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  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


    PORTFOLIOMidori Fujimoto

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Midori Fujimoto

    9 Florence Cres. Toronto, On

    [email protected]

    416 333 8987

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


    TabLe Of Contents


    Business Ca



    Web Pag



    Event A


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Date: December 7th 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson

    Programs:InDesign, Photoshop

    Description:A Tri-fold Brochure for a made up company

    Objective:.Create an original company logo and use it ina full bleed brochure.

    Incorporate 4 quality images, one including a text wrap.

    Process: I rst started off by deciding what company I

    wanted to do for my brochure. Since i had already made a

    few logos for a cupcake company, I decided to continue

    with this idea. I stuck with the same colors of brown in pink

    as in my logo for my brochure. I chose my background

    color of brown for the outside, and pink for the inside. I rstcreated the front of my brochure. I made the little lace trim

    by using the pen tool. I wanted to create something simple

    but still attractive. I then moved on to my inside panel where

    i decided to add 3 pictures of cupcakes. I tried to use

    fun font choices to give the brochure some more interest.

    I then had to use photoshop to remove the background

    on images to add into my brochure and create a text

    wrap. I added in the lace trim inside my brochure aswell, but

    reversed the colors.

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


    Business Card

    Date: November 9th 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson


    Description:A business card designed with a personally

    created logo

    Objective: Create a new logo to t a company or personal

    image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and

    letterhead.. Use basic tools of Illustator and Indesign

    Process:First I had to create a cupcake for my new logo. So

    once i had one cupcake I copied and pasted it another

    two times and changed the color of the wrapper and the

    frosting. Once i had 3 different cupcakes i designed the

    background of the business card. I decided to use pink and

    add light colored strips to make it fun. I wanted to make abusiness card that was fun but simple.

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


    Date: November 9th 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson

    Programs:InDesign, Illustrator

    Description:A matching stationary for the business card,

    using the personally created logoObjective: Create a new logo to t a company or personal

    image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and

    letterhead.. Use basic tools of Illustator and Indesign

    Process:I rst decided to create a top pink banner and a

    bottom pink banner on the page. I then decided to place

    my logo on the left hand corner of the page. I added

    my contact information along the bottom of the banner.

    Inbetween each part of my information I added a circle,to continue with the repition of the circle in my logo. In the

    center of the bottom of the pink banner, I added the three

    cupcakes but replaced the company name with my rst

    and last name. I tried to keep it simple and leave a good

    amount of white space.


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Date: November 2nd, 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson


    Description:: I designed 3 different logos for a cupcake

    company I had made up. Each logo is different.Objective: Create a variety of logos to t a company or

    personal image. Use only the tools of Illustrator.

    Process:The rst thing I had to decide was what did I want

    to make a logo for. So i decided on making a logo for a

    cupcake shop. And Ive always wanted to own my own, so

    for fun I designed some for myself. For the rst logo, I made the

    whole logo a cupcake. I had to use the pen tool to create

    the cupcake, and then select certain parts of it to changethe color. To add the sprinkles I used the pen tool again,

    making thicker small lines in different colors. The cherry was

    a circle, and a curved line. Once i had the cupcake down,

    i just needed to add font. My second and third logos are

    pretty simple. I repeated the cupcake in both. The second

    logo was just font with the cupcake on the side, and the

    third was a shape logo where i used a circle with a border

    and added the font and cupcake.

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio






    midoris cupcakes


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Date: November 23rd,2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson

    Programs:Text Wrangler, Photoshop

    Description: A webpage I created to show my logo for

    Midoris Cupcakes

    Objective:Design a web page using HTML to display the

    logo and content. Identify hex colors for web design.

    Process: I rst had to create an html document in text

    wrangler and added in the necessary tags and content.

    Once I had all of my content written up, I added a link to a

    pre-made CSS document. Once they were linked together, I

    continued on by changing the fonts, colors, and paddings

    in the CSS Document. I did this by nding the Hex codes inPhotoshop, and changing the fonts families. Although at times

    I found HTML very frustrating, i really enjoyed learning how to

    to make my own website using HTML and CSS and it was a

    very good learning experience that will help me in the future.

    My nal word count in my document was 296.

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Date: October 26th, 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson


    Description: Inspirational Montage for Chtistmas season

    Objective:Learn to manage Photoshop layers.

    Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks and

    add a lter.

    Process:First i decided on the theme I wanted to do for

    my montage. I was in the Christmas spirit. So once i decided

    on the Christmas theme, I chose 3 different images from the

    internet and placed them into a folder. I used the Christmas

    tree as the background for my montage. I then placed the

    image of the Christmas presents in the left hand corner and

    used the brush tool to blend the two images together. I

    also decreased the opacity a bit. I then took the photo of

    the bokeh Christmas lights, and stretched it over my entire

    image. I then used my brush tool once again to blend it in

    with the entire image. Finally, i added a Christmas quote. I

    added contrast between the size of the word Believe and

    the rest of the quote. As for my lter, i went to the lter galley

    and chose a texturized lter that gave my image a canvas

    type look.

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Date: October 5th, 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson


    Description:This Flier is an 8.5 by 11 inch black and white

    ier for a graduation leadership conferenceObjective:Apply the design principles and use appropriate

    typography skills.

    Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic ier layout.

    Process: For this ier, my main goal was to think outside of

    the box and be creative. I wanted the ier to grab peoples

    attention. I repeated the theme of the slashes within the title of

    the ier as well as the bottom beside the logo. I also wanted

    to incorporate Contrast, so i made the word Graduatebolder and larger than the rest of the title and made the

    dates and locations white on a black circle. I wanted the

    main question of Do you want to have the competitive

    edge in business? really stand out so i changed the sizes

    of each word and placed it in its own section on the Flier.

    Overall, i tried to make the ier have ow.

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Registration and more information available at: http://www.vouantcomm.com/lea

    Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadersh

    Conference.Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows

    leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this

    dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of

    Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques

    while cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to any employ

    The conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Date: October 12th, 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson


    Description:Color Ad for a Senior Citizens Bake Sale

    Objective:Find, scan and important a high quality imageand create a full bleed design in Word. Insert and edit

    images in Word.

    Process: :I rst decided what event i wanted to create the

    ad for. I decided to do a bake sale. I scanned the photo i

    found in a magazine and saved it onto my ash drive. For the

    process of creating the ier, I wanted the picture i scanned

    to really stand out, so i enlarged it and make it use up the

    most space on my ier to attract peoples attention. I thenwanted to use the same colors as the cookies for fonts and

    boxes, so it could have repetition and ow. I added dots

    along the bottom of the ier that match the same colors of

    the cookies.

  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio



    Date: October 19th, 2013

    Course: Comm 130, 03

    Instructor:Julie Peterson


    Description:Take a photograph at BYU Idaho, then resize

    and edit it in photoshop.

    Objective: Learn basic photography skills.

    Use a digital camera to take a quality image.

    Adjust image brightness, contrast etc.

    Desaturate the selected portion of the image.

    Process: I rst took my photo and resized and cropped it

    to 66. After i took the quick selection and lasso tool to

    select the part of my image that i wanted to keep in color. I

    decided that the bright pink ower would be the best part

    to keep in color. Once i had the ower section of the image

    I wanted, i made a new layer. This aloud me to desaturate

    the background without effecting the part of the image i

    wanted in color. Once i desaturated the background, i also

    desaturated the part of my ower a bit so the color didnt

    stand out so much. I then adjusted the brightness of the


  • 8/13/2019 Midori Fujimoto Portfolio
