midst the excitement of the ‘here-and-now’ and the growing … · 2015. 6. 5. · midst the...

Midst the excitement of the ‘here-and-now’ and the growing excitement surrounding the 125 th celebrations, staff and pupils are drawing on hidden reserves of energy to plan for the future. We are in the thick of transition meetings, taster and assessment days and the writing of the end of term reports which will act as the springboard into next year’s learning and pupil targets. We have also just come to the end of a week of Common Entrance examinations with our talented Year 8s booking their places at their first choice Senior School. They have all worked incredibly hard and shown focussed commitment during the exams and the build-up to them. I am sure they will have done themselves, their families and the school proud. They head off next week on their Residential Trip where new skills and challenges await and friendships for the future are firmly forged and cemented. I hope this good weather loiters around the Dorset Coast so they can bask in the kind of week they deserve. Thank you to the staff, and in particular Mrs Brighting for organising a superb week of activities and to the parents, past and present, who are giving up their time, expertise and homes to help deliver the programme. Words of thanks must go too to the parents of the Ball Committee. There is a lot of activity up in the art room where decorations are being created and fabulous works of art finessed. I have cleared a huge space on my living room wall in the hope that I can successfully bid for one of the collaborative year group masterpieces. Each year group has been given a theme to work within and every child in the school will have contributed to their year group piece. Their individual names will appear on their flowers, butterflies, fairground attractions and beach huts. The pieces will go on display in advance of the Ball so you can come and see their brilliance and devise your strategy for making sure your pledge is the highest. The picture above shows Year 3’s Flowers with two further masterpieces (Year 1 and Oak Reception) appearing later on in The Nutshell. Please remember basic safety and security principles when parking on site: Do NOT leave any valuables or bags in view in your cars. Thank you.

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Page 1: Midst the excitement of the ‘here-and-now’ and the growing … · 2015. 6. 5. · Midst the excitement of the ‘here-and-now’ and the growing excitement surrounding the 125th

Midst the excitement of the ‘here-and-now’ and the growing excitement surrounding the 125th celebrations, staff and pupils are drawing on hidden reserves of energy to plan for the future. We are in the thick of transition meetings, taster and assessment days and the writing of the end of term reports which will act as the springboard into next year’s learning and pupil targets. We have also just come to the end of a week of Common Entrance examinations with our talented Year 8s booking their places at their first choice Senior School. They have all worked incredibly hard and shown focussed commitment during the exams and the build-up to them. I am sure they will have done themselves, their families and the school proud. They head off next week on their Residential Trip where new skills and challenges await and friendships for the future are firmly forged and cemented. I hope this good weather loiters around the Dorset Coast so they can bask in the kind of week they deserve. Thank you to the staff, and in particular Mrs Brighting for organising a superb week of activities and to the parents, past and present, who are giving up their time, expertise and homes to help deliver the programme.

Words of thanks must go too to the parents of the Ball Committee. There is a lot of activity up in the art room where decorations are being created and fabulous works of art finessed. I have cleared a huge space on my living room wall in the hope that I can successfully bid for one of the collaborative year group masterpieces. Each year group has been given a theme to work within and every child in the school will have contributed to their year group piece. Their individual names will appear on their flowers, butterflies, fairground attractions and beach huts. The pieces will go on display in advance of the Ball so you can come and see their brilliance and devise your strategy for making sure your pledge is the highest. The picture above shows Year 3’s Flowers with two further masterpieces (Year 1 and Oak Reception) appearing later on in The Nutshell.

Please remember basic safety and security principles when parking on site: Do NOT

leave any valuables or bags in view in your cars. Thank you.

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The money raised by the Art Auction, and during the whole of the 125th Anniversary celebrations will go towards kick starting The Hazelwood Community Fund. The Fund will become the beneficiary of school fundraising for the foreseeable future and is the school’s way of saying a ‘birthday thank you’ to the local communities for being our neighbours since 1890.

For a list of emails/letters/texts sent home each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery

We were delighted to welcome three new Nursery staff members last week. Karen Carr has joined the Wrens team. She has many years experience in all types of childcare and previously worked at a pre-school in Tatsfield. Tiffany Marsh will be joining Sue Johnson in Robins. She is very experienced and well qualified and joins us from Lingfield Day Nursery. Emmeline Rocci joins us from a day Nursery in South Croydon. She has a French childcare qualification and is currently completing her Level 3 qualification. Emmeline will be working in a different room each day this term before joining her permanent team in September. We wish them all every success.

Full use is being made of the white lines on the lawn as Robins and Skylarks practise hard for their Sports morning Friday 12th June. Could we please respectfully remind everyone again to drop your children off as normal then vacate the car park. Please do not be tempted to leave your car in the car park until your child’s Sports Day has taken place – this will

When funds have built up, we will be inviting local organisations to apply for small grants to assist them in staging events and activities, particularly those with an educational focus. Thank you to a couple of parents who have already donated to the Fund, and to the sponsors of the Memorial Cycle Ride whose most generous support has both allowed the team to fulfil their plan to cycle to the graveside of Lieutenant Cather VC and to generate a healthy deposit in the Fund’s coffers. It is hoped that The Community Fund will go a long way in supporting the aspect of the School Promise which pledges to ensure pupils have an understanding of their place in the local and global community. We look forward to involving the children in aspects of the Fund’s work and in building further bridges with individuals and organisations in the local area.

Enjoy your weekends.

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create a bottle neck and prevent all of our parents dropping off safely, in particular those with babies and younger children. Parking is available free throughout Oxted after 9:30am in the side roads and in the main town car park. Wherever possible we would ask that you walk or share cars in order to help with the flow of cars in and out of the car park. Your co-operation is, as always, gratefully appreciated.

A final reminder that our Transition evenings take place on Tuesday 9th June for parents of current Wrens and Wagtails and Wednesday 10th June for those in Robins and Skylarks. (Full details were sent to all parents earlier this week) Both meetings will start at 7.30pm in the Paterson Hall.

News from Hazelwood

Woof Woof! Otto has been pestering Mrs Shaw to allow a small group of children to accompany him (and her) on their lunchtime walk – weather permitting. If you are happy for your child to join Otto’s Walking Club, please email their name to Mrs Calver on [email protected] No sweets on site Parents are reminded that children are not allowed to bring sweets or sweet snacks onto site. They will be confiscated if found. Thank you for your support and understanding. The only exception is on birthdays when the treat should be handed to the teacher on arrival at school in the morning. Uniform Summer Orders: FREE delivery Hazelwood School operates an online Uniform and Sportswear service with www.schoolblazer.com. This service provides all items of uniform and also provides nametag application free of charge. As the summer period is particularly busy, it is essential that all new parents have placed their uniform orders no later than Friday 17 July 2015, to allow time for returns, if necessary. Schoolblazer are offering free delivery on all orders placed between 29th June – 12 July 2015 as an extra incentive.

James continues his progress up the European rankings After a slow start at the beginning of the week James finished 2nd in the U16 Lee Westwood tour event. This brilliant result secures him a place on the Lee Westwood tour later in the year. James then went on to finish 3rd in the European junior tour under 12 event having been drawn against a 13 year old boy in the match play. A combination of tiredness and experience were definite factors but to James’ credit he battled hard and only lost by 2 holes.

Open Day & Prize Giving RSVP deadline is upon us Please remember that the deadline for replies for Open Morning, Prize Giving & Sports is this Friday, 5th June. Thank you.

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Purchase of school ipads Some parents have been asking if they are able to buy their child’s ipad when they leave Hazelwood. Unfortunately this is not going to be possible. When ipads were first introduced the school looked at a number of purchased options and decided to go via a lease hire scheme specially developed for schools. The devices are therefore not ours to sell. Sorry for any disappointment this may cause.

Another two of the amazing Year Group masterpieces which are being created for auction at the Midsummer Night’s Ball. A catalogue of all the pieces is being prepared and parents who cannot go to the Ball can still submit a bid if a particular piece catches their eye. Ladybirds has been created by the children of Year 1 and Flowers (below) by Oak Reception.

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Talent Show Once again the Talent Show was amazing. There were fifty auditions over three weeks, twenty one acts were successful for the final evening and they entertained a full house. There were lots of different performances: songs, dances, comedies and sketches all performed by very talented pupils from years 3 to 8. The celebrity judges this year were Will-Iam (Mr Fagg), Queen Elizabeth II (Mrs Dean), Louis Spence (Mr Kemp) and Ellie Golding (Miss Wills). They had a very difficult job in making their decisions and were great sports by entering into the spirit of the occasion. The performers would like to thank them for giving up their time and for taking part. The winners at this years show were: Best Dance Act: Gym-Acro Sasha Twyman, Camelia Quessy, Annabelle Quessy Best Drama Act: Bagsy Sketch Austin Taylor, Archie Proctor, Felix Curson, Georgina Lewis, Francesca Carroll, Izzy Jupp, Mathew Thomas and Jocelyn Heaver Best Comedy Act: Seven Ways to Discipline your Child Tallen Harris, Freddie Mills with help from Spiros, Eva and Henry Best Musical Act: All of Me Bethan Sharps and Emily Lark Most Engaging: Little Red Riding Hood Holly Lawson Most Entertaining Act: The New Build Tallen Harris, Henry Sweetland, Jade Taylor, John Briggs, Ben Taylor, Mathew Hardy, Shyam Malhotra, Eva Patel, Aly Geldard, Alex Newman, Freddie Mills, Louis Dean, George Foulds, Will Beresford, Bella Wilkinson, James Quessy and Olga Dubov Best Performance Act: Floor Work Molly Cooper Most Original Act: Periodic Table Christian Tull Well done to them all and a big thank you to Mrs Housego for all her time and effort in preparing such a great show. It is always a highlight of the school calendar.

Report prepared by Emily Lark

Youngest walker to climb the three Surrey Peaks! Bethan Sharps in Year 7 completed the Surrey Three Peaks challenge last Sunday to raise money for the Orpheus Centre in Godstone which focuses on the performing arts to help young disabled adults to gain confidence to lead more independent lives. She walked and climbed 13 miles in just under six hours over Holmsbury Hill, Leith Hill and Box Hill and raised £655 – one of the biggest fundraisers – and became the youngest walker to do the Surrey Three Peak Challenge. Thank you to everyone who donated. Your money was very much appreciated and kept Bethan spurred on (along with the promise of ice cream) to the finishing line.

On Tuesday 16th June, across both sites, we will be taking our annual album of shots to use in promoting the school to internal and external audiences. Please can we make sure the children are sent to school looking their best. Mrs Slade can work miracles with the camera but even she has her limits!! Thank you.

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A big thank you to my old friends at Hazelwood for the 1,100 teddies for Syria. Yes 1,100!! The collection was helped along by parent Craig Sugden who saw the appeal in Nutshell and came up with 600 rescued teds from a photo shoot destined for shredding. I was absolutely thrilled to see the huge pile of teddies you had collected in such a short time. We have brought them up to Herefordshire and they will be packed into boxes this week ready to be loaded into the shipping container on June 8th. It's been a race against time but a fantastic response from all kinds of people including schools like yours means we might just reach our target of 10,000. I'd like to say a special thank you to Maddy Hyatt for responding to my request for help and getting the ball moving so quickly. You can see more about the teddies on the Teddy Trust Facebook page. Jenny Nicol

Hugs All Round

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

Thank you so much for the amazing response to my appeal on behalf of the Teddy Trust. I was over the moon when I counted that over 1,100 teddies had been donated – from the smallest bear to the fantastic donation of over 600 bears from one of the parents of my school – a HUGE thank you. All teddies are now on their way to Syria and I’m sure will make a big difference in the lives of the children there. Maddy Hyatt xx

A Roaring Success! These pictures are of the anmazzzzzing anniversary lion (soon to be joined by a dragon too) being made by Mrs Bean and the children of Year 8. Crafted from twisted, bent and cut aluminum, they will take their proud place flanking the school’s main entrance door.

They look fabulous and will be a really unique way to mark, and remember the 125th anniversary. Thank you to the parents of Year 8 who have supported this project as their farewell gift to the school.

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Setting Sail for Greenwich On Saturday 16th May the Year 6 intrepid sailors accompanied by Mrs Alexander and Mrs Forbes Turko set sail from Sevenoaks to see Against Captain’s Orders: a journey into unchartered waters. This was a new style, immersive theatre piece and drama was with us from the outset as we had to leave behind two latecomers, foiled by a perilous puncture.

Secret doors, sets crammed with aged parchments, ship bric a brac and dark winding corridors led us onwards, through a sea scented maze of a sail room and a darkened space filled with bottles before we were safely returned to our starting point. This was an exciting production and we will be keeping a ship's watch to see if there are further immersive adventures to explore.

Arriving at Greenwich our brave crew fortified themselves with a picnic luncheon in the sunshine before donning life jackets and descending into the depths of the Maritime Museum.

Loaded into small wooden boats a sea mist wound its way around our ankles, the perils of touching precious museum artefacts was introduced and then used as the trigger for disaster, the lights went out and we were hurled into a fast paced adventure to find missing items from the museum's vaults. Inside the vaults the museum's security systems went into meltdown and it was a race against time through flag-filled corridors and all kinds of flotsam and jetsam to get things back on an even keel.

Isn't it funny how bears love honey?! Earlier this week we were lucky to have bee keeper Mr Whiteley give us a talk about honey bees. The children were fascinated by the different bees and their roles within a hive. Some were lucky enough to have the chance to dress up and all had the opportunity to try some of his yummy local honey, not forgetting the tasty toffee he made using the golden nectar! The children asked pertinent questions and have been buzzing around Chestnut ever since!

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The Golden Boot Challenge 2015!

Parking on Rockfield road would enable you to walk through the woods to school. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Yes, it is that time of year again, time for the Golden boot challenge! The challenge involves all children from Years 3-8 and starts this Monday 8th June and finishes on Friday 26th June. The form group with the greenest form of travel to school during this time will be awarded the prestigious Golden boot trophy and special badges. There will also be a prize for the greenest form in each year group and a prize for the greenest individual in the school. So put down your car keys and put on your walking boot. Can you be as enthusiastic as Jack (above) was back in 2013. I look forward to everyone embracing the challenge from this coming Monday. Good luck everyone! Miss Wills Forest School! Before half term 2P and 2B headed down to the treehouse site for their Forest School session. The sun was shining and we headed down looking at pictures of dinosaur settings. When we arrived at the site we listened to a book called 'Dinosaur Bones'. It was full of facts and made us think about what the earth was line when Dinosaurs roamed. We looked at the pictures we had showing dinosaur settings and decided we couldn't be sure this is what it was like. We were then set with the challenge of creating our own dinosaur setting picture using natural materials thinking carefully about how we could describe it. Collaboration named for being the key skill to this we set about our tasks and completed it with flying colours. The results were fantastic! It was then free time and of course the fireman's pole was calling. The children behaved fabulously and we all came back smiling. Magic Potions Maths!

For those of you new to the school, this involves adapting the way you travel to school to be more eco friendly and help the environment. If you live close to school you could walk, cycle or scoot, and if you live further away you could lift share, or park and stride. Park and stride involves leaving your car a short distance away e.g. Rockfield road and then walking to school from there.

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French Institute 2.6.15: Mia et le Migou

Madame Jones organised this wonderful trip for Year 5 and I’m sure everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. By the end of the day we were tired (in a good way!) after so much French speaking, watching the film and learning French vocabulary. First, we arrived at school and got on a coach to central London. When we were just arriving we were told which group we were in. The teachers (or group leaders) were: Miss Clayton, Mrs Bradshaw, Mr Kemp, Miss Hood, Madame Richards and last but not least, Madame Jones. When we walked, we had to go in pairs so we didn’t take up the whole pavement because there were other people.

When we got there we split up into two big groups. In the first group there was Miss Clayton’s group, Miss Hood’s group and one half of Madame Richards’ group. The other half obviously had to be Mrs Bradshaw’s group, Mr Kemp’s group and the other half of Madame Richards’ group. The two new groups were both led to a classroom and watched the French trailer of the film ‘Mia et le Migou’ Year Five then started some vocabulary including little girl (petite fille), little boy (petit garcon), little animal (petit animal) cross the Amazon forest (traverse l’amazone) and much more. Then we were given a booklet with a quiz at the front and next to it an Amazon Forest animal naming and finally, on the back, a maze. We turned to the page where there were pictures of animals that live in the Amazon rainforest. At the top there were the French names and we had to write them under each correct animal. There were two types of bird, one for an example and the parrot, the monkey and a strange sort of rhino-looking animal. We compared with the people sitting on our tables to check. Everyone found that easy since everyone had more or less the same answers.

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Then it was time for lunch. Everyone was extremely hungry from learning and using their brains. After a filling, appetising meal we made our way to a doorway. We could catch a glimpse of blue chairs and a screen. This was the cinema. We sat down, sitting back into the soft material and waited, tensely for the film to start. The film was in French with English subtitles. It was Mia and the Mingo, but this wasn’t the trailer. It was the whole film! Bonne Chance! Report written by Stéphanie Clarke

Miss Wills, Mr Fagg and Mr Kemp take on their alter egos of Ellie Goulding, Louis Spence and Wil-I-am ready for the Talent Show judging. Mrs Shaw enjoys her weekly story-telling with the Chestnut children and Mr Cartwright captures the arrival of chicks in the bird box outside Miss Parr’s classroom.

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MMMMMM.... Bread and Butter Pudding extraordinaire! As part of Year 2's topic 'Little Masterchefs' we all got the chance to go to the Dining Hall for the first of our cookery sessions and whip up a delicious delight to take home! Holroyd Howe Chef John gave us a talk about the different ingredients and what they do change the flavour of the dish. It was fascinating! Even better we then each got to have a go at making our very own which we all took home to cook. We are sure lots of tummies were filled after a delicious dessert, a great session; we cannot wait for our next one!

Mathematical Potions On Thursday morning all of Year 2 became Witches and Wizards in training. Working in groups it was explained that today was their Wizard and Witches test or they would live a muggle life and not reap the rewards of some extraordinary potions. Armed with a potion for invisibility and super strength the children were required to measure out the ingredients extremely carefully in order for the potion to work. The ingredients consisted of monkey snot, melted tigers fur, Mr Twits spit and dragons blood. The children worked fabulously together and measured with care and accuracy. They passed the test with flying colours!


HPA Tennis Tournament - Monday 22nd June 10.30 - 12.30 If you would like to enjoy a morning's tennis and some delicious cake from Let There Be Cake by Leanne, please send in your entry form and payment to the School or Nursery office. You do not need to enter with a partner as we shall mix round partners throughout the morning. This was a popular event last year and all standards are welcome.

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Offers of help for the Ball required… Helpers required on Wednesday's, from 12.30pm, meet in Kate Tulett's art room. We are still collecting any shape or size glass jars. Leave with Kate Tulett, school shop of any HPA member you might see in the car park. Does anyone have any astro turf/faux grass to lend/donate?

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News from the Kitchen

Please don’t forget that the three week menu rotation is hosted on the school and nursery websites within The Parents’ Section for your information. Following a first review over the half term holiday, weekly menus have been revisited and refreshed. Thank you for everyone for their feedback. These new menus will be landing in an inbox near you soon.

Music Department

Chapel Choir Auditions Mrs Louw will be holding auditions for the 2015/16 Chapel Choir next week during class music lessons. Our next academic year will be another very busy and demanding one for the Choir, with attendance at a number of events, in addition to those that will be published in the termly School Calendar. Those pupils in current Years 5, 6 & 7 wishing to audition should please let Mrs Louw know as soon as possible.

Music Timetable

The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

Sports Department

Match Reports should be put in the folder on the wall in the PE office. They are then collected by the captain on Monday morning to be read out in assembly. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you. Holmewood House Swimming Gala Report On Thursday 21st May, the U9, U11 & U13 swimming team’s prepared to compete for the first time against Holmewood House’s best swimmers. A number of the team swum up an age group and have been working extremely hard at EMS to improve their gala performances – especially their tumble turns! The atmosphere in the pool was electric and the parents enjoyed cheering on their swimmers in every race. I was very pleased to see swimmers of all ages supporting each other and cheering their team on. Their efforts in training were rewarded by many new personal best times and even some new records set, as well as races won! A particularly impressive swim came from Oliver McCusker in Year 2, who not only competed as a Year 4, but also won his backstroke event! So overall, Hazelwood won the gala comfortably against tough opposition school Holmewood House and definitely proved they are a force to be reckoned with!

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Final Scores: 1st Hazelwood 169pts 2nd Holmewood House 133pts A really fantastic result to end the term – Well done swimmers! EMS SWIMMERS – It is important that you keep up your training until the end of term, to achieve some more personal best times and hopefully some more new school records! Miss Lloyd Head of Swimming

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Notice Board

Letters sent home this week:

If you have not received any of the communications listed below and should have, please

contact the school office.

Year 8: Common Entrance Results Postal Information Oak Reception – Year 8: Reply reminder – Open Morning, Prize Giving & Sports Years 3 – 5 + EMS Swimmers: Swimathon Information & Sponsorship Form Chapel Choir: Summer Term Events and Rehearsals/Prague Photo Book Years 1 – 8: 125 Event – Day of Sport, 4th July Years 3-8 Parking on New Field (security and safety) Years 4-8 (Sept): School Ski Trip 2016 Years 6-8 Upper School Disco Childcare Wanted Seeking before and after school childcare, three days a week (Tues, Wed & Thurs) for my 5 year old son entering Year 1 in September. Please contact me for further details - Melanie Petch – [email protected] – 07790722559

Registered Child Minder Available Diane Kelsey has been an Ofsted registered Childminder since 2005 based in Godstone with current vacancies for pre school children 0-3 years, full/part time or term time only. Diane received a 'Good' in her latest Ofsted Inspection and has a Level 3 Diploma in Home Based Childcare along with St John’s Ambulance pediatric training, is fully insured including Public Liabilities and DBS checked. For further information please contact Diane via telephone or email. Email: [email protected] Home: 01883 743007 Mobile : 07827 915683

For sale A nice little runner - mum-in-law no longer driving but says it is a perfect run around. Vauxhall Agila ecoflex 2010. 1.0, 12V, 31,000 miles. group 5 insurance, cheap road Tax, MOT until August. Good condition. We’re looking for around £3,500 for it. Please call Karin 07990972834

Key Events for Next Week

Monday 8th June Am Year 8 residential departs 0830 Special assembly with John Surtees 1320 Eco Schools Meeting 1630 Athletics: U8 & 9 boys v Hawthorns (H)

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Tuesday 9th June 0815 Gala Concert rehearsal 1930 Transition Meeting for Wrens’ and Wagtails’ parents Wednesday 10th June Am Year 4 residential departs 0900 Year 1-3 Perform Drama Workshop 1430 Cricket: U12 A&B v Hawthorns (A) 1430 Cricket: Colts A&B v Aberdour (H) 1430 Cricket Colts C&D v Aberdour (A) 1430 Rounders: U12 A v Aberdour (A) 1430 Rounders: U11 A&B v Reigate St Mary’s (H) 1430 Rounders: U10 A&B v Derwent Lodge (H) 1930 Transition Meeting for Robins’ and Skylarks’ parents Thursday 11th June 0815 Gala Concert Rehearsal 0835 House Meetings 1430 Cricket: U8 A&B v Sevenoaks Prep Friday 12th June Am Reception, Years 1 & 2 Music Activity Morning 0930 Robin and Skylarks’ Sports Morning Saturday 13th June OAC visit to Reigate Caves

Rehearsals are well under way for the 1125th Anniversary Gala Concert. The combined

sound of school choir and orchestra is something very special.

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