minh vu portfolio

Portfolio 10¢ vu! Minh Eric Vu

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Student architecture portfolio of various studios taken over the course of an undergraduate education.


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vu! Minh Eric Vu

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ConstruCted nature!

northside housing!

Cranbrook Wellness Center!

USGBC ReGional HQ!

vu! 14

vu! 12

vu! 8

vu! 4

Clifton library!vu! 16

Co-op! vu! 22

Resume Contents

eduCation University of CinCinnati : CinCinnati, oH sCHool of Design, arCHiteCtUre, art & Planning

JUne '10 - Present

Masters of arCHiteCtUre

University of CinCinnati : CinCinnati, oH sCHool of DaaP sePteMber '06 - JUne '10 baCHelors of sCienCe in arCHiteCtUre

graDUateD witH Honors

st. Xavier HigH sCHool : CinCinnati, oH sePteMber 02' - JUne'06 graDUateD witH Honors

skills set Digital : aUtoCaD, revit, aDobe PHotosHoP, inDesign, illUstrator, MiCrosoft offiCe, google sketCH-UP

analog : Drafting, renDering (Color PenCil, Marker, ink), MoDel bUilDing

Work experienCe C+r arCHiteCtUs, CinCinnati, oH Co-oP & intern stUDent, aUtUMn ‘10 ProDUCeD ConstrUCtion Drawings for MUltiPle firestations aroUnD tHe CoUntry. also ProviDeD Pre-Design work sUCH as revit MoDeling anD renDering for Us feDeral ProJeCts in California anD tHe baHaMas.

CDs assoCiates, inC., CinCinnati, oH Co-oP & intern stUDent, sUMMer '09 workeD on ConstrUCtion Drawings for a large HeaDqUarters for soUtHern MarylanD eleCtriC. also PartiCiPateD in Design DeveloPMent of a Convention Center anD ballrooM.

roCkwell groUP, new york City, ny Co-oP & intern stUDent, winter '09 assisteD in DeveloPing Design solUtions anD Drawings for a 4 story Casino overseas. inClUDeD interior sPaCe anD fUrnitUre renDers.

ia interior arCHiteCts, CHiCago, il Co-oP & intern stUDent, sUMMer '08 reviseD Design & ConstrUCtion Drawings for varioUs offiCe Designs. also ProviDeD interior anD Detail renDerings.

ContaCt MinH eriC vU : 349 warner st. CinCinnati, oH 45219 513 - 325 - 9740 [email protected]

rookWood Children’s fitness Center! vu! 18

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usgbC regional hQvu! 4

fall 2008Prof. sanyog


witH tHe goal of being reHabilitating tHe

site, tHe ProJeCt CalleD for a reUse of tHis bUilDing. . .

. . .anD tHis one. . .

. . .to Celebrate tHe History of tHe Mill Creek

anD Create a Center for learning aboUt sustainability!

tHe final iteration of tHe site strives to Create a very walkable environMent,

Drawing PeoPle to tHe Creek tHroUgH MUltiPle PatHs, observation DeCks anD

an aMPHitHeater.

How Do i draW the eye of tHe PUbliC anD Have tHeM CoMe oUt to wHat

UseD to be a brownfielD site?

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vu! 6

beCaUse tHe 3 eXisting bUilDings on site HaD an angleD geoMetry,

i CoMPliMenteD it witH More angles, Deriving tHe lines witH sPeCifiC views oUt tHe Creek. tHe new

sPaCes CreateD by tHe lines beCaMe towers to bring in More sUnligHt.

tHe towers also PlayeD a Part in ProviDing

passiVe Cooling by bringing in Cool air anD Drawing oUt Hot

air tHroUgH ConveCtion.

green Walls were to be ereCteD froM a

alUMinUM fraMe witH vine Plants grown on. tHese keeP tHe bUilDing Cool wHile ProviDing a sCUlPtUral

eleMent to tHe bUilDings.

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Cranbrook Wellness Center

in MiCHigan, at tHe Cranbrook aCademy of art, a Center for wellness was PlanneD to ProviDe an

environMent of relaXation anD PHysiCal aCtivities sUCH as yoga, swiMMing anD Massage.

vu! 8

How Do i Create a sPaCe tHat allows PeoPle to aCt

as if tHey are oUtDoors, eVen during the Winter?

Spring 2010prof. Bob Burnham

to reinforCe anD borDer tHe nortH of tHe lawn DUbbeD tHe "Grand

allee" , i CreateD banDs tHat ran witH tHe allee, tHose being tHe TreeS, bUilDing

anD walkway.

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vu! 10

tHe bUilDing eXists in 2 Parts, tHe

glass box strUCtUre. . .

. . .anD tHe interior briCk

buildings tHat Harken baCk to tHe bUilDings on CaMPUs.








now tHat tHe briCk bUilDings are HoUseD insiDe tHe glass

boX, PUbliC fUnCtions like tHe stUDio (2.) anD Pools (3.) Can oCCUr aroUnD anD on toP of tHeM wHile More PUbliC fUnCtions like loCkers anD

offiCes Can HaPPen witHin!

Page 7: Minh Vu Portfolio

northside housingvu! 12

winter 2007Prof. nnaMDi


tHis ProJeCt Dealt witH reVitaliZing a long

abanDoneD lot in nortHsiDe, a sUbUrb of CinCinnati, anD bringing it

baCk to. . .

. . .tHe Urban neigHborHooD ConteXt tHe rest of nortHsiDe

resiDes in.

tHe final site My Partners anD i CaMe UP witH inCorPorateD urban housing on tHe

Main street anD roW houses to tHe nortH tHat MirroreD tHe sUrroUnDing neigHborHooD. tHe olD faCtory bUilDing was

renovateD into ConDos anD tHe interstitial sPaCe between HoUsing beCaMe a park spaCe for tHe new area.

How Do i inCorPorate tHe size anD eleMents of a

traDitional row HoUse anD aPPly PUsH / PUll eleMents anD ligHt

in all sPaCes?

i DesigneD a row HoUse witH a strong street faCe

anD PorCH. tHe otHer eleMent i PlayeD witH was Compression and release froM tHe front to tHe baCk of tHe HoUse, oPening into a

great rooM witH views of tHe Park.

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ConstruCted naturevu! 14

sPring 2009Prof. JiM Postell

tHis stUDio was a generatiVe proCess,

asking wHat CoUlD we qUiCkly iterate every week to aCCoMPany

a new tHeM in a reaDing. tHe tHeMes aDDresseD. . .

. . .spaCe. . .

. . .detail. . .

. . .perspeCtiVe. . .

. . .light. . .

. . .anD time.

tHe final ProJeCt askeD to Use tHe stUDies to Create a sPaCe anD i

CHose to bUilD a tea HoUse in tHe MoUntains MaDe of iCe. tHis ProJeCt reqUireD Many stUDies on How to generate forMs in iCe Using CarVing, melting, molding

etC. i UseD iCe for its DiffUse ligHt ProPerties, MUltiPle ways of Carving oUt sPaCe anD tHe life

sPan of tHe ProJeCt, wHiCH DePenDeD on tHe seasons.

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Clifton libraryvu! 16

fall 2007Prof. MarsHall


tHe ProJeCt CalleD for a publiC library to be bUilt in a

Parking lot in Clifton, oH.

tHe library was DesigneD aroUnD a

sCaffold struCture so tHat eaCH Different PrograM eleMent CoUlD

be plugged into tHe fraMework, eCHoing How MeDia of all kinDs in a

library is soMe How organizeD into a rigiD fraMe.

How Can i artiCUlate eaCH PieCe of PrograM in a library

anD Make eaCH UniqUe froM tHe oUtsiDe?

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sUMMer 2010Prof. MiCHael sCHUster

vu! 18 rookWood Children’s fitness Center

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sUMMer 2009CDs assoC. inC.

vu! 24

Here are tHree ProJeCts i workeD on wHile a Co-oP stUDent at tHe

firM of CDs assoCiates, inC. in CinCinnati. tHe first is a ballroom for wHiCH i HelPeD

witH tHe Design of tHe Ceiling anD ligHt fiXtUres. tHe seCtion is froM an eleCtriCal Company

headQuarters. tHe last renDers are froM a ConVention Center renoVation

