mining plan - welcome to...

MINING PLAN Prepared under Rule 23 of MH-MMEDR-2013 OF Basalt Stone & Murom Mine (Area l.OHa) (Sy.No-33/ 2-Part, Mauja-Murzadi, Taluka- Yavatmal) Dist- Yavatmal, Maharashtra Land - Private land filer ' ,... .. . Lease Period- 2017 - 2022 APPROVED Applicant KAZI JUNAID I_ FTEDAR MURZADI RIO Dist:r:ict-Yavatmal Prepared by V.R.Madhusudan RQP /NGP /360/2007 I A Cell no-9422863846, 09844801519 Email-v [email protected] ' qal<ltlil l:mR' Sul3'mi.t!ed for Approval to Department of Geology & Mining Chandra pur

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Page 1: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

MINING PLAN Prepared under Rule 23 of MH-MMEDR-2013


Basalt Stone & Murom Mine (Area l.OHa) (Sy.No-33/ 2-Part, Mauja-Murzadi, Taluka- Yavatmal)

Dist-Yavatmal, Maharashtra Land - Private land ~Cift filer

' ,... .. . ~- Lease Period- 2017 - 2022 APPROVED



Prepared by V.R.Madhusudan

RQP /NGP /360/2007 I A Cell no-9422863846, 09844801519

Email-v [email protected]

'tfci~H ' ~i'~I("HI('5q qal<ltlil l:mR'

Sul3'mi.t!ed for Approval to Department of Geology & Mining

Chandra pur


Page 2: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone



-, -


Certified that the Mining Plan including

Progressive Mine Closure .. Plan in respect of our Mining

Lease in Sy.No-33/ 2-Part, Mauja- Murzadi, Taluka­

Yavatmal, Dist-Yavatmal, Maharashtra, land type ~

Private land, Area-l.OHa, has been prepared by Sri.

V.R.Madhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007/A. same has b~en \ . ' .

prepared in cohsultatiqn with me. I have "-nderstood the

Authorized Signatory

~ Sri. Kazi Junaid Iftedar

Date :

Pla-ce: Yavatmal

{· • I '

Page 3: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone


' The provisions of MH-MINOR MINERAL EXTARCTION (DEVELOPMENT & REGULATION) RULE 2013 has been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone & M~uro {(~i Private land in Sy.No-33/ 2-Part, Mauja- . . ~"'~ Yavatmal, Dist­Yavatmal, Maharashtra 1 -%~0 rivate land, Area-l.OHa, Kazi Junaid Ifteda applied for renewal of mining lease on 3.2017. Whenever specific


permissions : are~ r.~f!Uired, the applicant will approach the concerned authorities. The information furnished in this mining plan & progressive mine closure plan is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

V.R.Madhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 I A Date: Place : Chandrapur

Page 4: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone





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This is to certify th~ Mine plan has been prepared

under rule 23 of MH-MMEC Rules and Regulation 2013 .. No.Gaukhani-10/0812/C.R.613/KH/18.07.2013 have been observed

in the preparation of Mining plan & Progressive mine

closure plan with respect to the mining lease area in

Sy.No-33/ 2-~art, Mauja- Mu~zadi ~luka- Yavatmal, Dist­

Yavatmal, · Mahara$htra ~ .~f£Private land, Area-/ ~·\io ~~

1.0Ha, renewal of mi\\1_t1i(~~I 0~ · e indent letter no \ .. ~~t~ 404/2017 dated- 04.05.2t9,~~ n subject area of 1.00 Ha,

whenever specific permissions are required as per MH­

MMECR 2013, Rule 31 sub rule-2 the applicant will

approach the Director General of Mines Safety,Dhanbad.

The infoqna tion furnished in this Mine plan is true

and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief .

V.R.Madhusudan 'RQP/NGP/360/2007/ A Date: Place: Chandrapur

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Page 5: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

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It is certified that the Progressive Mine Closure plan of Basalt

stone quarry in, Sy.No-33/ 2-Part, Mauja- MurzadC Taluka­

Yavatmal, Dist-Yavatmal: Maharashtra land type-Private

land, Area-l.OHa, complies with all statutory rules, Regulations,

Orders made by the Central or State Government, Statutory

organization, Court etc which have been taken into consideration

d h 'f' . . ~ '\ . d th I '11 an w erever .. \any spec1 1c permiss~~\!"l::;:;L;_q~nre e essee WI

approach th~ c~n~€rriEid authorititz,~~on furnished in the .• , ,.,. 1>(1~t ......

~ "" \~:,..,.. ,;

Progressive Mine Closure plan is t~--~{1 correct to the best of our \. ~~./-

knowledge and records.

V.R.Ma usuda~

RQP/NGP/360/2007/ A Date; Place: Chandrapur


Page 6: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

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The provisions of Mine's Act, Rules and Regulations made

there under have been observed in the Mining Plan Sy.No-33/ 2-

Part, Mauja- Murzadi, Taluka- Yavatmal, Dist-Yavatmal,

Maharashtra land type - private l~nd, and where specific

V.R.Mad usudan RQP/NGP/360/2007/A Date: Place: Chandrapur


respect of miners'

Page 7: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone




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EXPLORATION ~ ' ' ... .-.

RESERVES ... . c) ~~~~)~U&~ ~










Page 8: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone


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·;-;,1 WASTE













VII. r~f{~

BLOCKED RESERVES CALCT:!JAlf/.'\(~~ r.~...... ' • r A ,.c. ,

YEAR WISE PRODUCTION. N~~;·~~~?Ji"t:qF.MENT ( .. ~ ,.;,.· · ... .... ...-

VIII. ' ~ ·'~: ··,\' \. "...-\ \~· ~' ---jl....i;( ,, ~.,
















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'eccan trap 1lcs








Sri. Kazi Junaid Iftedar supplies raw material t,

such as roads, buildings in Darwa town. Lessee has app. Collector for Renewal of Mining lease over an extent of 1.0 H" part i1"1 Mauja-Murzadi, Taluka & District-Yavatmal. Vide applica of ~ining lease for dated 15.03.2017, Lease was granted for first ti.1. period of 30.03.2012 -29.03.2017 for five years. enclosed as Annexure- l.

Name of the applicant with complete Addre · Name : Sri. Kazi Junaid Iftedar ~ P/o, Taluka : Yavatmal (\"-/,~ Dist : Y.avatmal /}t) ~~~ Status of the Ap"'"p. lic"a'nt: if~ ~0 , ,._. -~~ .. ~

Sri. Kazi Junaid Iftedar is pvt in viii[~~ · 1 good financial position. Has all infrastructures such as loading n e JCB and transport vehicle trippers, Tractor & crushing unit and is also found capable to carry out the mining and extraction of minor minerals by open cast mining method.

Mineral or Minerals which the ~pplicant intends to mine: Basalt Building Stone aggregate of + lOmm to 40mm and Murom and

other sizes as per requirement.

Period of Mining lease renewal : Applicant has applied for renewal of Mining lease from 2017-2022.

Prepared Mining plan will be valid till2022.

Name, address and registration number of the recognized qualified person who prepared the Mine Plan &Progressive mine Closer Plan Prepared by Name RegNo Address

: V .R,Madhusudan .. " : RQP/NGP/360/2007/A Valid till17.04.2017 : V .R.Madhusudan

Near, Pawansuth Dawa Bazar, Ramnagar Road, Chandrapur,

qlstJ•i ct. ChancV~w.r~ Maharashtra- 442401 · Cell no -09422863846,09844801519. email id:

V .R.Madhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

Page 10: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone










INTRODUCTION: " Sri. Kazi Junaid Iftedar supplies raw material to civil infrastructures

such as roads, buildings in Darwa sown. Lessee has applied to the District Collector for Renewal of Mining lease over an extent of 1.0 Ha in Sy No. 33/2-

part in Mauja-Murzadi, Taluka & District-Yavatrnal. Vide application renewal of ~ining lease for dated 15.03.2017, Lease was granted for first time for the period of 30.03.2012 -29.03.2017 for five years. enclosed as Annexure- I.

Name of the applicant with complete Addre · Name : Sri. Kazi Junaid Iftedar ~ P/o, Taluka : Yavatmal ~~£,<:;> Dist : Yav~~~ , . ~~"4{j Status of the Applicant:.- .{fl~<~~fifr

Sri. Kazi Junaid Iftedar is pvt in :v~{ • 1 good financial position. Has all infrastructures such as loading e JCB and transport vehicle trippers, Tractor & crushing unit and is also found capable to carry out the mining and extraction of minor minerals by open cast mining method.

Mineral or Minerals which the applicant intends to mine: Basalt Building Stone aggregate of +lOmm· to 40mrn and Murom and

other sizes as per requirement.

Period of Mining lease renewal : Applicant has ~pplied for renewal of Mining lease from 2017-2022.

Prepared Mining plan will be valid till 2022.

Name, address and registration number of the recognized qualified person who prepared the Mine Plan &Progressive mine Closer Plan

· ... Prepared by Name : V.R.Madhusudan Reg No : RQP/NGP/360/2007/A Valid tilll7.04.2017 Address : V.R.Madhusudan

Near, Pawansuth Dawa Bazar, Ramnagar Road, Chandrapur,

District.Chandraptu~ ~ Maharashtra- 442401 Cell no -09422863846, 09844801519. email id: [email protected]


RQP/NGP/360/2007 A


Page 11: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

~~ __ f. t~mne of Prospecting Agency: Basalt stone mining, old Basalt stone quarry is existing in this area with

cunsiderable depth of 8mtrs in subject area proves the existence of Basalt rock hence detailed prospecting is not required.

2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY: The area falls in Pvt. Revenue lqpd Sy. No. 33/2-part of Mauja-Muzadi,

Taluka & District- Yavatmat Maharashtra State. The area is located in Tcposheet No 55 L I 3 of Survey of l]ldia. The site is approachable by road, is 10.0 Km away from Taluka & Dist head quarter Yavatmal Nearest railway

L·, statiO:r{ is· at Dhamangaon of Central Railway connecting Mumbai -Nagpur located'130 km away. Nearest airport is at Nagpur 210Km.



A N 20°24'53.3" B N 20°24'56.4" c N 20°24'55.4" E 78°12'16.1" D N 20°24'53.5" E 78°1'2'16.2"

Map Datum: WGS 84 'I f h f 11 Deta1 so t e area as o ows: 'ij'q J <-'5~1<.'5~ 'i6 1 {1~ ~lllr.r

Yavatmal . "

District Yl~~

Taluka Yavatmal Sy. No. & Village Gatt No-33/2 -part (pvt land), Mauja- Murzadi Lease Area in l.OHa KhasaraMap Mojni Sketch of Revenue Department is enclosed as Plate

No. II

3.0 GEOLOGY 3.1. Brief description of Topography


The area is characterized with flat land with general elevation 6.0mtr above the ground level. The highest elevation in the lease area is 429 meter. And the lowest RL achiev:~~J~ 405 meter. With respective Mean Sea Level. The slopes are moderate and-"·general slope direction is towards West direction. Lease area is hilly Plateau topped with an elevation of 8.0m above the general ground level and Basalt body is trending in N-S direction. The drainage pattern is dendritic. Drainage density is moderate, formed by the network of streamlets originating from hillock.

V.R." adhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

Page 12: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

-3.2. Regional Geology:



Deccan trap encompasses major parts of Maharashtra state. Deccan trap belongs to Upper Cretaceous to Eocean in age. An array of Deccan trap exist, they are frequently weathered leauiug to formation of Murom, rubbles and clayey and black cotton soiL The Basalt rock is of varying composition, their flow beds are together kno"{n as Deccan trap, The Igneous activity during upper Cretaceous period released tremendous outburst of volcanic energy resulting in the eruptio:Q of thick series of lava and associated pyroclastic materials lava flows called as Basalt is a ,significant event in the evolution of the Deccan Plateau. The Basalt rock is the solidified lava flow of Upper cretaceous to eocean period, the Basalt outcrop runs for nearly 800km towards .the coast of Mumbai. This portion is tail end of Basaltic lava flows in Vidharba towards east and south east.

Stratigraphical Sequence of the Area Recent - Alluvium and Bl . ck cotton Soil


Upper Cretaceous ~-:· t flow Rock, Younger Intrusive. To Eocene Cretaceous L M"Cl 1~~~d Shale.

~ 0 ~ ~-/~~ Local Geology: / 'Sl~

The General trend o hlt is in N-S direction with gentle slope to,vards SE and NW direction. Basalt Beds are almost flat with gentle slope. The Mining lease area represents tfi~ eastern extrusion of Deccan Basalt terrain. During field studies outcrop of rocks were noticed in the mining lease area which has signifying presence of Basalt lava flows. There is no major structural deformation, shear zone or fault zone within the mining lease area. Irregular fractures and columnar joints and flow beds from few em too few meter thickness were noticed within the outcrop of the Basalt rock. 1v1ining lease consisting of a flat land trending in N-S direction. The rock is exposed 3.0 meter below the surface, has fine grained Aphanitic texture. Basalt rock is mainly composed of Plagioclase Feldspar, Muscovite, Biotite, Amphibole, and Pylioxene & Quartz as principle mineral constituents. Since it is a surface formation, spetoidal weathering is seen on rock cover which is occupied up to

.<' 2.0 meters on the flow rock. Rock is grayish to black in color with siliceous to earthy luster. On weathering form's rounded rubble, murroom & black cotton soil. Rock Properties a) TE.!xture and grain size b) Color c) Hardness d) Mineralogy

e) Density/Specific gravity f) Porosity g) Abrasiveness h) Permeability

: Fine grained massive Basalt rocl<

• ·~~lack, Grayish · : 4]ton Moho's scale

: Plagioclase Feldspar, Pyroxene & Amphiboles, Mica Quartz, etc

: 2.6 to 2.7 : 0.1 to 0.2

:Good : 0.02%

V. .Madhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

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g) Roc!: Quality Designation : l{QD 90 to 100% Excellent

4.0 EXPLORATION: A surface geological map is prepared after conducting the detailed

field studies & surface Geological mapping. Based on field observations in the adjacent pit ,and outcrop of Basalt area in survey No. 33/2 part, Basalt rock is well exposed in the adjacent pit, from the Geology of the area and depth of occurrences in the surrounding are)., the Basalt rock has its extension in depth up to more than 30meters below the current depth of mining. The depth persistence is also confirmed by tne exposure of rock in the adjacent pit.

4.1 Proposed Exploration: Mine pit o Sy.No.33/2- part confirms the depth up to 8.0mtr from the top

RL. As it is known from the surrounding area the depth persistence of Basalt rock is more than 30rneter in this region depth continuit is proved by bore hole dug for drinking water up to the depth of 30mtr/l~ it is proved that depth persistence of Basalt rock is more than 30 ~~~ ·! e subject area. Hence no explo~at~~n is proposed. / ,.~tf:• ,_&~

. .. ·: .. .t{j);~ o~

5.0 GEOLOGICAL INSITU RESERVES . ~ h~' ~~ The following Parameters have bee ~ · ered in estimating the

Geological reserves of Basalt i) Cross sectional Area of Basalt Formation - CSA m2

ii) Distance of Influence of cross section line-dim iii) Brass Conversion Factor BF -2.83

To estimate reserves formula applied is as under Reserves in Brass= CSA m2 x di (m) x BF 2.83

Reserves of Murorn in Brass = C S Area m2 X di X B F 2.83 Cross sections alo.rg Cross section lines A' -A", B'-B" & two cross section lines at interval of 63mtr,55 meter, all the reserves computed by using the above formula are added together to give us the total Geological Reserves in brass. Total Geological Reserves = Proved reserves + Probable Reserves Reserves. In order to cross check the accuracy of figures reserves are back calculated using the formula as below.

!. TOTAL GEOLOGICAL IN SITU RESERVES (PROVED +PROBABLE+POSSIBLE) CS A'fea (m2) Distance of Average Volu_;ne of Total Proved

influence ( m) Deposit ( rn3 ) Reserw -111 in Brass Proved -111 CSA di V=A X di Rp = V/2_83

A 518 66 34188 14497 B 457 64 29248 12407

Probable-222 A • 415 I .:...6.6 27390 11614 B 415 64 ..... ,, _ 26560 11262

Possible-222 A 415 66 27390 11614 --B 415 64 26560 11262

Totc:l Reserves 2635 171336 . 72651

4 ~ ~-~ ~

~:t1H .:)111"'1 ~'""~'"~''.., V.R. dhusudan

RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

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ll. TOTAL GEOLOGICAL IN SITU RESERVES PROVED CATEGORY -111 CS Area (m2) Distance of Average Volume of Total Proved

influence ( m) Deposit ( m3 ) Reserve -111 in Brass A di V=A X di Rp = V/2.83 A 518 66 14497 B 457 64 12407

Total 975 26889 '

From the field observations of pit in survey No. 33/2 Part, it is noticed .. that the rock is having good exposures and indicating the presence of Basalt rock. Based on the field study and observations in pit and bore hole data, we considered up to 13m depth as Proved reserves. The reserves are calculated under three categories, Proved reserve 111-UNFC, Probable UNFC- 222 and UNFC- 333 reserves, from the bottom of Proved zone, a Sm depth is considered for Probable reserves. Finally, a Sm zone below that of probable category-222 is considered for estimation of le category-333 of reserves. The sum of proved and probable res · ed under demonstrated reserves. The zon~s 'Of res·erves ru: ical cross sections that have been drawn across the , posed, at 66mtr & 64 mtr interval viz., A' -A" & B'-B'" (Ref. ~ and 4) The cross sectional area of each category of reserves hav measured and the volume of the geological reserves arrived by multiplying the sectional area with the influence of each cross section. From the experience of actual mining, all the rock available does not possess the required quality for using as raw material out of total excavation, 90% of the material can be considered as prime product and remaining 10% will be the waste or OB. Therefore, the volume of rock is multiplied with a recovery factor of 90% to obtain the geological reserves & the balance 10% termed as intercalated waste. The details of Basalt reserves calculation


have been given vide Annexure- II and summarized as below.

Categorization of Reserves as Per UNFC Code: The UNFC ( United Nations Frame work Classification) of minerals resources consists of three dimensional axes: i) Geological Assessment of Reserves

ii) Feasibility Assessment of Reserves A iii) Economic viability Reserves . .-

It is the three digit code based system in which Geological assessment represents first digit ,the feasibility axis represents the second digit and the economic viability representing the third digit, field guidelines for adoption of UNFC code for the .a~~e mentioned three axis have been spelled out in MCDR for different type' of rtti.R.eral deposits.

i. Geological Assessment of Reserves Geological mapping has been done on 1:1000 scale and detailed topographical studies and Geological map has been prepared involving all surface Geological features extent and nature of deposit is also c nsidered

V.R. · adhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

Page 15: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

(1 ~1 ~1 ~.e! ,.f d <l <1 (.,!·~I ~J ,;,I...,! ,;J ~1 (1 r.J cl r:l ·;I c! .:J c' ~t r:l ~~ c:l c' r::·t ~' ("/ -:; r--::r7nr~7r > nr Annexure- V

Detail Calculatip.n of Geological Reserves,Basalt Stone & Murrom Mine ., Sy.No.33/2 part,Area 1.0 Ha Mauja -Murzadi,Ta.Iuka & Dist- Yavatmal

Sri.Kazi Junaid Iftedar

Geological Reserires

Cross AreainM2 Topsoil & Distance of Volume of Volume of Quantity Volume Top Volume Top

Section Murrom Influence in Basalt in Basalt in Basalt in 'SOil M3 Soil & Murrom

lines AreaM2 M MJ Brass Ton ,. __

BCF 2.83 brass

"' t.

A'-A" ~8 22 66 88968 37725 240214 '

1452 513 B'-B" f287 8 64 82368 34926 222394 .. 512 181

Total / 2635 30 171336 72651 462607 . 1964 694

Total Geolo -cal Reseves Brass 72651 1 Basalt+WB .. Total Blocked Reserves Brass 2 exure VII for Blocked reserves Total :M.inebale Reserves Brass 72651 ollumn(l-2)

Top soil & Murrom in m3 1964

V R ~~~'l.,.;-.,~-:-::-~'7,~ • · • ·r· .. ~~A

R .:. !G'T!A


Page 16: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

/l 't J { j '-'· j ~ f ( 1 ( 1 ( j ~ ) '<o } "j lot J ... J I; J \ J 1 j. ~ L "i I '11 I 't 1 ' I .... I "' I ' 1 I, J .,_ 1 '-' I .... ' ~ ' ·., I " J '< / ~ j '' I t J •. J ' ' • 1

Proved 111



A '-A'

B'-B' Total

Probable 222

A-A' B-B'

Total Possibble -333

A-A' B-B'


Grand Total

Annexure - VI

Category wise Geological Reserves Calculation of Basalt Stone & Murom Mine

Sy.No.33f2 part ,Area 1.0 Ha Mauja -Murzadi,Taluka. & Dist- Yavatmal

Sri.Kazi Junaid Iftedar

Basalt Distance of Volume of Volume Basalt Quantity Topsoil & Top soil

Area in Influence in Basalt BCF 2.83, SW -1.2 Basalt Ton MurromArea Murrom

M2 ~ Mtr Ms Brass BD2.7 M2 VolumeM3

518 66 34,188 14,497 92,308 21 1,452

457 64 29,248 ""12,402 78,970 r.8 512

9-75 63,436 26,899 171,277 30 1,964

fl ' ·'

'415 66 27,390 11,614 73,95~· '\, .Nil Nil /415 64 26,560 11,262 71,712-J "- Nil Nil ~lo \.

830 53,950 22876 - ~665 '\, ·- . w};. '-._ Nil Nil \,~- ,,.,~~ .... .... ....

415 66 27,390 11,614 73~5~ ,\ "tj?'-».. Nil Nil 415 64 26,560 11,262 71,7~1 ~~'- -~ \. Nil Nil 830 53,950 22876 145665 I\~'-\. t:~ )Nil Nil

2,635 171,336 72,651 462,607 ~~~A/ 30 1,964

Total Geological Reserves \ 171,336 72,651 462,607 V" 30 1,964

Total Geological Basalt Reserves 72,651

Total Volume Top Soil & Murrom in M3 694 - -···-- .. ---·----

V. R. ~~!~·p~~.n Fi.QP!NGP, J(; ~;/£;! ~· '!//~

Top soil & Murrom

Volume in Brass

BCF 2.83


181 694

Nil Nil Nil

" Nil Nil Nil



Page 17: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

including size and depth extension of basalt deposit as evident in the have been considered from the data collected and reserves have been estimated considering only proved reserves. ii. Feasibility Assessment of Reserves Basalt rock is used in infrastructure development, buildings & roads iG .1.

demand because of its quality and durability to sustain the wear and tear for longer duration .The meta 1 from thi~an~a is easily marketable and the area is approachable throughout the year in all season, availability of labors from nearby villages creating employmeqt opportunities to locals as well.

iii. Economic Viability of Reserves The area is approachable by all season tar road from Taluka & District headquarter, is well connected from these township. The reserves of the area are economically viable as it is outcropping on the surface at some places & less overburden to ore stripping ratio. Overburden and weathered & rejections are salable as murrom & tar road crushed sand for finishing and for brick industries. Total mineable reserves of basalt :in different categories of UNFC code as above .. ...

Classification Quantity Grade & in Brass Qualit

Total Mineral Resource (A Hard and A. MINERAL RESERVES Massive in

1. Proved Reserves as per CS. Area 2.ProbableMineral Reserves CS.Area

B. REMAINING RESOURCES i. Feasibility Mineral Resource


ii. Prefeasibility Mineral Resources iii. Indicated Mineral Resources

111 222


211& 222


26899 22876

iv. Inferred Mineral Resource 333 22876 v. Reconnaissance Mineral Resource 334

nature suitable for buildjng Construction and road metal.

Summary of category-wise geological reserves of Basalt stone in the subject area.

,o Geological Reserves Proved -111

CS Area Distance of Basalt Basalt Volume

Cross inM2 Influence in Volume (V X1.2/2.83

Sections M in W BCF) in Brass

,.~ .... .... . A'·A" 518 66 34188 14497 D' .. B" 457 64 29248 12402 Total 975 63436 26899


Basalt Qty In Ton

(V xBD 2.7)

92308 78970


Top soil Top soil Top & & soil &

Murroom. Murrom Murro Area M2 MJ m

Brass 22 1452 513 8 512 181

30 1964 694

husudan ROP/NGP/360/2007 A


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Probable- 222 - -A'-A" 415 66 27390 11614 73953 Nil Nil - - - f---. -- --B'-B" 415 64 26560 11262 71712 Nil Nil

1- -- -Total 830 53950 22876 145665 Nil Nil

Probable -333 A'-A" 415 66 27390 11614 73953 Nil Nil 8'-B" 415 64 26560 11262 71712 Nil Nil Total 830 53950 22876 145665 Nil Nil Grand total 2635 171336 72651 462607 30 1964


MINEABLE RESERVES: The mineable reserves are those which can be technically mined

following the existing statutory provisions and technical inputs. Therefore, mineable reserves have been computed with the help of Cross section maps drawn on cross section lines A' -A" & B' -B", with the distance of influence as 66mtr for Cross section line A' -A", 64mtr for B'B". Keeping in view the above criteria and ~arketability of particular size and texture. The mineable reserves are estimatef{,_to the depth of 15 meter. In this mine the reserves are blocked under the 7.5 meter safety zone area. The minable reserves are calculated considering this area as blocked area and cross sectional area are summarized as per the figures obta~Ciel1 m AUTO-CAD software, details are as given in the abstract bel . . . e g the area of influence method with distance of influence ~li 'o ~-A" 66mtr, B'-8"64 mtr. Cross

(; t\ ~ sectional area values ar !f · 1!- Distance of Influence and the

~~~ .. figures are arrived. . ~V(

Cross sectiona: a of Basalt Formation- CSA m2

Distance of Influence of cross section line - dim Brass Conversion Factor BF -2.83

Recoverable Basalt with 90% recovery factor RF from the excavated rock mass, and 10% waste factor as intercalated waste Top soil & murroom thickness is considered as 5.0 meter at the top and calculated with the same base.(for details Ref. Annexure- IX, Year wise Production and Development Calculation). The life of mine will be Syears with present rate of production stabilizing the mined out pit area, after stabilization of benches & dumps. Total Mineable Reserves =Total Geological Reserves - Reserves Blocked

in Statutory mine boundary UPL & UPS /

II. Reserves Blocked under Statutory Barrier from mine boundary UPL & Ultimate Pit Slope Cross Distance of Blocked Basalt Brass Swell factor Reserves blocked under

Nilj Nil Nil





Cross Section Influence VolumeMl Conversion 1.2 Statutory barrier from mine Section (Ml) (M)

a di A'·A" 905 66 B'-B" 661 64



Fac tor BCF ~-axdi BCF

~5'90 2.83 42304 2.83


sw 1.2 1.2

boundary ( Brass) Rb; Vb X 1.2 + BCF

25327 17938 43265

V .R.Madhusudan ROP/NGP/360/2007 A

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--;_r: J,J.j._J;J;J;_Gii_i J; r-c 1 • J {J J J ~ 0 ~J tJ ~J ~t d v ~ ~ (f_J v ~J ~j w_] u '() u u u ~~

Cross Top soil

Section Blocked in


benches ".r2

A'-A" 30 B'-B" 30 C'-C" 30

SubTotal 6Q


Block~d Reserves Calculation of Basalt Stone & Mwrom Mine Sy.No.33/2 part ,Area 1.0 Ha Mauja -Mwzadi,Taluka & Dist- Yavatmal

Sri.Kazi Junaid Iftedar Influen Basalt Top soil Blocked Top Total Basalt Total Basalt Total Basalt

ceinM Blocked Blocked in Soil Blocked in Blocked in Blocked in

inUPL M1 UPL& MurromUPL M3 Brass Tons

benches M3 Bench Ton ' ("802.7)

' 82 868 2460 ;,. 5658 71176 . " 30181 .;· 192175 55 832 1650 3795 457~ -~ t>~ "\l9404 123552

f/54 564 1620 3726 ~ ::\. ~~~14 ·. 82231

1700 4110 9453 1473~ ~~~' 315727

Details Qtyin Ton Qty in Brass ~~ ~~

Volume M3 0~ "?-'

Total Basalt Blocked 315727 49584 147392 ~

Total Top soil & Murrom Blocked 4110 . 4110 p



Annexure- V

Mine out Influenc Mine

Area Top einM outArea

soil M2 Basalt M1

131 82 119 0 55 0

0 54 0

131 1191

• "

Page 20: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

d t1 ~ J rc_l 'J J J J v tJ J ~ ,.__; iJ u u u v lt) u u '(_} ..._, u u '() '(.) 'V v u H u u • .... .., u ~., -- I


Total Geological

Reserves Cubic

meter , ~ .

'¥ , ·'


Annexure- VIII

Calculation of Minable reserves Basalt Stone & Murom Mine

Sy.No.33/2 part ,Area 1.0 Ha Mauja -Murzadi,Taluka & Dist- Yavatmal

Sri.Kazi Junaid Iftedar


Total Geological

Reserves in Brass

(Volume/ BCF2.83)




Blocked up

Reserves~~ Safety Zone in Brass

, > t ~ (• fl.~


• J

5 Balance reserves of

Basalt in Tons

Collumn 4-Syr



.. ~

Page 21: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone




Mineable Reserves Abstract 1 2 3

Total Geological Blocked Reserves in Minable Reserves of Basalt Reserves in Brass Safety zone & Bench & Rm in Brass

(BCF 2.83) Rg UPL,UPS Rb in Brass (1-2)

72651 43265 Z9386

Refer the detailed Geologi(:al reserve calculation in reserves chapter 5.0 for details, Excel sheet Annexure V & Annexure-VI, & Annexure VII of reserve calculation. •

Anticipated Life of the Mine: As per the format for small'B2' category mines, there is no provision to

work out the life of the mine. However, an exercise has been made for the calculating the life of the mine. To calculate minable reserves, Geological reserves estimated is considered. Mineral that would be blocked along UPL and safety OJle barrier of 7.5 m and blocked under UPL & UPS of 45°.Considering all minable reserves available are estimated is Brass and the anticipated life of mine would be 5900 Brass/Average production per annum, say 5 years.

An tid ated Life of the Mine abstract: Average Anticipated Life of Mine (Years)



Average Production Per Annum( Brass)

Ra 5900

'""""'-.-.... ..- well exposed on the surface. In view of this, the deposit will be wo · y open cast mining method to achieve the required amount of production. The applicant is well experienced and having adequate machinery and man power to undertake the mining operations. Mining will generate employment potential to local villagers, thus improve the earning~s and standard of living for local people.

Proposed Method of Mining: As the Basalt rock is a surface formatio:fi it is proposed to undertake the

mining operations by opencast mining method. Basalt rock is well exposed in some places. Top soil & Murom of 1.0 meter thickness & weathered Basalt boulders of 2.0mtr thickness will be excavated to reach the Basalt rock deposit. ; , ~-..

The benches of 3.0rntr height and 3.0mtr width are made using drilling and blasting procedure. Mild blasting will be done using jack hammer hole by tractor mounted compressor and blasting will be done by using emulsion explosives of small diameter emulsion/ slurry cartridges along with detonators. Average pit slope is maintained at 45° angle and he roads are

V.R. adhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

Page 22: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

-~ -·-· -·~

'·"' .......


-..... . , -...... • Jll

-.... y

-~ ._,.


-, '·" '-"~

-.._ .)loo

-:"' :...

-, ,. ...... ,_

------'' -. , --.. ,,...

---' .)If

.........., :JI

~ 'Jr'

·--.. ·-· -~

~ ..... -...... ·--.31"

--.. :»r --, '~

--.. »"



··~ '-



--~ ....

--- 9 ,,.. .... ~ '-

prepared with the profile of 1:16 the road will prepared from theN corner to approach the mining pit at the deeper depth. The pit length after fifth year will be extended to 120 mtr in length width will be varying from to 70 meter.

Extent of Mechanization: As mining is proposed to be done by manual opencast mining method

for this Small B2 Category of m(ne/quarry only drilling and blasting & loading is done by mechanically by the use of hydraulic excavators & hydraulic trippers & tractors. Qrilling and blasting will be done by Jack hammer with the use of Jack hammers drill and compressor of specific capacity blasting will be done by using electrical or conventional detonating fuse. Mechanization is restricted to use of drilling of shot holes for blasting which would be carried out by hiring licensing agency, otherwise all the operation will be done manual method only.' Transportation of material would be carried out by tractors or trippers.

Machinery: : -., .... ~ ·~

The following machinery was proposed to deploy on contract for uarr o erations on hired basis.

No's Ownershi L&T Komatsu PC 200 120 1 On hire

1 On hire 2 On hire

Ti ers 2 On hire Generator diesel 1 On hire LoaderJCB 1 On hire

Magazine, typer,an Blasting operations will done on outsourcing to the authorized

agency available locally in district on form- 22.

Bl ti P t as ng arame ers Blasting Method Blasting Pattern Diameter of shot holes Depth of hole Spacing Burden Yield per hole Charge/hole Detonation Powder factor ~ Drilling per year required

.... ·--~ ..

Yearly consumption of explosives

Use of convention Blasting and Control Blasting method Multiple Row Blasting 34mm inner dia 32mm 12m to1.5m 0.9 m to l.Om ·"' 0.8m to0.9m 1M3

300gm exp of Slurry ,Emulsion Explosives Detonator & adequate length of detonating fuse 3M3 /Kg 46670 m approximately 14000 Kg and 46700detonators approximately

V .R.Madhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

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.•. 7

'"" ._,



..... • ll'

..... ·'"

-""' .:!1'

6.2 Briefly describe the method of working involved in the following operations are being conducted:


Drilling: To open a working face, line drilling with Jack hammer hand held

drills will be adopted. With drill hole spacing of 1.3mtr hole to hole and row to row burden of 1.0 meter. Depth of the hole will be of 1.5m the holes are generally drilled vertically. In case of primary cuts horizontal holes are also cldlled Lo dislodge Lhe blocks from moU1er rock, but so111etimes inclined holes are also drilled by following planes of weakness for effective operations.

i) Drill-hole diameter: Standard jack hammer drills will be used for drilling operations and

Diameter of drilling rods is 30mm and length is up to 1.5mts with drill bit of 40m dia, drills will be operated by tractor air compressors will be hired on


... "-.., ...

2 drltllng the shot holes

5 detonating the explosives ..

Drilling & Blast hole loading methodology can be seen in the above figure of rock blasting that will ~pjemented in this Basalt stone mine.

Loading: Loading operations will be carried out with help of hydraulic

excavators and manual method. Hauling:

V .R.Madhusu dan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A


Page 24: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

) 6.3



' I'


' ~ ' ' ;)


' ' 11


The raw material excavated from the mining will moved to the stock yards located within the mining lease for the further processing by hydraulic trippers of specific capacities at crushing/ screenin& sizing (Beneficiation) site set up adjacent to the lease area.

Removal I Excavation of O.B. and other mine waste: The over burden consists of 1.0 meter thick top soil and murrom

weathered basalt boulders up to ,2.0mtr thkkite.'::iS, wlll be excavated by forming benches of 3.0 x 3.0mtr height and width, is loaded into tippers using excavators. The quantity of murrqm & top soil will be stacked separately in area as shown in production & development plan, so as to use it in future for forestation and plantation. Proper garland drains with the width of l.Ometer, depth of 0.50meter are dug using the machines all along the periphery of dumps and along the outer limits of the mine pit so that the rain water is collected diverted in to the mine sump.

Abstract of OB & To soil & Murom extraction Period V' of OB Ma Volume of Top Soil Total Waste M3

... ·.;. MurornMs

I- 2017-2018 1654 132 1786 II- 2018-2019 1503 Nil 1503

III- 2019-2020 1570 1570 IV- 2020-2021 1214

V- 2021-2022 957 Total 6898

During the plan riod in first & Second year production & development it is proposed to produce with average rate of production of Basalt 6500 Brass per annum for remaining Third, fourth and fifth year it is proposed to produce 6656 Brass and 5149 Brass, 4056 Brass respectively. In the five years plan period total amount of Basalt rock 29249 Brass that will be excavated by producing the 26324 Brass recoverable Basalt, 2925 Brass of over burden/ intercalated waste and top soil & murrom 132M3 (Ref. Annexure­IV year wise production & development).Total quantity of excavation during entire plan period is proposed to achieve the production by forming 7 benches of 123 meter length, 3m width and bench height of 3mh· with the


average pit slope of 45° angle. Refer production and development plan enclosed as Plate No.6. Production & development plan. The work shall be confined to the levels of 395 mtr with respective Mean Sea Level (MSL) shown in the Development & Production plans and cross sections shown in the Plate No. 7 respectively. The :rimting involves removal of Basalt boulders from the sheet rock by further the oversized boulders will be resized using manual breaking by hammer.

b 'lict~H ~ &f.'14iif

ij'itn.••Hte;'l 'H'?I<J~ m

~ V.R.Mu 1usudan

RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

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~-.... -,



--. ,.,..



First Year: 2017-2018 In the First year period of 2017-2018 has it is proposed to produce

Basalt stone by forming 2 benches in the section A' -A" and will advance up to B' -B" respectively in addition to these extending the existing benches up to section A' -A" in continuation to the second year workings 2 benches will be formed in the section B'-B" confming bottom level of 400 .(refer production & devdopmeul Plan Plale No. 5).E.Qd of Lhe year Lotal volume of 7014 Brass will be excavated. Anticipating 90% recovery, the recoverable Basalt of 6313 Brass and stony waste of 701 Brass,., and top soil & Murom of 132 M3 will be produced. I-Year2017-2018

Cross Basalt In flue Total Total Basalt Volume of Volume of Top Top Soil Section Area in ncein Volume Quantity in Basalt@ waste®lO% Soil &Murom

M2 M M3 Brass 90% Brass Brass Area M2

A'·A" 127 66 8382 3554 3199 355 2

B'-B" 128 64 8160 3460 3114 346 Nil Sub total 255 16542 7014 6313 701 2 -


Second Yeai': 2018-2019 .. ·.·.; ~.

In the Second year period of 2018-2019 it is proposed to produce Basalt stone by forming 2 benches in the section A' -A" and will advance up to B'-B" respectively in addition to these extending the existing benches up to section A' ~A" in continuation to the second year workings 2 benches will be formed in the section B' -B" confining bottom level of 394 m.(refer production & development Plan Plate No. 5).En~ the year total volume of 6373 Brass will be excavated. Anticipatin~W~~d~ry, the recoverable Basalt of 5736 Brass and stony waste of 63~.Br~;i~~'TI,~ reduced.

,. ~;(-<?f'"1;11 ,......_ ,~~! 11-Year- 2018-2019 ~~· ...... ;;s ~~, .... ~~~~~


132 Nil 132

Cross Basalt In flue

~~ t~~~~lt Volume of Volume of Top Top Soil Section Area in nce)n ne/.t ~~\fantity m Basalt@ waste®lO% Soil &Murom

.I ';.(11 ... M2 M .. Dt·ass 90% Brass Brass Area ?vP

A'·A" 91 66 ·ogoo6 2547 2292 255 Nil B'-B" 141 64 9024 3826 3444 383 Nil

Sub total 232 15030 6373 5736 637 Nil ·- -Third Year: 2019-2020

In the third year it is proposed to produce Basalt stone by forming 2 benches in the section A'-A" respectively in continuation to the second year workings 2 benches will be formed in the section A' -A confining bottom level of 394 m.(refer production & development Ptan Plate No. 5).End of the III rd year total volume of 6656 Brass will be excavated. Anticipating 90% recovery, the recoverable Basalt of 5991Brass and stony waste of 666 Brass will be produced.

III -YEAR-2019~202~---


Nil Nil


Cross Basalt In flue Total Total Basalt Volume of Volume of Top Top Soil Section Area in nee in Volume Quantity in Basalt® waste@lO% Soil & Murom

M2 M M3 Brass 90% Brass Brass Area M2 M3

A'-A" 105 66 6930 2939 2645 ' 294 Nil Nil

B'-8" 137 64 8768 3718 3346 372 Nil Nil

Sub total 242 15698 6656 5991 666 Nil Nil

V.H~ ROP/NGP/360/20fJ7 A

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Section Line


B'-B" SubTotal


A'-A" B'-B"


A'-A" B'-B"

SubTotal IV YEAR

A'-A" B'-B"

SubTotal VYEAR

A'-A"· 8'-B"


Grant Total

Annexure - IX

Year wise Production and Development Calculation of Basalt Stone & Mmom Mine

Sy.~o.33/2 part ,Area 1.0 Ha Mauja -Murzadi,Taluka & Dist- Yavatmal ...

Sri.Kazi Junaid Iftedar

I Y:r - 2017- 2018

Area in M 2 Influence in Total V Total Volume Total Qty Basalt Volume of Volume of Top soil Top soil & M =Volume Basalt in in Ton TF2.7 Basalt@ 90% waste@10% M2 Murrom

Ms Brass(CF 2.83) Brass Brass M3

=Vx1.2/2.83 I •

127 66 8382 3,554 . 22,631 3,199 , ... ~ 355 2 132

128 64 8160 '-'3,~ ~\ 22,032 3,114 .. 346 0 255 16542 ~\ ~\ '

44,663 6,313 701 2 132

ll Yr- 20~2019 Y'~ \~)\\ f 91 66 6006 2,~ kl.\ ~\ 16,216 2,292 255 0 0

i 141 64 9024 3,8¥J ~-.\ ~ ~4,365 3,444 383 0 0 232 15030 6,37~ ~\~ ~~81 5,736 637 0 0

III- Y:r -2019-2020 ~\~~\ 105 66 6930 2,939 xo~_,A8,7n 2,645 294 0 0

137 64 8768 3,718 'V" 23,674 3,346 372 0 0

242 15698 6,656 42,385 5,991 666 0 0

IV th -2020..2021

87 66 ' 5742 2,435 - 15,503 2,191 243 0 0

100 64 6400 2,714 17,280 2,442 271 0 0

187 12142 5,149 32,783 4,634 515 0 0

Vth Yr- 2021-2020

47 66 3102 1,315 8,375 1,184 132 0 0

101 64 6464 2,741 17,453 2,467 274 0 0

148 9566 4,056 25,828 3,651 406 0 0

1064 68978 29,249 186,241 26,324 2,925 2 132

HQP/;<1~~ . ·'.'·:·.~7/A

------~~=-- .-. -. --·.........,.-=-.......,,...·

Top soil

Murrom Brass

(BCF V /283)


0 47

0 0 0

,. 0 0





0 0

o: 47

Page 27: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone




Fourth Year: 2020~2021 In the fourth year it is proposed to produce Basalt aggregate by

advancing two benches in continuation of third year workings section A'­A", confining the bottom RL of 393m(refer production & development plan Plate No.S).End of the fourth year total quantity of Basalt 5149 Brass will be excavated. Anticipating 90% recovery, recoverable Basalt of 4634 Brass and stony waste of 515 Brass will be p'oduced.

IV· YEAR- 2020-2021 Cross Basalt Influe Total Total Basalt Volume of Volume of Top Top Soil

Section Area in nee in Volume Quantity in Basalt@ waste@lO% Soil &Murom M2 M M3 Brass 90% Brass Brass Area M2

A'·A" 87 66 5742 2435 2191 243 Nil

B'·B" 100 64 6400 2714 2442 271 Nil

Sub total 187 12142 5149 4634 515 Nil

Fifth Year: 2021-2022 I

In the fi'fth, •. y;~a~ !tis proposed to produce Basalt by advancing Seventh bench in continuation of existing workings in section A'-A" confining the pit bottom levels to RL390 mtr (refer production & development plan Plate No. 5 End of the fifth year total quanti salt 8014 Brass will be excavated. Anticipating 90% recovery, rec s t of 7213 Brass and stony waste of 801 Brass Top soil & m~6 . · 1 e produced. V-YEAR-2021-2022 \ .1J ~..1:1 •. ~ {)

Ml Nil Nil


Cross Basalt In flue Volume of Volume of Top Top Soil Section Area in nee in Basalt@ waste@10% Soil &Murom

M2 M 90% Brass Brass Area M2 M3

A'-A" 47 66 1315 1184 132 Nil Nil

B'·B" 101 64 6464 2741 2467 274 Nil Nil Sub total 148 IJ 9566 4056 3651 406 Nil Nil

Ab t t F' s rae 1ve year p d f ro UClOfl &D t 1 eve opmen . Year Basalt OBVolume Basalt Recoverable Waste stone Top Soil &

VolumeM3 Brass Production Brass Basalt in Brass in Brass Munoom M3

2017-2018-1 16542 1654 7014 6313 701 2018-2019-II 15030 1503 6373 5736 637 2019-2020-III 15698 1569 6656 5991 666 2020-2021-JV 12142 1214 5149 4634 515

2021-2022-V 9566 956 4056 / 3651 406 Total 68978 6898 29249 26324 2925

Quantum of Exc~~~on (OB & Basalt Aggregate): Total amount of excavation during entire plan period is Basalt 29249

Brass. And it is proposed to achieve by forming total 7 to 8 benches with 3 m length and 3m width. Anti.cipating 90% recovery total 26324 Brass of recoverable Basalt, 2925 Brass of overburden/ intercaLated waste, top soil &

Murom of 132 M3 will be hand~

~~1"1 ~ &PfCfl4' V .R. adhusudan RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

132 Nil

Nil Nil Nil


Page 28: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone


' ' '\ ..

c) Crushing, Screening, Sizing of Aggregate: The sized boulders of O.Smtr to 0.75 meter will be fed to the stone

crushing plant of specific capacity installed adjacent to the lease area. The crushed sizes will be from + lOmm to 40mm depending on the requirement of the clients. The suitable size of feeder hopper is also being established at the beneficiation plant. The screens of all the specific sizes are established along with the belt conveyer systems. The stacks of different sizes aggregate are


made ready for final dispatch from the beneficiation site by road to the clients in nearby town and villages. The 1.0 to 15% of> 5mm fines generated during crushing will be utilized by cement bricks manufacturing units nearby and by hot mix plants for roads. Thus material is used effectively for different purposes facilitating eco-friendly mining.



i. Solid Waste: Mining. operations are envisioned to produce the crushed Basalt for

infrastructural· eri'gill~,er~g works. Generation of waste is very minimal as small boulders can also be utilized to produce crushed Basalt. This consist mainly weathered material and l.Ometer of top soil & Murom cover. Soil component is minimal and this will be used for the plantation purpose. Dumping proposals are suggested in 7.5mtr zone, 90% of the material excavated from the mining lease will e used effectively for different purposes. Top soil and Murom will for backfilling the pit excavated after achieving the ultimate · e the top soil will be stacked separately in 7.5 meters . 'se plantation will be carried out during entire plan ped _... . . ~~0 Dump Manage~ent: ~?

The OB mined out wi e stacked in 7.Srntr Safety zone and dump will be on the height of 2 to 3.0 meter with gental slope of 1:20 along the slope so that the loose muck is not drained away by rain water in rainy season. The garland drains will be cleaned before each monsoon season so that the drainage and flow of rain water percolation through the OB layer so that it would support the vegetation by capillary action. The outer edge of all these dumps will be stabilized on the top by dressing, these dumps will be covered

... on the top by 0.5mtr topsoil which is stacked UP. separately for plantation to '/

be done after stabilization, and Plantation will be done in conceptual period. Pit thus formed will be land scapp.ed and retained as rain water harvesting pit in conceptual period.

Use of fine'r minerai ,.Jilt-___ '··,.

Small sized waste i.e. less than -5mm size shall be used as a road metal or for tar finishing on asphalt roads & foundation filling and selling to local small scale cements hollow and solid bricks manufacturing units which are coming up in near future.

ii. Liquid Waste:

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The liquid waste comprises mainly run-off water during the monsoon months from the quarry. The rainwater draining the freshly exposed rock fragments and dust in the mine is susceptible for incorporating suspended solids seepage of water down to the water table may cause pollution in the eround wilh~r. To obviQtc thi::; it if. ncce::;sary to make the water leaving the mine silt free, by constructing silt settling pit before the main sump area of the m1ne. Pollution of water due to silt would be very minimal in the mine. The present mine is opened by forming benches which may be given slight tilt so that the


rain water during monsoon will drain down leaving the benches dry.





BASELINE INFORMATION: (i) Existing Land use pattern:

Out of 1.00 Ha, available for mining 0.65Ha will be utilized for minin& 0.30 Ha will -lef~ over for safety zone, 0.05Ha will be used for internal·mine roads. The lancf fn.,.the lwf~er zone or the area around the core zone (Mining lease area) within a radius of 5km is characterized by undulating terrain with a plateau type land form with gental slope of 1:5 towards East and West.

Existin Land use Abstract l.OHa



zone area 0.30Ha Area for roads 0.05Ha

Present minin it 0.61Ha

1Jfl~;Q ' . ' 0 (ii) Water Regime: <i,_~-~

The water regime in the a · nt areas is marked by seasonal Streams. The ground water regime is marked by the water table which occurs 50m to 60m below the surface. This is tapped by dug wells and tube wells. Water is


Water Quality: Ground water monitoring at bore well near mining lease area (Cluster

villages) is carried out and results is mentioned below as per the Pre­Feasibility report submitted for EC d earance ..... DEAC committee Yavatmal. Water level in the nearby bore well is SWL in winter is 6 mtr.SWL in summer is 12 meter, depth of the bore well-30mtr, diameter bore well-6 inch.

Sl.No. Parameter .~ Units GWl GW2 1 Colour

. . Hazen Units <5 <5 2 pH --- 7.2 7.22 3 Turbidity NUT 7 7 4 Odour --- Un-objectionable Un-objectionable 5 Total Dissolved solids Mg/1 397 357 6 Alkalinty Mg/1 223 235

v~ RQP/NGP/360/2007 A

Page 30: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

·~ 16

- -----7 Total Hardness as CaCoJ Mg/1 392 353 8 Nitrate as No3 Mg/1 20 20 --9 Phosphates as P04 Mg/1 0.015 0.021 10 Chlorides as Cl Mg/l 53 59 11 Sulphates as 504 Mg/1 32 32 12 ~odium as Na Mg/1 35 39 -13 Potassium as K Mg/1 4.5 5.5 14 Calcium asCa Mg/1 70 46 -15 Magnesium as Mg Mg/1 52 53 16 Fluoride as F Mg/1 0.84 1.2 17 Cyanide as CN Mgt! BDL BDL 18 Lead as Pb Mg/1 BDL BDL 19 Cadmium as Cd Mg/1 BDL BDL

20 Chromium as Cr Mg/1 BDL BDL

21 Copperas Cu Mg/1 BDL BDL

22 Zinc as Zn Mg/1 BDL BDL

23 Iron as Fe Mg/1 0.22 0.26

24 Manganese as Mn Mg/1 BDL BDL 25 Mercury as~ Hg Mg/l BDL BDL

26 Selenium a5 se.. .. , . . Mg/1 BDL BDL

27 Arsenic as As Mg/1 BDL BDL 28 Boron as B Mg/1 0.11 0.11 29 Total Coli form MPN/lOOml Absent Absent

30 E coli MPN/lOOml Aqsent Absent

.) .. ' Water from the above GW1 & GW·~o~\nd potable drinking water

./.'d5· / ~~~~~~) /..<l1'~-~~.

(ii) Flora and fauna: ~~ /0~1./$.'"il9 .

Bushy growth is seen in~.t1(J:>\i~{md. Neem & chinch and Palas trees are sporadically seen. The fa tina ~~-o)rlprises rabbit, snakes and rodents. (iv) Climatic conditions: "1

The region is characterized by hot and humid climate. Summer months are hot reaching a maximum temperature of 45 t: in the month of May. The minimum temperature recorded in winter months is 18 ·c. The rain fall is contributed by southwest monsoon and the annual Rain fall is around 600-700mm.

(v) Public Buildings, Places and Monuments: No public buildings of importance, places of interest and monuments

exist in the area under consideration. _,

(vi) Quality of Air and water: The air in the region is not polluted as there are no Polluling

,I I~ establishments. The dust generated during the haulage and transportation, crushing will be controlled by spraying water by the water tankers in dry season. The water from dug well and Bore well is potable. (vii) Whether the area falls under notified area of Water Act, 1974:

No, the lease area does not fall under notified area of wat Act, 1974.

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8.1 Environmental Impact Assessment Statement:



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Any opencast mining project will have impact on the landscape, water regime, water quality, ambient air quality, noise, ground vibration, ecology, worker's health and other socio-economic conditions in the area. a) Landscape:

Due to mining operations 2.0Ha of total land is affected. the mine­spoiled area will be partly stabi1i4ed with b~m::hlng plantation in this five years stage wise after reaching the UPL as discussed in chapter of Progressive mine closer plan. Though during this period the mine will. be in developing stage and working will be above the general groundwater water table level of the surrounding area. Part of land reclamation in the area will be done in stages. b) Water regime:

The impact of mining is not on the ground water. During rainy season some impact due to rain water drairring in the freshly exposed mine faces and benches may b~ silt-laden. This may pollute the surface water. The water will be accumula:teci' in., the ,spallowest part of the mine & will be allowed to settle in the sump of specific capadty to hold the rain water in order to settle the turbid content of water. After settling of the turbid contents the water can be used for sprinkling on the roads during dry seasons this will also help in recharge of aquifers by improving the wate a le conditions in this region as the area is dry and rocky. ~

c)Water Quality: ~,. o~~fi>. There will not be any rf~ ange in the surface or ground

water quality. ~

d)Ambient air quality: The proposed mining activity is on small scale. Drilling, movement of

machinery and vehicles, loading and unloading operations etc. will contribute dust and the air. Proper water sprinkling will be done on the haulage roads, loading and unloading stations and Mine benches to reduce the dust. If necessary, wet drilling method will be adopted by putting wet gunny bags during drilling. The ambient air quality will be within permissible limits.

e)Noise: The noise generated by the machinery and vehicles besides drilling

will be within permissible limits. Ear plugs will be provided to workers to prevent from noise effects.

f) Groun~ vibrati9n;.,.., The detonators will be-covered by mud on the working face to prevent

air blast and detonators will be covered by soil or drill dust and charge per delay will controlled .Advanced control blasting procedures will be adopted to minimize ground vibrations if required.

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g) Ecology: There will not be any significant impact on the ecology of the region

because the proposed mining activity will be on limited scale.

h) Worker's Health: Respirators, Mask, Goggles, Ear-plugs, Safety Shoes and Helmets will

be provided to the workers where-ever necessary to safe guard their health.

i) Socio-economic conditions: The Basalt stone rniniflg project will have positive impact on the

socio-economic condition of the people in the vicinity due to generation of employment opportunities and basic medical, educational and infrastructure development of the local area for e.g. market and trade related employment generation which will improve their standard of living as well.

8. 2 Environment Management Plan:

Sr.No 1.0 2.0

3.0 4.0

5.0 6.0


8.0 9.0



Enviro~ment Management Abstract Details Area Remarks

Minin Lease area 1.00Ha Total Lease area Minable area 0.65Ha Safe zone 0.30Ha Area for internal roads 0.10Ha Internal mine roads

Area for Waste dum s 0.080Ha Garland Drains 568 M len th Barbed Wire Fencing All round mine· All round mine boundary.

Mining pit area

i) Storage and pr'"'Uit..'"'"'tlaP'.JiaV Top soil & om was ealier mined out in previous period now

total of 132 M3 of top Soil & murrom will be recovered in this five year period and utilized for plantation purpose in safety zone area and for hopper ramp preparation near crushing site, in South east':' The plantation will be carried out in phases in the safety zone area after reaching the ultimate pit limit in the Lease period, after stabilizing the benches with 3.0meter height and width of 3.0mtr depth. As the reserves of Basalt are still available for mining in lease area. The ;mined out p±t!.will be landscaped in to safety according to guidelines and the pit will be used as rain water harvesting pit and surface water source for agriculture and other allied activities.

ii) Aforestation: Safe ty zone of the 7.5 rrttr zone area will be subjected to forestation.

(Ref. Production and Development plan- Plate no. 8 & 9.Bo~

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approach roads to Mining area, a forestation program will be taken up now for dust prevention, truck leafy plantation as recommended by social forestry people will be planted and watered regularly in future, Thus keeping the surrounding environment green during mining period, naturally available species are planted which grow easily in this area thus the appears green during monsoon & Winter season.

Schedule of Plantation: Year No. of l'lants Species Plantation Area

1 25 Pongia Pinata, Azadiracta Indica 0.06 Ha Neem, Bare and Tamarind, Teak

2 25 Pongia Pinata, Azadiracta Indica 0.06 Ha Neem, Bare and Tamarind, Teak

3 25 Pongia Pinata, Azadiracta Indica 0.06 Ha Neem, Bare and Tamarind, Teak

4 25 Pongia Pinata, Azadiracta Indica 0.06 Ha Neem, Bare and Tamarind, Teak

5 25 Pongia Pinata, Azadiracta Indica 0.06 Ha Neem, Bare and Tamarind, Teak

Total . :i2S.., .. 0.30 Ha

iii) Measure for dust suppression: Water sprinkling will be done on the haulage roads, loading and

unloading stations, mine benches etc. for suppressing dust. Dust masks will be provided to the workers, where ever necessary .

iv) Measures for minimizing noise and ground vibration: The noise levels will be withln;. ~e~·~ssible limits. Ear plugs will be

provide~ to ~e workers at the qtJlk~sH:~~·~\lsher. Numbe~ of ~elays used for blastmg will belt well planneq~SG-~M;tQ~~ the ground vibration and the detonators will be cover~· ~"~~jF~~i~g the noise due air blast during blasting. If required ad~.PE7~~9flb·olled blasting technique will be implemented. ~

iv) Measures to Control erosion: Basalt roc is a hard and compact & massive formation and hence erosion

effects are minimal only loose fragments and clay soil particles will only be

drained in to the garland drains prepared at th~ surface along the safety zone

at the top of the quarry these accumulated clay in the drain will be cleaned

before start of monsoon .

vi) Treatment and ·dThpos.~l of water from the mine: In the mining lease area generation of silt would be very minimal

which may not require any further treatment. The water collected during rainy season can be used for watering the saplings planted for aforestation. The mining pit will be used as rain water harvesting and recharge pit for

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ground water. As in this region the ground water table is more than 20 meter deep. This pit will serve as recharge pit after the mining is reached to the ultimate pit limit. The Silt trap pit will be designed to clear the water of dissolved silt, water collected in the mine sump can be utilized for the spraying of water on mine approach roads to control the dust generated by plying of machineries inside the mine and water if required will be pumped and discharged to the streams uuwltslream side after monsoon pt!riud.



9.1 Employment: The following staff will be em.P. ed on contract basis for carrying out

minin o erations.

Office-cum-store clerk Electrician-cum-Mechanic

ers Labors


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2 2

1 1 5

5 10

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' Any violations noticed by the Department of Geology Mining and rectifications made there bn.

No pending violations from Del?. ,~~,.rv

~or General of Mines Safety ~~•''~'~"~ .,.,..-... ..,...,..,.·rectifications made there on.

No objections raised by adjacent owner or village people or other Govt. departments.


Place Chandrapur: V.R.MADHUSUDAN RQP /NGP/360/2007 I A

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11. PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSER PLAN Mauja-Murzadi, Basalt Stone & Murom Mine, Area-1.0Ha,

Part Taluka & District-Yavatmal, Sri.Kazi Junaid Iftedar

11.1 Introduction: The Progressive mine closure plan of Murzadi Basalt Stone & Murom

mine. Basa 1t ~tonP. deposit has been prPpnrrd in accordance with the guidelines issued by IBM.

Details of the land covered: in the proposed lease area is tabulated below. District & State Village/Mauj a Survey/ Gatt Area in Ownership/

No. Hectares Land-use Yavatmal Murzadi 33/2 Part 1.0 Pvt. Land Maharashtra

Present land use pattern: The proposed area is a non forest private land under mmmg for

Mining lease, for "'last fiv~ years. In the proposed area old mining pit is present. The area is covered with soil and we hered Basalt as outcrops.

Present land use abstract

Area for roads

Present minin it 0.61Ha

p ropose dl d an use a ft f i d er 1ve year ease per o

Mining Lease area l.OHa

Safety Zone 0.30Ha

Mining area excludingsa!ety zone 0.65Ha

Green belt development in safety zone area 0.30Ha

Area for roads 0.05Ha

Proposed mining pit after five years period 0.65Ha

Top soil dump area Nil OB dump area Nil

~·ql~"lli;'Stf lff.'ii<J~ m a) Reasons for closure: ·" ·~f~\l _..,

The progressive mine closure can't be started in this five plan period as reserves are available still for future plan period. Progressive closure can be done in conceptual period that is future plan period after reaching the ultimate pit limit in; tlq,e_ future plan period. Progressive closer can be discussed briefly here the pits in conceptual period will be landscaped to safety conditions of DMGS and with bench height of 3.0 mtr during final benching with 45° angle pit slope. The overburden if any will be used for leveling the pits and top soil will be used for plantation. ·

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b) Statutory obligations: At present no statutory obligation~ has been imposed by the

Government or any other agency. However, the applicant has applied for environment clearance. Copy of the same is annexed in annexure-IX. If any conditions imposed by the state government authorities during the period of leas~, the lessee will hereby undertakes to comply those in the stipulated time frame. Amount of financial ,

Assurance in the form of Bank Guarantee is to be submitted to the District Collector, MH.S before execution of mining lease.

c) Closer Plan Preparation: The progressive Mine closer plan of the area has been prepared for the

five years period of lease by the Recognized Qualified Person who has prepared this mining plan namely V.R.Madhusudan, RQP Registration No. RQP /NGP /360/2007 I A.

11.2- Mine Description:

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The description relating to Geology, Estimation of reserves, Mining method and Manpower required and present environment of the area has been furnished in(f details in the mining plan in detail however, briefly described below,

Basalt stone deposit of area is out cropping as more or less horizontal bands having slight inclination towards North-East & South-West. The angle of dip varies from Horizontal to so towards SW & NE. The area is located in the Taluka Darwa of Yavatmal District having longitudes 78°12'11.7"to 78°12'16.2" and Latitude 20°24'53.3" to 20°24'56.4". The area falls in the vicinity

of Mauja- Murzadi in Yavatmal district, Maharashtra. Geologically the area occupies Eocene .g-roup of Basalt igneous rock

composed essentially of Plagioclase Feldspa1· and ferromagnesian mineral.

Local Geology: Has been discussed in d_eiaU_in Chapter of Geology on page no 3 .

.. ,

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11.3. Review of implementation of mining plan including five years progressive closure plan.

Review of implementation of progressive mine closure This stage will come at end of plan period the area will be landscaped for rain water harvesting pit and the water body will be used for fisheries and allied agricultural activities during post mining activity. The area available n part of 33/ 2 will have still have reserves Qf. basalt that can be used for mining in future period.

11.4 Closure plan: .. A) Reclamation and Rehabilitation:

Reclamation and rehabilitation is not recommended in this plan period as reserves will be available for mining and the pit will be in developing stage, However reclamation of mined out is not possible as Ob waste that will be generated will be in small quantity. Pit will be land scapped with respect to safety of living beings will be fenced by barbed wire fencing to prevent unauthorized entcy. and pit will be used as rain water harvesting pit during post mining will~ be··:, US.e.d for irrigation, Pisiculture & aquaculture .The anticipated land use pattern as envisaged after five years and at the end of conceptual period would be as tabulated below.

Conce tual eriod Land use Abstract Sr.No. At the end of lease eriod in M2

1 6500 2 Nil 3 Nil 4 Nil

5 Road 500

6 Plantation 3000 3000

Total Mining Lease Area 10000 10000 {)

From the above table it can be seen that at the end of plan period about 0.65 Ha area covered under mining pit, 0.05Ha road & 0.30 Ha plantations and safety zone and other ancillary operation relating to mining including the area broken by pit after five year.

B) Water Quality Management: ·"' (Bl) Nature of Water Bodies:

In the proposed lease area there is no stream or nallah or any other kind of water bodies are in existence. During rainy season water from the area drained through the natural course of drainage flowing the slopes. This drainage couJse is total)}:~_~asonal. No other water bodies are in existence. The ground water table in the .. area is much below i.e. about 50 meters. From the general ground surface.

(B2) Protection of water bodies: Being no surface water bodies are available in the area the question of

protection does not arise. In case of ground water the pro osed mining

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operations clre much above the static water level in the area at the end of plan period. Thus, groundwater table will not be adversely affected due to mining; on the contrary the water level in the area may increase due to infiltration of stored ram water in the mine pit during rainy season. The Basalt stone pr0dudng from the mine is being sold in processed form of various sizes fr{HD +10mm to 40rnm sizes hence all this processing is done at the non rr,i')ing area, there is less chances, of pollution of water body's in the subject ri.1ine.

B3) Air Quality managemel).t: The proposed mining activity is likely to contribute additional

suspended particulate matter (SPM).Dust from mining area sources and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) & hydrocarbons from automobile exhaust.

During the proposed mining activities blasting will be carried out. Basalt Stone is to be transported to the crushing yard located in mining lease of lessee and then directly to the consumers.SPM and NOx emission's are envisaged during these transportation operations .

NOx emiss~bn's from the vehicular movement on surface would be "- .. --

intermittent it will be instantaneous. Dust risin due to mining operation, whieh will be carried by winds but propos ntation, will reduce the speed of the dust.

84) Waste Management: Type of Overburden and

quality of overburden, mineral rej has been described in the relevant '-'-.... ,.,.,"' material would be generated.

B5) Top Soil Management: Top soil cover of l.Ometer has been removed in earlier period only 132

M3 is available in this plan period & 2.0mtr of weathered Basalt. This Top soil & Murom 132 M3 will be stacked in 7.5 meter safety zone some of the top soil will be used for plantation from first year of plan period. The soil will be spread with O.Smeter spread on the final layer at the top to support the vegetation in mine this soil will be mixed with the manure available locally and the leafy waste plant to maintain the humidity and fertility of the top soil.

B6) Tailing Dump Management: As there is crusher installed near the mi,.Ring area, and the dump is

stacked and dressed properly by furrows at the interval of 2.0mtrs and the slope angle is maintained in 1:16 angle thls waste dump will be backfilled after attaining Ultimate pit limit which will be arrived in future plan period.

B7) Infrastructure: . ; :::_....__ Final disposal ofpropbsed infrastructure does not arise at this stage as

the reserves are existing below the Infrastructure and also in the pit & plan will be planned in next plan period in future.

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B8) Disposal of Mining Machinery: The question does not arise at this stage.

B9) Safety and Security: During the period under consideration, the surface mmmg

would be carried out properly and workman like manner and all safety measures as require under MMR 1961 will be taken care of. The applicant has already appointed the pe.(sons as watch and ward for safety cmd security purposes.

BlO) Disaster Management and Risk Assessment: All the safety measures during this mining will be taken as per the

norms of DGMS, Safety of the men and machines are most important during this mining activity. No danger to public life and property arises as only trucks ply from mining site through public road. There are no water impoundments at higher levels or at lower contours. Police station and hospital are situated at Taluka head quarter about 3.0Kms.from the mining lease area.

Public Amenities: Place Name of the ameni Distance from the mine

Murzadi School 1.0Km. Yavatmal Hos ital 10.0 Km Yavatmal Revenue Office Yavatmal

Yavatmal 0 Km

Btl) Care during the temporary discontinuance: ~ Temporary discontinuan of mining operations will be for a small period during heavy rains and due to lack of market demand at that time the security person engaged by the applicant will keep vigil for care and maintenance of the mine.

11.5 Economic Repercussions of Closure of the Mine and the Manpower Retrenchment:

Since this progressive closure plan is for the five years period of lease and this is the first closure plan, the question of its closure and consequent economic repercussions including manpower retrenchment does not arise at present. a) About 10 nos. of labors are engaged in this mine for loading and breaking of metal. These labors are earlier working in the agricultural fields and adjoining mining ai"easJ if retrenched due to closure of mine they will join their present occupational work but not retrenched due to closure of the mine. b) If retrenched for any reason compensation would be provided as per provisions of Compensation act, Rules and Regulation's ap~~cablc at the

time. \

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~) Satellite occupations connected mining industry not applicable in this case.

d) Continued engagement of employees in the rehabilitated status of mining-This stage is not applicable during this scheme period. c) Envisaged repercussions on the expectation of ~ociety around-During closurt=> of mine for whatever the reason, the society at large will not be affected much, only workers will become jobless but they wollld be

' compensated as per existing Act, Rules and Regulations and no repercussions are envisaged. . 11.6 Time Scheduling for Abandonment:

This being the closure plan for the first five year period of lease which is yet to be commenced, the question of abandonment does not arise. The mining of Basalt bench wise is a part of mining activity and do not constitute abandonment of the area as reserves are still available in the mine under infrastructure which will conserve the mineral for future plan period thus increasing the life of the mine.

Abandonment Cost: ,..,, Abandonment cost will be estimat~,4: dftring the final mine closer

period of the mines that stage is ;:et .. -~o~lkl)riv~ . . ~~rever, the information regarding various aspects is furni~d~in~~pe~ ~<lPle~s given below . . ~ .~ ... ~:


Salient Information Proposal duri;J.1g, Ute plan period Proposed

"' Expenditure Top soil storage, Top soil of 132 M3 13200/-

Preservation & utilization Waste dump Waste dumps would be kept separately and 50000/-Per Ha Management will be sold as murromn if not Sold will be used

for backfilling in the pit Aforestation programme Proposed to plant 25 trees per year along the 2500/-@ Rs.lOO/- per

boundary and reclaimed area tree Quality of air Fresh & unpolluted, manual mining hence no Nil

proposals Quality of water surface No surface water Bodies, Rain water 10000/-

& ground water accumulated would be pumped out to the streams.



As per guidelines of MH-MMEDR 2013, the lessee has to submit the

Financial Assurance @ Rs. 50,000/- per hectare to the concerned authorities of

DGM/ Collector, is nominated under rules before execution of Mining lease.

The proposed area of grant under Mining lease is for 1.0Ha actual mining . ~.

area is 1.00Ha, thus the applicant has to submit the financial assurance of 1.00

Ha X 50000/- = 50000/- Rs As the minimum amount is Rs.lOOOOO the lessee

will submit the financial assurance of Rs.l,OOOOO/-Rs that will be submitted to

the District collector, before execution of mining lease.

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I I I I I -I I I I I I I



Sr.!'! a


1 . 2 3 4 5



8 9


11 12 13


Financial Assurance Abstract ---,

Head Area used at Additional Total Area considered Net Area I Area used for start of Plan requirement Area used as fully reclaimed Considered for

in (Ha) during the plan inHa and rehabilitated Calculation p_eriod (in Ha) (in Ha) (in Ha)

B c D E(C+D) F C=-(E+F)

Arl:!a to be disturbed 0.60 0.05 0.65 Nil 00.65 Storage of top soil Nil 0.00 0.00 Nil Nil

Overburden Dump Nil 0.10 Nil Nil Nil Mineral Storage Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil b1fras ( worshop Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Admin Building

Roads Nil 0.05 0.05 Nil 0.05 Railways Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Green belt Nil Nil 0.30 Nil 0.30 Tailing pond NU Nil Nil Nil Nil

Effluent Treatment Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Cru~;hing Plant Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Town sh1p Area Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Others to be specified Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Grand Total Nil 0.20 1.00 Nil 1.00

Financial Assurance Table Rate /Ha Minin Area in Ha Total Amount Rs 50000/- Mining area l.OOHa 50000/-50000/· Total lease area l.OOHa x 50000 50000/-

Minimum Amount to be de osited is 100000/- 100000/ 100000/-

Conceptual plan details: :~(~·$}1 0~ ~ -0~

~-~ As per conceptual plan in fifth year the • tual period position of mine

will be as given under. Area under mining activity 0.65 Ha and area of safety zone as per conceptual plan is 0.30 Ha waste rock and topsoil will be used in the fifth year plan period for aforestation ,Area for mine sump will be around 6000M2• Garland drain in the safety zone area for preventing the silt at the top will be prepared with the total length of around 356mtr.will be made to prevent silt from entering in to mine pit. Area of green belt in fifth year will be approximately 0.30Ha including the safety zone and. The pit bottom or floor level will be 395 meter, at the completion of fifth year plan period with the total production of Basalt 29249 Brass with recoverable Basalt of 26324 Brass, Intercalated waste of 2925 Brass, and top soil and Murom of 132 Brass.

At the end of conceptual period: Considering production of 5900 Brass per year for five years of lease period the position of pits, plantation etc .will be the same at the conceptual period because the plan period a lease period is the same .

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Post Mining Land use pattern: The mining pit at the time of final closure of mining activities in the proposed

area would be developed as rainwater harvesting pit, enriching the groundwater conditions and surface water can be utilized for agricultural purposes. Reclamation of mined out land is not possible as waste generated is minimal. Area will be afforested with plantation in the next five years on safety zone area in conceptuai plan plate No.lO and Environmental management plan Plate no.9

Final slope of faces: Final slope of benches would be 45° so that maximum mineral can be

recovered, with safer bench conditions.

Ultimate depth , size & shape of the pit: The applicant has applied for mining lease and period of grant would be for 5

years. Therefore It is premature to decide the conceptual plan for the quarry. However based on the available geological information requirement or purpose of mining the shape and size of basalt has been defined and shown as the Ultimately Pit Limits by colored lines in the Geologicat Development, and Conceptual plan. Ultimate depth of the pit at the end of conceptual period is the same as of 5year period, depth will be 12.0mtrs from the RL of the bottom of pit would be 339mtr. The factors considered to design the Ultimate COI)~~'" plan are as under:

i) Overall composite shape and lease:-:area avi:)4able for mining. ii) Relief of the area. . ... ·· \ _, .. <'' "'

iii) Ultimate closing bench g~o.rnetf'y;wr'1;ie as under. Bench width: 3.0mtr ,. ~~~-"

'I{~ Bench Height: 3.0mtr Ultimate pit wall slope: 45°, as Basalt rock is hard and compact it is

stable hence above recommended geometry will be reasonably safer for post mining land use. Conceptual plan and environment Management Plan are as shown in Plate no.VII and Plate no. VIII respectively.

Terms & Conditions of quarry Lease: Every quarry lease shall be subjected to following conditions: Before Lessee commences quarry operation ,Lessee shall,in consultation with the competent officer at his own expense, demarcate the leased area through the Deputy superintendent of Land records, Erect lease boundary pillars and maintain prominentiJoundary marks and pillars )n order to indicate the leased area. Lessee shall maintain proper drains to drain out he rain water though the lease area, he shall maintain the upkeep of land in good condition (eighther Government or private land so that there is no disturbance to local villages and surrounding land owners. If any miner mineral not specified in the lease is at any time is r~~:d in the lease area, the Lessee shall without delay report the dis~~~ to the


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c. D.







competent officer and also to the Directorate of Geology and mining, Shall not undertake any Operation in respect of such minor mineral or dispose of such mineral without obtaining separate lease there off. If the lessee fails to apply for such miner mineral without obtaining a separate lease there for .If the lessee fails to apply for such lease within three months from the date of the discovery of mineral to any other person. The lessee shall arrange for a prop~r sanitation of the area lease to him. The lessee shall abitl~ by all such reasonable instructions or direction as may from time to time be issued by all such reasonable instructions or direction as may from time to time , issued by the Government or the Directorate of Geology & mining, regarding the conservation and development of minor minerals. The Lessee shall abide by the provisions of any law in force relating to working of mines and matters affecting safety, health and convenience of his employees, of the public visiting the site and shall respect all existing rights of the way, water and other easements vesting in any other person. The lessee shall not carry on or allow to be carried on any quarry operations at any point within a distance of fifty meters, if no blasting is involved, and two hundred meters, if blasting is involved. a from the boundary of any railway line, road, irrigation canal ,unless n permission of railway concerned authority of the government is ob it that behalf. In granting any such permission the concerned aut lessee shall abide all such conditions laid there off. / ~ The lessee shall keep correct and ~~ expenses incurred by him on quarry operations and also the a other particulars of all minor minerals obtained will be will be rna 1ed and shall be furnished to the competent authorities when needed the information ,reports and month returns filed to the DMO office will made available for inspection to the said authority as and when required, Returns in Form -M giving the total quantity of material raised in the preceding calendar month. Annual return will be filed by lessee in Form~N by 15th of January every year. If the period expires before the close of a year the lessee shall also furnish returns for such shorter period. The Lessee Shall allow any authorized officer by the Government in this behalf or the competent officer to enter upon any building, excavation or land covered by lease for the purpose of inspecting the same or for inspecting the accounts plans, and record which may be required to produce before such officer .Any such officer may issue such reasonable directions as he deems fit to prevent wasteful extraction of minerals ,and its shall be the duty of the lessee, his agent or assistant manager to carry out such directions with such period as the officer may speCify. Where ever the strengthening or supporting of any part of quarry is necessary for safety of any railway, reservoir, canat road or any other public work or structure,the lessee shall cause it to be done to the satisfaction of the concerned railway authority where the as safety of the railw\ involved

V.R.M~ RnP/1\lr.Pt:~f>()/?0()7 A

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and to the satisfaction of any officer, authorized by competent officer for this purpose. If the lessee fails to undertake quarry operation within a period of one hundred eighty days after the date of execution of the lease, or having commenced quarry operations, has discontinued the same for a continuous period of one hundred eighty days ,the lease shall be treated as lapsed on the expiry of the period of one hundred eighty days from the date of execution of

.... the lcusc or ns the case may be discontinue of the quarry operation;

Provided that the competent Officer may ,on an application made by •

the holder of the lease ,to undertake mining operation or to continue such operations for reasons beyond his control, make an order ,subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order, to the effect that such lease shall not lapse: Provided further that the government my on an application submitted by the lessee, within a period of six months from the date of its lapse and on being satisfied that such non -commencement or discontinuance was due to reasons beyond the control of the holder of the lease ,revive the lease from such prospective or retrospective date as it thinks fit but not earlier than the date of lapse of the lease : Provided also that ,no quarry lease shall be revived under the aforesaid provisions for not more than twice during the entire period of the lease. The Lessee shall report all accidents immediately to the District Magistrate, the Superintendent of Police and competen,.t o£1ker,--or in case the severity of accident so warrants ,the concerned Direc~~ ~ener~ 9£ Mines Safety DGMS of GOI. ;.. ' .r ..• The Government shall be immune from.~Jl~Ibssee' s claims for damages on account of any land having bee~ in~l~~ed in this lease which may subsequently be discovered not to hav~'U>~en available for the lease. The lessee or his transferee or assignee shall not erect any building in contravention of the provisions of any law, order or instructions in force relating to the erection of the buildings or in contraventions of any order issued by any officers or authority competent to issue such order under any such laws ,order or instructions within whose jurisdiction the leased area is situated. The Government shall at all times have the right of preemption of the minor minerals won from the land in respect of which the lease has been granted :provided that ,the fair market price prevailing at the time of pre-emption shall be paid to the lessee for all such minor minerals. Right of the state or central Government or any local authority to construct any road ,railway, cau_al, reservoir, or public work or the right of any authority to construct any road, railway, canal, reservoir or public work or the right of any authority to carry any electric or telephone lines or poles in or over the lands demised under the lease is reserved : Provided that ,before such right is exercised a notice of not less than thirty days shall be given to the lessee and the area utilized for any of the offer said Pur\se shall be excluded from the area under the lease.

\.~ -- _..)

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v. 32

The lessee shall immediately submit a report to the collector, the District Magistrate ,the chief Inspector of Mines, Dhanbad, the Controller General, Indian Bureau of mines ,the Director and Senior Geologist or Geologist Posted in the area as soon as : a) The depth of any opencast excavation measured from its height to the lowest point reaches six meters, or b )The explosives are used, and at such time thereafter as the District

' Magistrate or the chief Inspector of Mines mCiy cHrPrt.

The lessee shall allow any Gov.ernment Department to remove by way of departmental work without payment of royalty from any non worked portion of the leased area ,any minor mineral required for bonafied Government work on receiving written instructions from the competent Officers .The Competent Officer shall issue such instruction to lessee on receiving written and specific request from that officer of any particular departments who is competent to certify the benefited government work, in question as regards the extent of such work and quantity of minor mineral or minerals specifically required for it : Provided that, the Govenunent departmp_.,_.....,....,. .. , compensation due to the land owner or,,. .. ,.,.,,.,.£>&'

lease has been granted of private lan The lessee shall issue along with #<, mineral outside the lease hold area for any mode of transport ~t c ss in form·O. The lessee shall pay to the occupi f the surface of the land ,such compensation as may primarily be decided, mutually, among the lessee and the individual land holders ,prior to any disturbance to the land that would be caused by the quarry operations .The lessee shall for this purpose ,submit and affidavit at the time of execution of the quarry lease deed ,to the effect that he has entered into such mutual agreements v.rith all the concerned land holders and with those land holders with whom such an agreement could not be entered into, the lessee has obtained provisional written order from the concerned Sub- Divisional officer to enter into such land with the intention of commencing quarry operations: Provides that, the concerned Sub-Divisional officer shall settle such cases of surface compensation regarding quarry lease on priority basis and considering the merits of the cases. In case of quarry lease granted over any Government land, Lessee shall pay to the Government the compensation or occupancy price as determined and fixed by Revenue authorities . . The lessee shall comply strictly all the relevant provisions of the following acts and Rules and cort~sponding procedures framed by the central or state Governments under these acts and rules, namely: a) The mines act 1952. b)The mineral Conservation and development Rules-1988. c) Any other Act or rules which the central or state Government may make applicable, from time to time, as regards minor minerals: i) The lands on which quarry lease is granted shall be reclaimed~the lessee.

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ii) The lessee shall restore ecological balance before mining operations. i.ii) The lessee shall plant the trees around the leased area and maintain the

same. He shall ensure that the greenery in the area is maintained: No person shall undertake any quarry operation or collection of any mineral in any area without the lawful authorization or permission granted by the competent officer under the provisions of MME(D&R) Rule ,2013. General conditions -1) All necessary statutory clearances shall be obtained before start of mining operations. 2) Mining shall be limited to day time only .3)

No mining shall be carried out i:Q the safety zone of any bridge and /or embankment. 4) No mining shall be carried out in the vicinity of natural or manmade archeological sites .5) The lease holder shall obtain necessary prior permissions of the competent authorities for drawl of requisite quantity of water ( surface water and groundwater) if required for the project. 6) waste water, if any shall be properly collected and treated so as to confirm to the standards prescribed by ministry of Environment and forest or CPCB 7) No wildlife will be infringed .8) Transportation of materials shall be done by covering the trucks or tractors with tarpaulin or other suitable mechanism so that no spillage of mineral or dust takes place .9)Measures shall be taken for control of noise level to the limits prescribed by CPCB.

Grant of quarry pennits by revenue officers over lands in charge of Water Resources Department, Public Works Department: In Case of lands in charge of departments other that revenue Qepartment that is Water Resources Department ,Public works department ,quarry permits over such lands shall be granted by compe~~...-tofficer only after obtaining NOC (No objection certificate) from conccm)'~~xecutive Engineer in case of water Resources Department and Public ,W-oi"k~ D.~partments and Divisional

. ' ., . \ Forest officer of the Forest Depar~en>~~ ·• '.,,~ .... ~ ·-t~,;

. ,. 'h'i •'f~'/

Systematic and Scientific Mining Protection of environment:

"' '\': '",/ 'rL,.'f/ '/"

Every holder of a quarry lessee shall take all possible precautions for the protection of environment wild life habitat, flora and fauna of that area and control of pollution while conducting prospecting ,mining or processing of minor mineral in the area for which such license or lease is granted.

Removal and utilization of top soil 1) Where top soil exists and is to be excavated for prospecting or mining operations for minor mineral, it should be removed separately. 2) The top soil so removed shall be utili.zed for restoration and rehabilitation of the land Which is no longer required for prospecting or mining operations or for stabilizing or landscaping the external dump.3) where top soil cannot be used concurrently ,it shall be store separately for future use ,keeping in view that the bactelial organism should not die and should be spread nearby area .4)

the topsoil so removed shall not be dumped ,stocked or kept on \(te adjoining forest land ,if any. Storage of overburden, waste rock etc; _,

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2) The overburden, waste rock and non saleable minor mineral generated during Prospecting or mining operations for minor minerals shall be stored separately in properly formed dumps on grounds earmarked and shall be dumped ,stocked in the adjoining forest land if any.2) Such dumps shall be pmpPrly sPcttrPd to prevent the escape of material in harmful quantities which may cause degradation of the surrounding land or silting of water courses,

' 3) Wherever possible, Such waste rock or overburden or oth~r rejects ,shall be back filled into the worked pur miner mineral quarry, where minor mineral has been recovered up to the optimum depth, with a view to restore the land to its original use or desired alternate use ,as far as possible and where the backfilling is not feasible the waste dumps shall be suitably terraced and stabilized by planting vegetation or otherwise . Reclamation and rehabilitation of lands; 4) Every holder of mining lease shall undertake the phased restoration of reclamation and rehabilitation of land affected by prospecting or mining operation and shall complete this work b re the completion of such operations and abandonment of prospecti · e .2)Where large number of small mines area situated and wod l .,~ ters ,at such places the provisions of quarry of minor min ~~~h · ne in a systematic and scientific manner .The progra ~~ ,. on and reclamation of the mined out area and rehabilitatio ~ .ade jointly in phased manner in the abandoned areas in the entire cl · f the minor minerals .Environment Clearance may be obtained by lessee or group there of as per the concept of regional Environmental Assessment (REA) and Regional Environmental Management Plan (REMP). Precaution against air Pollution: Air Pollution due to dust ,exhaust emissions or fumes during prospecting, mining or processing operations for minor minerals and related activities shall be controlled and kept within permissible limits specified under any environmental laws for the time being in force. Discharge of effluents: Every holder of a lease shall take all precautions to prevent or reduce to minimum discharge of toxic and objectionable liquid effluents from minor minerals quarry, workshop or processing plant into surface or groundwater bodies and usable lands .These effluents shall confirm to the standards laid done in this regard and they shall not be allowed to be flown discharged in the adjoining forest land if any.

Precautions against no~~: Noise arising out mining and processing operations for minor minerals shall be abated or controlled by the holder of license or lease at the source so as to keep it within permissible limits.

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........,.,- - . ---~---~

Permissible Limits and standards: The standards and permissible limits of all pollutants, toxins and noise referred to in rules 53, 54, 55 of MMME (D&R) rule 2013 above shall be those notified by the concerned authorities under the provisions of relevant statutes, from time to time .

Restoration of flora: Every holder of a mining lease shall: 1) carry out mining operations as the case may be, in such a manner so as to cause minimal damage to the flora of the area held under mining lease in the nearby area ,ii) take immediate measures for planting in the same area or any other area selected by concerned authority or regional office of ministry of environment or forest or the authorized officer not less than twice the number of tress destroyed by reason of any prospecting or mining operation, ii,Y Look after them during the subsidence of license or lease after which the · tJ:'ees shall be handed over to the forest department or any authority ClS 1~~;be nominated by the state government iv) Restore to the exte~t p~s1ble 1Ctl.1'er flora destroyed b

' ' Prospecting or mining. . \ ."'\ ~

'l or " ·~ ··\.J.;.r' Fencing and Reclamation of land: .~ · , ::.:~r~ Every holder of a mining lease shall i)\vCJditain 7.5 m buffer zone all around the lease boundary .ii) Fence all around"'the lease boundary by barbed wire fence or stone a wall of 1.0 mtr height around the lease boundary . iii) The land will be landscaped by plantation in the area which has been excavated. The pit will be used as surface water reservoir or for fisheries and other activities.

~~ ~--v .R.Madnusudan

ROP/NGP/360/2007 A


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Forest boundary

500meter.Radius area

MiningLease Area

Power line

Villl:lge~ ~-~~~qrtf

'i~l\'S=tl$4 tt~HI~ ~:r ~~-------- ..... .

Plate No I Drawmg Location Plan

Lessee Kazi Junaid Iftedar ·-

ProJeCt Murzad.i Basalt Stone & Munom Mine

An~ a 1.00 Ha Scale 1: I 000

Location Gutt .No. 33/2 -Part, Villa~:<e- Mlu·:~.adi,

Ba~\t Stone & Murrom Mine. T~luko & Dist • Yavu1.n1al, M~hamshtp

Ih~ J>,,,,,,. .& 1\..tGtlt>u' uro prq>ar~;d bn.!!W un,

V~~lAN- ' ••tltootf~••«l by lhol<c""a"" l.ll:tll of61ulo Cluvl nf Male:truslunl Cl!rt\fi..:d th:u rhc a\lOVd I)(Jn iJlruo lo l'l.;o$t of my knnwJ.:IIu..:

!~QJ'INf 1)113()1} '21~)'/.A

Page 58: MINING PLAN - Welcome to · been observed in the said Mining plan ·essive mine closure plan of Basalt Stone

Index !ZI Road

IDI Forest boundary

[OJ 500meter.Radius area

~ MiningLease Area

IZJ Power line

6 Villages

Draw in Lessee


Plate No.1 Location Plan

Kazi Junaid lftedar Mw-zadi Basalt Stone & Murrom Mine

I OOHa Scale 1 100 Oatt No 33/2 ·Pan, VtiiiiJ!I)- Munadi,

Basalt Stone & MUJTOm Mina, Taluka & DIBt • Yavatmal, MalWliShtra

Tho 111-4 -ti0111..., prqllftd bMW on lbo 1.-tl.dola llllllentkallld br the Rc-1:mac Dfrl ofSIOio CJcM. of t>lols"'"'~ ~6td tlu1 lho above pW. II 1111110 t.11>f m} ~n<M1cda• .