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Page 1: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

Milwaukee Non-Public Schools Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

Needs Assessment and Program Development PlanPrivate School Students and Teachers

2017/2018 School Year

*Please submit as a word document. Hand written plans will not be accepted.

Title I/II Service Provider:

School Name:

Address: (List address for each campus) Campus 1:

Campus 2:

Campus 3:

Private School Primary Title I Contact: (please print)Phone Number/Ext:

E-mail Address:

Please note, no funding may be accessed until an approved preliminary plan is on file (Excluding summer school which has its own plan). ESEA (Title I & Title II) plan due dates:

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Shelley Perkins, Nonpublic Supervisor5225 W. Vliet Street; Room 2, #1

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208Phone: (414) 475-8122

[email protected]

Page 2: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

This Plan is for the following Title Programs:

Title I, Part A – Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Title II, Part A – Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading

Needs Assessment:

Identify your students’ academic needs and provide appropriate data for support. Prioritize needs, withmost significant as #1.

Student’s Academic Needs:

Data to Support Needs:

Identify your teachers’ professional development needs as related to improving your students’ academic achievement.

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 3: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

Programs and Services:

Describe the program, services or other activities you would like the school district to implement to address these identified needs. To the extent possible, include estimated cost of programs and services. Prioritize programs and services as related to meeting the needs noted above.


Campus: Program: # of Teachers: Grade Level:

# of students served:

Estimated Cost:(Reimbursement will not exceed allocated


Approval Status:

*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in each category. Reimbursement will not exceed the final allocated amount. Please work with your Title service provider to ensure you do not overspend in any category.

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 4: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

Standard Exit Criterion:

The following measures are to be considered when exiting children from Title I:

Criteria Determined Through…

Title I Teacher(s), Classroom Teacher(s)/Principal, and other school personnel that works with the student

Student scoring on or above current grade level norms for 2 consecutive progress monitoring sessions or 2 consecutive nationally normed standardized testing sessions.

Both the Title I teacher and classroom teacher agree that the child can be dismissed from the program based on a variety of more frequently used progress monitoring measures (Identified improvements needed).

* Early signs of regression should be monitored and preventative measures should be taken.

Parent(s) Parents(s) request that the child no longer receive Title I services.

Excessive Absenteeism An analysis of attendance report –Excessive absenteeism as defined as 15 days or more per semester due to truancy, continued suspension or expulsion (replaces immediately).

*New students with greater need should only be added during specified times (see nonpublic calendar).

*Unique circumstances should be submitted to the Title office for approval.

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 5: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

In addition to the standard exit criterion, please describe any other exit criteria your school uses to determine when a Title Istudent should exit the Title IA program:

Professional Development:

List any independent presenters/companies/vendors that you propose to use to fill your professional development needs:


companies/presenter/ vendor/university

delivering PD)

Title and Description of Professional Development

Activities/Coursework: (For coursework provide the course # and purpose i.e., extending

educator license)

Date(s) & Start/ End


# Of Participants: (list specific name(s) if for coursework or


# Of Workshops:

Location:(Specify if different city &

state. Must follow MPS travel policy)

Indicate Title I and/or Title II

Cost:(Reimbursement will not exceed allocated amount)







☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 6: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

To insert table formulas in Word into a table cell. First, click into the table cell where you want the answer displayed. This is often the cell at the end of a continuous column or row of numbers. Next, click the “Layout” tab of the “Table Tools” contextual tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Formula” button in the “Data” button group to open the “Formula” dialog box. To recalculate click ok.

Parent Involvement:

Campus: Program: # of parents: Grade Level:Estimated Cost:

(Reimbursement will not exceed allocated amount)

Describe how the above services and programs will contribute to improving student academic achievement.


Professional Development:

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 7: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

Parent Involvement:

Goal Setting:

Write a suggested performance goal for your identified need and planned activities. (EXAMPLE: An identified need in reading would be, “By May 2018, students participating in planned activities will increase their reading scores by %”, or, for an identified need to enhance instruction in differentiate learning, “All teachers participating in the professional development will include differentiated learning practices in their daily instruction.”)


☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 8: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

Professional Development:

Parent Involvement:

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 9: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

Evaluation Plan:

Describe the formalized plan for determining the extent to which the goal was achieved.


Professional Development:

Parent Involvement:

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)


Page 10: MILWAUKEE PUBLIC · Web view*Schools cannot exceed 50% of the preliminary allocation in e ach category. Reimbursement

By signing below I confirm that this ESEA needs assessment and program development plan was completed in consultation with the Title I/II service provider. I further understand that any instruction, parent involvement, professional development, training, course, etc. not included in this plan will require a 30 day preapproval.


Administrator’s Name (Please print)

Signature Date

This needs assessment must be completed in consultation with the non-public school and MPS Title I/II Vendor. V e nd o rs a re t o s ub m it t h is d o c u me nt t o t he M P S T i t le I O ff i c e on or b e f o re the due dates .

☐ July 1, 2017 (black, preliminary plan) ☐ November 1, 2017 (blue, updated draft) ☐ March 1, 2018 (green, Final Plan)