mindvalley ceo talks consciousness engineering · the self help journal’s $322,000 kickstarter...


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Mindvalley CEO Talks Consciousness Engineering

real lessons from...

...real experiences






what happens when you lose it all?


Vishen Lakhiani of Mindvalley Academy discusses the topic of Consciousness Engineering in his new book The Code of The Extraordinary Mind - The Blueprint for Rewiring our Minds to Greatness

The Self Help Journal’s $322,000 Kickstarter CampaignAllen Brouwer

Removing The Emotional Blocks for SuccessJim Kieger, MA

The Cure For Procrastination & LazinessLimitless Success Magazine

After creating a successful online business and traveling for two years, Andrew Alexander was left facing his worst fears: Losing it all while dying in the wilderness of Northern Montana. The life-altering realization he had in that moment will change your perspective on life forever

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I used to be scared of the little things in life. What would happen if I call that client for my business? What if I ask her out and she rejects me? What if I quit the security of my job to chase my dreams?

What if...What if...What if...

But what if you never take that leap? What if the rest of your life stays the same?

I used to fear taking risks, but the thought of the risk of not living my dreams now is one fear that I will never have to face.

A couple of years ago I turned down a 6-figure promotion at my day job to chase my dreams of starting my own bus-ienss and traveling. My biggest fear before I quit was:

What would happen if I failed?

What happens when you take that leap and fail? Two years later, I found my answer....

The Journey Ends...It’s 4:30 pm on a Friday afternoon, and while most of the

country is counting down the minutes until the weekend, I’m hightailing my Honda CR-V out of the wilderness of North-ern Montana franticly searching for the nearest emergency room.

“Next town, 96 miles” the sign reads.

Dialing 911 on my cellphone only left me with the mes-sage: “No Service”

I press on the accelerator.

My heart palpitations could be felt through my chest over the rumbles of the engine as the speedometer just passed 120 miles per hour.

Please let there be a cop hiding just out of sight for this one time in my life.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing but the snow-capped

What Happens When You Fail?The End of FearANDREW ALEXANDER

Andrew Alexander is the Founder of 480Publishing where he built a digital magazine publishing company up to 917,000 readers & Limitless Academy where he has helped thousands of people remove the mental and emotional blocks standing between them and their goals. In this reflection of his journey, he discovers what happens when you face all of your fears and you fail...

mountains of Glacier National Park fading into the distance of my rearview mirror and endless fields of wild horses run-ning through the countryside.

On any other day, I would pull over to the side of the road and run after them, camera in hand, ready for the perfect shot. But I have other things on my mind today.

Looking at my reflection in the rearview mirror, my face just turned to a dark shade of red and I began feeling a burning sensation throughout my body.

Panic sets in.

My fingers are turning blue and breathing is getting diffi-cult.

I slam on the brakes.

Stopped in the middle of the road, the car door flies open.

What thoughts will go through your mind when you are breathing in your final breaths?

I stumble out of the car and my body collapses on the side

of the road.

This can’t be happening today…no, I have millions of peo-ple counting on me…I have to finish what I started.

I use every last bit of willpower to sit up and take in a deep breath.

The only thing I could see outside of this mental fog is a crystal clear picture of wild horses running through the open fields.

They just looked so… free. The dirt’s kicking up behind them as they run into the distance.

With the car still running, I hear the music from the only radio station playing in the background.

The song was “One Day/ Reckoning Song” by The Mojos.

“One day baby, we’ll be old…

Oh baby, we’ll be old.

And think of all the stories that we could have told”

Visit www.AndrewAlexander.org for more articles on failure, success, and creating the life you want.

They say when you die, your life flashes before your eyes.

Not for me.

Instead, my mind filled with the regrets of things I could have done and those stories I could have told:

· I would never finish this book that I wanted to write.

· I would never build that big business that helps change the world.

· I would never fall in love, get married, or raise a family.

· I would never be able to live out my dreams of back-packing across the world next year.

The thought that is plaguing me the most is that all these things I dreamed of doing were things I could have already done.

Those are just a few of the dreams that I still wanted to chase. But today they are nothing but dreams. Dreams that never unfolded.

What are your dreams in life? What would you be doing now if you could do anything?

I always told myself I would do those things “someday”.

What if that “someday” never comes?

The wild horses are covered by a shadow casted from the thousands of birds flying in formation over the open fields, living their life without a thought of tomorrow. To them, there is only the moments of today, and today is all there is.

No regrets from the past, or concerns for the future.

There is only…right now.

In these moments, I felt connected to the birds, the horses, and the world around me. For one of the rare moments in my life, I felt completely free.

Free from those doubts, fears, and excuses that always hold us back from chasing our dreams.

Those “rules” of the way we’re supposed to live our life have long since melted away.

Now, in the end, none of those excuses matter. Only the things we do with our lives actually matter.

After you are gone, does any of it even matter?

What can you start doing today to make this a life worth living?

Most of my life I was too busy trying to please others, play by the rules, and do all the things I was supposed to do. But that never made me happy.

Today, all that changes.

One day you’re going to die, and when you face those final moments, you realize how free you really are. Free from the rules you were told to live by. Free from your fears. Free from your doubts.

They aren’t real.

And on this day, you begin to realize that once you ignore all those irrational fears and self-imposed limitations, they no longer exist, you are truly free to do anything and accom-plish anything in this life, now…

In these moments on the side of the road, a final thought crossed my mind: If I never embarked on this journey four years ago, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I have no regrets that I chose to take control of my life and step into the unknown…

That first step is all it took to change everything, and I had no clue where it would lead me at the time. I had no clue what amazing experiences and transformations I would have on this journey.

No matter where I wind up, I have no regrets. I am where I am and I choose to enjoy this experience.

I wouldn’t be sitting here in the high country of Montana, thousands of miles away from my friends and family, com-pletely free of those mental constraints, and appreciative of the life I am clinging onto.

It’s not the number of years we live, but what we do with those years that really matter.

· What if I grow old and never lived my dreams?

· What if I let my fears get the best of me?

· What if I never decided to do the things that make me happy?

· What if I chose to settle for less and live a life of me-diocrity?

Now, as I take in a deep breath in, I close my eyes and clear my mind.

Night begins to fall…with those lyrics playing over and over in my head:

“One day baby, we’ll be old…

Oh baby, we’ll be old.

And think of all the stories that we could have told”

Afterthoughts:I used to fear the little things in life, but when I faced my

worst fears, leaving me broke and dying in the wilderness of Northern Montana, I learned what happens after you fail.

The answer: You come back stronger.

All of a suddent those little tings that once bothered you in life no longer bother you anymore. You see the bigger picture, and you respect that this life is a journey. A journey where you are the author.

And when you are the author of your own journey, and all your fears are gone, because you’ve faced them head on....

You can accomplish anything you want in this life. Now, what are you going to make of it? What are you going to do today...no, right now...to make this a life worth living?

-Andrew Alexander

Founder of http://Limitless.Academy/ and 480 Publishing

Introduction: In 2010, author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Re-define Your Life & Succeed on Your Own Terms, Vish-en Lakhiani (www.vishenlakhiani.com) had the life many young, aspiring entrepreneurs dreamed of. He built a revenue generating tech startup called Mind-valley, was eyeing his first big exit strategy after a healthy round of venture capital funding for another startup of his in Southeast Asia, had checks going all the way down his checklist, and was living the exact life he had always envisioned.

However something was missing. He woke up one morning to the realization that his

companies did not exist to contribute to humanity, but to contribute to his cash flow. Realized that his friendships did not exist through a network of sup-port and encouragement, but existed through a network of business partners and employees. Some-thing was off despite his multiple successes.

What Was He Missing?

Vishen found that he was missing the drive and di-rection provided by purpose; the guiding light that great accomplishers such as Bill Gates, Richard Bran-son, and Elon Musk hold onto. In refining his pur-pose, Vishen restructured everything he had come to know. He remodeled his belief system, fine-tuned the frequency of his thoughts, found efficiency in daily practices, built up an unassailable confidence, all coming together to form a sturdy and powerful infrastructure. Vishen coined the method for this process “consciousness engineering”.

Using consciousness engineering, Vishen altered

his own reality giving way to reaching extraordinary heights. Mindvalley (www.mindvalley.com) contin-ues to grow, Vishen has a positive effect on millions of lives every day, along with a book mapping out his process of “consciousness engineering”, The Code of The Extraordinary Mind.


Vishen Lakhiani - CEO of $100 Million+ Edu-Tech Startup Mindvalley Academy

The Code for Manifesting Greatness

Vishen’s most recent work, his book, The Code of The Extraordinary Mind, guides readers through the 4 levels of awareness taking them to the depths of their subconscious.

Level 1 - Living in the Culturescape Level 2 - The AwakeningLevel 3 - Recoding YourselfLevel 4 - Becoming Extraordinary

The book gives readers the tools needed in order to build their own infrastructure and transform their lives. Vishen takes readers through the process of be-lief identification, leading one to question their cur-rent cultural and internal belief system. Readers then create their own belief system through rewiring and hacking their subconscious using techniques given throughout the book.

As readers dive into their beliefs, changing the way they view the world, advancing through the levels of awareness, they are given the tools needed in order to build an infrastructure of their own. An infrastruc-ture based upon unassailable confidence, discipline of bliss in daily practice, and purpose; working to-gether to produce an extraordinary drive.

Between the covers of The Code of The Extraordi-nary Mind rests a multitude of insights and cogni-tive shifts, waiting to be discovered. It is important to keep in mind that within months of reading this book, you may no longer associate with the reality that you are currently in. Experiencing a 180° mind change; Vishen puts you on the level of extraordi-nary.


1. In the upcoming book, The Code of The Extraor-dinary Mind, you talk about the importance in the practice of “Blissipline”, a term you coined. What exactly does “Blissipline” mean to you and how can someone practice it?

Many people have used the word Blissipline, in-cluding Reverend Michael Beckwith and author Bri-an Johnson. I don’t really know who coined it, but I started using the term in 2009. Blissipline to me comes from the idea that happiness is truly within your control. You can hack happiness. You can pull yourself into a state of happiness. Just like how you can get dressed and get ready for the day.

Happiness is not something that comes from attain-ing a goal – you don’t need external circumstances. You don’t need another person. You don’t need cer-

tain accomplishments. You can generate happiness as fuel from within. And happiness fuels productivity – many researches have concluded that.

Blissipline is ensuring that as you go through your day, you practice the discipline of being truly being in bliss, techniques to ensure that you’re happy – in-cluding gratitude, forgiveness and giving, and know-ing that happiness is your fuel for whatever bold de-cisions and goals you need to take on.

2. Happiness at Work - The new level of productivi-ty that you cover in your book. What exactly is it, and how do you make sure that you’re always operating at maximum efficiency in this area?

Happiness isn’t just fuel for yourself – when you’re with a group that is collectively and dynamically hap-py together as a team, their performance escalates. According to Tom Rath, the author of the best-selling Vital Friends: The People You Can’t Afford to Live With-out, people who have a close friend at work are seven times as likely to be engaged in their job. A study by University of Pennsylvania proved that optimists are up to 50% more successful than pessimists in busi-ness, education, sports and politics.

Happiness creates better workplaces. When peo-ple are happy at work, they do more, they stay in the company longer, they accomplish more, and their creativity and innovation soar. At Mindvalley, we en-sure that there are events happening throughout the month to help our employees stay in a happy state and be able to connect and bond with each other.

One of the things we do is Culture Day. We have people from 40 different nationalities in our team, and each month employees from a particular nation or region organize a celebration at the office and in-troduce everyone to their culture, cuisine and hos-pitality. As we speak, Mindvalley is celebrating Med-iterranean Day, where our employees from Greece, Italy, France, Portugal and Spain are creating beau-tiful Mediterranean experiences for everyone in the office.

3. Does blissipline have a role in happiness at work?

Yes – blissipline, as I maintain, is recognizing the importance of happiness as a discipline. Our Culture Day for one is not a one-off celebration or occasion – it is a regular company activity. It’s a habit. It’s a prac-tice. Just like going to the gym, brushing your teeth, eating healthy and drinking enough water.

4. Vishen, you, along with others who have achieved high levels of success can often relate to the experi-ence of “gamifying” life. How did you do this, and what benefits will one gain from “gamifying” their own life?

I gamify my life in different ways. One of the ways is the number of people I am able to reach through my mission and my teachings. From the number of people who buy my book to the amount of response I get to generate on Facebook. It’s always a thrill to hit that next number. But I also gamify life by chal-lenging my body and my lifestyle to constantly im-prove and “evolve” – for example, I’m currently on a 90-day challenge to eat healthy and eliminate foods that I’ve been indulging in (constantly) for years. I’m working on a coach on this. Through this process I’ve been able to give up cheeses, caffeine and bread, something I didn’t think was possible for myself. It’s been two months and my body has never felt better, healthier and more energetic. Gamifying life is fun to me – turning your life into a practical game where you challenge yourself to do better and to give more to the world.

5. Last question Vishen to tie everything up, does everyone truly have it in them to reach the level of extraordinary?

I believe we are all cut from the same cloth. There’s very little difference between human beings. Yes – you can say that some people might have better physique, better intelligence or better privileges, but if you really look at the definition of what makes someone extraordinary, you’ll find that they all come from unique and different circumstances.

You have people who have toiled throughout most of their lives but emerge extraordinary. People who grew up in the tougher side of developing countries but emerged extraordinary. People who dropped out of college but emerged extraordinary. People who suffered abuse and discrimination who emerged ex-traordinary. Jack Ma, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Bran-son, Malala Yousafzai, and Nelson Mandela – they all came from different circumstances.

And so – yes, I believe that extraordinary truly is within all of us, despite our different minds, different circumstances, different upbringings or different ed-ucations. Extraordinary is a personal path, a personal choice, a personal attitude and a personal mind shift. And whatever we want to do or create, whether it’s a billion-dollar company to help millions or becoming a teacher who will go to great lengths to support his or her students’ dreams, extraordinary is a level all of us should aspire to be.

Introduction: Allen Brouwer was the face of the 9-5 em-ployee who knew that he had the drive and ambition to be-come an entrepreneur, however had no network he could reach out to, no external resources he could utilize, and he did not even have a business plan.

The edge that Brouwer did have however, the edge that we all have, is that he knew he had control over his time, actions, and results.

How did he take control?

He decided to start tracking his progress and setting goals in what he calls the SELF Journal (BestSelf.co).

Each day Allen wrote down his goals, planned the day hour-by-hour, set targets for what was going to be achieved that day, along with his daily successes.

By structuring his days with the SELF journal, Allen went

from the 9-5 employee with no business idea to the 28 year old raking in 6 digits a month after raising $300,000 on Kick-starter in just over 30 days.

The SELF Journal aligns the thoughts and actions of the en-trepreneur with success every day while keeping goals and the road ahead clear. Turning you into the author of your own story.

Questions:What happens to your thoughts when your goals are clear

and focused? Having the answer to this question will give a reason to the “why should I”.

When you have clear and focused goals, especially ones that are clearly mapped out, you can concentrate on the highest leverage activity. You understand exactly what you have to do, and you’re not worried about the minutia of the day (i.e., when should I do this? What should I be doing?, etc).

When your thoughts are clear; you’re not worried about

How Your Goals Become Your Reality

From 9-5 Employee to Launching a $322,000 Kickstarter Cam-paign in Just One Month – See how Allen Brouwer Turned His

Goals, Into his Reality

“what-ifs”, or “hows”, which tons of people get hung up on, I still do from time to time.

It’s like having clarity on your day, and it feels amazing when you know that external or internal distractions are just that… distractions...

How does action catalyze success when you have your goals in focus? – Explains how you must take massive action to get the massive results your goal setting for.

When you set massive goals (I recommend 10 Xing your goals), you need to take massive action. It’s impossible to get where you want to go by doing what you’ve already been doing.

You need to step outside of your comfort zone, really reach for the stars and go for it. What you’ll find out, like I did, is that once you are going bigger every day, it gets easier. Like the term “success begets success” so is true for “action be-gets action” and even for “massive action begets massive action”. Do you get it?

Take massive action every day and you’ll get more results; which leads to you hitting your goals, which equates to your success (however that is defined for you)

In the SELF Journal you leave an area where you list what you are grateful for each day. In what way does this help someone’s mindset? – Gives readers the giving mindset.

Staying positive and grateful is important. I’m a big believ-er in the Law Of Attraction and that I get more of what I’m thinking and feeling.

The more that you are grateful, the more you’ll have to be grateful for. The more that you are positive, the more posi-tive things will come into your life.

We live in such an abundant world that it’s amazing when some people can’t find the ability to be grateful for any-thing. Writing it down daily forces you to think about your life, how far you’ve come, and where you can share some of that abundance.

Tip for those thinking about writing down what they are grateful for each day:

Pick one thing you are grateful for, then write three rea-sons why. Doing this will help break the monotony of just writing down for the sake of writing down.

Is it okay for your goals to change over time? – Some read-ers are unsure about what they want, and it’s best to just start and bring it into clarity as things get going.

It’s perfectly fine to have your goals change over time. Not because you don’t want them, but because priorities change. People change. Sometimes they realize that what they used to want is not what they wanted anymore.

Here’s the catch, you can only change your goals IF you are working toward one. Do not get lost in all the goals you “could” achieve; instead, focus on a goal and work toward it for a set period of time. Only then will you know whether you are aligned with it.

What you’ll find is that while working toward a goal, oth-er things come to your attention. You realize that you like something that you’ve never tried, you interact with some-one who has an opportunity you’re interested in, or you re-alize that this isn’t what you want and you change it.

Don’t get lost in analysis paralysis, choose one goal and go for it, really go after it, don’t be half in/ half out. Once you do this, things will become clearer for you.

First step for the 9-5 employee with big dreams like yourself? – Gives a large portion of the audience a place to start, another opportunity for you to mention your journal.

While working a 9-5 there’s not a lot of time to dedicate to your side gig. The best thing you can do is map it out where you want to go. Start small.

Choose a 13-week(3-month) goal and work toward that

goal. We prefer 13 weeks because it’s close enough to where you can always see the end, but long enough to make an impact in your life.

Work backward from that goal and find out what the ONE THING is that you have to do every day to get there. If you need to make 20 sales calls, make 20 sales calls. If you need to work out for 30 minutes, work out for 30 minutes.

Here’s the trick, make sure you do that one thing every day. Chisel out time in your day where you always do it. For me, while I was working my 9-5, I woke up an hour earlier and did it… EVERYDAY.

For others, it might be staying up that extra hour after you put the children to bed, or going to the coffee shop during your lunch break to work for 45 minutes. Either way, find out what the one thing is to get you to your end goal, and do it every day.

Stay focused on your goal, make sure you write it down daily (this is CRITICAL). And you’ll be on to your new life in no time.

This is exactly what the SELF Journal is, it helps people fig-ure out their 13-Week Goal, deconstruct it, and then gives them a framework each day to get the most out of their time.

If you need some help mapping out your goals or need some support in crafting your 13-week roadmap. We give everything away for free over at BestSelf.Co or my personal blog AllenBrouwer.com

Click Here to Grab Yours at http://bestself.co/

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Do you want to know the real reason why you don’t take action on your goals in life, despite the desire and initial inspiration?

The answer doesn’t rest in your psychology, but in-stead - If you really want to get results in your life, learn how to tap into your existing biological pro-gramming to drive you to take the actions you need to take in order to get the things you want to get in this life.

...but let’s first begin with the psychology of our un-conscious mind.

For those not familiar with the workings of our un-conscious, it is the area of our life that is responsbile for our deepest rooted behavior, such as digestion or breathing.

This is why you can logically know the big mac you’re eating or the video game you’re playing is a bad idea if you want to get in shape or work on your

business...but you still partake in those actions de-spite knowing how they are getting in the way of your goals.

Rule #1 - In the unconscious mind, time is not real.

While our conscious mind can understand that our goals of being millionaires in the future, or having six pack abs in a matter of months is possible for us...it isn’t our conscious mind that is impacting our behav-ior.

In the unconscious, everything happens in the pres-ent moment.

1. We run away from immediate pain.2. We run towards immediate pleasure.

Now that you understand this, are the things you do instead of getting your work done more immedi-ately pleasurable than taking the action you need to take?

The Cure For Procrastination & LazinessLIMITLESS ACADEMY

Say goodbye to motivational videos and inspirational quotes once and for all when you discover how you are biologically programmed to take action!

Those goals in the future of losing weight, being in that relationship, or having that successful business are non-existant in the biological programming of taking action.

So how can we create a set of circumstances so slacking is suddnely more immediately painful than taking action?

The Solution: The $100 check method.

Let’s say you want to get in shape and go to the gym. What is more immediately gratifying: The hard workout ahead of you, or eating a Big Mac and play-ing video games?

The latter.

And since that is more immediately pleasureful than going to the gym, you default to that action instead.

But what if you write a $100 check to a trusted friend....heck, let’s make that a $500 check.

1. If you don’t go to the gym by midnight tonight, your friend gets to cash the check and you feel that immediate pain.

All of a sudden, the amount of immediate pain at-tached to procrastinating or being lazy is much high-er than the pain you’ll feel by getting your first work-out in.

The result: You actually do the things you need to do to get in shape...to get that relationship...to build that business.

2. When you take the specific action you need to take by a specific time, your friend immediately hands you the check back.

You feel the immediate pleasure of taking the ac-tion you need to take.

Were you expecting more? It is really that simple...

Important notes:

Reward actions and not results. You want to build the habit of taking action, because the actions are what lead to the results. When I built my magazine publishing company with 917,000 readers, I didn’t re-ward myself when I hit the 100,000 or 900,000 down-

load mark.

I hit those marks while I was sleeping in until noon.

I rewarded myself for writing that first line of code, for listing my magazine apps on the app store, for creating my first cover design....you get the picture.

Reward actions, and not results.

Avoiding Overwhelm.

A second common problem is avoiding overwhelm. When we have so much going on in our mind, we feel that we will never finish. What if instead of think-ing about all the things you need to do, you break down the larger tasks into more digestable chunks.

I’ll use writing my book for example.

I have a hundred chapter ideas in my mind with 100 different story lines and plots. It feels so overwhelm-ing, so I never begin. I don’t want to step into that pain!

So what we do is chunk it down.

What is one topic that I can write about? Overcom-ing procrastination. And what is one scene I can use for my book to deliver that lesson? When myself and my roommates used the $100 check method in our Entrepreneur House in Scottsdale, Arizona to build our companies that impacted the lives of more than 1 Million people and earned a grand total of over $300,000 from the work we began in the first 6 months of living there.

...all because we actually put this advice to use.

If we didn’t, we’d probably still be stuck at our 9-5 jobs dreaming of the days we would one day be suc-cessful.

Final Tip: Holding the emotions of success.

What will it feel like after you accomplish that task? See what you would see, hear what you would hear, and most importantly, feel what you woul feel if you already accomplished that task right now.

Convince yourself that you already accomplished it. Hold that feeling, and bring it back into the pres-ent moment - you are now emotionally aligned with your goals.

If you remember my first article in this magazine where I found myself facing death in the wilderness of Glacier National Park, you can just imagine the amount of stress that led up to that event.

My business crashed, I got myself in debt, and do you know what my solutions was? Positive Affirma-tions.

For months on end, I kept doing everything I could to reframe my situation into the positive. A positive mindset cures everything, does it not?

...and it wasn’t until four months later when I met Jim Kieger and he pointed out the fatal flaw in my thinking.

A flaw that I’ve been ignoring for the first 29 years of my life, and leading me to emotional destress, anxiety, and fear ruling my life.

“Positive affirmations are like taking a pile of dog shit, covering it in frosting, and calling it a cupcake.”

Jim said so bluntly.

Instantly Releasing Negative Emotions

We all strive for having this positive mindset.Positive thoughts lead to positive experience, but

those positive thoughts are nothing but the frosting that we always sprinkle on top of the negative emo-tions we want to get rid of.

They are still there.

When I met Jim at a meetup group, he introduced me to a technique called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

EFT is a psychological acupressure technique Jim walked me through in order to release the negative emotions that I was so accustomed to pouring frost-ing on top of.

When I was able to release the negative emotions,

Getting Emotionally Aligned With Your GoalsJIM KIEGER, M.A. - NLP PRACTIONER & PSYCHOTHERAPIST

all of a sudden I became emotionally aligned with my goals, and began getting the results I wanted to get in my life.

For a demonstration of how to use EFT on yourself, click this YouTube video for a demonstration.

By focusing on a thought or phrase that triggers a negative emotion while tapping on specific points on your body, your body is able to release the nega-tive emotion.

Through Jim’s demonstration on others through his meetup group, I noticed instant shifts in a per-son’s emotional state when it came to anger, anxiety, or addiction issues.

When it was my turn, I decided to focus on an emo-tion that got in the way of achieving some of my fi-nancial goals: Financial scarcity.

The first step was to focus on the thought that trig-gered the emotion, which for me was the thought of my business crashing and having to work a job that I hate again, instead of fulfilling my purpose in life through my business.

The financial scarcity was a 7 out of 10 when I thought of it. After one round of tapping (See the YouTube video), it was at a 4. After a second round, it was at a 0.

All of a sudden, I had a weird experience.

I felt, and thought, as if I already achieved my finan-cial goals that I projected three years in the future. The stress and doubt instantly vanished when I re-moved that emotion.

The more interesting thing is that as a result of working with Jim, my busienss earned an income of five-figurse within the following month.

After learning this technique on my own, I reduced social anxiety, I’ve lost 30 pounds when I stopped craving a lot of the junk food I used to eat, and re-gardless of what is happening to me in life, I now have the tools to be fully emotionally aligned to ex-perience life the way I want to experience it.

To book an appointment with Jim, visit his website at www.JimKieger.com

www.JimKieger.comIn the very first session, many of my clients will try

and convince me that they are their diagnosis. Some are convinced they are bi-polar, have severe depres-sion, or are “borderline,” etc.... While their behaviors and emotional states may match some of the criteria for these diagnoses, some of the time, most people who come to see me have simply been unable to see that they are substantially more than what they believe themselves to be. It is my job and passion to help my clients see that their beliefs about them-selves are just that, beliefs, and that beliefs have nothing to do with who we really are.

These same clients have shopped around endlessly for the right therapist or therapy that will free them from their suffering. The result of this pursuit is usu-ally twofold. One, they do not seem to experience lasting improvement. And two, this “failure to get better” seems to reinforce the belief that they really are their diagnosis, or depression, or grief, or anxiety, etc. At this point they come to see me.

My goal as a therapist is to help my clients evolve to and through their next level of development. This natural progression is indicative of personal growth. It can manifest in many different forms. Some people want to make external changes such as begin a new career, find a mate, or overcome a challenge. Others wish to make internal adjustments. They may want to “not be depressed anymore,” be happy, eliminate anxiety, etc. Either way, I can usually help my clients pursue that which they want to achieve.

There is one caveat and it is best explained with the classic joke: “How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?” “Just one. But the light bulb has to want to change.” I realize that when experi-encing overwhelming emotional states it can be ex-tremely difficult to change one’s point of view. But this is usually the result of not having the appropri-ate resources available and not knowing what to do. Most people want to change but they do not know how.

This is where I come in. My work is to help you gain access to and practice with both my and your resources so that you can get the change that you want even if you have no idea what it is that you want. To do this, I utilize several different therapy techniques. I have learned over the years that the more techniques I have available, the better I am able to help clients who demonstrate the wide spectrum of individuality. I will help you reveal certain aspects of yourself so that your beliefs actually serve you and so that you realize that you are much, much more than a diagnosis.

BiographyMaster of Arts in Psychology, Saybrook Graduate

School and Research Center 2006.

Certified Hypnotherapist 1999.

NLP Master Practitioner 1998.

NLP Practitioner 1993.

B.A. in Psychology from Regis University 1994 (Sum-ma Cum Laude).

Registered Unlicensed Psychotherapist (#NLC 5909) in the State of Colorado.