minutes of centennial mandalong community consultative...

1 Centennial Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes 19 June 2018 Minutes of Centennial Mandalong Community Consultative Committee Meeting Held Tuesday 19 June 2018 Meeting commencing at 4:05pm at Mandalong Mine Training Room PRESENT Member Name Organisation Margaret MacDonald-Hill (MMH) Independent Chair John Shoebridge (JS) Dora Creek Community Mick Astles (MA) Mandalong Community Association Tracey Corkery (TC) arrived at 4.12pm Mandalong Community Association Anna Walsh (AW) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd Phil Enright (PE) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd Peter Cook (PC) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd Robyn Hall (RH) Mandalong Community Association (Alternate) Dr Lynden Rogers (LR) Mandalong Community IN ATTENDANCE Lisa Andrews (LA) Minute Taker APOLOGIES Member Organisation Angela Besant (AB) Mandalong Community Association Cr David Belcher (DB) Lake Macquarie City Council Jeff Dunwoodie (JD) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd Trevor James (TJ) Mandalong Community WELCOME The Chair welcomed all present. DECLARATION OF INTEREST The Chair made her usual declaration (appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment as the Independent Chair for Mandalong Community Consultative Committee; and that she is a member on the Mine Subsidence Board.) No changes to previous declarations by CCC members.

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1 Centennial Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes – 19 June 2018

Minutes of Centennial Mandalong Community Consultative Committee Meeting Held Tuesday 19 June 2018 – Meeting commencing at 4:05pm

at Mandalong Mine Training Room

PRESENT Member Name Organisation

Margaret MacDonald-Hill (MMH) Independent Chair

John Shoebridge (JS) Dora Creek Community

Mick Astles (MA) Mandalong Community Association

Tracey Corkery (TC) arrived at 4.12pm Mandalong Community Association

Anna Walsh (AW) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd

Phil Enright (PE) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd

Peter Cook (PC) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd

Robyn Hall (RH) Mandalong Community Association (Alternate)

Dr Lynden Rogers (LR) Mandalong Community

IN ATTENDANCE Lisa Andrews (LA) Minute Taker

APOLOGIES Member Organisation

Angela Besant (AB) Mandalong Community Association

Cr David Belcher (DB) Lake Macquarie City Council

Jeff Dunwoodie (JD) Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd

Trevor James (TJ) Mandalong Community

WELCOME The Chair welcomed all present.


The Chair made her usual declaration (appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment as the Independent Chair for Mandalong Community Consultative Committee; and that she is a member on the Mine Subsidence Board.)

No changes to previous declarations by CCC members.

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2 Centennial Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes – 19 June 2018


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 February 2018 were confirmed without change.

Moved: MA Seconded: LR


Business arising from the previous minutes: 1. Rural Fire Shed Land Transfer 2. TransGrid – TL 24 Location 3. TL24 Tower Inspection

1 No new information - Council still in negotiation with RFS on access points.

2 Covered in presentation 3 Inspection by CCC held on 27 February 2018


The correspondence was included on the agenda with two additional items: 7/6/18 – Email advising of Radio KOFM carrying out an underground radio show at the mine 15/6/18– PE’s pre-meeting report. MMH enquired about one of the depositional dust readings in the report (Page 3) DG 9 & 10, which were elevated. PE advised that these results were reviewed at the time and determined that it was possibly caused by earthworks on a neighbouring property.


Presentation Comments

A hard copy of the Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee Presentation 16 June 2018 was provided to all attendees.

A hard copy of the Mandalong Mine – Land Management Plan (updated 15 June 2018) was provided to all attendees.

Water Quality 2018 – YTD Summary

Water Volume Discharged 2018 YTD

MSSS Sediment Dam Discharge Incident

Nil community complaints – February 2018 to June 2018

Community Sponsorship – February 2018 to June 2018

Mining Update: *LW23 finished in March *LW24 commenced in April and planned to complete in August *LW24 currently under Mandalong Rd *LW24A scheduled to be extracted from Sept 2018 to Jan 2019 *LW25 to commence in February 2019 *Maingate 24 nearing completion *Maingate 25 and Tailgate 25 continuing for LW25

Questions were asked and answered throughout the presentation. Self-report to EPA; tankers used to stop the discharge. Capacity in dam has been increased. TC asked what species of trees were planted at the front entrance? Action: PC to advise TC asked if there was any exceedance with mine subsidence in LW23 than what was modelled. PE

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3 Centennial Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes – 19 June 2018

*Mains development roadways for Maingate 26.


LW24 Update

LW24A Preview

Ponding and Dam Rehabilitation

Extraction Plan LW25-31

Access Road and MSSS (PC explained the locations of the first shaft, the spillway and that rainwater will be collected and reused for the drilling shafts)

Shaft Sinking (detailed description provided by PC on how this system will be constructed and operated. Drilling at approximately 4m per day, which means works for first shaft should finish in August 2019)

TransGrid – TL24 relocation (is connected and energised)

TL24 towers (stringing photographs and description of the process)

Ausgrid – 33kV Power Line Project (previously predicted that 20 hectares would be cleared, however, now only 12)

TL25/26 Subsidence Mitigation (process has commenced with TransGrid)

Traffic Data (PC advised that the variable messaging sign was vandalised by being burnt down. A permanent sign will be erected).

advised that all private properties were well within predictions. Meetings & discussions have been held with all landowners to consider subsidence. Action: It was suggested that an inspection of the shaft construction site be undertaken by CCC members prior to the commencement of next meeting. TBC. TC advised the committee of two RFS trucks colliding.


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4 Centennial Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes – 19 June 2018




25.10.16 - 5 RFS land transfer Cr Belcher to advise progress of land transfer and advise CCC.

Cr Belcher By next meeting Update: 13/6/18 Council still in negotiation with RFS on access points.

19.6.18 – 1 Tree Species TC asked what species of trees had been planted at the front entrance to the mine site

PC By next meeting

19.6.18 – 2 Inspection of Shaft Inspection prior to the next CCC meeting

PC/MMH Prior to next meeting

MEETING CLOSED 5.10PM MMH thanked all for their attendance.

NEXT MEETING Tuesday 23 October 2018 An inspection of the new shaft prior to CCC meeting. Details to be confirmed.


Centennial Coal Community Consultative Committee Mine Update –Presentation and

Land Management Plan

Centennial Coal

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Mandalong MineCommunity Consultative Committee


19 June 2018

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Water Quality 2018 – YTD Summary


Average Water Quality Monitoring Required by EPL 365

2018 Period pH (6.5-8.5) TSS (mg/L) (50mg/L) Oil & Grease (mg/L) (10mg/L)

LDP001 7.80 2.90 0

Average Water Quality Monitoring Required by EPL 365

2018 Period pH (6.5-8.5) TSS (mg/L) (50mg/L) Oil & Grease (mg/L) (10mg/L)

LDP002 N/A N/A N/A

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Water Volume Discharged 2018 YTD


• Average daily discharge of 2.10ML per day. No exceedances of 5ML/day discharge volume limit in 2018 to date.

Average Water Quality Monitoring Required by EPL 365

Daily discharge Min Discharge (ML/day )

Average Discharge (ML/day)

Maximum Discharge (ML/day)

LDP 001 0 2.10 2.5

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MSSS Sediment Dam Discharge Incident

• A 78mm rainfall event was recorded on 26/2/18 at the Mandalong South Surface Site (MSSS) which resulted in a turbid discharge event from the Sediment Basin.

• The regulatory authorities were immediately notified of the incident in accordance with the Pollution Incident Response Management Plan. EPA attended the site on 26/2/18.

• Flocculent dosing was undertaken to reduce the suspended solids load in the MSSS Sediment Basin. An irrigation system and evaporator cannons were installed at the MSSS following the discharge event to reduce water levels in the Sediment Basin.

• No further discharges have occurred since 26 February 2018.


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Community Complaints February 2018 to June 2018


• There were no community complaints received since the previous meeting.

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Community Sponsorship February 2018 – June 2018


• Cooranbong Pre-School;• MCA 2018 sponsorship;• Newcastle Variety Bash;• Morisset United Soccer Club;• Morisset Rotary Golf Day;• Cooranbong Markets;• PCYC Morisset Film Making Workshop;• Mandalong Stock Feeds – Chris O’Brien Lifehouse; and• Watagan Mountains Campdraft Event.

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Mining Update


• LW23 finished in March.• LW24 commenced in April and

planned to complete in August.• LW24 currently under

Mandalong Rd.• LW24A scheduled to be

extracted from September to January 2019.

• LW25 to commence in February 2019.

• Maingate 24A nearing completion.

• Maingate 25 and Tailgate 25 continuing for LW25.

• Mains developing roadways for Maingate 26.

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• Surface borehole exploration has continued and is focusing on the extent of sill within Mandalong South (LW25 onwards) and for coal quality.

• Three holes completed at end of LW25-28 to define sill.• One coal quality borehole completed over LW25.• Currently setting up to drill coal quality borehole over

LW27.• The next boreholes will target seam split along main

headings and definition of the sill from LW32 onwards. • Access Agreements and Occupational permits in place.• Exploration program will continue throughout 2018.


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LW24 Update

• Extraction Plan LW24-24A approved by DPE on 6/2/18• LW24 length is 2200m. The LW has 900m to finish• 14 private properties and 2 dwellings over longwall• Completed subsidence on 1 dwelling – no reported damage• Tobins Rd – no impact to pavement• Mandalong Rd and Chapman Rd – currently being undermined• Telstra phone lines – Copper and inactive optical fibre cables

– No interruption or damaged reported to date• Ausgrid 11kV powerline – no observed impact from subsidence• Tobins Creek – No impact recorded during floodpath inspections• Morans Creek• TransGrid 330kV TL24 Towers 46 • Heritage – 1 scarred tree• Remnant ponding – three potential sites


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LW24A Preview

• LW24A length to be determined by sill – inseam drilling and development ongoing

• Same infrastructure as LW24• 7 private properties and two dwellings affected• Mandalong Rd and Little Valley Rd• Ausgrid Powerlines• Telstra copper cables• TransGrid TL24 Tower 45• Morans Creek• No remnant ponding expected


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Ponding and Dam Rehabilitation

• Completed works on farm dam located over LW21– Constructed drainage line to restore dam catchment.– Assisted landowner with cleaning dam.

• Completed works on a farm dam located over LW22– Fixed minor leak – Adjusted dam overflow– Constructed swale drain to increased dam catchment area.

• Ponding in paddock located over LW23– Proposed to fill ponded area with topsoil


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Extraction Plan LW25-31

• Currently preparing Extraction Plan for LW25-31.

• Subsidence Predictions prepared by DgS.

• PSMP being developed with landowners.

• Landowner Access Agreements in place to conduct PSMP and environmental studies.

• Majority of dwelling structural inspections completed.

• Environment Management Plans including Biodiversity, Water & Heritage provided to govt. depts. and stakeholders for consultation.

• Flood modelling assessment report being finalised.

• Currently preparing infrastructure management plans.

• DPE approval required for LW25 start in February 2019.


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Access Road and MSSS


First shaft will be drilled on this pad

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Shaft Sinking


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Shaft Sinking


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TransGrid – TL24 relocation

• Zinfra started work in October 2017 and work is progressing to schedule.

• Construction work on the eight new towers (33X – 40X) is completed.

• Stringing is completed and the new line is energised.

• Decommissioning and removal of redundant line and towers (shown in green) started this week and is expected to take two months.


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TL24 Towers


Using a crane to build the towers

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TL24 Stringing


Using a helicopter to string the new line

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TL24 Stringing


Using a basket to fit the spacers

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CCC Visit

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Ausgrid – 33kV Power Line Project

• Numerous changes to design to reduce required clearing.

• Design to be reviewed by Ausgrid.

• Additional flora surveys conducted in February, March, April and May 2018.

• Heritage assessment conducted in March and April 2018.

• Other assessments are in progress.

• Additional geotechnical drilling at pole locations planned for Q3 2018.

• Consultation with landowners is continuing.

• Targeting construction commencement Q2 2019.


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TL25/26 Subsidence Mitigation


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Traffic Data


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Thank You


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Pre-Meeting Report

Community Consultative Committee

Mandalong Mine 19 June 2018

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

Table of Contents 1 CURRENT MINING STATUS ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 LONGWALL ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 2

2 EXPLORATION ......................................................................................................................................... 2

3 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ............................................................................................................. 2

3.1 AIR QUALITY MONITORING ............................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY MONITORING UPDATE ............................................................................................... 3 3.3 GROUNDWATER MONITORING UPDATE ............................................................................................................. 8

4 PLANNING APPROVALS ......................................................................................................................... 11

4.1 MANDALONG SOUTHERN EXTENSION PROJECT .................................................................................................. 11 4.2 TRANSGRID TL24 RELOCATION PROJECT ......................................................................................................... 11 4.3 33 KV POWERLINE TO MSSS ......................................................................................................................... 12 4.4 TRANSGRID TL24 MITIGATION WORKS ........................................................................................................... 12 4.5 TRANSGRID TL25/26 MITIGATION WORKS ..................................................................................................... 12

5 COMMUNITY CONTACTS ....................................................................................................................... 12

5.1 MANDALONG.............................................................................................................................................. 12 5.1.1 Mining Notifications ...................................................................................................................... 12 5.1.2 Consultation .................................................................................................................................. 12

5.2 MANDALONG SOUTH ................................................................................................................................... 13 5.3 COMPLAINTS .............................................................................................................................................. 13 5.4 SPONSORSHIP ............................................................................................................................................. 13

6 LAND MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 13

6.1 MANDALONG PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................................. 13 6.2 PROPERTY SALE ........................................................................................................................................... 13

List of Figures FIGURE 1 - MINE PLAN AND SURFACE FEATURES. ............................................................................................................... 1 FIGURE 2 - ROLLING ANNUAL AVERAGE DUST DEPOSITION .................................................................................................. 3 FIGURE 3 - SURFACE WATER PH RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 4 FIGURE 4 - SURFACE WATER TSS RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 5 FIGURE 5 - SURFACE WATER OIL & GREASE RESULTS.......................................................................................................... 5 FIGURE 6 - GROUND WATER DEPTH ................................................................................................................................ 8 FIGURE 7 - GROUNDWATER PH ...................................................................................................................................... 9 FIGURE 8 - GROUNDWATER ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY ...................................................................................................... 9 FIGURE 9 – GROUNDWATER BORE LOCATIONS ................................................................................................................ 10

List of Tables TABLE 1- DEPOSITIONAL DUST ....................................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE 2 - LDP001 DAILY SAMPLING RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 3 TABLE 3 - LDP002 DAILY SAMPLING RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 4 TABLE 4 - LDP001 MONTHLY SAMPLING RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 6

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

1 Current Mining Status

1.1 Longwall Longwall 23 commenced in October 2017 and finished in late March this year. Longwall 24 then commenced operation in mid April and mining is expected to be completed during August. Longwall 24A is scheduled to commence in September and be completed by early January 2019. This will complete mining in the current mining area before moving to Longwall 25 in the Mandalong Southern Extension Area as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Mine Plan and Surface Features.

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

1.2 Development Maingate 24A development is nearing the end of Longwall 24A planned length, while Maingate 25 and Tailgate 25 are continuing the development for Longwall 25. The Main Headings have advanced and are currently preparing the roadways for the commencement of Maingate 26 as shown in Figure 1.

2 Exploration Surface borehole exploration is still in progress within Olney State Forest and is focusing on defining the location the sill near the end of Longwalls 25 to 29 and infill holes for coal quality and geotechnical information. Four boreholes have been completed in this area and another four are planned.

3 Environmental Monitoring Environmental monitoring has continued at Mandalong, Mandalong South, Cooranbong and Delta as required by the Environmental Protection Licence (EPL 365) and Development Consents DA 97/800, SSD-5144 and SSD-5145. A summary and review of the monitoring results will be presented at the CCC meeting.

3.1 Air Quality Monitoring The air quality monitoring results for the reporting period and year to date are summarised below. Depositional dust (g/m2/month) results (insoluble solids) are shown in Table 1.

Table 1- Depositional Dust Licensee: Mandalong Data Sampled:

20/4/2018 - 20/05/2018


Data Obtained: 4/6/18 EPL No. 365













DG4 0.6 * 0.4 0.4 1.0 4.8 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.5 5.5 0.3 DG6 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.1 2.5 2.1 0.8 1.8 2.0 0.2 DG8 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.4 DG9 0.5 0.3 0.6 1.4 0.9 1.9 2.6 0.7 0.5 4.7 2.0 0.5 DG10 1.6 1.0 1.4 2.1 0.8 1.2 2.0 4.0 1.4 8.0 1.4 1.2 DG12 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 1.2 1.3 1.3 DG14 2.6 2.9 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.3 1.9 0.6 0.3 * * * Delta 1 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.4 Delta 2 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.6 2.8 1.5 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.7 Delta 3 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 1.6 0.3 2.0 1.6 0.3 DG – Dust Gauge *Results excluded due to contamination / damage. Depositional dust monitoring data indicates that dust deposition results for May 2018 range from 0.2 g/m2/mth to 1.3 g/m2/mth. The rolling annual averages for each of the dust gauges to May 2018 are shown in Figure 2. All rolling annual averages are below the 4 g/m2/month criteria.

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

Figure 2 - Rolling Annual Average Dust Deposition

3.2 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Update The following parameters, pH, Total Suspended Solids (TSS mg/L), Electrical Conductivity (EC µs/cm) and Oil and Grease (mg/L) are monitored at Licenced Discharge Point LDP001 and LDP002 daily during discharge in accordance with the requirements of Environmental Protection Licence 365. Table 2 and Table 3 show a summary of these results, whilst Figure 3 to Figure 5 are graphical representations. Additional pollutants are required to be monitored monthly during discharge; these results can be found in Table 4.

Table 2 - LDP001 Daily Sampling results Data Published: 14/06/2018 Licensee: Mandalong Data Sampled: 1/5/18 – 31/5/18 Address:

Data Obtained: 04/06/2018 EPL No. 365

Pollutant Units of measure

Monitoring frequency

required by licence

No. of times measured

during month Min. value Max.

value 100

percentile limit

Exceedance (yes/no)

Oil & Grease mg/L 29 32 0 4 10 No

pH pH 29 32 7.71 8.20 6.5-8.5 No

Total Suspended Solids mg/L 29 32 0.00 14.00 50 No

There were no discharges from LDP002 in May 2018 as shown in Table 3.

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

Table 3 - LDP002 Daily Sampling results Data Published: 14/6/2018 Licensee: Mandalong Data Sampled: 1/5/18 – 31/5/18 Address:

Data Obtained: 01/06/18 EPL No. 365

Pollutant Units of measure

Monitoring frequency by licence

No. of times measured during month Min. value

Max. value

100 percentile limit

Exceedance (yes/no)

Oil & Grease mg/L 0 0 - - 10 No

pH pH 0 0 - - 6.5-8.5 No Total Suspended Solids mg/L 0 0 - - 50 No

Figure 3 - Surface Water pH Results

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

Figure 4 - Surface Water TSS Results

Figure 5 - Surface Water Oil & Grease Results





















































Oil &


ase (



LDP001 and LDP002 Oil & Grease

LDP001 Oil & Grease Limit LDP002

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

Table 4 - LDP001 Monthly Sampling Results

Data Published: 14/06/2018 Licensee: Mandalong Data Sampled: 01/05/18 – 31/05/18 Address:

Data Obtained: 04/06/2018 EPL No. 365

Pollutant Units of measure

Monitoring frequency

required by licence

No. of times measured

during month Min. value Mean value Max. value

Aluminium (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Aluminium (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Antimony µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Arsenic (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 2 3 4

Arsenic (Total) µg/L 1 2 3 3.5 4 Barium µg/L 1 2 158 167 176

Beryillium (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Beryillium (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Boron µg/L 1 2 230 230 230 Cadmium (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Cadmium (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Calcium µg/L 1 2 43000 44000 45000

Chromium (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Chromium (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Cobalt (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 2 2 2

Cobalt (Total) µg/L 1 2 2 2.5 3 Conductivity µS/cm 29 31 3810 3949 4360

Copper (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Copper (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR 12.5 25

Iron (Filt) µg/L 1 2 140 655 1170 Lead (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Lead (dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Lithium µg/L 1 2 154 154 154

Magnesium µg/L 1 2 36000 37000 38000 Manganese (Filt) µg/L 1 2 38 40 42 Mercury (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Mercury (dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Molybdemon (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 43 43.5 44

Molybdemon (Total) µg/L 1 2 51 52.5 54 Nickel (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 48 49.5 51

Nickel (Total) µg/L 1 2 50 51 52 Phosphorous (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Potassium ug/L 1 2 15000 15000 15000 Selenium (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Selenium (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Silica µg/L 1 2 14800 14850 14900

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

Data Published: 14/06/2018 Licensee: Mandalong Data Sampled: 01/05/18 – 31/05/18 Address:

Data Obtained: 04/06/2018 EPL No. 365

Pollutant Units of measure

Monitoring frequency

required by licence

No. of times measured

during month Min. value Mean value Max. value

Silver µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Silver (dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Sodium µg/L 1 2 886000 891000 896000 Sulfur µg/L 1 2 30000 30000 30000

Tin µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Titanium µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Vanadium (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Vanadium (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR Zinc (Dissolved) µg/L 1 2 <LOR <LOR <LOR

Zinc (Total) µg/L 1 2 <LOR 11.5 23 NOTE: <LOR means less than Limit of Reporting.

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3.3 Groundwater Monitoring Update A graphical summary of groundwater levels, pH and electrical conductivity from the groundwater monitoring bores (BH01 - BH27C and MSGW01 – MSGW04C) for the monitoring period and year to date are shown in the following figures.

Figure 6 - Ground Water Depth






30 May 17 19 Jul 17 7 Sep 17 27 Oct 17 16 Dec 17 4 Feb 18 26 Mar 18


er L


Water Level

BH01 BH02A BH03 BH03A BH03B

BH04 BH05 BH06A BH07B BH09

BH09A BH09B BH10 BH10A BH10B

BH11 BH12 BH13 BH14 BH20

BH21 BH23A BH24A BH24B BH24C


BH26C BH27B GW078043 MSGW01 MSGW03A


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Figure 7 - Groundwater pH

Figure 8 - Groundwater Electrical Conductivity



pH U


pH (Field)

BH01 BH02A BH03 BH03A BH03BBH04 BH05 BH06A BH07B BH09BH10 BH10A BH11 BH12 BH13BH14 BH20 BH21 BH23 BH23ABH24A BH25A BH25B BH25C BH26ABH26B GW078043 MSGW01 MSGW03A MSGW03BMSGW04A MSGW04B










Electrical conductivity (field)

BH01 BH02A BH03 BH03A BH03BBH04 BH05 BH06A BH07B BH09BH10 BH10A BH11 BH12 BH13BH14 BH20 BH21 BH23 BH23ABH24A BH25A BH25B BH25C BH26ABH26B GW078043 MSGW01 MSGW03A MSGW03BMSGW04A MSGW04B

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Figure 9 – Groundwater Bore Locations

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Mandalong Mine CCC Pre-Meeting Report – June 2018

4 Planning Approvals

4.1 Mandalong Southern Extension Project The Mandalong Road pavement has continued to be monitored during the period with two reports made to LMCC since the last meeting. These were regarding potholes around the intersection with Browns Road. LMCC responded within a couple of days of filing the reports. The tender for the ventilation shafts has been awarded to Abergeldie. It is expected that Abergeldie will mobilise on the 23/7/18. The return shaft at a finished diameter of 5.5m will be drilled first. Site works for the remainder of 2018 will be:

• Set up office and noise barrier (Jul/Aug); • Construct pre-sink (Aug); • Drill grout curtain (Aug); • Set up water treatment plant and 10 ML tank (Sep); • Set up drill rig (Sep/Oct); • Set up liner fabrication (Oct) • Commence moving material from existing stockpile to Newstan (6000m3); and • Commence drilling (Nov).

A site inspection was undertaken by the Resources Regulator in May 2018 at the Mandalong South Surface Site with particular focus on sediment control and topsoil management. Rehabilitation works are continuing with additional mulching and tree planting on disturbed areas and at the entrance gate. Due diligence work completed for noise and air quality that will be used in the tender for the ventilation fans.

4.2 TransGrid TL24 Relocation Project TransGrid’s Principal Contractor, Zinfra, have been working on site since November 2017 and the program is on schedule. All eight of the new towers have been constructed, stringing is completed and the new line has been energised successfully. For safety reasons, most of the stringing was required to be done with the transmission line turned off. These outages are arranged on the weekends when the load on the line is less, to minimise potential disruption to power supply. Therefore, TransGrid had to work on two weekends outside of normal construction hours (as allowed in the modification to the Development Consent). They also had to use a helicopter on a number of stringing days and were forced to change the helicopter schedule due to high wind. During this time notifications were sent out and close neighbours kept up to date with changing plans. One resident reported annoyance at the weekend work and a noise barrier was set up in front of a generator to reduce the level of noise at their house which was effective. Now there are 12 towers to be decommissioned and removed and the redundant easement will be relinquished by TransGrid to the landowners. The decommissioning and removal commenced on 18th June and is expected to take approximately two months.

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The requirement for working outside of normal construction hours has now passed, however a helicopter will be used to remove redundant towers during decommissioning of the old section of line. Notifications will be sent out notifying residents of helicopter use.

4.3 33 kV Powerline to MSSS Downer Engineering has now completed its design of the power line route and associated easement and clearing required. The design will now be sent to Ausgrid for their review. Ecology surveys were completed in May, and a heritage survey was conducted in March and April with representatives from four registered Aboriginal parties attending the survey. Other assessments will now continue with the revised design and a statement of environmental effects prepared.

4.4 TransGrid TL24 Mitigation Works Mitigation works to retrofit concrete cruciform footings on TL24 Towers 45, 46 and 47 located over Longwalls 22 to 24A was completed in July 2017. Full subsidence at Towers 47, located above Longwall 22 has now been completed. Subsidence was within prediction and there was no observed impact to the tower. Tower 46 is located over Longwall 24 and will be mined beneath in during August. Tower 45 is located over Longwall 24A and will be mined beneath during December this year.

4.5 TransGrid TL25/26 Mitigation Works This month TransGrid will commenced a feasibility study into potential subsidence impacts to TL25/26 Towers 39 – 47. It is expected that some of the towers will require cruciform footings similar to those constructed on TL24 in 2017.

5 Community Contacts

5.1 Mandalong

5.1.1 Mining Notifications One month mining notifications for Longwalls 23 and 24 have been provided to landowners, Centennial tenants and infrastructure owners prior to mining beneath their property or asset as per PSMPs and Infrastructure Management Plans.

5.1.2 Consultation Consultation is ongoing with landowners and infrastructure owners affected by current operations for LW22-23 and LW24-24A Extraction Plans. Consultation for the development of PSMP for Longwalls 25 to 31 Extraction Plan commenced earlier this year and is ongoing.

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5.2 Mandalong South Various contacts with land holders regarding the construction of the MSSS Access Road, TL24 relocation, 33kV powerline and quarterly noise monitoring occurred at the end of March 2018.

5.3 Complaints There were no community complaints received since the February 2018 meeting.

5.4 Sponsorship 1. Cooranbong Pre-School; 2. MCA 2018 sponsorship; 3. Newcastle Variety Bash; 4. Morisset United Soccer Club; 5. Morisset Rotary Golf Day; 6. Cooranbong Markets; 7. PCYC Morisset Film Making Workshop; 8. Mandalong Stock Feeds – Chris O’Brien Lifehouse; and 9. Watagan Mountains Campdraft Event.

6 Land Management

6.1 Mandalong Properties An update of the Summary of Proposed Land Management Activities for 2018 will be provided at the CCC meeting.

6.2 Property Sale Centennial has sold 555 Mandalong Road this year and a further property along Browns Road will go on the market in late June 2018. There is an ongoing commitment to sell properties in Mandalong that are surplus to Centennial’s needs.

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Mandalong Mine – Land Management Plan  

Summary of Proposed Land Management Activities –   January 2017 to June 2018 

Updated 15 June 2018    

Blue is completed or in progress 




Property Address Property Ref No.

Riparian & Wetlands Maintenance

Weed Maintenance Farm Management

38 Browns Road

Hamlets Creek

43 Blackberry control on creek banks

Repairs to boundary and internal fences Jan/Feb 2018

Upgrade farm track Feb 2018. Further upgrades in may

Repairs to dressage arena and round yard Feb 2018

Fire break maintenance

111/112 Browns Road 40 & 48 Regrowth and blackberry control (land on Western side of Browns Rd)

Replace part boundary fence with 544 Mandalong Rd (fence was able to be repaired)

Repair boundary fence on northern side of Browns Road.

New internal fences on house block

226 Browns Road 21 Check weeds and regrowth in riparian zone – needs an updated plan with new tenants

Regrowth and blackberry control Feb / Mar Repair boundary fence/gateway to forest March 2018

230 Browns Road 33 Regrowth and blackberry control Feb / Mar

32-64 Chapman Road Chapman Estate

222 Replace single gateway with Double Gateway

158 Crooks Road 3 Annual Fire break maintenance -June -July

295 Deaves Road

American Oak

9 Regrowth and blackberry control Feb Decommission bridge once crossing repaired

Following approval of the DA the old cottage has been demolished and removed and the fence upgraded

Upgrade to internal fences

323 Deaves Road 7 & 8 Regrowth and blackberry control

Fence off cottage (Upgrade existing fence instead of new fence around cottage.)

Following approval of the DA the old hostel has been demolished and removed and the fence upgraded

350 Deaves Road 56 Tea Tree control along fence lines. Low priority

Minor boundary fence repairs (repaired by tenant)

202 Mandalong Road 4

280 Mandalong Road

182 Mandalong Road

184 Mandalong Road

Mandalong Dairy




Complete riparian zone fencing to suit land management land for these blocks.

Protecting 3 sites with significant trees. July

Regrowth and blackberry control -ongoing

Ongoing control of thistles, tobacco bush and blackberry along Morans Creek

Upgrade entrance to house off Mandalong Rd

Upgrade boundary fence with 343 Mandalong Rd

343 Mandalong Road 61 Upgrade boundary fence with Mandalong Dairy

378 Mandalong Road 58 Fence off drain along rear of property

Blackberry control -ongoing Boundary fence repairs with 416 Mandalong Rd (repaired by tenant). Investigate replacing

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Mandalong Mine – Land Management Plan  

Summary of Proposed Land Management Activities –   January 2017 to June 2018 

Updated 15 June 2018    

Blue is completed or in progress 




Property Address Property Ref No.

Riparian & Wetlands Maintenance

Weed Maintenance Farm Management

section in 2018.

Repaired front boundary fence.

544 Mandalong Road

Lonesome Pine

37 and 49

Blackberry control Jan /Feb Replace boundary with 111 Browns Rd (Fence was repaired) Replace internal fence

555 Mandalong Road


68 Repair damage to wetland fence by deer and continue to monitor.

Property to be Auctioned

Regrowth and blackberry control. Dec Replace boundary fence along Mandalong Rd

619 Mandalong Road 70 Blackberry and regrowth control Repairs to access road and associated drainage.

Upgrade stock water, relocate fences

Repairs to multiple fences/clear fallen trees following significant storm damage Jan 18

Replace part of southern boundary fence

658 Mandalong Road 81 Lantana control

Firebreak maintenance in June /July

Upgrade front boundary fence as required by land use.

687 Mandalong Road 84 Replace part of eastern boundary fence

Replace southern boundary with neighbour

695 Mandalong Road 85 Repair boundary fence on Mandalong Road- started

Upgrade access road

Replace boundary – eastern and part of south. Ecological study commenced.

803 Mandalong Road 217 New internal fencing being planned to suit the development of Mandalong South Project.

Destocked in Jan 2017

12 Sauls Road 52 & 53 Regrowth and blackberry control Repairs to Dam wall

Upgrade access track Feb 2018. Quote pending

27 Sauls Road


55 Property sold

35 Sauls Road


54 Property Sold

91 Sauls Road 42 Regrowth and blackberry control

Repair boundary fence with 35 Sauls Rd

Internal fence repairs started

229 Sauls Road 26 Repairs to erosion above one of the dams. Rearrange fencing to include the old Lodge

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Mandalong Mine – Land Management Plan  

Summary of Proposed Land Management Activities –   January 2017 to June 2018 

Updated 15 June 2018    

Blue is completed or in progress 




Property Address Property Ref No.

Riparian & Wetlands Maintenance

Weed Maintenance Farm Management

Tallowood Lodge house paddock back into the main farm

232 Sauls Road


23 Maintain & upgrade firebreak Sept 2017

Boundary and internal fences repaired

Additional fences erected and quantity of fertiliser applied (tenant)

28 Timber Road 50 Regrowth and blackberry control Repairs to boundary fence/entrance on Mandalong Road

37 Tobins Road 75 Blackberry and regrowth control Maintain and upgrade Firebreak

Maintenance on dam wall 1 completed, 1 to be done

Notes This plan is a guide only and will be affected by the weather and ground conditions.

Weed Control Information - Treatment for the following weeds is included in this Schedule.

Weed Treatment Period Method of Treatment

Blackberry October to March Spraying

Tabaco Bush All year Cut & paint or spraying – depending on size

Giant Parramatta Grass October to March Spot spray & rotor wipe

2 types of chemical used depending on season

Lantana October to March Spraying