military history 2009

New books from oU Press SoldierS WeSt Biographies from the Military Frontier, Second edition Edited by Paul Andrew Hutton and Durwood Ball $34.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3997-5 · 416 Pages Soldiers West views the turbulent history of the west from the perspective of fifteen senior army officers—including Philip h. sheridan, george armstrong Custer, and Nelson a. miles—who were assigned to bring order to the region. this revised edition of Paul andrew hutton’s popular work adds five new biographies, and essays from the first edition have been updated to incorporate recent scholarship. JayhaWkerS the Civil War Brigade of James henry lane By Bryce Benedict $32.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3999-9 · 352 Pages this first book-length study of the “jayhawkers,” as the men of lane’s brigade were known, takes a fresh look at their exploits and notoriety. bryce benedict draws on a wealth of previously unexploited sources, including letters by brigade members, to dramatically re-create the violence along the kansas-missouri border and chal- lenge some of the time-honored depictions of lane’s unit as bloodthirsty and indiscriminately violent. hero Street, U.S.a. the Story of little Mexico’s Fallen Soldiers By Marc Wilson $19.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4012-4 · 224 Pages second street in silvis, Illinois, was a poor neighbor- hood during the great Depression that had become home to mexicans fleeing revolution in their homeland. In 1971 it was officially renamed “hero street” to com- memorate its claim to the highest per-capita casualty rate from any neighborhood during world war II. marc wilson tells the compelling stories of nearly eighty men from three dozen second street homes who volunteered to fight for their country in world war II and korea—and of the eight who never came back. ClaSS and raCe in the Frontier arMy Military life in the West, 1870–1890 By Kevin Adams $34.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3981-4 · 296 Pages Class and Race in the Frontier Army marks the first applica- tion of recent research on class, race, and ethnicity to the social and cultural history of military life on the western frontier. adams draws on a wealth of military records and soldiers’ diaries and letters to reconstruct everyday army life—from work and leisure to consump- tion, intellectual pursuits, and political activity—and shows that an inflexible class barrier stood between officers and enlisted men. on the WeStern Front With the rainBoW diviSion a World War i diary By Vernon E. Kniptash; Edited by E. Bruce Geelhoed $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4032-2 · 256 Pages with clarity and compelling detail, kniptash describes the experiences of an ordinary soldier thrust into the most violent conflict the world had seen. he tells of his enthusiasm upon enlistment and of the horrors of combat that followed, as well as the drudgery of daily routine. he renders unforgettable profiles of his fellow soldiers and commanders, and manages despite the strains of warfare to leaven his writing with humor. a dragon’S head and a Serpent’S tail Ming China and the First great east asian War By Kenneth M. Swope $34.95 Cloth · 0-978-8061-4056-8 · 432 Pages FlaMeS and Water the War of 1812 By Jeremy Black $32.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4078-0 · 256 Pages aFter My lai My year Commanding Charlie Company By Gary Bray $16.95 PaPer · 978-0-8061-4045-2 · 224 Pages Beyond Bear’S paW the nez perce indians in Canada By Jerome A Greene $24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4068-1 · 272 Pages kioWa Military SoCietieS ethnohistory and ritual By William Meadows $75.00 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4072-8 · 456 Pages FORTHCOMING FROM THE ARTHUR H. CLARK CO. hanCoCk’S War Conflict on the Southern plains By William Y. Chalfant $125.00 lImIteD eDItIoN · 978-0-87062-374-5 $55.00 Cloth · 978-0-87062-371-4 528 Pages Fort laraMie Military Bastion of the high plains By Douglas C. McChristian $45.00 Cloth ·978-0-87062-360-8 · 448 Pages Douglas C. mcChristian has written the first complete history of fort laramie, chronicling every critical stage in its existence, including its addition to the National Park system. he draws on an extraordinary array of archival materials—including those at fort laramie National historic site—to present new data about the fort and new interpretations of historical events. Frontier Military Series volume 26 poWder river odySSey nelson Cole’s Western Campaign of 1865 the Journals of lyman g. Bennett and other eyewitness accounts By David E. Wagner $39.95 Cloth ·978-0-87062-359-2 · 288 Pages Powder River Odyssey: Nelson Cole’s Western Campaign of 1865 tells the story of a largely forgotten campaign at the pivotal moment when the Civil war ended and the Indian wars captured national attention. lyman g. bennett documents the experience of the 1,400 men of the Powder river expedition’s eastern Division as they trudged through largely unexplored territory and faced off with american Indians determined to keep their hunting grounds. Frontier Military Series volume 27 Military regiSter oF CUSter’S laSt CoMMand By Roger L. Williams $95.00 Cloth · 978-0-87062-368-4 · 400 Pages with so much written about the actual battle at the little bighorn on June 25, 1876, roger l. williams has now compiled a wealth of data concerning the men of the 7th Cavalry at the time of the engagement. Military Register of Custer’s Last Command presents for the first time the complete military history of every enlisted man on the regimental rolls, with particular attention devoted to the well-known campaigns from the washita to wounded knee. hidden Springs of Custeriana Series volume 14 issued in a limited edition of 500 copies. Military History UniverSity oF oklahoMa preSS THE ARTHUR H. CLARK COMPANY NEW BOOKS FORTHCOMING BOOKS UniverSity oF oklahoMa preSS 800 627 7377 · oUPress.Com

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with so much written about the actual battle at the little bighorn on June 25, 1876, roger l. williams has now compiled a wealth of data concerning the men of the 7th Cavalry at the time of the engagement. Military Register of Custer’s Last Command presents for the first time the complete military history of every enlisted man on the regimental rolls, with particular attention devoted to the well-known campaigns from the washita to wounded knee. kioWa Military SoCietieS hanCoCk’S War


New books from oU Press SoldierS WeStBiographies from the Military Frontier, Second editionEdited by Paul Andrew Hutton and Durwood Ball $34.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3997-5 · 416 Pages

Soldiers West views the turbulent history of the west from the perspective of fifteen senior army officers—including Philip h. sheridan, george armstrong Custer, and Nelson a. miles—who were assigned to bring order to the region. this revised edition of Paul andrew hutton’s popular work adds five new biographies, and essays from the first edition have been updated to incorporate recent scholarship.

JayhaWkerSthe Civil War Brigade of James henry laneBy Bryce Benedict $32.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3999-9 · 352 Pages

this first book-length study of the “jayhawkers,” as the men of lane’s brigade were known, takes a fresh look at their exploits and notoriety. bryce benedict draws on a wealth of previously unexploited sources, including letters by brigade members, to dramatically re-create the violence along the kansas-missouri border and chal-lenge some of the time-honored depictions of lane’s unit as bloodthirsty and indiscriminately violent.

hero Street, U.S.a.the Story of little Mexico’s Fallen SoldiersBy Marc Wilson $19.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4012-4 · 224 Pages

second street in silvis, Illinois, was a poor neighbor-hood during the great Depression that had become home to mexicans fleeing revolution in their homeland. In 1971 it was officially renamed “hero street” to com-memorate its claim to the highest per-capita casualty rate from any neighborhood during world war II. marc wilson tells the compelling stories of nearly eighty men from three dozen second street homes who volunteered to fight for their country in world war II and korea—and of the eight who never came back.

ClaSS and raCe in the Frontier arMyMilitary life in the West, 1870–1890By Kevin Adams $34.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-3981-4 · 296 Pages

Class and Race in the Frontier Army marks the first applica-tion of recent research on class, race, and ethnicity to the social and cultural history of military life on the western frontier. adams draws on a wealth of military records and soldiers’ diaries and letters to reconstruct everyday army life—from work and leisure to consump-tion, intellectual pursuits, and political activity—and shows that an inflexible class barrier stood between officers and enlisted men.

on the WeStern Front With the rainBoW diviSiona World War i diaryBy Vernon E. Kniptash; Edited by E. Bruce Geelhoed $29.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4032-2 · 256 Pages

with clarity and compelling detail, kniptash describes the experiences of an ordinary soldier thrust into the most violent conflict the world had seen. he tells of his enthusiasm upon enlistment and of the horrors of combat that followed, as well as the drudgery of daily routine. he renders unforgettable profiles of his fellow soldiers and commanders, and manages despite the strains of warfare to leaven his writing with humor.

a dragon’S head and a Serpent’S tailMing China and the First great east asian WarBy Kenneth M. Swope$34.95 Cloth · 0-978-8061-4056-8 · 432 Pages

FlaMeS and Waterthe War of 1812By Jeremy Black$32.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4078-0 · 256 Pages

aFter My laiMy year Commanding Charlie CompanyBy Gary Bray$16.95 PaPer · 978-0-8061-4045-2 · 224 Pages

Beyond Bear’S paWthe nez perce indians in CanadaBy Jerome A Greene$24.95 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4068-1 · 272 Pages

kioWa Military SoCietieSethnohistory and ritualBy William Meadows$75.00 Cloth · 978-0-8061-4072-8 · 456 Pages


hanCoCk’S WarConflict on the Southern plainsBy William Y. Chalfant$125.00 lImIteD eDItIoN · 978-0-87062-374-5$55.00 Cloth · 978-0-87062-371-4528 Pages

Fort laraMie Military Bastion of the high plains By Douglas C. McChristian $45.00 Cloth ·978-0-87062-360-8 · 448 Pages

Douglas C. mcChristian has written the first complete history of fort laramie, chronicling every critical stage in its existence, including its addition to the National Park system. he draws on an extraordinary array of archival materials—including those at fort laramie National historic site—to present new data about the fort and new interpretations of

historical events.

Frontier Military Series volume 26

poWder river odySSey nelson Cole’s Western Campaign of 1865 the Journals of lyman g. Bennett and other eyewitness accounts By David E. Wagner $39.95 Cloth ·978-0-87062-359-2 · 288 Pages

Powder River Odyssey: Nelson Cole’s Western Campaign of 1865 tells the story of a largely forgotten campaign at the pivotal moment when the Civil war ended and the Indian wars captured national attention. lyman g. bennett documents the experience of the 1,400 men of the Powder river expedition’s eastern Division as they trudged through largely unexplored

territory and faced off with american Indians determined to keep their hunting grounds.

Frontier Military Series volume 27

Military regiSter oF CUSter’S laSt CoMMand By Roger L. Williams $95.00 Cloth · 978-0-87062-368-4 · 400 Pages

with so much written about the actual battle at the little bighorn on June 25, 1876, roger l. williams has now compiled a wealth of data concerning the men of the 7th Cavalry at the time of the engagement. Military Register of Custer’s Last Command presents for the first time the complete military history of every enlisted man on the regimental rolls,

with particular attention devoted to the well-known campaigns from the washita to wounded knee.

hidden Springs of Custeriana Series volume 14issued in a limited edition of 500 copies.

M i l i t a r y H i s t o r yU n i v e r S i t y o F o k l a h o M a p r e S S

The ArThur h. ClArk CompAny NEW BOOKS


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