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1 Ministry of Education Farwaniya Educational Area Al-Mulla ABDEL Azeez Intermediate School for Boys Prepared by Mr. Zein El-Din Hamed ( ELT Teacher ) Mr. Mahmoud Ghanim ( ELT Teacher ) Mr.Abdulla Salim ( ELT Teacher ) Supervised by Mr.Hosam Fayek (Head Of Staff ) School Principal

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Ministry of Education Farwaniya Educational Area

Al-Mulla ABDEL Azeez Intermediate School for Boys

Prepared by

Mr. Zein El-Din Hamed ( ELT Teacher )

Mr. Mahmoud Ghanim ( ELT Teacher )

Mr.Abdulla Salim ( ELT Teacher )

Supervised by Mr.Hosam Fayek (Head Of Staff )

School Principal


Mr. ABDULLA al-faris

Vocabulary Lessons 1&2

Athletics (n)

Sports such as running and jumping.

*Athletics is an ancient sporting activity.



Sprint (v) To run very fast for a short distance.

*We had to sprint to catch the bus.



Throw (v) To make an object move quickly throw the air.

*My friend threw the ball over the fence.


Discus (n) A sport that involves throwing a heavy flat circular object as far as possible

*My favourite throwing activity is discus. رمي


Bend (v)

To move part of your body so that it is not straight

*Bend your knees when you pick up heavy objects.


Swing (v) To make regular movements forwards and backwards.

*You should swing your arms before jumping.


Shot put (n) A sport in which you throw a heavy metal ball as far as you can.

*I like throwing shot put .



Train (v) To prepare for a sports event or tell someone how to prepare for it.

*She trained hard for the race.


Lessons 3&4

Fit (adj) Someone who is fit is strong and healthy.

*I jog to keep fit .



Shoulder (n) One of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck

*I rested my head on his shoulder.


Lung (n) One of the two organs of your body that you breathe with.

*Smoking is very dangerous for our lungs .


Warm- up (n) A set of gentle exercises you do to prepare your body for a sport .

*A good exercise session has a warm-up of about 5-10 minutes.


Stretch (v) *The action of stretching your arms , legs or body to full strength.

Stretching exercises make you more flexible.


Roller-skating (n)

The activity of moving across the ground on roller skates .

*Roller- skating is an aerobic exercises.



Yoga (n) A system of exercises that helps you control your mind and body

*Yoga helps you to relax.


Unit 1


Lessons 5&6

Olympic (adj) Relating to the Olympic games .

*The Olympic flag represents the five continents of the world.


Pentathlon (n) A sports event involving five different sports.

*The pentathlon includes running, jumping, discus, javelin, and wrestling.



Chariot (n)

A vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse.

*Chariot races were a popular event in the Olympic games.




Flame (n) Hot, bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire.

*The flame grew larger as the fire spread.



shooting (n)

The activity of aiming and shooting at a round board with circles on it

*Target shooting is my favourite sport. الرماية



A sport involving physical exercises and movements that need skill

and strength .

*Gymnastics can increase the body’s strength.

. جمباز



To be a sign or mark that means something.

*The Olympic flame represents friendship among nations.


Choose the correct words from a, b , c or d:

1-The athlete can throw the …………..very fast.

a- shoulder b- discus c- yoga d-warm-up

2- Karam Gaber…………..Egypt in Sidney Olympic Games.

a- bent b- stretched c- represented d- swung

3- The Olympic ………… a symbol of friendship among nations.

a- flame b- chariot c- flag d-shot put

4- In the early Olympic Games, the …………..race was very common.

a- chariot b- yoga c- roller-skating d-athletics

5- The …………. is an Olympic event that has five different sports.

a- Yoga b- discus c- pentathlon d-target shooting

6- ………… a very difficult sport because it needs skill, strength and control.

a- Gymnastics b-Chariot c- Flame d-Shoulder

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

(athletics - fit - sprinting - training - Olympic - shot put - swing)

1- The latest …………..Games took place in London.

2- Exercises help you to keep …………..and healthy.


3- This athlete won the …………..race.

4- I go to the ………… in Hawalli to practise my favourite sport.

5- Throwing the discus, javelin and ………….. are the main throwing sports.

6- My brother is …………..seriously for the coming Olympics.

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

( lungs – shoulder – roller skating – stretching – throw - fit – warm-up )

1- A good exercise session has a …………..of about 5 to 10 minutes.

2- Swimming can make your heart and ………… hard.

3-The aerobic sports are like …………..and swimming.

4- Can you …………..this stone for a long distance?

5- The muscles of his ………….. are well built .

6- Yoga is a …………..exercise that makes you more flexible.


The Present simple

1-Usage: It is used to refer to (1) habits and (2) facts. For example,

* I always get up at seven. *It rains in winter.

2-Form: Affirmative:

-First form of the verb with the pronouns ( I , we, they, you).

e.g. They always play football on Friday.

-We add (s) to the verb, if the subject is ( he / she / it )

e.g. He always plays football on Friday.

-If the verb ends with (o/sh/ch/ss/x), we add (es) if the subject is (he/she/it )

e.g. I go to school. e.g. she goes to school every day.

Negative: ( I, we, they, you ) use ( do not), but ( he / she / it ) use (does not )

e.g. We don't like tennis. e.g. He does not like swimming.


We use do to ask about (I, we, they, you), but we use does to ask about (he/she/it)

with the first form of the verb.

e.g. Do you go to school? Does she go to school?

Used with: Usually, always, sometime, often , never , every…, rarely, on Friday.


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1-He is always late. He never ……………on time.

a-arrives b- arriving c- arrived d-arrive

2- They often ………… football matches.

a-go b- goes c- going d-to go

3- She …………..speak English. She is Chinese.

a-doesn't b- don't c- didn't d-isn't

Do as shown between brackets:

1-Ali (study) in his room, but his brothers (watch) TV now. (Correct)


2-She is crying because she lost her money. (Ask)


3-They are playing tennis. (Negative)


Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d :

1- Ahmad is ……….. his homework at the moment.

a-does b- do c- doing d-did

2- I can't go to the party. I ………….. my school project.

a-am preparing b- are preparing c- is preparing d-preparing

3- What …………you doing now?

a-are b- was c- is d-am

The present continuous

1-Usage: It refers to an action which is happening now.

2- Form: 2.1Affirmative:

am / (he/she/it) is /( we, they, you) are + verb + ing.

e.g. I am studying English now.

He is studying English now.

They are studying English now.

2.2 Negative: They are not studying English now.

2.3 Question: Are they studying English now?

Used with: Now , look , smell , listen , At present , at this moment , still

Gerund / Infinitive *Use the ( verb + ing ) form of verbs to make nouns.

e.g. = Swimming is good exercise.

= He goes swimming every morning.


Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d :

1-It is important ………….. keep fit.

a-to b- for c- that d-in

2- ………. every day is very good for you.

a-Walked b- Walk c- Walking d-Walks

3-Ahmad spends four hours a day …………..for the competitions.

a-trained b- training c- to train d-trains

4-Doing aerobic exercise helps you …………….fit.

a-keeps b- to keep c- keeping d-kept

Do as shown between brackets:

1-What time does he (go) to bed on Fridays? (Correct)


2- He knows the answer. (Negative)


3- I leave my house at 6 o'clock every morning. (Question)


4- Fahd enjoys(watch) action films. (Correct)


Do as shown between brackets:

1- While she (run), she felt down. (Correct the verb)


2- The first Olympic Games took place in Greece. (Ask a question)


3- We visited China last month. (Negative)


4- It took two hours to repair the car. (Complete)


5- He did something wrong. (Negative)




Write what you would say in the following situations:

1- Your friend wants to practise throwing javelin.


2- Your sister sits down in front of the computer for many hours.


3- Your uncle says: “It’s difficult to keep fit”.


4- You friend wants to have strong muscles.



With the help of the given guide words and phrases below , write a report of two

paragraphs ( 8 sentences ) about ( Keeping fit ) :

The first paragraph : (fit – healthier– daily tasks – not difficult– walking )

The second paragraph : (three types – aerobic – resistance– stretching– exercise regime )

Write your plan here

Keeping fit …………………………………………………………………………………………..












Reading Comprehension

Rashid is a young man from Kuwait. He likes camping very much. Last February, he

wanted to travel to England. He asked his father to give him some money to travel. Rashid can

speak English very well, so he would have no problem to talk with people there.

Rashid travelled to London by plane. He went there to join a camp in a small town near

London. On the plane, he met Ali, another youth from Qatar, who wanted to join the camp

,too. The plane arrived at the airport at 3.35 in the afternoon. Mr. John met the two boys at the

arrival lounge. They went to the camp by bus. They stayed on the camping site for four weeks.

Rashid went swimming and horse riding. Ali went mountain climbing and took some

photographs. Horse riding is Rashid’s favourite hobby.

The weather was wonderful. It was clear and warm all the time. Rashid and Ali enjoyed

camping very much. They also liked the British food. They cooked their food on the camp

fire. Sometimes they had olives and jam for breakfast, fish for lunch and scrambled eggs and

cheese for dinner.

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c and d :-

1 - The word (youth) in the 2nd

paragraph means……………………..

A ) an old man B) a baby C ) a young man D)people

2 -The weather was…………………….. in the camp.

A) very hot B ) very cold C )fine and sunny D)dusty


3- ( It ) in the last paragraph refers to ……………………..

A)camping B)weather C ) travelling D)the camp fire

Answer the following questions :-

4 - When did Ali go to London?


5 - What’s Rashid’s favourite hobby?


6 – How long did the two boys spend on the camping site?


Vocabulary Lessons 1&2

Lily (n) One of several types of plant with large bell-shaped flowers .

* Lilies are flowering plants.



Humble (adj) Having a low social class or position.

*In my humble opinion, we should do our best.



Cottage (n) A small house in the country.

* They live in a humble cottage in the country.

منزل –كوخ


Harp (n) A large musical instrument with strings

* The harp is used for playing music.


Meadow (n) A field with wild grass and flowers.

* Did you see the cattle in the meadow?


Boast (v) To talk too proudly about your abilities or possessions .

* They boasted that they have never lost a single game . يتفاخر

Rise out (phr.v)

To go up from one position to another.

* The whale shark rose out of the water.



Beg (v) To ask for something in an anxious or urgent way.

* She had to beg for money and food for her children.


Plunge in (phr.v)

To jump or dive into water .

* He took a deep breath and plunged in the water.

غوص ي


Unit 2


Submissive (adj)

Always willing to obey

* He always obeys his teachers . He is a submissive boy. مطيع

Lessons 3&4

Along (adv)

From one place on something such as a line , road , or edge.

* She was walking along the beach. بمحازاة

Reach (v) To arrive at a place .

* They reached the coast after five weeks sailing.

الى يصل

Park (v) To put a car in a particular place for a period of time .

* I usually park my car in front of our school.



Ferry (n) A boat that carries people or goods across a river.

* We went to Kubbar Island by ferry.



Pretty (adj) Pleasant to look at .

* What a pretty hat you `re wearing !


Coral reef (n)

A line of hard rocks formed by coral , found in warm water.

* I like diving and I enjoy seeing coral reefs. عاب ش


Wave (v) To move arm or hand from side to side .

* She waves her hands a lot when she talks. يلوح بيده

Seagull (n) A large common grey or white bird that lives near the sea.

* Seagulls have long wings and feed on small fish.



Lessons 5&6

Pearl (n) A small round white object that forms inside an oyster.

*Some people were buried with pearls in their hands. لؤلؤه

Dhow (n)

A ship used by Arab traders through the centuries .

*To prepare for pearl diving , workers placed dhows along the seashore.

سفينة قديمة

Nose clip (n) A small metal or plastic object used for clipping nose .

* The divers were wearing nose clips.



Oyster shell (n) The hard outer part that covers and protects an oyster .

*She found a pearl in the oyster shell.



Generation (n) All people of about the same age .

*This painting has been here for generations.


Rope (n) A thick string , made by twisting many thinner strings together.

* The sailor threw a rope and we tied the boat. حبل

Seashore (n) The land of the edge of the sea consisting of sand and rocks

*As we were walking along the seashore, I found a gold coin.


Tug on (phr.v)

To pull something hard or suddenly.

*The diver tugged on the rope.

يشد بقوة


Pull up (phr.v)

To raise someone or something out of a place below.

*He was drowning in the sea and we pulled him up to the surface. يرفع بشدة

Wealth (n) A large amount of money , property , etc.. .

*After a successful career , he had a great amount of wealth.


Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d :

1- This old woman sells seashells on the…………..

a- seagull b- shoulder c – seashore d – wealth

2- We should use a long ………… pull this box.

a- dhow b- rope c- pearl d – seashore

3- Old divers used to put on a round skirt and a…………...

a- nose clip b- oyster shell c- dhow d – generation

4- I think that three …………..lived in this old house.

a- pearls b- generations c- ropes d – dhows

5- This poor boy lives in a humble …………..with his parents.

a- cottage b- meadow c- harp d – seagull

6- Kuwait was famous for …………..diving in the past .

a- generation b- meadow c- pearl d – seagull

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

(meadow – beg – submissive –ferry – coral reef – pretty)

1-Ahmed is always polite and………… his teachers.

2-We can go to Kubbar Island by using a…………..

3- Although Kubbar Island is small, it’s …………..

4- Some people enjoy diving in the Red Sea to watch beautiful fish and …………..

5- Some farmers drive their farm animals to a …………..near the country to eat grass.


The past simple

Usage: It refers to an action happened in the past.

Form: Affirmative: It takes the second form of the verb. Verbs usually ends with (ed)

except irregular verbs.

e.g * He played football last week.

* He went to London yesterday.

Negative: use did not and the verb in the first form

e.g *He did not play football last week.

*They did not go to London year.

Question: use did before the subject and with the first form of the verb.

e.g. *Did he play football last week?

*Did he go to London yesterday?

Used with: yesterday , ago , last night , last week , last month , last year , once .


Do as shown between brackets:

1- I enjoyed the film which I (see) last night. (Correct)


2- I went to the party to meet my friends. (Ask)


3- We ate pizza yesterday in the afternoon. (Ask)


4- I saw Ahmad at the club last week. (Negative)


Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1-It …………raining an hour ago.

a- Starts b- starting c- started d- start

2- When I got home, I …………. a phone call.

a- received b- has received c- receive d- receives

3- I suddenly remembered my keys, so I …...........……back home.

a- go b- went c- going d- goes

The past continuous

1-Usage: It refers to an action which was going on in the past for a period of time.

2- Form: Affirmative: (I/he/she/it) was / (we, they, you) were + verb + ing

e.g. He was watching TV yesterday.

Negative: He was not watching TV yesterday.

Question: Was he watching TV yesterday?

Used with: Used after( while, as) and before( when)

while/ as / when -While & as are followed by past continuous, but when is usually followed by simple


Use the past continuous for the action that was in progress.

Use the past simple for the completed action.

e.g. While I was reading, the telephone rang.

As he was coming to school, he saw an accident.

The fire was still burning when I passed by the house.


Do as shown between brackets:

1- Ahmad (feel) very tired while he was (study). (Correct)


2- Sorry, I (be not) listen you. I was (do) something else. (Correct)


3- I was studying for the exams when you called me. (Ask)


4-They (be) not studying. They were (play) all morning. (Correct)


Choose the correct answer from a, b or c :

1- Ahmad …………..when the thief broke the window.

a-slept b- sleeping c- was sleeping d-sleep

2- I was buying a magazine ………..a famous footballer came into the shop.

a-When b-while c- what d-where

3- What …………you saying to the teacher?

a-Was b- were c- is d-am

4- While we were playing , it …………to rain .

a- started b- start c- starts d- starting

Do as shown between brackets:

1- Look! The man ( run ) very fast. (Correct)


2-If you warm up well, you ….......................................…………………. ( Complete)


3- We used a ferry to get to the island. (Ask a question)


4- ( Swim) and running are the best exercises to keep fit. (Correct)


5- She usually visits her grandmother on Saturdays. (Negative)


6- While Ahmad was running, he (break) his leg. (Correct)


7- Sami sometimes plays tennis . (Negative)


8- While Ahmed (stretch),the coach called him . (Correct)



9- Mohammed never goes to the cinema . (Ask)


LANGUAGE FUNCTION Write what you would say in the following situations:

1- Your friend asks, "How would you describe your father?".


2- Your brother suggests going to Kubbar Island.


3- Your uncle says, "Kuwait is famous for its oil reserves ."


4- One of your classmates always throws rubbish on the floor.


Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Ahmad: Hello, Khalid. How are you?

Khalid: …………………………………………………….......................................…………….

Ahmad: What’s your favourite sport?

Khalid : …………………………………………………….......................................…………....

Ahmad: Who is your favourite player?

Khalid : …………………………………………………….......................................……………

Ahmad: My favourite player is Bashar Abdulla.


-With the help of the guide words below, write an e-mail ( 8 sentences ) to your friend Samy

about “A visit to Kubber Island”

The first paragraph : (Last–summer–kubber–car–ferry)

The second paragraph : (ate–restaurant–walk–beach–seagulls)

Write your plan here


To :………………………………

From :…………………………..












Reading Comprehension

-Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:

Once, there was an old ferryman who carried people across the river in his boat. The

ferryman was not rich or educated. He loved his job very much because he never had to hurry

and had a lot of time to think.

One day, a very well- dressed man carrying a case came by. As they were crossing the

river, the man said, “Have you ever studied science?” “No, sir. I haven’t," answered the

ferryman," I have never been to school and never learned to read or write.”

“Never studied science?! Don’t you know anything? I’m a scientist. Scientists are the most

popular people in the world," said the man. Suddenly the wind blew and the boat began to sink.


The scientist caught his case fearfully. “Oh, dear. I cannot swim. I never learned to………..” he

cried. The ferryman could swim to the shore and saved himself.

A)-Choose the best completion from a, b, , c or d :

1. The best title for this story is…………………………………………….…

a) The well-dressed man b) The humble ferryman

c) Popular people d) The long river

2. The underlined word ( He) in line (10 ) refers to…………………………………..………

a) the ferryman b) the scientist

c) the river d) the job

3. The underlined word( popular) in line (8 ) means…………………………………..………

a) bad b) clever

c) famous d) submissive

B)-Answer the following questions:

4. Why did the ferryman like his job?


5. How could the ferry man save himself in the sea?


6. What did happen after the wind picked up?



Lessons 1&2

Huge (adj) Extremely large in size, amount or degree.

* They live in a huge house.


Strangely (adv) In an unusual or surprising way.

* She was behaving strangely.



Disturb (v) To move something or change its position.

* The thief had disturbed all papers in his office.



Unit 3


Profession (n) A job that needs a high level of education or training.

* He is a doctor by profession.



Historian (n) Someone who studies history.

* The historian collects the historical information.


Architect (n) Someone whose job is to design building.

* He is the architect who designed this high building.



Engineer (n) Someone whose job is to design or build roads, bridges etc.

* The engineer is coming to repair our phone tomorrow.


Crop (n) A plant such as rice, wheat or fruit etc.

* The main crops for export are coffee and rice.


Exciting (adj) Making you feel excited.

* It was a really exciting match.


Lessons 3&4

Fantastic (adj) Extremely good, attractive or enjoyable.

* We had a fantastic time.


Strange (adj) Unusual or surprising.

* I had a strange feeling that we had met before. غريب

Wide (adj) Of great or more than average width.

* The swimming pool is five meters wide.


Rhinoceros (n) A large, heavy animal with one or two horns on its nose.

* The rhinoceros is a very large animal.



Wingspan (n) The distance from the end of one wing to the end of the other

* A jumbo jet’s wingspan is 59,6 metres .

مسافة بين ال



Grizzly bear (n) * A very large bear that lives in the northwest of north America

The grizzly bear and the elephant are both 3 meters tall. الدب


Human being (n) A person

* The human being can only swim at 8 kilometres per hour.


Lessons 5&6

Sandy (adj) Covered with sand or containing a lot of sand.

* I walked on a lovely sandy beach yesterday.


Rocky (adj) Covered with rocks or made of rock.

* She walked along the rocky path.


Frozen (adj) Earth that is frozen is so cold it has become very hard.

* Deserts can be rocky or frozen places.


Adapt (v) To gradually change your behaviour and attitudes. يتكيف


* It took me a while to adapt to the new job.

Layer (n) An amount or piece or substance that covers a surface

* There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.


Fat (n) A substance that stored under the skin to keep warm.

* This product contains no animal fat.


Rainfall (n) The amount of rain in a particular period of time.

* The average annual rainfall in this region is 750 mm. مياه


Oasis (n) A place with water and trees in desert.

* An oasis is place in a desert where there is water.


Nomadic (adj) People who live in tents and move from place to place.

* Nomadic people always wear special clothes to protect from sand.


Choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d:

1-This type of stories is extremely ………… be read.

a- nomadic b- fantastic c- sandy d-frozen

2-The engineers made this well to reach certain …………..

a- rainfall b- crop c- layer d-bear

3-My father is …………..and he always designs buildings.

a- an accountant b- an architect c- a historian d- rhinoceros

4- You can go to the beach to enjoy the …………..beaches.

a- sandy b- rocky c- frozen d- nomadic

5- The two horns of the …………..are very strong.

a- seagull b- rhinoceros c-pearl d- architect

Fill in the spaces with words from the list :

( disturb - huge - frozen – oasis - Nomadic - architect )

1-This animal is very …………..because it is extraordinary large.

2-This windy storm will ………….. the sand of the desert.

3- The palm trees are usually planted in the …………..

4- I can’t drink this water because it is …………..

5- …………..tribes have no certain places to live. They travel a lot.

GrAMMAR Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives:

Adjective Comparative



1 tall taller



hot hotter Hottest

dry drier Driest


2 dangerous more dangerous Most dangerous

beautiful more beautiful Most beautiful

exciting More exciting Most exciting

Irregular Forms of Comparatives and Superlatives

Adjectives Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst

Far Farther (further) farthest (furthest )

Little- some Less Least

Many- much More Most

Choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d:

1- This house is………….. that one.

a- large b- larger c- larger than d-largest

2- The leopard is ………….. animal.

a- fastest b- the fastest c- faster d-fast

3- The Gulf isn’t as………….. as the Pacific.

a- deep b- deeper c- the deepest d- smallest

4- The ………….. you work, the more you gain.

a-more b-most c-less d-than

5-This tower will be ………… in the city .

a- high b- the highest c-higher d-higher than

Do as shown between brackets:

1-Fahd is the ………….. (tall) boy in the class. (Correct)


2-Action films are …… (interesting) type of films. (Complete)



* If the adjective is two syllables or longer we use (the most) before the


* Short adjectives usually double the final consonant before adding er or est

Big Bigger Biggest

as ……(adjective)… The grizzly bear is as tall as an elephant.

(not) as……(adjective)… The planet Mars is not as big as the planet Earth.


3-Jassim is my ……………… (good) friend. (Correct)


4-English is (difficult) Maths. (Use: as……


5-Mohammed and Ali are the same age. (Use: as……….as)


6-Omar is (young) than Nader. (Correct)


5-My car is fast and so is your car. (Use: as……….as)


6-Adel is (intelligent) than Ali. (Correct)


Choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d :

1- Ahmad is older ……….. Emad.

a-than b- then c- that d-there

2- Magazines are ………. than books.

a- more interesting b- most interesting c- much interesting d- interesting

3- Today you can go to ………… on Earth by planes.

a-the far b- further c- the farthest d-far

4-Lama is ………… as Aya.

a-taller b- tall c- the tallest d-as tall

5-An Olympic swimmer can swim …………….a tiger shark.

a-faster b- fast c- the fastest d-as fast as

6-Ahmed is …………….student in the school.

a-good b- best c- the best d-worse

LANGUAGE FUNCTION Write what you would say in the following situations:

1)You mother gives you a present.


2)You are at the supermarket and you want to know the price of a packet of tea .


3)Your father always drives his car too fast.


4) One of your friend says that you should respect the others.



With the help of the given guide words and phrases below , write a report of two

paragraphs ( 8 sentences ) about ( Deserts ) :


The first paragraph : (deserts – one third – dry – sandy– rocky )

The second paragraph : (survive – water – animals – plant– adapt–fat )

Write your plan here

Deserts …………………………………………………………………………………….












-Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:


Jane packed a small suitcase and hurried to catch a bus to the station. There were no

people waiting at the bus stop. Jane looked at her watch anxiously .It was already three o'clock

.Her train would leave at three-thirty and as it would take at least twenty minutes to reach the

station, she did not have much time to spare .Just then a taxi came down the road . Jane knew

that the fare to the station was at least ten dollars which was more than she could afford , but she

quickly made up her mind that it would be worth the extra expense so as to catch the train . So

she stopped the taxi and got in .She told the driver that she had to catch a train which would

leave at three-thirty .

All went well until ,just as they were coming out of a side street into the main road that led

to the station , the taxi ran into a car .There was a loud crash and Jane was thrown forward so

violently that she hit her head on the front seat .Both drivers got out and began shouting at each

other . Jane got out as well to ask them to stop quarrelling ,but neither of them noticed her at all.

She was wondering what to do when a bus came into sight , going in the direction of the station

.The bus stop was not far, so Jane got her suitcase out of the taxi and ran towards the bus which

had stopped to let some passengers get off . The bus conductor saw her running so he did not

ring the bell for the bus to start until she had got on .Jane reached the station just in time and

managed to catch her train .

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b , c & d:

1- The underlined expression( made up her mind ) in line (6)means…………………

a) formed b) decided

c) promised d) decorated

2- (He) in line (16) refers to ……………

a) The taxi driver b) The bus driver

c) The bus conductor d) The car driver

3- This story took place in ……………..

a) Kuwait b) the UAE

c) the USA d) Saudi Arabia

B) Answer the following questions:

4- When did the taxi run into the car?


5- What did the bus conductor do when he saw Jane running ?


6- How many means of transport were mentioned in the story ?



م 0234/ 0231العام الدراسي دولة الكويت

وزارة التربية األولىاختبار نهاية الفترة الدراسية

منطقة الفروانية التعليمية المجال : اللغة اإلنجليزية

المال عبد العزيز ناصر العنجري مدرسة الصف الثامن

صفحات ( خمس ختبار في ) اال حصتان دراسيتانالزمن :

................../ 8الصف : . ..................................................................اسم الطالب :

I-Vocabulary ( 6 ) A)-Choose the suitable answers from a, b,c and d :( 4X 1 =4 marks)

1. Don't forget to …………………….for five minutes before you start the match.

a) rise out b) warm up

c) plunge in d) tug on

2. Let's go walking on the …………………….

a) dhow b) oyster shell

c) seashore d) generation

3. Cotton is one of the most valuable …………………….in the world.

a) crops b) bears

c) historians d) profession

4. The diver is ………………………………….on the rope to pull him up

a) tugging b) reached

c) disturbed c) plunge

B)-Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list: (2x1=2 Marks)

( Olympic - adapted - oases )

5- Do you know that the camel is well……………………….……… in the windy weather.

6- The latest ……………………….……… Games were held in London.

II-Grammar ( 4 )

A)-Choose the correct answers from a, b, and c : (4x½=2 Marks)

7. Travelling by plane is ……………………….. than travelling by car.

a) easy b) easier

c) easiest d) as easy as

8. It is important ……………an exercise routine with all three types.

a) to have b) had

c) have had d) having 9. Ali……………….running twice a week. a) go b) goes c) going d) is going 10.While I …………………………..I saw the car.


a) run b) running c) was running d) runs

C)-Do as shown in brackets : ( 2 X 1 = 2 )

11- I go shopping twice a week. (Ask a question)


12- I saw the duck while it ( swim ) in the lake. (Correct the verb)


III-Language Functions ( 4 )

Write what you would say in the following situations: (4x1=4 Mark)

13- Your friend looks unhealthy and tired


14- someone broke your new camera.


15- Your brother wants to be a historian.


16- Your friend won a prize.


IV-Set book Questions (4 Marks)

A)-Answer ONLY TWO of the following questions: (2x1½=3 Marks)

17- What are the main throwing sports?



18- How can animals adapt in the desert?



B)Literature Time

Answer ONLY ONE of the following questions: (1x1=1 Marks)

19- Why do you think that Galileo's father was wrong about his son?



I-Writing ( 6 marks )

A)- With the help of the given guide words and phrases below , write a report of two

paragraphs ( 8 sentences ) about ( Athletics ) :

The first paragraph : (athletics – ancient – part– Olympic Games– variety )

The second paragraph : (running – jumping – high –long– throwing–discus–shot put )

Write your plan here




























II-Reading Comprehension ( 6 marks )

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:

Do you know how blueberries grow? They grow on bushes. Each blueberry is small and

round. Many blueberries can grow on one bush. At first, the blueberries are green. The green

berries are not ready to eat yet. They need a lot of sun and rain to help them become fat and

sweet. When the berries turn blue, they are ripe and ready to be picked.

Some farmers grow blueberries in big fields. The people who live nearby can earn money

by helping to pick the blueberries. Each one takes a bucket out to the field and fills it with

blueberries. Their work must be fast so that they can fill many buckets. They want to earn as

much money as they can. After the blueberries are picked, they are put into boxes and sent to

stores to be sold. Farmers work is not an easy one. They work very hard in such difficult

conditions to collect berries. But they feel so happy when the work has finished.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d: ( 3 X 1 = 3 )

1. The underlined pronoun Their refers to ……………………………….

a) People who live nearby b) blueberries

c) stores d)bushes

2. The word earn in line seven means ………………………………………………...

a) a taste like sugar b) a taste like lemon

c) get money d) spend money

3. The farmers feel happy when……………………………………..

a) the work begins b) they leave the bush

c) the work has finished d) live near the bush


B) Answer the following questions: ( 3 X 1 = 3 )

4 - What do blueberries look like?


5-Where do blueberries grow?


6- What is the best title can you give for this passage?


Vocabulary Lessons 1&2

Astonished (adj)

Very surprised

* The doctors were astonished at the speed of her recovery. مندهش

Incredible (adj)

Extremely good , great or unbelievable

* It is an incredible story.


Sink (v) To go down below the surface of the water.

* The titanic was a passenger ship which sank in 1912.


Flow (v) To move steadily in a current or a stream.

* Many short rivers flow into the pacific ocean.


Weigh (v) To have a specific weight.

* My brother is overweight .He weighs about 130 kilos.


Legend (n) An old story about adventures or magical events.

* Mr. Ahmed is fond of reading legends.


Crowded (adj) Full of people or things.

* The restaurant was so crowded yesterday.


Hailstone (n) A small ball of frozen rain.

* The heaviest hailstone in the world fell in Bangladesh .


Inhabitant (n) One of the people who live in particular a place

* It is a city of two million inhabitants.


Lessons 3&4

Spectacular (adj)

Very impressive.

* This is a spectacular building.


Nearly (adv) Almost, but not completely. تقريبا

Unit 4


* They’ d eaten nearly everything before we arrived.

Adventurous (adj) Not afraid of making risks.

* I’m trying to be more adventurous with my cooking.


Courtyard (n) An opened area enclosed by walls or buildings.

* The Sultan was allowed to enter the courtyard.


Dome (n) A rounded vault forming the roof of a building.

* The bird is flying over the dome of the mosque.


Minaret (n) A slender tower, especially that of a tower or a mosque.

* A Muezzin climbs to the top of the minaret to call for prayer.


Sultan (n) A Muslim sovereign.

* Sultan Ahmed turned to the peaceful activities.


Tile (n) A square piece of clay used for covering walls and floors.

* The floor was decorated with beautiful blue tiles.


Lessons 5&6

Archaeologist (n)

A scientist who studies human history.

* The archeologist discovered five huge large hoards.



Mask (n)

A likeness of a man's face moulded or sculpted in clay.

* The bank robbers wore masks throughout the raid. قناع

Probably (adv) Likely to happen or to come true.

* I’m probably going –it depends on the weather.



Hoard (n) Store of money or valuable things

* We found a huge hoard of tinned food.



Terracotta (n) A red material used in building or modeling.

* The courtyard is full of plants in terracotta pots.



Army (n) An organized and equipped military force

* When did you join the army?


Tomb (n) A burial place.

* People are buried in tombs.


Treasure (n) A quantity of precious metals gems, or other valuable things.

* When they opened up the tomb, they found a treasure.


Collect (v) To get things of the same type from different places and bring them together

* Our teacher asked me to collect the books.


Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c or d

1-The heaviest ………… the world fell in Bangladesh.

a- legends b- hailstones c- board d- minaret

2-The streets are very ………….. at the rush hour.

a-crowded b- astonished c- adventurous d- incredible

3- My favourite hobby is………….. stamps.


a- flowing b- carrying c- collecting d- sinking

4- The Castle is one of the most ………….. building in Egypt.

a- spectacular b- astonished c-crowded d- adventurous

5- The Blue Mosque has 20,000 handmade …………..

a- tiles b-legends c- minarets d- boards

6- I have ………….. finished all the work that you asked me to do.

a- rarely b- nearly c- likely d- probably

Fill in with words from the list:

(hailstone - dome - Archaeologists – probably - adventurous)

1-The…………..discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen in 1922.

2-Hamad likes climbing mountains, he is an …………

3- The Blue Mosque has a very amazing …………..

4- We will …………..go to the Dead Sea next year.

Fill in with words from the list :

(Incredible – inhabitants – astonished –minarets – terracotta-crowded )

1- I was …………..when I noticed his intelligence.

2- The Blue Mosque has six pointed …………..

3- There are over than 85 million ………… Egypt.

4- The Sahara Desert is a very ………place because it covers over 9 million square kilometers.

5- The Emperor of Qin was buried in 209 BC with 7000 soldiers that are made of…………...

GrAMMAR Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives:

Adjective Comparative



1 tall taller



hot hotter Hottest

dry drier Driest

2 dangerous more dangerous Most dangerous

beautiful more beautiful Most beautiful

exciting More exciting Most exciting


* If the adjective is two syllables or longer we use (the most) before the


* Short adjectives usually double the final consonant before adding er or est

Big Bigger Biggest


Irregular Forms of Comparatives and Superlatives

Adjectives Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst

Far Farther (further) farthest (furthest )

Little- some Less Least

Many- much More Most

Choose the correct word from a, b,c or d:

1- Cars are …………... than buses.

a- fast b- the fastest c- faster d- as fast

2- Fast food isn't …………..delicious as home cooking.

a-more b- as c- the most d-so

3- Football is …………...enjoyable than basketball.

a- more b- as c- the most d-best

4- A grizzly bear is as ………… elephant.

a- big b- bigger c-big as d- biggest

5- The planet Mars is …………..than the earth.

a- big b- bigger c- biggest d- more big

6- Mount Everest is …………..than Mount Kilimanjaro.

a- higher b- high c-highest d- as high as

7- My school is as ………… yours .

a-newer b- new c- newest d-the new

8- Which is …………...interesting, Science or English?

a- more b-much c- many d- most

Do as shown in brackets:

1- Egypt is large. Saudi Arabia is large. (Join using" as ………as")


2- A BMW car is as expensive as a Hammer car. (Change into negative)

as ……(adjective)… The grizzly bear is as tall as an elephant.

(not) as……(adjective)… The planet Mars is not as big as the planet Earth.



3- A year is longer than a month. (Begin with "a month")


4- Abdullah went to Dubai last winter. (Ask a question)


5-An Olympic swimmer can swim fast .A tiger shark can swim fast. (Use as…….as)


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- The Sahara Desert is ………….. than the other 12 major deserts.

a- big b- bigger c- the biggest d- biggest

2- The Nile is the ………….. river in the world.

a-longer b-longest c-long d-longer than

3- The Sultan ordered a new mosque to be …………..

a-built b- build c-building d- builds

4- The Blue Mosque is …………..known in Istanbul.

a- good b- better c-as good as d- the best

5- Mawsyram in India is the ………….. place on the planet.

a-wettest b-wet c- wetter d-as wet


With the help of the given guide words and phrases below , write a report of two

paragraphs ( 8 sentences ) about ( The Blue Mosque ) :

The first paragraph : (Sultan Ahmed – ordered – mosque – tiles – blue)

The second paragraph : (impressive – Istanbul – attractions – visit )

Write your plan here

The Blue Mosque …………………………………………………………………………………………..












Vocabulary Lessons 1&2

Act (v) To perform in a play or a movie.

* He acted the role of the hero.


Aeroplane (n) A powerful flying vehicle with fixed and a great wings.

* She has her own aeroplane.


Conversation (n)

An informal spoken exchange of news and ideas.

* It’s impossible to go on a conversation with this noise going on!


Event (n) An important thing that happens or takes place

* Olympic games will be the biggest sporting event.



Ever (adv) Any time.

* Have you ever been to England?

في أي


Own (adj) Belonging to a particular person.

* She makes all her own clothes.

خاص بــــ

Questionnaire A set of printed questions. استطالع

Unit 5


(n) * Visitors are asked to fill in a questionnaire. رأي

Lessons 3&4

Conversation (n)

An informal spoken exchange of news and ideas.

* It’s impossible to go on a conversation with this noise going on!


Modern (adj) Belonging to the present time.

* Modern inventions are very useful in our life.


Really (adv) Very, extremely.

* It's a really wonderful view.

-في الحقيقة


Skyscraper (n) A very tall modern city building.

* There are many high skyscrapers in Dubai.



Honour (v) To show that someone is respected and admired

* The school honoured the best teachers.


Webpage (n) A page on the internet.

* His webpage is visited by millions of people.



Illustrate (v) Provide a book with pictures.

* The book is illustrated with pictures.



Lessons 5&6

Suddenly (adv) Quickly or unexpectedly.

* I suddenly realized what I said, but it was too late.


Give up (v) To stop trying to do something.

* You must give up smoking.

يقلع عن

Honour (v) To show that someone is respected and admired

* The school honoured the best teachers.


Valuable (adj) Extremely useful, valuable or expensive.

* These antiques are extremely valuable.



Top (n) Best or most successful.

* There were flags on the top of many of the buildings.

في القمة


Recently (adv) Not a long time.

* Recently, I have been feeling a bit sad.



Career (n) A job or profession that you have trained for.

* He’s hoping for a career in the police force.



Weak (adj) Not physically strong

* It is not surprising you feel weak if you haven’t eaten for days.


Well-known (adj)

Known by a lot of people.

* He is a well known artist.


مشهور –

Fill in with words from the list:


( suddenly - Skyscraper - own – ever - well- known – Recently – top )

1-………….., engineers discovered oil in the desert which is an expensive treasure.

2-All teachers like this pupil because he is the …………..of the class.

3-Have you …………..been to France?

4- He always sits on his…………..chair which was his first birthday’s present.

5- Bashar Abdulla is a …………..footballer and we all like him.

6- A car ………….. came towards the young boy but luckily he wasn’t hurt.

Fill in with words from the list :

(valuable – give up – career – weak - conversation – questionnaire)

1- I dream of a bright…………..for my sons.

2- My father has a medical problem because of smoking so he must………….. smoking.

3- My friend got top marks in the exam so his father bought him a ………….. mobile.

4- It's not surprising you feel …………..if you haven't eaten properly for days.

5-Visitors to the country have been asked to fill in a detailed …………..

Choose the correct answer from a ; b ;c or d:

1-These tall buildings are the tallest………….. in the city.

a- events b- skyscrapers c- webpages d- careers

2-My mother always ………….. the lessons with pictures to help me understand.

a- illustrates b - acts c- gives up d- honours

3-We sold our old computer and bought a………….. laptop.

a-modern b-own c- weak d- sudden

4-Tariq Al-Ali is a …………..Kuwaiti actor.

a- well- known b- really c- Olympic d- weak

5-Our teachers like to ………….. excellent pupils.

a- honour b- give up c- illustrate d- act

6- Some people like to search websites, others like to read English …………..

a- webpages b- careers c- skyscrapers d- questionnaires


Present perfect

*Use the present perfect to talk about experiences in our life up to the

present. We don't say exactly when.

-Have you visited any other countries?

-I have been to Italy and France.

*An event in the past that has an effect on the present the present. -I have decided to leave now. (regular)


Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :

1- He is always wanted to …………..the part of Hamlet.

a- acting b- acted c-act d-acts

2- Have you………….. for the new lesson?

a- prepare b- prepares c- prepared d-preparing

3- Ahmed………… the supermarket.

a- have been b-has been c- been d- have gone

4-I have ………… Egypt on the last holiday with my family.

a- was b- am c- been d- were

5- Salem …………..his hand and he is now at the hospital.

a- has cut b- have cut c-cuts d- was cutting

6-Have you ever ………… a tent?


a- slept b- sleep c- sleeps d- sleeping

7- Jamal ………….. in a tent yesterday.

a- have slept b- has slept c- sleep d-slept

8- We ………….. the museum in our town.

a- have visited b- has visited c- visits d- was visiting

Do as shown in brackets:

1- I have (fly) in an aeroplane. (Correct the verb)


2- She has already done her homework. (Negative)


3- Yes, I’ve seen the Pyramids. (Ask a question)


4- I have worked in this company for 20 years. (Use: ago)


5- She has set a world record. (Begin with: They)


LANGUAGE FUNCTION Write what you would say in the following situations:

1-While walking on the beach, you saw some children throwing rubbish.


2-You want to know someone's nationality .


3-Your brother looks at handicapped people in a strange way.


4- One of your friend has disease that makes his muscles weak.



With the help of the given guide words and phrases below , write a report of two

paragraphs ( 8 sentences ) about ( Handicapped people ) :

The first paragraph : (physical – mental – disability – wheelchair– alone )

The second paragraph : (help – clubs – schools – respect– positive )

Write your plan here


Handicapped people …………………………………………………………………………………………..











-Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:

Holly Meade has been illustrating children's books since 1991. Before that, she worked as

an artist for a magazine and a flag company. In 1997, the American Library Society awarded

her a prize called Caldecott Honour for illustrating the story "Hush! A Thai Lullaby". Caldecott

Honour is an award only given to some of the best illustrators of American picture books for



Holly Meade uses watercolour paints, and cut or torn paper to create her artwork. Just as

authors revise their stories, artists often have to change their illustrations several times. Holly

Meade says that she makes hundreds of drawings for each picture book she illustrates.

"Working on the story, Cocoa Ice ,was exciting," says Holly Meade. She found it a

challenge because she could illustrate both a warm, tropical place and a cold, wintry one in the

same book. "This story has made me more interested in my artistic career. I hope I will be able

to produce more works like that", said Holly Meade one day.

A)-Choose the best completion from a, b, c or d:

1-The best title for this passage is-----------------

a- a famous doctor b- a flag company

c-a famous artist d- a famous player

2-The pronoun(her) in line(3) refers to-----------

a- Caldecott Honour b- Holly Meade

c- Cocoa Ice d- Thai Lullaby

3-The word (illustrate) in in line (9) means-----------

a- to write stories b- to provide with pictures

c- to listen to stories d- to sell stories

B)-Answer the following questions:

4-Why did Holly Meade find Cocoa Ice a challenge?


5-Where did Holly Meade work before illustrating children's book?


6-What does Holly Meade use to create her artwork?



Lessons 1&2

Hearty (adj) A meal that is large and wholesome. شهي-

Unit 6


* She always makes hearty meals in Ramadan. كبير

Extremely (adv)

To a very great degree

* They played extremely well.



Stingy (adj)

Not generous

* Although he is rich , he is stingy .


Leftover (n) Food that hasn’t been eaten

* The poor servant ate the leftover of his master's meal.


Cattle (n) Cows and bulls kept on a farm for meat and milk.

*He has a big cattle farm. ماشية

Porridge (n) Oats that are cooked with milk or water.

*I like eating a hot porridge in breakfast.


Inhale (v) To breathe in air , smoke or gas

* She opened the window and inhaled deeply.



Deeply (adv) To express that a belief or an opinion is strong

* After twenty years of marriage, they are still deeply in love.


Furious (adj) Very angry.

* He is furious about the way he’s been treated.



Lessons 3&4

Penpal (n) A friend that you know by writing.

* I have got a penpal in Australia.



Let (v) Allow someone to do something.

* He asked his father to let him do what he likes. -يسمح


Fortnight (n) Two weeks.

* I have stayed in Bahrain for a fortnight. أسبوعين

Present (n) Something given in a special occasion.

* I `d like to buy a birthday present to my sister. هدية

Actually (adv) Used to add new information to what you have said

* I don’t actually see her – I just heard her voice .


Keep in touch (V)

Keep in talking or writing to someone.

* We kept in touch for 20 years because we were friends.

يبقي علي


Local (adj) Related to the particular living area.

* It is a local newspaper – it is only published in Kuwait.


Lessons 5&6

Dispose of (phr .v)

To get rid of something

* Astronauts have to dispose of their own rubbish.



Rubbish (n) Things that are no longer needed and are thrown away. قمامة


* You must put rubbish in the bin.

Gravity (n) The force that pulls things to the ground.

* The apple was pulled down by the force of gravity.


Strap (n) A narrow band of a strong material used to hold onto something

* Astronauts use straps to keep their food on tables. -شريط

خيط رفيع

Float (v) Moving or staying up in the air.

* You can flat very easily in the Dead sea because it is very salty.


Shuttle (n) A space craft that makes regular short journeys.

* The shuttle is a vehicle in which people travel into space. مكوك


Inflatable (adj) An object that has to be filled with air before using it.

* It is an inflatable balloon. خقابل للنف

Glove (n) A piece of cloth that you wear on your hand to keep it warm.

* You must protect your hands by a pair of gloves in the laboratory.


Spacesuit (n) A special protective suit that people wear at space.

* The space suit is to protect the body when outside a space craft.



Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

( hearty – stingy – furious – deeply – porridge)

1 -I do not like people who are ………….because they don’t like to help the others.

2 - After 20 years of marriage, they're still ………… love.

3 -The ………….is a thick soft food made from oats boiled in milk or water, eaten hot for breakfast.

4 - Yesterday I was late and the teacher was …………..with me.

Fill in the spaces with words from the list :

( penpal – let – fortnight– present – local – keep in touch – Actually )

1 - I like writing letters to my …………..

2 - You should …………..with all your friends.

3 -I'd like to spend a ………… in Dubai.

4 -They gave me theatre tickets as a…………..when I got high marks.

5 - Many …………..shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built.

6 - I didn't ………….. see her . I just heard her voice.

Choose the correct words between brackets :

1- We ate a ………….. breakfast before we set off.

a- weak b- hearty c- positive d- inflatable

2- She became ill shortly after …………..the smoke.

a- eating b- disposing c-inhaling d - floating

3- Things are pulled to the ground by the force of …………..

a- air b- gravity c- win d- spacesuit 4- The American space …………..can be used many times to put payloads in space.


a-car b- glove c- shuttle d- gravity

5- She wanted to go but her parents wouldn't ………….. her.

a- let b- give c- tell d- inhale

6- You can wear a pair of ………………to protect your hands.

a- shoes b- jacket c-gloves d- shuttle

Since For

yesterday a month

last week a year

Monday a day

April a week

summer a minute

7 o'clock a long time

this morning a short time

then weeks

Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c and d:

1-Louise has been in this room………….. three hours.

a- for b- since c- ago d- ever

2- We have run this website…………..2005

a- for b- since c- ago d- never

3- They've had their house ………….. two years.

a- for b- since c- ago d- while

4- You have been my friend …………..I was a child.

a- for b- since c- ago d- when

5- The museum has had fifteen thousand visitors …………..April.

a- for b- since c- ago d- ever

6- I've had this headache …………..five hours.

a- for b- since c- ago d- never

7- How long have you …………... in this house?

a- live b- live c- lived d- while

8- How long have you………….. your best friend?

For & Since *Use "for” to describe the length of a period of time ( fifteen minutes , a

day, a month , a year….etc)

Ex: I've been here for two years.

*Use “Since” to describe the point when the time period started. It is used

with a specific date or time such as (yesterday, last week, Monday, April


Ex : He has lived there since 2008.


a- known b- know c- knew d- when

9- How long…………..he studied English ?

a- have b- has c- had d- ever

10- Have you…………..seen the Pyramids?

a- ever b- never c- yet d- since

Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c and d:

1- I haven't seen Ali…………..three weeks.

a- since b- for c- in d- at

2- …………..comes to the park because it is very hot these days.

a-Everybody b- Anybody c- Nobody d- something

3- I like ………….. my evenings watching television.

a- spend b-spends c- spending d-spent

4- If you play well, you ………….. the match.

a- will win b- would win c- won't win d- wouldn't win

5-It's too hot ………….. go out now.

a- that b- to c- because d- too

Do as shown between brackets :

1- I (not see) my uncle since 2012. (Correct the verb)


2- She (not have) Italian food since last year (Tag question)


3- Ahmed has written his homework. (Make negative)


4- They have studied English for five years. (Ask a question)


5- I (know) my best friend since I was ten. (Correct)


6- He's had his new laptop since last week. (Correct the verb)


7- We have been at this school for 3 years. (Use : since)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………. LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS

B)What would you say in the following situations :

1) Someone said it is hot in Kuwait in summer.


2) You brother is very ill


3) There are dark clouds in the sky.


4)Your father is travelling to Canada next winter .




With the help of the given guide words and phrases below , write a report of two

paragraphs ( 8 sentences ) about ( Life in space ) :

The first paragraph : (living – camping – need – rubbish– special equipment )

The second paragraph : (casual clothes – tinned food – straw – plate– float– gravity )

Write your plan here

Life in space














-Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:

Once, there was a rich man who had two servants, Rashid and Omar, who worked so hard

and so honestly that he made them secretaries in one of his companies. The day after they had

become secretaries, the rich man asked them "Why did I employ you in my company?" Rashid

said "That is because I'm a lucky man", but Omar said, "That is because you are kind and

generous. "The rich man was pleased with them. He decided to reward them because they were

very honest. He gave Rashid a coconut and Omar a bunch of ripe bananas, but when he gave

the bananas to Omar, he put a very valuable ring in the bananas bunch.

While the two men were walking, Omar told Rashid that his wife didn't like bananas.

Rashid agreed to exchange the fruit. In the evening, when Rashid was eating the bananas, he

found the ring in them.

At once, he hurried to the rich man to tell him what had happened. The rich man sent for

Omar and said to him ,"I gave you the ring because you said I'm generous but it seems that

Rashid is lucky as he said."

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d :

1-The underlined pronoun (he) in line (12) refers to……….

a- the rich man b- Omar

c- Rashid d- a lucky man

2-The underlined word valuable in line (7) means……………

a- extremely expensive b- extremely lucky

c- extremely big d- extremely cheap

3-The main idea of the passage is……..

a- People should exchange presents b- We should help our friends

c- People should work hard and be honest d- The bunch of ripe bananas

B) Answer the following questions: (3x1=3Marks)

4- What were Rashid and Omar before becoming secretaries?



5- Why did the rich man reward the servants ?


6-Where did the rich man put the valuable ring ?


2014 م / 2013 العام الدراسي دولة الكويت

وزارة التربية الرابعةالفترة اختبار

التعليميةالفروانيةمنطقة المجال : اللغة اإلنجليزية

م بنين المال عبد العزيز العنجرى مدرسة ثامنلالصف ا

( صفحات تساالختبار في ) ساعتانالزمن :

................../ 9: الصف . ..................................................................اسم الطالب :

االستيعاب (-التعبير-الكتاب المقرر –الوظائف اللغوية –القواعد –) المفردات

I-Vocabulary (8 Marks)

A)-Choose the suitable answers from a, b ,c or d: (4x1=4 Marks)

1- I filled a………………………….about TV channels.

a) application b) questionnaire

c) civilization d) shuttle

2- Travelling to space is like camping that's why astronauts have to ………….. their rubbish.

a) keep in touch b) dispose of

c) let d) float

3- Ahmed Zewail was …………..and got The Nobel Prize

a) honoured b) astonished

c) illustrated d) worried

4- She became ill shortly after …………..the smoke.

a) disposing b) inhaling

c) sinking d) floating

B)-Fill in the spaces with words from the list: (4x1=4 Marks)

(domes – career –incredible– inhabitant–stingy)


5- An…………………..650 million people live in the desert..

6- Parent can know their children’s ……………… watching out their behaviors

7- The Blue Mosque is not blue at all _ except its ……………..

8- I do not like people who are ………….because they don’t like to help the others

ـ الصفحة رقم ) 0 (2014/ 2013 امتحان الصف الثامن ـ الفترة الثانية

II- Grammar (5 Marks)

A)-Choose the correct answers from a, b ,c or d: (4x½=2 Marks)

9- To achieve your goals , you should have a strong will and never give………….hope .

a) over b) above

c) up d) down

10- Have you…………..seen the Pyramids?

a) ever b) never

c) yet d) since

11- Today you can go to ………… on Earth by planes.

a) further b) the farthest

c) furthest d) far

12- My brother spends his free time…………… games .

a) to watch b) watching

c) watches d) watched

B)-Do as shown in brackets: (3x1=3 Marks)

13- The Arabian Desert is larger than the Gobi Desert. (Use as…………as)


14- I have known Hamad ……………… I was three. (Complete)


15- His leg was broken while he (train) for match. (Correct )


III-Language Functions (6 Marks )

A)-Write what you would say in the following situations: (4x1½=6 Ma

16- A friend of yours has damaged your camera .



17- You want to know your brother's opinion of your storybook .


18- Your cousin doesn't know how to use his new IPad .


19- Your friend would like to travel to Abu Dhabi.


ـ الصفحة رقم ) 1 (2014/ 2013 امتحان الصف الثامن ـ الفترة الثانية

IV-Set book Questions (5 Marks)

A)-Answer Only three the following questions: (3x1=3 Marks)

20- What do astronauts need in their journeys into space?



21- When you are fit, you are healthier '' (Explain in your point of view)



22- If you were an artist, how would you help your country?



23- Why is the Blue Mosque so called ?



B)Literature Time

-Answer Only one the following questions: (1x2=2 Mark)

24- Do you think Marconi gave us something important? Why?



25- Eppie was grateful to Silas. Explain .




ـ الصفحة رقم ) 4 (2014/ 2013 امتحان الصف الثامن ـ الفترة الثانية

I-Composition (12 Marks)

With the help of the given guide words and phrases below, write a report of two paragraphs

(10 sentences) about your visit to London to watch (The last Olympic Games).

1st paragraph : London – the last Olympic Games / journey / hotel/


paragraph: the opening ceremony/ matches / athletes-gold medals/ happy.

Write your plan here


ـ الصفحة رقم ) 5 (2014/ 2013 امتحان الصف الثامن ـ الفترة الثانية

The last Olympic Games ……………………………………………………………………………………………






















ـ الصفحة رقم ) 6 (2014/ 2013 امتحان الصف الثامن ـ الفترة الثانية

II-Reading Comprehension (14 Marks)

-Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:

Fitness is used in two meanings: general fitness (health and well-being) and specific fitness (a

task that based on the ability to do particular aspects of sports).

Fitness is the ability of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles to function at the best

efficiency. In previous years, it was known as the ability to do the day’s activities without the

feeling of tiredness. But nowadays, as a result of the changes in lifestyles following the

industrial revolution, this definition is not enough.

Efficiency is the best key. Fitness is now known as the body’s ability to function efficiently

to be healthy, to resist diseases, and to meet emergency situations. Fitness can also be divided

into four types: First, aerobic fitness that makes your heart and lungs work hard like swimming

and roller-skating. Second, resistance fitness (muscular strength and endurance) that builds up

your muscles like press-ups and weight lifting. Third, stretching fitness that makes you flexible

like yoga. Finally, body composition which contains all types of exercises.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d: (4x2 =8 Marks)

1- This passage is mainly about ………..…………………...

a) emergency situations b) physical fitness

c) heart operation d) resistance exercises

2-The underlined pronoun( it) in line (4) refers to……………………

a) efficiency b)fitness


c) muscles d) yoga

3- A fit person is able to resist…………………….

a) weight lifting b) strong muscles

c) various diseases d) body composition

4- …………………….were mentioned in the passage .

a) three b) four

c) five d) six

B) Answer the following questions: (3x2= 6 Marks)

5. Why are aerobic exercises important to your body?



6. Which body parts help you to do exercises efficiently?



7-What happened as a result of the changes in lifestyles following the industrial revolution?



Set Book

Unit One

1- What is sprinting?

* It is running very fast over a short distance.

2- In your opinion, why should we practise running?

* Because it gives us a lot of energy.

3-What are the main jumping activities?

* High jump and long jump.

4- What should you do before jumping to jump further?

* I should bend my knees and swing my arms.

5-What are the main throwing sports?

* Javelin, discus and shot put.

6- Why should you use soft equipment to practise throwing?

* To prevent injury to my muscles.

7-Where can we practise the athletics?

* In the athletics club.

8-Why do people like athletics?


* Because they enjoy the variety.

9-How long is a marathon?

* It is 42 kilometres long.

10-How can we keep fit?

*By walking. *By running. *By playing a friendly game.

11- When you are fit, you are healthier '' (Explain in your point of view)

* Because I can study better and do daily tasks better.

12-What are the Main exercises?

*Aerobic. *Resistance. *Stretching

13-Mention examples of aerobic exercises.

*Running * Swimming *Football

14-Mention examples of resistance exercises.

*Press-ups * Weight lifting

15-Mention an example of stretching exercises .


16-In your opinion ,what type of exercise do you prefer and why?

* Aerobic such as swimming because it makes my heart and lungs work hard.

*Resistance such as press-ups and weight lifting because it is good for building my muscles.

*Stretching such as yoga because it makes a person more flexible.

17-How are aerobic exercises useful ?

*They make the heart and lungs work hard.

18-How are Resistance exercises useful ?

* They are good for building up our muscles.

19-Why are stretching exercises useful ?

*Because they make you more flexible cool you down .

20-What does the Olympic Flag represent?

* The five continents of the world and Olympic friendship.

21-How often does the Olympic Games take place?

*It takes place every four years .


22-When does the Winter Olympics happen ?

*It happens two years after the Summer Olympics .

23-Mention some winter olympic sports .

*Ice hocky * skating * snowboarding * skiing

25-Pentathlon includes ……….,……….,……….,…………,…………..

*Pentathlon includes running ,jumping,discus,javelin and wrestling .

Unit two

1- Where do farmers drive their cows?

* Farmers drive their cows to meadows.

2- Why do farmers drive their cows to meadows?

* Farmers drive their cows to meadows to feed them.

3- Where do water lilies grow?

* They grow along banks of rivers and lakes.

4- Mention some old musical instrument.

*The harp. *The flute. *The Oud.

5- How should we deal with our parents ?

*We should respect and obey them.

6- What can you do in Kubar Island?

* I can go swimming and snorkelling.

* I can walk along the beach.

7-How can you go to Kubar Island?

* By ferry .

8- Which island do you prefer to visit in Kuwait? Why?

* Failka Island because it is full of temples and old things.

* Kubar Island because I enjoy swimming and snorkeling.

9- Do you think that pearling is still important to Kuwait's economy?

* No, because pearling began to die out in 1930s.


10- What was Kuwait famous for in the past?

* Kuwait was famous for pearl diving .

11- What is Kuwait famous for nowadays?

* Kuwait is famous for oil .

12- What are pearls?

* They are small,shiny ball-like gems formed in the shells of oysters .

13- Why did people want Kuwaiti pearls?

* As a sign of wealth .

14- Why did the tradition of having Kuwaiti pearls die out?

* Because of the introduction of cheaper cultured pearls in Japan .

15- What did divers wear in the past?

*A wrap-around skirt * A black suit *A nose clip * A neck basket

16- How did workers prepare for pearl fishing ?

*Workers placed dhow along the sea shore. They filled any holes with pieces of oily

cotton and spread shark oil and powder over the main part of the ship.

16- Should we talk to old experienced people? Why?

* Yes, we should to learn how to use things properly in our life and job.

Unit three

1-Where did Nazca people live ?

* They lived in the desert of Peru, in South America.

2-What were the Nazca people famous for ?

* They were famous for their long lines and huge pictures.

3-How did Nazca people make the pictures ?

* By taking the red sand from the surface of the desert to show the yellow rock beneath.

4-In your opinion '' Why did Nazca people make their lines and pictures?

* Nobody knows for sure.

* To tell when to plant their crops.


* Nazca lines are an airport for space travellers .

* The Nazca lines point to water underground.

5- Mention some types of deserts.

* Rocky *Sandy *Frozen

6- What are the resources of the desert?

* Oil, gold and diamonds.

7- What to you need to survive in the desert?

*I must find water and keep cool.

4- How can people, animal and plants survive in the desert?

* People must have water and keep cool. Animals and plants adapt in order to survive.

8- How can animals and plants adapt in the desert?

* Cacti are full of liquid

* Some animals have a layer of fat to adapt in cold desert.

* Others have a special skin to adapt in hot desert.

* Some animals never drink.

* Many animals come out only at night .

7- What is an oasis?

* It is a cool place in the desert that has water and plants.

9-How do nomadic people adapt in the desert ?

* They wear special clothes to protect them from the sand, wind and sun.

10- Where do you think nomadic people live now? Why?

* They moved to live in modern cities and towns because of the industrial revolution of the world.

11- Suggest some ideas to help your country use the deserts.

*Building new cities. *Planting crops. *Searching for treasures


1- Mention some of the incredible places in the world.

* The dead sea * The giant causeway * The Nile * The Sahara desert.

2- Name some famous deserts in the Arab world.


*The Sahara Desert *The Arabian Desert

3-What is the largest desert in the world?

*The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.

4-What is the longest river in the world?

*The Nile is the longest river in the world.

5-What is the deepest point in the sea?

*The Marianas Trench is the deepest point in the sea.

6-What is the world record for Tokyo?

* It is the most crowded city in the world.

7-What is the lowest place on Earth?

* The Dead Sea is the lowest place on Earth.

8- What’s the giant causeway?

* It is a causeway in Ireland. In the Irish legend, it is a causeway for giants to walk across the sea.

9-Which country has the most lakes?

* Canada has the most lake.

10- Why is the Blue Mosque so called?

* Because of the blue tiles that decorate the inside walls.

11- What is the proper name of the Blue Mosque?

* It is Sultan Ahmed Mosque.

12- Why did the Sultan build the blue mosque?

* He wanted to build the most impressive mosque in Istanbul.

13- What is a minaret?

* It is a tall , narrow tower joined to a mosque.

14- How many minarets does the Blue Mosque have?

* It has six minarets .

15- Why are minarets built?

*They are built for the muezzin to call the people for prayer.

16- Who was the only person allowed to enter the courtyard of the Blue Mosque on a horseback?

* The Sultan.


17-Why did the Sultan have to lower his head when he rode under the chain?

* As a sign of respect .

18- Name some famous mosques in the Islamic World.

*Al Azhar El Sherif (Cairo) *The Mosque of the Prophet.( KSA)

*The Grand Mosque (Kuwait)

19- Where was the tomb of Tutankhamen hidden?

* It was hidden in The Valley of the Kings, Luxor. Egypt.

20- What was the tomb of Tutankhamen filled with?

* It was filled with fantastic treaures.

21- What did ancient people do with their treasures in times of trouble?

* They hid them .

22- If you were a rich man , where would you keep your treasures?

* I would hide my money in a safe place or in the bank.

23- What was Tell el-Ajjul?

* It was a city in Palestine.

24- Who was Lord Pacal?

* He was a Mayan king.

25-What did people bury with the Emperor Qin?

* They buried terracotta soldiers and horses.

Unit 5 1- What does an artist do to help children?

* An artist draws paintings to illustrate lessons.

2- If you were an artist, how would you help your country?

* I would travel around the world to represent my country.

3- Name some places tourists can visit in Abu Dhabi.

*Al-Hisn Fort *The Old Souk *Batinah Harbour.

4- Make a list of places visitors can visit in your country. (Kuwait)


*Kuwait Towers *The Scientific Centre. *Failaka Island.

5- What is a skyscraper ?

* It is a very tall modern building.

5- What would you do to be a famous star in your country?

*Studying hard. *Doing good work *Representing my country anywhere.

6-How should we look at handicapped people ?

*We should look at them in a positive way .

7-How can we help the handicapped?

*By building special schools for them.

*By building specials clubs .

Unit 6 1- Why don't people like stingy ones?

* Because they are selfish and never help the others or offer them food or money.

2- What should rich people do to poor people?

*They should help them.

*They should offer them help and be kind to them.

3-What do get from goats?

*We get milk, meat and skin.

4- What does a village chief do?

*He takes care of the people in the village and makes sure that justice is done.

5-How can you keep in touch with other people ?

*By sending e-mails . *By mobile. *By chatting .

6- What do astronauts need in their journeys into space?

*They need special equipment. *Tinned or dried food.

7- If you were an astronaut, how would you help your country?

* Doing space researches to help my country.

8- Living in space is a bit like camping.Explain .

*You have to take everything you need. *You use special equipment .

*You have to dispose of your rubbish .


9- Why don't astronauts use knives, forks and plates in space?

*Because they float away .

10- Why do all things float in space?

* Because there is no gravity .

11- Why are spacesuits white?

* They are white to be visible in space .

12- What does LES stand for ?

*Launch Entry Suit .

13-What does ISS stand for ?

*International Space Station .

14-What kind of food do astronauts eat?

*All their food is in tins or dried. They add water to drinks and they drink through a straw.

15-What do astronauts wear in the shuttle?

*They wear a special suit called Launch Entry Suit.

16-What kind of suits do astronauts wear during their space walk?

*They wear specialized suits with finger heaters in their gloves.

17- What does an astronaut do?

* He flies a spaceship and makes experiments in space.

18- What can we learn from studying space?

*We learn about our environment and life on other planets.

19-What is the ISS for?

*It helps make research of space. Also to help explore space and to experiment in space.

Literature time! Stars in his Eyes

Summary "Stars in his eyes" is a historical story that consists of an abbreviated biography of the

great experimenter and astronomer, Galileo Galilei, who made many important contributions

to astronomy and physics, and who also built his own telescopes.

The story is about a dreaming boy, Galileo, who was interested in observing everything

around him. His father and teachers blamed him much that he always looked at stars. But that

gift helped him to find out great discoveries.


Title of the story Stars in his Eyes

Main characters Galileo , his father

Place Pisa, Italy

Main problem People didn’t believe Galileo and his father thought that he was a dreamer.

How the story ends Galileo proved that he was right.

1- What did Galileo's father always ask Galileo to do?

*The father always asked him to stop looking at stars and help him.

2- Why do you think that Galileo's father was wrong?

* Because Galileo proved that he was a great experimenter and astronomer and made

many important discoveries that helped the whole world.

3- Why was Galileo sent to school?

* He was sent to school so that he would become a doctor.

4- In your opinion, how can somebody learn easily?

*I think any one can learn easily if he likes what he learns.

5- How old was Galileo when he made his first discovery?

* He was eighteen.

6- What qualities should a good scientist have?

* I think he should be a good observer and a hard worker.

7- What did Galileo want to prove?

* He wanted to prove that the two weights will reach the ground at the same time because

of the ground gravity.

8- Were the people surprised to see the balls fall together? Why?

* Yes. They had just seen something that they could not believe: they believed that the

heavier weight would arrive to the ground first.

9- Write four discoveries or inventions Galileo made to help the world.

* He made a compass to point north. He measured the heat of air with a thermometer. He

discovered that the earth and all other planets move around the sun. He built his own telescope.

10-Why do you think that Galileo was a great man?

* Because he could turn from a dreaming boy everyone blames to be a great man who

opened the beauties of the heavens to people on Earth.

Silas Marner Summary

"Silas Marner" is a story about a miser man called Silas Marner who had been betrayed by

his dearest friend to marry his fiancée. Silas Marner had been accused of a crime he didn’t

commit. He ran away to a far way village where he worked as a weaver. He worked hard and

saved most of his money under the floor. In that village there were two wicked sons who

wasted their father's money: Godfrey and Dunstan. Godfrey married secretly to Molly.


Dunstan had debts so he stole Silas' gold stealthily and ran away. One day Molly went to Silas'

cottage where she died and left her daughter, Eippe, with Silas who brought her up as his

adopted daughter. Sails' gold was retuned back again. Eventually Eppie married a farm

labourer, but she never left Silas alone.

Title of the story Silas Marner

Main characters Silas Marner, Eppie

Place A small village called Raveloe.

Main problem Silas was a miser man who had many disasters in his life.

How the story ends He had found a little girl who turned his life to be beautiful finally.

Characters: Silas Marner – a weaver and miser who is betrayed by his wicked friend William Dane,

and make a small fortune only to have it stolen by Dunstan Cass. Despite these misfortunes,

he finds his faith and virtue restored by the arrival of young Eppie.

Eppie – child of Molly and Godfrey, who is cared for by Silas after the death of her mother.

She was married to a labourer who she had fallen in love and she stayed with her husband to

care for Silas.

1- What was Silas Marner accused of?

* He was accused of stealing money.

2- What would you do if you were accused of a crime you didn’t commit?

* I would try to prove my innocence.

3-Why did Silas Marner's friend commit the crime and blame Silas for it?

*To marry Silas's fiancée himself.

4- Who is the good friend in your opinion?

*The one I can trust and never cheats me.

5- Why do you think the people were suspicious of Silas Marner?

* Because he was always alone and never tried to communicate with the people around him.

6-How should we deal with our parents?

* We should deal with our parents with great respect and share our secrets with them.

7- How did Silas's life change?

* It became bright after he found someone to care about and to get out of his loneliness.

8- For Eppie, who is the real father in your opinion? Why?

* I think the real father is Silas Marner because he was the one that brought her up and cared

about her.

A sound in the Air Summary "A sound in the Air" is a historical story that consists of an abbreviated biography of a famous

Italian scientist, Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937). Marconi is the best known for his

experiments on what he called the "wireless telegraph", the technology of which later


developed into radio. Like Galileo, Marconi failed to shine at school, and built his own

equipment. Marconi was awarded the 1909 Noble Prize in Physics for his work on radio.

Title of the story A sound in the Air

Main characters Marconi , his father and his mother

Place Italy

Main problem Marconi's father didn’t think the wireless sound would ever be important.

How the story ends Marconi's discovery led to many wonderful things like the radio

1- Why did people laugh at Marconi?

* Because he had such big ears.

2- Why shouldn’t we laugh at other people?

* Because mocking at others hurts their feelings and they may be better than us.

3- What was special about young Marconi?

* It was that he loved books and he had a curious mind and always wanted to prove for

himself what he read.

4- If you want to achieve success in your life, you must have strong will. Comment through

your study to "A sound in the Air".

*I think that is completely right, as we read in our story people used to laugh at Marconi

and his thoughts, but he managed finally to achieve all the success he dreamt of and get the

people's respect.

5- How did Marconi surprise his parents?

* He touched a little machine, and two floors below there was the sound of a buzz.

6- How could parents help their creative sons to succeed?

* To believe in what their children do and show them interest.

7- Why did Marconi take his invention to England?

* Because in England at that time the public were ready to hear new ideas.

8- How could governments help scientists to give their best?

*By adopting their new ideas and dedicate money for their researches.

9- How could Marconi's machine save many people's souls?

* Many people on two ships were in troubles and sent out calls for help. Marconi's wireless

stations on the shore received the calls and sent help at once.

10- Do you think Marconi gave us something important? Why?

* Sure Marconi gave us something wonderful which led to many more wonderful things,

like the radio, which we enjoy today

Language Functions

Situation Realization


*Your friend says that Kuwait is a wonderful country.


* I agree with you./ You're right.

* You broke your friend's pen. Apology

* I'm sorry.

Your friend says: " Let's go shopping."

Your friend got high marks in the exam.

Approval :

* That's a good idea!

* Well done!

Your friend says I can eat forty apples.

Disbelief :

* I can’t believe it ./ Are you joking?/

Rubbish ! Nonsense ! What a liar!

* Your brother introduces his friend to you.

* You introduces your friend to your father.

* You met a new friend.


* Pleased to meet you.

* This is my friend. * How do you do?

Your father is carrying a heavy bag. * Offer:

* May I help you? / Can I help you?

* Your friend says: " I'm sorry."

Release from blame:

*Never mind. / That's all right / Don't


* You want your brother to help you.

* You want to borrow your friend's camera.

Request :

* Would/ Can you help me?

* Would you lend me your camera,


* Your friend feels bored.

* You want to go fishing with your friends.


* Let's go fishing.

* How about/ What about going fishing?

* Why don't we go fishing?

* Your father gave you a present.

* Someone helped you.

* You helped your friend and he thanked you.


* Thank you

* Thank you/ You're very kind/ It's very

kind of you

*Not at all/You're welcome/ Don't

mention it

*Your brother is playing with matches.

Your uncle is driving his car very fast.

Warning :

* Be careful./ Look out!/ Don't play …..

Your friend has an exam tomorrow

You see your friend on the first of January.

It's your friend's birthday.


* Good luck.

* Happy new year.

* Happy birthday to you.



ss / sh / ch / sh / o / x + s ------------} es

Brush + s = brushes Bus + s = buses Go + s = goes

Tomato + s = tomatoes Wish + s = wishes Watch + s = watches

Box + s = boxes

Combine :

Do + s = ---------------- Dish + s = -------------- Class + s = -------------

Mango + s = ----------- Pass + s = ------------- fox + s = ----------------

If a word ends in a consonant + y , we change y to ie before s:

Try + s = tries Study + s = studies Cry + s = cries

Spy + s = spies Factory + s = factories City + s = cities

Country + s = countries Century + s = centuries Nationality + s =


Combine :

Baby + s = -------------------- hurry + s = ------------------

Lorry + s = -------------------- apply + s = ------------------

Y is changed to i before –er and est :

easy + er = easier heavy + est = heaviest

Combine :

heavy + er = -------------------- easy + est = -----------------

lucky + est = -------------------- lucky + er = -----------------

Dry + er = drier

Y is changed to i before ly :

Angry + ly = angrily easy + ly = easily

Combine :

Heavy + ly = -------------------- temporary + ly = ------------------

Y is not changed if the word ends in a vowel + y :

Play + s = plays enjoy + s = enjoys

If a verb ends in –e, we leave out ( e ) before - ing

Arrive + ing = arriving Produce + ing = producing

Ride + ing = riding Drive + ing = driving

Divide + ing = dividing Write + ing = writing

Wave + ing = waving Examine + ing = examining


Be + ing = being

Verbs ending in -- ee : see/seeing agree / agreeing

Combine :

Dance + ing = ------------------------- smoke + ing = -----------------

Confuse + ing = ----------------------- hope + ing = -------------------


We double the consonant with verbs or adjectives in

( consonant + vowel + consonant ) or of more than one syllable but the final syllable is


Stop + ed = stopped Tin+ed = tinned

Rob + ed = robbed Jewel + er = jeweller

Begin + ing = beginning Plan + n = planning

Win + er = winner Hot + er = hotter

Combine :

Plan + ed = ------------------- wet + er = ----------------

Regret + ing = ---------------- thin + er = ----------------

Permit + ing = ---------------- rob + ing = ---------------

Prefer + ed = -----------------

To form plural of most words ending in "f" or "ef", we change these letters into "v" and add


Wife + s = wives Wolf + s = wolves

Shelf + s = shelves Scarf + s = scarves

Combine :

Roof + s = -------------------- life + s = --------------------

Thief + s = -------------------- Half + s = -------------------



Used with Used to Form Tense




often ,



on Friday,


Used to refer to:

1= Habits

* The cat often

sits there.

2 = Facts

It rains in winter.

The earth is


First form of the verb.

*We add ( s ) to the verb, if the

subject is ( he/she/it )

*If the verb ends with

( o/sh/ch/ss/x ) ,

we add ( es ) if the subject is

( he/she/it ) e.g.;

I go to school.

She goes to school.


I do not go to school.

She does not go to school


Do you go to school?

Does she go to school?





last night

last week

last month

last year

Refer to an action

happened in the


*Second form of the verb

* Usually ends with (ed) except

irregular verbs.

* He played football last week.

* He went to London yesterday.


He did not play football last


He did not go to London year.


Did he play football last week?

Did he go to London yesterday?

Simple Past



Next week

Next month

Refers to an

action that will

happen in the


* Will + infinitive

He will go to Dubai tomorrow.


He will not go to London.




Next year


Will he go to London?


Used with Used to Form Tense




At the


At present


Refer to an

action which is

happening now

Am / is / are + verb + ing

I am studying English now.

He is studying English now.

They are studying English now.


They are not studying English now.


Are they studying English now?



Used after



And before


*Refer to an

action which

was going on

for a period of


*Refer to an

action which

was going on

for a period of

time when

another event


was / were + verb + ing

He was watching TV yesterday.


He was not watching TV yesterday.


Was he watching TV yesterday?









Refer to an

action which is

continued from

the past up to

the present.

Have / has + past participle

I have lived in London for 3 years.


I haven't lived in London for 3 years.


Have you lived in London for 3






Refer to an

action that

Had + Past Participle

I had written my homework before I


When happened in the

past before

another action

in the simple


went shopping.


I had not written my homework



Had you written your homework


Past Perfect


Conditional " IF "

Study the following:

* If I have a boat I will go fishing.

* If I had a boat I would go fishing.


* If + present simple ------- will + infinitive .

* If + Past simple ----------- would + infinitive.

Question tag

We can put a question tag at the end of the sentence, when we are uncertain غير متأكد about

something we are saying or asking.

Study the following:

* He can swim, can't he?

* They have watched that film, haven't they?

* Mona likes English, doesn't she?

* Ali went to London, didn't he?


* If the sentence is positive مثبتة , we make the tag by using the negative auxiliary or modal +

the pronoun.

* If the sentence is negative منفية , we make the tag by using the positive auxiliary or modal +

the pronoun.

Relative Pronouns

Who / which / that / whose / whom/ Where

Relative pronouns are used to tell us which person or thing the speaker means.

Study the following:

* The pupil is in my class. He is walking with Ali.

* The pupil who is walking with Ali is in my class.

* The book is useful. It gives you a lot of information.

* The book which/that gives you a lot of information is useful.

* The girl was clever. Her leg was broken.

* The girl whose leg was broken, was clever.

* The pupil succeeded. I helped him.

* The pupil whom I helped succeeded.


* The hotel was expensive. I stayed there .

* The hotel where I stayed was expensive.


* Who is used when we are talking about people.

* That/which are used to refer to تشير إلى things. They are used instead of " it , they ".

* Whose is used instead of his, her , their, so it always refers to what people have.

* Whom is used to refer to persons, in case of being object of a verb.

* Where is used to refer to a place we talk about.

Active & Passive

Study the following:

Passive Active

My friend can/ would be helped. I can/would help my friend.

My friend is helped. I help my friend.

My friend was helped. I helped my friend

My friend will be helped. I will help my friend.

My friend is being helped. I am helping my friend.

My friend was being helped. I was helping my friend.

My friend has been helped. I have helped my friend

My friend had been helped. I had helped my friend.


* English is divided into two voices; A: Active B: Passive

* The formation of " Active " = Subject + Verb + Object

* The formation of " Passive " = Object + "Verb to be" + Past Participle


Study the following:

* Ahmad is taller than Fahed.

* My watch is cheaper than yours.

* This lesson is easier than expected.


We add ( er ) to the short adjectives to form comparatives.

We use ( than ) after comparatives.

My car is more expensive than yours.

The new sofa is more comfortable than that one.


Study the following:


* Ahmad is the tallest boy in the class.

* This lesson is the easiest one I have ever studies.


We add ( est ) to the short adjectives to form comparatives.

We use ( the ) before the superlatives.


If the adjective is two syllabus or longer we use ( the most ) before the adjective.

Irregular Forms of Comparatives and Superlatives

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best

Bad Worse worst

Far Farther (further) farthest (furthest )

Little/ some Less least

Many/much More most

Points to be considered

Remember تذكر

while/ as / when

Study the following:

While I was reading the telephone rang.

As he was coming to school, he saw an accident.

The fire was still burning when I passed the house.


while & as are followed by past continuous, but when is usually followed by simple past.

After / before

Study the following:

After I had finished my homework, I went to the cinema.

I had finished my homework before I went to the cinema.



They are used to join two sentences :( after ) is followed by past perfect but ( before ) is

preceded by the past perfect while the other verb is in the simple past.

Used for & Used to

Study the following:

* A computer is used for keeping information.

* A computer is used to keep information.


* " Used for " is followed by gerund ( verb + ing ) or a noun.

* used to is followed by ( inf. مصدر )

Irregular Verbs

Present Simple/ Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

Be ( am – is – are ) يكون Was – were Been

Have / has Had Had يجب -يتناول –يملك

Do يعمل Did Done

Cut Cut Cut يقطع

Hit يضرب Hit Hit

Hurt يؤذي Hurt Hurt

Let يدع Let Let

Put Put Put يضع

Read Read Read يقرأ

Shut يغلق Shut Shut

Bend يثني Bent Bent

Build Built Built ني يب

Lend يقرض Lent Lent

Send يرسل Sent Sent

Spend يقضي Spent Spent

Bring يحضر Brought Brought

Buy يشتري Bought Bought

Catch يصطاد -يمسك Caught Caught

Fight يحارب Fought Fought

Think يعتقد –يظن –يفكر Thought Thought

Burn يحرق Burnt Burnt

Feel يشعر Felt Felt

Keep يحتفظ Kept Kept


Learn يعلم Learnt Learnt

Leave يغادر -يترك Left Left

Lose يفقد Lost Lost

Mean يعني Meant Meant

Sleep ينام Slept Slept

Teach يعلم Taught Taught

Irregular Verbs

Present Simple/ Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

Win يكسب Won Won

Tell Told Told يخبر

Begin Began Begun يبدأ

Drink يشرب Drank Drunk

Sink Sank Sunk يغرق

Ring Rang Rung جرس يدق ال

Run Ran Run يجري

Break Broke Broken يكسر

Speak يتحدث Spoke Spoken

Steal يسرق Stole Stolen

Know يعرف Knew known

Grow ينمو Grew Grown

Throw Threw Thrown يرمي

Draw يرسم Drew Drawn

Fly يطير Flew flown

Drive يقود Drove Driven

Write Wrote Written يكتب

Eat يأكل Ate Eaten

Give يعطي Gave Given

Take يأخذ Took Taken

Forget ينسى Forgot Forgotten


Fall يسقط Fell Fallen

See يرى Saw Seen

Feed يطعم Fed Fed

Meet يقابل Met Met

Find Found Found يجد

Make يصنع Made Made

Stand Stood Stood قفي


Long / Short forms` Was not =wasn’t Wednesday=Wed.

Am –is-are Were not=weren’t Thursday=Thur.

I am =I’m Could not=couldn’t Friday=Fri.

He is = he’s Must not=mustn’t January=Jan.

She is =she’s Will not =won’t February=Feb.

It is =it “s Can not =can’t March=Mar.

We are =we’re Abbreviations April=Apr.

They are =they’re First =1st May=May.

You are =you ‘re Second = 2nd


Have -has Third =3rd


I have =I’ve Fourth=4th September=Sept.

He has =he’s Fifth=5th October=Oct.

She has =she’s Sixth=6th November=Nov.

It has = it’s Seven=7th December=Dec.

We have =we’ve Eight=8th Combinations

They have =they’ve Ninth=9th Family + s=families

You have =you’ve Tenth=10th Party + s =parties

Would -had eleventh=11th Story + s=stories

I would = I’d Twelfth=12th Storey + s=storeys

He would=he ‘d Twentieth=20th Knife +s=Knives

She would=she’d Twenty first=21st Wife +s =wives

We would =we’d Twenty second =22nd

Thief + s =thieves

They would =they’d Thirtieth =30th Wolf +s =wolves

You would =you’d Street = st. Study +s=Studies

Will Laboratory = Lab . Miss +s=misses

I will =I’ll Number = No . Write +ing=writing

he will=he’ll Doctor = Dr. Run +ing=running

She will=she’ll Road = Rd. Stop + ed=stopped

We will=we’ll Company =Co. Big +est =biggest

They will=they’ll United States of America =U.S.A Big +er=bigger

You will=you’ll Anno Domini=AD Care +full=careful

Not Anno Hijra or after


Travel+ ed=travelled

Is not =isn’t Post Office Box=P.O.Box Beauty+full=beautiful

Are not = aren’t Let us=let’s Carry +ed =carried

Has not= hasn’t There is=there’s Lazy +ly =lazily

Have not=haven’t That is =that’s

Had not=hadn’t Days-months

Would not =wouldn’t Saturday=Sat.

Do not =don’t Sunday=Sun.

Does not =doesn’t Monday=Mon.


Did not=didn’t Tuesday=Tue