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Minerals Wealthy Time for Europe! Juha Kaija, Cooordinator Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Scientific Manager Promine Final Conference, Levi, 22-26 April, 2013 Minerals 4 EU- project Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe

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Minerals Wealthy Time for Europe!

Juha Kaija, Cooordinator Nikolaos Arvanitidis, Scientific Manager

Promine Final Conference, Levi, 22-26 April, 2013

Minerals4EU- project Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe

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Minerals4EU value chain Minerals4EU is a

Knowledge Base Platform that goes along and in

line with the SIP* for EIP on RM. It potents a

dynamic value chain, delivering adding value

intelligence and foresight services, and challenging

the development of a permanent structure to

achieve sustainable exploitation

*Priority Area: Knowledge and skills on raw materials /EU Knowledge Base

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Facts ad figures Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe Funding scheme: FP7-NMP-2013-CSA-7; Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) Work programme topics addressed: NMP.2013.4.1-3 (European Intelligence Network on the Supply of Raw Materials) EC funding: 1 999 000€ (- 600) Consortium: 31 partners, 26 NGSOs, 23 countries Expected start date: 1.9.2013 (+2 years) Technical and overall Coordination: GTK Scientific Management: GTK & EGS MREG * Under negotiation

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Pan-European networking

Minerals4EU aims to become the leading European mineral information network structure that will provide tools and expertise to enhance resource efficiency, minerals supply security and support sustainable minerals development for Europe

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*Raw Materials Group **Discussions with EIB

• GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS (GTK) - • EUROGEOSURVEYS – EGS - SELOR eeig • Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de

Belgique • Natural Environment Research Council • Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et

Minieres • Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften und

Rohstoffe • Ceska Geologicka Sluzba • Geologische Bundesanstalt • Geoloski Zavod Slovenije • The Geological Survey of Denmark and

Greenland • Institutul Geologic al Romaniei • Department of Communications, Energy and

Natural Resources • Instituto Geológico y Minero De España • Ethniko Kentro Viosimis kai Aeiforou Anaptyxis • Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca


• Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P. • Magyar Foldtani és Geofizikai Intezet • Geological Survey of Norway • Panstwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Panstwowy

Instytut Badawczy • State Geological and Subsurface Survey of

Ukraine • Statny Geologicky Ustav Dionyza Stura • Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning • Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast

Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Tno • Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment

and Energy • Hrvatski Geološki Institut • Joint Research Centre JRC • Fraunhofer -Institut für System- und

Innovationsforschung (ISI) • Swiss Geological Survey Federal office of

topography swisstopo • Geological Survey Department GSD • Sherbimi Gjeologjik Shqiptar AGS • Financial Institute* **

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Target The main target of Minerals4EU project is to develop an EU Mineral intelligence network structure which can deliver:

– data, information and knowledge on mineral resources around Europe on a regular, and “on demand” basis, upon a ‘sustainable’ business model, based mainly on the most directly involved public regional, national and European minerals data providers and stakeholders,

Before the end of the project this network will be transformed into a sustainable operational service

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Objectives •Create a sustainable network gathering a critical mass of institutions with the relevant authority and competencies at world, EU and national levels, resulting in the creation of a permanent structure before the end of the project. •INSPIRE compatible infrastructure (Integrated Knowledge Management System) that enables partners to share mineral knowledge, and the public and private stakeholders to find, view and acquire standardized and harmonized information from:

• National and regional data sources (e.g. mining authorities, surveys)

• Past and ongoing national and EU projects (e.g. ProMine, EuroGeoResource)

• Web portals at partner and stakeholder sites (e.g. EUROMINES, IMA, UEPG)

• National and European statistics (e.g. EUROSTAT)

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Work methodology WP1: Project Management (GTK) WP2: Minerals Intelligence Network (EGS & SELOR) WP3: Knowledge Management (RBINS) WP4: Mineral statistics (BGS) WP5 Minerals4EU knowledge data platform (BRGM) WP6. Foresight study (BGR)

Figure x. Complementarity between partners Minerals Intelligence Network

Project Management & Scientific Management GTK, EGS, SELOR, RBINS, BGS, BRGM, BGR

Dissemination & Exploitation RBINS, EGS, GSI, ISPRA, SGUDS, GTK, BRGM, WI, HGI, JRC

Mineral statistics BGS, WI, CGS, IGME-ES,



Minerals Intelligence

Network EGS, SELOR, GTK + all

geosurveys + JRC

EU Mineral Resources Knowledge Base



Foresight Study



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Intelligence and Foresight • Establishment of a permanent structure to guarantee the

sustainability of the network in the long term,for the on-going and routine provision of Minerals4EU services for all potential stakeholders.

• Identification of existing data sources and assessment of data availability and quality for primary and secondary raw materials to achieve harmonization and standardization of EU mineral statistics.

• Development of the concept and design of a ‘European Raw Materials Yearbook’ and a roadmap for future implementation, updating and maintainance after project.

• Development of an operational EU Knowledge data platform compliant to INSPIRE.

• Production of a foresight study (demo) on raw materials future supply and demand in the EU with special attention given to critical minerals, but not excluding Fe, Al, Cu, Ni.

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Knowledge data platform

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Metals mines and deposits in Fennoscandia (upon new FODD update)



1700 deposits in Fennoscandia (40% more than in 2008 version)

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Industrial involvement Industrial Consultation Committee is an expert board (5-7 members) to strengthen the connection of the project with the European Industry and society. It will be consulted regularly by the Management Committee, in order to steer the project towards the actual needs of the European industry and society and to help in cultivating the appropriate climate needed in the European market for the dissemination and exploitation of the Minerals4EU results. The following organizations have already agreed to join the Committee after project start: •EUROMINES, EUROMETAUX, IMA and UEPG Once the project has started EUROSTAT may join the Committee.

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Central role for NGSOs •The strength of the consortium is the participation of National Geological Surveys Organisations (NGSOs), as being key public holders of thematic, geology related data, information, essential expertise and knowledge providers to a wide range of end-users. •The NGSOs have been assigned to hold national archives of geological data, in most cases by national law. This means that the future preservation of these archives and data is secured. •The archives and data in them – as well as in some cases subsurface models based on them - have a formal status. This means that these data are authoritative. •The expertise and knowledge provided by geological surveys are essential to major stakeholders of the minerals industry. Thus in this consortium there is the best available mineral and also secondary raw material expertise and information for policy, industry, communication and education purposes on the European level.

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Capacity and capability The coordinator and WP1 Leader GTK will work closely with the WP leaders as part of the extensive management infrastructure. GTK has a long track record of experience in successful EU and international project management. Mineral statistics- WP4 is led by BGS-NERC, which is the leading provider of long-term mineral statistic data and associated analysis in Europe.. EU Mineral Resources Knowledge Base- BRGM the leader of this WP5 has extensive experience in mapping and characterizing Geological resources of Europe (e.g. developer of the ProMine Database). Foresight Study- The leader of WP6 is BGR who will work in close cooperation not only with the key NGSO´s but also with Wuppertal Institute, Fraunhofer Institute and the Raw Materials Group. Dissemination & Exploitation- Knowledge management by the RBINS and EGS (with 33 member countries), communicating results to the scientific community, the industry and the general public.

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Spreading of excellence The Minerals4EU Mineral Intelligence Network is a pan-European organisation bringing together the National Geological Surveys and other organisations with the aim of delivering high quality data on mineral resources, both primary and secondary, down to depths of 4km on land, and also in the marine environment. Not only will the network provide data, it will provide an analysis and interpretation of the data for use by the Commission, as well as academics, platforms, stakeholders, industries, regulators, and the general public.

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