minerals and rocks. why study minerals? minerals are the building blocks of our planet. any study of...

Minerals and Rocks

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Page 1: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Minerals and Rocks

Page 2: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Why study minerals?

Minerals are the building blocks of our planet.Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals.

Industrial minerals are the source of raw for Manufacturing chemicals, concrete and wallboard.

Ore minerals are the source of valuable metals like copper and gold.

Page 3: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals
Page 4: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


A mineral is a homogenous, naturally occurring, solid inorganic substance with a definable chemical composition and an internal structure characterized by an orderly arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules in a lattice.

Page 5: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Homogenous materials are the same through and through. They cannot physically broken into simpler components.

Page 6: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Naturally occurring

True minerals form by natural processes, not by the activity of a person.

Page 7: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


A solid is a kind of matter that can maintain its Shape indefinitely and thus will not conform to the shape of its container.

Therefore liquids like oil and water and gases like air are not minerals.

Page 8: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Inorganic substance

Minerals do not contain organic chemicals.

An organic chemical consists of carbon bonded to Hydrogen along with varying amount of O, N and other elements.

Page 9: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Definable Chemical Composition

It it possible to write a chemical formula for a mineral.


Quartz has a chemical formula SiO2


K(Mg, Fe)3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Page 10: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

The orderly arrangement of atoms in a lattice

Atoms are fixed in a specific pattern that repeats at regular intervals.

This orderly framework is called a crystal lattice.

Because minerals contain a crystal lattice, we say that they are crystalline

Page 11: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Minerals -----Elements ------ Atoms

The basic building blocks of minerals are chemical elements.

Element is a pure substance that cannot be separated into other elements.

112 elements are known at present.

Page 12: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

The smallest piece of an element that has all the characteristics of an element is called the atom.

Page 13: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

An atom consists of a nucleus

surrounded by a cloud of orbiting Electrons.

The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.

Electrons have a negative charge,protons have a positive charge,and neutrons have a neutral charge.

Page 14: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Individual electrons are located at given distances from the nucleus in regions called energy levels or shells.

Page 15: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Atomic Number: the number of protons in an atom of an element.

Atomic Weight: the approximate number of protonsplus neutrons in an atom of an element.

An atom that has the same number of electrons as protonsis said to be neutral. It does not have an overall electric charge.

Page 16: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

An atom that is not neutral is called an ion.

An ion that has an excess negative charge is anion.

An ion that has an excess positive charge is called cation.

Molecule: two or more atoms bonded together. The atoms May be of the same element or of different elements.

Compound: Elements combine with each other. A compoundConsists of two or more elements bonded together in definiteProportions.

Page 17: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

The mass number of an atom is defined as the total of its neutrons and protons in the nucleus.

Some elements have more than one mass number: samenumber of protons but different number of neutrons.

These kind of elements are called isotopes.


carbon-12six protons + six neutrons

carbon-14six protons + eight neutrons

Page 18: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Some isotopes are unstable.

Unstable means that the isotope disintegrate through a process called Radioactive Decay.

Page 19: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


How do we tell one mineral from the another ?

Definable chemical composition and specific crystallinestructure of a mineral controls its

physical properties.

Page 20: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Common Physical Properties of Minerals:

ColorStreakLusterHardnessCleavageSpecific Gravity

Page 21: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Colors results from the way a mineral interact with light.

Certain minerals always have the same color: e.g. galenais always gray.

Page 23: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals








Page 24: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


The streak of a mineral refers to the color of its powder.

Page 25: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Luster refers to the way a mineral surface scatters light.

Mineral that have the appearance of metals, are metallic: Pyrite

Non-metallic minerals can have silky, glassy, pearly or earthy luster.

Page 27: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Hardness is a measure of relative ability of a mineral toresist scratching, and therefore the resistance of bonds in the lattice to being broken.

Hardness is one of the most useful diagnostic properties of minerals.

Page 28: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Friedrich Mohs in the early 1800s listed some mineral in sequenceof relative hardness. A mineral with a hardness of 5 can scratchAll minerals with a hardness of 5 or less.

1010 DiamondDiamond

99 CorundumCorundum

88 TopazTopaz

77 QuartzQuartz

66 K-feldsparK-feldspar

55 ApatiteApatite

44 FluoriteFluorite

33 CalciteCalcite

22 GypsumGypsum

11 TalcTalc



Mohs HarnessMohs HarnessScaleScale

Page 29: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals






Page 30: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

•            Finger Nail (H = 2.5)

•            Penny (H = 3)

•            Knife Blade (H = 5.5)

You typically do not carry around a supply of the 10 minerals on the hardness scale:

Page 31: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


A mineral cleavage is the way it breaks.Minerals tend to break where the bonds holding the Atoms together in the crystal are the weakest.

When they break, a series of surfaces parallel to these Bonds may form; the surfaces are called cleavage planes.

Page 32: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Some minerals have one cleavage plane like mica.

Page 33: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals
Page 34: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Some minerals have two or three cleavage planes thatintersects at a specific angle.e.g. Halite has three sets at 90 degrees.

Page 35: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Specific gravity is a measure of the density of a mineral. At times it is such a useful property that it is the only way to distinguish some minerals without laboratory or optical techniques.

Gold can easily be distinguished from Pyrite "fool's gold" by specific gravity alone.

Specific Gravity (SG)

Page 36: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Specific gravity is a unitless measure, because it is derived from the density of the mineral divided by the density of water

If a mineral has a SG of 2, then it is twice as dense as water.

Page 37: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Mineralogists distinguish several principal classes of mineralsbased on their chemical composition:

4000 minerals have been identified. However, they can be separated into a relatively small number of groups, or mineral classes.


CarbonatesNative Elements

Page 38: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Only a few minerals make up most of the Earth’s crust. These minerals are called Rock Forming Minerals.

Only eight minerals make up the bulk of these mineralswhich represents 98 percent of the continental crust.

These elements are: Oxygen (O) 46.6 %Silicon (Si) 27.7 %Aluminum (Al)Iron (Fe)Calcium (Ca)Sodium (Na)Potassium (K)Magnesium (Mg)

Page 39: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Oxygen and Silicon are the most abundant elements.

They combine together to form a Silicon-Oxygen


which is the framework of the most common group of minerals:


Page 40: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

One Silicon atom

Four oxygen atoms

Silicon-Oxygen tetrahedron is the fundamental Component of silicates.

A tetrahedron is a pyramid-like shape with four triangular faces.

Page 41: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Olivine Single Tetrahedron

Pyroxene Single Chain

Amphibole Double Chain

Micas Sheets




Page 42: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

The Oxygen-silicon tetrahedra are connected to one another by other elements such as Fe, Mg, Ca or K.

Page 43: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Quartz and feldspars are very important minerals in geology because they are the most abundant minerals in the crust.

and Orthoclase

The two most common type of feldspars are:Plagioclase

Page 44: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Oxides: Metal cations bonded to oxygen

Hematite is Fe2O3

Oxides are commonly rich in metals, so they are used as ore mineralsand have economic values.

Page 45: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Sulfides: Metal cations bonded to sulfide (the anion of sulfur).

Galena is PbS

Pyrite is FeS2

Sulfides are also used as ore minerals.

Page 46: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Sulfates: metal cation bonded to SO4 2-

Gypsum is a sulfate.

Page 47: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Halides: a halogen ions (elements from the secondcolumn from the right in the periodic table) such as Cl bonded to a cation

Halite or rock salt


Page 48: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Native elements: pure masses of a single element (metals andnon metals)

Copper (Cu)

Graphite (C)

Page 49: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Carbonates: carbon plus oxygen plus other elements

The most common group after silicates

Calcite Dolomite

Page 50: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


• Igneous rocks

• Sedimentary rocks

• Metamorphic rocks

Page 51: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Characteristics of magma

• Igneous rocks form as molten rock cools and solidifies

• Characteristics of magma (molten rock)• Parent material of igneous rocks• Forms from partial melting of rocks

inside the Earth• Magma that reaches the surface is lava

Page 52: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Characteristics of magma

• General Characteristic of magma• Rocks formed from lava at the surface are

classified as extrusive, or volcanic rocks• Rocks formed from magma that

crystallizes at depth are termed intrusive, or plutonic rocks

Page 53: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Extrusive Igneous Rock - Lava (Hawaii)

Page 54: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Intrusive Igneous Rock (Granite)

Page 55: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Characteristics of magma

• The nature of magma• Consists of three components:

– A liquid portion, called melt, that is composed of mobile ions

– Solids, if any, are silicate minerals that have already crystallized from the melt

– Volatiles, which are gases dissolved in the melt, including water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2)

Page 56: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Characteristics of magma

• Crystallization of magma• Cooling of magma results in the

systematic arrangement of ions into orderly patterns

• The silicate minerals resulting from crystallization form in a predictable order

Page 57: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Crystallization of minerals in magma bodies

• Bowen’s reaction series and the composition of igneous rocks

• N.L. Bowen demonstrated that as a magma cools, minerals crystallize in a systematic fashion based on their melting points

Page 58: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Bowen’s Reaction Series

Page 59: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Characteristics of magma

• Crystallization of magma• Texture in igneous rocks is determined by the

size and arrangement of mineral grains• Igneous rocks are typically classified by both:

– Texture

– Mineral composition

Page 60: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Igneous textures

• Texture is used to describe the overall appearance of a rock based on the size, shape, and arrangement of interlocking minerals

• Factors affecting crystal size• Rate of cooling

– Slow rate promotes the growth of fewer but larger crystals

Page 61: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Igneous textures

• Factors affecting crystal size • Rate of cooling

– Fast rate forms many small crystals

– Very fast rate forms glass

• Amount of silica (SiO2) present

• Amount of dissolved gases

Page 62: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Types of Igneous textures• Types of igneous textures

• Aphanitic (fine-grained) texture– Rapid rate of cooling of lava or magma– Microscopic crystals– May contain vesicles (holes from gas bubbles)

• Phaneritic (coarse-grained) texture– Slow cooling– Crystals can be identified without a


Page 63: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Aphanitic texture

Page 64: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Phaneritic texture

Page 65: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Igneous textures

• Types of igneous textures• Porphyritic texture

– Minerals form at different temperatures as well as differing rates

– Large crystals, called phenocrysts, are embedded in a matrix of smaller crystals, called the groundmass

• Glassy texture– Very rapid cooling of molten rock– Resulting rock is called obsidian

Page 66: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Porphyritic texture


Page 67: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Glassy texture


Page 68: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

More types of Igneous textures

• Types of igneous textures• Pyroclastic texture

– Various fragments ejected during a violent volcanic eruption

– Textures often appear to more similar to sedimentary rocks

• Pegmatitic texture– Exceptionally coarse grained– Form in late stages of crystallization of

granitic magmas

Page 69: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Pyroclastic Rock

Page 70: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Summary - Igneous Rock Classification

Page 71: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Summary - Igneous Rock Texture and Composition

Page 72: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

What is a sedimentary rock?• Sedimentary rocks result from

mechanical and chemical weathering• Comprise ~ 5% of Earth’s upper crust• Contain evidence of past environments

• Record how sediment is transported• Often contain fossils

Page 73: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Fossil Fish - 50 Million Year Old Lakes in southern Wyoming

Sediment is fine-grained mudstoneSediment is fine-grained mudstone

Page 74: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Turning sediment into rock

• Changes occur in sediment after it is deposited

• Diagenesis – chemical and physical changes that take place after sediments are deposited

Page 75: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Turning sediment into rock

– Diagenesis– Recrystallization – growth of stable minerals

from less stable ones

– Lithification – loose sediments is transformed into solid rock by compaction and cementation

– Natural cements include calcite, silica, and iron oxide

Page 76: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Types of sedimentary rocks

• Detrital rocks – transported sediment as solid particles

• Chemical rocks – sediment that was once in solution

Page 77: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Detrital sedimentary rocks

• Constituents of detrital rocks can include• Clay minerals

• Quartz

• Feldspars

• Micas

• Particle size is used to distinguish among the various types of detrital rocks

Page 78: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Detrital sedimentary rocks

• Common detrital sedimentary rocks (in order of increasing particle size)

• Shale– Mud-sized

particles deposited in thin layers called laminae

Page 79: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Detrital sedimentary rocks

• Sandstone

Page 80: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Detrital sedimentary rocks

• Conglomerate and breccia

– Both composed of particles > 2mm in diameter

– Conglomerate consists largely of rounded clasts

– Breccia is composed of large angular particles

Page 81: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Chemical sedimentary rocks

• Precipitated material once in solution

• Precipitation of material occurs two ways:• Inorganic processes• Organic processes (biochemical origin)

Page 82: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Chemical sedimentary rocks

• Common chemical sedimentary rocks• Limestone

– Most abundant chemical rock

– Made of the mineral calcite

– Marine biochemical limestones form as coral reefs, coquina (broken shells), and chalk (microscopic organisms)

– Inorganic limestones include travertine and oolitic limestone

Page 83: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


Page 84: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Fossiliferous limestoneNote shells and lime matrix

Page 85: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Chalk Outcrops in SE USA

Chalk Hand Specimen

Page 86: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Oolitic Limestone - Bahama Shoals

Oolitic Limestone - Hand Specimen

Ooids under microscope

Page 87: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Travertine forming in Hot Spring

Travertine Hand Specimen

Page 88: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Chemical sedimentary rocks• Common chemical sedimentary rocks

• Dolostone– Typically formed secondarily from limestone

– Common in ancient rocks, rare today

• Chert– Made of microcrystalline quartz

– Usually deposited as siliceous ooze in deep oceans (can be diatomaceous)

chert Diatomaceous chert

Page 89: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Chemical sedimentary rocks

• Common chemical sedimentary rocks• Evaporites

– Evaporation triggers deposition of chemical precipitates

– Examples include rock salt and rock gypsum

Page 90: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Chemical sedimentary rocks

• Common chemical sedimentary rocks• Coal

– Different from other rocks because it is composed of organic material

– Stages in coal formation (in order)

» 1. Plant material

» 2. Peat

» 3. Lignite

» 4. Bituminous

Page 91: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Metamorphic Rocks

• The transformation of rock by temperature and pressure

• Metamorphic rocks are produced by transformation of:

• Igneous, sedimentary and igneous rxs

Page 92: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


• Metamorphism progresses from low to high grades

• Rocks remain solid during metamorphism

Page 93: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

What causes metamorphism?

• Heat• Most important agent • Heat drives recrystallization - creates new,

stable minerals• Pressure (stress)

• Increases with depth• Pressure can be applied equally in all

directions or differentially

Page 94: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Origin of pressure in metamorphism

Page 95: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals


• Three types of metamorphic settings:• Contact metamorphism – from a rise in

temperature within host rock• Hydrothermal metamorphism – chemical

alterations from hot, ion-rich water• Regional metamorphism -- Occurs in the

cores of mountain belts and makes great volumes of metamorphic rock

Page 96: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Contact metamorphism

Produced mostly by local heat source

Page 97: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Metamorphism and plate tectonics

• Most regional metamorphism occurs along convergent plate boundaries

• Compressional stresses deform plate edge• Occurs in major mountain belts: Alps,

Himalayas, and Appalachians

Page 98: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Index Minerals in metamorphic rocks

Page 99: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Metamorphic Environments

• Metamorphic grade• A group of minerals that form in a

particular P-T environment

Zeolite (really low T,P; <200C)Greenschist (low T, P; 200-450C, 10-15 km)Blueschist (low T, high P - subduction zones)Amphibolite (high T, P; 450-650C, 15-20 km)Granulite (super high T, P; >700C, >25km)

Page 100: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Common metamorphic rocks

• Nonfoliated rocks• Quartzite

– Formed from a parent rock of quartz-rich sandstone

– Quartz grains are fused together

– Forms in intermediate T, P conditions

Page 101: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Common metamorphic rocks

• Nonfoliated rocks• Marble

– Coarse, crystalline

– Parent rock usually limestone

– Composed of calcite crystals

– Fabric can be random or oriented

Page 102: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Common metamorphic rocks

• Foliated rocks• Slate

– Very fine-grained

– Made by low-grade metamorphism of shale

Page 103: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Common metamorphic rocks

• Foliated rocks• Phyllite

– Grade of metamorphism between slate and schist

– Composed mainly of muscovite and/or chlorite

Page 104: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Common metamorphic rocks

• Foliated rocks• Schist

– Medium- to coarse-grained

– Comprised of platy minerals (micas)

– The term schist describes the texture

Page 105: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Common metamorphic rocks

• Foliated rocks• Gneiss

– Banded appearance

– High-grade metamorphism

– Composed of light-colored feldspar layers with bands of dark mafic minerals

Page 106: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

What are metamorphic textures?

• Texture refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of mineral grains within a rock

• Foliation – planar arrangement of mineral grains within a rock

Page 107: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Outcrop of foliated gneiss

Page 108: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

The rock cycle

Page 109: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

The rock cycle

- Series of processes by which rocks changes into other types of rocks

- Illustrates various processes and paths as earth materials change both on the surface and inside the Earth

- What are the three main rocks ? 1- Igneous

2- Metamorphic 3- Sedimentary

Page 110: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

The rock cycle

Page 111: Minerals and Rocks. Why study minerals? Minerals are the building blocks of our planet. Any study of Earth’s material depends on an Understanding of minerals

Fundamental Rock Types

- Igneous Rocks: solidify from melt, e.g. lava (extrusive) or magma (intrusive)

- Sedimentary Rocks: are made at the Earth’s surface from particle and chemical remnants of other rocks

- Metamorphic rocks: form when other rocks are heated, squeezed, and deformed.