hoJsefrpm ..the,.'road appo1Jr- as'''sp-[ it,. 'Hou-seas' 'I t st<ln.d,s 'dqes nb·t 'HaVe .8asemen,+' so Just on ..~ craw l 'space. ,I i·I n t-en d 'to go do."IIi ~ a 1f' sTory .\~hlqh ·wo'uHi". be.· r i:ke:3 .ft ~ o'r' S'6 . Iinto' ,the:

. gr9ul)d to:·:gi.v~ basemeHt ~"reit and.;theli. givebe:droom I~reas ab·o.ve that·an o' wi I V 'g 1vee'ff,e~'t "9 f sp I j 't..' leve 'home. I 'i!2, .',STci ry·; .

I .' " '\. ": ~ . . .: . . '.; _" ..

i. ,: r' j, . , i • '- r • ~

J I. ~..'

• : r," " j ,_,'

1',' ,.

Page 119: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zan i ng~ Bpa r-d of, Ap p.e-aI s .1. Aq.g·ust 26.,: 19:7:5' "

-,r '..

Mrs,' Chi!lp.ma..n. a~k~.d~ po., ,th~:.out.s..,LSj? Y,o,ur :(!l,i.;;llp,ut .5 l'~,i n-g /?Ir w:hat~ye:r:, t~,.match, .rest ~f ,.Iot? ~Ir. W~~Ip.tonsTa,ted. tni-end 01l·,chafl:91P9' whol d ..house.as 'far ~s EI·dtlng. g.oes.~., Right nOi\l':::alumlr:q,lm,,:·.wlde cl a'pboa-r-d.s •. ·· Int~.n.d:,

t?~ go W,I tr. rust-l c. dec;or,. ~p d 9 r.O,oy,e d: p'll ywo?d., 'Use i.npe.rt p arre.l S' where:.WI ndo:",s "a~el': .. Mr.s.~' Chapman 'asked ha ve y-?·u di s cus's ed, wI.i;f.1; tha.t· :ne'i.g,f1ppr?~lr. W.h.elp7ron ,s:ta~ed.,y,~'s.,I, 1 ' .. ' ,1" , .-.-' ' ~j'l

-, ,. , .. -' " .... fl' I" ,".. r .. ,. '"

..Mrr-: ' Chapman. a~s'kep 'J ft.~n·,Yone· wL:;.he ( t,O.~.~ p:~-a.~~-/n f:avo ~~,c.i f .. :t h',i~, ap pi r:..cation?' 'M~s.' Sharon Hassa'll',' :I4'~ 'Bowen ROfld"I,srat,ed, ~.8::;;f:I-••.J~om.rn,y c.property. -l l n e and- feel would' be. l mprovemen f to the nel qhbc.rhood,"a s sa-r to ..the'WheJpi"Qn~ a,npi.nl :faY0-f aT ·r!:·1 '. f.l: '.,. ,:. '.:::

Mrs. Ch~pm~n' a.s~ed.·,i t', a~,o'~,e, wis:h1d' to" speak i n:. 9PP~'~i:ti ?~. ,an'd' ~';on.e appe~red'l ", " " " .. ' ...

! ,. ' .; '.1.DECI $:1 ON: Grante.d una n l mous I v:

I 'I. .... . . ::: " .. ;. " ":'" ,., .• '-.-. "j ,.', .',." ..... ,... . ...6., .f.ppficC\tiol)'.of .r.rowarq·'a~d .SbLrLe'(:!'ip,.eJp1-on,'- 3rS:7:Chi l i A¥fln'ye:, ,.'

Ro:he~te,r,.Ji'I,el",Y,ork f.or v~r:f,?nc~ YOJ'frecf ad,diJi.on :tp s Lde .of,.~,

" bUI ,~,d'.1 !kg'. ~o, b e, 154ft• .t r0!11' !,rent ,10'1": [ Ine ·.at.e} ()'~_y?t po I n t ~. ..6.0 .f t , requl.red,·at,·3187-·ChLI,I Avenue •. ,C-2;,;



Mr. Wh:elpi'on appeared. Stated this is' eXist'(ng h'o'u~e.· Do~torrsoff I ce- :i n .·fron.! p.arot an d: corne. down side. Prcpos i n~'12 '.ft.. on .:that.s lde , Mrs. Chapman stated unde r:;;.ta,nd.thr,ough ·the, I n f o rme f l on .sup pI i'er]to the.Planni·ng· Board This: is' TO. be, waiTing room for the doctor.Mr. Whelp·ton ,state.d main pari', wait,l!19 r~orn,an.d: 9.ispe.ns,i~g.. r.oom p.rtwhat-ever he uses for makihg up and adjusTing,' l ab space. Mrs.' chapman ..asked can you te'll' me' wh.ere the d r I vew'ay comes in on that s Ide ? Mr.WhelpTon stated this: 'is 'exisTing drive. This Is all paved area.' Thiswou l d be, rlghtin.·back of,p.ave·d area. Abou t 15' ft. to the f r-orrf ofthe.ho!1se"·Sh6r-tes'tdis+"~rc·efrom her to. the lot ·Iine. This isab o'uf 40..ft. from thissi'de. Ang·le·of the·.loi". Mrs. Chapman askedhow far here? Mr. Wh',elp'ton ,stated that is l es s than' [0' 'ft. and ,Planning· Board f-o t d' me that in c omme r-c l.a.l ;: can 'build' to the loi" line."Wante,d'me to assure them wouldn'·t be over the' Joi' line. Mr , He l l manstated actual ly:34,.ft. further than ~he. house.

Mr. Whe.1 pi'on -si"ated have Tai I fence on ·that s Ide and rl ght on the.loi" l l n e, ' That is. how can -rei I' wh.er-s 1ine l s., Mr •. HeI l man .as ke d whatIs going in. there? Mr. Whelpi"on stated waiting room and dispensingroom a~d have inside ini-rance. Mr. Hellman stated wohde~lng abciuttraffic. Mr. Whe'lp·ton ,st·ate.d won't change and' use' this area overhere, too. ·Mr. Heilm'an 'asked front, of this further ba'.ck than existing'?Mr. Palermo Cisked not adding' another operation,' .there nol'/?: Mrs.' .Chapman asked how 10'ng has' he be.en there? Mr, Wh'elp-ron -STated abo.utfour years.' .


Mrs. Chapman aske,d if. anyo·ne· wishe.d to, speak in ·favor of this appl ication::'Mr. Garrett Whe)pi"on,i389d :Unlon ~treet stated In: favor. Mrs. Chapmanasked anyon& opposed? No on& appeared.

DECIS I ON: Granted unan imoU's Iy·.,

7.; Application 'of \~illi'am Spencer, IO'.Jemison 'Road, Rochester,New York 14'6:23'. 'for approval 'of variane-e to erect garage, .20. ·.X 24,app,roximately' ,IO·'.ft. fr9m side lot Ii'ne, 50 :ft. 'requIred fromrear loi" Ij'ne, .on ,und-ers·ize.d' loT, I 'acre requ'ired, side sei"ba.ckrequired.30'.ft. F-2.'.

Mr. Spencer appe.ared, s·tCited wants To bu:j Jd' garage. Mrs.' Chapmanasked this is: house'? Already have garage the're? Differen:t garageor coming for something' new? Mr. Spencer stated thisgarage br.okendown' one car 'garage now. Mrs " Chapman ·stat-ed wondered, .cou I d seeas 'drove by: -bu.y :raini'!19 very 'hard. Mr. Spen.cer. stated ,old' one· car

Page 120: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning' Shard of -App-sa Ls


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r .',''''''.'",'j

, ,

. ga.r'~ ge for ,s,rinf~,'·e'r.' _ca rs ~'n~. ,':F·ja:'·11pg ~oW~:":;' T,h',I's': w,~,I 1-':i.~, o.u't·r,l fJ-h t, " ,a'gaI n's,t· ~he' fence. _ 'Mrs.' Chap'mkn 'stated n'ot' us eabl'e, Mr-. Sp'encer -,S. tCl~€rd, g~,t:.,~'no;~~mObJ)·e· an~' t,oO'~,~llnl '~har.~~·butl·.wa_n~ t:o b:U'j'Id: t?§l!... : ..o fher- onb. She.tr I'SI gone; now, 'M'rs.· Chaptnan ''Cl'sked wal')tl to br.i'n9, garage

" 'I'j ke; fl'l (s'i:' Freb'-si-an'dj'8g1 Mr. s'pen cer'sta'te d' ap'p r_o~'i mate} y16\i~-fe'e't'""in front- of this one. -Mrs. Tanger asked goIng' to t'ake: down ot erone? Mr. ~p,(;)ncer" s,tated wo,u.l9~ tI':ke. !9.get 9,th,:"r.ppe.bu:iltbe.f..o.ry· .: ,take l 1t,"down.. Mrs'.' Chap~,al1 e s ked do prppose t.a,kl ~g ) t., down; eventua:I:I,Y?'Mr. Spencer'stated·defIn:ltely. . II, .... ', ,: •. ": .... , , . I .' i IM~s. Chapman stated will 'be fO' ~f. (rO'm"sl dk r6:t"l i'n-e"I B7'·:ft.frorl'i··'the rear. SIde setb~ck $upposed to. be: 30:ft. ~e~apse changes lOT .s l ze.s ;: 'Let ex'jsted 'for how' 10'!1S,?Mr. Spencer stated ow·ne·d··.~abO:ut,' .....5·1)(. weeks , maybe' two mont-hs.· "Mr-s •. Tanger stated garage IO'oks'Dlggerthan house', Mr. Spencer stated thInks, 'It ,wil I' p e., . .,1 . I ': •• r:. -l .~: ,I

Mrs.' Chapman s t a t e d f h l s, area has,,~,e~n ch anqsd , ,all, \/ery.:smaJ} ·Io·tsat one' 'ti'me.-Tr,ie.d: to. ma.ke:1 bri:l.ger wh~~n ,'fa_n dO'_50methl'~g: abo.u'r Jt or" .hold to: r~ci'~lr,ements.. 'Mr.•,spen'cet"·s:t-!iiT~d ,th'I~: lOT la'pg.er 'ir:'tn~,:"b a.ck than' -the': front' becau'seJ of ~og ·pere.; "1'.83·ft. 'j n: trs' front.'.' Mrs.Chapman stcred and 90In 'the' ba'ck: Mr'. Spenber: stat'e-d' y~~1 '-Goe:s- b a.c k100 some feet and jogs out ~'feet.

. - , • ." I", i I '.>,'" , :; :l r ' ,

Mr¥,( ~.h,apm~n:.as.k:,ij I f;, any.c)~e, wl.~hkd to. s peak In' f a vor- ort opposi fl on< "to l 'rhls appJJlcatJon·I'and, no. on~ ap ps a re d , . . .' .. ' '~.J

• ~ 1 " . . I I' "" DECIS'rON:'Granted Uh~n!-mo.us/Y"'~'" 'j.'--I.· :" '-.' : t

_.,:: .j '., ("., j .... Ir .•.

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Page 121: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


. I ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS:Septembe:r'23.;"-, ,[91,5.


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.'. ' , I J.""'" ".: ,".'. ".:' 1. .-......·i.' i -


.' .' 1. . 1: i :: '., . I . . : I' . . ,:, -vv :. '., ':' t "n,A M,~et[,~g.,of .t:he ,Zom:loo:fl": Boa rtd ,o,f, Appei1l,ls"of'".-the·.Towl1:·of 'Qhl"[ l:

was he [rd' iii"!. fhe'jCh.r,I:r."Adflliin.[s:tr.ation O.ffl:~es~,:'(32t3.5.'.Ch·irrAvsn.ue;:,Roche s f-er., New Yor-k r 4'6.24 on ·Septembe:r .23.,: 1l9i""7.5. ' The. 'Me:s'fj:ttg :VI-aSc al I'ed to order by ·the, Chairperson,' .Mrs. Chapman" a f 8:00, P'.M •.

; I·, : ', '1.;:. ",.'1 '" -. <, , '., !., i ' " .' ''1 :' ';." ' ',I,PresenT': ·J,.a,n,ice, M•.Chapman ...· :pheti rp.~·rsoJ) .,', .r

I , ROb,~ r:::i:. Hu.n;te.r:. ~ I·.-, _ ": I ~,':, ':'. '.,Ger-t.rude, T:ang~r.' 'I '. -;--' .'"i ~ :','"Jo.h-n.oPal-e.r-mo, .,," " i,'J·G.e:ral<;!· p.eG,ra:ff.. ."Ray .St:e~Ie·.· " .; ! .. -1'" ' ' .• ;' ,.,' "

Car[e',Mull,Eme'YI'1 ,."','i,:,."·"·'" :",, "1: I' '.j :', ," 'j " 1 i,' .::: .",: :...' i

Als'o Present:AIf'red J: Hel Lnran;. Deputy Town',ATTorney·. i i : "ll • i'" . II i ' ".'. ..... ' ' ' I' ,

Mr.," H)i! -,i I man .stat!?~ there. have peen' proper le'g-al rio t-Lces f o'r- Thishearing, pub l Ishe d [n,a news pap ej-] so- d~si9nate'd"by 'T,he: Town B0ard'and a~fidav[ts are on fl[~ TO that effe6t and,~Isu' posted on thebu.l leT l.n :;[:19,·a rd,a 1>. Teq u ire d b v "j a:w.1 . . "'.' . 1--,.'.. • :

I· .' i", : 'j " < ,.'. r· ':" .: , ..,',I .. , , . . .' . ,

Mrs. Chapman '.Sit.at.e·d b-a ve beep i 'a'ske>l~y, 'i3PP I icant· to vqryagerl'da as' . '...he has. to q~t~r.n ,to. a ~eeT.I!1g' 59i l'!! I I' '!==oll: /16, 'fh·ST.,:i. '. r .. ~.:.

, , : j. ' .. j :' , . ~ , '.' i,' " .j ~ .' ' . I..,', "., ! I .; t "AppI icanon .. '9f ,CounTy of. Monrolil.'·r.! 1'5'] :Stottsv'j ll"e RoaC!;.' Rochester,Nf?w Yor-k. for. ap.p rova l 'of ,freetstandj!'g ..s.i·gn. -app rox l mat-e.l y 3.",:x 4 1.on ma t a I ·pol~'S,·.apprqximatel.y ,10' ,ft. Total..'bsfghT•.to: f)e: l oca t eIion property e f ,JHi'7 ',S~QttsviII'e"Roap:- Monroe·ICouoty·-Department.of WeJghts and Meas~res. 'M-2~

! i ,',. . 1" ' I, ":", 'i. ,::..... ,- ,Mr. Lou Is. Romano" D] rector of Wei9hTs and Measures appear.etl"',··,STatedCounty of Monroe owned Bahsco Heat[ng Company- b u l Ldl nq, They h a vemoved OUT and our department has moved int$' that bu.l Ldl nq because f

fi rst very e c ce s sl b.Le: to the, work we do and farge eno-uqh to, ha nd l eour wo r k , F;rob,l.e·m .h av l ng n(\\w .i$,·tha-i" when' do +q*icabs: ot'pi'g:,i"anktr~cks., .thfilyclalrp· cannor fit1~'.and.go·by·and come be.ck , Ha ve v s l qn9n,the,bu'll,df.ng~q·ut,sits $'0' far.·b.tlck, wanT' To.,pd two.isigns on metalpole, o ne for' each s l de , .an d have idenTificaTion. Thi's:'ls'what weput on.:"3 r . lf: 4" sig!) •.MJ:"s-'o,' Chapmana\,>ll:e!4 ,si.gn·'propl;}s!:n.g, i~': H·ne .the~·one.qllJ .the,bu,l[d'j'ng'? -Nr , ifRom<lno,jstate,Q·one'"on.·th.e, wan· 'an~Lccming,down'.Two on the pole'.,' ~~s'. Chapman as ke d th.at .$he.? Mrj lRomanoj$tate,d'·Ye.s.Mrs.' Tang~r,aske'd lone' doub re'-fqced s j gn? ~r. ROma1'l0' stated yes. .MR. Pa lermo qsked have a,nQi"her on·e·maeJ!e .. ,upand':f'l'I:jT back"'.to ba:ek:? ',.' .:-'.Mr. R<¥mano staTed,rrg!'jt. Mrs. C~apmafl'a$.k€!d si9t.l· 'lj·keJthi-s··ba,cktQ ba'ck?Mr. Romano .statedthat i s,lcom i n£l ,down ,<joq,. anE"lthe'r U~:e .. tQ.at OIJ,two"':"met:al 1>:ole"8. Gal") "set;l.bo,th ·\<I1')Ys •. ". , ',', I -'-" '. ':""

.. 1:. .• ' •.," '."; : i.' ','" ' .. "" ,....., "';,.1-:-.,.:. ','Mr:; STse.l. '9' as ke·ct 'I l,:g~~t.ed .. q·+:aJ "2' LMr.; RomanQ\·,stated .no .' ..r"lr •. S,te-e Ie, ';,aske.d h-ow, 'c!0'se to',the. roaR 'wUi' it: be?, .Mr,· Romgnq>',·.s,tg'lied wU,t'''!:I:p:within reg'ulai"[ons,,' Thinks abo.ut two, or three. fee:t, inside telephone,. ·1poles •. Yhat Is. whaT StaTe Department to!~ us. 'Mrs. Chapman stateddo, h':!Ve S.'9(\, ordi.l'l.a.nce. ·j'n,.·t,his,tow'1. illd.!'cating t~at a11,.·f.reE\-st!'l,ndi~g

s I gqs are to::come.,<;!qwn:91s.<;Gf, Mql?<;;h, ..J:97T;· l'ylj"st'.:lfll,19. Cqu'!.ty"i $ .jaw1l.r,e ' .of t~is: si.i'\ce. I nstr-ume,ntql :'I..n h(,)lp·l.ng ..wr l t e <Ttri,~, ~-rd1I')ance., '~i: ...Roritan·q·.stated I f, h.a~.ITo .-come. €Jown...."haS. tQ·.cqme. qqWIJ'" Mr.s.· ChapmaFl ., ..stated YQ'l! are on nG.tice ~a.me.as.aJ,I 'othe.rs:·whqIC<i?-rpe.jn:t~~.Tfl[I'.:such.:'s igns'Clr:-El T61 be,rslrl~ved 1jl".i,'.f March, ,,I.9,1..T':':.',Mr..;',~9mano sta.ts,(t' abl:de,:<by ,whatever.y,o,u,say."· Mrs.;'.Cnapma.n 'st-ated ..a[~·o··req.ui:re when,l,give:,:'.:permisslonl·~or g',s,lgt') .-that ,ltbe·,c1in;;:r.al ':e'd under;. sllp.er\i'isb~ ~ ..~ ','Sui Idin9 [lJspecTC'!r'. ,H i"hatls: In: t;hre.' can, :h'eJp·-wli".h·,pJa·C:€1ment.-.Make s~l'ie ~no.ugh -roo1l)_: . ... ~I '". , .-

, , -. '. i . 1 '" '; " ," ". -. ,"'. " > ,j ! !~4rs. Chapman asked'.lf <l.oyqne,;w.ish?!dli"Q spe.ak.1.t.l,'fav.6r or-",oppesit,jen, ['1to this. avplication and n~ one appeared. .




DECISION: Reserved pending receipt of commenTs from MCPD.

Page 122: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

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DATE: SiYf9.tt1,fflf.J1J,t!)~

..... It- .. ~ ... ~ ...... __ ~ ..... , , - I • • • • .... • • • • , , • ,.

J.-I ~ !.IliSU€, /)(1 rpd

"'/~~ C! 2. .:».GERALDiNE c. SNYOffi7~

~OT_o,R'f PlIBUCT sta:e ot N. '(4 'IIlo"m, CO.M.,.. Comml;siorl t:x.pires ~a.n;tl JU. i9•.J.1 -// ~~~ -"

,~ " ..Patricia M. Smith



GATES-CHILI NEWS,.,. "Si?·f.1:.~.P~~. " .I.~!. !.~?£~ .....~ ...~ ....


Page 123: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

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-Zoning Board of AppealsA Meeting of tha Zoning

J:loard of Appeals of the Townof Chill will be held in the.,fJ!.ili . Administration Offices,3235 Chili Avenue, Rochester,· Jl!ew York~ 14624 on September· 23, 1975 at 8:00' P.M. to con-sider the following applications: .:l.~Application of ]:ldward M.,make, 1020 Chill-COldwaterRoad, Rochester, N.Y. forllpproval of variance to erect·-garage 24 ft. from rear lotline, 30 ft. required, at 1020Chili- Coldwater Road. R·1·12.2. Application of Aido LePore,234 Fisher Road, Rochester;"N~Y. for approval of varianceto.. allow parking in front set-· back for commercial building·10'"be erected at 3218 Chili,Avenue, C-2.·3. Application of .MitchellPhillips, 85 Black Cr~ek Road,Rochester, N.Y. for approval;;f variance to ere.ct additionon rear of house, 24 x 20,~prox; 7'6" to west lot line,46' to east lot line, 51' to rearlot line, at 85 Black Creek.Road. F-2. .4•.Appllcation of Jan;les Crosby,.28 Sand Pebble, Rochester, N.'Y. for approval of variance toerect addition on rear of resi-dence.. 64 ft. from back lotHne, 5 acres required,at 28Sand Pebble Drive. RA-5.5,. Application of Philip Nicolo-si, 1735 .scott.s:"dll!!, "Fqad, Ro-"~er, N.Y. for approval of, variance. to attach signon right-':~B!'d coi-ner of buiio\ng; ab~vegtl.~Une, 4' x 4', advertismgPizza Bella at 1735 Scotts-ville Road. F-l.6. Application ,of County ofMonroe, 1157 Scottsvll~e Road,Rochester, N.Y. for approval

______________ of free-stij,nding sign llPprox.3' x 4' on metal poles" ..approx.10 ft. totalhelght, to belooatedon property at 1157 ScottsvilleRoad - Monroe Dept. ofWeights

______________ and Measures. M-2.7, Application of Craig Curley,.3-166-Union Street, N. Chili,N, Y . for approval of varianceto er~t 2 car garage on exist-

---------------- ing foundation on unders~!:!

lot, approx. 3 ft. froJ;!1 side lotline on property at 3766 UnionStreet. RA-5,8. Applicatipn of Higbie FarmSupplies, Inc., 3440 Union'Street. N..Chili. N.Y. for appro-val of variance to erect build ~

ing approx. 20 ft. from sideJot line. 40 ft. required. on .property at 3440 Union StreeLM-l.

AlI interested parties arehereby requested to attend. Byorder of the Chairperson ofthe Zoning Board of Appeals"JANICE M, CHAPMANChairperson

Page 124: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

ZonIng Board 9f Appe~lw ) ':.1 i ."....... .r, ,o.... : •

Se~tember ~I.· l~j5


I'.r . • ' '... ," .: .. : ": .l

App I i 'cat i on of Edwar-d M•.8 La·ke.,: .I020..Ch-i f I-Co I dwate I' Rca d,I IF\o:chester·•.. ,New Yo.r-k fior 'a'p p.r-ova l 'of varlilance +0 'e"re':"!' -g.ar'age24 ..·feet froim'. re-ar -IO"f. l.Ilrie ,'. :30 in: re'qu'l red i 'elf' 102.a. 'Ch i ,'j[_.Co I dwarher-...Ro.e-·d.R--I-112.: '. :1··: ",


- . "',Mr. -BJa'ke appeared•.stated asking for 24.' x 24.' .. garage w)th. sme l !' "b ree zewev -e tta ched to l t., . Mrs:.: Chajfmian 'stete'd sees- p rob1re:tn'-. wi:ril'tto make with i n, 24. ft •. Corner. lot-. Mr • .Bla·ke srrcited on ·corfler lo-twith house pointed toward cor-ne-r of the l c't . ,:'In' Ranc-hma:r'''·Tr·act.Garage wi II' extend, .be·.~ln· 6 'ft •. from the back cc r-ne r! iipp·ro'·ximately·,as planned it•. Mrs. Chapmen stated can see 24>f·P. w'lde:,··any. o e r-t l cu l ar-r-eas orr why want 24. .f t , deep? Mr. :Sla'ke s r are d j us t! to' have' p l sn t y .of acce s s r.oom around the ve h Lc.Ies that are. Inthel g,a·ra-gk.", Mrs .•Chapman stated is 24 .r t , depth that is: glv~i!1g problem th:re.

- . .:, :,' ...;: I " '., - - I ..,Mr. Steele' a s ka d back of yo·ur.garage wl l Ivbe. p r-actl ca l l vvl n, ll:n~ ..with the .. aaTa'ge neXT.. -dobr? J MT·. '-S-I a·ke· -stat'ed ba:CIi:'coTn~-r": to. my" .$"96..would ·guess migF1t be' sor-t ..n'f; pn>para·ll'i'~l.·, '/ .. '1'.;-'-

. '\ ...,....."., , Ir: '.:", I",-.;.i·Mr. Hunter stated would' assume gen·tlemah OR La'r-edo 1lrlve·;'·flrst-:home;-.mIght be one most aff~pted, ha~e. you talkBd with him? Mr. Bla~estaTed yes~·has,.g'i'lra'ge·onrh l s. house:•. Sui 1;- 8e'f'ore 'he came there •.That was buil:t p r-Lcr- to'ci:lan§6 'l n.. kdning· and·on·ryabourcf":I'O·:tt. tothe' JOT I lne . Have talk'ed with him. and no obJection t-o I f., Notsithet:'. fami lY"·oneit'her· s lde , : Mrs.' Chapman asked \'Ie're' all' Thbsehouses b~f!+ wit~bu~gar~ge~,t?_'b~~ln ~lth?":~j~~alak~ ;tated no+aI I' 'but I qu I te:' a nu·moelf •.1·-Otlier lots heve deeper· setba.cks fhancorme.r il o-r does.~·GIve'S probl:em.of·shcby·t:ba·.ckya·r~.r . - .. ", '.

- , .




'j "

in' favor or opposjtJonj.' I

"Mrs. Chapman asked if anyone wIshed to speakto. this. a pp.Ll ca t l on e nd no. one appeared.

l Ii [".DECISION: Gr-ant$dl unanimously'.

I. I·"2 .. _App[h1:at·~on.of··Ald-o LePore •.23·4'Fisher Roa d, Roche'stei-, New"

_Yo rk·-for appr-ove I "of va r-l anee to a I I'ow" pa r-k I ng i ~:. front· setba'.ck'·fo'r commerc l a:l bu.l I dl nj; to.be.ereete·o at·3ZtS·Chili· Ave nue , C-2:~

f i i .:: ! -. [, Ii'Mr•. LePo r-e ap pea j-e d., 'stat~d as kI nq for a' va r-Lence v t-o.l pa r k in' front, .of ..the: store. MI7S',' Chaprnan vs tated t-h'l s . i $:. I I 'quo r stof.-e I j n·a sma 11',-self:"Cbnt,alned 'bu.l Ltfl nq faci:fng'-on ·Chili AVenue.-Mf'. LePc\re staTedCountyfo·I'd.me to change, had pa r-ked this. waY e nd- tGld' toparK'jnfront and toward' 'the road 'SO' would- have straight- through in case'someday boi:fi.p·la·ces on le a ch side would be".commerdaL"They ·'!io:i:lld·have acce.ss'..-to. cross my :p·roperty.,"Would·rbe·' 16,j'parking· s pe ces .altogether In ·the front and two on each·si'd·e·here.· "Mrs; Chapmanasked those 'close to the road and these facIng t-ot~ard the bu.I ldl nq ?Mr. lle'Po r-e stated these wo.u I d be- facing1fowa'rd the. Mad;: Driveway inthe.~.midd l,e.-Mr. Palermo as ked how molny l·spaces7· Mr. L:ePorE!' sta'ed .)6' ." ~._';." .:' ';, ! .;-:., - ,.'~ " ":-', ~,.::._ : . ~. " '. ..}. } .; - .1 .1.'.:':

Mrs!' Tanger"askELd wti~re i.s:iaccess itd th·e..dfherfproperty? Mr: Heilr'rrat'!'stated 'if :this' pr,?pedy .-and t~is. pr,?perty" ~e~elopc::omri1e.rci~I•..peopie~'who want~·.d to 'wa Ii{' oar drive ;"ad:ross' tli'eke" wolll d' be'. open La r ea •. Mr.LePor.· stafed aVen~ually'~rtve t-hrough f~om t-~e ~l~z~ +6 tN~se·~t0r~swit'h9ut tgetfrilg' dn :eh i II' Avenue~' that 'j:s howch~hge wa's ·made.· .' , .Mrs .·teln~er asked ':'antl'c'j pate .. nee.d. f<:>i"" 1'6' ,spaces?"·Mr-. -'LePore s·'P<:Jte.d· .16 :1O·ok~.'lp I enty'fo rio mY'·st0·~e:. ' ···Mrs. Tan ~Wr' ask~d h0w many,woul d' YiOll .'have In ,froRf:·df-'+h.e'· store'2MIH "LeP6re 's+il"te'cC:12';\" lMr: Ret I mati . :as ked how wI de' I is' :store? Mr. LePore' iHa fe'(f' 9a. ·ft. . Mrs·..· -Tan.ger .' ': ....ask'ed how far ba:ck from the road? Mr. LePore stated'63:teettrol!i .the lot- 1 ine. Mrs.' Tanger asked how deep is lot-? Mr. LePore; st'ated114"+}' ;Mrs·~.Chapman·.s+ated:'se.ems":li'·ke.·r6·tof, sp'aceso' , ,.-

- . I ... iJ

.',. :".~ . :.,: ' .. ~,.' -; . .' . '1.:· .i.·

Page 125: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975





Mr. Heoilrn'an statad.'at i"h6i'Pla'nn!·,ng.Board,I,;talk·ed abo.uT peak';per.iod,-,and recoll·e·c.Ti..on w.a;s .t.ha t gding,fo .be no ·Tlm.€l·wh;err'[-6"cars';qr {Z: .'ca rs ;protJabil y''7.orllCf... Mr. ' LEiRo re ISTa te d pRob a:b- ty on l.v ,t,1me, lis : "Chrllistmas Eve. ',"M,rs.··Ta'nge.rs,Teted inland .ou f ...sit1.l'atilon"no·T Iern.gt!J'f.,·so rT :,0:1i i:h Lng: ..' NOT a b {,e' to .s es' r~a,son fio r 1'6'.' f;Mr. STee Le'a s ke.d. wII I:be.vaI tb 1:P~kf.Jop'pe'd.? ·Mr~· .'LePore.:'·~tated yes ... ;' " l . ' ..

", {. 1 ,,' . '. '; ". • «» ' •••:' '''f, , .... . i.. ,.j. .' ; ..

Mr. He l llman us f e fe'd was q ue s t l on with :iih~ Idrainage·.al'l.dstraightened out\'1 i th :an.g·i.n.e.er .C1rrd-:sT-ate·, Qeca,uss·. s.ta·teq h;tg,f;]:way' a'n,q wa$ ,quest i on ,;~.~ ,de I (vani.eS· b.ac k ·.i:ler-e and I'll de·.en·Q';ugh H,o,r··tr;u·cks, .\{). 'gjeT back....Mr.LePore stej·ted ..r.l qh t , ..doo r ov.er·.he·Le.·:.Mr.! .,Hej l·m·9i} ,~ta,ted. I i.miltecj to,one cut on Ch'i I .i. Mr. LePore stated had two. but ~i:ate wanted ion,Ej" .Mr. He l I.man 'asked, 20. ft. I'll de? Mr. LePore stated right.

" "1,· ...... ". i·' 1'~ . '.,: '. .:.,' .. I· . • .Mr. iPa lermo as ke d U ode i-·o (d' pi a'il ih(!)w::l1)a:n.y~Hots" w.e reyo:u i"lb'L~'" toO getIii? Mr •. Lte'Rore' stated thinks ·.IZ'.> Mr::s.~Chapmat1 state.d made .It.16'.Mrs. Tanger.: a s.kad jcjpproxlmatelyh0"'; far ba.ek wou l d flrit sp·ci·ce,'be.[ .:from, ro a d? .Mr. MuLlan ev is'fa ted a I I' b !a'e;1s ijop'. ,M r , LePore"lsTi?Te dcou l dv pa r k agairi'sit .bu.l dl-rf q , :.r4rs.,Tanger. s.tated won.de r l nq how.mLlch.room to turn a nd get ou t, Mr. Heilman ,sTated abOut·35~40.'feet. I~ ..:measuring from p'roperty -Llne , Mrs. Tanger stated p Le'rrfv of room toba.ck'an·d--:tu·rli ,to come, out. c. '. i' ,··:i lI: '.1

• J • "l -, . : j, ... ,t .. ' , 'M'r~ S·teele· asked ·how·;clo·se is: this: TQ.-thepIEj':Z;<!i10't?: ·Mr. LePoreSTated thisils,adjoinlng.,the pla'za,,' iMr.'ISt,eele·.stated cou,ld:Rark ,there arid come-: ac ros s,.' Mr:." LePo ne stated ;cannGt ~9anyt·~!~g,·,b~:cau$e

th is cor-ne-r joined with Yoke's and· Voke's I lne, my I Ine- .pIa'za. I lne "and also Perna's lIne. Donl~ have room. Mrs. Chapman stated nowalk·+.thr·ough.,' Mr. Steele··stai;ld.won'·t stop pE!op,Ie'jfr.9m coming Ln ,Mr. Hel Lnran vs f afe d saying, peop Ie' ml g~t park here ·a.n.d wa l k' acros s- if.This'was corrnecte41.·, Mr', !p$le'rmo s ta te d wa l kLnq .. ac r-o ss: s omebo.dy ls..p r-op e r-f-y v Mrs~.Chapman stated basica'[ly ,they are. Mr;s.·.:. Tanger ,ask~~

this I s. a dj a ce n t-i f-o CChi-l1'al.l!?· ·,Mr. LePore ..s.tatlJid,:no,Mr. Vok'f's' iS~"iMr , Palermo stated ~lould,cut.acros~'his.prop'erty ·to.get to y,?ur st<pre,.Mr. LePore,sT<lite<!'·'doesn,'.t know ; .Lf they could' do tha.tlor no-t~. Mr.P,alermo stated cou l dn t f i have a cce s svvou wou l d. llke to ha ve be.ca us e-don't have p rop e r-tv c • Mr,' LePor/f s·tated doesn't ~order~o~.ly ,thing I.107 line, M'r·. Steele"stated\,/o.u.19·ha·ve, to st.,elP ex?ct!y·.on ,the cO.ljner.

j i ' ..' i I,: .,' i ' .... ;. I Ir4 r.', Hunte r'a s'ked . a illy,tb i.ng rega r.d j .11 g.., J. an ds C;;Jp i. Pfl}.· IvI r. Le,Po.r<p s't<;ite d·

, grass. on ,bO:th" s·j d~'$" an~from- here, -b a·.ck..a 1;1-9 a I s·o·. f rom he~e " ba.c.~ an do, : II ittl'e" bit"here.,.', Mrs.' Ta·nger ~ta,ted w·as concerned here ~Ih.e:rh~r· j', 'peo'p'le' WO'l/-ld" cut. th ioug.b • Mr.', Hunt?r sta.t", d r th i(lks. b?ls I ca I Iya,p pea r-ances~;-.~~r. Lepore., $t'~ted. gra-$s o'n ·bo.th s i.des an do pf-obab I:y' some typeO'T ,sma' I h -eit6'rgreen s·~ ; r 'M rs, Ch'ap man. 'stop.te d· j.u st make S.I,l're , ~o~sn It.b [oC.l< !.he \/6.ew. 'Mr.Pal.e-r"mo asked drivewj3y ,i.tse.l:t ap.o:uf. 4~. 'ft.,: from.thel bU,1 I d'l ng1· Mn" LePore. stated further than, that"J j Bu I Jdl.ng, IS .65.ft,. from, The lOTi I i'l1~· •. Mr. Pale-rmo ·a.sked.·and·. parkj car:-s,:,1 n front Qf,

I· i .Tt! e ·b,l/ { I d'i [l g? Mor .Ll=J.Po·r~statre d. r~ gilT";" M·rp.'· Taflg·~ r a!>·j<:·e,dcutI 0: -rh e,c.'ente r? ".Mrs, eha pman.,sT8·te,d I ye·s.... , f . " '. _ "I,.' ',.', j. A. j . , .•Mrs. Taflger asked trucks will"haye jl'o:.co(l1e in h~r.e ,an·.d 9-P a rout:1,d... or: Iaren It They ,that large? Mr. LePore STaTed not tractor tra'i le·rs.' Mr.He i Im'a-ns tat-ed th'l nks.a I )5:0: asked abo,ut f r-?q UBfl cy of de 1.1 ver i es • ,Mr."Lb-P'r.e state d hals p bdut 10 whp [esa I ,frs:, 1[1 ,th e area a.nd get a,n aye. rageof. one' del IV1:'ry pe'r 'we~k.' 'Mr. Hel Im'an'ask~d that WPfdd' p.e' du,r:irg' t~edaytime'. hours?' Mr. L.ePore st·atedr onesfrpm ..8,uf.f,a.I,o' usus.a! Iy.-when. getto, i'h,6' sto,re they a.re ther,.e. s;rojU,nd 10':'·0.0','.. ;Have: 3 ';frpfi1',Bu,f,fa,ld and ;7i·f roin Rofche;s ire r.· : Rest de!pen d.s.Dn~ 'wh j f.h. r:o.ufe .i:hey··T,.alke. Cou.,l,d b.e. 'Imorni·ng· o'.aftern.oo,n •. Mrs.1 T.a,nge-r. ask.e:dY/'hat aT~ ~h(')urs.? . Mr.. LePor..e.s.t-afe'd 1.0'·.1'0 9:':-'Mr.·· H~i.'Jman.. s.t?Jt.~d regu;I<lte.d ,b.y:::rhe.:.Stat.:e~. " Q'p,'ef!'" .wi·ih·i,n .plresc.r:He·d· :holU"rs.· Mr.' PaIe'rm?' sT·a:f:§l,dcp-u:l'd·lbe::lI·to· [. 'an,d.:f:l,ohom!e-. .','. ~. ~ . . . . . :.:. ~'. ...... ....:.


Page 126: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon 1 ~ig. 80:a rd' ·0f: 'A ppe'a /5' .

Mr. Hunter a's kedvhow .f.ar Iwo·u/d·'tnose fiou r kars.':be.: .f r-om yo.ur, f·/ionfp rope r'i1y -q i ne1' Rei aT I 'Ie Iy. ied o·s.e 7' evl denf I Y'." Mr. ··LePore :statled "th a,t wo·tl I d:··tie p rfet',ty k;"1 OSE!; .fo .th·e' Ia-r' f'i ne .tru.r wf I I'r naVe lls-lan.d Q!l""~'

e~ctr 'side·lio· woulid':be·:·g-rass'... S·lo·se·to·fhe··curb:is.:grass: 80' a'ctlialily.Ha·ve· more ,·fe·Elf' C'R mY.···side;1 lA-!S'otC>'!d' they ·wanffed s ormanv ·par-king'-.·.·.·spaces so' put them in. Mrs;: Tanger <s.ta·i'.e·o t·hinks. wou l.d .r.atl:Jelr' .ddmeclose to the building. Mr. l.e Po r-e stated doesn't think. wou l d ever I'use' th·ose·.by··',the road. P~61pJe' rl'ke ito parktip·by.·th.e·dQ-or.. ·· lf ;anything ith·ey.cari ·:aiw·ays"protJabl.y- p'a r-k w·h;r.e the:entrance-,for·icj·eliverl·es .,15 bs.i-o r-e they' pa'rk t'here"DLi't-asked rile' 'how·linany-'spaces w;;\s I ··go[ng ITOha v'e ln' roi Iso fli,H 1s" Jti:y p Lit: the"sxtra' fou I" the r-e , . ·A1ct.u.aely" ,avaiJa'ble·'if"nee'd~d'. ,. ~Ii.<·.illi

Mrs. Tan qe r stated would' seem when tryi·ng to upgrade cent-er would' bemo're':a t+r;:act I v'-e 'and lie rl§' 'j s· QPpo rtu n i fy' rto 3fa ·d· by' ,ha,v. i ~g "trcai! -k I n d·of I.a-rf dse.ape·C!··-area. ',Mr. LePo r-s ·stafe d IcO'U !'d' ha ve" -a ·ft; ';0 r l'O·:ft. wid e.CO'U!d' g6:two. fee·f"mo}e. Mrs; Tanger sfafed',geenls :H'ke'w'ouJ;d:;bechand,:to make at'Tt"lio-tlve •. "Mr. Palermd"stilted ortglnaJ -pfan -ca I "5' f o r 12'.",'spaces ana yc-u ha·veI2"jn···front, of the":bu:i'!dlrigj' Efth.er. tlay'.-wll.l i'hav:e12'....1. ',', ., " r " .' .. .

f , '.... I I . '. "\. : -l .'Mr. Ste'ele' asked wi I I you have a sign? Mr.· LePore, =itated .a l rea'dy·talked abou't that iast· tIme so' won"t even ask. Mr. STeele' asked juston ,thefa.ce e f the' b-u:rld'i~g? 'Mr. LeP.ore .stated -r l qh r i be l.ow the'gutter.Mr. Heilm'ah 'as-ked that is:on!y-pieGB,of propertyYou·own:,in:thafarea;': cO'rred:t? ~ull 'di mensLon s-: of the. pa r-cs I you are 'owner of? Mr;'LePorE! stafed' r.i 9H·t.· ., I ", " i· '.~' "

. .. • .. ' ." . ! I ",Mrs, . C~apmcin ~ske(( i flany'One Idsfred ,to:'speak In oppos f·t;j on to' 'irh l s.l:ap p I i·~a+'ion?Mr.' James "':'erna'; 849:~,Pa'ui .Roa d, ..statedtiave be.eri 'opp ose dto this:'for'S .or- 6,·tJ'mes1u~·he're~·,MY ·'r~c6.JI:e·Gttonls.-'thatoo pa r-k l nqin 'front of.·stores on','Ghl I i·~Ave~uel·· Lately',' .say"o:"7.:months. ago;,.'i'own Ii ts.'eI f: b rough t'Pasca relh"fo co urt ove r pcark'i ng, in 'f ron t. . Zon i ng': lawc~n-s' 'for nO' parki'ilg in'1:n·ont·... Doesf'i'H 'see' reason whY,··anybo:dy'·shou·!,t!·'be. eiltception.:lf.:spehd X1number o f Jiolla:r·s fry!,ng to flghi" guy-.. .puttlng.b!.a·i::ktop in fi-ont! .does n t-f see why'ano+hs'r!guy s houl d be::,{b I ack toppeL ,.,. I'f:. aga i ns-r one ,' .se's ','no re as'on ·why a r:loth e'r ~u I d be"i'h ere."In,,:r-e'ading the' 1:b:nfrig Jaws c'ri'd:'-'reql1itement-sS--'think6 '65;ft. setba'Ckwils'all right if,. the pa'rklng was in' ba.ck bu,t had to be: in back. This is65 ft'•. 'Al"ready -got ya'd~nc'e·,to~u't'the ..bu1Iding·c.lo·se:·,fo' tl;Jerear.·;'"li'ne but now' has 'to1have 1var'iance' for parking' 'in" frbn+ an'd' sea: no '"justrficat'ion ~lhY shou'I-d' nave -to have: in ,front. ,'If want·s.·TO, park' ' 'c·shollld':se.k·1-abb:u!·bu:y·i,ng !~nd 6n :s·j'de or-In: ba.ck ... Mr. 'LeP.ore:stahd ..asked yo,ur f6thef'; ·Mi.... f'erna stated,ou-r:sis:'no't 'for"sa!e. ',Mrs.':·:'.~Cha pman,.. ~!t'a te cf'ca n ri'0;t p raven,t'· someone-,;f'rom pui't I ng contme-r-c'!:a,! fb u 11d'i ngon" that· p rope f·ty.: Mr.'pb rna: sT~·ted· eve ryth'l 'Og . In, i'h i s. bu.i I :d'! 1'19' 'has;". 'been !::ha'ng~d~L'Allow'e,d to put bu~tldin·g·and.ch·atige,:an·the ztinl'hg laws.'Setoa.cks"> Mi-. <'He I lm'an ·"st·ated· p I:lrpos~e' 'bf~ :rh'1s, bo.ad:Jl is, wo,,'va I"'y:·laws, ,;,I n: ce~ta j'n' 'C'i rc·um·st.ances· 'n.' ha r'ds h i'p ... " In: Th i"s, 'Si.i'ua-t! on ~whs,~' -comme rc I a 1property and is, enti,tled to use in: certain: 'respecTs, bLi.t b'ecaus's"of thedimens·ions' 'cannot be,cause or zo,ning, code. Up to this: bo:ard To see fitt l·wan·t' +,01.¥f~n..+:~~?","~!~·n,~e.~: <Thaf'<j s,.~..u rpbse.';'·'·......, :~'l":: :.~ .""::;.:<:.:: .. ..' . •Mr.- Perna,'staltkd' tr!is 'prop·ertyWascomniercial.Jfor·Ol·:;··years....: ·Mr.·,'Howar·t.h', the':·o.wfl~:r, ',tri ed" touh h:yadlto \.,(S': be:cause' coU Jdn rt,do. anytD Lngwtht it.- M·,. 'H[;,:i l'm-a'n ,state'd 'can'r1;o't" cons'i·der'·hi's.fory. ·,AH'·they··-hav'e; Iis sbme bo.dyl o\,in:S:' -a.nfcJz'dne'd''rh'; 'ce 1"'+a inc '\~ay-' arid. ha-ve, '"lto con s'l-:de r·. j'ni ·tha t '.j·I'ghf. ,.IFact +h'af· 'is', land,!o'c'keda!n(f' ljm\i'ted to what he'ha·5.~'·"Mr~·.' ,'.Pe rn'a . state d WOll"! ern t, b u'y 'p rdp'e rti :u'n less' c'ou ,Id' do,' sbme:f'·h:i':n.g wj-fh 'I t-.,Knsvl wh.eri' he. bo.ught. ft: cou [dn·l.t. Mr'.. He:i Jm-an st-ated' ·ct.oe·s,n I'T know -,.-re.quir~mlen:rs'-when ..bo;ugh,t', ..Mfr:. Per.~.a' s:r-ated ISTr'!cr:r no~ ·thah befol~:.AI I 'Of a s u'ddle1n 7 ·1as't' . I 2' .ye,ars trY 'Inlg, to p utb Ll i1,d·., ng·· UIiJ.~'· AI I "ofaSUdden everyt·hi n9. got approY,ed th is: ye'ar. Canno,t understand'. 'Th'!r:d

Page 127: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

, I September 23.;, 19'1,5'





ttl ,I)1gcalinQt un de.s tim.d"rnow, ~v'fori park in!ii" "Q;i; ~ ~ot i{n ders fan'd"; Ifd l dn 't app-r-ove :i3,'ye'ars.lcltgo wh:en, appe,ifre:i:I, rl!:rad S0", ousy,w<i:;'uTdn It"', 'be.I jeve.· 'Took me- .I5,m! nirtes, to, get u~c!t'i veway -ron I,ght! 'M,.· I:.:tbpofe .stated' hi d' cou l dn r t do' anyj-,m i 1'19 : '13-' 'ye'a'r-s ,ag6'~ ;,'IWas:':app rove~ :then' .:for one ] s ro r-a , ',Wi;lnte,d' to put· up, tWQ, s to resI: ",At the .time'·was bi:!,tterf o r-rme to gi,ve'up·dde.i;I be.ce use-ir-e nf !:had wou l d'i havev come tou't : 'I '~' .. :be,ttew.:"Appl1'oved for on ['Y'.one store." This: time' said 6ne'~fore and"not two.' ',Af: time .canre J3"'ye-ars, ago, ,was ap p r-ove dv r or- 6nl,'1" one' store'.Mr. P~tnalstateddidri'~ thinRtso~" Mr.' Howarfh·ci;lme·t6 ~y ~arent~'and now In' bul l d'I.nq bus l ne.ss , guy;,that·bo.ught:,after"HowaHh co u l drlt rdo. anything-arid then Mr.., LeFrote!:Jo,ugbt it'. ' KnE!whlstory.,'· Mr<,:.-Hei l man"stcite'd wo.u'l d ,be, matter of reci:orrd. "(Eou l d" check. I Mr. -Pe rn a sti;lte'd al Iof a sU~den-b~lng pu~hdd to be approved.

, ' , .. ' . ,i' . I ' i , ' t IMrs. 'CHci~man·~tated ndtbe,Jng'pushed~ 'Have person ~hd:waht~ ~o'~uta stQre;on cdmmerciaJ:i'pro'per-ty 'al"l,dltrylng t<i>,'wo,r-k to make .ths boJst' ..way me" can r ,,'-Evensu'ggested"and'consul't'ed ~Ii'th·yqu' toniglit to see if'any p os.s lb.l.l j't') of' ob t.a I n.J!"fa 'mor-e p r-oper-ry.• ·~~ .You arid- tyo·tir. f aml ,Iy' , :','have r.ema i rre d adanran t, have no' I rlt,ent i or'! G f S8 I 'ling an von e' prope rty"':so,;,;iHaf ca n -ful fl.I l: z'on i ng i r'eq u i r-emerrt s c,: Have t6 'wor-k 'w i th ' Prope rTV I,as we have'i"T'•. ;Tryi,rlglto,:do'!thaii. Making' note'of yo,ur obJection an dknow 'ya,u' an d vou r fia mI I v are, op po sed, Mr: Per-na' stated wh:a'twas' 'fair.' for one' s hou I d be, f a l r. for"the"other."",I t I !-i,:, i1

II ' , I, . " " ',"i"" ,',Mr. He I Iman stated wTth ·r.egands"to,Pascare-II'a"s"',in:;·19'·7.!' 'he, oame v l n.and agreed ~Ii.th iihe:then ex llst I nq ,P)'a:nriirJ£ Board to he.ve ,p:arr~i'ng .l n.rear' and tha,t, 'was fpart :oflthe' ',agreement enfe r-ed 'j nto'betweeri -f'ho se -:hid p'ar t l e s , 'IWHat tha Town -d I d: was ,-try ,to' enitorce·tliat cl'greement'th at he' h.ad CIWO rked 'out :be>frween the P ran n,i ,ng Boa rd 'an'd' Pa SCCl roe' F I 'a" sfive years', ago:. c.ourt said: <::ould'nlT elJ'fO-':'c,e a'gree,m€jnt•• 'NoThing.1nvo I ve d be'ca us'e lag'reemenf" ,"tnte red "j' nto. b'e,tween 't,hose 't,wQ'. 9 r-oup s J

, I .'. . -': , , " ' ,-II "" ,I" "Mr. Gi,acomo ,Perna;',El49, LPa:ul. Roa d;' "stated .fto l d<b e.fo r-e- buy ,the l l andyou wl.I I' no-r lb u'Lld', :To,[d' yo'u not 'to J:jl./y., ,.Lot'it~o',5ma'l ~'.' . Mr;. LePores ta ted \~he 1'1 bo,ugh t' Th e' lof. Mr. f:-j'owa rth" to I d' mei . had va ria 1'1 oe. to:: pot'up f o u r. 's to res '. ' DId: buy 'from, Hovla rith'.,$o.n '~,saY.s'bo,ugh t f r-em :5 orneb0~dVe Jse that bGlljJtit, it. f I nst. ," I ,bo.u g.ht the.' toi- an d'1tcH d: me held 'i nte rrt i 01'1 'to bwi'ld' four s,t-o'res and' 'had .'V'ariance: on 'it. -Mr~ He'l (man ,asked did, I

there come a 'l"ime, ttiaflyo,u appH'ed to,iZol'l,lng'Boar'd oi'-Pfa-n.n,jl1g 'B'oaTd,'"for ap.p f i 'cat 1'01'11 ,cf~o' put iI1p itwostor.es'j" Mr.' ,LePore::stcii'ed yes'" i" MrJ 'He i I m'an aske,d f;ell'!'ng ,th i s,bd:a rd 'as .8' resu I t' o·f th.at gave you OK [,ta-put up ope, store? Mr. LePore stated still' 'has I-ei-ter and was Told'wolll d' ;g i ve .on I Y',' ,actt:ra I IY"aplp,roved' b'ut on'lytor on e' sto re ~, ,At ;the 't I me"rent·J WaS Ip a,yi'ng, at- th"el IPreserlt:1 ocat l-on ,i'f j gu red, would have,been be,tiierio'ff stayr-i'lg'ttme:' Sirlce 'i'hendou'ble'd·my rent an-d· can,no' I'onger stay ,there.' 'Decided t.o, put up, one "s,tore.", Mr: Hellm'an ,iasked' prop'erty isame s:nze.,then 'and"now?'·,,'Mr. :-UePore, .stated Itlght •

.. "'" ",'; '..... ', .. " j --, , • :, '" ' ':~, I ," :,- ", .-,",' .Mr., Bern i'e ..B.akerr'''84I ''Pau I'Road;',sta-fE?d I I's,teni n'g '.to·'Mr. Pe rn.a, 'l:,talk'ing and seems TO me that \~e,hav.e:,exis:trlng bliH,d'jrig Lip ,i:n back 'of me' and bakery whicH J never knew was comlng in there becausene,ver receiwid a: Ie'tter:ioIT',!t: bu,t lTlov.e,{l ili;":: ..8,lrs;o:,h,a've 'tWID or ,tHf'Ele."":other stores wh'lch never kne'w of. :',1 b.order- thi-s"prQpEir;:ty. Right (fri'the lot line. Thls Is, somethi~g that more or less' came In wj~hout

my' -re co ll:e'ct lori' o.f what'~,w-as: 'go'l ng ',0 Ii J' j,' 'NeI 9'hbor.' Al)othe r" th t ng,nOT! ce-',ha've: avenue of gu-and,' rai 'Is'. dowl'! -,Ch'j, [1.' A'Y-sn,IHL '1 Gettl ng', to100 k 11 ~'~e 'eye-,so re with 1,g IIaltd,: r,a'i J5:.- "M rs. 8h'9'pm.Q,n _'$t,ate d th ~t ~laS 'inltiatetl by. ,th,e'Sta'te:'be,ci;lu!ie' .dldn;t I j:k~ th,~ ~ay...trafnc, was ,:1'jIO v I ngacross Chili' Avenue. Mr. Baker stated for simple' 'reason 'a'! [owed 'off 'the" ltoa d pa'rk i ng~", Mrs ~ Chap'man ,'s-ra':l'e:d "no t Q f f i,tn,s, rOa d .. j,Q,"!:h 11'11)"tlieLlst.6re:" -' No,t',:al'I-owed iby, "US, ,State sald, co'uldnl,t,cjo it.; Mr~ B,i'!k,e,rstate'd If ha'd,,'pa,r-king in' ba.ck[wouldn't n~eq guardlr<l'ils~' ,N.9w hgve6r1e'si'de'1o,f fhe lroa'd-wlth 'par:liLog,,;!n--'fr-o,!1t and-,oJlno'~t,h ~i'de,,:had ,to,mOVEr' o'ne ,perS0n i 11, 'back'to park'. i,.Not aoother 'one In,rthe, ifrQnt., "Jumping,f1"om fronttb'b'a:ck and bad1,'t,e, front.-,,' Mr9. Chapman.,state,q:,If, n<%:d'out"druirhers:wo,u')d' have:unifotm s'ize IoTs"cdong. Ch!H and:',~q:a,',

Page 128: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zonr~g ~Qa~d of' Appea'Is' ,I' September' .2,3.• "(;9'7.5

feet b~.hi:R9:every buiJ.d·lng.,so·iP~op]e',co:llJd.p'ar:k,,In:ba·'ck. '.Don I,t have"that s i,t'\iati·on., 'Mr. Bak~1f. stated, pUTt! ng' buJ l.di ng ·be'.twe:ein-ltwd. h~mes.Wi I I' 'I oo k-, re'a I n i 4;e for peo~'1e I Iv i ng the re·.· 'Mr'. iRef,} man 'sTate d··H is.Board dea l sv wl f-h p r-ob lems ..as they e;Ustiin, the.Towri. IThat pl.ece'·of "property .has ,.b$·en· "commercial 'for goodhumbe.r, of ·ye'a·-rs.·· ',tlo'S''j- :U'ke .'; 'property··-Wh:ich·.l;lsed,to' hou ss ·.thelfactory';" Mr'" Bakti'r' staT~'d u:sed '1"0' .,be AA resrdenNaJ; Mr. [He I Iman s f-a t ed that factory . was 'tl:J:dustr.h.I.·,,·USe.' Evaryb c.dv In. that area who bo.u.gh't'.land .~new 'exi·.sted· because '. Ion th¢ map.' ·No,t·what·,th'i.s·80.ard-wo·uld··li·~eor·pIarine·rs..wou1d' l Ike botde-aI wLt,h .rh-l I) g's a~L'ex 1st an d . thq,t·, j 5 ·whq,t have to. con sIde r .. " f'!1r' ••-Ba ke r. stqted sed d. peop Ie'. who: tlolJght I.an d in 'That ar-e,c;j'.J:·, art,d'iMr~ Perna</111 d ne I gh bo.r-s-' bo'.ugMt't an d .ouf tes I deothd, .when· bo:Oght 11::.: 1M r.o; Hei lmen •stated' as understands thaT map- wa.s-redop f-ed In·./·g47.· Cdlored·.and-· .a l wav s- be:enhanging in ,the Town Cle'rk's office. When was 'a change.people'. were notl.f;.Jeii.and .p r-epe r- p r-cc adu r-e le'gaJly,' pub llc: hear-ings.~an d changes done· ecco r-d i nqrto t.hEl.law, ·Not·sayl,n:g.iyo·u·mlght havEl·.aglj'eed bu.t we:re' changed way b ack , Unfor.tunate I y.: ,these·/bo.ards.·haveto deal·jwi.th.,what: is. l-n 'front',of, Them':!· HCjv~·ito,·de:at.with Ithese"problems,o"Mr •. Baker; $tated··ruostrpeo.pI€I shou I.d ibe aWq:re wh€l'ti'b.o:ught·I an d ." ~Ias res I den·t i a I ·t~·e tr sud den.["y',:l bop p I n9 ice.nte rtj' i C6mme r-c la IIze.dI O·.years. 'ago.:. -!D1dn ',t 1'l~k.welteput.] ncomm(H;Gi:a f,j' .''1Mr.He i Iman ' ..5 tate d un'fortun atel Y' most' :Of-the.,towns' t'n ',counTy er-e ,I nrsame pos i t lo nthat were primari IV'al I' residentla:t ·at·one·... itlliJe. " As .p.eo:pl,e·. move aut:and need se r v l cas an dvp / aces to shop, th i ng·s change. A'I r 'these bo.ar-dscan ido. is. try [.aiong~jwi.th courrtv and OTher' Thimg·s·)To.come' up wnithorderly;"grow·th·bu·,t have to., deaI wll.th p rrob ltemsvf-h a-r p·r-e-exlsf. 'Ifcommer-c la.I 'prope-rty",',pay ;higher vaJu;e.than"resldne'tla.1 'and, law says. ":cerme-t de p ri ve 'of use:' wIth ou t j us 1'" camp en s-ati on. .:En·tit 1e'd to. usel fbo.ught [1":; Understand your 'f,eeItngs .buf t,hrs: is: whaT boar-d he s to.'.dO.Mr. Baker stated' '[o'ok-'at one, acros's'THe'sTreet which was ,never" .' j'comp 1eTed~' Sup·po·sed to be.·.4G.O 'tin iI,ts.- bu.f on ry ·abo.ot, .,100.:, : Nevs c " J.; ..,completed. Pulle'd up stakes.' Ran out of monev v- Half-done proje·ct. IManmadella'ke 'witho·ut.'a· ferlc'e. ,Drai,nage'channe,[ wiTh chicken ,wi'rief.ence. a roun d. rt.· Look I nga ta'll th'es e things [0'8'j ng de veI 01>e d fa'n:dnever ,cpmpfet.ad;; .Shopp'r'ng 'dent'er,; landsaar:Jin'g on":Pa'u! RoaE!~···"Neve'r·qon'e '01't ,sho.ll rdeFs,' of th-e' .load. ,Stid l'I-ob'ks:.·.the .sarrleL ,Put·, a' ',few' 1n.· :.bu,tldo'e-s·nG·t·l·obk..diffe·rent.... Try.j·rtg·tq keep my'prdperii,Y'('up bLi.t .T.f I.I le·t it'go wifl·'neal''''from'·fhe. Town.:'Mr. He;qm'an'stated with ithe 'apartment,iproJe'ct. •.. that: was;':designe,q "fd.be bu:llt- i'h Twd'·or Three p,haS-es.'Bu i It· first .,sec,t l.on;' ·'Mr •. -Bake r' staTe d bu 1I d ,f.i rs t. ye;a r' an d fci r:get··.for 10'•..Doesn·,ft· make s'ense' toc',me. Compl.e·tlrig'projEidt 'down' 'he·r.e. :.

I '. '1, , ..... [ .',' j Ii'. ' ',' ".'c. '--. " • ;. 1 ' " ; .Mr. NS'il ·Strassne-r."<!>Iame-s Road. stated' ilh·i nks I.dut·-of ordet:-. ,·Th.is lis·:'Board of .Appeals· an'd, l.f Has·.odmp'la'i n't. I j:ke. that· shou Id·..-Tal<le,:to,:the :Town Bo:a·r-d. Mr;r Bakerl'stated ,thisl's:'not referrilng. t,o.'€\xls.tirigbu',1 lding) i,coming up ·.'T0' be. erected. Mrs,. CHap.man -,stata'd,ha'd ch,,!nc~ tQvo i ce .,tip ! Ii I on $'-'0 n'/mu ch· 'w'l de n .f ron t, i'h an 'cu rre nt Ey' -eons I de ni' ~'9~ " Gav,ayou a chance to speak and lei"s 'gjv~ someone"els'e' a chance. Anyo·ne·els'e oppose~, .p-,!·e·ase·,siiand,.·cirld,:·gi·v,e name'a·nd.a,ddrl-ess;,lf! no,t.I·.ask' ..If anyon'e, f.si n :fav.6ri-? No lo·riel· .appe'clred • , ..". f . I

" ' . , , "'I .. :. I : - rDE'CIS:lnN:: Granted unani'moasl'y' f.or twelv'e·,parkirrg··.'sp,aces, 'In:,fron:t·of ..

, b Ui; I di ~!:r;I~, i r~~.1T· sei'badk)..· .. 1..:, ..... 'I' ;., .' •.•. i I . l •

3.- Appfi'caTion 'of. Mitch'el! Phlll'ips,'i,8'5 .Bla·ck·.Cr-eek Road. Roche$T~r

New:yorl<·for approva[ :df var.ianceita erect ilddlHbn.()I'l"rear,O·f Ihouse; 2 4. ''x' 20,;· approx •. <.1 f 6 r~ to {west' Itoi'· I I'ne" 46:I':' .to.easf I ro·T.. ,

::··II11e,• .5P' to,. rear.: rOT nnEi.':at·'<:lS: .sla'ck·..·Cree'k':Road~ 'F-Z.~· ..·:~·: 'i .I l.. ',','. <,I - J ,,;,-"1-.'::",":" :" ..,..... - .'..,: _, .'.: .'" J'I >~. ',',' i:· .

Mr •. Ph·n Ii ps 'Elp' pea ~Ela; .M!"s.,. Ch1ipman' "s-taTed': lJn'de rs tan ds' p r.obl·em .wi thpeople fTridingfThls:~ 'klnder-steind' dlHlculTy wlto·nunbbe,r.. Mr..,Ph·HJ'I·psstated bb'ughi- ~Jifli'i1oi",n\1'fl1be'r' and,tl1-at' is:·whatfpuf"ias.h.o·us'e' 't'njmbe:.r.'Should 'b·e:'5:3:.: '·'Mr:-s·.· Chapm·an,as.Ked·6xplain w.hatipr.oposi·f,j·g? ·Mr•.,:·p,hiII·ips.'stated-this 'Is·.s!"ni:k Creek Road. Existtng' h'ouse'·.one:be·,droom,;2(j,<x,·;20~.Wants 'i'oadd on.' . Has two:d'r'i Idr.en.··· ..:W·ants TO. add"to ,the'. ba,oK•. Z4. x·ZO.•.F6JI:ow'sal'ite 1h·ouse- It'ne'as h<i,ve r:llgfit'now~···:Put,two,"be:.drooms;,·a.nd: livIng

Page 129: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

20 n i~;,g Boa r d '0. fAp peaI S' . [. .Se p f-emb e.r-. -23.';·!,!1"75:·





and wha:r I.got n.Glw is:'be:droo)l'l.and k.it~h'?n-'Ilylng.ljoom-·combi.:rratlon.; ,'.The n maketh i s. k i tche,n ·arrd I [ I v-i o'g , r.oom., Mrs., .•l:a,ri g·en :sti3:re d··onej [o fthose.deepl flpTs. -.Mr. Hell nran ·;as,h.d. to y,ou have1.,;[o;i" [on rrhls, 51 de? .Mr. Ph'ijl.l·ip,s siiar,e:d yes .• ··.MI1•. Hel.]man . 'ajSked ,hqu.sie-? ,:Mr.:... P.hTU·I·ps: ;.. rstated Il:o:t on thie ba:.C;k, .o.nthie. f rorrt-•. Mr. HeI Iman 'ask€l~ a"s:klr.S ··.for ..6 '6"? . Mrs.i .Ch·a.pnran' -s talte'S ou r-s· Is,' 7 "6 I'.•. , Mr. [Ph): i 1'liPs ,si;,ai;e..d shoul di',be 7',6". because' fenc.s :1. ·fi'. Mr. He i ·lni'8·n.asked. nc-th i og. ".011 I·t.hat add-iti;onwill' 'afflect· th·ts; 'silde? .Mr.. Ph.iLI:fjps.stetterl no.b;,uJilid:lng.. ·-t-.he.l1e. M.!:'s:·.·Chapman ·a~ke.d, Texj·s-,tl.n£l bu.I IdJ n:g .7c'6''J?! " Mr-•. He il'mpn,stated even, thoughF~2;:zO:ne· ajskl;n:g fo.r.iaddltlon,ln··F'-Z,'.' Mr.' Pal,errrr;O l.a'sked h ou.ste. here·? .Mr. PhlI II'psl i$t.ated on ·the ifron.t; ·101' ',emptY! :1 n. ba:ck.i: I: I

. i . ! '.; .. :': '",: !' . I ·1 i !' i -"I '. • . ". > • " ..Mr. Hunter stated! re.quirements·reg.a'rdlng. e l eva tjlon v- fyI~~J P.h·i IU'ps,stated. g:ot that, .t.o I d' co.u ld flO 'on -same :e.le·yat.l on' ·bu.t' ·wh.·ai"· is r-e qu'I r-ed:n ow iI.s. ab.o'.ut4 ft; abolve .. Wo;uld have t:e .put, 4 "fit •. ajb!ove iex.is·tlng•. '~4r. Hunter'wa,ted a.skr.n·g ito. melilt·exi,s:ting· home whkh woufd be':rton, .scomp l Lan.ceiw l rh tha:t seci'ion of' the code •. M:rs. 'Chapmarr as ke.d ..is:-rhat,true if addition ·to the. existing structure? What is that in. 'relaTionto -t-he1flo'0'd .r-equ l r-eme.nts ?' ,.Mr:,,·..He i l man ['st,qted down at the cqurrt yvnow-,Li ke S I T-ua:r.i on 'w i t.hl. the.. f.l.ir.n 1t.u·re· sto re, :: ·A'!·l .The ,5 a'me,_' Have .non _. : .'con.fqrm:i'ng, p.ne:-exi-s:rlng use:~and.vlhat you jar.e qoln:g Is;:·fly·j·ng·I'n thelface';of, the o r-d Inart ce .bv, j),ennI'ttlng TolexteRd·•. Say oou l dnt f b,u"ild'4 ft. rup?i Mr. 'PhU Ups, stated ;woi.tJd"b~<.jmpracti'cal.• [Mr. He i Iman. .:stated have .don e some ..bus·ine.ss'·in. that-area~ Did conform to ifh.e newflo·odpia::ln:hE!igh·t. ~r. Ph'i'Ufps s,t'(:lte.d daesn'·t know how roueh· .lo·.wer'.1 am, ljust <go I ng '!?yj ·hearsay.. ·.Cou.l d' .be. one: '0 r:: twq jf:e·et.•. :;Cqu I d 'be. the Slame. i MI1>He·'j.J·m·s!n ,s,tai;ed doesn't know .whaf that po In t . Is •. ",County hasn't. .come- tback vlI:ljh r.e·comm!3.ndati orrs- :arlid· they usus e l ly have;.alo'f of isay .o n ·the.se thl.!1gs •.Mr,. Ph·j·II;ips:s'iTcl'ted Fle.w :horJ'les·-ttTa;t are.'bu.i It·,: .I .i:lm above.. them s,y. ·abo'4t· ablqck •. Mr. Hl?l Iman .~tated~35.-is

100. year' flood :p la'i n and'ithai) js: l. i·nEil.have to bE}: :.on.' ,Wo..f dn !,"fibe.abl.e. to"acti'Cini.ighir because,:'ha:ve t.o'\~<iit for ·the Coun.ty.· .. !

Mrs. Chapman ·stated in: the flood 'pla'in ,and· everyt.hI·~g.·'thst comes 'in "that area gO-$,s".tQ ·.the. county ·;for, re.commel1 d'ot I 0'1. ·-li'·w.r:IJ· 'co,me ba.ck.vii th Itheir adv j ce jill bo"ut .whaT IIJ,(El ,she'u I d' tell'. YO·4. . .W~ -:C.an;go ·a [on 9 ormake own 'determina·tion.· Of c.ours€!"tl)ey ha.ve be:ne,fii:jof.e.xtra .lnformaiii:on .inIgoejd man'ycases ·qf.\'(hat·1slevat.ion,is. Mr,. ;PhiI.I·I'P,s ..askec could you' give me .idea of how long that'wi.ll·take? .,Mrs.ChClpmansta te.d .[WQU I d" be.··,at n'E\xt Imeet I nrJ. l<lfr. HU nTe r- s.tated th~ y l:1 a 'Ie .30'.d ay s·depending Ion wh'eli seint,.dcD\oln·therE!~ . ,-:' . r '.

'I'. .. ,.. . '. I .;...., .• iMr. Hunt·er aske.d speaki ng·.f,qf single';storY?' MX. Phi'[ I:l;p.s. sira'ted yes,s ir. Mr~ Hunter- aske.d ':S [·a·b 'or b.asemel1t? .Mr ..-.. Ph·I·1I i,ps ·ST<1ted. nq, .cr-awlsp'ace, 'have bClsement· fl'J -e>j:is.tln.ghome~ ·j~r. Hut:It'rr ·asl$~d, IYC?·uld·.propose·to match e.>.<istlng f1o'ol1'? Mr:.·!Phil!.'i.ps sta.te.d. ye·s.• -:Mr •.DeGraff asked did yO'u say one be.dr:;oom·',home· now?' Mr .. Ph·j:I..I l.p·s stafe.d Iyes sir •. ·Mr. Heilman ~sked if the county permitted or makes recomm~nda­

tion to per:-mit ypu i'p ..add 0/1 'but wal'lts you torals,! the struct~re, .:could,yo,u.dolt~a.t? IWo'u!9' ypu be. abIe·..tcp.;go up oneor ..two bt'o·ck.s,andmake.staj\,s·golng.up? Ij>s opp,osed.to no/.t bei!l9. permItted todo,!t:?lMr •. fj'~:i II'!p s"1tat'9.d wo·.U [d' ch 9'ng-e, lif)o I e I deCl.·of. who ( e'. house. .1'1 r. . .:Heilm'an '?lske.d affeq:;t roof li·ne·? ~Ir. Phlll'ips statedlsu\,e,· Mr.. "Heilm·an"statE?~.just.rQcase,boSlrg may;wan~' t9 know f9r d.ir,cllSS:ieiri.,·pur-!i'Qses... . . f .j 1·,·< .; .... • -:, .• i'" "

j ':." .. I , ";. .... ::.. I ~, . •... '.. -,. I ." '". ~1r.~.·Chapm<;lh 'a~~ed ,if:. qnyone'.\I'ished tGl.. sPt1a.k 11;J...favo.rof thI;:;:app.l'i'cp-t ion L·.Mr. Ne·LJ,..:st·rassner, Names; Road, :..s ta-te.rl was. oV.er Th e re .an do "rook~d ,~t situation.~rid hQus~,I:'~~ibuitt lQng':b~.;~?re· zci.ni'n~ .and' pU'iI.o·i~gsna'9di:i;.lo~stra.ight ba~~ wp·u.!d· T!2t c~af1~e ~.-t-at~s:.of th.~ pr0p~rty.:·and.there Is,..empf-v!oT on ot~er s,·de .. If:.bull,dlng.a. ~ouse' the·r/?w9.uldhave to" bui Id' in yQnformi:tyI'/!th the. zci.ni.rig·: anfli bri!1$th~,.p)a:9'i't~:.:;·.IJ:7::tt.from that,bUi·l<;ll.ng',wh.ic~.ls-:a.Jo:r!,flCf.r.e :than 'h~ye in·.~T0ril~ .. ·areas oyer the re.•-,: .159 '.:ft.' lots.' i

. i. i

Page 130: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoniri~ Board of Appeals'

Mrs ....G·hici·pman.·..as'ked,:J:if .anfYdn1e, 'we're :0ppbs'e'd? . ·Mr'. Rdbert" Ost'e rfho·ut·,· ,56 Ba:II·an·tYne ·Road·,-.stated "h as owneid' ,th'ati .lloT fol" ab'dut 2:0: ',ye·ars;'Reti red 'on 'rr/ed! ca I ·'te1tl r-smen t., Rather than lt1akec.are: ·of all I' the'land }. 'h1a1ve"'wa'n-r' To"eiTh'er build' 'on tfhat -I'of and,'s-e'l f "r+ or islell'J'! ,"wi tl1c5ul' 'biu l I'di Ii.g'•. ' D6eslni l rf care wh'i ch ,' .[ f he bul 1d'si,n' the' Ii ne- ,that"'n'as 'star-ted' :Hl1w'o'u] d·-cover'···betteir th-a"n' half' "01' ithilt 's [.de·of theI'of..' 'Has..;p·Ienty:·o'f "r-oom ·to: bu'11.d' 'dn 'i:he east' sli·de·of t·he house.Th l-nks only: one, biuJlid·! 'l1g.. onBLa·ck Cr'e!eJk! Ro ad tha't iis·: seW as:·cro·se t I ' Ifo. -th's' r-oa'd: a·s:that:oriEt. Res:t aLl: 'set >batc.kiJto thei F.~iquI rerne·fit· '"because. a 1'1' nell" .bu.l j d'i rlg,sI.' . By,' him' e i :th ei·i" ,,'U'MsiEJt.tl r1'g' ;s !..i··gih,t j' y' '"a nd :th al' wou I d' a I low me' 1',0: b.u!i Id: an·d·cdhfo'rm.·-w~ith· the' n'e,,' bin I O·ifr/.'gsi .' , ,.>,over there. Otherwise'] w,'i·I]· 'have to bu:i l d s ometh l nq le'ngthwise of •the Io'f ,' .. IAt r t:gh l' an.gl e's: iJo 1'.11 ei·.B,j,a'G'k' Cr·eek Rofa d., -1' In,O"rde r- for" •..sa'fatty "~a'keJ: 'fo'r:'f i're.· b'e:fw,e:eli ~t-wCl' houses ·.therfe •. v," Ha1'y e her'e':a ·p'l.ctur~v:

showi,nd·'th1e" lOT Hne-'I'f)to:u care to'see;H: an dvlsn ' ..t-,'That :want· h[{m ho'tto bu'.'i'l.'d···bu,t.that dde'snl.t··.want.·:hirri to de p r-eel a't'ei ·my.p·r·opel"tY1·so,· ,'.oe nno tJdo some fbl nq with . lt., , Do i have fa' dQ';sbmethin'g aboiut· ("t, n·dw·.··'·

\. I.. ·· . i -;- -: ':: , ..'..... ..,. , .j_.]: .." ;- i L"· ..:' .·',il

·M·f.. Ptfi l'hps' a s ke d ·now we.lild'.J be' Idep'reC'lati ngyour. :prop·er·i'y lOr"ne I 9hbo.r-s I.? Mr.' Oste rtioJiJ'stafe d -cu t-r trig" all mos.t--:a J l: ·the.,p!ro.per"ty .line 6tif:\~~\~.rle ydu ;cdu!'d' l5u;ild' orrve as tvs l de jus11"asl wel l;. Burld:ing'"on my ~prop'ej-'f';-'>'I:Ourd' be ba:ck'almdst'cif firo·rtt, en d of if'to the' tia·ck.· ~"end of -yo,ur' b-Ci.ild·i.~g.• i'Wou·l'cf'conf,or!m wiTh :th'e resfi\ Idf· th,e,: bu:i,,!':cj'jn,g'sand bu lld'l nq ·code.·.. Mrs., Tan'ger<lsked Iwho'se ihbuse is': +'his?, Mr'. '," ....Osterhout st~te'd that'l sh'1s: house. Mrs.! :Ta·ngEr.r' a s k'e'd 'h'ave ifdottng~'iri?'· Mr. -Phl [lips stated no', .do.n.f.t n.a,ve'.f!oot-'!-n·gs.iMr. Pa l'ermo Istate.dframewdrkfor fOrlns; ·'Mr .. :·Hunfe·!" 'aSk'ed yo·urp'rope'rt'y ..jos ! n< this a're<;l?Mr. '()ste.r!h~utstat~ia· mrl'1·e~.l's. io·[)··fh'e·west! s id'e cr:f his.·' . Own p-ropef'ty ..from Ba'nan tyne' Road fci' BIi:l'ck 'C re!Jk" Roa:d.·Mrs:.i 'Tange.i· ·asked l:l is. "doestoo? Mr. OsterhoLJ·t jsifatea'·no,-·'h'r~.on'BI ;il'c~k 'Cree.k 'j:toad; . Mrs.' iOstelrh6.utstated "i f. he Idoes -Th i s a n"(j we~ 's'OI d' :du r iprope'rty ',~ou I·d' take, 11'1" down' .., I .be.cause wou I d' 'ha've" to' b iTi I'd" much' 'fu··rthe:r T rom the' lot. II i'rJ'e 'an'd' 'turn .' Iaro~nd t~e other way.

. '<.. '.: . ,i" ,,:;. . ':" . ,j .·1 ". '. ~··1~· "". r ': ... : .;. . '. ,:.,._". ,-, .. ,MI" .·Hun te rad keiiJ: wff:at is. i\'J'i'dt,h··t)f··y·o,ur 'p rope rty? .. Mr; :Os·te,r.hou·t: ..5 hrtei'd 12 ".6II.. " Mr. : He i Jm'an "stated he· \'/i I l'boe:·.2 'AU ,e I (')'s-~ r ·fo -;-th·e.'·1of i ..line than no·rma·J.·;·I"n:·oi-herr wo'rd·s,..IO·~ft~ side.~ ·Mr. H·unter'st.ateds ho'u I·d I1dta I -+ i'·6't "'eef'wE!e'R"'yd'Li I" - b u'j Iai ng ,:';:j'n'd' h. j sb u:i .[dI I'lg', . "-Mr:.-Osterh'out' ~tated fortJsa'fetY'-s s:aMe. do'esn 1.1' w,:l'nt....closer ...·' Be.an,,:to·,. '.tao many f I r·es'.· "'Mrs:'Ta'nger"ask'etJ '-say r·n:g .\~Q:u I d' 1 ike··'to· sl:lI:ldTvi da':your lo't? iVlrs. Osterhout stated se·II·,b.a'.6'i<;·1.6i-.":,I-t: Istwo·...JoTs. '.Mrs •. Tanger aske.d what are dimens,ions, of bo:th your rots? Mr. Osterhouts ta te~ w~·o ~."e'. f~ ~.dg:·~:~s.:.3O'? .·s.ome. 'Je"t s'd' ·wou I d' say .1 ~5,.x: '721.6 ~I:.. ';":That IS ap'p rox l,mateJ.1 ··Mr. Hunter ':st-a-ted"aetued Iy ..-yo·l! a.o·u I.dn:'·t-," .' ..p 1"661' I c~ i)-y" b ~i I d'. a. but I di,~g ,th atlw6:~Id 11 ~ ~e.···3~: ·.f~·. 5·e·i'~a:ck.' t'a lk'ii n:g ''',abo.ut . -Mr •. Oste r'flouT'''S tatE! d J (j n Ie'ss' b u.1'1 :<1-1 na rrclW ··and' b·u.1'I d' dOl-m·.,the-lot· iti·s'tea.d IJf'i"he-;waytt:{e others af'te.· ;.

',. ' •"'. . " .": :' . , '..":" ,.' .-,," • '. .. " ,",' 1 ." . 1 . ." ~ .'IvIr.Pi:i1;:}.r¥6·ask-ed (srl'T 'ther'e a'home 6n·;th~.other·slde b-t- th'·i:sl'··Mrl··'Osf~.r.ljo\,lt ~'ta'je'.{'tio·;·· .:Mr •. H~i J~:~n J'i!sk·ed·.ho~~!,de· Is:· th(16i'?'. ·Mr.: " .p.aledlO statetJ: 72 1,6"'. M'r'; ·Heilman statea'WOU'/d' seem"·to,melf in. '. ".F-2 'the.r~ is..3~'t.tL"setbas*~.. ~oUfW!I'l.~ri.I.Y· h~\I.e:Ta:r~iJ~61':e··!~I~r.in,rl·:.. eunder.the code. ,IO""ft; of·thJ,~house•. 30"o~ 'eaen s'lde~ Mr • .'·Hunte·r.· .. '·state II· 'WOD] (f 'on ly' ha\fel·2·'.6,,··to. Iiui 1d'. ;. Poi n"t is i yo·u· wi I r:~'need 'a": I .:.:variance in any ,regard. Either yo·u or whoever se'II' 'lOT to to bu.il:cl.'.·~n ~ I Jh i n~~ I a.Tg~ '". p.ar t 9f. t~", p rob ).em yoy 19" be r§l!?o I ved at the !~ti me Ithih ::sLlc::n'a b'uil.dihg I.g/proposed,; . NO'wa'Y',we'couT<!l' hold yo,u"orwhoeverW9~ [,9" bu.y '+~~t prop~rty +~ f~at· reqd i rem::n t. i M~s; "i0~tHh<?u-r-,sta+e'''' ~ .BI anchi" !'lou'g't;+orr .iB hi'cK' Cree I\;, ahi!J Ther-'(jn~: Th en :ou I" 'I bt a!'l d ano,th e r' IOlmpty·!'cl't·"in the ba·ck,"·'··Fam'ff'(Tii +he.·fH;,nt- li'ke' ·us,i:[~f·rs,·Ti.Ager:··. .'state.(:,~h~n "ti!lle c0!!1es;j6u..m~y ~a.vE!.>o·:90 s"!Te tht~g\".Mrs!OsterhoCit 'asked i't decrde to, s'eI J..'theil'I~Jhat? ·Mrs.:·Ta·nge·r·sta·'tedltl'1~,,'l'· wo'urd"h'aveto cons,truct t-l1at \~aY~, :Mj-~ Huhter~ta't,j,d reaIi'y"desTgn'ed'f<J>r a"loi-lito be. at least an acre in size. Whole'·Cotle.biiilt'larou'nd, tha'f'" Thfs,:lot much smal Jar. Mr. Osterhout stated 9~% of the lOTS In: that area

Page 131: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zon i rig Boa.Ji-do-f "Appea'l s:




are 7Z'.6". i Mrt·. fhinter stated FelT' of 's maI ter ones. Mrs.' Tanger 'statednow'iflo'odpl,:rHLand different situat16n.:, ·Tha·t is 'wliy -in front of" ..this boa r-d s " Hemmed' tn'by ·resfrictlons.' ··Ou··r funCfiorl toJ·h€dp·j 'I. ,":people' that e r-e i t n ·this,situatlonj.' , '; .. j .d· . ..' -. '.

Mrs; ~Rh f I lips staTed lreas'on' b tr l l.d·j rig n6t fol' ·Ib*u·r1es;. , Two"dii I drehan d one ·be·.droom .,n6Use·. . Gannota ffiJ'rcl to' go tn I s'wa:'Y of' thi s way.·:Can bci:rely',H'for-d three ·\~alf's·•. ~xlsHng: house··there, Canno-t sE'le,·., twhy -ca'n not; go baM; fu rth ef. .Th Is'. I'a$i": surflme r I whe fi husb'a'n d ,was"fri endswith '0He r!-h out s , '.sa i d. no p r-ob'] em 'a'I'l'd" 5udde ti Iy <than ge ,the'l'i\ mI 1'1 d5~·1 ~',

NOT 'do l nqobe'ca use' we"wa'nt den. Neeu·'Two be.dr-coms an·d,j.{ivlfig- r-oom ; ...' • 1:· j ..', j '"., i .: t ", . . , . .', ,

DE~~S'!'ON: .R~se.r~~~ \patid~.!1~ receipt .~·f ·.~o~~eht.s t:-~~· M?P~ •. ,',' .,,:-; ' :',,-.:

4. Ap p I lce f Jon df James 'Grosby", .28..,Sand Pebble' Drive,"'Rochi3ster,New·' Y,cirR. for" ap p ro va I of:;vari'ill'lCe to 'ereCt a ddl.t l.on on ··r~ar'··of.:

. l r-esjcen ce ;' .15' ft.:'fromsli:fe: IO't"fine,'5 a·cr:-e"lo·t r-e qu I-r-ed at" '.2& Sand· Pebble;Driv~.RA-5:j~··' .... " ,:'1', '.~"' .~

: " ·1 .. ;. I:·.·· .'< i·1 i . r-'. " :'.: . ..' .. 'i .' '. '..Mr. Crosby [appea red, .s·+~ite.cll~xteiisi:on ~o~ td···1 ike To',put on 'If i 1.( be.'i nd l sti nff'u Lshatl re' from re sr -o-f the. house. "rWIII-·be. 'sf;lmetype s ld l ng. 'ffi~s·ic;:dlyfHlly·r06m. l Lof ·likEl·my nefghbo'rs":/:l€>use"wlnJl'!o-r change.·Still·15··f+.··Onlylo·f line ,that,wiH'c~a~ge is. one' f o the woods"and"sr l II' p'retty s·i ze:ab I.e'. '80.ft; "now I ·:'think'. Mr. Hunt e r i as ked on ··s·l.abor craw~ space?' Mr. Crosby1stdted ~111'be:on'f6undationJ Wi IJ ha~e··

to:fol1'<1w bL(i'ld'ingicode 'and' thfnks. dall'for: 3·.ft. d'eep' fo unde t l on ,Mr: H'ei lman stated vou r ts I de yard is, !O· f t, proba.bJ:y·.· Mr. Crosby·" 'stated thinks I~;' Checked wIth th~ bul I&ing.dffice·on f00ta~e.and

thinRs i f 5·. 'Mr.' He l lman .stafe'd ought to·c\mend·applid~tt.ontQ readside ·yare ratHer t han rear yar~; .54·,OK ~u·.t nequ lr-e 50 ft. ··OI>·s!de!l·shcu I d request· s-i'de- ya rd va r l an ce •. Mrs o·rali'::ipm·an ·s·tated bu r-ea uc rtet Lc:requirement:· In' 5 'acre' Io·t· zcne throu-gh qU'ltR in .zcini'rig map so .-rhrbreofH:ally .s bo'u l d be gigantic 10Th . '. i '., .. ' t

i .' . i ' ". . ,':r' . ! ;',Mr. Palermo asked one side 14 ft. and, otherr4'!:8"? Mr. Hunter:- asked.when was' home bu.l It1 Mr. Crosby srated 19'7.2 'o r 19:7.3,.: Other houseson ~he blo~k alr~ad+ have family roomibehJhd.thelgarage·bti* 't'~hat

Time 'ffi'dn' t lhave money' e n o for some re ascncch ari qe dvfI oo r- .pl a·n. -,' ,Basica[ly'my houie ~I'II' te~same'slze as.others:on ~he.·brD~k·havlng·

famlly rooms.··.-·Won't·De·.. dlf.ferent except nlcer,·m hope'.,'.. ' "., . I I' . . I .~. i t-

Mrs·.·iChapman. asked If the'r<3 were i'fny· quest·lbrrS-:from.the·.audlence,? .,'Anyone··wlshing·'to spe ak l l nt fa vo r or'op~osIT'Ion?" 'No one appe,1red.· ~

i' .,". ..... ,:, -. .. i ' .. ' '" ." r' ... 'I 1 ... ": ! 1. ;. ','"DEC! SION: Grqhted unan i mou~ Iy. i· f i·' ....;" ,. I',; I .,.. ,'1.':. .

5~ ·Applicatibrocl>f·FPhi[i"p·N·icolo·si,lT35.Scottsvill·e·Road, RocHester,Neiv Y()l'k·· fo'r~pproir2il 'bf :vari'ancei to', att<il6liisIgn"on '. rl gt)t:"nand .corner'::6f bu'iIJllng, 'above' gu-rter"-li'ne, 4' x-,·4'.', .advert'rs.ing.. -. I .

; '1 Plzza·. Be,II'a';a-r':17'35 5co t-i-s v.1 I I'e' Roadi'·P:;.li . Iii" .- ' .. ',ii""' ,'. 'f· \J - '. -I'" . • .- .. " .' . {" .. -;'0'::0. ~.'.

Mr. Nicolosi appeared; ,.sTated probl.em,w·lth .sign regula·tion, supjio'sed"to nOT go below gutter but between gutter and wln~ows only ebo~T afoot." A&:t-U,1.:t[y'··lf. pot·si·gn1be[oYJillf.le, Ivn'l"cover haH the wlndow.-.Mr.'H'uriter iasked:slgn .·ali:rng ScottsvHI'e' R<bad?: Is: that wrnere you:are'thinking' br? Mrs> Nl,co.J,irsi"stbte.tf!··would· be. fadng corner-~Iise'.·· :/ilr. I Stib'ele' askedciibo:vel the door·? .Mrs-. NicoJo'sl:stated .so· caul a be.·seen ·frcmScoTtsvHT·e RoaL. '~1r"'Steelg"'askeO'whe:re [i·ttle·looe' is.now? . M'rs" , Nr co [o's! sTated' jus"t· aJb<b've tl:iat'.· .': ',' j" - .... T'

, I .. ." 'n ... " ,'i '. ',. -'. ..... -':' .:: " c, " ';-1

Mrl 'H.JJi Iman' askri,.!l how t~n9' h~Ve~you been' ji1there~ M~.i·Ni90tO·$i :.:. s-tat'ed·h/o· we~ksi:r4r§.·NicbJorsi s.ta-redh::otild· lllse' pyb!.l·c,·khow[ng,·.l;}ar.dto se~' f r6m' i Je·ffe rson· '::Road .'0 r C'a c ros s,' therr ve r-. S'Ome I i'g hts whe nopenbuT·can'fiIo·T see the.·pli'I'Ce'~.. j I ."j ", .,(:

t ....: i" ... : .'i" I : . :,' "'''l.'

Page 132: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


,Mr-s;: ,CAaflm~.f1' 'as,~e,d propos i 1'19 I to have- I ~·ght~t3? fv1r •.Ni co Los 1, sta ted '.':i n t e r-ne] ;.f,,{o·\1rescent; :. Mrs. Qhapm,an ~Tated.,!;l.el!liha~ Cocaq:ci 121". ,IMrs.·.Nl co l as l s ta re d LJIUi; ·it :there. SljIbm.itted-.what.' had, Mrs.,..T.anger·asked -rheyare mak l nq s,fgn?, Mrs.·Nlcqlos!.-;!itatEjd,ye·!:!,: :.J

Mr•.Hun f e r ja s ke d. ccn s-l de r l nq sign ·in .<lI1Y' other- ..p l ace 90. ,thatJQu[ldi.ng?Rea llze; no t i ee sv ·to deslgn',s,i'gn -fo r-; : .•Have .vou cot')sl:ds,red-:ottJer· ....Icce t t.on , .one."sp9t QCCU 'rred . to' ,l1le .i.Mr. N.% Ios I', stat~d·· Ifi~t t!hQ'Oght .;w.ouf,q!'"jbe:. good to. put p'ol e' si'gn oyar h~r-e•. Then',g$ntlelrl'al'j :fr:orn·th,e.· 'HealTh Oepal'itment' was 'In.<ilnl:!-:saId.. l/{o.uldlh<:!ve to' bEl' r.emoved· in 19;1,7'anyw'ay.·' Mrs·.'if'iTcol.o·sl s:tated though.t wquld·sa,.'good at.the:rqald.but.cannot see putting it up and taki~g it down. Mr. Nicolosi stateddoesn't see any, o·ther·:pl·.a'ce.to:.pot l'i::QJ'l."th~.. bu.ild:ll';)g·l9,e.sides cn . '.that corner where could be seen from both p l a'ce s , Mr. Hunter' s f a t e done e.o.cu r r-ed. to ..me-e ndtp rob eb Ly not conven t errr but IO'okiog fcpr WayTO' get of f ·t,h e r-oo f , Rl gf] t, now ,.,h aV~--'1) umber '0 f.- wl.n dow,s ':1:11:0'09' /:JEre. en den t r-an ce i l n he'lTe.ITher~ is:a w\ndolj' o r j s omefh l nq vand then··tlle:e,Inthis area. Occurred to me pos sl blLl-ty .b ac k .. iniCJ;hls·larE?a oT.the·b u.l fding. no wl n dow s , One posslb·ill·tywould· be. to. put .sIgn in. thatmight angle' out tr9m f he.t b u.l Ld'Lng a n d still·attq,c~e~ •... WGuld'.·ha~e "tobe.:qway:trom th.e_tre~ior--~r,s·e·.peopre"wo,uldn'tbe. aQ£.-e·,tcp seE!. : iOne spot· co 1,11 Qlg{v~ thought. where wouI,d:l)e' be'Low gui;:ter,; I fne a nd '''it..! U· .be. abI~ to see' from ScbttsviJlw 'Qad. True wq~~4Inot see.fromlt~l~·qirection. ·With w l adows yq·l.(--I)ave;as$uming h.ave.p~e·ntYigood e~po!?yre.

from'people' in.tl)is- di·reetion., It-{lr.s·. Nicolcrsi stated Jefferso'l'l Road, ,empty ,JoT-and·trees. up vther-e; .Th Lnk s , i;f..-on ,this,slde;wqtJld' bl·Q'(rk'it-.Mr. Hunter: stater;:! ,pretty .open h$rlili s-tree-t here, .;DroVe down he re a ndsat and Iooked ba.ck on ·It. ·Mts. Nicolo'Sf ..·sta·-t'il.d thit')ks ccun tv ow ne dlOT s n d-jta ve t!l"aile'lj'now on,·loT. Mr, .HunterstatEj!d th9i:'·is.'f~irl.Y.;

we.I I b a.ck , .dead-en.d arjd,:gr:-avel,- .d r-ove in:.',' Mrs .... Nl co l os ! s-tated :most·tnj ffi.~.:. comes ·f·r<:>m SC\:l.thV'll--j·Ef an d J ai·f,e r,s~l)and"tu-.r-l1s.·, :.Most-..of . thetrafficwou!.d:·bEl'-going I-ilt.e"thjs.qnd· most turrn.~own Je:ffe,r.sQQ.BQC!d .•People on east River' Road, got rivet, a rl o, w-otilJd.O'o'tls.eEl" usn. !fl;o.qa.b:-!-y--wouldn't be aware of us. Unless had something that wo~ld' catc~the j'r 'eye'. . '. I . ." , '.',:.' _',' ,.-

i -. I.' . __ .' . -r:fvlr·•. Nicolo'sj stated.lo·oked at sign.·there·now and I--ook~.:prettv ba.dto start wCth~ According to ths.m, .new sign wo.u/d··go on .b'la'Cl~·i'lroughT

iron·2-<·fvIr. Hariter,asked-prop,osed sign?:' Mr. Nl¢~'lo'?i' stated"YEI:'s,:: .wouldn't hinder. appearalicel··WouJd be'n·i-ce·Io·oking. Mr. .Hu n-t e r $tatedsiz~ concerns me and roof ha~ s~allgw pitch. Doesn't know exactdimen5·iQn~~· Guessing thatlperhaps top of the roof Is somewhere In thearea o.f~3·ft.· from·.the gutt~r'l'i-ne. Very sh al low ,. . Any,thlng'lYoupUT up There wlLl 'rea'lIy' stick out. ThaT is; l'ihy '-rrying to' find someother way 'of avoid.ing putting up there. _ Fgnqb.r·ut what 'Ei·ize.?iMI['~.Chapman stated II-': x 4' .• Mr~ Hunter asked really -fee] you ne'a d somethingthat big? Sign ,yd>·tijhave whaT,.1 x:3?I,'~lis.•. tHq:olosr stc;l'tedjljloUfd Sgy'no , If- go~onoScoTt5vi·I.l·e··at.r.i1ght 'fQ,u"have.lt.o.s.qulnt· to see us.' Mr.Pa I er-mo as li:e~. make.' 3 'x 4 ·to, cot$ r- gUTte r . 'to roo.f (I'r)e? Mr:. Hljnte rsTated thinks wllI"endlup hi'gher t~<;tJil·tQP of thsrroof.JIMrs .• Nlcolo'sistated roof goes in weird shape. Mr. Hunter asked wh'at valu'e is. I Lstedfor':si'gn? Mr$'; Q.:hapman stated' apptox·imately· ,$25.0..: I'. I .

Mr. Hei Illl'an.'6sked what hOl,lts ,wouldJ it ~e, I i'ghte<;l? Mr.-s. ittJlcQ.l6'si,s·t<lted roughly' 5 'to.:ll· 'and [·'Onlweekend~.··M-rl, Hl3ilm-an .. 'i:lsked. way it .faces won:r,t i'ace·hous$s.? Mrs.'Nr·9'o~o'5i'ST'iltEi'q1 n'il, .fac!·ng.: rlv,,!r;andemp ty' :1 oT.· Mvs .~, Tange r'- stl'l ta q cou I d' 1)l8 ke., sma:lJ'e'-r, slgn.: Mr. 1Ni co lo.-si.state~ cQ,u!dlaslS"r.co;:ild··fin.<!outl.'·Mr.s., NicoI9'si' s'htetil'~o need·"adve rtl sement too, hop i n9 to··riG we'-ll 'ovEir'there-•. : from, g. j d I §ta.nce,. '.,,,,don't see. From Jefferson Road not far bu.t If, car over there IO'oksIike.li-tt·le:·tlny place .•. ~k~ Hunter. staTed it!s>smaII.·.. Mr?·I~lJcolosi

'S.-tated f.lop.ing· ~$ople'o fromia·,jistence to·lt/d see i;-h.at jt is ap,j~:ia'rda'ce

and come TO:' us L'·Mrs.· Tan ge·r as ke·.d f·j ,r.st- vent·u r.e? ryI rs'.· Ni -co,f os i. ,sta.tedno, bUT have ,p'la'ns of bu.yi·ng Ii·'. I,t: Is: first ve(Jture wii:h Qur own· .. :pla'ce. Mr. Hunter' aske'd currently' renting'; Mr. Nicolosi stated yes.'




Page 133: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


'1 " September,..2'!$.; ,I rJ-;5




Mrs. Chapman aak9d If.anyone wl~h~d jo speqklLn {avor:QroppQ~ltl~n

and no ona'appe.are-d,~." ...1'.'1 "il '.;" 1.'-'.'1 ' ", , ./ ',. , ·1' ',,".~ "'., , .' , ,"

Mr. PalEjrm(!).·a~lsedhow ml.loh,.snr<'lI.le·r~iouJd;yougo? Mr~I~lcQIIQ;sl s.tatedwou.ld hav~~to tind out I'Ihatjslze they make. I Mr; Palermo,as,ko,d. If,went down 'a l lt-t l e, 3 x 4 or so? Mrs •. Nlcol.osl st'atedlthljr1ks that.is what have now, too small. Mr. Palermo stated 2'x'3'or4. Mrs.Nlcol9~i state~ thln~~ ~o~ld e~ter4 over ;sld~ of the b~lldr~g. ,Jij~t.I nte rested In lhe.i sht'l r.jr~ .:Ch apm.',!n ,staTed ye,s,,,don '.t no r-ma II ya I lowabgve-, the .gutterr. Mr,. Hunter aske<l this r1s. !'RTernq,lly ,l.i.·ghtE?d? ,MrS.,Nlcolo;si sijated ye~, cl,rew it.~1s wr;o,n9", Was i"h.lnl<tng. ,that I,I,gh,ts '.,w<.1l.1lcjcome oVE\r. Wi IJ' be InTl3jrt1;911y: t.r·ght~d•. ~tr:. Huni:er,asked. It ·I's. on e-sided, jus,t [I)fro!,\t,? Mrs.' Nl co l o'sLjs t ere d Yes, [cor-ne r- part 'of .thebt.:i,lcj,i!'Jg ove r .tjhe,goor•. ,Mrs. Tanqe r <tslqed•. do y.o,u rqa lnta l n ,s,Ig'n'iOrrCoca Cola, 1..[1 case of va,n.d·a.,t,t~m·? :Mr~,•. Nlicolo.·sl::stateq [·t J.eio.ur;.r es pon s l b lLltv. i'o, 9..e'l: th.e sfg'n -and pay for ,i't··a;nd ..everYith.l.ng •.. Mr.Nl co l os I .st"i'sd, have l nsu r an ce to.q.over v-9.~d\l.!.I;sm of :th,e~ pr,operty,.~

In .f.act, hadj .s.Qmebo;dy. (i'here thrE!~ o.r,four:-days:atter, Wlq .I'{~r:;e, ,thereripped o.ult:~ut?1lde.lc<aslpg.s·.o;ni:h,?, doo r-, ..dl.dl1J'·i].iget,Jn b,ut trl.ed.:·'.J,':'.", .. ", ·..""·;·..·'·1:·...1·•.. -', :'."'", ':'.1"" ,,'.'

DEC) SION: -Re se rve d ipen"di rQ reG~ l p f of a ddI t.1 on a l I f1f.omat Ion :00. 'alt6]rna.te s I ze.s for Sf.[9:ns· and .comm,eni'[s :l:r:om MCPIJ;. . If·

• 'I ,. " '....7. Ap p l lcat l.on of Cra.r'g CUtiley, 376'e".U.T'!lp)1 :St'ree,t,N;orth,ChIII,

New York for app rova I 'of var l anc,e",to .e r-s cf 2j 'cat ga.ra~e o'nl .e x l sr ln q founda-r l on CJ;f1.:pn,de.rsJze.d ,Ipt approxlmate.ly·,3 feetfro;msilde IIot l l ne on 'property at 376i6!Unlonstllee:t;, RA-5.,

.i" . ./ I " ~ . . . ." ! .... ,.;.~ I : ''', I .. ' .: I .. '. ." j.~4r. ~u.,rhy. ap pe e r-ed , stated p,n :+hi~,sIde.hj6reIIs ..fl.9i:hing .bu.f a' ff.l'dd e ,

Mi l l er- o\',/n13·, that. G·u~.ss·land all' a r-oun d me. RE!aso.ngo.l.ng thI,s big,Is ha.ve ex l s f l nq f o un da t l on ~h~lre.. o I d giGlra,ge.wajS.·, I J!'2·'~cqr. garage,and nOT attached to: the house.' W'ant, to,aittach t.e :rhp,. hou.s e be.causeseems~ I lke get. good Idn,d coming acr-os s: the r-oa d•. "Re.a son .fh l s S·IZ6..Is have pool back here an d wo.uld Ukel:to IPut. ff ltc r anjd heater Inside.the garage. Mr. Steele' asked not ·closer to the Jot line than before?Mr.' Cu rl ev- ,sr-ated rIsht.Mrs. ;C.h.apmana,sjk/'ld .d.r;l.yeiWay .c;t?mei> l n. Il!<e.:.th,tt,? .,M,r,~ C,u,-r.J/eY s:r.a+ed thls.·Lsl iln'(o[l·S,tpeet here,'flJfi-':'. Hujrfer- as.k:edva ca n f. ,.l of' ne:<.tdoo:r?j .Mr •..Cur ley S t<;lte d ro} Igtrt. 'Iolr. _H unte r as ke d ~does that bel 0Tl g. to the .ho.[!1~ nor-th o f you' Qr;,separatiS;!y owned,'? ., Mr.Curley sita,ted, separaTElly' own ed , ,Ed Mi I.J~r'j oq hIs, brottJen pwn :th.at 'pond,exrstj~g fa.r,mla·nd ar.o~rt,d me:..House owre.p .1, ;thlnk by jFlred: MI j ler. Mr:,H.unter asked 3762?: Mr. Curley ·state[d right •. ,Mr. Huntew asked P;o ypu.kn'ow s)_ze' of.. the, ;Iot betVi,een/' 0762[ :allld: yo,tir~.? Mr., Cur;J.e:y statedapp,ro?<lma,ta:I,y 60ft. w.lds •...!3rother:-In.-,Iaw .t:al,ke.d toMII.1ers and U.1 d;o..nee.d; mor.e· ;1 and", f'lioutd perIl' me but,.now ,do,n.'.·;!" have.,eno,ugl) mor:ey..to p,urchase' 9. ,or Ipfflet:. ,M,r. Hunter ,state·d thi nk . !ptf j s about 60,ft. 11'1 de. Mr.Curleys,tated. y.eoS one;! us.Fl-s. to get l7a:ck to the .flel~

behird m~. Ito. 'plow,,~t. I Mr~ :Hun.%r,·.?hlte·c{ fl-ne i;f,:ft'sta'ys't~J!=lt wiay, '.but if de\1.fl·fopap woul,d, cre'?ltej problem. ,Mr. -Curley, s,tated.dIdnr'tthink cOfUI,d p.ut .house :tlher-~. ,Mr.~ H,unter ,state,d .amazed wh.ere. th~y trytOi.lflT ,~ous~.s. S}ze."o,f ypur: lot s,hown,.on..that?.; Mr ..,CJ,lrley ,st.ated '.just purchased hO;Ur'8 ~Pflrbxlmatl3'ly 2 'months ·ago and. thIs was. on :t:he deed.Mrs. Chapman..stated ,90j 'x )5 1.75.'. ' .. 1 "

" .-. '. ',I .', '. ,.' , : I , ,Mr.· Stae le asked .cloes. Miller own Plroperty bah J·nd yo,u? Mr. Curl.ey..stated. yes he ,do.a.;>, ,a·.p' T,h~ way';;' r.ou nd. i Mrs;•. Ta!1ge ras ke ~ \'las J,here "a garage there.-:'lt one tJmeor dldnr·t th,eybulld.. lt?, 1 Mr •. Cur.leystated there was but wInd blew It down. That Is why want to attachto the...househ .Mr,'. Hunt,~r a-ske~ cp~ld·.,yo'u. show us, tal'king' abo·ut twocar. garage, .wp!?re.wou.!d· I..t' b~? Mr .. C!JrIey! stalt.ed thJ;s .w;as eX'ls.tlng" .

,.g,ar.pge~.j8nd:.wfl.nt:.,tocomi?iup.ev;en ,with the frC\nt·pf .the.ho.us~·.: ,Mr,', ,'c'

Hunter aske.p th,ls whD.I~· thi!1g· Iwqu.jd ~.,~:"g.arpge;~ I jT!llklfl,R 3 fi: ... ,FQr . 'you to conform YO.·Uj w,ou;Id.h'av.e ,to. Ilm.it yddth. ojf! rthe".garagejtp 18 fi'.,Mr •. Curley· -s.ta.tell a!readY7.have.,exl.sTlng foundatlon!n there. Hou.se~:,.

but It approximately' 14' ye·ars ago.' Mr'. Hun'terasked found:ation?, Mr.

Page 134: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Larirrlg ,Boatld' of ',Appeals'

Curley i,stated' houseltsElIL Mr. "Paler~o as ks d ga~age '~as, not ':'.attache d? .Mr. Cur ley stated rl ght. Mr. Pa Ierino st'afed th''at was'why f o un.daf l on was out. there • .Mr. Cur le y stat~d yes,' 1 wan fe d ,toattach,~rMrl-."Mu>llal1ey.a·skedhow wide WFI;'f 'garag'E!be'? J:'1r.'.Curl'eystated 25. x .37.:-' Mr, Si:eele ~skedfound~ttori':h +h'e~e~ 'ry'Qw' II'ke th~t·so addln~ J~~tle to th_ f~onf andatta~h ~o the housd1 II '.

. -' . . ' . .. • , ! 1 ..- . . ,Mrs, 'Chapm'an 'asked ':any -queslfidri's>fr'om the dud"'ence'i ,Mr,. "C;d MI',l idr'staf.ed own -Iof next .door-, 3758, '."Do'esri·t, know-"11 f i+l·s"cle-a·r; '.the" ':r-e-co r-ds 'on ,thcltJid~,·,tha-ji tI'Jls,';young'"man wan,til 1"0 buiId'on·blli:'Blf[.Milll'er b ul-I'f the hou~e, i Now owner' o~Wesits'lde "Re;alty.,· ;So[d the t 'house vilithdut g,a-rage; 'Rear lzed 'the're fwad-I'limfted are~ fto blff'l'd on,When 'the man--'+l1lat's'old'lt toclec!dEid.!w'anited to: bu.! J-d's:,omJ kl:nd' (j,f":',bu I I,d'~ n·g. .:on"th,e're to, '~'u,t ca r) 11':.:, ','P roc·e·.e .;tea· t,O :blu~i I d"wlth'o,u't',Pje ~m I~f~ ,Bycolr'tci de,n,ce th,e ·bUI !':df ~:g'r l:r!speC',to~ 'h'a,~lpjen,e"d by ':. S~op,~e~3 :art:~:as ke d fop: perml,t aird .d idn Ht have. Came ddwn, ,to the town ,a'nd" ',I ..app {.jed f.or. permit. Fa:fhet owrred' ro~,ne'x·t dbor']at"'that ftme. r A~ke"ct' 'him '·l'f." he -warrtefd TOc"come' be.ror-e 'tlYe' bc.ar-d aii do 'c) e.'a·r;·q:n',ytil lriri ,,1'5 'ofar . ~as C Jos en1e":ss '0 f th)e" b tl"! Idj'ng "cori'ce rne d '•... , 'Father "to l d' h'l m viou t dn It' "be, necessary 'as' long as staye'd r-ees onebLe dis:rance away.' Orlgina[y',owner soJd'H t6 thel s'econ'd ib~:yer. '-'Wa,s"ri',I,ti h'ap'py; with 'th·e,sirlg,Ie!.)',smal I: b u l I ding on 'The: 'lot; 'Got· 'severall me'n:' 'ah'd' 'Jacke'd"llt 'up' andmoved ,It o ver- r-e.a l 'close to ,my -Ll n e , .even on i"t.• No re as on :to doanyth P!1g' 'a"bo',u~ .. Ii' at ,that tilme'. ",Th'e,n .sdrd~ otti'e'': .tand b.eJiind ,fan·d, the'wind brew :'it dowri, " .In, ,the mean t-I me, Ifh,e'Y.offef~d; p r-ope r-tv "·f.~r ;sa'[e'.~~i'trng f~r ,thehn to':?o r'S'omefh/~g:'abhut,'~~~ui},:di-!'lig, ga:r~,gie yellca.,Us.e'IT attempTed to r-eb ut l d', ttmk 'for me ',to 'say ·sfaye'd reasona'bI.e'dlstancefrom my' l ln e, I ha.d Informed th.ls y.o,ung man !e fami [y when ,attempting'."Po IbuY ,It :wliat"t"hi:lprobilem Is,'" N'ev,e;rvarlance"',g'rant'e'd or arry'th"lng :":and it-his' man'w:h6: was's'ef~cond 'o\vne,r-"mov!e1i:l, the' Ibu:'i'!dlng 'over': rlght ':. II,either on tmv l iin!e, tor clo·se"to,'j·t. I· i'\p,p'l'icatroh' ,stafesfhfait he. wan +:5,to -bu.t-l dron existing f o under Lon v: 'ExH;:t'lri:9"'fourida:tion 'was' :il"ever'esfabl.I's held ·and· n'orr even :Kn'owi'!' 'as"Tar as: Town' reic<:H':'d·s' 'sh'6vin: b'e:'dati~e'man, th'afmov'e'd it neV'e1ri'ha'd )e:gal'·p:a:p!i'rs"d·orTe':. ' -.. " ''''. :1'.','. ..". i I I" ,::' < "'.. ,j, '.:.' d"" ; I ",' '.

Mr."Pie+el" -rr~nt6n;· '!rrd'f'a'n Hr·:(.ls, '.stated Ylo'urd ,be: it;'1 oppos'l~.ibhl',TOthls"beca'use':some d'ay m'ay' wa'n-t, to bU:ild; h'oiuse' on' ,th'ls:·j1cif.· '-Speaklng'of. lo·t oe,xi" 'doo,r. ,'Mr. Cur,(ey on' Lot 2)'a'noth~r.. roT- her'e. Mi ..sl.,·..·· ". ",Chapman 'asked th1is",·nas be'.e'n suDd:t vi de'a"? Mr. 'TdiJritori' 'sht!e'd yes,' . '.,approved'. Mrrl'er' 6wn's':' Thrs' rOT') i:An:oi'her ho.usel he're'no,w,' ·":til'nk." I.': ...soineday1 'W~Lildli'ke to Ib'ui lid "ho'use here'. ,!'i:.''' he' s-rays:'3'·!ft·, 'from! -:~thIs' l,j'ne,' .Wo·uld'h'ave·'To helve 'variance',forl'fhe -g~rag,e"to b~e:'h'e'r,e now,.Mrs.' Tanger asl<:e!d h'ow'":can yb'ti "bu(Jd"j'f: b-e:fong'$,,"to hlis, man?: Mr, -"',.Trenft-on"'si:'lte:d; ibu:y ",-j-he,Jht~ M1i-.'·¥.Junter,"'e'sks'd o\1ne'd 't;l/Mi ('I'e'r'?:l Mf.·' ,Trenton st?:t~d ye,s.· Mrs.' Tang.er :as,ked Id1rvi dela; '1 t.ke ,+h1i s1"1 ·Mr. Trento!nst'a te:d .ye'·s;, sb I" ret-ies ob''t.a'·ine d va dan ce 'oh ,th{s: 'i n:1955' ,to seT 'oa'ck :,64 f-r'. rf'rorrt"'~the rea'r:. ':. Has yarhnc~ to' have gcir'age ~4 ft: from, the." ..rear':!ot"'lrne bu1t " noithl1ng f'rom' ~h~' srde". 'Thit lOT tS.'9d:·x..I?-j,."'.,Jf "I stay' ,]0'" 'ft,;· -b'uy' thel '1 o~ slome 'dayl,<h'e Is;' 3 ~ft. ,I' ~~e a'r!'" glq rhg TO' .' '..' .'''' ._. . ". ~ ., f '....be' 've'ry' 'cJose\' Mr. Hunte'r'stated"that is -prob lem concerne,d".wlth:'.Mr. Trenfon -s'ta+ed'thinks' e'stabli'she'd ':abIo'Lif','1'5' :·ft.·.... 'f\-om -the 'sout-hl'[ in'e,now "o"n ·,th af ho use: a:n'6' 5O,.ff. ;'"dde .:"rhi'tlks t.5Z'.:""Ffre j I ng :f'(- hOu~~',:'" '.52 'ft., use'd 67 ft. alr-eady. Got abo:u+ :2'3:":f4-.'!e,·ft'oil ',the s'o:Ui'h', 'Wewould li'ke, to, [<e'ep garag,e'lp'.ft., from thelil1e~. f.!r. Hunter s.tateddlscre'p1an'cy -Of ab6:uf 5:.'ft:, MffY:Ciirley s'·taTelal h?s'rrieasured f,ron;':si,deof ·h'o"t.i~e' to. whe'i-~ 't,he 'pos:t -'(5 lli: 'b';;l'.Ck C"6r'ner','" Mir • Trenton .s'tate·jj ,shou J d' oo:rV' h.ave: .'13 'ft. 19ar::a'ge/" 13(g ·eho,Ui,:.rh fc:+, on·e',··car..... ~' '." ~'.

: "'", t· . , "" f .

Mr. H,u.nt~"j-, as~~'dj ..d'O!, If' h'a:vea Flot! ,p..l<3n'>~"d'o· y,o'u?; ~1:;";Curl'ey ',s~a.te'~tri e.d' tol'get "I n 'to\.l.ch,' wl,t-h :!:awY\3;r To.day 'Du,t 'c'ou fdn 't., ·.Mr. Hunter, ','state-d' ta 11<:1 n9 ab'jJ.u:t ."di f1'er'e'hce"'of 5 ·'ft wh,i;<?h' Is; sub s':ta'n fI a.!'. :dl f,fe"r'·en'ce.Mr. c'f'rent'oh ,stafeld Ibe',1 i~es appro'v.ed, fi I'l 194.9,;', 'MLJ1s t ,be, hico'r:d·j h' 'the , 'town; , rr<f'lki n9 Wf:r.h "'J;J:'j l)' mi" ,th i s,: ~n'd! til eLd: 'to·fll,nd It- 'fp r~'m'e; o,r ;. ,.'course "fact',·th·at w'as' .mb'vEld' sOine ye'a:r'S' ba:ckan'd "R'tit l the',"g'<:ira ae"1v;h'ere" .

. ....' " "', .' ,.. ," ." '" " • 1,:,'... '" 'l i j --: ': i ;.;<"" ;. ,....: ',:';,




Page 135: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


,Sep1"embe',r:-: ,43.,' .I ~i'1.5', ..




it l sr now With'qyt,a ,varf'ln~e,• .wo;u!d"tha:t;make,. it: fe'ga! l'ifno ..obJecti.onunf-I I 'now? ,Mr$.·Chapman, statea,·.wo.u I d ha ve TO 1geT 'lawyer to t~1 ,J.' 'us'That. Mr. Trenton ,s·tated kno.ws"havebuilt'a ·fewlho\ls.esin:,Chili' andrun intoall,·ki.,nds of .pr-ob lems ,'1 i.;ke.·that. '.. . I

-, . " ",. . ...' I ·i I i' ',':' :' .. :. " <r.>, " "" ,'. ' ..Mr. Hunter as ksd how Iq·ng.do ..you ,esti·mate th·a:r giilragt:l ,might have.sTaye,d where it Was '01'1 .the··lo·t: Llne- 'or ne·xt·to· iT?' Mr.: MiLler .stated iwall.!~· s.aymay,be: 5-6 "Ye':ars: .~go, ·iMr•. rtLfnt.er ia~ke,9 that! tWqs,·.moved? And how long ago did I.t; bl.q,wdowQ?,Mr. Mi'I,lerr.s"lj<jted \ti:T..~ln

pastye·ar. Mr. ;Han·ter s t'afe.d STood there roughlY'five years.' Mrs.'Chapman "a s ke.d do we' have any,th i',ng here in:dicat.i;ng .act.uaf, 'd l mens lon s- ,:of garage? Mr. Curley stated 25 ,x 37: This Is where it was wheri -move d Yn, Mr. Steele asked did you have vp r-ope r rv -s ur-veys-d wh,en. ,yo'ubo~~ht it? Mr. Curley stated yes. Mr. Steele' asked 6~t don'+ ~ave

tape. Joqlt.ion of the house? ·,Mr. Curley, ·s:t'7;lt,Ejd. only ,Io·t is·l,z€!,.~ ,:Mr.Stee I.e' sTate d jmUST ih a v,e : been co rne r. ~t~.ke.s.'1 Cou J,d: meas ure.. Mf.,Curl ey .st e ted have fence a rou 1'1 d· P0'0 t an d th i.'nk~, 'I t I.ss ,/S·'f. f rrom i:h a tstake To the side of the pool 'fence and that sits over eb o'ut 6'1. soabout 2-4.": .: f.r-om w.here.th,e. gar:~.ge I~all,' wa.s:.i:CJ"whet:;1? the s t ake is;_' 1 fI1r.·St,e:ele·:aske.d,.coulr;I'yo·u m9·ke,9a,l;':=tge:.ro~ger f.or two oa.rs ? .Mr; COrley·'stated yes 'could' make: l on qe r bur pool right be.h i n d- i i.'

Mrs. Chapman 'pskEld ;If a.!1'yone' ,wished To Ispeak :i,n.: favor or .oppos.l f l onto this app l.lrca f lqn ..,ar.ld no one, appear-e d , ,.. ".

I , ' I, I :,-; I '. .DFC1sION: Reserved pend-irg receipt of Tape locaTion map.

, , - .. ,,, I . '..•.,' ", '. ," . , . 1 : ..8., Ap:plT.caiji:qn.:Q.f..'fI.igqLe.Fa..r:m Sup.p I..i.'es..,'fnq., ~.44o.. l(nio.A;..Stre··et, .

No r-rh ,.Gh·i II',: Ne~1, .Y;~r,k. fo r capp nove Lcof va.rrial1cI;? jtq,.e:r,ec,t bui ld l nq-app roxfrnaT.E\\ 1'1' '2a.'.f.s,~t f rom s Ide lot line." 40: ',f;eet re qu l r-ed , .0.0prqper:rYClt' 344.0..Un1\On -St.reet •.. M~I.·

Mr. Don, Ave,ry ·app.eared.~., Stated bu.l Id'irg 1;1'1: q ue s f l.on .is;s.h9wn:'ln.co I o:r:.i ·IThink.s. eN~r:Ylbo'.dy 'k.no\,\s: wher:-"1 it.·ls, ne'ar. ra:qroad-tracks.Thi·s·bu:U,d·i.n,g· wlLl be.,€lre-cte.d iii,S concr:eTEi,b.l,Q'(;:~.b,u:rtd:!ng.50 .x 60 .en dabOUT 14' .ft .... ln;·he'i'ghT a.IH;i, used.., for jW,are[Jou.st;l fo,r-'stor,qge''',o,f ferti lIzs.r ,No heat olj~.Ii·ght or 'ofher .l.Jiolf.i't.i,e.s, ..ro th,e b;l,(l I:dI,!1g'~ SHot .we havep r-opos ed -makes i.t handy for bfl·ng.1 ng·:Truc~.s.... I:11 an d. turD ing' .to un Lo'a dand come jou f a·g,al·n., . .Pre,!'ienited:this,Tol~1;onN?e. qounty·Ptann'i,ng Boardbe.ca us e .a long' staTe hIghway e n d th l nks. p rovi de d everyTh Ing" wantedto ha 'I.e, on. :i T. "lfh j'n ks. just s ei:b a'c'kg-uest I:qr; ,hE1,l"'e' •. ',Mr , -i'!-u,f'l'l;€j r -". as ke dcan "you :illustr,at.e ·tr'u.ck t r afif l c. patte rn i'as y'o,u ".istral·i·zi.it:;an.d'where. un 10'ad i Clig, 'I'IO',U I d' tqke ,p.!a·ce? i Mr •.Av,er,y 'staTed 'Ii,h.e.re . i, t .j;;(shaded, 90mi.ng i.n:.'hereand bC\:ck in,..:809 ..90me 9ut th:is way.·: f1r, ...P:ale'rmo asked This. would be where unfo'a'di}llg~ IMr..,.lIv~ry stat~e-d' ye·s.Mr. Hunter asked app·aren-tly' -some problem +0 turnaround· and, mainf'ainne'ces.~ary ,40 ·.fT? Mr. 'AVery.st<Jtecl ano,ther t~.i~g" rqt~e.r f..o.Yf. are"l. in ..here,b~T this. ls:.bu,i I.. -r'up or rath.Ejrove.rgr:own"anq wO.uldn',t·be the'",probj.eln., Mr. Hlfnter asked 1~.mQv.Ejd to,oij~er .si.d~,wh'at~oul.d be', thes i t<.lat i o.n 'I "Mr •. Ave r'y ·aske.d yo,u ,m.eaqeh ang'e t~ is:· wa,y, 7· : Mrr', Hunte rSTated trying to:il.o9k at,:al:tero<li:,iye;,s ..i;hq,t w.o·uId;fI)Eje.t.."th,,! _code.Mr.,Averys·ta:teg bLj:i;ld:i~·g,20;Ut.,'iilncj,20:·.qnd4.o.'.here',Mr,.· HunterSTated l<lpp reei a1:e·, fai rly.· ..'ll,arro.\'/." ,Mr. "Aver.y:stqted w9'u I.d,n!t h<lvepeop.fe·it,hat .wout<d·obJect 'to It over. here •. '/.Or. ,Hun.ter.:aske~ what kind'·of .dii~.tance ~ta.1 kl,ng abotlt? M17. jAvE!ry 's'tated :ab.<;)ut' 45'f;t. " Mr. Hunter:stated gene'l"al Iy f.J:ot talk'i,ng selT)i--rtrai l·e:rs?, M.r.. A~~erY -stated maybe:stakebodjes. '..Mr; Harrj.s: statecl 'Ie,s, .st'ali~>· fet:-rl U·ze:r:trucks,. Mr.Hunter.·~tated Iooks,i'di'ff i eu It· to getseflj! :1 1'1: ,th~r\" •.j )1!'~' H~ rrl s stateddon',t wanT in. there any\~'ay.· 'M.ight lo'se them, [n.:,the ..~ire. i:"lt Is: lowback there.

Mr. Hunter aske~ how far back is Gates~AJb~rt, thr~ far? Mr. Harrisstated no, .proti.abi:,y ·Iine' up with other wareho:use in the. center. Mr.Ste:e)e' askecl,,.I·s::thTs ba:ck of the railroad depot? Mr. Harris. statedyes, :oId' hand·-cars.·use'd to be, in: IT:_ 'Mr. Palermo asked does This bu.rlding

Page 136: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


'come 'over': the- r I i-ne? I Mr. 'AVerY' 'ha+edthat 'I ~1wn'er:e'i t i s , ,M!:" ~ .'~, iHurrte r l aske'd' concrete.olc;J'ck;flaf 1ro6fi;·"M·i': Ha r-r-Is 'stated pe'a'ked I":';roof, \dde~'nT'-Jf wa'nt 'f JaT: MI'" :Aver-'{' s ta te d- al:l'o:ut)· ft •. t66~ 'ifrid ," 'c cn c r-et'e vb lo'ck to the roof. 'Mr.: Hei J'n\·an··adk·e'o n6i~rnddwd· 'Mr; ,IAvery stated Just stor~ge" just .~acl I lf l e.s .. Mr. Harris state.q g'?t .enough ·trouble witn·~w:indows,'.z4. b roke n...y:es.ferday.·.. ' . "',' ,':'". "

Mrs.· Ch~~~~~:"aSke1d'i ~:.~a~:~·o'~·~:~~'I ~·~e~".~~4s:p~a,k·'t n :;~~~';. ~~. ~~p~:~.:[ t'.i;~": I'of,thiis ~l'pplicatiqt1lancj-;no orie a'ppearedJ :". ,.,:1<. " ,",'

,.• ~ . -'~.•_~ ,.'.',: 't' ", r ,". 'l . "Y.:" •.... -. :."_. ~ J ' •.•.•; ••.' .r", ~ " ..... .",:." ....

OECI&~ON: ~~a~t~d 'unan'~~ouJTyJ

He I dove I" ~'rom jp;ev i., irri~~ti n'gs: " [ ...,,; . ',' .1 ,', ,." ',I '.," ":'-: •'. '.' . ~:. t· ....: .' . -: ' ." ,'.. I" '. . ,". ..... '..

"AppHclition 'lo f' ICh'a r l e's ' 8<lI dd ; ' 370"'E:'dgemer'e Drive; ··Roc'f;teS!er,r.Ne,w YC?,rl<.for ap'pro·val. ·to, e re c f haine' on un de r s l z e d lOT a't' 27:9:8· ,Chl·j'iAveM'ue}·R-f,.-IZ';':, I :.... ':': ", ' ""'"

, '" " . "l : '.'" ,': ,.: <. " '-', I ." . , "DECI S'I oN) Granted ;': Mr. 'Del?'ra f'f, 'ci ';e:,-" ':Mr:';' ':P,a l e rm6':r~ Aye'~ Mrs;: 'TCl'nge'r ,"

; .'. 'aye;Mrs~' Chapman ·aye:; 'Messrs: HUI'l'ter;",Stee!l'e"and'Mu'lfdn,e-y .absTalnl!19.· ", . ;,,,,.[ ,I ,"";','" -,,;'..' 1 '.~' .. I::~ ,.:,.' ·V:·' ':"

I, I".'

IApp'l Icat I on -'of Cha ~ 1es .Ba I do, "3'70 '.Edgernere D~i ve ..' Ro,cheste'r:-,New York for approval TO 'en~c't home on'corne'r lot' wFfh s·ettJia·ckva r I ance s at 28.08. -Oh l I i Avenue. R-I-'IZ·.',

.', i " ,i ". , '." .:.", ". :" j...: "V'~ If:DECIS'ION: Denied: Mr. DeGraff no; Mr. Pa l ermo no; Mrs. Tanger no-:

'1 , Mrs ,iCha pman no-; IMessrl:i .',.Hu nle r-, ,Stee Ie;' arid M'u lil'a:ney ' ..,'. :ab's,faiiling~ ';I, Whe~ ChP-Mar'Slibd'ivt"sIon was approved in" :191.Z;:;thls lot' waEl sp'EJ c I f ii c a I I y' e xc l-ud e d arld sta;teme nf s.were made to the BOdrds at·tfi;at tlnie tha·t'·thls '[aT wO'uldnot b~, use d for bu.ildin.9 ,p.urposes, would be: used as an

.i "enltrarlce':'waV; '-maki1ng i'h'is.changewould',change tfiie':who'le-concepf. 1of. the de"Jlopme.rj't •. 2.;' Boa r d "lsl:·ti'f t,he,io pinI6ri:·, that do'rJ-itru'ct I dri: 0 f 'il: .home on Hil s "1o-r<wdJ I'd' Cre1a fe' t'ra' f:f..i'c,

"i' ..' prob,rerrisfor"cars' e'n fe r l ng 'and. re'avi'ng"Ch'T f·illJve.rid'e. I 3;", :'WouI'd a tfedt Iprope rtyowne ~s i-{!d·''thEif 'e'<!i'st'"'a n,d i n'firt'ng.§r -on "the" iuse<'of the'li r prbperty IWh itch' tli~y h'a'd' been assured at .'earl~er',meet!'ngs'would"be 'kEipt in the state·it Is in.

... i ': ...-'" _' .' ~ ~ .. -.'. '. '.. i. -;..:. j . I .' ." , ...: :"A"pp l'lcat"! on 'of 'Dr. "Wllli,! 'am C. ' Fa I" row, :"'370A :Ch j'1 'j Avenue' .'for' ."re-'-is.!'iuind1of or:' extenslotiof a' v":?iatice'gr-anted' hi' Ssp-tiembe'r, ", '197.3 .fo' c'on s+rud:3' res i demf:e. iAi:orpo rat'l 'ilg dnMfi'ce' a f.' 3687'·:' :.'Chili Avenue ~Ith frorit setback ivirience ~f:one'do~Rdr of h6~s~'to'be'44' 'ff.' from lot If-lie. ~"'" I" '[''''''"" ;,'-. I. ...

, i·', i ' ,.' '. .' ..-i,' '>,' :', '-:".' I': " :,;DECiSION: Gr;;\nted(j'n-ard~ously'as'p6rpolan's subm'itted Aprli 2Z;:'.19:7.5~

"\8stiriiony iri{ji,cates·tnatln"no.V{ay 'wi'! f'f.the,bed lo,f Black",.Cre'ek' be, ch'ari g:6 a '<D r .th e' eI eva t i'on s .clia nged ,in' til e' creel{ ·'1\'r'ea.'The' :bo'.atd feiils' fha'tsuHicTent I'iork'ha'a b'een'done"'p"rllci-'fGthls:;ap,pll'catio'ri to be.cOns"ldeNid'that ad-ion '1121.'9 ,tiEi:Tng'" 'taken under" the o~Igrrial' 'vari'ance.· 'AP~ (ican-t:'had ri6t:·l)e.en 'p ropJr I ,/'advi sed3f"the':one -yea!" 'st~+OTe'unCle r' +1'\e 0,1 d code. •Even,' ,i f fh\~' ai3P'1 I'cant 'had been i,advi sed, , i't. ·fs, 'the O'p'l n 110'1'1 ::.

'; 'of "fli i s bo'a rct' that ·substantIa.!1 "compl'I'crnce '.W I til the "O'r~inan~e

was "u.nae r\a~e~bY,:·f~.e j·ap:p,.!.r·t::~~i> sd ~st~ ,sat IS!Y .'~~.Ef co~d i t I onI~~ 01' tf1e',--Zdt'll'ng~0 rd I'n'ance. ' Th.1s. was ',cl "11'5 re-e5<: i'st I ng,J " no,n-, ' , ,',. i ~"",lf!bn f01:-mi I1t=r.'~,'use· uri d.Jr' thenew':~cdde- rioEi Iat'Hie -t<b th<;jf 100 d' ., ..'I ·.I'pla·ii1·'qu~'S'tlorh ','.,"! ··r'· . '-', t ':., ,.'



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, . f I JANICE"~4. CHAP'~4AN' '.'. ' :GHai rj:ierson' 'I' "":'.-';

.:' ': "', '~'" "'., " :' I', ",k J

Page 137: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975



'October 2E; 197~

,.' .r 'r"


i I . ",. . i. fI. MeetJilglof The·.Zbning·Boarl:l~.o:f~AppeaI·s·of·the:.jTo:whhfichlu' 'j

was held' In the. Chili Admin.Jst-ratlon {)ffice~7.'l255.d;h'lll,Avan·u4J;Rochester, New York 14'ei24>on Octobe'r 28,' 19:7.5. The Meeting \'(as c al l e'dto, 0 de r by. ,the Cb.a I rp e r-son , ..Mrs.' Chapman,' a t. 8 i 00 'P .M'~.· r r· " .

r - '. . I I I ." j i". .-;, ," ,.Pr:$s$~h. Ja·nl·c$·M. Che prnan; .ChaIr-persor;, , : [.., ..... ',' -c', h ...... ,",

Robe.t .Hunfe rl II: '!,' '1 ,.," .: ',.': ,',,: '.' ',j. ·~":jGert.ru.de.Ta:nger' !'.' ... ,. '1 ·:'.l;d '.' ' "'" '•.

.J o hn ,l'/I;$! ]'$Tte 'i ,. :1 ..'. I Il' j,:, ", ',.', t,, Ge~a I d' DeGr~ff l' ,,1 T, ! '; , "

" Cerr l e' Mu f IBn ey '1 I , ,"

.. ii I"~ r'"

I", .",

..........' 'j.••• '!'.......).> .-' ..~ . .


AISD Present: AI~red J. Heilman, Deputy To~n Attorney",I R.,·Thomas.Ward, .:J:-., Bu l l dl nqcl ns pec-ro r-

t . i I' ,

Mr. Heilman stated notice was duly advertised In a paper so desIgnatedby-rhe. Town; B.bard"to'r sud\ p ub l.lc et l ons 'and a!S'o"was posted <Dn'thebulleTi n:' bo":'rd'-ancil. affi,dav ~ts'ar,:on' f'i I s'·wlth ·the.· TOI.....hCI e"r'~ .;,

" " ' 1 '1,,·' ." r ' If 1 : J I '. "t

Appi lcaf I on -of, Leo.l M. Beern ,- .4 .Stove r Road', ~ Roch es f-e r; '.New': York ,for approv.al 'of variance TO erect:a, free-staiJdi'n9 slgn,'.42:J:I'lZn,by, -5711 approximately' -5 feet total height, .l lJuml na t e d with

. f l o'od: II-ghts,on property at 2n·1 Chl II: Avenue""".R",,1-'!5'.li ' ,-,'I 'j i '. ' ,'i r., ,." I :" ,', . 0 i-

Mf-.'lBean'appeare-d,lstate.d:what WGuld:l' li'keto.do·lsput,a sIgn In,':f.rmnT 'Iawn,in: front o f fll'nera'i 'home on Chlli. Have p t c tu r-e of. si qn:-if"OK to use'.'.' Mrs'. Clhcilpmam es ke d l no f- the~.one.:already ·there'? Mr'.- j. Sean' stated no, .tempo r a r-v ,sign •. Mrs'.', Tanger aske.d how c l o se to.Lth$ ,',front of the: p rope rTy?" Mt ~" Bean -s ra te d.,25.ft~ ,j t·o, the roa d.~. Mrs;'Tanqe r-La sked edge of I road? ')Mr.. Bean ls f a f ed- yes. ,'Mrs:. Chapman as ke drioi-".i n terns"I'lyJ: i 1 r'urn i nate d, . ,Wo:u rd: be -ILlum i ha ted by, -n o'odl i '9h'ts:' aT r

. ,groJllnd.. lever anCl· tIpped towa,rdlthe. sl qn , ,correc:t:?:'14r~ 8e;;ln'",stated:.,'Y6'!;i;- Md.,. Tanger' asked ho'w,IO'rig' w:O',iJ'td",yo,u anN.clpate.lleavi~g'.i llum l np,ted?',' Mr.,. .Bean STaTed -hours ofl'i·llumi nat l on 'be.tween· de nkne ss.:and, -9.·:L30... . Mrs. Chapman, as ke.d· on l y' "whe n :..yo·u'. ha ve:, a. f u rre ra.l th ere, 0 r i ..oed l. 'the time?'". Mr'., Bean c-st a te d sign' waul d' l,isual [y"b'(3, ,II lum- na f ed-every evening. ·Mrs'•. Tan qe r- asked on tll'(lerlsbrt of, .. thiijk9'?' Mr. B<;lal'l:stated r,igh1-.' ,.

-t '., ',' ',,-' i'1''; "" ',' .... ' ,i" i " ,. .'" "lvjr,~· Hunter i:Jsked·,are',you aware'of the.·facT,tha1'.withi[l,I·period.'of"tj(ll<;l,free-'stand i ng .~ I gns wll r"'be:1'j l.l'e~a I' 'i n.. the. toW'!)? ",Mr'. Bean 's,tp't~(J majorcon ee r-o wasr whsn be:fore·,Planni·n,g· Board for,' The:-f1.Jner-aI -!,!om'\'J that haveTrees 'In'fronT, ..til.ree b.ig. map'!"e' trees,· ,bu,t,ln:ordel"'to-put In ,s,lgn 0.0theTbuihHri'g" .wobld:,re-qiJ!re, HtHllg dOl-in' Trees b·e.caus'w c!19Sed -In:the re, " Rea:.' Iy 'wo,,:1 d· be'. 'benef I t; fd. t-h,e townl Gn tf st i I I 'kee'p' the. :prope rtywlth1natu·ral'-·be:.auty.' 'Mr. Hunter asked what would' YOtl d07'0l,j- tn·e·,tim,e.if, 'grant"ed,.,co·ul:d· only' -grant thto'ugl'J thGltt'ime?, rvrr •.Bean 'sfa·ted i', ,th'inks. wi n· 'give,eno:ugh 'expo'S,.ure, 'in, the' me·an,time which 'We n'eed w-jt-'h .thenew structu~e and at'that tIme wlrl have to make. change, .but needexposure, of havlhg si'gn whiere people, can '6e~ fro(rt eit,he', waY.I: ", ,.Otherwl's'e---:j.u·st g'lt, ,th,sre. " .,','," ., .,., i: 'I ,,' '. ,,"',

. ,." " 'j ~:, i\'II' .. I' " ',' I I ...'" , ,.:\,' ", ..1"1,r·.;'Hu'ht'e'.[-":S'sked wha·t isi approkima,te- ..va.'[!1·e'''ID;f::.th,e.:·s-jgn In;'Plla:c'<;l? , I~r,.

Bean '~tp.t$'d' ab'O,ut,.$400-1.,~,·Mr.. Huhter asJki'ld, ,inc! u'din9.: 'I,i'gb,ts?.;,· M:r •. !?eansTate'd yes.' ',LT!ihi-,lng :I(as,.inc:lu'dedj,i,n ths'b/-lil'd'lng:,cO'rtrac;:t,., Mr.II;.HU'nter ,as'kel:l' airy particu.)a'r Tf;la:roonl Yih,y yp,u chp$:,e:·.rflo'odl,i'9:htlj"lg. aSI ,.oppb!;e'd' .t'o I n:t~li...'n'aH' , Spe8 k'j ,ng' olfl p~ rS:e-n',a [, :p re;f.e,re n c~:., . M,r-,.. , Be?!'[l 'Pta te d'Hke"ln.:f"er-nal, 'betTen· H.aid~,s,lgn !"rev,foujSl!'Y on ~lesT',.Malrt)-t3T.reE?.t loc.ation. end j u,s-:t br'.ought 0Ut 'II Lth "tIS'., ' R,ea1.;ly iS~rve,d ,p ur,pps,e therer." ,.Mr. ·11./Jrterasked, exIsltirl'g,.s.lgn"a-lre.ady,usih'9,'?,·.·Mr,.Beant stat~.d· J it:tle' ,over' 6' ye,aro I di. '. ;'Cost: '0,1' a 5 jogn ..tha'tli I.Lum·' nlqte,s, -.I 'n ,te ljfl'.al.J,y. 'r~l <:l,T I,vElI y' ,h) 9 h~. .', I .' ." , .' ,; . :', , '.'. ", ,:, . j'", i. ',' " I,1 ~ ',. I I i -:; '..., 0 •• • ." " I j'.;:' :-,.

~ . ~,



Page 138: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

~- ~.",.


~.- 'r


DATE 0 cIfJ..~,,~.~ ..:~:.~I..l!.7..r


GATES-CH I L I NEWSIseu» Hated ..... ,,6.<~.~~.·)< ?:-.~)J!.7£.~~... + ••••• ~ ...

~...,. ~; ....

~(f... . ;;,;;~;:,.~GERALDINE C. SNYDER

NOTA"RY PUBLIC. State of N.Y. ~~o;'1roe C~

M~' Commissloil E:lpi res March 31::, .19..:1_7


Page 139: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

-"-'.~~~~~~~~~" ~....."

~ ; ..J.. _Plaza: N~w Yorlt 1~15 tor ap.~> f .EGAL "OlICE ",_;7~p~va~ ?f',ree-standing sign for

~ J i. l· I -. "Drfve' In Banking'~' tel' .':1~:'l!~. l; building located at ChUi~venue

;, ;; . .. and Coldwater Road. size 2'8"ZONING SOARD OF APPEALS x 2'6" 6'2" total hetght, C-2.

'>. A Meeting of the Zoning 7. ApplicatIon of PantUn andBoard of Appeals will be held Chananle mv., Corp., 200 E.in the Chili Administration Of- 42nd St,; New York, New York.flees, 3235.Chili Avenue, Roeh- for approval of variance to al-ester, N.Y. Wl24 OD. October low auto free-standing ~ign ap- .28th, 1975 at '8:00 p.m, to con- proved on 7/22/75 to be n- :sider the following applications: Iuminated on property located at'1. Application of Leo M. Bean, Chill Avenue and Coldwater4 Stover Rd. Rochester, N.Y. Road. C.~.for approvalofva'rianceloerect 8. Appllcation of Pantlin anda free standing sign, 42 1/2" x Chananie Div, Corp. 200 E.57" approximately 5 ft. total 42nd St., New' York, New York.height. illuminated with flood for approval of variance to al-

. 'lights on property at 2771 Chili low free-standing "GardenAvenue. R-I-15. Shop" Illign approximately Sd sq,2. Application of Donald Wei- ft. ]2' from grade per Sectionland af 11 Cardinal Drive, Ro- 6,024 (c) 'on property locatedchester. N.Y. for approval of at C.hUi Avenue &' Coldwater

C variance to erect addition on Rd. C- 2rear of residence 16' x '35' 9.' Application of Pantlin and

_ to be in line with existing resi- Chananie Div., Corp., 200 E.dence approximately 7' side lot 42nd St. New York, New Yorkline. 10' requtred at 11 Car- for approval of variance to allow -dinal Drive. R-I-12. I' x 2'- arrows for entrance/ '

~,.-3. " Application of Clarence "exit signs to be. 4 1/Z' to topTazell, lOB AtkirlsonStreet,Ro, of sign,' '3 ft -in height pre- •

', ' ch.e~ter, .N.v. _~or approval of vlously appt;~vea unde~ S~tion,.~ ''Vanance to erect a 'home on 6,022(c}' on 'property located at

unders~ze!i lot, 140' x 200' in Chili Avenue and ColdwaterRA 20 zone, approximately 30 Road, C~,2 . .ft. fr.ol,11 side line at 14 Mar- . 10. NJplicationof Faritlin &gan Road, RA-20.. '. . Chananie Div., Cl)rp.; 200 E.-4. Application of Gene Ahl, 42nd St. New' York, N.ew York4 WethersffeldRd. Rochester, for approval of variance to al-N.Y. for approval of variance low 700 sq. ft.. sign on frontto construct tnground PCloi ap-: • of bUildi~ advertising K:Martpr-oximately 11 ft, from base- under Section 6.024 (a) 100 sq.:ment wall of home, 15 ft. re- ft. allowed; 200sq. ft. previous- .quired on property located at ly approved on.1!22!75 on pro-4 WethersIield Road.'" (Carner per-ty located at Chili Avenuelots) R-I·15. and Coldwater Road. C·2.5. Application of Pride Mark All interested parttes, are.Homes, 50 Lyell Ave., Roch- requested-to attend. By order ofester. N.Y. for approval of the Chairperson of the Zoningvariance to allow over sized Board of Appeals.sign approximately 8' x S' ad- JANICE M. CHAPMANvertising subdivision located on CHAIRPERSONWestside Drive. R-l·12.

. -.. 6. Application of-Chase Man·hattan Bank, State Wide Fa-

_.':i~t~s~~~--P,··;r~~~3~,__ ... :':="-_:-..~ ,.._; .. L.

Page 140: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zo n l n g Board of Ap peaLs: .",:, ' . .. .

.j. ' .. Octobe·r28.,! 97,5

I- -~

Mr. Hunter asked wooden 'sign? Mr. Bean ,stated yes It, .15. wood. Donein cC1>Jo'nlaJ i:opiok.up a.t;l;:hI"t6ctur:aJ 'de s l qn vo r the, bu,i l di hq , "'Sign andpo-sf with"eol¢n:lf'i:d ·de::jlgn".' [.. ··J··:~,::·l'·I-.'.;f.i . ., 'j' .. I" , .. " '; I, ·.·.1···;'1 ~ . . " ',' i <,"•. :.

Mr. He.l lnran va s ke d saying: 25..·feet f r-om, edge"'of tbe·1road.? : Mr.•. Bean.stated apron, yes. Mr'. He l Iman vs f-a t ed ',;actually(e'ss from the l ofI ine. Mr. Bean 'stated will' sit 'centered wl:ththe buTI:d"lng'. BoTId'l'ng's l t-s ba:ck.50'.feet from the road • ."Thf"s.wj:II··slt'center-ect:0n 'front,' Idoor with 25. ,feet in either direction. Center, of' tne,pr-operty. 'Flo'odI ,i'ghts ~tlJ I' be. s hr-ub bed i n.PI an f shr-ubs, around 561 II'ghTs: not exposed.Mr.' He I l man. stated to vcur Immediate. right an d 18·ft wo.'iJI·dn't affectpeople'. Mr. Bean 'stated just TO enhance be:autyof'!the.'~roperty.· •

Mrs. Chapman ·asked if: anyone. wished to. speak in favor o r i o ppos Lf-f onof this, e pp l lcaf l on a nd no one, a ppe a re d , '

I I· I ." ,DECISION: Granted un an lrho us lv: f or- pedo.d Through March: 3D'; [97.7.'

To. be. erected under s upe rv l s l on of Building Inspector." I' ," . j". . "j i "

2', App I.rca tlon o f v Dona l d Wei rand; .Llr Ca r d l na I Dr-Lve; Rochester,',New 'Yot,-kfor approval ofl'l"ariance.:to"erect'·eddltTon on 'rear .o fresid~nce,I&' x 35~ to be in- lIne with existing residence,ap pr-o x l mat e.l v 7 'ft. from side lot.li-ns, JO·ft.·..requirec:l; ..·.at1:II··CardlnaJ·'lDrlve:.. 'R-:I-U·:.·· ". . j-,' ..). r· '. ~

.. i. i .. ! i J ' . i i .' . r: . ..-

Mr. lI/eII.fne <hppeared.· Mrs.' Ch<hpman'aske'd th·is shows e x l s f l nq l hou sewith porch and driveway? Mr. Weiland stated additJon will' b~, acrosshere .. l Mr-s l Chapman ·stated wou l d I!'ke, to, know, how - it: corne s.vl n. r.eI at-lonto. free':'stand,lng garage at the beck , Mr. We'i len d stated' abou t l edd l tlonal16' fe~f' be~we~~ h~rr <hnd garag~.'··UI~imately·wLIJ ~xpand,bu~ ba~k fUttherrather·than··cJo·ser TO the"hoUse .. , M·rs.• ,Ch<ipman 'stated wondered if, goingto the'.garage'-'·Mr-: We'lla'hd stated·no,.stiH·gobd·tfistance between .... Ithe two. Mrs. Chapman''5'tate:d t h l sv l s. wl'1e.rs· p r-cb lern l s., Take it.existing hd>be-<!dr-eady' 'T',feetl.Hom the. s l de, Io't IlnejU:oHect? Mr'.,'t/ei'land.·sTat.ed that l s: r·i·ght.fyIt-. He·;J Imanasked ..:hbwfar from'! .ne'igh,po.r'shouse? Mrl'!\'ietl"md, st<!l'ted appro:i::Imat~.lyJonother:7"feet to his. p r-op e r-tv ;Mayb'e tL5 ·feiet"ascf<1>'se· as bbiJl(j· measure. -:'Mr. He..lLman state'd mede Is amemisfak~ on ~oi"h sldes~"" Mr; Wei land":stated"appar,ently ~,h-en bu.l,lt· housesunder'· rO·%H.11€l"lan,d 65Icft ..··lots. ,':Tol'ln zoning ch.anged,and j.n:[exlsten<cewl f h l-n 7-,;ft. ft6mdhe.·[(;)·t l tne l ; .-' •.. , ··d ,\.,"'.',Mr. Hunter asked that Is: 13' ft. over there and his; drive~lay an sames I de?' , Mr.·i Well an d staTed no, "on same s l·de'. He' has ·garage ~,tt9ched,to·.hls house in this area'. Masonry cons;'r·uc-rl¢>n. ·:,On;thIs.iside anotherdriveway,· :Sch'roth-'s d r l vewav nexT to mihe.-.!Mr.--H'unter· s:ta.te.d some._'k l n dc o f he:d'gerow"or shr-ub s.• 'Mr •. We'i I anti s·tated ,whule' a r-ea-r s h r-ub s.i an dpine ti'ees-'afl' "the'way -bact\-'to the Urt Ijn.e·,:,trees.and'·shrubs,~·' Mrs ..Tang'eoras ke d how ~ :t1~ep I s:1 aT?', iY1 r. W-e lI and· stated a rou nd,1 £9'·9.. fT.·' .Fo'dlot·exacTly·" .goes:-ba:Ck 'at angle' and behln d, house' the,e' is"~ h l L!:go'Ing t6 the top O'f' the property end -all 'trees. j Canf19t see how-s,e:; on

'·Wyn·ctes-r.·'Onlyalfew hiyuses.·can',see.· Cannot se.e one..s- Pe:h.ind:u~.··, , . i;'..·· , . ','

Mr. He'1.[man 'as kedf wI 1I-you remove th j s' w'a-l.j'?' Mrio . Wei l-an.d s t'afed' 1;10:·that right now Is. kitchen, bath and be'd r-oomj re-n d 'of tlv.in.§' r:oo(n.Kitchen very small' ·so forced to, eat in: one end of I Jving' room and toom'uch h'a,sshr. I, Doorway'- ,where exist'ing ivlrr.d-ol:l, :isi here.: Kit:chen opene'Pup so-food preparatibn aree·wl,H"rem-aln:·bu't wi.l[·have room and.,it.' .wi JI'be extended ba:ck! a l bit and thIs.'w!:I·1 be: 'f,amlI1r ,klt,chen. Mr ... ·He'l Iman :a'ske;-el: \:;-amel')eveI?', Mr~ W'ellan,d:.s'tcrtekl yS'S".· Mr. Hellman- 'askerl,cell'a:r? Mr.: \'ie.! la·ncf.1·st"a'tedl y·e·s,· :f.uII' 'basement. under -It.• r Mr; He.i·!qran ''state'd take" IT' ha,ve' br'i c'kvla'I,1 or·bJo·ck·w-a:.l ['.' Mr. ·.·Wei I end ·.·-st:a::ted:.Y'RJ-s,'.>fifl' Just, 'le'Ejve' tha't: Mr .. He·j (manl·'asked. w'on',t' con:nec:t, up ,-where putting

" a'ho', e' th'ro'u~h'?' I Mr. 'Wei land stated' ril;jht dowrr here :the.re: ! sl :adoorway ,now 'in', "the ba'i;i:!'me\i:f an;df,al's'o' a';rea':-'~I[Th clo'hhre'fe ste'psolrtsl"de 'comi'n-'g,up. Mr. He'llm'an stated w:i'Ilbe.a.II··compieTe in:that sense'. ~4r. We'ila'ndstated correct and might put doorway ~t end of the ba~ement here.

Page 141: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975





Mr. H~llman asked will yo~ have done or b~ general contractor? Mr.)(ie)~'a-\ld ;;;·t·\'lted h av l nq. basement,:·.put ;1R: Cont·ratte'd for thaT;','goll-p ri ces on ,that basement •. W;Il:(' 'do 'carpentry work mY'S6 I'f,~' .MT'.· He:llm:ahasked talked to. the, people' ~ere? Mr. We:.! land stated ye's, .Talk·ed to .Dowf·s., SoG:l) rp-r.p f S arid: Dav.l s.t sran d. peop{.e~ next. to·' Dowfs' and no hbJ.ee'T!on.Mr. Hun,te·i"' ,-?!::? kl'lP"'on'!" s1'o rv . add i 1-1 orr':? -. M:r. We [I an'd,l'is+atEi:d. ye~s ;.·h tproof to. connect TO sm-aIJ'setbil'd· $tory a dd l t.l onvhab prev!oukly'.'·Mr.Hunter asked additIonal 'kltchenspace and f aml {:y' room there? Mr.WeiHmp st13.teil'.a·F],d·.:'ano,ther. be:dro-om'.· . i ..:.

". if'Mrs. Ch~pman asked if anYone wished to speak In favor or oppositionto. this: a ppLlc at l on 'and no one appeared.•·.' v: :. r····, , .' , ~ 1

DECIS·.)ON :, .Granted,. un en Imous l Y'. ': j. i: .' i II . -I r:' ", -:'.", . :, . i" ', ,. I " .-: ,1 .

3" App I i'E::at Ion '0 f :CIaren ce -raze' I I',' lOS' ATk I nso~ ,: ·street, i Rochaste r ,. New York,forlapprova'l.of·.varlanee ta, erect'home on undElrs,~zedl c't ;: .!4{):f x 20.0.. ' inRA-20..zone, approximately: JiO: fe-et· from s l deloi", 'IIne at ,}4' .Morgan Road •. RA-ZCf.•.

" "" :".. , t _ "t . I·.. '.1, '1'Mr. Te ze.I I: 'epp e.ar-ed., . Mr.s.· Chapman, st-ated :yb'u'have1-sketch h4re-:t·oo-':This s howst f-h e.i l o-r , Doesn~t'Tell:"us;any,thing about. the h<!l.use'or-·sho.wanything ab ou f the house. Would y ou llka vto gfvs'arl l deet o f ·wnere·lt:I s. to be vp I aoe d.i.on tn e I.oi: ?' Mr •. Te z e I I 'sta te.(i} lo·t:. 140. .x 20'.0.. WI I I'be'p'f<irced ap.proxlmately· 60 .feet ba.ck , house: 40.'.ft.,'!OO..ft. from thebaekiline to,th•. hoQ~e·. 60 ~ft. to the. right-of-way,· Mrs~ CHa~man

a 5 ked what e.bou f sides?'; t 40: '.ft •.0 u.T: askln g fo r 30.'.ft'.• on "ori e S i 'de?Mr. Ta ze l J' 'stated approximately. '30.ft. on' ,this "side leavrt:lg"space onthis sIde l n- c es e wa'nted to. put garage. Und,erstand appr.o~I.matery·,24.

feet 50 .that-wo.uld· IeClve:.3·O.·.ft.· to. each ·s·lde.· "Mr , He'l'1m'ans-rated. 30'. ,feet On .elast·si-de·arid approximately -5401'\' theother.:side. Are theresewer:s~' Mr......' Tazel I' 'staTed lh es to."have septl c·!.Tank. Mr. -He l I man ·askedhave y ou ch eqke d .with the' CounTy?' Mr, .Taz.e l I stated Courity·,sal'd haveto see about putt.I·ng.-.culvert·.In: an-d i s a l.d.v had tolsea .vcu be.f o r-e HealthDepa.rtment'.::·!Mr. Hel-{ lman ,sta·ted 'genelta! Iy e pp no ve . f,f.rst •. Mrs." Chapmanstate.d 'Tra II er Th.e reo .and .shou l.dn 't, be. 'much ,.d i'·-life ren ce -if rom i6n·e··TOT toano-ther- and pe·rc·test·s·!iould·lbe abO:ut 'i'he"5a'me~' ··,Mr. Hel l man stated'have to. check with county on cut. ·:Alr·eady.·done that? Mr , Taze.l I: 'stateda l ready -don e , ··.·Mr. 'HeLlm'an-'asked' i's: f h i s.'[oT·vacatit?,,·Mrs. Chapman .'.'asked s f l l !' .:anotHe r. loi" b e.rwe en lvou .and' Scoi'tsvi'll'e Roa d f : 'Mr-;: 'Te~td [ .stated abduf··tW'o,. : fM17s .•· -,Ctrapman stcire.dcan·r.lot-· reme'mbe'r', 'remember tal ki ngabout j:twhen man cam-e for t-raiIBr.anddld,say·previously··!·fi!Erd' faTs."Mr. Ta ze.] I STated "oorner .Lo.f and th,!s:"loT. ye,t·. . i ".,

"v , f' . I L" , ,. " '-'Mr.!·He:.i l man- asked·p·Ial1n:j·~·g to.-:do the- gener·a I w.ork Io.r-: sornebo.dygoi:rig· .to b'u i ld' f o r .yo·u.?' .. Mr. ,Taze I l' .sf.aterl ··Ri dge Gon'sf, 17uct ron'w i n· ·8u·!Id: j·t.Irl'irs.r"Tan,ger asked·.what· t·ype; nouse'?' -Mr.··Taze.ll· 'siia-red Ithr'ee b.e:d.room·:ranch •. '..'~Ir. M<:i I l..e·t,te -a s ke!d. bath··18nd a .ha If··m'" onEl" f u I L? .M t" .,'. TazeH 1;.-stated one· and one halL·"; .,.. ',>;.'> ;.· .. 1· ...'

Mr. HU'n te:r as ke.~ .say :1. ng' iwo.u.I d' con'form·.w 1.th· :C0de In .cd·!· 'res pedts' w j thoexception of.:3IJf.t·~· sjde:lr-no~.'arld· L!nder~:5:1zed·l·o·t according.-:td 'fl.e.Wcode? iAp.par.ent,IY· sub·d.i..y.lded ,fdt' some ·tirne.• ·.M,r; ·T'azeI:l"·'sta'ted.,19'6.9 •.Mrs •. Tanger. a1s·ke'·,cLi'.hits' l·'s; 'Only' varh:ince; :.you require {be.<':i1lu·se'·of lo·t ....dimens·ldns·l".- MrS ....Ch·g.p·m·an ·stated.:.y.e-s,.~' ·p:re'.?iQus.[y".dl,dded and made tha·t·s i·ze.· Mr. ;'He;i Ima!nasked· ... w·h,e reo cjI'·d:·h.e s·e.t ·.f ron·t a ii rfhat; ..t ba 1 Ier ,1. 50 ....trrat· 60.:fee't:.t·I1!:?: .Mr.... ·1ii~rz·e'I!··'8·ske.d ·from·the.-:road?··,-I'>!ot SUTe: ·M\jst b.ebecau.se! seTs -qui fa. "a iway.s· ba:ck.· .. Mr. He.i 1wan ,sTate.d·.rl ghi-ful, Iy.Or'··.. ·'wrdngfuJ,J-y" '.towns, haveb.e:en· ·con·cerne·d 'with'-'1try!'r1g ito.-keep· ·some. ~k!nrlof ·rego:!.8-rory -·1 i'ne ·'.at the. ·frorit •• .M·rs .'. ·Ch:apman t'5ltate'd row"of .hot:P'i.es·:,same' disi-ance ba:ck from the road. 'That is. whY ·say.'·6Q .ft.····,Hope-·.to.. ,;isee that each house' put on othe'r Jots. would' be 60 'feeT ba:ck too.Mr., • 'Faze;!, !. :stated, odd.;,shaped [oi,. [ unde rstand: J fLot ..p.! e:-shi'l'peq. ' .• Mr.s.CH<lpm.arf :-st·af.e.cl .wdu J::d.h·a.ve ·Tdfbe. jjeCause·.of. way ·'·f.rac'ks -'cut th.r~.u·gl"f,

Page 142: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

1'1-). -"'"

=. ,'.. l ' .. ' I, ,.. . .... ."1 'r',. -.'" ". ': .... ..' ': It I;· c' ~ • ": ..... 'I: '.::' .", .

Mr"s·•.Ta ng~rs t<nte-;dJu~ t·'S'0·,.Y0'U r-, vij ew' I S';,not .~{) s. t"r:utJ:l'e<J'bi' ·the·traII il er-if. rDt b.a¢k faTienCluglr. "; . ' . .,;. I f i·i ,',' .',...' . ' . = i,1

. 1 ". -:', ..' ",,:: j I ", ,~i '.. ',,'...... L . i : 1 ':'. ,,Mr. He-I I man .state d side'; y·i'r-r.-d re q u,1 r-ement 1'5. D,O fe·e·t. '. Mr'-5'~'! Ohe pman " ,'..stated ver.y ·a"j-tractjye ppmes 'Out therel Too.··'·Mr-. T-az'eiH"si'aTe'd' " •.par·ttcliJarlY'.·?..r~Hjlg .le·ft, sff'de. ·Q.t ·S;';o'tTs·v.I,1 Ie~·Rb'bd·.""" .:, .,_.';" '., ~"'. ".,,'1

• " . <, , ".,,; ·t ~., ,,,.' . ' ....... 'j, t· ' .. i·',·j ", ... ,' ;..... <,.'

Mrs.' Chapm'~ri'~~ke'd' l'f'any~ne ~Ished.· to,,'~pea1K: t'n'favor'or' op'pbsiTibn "to this applicaTion and no one- appeared. .

i .. ·r "l \' i """', ..... " l : "..;",' .-';.... "'-. " , .. e

DECrS.ION:·Granted unanrmo'~~ly~:.:i·,:,-.·:"~,·.·f- fL-" -i.:'.. '

4. App l I'ca f l on of Gene' AhI,- 4 'WeThersH,eI.d:·:'Rd>a·d,.,Rocne·s'ter,.N~wl'·:·;"

Yo r k for approval 'of variance to cons·truct Inground pool.., .·qifPrex j mi!lt,e·~ y:,"1 1·' 'te.¢t··:fr0m~ b<lshen't lrIa-H,of, h ome~'.f 5'. feeT

, req II f,',e d, .on p rope rty 'foca fe d i at' '.4: Wethe rs f're 1d' Roa d~l (c.o rt're rj" 1-0'1-).' R'-I'':"·15·.::., . '.... , .... .- i' , ",.~ .'.... !

" .j" . i i '., tMr. James ·of Wh it! ng Po'o Is' 'and Mrs. Ah I 'appe a r-ed , ·Mr. James sTatedhave profD!em,8s,·'i'i'lr·.as meetiilg s etb ec k restrl.c:tfons~-; j\J]a·~e:,.U·'ft';

in 'r.eGr•. ~_No.t enouqh .ro ma.l~e.:. j-t-. to. ba.semen-r ·.f0.u·nda t lori , 'A11·w<i:.candCjJ •. "';9r 99 ,15 'Hat, fJ:'om .b1:tsemerlt, and tHen'·short 'on the rea I se.-rG-a6k·'r-e s t r l cr l on , Have prQb~em.becauss' it.is.cQrner 10t.cind'~lith· the way'"the··corll.er, l o r :..sits tOO-.e, .don J.f ha ve very'mu'c:ih'IToOrrl'to:\ilork in tKe "ba ck ,. ;P.I'acemElnt of.,the pool i'asit sfiows r on ·the p l o'r p l an v t he r-e l l s .. sothey <fan -Look out'the kitchen ·wl·ndol'/ arrd keep ti"ae-K 'of ths kids.About.-only p l ace l c an t qo . j'';' e-, '. .,',',,'j '.' -v v- fl ,.' .'-':.

I ','r)/: -,-; : :,. ', " .. :.. .:'. . -:. '" ". '. " i r t .. 'Mrs. CJ1aplT)an a s ke d nea r-es t po l rrf TO the 5as"'iment··~s'H.-fL', correct?'

··Mr. James .$ti'j·t<s c:i yes. ". Have on' th's': I arg.et')· dra win g' 'here; ,"1 l ..to, ,the '. co r ne r, 0f :Tne .sT,ep .a n,d·· 12' i.here to', .make 15'.-1 n the, ba.dk ;" Mr.:J,: He i I riran' .~$ke,d:,wl:l.e·re· 'j s, ·deep-,-end? I !Mr.·' Ja,mes stated over !'Jer-e. : M-r;. Hel {:manstate.d deep, :-en d actu·a { JY f urtli er.away. a·1i d tih e Jn'arrow 'e'n d ~'o:u [d' be· ,,', U " fe,et. ,Guessp itessu re 1s: eq lla r ·at ..a I I"po,j nts. i iMr. ,Mu I J'anEi-y:, st·a.teddoes n.~ T ·.th I nk ..true i 11';'KI dney.:.,s ha ped. ., M1-:-; , James sTated ITO ll:ie-.ai:t"U se', .:.on~ ·:d j:ameter j. ta:.rg~r' .,th",n" the·other.' ,·Sh·"d I'Q'w la-rger .th.a:n de.epend.'

I r . " . ., . -, f. ..... ..,. I.,:' ,-~ '..... " 'y': ',:'-'Mr. 'Hunt,e.r ~tated ,sl·nCE;1,·YQu:are··builiderassumelc.ouldlanswer; my:·' -:t,Lll1ders·ta,ndlng'·.Qne .o,il the .-r~a.sons· .fCl'~~I5' ft;· .seTback 1'5 t:he. ddnGeprr " .:.

"fdr,::the sa'f~-ny of ..the·"notih'da.tion·ofAhe h·ome,·as>we'.ll·<aspoo~·'i.n·the "~verJii o'f lei " le'elk., .. iYotl',.st-a·ted iThls:"pne$Efnt,s·. no ',haza,r·d •..Mr~"JamEis':-_·· .sTated thi'$ isgunnfTe cons't'l':lIGtidl'J "'as',opp'0,-se'd-to','1 j·ne.r·:p·ooHl . '.. ' " .. '",strongest Type' concrete going. Have lifetime guarantee of the poolas·.I.o'n-g., as: the,;··p.ee.:ple:,own·!;-hs,·,house;· 'ti1rs.~~ Chi;{pmarl asked ,do;flI'If"antj,."",.C'i:pa't.Ei. lea ks .. 'du r iln g' ,'[, Lfet ime? ;Mr.. I-/'e i Jm'i'irl.~ S ked -,ent i e r wail r:s"rrlai'de:' 0 f'cemen t;· ',no ,stee I?:' ';Mr..· J,6,mes' st.a,ted . re'i n fo reed co:n c re,te • P:n~umat I cal r rya p p ~'red conorete' s'not .:I n."1u n d.El t" pres su re. . AH:' 'the." s pe,c iIf-i ,cani on s are'on the, sjde of the drawing. ,: I, ",,' .' .

(vf'r.' Ma[,I;e-tte-asKe.d not ,m.uch more>,w,at·er., tKan'.jna:~o.ve. ground"pool?: .'i'Mr. Hel 1m-an ·,st".t-e.d ...ecT!ial.ly i-prqba'b ly'le·ss,. j ~Mr.· fJame·g s-r'ated someabove-lgrOlm.d hdlfd' 'm·Ore".,water. -'Mr. Heifl'riran ,siiarlfed' -thinks.- mlne is .27ft'.! §'nd ·ab6IJi:'-'I8·;i{j-o.O~' No pr:obl-eim,· a's 'ilar a's 'ef;e'ctri cc!l'hi:n.6>s? ..-.,Mr: J'ames'·st,ated .ii'liis. n·-s-;·a'lil. ·taken".c-are','Q,f,thr.ou,gh 'R ,8',&. E be.fore ..poo I' 'd~ 9 ~ J 'F.fiey -,w ill' :sta' ka 1:1 rea b.u',t, '.n'q. undel"9 ro 8n.d e I e'o1:rica I., '.ca·s '. ;."(H" Via ta r j n ",t·hat'.a·rea :---::. Mrs ;'·.Cha pm'la Il s:l;ated more ,ooncer'lied ·w ith . OVE? r~he a d I ines' J"~' M:!".'·tJ 6.m.e S·' stafe-d ha s . to, be, to; ·,ft., :w j t,h r'€is j'-denT'l a .I.. 'SJl'¢:20. . rT. f,rQm' comme rc i "II J "'-IM r .'-,He:'i Iman. st.ate d, .ha's to .ha·ve-··g'ro.url d,-·fa u.lir.Mr. .J am'e s ':sofa·tad .0 n .1i'11' "0 f t hts-ffi y. .1oe s. '" ;p u.-tl' ,0 h . t h r'e.e ye cl rs . b:e.:f'd r@.· wentinto 'the .code ..' - . S.a'fe-r.y ,i·tem.· -'~~ . . -', ., ."1. .': ~. -:. \ : ... ;.~ ~"

. j .. , .1 '1 .-,:; <,. :.. ;,,M]'1~'. Mu[,j'a-neyasked .·fl Itel:'Ln9' sy-s,tern \'i1'[I" 'b,e':,;\'Ih'Bre? ' Mr;·;JamE!~.'$tate.d

ond'<§'b OUtt n..·ba:ck, ,}n s I de' th e ..f.enCEl'... '.rI'llmedla.te lie<i,gh bot:-s sa l,d: a·,.I,I-rIght with them. . '




Page 143: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zon i nq iBoe r-d of f\p,pe<;i;ls:. i

Mrs. C~apmarj,a~ked':i.f a nvon e .,«.~she,d.t,0., speak! ,?,fth.~, ~p·,I.i·cajl")or· ~l1d. no pne ,~ppear:ed~ -,"

DECI·k[bN·':'G·~~nte~i ~na~,J~·o·u:~~Jy·.r '1' r~r :r'~

.j n < f aYO r. ,or. ~ ppos I t ion.

i r .' '1'i , i' ..

.:,: .....~.lo-: ;'.: .

" .• "'1".[ 1.

5. App Lj c at t cn of 'Pride Mark Home5,,50 LyeIIAvenu~, RochElster,New.York, ·f.p,r,.i,'lpproy.al 'rpf va r-i ance ,t-<;J -al Iow ..oyerts-!-'Z,eds:Jgn ..

, app,r,?,x41lJl'lte) y'{J r. .,.vq~ 1,'9dv.l?rt1 s.l .ng· sU~d·l.vJ'9:1o\1 0'\1 W~·stsj'~'f . I'· ,prj,ye r·: R.,. ! -:- '12":'J : ,.,,: .... i "":'.1.;';'''';:.' ,,'. I

'. if',,',:' " i , '., of"" .' <. '1' :', .:t :0--'.:: '; ; . Ie,' -c " I: :,! ":' .', '1'. • .'

Mr •. ~ I,m. I,.flCha se, a Ppe aj-e.d i" ,s;tat.ed wei ha v~ Sl re c re.d ..t~mpo ra rY· sIgndescr 1bJn.g the. p.yb-c;f} vi ~-,I on .a [l d'i whi,'lt I n{'ljln d.. tcp d~.. a n d, over-I ,?·<p.~e.d:. check i ng

,;wftb the; t'?\'/I'), as,:to"s~z~,r:\3q!-dreme!l!,sr 5jg.n Is: ~p...an d shO'uldljl't,!;le<, • •

up f or-, ·!!l.ore. tha n . one; <I.n4. one,:.hFl.1 f' yeq. rfi·•. r Be,?n b J;'0 ught t9· 0 uratts'[1''';"'t.itpn .:trat wfJ ,were ,l'r v!,olat.ion a.n~hs;ol(lseq\.lentIY' ~sldf.lg .-fo,rjv.arl:an-ceto,pe. grant~d perjn is.s;\0r,. to..[ir?!ye ..p.jg'!jl .. up •.: iMr •. He I l m'an ,:askediaf,t~r..

.. su bd.lvts l on 9"i'fle ,~.i.gr, w.llr.cpo/le;' ~own? Mr..j ~~Cha~~i s.tated 'c,?rrect.·:Mr;. f.1e.i 0) mana.s'ked . whell, wei a.p. Prove s ubdl v j s-I ot) ''lis.-\, .thl'i r:~ ap p rova I, .fo rmonumenT sI qn ? Mr.: LeCp<:ise ?t<;tted rJ?t. Tha·f . I., r'9caI I~ . Mr? 't T~nger,'stated·be./ieves position has been that al Iow for a year and can 'r.eappry;,-. .,'~.r-s:". Ch aptnan si:at,?d com4l ,ba.ck.f~)f~ r1'l'1ewal! f nee-d )aDger,.Mr•.~f;}FJ]as~ stated that wg:!J!d·b.eflne:-: j ,."1

.. r i 11< < .. r· , :.." .' "" ''''.'fJ'lrs, phapman as~ed .ah y rEias?.t;J.why.{lx:$?'. ~9~mally!,,! I.ow, s..~~.I l:e:r ..sI.q n ,r4.:-, : L~p~as~ ptateslTO: .g.yt wl1rd i !1g.~f3. i t~~ugh'j- neces sarv 'and,. pr?per.. ivls~bllltyfe.lt 8,x 8 ~as, pr-op e r SIZ.e .•. c F,o!", that, p urp o se, fJ'lf' -. ~e.ll·manstated in' pretty wide open "area bu.t not too manv houses .t,hat. ar·e ' .. :esthetically bothered an the o t he'r side of the road. Mr. 'Mul Iane ys.tated-on, sam.e....~lde,tre.e:p ,uPi,t-9 the .. east. None on W~!5,t·, s l de , .... ,Mr.....He.I I m'an ,-as ked .. nOT i U:u'lrrl na.re d? . Mr.• , L~.chase 'stat.ed r.Jo. .Mr. Hunte.r·.· ,asked what· is; ~pproxi~ateiiit:he..'val\r~"of :t.~e. s}gn'j~! p,la·ce.? '.j:'(r'- .• ,: ..Le.Chase·..st"iltecli cos.i' $]7.O'0..to: make s ]gn, •. ~,~aI .!Yi 'two ..s} ~ns b;ack, t.o, .b-i'l,ckand that ,ip, what. Fost·,us. t.o .. pa I nt ..a.nd ~r~ct,.~ , . . '"il '. - 1··· I··. " . ,'.. , .... ,1', . ,. -, " .. ' . l' " ..; j: · ..· ..·.1'Mr •. H)1nter,~ske·9 :\1.f.ive, y,ou '~f.I.i-It'"I>\1. Ch i 1.1 be.fore?r' Mr., LeCoase' ~tate,dno •. Mr .• Hu r.lt~t;' ?'rt'atedl ~.I,I..r-pri se.q.'.Trat; YPJ..l wO.lJ,[ dn rt . .Ijl.e. ~wa r~:Jh·!'lre. Is;S,!9.n. orgin.a~9'S t.hiflt:;~houJd,:be ~h\'lck.?d ou!-' .be:fore. f).1ft QP': Ij'Ir·...·.L.-~C,hase

~·srrpted j9gre~ wlt,h,Y9 U•• : ' , ./.,> t'" .. ·:·~ :-i '!" ,". , . ,. .,'! : ' , '.' '. ..; . i,',,',

Mr. Hellm·pn. stat~'d ~r:,lgj na.1 Iy wasapprove~ tor Ent,ress ~ndi the.se fe,I1'0\,/sbo.utabo-wt ,6 mOl')ths?lgo an.d.no,;j- any.. ·lesstr,lgl1t b!-!-t somew~at.imore

understan.d-a-b·le· Gou~d hay.~slJ'pped· up~ .W.~eni.dld.. Y-9·u bU:y ·trat? Mr,.;-LI'lGhase' s.tateslin.May., Mr. He:.j.ImaflsJated hifld ·qtJ-jlstipns, at, tr~· t.ime..on approval' ·that Entress' had. Had approvalbu:t not on the' 'Iast roll"so had to: get anothe~ appro~aI 'In, a certain, period 6f tIme, ..... .... I . [ '.. j.... Ii ,-f" .' ..' . .-.Mrs.' TC'lflgerasf<ed )'o'here ~1l.:S P·,ride,Mfl.rk.. bui!t?. ~r:.' .~Chas~s.t9ted in.Gi3te-;;;' maln.s.ubd:rYjlslon tt:J,ere apd .18.: Gre.~[::.e, n0r": i.~Jrs ... Ta.ng,erf aSke·d,~.

whele in:.Gates,? Mr. LeGhape·.st.a,ted ()ff[We.9rQ·n Road; .: Jpil iann,e., DrIYJe .I3djacentto ...the h.lgh..,sch.ool,•. ~r.'j·f;jeij l.ma"n as~a~. havel.pome. of tr,e, .hou,s.e-s so!d, .po:nl,t you,? Mr'lJ.eFrase f.t.;at.eQ Y(:lFi,.\.'Ir.~ d.o . Mr' j .f-!el1m·a~,s tate.D. th l-AK'S,,to l,d:·.PI an 0.).n~'. !:loa r.d., !/Iha}'. Jp:e ya I u;~o.f .th ose h,QLL~e;~,. ':,'..~I,oul·d· be,a.ppr.?xl.mf\Tely·?, Mr:. Lethase..:st.i3tEid .ra~.~e :v II :b~c.. f.t?m .$~o"'45,OOO •

, P-re·sen t. -range. ;~I.lil-.l va r.y., ·dep.ep d'I!1:;J upfh·n. q~mFnd, Jv1 r ' ...Hr. i .I m:a 0.. 'as ke'd' .have,: ~O. ·,Jots? Mr•• Le'Chas~, staiad 65.~' ., M(..H;?i I.m·i,'ln a~K~d .~9j.nk will'..:be.out r,n Y·Gler 'ill'\d a. h:J:j.I'fj? . Mr..', Le,Ch-ase·.. ::ot<l.te.d hope. to'. Mr., He;Ilm'an, .state d. U'tt Ie' rnp-re '1ntf' rest j ng. s ~b ct"j:v i s i.on' 'biilc'a use.cor.J ce r'nl;l.d·· .w.'! to: toomany cuts to:W-Fls.;ts.i.-d~Drive .50: started .wjt.~ par.<ill'e.I 'rop.dap·d'',i;hil.t LsWhy some question ,Ie'ft open, some, ·.k;lnd.pf mark~r .in, .fr.onfl f.o"rima',i.n:.. ,entrance. IVlr. LeChase stated \~j'I.J· 'certaIn,ly' be' more' aw'are next tIme •.,': J. I 1 :, .:. j.- .' .... ..,..... .. .'.:. r;. " ...:. .... """". .

Mrs. ·C!)ap,m·an·-asked,,,i f anyornte(W I she.jCl .. [1:0 ~speaIs . .J;n :f.-?lyor: ..pr. oPPf.s i.;tLpnto·the,-appIh::atjIon jan:d·n.o.pne.;ap,Peare',d.:.. . -If: ...." .' , : I ',' .j. ".j ....,..,DECI·S·.JON: !3ranted for one 'year.'



Page 144: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


octob'el 28,' '19"75'


6. ':"App-!l'cai'lon'of 'Chase: Manh,a·tt;;tn :Sah'k, .State iVid'e' f~rclliTi~sCorp.,·,One New York PIa'za, New York,NewYO'rr<"~IOO.I'.5·/~or approvalof .free-stand!ng '5.1 go for .nDrIve-"in:Bank.I[l~iJt for b~n,k bU\,/d'lr gl o'ca fed a r Chili' Avenue and Caldwa,te~ Roah , ·s·lze.·Z':8\1 x. 2T,6",'fotafhe.ight 6'·2". C-2.:

._. _', -. i-!. " " • J I .;.,Mr. Ja·e>Ko'.,·areh l'tect,abpea'r'ed' repres'eni'l ng:''tne appl i:ca-n"t:•. "Statedwould lih~~ to':erect iFr~'e~Lstandln~ sign' :f6r' drive-in- teq'e-i-'TA: pa r-k l nqlOT, d l mensl ons approxImately -2'1'.8", ,x 2".6" .o ver-e l L· . Approx-imat-eiy' , '6'2 t1. in height •. "'erely' directing traffi~: for the, drrve-in teIl-er.Doesn't have' any -l Ltuml n'a't'l cn • ",Bla'ck b a.ckqr-o un'd- a nd white lett~rs"':'seyi,ng Dr,lvEk'~lfi':'Te'II'er wIth 'a'rro~s In: It.- 'Ha~e'aiready:·pla-ced.l- .fooncFatloh 'for sign 'l n paf-king 101--.• " WrL, Tang-er' askef:F nol I luml nat'! on?Mr,'Ko,s·tate··dyes~ that· Is. IndleaTed .bn.t~e draliri!l'g. Mt·s.·~hap'·mah :',stateiji"un'cI's'ar as'far as' thi:s'diagram, .show bxa'ctlr wh:re 't1')e"si9n -lsto be: since' cou:ld-hit get' in'. :'Mr'.1 Ko'stb-\-e'd' right: her-e , 'That'ts:'th'e's l qn , -Th Is sheei" Is:-dataiJ"of that·inCll'catrhg sigh;, , Mr. Huht$j-'-iaskedis·,thl:tt'w'h.er'e' round cOricrete:i'fb.un~ation· is,.·!n:p-Lrce? Mr. Ko hated:yes';" Try j og'\ to s hbw 'en rkct i on S' to pee pie' coni I ng i n, r . . - .

- ' l . , ,"- ": I I:....' .' .... . 1'1 - ".

Mr~'Hun1-er'askeb J"ohd~redl'if yo·u Wlr'e --awa:re 'of the.f~et'i"r1l3t ordinancedoes ban free-standing signs aft~~ltwQ ye~r~?' Whai" w6~ld be,'pra~ at'that time? Mr.,Ko sta~e~ wou[~ have to follewing zoning ordinanceat! -rhiHI -tIme. cI I'ent l knows abo:utt t.· .Mr. Hunter' s+:l·ted guess ~ ues'r l onis, i~' yo~ have s~me' way ol hind'Iin~ at:th~+ time' ~hy ~o~l~n't:l~~orkat l fh is' 'T'i me". .Mr:" Ko state d 'rep t'esen"t The company. e-nd they' +~ \ l me I'what 'they wan t', . . . ,'''1 . I, ,'.' ~'I- . J -', ." "

, . I . -, . --j '.' ~ • i ' j'1 ' , ,

Mr.' He i I in-ah si"ated' they don ~ t s how 'pa r-k j n91 n'Thbse"'~'reas" as .5 hewn onthis map. 'Are sho'il1n-g,.,some 'pa r-kl nq'<up here. iMrl l i<o:':stat~d r-eascn .changed parki'ng j's,1 that' c e'rs woufd::b'e ccml n9 'th,is' w'ay'end,1 wan f to' .hove cars' come I j·ke'. th i's'-.I - Mr. Mul lane v ··ask'e,d p lci-c'es·s.ign' r.i ght abo.u-rhere? Mr. Ko stated' 70 ·ft'•. i"ti:. 'Mr.' Huntei--' a sk ed' s:lgn couLlr .be,' ..('€lad ?ii"her from ha-e or he r-er , Mr. K? s t a f-e d people- c oml nq rerewllI'know 1'1 g'I1+-aw·a-y.'" Wi I I' 'heve tb, go' a'rbu'ntJ It, .actual Iy::'· ':Mr.' Hei Iman'v-aske.cfdo:yyo'u as 'arGh lteet 'fe~l t:hat' you" ~'c'h:ra'l IY'wi'1l 'Fie·ed·a.s}'gn T?'movet-he·'tra,fflc aroun(j·?·~Mr<·KO'statea any ~omme'-c'icil 'dr'iv'e-in Tell'e'rbank has a sign which they fee! very Important for·i"h-e.idriVe-ln,-te·JI·e·rp'p,e.rat ion. Mrs .C.h~pman :~ta!.ed .say l!lfl: ma.(r'~,ot pe nec,es~ary . ·al' ,free,':' 'stan d ln g·.s}'gn ;. Pe rha j;>s~m,1 ph t be 5'ome way of' I nc(j·rporat'l ~g' 'I nt,a. faceof the' bu.l 1:0') ng .• ,': Mr; K9' st~t,~:d"~oesn'I-t':>ee'how <th'ey' can do that. ' ..Driveway, '1.u'lte a. waY"out ln. the mI's:t·an'~e~.1 ',M)"; He-i1Ini·a'hsit-a;te-.d oh'ly ,tp't-nj;l W.fiJ I' say"·1 s·,' "dri ve';"in: 'ba'n1<'l ilg.· Mr:' Mu'llaney 'stated sa'¥s -2-".8" '~.2"~~it •.' .. I c.•;, :.'. '.- ;,:,',:. i.;"" -:- ::' .. j I ..,:'~' ,,: :.' .- . , ... ,. 1. \ :.': ' .. ', "

IVlr.• Hunter ask'ed what does this, we.II· 'of the, building 10'ok Ii'ke? Mr. Kos-i-kte'd b'r'j c'k . Mr. H-unte r kk ked' lvind'o'ws"\' Mr;Ko sta·te 6, th i's"hfac (ngthi's:, w'afl' 'here.- 'T:hls:.'I~':j·u'st :a.bo·u.t.p·ra:rfk -aiid' ·n6+hf.ri'~ tliere';'··Th'is:' Iswli'e'hs the, te-1l-eris:,on. this, sloe •. Mr; Hei Im~an' -asked Gha'se sign on'"the bu:ih:J'i'ng will' be. fa·.clng fhelntersectibn?'-Mr. Hun:te'r sta'te,d wouldi"h', 11'k l W9u,I ({ be' pes,s i bIl Fll:'.· on', ·th Is: wal.!· ~s i nce',b Ianka r'd. I OTS~ ,0 f 'ro'o'm. ,Mr. DeGraff aste.d just"brie ,sf:gn?' Mr.: 1\0 stated' ~e·s •. Mr. Hunter askeddouble''''r'a'ce,d.? Mr." Dei3:raffsTated"wopder'(n'g niaybe~Ialf-e':r'16n -want ·tb 'haveone' -er i"h~! h9r~h: -erid. sa:y'(~':g" ~:r~rve.·:i·n I vii th: a r row .p6JI h_t t ~g ~the ot~ e'r, ~way •Mr. 1 Ko ~:l:a,'fe'd 'Just·Wa'htj,S-tackj~g. ~rea,''-~mj'n_jmum .5~ 'caTS.'· ;Tfiatl;>: 'wh,atthle~e ·fO}. _'S} ~n:,ab'~~u+ 6p ·Jt.· lro~ t.he_ bu;i) I::i'} ~ g :., N,OVi-~'y,t.ol

."iii'corobrate.' "W'~nt' sign' so 'Knowl\vhe're' -roccome'!-r;i:.' 'Prl-'day[ -nIght 'ha-vetb ha;'s, s.+ackl_nlJ· ~re~\_·':"'Mr .. Hun:trr~"s::fated rn~itij-er;~o,f'·oP'J·nion:.· Caw:"vis.lualize. IOTs'of ways'-of doIng it ... ,'" .. ' . '.' ,'" ,- .,.... - ,-'. I -: ' . '.. _.' ,. . '. •Ii' - -:- I 1 I .,., '. '- . -.' ., ". .. '"

Mrs., .chapman ·statedare, aware, of the (act that s}:gns wi.! I'be o~:tlaw~da 'YB'~r' from'iViarch'-an'(j chh-i.ir provisions) wnr"have''to' b.'e·:'·made.,~~r. -,Hunter asked what wi:II"the val'ur'of -rhls',"s'l-gn ,b,e.. ln·p;!';:i··cei?I"Mr.·Ko .'-stated 'around $500.•'00. '.Mr. Hunter asked it, ,I s: u:n I j'ghted? Mr. Ko statedno power ataJ 1'.' - .... ..' I I ..·· ..



Page 145: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

- ... -.._--_._------

Zon l.ngj Boa·rd· .0.( ·Apf.J~ra Is' . I 'October '28,' .1-97..5· .'





Mrs."Prapman. 'ils kl!JtI :r fan yOr.Je· wj'$h e.d. To.osperotkl n ,f,aVo:rD.r op pos iU on" to.t·h I sap p,J,i'cafj on, ·an~J: no. coe'a p p~,a r-ed ••.; »:1· .. ,. ".,' i·, I J i

.,. . ", i ; .,' I I ; . .. J .' ; 1... ". :. : ,~, -: -. ..DE·GIS.! ON·;:,Den Led wi tl:1-oLJt p r'e~ tid fce ~ : ':'.' I I.:'" .. f .:., -,

. . ,- . • ", if. .:: -:", .1'; .: ,; .;. 1. .-- .

7.: App'Hr:at ion. cp f Pi3nt 1 i n: .af"l i:! C'Il'6'l'la ill I e.··Dev. Corp t ,.'J2(W: :Ea'st"'42"n'd' .:. street .. ,New Yo rk , ... New .YOrk·f.0r ap p re.va I oji'Varla'lilce.to'·~II6w .!-ao rc. se r-v l C$$.1 gn 1approved 0,n,j·7:j:.2,ZI-75.,,'-hb.. be, ,j-II'uml'na:h,,'d 0iY p r-ope r-ty

;·Io:cated.at ChTlj·Ao/en.ue,1;Ind.COldwater Roa d •. C-2 ... ·"\~ ' .. ' -v':

• 1" •. '. '. r' .', 1 •" '!'; -. I, " > '••, , , ",

Mr. .Tj m Burges$1',attorneYJ-,Mr •. Hac k . Hellcrby.,· s. P.iVas.t·le· C<h.·,iarrdMr. White, .Par:r't!r·o: and Chan an I e , .appe ar-e d , Mr •. He.I Im-arhlstated my· "admonlt.fol"J to the'lbo'ard on o ne-of' the qU·~$tlons· they r-al.se d as to.·jwhether or. no-t . YO'I"J have p roper, stand I nf! un.der -c o de , ·.'There·wereapp I lca t i o ns made on .'cd I' ·these matters j an d decl sI on s-' relfldered and theway 'code reads: un liess new mat e rl a-l 'or re a sonofo r- betn-grfheerd,·.actua·j·lyboar-d fIrst decides wh:ethe',r you can be. here: so' told' +0 take each indi-vidu'~'frY' and l'Ian;tecl on -the.recor-d we have informe41 you of. that.

...: .•. ; I .. 'Mr. Burgess stated with regards to No.7; only question we have andap p-J led to have ·i:I.I·u'll)inated an d assume l'il.=th .ti')e same .cen d-l f.lon s.lLmp os edon ear l ler- grant·lng of the K-mart sign, .during operatIonal hours.·· ..Statut~. a s un de r-s t.an.d concurs .a uch 5 I 9GS ma{J'be,i,j'l Iumt na te d r I' Perhapspr-ob lem-w l t h caun~·e·l.''S·unQers.tan<;lil')g:~ Not wi.th boa r d" s 'disc·;refJon.·Not shed lTbe.I !..Ju·mTnatedJ simply' may b e.p l Llum l na f-e d-i a nd indicated in:approval j'fq> us, s a l d may flot.be,.:i:ir-umin~ted •. DOesn1t know If:.counselhas different impression of wo r-c lnq, Mr. He.I l man ·stated,t~inl<.s. bo.a r-dsees whaT you aretrytng to. say.· No question e bo.uf it. Mr, Burgessstated ill any eveotual'ity,·.a'sking for ap p r-ove I To ·H.r.aminate .:dur.lng' ;'.operating·.~ours -.and realize. to,rtght'at 5:,Oq.·.s;f-·or$ wou Ldib e open ;§nd'if s.ign· ..o uf,. .tl:Jlnks. w'oulrJl·. be sa:fetY'·probl.em..arrd relai'ively ·small·,··.· Iwou l dn t f bo.ther- ne,ighbo:rs.···.Desigr.ied.. t~ di.recttraffic and' keep.:' .. :confus·tol'l.during·.e·veojng ho ur-s te>"a minl.mu.m.··· WOI')'·t d r-aw i more xo r- l e.ssbusiness to. K-martJ"iIf unde r-st oo dvp r e s en f i'rllt~rpre,ta-tioli of.courtsel,r~qu i ne.s '.we C,:'Hio'o-t'lha've .l.Llum j nated .so lhe·te "ans 'aski rig for··tfiat on e s :All l i can ·ssy--ab·o:ut ·~.'02,4.;,s.ubi:r.rvl$ion a e :'j: i l :.. · ..' ,1.:;' i .·.j-'r

Mrs. Tanger a s ke.d did. vou o r-Lq.l nal l v 'ask for il.luminated sign? lVlr.Bu rges $,:. S tat~d . or-I g:in a lIy as ke:d ..:for: 5 r gn. i,IIn dEjl J:' Istatute 'i;ln d ~ d j dn'TT .',reili'l.iz~·. trit~rpret~tion., . M.rs.·. TangElr stated taJ~·ing!abo.ut'I,llumi.nai;Lng,Qther.signs;;\'l.t ·same:,ti.me ,anlj this'iT,s. wi}yconf:used'~ ,JMr.~· B.urge$s staTedgreat manY'aP'f-lP'c<;ltions' maq€); 'III'uJtlinated p:yI.Qn WllS 'p'r0b!-emonce;.·Mrs •. ·.T1'l~ger:.aske·d conS,lde.r ne,w'evidence and tnfGrmation.~. Mr. 'BUr9less"stClte d . :T, t Is: change H· a s.lid n9 for i I .I·umI ni?t I oni f·i d I dn 't .ma!j;e.. ou ·r:!>;l[·v·esdEfar be.forr;!.;· Cann'ot.,tel l·r·Mrs. Chapman l-statec,f not sfJeci f I cal [y"as:k·s.Q . fo r· 'as :i I I 'Urn i.na te d ·be..fo re. '. Did: d i s.c~ S'<=;· an d"l deo 1d~d it: U \:l de r;-., .o.ur dj.sc·retion·a'ry ·powers·..i'o:l IJ:uminat.e oil' l1(j>t as· we.;' interpret fh.at ~nd.we... den led.,·j [hrmi:nati on •... iMr•. Burg~$.s· stCjTed nEf\'!. ~peolfi q;aI r·Y··laskl'!'lg.,for iII·uminatlon.' li'i

M-r.;·Hunter·stated in. terms ~f 'the \~a;y.·lt;.is_nq\'l"i5n·lt any','·'ill·umiTJi"!ted.sign Gil ,that side'as we... ·unqerstoog p.rior ·to"this:·meett1'J.g~' ~r::~.:.,' Chap:lllanstated n.o., . In: fact ,accord! flg: to'our,',~n;iel'standif:]g·.th [.%: i,\>:·:t~e. on ioy' .5i 911· faci.n:g"Co-! dwater •. ·GnJ y".ol'\e··:a-I Imv'1'd 0("1. ·th9t..-f~<j:e: qifthe.. bliH d'l J:19"M·r. He·j Imi3n -stated :si'n<;:~ probably' .-waslJ!i:· al>..!Xe-d; I.a·st .'!j:Jme, '1hat w..p:I,lJ·9· bethe. holilr.:s ef.f:f:ll·umin..a·tion.··,· Same a.srs.tor.e ~qurs,1': Mr •.Bur:geEis' stat<;ld:·same Ills·.·s.i"Qre. h.ours.;·· ·T.hink•. eo·old·· ha'n-dle' tha-f;'·and· leokilJg·f.or .decisl<pnon·s:q'i.r3 v:e foot.ag e ·.Of ,K.<mart·, sign.' . } vJe . knO'if ;thci 1<' w.o·'u.I. d'be i I')t'~rnaI [y-o·ilILJmina·ted du'iing hours·"ofJope·tafion :and thj:nksjc):ould':f'landle··;t.Ij1.is l'l lwiTh the same ·cla·use. Traffic: cont'rol 'devlce and, sa'fety angle', Mr.Mu~I·~ti.ey ·asi{ed.saying.does,·nothi:,J9 for·.·:the btl.si.!1ess?... '~r, BurgE?ss'stated ·no.· .:.'Mr•. Mu·L.I-aney .si'at.ed could' do vJithstreet :U·ght.: Mr •.Burgess' $.tate.d tq',lrng, to keeptraffCc"!flow .. ·.No outsi'de servrce, ;"PeQpf4" dJr.iving, around edge of bl,l.JJd·in.g duri~9 evenIng I:Jq.yr,s. an~ wantto know'. :w:herEl 'tQ. g$t II n:, . W.Cru I d' not. be: left; on ..at i n:r gh t. .. .. _

. . '\ '. ..... :. + . ". t·· . ," 1 ,. :: .-, " ,

Page 146: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zan i t'lgl Boa td1 of .p.p pe.a'I s: .

, -Mr·; HeTlman es ke-d '10'0. 'squClre,fe~'t? Md' Surgess' :i,.\\-ate-d: -! nt,erna,ilY' .: 'i ! lum l nated and s av s auto. ser-v l ce ;: '1 Mr. He'i lrrran:· stated to' Mrl" Hun'f e-r ,know vou used to concern yo-u r s e Lf with type of ,if Ium l nat l on , ,.Mr~.

Hunter asked could' you te'II' a boirt In:tlrns,Jry?, . 111,0,,,, Burgess"'sta'i';lil8, no.·.,i d~a •. Mr •.Hunte r as kedf Iou re~cent tU,be' tr ·~ht'.ng? . Mr •.Bur?es s stat~dthLoks, S'O.' Mr.,H"¥f1a'by. ·s-ratedd.nte·roa.lly· "I'L'gf1ted pIa'sHe sd~n.. .re!atiire.,ly:,!ow"",i-nt-ens·i'ty'.,1 :Mr'i : He.ll man ,-stated thi'fl.kS', one ot'·t'he, major Ic.on~errH~' i'h-e boa.rd l had: wIThth'is: sIgn wa'ShQw :It,: wO'u-f.d·ji;;t'ffecf the.sTrucTures across·t'he,s:tree-t onCcb'Idwater.' S'inee: fue':gaii cons'f;-ru'ttionand pretty far ,along, ~hinks lot of us get dlff~ren+ perspective ofwhe,re;' It .. I sv- t h.ny r,·Jdea 'What. h$1 ght s 19i1 wou! d"b'~' .ln- re ia"r-10n ::,to i thai':road~' Mr. He I !'a'by:r,sTaTed wo:uI1:I be ,6:":Yree't·; above th~J'road be'c aus e .':; •Lor down. abo.ut:.5-feet an d l s l gn vupve bou f '12' ·,feet. .; Mr •. 'Hun'ter><!Jsked topof the. sign ?, Mr'. He"J.I'a'by ..s t e re d l cen re 1"-e f 'thes j'gn·. : Mr. HUntEi r a's ked2 ',1/'2 .x 40:'!' , ]s~that'iwf.laT talk'i'ng abOlit? ··AutJJI'cent'er?·: Mr~ 'Burgeh',·,staTed ye:s'r.corred:t~ ',Says· auf'o ser-v I <i:e. .: ....", 'l " ....," .,, I. i 1-,:.-, ': ''"1' " "l ' :' '. • -. 1 , ' ' t'Mrs.' Chapmani3sked i,f.,anyone, Wishe<l tbsp~ak 'in favor Dr op po s Lf l on i:'to, the application 8nd no one appeared.

,i '; .... , .,' i.. ,",D.EGI$I'ON,: Reserved pend 1nq ' receipt· of comments 'froth IMCPS." " .. :: ,

"; , '" 1 '..... ::, i--: ..:, ':1".",,', ." j. , .. '" " i h '8.' 'Appli'cation'or!lfat'ltIT'n and Cha rien I e Dey: Corp.;"',ZO,O'Easf ,42,n',d-

· $t'r'eetJ New York, /lJelt York f o r-Lap p r-ova lvo f va rlance to:a'''j·oW·'f'!"·e.e-stan<liin~' "Garden Sl\bp'l.js·!-gn apprQxim,~te!y:":33,·~/;\1:IH., 1.2':<f-j-: from· graae per. Se'cti0n 6.02.4:,''-(<::J orll~roperty,!o'eated at 'Chili IAveil'ue· and (i;ofd" water Roa<il;,,'· C-Z: '" '."1" '., , ,'I .' . ,i

• "';f· •. 'i ';'. i '. . . f ;.~' •. ,'Mr •.Burgess· 'stat~idl j waS rhy'''uri qe r-sfan d,I.IiB· ti'laT·. tHcl:-r \~as "not corte crwordin~ of w~~tls~bmitt~d.Hadjsked~t~~puTI~ar~enshop sign either,1mme dI ate I y·<!lbo,ve·: d> r'" att ech ed to. the ,fenced-'j ti a.ea i"naT shows on 'tl1e.plans. '. blot·i'o. be'a' free',s-tandlng' Sig,fL· . Mr.' Hunteii- as kedvto sl r--dn . ITOp 1011 the ,fence? . Mr~' Burg,ess' 'stated' p rc b len tnaT"j,n determin!,ns'pa rk l nq the, 'feri6e'''was'''frule'd a ',b'uJJ,jjn'g in: determining s.qtrar-e fO~T~ge,

for park i n'g" a n d cdn s·jde red,· b u.i IcH ng . ~ n d,i now I 'By. ',de fi nl t j on votrr ques f i o nis. is It part of the. bul l d'I ng , reel I Iyifree-standing? .. Woul·.\'! li'keito['attach to the fence.' ,,," , i: . i·: ~'j' ' " ., r" i' i 1,. . . i ' ,;., 'C' • ""

Mrs." Ta:n~e r i :sske·(j. ii'Cl'h -,j t, I'urn I na,t4 d?"1 Mr'~ Bu,rg¢s s s fa fed,. v·es '; Mr:'." Hul1fe rstai'ed ass·timi·n·g Plamjj,ng""Sba"i-d, decl s.j',on ,ba,se'd on ',se'U'Ing,;a,6thlty I~n'-:·

fhe"re sam'e"a~:;' bOild·fng·'and.'ilould' have)to !'nclu'de'for 'parking~ i QaestionIvhei:'h er th a'fri!leiul're:s: us' .to. ca I I' ij tl iJJ.l b u 1 I d "ng ;' Mr', B~ rges5 state d'"wou Id" wo rk fo r ot 'aga I As,f us.'de·pend flig, on pos H i o'n.- Not· tOG' 'j a'rge ,as1'gn1' BeH'eves wcn':uICl'fa'ccapt .;iv-etU-n: up ~·g<lins.t·the,' fen-ee'-; MJi".; Hunters+atedfl:3.3f'sq1..l81'"6 feet~ " Wou! d' that be,',aga i rI.l·trylflg to f i ntl by earll'ecrmee1ring, ,ZI'x[6'? Mr'. Burgess'lstaterl that: must be'fhe .drie,,·',non':"'i [ I Un'llnated.'·Mr.'·Huilter'·aske'diwha'·t·'woii!-d' 1t: b-e., stee.ll'ol"'wooden sign?· iMr'~"Bilrgess"

statJ:d probab I~' ,~teEll' or wCiotl. : Permanent th ins' f6r.garde~l.shop~:' Non-'III'u'minate.d. . ',' j:,.'. 11 i ' ;

Mrs·.,ichapman ,statedJaskthg for[fr·ee-st,anding:;',.0n .'posts 'se:parate: fr6mthe fence? M.r.iBurges~ i;tate'tV no" ,on. the', fence. P0Sts~" 'Mr~(He i I m'an I.8sked.talk·i'n!Jj a6ci'Lit- pdstexte·iid·in~ 'ft?' Mrs.;,.·,,,;!Chap,man,sta'te.d.doesn It-.. •sat' +~i s,.:' WOll I d' I ike" to'kFiciw ·.-rf··6r.,,·the ferlce'.,Mh·;,Bu h~es9,stc!ted: i:'on "the posts.' ·Mrs,,···C~apma'n·a!3'ked··notton--.the f~n<±-e.' '.M't. Bu'r'g~Hs".. ' 'Is,tafe,d· not"oh fhe-:'fence, 1)'r'ef'EHo' lilgfaer; , Mrs.':r~ng;,h'; aSK~a' ,woO!:d :yo"Li' I!·ik~,·to ailli-mod'? I,. Mri BClrges5--;s+'~:ted be'! i'eves ,I),',q'" frOm ·the'1g17-ound, '.no,tgraJreL"':-Mf.:iHUl'itsr·ask~.cr-.+hlswasln.be.fore~·, Mf". :,Bupg,ess:,st,!l'ted 85.''1 I Iurti i'n-ated :S rg r.d"d-Iff:e rEbn't pr.opos·a Lt·believe::.: '. '.: l' .....; ',': :' : I I j

"., , . j , , , .: ..., \,.,:: !,".' "~ .... , .,'.' '.', . .. "',' .'I '. .', :'.'Mr. He'i''lfri'ar.r stated ..tak~'tt w!1at-sayi·ng'as 'Un,r::ierstarld"l,t, ir.r'ttJl1T~ht'·beca use" 0 f dh e fa t·t th'a t·.- ttie -PI anml n'~ Bo:a·r.8. de,te rm [ne d,.,th.at .1'h1'$..IV,as·'a b1I.i I O'r~~I':Fo r"· p wrp'oses 0 f' ~ ark i'n~ an d·;.othe r·,th '·,iigs';· .and, ,1..I!'i d~ r"ourcode, there'f'ore,' they",wo:tl!ec'be e.ritHle'd to a'. sIgn ,6n-:thatibuJld'I~9.·,'Mrs.' Chapman ,asK'e'~: [f, asking ,ro·r 5'1gn orhthe: b.lI.lldIng.,"wh.y .,doe5o the,:request read free-standing' s,ign?' .'If. yo,u want to amend to, read on ,the

Page 147: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


I. Oct ober- :28." 19'7.5





bu.iI.d·ing· con s-l de r l nq ·chajn:.·Ii'l1·k f e'hcev a b u.I Ld Ln q • ·.M'r. Burgelsls'state'dw,o.uId· l lke. to.amen·di.· -Mrs··.· chepme n ·state.cl..lf s.ee·fi·t. tb gJraht. sign,wi ./.1' 'be' s pec Lf.l caI Iy '5 pel :(·e;d. Qutw,h er-e: j t, I So' i'b', go.. . Will "n'ot be.. ' .

. fre-e-~tand·i ~g( on. ·sepa·rate posts.' i·1 'I I r:- ... ', :'

Mr.'. Hun te r-a ske d not asking for ILghtihg'? Mr.' Bur qe-s.s state.d no .SiT'.Mrs. Chapman .stated non e-lI l·umJ·na·t.ed".·Z·'·, x: 16' •. Mr-, Bur-gelss stated n.otto exceed.' Mrs. Chapman ·aske.d exacf lv ·how high is: tha't fence? Mr.Burgess sTate'd. accord.ing to. my map 9f.6.1t,· and: .toP of ·t.h~, sIgn o'n·t.olp·-,would be, 2 :feei"', . Mr. Hunter stated I ("61! epp.rox lmef-e l v ," Mrs,'Tangers re t e.d ·n-ota I o f th e f.en.ce and' s.Iqn ..·above . I t'.1 ·.Mr . Bu rgess s;t'at.e d bu't ' .no s ub s tanr-l e l ' ·gap.·be.t'we!;.n.,..' Mrs .•' Chapman' 'sta,ted·-question. 'as,'To al low I nqs l-qn above roof OT a -b.ull dl nq ahd: If :tb·ls:-·js;.a bu ll d I nq' or a fence. 'M'r. ' Burge'sS': s tate.d as ve tv, ·p'radti ca I matter, .11 f'. becomes.. a, 'p r-ob lemwo.ul··d·"be: happy ·il'b.,iltTach l·t.at' tpp' of -f en-ce level.' Not tryi'll9 :1'0bi~ker abo~t where it is~

Mrs.' Chapman a s ked if e nv orre- wished to speak l nja vo r- or opposition ·to. tht 5, a P'P ·,l·1 'ca t.J on. -and- no on e .appea re d, . '.:

. .i, i . " IDECfS'JON:rReserve'd p'en d l nq j r-ece l p.t i c f conmen ts f'roin MCPD. "

... 1. ',.1 ~ f' j r r" '. j "i' ' .. ' .9., . App-n -cat i on of ' pil rrt I lh -a hd 'ChanemI e.· Dev. Corp:.," .20'.0: .E 1:Is t· 42n'.d

. ·Street, .!New York, .'~Ne.w York ~or,'appr:oval 'of va r-t ance: lto' a l l owJ ':,x :2'L arrows' for 'e'i1tran:ce/exit: sl'gos TO. be:·4' '.1/2 .fe-er ·'to top ofsign,' 5·ft'. in. he:i ght" p r-ev l ous l y e pp r-ove d under S'e,ct'ion-6 :022(.6:)onproper.tyi IO'C13tea at eh i lI: Avenue e'n d Coldwater Rd•. C"-2~'. l: ... .,'.:., l' . I·

Mrs'. Chapimln stated', as un de'r s rand. this! p'a rt" .no change'. I nthe s-! gns :'or.·the.·fac!·i'hat .'j-j"ghted~ et'c •. ·0nly·,·.dlfferen,ce· ls he.lqh t-, 'Mr.' Burgessstated c0ncerned'p'rlmarily'that may-be~ Too"low,i-o be v LsLb l e, .-Wou'ldsub~it for counsel 5tatemen~.bt American:Asso~iatlunof' STaTe HIghwayOffic.la Is' in wh"i<;:h they ·use 4.'5 ft. as mi n l mum site. d l s fan ce f or'de sl qn v.corrce pt , A.gain, .isn·1'f' the. bi'.g:gest' pr-cbI em .t n..th.e wo r-l d; HerveTO \t-'h'ink that even·countylet,ter;w·hen -re commen de d. 3:5' feet gave' a,fOOT tl-i gher 'O'r,' l'Ower either" w'ay,· ref'e:rrii ng '1'0:' Ju I y' 'ITt'h ·repurt •. Ask-l ngfor uppe'r'limitsra,ther ·than·-3:5 feet. Brin'g to'hood Jevel '<'Ind' .. ' .wou I dn !·t have " pa'ss~mgersl obs·.t'ructi ng· vi ew. : 'WOU',j dn'! t v 10 i a·,te, county :recommen da f i on S·· <lnd -seem's more in '1 In e .with good:. pi ann i n'9·. '.' . ' ,'.iii' " . i I '. , .

Mrs.' Tanger asked :in and:o'ut signs idl'l' be' verV ·dose,to Chll.I''"'90IdwaterRO'a'd? Goio'g'. up a· hill':to get ou't< Mri.·.Burges·s' '$tated 'ye,s.': :Mrs •.Tangerstate,:d· con ce r'n ed·· 'a-bo:ut the' he'! .ghT.·to' see be~ca.use· bus-V h i ghw~y.. -NOi'.·go i n 9 .put I fl!3T •. ' Ga,r ·w I I I ·be. " n' it'his, p-o,s i ti 'on so ~rond'er'i il gi ':1 f, w.i-I I~:be .

. at·,eyel'IilVeI. Mr'~ Burgess ,stat'sa not: S.o· muchlw,o'rr"ie'd ab'o,uT carsg'oingout •. !'fieop,ug'h sh.es·e't0;g·eT,jn~~Ii.I.1 get,o.ut •. More,worrieo·abo:ut·" '.peo-p'l'e on the' I"'oad .I,Ybk·i,ng'fo'r" 6n,e"to ;get,>1 n' I'm;·:· Mrs. ,Tan,ger s1t'ate.d'wor'r"j e~d. ab~6:ut· g€d1t.l.n"g: 001'1 f:canno:r see it'he; traff::i p,.mml I1g beqlus:e o-f".sIgns. ,Mr'. B'urg'ess' st-aled ,:this is-n'.t- b.T.gges-t ppIFlt·. ,Se·ems.'t'o, ':)lorecorre'ct [Y:,.me'e't}p Ia'nn j !lg., .dbe's,n,' t v '0 Ia:t,e co unttYJre.commen ;;rai' IOn 5.. ':: .'.Pe:rl;l'ap·s<foll.r·.feet· wo.u.I·d:·he.l·p .•" 31.·S:·,seems.dahgerou.s TO. us." :Mr~:•.T.an.geraske-<fwo,u:!·d·.you be.·w.i:ll':l:ng tO,go aJQo:g,r'wlth·.wha.t sel'ms,t'Q .be. 'rlght' heig.htTO 'Col r: go i ~g 0 f;I ff"?'· 'Rega.r<H e's s: :i f a I" 'ttJe' lI.n-de r.?M-r.,' Eu rg~j;;'S.sta.ted; ,all inagreemen+ abO,U,t '\'Iha't +ryi·n9 'Po eCC9m-j),I,i'sh.:. Want·.·saJ~f,or... ,"everybo~y.· Did sub~lt copy of ~he. Highway Association 6tatement.

'.j , . '.. .', , , .' .. J . '..---'" " ..'.... . ••:.... ...~1 r.• · H.tJ n;te r aske·'d"ha$ :.i'-ha,t. 9 ra'd~ be.en- estab 1"I·IS·~eqo" .Wh erl?~ s.igns; wi I '1': ;b~:?NI'lo; so GJ:>11'ce rne.'d: ·abo:.ut w·h:ati t: '1 s~";,:-Lo·o.k'il)g at'l YlO.u I d: it'..b-e,. p.o!?s·l b Le:. :t}>th;row":,l:ip'cr;:sigh'ano' IO:,?k.at·.it:? Mr', H!3.lh'l·Py, st.i:lte.d ,all·:f,·in..f-,:;;hed,.-:rliere·no\'!. ;. Mr. Wh'l te stCl ted (·n: addi ti'On •.··.'K-m!art, '.\'i}1. i;I e: O'U rten.anT',a·n d . t-rv ·tosat:ts'fyJ iTb·wh' o'f Chi I,i ·,and. re,st>on;Sjb:I~" 1'.0' s!a:tlsfy.. K-mart.•. ',Rea-~.o.n .. t.hey ,have.. ·h.ig,her 'Than '4.5 ft •. s'ig·n.-.and ffrojn ·.th-e'.t;ra..f'f..ic. P.'Q:int. p:f. :yi;e;w·aCd~p·t~b.I"e··stan·d·ardsThat eye. of ·the-drlv.er is-at .a:rl'·Tim~s 4.• ?,.·f~et;abo.ve ·.th·$'. groun·d,·. - :-K-ma.r'·j- s/ign·stand.a·rdl· ab;Ou.'t;: 6·,;f,t".· abo,ve"gr.,oun,<:!.' ,W,ant·,,·to'say,· :ahd' p'f,a'cti ce 'a'I [. 'oVer' in: 1200,.!S,:toresi,: it· i.,s, dj t:'e-ctio:n~al-; ·s·.1g)1 .•

Page 148: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Wan,f, fe-] I'o.w ,who, -;, s 'fa r 1fr-om that~:s I g'n ,abb'yeca is abb'.ve' 'I-CYO f;s -to sei;;the' s:j:gn,'I:l!,rec:tly 'an d see where e x I t: and: entrem'cei 5;.' .v Tha f .i sI wh'yl ,havedes ign~ d' tb i 5:. I . Co.u nse 1 'S ufwest,e'd, a c cep t th ttl;' s t 'gnI iJ n'd l that I s. wha Jr"1 want to say. ~1I11', 'go al on q wIth wh'a"tever IS:"acceptabfe' to the tOW'n.

Mr6 .Cha pman e ske.d. 'I'f, a nyon e. ,w·i shedF rroJ spea kij,ri, f avo r o r: oppos i ti on-.on .,th l-s. a pp I j 'cat. j orr..a nd.nol onare pp'ea·re'gi. "j t· " .: .: "

DE'CISI ON, RE:s-e:r~'~'d p'~n di ~g, 'r~C€ii'~~t' .. comments' ·:f:t6m 'MCP'D .• -, ':' ,.~:. ," II "I" .;-, I 'l" ,,' I '" ,", ., .. ,", .. I· ', ..10 •. App ll c a t l'orr- o f P-a~tJ,jn[ &.>Chan~'nji:l Dev. corp:• .'. ,2'O.a:·East: 4z~n'd" '

I',' ;! " s't;reet.'·New,.:Yo·rk·7,·New- York', .f o r-, a-p,pro.v;,;r! 'o·f· va r-Lan be lf-o' 'crll'6w ,', •. ' 700. ,sq-~' f.t,=', 'sn:f~ 'on .H-on'f!', :Df"bu'i,h:l'i..,n,gi'al:lve,rtis'ing:·K-11lart un de r-! ''S-ec-t'i'on' 6 :'.0.2.4,(,-a,)- 1OO:1,.s'q-:; ft~'aJI'o:w-e,d 7 ~2{J~O, $'q'.' ft. Pr'evJ ous I y, - .app r-oved 'On: 7/2,'r2../:75'1;'01i 'p'r.o'per:ty'I'O'ca·ted'·.at· CbI 1'1 Averiue .a n.dl': "Co I dwater Road. C"'2.: • ,': i . f" '

..~ , . -: ,r: ,: i .'.' .-;Mrs. Chapman asked have you new ..inro;rmation o rvnew reasons: fb'r,app-earingagain on this particular sign? We have heard yo~r request pr~~iously ,and did rendel":.decJs·jon "and' a ll 'were.i;}s'khig' beJ:To'reth'elmeetin'g Wha.t·..JustificatIon ,there Is for reappli'cation.' Ordinance s avs s hal I 'be, noreapplication wi'fhin,'6' year of·the o,rj"glna,l'~e'cis,jbn., i4r ... B,i.lrgess ','staTetil a dml f. QoeS-n'·:t- 'know Wh-at ,was,in:·th'e c r l q.l ne-l 'ot,her tha,o:"plans .and \~h:at 'was', p r-op os ed..Ap par-en f-l v- part o-f the' re escnvwas l -that wantedto, check our',arithm'etle- aqai ns-f vb u r-st rl n's o fa r- as the' method o f lcomp u-:tatioo"o'f wha't isc-The'J,aq:u'are f:o,oi'age. :.Have alterna,tlve-'-pro-posa'l 'orcould amend ap.p l lce't t o n vs omewha-t but rb l nks. was to get s ore.r-u I t nc fromcoun sa I '0 r he a r, how yo'Q' de'Term i ne s quare- .f oo ta ge," and r'e·fe r-ri n:9" pa rt i cu I ar- [y''ta1,how. <lse' he.l ght" ofi th,e K .fo. lj'eterml ne".Tota r 'sq ua r-e ',f'ootage' 'rather' thanK as ,rectangleland o7he'r as,"rectan'g'le' a nd. use' T,hei-sl,lm o f tho'se twc.,Tho.ught was' Tn'terpreta:tlon in compuaa f l on , I . '- IMrs ~ Chapman 's'Tatea cahno~.t's~e how; computat'i on of. 'S'i·~~.. bea~s ~~' the,.e p p I,j ca't ion 5 ln ce a s kI ng ',f.or $cme, ti':l il1g,' :700."sq'.' ,feet- in: b-o'th .a pp I ['ca-tions., ·Mr:. "Burgess',; s.tated thf'n'k~;'; u'se~,'of; ilOi9- '\~a:s 'im-prbp-er 'pe'rhaps:.What thin.kan-g' :in .te'rms',"of, ~1?two's,t'anda,r-dlz,e"d sl..gIis· al;ld:r'hb.rr<ibly",exp'en'se: and' tnas;-s'~prodil'Oed. Be'for-e--· :try.-,t-o' 'ta I k', ser.-Iowsly' ,a-bou,f ZOO,sq.' ft. t ryi ng:' TO,' If'j g'u.I:',e 0 u!tf camp lJ·;tat I on-b,as) S;.. an d" ,ou r, fi' gu ~es. s I;,o.w" 'that wh.at yO'lJ list as: 7UOsq. fT. actually- about 50S-'and nothlnfj'stTl'a 'lie ri th a·t cou I d' r,e.p .Ia:ce. '" 0 rl ij i mens j on:that, ,wo:u'l d" be, a r-o und' 20':0, ? ::'

. "sq: fT.·by,o.ur com-pu<f:at,io..nwou.l'd: stLlJ 'be".corjs'itlerab.J.y', more' ,if, co;rrectme'thodu',?:$'d: i h: 'comput'!ng',',sqqa"r-e footage1;..: Have 'no 'l/ay of--·k,n,9w.Tng.dell-ei-hr,i nat j pn i 'oth e'r, tha n ,to' as,s'tJme1 s'j z.e,! 0 f tnl:Ji !< ·t{mes. ,tb 1;)" I e'ng-rh-ra-tber than ·tW0 'rec-ta.n'g,!e:s·sy:g,te,m whi.eh ,is; what -.It, is'.' Spe,cii:tl,trade-mark'rha>!' we)'h-ave. Mr. Hunte,r askeD suggesting that'.maybe; si';;::-e, o.f'the: slgn-'as,.y6,u. s-e'e it, 'ls:.suln"of .th,e,·sqiJ-are' fbota1;Je .. ,of each I·e'tter:?'Mr. ,s..u r~es$ 'state'-d' h'b;;r --each'l etta r~, Try i 'ng 'to t'rea t -K 'esse I'la poe ye'en:tity'from"r-est o.t' ,the' th:Ld'\'1,-mark whii'ch"[S: ma'rt~ 'S.h'Owe:d 'th-,at as 1500.-On [y' .oTher si gn ..-ev-cl'!"la·bl.e:, s'eems about" 26..0 :i f \-Ise1 twol rec:t,a-ngl,e, th'~orywh'i-ch .is',-clo-l5S--tO' What al,J'o'we,d". ',Could' come, close-.·Dis;,;uss 'se,rio,u1>1-y'

,,"'b'ut ofi";'other' sy's,tem 'of measilri-nsJ' is ·:use·d., ;then,'cann'bt,d9 iit'" Rahint'o p,ro'b'lero before on-;>Grat.rt,sl.-'.' Nee,d 'sbme'thirrg.sufficient. ,',3(J(},:.f.ee't' •.from'th'e r·o'ad. Asking fbr r,u·,J ing. on' -co'mpu;f:atlon'. '

. . .' i,. ~. . '.' . . .'

(M,r. Ward drew sketch on ,board of sigh), Mr. Burgess' steed ,if, you Ii rna g'i n'e' th i $' as.,'K ·af.1 d" th i sl e.s ',ma rt''' ha ve ,r~, a's' onei ,s,q1.la re. 'fcYotag'e am;I,,'tesT' as' s'orlleth i'h~'.' ; :-Rea'l I y :be'-i 1'1 g:-+recf,teidb e,ca u:seof" un i que': -'trad~ -rna rk:·tak'j ng' t:6p' b~ ',the' 'K', 'fha ti 'S: n6+ pa r't of"ith'e' s i gnl 'an d, a I mbs t p roh ,ill ite df'r-om deve I o:p i ,rig 's"i'gn "fth 8 t wo-:u,1 d' ,be, s.ee. Jf'rom: ,3DO,".fee't,. . 'He ve .si gnu s~ d.els'ewh'er:e':tha+ "can- bUY'.'hH!;jhtfit iNithi'n·.'20.0,'sq'. 'ft. :defin,!,t'ion'3Hfcan geti'ru~1 ing 'from y:o:u --t'ha.t"th).'s-,':is: p'rop,e'r way' to, meas'u:re':'s,qui:!re .,,:footage. 'Mr'.; 'Hu:rrlte 1'" '8s,k\:;:d 'on e- 'yo'u,:;'can '-'9,e1: I'/O,U I d be<'Zo:(}.·?'" " Mri •. ,B,u:r:'ge,s s·stat.e'd other'on'a, 7.~5:fee:t :in Iile:ight. K by·116·'.fi"; ~cro;s,s,..;th'e. top,; .,-',DiNerkat ffrorrr iIO:6)'by;;,2L·', B-alallc,eJ 4-..125.h,ighlland:,3;:'f :,ft,.,., in,lre!"g,th f.or

Page 149: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon 1~gl Boa r d 'of ,oA·ppea I s: . Octobe1r 2·E(.' J 9::;'5'





total leng.th·,.off ·50'.ft.': 34" :><.'A.25. -on tha-j-:ma'rt se'C"tion)· Tha!t compu-te sl·to ·Z6'.4.5··'sq,.···U. " Dei IV- a.t-her' ii gn; e v a ll \:ibl.e·to us 'na!·t!i on a lI'v' ·a:licl· webelieve'! even Ah'at ,l~·:ins(Jffi'cient'.to·:b·6. read 'from: 380 ':ft.'a'nd, notas kin g for p-¥ lon , .'Can Ii"ot get'...· Norl oth er' f .ree.,.!; ta nldl nll': ,. 'l f':. EdII'owe dto talk' about 26.0 .sq. ft.' sign, thinks -rrle:d·to."compIYU ;'Oo·l-Y·,,'think .ev a l l ab l e to comply. '.' 1,,1 i·....',·.. .,. I I • , '. ,;. ',' 1,' ·1· 1: "

Mr. He I l rna n 'stated asking for Interpretation 'Of meas u re ment s. a·nd· goi-nto -que s t l on ·that; wb's ';'io,t pre·sehtei:! f!lr-s·1t tlin~~"yo:u-r idea o'f· howshou I d 'be comp ute·d·. . Talkl ng" he i gnt! .+.1 me's wlldt-h'.' . Mr. 'Hunter' readsec; 6.0!2Z';C·k,) "Size. of s.'lgnshEd'l' refer ·to the bvb'r'al I' .a re'a "occup l edby the total 'signand I ncl ude s any spaces,b'e'i-ween'parts thereqf."Mr. Burges,s'state.d sayIng any·thing'abo~ve mart.doesn't.do anyt·hin9 an disn't pa,..·t of the.·sigh.···M'r-.··Heilhranaskeld Is: the maori' one- typ,~!.slj;gn·?

Like Grant, C lty 'has' word c:;i'tyl ·a-oroS"s -rne 's,tr.eet •. Th af concepti Mr.He.Ll ab y. ·state.d individual lei-ters. Mr. Burgess" stated norb l nq b u'fbrick·be·hind· 'Iei-ters. l It. ·is·fllt 'a' no rma'l : 'ti"ayt61 comp u-re. becauss',thatpartof.the,sigh ·-talk·ing- a,b.o:i.rt 'and hidd·'to.re"Sp'onS"ib:Uii'y of h!'rgeK i-Ih·ich. is:'-trad~~rriar\< ana have: to'Jive, wii'h,ilt:..·· Mr.' Hurrre r- askedproposing two rectan:g,te·s~ insteado:tone? tvI1". Burgess's-ta:i"ed as; long'as 2o.0.sq'. ft; instead of 20.0. ','tIlth that formula'.' Mr. Hel I nran staTedbe'ca us e oi 'prob).em·comp'any,ehc",unters·ln· tha:r mas's c p r cduce d , J'.1ir.i .':Burge'ss' fltate'd don '.ij-I m'akb own'•. ' St'andard·i z·e'.d··tbrougho.ut 'country;' Mr.He i Imen staTed 26.4 with the two rectangT~'it-heory, .wo:uldlhe··SOa.·somesq. ft. under original. Mr •. Burgess ~Tated inrlicateH some others nottoo important but this ls:extremely·lmportant,. ·With.o·ut it and. P:l'!Jo'n-sign, cannot advertise. ' Mr. Hunter asked be.l i'e:vesgave 4.-5 'ft. ashedght of ma-d?,,'·Mr.· But-.ges.s' stated 4.25,.' . Mr. Hunter stated this shows.6·ft. for m and· with: t 'rooks' -rall·sT. Is: that maximum height? Mr.Burgess stated' thinks. a r-f l s ti c I ice nse , Mr •. White stated t a l wav s- an+tle tall'e·r. Mr. Hunter stated, looks. quite a b If': tal Ier ; Other:three' I ette rs::1 00 k 'a I i 'ke .•.

Mr. Burgess stated re'ally-doesn',tihink concept beh I n d 'ruling on ordinanceIs. in 'any,way e f fe c're d by, measuring this way.· If: bl'-g: sign' where-Iei-ters :a:llli'ghted un outsIde different but wIth facing behi'nd In:in harmony' ·wi th what Yo·u wan r I n: town. Mr. Hunter asked each letterinternally··1 i'ghted? Mr. 'Burgess stated yes s lr , : Mr. Het l man askedthat would be'. for hours. of op e r-et l on r- Mr. Burgess stated yes, that is.alr·eady.·grante.d and not aski!19 for che nqe , .

Mrs. Chapman -s·tated may require affidavits. on how y ou ca Iora l at e sothat when ·Star comes i nand, s av s wan f 500..sq;: ft. be'ca use .al-lowe d youSOO.·.ft. an d want too wll I: 'give argument ab ou-t rne.t l on-w l de trade-roar-k:and mass produced s I qn ·that on[,y'comes!n: two sl ze.s v

Mrs.··Chapman 'asked if anv on e- wished to. speak 'In, favor or op p.os l f l onon -rh l s. epp l tca t l on can d no one ap ps a r-ad ,

DE'CrSION: Reserved! pend·i!lg· receipt of eomment-s from MGPD.

Dec l s.I'on s held' over from Sepfember- .23., 1975meetl!19':

App I ication -of Mitche:II' Pfl:ill'ips," .85· ,Bla'ck Creek 'Road, Ro ch e s t'e r ,New York for approval of variance TO erect add l t.l on 'on re e r i o thouse,' .24.'. x 20", app rox • 7';6", to. west l o'r line,. ,46:'; from eastlot. I in e , :51·" to rear ioi' line, .af ,85 B'lac k Creek Road. F-2.'

DECiSiON: Granted S 'aye's,' .Mr. Mallette abs.tain:i!1g.

Page 150: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


·.1 ·Octo·ber: -2;a',, 19:7,B. "




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..... A.p·p·J j'cat lon o f P.oun&y o.f Mon·roe; .Dep.'a·rtment, 'of \veJ gh+san\::l· J .

. ·Me.asu;r~,s:> ::11'57 :s.~o,tJs V.ii 1 f13t Roa d, Hocheste r.,1 .New io:rko for .Zlpp rova Jof '.f:ree;-si'andj ng' s-lgqappr.ox":- 3',1'. x;.:4i': on. m~tarl 'po-I'e, .app rox.•l; ';

-. IP ·.feJ9't jot~ 1 he I gh·t.. .to ,·be:. l-oca fed on rpr-ope'r tv. ·at.l ~I IW :, : .. S:Cot.tsv.i lIer Road>" M:-2{.~' '1:" -: I .' ".,:;, :-·1 .•'.

I . I:' : i ''',DE'CISTON: Den led without p r e j ud l ce , 5n05, Mr. Mallette abs.t'aining.

, T'1 '.. i· . Ii': ..Appt lcsr lon -o f PhiJ.lp: (\HCDjosi,.: 17:35.',Sc·ot.tsv.f.Ile Road,: RO.G.hes,rer;Ne-w -Yo r-k: fo r., 'ap Pr-cval 'of, v!,!.riance .to ,attf:i ch sj gn-..on -r' Lght h/:!·fl d .-cor-n ero f pLi.i!El·ing above"g:u.ttejrl. line;. ,l4.' x 4.',jadvl>.r)r'ising..PJ.z.za.~'e r la·at ·1-:7-i?5.S:c-ottsvi [le.Road•. ' F,..2.'. i . r:" j' .

f .' ~ - ~l .' . ~ .,." .... : '.' i .-, , "'. . . t . ", '.::' :DE:CtS'.I·ON:. Gr,s·nte-d. 3". x; 5·'i·s·.!gn.,be:arir9.:·name of, .r:es.ta·l.I"r'ttni" tor one' :1

y e-ar p e-r i 0 d, . 5 'a yes·," .M n .. Ma.l I'e'tte e-I;l.s:ta i n i ~g'.•i. .... . _. , i.:. r" Appli'cation 'of·praig Cur:ley,····3766 Sou:th·l.Jnipl'l,,:·S·tre~-t, No rvt h. -ChllIL, Ne\>li York ..f cr' -ap p.r-ova l 'of vari·an.ce· tp 13.rect 12.;~ca.r g·arag-e.on .~n-ders'.i'Ze..d.lot; app,rox.: 3··rr-t..· frqm"side' l-o·t I l ne-, ..onjexl sr l nq.

I fo.undati-on,"'ol'1 'p_rpperty at. 37'66 'Un l-on ·pt·r\3~t '·RA:-5.,.' " -;.. ' . .. I .' •. I· ,.,{'. '. ." . I : .. .., '.. f , • •.•.•.,'

DECI.S:lON:.'Gra·nte·.rj i.f s·ppl.i·cat··ion"!'S; ameri de d fr0m: 25.." K. ':r7'garalJe."to'r' .22': x: 37.. :' -g.aragJ9::,,·;·'.4-.4:l- ,fe.et t·rom lot Hn.e ..5 'tly{;;S,: .Mr.·; .,

Mal I'ei-te. abs:t"ai r.iJ ng1•. ;.::-·, ' ...;. . i ..... r, ,.J" "" .' I,·: i-:- ,.

• I ' ..' i . . 1 . .i ....' ".. " -':.; i":' 1. .: j"'r-;; ';'

. J AN·IO~ ·M •• -GHAPMAN.. i " II . Cha;Lrpe'rSOlli· .

'., ':' .. ,., -, i .: .


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Page 151: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


ZONING. BOARD OF.APPEAL~·No vemb er- 25., j 97,5

I " • • ".~

. .Ai Meet i ng bfth.e· Zo~ Lng '8~'a~d' If 'A'pp'ea:' s Was' he.'J"d:::,iri' the' Ch (I i 'Admin i str:a·t i 6n l ON i ce s'~' ,3,Z3:5~ .Chn i AYen.u~, 'Rbefiester' . New. Yo r-k "(4:6.24,on November' 25,,:' J;975., <:rhe Mealing: .was ':ca(J:e:d to :oj-.d~r' by, ,th'a' Cha.irpersonMr:;'.: Cha pman j ': alt- 18.·~,b"OP:~M •. · ", ''-'' '. ' .. ', : ' . ...'..'. '.:. '


iI'". ~ ; . ~.- ( !. ':' •

'~own Attorney,

,." ..,...."':: . ::. :~ .


'1. ... ,.,. f,:' ..

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,..!', .

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" '1'.':'

Pr-e s en-r cv: Jan j ce··~" Chapnian , 'C,lia,! rpeirs'on j . - .', , ' .. Ro be.r t "Hunfer" .' J " • .

·Gert.ruae".Tang',e'r: .GeH-il l d D'eGraff. Ray 'S.tee Je'C'!3:'r I e Mu I lane v

Jc hn-Ma II e'tte"Ab s.enf':

Alsp Present;Alf::r~.d J. H~i..'man...Depu,ty


Mr'~ He I Im'an, sfate'd th.a': l"ega I, TlOti¢e l re'qut"red to be p ub l lshed by th~- .Zon i ng 'Cod e wa's!:d ul y'p ub 11'5he'd .i'n .. an :autho r,i zed: n·e'w.~-pape'r; '9 ( 'ge ne,ra I,~irculbtlon'~nd affib~vits of f~~'publ'ieatlori and ~bs~i~g ~n thebu l l e't I rf board'are on file' in;the Town C'lerkls ot f l'ce , I ... ,'.

• I. • " • _. ; ~ .:. j j -; 0' ' ...... • ...

8."-' ApplI ca tI on! of' County 'o r Monroe,"Oepartm:ent o f v(eigh'tsah'o' .Me'Clsures,': 11'57:IScottsVi I he Road, Rooh es f-e r ,' Ne~1 York ·1o'j-. ap p rova Iof variance to, allow painting of signs· on north and south sidesof buil&ing adverfisin~ Cou~ty of~onroe, Dep6rtment of We'ightsand Measu're:s,·appro;x.: 46. sq. ft';',·']'5 -s q, ft'. aI lowed, ,at "15'7<S·cotts\l.'1 I le' 'Road:.' M~2'.:· i:' " ,'. ,.. ... '. .: I -: '



Mr'." Loul s Romano: appeared 'representj'ng the 'Departme'nt ·'of',Wei-'g·ht's. andMeasure~'" Stated, had thepl'e'as'ure To appea r- earl ier .talklng"about .free-standi~g s,i,gn·. ~C9n:rflcted Pl.ann'.i~g .Depa,r'tm'imt. and 'came : up with'I dea of beThr not fo. ~utl ub· free-standi ng ~ ign bu't to pa.i nt on the' .north' an~ s~uth'sid~s of the,buflding,' Courit~ of Mon~o~. Pe~artm~n~'e,'f Weights, i'ln'd Measures. ,Sti'll:'ha'·ve. t r'o ub le wi.th 6ther:s coming" to' ourde pa rtme n·t' 10'0k,n'l9 .for' Bah S'C9 Heating;' no "] d"e'nt i f i s:;a·ti o n,'a nd a'c co'r-d i ngto;·D.ir'ector of p'l'a:nni'ng, 'in'dicates Signs :would' De' In't.ich cle'are:r' and' .more' ln' ,c(,nfo.rmanc~ w'it.h ord"inan.ce-.:: Ask"'for ·Y'o<ir. p'er-m l s's l o n to'pa}litsign'bn,the bL1ilding-$ib1;i.ut 11.5X'4ft.' Th l n ks have"sign on dra~tin'g.Pf an n i nq 'Comm l ss l on drew up' sig·n·•. " "; -;»: , i··... ,' ',;' ",

".. !'Mrs. Chapman asked" -wii f t" [say, C:o~nf-y" 6'f·1-16rii-oe, Depa1r-rmenfof 'lVe--i g'hts andMeas~r~s? 11'.5 long by. 4ft. high? Mr. Romano stated In. Nove~ber 19ihI Eli--rer -indicafed' a~p'roved "requeit 'a's- f!9i- '~s a l r por-f c6n-side'r·ation·s:concerned. rvlrs. Chapman stated of 'course you rea'! he: has-·,·to1 be. s-ubml t t-e dto the county as matter of co urse be'cau se on 'county road and· i nai r.-port zo,ne so s"ent j'n: i'de'a of 'free'-sfa'n d i'ng s'i'gh 'and :,s'eh"t,-b'ac k .~.'n·d.1· s;':ti,dnot. That is. why ·had to come ba:9k with 'another .proposal. Only' questionj 5: why such "a I.a'r~e s,i-gh? ih ree', f'i mes :wha t "no Finany'a'l:'!:ow" ·Mr. ''Rom'a'no: s+.a'te'd,. 'wante'd thla4-. l'a·rge. bec'au5e', 'peb\:ne' can 's'Eie j'S"ij't'di'stancebefcire"~dr'j''vi3(n.L.o'tof '/-raf'f'ic :6n' scottsVI'll'e' Road. Maybe.m-akes'nmlhn bu'.t that' ~forul'd'be:m'a'ximum". :--':', , ""','., ·':i ...,.,; ;"":.'

J .', • t, . . ~. ,

Mr, Hunte~ stated concerned aboDt the size. Guess' the thing we have tode't'e r.m I ne' on .Sdmet h (n g' ;']-'ike'· t hils'.' is 'co de"' a (' I'ow's'~ up ·1'0 15'. sq .:. f't. a ridquest'lon .we'·ha've fa 'i:t's'k: i's' wh,a't' is:iti'rh'a-f i's uni·que·'··af.}o:u-t ithis, 'ap'pl'i-cat i on 't'h a+' wou I d re'q,u r rEi goT:ng ',bey6n d th·e.·code,', S:a"'y "-wiJ'u'l d lik-e. to ,\seethe' s·jgi'!bu.tnot r\3als:Qri' J"c'an'~':5~'at ":-Phis po':i,n:t:' Arrc)t·n:er. thir:t·.9 <tha.t ..concerits; me,.9.e"t ta,\'kJn:9. abdut '~'id~'.·c:f tr;~. ;b,u;i ['d,ih'g, i~S,gOIr'flgs~o<~.~·,h~·. ,.,~!'bu I d: be faC;'l.n'g' you ,?n.cfi .oPpo's·[fte 51 de com 1 ng ,the 'ofli'er' 'tfay·... 'Com I,n·.githe.

. Idfherw'ay,' coil"cer:'ri"E(cI,'a:bo:utwh-.ere· you.cou I d' pu'-b the..s,i'gn,.:': Lo't of .. " '"\1rndo'~ls, Have 'ten'-rati1Je I-o'c'at'ion? Mr.' Romano stat-'e1d 'there, is' quIte anarea ove'r the viindows; 'On'e;~of"the'men measur.ld the at"ea,lb'e,fo're dre~1

Page 152: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

~ .

"-J; . '".,.. -..;. ':.ii,..





DATE ;V(j~l..~, .~..k.f.ti .....d...~_1 q 1'5'


GATES-CH I LI NEWS1,~lme !Jared ." .tJo.t,J.~rm.1.L~. J.1~./.~.?~ ~ .

~Potricio M. Smith


GERALorNE C. SNYDERNOTARY I-lUBLlC, Stille cf N. Y. ;'.tl)i'1ru;3 rA!.

My I);;Jrnmjssiof1 bpires. Marc,'] 3D, 19.~.:z..?


Page 153: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


LEGAL NOnCE ]ZOning Board of Appeals- A M,.et'fng of the ZoningBoard of Appeals of the Townof Chili will be held in theChili AdmInistration Office,'3235 -Chlll Avenue, Rochester,New York 14624 on November25_ 1975 at 8:00 P.M. to con-sider the following applications:1. Application of George andI.Isa Engels. 3183CIill1 Avenue,.Rochester. N,Y. for approval ofvariance to allow 2 double -facedsigns. approx ....20" x' 8' each,to be attached at bottom ofexisting free- standing sign toadvertise Engels MobfleHomesand Rags to Riches Boutique at,11R3 Chili Avenue. C-2,

-;/-. Application of Donald Kyk-encah. 54 Laredo' Drive, Roch-ester. N.Y. for approvalofvar_iance to allow existing shed,10' x 10' approx, 2 ft. fromside lot Hne at54 LaredoDrive,.10 £I. required. R.I-12.•1. Application of Robert Siel-ing, 2J West Canon, Rochester,N.Y, for approval of variance.to e':ect shed approx. 5 It, fromgarage. 10 ft. required, 8' x 10''shed. at 21 West Canon. R-I.12.4. Application of Jim Woods,Empire Sign Co", as agent forRadio Shaok. P.O. Box. 3985,Rochester. N,Y. for approval of.varlancs to erect sign on roofof hUilding advertising Radio.Shack located in Chi-PaulPlaza..1240 Chili Avenue. C-2.s. Application of Duncan HillR(-alty. 3161 Union Street, NorthChili. N. Y. for approval of reonewa! of variancegiantedI2/18/ '7:l IOrfree.' standing sl~adver­lislng reat estate office at 3161{Inion Street. C.2.£, Application of John Wolf,44 -lensen Dr-ive. Rochester,N.Y. for approval of' varfancsto .-rect 2 car attached gar-ag... approx '. 5 ft. from side.lot line. 10 ft. required, at 44'/PMen Dr. R.j.12. '.

Application 'of Agnes lio-\<'al'th.t':o· Freder-Ick J ..Hol'.

------------ brook. 52 Nichols Sj,reet, Spen- .cerporr, N.Y. for approval ofvariance to .erect home on un- _'lersized lot being appr-ox,II. 400 sq. ft .. 12.000 required,and rear setback variance toallow house appro". 25 ft. fromrear Jot line. ,IV ft. required,at fl Yolanda Dr. R-I.12.H. Application of County ofMonroe,' Department orWeightsand Measures. 1157 ScottsvilleRoad. Rochester. N.Y. 14624for approval of variance to'paint sign on north and southside of bUilding advertisingCounty"..of Monroe Departmentof Weights and Measures, "ap-prox. 46 sq. It., 15 sq. fl.allowed at 1157 ScottsvilleRoad, M-2.

All Interested parties areher ehy requested to attend. Bynrder of the Chairperson of theZoning Board of Appeals ..JANICE M. CHAPMANehai rper-son

Page 154: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Board of Appeal~ . i·J" ; Novemb~r 25; l~t5


the sketch and do have room as proposed. Mr. Hunter stated would haveto·ib.e. bac..I<.. towar~',.Where,.:.I-.sha.pe,.d b.u.I Id.i~~hi In-' that· -d I rec..'i: ism is therea, garag~ .d,oor? f\r~.a.there,·'th.?1t 'Looke-d might be'..th-atbl.g. :bl.!.t ·no.•th·ing,from: -th e.r.e.' tot he", ro'~d .'-wfler~ "(f;~W.9u.l·df j t.. . [\'l,r. R9m.a:ho·. state·d w:o LJI d:..

: gbalongwith any size you' think' necessary.' Fe l f v Is l b l e f'ro.in grei'!'t..distance. Mr. Hunter stated ye's, unde r s f-and- that. Gu'ess cfhe'r thingwondered,assume vou determinedln•. ,.I-ayo,ut ·.. p ropos l n q. on· ·.the. spur.of.'.4f1e Imoment to. decide wahted to bU~ something, got reason ~o come to seeyou and norma I Iy . wou I d: have l co ke d to find ouf wh'ere y.ou: a re, Anythough'!" if smal l er sign to: make number on ScottslI:i I. I'e: Road big andsmal Jer Weights and Measures?' If: can see the numbe.r •. f I ne and partof your p r o b lem that vou have to say Department:.o.f. ~Ieigrf.s, and •Measures, County of Monroe. Mr. Romano stated doesh't think wi IImake [I feet. Want permission to go that far. Want to . b.e' in. ccrrf o rman cewith signs on different bul l dl ngs, . . .. .. ..,

'. . », .' " I.,' c.: ',...., ,:'Mrs. Chapman stated of course one thing pointed out, Mr. Hunter, is thatmany s.igns a I on q. 'There .and.,s/,ver.al:not inj o u r- re co r-dsca s su ppose d to; be,there an d cll,ltte.rIng l and s.cap e so.;.th<;it S,:i9nsl we have permitted ar-e ...n:otees i l v.w Ls l b l e-,'. .'Mr. Romano s.tated made ,bY: -rhe, P[flJlni.ng Board an d ..probably say ·if c;:sj1·no.t be:more tha'fl ,~:.. ft.~i of 6..:ft'., ,~ut.inte'r.est-:ed:ingetting identification on the. bul Id.ing. Mr. Hunter stated trying to

· un de rst.9~ d . whajl' you nee d . an.~, why.' '. No,:f".· b-ar-d to:- get, a Ip·pg. with •.~ : Mr •. ".Romano. stated,\'Iill~go.?lo·ng with .any· r-ecommendat-Lon yp'u .s u.hrnl f c.

. . ." ,. • ."1Mr. Heilm~na.sked. vou v e r-e .open what hou r-s ? . M·r. Roman.o' stated -9 .to. 5.Mr. He.l l man a.ske,d.wh.o; are th,e:'pe~ple who ..come ..to: ?ee y.ou? ..Mr.• 'Romanostated for instance, we' check every taxi cab .l n the. 0. [tYl ~n d CQUF)ty"a bo.uf 300.. Had f e l low go TO Carrol [IS and turned a ro un d-, Does havenumbe.r o nv rt he building·abo·.ut IO.Jnc!:le,s. h;i.g.h. Mr. He I l rna n :sta;"~ed tryingto un de r-s ta nd who, gpas.··there,. Mr. ~omanOt .stated. 'every .0.1 I truck. in .. ' Ithe.county has to. come to b~ checked~ ~ot ot.traffic.!hat,pub.li~.

doe sn t t r'e el iza •. Mr. Hel l man- :stated., s t l II [Imlted group .of peop l e ••300.c1;lbs.. an d once they have. be:en there· or w.hof'l'yer se·nd;s. th.em, .w I.Ll. ......

· no f have; troubl:€,::gett.,.i'r,g the,r.~" . Mr.~· Romano stat·ed.mayb.e,.·if same.i:lrivereve ry.tl me but q,utte:ai :rurn;:-o,~er j n·that bu.!? J.n..es..?.: .Mr; -: li~i l.rn:a~ ..:s.tatedseems .might. b-e ees je r to;~encl .a-, map..to the c ompan.l es and. p.,ut on '. :t·he.boa r d • "Mr."Roma.no si·ated.. pUT a: strlnga·r':o..u'nd"some. and .no-f f ln d- i.t ..Setpack tba't.·h~,ms,.it.,.:W~h.a:co·has' b)g ·.nepn: .?!l;.ln •., We' sit ba.ek arid·'bybe fa re they know it. Mr. Hunte r- stated' ce rta i n.1 y' 11ee d ,iometh,i ns. Noquestion. Trying to decide what you do need. Mr. Romano stat~~'recomm:en.8 out;;.ide.) i'mits ,an,~. w.IUg.o 'alo'ng withi.;i.!., l " ..... ...., i .... '" ".: ':'...'. :,. . .. -::: ". .r: . "" . .' .. ""'.: .. i I . .... .,"Mrs'., C;hap-man: ,e.$ked .j f. .anyo.{1.e .w):Shed TO.. ?pe.a~·.... j.n·..fav.or. or .oppos Lti on. to.th.i..s appIi·ca,t.ion.and:no. one· .app·eaxecj·. . ..

. :DEC!S ION: '.G.ra·n.ted'LJ.nani.mpus ·ip;p.'~ovaJ"::f,or··:3.:z':s,g.~·i it;. sl.gn',?:.,. ;'...... ',''-.\. - ~:. ~"f" ....'.;. ·~:·'·'r ",'.; -·",ji :1' .:

I. App j j·c,a.t ipf) o;f! Geprge ·.a)J.d . L,i s;a E·ng.~.I.s,. 518:3: .'eh.i) ij f\.ven~e., Ro.chester,New York;,. :f.or :ap·pr-o:va.l·of",xar.i'9.-nc~·'f:·Of.·o·j·l:ow 2. ·',do~~ I.:e~.faced·, s.ig.(ls,. apprp:x •. ·ZO". x 8', 19,a;ch., .to.· be attac.h,ed. at bo.~.tom 0/ eX;i.s:tl!'lg 0;..:free-standi!'l9 sign to advertise' En;9:e.L? M.obi.!e' Honj.es and, R~g,s1 t:o'. •Riches Boutique at. 31.8'3 'Chi I j' Avenue. C-Z.: ...

Mr,. Engels' .app~ared.~state,d rep.nesenti·ng my.:;daughter too f~r··tke.·t\~~·signs." Sjgn ...·the.rea:tpr:e;se'nt.time.: 1'.1'r:; •. C,hjapm,!,p -aske;d,would II:ke.. Ito.:put· .ujnder.:ne·ath? Mr.· Enge.!.,s.. ~tated r.,i.ght un,der.n!i:'at·h. one:.fo, h.e·r:.;.andmY.seIf. " T.\ws:i gn s 8 fT,·x ;2:b. '... .M i ne m.I;g.h t .b.e·. lSf(l3'1 ,Ie,r,.':" ,M.rs;•. Ch.apman, ..··:.asked .is orIg.in.alsi;gn ·8 :.feet? ,Mr. E.ng~ls·. sta.t:ed yes.~. Other.Qne,~...."wi.1 L fit undern.e,a·th. Wi 1·1' be. more' or: Le'ss. uniform. Mrs·.' Chapman askedwi II th~se b~.' Li'g.ht.ed ·i.n 'an.y: way?, Mr •. 'En·gel.s, s,tat~d. onl)l' ·from fhe. '~,ign

· afTer we; g.at.It' ..I,igh.t.ed:..on. toP.• ; . Hasnl:t:.b,?~ri,,[.iT; ..f6r:-· .qu.ite a .\~hi.L..f'l~,Th:er,e .:ar.e f I o·u,r-e.scent :1..i'9hts ..and can ·be.:.1 iT •. ' Mes·•.,. ,.9.h:<J;pm,a n. as.ked

Page 155: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zon i ',ntl Boa r-d 0 to -A Ppea rs




internal 1'1{ '!'II'umina-rE';:!dl?} Mr.: Eng~:Is' st..atep· ye:<E".';the·se' ,s.igns\f'n 't be.,W.it.Jh' 'excep·tlonoif )'Iha·t come-s- fro.m-the..bT.g;one.•:'·', "

. ,. i .. . I ...: ", : [ .Mrs .'. Tanqe r: .,as ke d cou Ip· .I aS~; app rox l mi3rh~...cos t; .of:. t.pe .Sii glJ.?'?: '.Mr.. . .Engels' stated as Jitt,le; as p o s s ib lei ] ,ppul..dn't ji:el,i:you. Mrs., Tl'lflgerasked do r-ea I I'z e free-sTanding signs w l l lvbe. com l ng down inli·ttle·,overa, y-ea-r?Mrs.l::iha.pl)lao' ,st,a;l"ed' rl-F'w. o r-d l nan ce onl·Y'P,~ri)lits. frej3-?TandLng

·;,5 Lgnls thr:ol),gh.' Man:.h~ .,:1·977,'-: Mr.· Engel:s' st;a-r;6,d .1'1 i I l~have. tOj .change. '~1rs.,C.hapman -sn-ated'\11'iJ arei w.a.r.n.i-ng ev~.r'f.o-r.l.e that comes.. in as·klng. t'01':l'or .put.,t i 0'9 i.n. a .ffee·"':sJia nQi ng· 5 I gn, '.on r.~ cor-d th:a-;r kno~ i. rig. .th ey ar~ ,'cd I 'to', come 'down"I'(Hth ln.rabo.u t .ar1O!I'"h·e:r: y·e·a'r·.,' Mr.• E~nge'lsl ,stat.ep: th.e:?ewH[' b.e.atttra,c·he·I31'to th:e s:ign al.l.eady ,.t,h'e-re.,, t-1rs,.·,·Chapm,a.n:. st:a:tep ,ye,s,but the c t.n er- s,iign wi-l I' have t-o come{,dowjn :toc;>,. This. .!s,.zol1il,nJg, code,",a do.p t e d. r.ec"=ent Iy, .and hav"el p'ut! i nJ n .atternPit. :to make, ph 111.t,i' ..A,ven:ue anldoth,er' 'comm;erc.i aI . "a,rtealsl'maybe . [oak a I iilt l-eibe.t;te r: ~oi t.hat:,\,/on'.-r .be ..s o i manv 'free-standing signs. Mr. Engels' statedl if knew,acoup.[e,.yearsago wcu l dn t t have put up. Mrs. Chapman, ·state'd up be.fo r e '[aw went ·in •.W.a rn I'n9 .so won r,t S i nk 'Jho.usa n ds 0 f .dol la.rs .' j,M r , Efl9~,1 s: ,sta.:t,ed, won't.be, th.at.lTruch . i n th'os'e' sl.i,gns,. .... .'1 .1'... . II;, .'.

" :'>1. • '1 .. " ....;Mr. Hunter sltated f aced wi't,h,this·•. gu.es9.quest.ion,.~lOu.('d·.,:b.e w'!1'a't wou l dvou S6.e; y-o,urs,elf'djoing wh;en·.. inilan,Q:t)her.y:ear .si·gl1i ha~i to go down.•. If.th'ar~ :i.s.·sQ·!utrionl here :threa mO,nt,hs, f r-om nov ,.' [,~'t'S.. ithI·nk.about.. tha.tins·teadllof· what·a;)"ing·.fGtr~, Mr,., ErJ,gel:s: st,gted no.,.put ijhe on.es. u.~ .'#,6,have and take down as we have to when the time come s., Sajme .a s .an·Y'Cineelse. If you are going to say -rake it down, going to take it down as. [0!1 g '.as' .eve rybody'.6 I s'a wlI I' 'ha,y,e.. 'to. Mi n~ ,w'i I I' '~i:,l'Y "up as .,1 0'!19 ,}IS.. 'e ve rvbo.dv 1·€J!S·€l;:· Mj.g.ht.hav~ ·op;pto,sition. "Mrs; .Cha prna n ..~t,2)ted antllcipatethat f ram what ' is. ha:p.PEln'i ng' ',in -o t he 1'" to\'fn~ •.•Nr •.He) 1m'a n. stated in'the code now <and- ne qu I rted .i n.v] ~·1.4 'e nd. ,code .SJgys·,and· I i;l'W'. pr;-eSj4mes y'o-u8're awa ne. of the, code a nd .have rthr:e,.e· year:s to"deplleciarte i¥,a.lu.:~",of ,'the sign .c.ind .wLll be.:u.p to 'Jihe parties i:otake down ·the si.,g!,!s an~ ,appar.en'.tly··i n./SrI ght.on qn,q' H€\nri ett.a, ol"eJ! na~qe$.•\~ave btSien ,l;Iphel d,'~

Mr. Engels' stated usually ·go along' with what- is: required of eve'ryone,e I s·e. .. j .... . . i '.' . ".' '. ,",

., '. I ,j .,: " 1 ," ." i. ..., '~"''';.' f' '... i ' :' '.:,:.Mr. ''Hunte I" e.s !<ied ..how 'rna'ny' ,bu,sf.nes se·s ,do" y:ou h.avei Q'ut·of ·th;a t- bui [.eUng?Befaluty 'plar'lfo'r an·d'· mdbli-Je· homes'and .b.oLitiql1e: .M]";,. Engels' sf.at.e:cLy;e·s·,three .', Mri. Hun·ter a',,'ke d', j s:·:b·o.ut·i'ql:le 'r'e l.arr I VB:I·y ·new? ". T.h'er.·e. I·s.:.s i.gJ1 .on the bui lXl'ifng'o''' Mr." Engels:'·s,taiied",ju.s:i:·,st-ar}t,e'd.,'-Mr,• .:Hun'ter asKed...how- l1ew? Mr." Engels' ·stli-i:lie··d lath :Qf,thilsomonth. i.;Mr •. Hl\l'I1t:er ·.stated ot.heritwo 'bus i rr:esses ;have,' ·f;);e'eh,'iil1.er.s·,'for '·s.orne, t.ltme.' Mr'. E~S1e I S' ·sta,ted. ye~.

• ',' I '.' . " , .•. ,,'... ' ... :': :. ~ , 1, i' , . .. I ."'1Mrs. C'haipma,Ii' -a·s.ked'· iif :a.n,yci;ne' wt'shed' to<"\spea'k inffavor or .op:po's iT i,ontd, ·t'h i·s,·appTi'c<3'1H·ol1··,sl1d ino :cine· ap·p,ear:e.d.'· .' ...... i ,.,' '.' .',: '

: ' '. ", l I ". .'$ : .' :'.:" .' -I .' ., ~.' ...:~' ......> .. i It·f· ..·'.DltCH·SION': ·iDenied,..5'·no;ltvlr •. iStee.I(;l'yes., .',.. "","

I ."

2.: App! i'ca't,ibn of Donald' Kykendall'; ,54 La'redo Drive,. Rocheste~, .,I .jNel'l..Yorklfor"·sp.p·!"'ova!·,o.f 'lafiiance tQ aUow,exfst-.in·g's,tred,·./O',.·x·IO'.I '. appr;(7)<··.i!2 ';f,i; •. fr;,o,m side,I'oT line-ait 54:la'reQo Drive;' IQ' ,ft.·

'. reqUired ..: :R-I'-'12.~ i l i. ..~ '" ..... :: ' .. ' I ~ . ,} ..~ ~ • ""; :'r:' . i "'~.:. . .. -:-;' .' :-~1"'''' "';' ',.:' :",

Mr. Ky·kenda'll"'.-app'eare-d •. Mrs.,'eJh,a'pm·an·.-,a·sked how [ong< has· tIiEl.·[s-be.q,.<been ·t·riere?', Mr. 'iKy,ken'd a-.I I' 's'tate d,.c,QUp I'.e· f\lQ'rii'n·s'.' . ~lr.·s .~'. Ch.a pman ;·s·tat~d..re I a't.'i ve'l y new.• '· Mr., Kykenda'il '$ Tai'ed iye-s ~ .. ,Mrs.,' 'Chapman' statlil.d ,had,lOT iof p f'>0·bl.e.rns ' wi ifli TS'h eds" .,' ',-Reop I:e"',not, 'rea !i'2;ci.ng .$ up P0'S;(:1'd to k·.e·e·p ,from til e "side' ·101" '..1hie'· ;rame as oth"e r Is 11 r·uctli reS.· fYl r~ '.Kykerf da I l·."·s10a tedwhEln 'i n s 11a [.'I·e·dpoo[ ;· ..wenf t.n r.o1.:l'g h :a !. I ..,·that! b LIt·u n d.~.~S;,ta-ndi:'I')..g ·tha.t ·s) ncewas not: a 1'1 cho'red;' 1I,'''a'S'n 1 t·· p-El rma:n,enL's. tru ctu r:e.-,·~.n ct :'a'! l:~w,a b I e',:.. I~.I,$·.'·"Chapmal''J,state'd [0'j:'··of·p8'O.p(e' under -rha·t j.rtl,p'res!,>1 on-·;: l,'lfha't 15,)'1I<Y:'J:'.Bu.i.1 a'i'n 9 '[:nsp €lito I" .·WrQTe;.a rt i c I e'do r.. ne~j!?p;;lp.e r .il ~o~hshe d?. '. W'i;J-.\',"h.a ve1'& ·do'.more. be.'la use ,great ,ma.ny"peop Ie' i'uQawar61 .-t!:ta·t·t"e5tri Ct~QIlS·,\X.t'S.t.

(""Td '1'0: get pe'op Ie' 'j nand. h,ope:word "spr{lads .a· 1 i-:rtl€l,be',fqre. ·~0r;<:? ..,g9·UP.

Page 156: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zonlnb Bo'ar-C!' of Appeals I," Novembe'!,," 25", ,19--75:

Mr~' S'tes I e' 'asked concrete' f J'O'o-r,?, ·Mor .Kyke~n del l 's ta ted" s I trT i hg' orr ppad. Abou f 6 'yard,s of con c relre., 'Mr., "OeGr'aff a·ske:.d Ts: .shed- mova bl ,e'? ,Mr. Kykendat I' stated movable' buf doesn't know if, yo,u have dr aw.lnq ,but beck va r-d is: p rob eb lv -smal'l·Erst"o"n' La r-de o Jbe:d'lu's'e 'on the co r-ne-r , ::'No p'la:~e,'fo, move i4-',w,itno'ut eliminaftiing my b ec kva'r-d., .

.... .. -. ! ; I '. " . .; ._ t'" , ; ~ • ~.; • _ • • •••• ", ,~ "

'Mr'" Hunter 'askedf"wha't do you use; Tt' for? ,Mr':, Kykendall' st"ated,'first:.'. got~, f~~,r b l kes .. ~aw-n.i tnowe<r'~ 'oK~Id"s' Toy.g:,,",TrY,.-t'b, ke.S'f>, ~<r'r,,~ge' Uno.I.i:rr:teredlI n ,tracTor shoed: Doesnt' dep reel ate, t1he, -ne ['ghborhood. .i-n. any 'way.," 0"

Mo'sT of, ·the'n'e i ghbo:rs:,'nobo',dy, 'seems "TfO be fa'g'al'nst· lf, Gules,s :Some:po.dy ,was,': 'Mr'," Hellin:a·n.,',a'ske'd ha"iey'o,[j t,fl ked :t:o' y.o·uri .c.los esr. neighbor? : M.-r.Kykendi'irII'stat'ea 'ye-s .. " Mr.' 'He,i I man -as ked what is thei'r':op'i ,n,} on? Mir',., •Ky'ken'da'lf 'st'8t,e'd .'dl9n"tca re If. 'tlile"r'e 0 I" ITO f , 'MIl". He I'I man. ·ask'S d 'h ow'close' is -rhelT-"r:: closest bllHdlng.'to·;:the; lOT line? Shed.Z.'.ft,;-, and: f romthere'how close Is·.fher bUlldln:gl? M·'r. :Ky··kend,a-II,·a's·ke'd·:their:,hoLls·e?··May~e, '20: .fee"t,ma·ybe:r·S'.:.' !'", .: '. ~ .»: ., . ,:,., ,"'.' ,". ',; ,



Mr: Steel'e":a'ske:d'dbes"neighbor hci~~,"a shed' :that bad~~ 'up: t; y'o,u?\' '.~:>.Kvken de l lvs ta te d yes. M'r. Steele' stated ·up,dlos€'·To'.thie'fence too.'Mr. Nul laney etated hedgerow down through there too. Mrs. Chapmans+ated 'con cs r-neld here +.00 and one' o-f ithe,re:a,sons,'for- !l'Skl'ng' that: th':rrg'shave 'to. be.·cer,taln'utstla'hce··'from Iof I I'ne s l s- pos:sibl':&,necessity of'getting fire-~~~ip~en~ betw~en·houses. 'V~rY·.ffectlv~Iy~ut6ff anf·

. means' for' equ i pmen't to: go, 'be:t'we:en hous-as ' There'. ~r'.' Kykend'al 1: 'St-atedall'fertced'in··anyway.· "-;. " ," . , ..Mr•.Hun t-e r a s ke d does :s·Kei"ch 'show d l s tance' ldf- t,he s hed :f'r.om-.yo-ur',home?Co u Id you estImat:e i-hat?,-·Mr. 'Kykeri'dar-I:"stated s held pr.oba.'b·Iy:·'3:,5 ~to ,4 ,feet .f-rom·';The· hdL1s·e·. "Mr. HLin··ter "asked liave ;sIn'gie car'garage? "Mr.'Kyk~nd·all·'State'q yes·•.Mr. Hunter"asked wh:'at· :1S1:'.-vci'l-u·e of the shed ,'.'..w l t h tne isI<ilb'''j'n-pla'ce? 'Mr:·'KYkeri·a'a·,'1 "s.tated 'shed co s-t- $2'4.0.;' . '6 'yardsof con cr-e-re. 'ab6ut '$30 'a var-d , ·Mr.·Hunter stated ;'ibdlif$4.2.a.. Yo'u ,., ':poured the'sla'b ,you'rsel,f'? :Mr.' !'Sy ken'd·a·I I "stated ha drhe I P' ld oilnq ,(t-. :.:,

, -. : I I' ..' l ~:.. :., .",. . . .' .'..... .~ ; . ~

Mrs.' Chapman ~sked any questlon~ from th~ audIence on ~he shed? ,Md.Ron Po pow i ch , ;61 'Laredo, st-ated thinks thing fai l ed to men t-l on was

'heigh't'ot that b u.I l dln q., ·Didn',t move-i:n:J:o'subu.rbs:tooJo·o·.k';at a bar-n ,Wourd' 'Elstlmate,;;i,bci.ut' 1'0 'f-eet 1hi-gh.•. 'Mr.,:,. Kykerr:cJ:a'Il 'sTated, l1t:is: a I i:ttle'o ve r- 7 'feet t o. the ipe·ak:.-lMr.1 Pop owlch 'sta,iied .rh t.nke h,axe Issue o fz<:l.-ni'n·g· enforcemen,t •. .: Ttrt sr.ha pperted ,in: one, ;c.a.sS" and corr}'·l'nl.\e:s 'to ·gO".·on, a'nd,know 'from p,e.o'pls· has' talik:e'd 'to ;aLl' W'j [.1' 'do·ji.·t.' Very eas.y ·way,too get out of· i·t •. '·0.a·ugh.t lit: abo:L.tt 'a fi r:ep'Ia'ce 'and~ol q','I!h:ere; ..I. coul d'put it. Told' by the Building -[ns'pector when a metal shed pIa'ced on'cemEinif 'bo'l te d 0 r' no+' iii r'e-qLilres anu,ii I.d·t ng '.p:erm !:it:.--, Eve ry :t:Ime· a,sk:·~.

question get a dIfferent answ'er;' .,r.f zoni'ng 'isn't go'in:g·tjobe. e,nfor.ced,has no bYte at aI I' 'I n: the town.' . Mrs.' Cha pman sta te d' equa:i'Iy ·con ce rn edwith the fact- t-hat thing' go up, and',lpeo·p·le:-dte'd and c:,dme,'in ,to-,fin.c!·outa bo:utit. . . " ".

,;-. . '1 ;,' I' I,':". :.,'t' :'.' 1Mr.'Ropowich's'fatsd has 'oopy'of',·.zcirHng a'nd ·'appa.rent-l,y .. in,-vi,o[aTIon ·in·two wa'ts·... j· Canri-6t get'''outof ·.it w'ncrf'rneans'iby' pr;operty.'l ille;,' Says· 10',feet from bUilding on the same lo·t. Would' inclLide house:',,'.iAls'o. says·55 feet from any' 'street •. This, is' for future use. 'If: take ride towardChurc'h v t He' see b.ui lI'di ngs ·f n ,f. ront 'ya rds,;.' May '·be 's;omewh€ire e,!-5;e' Qu,t'cim'n0t 'get".c0'P i.e:s'.' Rutfi'ng iii ,frpnt ,of the ~hcius.e,s';i5;" no,t '50: .3eet .. ,fr,omthe)Toad •.. ,Must be ... stopped. 'Mrs:.' Chaprr\ans:tat-ed Ju.st ,.q·iSClls;sl'!ig .somereGommendaNon~s: 'fha:r'·.weimay'-ba: making- a.bo.ut ad-diflons tolou.r;,·.o'l"~ina.l1ceand '. orieb:i'g. feola·r.e of', t.h Is w't ~,I ':be:' some sorT' of 'code, ron 's,h,eds:.· .' Th·ey .'are p-Opp,ing' up,'rl'gh1' <Ind Is'f.T'·arid seems 'To be: season. .,to, 'dQ It: ,quri r:igthe·w.i'nt'e·r-·lJe:fore i'the spri:ng,c1'",ush come's',;whe'n 'people w~nd~r wher:e':wi I ["store Thetr mow·er~;"'r.JGpe,·'to do,sometrf.i,ng'abo:ut,thI.s.: ,; Let, me ..:''exp f a'~ n on e·,·of th e' re,a Sons' y.o·ucanr'lot., get' cop ['es.:.,0 f:,;Th.e . t:'$gu! at i.en~;~Ie 'ar'e",s·tfJI:ciperatin'fj with copies ..f·rom newspaper:. "A-dopted two .yeqrs:··ago·bu't :f i na,I·'rev i s,l bris no;t made,s o':ha venot .,bee n :1'a ~ 1e: to, get Q f fi e:::i al

Page 157: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


[, Novembe:.r"2~>,, ,:19;75




c?pre::t ,print~:d' ,,~oplr.g CO,un:r.:Y w;i;ILg,~.tf jtI,!['!'.h :tt: .P:~t'tY -soon 'ani(h.:~or!,wlith,uS t?, '1f.Ln,I"sf·up. ;;In,d w:,l,I).;,bt8I"a.b [,.8 .tol have: cop I es.: ~,Mlr. }'op,o.w I ch8¥ke'd ..is: ,th is: \::o.!¥,i de,r,e,9' a, -p'tr.uct,u reJ': ·M,q., H.e)'rmjan$jTa,te"q ,rtM nks. W~" 'have :de.t.erm,ir,lep.' it 1.s.:;'1' 'Mrs" -Chapman ,s't:at~jcl have op6'r.;ated" on vas.s umpf l onit Is: a structu're. Mr. Popowi'ch as,ke:d,.i.,s -]3 bu.ild;Ing pe,rm,i',t" r-equI r-edand Issued? Mr. HeI I nran stated that is, why here tonI,ght. Been up,WJ!:t ll 9u t , r~?'d,l,z.i~g:; needsd anyi:'h i!lg "".Has be,en ,donI'! i n'th-e:, P,<;lsrt', eve r; 's i n.ce zonl!19 first. lns,tJ,+uted"lo ..,therS-r6j"el.am:l.up tp.the;.,B,9ard [to,::,',.det~rm!N~ ~I,~.ethe·r.-pr, nQ'!' ;:J-h(3Y ·f1an.t· -ro. srantvarjla'n,ce an-d- 'can:! f·. they:. 'so ..desl.rei' SafTlr .as, Vi came wlth,.-'op:pl.I·cation an o s.trus[f"l1re.rot.:therl"·,could:,gr:i:lnt p'ermipsion t6;P.ut up,,',,,A.fter. :t"he: jfactand, sho.u l d' not: be doneand up to th.e -, Bo ard .. to .d.~term:ine w.hether wan:r'to: g<;>. al%~g ard: p~rm·lt·to 'do ..tp,at W<;lY.: : Mr,' P~:';Po~iLch,'a¥ k.e'd. Ca-!1'9-nyo'r edo.. t.haT,b u.l -' }I', anytfl ill 9you want . a s .lo~g~"~$.J you get_11o.~.e .qu l.ck .f!n.o!-!Sh an d thenl f'lpk. f-or ,'!"!' ., :.vsri.ance?,.~.r. He:i.Jin'an ,st?te.d.r~rnIpg; rip-k' fhis:.b.oafpC8-r:t"U·.hlm:.,to t_,!!ke down ~ . Mr['; Papaw j.c.h . s:rated J)epp I e>co·n ce rne.d-. an.d .some go;r.: l.e-r.:te rsand. somf. dl dn ' ..t .•. ~r.,·,.~\,,)JmQ,n 'Shlt,~d new phe nornenonj il pc fhl s -counrrv,.-'ide.~, o.f .p.re7J?!~':.s~-rds.~.It \~~th-Jash)?f.th.'1lm iJ1.1a:st: yee.rj o r t~IO.,Up TO. That tline f~rlrly' unknown but l ot of stores se l l: These f9r r-eas o nab l.eprices that have be'en easily' con s-t-r-uc-red and people' don't r-e-a l lze thatyou nee d a pe r-m l f ..and. s o.l d on .ons of ,those.thlngs ;p'ke' lawn mower. orri.di!1~ i1lowe-r and.donl,t. think 'a~o:ut. ,Lt._:. ·Sl.l.y ,jtj:and,-picj<.. ou r' con-ve n-jen tP. I;:l'c(;J. fo r· th el)1 and puf up ~ .' How..do, Yop, geJi .o,ut -to, th e. -p.eop l e. i n, th el Town,the fact that l f- you a,roe g~:)jng to. do t.hi5.Y('?u nee d ve pe.r-m l f .• l)Jotj}i'ls.easy' ·to, disseminate tha,t' Lnf-o rtna't l on 'as vou think. Mr., Popowich st"a'tedf-h in \'S' most- peopI e'j un.der-s t.an d- yp'u .have to " ~4rs.[ Chi3 pman vsf-a t e'd 1(I05.t

,.iP~ople·donlt or wo u l dntf h.:9y~··so·iman..y e.p.p.Llca t l ons fo·r s.igns':fl::1r:eapyup a.ndj,sh.yd5a I r·ea.p'y' ,t.~~rl;l:, 'M·r·:~, Popov lch. stfited, th ls o j.fl pe s?!'i Q, on;con crete i pot., a, ~t rU9·turj:'l',' ,,~r.. j1e:iI man. ,state d .. n~t., tru,e, ~ Mr. P9P 0l'! ich

. s,tate.cl. .Th i?' i,s; what" got ,f rom. zap J,~.g" dE! pifl,rttnen t .~r. i Hun,t.e" st.a.te d ..deba,t in 9 , j,t, 1s. -a ·str.uct,l! re.; ;> n'd 'j f Y·O·lJ rej:l·\!. de f i "lI·t.! .Qn:.,cal)d''':lba.t~'. 'One· of. -rhe., th I ngs we W9:U I d1' Ii;ke:.tQ tp~: .down' \'I.b~r: I!lak~., aflendmyptj>:" ..~.g.'~~ wJth,y?'u •. ' ~o qflfl~r!3 ", ;, ;.: . ,,;, ; .., ... ". . ;'1 . i'.; . I .

. ;.'. . , ,,' t .; " " r J. .1. .. '1 . . -" i.. ', I I M·r·~ .'. Che ~ £!Ian ..s·tated . ho p~..wr;; haye ...answ.~ r,?:d y o·ut:" .q~ e.atl on.s,. an d yfi I [: .

. give .r.hanee;. tq .. 9,? ~n. re.cord; wh-.1~h,?vy.ri.w,ay. YQ'U ,:"p.u I-d:H~e.:. t,<;:>, ..!;lo '" "; ~!')Y ..mor€;l·,q.uestions'lyr.o,l]1 th~:audienee~',.Al'lyone''In favo,r:? .... i . ·.:i'·,-

. '" ", ,:.' :. .' . i '. ,-' ': . ' . . I . ," . : ',' . l'Mr.· Ti mothy Dougherty" .64 La'retlo, .stated shed doesnt offend me one.bit. Can;~ee 'It and .. he.al~~ad¥ ·tal.k'ed•.to m~ "nd if.\10Lild· ~qve both€fredme I \l'oU I d h 'jlva tcr I d h I·T:· _ . " 'J .~.. 1 "... : i . . .... .!. i

Mr. Popowich stated point making is not who it bo.the.rs"', ,it, is. zo.ningviolaTion •. Bothers. me and'I am across.t~estre~:~.~ ;.Mr.s.--:··9hapm,a~.-ft~:redhave chance to say that when ask' for people' opposed.' Trying ~o get·names. of tqose in:'favor •. ·.Anyone.el~e;'? .If:.n,qt,!.anyon~ 98poH.d?· Mr:.~,powlch ,tDfed, OPR?sed.,· . .

DEGi'~ION: R~se~~ed pehdi~~ 're~eiP+ ~Li'nfor~atjo~':(~9~'B~(~d{n9"iIns,pector.' .

--. i' t· ,.' [ .. i,·. '.,.. ' i '. .', ',1 . ", '>, "

The Z<pn·1 ng. B.oard adj 0 l;Irne d, th e p ul:>I.,!'G,;. he'F.i ~g" far .. tefl .ml ~ u·te~ :~g", he.a r .frolT) Mr·.,M~yberry,·...att~rtiey for.. P.a!ltl in' §.C~analjtie't;J-;le pr::'jlse~ted:t~~

boardwith·.p.iertureq Of~~~1)l8rt s.i~~s! ~tlnlHjnQ.:,.st9...re?t:'·H~'..-LQ<;ItHt~dtJ;li;lt, th<;, .-'1snop,!, ·area, on K-mad. bUl·lrll !1!flj e:(;tends i the,. hi i'iwr di:.h .?r.:h~wi nrlow 8.rea acti n9. ~$ an_:'~ym i.r~l. an d . s~l<ll.I d•.l;lot ·P'r stq.dlv· ::o~s:t.ru,:d.~s

jbejp9 a. part of the s.i..~n Its;e[f:.~ .. ' . .. , .' "-:", . i ,.~ .. "~-

J . ".. '. .' . ,< .• ,' '.- '. j' , : I· i . ".. ,. ,.:. i .:. '.' '"3,'-; .• App I i·~att.0n ~:f ..Rtpbe::\l.S! e.l j·.ng, 121 Yllfst C.~p,?~,~, .~oche?t.ert New. Y?:rk,

f~r:'lap'~r.o)lalqJJ.v~~l~nc'e ,~o ,l7re9t ,q~~d, aPFoxlf!1at e l y :~,.1'~et:fr:9~. ga r.~ge ,.'., roo. ~~!?T.., req~ I re d". ...?' x 10"., she~.,,: 'aT, :n -W.e.~+ .9a~qn.. . R.--:--.!:- I 2 •.

', .. ~. .' ,.j ..... '1:· ~~'. ·1.:;·····.. ··,·.··" .... ,·1,:Mr, SieIlng appeared, stated two drawings ba~lcally ~how·problem, fa~t

that Ja'ndscapeof The' ba.ckyard and reason for landscape as you can seeon profi Ie'. Due to, the storm drain in the b".ck 'corner of the Jot.Drains, ,or trIes to drain:,a!!' 'Of \~est'·Canon Drive. Much of the. ba.ckyard to here :slopes qu'ite. dramatically,' quite.fIooded. Pro:blem tn:placing the she~ was puttJng on ~lat surface and In order to. do thatYlitho'ut having on lnc-Ij'ne and, having theshe:d way ·up, on one side or

Page 158: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


or' hav lnq to "do·" a' Toi" 'o'if fi-iIIf:ng tb~ be: cit .+heflbi":and' 'j'Ii:: oir='der·'tb:·;do ·that· a'nd,"1 l ne- 'upl ·:1;'0' that looks; w.e:,] r wi4-l-I· o'ther ';i;trubiai"res\' ;ras 'ih.~,hat p~sjii'io'n .whi'ch le~ves.·~t: fiv~;'fee'f1fro:~ the;p6~r.ag.e. ~ ~h.de.r.st.!=l,n.dingIfhaf 'f Ive feet .from the'·bu,llt:l"ing· was for -rhe.·fi·re prbbleml: . ' Mrs •. ' ..Chapina n stat'e"d'one', 6'1" ith e 're ason's·.··· . i,:.··.-I... •. 1. '. 'I :"'. ,~ ,.1. ,

. ,". . .'. r;" . . ." .~ . ." ~ . " , ....' i .

Mr:".Slely~'g' sTa.tedi mi.gh! say t.ha! :ttle, ~-ouse do~s,~aye.,Yub~;rplq'or.s~iai"esh l rrg l e, Not a wood s hl nq I'e•. Mlght·'als·o sta~e tha't'hl3've' bee n; c,on- I . Itemplai"iing:·for·some· t1i"me'·'an.d·lfl.c( know I:t':wa'~ "re';qJ,i)retJfo'be 'IO~Je·et.,from .·The 'lot""'Ih)e- and 'b~:c:"~se. :Of! s'orne' 't;:ha~'ge'( 1~I yacp~l6l} ,pf?:nk·....·e;n,?~dup,wlth .twb wee~s ·vacatlon ,so·'de.-c;:fde-d TO··PU.t In.pat,ib: an'd9fir::lIoS'~i1d'-d.i~feren·:1Y·,arl"~nged before :thaT a.pdnexf1 re:·ar.·,pJan·ne:d fo' 'd'p·.t~e _sh:~.d •nbf I'<noll'lhg varlanc:;e·of.IO .feet f.rom~the h o u'se, 'l"hat wept q u I f-e we,lland toun'd" st} ll'had .va·c?lt'!on.,Ee·f,fl r: 6rde,~~·d'th.~',.I/-l~ber· on 't:~e,:,week~;ridand t·h a It-I went weI I 'an d- had s'ltles Du.1 It'' be.fOY"~ got, \:!bwri Mbnd'aYfor'the

.:p·et,fn i t a~"d foun d: ou:t' ., 'f"eet.,~··1 'Since:. t~e'li havj:l' ha (~ide.s 'I ay~~g, a ro.~.tn-t1bu.dt' and fb'undationlnand went 'ahead' and bui It- It; becau s e dldn!t· haveanyt-hl ng ers'e' to"do l wi th I urnbe r-•. '1\.1 r'i~by 'c~t before' a~la:nii' of 'That ' I

I' ,!O· ..·(ee"t·. " 1I, .. ,' ~ .... j ",','"' ,': '<": . hi . 'I~ , '. ',' ',,'i I .. ,.. ',.... I.". .,.'...".. ::" I i -

M1-~ ..'Chapm·aflSfat68 af i~:ast yo:u made ai'Temp4- tocom'~!'I-n,'antl get a',varia'nc~';'1"Cou[tlnl:t teH·Jwh·en; ·Io'oked f r-om the r'qad whethe~r' on's up 'I'.:al,eadyro'rl jiJs't wh'af re'I<ir'Tionship: was.'Cou'ld,'see· bo'at and" rec:reatibrialve hi c Ie'. an·d·1'p're's umed iD -rh 8 t j o'eat I o n s omewhe r·e. :! ..... :- ' ' .. '. .;' ,-, • '.' I, .',' .. ", . I ,,": I. ,Mr. Hu·nte·r asked' JS"lt"~:dt:t1n'g onv-a .s l ab vo r wna-j-:'klhh of'founi:la-rlci~?Mr.··S'I~]ing·!;tatEld llppbr·pH'io::area IS·bro·ckes'arid· l nsl dei o f the l.btJ1ldingis'., patio. bTb'Cks but' 8"blo'cks' ~eT' b'!?'tween pa-tio··;br6·Ck\;tTo..'pr'~vide .-r'oum:la-ion' :ror it-." Mr. Hunter askeb' ! Ike' footi'ng's? 1Mi-. Siej lng'· 's+at~dyes,'S'" c l nder b lo'cks tp: p·ro·vlde·fpo.t]ng-. ' 1t., 'Is, wood fr~mlil strllctu.r.e.Mr. Hunter asked can iy6'u"-re'H 'approxHnately':th'e"v~'IU'ea~litl'stan'c;fs'? .Mr. 5 Fe 11:ng' sta-rEldb u'i I'di ng' i TS'eif some'Wh~r~;betwee..n $20·.-Gahd: $25:0_ ·.for '1the lumber itself'. Mr. Hunter s-rated not·coCiiHlrig·yo,ur-'!a·b·orJ• Wha·t·do yo~ use .it. for? Mr. SleJlng stated store law~ mower, bikes, gas.stor~b~ in'-r:he,:,e, TOT/ law'n' m6w:~'r"la~ .,~ppo'~e'd t.o.ili i-he·. gar~.8e an··?".'gen,e:~rallycleared'· OUT' tne·.lgarage·•. "H~ve r1d:!'ng:(fIower and. va'riou? ·and·.s~ndry'.1 .-rhings. Might sta'te'd' fhcit1had·'unders+andthg th'at metal p'ni'::'f'absheadid: n~t need a pe:.mltNh~n .qu~s:ri~r:ed ,th~m' a year. ~gO,•. ' ,'. ,,'

'" ..... " .,'" .' '. . .

Mrs ~" Chapman "'~sk~d' t f: there w~re·'~riy"ques'·fi·bns:fr?~·.th~,.~~d.iy~.6e? I' Ariyonewish~ng to speak in"favor or opposition to thl.'1;', appll'Catlon?,'No oneapp'ea red t " " .'

I, '. .. ~ "t' t •. ;.. • " ~ '" • 1 . '. I ".,-.

':DE?l ~jON:··A~p~oved. q~Clnfmo~rI,y •.,: ~", . ..... .1.".' '. ".. .: i... '.,

4; App I i'c'ati on ...··of·Jim> W6od~, ,Emp i re S'i gn .Company,:, .a~ agentf6 \' Rad 10Shack,.,P. O. Box. 398.6,· Rochester, .New York'for app'rov:'d 'Of'v'arianc·eTO e,re9t sign.on roof of b~Jlding advert~slng Radio S~ack, I~eatedin Chi-Pau'J ·'Pla·za)'''·324.a~''C~i('j Avenue'. C:!.2;~·' .' . ·1.',1 .

~lr. \Qo9ds aPP'ilared,st?lteJ;i,Radio ~hack sign now sj-t-ting, op, Jatti<;::>-:Vlork'I n front.' P'i'ckea 'up!-remporar-Y'perri-IrJ;·,to', erect'l +~ UnTorfuqafe Iy' .', '.MOl r-i Ii t;:1-M i i:t I ini d rl ghf I t'n:,f root 01' Ithe:' Ra elf 0: Sh21 c!<"a'n d. 1l'ny, :,fra f f!'c: on'. . •ChJ !.1·.1Av~n (Ie . ~ f?'~k?': the {/i,S J,1ll.U·I.tv 9f1 +h~~~~jgn. '~o.ul d·.-I t'ke,' to··p,u,t··'·'.on the.. roof In::'IT-n.e. with': the' Il"quo~'5tor~ and NorTon·yle·(;In,¥rs:.·', Mrs:'

';~:P~~~ I~';~:~~ ~~~p~'~~~f:~~~~~e~:~r:~ ~t'~'b:~~2tI~~9·~~t.h~t~~~n:~~!~nity Iab.?ut s,igIJa-ge •.. When ,thi~. pIcrza. flr~t . .dey.EiI?ped y.e·f1rs ago, S:ould have .

''5~'!,:n : ~ r J p:~w i 'T~:'. d.i.f,t~f~~'l"<S6 ~ 9T ~ l,t(r:t s ': 1. !.~. i .r~:? ,I, o'9.ks prett'y ..:~.?o'9 withcpS rd I nC!t~d s. gn_~'g~.. .1 f: v.ar-I:an c'j'.s ranted, _\'I f H~ p."! I nl· <;J-ri'ler :1""9.0 f

I mOllnteCl signs' o·range.· .. Mrs',' Chapl'nan stated I i'c(lJor' store f and· Nor·ton",s,Jgns wyni-. ~pb€lfo.rYI.n~fe\.p.art;?f.!he,:,pla'z? w,a.s:.~~re. Mr·f~o1~S,.. ~

'. . I' . ", ,: " ',', iI

. '~ , .

~ ", 'c; j.": ~.

,', ,' .•.. '·1 ,., j.

.. ,' i . ! I'" .; r'. r,1 I• C1 .


. I' I:':: i '..

,.'1. :': .

·::.1 ... · . '::', ,',- .. ~ . .

.; I " ." .'." .: J .' i

·,i"· ' ..

Page 159: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

ZonI rnq Board of.,)\ppeals· ,r, .. Novembe·I\·25:., ,J9:'75'"




asked ,are ·you. 'aWare tha't -,even: tqday·; .wl:thi'n: ,the·o[rd.in.:ance, .th·e si.gniageof I.'5,sq. ,ftq··per. fr.Qnt~f.oot,·yo,ui don·r·t·,grant pel7.m:it$·sG' d.on';,t;:kno'w ,how you keep track of v l.o.l e-r l ons-. Mr. Hun re r- stated doesnt understand.Mr. Woods stated 'If,: v/.a·n;te.d',to. put·up·,·s·igrtwi:f-biin-·.the,a-rdJ,n.an'ce,'d,on.tt.need permit. Does nt-f understand how vou keep track. Mr. He:ilman":s·'tatedo r d l nance Iimi.t-sd. an'd1 mostrjp eop l e: wantrltlo e xcee d- i't,•. diljr.· Hl{n,ter statedthought· requi red -p.!:1,J"'m:i't. (Mr. Wpods is.tat,ed -have v l i-m:i,t .. b urr o;n:ly .commun I,tytha·t do;es,n'·t. gl.verPermlt: bie.tWee'n ·6uf·fa'IO:,··and·'Sy·raquse'.1 -Doe snt r seehow you keep track. 0 f sl gn s· p 1;e - d.at In 9 0,1:.,i n: ·..Y.Lo.1 aft.i on .of ·th·e·'0 rd lna nce •Mrs. Cha~man 's,!,ated.:g·U·d: you brought' up as something to bring up withch anqes In, Ofjdl.nalnce." .;: i . "J. i lJ ".', ,",: .... , .• '1' ,,' II;' ". .,. ..... ,

'.. '. • i': . I . - :, r . " I'! i .MrSl.:·.Ta·ng~r la~keQ, wha·t. sI2~·:. [So the .s.~g:t1·?:" Mr. Wood·s' 'si:.a<l'ed .subm'.i,ttedsome draW/ljI1gs.,:' ·-,>:·x :12 ';0I1'13;:x i4·..He'ight ·.ofjaIY':t'he ~s:i·gn..s .1.s; ~ ··fe!='t,.·Mrs '" Chap.m~m. sfp.teg;, 3'>x:jI5·',. , M~ •.Wqods· stjated[ 4.5;,s·q·•. ft., EV,E\.l:y'"s.l.-gnthere Jsi ·~f.~et:.. h-).gh·•. ' Mrs.~: Chap~13.n·. ·s.t,q;ted ·y.I,s,:.. theYI ar;e· LJI'1 HOf:t1'{ 1.--,.1:i'\rpugho.ut th,e' 'p.I-a'za·,.j' Is:,·jt'.restricrF.i;Cjn .ojf the·per~.of1 ·ren.ting. th,emthat' kept th.ar way.?..·• Mr.! Wo~d:SI isf.pte'dl deveo:!oper of ·the p 1-et'Za'.' wantedto. work with the town'· an d wanted goo d-e l o'ok ln q sIgn. Only' choice tenant,hasc.ls,hpw· JO'~g' th;e .siIgn ~Is.• i Has 'f-p. be',: 3· 'f~et ·,hlghl and, or;a,ng:el :box. '

'. j " '. .', i -' .'-' '. I··: J.' ,Mrs~. Tan·ger laisk·e.d Mould"you .0b·Jecti t.,o ke·eping· temp'o;~pry ;slg'n at prj~sen·tlocation if. thiS-· .ot-,h'er.s Were do.w·n·?j. Mr.•j W09ds -s t ate d lwt snrr-e w,h.at t-hey-wo u l dt ldio•.··Mrs.•· .Tafng·e;r stated noM .that-· it ls. e:-,ten.de,d. can .,s:eel 'cd,I':rhest'ores fr.O;m d,I'f.f$r:ent, ang:l:eis.·. Mr. Woods.stat.ed;,'pla;z.a.d·e:veIoped in,:"th ree stages .•' . Lo'b raws and where th i s: area I s. now, Mrs .. -Ch apman 'statedthat is ;ilhy signs, on ·the roof •.. Mr. Woods stated no p l a'ce to. mountpermianjenlj;:th·",·· Or1:, ,I atti.c;e",w·ork. rro r vi stlb 1e·.·. ·Mrs .: Tqng~r asked cou I o'you put on the face of the. bu.l Idi!1g? Mr. Woods s t a t e d jOo' fa·c.a;,

Mr. Hunter asked pr-ob I em: with ,where ·.It .ist· now?:. -Mr , Woods; statefd Ithinksvan de l Ism problem. 'On ·gr:i·II·-work. 'Within arm's reach. Down two s'ro r-escanopy ove r-eh an g .and· SJ,gl1)St up -about 10' ..f."!j.•... Made· o uf of! lex-arn e o won r·tb re ak , Mr-, -Huh t e-r- asked·do you ·knqw heig.ht ;i'o. {Jnde'1-s.1-:!l.e?.,.Mr.~ W'oodss·ta:ted te·';'is."than···-8. feeti.j .. NG~t s u.re 11t: is.iSlafe,lto ,bje. p,ut.:th,ere.• Get akid some Saturday'night and· jump up on it-,could"playwii:h '.th~e"slg.nand s'eldbrn see an ·j:'J.luminated sign that low off the ground. .

, .' '"j' ',.' ....• ~ : . '•.:. . : ".," , •...:./ .: • . .. :.,. .' I .':' ,":' .Mr', Sj-Elele>as~ed wheinllif ..gerts' up:,·t,o: thie roof.•. ·in))'r,e·)II:ith"i;hsse,..~hatare thereZ . Mr:,~ Wo.Qds:--:Sjt9ted .r.! gh.t,. i 1l::Ii'ne- an,d' .no',h'.ig~.~r. >,Mr •.St:ee I,e'asked wi J.I you see that from Ch j'[ I Avenue t.hr.qugh:,the, bpr.d<;- sign? ~~r.

Woods stated went, out toni·ght and defin:itely' can see' li'qllor store bu·.tb lo·e.ks. Nor.i1C1n S·.'·1 w.H I: 'p ic,k .up Rad1Q: Sh13jck wh.en mov'i 0.9.. b l/.t 'j~lureb I.13trkspo,ts, i.n~ thene top,.. .tI!ot.be,si;I,o:cqt\ on.; . I .... I. .." .. "i' ... "l .. :," . I I "", ..... ' -.'" .of . ..·Mr. 'Huni1er: stated stU,I' ·Iikes· ·directpry·sign!;J .in.a·..pla·za.. s.o·knowwhatis, ,there ...·' Eliminates. th.ls. prob.I.em. Mr. W0.ods. stated th'ls. Is:-a 'con's,ume r .o·r:! en t,e ct s·to r'e! de"pencj i n9 on· t ra f.f. i c: .ClIJ d hqPe full Y.' iCO I l;'er:;.t .'oustomers' by./·peop.le driving by,a:nd·'ne,cognl;;c'J',l1g:"lho. is ijhere. 3 'foqthi gh box means' letters. canr.lot be. gre.ate.r.:,·:t'~ai-:r 2. '.:f~"et.• ",Wi!'.!: ··have. to:. get'close to. read it:. Not overbe.ari ng on the road but when ·Io·oki ng forlocation wlll··'be·,Gi·bJe'to find-illt>I ., ....,. . . . "

.'. , . ,'. I . . .. .'.' '. ",. .. I.:· .', . -,M·r. ;::. He i I ni"<;in :staTe q, take.. Iii;: I' l!'um1nat-e'd •. · Wh,a,t q reo i~OUr:~. Q.t '0 p?, rat ron ,.IMr.' W'oods 's"!:<iited'on 'a·ti-me;r.,..thinks·. aI.L·'on·a.l1d"jo.ff I~t s.C!\me time." ,W,hoJe'plaza on ·t i mer. Be I i·eves. powe r pa j'd q,if-jun t i.qnd .sh9 r.e th e,.:e !.~:ctr 1.0,'bill' and upkeep. ·Mr .. Heilm'an ·aske.d va'Jue of It,in: pla'ce? 'Mr. Woods

. ·s·tated ·$.25.:~p'er-' Slq. ff.·,. ·'$f.20:0,.•.. Mr-. SteEll.e·,asked. is: -this: yOy£,:. 5-,lgl').or:p!·8'Za's.? .Mrr ~l.oQds sta.t~.q b.4·i.l:1:' b,yOol]imuniitYi·Slgn In I1rI \'l19i::9n , ·•.T;exaswno. b'uTl'd'sj'for: Radi·o:·Shack 'all' ·ove.lj,t·he iC'ou,ntry;: J;llS~ ll'l.s·t·a:~l'i:.ng· Ii;.Mr.-. S.teoeI:·e. 'asked Aow,do YO:LI, ge'tthe 's.a.m€; ..col.o:rs~ •. Mr, W09,ds 'si;a~e'd li:fe n d.color chips\. Do Li·ke,K~npC1rt"E!.o. t~ei.r'1or~, an.q GO,IctlC1r:,c-I§la,nd·,<;::odrdlnate.pretty good. .... ',' .,.

Page 160: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zen i.~lg' Boa rtd. of 'App.e,a Is' .l . Novembe.r" 25~·,( :1·9:1,5:

.M rl;·.l·Chapman e s ker:d:i f:' anYOi1!e,' iin' the...aod i en'e'S '·ha.dq.l1:es·Yion 5'?' . "Anyone'; .wl s11 i1tg t.o s.p'sak Ilrt .fia vo r "lor op p-c's i ~:ion '?' 'No ;on~ 'ap'pe?l red. ". . i .\ ..

. ',,, . . I I I ,~, ;.. . ... '1",DEC IS I ON:·.Grlari fe d ,:tJflanll'mous I y. '·for TWO: .yea rper i o d , J ",:~, -'.' "

.' . ". i: . ,'";j" .;: . . ~../- ; '.' ,.' '" : .. , -;" ".',. ," " ',' i ."5~, . "Application .o rl Duncan l-liIr'R'ealtly~· 316'! Union' S'tre'ef) North ;.;--, . 'Chill l, 'New 'Y,br,kf 'fot' .ep p.rova'I o'f, ren~.wal ;of~ va....r l ari ce grainted,., December 18'," J·97.13. 'f o r fre!e-'s~-riand,i n,g 1d go iad:verti:si.lng, rea'['estate I't ··off.ice ··at·3·mi·l· fUFllt·bn,iStlree.t.r . c-z; --".'" ;.,' , T: .'. ";'

,i, . ".r-· ,' .. fr·.. .' .. ",-.' ,.11 ".' .. ~,., ...Mr. Roger Hi I I 'appeared, .stated fami I.l a r- with ne.w si.gn law.' l: Doesh r',tknow how wl l L'so l ve the. pr-ob lem , Sign is. there and'has been there. for atlv'o"'ye'a rs • ,' .. ilk. Hunte r- w·a's 'ch a j'r!man "~ih'e'nr g'r:'a'nted' .ap pTova I -'an d '(Ii-o'uT·d''- ...h-ope ;to- usie' un tilI Ma'r~h';' r97.,]:.+.!N·ot surle wil fl be.lthere ,untl'!"fhen" .,:biu.tddes· wa-n f p.erm i s s i orr ,r,f: we a r-e ,th ere. 'M ,5'.'· Chepma n sta te"d .. :do ..,rea J j·Z~;l. '.fhat 'l's·. longest we wo u I d ·grah·t ·for,.·-~· Have b'een ··granti·riig·a···· .year '01' tiwo .'!ear·s,·bu:t now ~rn:cliin~·dj to· g'ra'nft Jnt.i r 'th1el't·,···[a·y/'comes·lntoe f f ec't , ,Anyl quesHon.s,'?:, I\now 'atr·fa-m·iI.i·ar wi,th' thes:ign.·

I .' 1 '!" " ,"..Mr·, H·i I'I: 'stated with! regards -r·C..pt~fessionaiI b ull I ding, o'u'r- propdsed .plans indicate we wouI~ be. having earth berm sign ~~d wondering if' thIs:w·r I ]'. be. pe rm i s$'Crb le-:u ti de r ,'y'o·u r or-d i nance , . Gr-oun d· Is. bu-l I tl 'up; an d .sign proba-blybne 'or 'two feet j,tr'hei'ght:and.,five f eef l on qIan d.Jnames'the Ib1u'[J.d·jng; Mrs. Tangeri as'ks'd a·gainst· t'h:e bo'i,ld·ing? "Mr•.Hi·[I:!sta-tedout ion ,-that grbund·. I Mrs.;" Ob'apman sta,ted ,w i HI b ave t.o ·fj'nd· i rrform9t.(on .ori'ea r-t h be:rm ~':I gn5-.' j·1 i'". I .

r . . .•.,.... "1 .C

Mr.s·; Chapman 'asked' i.f·anyone, w'j-s'hed··to speak inhfavot· 0;' dplposf-rion"Tothis, ap p l lca'r i on teri d- no on'e .a\5pearedi. 1'1: . " . -.




DEer s',roN: Granted -una n lrnou s [.ithfroligh Mardh.30,l .I'1:}-7.7 .. ". ..,' ...' . If: ". . ,.1 ." ; I :.'

App I ica1tfon 'of Jo·hh \'/01 f-, .414 "Jensen Drl vet;· Rc chesf-e r-,: New Yo r-k '-f,6r app rova l 'Of variance; to 'erect 2:car 'att'ached garage, ap prox .5 'fe'et f r-orn sjae:·"lo~ :,I··j·nei,:·..JiO:feet,requl,ted·; at 4·4··;Jenseln' Drive·.R-I .;,r 2;·.l'·· '., I ,,1 . '. j. '.. ." "'.' .". t· ':. :'-:'..

", . I '. !. '1.1 i ... , IMr. Wolf appeared. Mrs. Chapman asked attached by' -one corner'? ~lr.

Wo'[ f stated -'sli x fddt ·dve.rna'ng. I n: ,front· wh i'ch ··w1Lj-·I" be. ho'oked bnto th.ehouse •. 'Mrs.' lChaplliian stated' Jniustia r Iy. I~h-aped,..toi' an'd tt'i~ way -·the'l1'ouse isistted'on ·the::·fo't. . "'., -: .,.•' .. :!;..; I '.', ',I,' j,. i'.:,· i .-i.,.' .. '

lvlrs) Taiig~'r'·aske.d ltiow :far wo'uld' ga'riage b'e. frdm, 'r!elar- loT n,tre,!' M'I"",IWolf' stated would: say'·30.feet.: ·Mr.·HUnter·asked approxima--re[Y:'Wh'atage is. yo·ur home? Mt:'. Wolf' stated !5'-16' years'. Mr. Hunter aske.d' any·bo.dy'kno'w 'what, zon'e' f,hat wd'uld' have'be~e·ri?·iMrs.iIJu·eJdkie:.stafedD;, 12·;.OO.O.':sq.ft. Mrs) Chr,f p'i!1,a'I1 ' st a-red qn tile be:n'd fan·d!·:unUsllal 'S·hap'e.: i Mr., Hunter:·stated fth'inl<isf>fhat w0uld·h:ci,ve 1be.en u.n<fer ·the'IO!%.·r-u[e·;'- fVfl"ls.' Chap.man· .stated yo'u f<s ls.·dne·:6f .:thie. ifew·':i<!'i1tn-otlt 'a gariCl'ge .~now lot of re.quests ..,at 'on~ 'fi mEl io'r aMotl1er f'('l,r"gara'ges;~ ...... ' '.. ...,. .. , I . "" :., ' i

, f.· f ,,' -., .' '-j. l' ". ". .', I IMr. steele' ask'ed 6 'feet from the Io~ ·Iij·ne?i' Mr. Wolf"s'i'aited fi.VB. ·1Mr. steeie' asked. 24. .foot garage? Mr. W,olf'stated' 30 ',ft. from theh'0JsEi";f6.· the 1st",l iTi~·. . Mr'~ Hunteir as'ked la t Fow,i ng oth.er fdt:5t'1fo'r the'.

I'oiverha·nd·? Mr; Wolf'"si'a-red yeJ.:· ·Mr·.:"H((nterrstat-ed really'should.callsj·x··fee-f and,'amend app·li·cation. . .., .. ',": . ,"1<' . . • I

. ,.' :!: i ;,:'j , "I" '. ".1 i . .','. '. . ..' ,. ': i .'"Mr." HeeTe' asWe'ahdw'far wo·JI·d 'garage be' f.r-om -r.ri'e r\ei.ghbo:~s home?Mr.

:" 'Wo (fs·t·8i'e·d 'n rs.' hoos'.l i S:.'liO···,f·eeT fr.om hi I:s. I i'r'le'~'" Mr.' Hej,'hman .s.-ta..t~d'l6' fe·d·H· "Mr'-I De'G'raffasked':is: thIs'''gartd'ge'set'',::back?' \~0uld' nf,be:i'n:'llns·tw t Th ho.us'e?-: Mr.' Wo If:'·shted·no', ')e:h I'nrl' trie' ho.'use;;' ·MrS·.' Gh-apmanstated' 'not Tri,l i-rie.' 'w i th·.h i·§,hoirEie'.:fVlr. ·He:'l m'an 'as~ed'have you ta fk-edto him? ~lr. Wolf stated ye·s.·Mr. Heilman ,aske:d·wha·-r·i··s:,..hj'.$'·or:i'I-n,lon'?

Page 161: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


,\ ., November' 25:/ 19'1.5'




Mr. Wolf "state'd oi<l \'I"i:th hi'rn.Mr. HeiLman '<lsk'e:d ju'st,to be: Js'e'd forstorage -o f vehTcI~'5?' Mr. Wol f' stated' yes'-.', ' '

'" .• i, ' , ' " ,.'" •• ' ' ," I'",

Mrs. Chapman as ksd any othe:r',questioo's,?' e:-xp'Ia~lne'd pretty' w;ell':and 'drawi.rig very:','help'f,u,!.' flioyo'rfe, fn'"fhe.'audi,ence 'ha've 'quels:f'i'on'-s,?' iArly,oriewI ~h I ng, TO,-s p'e oil<: rn': favor"'O',. op posi"Jil'on'l lNo rone "ap pea re a: ':,' I " "1 ",' ., ,""t,' ", 1 1-, ', ,,::' " -."] : ,·f I,: ,.-" " . i !,.DE'Crs,I,ON: Appro-veld 'un arrlmous Ivvto be s llx ,feet' from'sl"d'e 10T-!ine.

! '. t ,', " ....,,' , ," j , - ,'. : , ' ,,' ", ',~ I7. Appl l-ca'r lton of"f,lgn,e's' 'HoW'arth)c!o, ,Frederlc'RJ"J:.,'Ho!',br,06kf5Z,:f:

'N~i dho'l s"',Street,: ':S'pen'ce'rpdrt " New Yor'k fot app rova l' 'of va r i ance'to,'ere'Ct'homei oni'l.i"rider!s!,te,d' lo't be,(ng ap,prox'.:1:lj';-4do,i.sq'; ft.; ,,',\(i,to,G,o. ',reJcfu r-r'ed)i:trid' rear seTba,c~ va r lance Ito alI'ow ihouse: app.r-ox ,25, ft. from rear lOT li'ne'-30..ft. required, ,at'g',Yolanda Drive.Ri~.I-'I-2'.:" '. f I ",1 '" "" f h, I ' '., '.-' ,I ",,' '0'

),I ' '. : f, I "Mr. -Hol brook 'appeared, 's'-iIated r-epr-e sen r lrrq IMrs .,"Howarth -who l avh e r-ewith h us ba.nd , ,,' l.fve on 'Y:o)~nda 'Drive -Lmmed I at'e:ly' ;north lof 'ttfe' lOT in'question; , {.e'-tJ me,s:tate'my':.coni-eni"ion IThat ttiis~ loT does-: nOT requirevariance ""tn irik's. cove red unde r Ohi I I Zo'n Eng Law 'unde'r- 'Gene r-aI 'Ex.ce,pti onsArtic.le"7 IwhTcfl says,lIlf, at -t he time lof pa s saqe clf thi's o r d l nan de ; 'al o't , .or- ilhe 'ag"greg'ate of1continguous 'Io:ts 'o'f'!land p'a~cels' he l.d' i,n:asingle' owne'rshl p, ha s ian "ar~ao-r d l rne ns Lon I e's s Than r-eq uLr-e d i f o r- thezon l nq d i srt rilcf in"which 'fhe,pr,operty',is: lo'c'aTed, thei' 'l ot or aggregateho l dlnq s Imay ':be: o c oup I'ed 'by e ny permITted us e r l n the d ls.f r lc't subjectfocdinp I i 'anOe Vi tha' II' lethe l' r-equ I fe mel rrts ,of. The di' s froi ct,p rdvi de d,'however, ,that,the us eIo f a' iOT lri'any 'reslderitf:afi 'dlstrid'w~Fch' hasan 'a'reef devl c i en d-y 5 rral I' be, f lm rted to, fa Is I ri'G'1 e' fami I'Y' ,dW;e'l lI ng. nlri' R':"I'::"I2' :d,i:s:,fr'ifctl'ltiich r-equl r-ed IZ',:OO,O,I,sq'. f r ,' an d :s I i'ghtly:i,under'thaT 'and same lo't' i IT "existence' i rr:,1 97.4:'1wh-en law 'went' into :effect:

, I ' :,i '" "; i ",,:-' ',i, 'Mr' .>l4un'fe r' as ke:d wHa't sa'ct"l or-f? Mr';',Ho I b r-oo k :itaTed '7'~'iO,I,O... I n:anyevent" asking' for ve r l an cs from the, rear s s t-ba.ck and wifl"Try- ,toe xp l ai n. why" as k i nq for t h at-, Thought would' for the, record staTe, thatm.yfeeli'ng;th'atsarne as 'The, <3t"ea 'po'r-tion of',the'law 'goe;;, doesn't,-,',feelre:a'l'ly'are 'oovered:,',D6 'have' some very rough 'sketches ,thaf"woul-'d'

":ri'l<e"to,'p'a'ss' oUt] 'Nol'lth to -rhEL,top"of,'the'dra@j,ng,. tot is'IO'O-ft. 'frontage -on 'La-re GO. "Re,c! r: ['j'ne FS",'rough [y"at ri'ghta ngl e's ,to no rth-

i i ~6uth' whe rea s front ob'i'i que~' ,': Howa r'fu prop'e rty ''I mmedi ate I y:To the, north.T6'the'sotith bel'i'ev'es' s6me iof Tne.p-eo~le:in'attendal1'C'e- live..ii,n:tR<l,t,d t r~c:t ion ~", trle re ii,s' a lo't tfia't, C'O'I11es" upa !'0ng' 'wesf- ,:I j:ne to the ',rea rof the Howarth patecel. One or"md~e"that-e'6me-"th;roljgh ,from ChestnuTRidge Road. Reason as,king for rear variance from 30,'ft. requiredis' that"ccfrltrac-f'-purdhaser1pl"oposes'.:to ei't+ect cl'dwelling 2o:',x 54 ',andpJa'n~ hdve.6een 6efOrcl'Suild'ing r~speho'r for"sometlme.-' Has ep,pliedfor,'Rei-tni-£' andiT0rn'jrl: g-u~ndry"about',size, and 'setback.' Attempting to,obs.Eirve~ ,wn'! 'be, ab'l,el' toJobs,ervejf bo'ard,sees ,f,lf to grant va:riarice,the 50 ,t+. frO'nt'sJ+6a,ck and north"setbad:k'Would' b.iconsiwr.a:I)!'ymore

j'Than IO'fL"and 'SQu'th feels' v!-o-wld' have'to be.'cIose to'the'"Io'tt~ to,'fit the house on 'and 'not,r~qui're g,reatet'var-ianc-e. '''In',order-;to observethe, 60 ,ft.;:will 'ha've' fa push back"'soir\ea'rest'corner to' ?oJa'nda 'wi'],"be at le'ast 50 ,ft. Practical 'difficulties in that 'tie cann'ot makereasona'l:de' Lise df'T~e property' without a rather'ddd-del'th house., \IIo'uld'pro&ably'en~ up' 'tIith housE! rela-fi''v'elyii-Jarr.ow 'and',notcol11p[a-lning aboutcode, doesn't enter i'h'un["l's,s.'!huch"wlder house"'.';H'aveicopy <.:l,f,'the'",plirns 'from Totn.I"GeQtleman ,proposed additIonal, '14"feet on to~this pla'nfoi--'slngls'-:car,g'arageJ ,:.: Mrs>Ta'nget-'''aske,df That is: inci:lurGied jn'"thJs?Mr';' Ho'lb'rook staTed tha,t,'i's: what- 'f' amsh6wing:'onl,r.ough .. drhing .. v.eryapproximate .• SaY!25. ft:,plu-s,or min.us'.'·Re.ad tliat'26,i.f you,\'liIl",',because·that"rl's what-:i;u:'ild'er'wou'!d"'li:'kei T6,'be candId" have, notrrE!tainedengineer fo"m~ke~a drawl,rig~' Thought m'ight be, mOTe e>.:pense than wantedto get l~to btii' ~~bmTttt6'fhe'b6~rd,th~~ pe~haps' don!t"ne~d 5 feet~'

,?-.n,ly4 •. ,~ay be,.only ~"811•. Doesn,tt, ~no'tl ho:~ i,!" ,will' 'liM up. Since"l't I S 'rear setba'ck wh I ch' to me 'seeths '5Cl':~,'ft. I i S:I as- I arge a' r,se r' setb.,a,ckes'~as se'er:i"',in:· ~pJ,~i,ence havfh'glbeeh mi:micipa,[ 'att0rney myself;.:Tt1,inksgood idea .,1 Doe Ii' tfee"1 'one rous1.type, vat-,j ance, t:o' -ljl~" r!9,q,u,e;:;'Te d. ,DoE)sn f t:'-J<now ''j'f i3 eop ,IE)' 'Ii' a',i.rd-i en'ce"',f'ee" , ;\you! d', inrp':i.ng:e,on pri il1.14>y .o,r n9t ... ,," '

: .t i . lr .;\ 1'. ...... ',-,: '.-:".~

Page 162: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


.I'. .No.v~mberc 25", IQ;7,5.




MI1. :.Ste,sl·e· asks'd:'qoes.;t:h.<lt py.t {f:ront-.of t;h-e;' 'ho4-~e:, In' I1.ne·wltti o t h e r-.houses? Mr. Holbrook 'stat~d·:lio\'l.q...'th: hOflj~'.:tq(},'map til' 1,96,7. :doesn·':t:,have exactly' but to nearest point seems' '74.:2 1'. back. Clo'se'r thanthe-Ir'q~.. Th.e.y, ,do,n't 'qb.j.ec:t. Dq,e!:\F'\'·t ,k.nO;I:/·.,:t'\ow o:t.hEi'rs,·teel.' ,poes,n'jt. fee.l.ln ...g,ener:al would ch g!1ge:· -cha r-ac re rt o-f nedgh!::cl;'rho:qd.'" Pos,sn"t.<change densj,ty_: . S't:i I l- ·s!!1g.1e",famU,y·. , ..Do,esr<lj',i;, feelif·ive f oo f .var l anceof. 30 .f f , requirement or 16'% Is, s ub s.tan-r l a l variance. U'nderst<lndlng,to qnsl'fElr q:4e~t ii9.n, ,',t,hat "coup lie o f- the: [hou sqs ..: .af I ea s-f two, sCjui)h~ '.'clo'ser than 60 .ft.' Mr. Hei l man 'asked more than one vacant loi' In.th Is ·a're.a? ·,>;Mn •. HQ J b rO.qk -s rete d 'on I y",Gjn,e 'a\~a re 0 f i Ex i:st:e d: Ifo.r.some 'Ume••. Mn, ," He:i,.lm~ 1'1, . s,t<;Lted un] qu~".I n ...tha t sense. - Mr. [Ho [,birookstated def I n l te [!)I, ..an~as f a.rtcas P l1a.cti qal :d i ff I cui t:1 es ,,:.,d0,esn ':T th i nka fJ;ycha nge ,I n. iJile 11 e i 9h t)orf:l.o<:1d . " Pr-o pos jog, sI I)g !;e~ 'f.a:ml I y d·W'e'·I ['I,in9 •

, - . - .' : " I. . . .:' " '.. ','., i . . ','-r ." ~. ,."fl",', : I -; ,'. :, ~ .. - . .Mr. steele' asked are eIe'ctr1c: pole'S on the l o-r J Ine? Mr. I-Iowrarthstate.d running do.wn the side be.hleen my house and that lOT and .a I on qb a.ek of rtl:te ·IOT~•. M,r •• ~ol~:rqok sta,tei3; YQu,lo.T a b.o uf twice a,s ~d,eep"i

a!i thils·h~t;:I07;190mpared.,tQ2ql.· iMr-.·j-le,j Ijman .;ask,e.d;.a·sl',!:.ng·.with '. jr~ga r.da t'Cl e'asemer:lt'il .J,!r-, Stee,1 e .srl:;a,t~<I. r.i g~.t.; :r ,Me •.H..o l:,b.:r:oo~ ;:ii;a,t,e diqoe~t1,.~t ;ha,ve ab s.t r-ac t , .,<;!'oes.n;tt"kllcrW, ·'If .ther.e.a!";,? <lI')Y ·9r:hq·t. Mr.;,"."steel e,·s-qat:e.d that· is. on. '.5 i G.e "W i th, 136 ,f,t. sei:qa ck , .Mr·;, [Ho I br-oq k ':', 's ta tEld 'lie,s,I~ i I, I:. :~av:e .Pol entyrqOIT\·-.on, ,tf'te·... nor-th •. "S',u/;)mi t; ..2,? . I.n:·:'l:ne ~q.ckn'qt ..-t.he :-gl'i~a tePit . ba€ky.q.r-.q b u:lj . not.;so ,5(1101'[ 1;<i'~9. t, don' i: -lra v,e. ,.room IfD r·.

- R G:,&. I:; e;r s orqebo.dy t·Q ,; 111anEju ve;r. -.,Wr ....;Ho~!a·r·th,,, "ltateq ..,9UjIq·. 9.t?,t _dqwn'S-i·de. 0 f ·'0 i.lr h,Cll:l sea nyl'.!'ay." ' Mr.-: He ill man "5ta,t~d ~n: res i de'n t I ~·l .zorre ,l()otmuch ie l se- yq·u ;i;;ouJi9' OG wl.i;-hJhls,·!qt:...·.. "M!i., H.GIq'rrqok, .. ~-tated,.~bso·l,u·tely.By preqlu·di!1g'1<':O:f\strruqf.!.on l~.f.areslet.ent·l, .,wou;!d·,be tqk~ll,. Tr:;yl!'.g to,esta'Q] i'~h Jpractilqal. 'di,~flqult'ies ·r.atl1er; Ithan Il1ar.(j.ship lJu',,!: wou},d.beeeon,om i c~ J'o:s·~ ~- Odd-~haped lo-t an,q re.f.e..r.red to iLl} crl:terila fqr: ;va r\ C\ncesin tMe"ordina·nqei. Make,,! reference; tq the t.yp,e..of ·thil"\g5 t ..hat have tobe presented In request and one of the:fiill'ngs is: odd-shaped loi'.Seci'i on 19 ~.Q4q .(~iJ. : Th-Lnks, j 4.::jT ..a!:lo.:ut ri !:'lJ'tt on 1"0 in t ,a=; fa r.: as thislot iscencEitille..d." :., -. '., .. j-,'_... '.j

• • ' .• , '"j • ~- •.; -"- 1 • .,,', ~..;. . i .. , ". i .:Mr •.' Hu.n t.er, state d .un de rstan.d . th er.e- .j S.· h9,me. ·tha t· h?\s 9;on.."j t •. i [M r.~ .',Howart~ s,tated ,fh',at LS..our's •.Mr •. f:lunter·'stated ,home.number 5.•, ·Lotbe,tween ths hOmes. ,.cMr. ·-:Howa,rth. state.d ¥es,. . -Mr. Ho Ib'rook stated u.n de rcommon owherslii p .of trye' HqwartT\l.'·s-:,for: sO.mEl ~i.me •.Mr •.. Howa:rthst<lted·thi·nks' have had <lbo.ut.i25,y:e·ars:~··-'.Jvlr.·Hunter stated at·the mOl))ent call'lngwhole tHing iJ1umbe:r 9; Mr~ iH~H.m·a;n. asked .is: It,. one··1rClx accounT?, Mr.' .Holbroo'k s-tated In0:; .sep.ar.CjT,e .ta~. ac;count.:n4mqer w..t'liGh; Is. cr.f.tle.aJ. :toour request. and. has·.be'ei'l.·.f.or';some ti(l1e. I·.' .

. ', i. , ~', " -' .. - .. j.... c":. . ". :. "., ~ ..Mrs. Chapman asket'd defiwite.Jy: ·a:·separa.te_lfjt.w.h~,r;;h.:,h,,!s~xi,.sted?·:,}Ir:;

HeHlm'an asked"part-.of th-~·sul;ld,iy.i$iqn? :MJt1";HoIErrook st.a.ted .it is,epn~[7 ;maps :p·age 8, just starts.<wit.h ·Howartfj ho.m.e: jq't WhIch. is'ClG,tuaf(y:bui I..t··or) one-,and thll'ee •. Lots,:on tt]e, '.'!Iest ~lde a.r:-e not <fQt')secutiv~•.Odd.,.nurilbe·r;e·(j •. Thj·$ loT-rea·lly -n.o.tpa,rT Qf.-The,f.il.e'd.<map·., It: i,s,' ..ex1 sti ng.' lot. thqT p're,-+date,s,.the, zein lryg . I aw ib tit has. ,e·x I s,te<;l : fo ri some· time.··NG:lt"on··[IT:pager8.·.. P.I,9I}ed up,dim~t)si.EH1S·.f.r.Om;ITJapsand· ?,u'rveY;h'" DQes[jot ·bear.. <l ,lo·Y·.nljmber al1d no Ilpe" and page q:r map rEjfer:e~ye,. ,... ",

. ....; . I· " ,f' I:" 'j'- •. -. ., .. c" ':

M'rs •. Chapman' as ked' i f'1any "q ue,sf ions' from' t.h ~',a ud i ence ab,o.utl wh.a t· ,pr.:opose~to.l-do ther-e?' Information ot).~Y'*.-..Mr.. Long9~·,:·j·..,Y,ol.and,a,().rive"asked how far': Is, thls.ho\Jse,-,:i,s,flt going tQ ba.clf. 4P pa:cI<. vtew··of theprope,rties or plc'.~edlup,inHrot:lt or. facet;! fh,e waY,our,hof(les .'-:l,re or:'iwh~¢;li'wa1 ,~,i'I I'll ti fa<t:e'? - Th ink? wi'r I bl,li 'd·,_$ma'!l' ·hqm.e •., Mr. rHo I b'r.ookSTated wIlI"fa'ce Yola'nd,a Drive ... Mrs.:Chaprttan·:,sTated·.·can [o'0f':lat thedrawirig;' some quest'ions would' beJanswe:pe'!J; Mr'. ftolb'rook st'ated an.d.

j',w-i'll"comply"witfl the zonlr\g Iaw$for'.s.qqe'r:e·foot!,g~. ly1r•. ,Lo~go.s(rqtedlots not·-sq.ua'13 ••. Mrs,' Chapm.al!l.sTsted.that j·s why p,ro:b..I.em·,.that.hous!'lhas 'to be f·urther ,back ·on: one.;side,·.to~b~.. 60 ..feet from the·,st.·reet. _ .

j , .... 'j I !H'I. -', ". ': I, ... . . ,'< ..lvlr~' Mu'I'ianey ·aske,1:I this:iis: ju·s·t flo'or plan of the ho:use},. Mr.· fto~b'r90kstatekJlrJght"thl>lks. Ivbole·ise.t of ...plans·. Mr. f:IIJ;!'!!'a:neY,'Jlt'ated Ti'llkf'ld

, ab'out, attached-, garage', ·.·Th·~T hasgarafje· 'lJnderneath .!.t:<a·! r·e~.d,y:.•:; .M.r.•.Wa,d,sTat-eti wr.'!·!,r'have··:one : (;:at'.' ba·bement. garage ..an<f. ano'I"'hi?.rI-.2· ·.ft •. ga'i:"ageat the side of theb~il&ing, .. . , .

Page 163: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

. I .: .November..25.,' [,9:"1.5'




MeS ."Ch.aRllIan. a,s~.~;d. Jir;.. vLo'~g~, i.how, far ~.a.ck ifr:'9m~t!]\'l' r,01'ld .j'$.IY,Durhouse? Mr. Lon~0.s:tate.d,'t~~nk!:i, about ,~O.·t~~t. !I1.r. .Ho l br-ook statedcloser than Howar'thts. Mr. Longo stated yes, much closer. Mr.Hofbrook stated we are cons.tra·fned,.b:I,1. ·the:,zGin;i"ng law.y[hfqh says'r~.60 ft. 'They are' 7,4'. . ''. II ..... " h'·f' '1-,' ',i", c.>>. " 11 .., . i't fl."

Mrs 'J' Bec~w I 'th" 15 :(0) an,d'il as k~ d wh.e n I Ii0:0 kO.u,t my no rth .w l.ndowswi I l: I see. gar!'lge we l I' or f ron t ya,rd? Mrs. :·Cha.pman.. stat-ed' yo·u would'be. further forward that this, house will' be.•. They will be', 10 feet backof vcur.s., ,,·,Mr,' .Ho l.bnoo k a s ka'd' [,.S!ry,o,ur n.ouse.,p,a·r.:,a[ I'Erl . TEl the ·sir-eElt· orat right a~gl,~sI7. Mr"., L0!1g.o.state.q;·ours.i,s: an:,g,Ie'Q ,p.ar;aI I:~I TO the'street. 'Mr. Holb-rook stated we have no Intent to l mplnqe anyone'sview. Mrs. Chapman stated Just, giving people an opp6r~unlty TO. lookat the plans and rea l lz e, on l v p r-opo se'd , .design not ok t d by, ·the townin any way.', Dontt· ~ay·h"ls to be, 'that design. Do have to meet cer-ra l nrequirements \dth ,r,egards 1;0 drainage and b ul l dl nq codes have to befol lowed and If thl~ design does n6t meetrthose ~eqU~remen~s; wl·1 I' notba permitted. Concerne~' only with the sIze. of the house whIch may ~e

put or how l o'ce ted on ,this property. A'ny other questions?' ;

Mrs.' Beckwith asked Mr. Ho l br-oo k wi l Ivoccup v -rh e house'? Mr, Ho l br-ookstated no, attorney represent·1 n9 Ho\~arths:.' Mrs. Beckwi th asked do theyhave a prospective b uy e r ? Mr.' Ho l br-ook stated hones'tly' -doe s n t-f know.R. G. Be'tz.'.is:the.bu.ilder who propo·ses to. purchase thls,pr-operty., 15'70"Dewey Avenue , Mrs.' Chapman stated he Is:the,bliil.d·er and Id.[:("be,bu:i1ding'house on here. 'Says, nothing a bo'u t who'will"be. in, the hou'se.' If:there'are any more questions, br'ing them up now. If' not, .anvon e who would'l lke to go on record as be.l nq in favor of this ap p l l'ca t l on t Mrs andMr. Howarth Indicated 'in: favor of appl feation.

Mrs. Chapman asked anyone- opposed? Mr. Beckwith, stated not de l l tre'r-af-e l vopposint l r, Want openmirrd. But Interested in: what kin:d of neighborswHI' 'be, s ov.c I o'se and if had more information on it. 'Will"be: very c l o'seand donttknow .I f. they will' 'block our view or s poI I The beautIfulview we have had and .many 'q ue s t-I on s on the, smaI l backvar-d If. there isa f rn i l v with chl Lr-en j will' 'be: problems of ove r-f l ow l nq from their, yardto other pecp let s yards. Can nof be, answered to)1:\o-!!lI1'f;.: Not op po s l nqbut stated very Interested. and w~ came out TIf interes~ to know whatwas going on ~nd' what kind of home wa~, golnu up. Canno~ answerbecause' was n c-r 'approved. Not opposing define-tlY'at this point.Mr-s. Chapman stated thank you for- cornl nq and, hope we have been -ab Le tos up.p I y yo·u with as much information -es we have at thIs. moment.

DECISION: Approved un an l mous l v'c-

Held' over from OCTober 28,19'75:·

Appll~ation of Pantlin. end Chananie' Dev. Corp., for varj~nce toe l Low- 70:0 sq. ft. sign on 'front of b u.l Ldl nq a dve r-t l sl nq K-martat 800 Paul Road. 0-2:

DECI~IDN: Granted approval of 7r~~ x 47t6~ sign on Dwg. No. KSI~dated' 8/7/75' and shown 'on ,Store No •.':3l8'8,' Mesa', Ar l z on e,for th ree yeers.'

App l lce t l on of PantLln and, Chananie Dev.,',Corp., .for variance toallow .entrance-exit: arrows to. be . .4.5'·feet in' heIght, at BOO .Pau IRoad. 0-2:.

DE'OI stON: Den I e d un an i rnous I v>

Page 164: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


-App I h±ati on of' Pan'jl,! in 'an d" Chan arri e. for' varIance +0' ·a·i Iow autos~rv i~·es:ign.fo- be iII"ul)-J'i niite:d<'at ad0':';Pa'u i 'R'qad ~ C'-2 ~~ . ,-.'

" " .,.;. "'. . . ..... .. ,,;, ..

DECI SIO'Nf' Gh:lrr'ted:for fhr!ee ·years.· 1·····' .•..~ -; ,


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App l lca t l on -o f PantI in and Chanan l.e. for variance to_ :q:II'ow free-s t an d llnp ·lIGar'deh· Sho p " !dgrl approx .... 33 ·s·c!'.: f,t:';', :j2<' :'fr6mgr~ae

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·'O.Ecl·SrON; 'A'pprovcH 1·§T~·hfed- for' rio'n':":i !·Ii·umiriated' s'l'g~, ·top·'to-bet··ri:d- .,', Hi ~rle'F' than- Itop o~ t·ne· fen ce;" 't:h'r'e!:l ,'ye:ff:r' per!dcf. '. ".- "~I'

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Page 165: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975



Dece mbe.r- 23.;. 19:1.5'' .. ~'. i··..

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. i ....,I Raym<Dnd..,Ste'ele·

. 'j. 1 i~ Meeting of the .zell1ing,Soard.ofIApp.eaJs',of :the Town. of. Ch.iI.I·

was he Ld in·/the Chili·.l\gmjnIs'tration .OffI9E?S?;: 3235.·Chil.i·~yenue;Roch es te r , ··New ,A(.Q r k; ·14'62tJ:.on, -Decembe:r. .?q.,' I 9:7)'f.. . Th.,? Me~ei: [~g : Wi=lSc a l l e d :h:l.order by t~eChalrperson,.· .Mrs •• Chaprnan , '. ~t·.8:.Qa·~.M.

: . .': '·'1;.... .'; . '1'

Pr-e se n t .... ,:,' . .lan iqEj!,)'4. Chapman, ,.Chai rfparsonl1ober-trHunter ". ,.] 'l.

·.Gertrllde.1 T<ltl.g~r

J oh Ii 'Ma I l·eTTe.... Gerald' DeGr;<jIff,CaTle Mu-ll'aney-"





I -. j"AI S'O Pre'sent: i 'AI f'red . J •. HeI I riran'~ Dep uty -Town ',A,t+orn.ey

'.-1· . . '. .' i ." ,--'. 'Mr-; 'Hei lrp'enis t'a ted the, 1~'gal.n9t.ice for:thls meett~g has.,.:beeJ;:?uJy.··p ubIJ'shed t Ln ·a. new s paper- 50 dt;lslgp,at.ed.by:ther.To·wn Bo a r d for$uch •.p ub ll ca t l on s an d wasv p os.ted on the' buJI:e'tln: boa r d and'affidayi:ts.a·r.i>on fi I e with the. Town 'Cle'rk to. that e f f ect , . , .' ',. ': "

, I.' . App I lca-t I on. of Wi;Jli"Elm Thoma s , i;l9d.Ch.i I i Qenter-Co.l dwater Road, •.. ·:RocOester,~. Y,.. for e pp t-o v e lvo f va.r l an ce to-a'llow;;tor?ge of '.' ', comme r-cla l ·equipmenT..l n residenTial' 'zone' 01') p r-em l s es va t 8.9d,·..,.·Chil'i·Center-C<pldwa:ter·IRoad. R-t-IZ·.:. ,. i ... 'I· '. . , '." . -. • . ~ :.,.. .. i \.- ''''. ....

Mr. Thomasappea·red:•.stated ini,the.:excayaTlng· bus t nes sran d wo r-k, by: , .myself'., 'Doesn 'T employ env help'. Need a bu.l LdI nq to hold truck anda backhoe so' Gan drl!,'?It:ls.l·de.at1-9'Io·ad end iun I o'ad .• , When Nor.k,ing.ln .a stC?rm,all·· ·(jay·, .come i home at',nlght,.anCl,[wouJd, j,1:ke·to .b;,? a:~re·t6. geT ·o\.lt.fpr pi little !"Ih:! I,;;'., Thi13 ·i~:wh.y' wa:n;j-ed t? do t~ls::s-?rt 9{ tfJ.f.!1g.Mrs .~.chilpm·an statE?d n.ot ] ~!",;cj p-uJI dJ.ng ....a ItC"fla·dy.the·re..... 9.a!" yO'U ...g i v e: us.'the. d l mensLon s ?' Mr.: Thomas- stated. 40.·.x: 75:..feet,.•. Mrs •..Ch.apman..:a?ke.d'\10 p l o-t v pl an. 'or ?Iflyt.f;dng.li·ke1that? Cou I d YO:\.l ma.ke·,.us a.:.cIrawi!19· of·whe-re it ·is .Io·cat'ed?-. Mr •. Thome s "j,lt'u'strated .cn paper.;an<j· st·a:te.d,i Go l-dwe.te r Roa d , dri vewav ·a n'd -hou.se, " T'(Io:., ,ca.:r; garage ..~e re., a.~ d. barnb ci:c.,k~ere .• Add l r l on goesout~ Ii·ke[this:injbGl.ck.j·:'9ri ·thrs. barn •.. Th I.s i,~:.",

. abput60 .f~eT f.rom .the s Ide lot I ine end f.rom .the ba.ck, lOT. aro un d . 130'0. ,feet deep so probably'IO·OO.:feet from the back •. From this. 5i'de,90.tbarn and roughly 30. ~eet from this. side. Mrs. Chapman aske~ do~s +h~

dri veway ·go· '!'lI I: Tbej wa'y -ba·ck-t:here.~ . Mr•• Thoma.?; st.ated: .no., ..Dri yeway.. ·.ThNlugh': her~' nO\'!•. Cu.T? aro!J·(1d I lke .. thJ.~: bp;ck: to fhis;J)..ar-n , , J~f3Ve .' ,,door I n:front an d bac.k js.o '9andrloye', .r,1 g.rt, throy.gh.· C9m..e .~l,Lt· opt,o. .'; .. 'Cold'lJa:ter'w.it,ho).Jt back.i!1g onto It,. ; TriltfJ,c:.getti.ng Qad,' " , ., ... . 1 .:. . '. , '. I·, '.':'. . ... ·l .:'~ , . . • ..; .~.. "" . '. .. • :Mr.s·.·. Te,ngl'l.rils.kep· Q9\1 many' vr;')h.Lqles tlo. YOu" anN c:i pat.e: ptori.!1.9'f.. Mrs •.:GIL'ap,man 's,tated rna,de'r!erfip'n ·of ·on.ly: one ·truck .a.nd. ba:G~h'ge': . ·:Ha·v~. ,mo~e.:?Mr •. Thomas stated' 6-'whe'eJ clnd lO·...;.wh.eel Trucks and three. 3";whe·s.l tractdrs .•Like farm tractor and one· is: backhoe and one' [5. a 10'ader on ,the front·and -p:I'a:de on t·he back tr·p.t us.e !Oi'P [ow snowjw i'thj> . Have 8M. 19.5.2;:...Yo,-rl< rake- .onl -.l t •. Ke<9p In: (th,$ .b·arn·.'.· Mqs. Ch:spmar ,aS.K,?d· .not,room i.n: the.

, D-;:l,rnl for &1 I' 'Of .the: e·q·u,i pment·? Mr.•. Thomas :sta..t,e.d .no:"1:t n·be.·rin:d 'th 1:5: .. gar~ge, Jlotl'r~9m to! gp.~e.t,WE');en. thiBse(bu'.iJ.Q..ji!1.g:s'f pan....~.:et in bu·tlltoU~th.and, wh".rr:,slippe.ry,: bad.' "{\av~ [to; raise t9; gOf c>v~q .to;P1 of .b.u·i.Id·Iflg· and,Je·ss·.space ·p.e.twe~r· ,th·e,Se bu;i I.di n-g.'Sj ;than .:1 e'ng-th of. the .~,qul pment sohave tp have pver.the, top o.f th~' rooif an<;l icuT"p.a:ck :8roiy..nd in:,there,~ ...'. ".,'. "or: "~'.:' "', ,_._. . . ,'_ '. .•. ; ," _ ... ' . _, .

Mr. ':laI.I·eTte .. as.ked, dj'd:yo,u,.Jnd'ijCatEl;. ,?ve.r:-he"!d jdo?-fs'?:' IT.wp-",irr f.r~nt., qnd:~>rle I ill' ,ba.cl<? : Mr:•. Th?rna,S sta t~.d . t·.V(·Q .[ n.... f rpn t and. two,},n. ba,c,k" ..Mr:: .MaIII·eit.tl'J. a:s'ked /oppo'sIt;e.? Mr. T'h.omas state.d yes Sotl'9.ht ..thro~gh .• '",'.'·.Ma·i.nl-.y:,·to ha..v.1" a ,rooJ:)30r c.anj,19¢i:; in: out; o.~ ..th'a,ti.-:,?,:tor.in •. !'-.fr. ,Ma:l.le.T.te.·statedp'rjoba-b!'y w0·l"k,. on, -t!1em·.:t,oOj.; fvjr. ,Th:o:l1las. s.tC!,:t~.d. sam"!,, .not t,oo mU~h.

J us'ti sma'Hi st.u ff .b e:c'a~use' on em?lnqp,e,rai1i on ,. .,.ope~a i:eequ I pnie.n t .a nd.ge.t;~ . I ~ ~. i ~ 'j ;. ... ' .a", J .... ..•


Page 166: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

.......... ..... Ir-..;




D A.TE J)ec.«~b.!({....El,..l tf7 ~


GATES-CHILI NEWS[x.·m{=' f)(ff(>d .)JrLC',1!»l .b.(X(. t1" /1. 7.s: _ + + ••••••

v:.../.~t~ t..~.... ,~ ... _ ........ ~ ... t ....~.


GE.F1ALD1NE C. SNYDERNOTM~'" PLlSllC, Sl~te of N, t. :·,q')nm" I

My, Com;njss;o."l Expires L"lim:h 3D, 19.,7 ?

frldc&«~.u~Patricia M. Smith


Page 167: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


-.?.::.;...._"' ..-

~~ ~[ "~ IOiu .J.. '- 7.oniM Board of Appeals. .. A Meeting of the ZoningBoard of Appeals of the Town

,. or- CliUr will be held in the('hili Administration Offices.:{23~ Chill Avenue. ROChester,New York 14624 011 December.23. Hl7!'i at 8:00 P,M. to con-. :-;.icler the followIng applications:

,;:; i. Appll cation of WllUs'm-- Thomas. RflO Chfl!- Coldwater. Road. Rochester. New York forapproval of variance to allowstorage of commercial equip.mpnt in residential zone onpremises at 890 Chili.Coldwater-Road. R.1-12.-2 Application of C1lnoonSigns.Inc., 14Cl7 Empire Blvd., Web •

..ste-r. New York as agent forExxon. for approval of vari-1In('E' to erect 4' x 8' free.standing "For Sale" sign, facingIinlon Rtreet on property be-

'-(w~"pn'F.xlioh station and Intel'"~;hang,E' fOl" 490. R-I.IS.;1. Appltcatlon of Star Market,,~ 0 David Wilman. 26 SaginawDrivp, Rochester. N,Y. for ap-proval or variance ttl allow:-;if(tl advertfslng Star Market 011front of huildin~ at ROO PaulRoad, approx for x 31'. lOasq rt allowed. C.2..1. r\ppllcaUon or Alfred .J.l/t'ilman, 7.7 BrianDrive. Roch-pst.. r. NY. Jcr approval ot varf ,aneo 10 orect addition on frontof rE"i'ifdence, approx, 51 ft, fromf,ont lot line. 60 ft. required.HI '!i Brian Drive: R.l.12:

All interested p~rt~es areh('rE'hy requested to be present,n~, order of the Chairperson of

t'" "\ thl' Zoning Board of Appeals.,.... i .IANfeR M. CHAPMAN,('hairpE'l"son. .~$tii*....~ .......

I •

Page 168: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


Zoning Board of Appe~Is'""': ..... De cember- 23.,: 1-9:7,5



the, jo!;Js, .chan qe oi I "and grease' and how much can one man do. As far asrna j 0 r I h'i"p'a i r's ;" ;ta ke':"f,o: t·raJ:to.r 'p I aces -s': ;,Mr. Hlinte r st'at-en' +'6 me: I ooke dlike. one' bu:'i' rd'ir\~, ba:c:'k"h'er~"" lAC+ua'l iy·ft06~e·d· t'ogether-? .. Mrs 1, CKapmartasked additi'J.n'6n the ba'rn?"l Mr. TOorilas,"stated ye&·.:;;'Mr...'Hunter'state'Qreally one···la·rge'·un·it.'·f\1rJThofni:;i"s'stated'"y~,s~ 'tht's, is. 15a'rn 'afld thisis, added to. it. Mr. Hunter stated one bu.l ldl nq and has peak. Mr.Thomas stated yes, gable'. on ·thn;:l-end. "Eave on fh'i'sl ehd . Mr. Hllnter' Iasked can you tel J-' "ap'proxlmate he.ight of the' gab!e'?··Mr. Thomas stated.J2 'ft. door and ab ou t 5/[2' .p l'fch so got proba'tiIY'·ati0fher· 7;';8 -f ee t ,Mr. Hunter stated 8 'p:( u's ,12.', Mrs. Chapman'sf\,,+~d'abo:tH2e. '.ft. to thepeak. Mr. Hunter stated frankly'lo'oked tall"Err'fhaA that. 'Mr. Thomasstated ba.ck side is the lowest becau se gradedt-ops·rast. 'Figur'lng efrom the finished f l oo r- up.fvlr. Hunter stated saying 20: 'feet. What .is height of the house'? Mr. Thomas stateM:a'ppr~xini"a+ely'the s<:lme"mlghtbe. a )i~tle' higher b~t probably the same. Mr. Hunter asked does the'len d drop ba:ck'?Mr'~ Thoma s sta'ted'rio,rl~lit teabotlt""fh1"s:'poih'l'" a nd l :Then drops back. That is why -grade starts s how l nq mor-e back here onthis ~'ide~' ·Mr.·Hunt~·r·s·taj-~d··'I'ri:pers~e·cti~e·[choked kind of"pnh' Mr·.Thomas sta"te~ gOT sheathing'oh"and once I gE!tTh'e.·~i·cfi.hg·,on;it. :"rB6t,ne ed the!'le'ngth'in'Order to"'~'av~j,the t'ruck ·an·d·ba'ckhoe·a'nd·'unload·~nd·be in out of the storm. Ma{n"r~ason'.· . "·'·,1:. ' '1,:"'

Mr. Hunter e s ke d wl1'e're doly6':~i go' in?' 'Mr.~ThomHist~Ted h"ol1+~and ba.ck ,Two each .• ··;Mr~ H\Jhter' 'asked dr-Tve' out 'th'is0ayi-he'n, ".br wh·ere1':Mr.Thomasvs f-ete d gai·in··through heh;'·and. out'ba:&JCand gOT,sjx?aGres'ba'ckhere, just make big c l r-c l s an-d'1come bac k 'around tf.i'i'~. ~/~'1~' 'Mi--l: Hunterasked ac;fmal Iy graveIdrive? Gr-as s?: Mr. Thomas stated some gravel "andsome gra·ss •. Have To:ao soi'n~+h'i-ii'g:With' it.iwhen tt:get:s .. muddvs. ".-,~"

, ,"'.'1': '.. i I:·' .... ' . I.. : 1 .'. " . ',' . • 1· ..,··-~4r •. Hun+~ r": a's ked what i g1 f r-on t'a g6 l' I t-.fr•. Thomas i stated' 20.0feet. M'r".,Hu'nt'?r stahdcoupie':b~Yld~ng lo"ts • .'··W~ere·di'd·yo-u sTore Thh1e.qu'j.pmen'tbefore' the ba'r'n?: I M'r" Thomas' 'stated' just 'j n' the- bac k , . Go·t; si x acres .: IMr', Hu'rit-er":stated stc)res"·o.ut inlopel'i~.I'4r. 'Muli'a:ney asked how Io"ng, .have you, been stor'ing there? ·Mr. Thomas' statea s l noe we mov-ed iii,19' ye·arsl.····M'r.· Hunt~r -aske"d 'u~ing th~ 'b'arn?~1 App~~r·eht··iy'existIng be f-or-eyou came'. Used" t'hat fo r part 'o'f .yb-tr 'STO rage:?-' Mr·.::.:r;h·omas 'stated 'r'i gh1:.M'r. ~u'n.:t'er ask_~'d st.?r.~(eJ: b.ig ~i"rucks.o(Jtsid~?'; M:~ .. Th?'!tas,.s:ra:red.'eved/.thingmC?r~ ~rII.ess:hfld,been'o(lfsjd'~ ul'1!e·.ss;to,uJd.pb!,som~.lns"deb~t most hadto stay ou r • Mr. Hun·ter ·as)<.edsto..rei:l! sumlner and, WI n'ter? Mr. Thomas's t<;lte d yt=:s~. . I ., -. . •..•-i" ','. '. ; I . I ' .. :-.~..

-- , : '. . "I" . • ~.'. i--' i~, ~ t·. " .,-:: .-. .Mr, : H'unir'er asked w'~a+' ls. f re'gue'n"cy ,j h~ t'e'rms' o'f eq'u ipmenlt-1 i n··and·o(l't·'?,Do you·"J"eave·"equ i pine·ht· at ri i gh't?:';' Doh;r!t- br-in-g back': everytnt'ghf?' .;Mr~ ,Thoma s' stated ·rio.· 'Ap pr-o x l m'e fii:I y: 'eve'rV othe'r 'n i gh·t." ,lo'tso f': :·ti mes' ha veto bring back 'ba.ckhoel"tiecause'·noT safe·on'·t:he: jb·b:'and: lsn,I·;r. E{ven.,sa'fern Th e' bac,k, of .my :p la·.ce.~. Just rep (a'cfil d. twog I a·sses.' . Bought new pieceof' e1)(Jipmen!t~.$l"I,,-o.b,o:',:·Jin'd tim weeks 'Ia'ter" guys· throwing rocks,. throughth',{' wili'i:l'-6ws .' .' f\'n&fhe r 'r'ea 's<::J1:{",v h'y "ha·v.e to""ke ep r:c1 erse·. to' the· house 'llhe re

'I"c?n"'w'atl~h, if'..,··...~:·I '. '.j:"':".'::;: ! ... ~:. ~..1 ':f !'., ..... -;<:'."t:".:,',,~ ....:~Mr. }li..fntler-askeCl h'ow 'Io:iig f"n~'fhe" blu'si ~i:Jss'?" "M'r.' Th'omas stated' ..th,li rty·y-e·a:rs: 'M~r :'~u n.ter' 'as:Jf;e'iJb'e's n" 'In: th·j's·'·home· '19' '.VenS' a nod: :b I w'ays op e ril te dout! 'of th1e're·.? ..Mr. Thomas' stated 'ye'S't·· ' tvlr'.'; -Hunft-er' as ke:d' evlatr: c'brt's i·de ted Itactua·II:Y·a. <::bni..mer.c'l~i ·I.:()'cai:!,oh!?,. I,t"'is' a'commerci,al o pe'i"c'fif" ion. 'Eve,'cOrisi'deY,eldl a',cfu a 1:ly CO'ca1',i n.g on :cohrm-e rOl.a)':p rope'rty?, 'C'an: ep'p rec I ate :,with' ·'t-h~, ia:n'd':yo-u- hav~p·H:ibab~lY"e.:a:Sie!;;· wayl.'· Don..·~t mTs.uhderstan'd., ',1 IBee'll ':j'n ··thel bus'ine·ss,:f'or·-a "Io'ng' t'j'me and' a'ppa·r:e.ritly'grciwing,. Mr·. .Thomas stated w~Bn you are on~ guy how far can you ~row •. M~. Hunters ta'te'd chmrrie1r.ci i:i.l '0'p'e1ta:t"j o'n' 'fCir :s.bme' tj'me' \:iri d 'co'nice rn·ed· '8 bali tefqt.i"l p-men tand ·undersi'an·dabICe. \~e 'ar'-e''"co'nce'r'ne."tJ about 'appearance' 'of th<=l,. ne,.i'ghbO:r-h~?d'.'ind \:?ciri~de'r'ed} t'g~ve::h:6~~ht 'to, '~~or'~'g~e bll(jIdoJ ~g' on.comm~.r,chll~.· ,PFdp'erfy Instead o't t~1 s rout~? . 'Not' really,' ,I. guessl~ : Mr'. Thomasl's,tete.dh'as truck' andb·a.ckhoe ,and o'the'rfiVi"b t'ru:C::ks" now." Come' h.o:me· wi"irh t,ha:!' :'i-'r'uckand 'du'inpit'r'uc'K zllna'"">j-haT'~(s~'onI y' ·one, .. 'got <p'ick-'up; ',bUt, iH:!: -ts.:in.:thegarage but: 195.2.: . Lo't of. guys run in pick-Up but 1. go from my pla'ce to

Page 169: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


. I·December. 23) 197,5: .. ,.


the. jotl ·w·I-r.M the ·trlJck... ·Mr. HunteT, aske d .l-O:-Wn.eeI'?: . Mr.' "(hom?lsstatedwhi'chever one the JoQ:·permlt.s-.··'Mr•.Hunter a ske d dr.i.v.Efoutln the.mqrnInaandgoing home at nIght? Mr. Thomas staTed p r l mar-t.Ivvtb e Nay ·It·works.·AI I mY·~l1.sinE!\ss do na Ion the phone •. People' cal t,: ,Mr,· Hun-te-r- !'itqted ..,don ~ T have . peof:ll.e· .com i. 1'19 ta I k·i.ng- abo.ut <l jqb ,··.SaYII1@'t\"aftr c -s t r i cf I y' .equIptIlElntl' ·..Mr:. Thomas'!,state'<!' me' 99ing ou t-, l.n 'Th~ 1mamr:i'ng ,an<;!··ba·.ck.· .at night. Mr. Hurrter- asked whqt··ti.me.cHdClydo.V.o\Jdo·this?MI7•. 1 .. ···

I Thomas stated leave maybe' from 5 ·to· 7 'AM and come back from 5 to 9.or 10'at night. j' NeV·er: ~now•.. Mr.· Hunt~ti' a~kEl·qdi d: )Iou aduQ.lly. b u.I l d thI!:!',

" rb ul Id'ing jfo,rTIii's-p'urpose'? Mr •. Thorli~s ~iiated Y€ls,:l:luHt· Qui l.dl nq .....,Mr~.Hunter stated didn't.rea.li.·z~ ar:>paren·-r.ly' ,thaT mIght have hada i.'probLeni.~Woul·.dYi~-r have TO.make. thr.s: request. tj!El~n operat[~g·a,r)d. '."neede d-mo r-e space an d wentiahead and diid'It. How v d I d yOL,l·,fin·d qut?Mr.· Thomas s t-a-t e d tal,ked .wlt~ -Tom \'fard. ·Mi"'. Hunt,er a s ke d : stopped andtallf,ed.\dth yo,uiab-ou-r'lt? tv111' •• Thoma.s.-stat~dlile·s,.;' 1 .r-

--, . ,,/. :1 .. i;~i -,' .'1' .."'.' .Mr~. ,Ch<ipman<a s ke c any, ·questions·.Qf. p o I Ilts of. j nformati qn"f:rom :.t~e .',aud[Elnce?". :Mr- •. Frank-'$.aH'sbu:rY, ..90.2. ·.CqIdwaterjRoaCi stat~q wouLd: H'kEl';to re c ommend that t~e. va r lance .!;JE1. 'app rove d, . · ... ·1 i :

, .':' 1. . l I I j •. •Mrf~ .:.~hapman a s ke d anyone ..el sa' in ·f,avor1. f.r)'Yone. op po sed r ;·t'i9. qn e .·appe·are.d. ·~li.•1 , .:·1.···.11 r.

" . i' . . I . . . . ·1 I . . .: . " I I .'DECIS·.l(j)N: Reserved"pen.d.J.ng req:E;li.pt of comments fr911J MC/:'O •. '. 'J . l '1 i ,'1 • . . I. '.. i : . I·'" I : '. 1'1 i'" '"

2.. App l lc at l on o f j C] ln-ton s.:ign$,·:lnc.,l:4~7Empi.re Bfy·~.,. Werbs.ter ..., I New "¥o. r-k a s. ~ g$nt.o' fo r Exxon , . ..f 0 r ap p ljova.' .o f . '1a r i anc~ '. to er-e ct .....i.-4·',.·.x 8 t sign,·.freE!'-.stan,d·infb ,l\fort!'1-<itle" 'slgll, factr.Jg,·Union'STr~ef,

l : .. on property.be:iowE7snjij:lj:xon·H<;ition 'slnd !nf~rchange -, for 4.9d,t"-· 'R-I':'15'"f : ..... .' .;. . '. . i

No one appeared when appII~a-rlon calIe~, Rec~II~~ at en~'9{~age~~aa~dno one appeared •

.'; : . : i '. " 1 .. ' • i .DE'q;:-[SION~ DEilt:lied for Lackvo f repl,"e$ent'atl.on.,~. 'f I

.... , .• j '.1 h .. ·j "1'""1' J ....,.. . .j.. '.3 •. -Ap.p l lca f l cn ~.ffStar·..Market; .cto.. Dav l d: WI.!spn,' .29·!lSaginaw Drive,." .. Rocheste r , .. New Yor-k ,'for. app ro.va J '(jlf .,v.$ r; ran ce to .alLow s I gn ~

. advertising star Market on ..f r-on f- 9ft~uiJ9ing.at 800 'Pa.u I Roa.d,··appro'X,. 8' x.l:li-I:-!.y· IOD,.·.sq.·:ft.all0'llecll 'C,::,2~'t 'j .. -..! ,:',.::'.

f'l, "1 ...•. . '.' . . ..•. t .. ·f·.. . ',.; '.j :.:'. .' 1':' , ..J1r. Wi IS'on appear~d,st'ate~ t-hi'.2: is,nQ,rr!!aJStar..Marl<'ilt sJ'gn r .. Have ..'use'd throughoT,lt Monroe County,· . Last one in Perinton' [ beli·eve.where itvlasiins-ra'II'e'd -and' 8··ft~ in"lhe!ght and.that· Is. t?·s$~nce of' 8.f.eet. Go....respeetilleiy' smaII'?r so."r" abo.ut 40inG~es,. worcj;l:rri:ark~.t.:I.I. whlc~ is.',ZO..or 2Z,~lnches' higho.Mrs~,.Chapman stat~~. Y9'u·r. ca'lau,l.at·i98of J;I' ..,x,: 3.1'"'is rec-rangle .whlclJ,.sU'l;'rOlJll.ds.., t~I?' tot·a! sIgn •. Wallt. to~ ljl1a.Ke, cIt?~.( be ..c:a·useof· ,dlscussion<;l·bo.ut how.t4> m!,1;lsuresjgn.s'l' Mr.• ~WI,ls.on 'stat~8 thi.s . .i~:uSlj~1 w~y. -tomeGl5Ur~.-s,!tJl1!?·",' Mrs~ ranger s.tated· to,tal .. 'ar-e9 oT the~s,i.gri

'. Is,.wh'41i' the $·ignls:, rli!lgard[e'ss'of,:+he siJ!:e.:6f-:the~,let.ter.s~ : I . :'" :~... '. Ii, .. " , ....j.:" ... j .' .... ". ':'., ,. " . .\. ., • . .....

-Mr, Wi lsotl?t?te.d bul Id"ing mgJ.~.es J.mplJ-sslp.I.e· t.o p.ut \~o.rd market, un:der."t·he areaiof· s-t/3r"poss:ntt rea.d we;II····u[ld~r th~.r~~..l;-I,.t. .Ioo·ks.,be.t¢~r.. her.e.22: 'inch 'leTter he.lght will' 'be hard to see bu:t seems need w;ord bec~p..se.

star doesn't say what they are. Mr. Heilman asked ·do they -hav~ that on,mosT' of -th's s·tores'?· . M·r·,W.ij!!3onsta..tJ3d, .yes :~.~d wh.er.e f·hs...wo·r-t;l.market....-Tsn·1t,·,wi3i arfj' pU·ttir9'the NOq:! marketl.·:They..hatle ~fpu(ld·i.lt Lsbenef.l.cial'n-,," .t·hfj·m·'.i f Esp,eclaclly'w'ith ,al I'. -the comp.ejt;i-rfo.n-.. froro. -rh€( Bu.ff,9.lo·. prea',Lette-r.s· w·n·1 ;b13l·U.'I:um.i..nat.e.-p fro.m tre. i nS,I de. T~,at ,I'ri'l I' 'b'e', gret?f'..~ 1"): < '

'co'lo',' L.n.k'e-eping.wit.h tlleI" i.p.e:nt·Hi.catiop,:. PrIy -tIme .t.h.~y .. use ..,dlf;f_e..rent....colo:p·; is 'w.h~ere· run lihto,"p-rob.I..ems ,w'i.tho•.ba:c·~groun.d>'las.-rh"",.Y.dJd l:n~· We pS'iterp le:za'.,.wihi eh a I S'O . has. s'l;lme ;S·i ·ze·.. ·l:.fgh.te d wi ,th r·eQn tu-p i~ 9 ,ho\,!e vfl r. _\I',i II'In'eft se:e 'it -from. th,e,·fflns.ide·•.·:· 16~3 }eet"of.f-ront'.ag.e ),n -t.he s.tar tvla.rke-r :andu,s.lng .31' tfeet.'O·f tjla't.,sp.un·cLs bi~ 6l1'd..everiY.fl;.iml9 said 8 ,fee·t: ·fo,r.)~,tter

Page 170: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975


iTs " SOU ri (}S .b ig, .l>u,tge t· oA: t"l'Je'.'b'u',j , dl ng .a n d -mes t .pe'dp fe' ·,Wou I d 1not '," . '.\bErJ i'eve-'8 ,~eEd h ,.gH:"·· "VIi'!-'ry ·far·.ba,ck··t'dff.the'· 'l'!oC"l'd ." ":". '," ·c .. - " t :

I, ·'·1 " .. ",.!', ,J .. ',:. • ': ',' .'.: ". -, j • .' .,.,. , '.'

Mr:-. ~a II·e·tt€)'. a 5 ke d'lt1oe~f 'Is II p,r,.ot·rude ' be''itO-rfd ; ro o f l·lh.E!-1 ·,M~; 1WI I's·o.~ .\ 1,'stateel' not Ive r.)l ·;·fa r] abouf . 12' '.1 nches '0 r :'~oJ . Mrs;' T'<1111ge§r'" ,st:ated· ,and. ',the Iltll .eLsov : Mr;t: 1~Ii'ls'on "state-d .cdu-l d brT-ng b'edow! bi..,t grapij,I.:Calfyi· .would··1:dok bEi.tter coming·;·slightly· soove.· . ..... : ..... , ..... ; .:

fM;.:, iHe i tm'~~'" ~.:Reid'~ha t", ~re. 'g'ene>~a I~:i·'a'ns :r.~ ~1h:~~: -,. ~~. ~~e·;a'.~·i·~~.•~h~~· :.. Ithe s.i-grl'wo·uld· ~e, 1,i·ghted.:Z·"Mr".: Wi'lson ·statedat your disc·~etiol'l~·IDur.ingbusiness·hours.' ··:We 1turii 6ff laft¢r: b'lisi'JieisS' h·o(irs. :;"Does14t krto.w·what'the. hou r s ~f,Sf.ore,W.i·l'I' .'bs., 'Nt's?' CHapman' stated somet'l.mes:inldnigHt'or •24, .hour-s;: 'IMr~Hun+er state.dHhrn'ks. code Gal J's·:for. buslne·s,s·.hoJ.ll-s.:Mr; 'DeGraH s tate,d -vii i nks' Westgate' ·J2 '.?!> i·c{o·dk•. MJt'~··W i -t 5'6n ·:·s tate'd' th1'i.tdepends on the. area, really.·····Lot of ·peo·pIe· wG'rKin·g·tr.ick·wor~.wil,rl··;extend hours. Mr. Hunt-er stated di f f l cu l t to IO'cate. the star Market.Mr. ~nsdt'(si'af~d ne·x+,toK-marf; ·Mr. 'l1urifer asked c an YOU' rf"el·'<wh.'ai'the '~JtbJc-k':'-w'lIf 'b·e'?· 'Goi fj'(:('i'o ~e:·'the same' setBack .as',K-metrt7 ·.':"Mr.i.·~.Wi l son stated yes,part of that.Dui-!d·irig;"·Mr~:.'Heilmati'stated "abou't 3'50',feet. Mr. Hunter stated para] leI with' and part of the, e x'te n s l on of theK-mart··sulldir'ig.· Went 'by -ln the. Clark ~nd guess"·dl.dnrt ..see.;:Would·,llk'eto f I nd comment on the' Ilghtl-ng. Prettysu're... Mr.: Wi I son ·stated. donot 'al I'ow exposed n~onbut do' al low neon behind p l e'sr l c. be.cause canno tuse 'f l ou rescenL'" Mr'. "Hurrter-' s'tated I co k l n9' fat hcur-s of 9peratrcll') I aridrequirement that l lJ'um l na t lon only',durinf!'hours of bus l ne s s ;: Mr.:WilsnnstaTed si'gn wiTlbe'6r\·a·.+rmJr 50 +heycan 'ehari~e! it 'witliootiany " ..p r-ob lem , "Mr~' A~~t~r state'.d·H \~e' specify. +hiiot'''wbu!d no·t bEl'.a p rrb l ern ,·Mr 'Wi Is'o~ "s'tateCl' as' fO'rig asfa:t'I-owed to"&ss·dllrlnt(hour.S:'.of'operatlon.'~rI Hei Im'an' stated 6~b22·.·:hl· "·S.iSgs,lwITl be,i'l.Ium·lna·ted· ofilyat such t,imesas said, use Is: open for busine-ss.' Mr. Hunter stated that is: what WaSiod<i~g··for.Thank' yo~t .'. .11·'·'.. j ..... ~ j 1'.'. :-",

Mr. Wils'on stated on e- thing' have become quite. aware of In zd.nl·ng is. Thatwhere vou ral low 100. .sq , ft.fd>rdlstrict~· l ookvcn the' smidl·.·stores.·iii"the p l az a, .big. store need'g:larger l den t-l f l ce t l cn • Mr. Hunter asked .what'tiL yo'llr1feel1'ng in' +eh,rms'Tbf':the' s l z e.io f the':'sign vei-s!Js,:$~,tDa.ck..of s to r.e? MakJl'a n'y p rov I 6:1 bn -I n yo,ul~ "p 1al1s,? Ml"s.· Gha'pman" 'as ked', va ryaccord'ing: to sefba:ck? :Mr.PWi "s'on,sTated, m'~rket v'll'ry -dee~ rnt-o: pl~rza.be.cause' trying' to pul I people' 'fb, the market and smill·f )'e'r' stores·.,o.utfront. Inth' serl pt end up wIth 4orr. letter. Even though start wti"h:8 ft~' Ca~itaj ·wo,uld'''Ue'8·ttl',ai'lCl too muc'h over·;';power:ihfJ.·· !:.... :,'i -;.' .. '. i i... ·~ r ' . r,. , i ,',' .:' "",.~,." ".' .' '" , .Mr. 'Hun+er'ask'ed approx rmaTe [y"howmany '~Tores Iii' the "l'rea? : .J.lV1r·" WllS'cnstated',i4' .o:r·'~omethirig, some'·I.n: butlylng Clreies. ·'Mr.iG-iunter1asK·e·d use',bny ot_liersrze,·s.~g'9kt·Mr. Wi )son 'sta:fe~ only'.as seccbnd si·gnle't·, -. '. '.p'ediPs t ri a fl' I eVe-I.' Haye' some 12' 'f}. ·tha to. re p I a'C1~n g' \'I'i tfi the I 8:ft. " ~4 1""Hupt-er~a'5ked when saylsecondary slgn?~ Mr. WI-ls'on sT<lt'ed second. sign ontl1e'-b ui'-i d'l n g';',.~ .M.rJ.·, Hun fe r,st~tp d m~.Yb~. 'at ey,e·:le..v~ I:: 'i'h..e.r~a·s,. tAl~0 its',..you when on ,the roa~. M•• ·· W'I IS'onstated .I,S !,Is; 5 "f,tl. Mr. 'Hunter' st.ateduse'boTh Then. Wbeh do yo~ e~pect to b~ In bu~lness7 Mr. Wi Ison statedth'j n"ks 'ho'p i'h9 for .Feb'r:ua.ry ,s6ine. Hmri. : Mr. He! 'r ma11'>st~at'ed t~ T~k5jK-r.?~·rT'sh'ooTin'g" 'for' Fe'br'ua'ry :1 st,. , Mrs:.' Cha'p'inan,',s'ta'ted t'hTnksJ"last,TllJl.e:s·a.l.cl,.e·at.ly..:~sp..ri,1g. ' ..:,' ",::.".' ',;·I ...I... '-·.-."':··•.. ~,.·_. lfi· ';' j-' -. ·.'· ..·'f .... ,.: :'.'

,·f • •. • ~,'" '; "

Mr;., Hunter: stated one' ot'her ql.les+io·n·, ,do I ~ike ct"d ge·.+ e-stl mate: o'f the'v~llu'e' 'b'f "the kl"g'n r'nj:lIa·ce',.·Cou'ldyou give es'f:iinafe? Mr:I·Wi Is·o[.1· ,s'tafl-ed Ia P'P. rox.' m,a_~e·(y$6~9?O:., " ~ 1"." He~rInra.11 '~s.Tat.e.d.1 .1.1 sed'. it? 8 sk.. abou t ·.i I .Iu;rn i,na·t.i on •Mr.-. Wi IS'onstatb'd l i:Iepen'd-s on h'owf far away' you'put ·the; II'ghftl mete·r,·; ",.'f rnri th'lS 'sp'u rC'e 0'1:1 '+he3·light. ;, M'r') 'Hlu lite 1'" a-ske d h6'w' triucil; wat·tage 7'...· 'G i:v.e.i.dea 01'1 ho'w much e"nergyy6u &8 pu+t'rng,.inl., ·M·r.·:Wi~s·oh":·$tated"T:ilke$i,.tRree

Ilc'ire:'1ii'ts·to. po'w6r't,he', sign,! ··rbree. 20 am?' circtllts with' :a'pprox.i.mate.·H,r... J 2-:f<i.or·thi<' .s ~'tci r.J '3'an.dma-r·ke't a bo.u'+, 4,...,15 ampsi.··Mr~, 'Hunt'er 's:ta·tedt.a 1kI ng

roulgh'l y: '3'0 amps. arid:' provi dTlig' three.:ZO,·'a·mp·.clrcu.i'ts.· . Mr.'. \'/.1 Isbn stated

Page 171: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975




sigr.l!.~ f fI c lent /'USEj.:o. f e IErq::tr l c i,ty.·-,; '"Tra;l'}s,foql1erp?t'0'! 5', O.O.O..:y~ Its.:"to!lgl}tth.er s (1 J1 ·, ,I···j',., .}".:"':... :" '!-'-. J ..•• ,II ",,1·'

. I I· i.' I .... '; f :: I.. .. -,.. ' . r .. ; .. , : :'. • I·j .' .Mrs. Chapman .c:sked i foanyone.· w~sh!,.d to.sl?'1ak In: 'tailot .or.qppo~hUo!]9n thi.s.a.ppli·catiorr.and.n.o,on!3 s ppe a r-ed', ·i. I ·r.. ,"· r "11·

jDECoIS:{9N: G,:,~ntequ·na.nlro~usly.. J.or:d:hr!,e yea r pe r l od •.·'.·II·. , i . "I •..1 ''', ',' l '. . ~ j'.' ..". "

4. /1IppJ i·cat:ion -, o~AIf'r-:~d~ •.HeI l man , .~7.. Ejrlary Dr!ye,Ro,?hest~ri.:,

.;New Yo.rk:for 'ipprovaJ "9.f yar:I~.nce ..,to.e"ec<t a.dd.itiC1n <;>'1 fr9l1'!!:jpf .. !.res lden ce aq·q. 'gqr;age, ,.a,pp·rox.· 5.t ·ft.• ~r9m fr:9nt I I'OT J,I're, 60 .f t ,.re qq l red , ..at Z,7,(Br.l.an Orlve.· ~Tl-·I2·;.: '

.. .. ,I.·.. . .... ~..-. .. 1 ~'.'."'. 1 ' .Mr.s •. qrei l.man app ee re d ~ .Mrs -' Chapman .s"!,a i'eq; ex t s f i ':Ig : ?~i:ba.c~ f>9 ··ff. it~.th~ fr.ont .,?f the: ho'uso now ;' '.ProposEl. to ,rl)?!kE!..:5!c·H.• ·.. Tqk<?·it',this. {sonqt;just tP~ldi~l~g ro~m b~t~aJI ~~e way ~~ros~IOr js:t~~1.i~ th~ . ,~,future? . rytrs. He.l I.m'a[l ·state~.lnot,sur~ .•.. At. ttje ~ama time would' l lke toputo~ lse.con~ car.;.ga·rage..:-vhich 1~9'uld' be w{th.,It/·.ou:r ,!r~a; 'Bull de r' .reoftroom fo r; tl:tat.•. ,ButVIOU~d 1 Ike t().l1)qve,~p .;,:'1 I l'ttl~' bec au se w<J~ts to;mo ve .t~e. 9·q,O~ :t.h.at I"f1ter~·ifr,?m.kit9het'\ to fth~ .·garage.. Door t;ight herea':J(1 Vf<?u.! d I !ke t~. mo ve .l,lpsQ .d<j'~ f t ~n9w H· 'lI'.qu-l d' i3 xten d t~ Is: <;I ·.feet.·but would' [l~e .to'. e>ttend mayb.ehaJf'.thls',muc~.50 cou l d put tl:)e doo r i l.n.thi~.area b~cause a$, ~t IS'jmy·.:app.lian.ce:'llcom~'la!o·~g.here a nd wan t e d " "to. ~xten~ .:fu..rt~er. bec.au se v'ifry.[ ittl €l' coun t s r- ~~<'Jce .?q' would ha'{e tomoye ..doolfj<:li')sf wou I d li·~e:deeper:-. garagej?u.t ,that. isn:'t.theirnaTn !hi~g·.

Mr. Hun te r as ~e,d. c"'1' yg·u -te: 1.1 'app. rox i rna te I y wha't the d I's t 9nclf:.w~u Id)? e'.from vou r- lot line to your nel qhb o.r-? Mrs.' He I l man ·stated h~s tc( be, i'ltleast IO·.ft. Doe s n t f think much more than that. "Mr , Hunt-er stated If'

I: . I O·fth j.t:a I kl ng', 2:?:.6 ',1 rh tot-a lev.en t LIaI iy El [l d co 411' 'be, more.. ·Mr;!? '.Herr [mans,tate~ r.l ght'~ .No-r ·s.ure how bu Tr i" that ~L[t bEltwee.n ·I.q· .and.q ".fee,t •.~:May·be. more. Mr. H"1nter'aske~' h0\'i .. about on thls'isl~e? Mljs'·I~el.lman$ta!ed

their:garage.,. gues'1'h~~ to..com~ wlthin.,~q·.,ft,-;Doesn't lq>'oklt bU+: ..•must bGj~ Mr;. Hi.Jnter,;s·tated.haYe:.g.o9d=;slz~.d lo·t b4T.. tn,lght ge·,mor.e •. I.jMr,s.Heilm'an st~ted(not sure!i:f 99:··>,:.l80.... ~r:oba:Q~Y m~re t~')n 29'''rft .. on :lj'~is:

sjqe but·doesn·ft·.r~a.Ily·know,.'.dJ,dn1t m"'1s:ure it,•. ,; r .. ·.£- • I .... . I I . I.. - " -. • ~ . ., , "~'.'" I 1 • ' ,; • r -:. '~', \' j, ". 10 " '.. ••

Mr. iii'l'n;r.eJ:'-;,a.s ke (j"the( r.·g~r~se~·erei.Mr.s •. Cle i I rp9J n ,sta¥e·d~\le.s·. :." 1M r:' . '.~Hunter aske.d:all··garages on the same ~ide? '1VIrs~'Hellm'aI),-si:at\'lg jt!~T"

abo.ut.May ·be a' couple' on 'The other side of the'street'Together'but"most'I;>~;i ~.t ~itq,th,e...gar:=lfil~ o~ ,the n,9rt~,si.d~•• ,~r.s~1.TaQ~e.r a5k·e.~. di?.;:yo·ur ne.jgrybQ::- .hay"aoy obJections? Mr.? Rl?'q,m·an..?tat~q calI·e·dlth~;. ~.n.El I gh bors ..or] ..both 's.i des.,•. ,. N9? I.they~ ad .nq. ob J~.~ti ~n ;'<jlnq.. cal I·e·d.. peop I.e' ..acr<pss" 9bo.~t· '1i?qp~op,l.e·.:.ll'\::tl)e .. areC).:and ..Ilone· scd~'fwou!d"l~ave <pbj.ec;\-i?n.,Mrsi Ta~ger stated wQLild·tg\:nk.. just. :rh.;J one' 0[1. '~hf:l; I1qrth .wo':!!d· ge h.aft~cte.d. "Mrs. [-JaJl ll}"an ~tp)'i'd :no.·,;,s'iri d . tl<? obJect, i,or'q An d ~n:~ 9n ·,tf:l,e..o:-herlside.,so.:qf .a-1I·'that'Lc<:l'!I·e'~ !hat i.5 w~at:ll'l~ica.ted"·iM~s •. ; ".

,~Cnap.t'[lan,.staNd would' haN'S b~~I1I[lo!·lfJ.~dS?f the. .. rt1~et.l!:fJ .a.n~· the,?retl<::lllIlyif,had o1;>j'.eetiol1i'YJou[9·~e h':lrej.t'i' e~prlfs~:.!t·•. r .,:.; .;:, ..":' ~""

. i •. . :,'. .:' .. i' " r ";"', .... : ..... ;. '. .;"",.;"Mr...·HE?[ IF(r!'ln .~tated .c;orner of :that b.~use,\,.pe.ckr:,·.tha,t '1~:U 19'· ~e: q.ffecte.dis <:I ~egrQol)1,·.Ran<r.h sOlon1r r09m t\1<:1t lyc(i.(ld· .In·,.'':Jny w<pY" .. !I:1ey~r~ .f'a·jd:out· WIth-the, kitchen ·a\ld Ii:vi.n~: r09rq,toward .. :the>i!i>r.ag.e the. oth.e·r ~aY.1

A~!=l practical :matter,: h<;l:V~ at 1.?Clst :thfE~e g?od~:srz.E?d tre.@s·.that.wou1. d·for .the mO$T p~r:-~ .bj,ock;.lt ;30Y'IYllY.. 9?·1!19· ~ow!i' +-he ~.Vr¢k ~rid_ qt!lte a.:: I.fe:\~ Trees .. fJol~!p .up ~!ld: -99wn... the· bl'?,ck.:buT kn<?wls.he ~a)l'~'~ Mr.· Peck rly1'r~'f' ~.e·ilman·,sTateq-1Si'z!j'.. of thl? kitcne:n not.too b.f?.,6.iJ.t -99n·s..I?er.j0~dlfquate

. ~rea f9r .rny~·1 geas.· 't:-'Ir. He! Jm:art stated. Mr •. Huntf'.I;"·,stpppe91 t<:? tal$~ .a 190 k<::It! the: situat,j on: ...H<lve 'spl it l~ve I llousew!Th' <;:ari.t,j Jevsre.9 i feJ4ipg;:lnd'sp I ii' f-J:"0n t. {.o. .ba·ck~ .. C?pse.>:jl uen:t:.! y' 'rHe ,'fou r I ev:~..1 f~ .,' Re:~PY ~~~riot_1 .:.exten<;l t-he.j·kJtche.n,..,j f. 13xtend wou.!.d h'tlye to. corne 9~wn ,abo,!Jt 4-·,5. ST;"PS'"a n.dI 1. nt'9! .4Th· bedroom •... ~O,U,! d' h?y~ t.o.b reflk. 'tQrOU~r iwa:l I::>'. aD do, h~J.$!i t ~ '.factor because levels' '?!round·ill.-:-? feet.· .Prob.lem that .way~::.'.Tha:r.was .·p.robl.emno..~ne. ~nvipion~d..at thf" tim~ h()'use bu.i I:r~" /.[ ..., ..

Page 172: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975



Mr. H~ril'e r ":tafe d' h~~.H ~9 been ln ";·th e ' ho.~.sJ;/ I f.: fh~ 0 I.lTsi d':i"' I s..i fu':\ !r i:and looks' ·I.·ke the Inside does would' be. beau t l f u l ;: VerY·'lmpressed. 'Mrs. He l Irnan stated Thank ·you.Doesn't,thlnk it \V.o·uld· really b~ "awkward I hi'ok I ng once" 1t .. Jas·1 rit,egra'i-ed . In'tothe're$t o f the rrouse +' " .

Actually k l nd of square l ook l ngrh ous e 'and might' a ddrro tl1e l<ippeara·nce'.

Mr. MU1,I'a,'n,e,Y aSkSd'dO',lyOu Plan, to-pu,t~g~rage'o'ninoworno·f?' [iurj~J:t,h,IS:I'phase? Mrs •. Hei Im-an$tated would p r-o bab Lv b e, c~eSp'~r. QI.dn ~t w9nt t~

· get esttrn<?tesdo .s"i~'~"whettler:or not" it wo.u Ld: be ~pprove'.;i lti~t .\~o'uJd· "Irnaglne"'wGuld' be:'cne's'per to:'have 'donJ:'aT oncE! so'on!'y"'thlng.:,not sureof·.'!s ~lhethM woUld' w'ant'garage u~,tha't"j'fa~.V!&uld li"'ke}o ~dve-secondcar garage but not sure.' Mr';· ~hutl'aney'state(jaskt!lgbe.cause·1Pf:aon't •bui l d garage where would' cut-off be.? Mrs.' He l l man stated doesn'Tthil")RS ¢~i.J1·d· ~.o ·With·4·i.Jtlb,u'il'd·l~g~gar~ge be'ca u.se mainporp'o-se \~~:uld'·be.'jln 'moving thl·s. door •. ' Kl'tche'n'-alo'ngfhe ba:<::k and stove here' and, reTrig-e ra ro r and'!sl'nk qncl Th'lsr.~miJch counter ~p'aGe';,'WanTe'd' :+o'.el iminat"e th'rs'do o r ~Jd' ~ovet'he: ·r.ef:i-igeJ:"ator and"have 'alythls:co'u~ter s pace and putthe1doo-rlclown here~ -'Wo:ulc!ln'f want door ta'the' o uf-s tde be:ta·use·ll·ke··be.l nq ab,{e' TO go fromJKfHh$.n.to"ga"rage soi0o'tdd'haVe to'move enough "to acccmoda fe. a door. -~'Th'a't"is:'why ·doesn·'t·"'tllnk·woulo·.do t~'is without·do l nq somettUng to tne ~~ragel ·Mr•. Mu"I-l'aney e s ked t h l-s. w04Id"falIln'toe>!:isfihg"'roof'styfe'?': Wou{dn 't·Jrop or jump'uR? ~Mrs. He'r1man ,hateq:'roof 'on a pit.ch'·so·••• · .IMr.· Mid lanev fhate'i:!' i f:1brrngout· g',fe'ef' could .not't(iaint<'li~: Mrs.' He:1!man·shted·l no.; Iwo'iJlan',t:-go down. 'Would have tochail'~e. 'Would ~nd up'wlt'h nothTngthen;' As fat'Js·,the, de t ai Ls, onlything wourd Iiketo'keeR"same'\~'in'd6w'6uti~l1't,reallY ·workEidoi:Jt,a.bout'rqof pitch ~ , ' ... i 1. -:,- . .~:- 'Ii I', "', '• I .. ': ';. ':.' . .. '1 . ." .:. -r , '. "", ., . I ,M.· Marlette'Stated t~fnks. withoh·gar~ge(addltidn ki+cheri~dqlttonwd),uldstick out! f-ke sor-e th·.l:t'r(lb·.... Mr: Henrn:ioi'il I.stated doesn't' think wa:uI'd' wantto, g6 ou r i f u l I ·dJ-s.tarice IWlt~. g9r~fge' be.ca us e I,?T'of stor~ge space' but,wasted'spEcel r\ ba'ck ,' . ~r;' Munaney' as~ed how' deep is: 'gar~ge ho\~?' Mr. IPteilm'an ,staTed m6st' be. zzl'ft."··IMrs:'- He i lman ,sta't'ed'guess' sfandard· ~arage'" '. Mr~ He'i 1;iran" ,stated woll l dn It +~ ink woJ Id!"1wa·nt'·j('ff.'b·y' 2Z1: ,.~.'Mrs'. He I I m'ansta:ted does~'t" think square Too:h3ge ;rj.il:n'd·fng,:'on',forgarageis as expensive ad for house. Mr. MalleTte stated probably' ·1(2 ~fo. Il3.~Mr. HEH.lm-an state I;!": s t l.I I:hav~ ·tirhave -;foo-ri·ngs ·and·' r-oo f , " 'Mr:' 'Ma'llett-estate.d abo'uf 'HO:coinp'area ·to .$30i. .. . , :', '.."" .. :.. ,:,:, .fl ;',. • ,,,

~l " ", ... I. ····r ,.' ' .... ; .j'!" ~;. <.':,:;' ...;. J ~·."I.~;' .~' '.; '.;":.;.~-:

Mr. iH·unter.sla+ecl·,lf-p·{an·in~efrn:ite,w·ol!-1d~I'ke to appr:o-}Ei s~~i:::if·hJ'··pi l.n '.', [ f '*I?P rove (j tOI) i gh+ "Ind' w~n te d fOchan g·e' ,c,?uPl.: ~oi'ne baek, an~i ,.S<;l)' 'wanted' to: ~9' li'ke':ThIs.'and,woLild be' [e'ss"t~an'9',ft:,mrght"bar:horea9reea bIe".' , Mrs: . He'i l'ma'n' sfa ten p u,t 9 ',ft. ~ bee'a USe ·tli j S':I is: 'most wou'I a"'"b r.i ng '1 t: 6u't"an;:r"rat~er fhan. ,say ,ask ·'l6r s·lx, ana :co!]1e b'a.ck 1 a+e r' wi th"another wti'T.ch woulo'be.kind of a'JoT but rea.lly sup'pose·\i'c)uld··c:.Iepe·nd"·

I 9~ e~th ~,! i fS .a~,d P~.i 6e b u+. vl~ul ,d':: f~ l,l"l~ I~o:u l ~'. 'hay/? ,I +9 put. '0, ut .at· I ea,s+-:'slx'fe'Eh to accomodate door.and every:t·hlrTg. Mr.·..Hel·tm·an ·stated p:roba.~ly·would' have to have architec+uraI""rend<br·ing. Mrs~I'He'i lrira~":sta+ed 'would'want to be. attractive be'cause It Is. the front of the: house'. ~Iouldn'to/a~ t§ye~9re'.' Gues ~{wo'u Jd',. n~ve, :'d6n ':r":k~ o~i ;wahtto 5ay 'as f.a."r I as .th~ ,'9,reet: 'Mr. Heilrncm'·sta+e.d lgu·ess '-appJ'i'C'citi6n 'Is' for 9',feet ah6·lf: ,..I \l1-el- wanted to to'arnen'd to' come'" do~m·:t6' ~'; i bOll ld.· . MH :Hunter stated'ann'~t pr'cuhre', any·' p.robf:em, gp'l~g 'i'n ··'t:~at··.·drf~eti0n;::.cisls~+T~g;··.woul?' •I ike,.' :tO~P.~t6,v,e. '~pehLn :".,PJ ~rh:~., ..M/:.M,u n 1i"tr ey , '~tatei1"~o!u,1 qf,1 ": :>ee.:whY· ....could'h't ~e"am'ehlJe'd to lnclu'de front~'9f the garage. On·!'v·l·front:(1Jf ther~s fi:Jertce':""Mrs'~"t:leirrTi-an st"ated: n~ot': on the' whore l fron·,.. becau"s~;'of Ilvl ng I~'

. room ar'?,h~:1 I~' "Mr-..".M~~ l,la;~h ',~+at~~; ~rob a;b! Y·.. lYon:'~ be· ~~! .n g · lJ~'t'i' \. ,'sprt ngso .w,o~10:"1 I'\<rp. t(l' s4!? ~,me ndE; d ;to "rea l:l frbn t Iat2 d ga ra 9.e. '.,1 ~: ·.~on 't 'b. ~J I dgara.gs •.• ·• ,MI-s~.· Hei I~'an hated wH.1 n§'ve ':pr6bfem, wifhdoor ..·Mr-" " t;

, Mu'l 'laM)f s,t;ate.d I po'u ~d'nl:r de;> '.i.n;:-! X: ~!~'e,t . and" ha te rO(i)m:..~o.· $W~F1g' d~';>i...:~,.': :.Mi, H'uhter:-, sTated:l WI II' pr9ba,b"Jy',w9rk. wlt!"Ja~'ch I teet ana"he wi II·ne.Ip' .yo.u· iJut ." . ~4 rs ~" Re i I maI"l ita :+ec( wo"u Id'l rna g'r tile, 'wou I d' fla ve rto ha ve . pl"ett'y"

· good space. If left'i-hk'dooi'"' the'n' ~6'ul'd'. g:tve' I i+;H~"'m6r'e"to'Om btill-:,nJo:t

Page 173: Minutes: Zoning Board – 1975

Zon ln q Board: of Ap p.sa l s Decembet"' 23,' 19'7.5





ideal ~hing so' wouldn't thInk would do and keep' the door there. Mr,Hunter st~ted thlnkl~g of esthetics End may need 7 ,fe~t. 'Might seewhere yo~ wo~ldn't w~ht to, do th~t. 'Mrs.' Hellman stated b~'lder said,plain facade more attractive and wante.d garage to, be. l eve I b uf I find'an area br-oken up a: II~Tle' more' attract'ive.' "Ho us e' tends' to, I ook likea barracks with the st'raight across 'and no b rl ck so' not rell'eved by:,anything. '

Mrs.' Chapman as ke d ,if an vorte wl s hed to speak In,,'favor of the ap p.l lca t i onand no one appeared. 'Anyone in: opposition? Mr.' SteI'nk,Irchne'r, 39",B~lan Drive, stated want t~ offer my epolagies to AI and' hIs: wife b~t

object. 'Houses :a'II- 'llne,d up down ,there, and that Is: the, wa'y ,it, should'be', I think. 'Would' hate', 'to' have a precedent, started. Mrs. Heilman ,statedwould' disagree with h I m., Thinks: un ad f ra c f'Lve to, have a l I ~he, housesI ined up STraight' on a -o Icck , Looks a rmy-el lke and have to watch outfor monstrosities but nice to h~~e a li~tl~ variation.'

DECISION: Granted un an l mous lv, No exp an sl on possl bLl L't'.l e s to the rearbecause of fact that the: house I s: a front to, bac k sp I T~'level making It: a' unique s l tuat t on ,

JANICE M. CHAPMANCha i rpe rson
